Fernan Magellan is a brief biography of Konkistador. Great navigators: Fernan Magellan

Reservoirs 19.10.2019

Magellan Fernan - Portuguese navigator, the expedition of which made the first round-the-world swimming; The discoverer is part of the Atlantic coast of South America, a passage from the Atlantic in the Pacific Ocean, for the first time they crossed. Magellan proved the presence of a single world ocean and presented a practical evidence of the ferrousness of the Earth.

The poor, but noble nobleman Magellan in 1492-1504 served as a pack of retinue of the Portuguese Queen. He studied astronomy, navigation and cosmography. In 1505-13, he participated in marine battles with Arabs, Indians and Moors, showed himself a brave warrior, for which he received the rank of maritime captain. Because of the false accusation, he was refused to further enhance the service and, to resign, Magellan in 1517 moved to Spain. Going to the service to King Carlo I, he suggested a circulation of circulation, taken after a long bargaining.

Opening of the Strait between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean

September 20, 1519 Five small ships - Trinidad, San Antonio, Santiago, Conception and Victoria with a crew at 265 people came out into the sea. When crossing the Atlantic, Magellan used its alarm system, and the diversion ships of its flotilla never separated. At the end of December, he reached a la dress, for about a month, the bay was examined, but he did not find a passage to the South Sea. February 2, 1520 Magellan went south along the Atlantic coast of South America, moving only during the day so as not to miss the entrance to the strait. On the wintering it was March 31 in a comfortable bay in 49 ° south latitude. On the same night, the riot on the 3rd ships began, soon the magnificently depressed Magellan. The Santiago ship sent to the explosion, Santiago crashed on the rock, but the team managed to save. On October 21, they entered a narrow winding strait, later called by the name Magellan. On the south coast of the Strait, the navigators saw fires of fires. Magellan called this land of fiery land. A month later, three ships were passed with a small strait (550 km), the 4th San Antonio ship deserted and returned to Spain, where the captain slandered Magellan, accusing him to the treason of the king.

On November 28, Magellan with the remaining three ships came to the Unknown Ocean, having encouraged America from the south of the shed. The weather, fortunately, remained good, - and Magellan called the ocean to be quiet. Almost 4 months a very difficult swimming lasted when people were fed with driny dust mixed with worms, saw rotting water, fir oily skin, wood sawdust and ship rats. Hunger and king began, many died. Magellan, although there was a low growth, but was distinguished by a great physical strength and confidence in himself. Crossing the ocean, he passed at least 17 thousand km, but met only two island - one in the Tuamot Archipelago, the other in the Line group. He also opened two inhabited islands - Guam and Rota from the Mariana Group. On March 15, the expedition approached the Big Filipino Archipelago. With the help of weapons, decisive and brave magazine made the ruler of the island Cebu obey the Spanish king.

Maghellan's death and the completion of the circulation of the world expedition

In the role of the patron of baptized them, Magellan intervened in the civil war. One of the chiefs of the island Mactan opposed new orders. Magellan organized a military expedition against him. He wanted to visually demonstrate to the local residents of the power of Spain. The battle turned out to be unprepared. Because of the bits of the trial and the boats were not able to come close to the distance to effectively support the landing detachment with fire. While finding Europeans in Cebu, local residents had the opportunity to explore European weapons and its weaknesses. They quickly moved, without giving Europeans to aim, and attacked sailors to the unprotected arm armor. When the Spaniards began to retreat, Magellan was killed.

On three ships, only 115 people were left - people were missing, and the ship "CONSEPATION" had to burn. 4 months ships wandered in search of the islands of spices. The Island of Tidor, the Spaniards bought a lot of cloves, a nutmeg and others. And divided: "Victoria" with captain Juan Elkano moved to the west around Africa, and Trinidad, who needed repair, remained. Captain Elkano, fearing the meeting with the Portuguese, held significantly south of ordinary ways. He was the first to go to the central part of the Indian Ocean and, opening only the island of Amsterdam (near 38 ° Southern latitude), proved that the "South" mainland does not reach this latitude. On September 6, 1522 "Victoria" with 18 people on board completed the "Around Move", which lasted 1081 days. Later, another 12 members of the crew "Victoria" returned, and in 1526 - five from Trinidad. The sale of brought spices with interest covered all costs for the expedition.

This ended the first round-the-world swimming, which proved the shag-likeness of the Earth. For the first time, Europeans crossed the largest of the oceans - quiet, opening the passage from the Atlantic. The expedition found out that a significantly most of the surface of the Earth is not dry, as Columbus and his contemporaries thought, and the oceans. The warlike and vain Magellan received many wounds, one of them made it chrome. His son died in 1521. The wife, who gave birth to a second child was dead, died in March 1522. The name of Magellan was named strait and two star clusters (large and small magtels clouds), which described the historiogram and participant of the Expedition of Antonio Pyfuqet. The fate of Magellan, Roman S. Tsweig "Magellan" (1938) is dedicated to his sudden feat.

Monument to the famous traveler not far from the strait of his name

Fernan Magellan - Portuguese navigator. Born in 1470 in the noble family. In childhood, he served as a PJ in the retinue of the Portuguese Queen, received a good education, studied cosmography, navigation and astronomy.

In March 1518, in the Spanish city of Valladolid, where in twelve years before that, the Royal Council was considering the project of Fernan Magellan about the sea hike in southwestern way to the islands of spices, to these "wonderful Malack Islands, which will enrich Spain!".

flagship Karavel Tinidad

In September 1519, the fleet of five ships departed from Sanlucar de Barramed. The flagship walked "Trinidad" with a displacement of 110 tons. A small man with a rigid beard, with cold prickly eyes looked at the removing coast, and occasionally gave short teams.

A housing nobleman from Portuguese Cool, now the main captain of the fleet Fernan-Di-Magalianis has reached the goal that has already been achieved for how many years. Behind his shoulders, participation in pirated raids on the African cily of Kiloa and Mombasa, hiking to India and the Malay Archipelago, a gang island, where a nutmeg walnut grows in abundance, and the island of ternat - the birthplace of the world's best carnations. But gold went into other hands. Now here she is flotilla that will bring him wealth. His project rejected the Portuguese king Manuel, but a contract concluded with the King of Spain Karl V, through which a twentieth of income from newly open lands will come to him, Fernuna Magellan.

fernan Magellan's Expedition in the Ocean

ShipsOf course, were not new. And "San Antono", "Consepesion", "Victoria", "Sant Yago", all of them did not make little in their age, and the team is mostly visited by port taverns. But the fresh wind filled the sails. A relatively safe swimming of Magellan lasted only a few days to the Canary Islands. Chief Captain fleet. Refused the recommendation of Portuguese Locations and, reaching the latitude of the Gulf of the Gulf, his Karavellas turned to the southwest. The flagship solution caused Juan de Cartagena discontent, the relative of the king, the captain "San Antoniao", appointed by Karl V inspector of the expedition. Once the flotilla crossed the equator, the inspector stated that the royal instructions violates. The hot spite ended with the order of the inspector's arrest. Cartagena lean offense. In the end of November karavella Reached Brazil, and on January 10 entered the mouth of the La fee. For the first time, the name "Montevidi" is applied for the first time (now the capital of Uruguay is located here - Montevideo). Great Mageldlan Feverishly looking for a shed in the South Sea. But neither a la fee nor the Bay of San Matthias justified the expedition's hopes. The captain decided to hide on the wintering in the harbor of San Julian. Irony of Fate: The navigators were literally near the strait that was looking for. On the second April 1519, an insurgency broke out among the participants of the expedition, but thanks to strength and tricks Magellan The order has restored. It was necessary to have willed qualities to continue swimming with people ready for their own benefit to any betrayal. It was the persistence of captain of flotilla that led to the opening of the passage from the Atlantic to the South Sea. A wide excavation opened on 52 southern parallels, the intelligence consisting of two vessels was opened, confirmed that this was not a river - there was salted water everywhere.

map of the world Fernana Magellan

After twenty-day swimming on the strait, later named the name of the discoverer, Magellan We saw the other sea - southern. The desired goal was achieved. In the immense ocean, the captain never met with a storm. The ocean was surprisingly quiet and calm. He was called "Pacific" - "quiet", "peaceful". In the XVII century, this name was finally approved instead of the name "South Sea". Brutal hunger and illness chased travelers. Three months it took to cross the ocean and reach the blooming Mariana Islands. A new stage of the expedition began - dating and battles, where the leader dies in one of them. So the great navigator crossed two ocean to find your end in a robbery skirmish! And only two vessels ended the mission Fernana Magellan. - They saw the islands of the spices, which were at the Molukki archipelago. Ships loaded with spices went back. Trinidad went to the shores of Panama through the Pacific Ocean, Victoria - through the Indian and Atlantic Ocean in Spain. For six months, the Trinidad ship was wrapped in the waters of the Pacific Ocean and was forced to return to Molukski Islands. Sailors captured, where they died in prisons and plantations.

karavella "Victoria"

Fernan Magellan - brief biography of conquistador

", BgColor," #FFFFFFF ", fontcolor," # 333333 ", Bordercolor," Silver ", Width," 100% ", Fadein, 100, Fadeout, 100)"\u003e Fernan Magellan1480 - 1521. Portuguese and Spanish navigator. He entered the story as the initiator and Commander of the Expedition, which made the first world swimming. Opened Magellan Strait and the first of Europeans crossed the Pacific Ocean.


In Portugal, presumably in spring 1480, the exact place of birth is disputed.


From the family of small nobles, in the boys served as a pack of the queen Leonora Avisa, Wives of the Portuguese king Jouana II. (That is, in a sense was "special, close to the emperor"!)

Youth, education

Almost nothing is known. Apparently, like all the noble siblings of that time, entered military service. Magellan's youth fell on the era of the active development of Portugal of newly open territories. Mastering it was consumed, of course, a fearful nature with the use of military force. The demand for the military was large, the Colony of Portugal in America, Africa and especially in the Indian direction required a powerful military fist to control the conquered peoples.

The first swimming of Magellan in India

", BgColor," #FFFFFFF ", fontcolor," # 333333 ", Bordercolor," Silver ", Width," 100% ", Fadein, 100, Fadeout, 100)"\u003e It is reliably known that Magellan in 1505 as a junior officer was in the crew of the Military squadron Franciska Almeida, the purpose of which was to bring under the Portuguese control of all the important points of the eastern coast of Africa on the way to India, and further in India itself. Magellan, in many combat clashes, showed himself a brave officer, managed to earn a noticeable authority among his surroundings.

In 1509, the Portuguese leadership decides to take a full control of the entire road of spices from the Molus Islands, (which was called the islands of spices) to Lisbon. For this it was necessary to capture the port of Malacca, in which local and Arab merchants hosted. ", BgColor," #FFFFFFF ", fontcolor," # 333333 ", Bordercolor," Silver ", Width," 100% ", Fadein, 100, Fadeout, 100)"\u003eFor these purposes, the squadron arrives in India under the command of some Sicare. The fifth, on which our hero was also added to the four ships of the squadron. During the fighting in Malacca Magellan again showed courage, resourcefulness and organizational abilities. This expedition did not bring the desired results. Magellan returned to India. In 1511, Armada already out of 19 Portuguese ships again goes to Malacca and takes a port under the control of the Portuguese crown. Magellan returns to Lisbon in 1512. Here it is prescribed a small pension, he continues to participate in various military marine campaigns.

It is difficult to establish when Magellan appears the intention of the journey, which will later glorify his name in the centuries. Obviously, having been personally in the islands of spices, he concluded that these islands are too far from Portugal if sailing to the east. Perhaps they will be much more reachable if saved to the west? It is only necessary to find the shed to the South Sea (as then conventionally called the ocean, washing the West America), then you can strongly reduce the path. This misconception was based on the lack of reliable knowledge about the true sizes of the globe.

In Portugal

With such an idea, Magellan and turned to the Portuguese king Manueli. And did not meet understanding. ", BgColor," #FFFFFFF ", fontcolor," # 333333 ", Bordercolor," Silver ", Width," 100% ", Fadein, 100, Fadeout, 100)"\u003e (Apparently, the king embarrassed Through which the territory to the west of the section of the influence of Spain and Portugal formally should be in the zone of Spanish interests). Then Magellan asked the monarch permission to offer his services to other states. Manuel I agreed. And Magellan went to Spain. Apparently in those days of seawards, as the current hockey players or football players, simply passed from one employer to another in search of the best conditions.

In Spain

Magellan arrives in Seville in 1517. ", BGCOLOR," #FFFFFFF ", FontColor," # 333333 ", Bordercolor," Silver ", width," 100% ", Fadein, 100, Fadeout, 100)" Face \u003d "Georgia"\u003eAnd immediately develops violent activities to promote his project"How to achieve Molukky Islands from the West." Offers him in the so-called "chamber of contracts." But gets a refusal. After some time, Magellan managed to present his project to King Carlos I. Fascinating details, full intrigue and serious work read on the following page:

Yet Travelers of the Epoch of the Great Geographical Discoveries

Fernan Magellan was born on October 8, 1480, in the terrain of the Sabrose, Vila Real Province, in Portugal. The father of Magellan was Rui or Rodrigi di Magalyaine, the former one-time Alcald fortress Aveiro, Mother - Alda de Mosquita. In addition to Magellan, they had four children. In his youth, Magellan was a pack of Queen Leonora Avisian, Zhuan II wife.

Related, but a noble nobleman in 1492-1504 served as a PJ in the retinue of the Portuguese Queen. He studied astronomy, navigation and cosmography. In 1505-1513, he participated in maritime battles with Arabs, Indians and Moors, showed himself a brave warrior, for which he received the rank of maritime captain. Because of the false accusation, he was refused to further enhance the service and in 1517, having resigned, he moved to Spain. Going to the service to King Carlo I, he suggested a circulation of circulation, taken after a long bargaining.

In September 1519, five small ships are "Trinidad", "San Antonio", "Santiago", "Conception" and "Victoria" with a crew of 265 people came out into the sea. When crossing the Atlantic, Magellan used its alarm system, and the diversion ships of its flotilla never separated. On November 29, the flotilla reached the coast of Brazil, and on December 26, 1519 - La fees, for about a month, the bay was examined, but he did not find a passage to the South Sea.

Ships entered a narrow winding strait on October 21, later called by the name Magellan. On the south coast of the Strait, the navigators saw fires of fires. Magellan called this land of fiery land. A month later, three ships were passed with a small strait, the 4th San Antonio ship was deserted and returned to Spain, where the captain slandered Magellan, accusing him in treason to the king.

Magellan on November 28 with the remaining three ships came to the Unknown Ocean, having encouraged America from the south of the shed. The weather remained good, - and Magellan called the ocean Tikhim. Almost 4 months a very difficult swimming lasted when people were fed with driny dust mixed with worms, saw rotting water, fir oily skin, wood sawdust and ship rats. Hunger and king began, many died. Magellan, although there was a low growth, but was distinguished by a great physical strength and confidence in himself. Crossing the ocean, he passed at least 17 thousand kilometers, but met only two island - one in the Tuamot Archipelago, the other in the Line group. He also opened two inhabited islands - Guam and Rota from the Mariana Group. On March 15, the expedition approached the Big Filipino Archipelago. With the help of weapons, decisive and brave magazine made the ruler of the island Cebu obey the Spanish king.

In the role of the patron siest of baptized natives, Magellan intervened in a civil war and was killed in a skirmish at the island of Mactan. The ruler Cebu invited part of the crew for a farewell feast, treacherously attacked the guests and killed 24 people. On three ships, only 115 people were left - people were missing, and the ship "CONSEPATION" had to burn. 4 months ships wandered in search of the islands of spices. The Island of Tidor, the Spaniards bought a lot of cloves, a nutmeg and others. And divided: "Victoria" with captain Juan Elkano moved to the west around Africa, and Trinidad, who needed repair, remained. Captain Elkano, fearing the meeting with the Portuguese, held significantly south of ordinary ways. He was the first to go to the central part of the Indian Ocean and, opening only the island of Amsterdam, proved that the "South" mainland does not reach this latitude. On September 6, 1522, "Victoria" with 18 people on board completed the "Around Move", which lasted 1081 days. Later, another 12 members of the Victoria crew returned, and in 1526 - five from Trinidad. The sale of brought spices with interest covered all costs for the expedition.

One of the leaders of the island of Macan Lap-Lapa resisted with the new orders and was not going to surrender to the power of Humabon. Magellan organized a military expedition against him. He wanted to visually demonstrate to the local residents of the power of Spain. The battle turned out to be unprepared. While finding Europeans in Cebu, local residents had the opportunity to explore European weapons and its weaknesses. They quickly moved, without giving Europeans to aim, and attacked sailors to the unprotected arm armor.

This ended the first round-the-world swimming, which proved the shag-likeness of the Earth. For the first time, Europeans crossed the largest of the oceans - quiet, opening the passage from the Atlantic. The expedition found out that much most of the surface of the earth is not dry, as Christopher Columbus and his contemporaries thought, and the oceans. The name of Magellan was called the strait and two star clusters, which described the historiographer and the participant of the Expedition of Antonio Pyfuqet. The fate of Magellan, his sudden feat is dedicated to the Roman of the Austrian writer Stephen Tsweig "Magellan".

The Family of the Portuguese Knight de Magalisshna differed in great modesty. Father served as a commandant of the fortress, there was no additional income. To feed five children, it was often coming to the house residues from the dinner of the fortress garrison. To arrange the future of at least the older, by all truths and inconsisions, through numerous humiliation and requests, Magalianes arranged Fernan to the royal fiction. During the service, he received an excellent education, acquired dating and connections, but, as life showed, it was not possible to use anything. It's all the case in the character: Magellan (so his surname sounded in which he served most of his life) did not know how to slander and intrigue, was distinguished by real knightly honesty and directness. Such qualities led to the fact that his friends at the Portuguese yard had a little, but the enemies turned quickly. A cent of a group undergun. Usually those who consisted in the person of the queen received appointments to other court positions. Fernando Magellan came out otherwise: he was invited to try happiness in marine expeditions. The thing is that after returning, the ships went hardly every week. The journey it was unsafe, a few were returned. In addition, catastrophically lacked sailors. It turned out to the fact that the steering wheel turned out to be people not quite imagine what is "right", and what "left". Magellan was offered to go on a trip as a "superstand" officer, with the condition that half of the wealth mined during the journey would remain to him (the second half is taxes, a table at a table and a sleeping place on the ship). There was no exit and the former page goes to his first sea trip.

Soldier of the Portuguese king

Romantic times of discovers quickly passed. Intelligence replaced the seizure of lands. Now no one has been looking for a union with aborigines, because the path was known and applied to the cards. Cruel time has come. The expeditions were looking for riches, built fortified fortresses and captured cities. Magellan's journey to India and Southeast Asia has been delayed for many seven years. He took part in the seizure of Land of East Africa, built a city in Mozambique, fought in India and reached. All this time served honestly, he fought bravely and for a fairly short time acquired authority, enjoyed the confidence of the vice-king and commander of large squadron. During one of the operations, as a result of which a large group of Portuguese sailors remained without a ship, and only a rescue boat was enough for half of the unfortunate, he was the only nobleman who agreed to wait for the second flight with commoners than the bouquet of sailors prevented. The Indian-Asian company did not pass without a trace for health: was injured several times, one of the injuries made him chrome for life. The only thing that Magellan could not be made are to get rich. He tried to engage in India, at first, even successfully - he even managed to lend one nobleman a rather solid amount (though he returned it with a scandal, through the court). But all attempts to fix their financial situation turned around by collapse. Warriors rarely come by lucky merchants. In 1512, the navigator, now experienced and knowing, returns to his homeland. He is 32 years old, he is lame and needs to be remedied. The royal treasurer prescribes him a pension, the smallest one who is prescribed nobles for military merit. The designated content was so humiligatively small that the Treasury itself soon increases its twice, which, of course, the position of Fernan Magellan does not improve. During the absence of Magellan, his native has changed much. The country flourished - the spices and wealth of the East made it such. Nishchensky pension makes Fernana Magellan again go to military service, this time in Morocco. Fasting Portugal expanded its spheres of its influence. The navigator fought nicely, but the wound and loss in the battle of Kony led to the fact that he was instructed to guard the cattle vulnerable from Maurines. Position safe and very profitable: strict accounting was not conducted, and the Maurians were ready to buy their cattle. Magellan steamed, gave enemies. Soon against the navigator, an accusation of theft and sale of livestock was nominated. Even before the trial, Fernan Magellan is decided personally to come to the king and justify. His visit was unheard of arrogance. The king was not just unhappy, he was in rabies: his officer leaves the battlefield without an order! Magellan was sent back to Morocco. The court justified him, but relations with the monarch were spoiled forever.

To Spain for a dream

After the Moroccan company, traveler Magellan. It continues to actively seek the way to correct your financial situation, become famous and take the incident at the court. Diligently studying the experience of Spanish conquerors, consulting with astronomers and captains, Fernando Magellan gradually begins to understand that the path to the islands of the spice is shorter, if you swim to the west, in the footsteps of Spanish conquistadors.

Seeking audience from the king, hoped for support and financing a profitable expedition. The king refused. First, the Portuguese were not going to fight with the Spaniards, and in the event of a swimming organization to the new light, the clash of interest was inevitable, and second, why finance a risky enterprise, if a proven path to Asia around Africa and so brings fabulous profits. Magellan was not needed to king. Moreover, the monarch himself officially allowed the navigator to offer his services to other monarchs. More with Portugal Magellan did not associate anything, he moves to Spain. By this time, a whole colony of Portuguese formed in Spain, for one reason or another left the homeland. Here in 1518 Fernan Magellan finally marries, his son is born. But the project to achieve the islands of spices in the West is increasingly capturing the portuguese.

Report of Fernan Magellan Spanish "Chamber of Contracts", which was engaged in financing sea expeditions, did not impress his impressions, his project was rejected. Further events are fully stacked in understandable and the same scheme we are familiar: the author of the project invites one of the heads of the Chamber, someone Juan de Aranda is an aristocrat and nobleman. The offer of de Aranda is in exchange for 20% of the profit from the expedition, the project support from the "Chamber" is guaranteed. Extreme in the sea Magellan is not traded. The project of searching for the islands of spices is represented by the king. Presented "right", therefore, and supported by the monarch. Thanks to the active intervention of the companion of Magellan, Astronomom Faler, the appetites of the cannonodenia was significantly "tamed" and, under the terms of the contract, only the eighth of the net profit was intended for the aristocratic bosses wallet.

The first round-the-world journey of Magellan: from preparation to the final


By the time of preparation expeditions Magellan., Europe was known for central and part of South America, it is known that the ocean is located behind the new lands (one of the Spanish expeditions overcame Panaman's experiencing and saw the infinite waters of the new ocean), several expeditions were sent to search for the strait between the Atlantic and the South Sea, The time of one of them was discovered by a wide mouth of the La Board river, which researchers were accepted for the strait. Profited these expeditions were not brought, but they brought constant conflicts between Spain and Portugal. After the discovery of America, the presentation of the conflict of interest between the two Catholic monarchies, the Pope divided between the Spanish and Portuguese crowns of the sphere of interests: East - Portugal, West - Spain. But even Dad could not assume that another way was possible - east in the West. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe project Fernando Magellan is to prove that the islands of the spices are closer to the new light, and not to Asia, and therefore the source of spicy wealth is located in the sphere of influence of Spain, and not Portugal. Fernan Magellan and did not think to take a round-the-world journey. His tasks were associated with the search for the strait in South America, reaching the islands of the spices, the purchase of these the most spices and return home the same way. For the needs of the expedition of Magellan were equipped with five large ships. The lack of finance was not, since many European merchants were actively involved in the organization of the enterprise, which have long dreamed of direct access to spices, bypassing Portuguese. In Lisbon, they drove. Persistent, brave and honest Fernan Magellan and the truth could find a new way to Portuguese Votchin in Asia. Intelligence tried in all: what they just did not do to blacken the valiant navigator! Fortunately, slander did not help, the expedition was carefully prepared. Everything would be great if it were not for the scandal ... Spaniards did not experience any delight from the fact that the head of the swimming will be a portuguese (enemy, competitor, a dedication). In addition, Fernun Magellan under the contract relied on the fifth of all the income of the expedition, the twentieth of the income from all open lands, as well as the ownership of a third of all open islands. Remuneration in the eyes of the Spaniards is simply monstrously huge! When the flagship was raised over the flagship, the Personal Standard of Magellan, similar to the Portuguese flag, bounce flared. Thanks to the composure of the commander of the expedition, as well as the support of the authorities, the rebellion managed to suppress, but also to certain concessions to the reinforcers had to go: the number of portuguese on the ships was limited to five sailors, the flagship stand was changed. And on September 20, 1519, the Magellan expedition went to the sea.

The first conflict among officers

In addition to the admiral squadron, the representative of the royal family took part in the expedition, and a part-time captain of one of the ships - Juan de Cartagena. Spanish nobles, who enjoyed unlimited confidence of the king, immediately unbelievable Magellan and waited just a reason to "make a coup." The reason was quick. Those thoroughly and accurately knowing about the sea route of the Portuguese and their desire to prevent the expedition to the islands of spices, from the Canary Islands he led the squadron not to the American shores, but towards Africa. The change in the intended route was outraged by de Cartagena and other Spanish officers. I suspect the commander in treason, the Spanish captains refused to carry out the orders of the admiral. At one of the meetings there was a skirmish between Magellan and Cartagena, who ended with a fight. As a result, the scandalous Spaniard was shifted from the post of captain of his ship and sent by the Passenger to one of the small ships. Seeing the determination and inflexibility of Magellan, the captains of the pretty and a difficult path to the coast of Brazil was relatively calm.

La board is not a strait

The first serious result of the expedition was the proof that the mouth of LA fees is not a strait. A study was sent one of the ships of the squadron, who returned with the message that, as the sushi is progressed, water becomes less and less salted. The message did not just upset sailors, many it scared: Knowing the perseverance of the admiral, it was possible to assume that the expedition would continue further, and then there was a complete unknown ... The squadron turned to the south, examining in detail every bay that could be a strait. A permanent storms interfered with the promotion, and the Penguins met on the way (Europeans saw them for the first time) added fear, like everything unprecedented earlier. At the end of March 1520, the squadron stopped to pop up in the Southern Hemisphere Winter.

And again Bunk

Taking advantage of the displeastence of sailors from a decrease in the "feed" norms, the Spanish officers constitute a conspiracy. This time they act strongly and capture three ships. Captains of Buntovshchikov reach the murder of one of the officers who refused to take part in the conspiracy. Fernan Magellan begins a real war. Hecting he captures a large ship of conspirators and blocks two other ships. The conspirators go to the opponent. Admiral suits the court over the riskers. The main ones are de Cartagena and one of the priests who actively called for the displacement of the commander - were not executed. When the squadron moved further to the south, the two main rebar were left on the coast of Argentina, among penguins and rocks. No one ever seen these people.


Winter brought the Squadron The first losses: crashed one of the ships intended for intelligence. Cing and other diseases took about thirty lives. Magellan seeks to the captains to be reliable people (in the end, Portuguese became captains). During the wintering, the members of the expedition were contacted with local residents. I conceived several representatives of the Aboriginal to take on board and take to Europe. The Indians refused to visit the ships, and the Spaniards did not want to spoil relations with the local people. I had to go to the cunning: the aborigines were offered gifts, and when the hands, to keep all the offering, was not enough, the Spaniards "gave" the shackles that they themselves put on the legs of naive Indians. Alas, but from five captured aborigines to Europe did not live anyone ...

Long-awaited strait

These 38 days, for which was first passed by Magellan Strait, will enter the history of navigation, as an example of navigator art and the simplicable courage of the great navigator. Not a single ship was lost, no vessel was injured during the most difficult transition. On November 28, 1520, a squadron of the three remaining ships goes to the South Sea, which very soon Fernan Magellan will name the quiet ocean. Why are there only three ships? The whole thing in cowardice and betrayal. When the strait was almost passed, on one of the ships, under the command of the Portuguese Mishet, the uprising rose. The leader of the uprising is the feeding Gomerest (also the Portuguese) - managed to convince the command that the expedition reached the edge of the light and if they do not turn back, then everything will die as one. The team believed the coward and, arresting the captain, turned the ship back to Spain. Magellan himself and other participants were confident that the ship was killed in the strait and mourn their comrades. And the comrades were safely reached Spain and reported on the "treason" of Fernana Magellan. The denunciation was compiled so illiterately and stupid that the authorities decided to arrest the entire team, who returned without the consent of the admiral. Just in case, a surveillance was established behind the wife of the squadron commander.

Pacific Ocean

Once in the "South Sea", the squadron overcame about 15 thousand kilometers, without having met in its way the inhabited islands. The Holodala team: Rats went to move (for this delicacy, it was necessary to lay out on the floor of the dukat and allowed them all), as well as leather sides and match. The transition of a long time for three months I exhausted the team. Hungry with everyone and Magellan. The island of Guam, inhabited by very welcoming, but begged by the aborigines, allowed to replenish the reserves of the provisional and fresh water. Light skirmish with the local population, irritated inability to be engaged in the account that it lies bad on the ships of the aliens, could not spoil the mood of the team, waiting for the main - the islands of the spices! Very soon, in April 1521, the Spaniards reached, on one of the islands, the Rab Magellan, a native Sumatra, met people speaking his native language. The land still turned out to be round!

Tragic final

In the Philippine Archipelago, Magellan spread rapid activities. Thanks to the unexpected support of Arab merchants (they dissuade local rulers to fight with the Spaniards), the head of the expedition was managed to persuade one of the rulers - Humabon - to adopt Christianity and become a Vassal of the Spanish king. And when a new royal citizen complains to Admiral to the recalcity of neighboring Raja, Fernan Magellan is taken to "solve" this problem. The battle was hot and unexpectedly difficult for the Spaniards. The aborigines were not afraid of firearms, the bullets barely punched their wooden shields. They easily hit the opponents by shooting them into their feet, not protected by armor. In a tough snatch was fernan Magellan. When the Ears of Humabon reached the message about the death of the admiral, his attitude towards "guests" changed dramatically. The remaining in the living Spaniards had to be almost fleeting.

The way home

The destroyer squadron was not easy. It was necessary to finish the journey:

  • keep away from the Portuguese who hunted for the Expedition of Magellan;
  • achieve Molukki "spicy" islands and purchase goods;

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