Poultry lamp. Lighting of the local area

Reservoirs 03.03.2020

None of the regulatory and legal acts of Russia contains the definitions of the "house territory".

Whose account should be made?

In accordance with the Housing Code, all expenses for the maintenance of the general property of the house are divided between the owners in proportion to the area of \u200b\u200btheir apartments, and since the house territory refers to joint property, then the payment for the streets falls on the shoulders of owners. Street lighting costs are calculated by a dormitory counter and monthly turn on in the residential receipts at home.

Reference!If the territory of the house has not been documented, the inclusion of such a line of expenses in the receipt for payment is wrong and can serve as beginning of court proceedings.

Return home in the dark is much more pleasant and safer along the illuminated yard, rather than getting to their own apartment in dotmakes, shuddering from each row. The lack of light in the yard is a reason for contacting the management company or administration.

Each owner seeks to organize coverage of his yard in an optimal way to be beautiful and convenient. In this case, the consumption of electricity should be the smallest. This task is not simple, but quite real. This work can be performed independently, in the presence of elementary knowledge and skills of electrical engineering. In order to correctly perform lighting in the yard, it is necessary to take into account some features.

Lighting in the yard is divided into types

Lighting in the courtyard includes several separate sections of lighting. The electrical circuits of these sites do not depend on each other and are turned on separately. To properly develop the lighting scheme, it is necessary to decide in advance where lamps will be located, and in what places it is better to place them, as well as determine the scheme of the electricity and ways to control the lighting system.

General lighting

First of all, it is necessary to consider general-purpose lighting. The name speaks for itself. This light is needed for a general view of the site in the dark. For this, high lights are used, wall lights, floodlight floors. They are installed near the house, on the outskirts of the site, in access and economic zones.

Marking backlight

This type of illumination is aimed at not so much lighting as zone designation. They allocate various areas of the site and tracks. For this use small lamps that can be located on Earth or mounted directly into paving slabs.

Another option is lamps-columns . They do not be too high, otherwise they will make you when you pass by. And all that hides behind them, you will be considered hard. Also, you should not have them too close to each other.

Setting the lamps on the plot, it must be remembered that the distance between them should be from 7 to 10 meters at a height of 1-1.2 meters. If the lamps are lower, then you can also set more often. In any case, you need to look at the smooth bends and line of the site emphasized the lamps.

If there are very small size lamps, they can be embedded anywhere, it depends on your imagination: in benches, in retaining walls, etc.

Several examples of marking illumination:
  • Near the entrance to the gate Most often put several lamps working constantly all night. For such a type of lighting, set several. In this case, the light can be turned off while being near the gate or in the house.
  • Illumination of the access road . From the garage to the gate, lanterns are set by a height of more than 1 meter. It depends on the intensity of light. The area of \u200b\u200billuminated areas between adjacent lanterns should be overlapped with each other. This will provide more uniform lighting and safe entrance.
  • Lighting stairs and tracks Provides night movement safety. For this, lanterns are installed at a small height of about 50 cm, or below. The distance between such lanterns should be no more than the size of the diameter of the illuminated circle with a small overlap.
Lighting for security

For this purpose, powerful spotlights are most often used, capable of highlighting important areas, entrance to the house, utility rooms and a garage. Such lighting in the yard is usually not included for permanent operation. In important areas, it is established that work on the occurrence of any movement in the sensor sensitivity zone.

If you get into this zone of intruders, the sensors will work and plug in the security lighting. It should also include the inclusion of this system from the house of the house, in case of sensor malfunction. An important point is to adjust the sensitivity of lighting sensors. They can work on birds, dogs or cats. Therefore, it is necessary to adjust their sensitivity in such a way that the light is included only when a person appears.

Decorative (architectural) Lighting in the yard

Of course, first of all it is necessary to ensure the safety and protection of the territory at night, as well as lighting for moving on dark paths. But the lighting in the yard is also able to provide an attractive appearance of the local area, and winning the beautiful objects in the yard winning. When choosing night lanterns and their location, it is necessary to ensure the creation of the best decorativeness.

It is advisable to highlight such places like shrubs, pools, arbors, some parts of the building of the house. This is a directed light that helps to express accents. It is often called the most spectacular reception of landscape design. Special attention deserves decorative lighting of water bodies: ponds, pools, fountains. This is true here: it should be covered either a water surface or a separate element of its design. Lighting the whole object is not necessary. When one element is isolated, everything else is mysteriously hidden in the twilight.

The color of lighting also affects the decorativeness of the lighting. The warm light gives comfort and comfort, and also visually reduces the volume of space. Cold light visually increases the space of the site.

Features of the lighting of the yard

The lighting cable to the lamp is kept at a depth of 70 cm in a protective tube that protects it from possible damage. Typically used plastic pipe. It is elastic and sound well. However, such a pipe is easy to damage, for example, a shovel. If we use a pipe from metal plastic, then it will serve for a long time, and protect the cable from mechanical damage.

All lighting needs to be thought out in advance, during the planning of the site and buildings at home. At this time, lighting and electrical circuits are compiled, taking into account the wiring of cables and isolation. The electrical strokes must be laid before planting trees. In the courtyard with planted trees for posting lighting can be applied. It is fire and electrical hard, since the cable is not transmitted by electricity, but light. The fiber optic cable itself does not need to be laid in the ground, but simply decorated with plants or other elements.

Recently, lighting in the yard is more commonly performed using. They are ideal for contour lighting at home, tracks, small architectural forms, reservoirs, and can work from autonomous power sources more than 10 years.

Make lighting in the courtyard independent of electricity can be using. Such autonomous lamps with dark ones can be easily moved to different places. However, the lighting efficiency from such lamps is very low, so they are most often used as an additional lighting to the main electric lighting of the yard.

Each lamp has its own level of protection against external factors, that is. This parameter characterizes the stability of the lamp to penetrate dust, moisture and dirt. For the illumination of the yard, it is necessary to use lamps with good protection from the external environment.

The courtyard lighting system is quite complicated, so independently organize outdoor lighting is a difficult task. Knowing how to combine these types correctly, you can create a harmonious and completed luminous ensemble in its garden.

Drop Lighting Methods

We must not forget about the convenience of controlling the lighting of the yard. Consider the main popular ways to control the lighting of the courtyard at home.

Manual control

The most popular option is manual control. Switches are better to place as close to the house as possible for convenient control. Such a system is more reliable, and does not require large financial costs, except for the purchase of switches or switches. The light turns off and turns on your desire. However, this type of lighting control is convenient only with constant finding the owners in the house.

Automatic system

If the house sometimes has to leave unattended, either late to return home, then the manual way to control the lighting is not suitable. Such a problem is solved by using an automatic system.

Lighting in the yard can work automatically using:
  • (element sensitive to light).

Such sensitive elements are connected along a sequential scheme. In the usual state, the contacts of these elements are open, and the lighting voltage is not supplied. When triggered, the contacts are closed, the power is supplied to the lighting devices.

Sensitive elements are installed in places depending on their principle of operation. For example, the time relay is better to install inside the house, and the motion and illumination sensors must be put on the street, it is desirable closer to the lamp.

On the accessing alley it is advisable to establish light sensors and movement. The backlight of the stairs and tracks can work with the same sensors, but this option is inconvenient due to periodic adjustment when changing the season.

Technical requirements for the organization of the lighting of the courtyard
  • To illuminate the yard, a separate power line with protective devices is highlighted and separated by sections.
  • Cables are laid in the soil or by air. The air gasket is simpler, but does not have protection against stealing wires. Earthy gasket is more expensive, but more reliable. The depth of the ground gasket must be at least 70 cm.
  • Cables for lighting the yard with air gasket It is recommended to use with double rubber insulation, and in the ground - armored.
  • Isolation of cable connecting places should be very reliable, and better double, with use.

Outdoor lighting plays a very large role in the infrastructure of any settlements. It is especially important for urban areas. Moreover, it is necessary to pay out to street coverage of the local area.

Outdoor coverage of the territory near the house

Lighting of the local area should be based not only on the law established by the authorities, but also on the relevant requirements and norms. About what should be known in this case, will tell you today's article.

House territory and its features

The local area is the honor of the land plot, which is adjacent to the apartment building.

Note! According to the Law of the Russian Federation, the property or use of the owner of a concrete apartment building is applied to the local household territory.

Part of the courtyard near the house

As the Law of the Russian Federation speaks about city land plots, the composition of the national property in the framework of the local area includes:

  • the land plot on which the house was erected on a lot of apartments. Borders for the land plot of an apartment building are indicated in the state cadastral accounting;
  • elements of landscaping, improvement (lighting systems);
  • other objects that are intended for servicing this house. There may be thermal points, various transformer substations, as well as garages or collective parking lots, playgrounds. But all the described objects must be within the boundaries of the land plot installed by the cadastr.

Therefore, in order to understand the real boundaries of the spike territory, which the law of the country is talking about, you need to have detailed information about this land plot. For this, it is necessary to apply to the appropriate authority of state cadastral accounting. Here they give out the cadastral statement of a particular land plot. This discharge must contain the following data:

  • size and borders of the local area;
  • information about the owner.

As the owner, i.e. One who is responsible for this territory can act:

  • city (municipality);
  • the right to use is provided to owners of this apartment building;
  • outdoor territory owned by the owners of the house.

Any delimitation of powers conducted between tenants (users) and the city (owners) must be enshrined in a special agreement, as the law says.

Note! The law also says who pays for coverage of the territory around an apartment building.

Lighting the yard

A copy of the contract should be kept in your HOA or management company, as well as in the local administration.
The signed agreement for the right to ownership of urban areas contains the following information:

  • conditions of operation of the land plot (lighting, etc.);
  • right and responsibility for renting territories to third parties.

But in a situation where owners of an apartment building belong to the area of \u200b\u200bownership of the local house, there are certain nuances.

Features of the ownership of the local territory tenants

In a situation where his tenants are in the role of owners of the land plot around the apartment building, the law will contain the following points:

  • in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, it is indicated that residents of urban homes for a large number of apartments are obliged to pay for the costs that are on the content of common property, inclusive of the outdoor lighting system, commensurate its share in the right of common property. This means that the municipality is not only paying for street lighting;

Note! The share in the right of common property will be proportional to the total area of \u200b\u200bthe premises, which belongs to a person with ownership.

  • according to the Housing Code, the owners are obliged to choose one of the options for managing a multi-apartment house. This may be the management of HOA, managing a specific organization or other specialized consumer cooperative.

As a result, the responsibility in this situation will be assumed to one of the above-listed persons. Therefore, before requiring the installation of high-quality lighting of the given territory, it is necessary to establish not only that the law speaks, but also who has the right to ownership of this land plot and is responsible for him (who pays, repairs, etc.). As they say in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the entire cost of servicing the street lighting system is included in utility services, as well as the structure of the residential premises.

What else should be known about the local area and its backlight

The law (for example, the Housing Code, etc.) argues that outdoor and internal coverage of urban infrastructures (apartment buildings, house territory, etc.) should be based on their organization for certain norms and requirements. All the rules installed for urban local land plots are prescribed, as well as internal premises, in SNiP. Here, first of all, on the issue of organizing street lighting, the role of lighting levels is assigned.

Loading norms of the local area

The fact is that each object of the local area (entrance, driving road, flowerbeds, etc.) must have their own specific level of illumination, which is based on both the purpose of the object and the visual system of the person. This means that the backlight of each object of the railway area should not cause discomfort at the observer, as well as create full lighting.
This means that when organizing the outer illumination of the courtyard of urban apartment buildings, branched for these structures (defined by the municipality) should be based on the norm established in SNiP. Moreover, to underestimate the level of illumination below the established boundaries is strictly prohibited.

Requirements for the organization of the court lighting

The regulatory documentation (SNiP) contains all the requirements that must be observed and adhere to the organization of outdoor coverage of the local area of \u200b\u200bany apartment building. To today, as the law says (Housing Code of the Russian Federation and other documents), the following requirements include:

  • the backlight must be organized for any entrance. This means that the entrance to the entrance should be covered in the dark;

Lighting an entrance

  • the number of fixtures installed along the roadway should be such that the light comes from them is not lower than the installed level of illumination;

Note! The management company or other organizations responsible for organizing outdoor lighting, on the basis of the level of illumination, determine the style of lanterns, restriction of them by functionality, etc.

  • high-quality and full illumination should be organized for road linen, as well as playgrounds and parking spaces.

The achievement of the required level of lighting in different areas of urban can be achieved in the following ways:

  • installing wall lights over the entrance to the entrance. At the same time, the height of the placement of the lanterns may be different. The higher the lantern is and more powerful the light in it, the more there will be a circle of light formed by the lighting device;
  • lantern pillars placed along the carriageway. With the help of such lanterns, which are placed on the top of the post, you can highlight all the areas of the yard: playgrounds, parking spaces, sidewalks and a driving part.

For the optimal outdoor backlight of the local house of the apartment building, it is worth using both lighting options: facade wall lamps and lamppost poles. In such a situation, it is possible to achieve an optimal level of the illumination of the yard at minimal costs that will be balanced by economy sources of light, as well as the number of lanterns and wall light luminaires. In this case, the darkened areas of the territory can be avoided with a high probability.

Features of food outdoor lighting

For urban apartment buildings as a source of outdoor lighting system, the building of the apartment building is used.

Lighting in the courtyard high-rise

To take into account the consumed electricity in this situation, a common electric meter is used. In this regard, expenses will be distributed to all owners. In this regard, to reduce the costs of this article to illuminate streets and courtyards, located near apartment buildings began to install economical light sources: luminescent, gas-discharge and LED light bulbs. From this list of maximum electricity savings can be achieved using LED light sources.
Some believe that it is possible to reduce the cost of payment of the outdoor electricity lighting system using motion sensors.

Motion Sensor

These devices showed high efficiency at home, but on the street as an element of a system of outdoor illumination of the apartment territory of an apartment building, they demonstrated a less successful result. The fact is that here the operation of the motion sensors will not be completely correct. This is due to the fact that at least the time to turn on the lighting and can be programmed depending on the natural level of illumination, the device can react to the flight of birds or moving pets. As a result, the frequency of false positives in those moments when the light is not needed, will be several times higher.

Note! The frequent switching on and off of light is often more negative for the external lightweight power grid than the constant light.

Modern lighting instruments of HOA and the HCC, equipped with photocells, are definitely deprived of the above problems, as there are several modes of operation (for example, duty).

Additional features of external lighting

Since the lighting devices of the outer backlight of the local area of \u200b\u200bany apartment building can be located within the reach of human reach, without the use of additional funds (for example, stairs), then additional protection of the lamps from the vandals is needed. In this regard, all lighting plants located on the territory of the apartment building should be equipped with anti-vandal devices.

Anti-vandal defense of the lamp

It will prevent premature damage to the lamp.


It is necessary to approach the organization of lighting at the local area of \u200b\u200bany apartment building not only taking into account the letter of the law, but also the rules that need to be adhered to. This will allow quality to highlight the house and spend the minimum of strength, time and money to support this system.

If the city does not partially function in the city or there is no lighting system, for example, in new residential arrays, in areas located on the outskirts, then this problem can be tried to decide by contacting the relevant authorities. However, you will have to be patient, since such questions are not solved instantly. In addition, you need to know exactly where to complain and in what form.

Learn more about functional use

Lanterns on the roads are solved by several tasks at once: provide relative safety in the dark, illuminate the territory and give the site some attractiveness, add a feeling of comfort. Street lighting is divided into different parameters.

There are lamps other than intended purpose:

  • Lanterns;
  • Architectural illumination;
  • Decorative lighting.

Lamps can also be used in different types: sodium, mercury, metal halide and LED. On pillars illuminating roads, sidewalks, squares and parks are most often used sodium execution, but LED lamps are gradually introduced. Lanterns are also represented by a variety of varieties that are different in the type of material of the support structure, the form of a bracket and a ceiling.

The lighting is controlled automatically or manually, it all depends on the type of lamp. But gradually the transition to automation. However, the maintenance of the lanterns requires the regular participation of qualified workers, so it is not possible to fully switch to automated lighting control system yet.

Standards and requirements

Construction standards and rules SNIP CH 541-82 should provide better functioning of lanterns and other light lighting lighting, efficiency and safety of their operation, as well as maintenance. But, nevertheless, today in many yards, lights are not completely lit by all or partially some units, and sometimes the arrangement of the new lighting system in a new rebuilt area is infinitely postponed.

Requirements for lighting streets

To be able to defend your rights, you should know how street lighting should be equipped and how it works. The main provisions of construction standards and rules:

  • The illumination of architectural objects and monuments is a mandatory measure in the organization of the Lighting System of the Street;
  • The coverage of the main and secondary roads is made taking into account the type of road surface and its reflective properties;
  • Each object provides a certain level of horizontal illumination, for example, for the highways, this parameter corresponds to 20 LCs, the roads of the district value are illuminated within 15 LCs, and 4-6 LCs are enough for the streets of the local value.

In addition, there were specific requirements for the degree of protection of the ceiling, as the level of dusty is very high on large roads. For example, if the traffic intensity on the road exceeds 2,000 units of cars per hour, the lamp must have the degree of protection IP54.

There are rules for the arrangement of supporting structures of street lighting lamps. They can be made of metal, reinforced concrete, wood, polymeric materials, however, most preferred today is precisely the first type of support. Such pillars are characterized by a gradual narrowing in the upper part of the structure, which provides increased resistance to wind gusts.

Street lighting columns are established taking into account a number of rules that are presented to their remoteness from the curb of the road. The higher the degree of traffic intensity, the further the lantern should be set from the edge of the road: for highways, this distance corresponds to 1 m, for minor roads - 0.6 m, and for roads where trucks do not pass, street light is placed at a distance of 0 , 3 m from the border.

As for the service, regularly executing services and enterprises should carry out planned and unscheduled audits of the state of street lighting on the territory entrusted to them. In addition, commissions controlling the work of these services are appointed. If manual control of the lighting system is assumed, a graph of turning on and off the lighting should be compiled. Lines must also be checked.

The LED lighting system is most preferable, since in addition to tangible energy savings, there is also no need for frequent maintenance due to the reliability of lighting devices, their long-term operation.

Missing lighting or it does not work

Solving problems in the event of a complete lack of lanterns on the site and when the lamps breaks around differently. So, if the lamp does not work or the lighting device broke, due to which the lantern is no longer on, in this case it is necessary to contact the management company of the corresponding district of the city. No light bulbs in the lamp near the house, in the stairwell, on the facade or she just burned? You can safely call the utility billboard. The procedure for the action is as follows: the application is left to solve the problem, after which it is considered, and measures are taken.

Applications can be submitted both in writing and via the phone, as well as orally. But where exactly need to call, if there is no light at the local area? All contacts can be found on the housing and communal services website, as the management company serves street lighting. In critical situations, an emergency brigade is immediately sent to the place. If the problem is somewhat global - the lantern does not work in the yard or beyond, the lamps along the streets do not burn, then you should contact the district council. It is this authority that is responsible for the outdoor lighting system. In situations where the complaints did not have due results, it is recommended to call to the city administration.

Who is responsible for the service

If there is no light on the street, where to contact? It should be solved by the district. With the problems of installing new lanterns, you can contact the municipality, if there is no answer from district controls. It is important to know that in accordance with the rules of sanitary content of the territory, the situation is allowed when a certain number of lanterns work for various reasons. So, in the case of an underground transition of the norm, up to 10% of non-working lamps, and for the yard - 5%.

Guarantees that street lighting will appear, there are no. The submitted application will be considered, however, is responsible for installing the lanterns not one person, so the solution to the issue can delay. For its consideration, 30 days are given. If there is no lighting on the street, the Commission from the city administration is sent to the place, which will evaluate the situation in accordance with the standards of the street lighting system and will decide on the need to install additional lamps.

Regardless of where a complaint was submitted about the absence of lanterns on a specific area, the solution to the issue will require quite a long time, since first this item needs to be added to the urban plan on lighting and, importantly, to allocate funds for the realization of the task. In the end, the solution to such problems can delay half a year and even more.

Financing maintenance work

It depends well here on where lighting devices are installed. In the case when it comes to luminaires located on the facade of the house, on the entrances, as well as, provided that these units are included in the property of an apartment building, the payment for maintenance services falls on the shoulders of owners. In such a situation, the local area is placed on cadastral records. Street coverage is funded from the budget of local self-government.

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