What annoys the intestines. Irritable intestinal syndrome: causes, symptoms and methods of treatment

Reservoirs 03.07.2020

Hello everyone! I wrote for several months on this forum about your terrible state. Now everything changed I want to tell my story, maybe someone will help
I got sick just over a year ago (my nerves like everyone who suffers from this syndrome) that I just did not survive a binding to the toilet, could not go to work, I had to quit, broke up with a guy stopped spending time with friends completely closed in myself. Could not leave somewhere next to the toilet. Creepy fear. Endless pains (slept normally at night) but it was worth waking up everything .... I could not have anything - a dizziness dizziness, I got to 37kg - became like a teenager, a lot of complexes were here - all the things hung just on me, I lost weight almost 3 sizes -What was the spectacle. He passed all doctors, which just did not do from swallowing the tube and ending with coloscopy. No one could say anything to say anything from dibacteriosis. He saw all starting from bifididbacterium, Meteespasmil Bififorms and TP did not help either gave temporary relief in some moments wanted to impose hands on behalf of themselves, but I could not have an Orthodox person. I thought of this pit I do not get out of ever. The permanent tears could not get up (from pain), besides terrible apathy and depression, at some point it seemed that I was going with the mind-fear of going out even in the store, eternal thought in my head "And suddenly I will do not fit the toilet next." I read a bunch of books, Formov- all write that this disease is not healing - panic, constantly sanging yourself ... bypassed all the women of the healers, the churches did not help. constantly prayed. Only during this period as I got sick, I understood how much I love life I wanted to just go somewhere with friends to relax, eat food .... and there was only a terrible diet-sometimes I just found my beloved chocolate, when I was lucky and after that I was lying away from pain Weeks. I thought that I would never return to a normal life ..... While once did not decide to go to the psychiatrist - asking all his friends, I went out on one very good specialist, she prescribed me antidepressants and tranquilizers namely: Mirtazonal, etaperzin, Mescape -propil first For a week (pains still remained, terrible rumbling) But it became much calmer, the first 3 days were addressed to Table as a doctor who later explained to me, I went how drunk spoken nonsense and constantly slept, then the pain was a little dull. I took myself in my hands as it did not want to cry more to regret myself - I spit on everything I try to eat the pizza for the first time in the year and imagine I did not run right there in the toilet! Everything was normal! Then gradually I began to supplement previously prohibited food in my diet It was all good pains gone with a murmur in the intestines. Felt a tide! For 2 months she gained his lost 20kg!
Because I watched everything that I could not yet! Now she has been handing over his body, what he was missing for all this year, the opportunity, no longer dial in weight that I am pleased. Now I still try to eat smaller harm (fried, chips of crackers and TP) still sitting on the tablets as the course of 4 months - I go to the holidays I drank - this is not a little disturbing antidepressants, the most important thing is in moderation! Found a guy, again began to communicate with friends. By the way, while I was sick - I sat at home there was a lot of free time, I learned to make a manicure (extension Biogel Shellac) -Deschka will understand. I began to take at home- as I could not go to work, I could not because of binding to the toilet, but to ensure myself as it was necessary. When something did forgot about pain, it's me that I found my favorite activity + good earnings, now I already plan to open my own salon! Many people think that I take antidepressants. You can not get to the clutch and see the world through pink glasses, no it is not like that! The main thing is to drink the right dosage, I am an ordinary person can be upset / rejoice. All this horror behind. It can be said to be fixed in all the grave - pulling to buy for all this missed year-club cafe restaurants cinema. I started playing sports. Just now I understand that it was a test that God sent me! And I could pass it certainly not without the help of pills and your inner rod! For this test awarded me in full! I still continue to pray, sometimes you eat some thread of the pog bought in the transition begins to turn the belly - the fear of suddenly again all this horror will begin, but then I will take my hands right away! The main thing is to overcome yourself and your own fear! Just a psychiatrist inspired me in the head!

To cure irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea or without it is often problematic, even despite the active development of medicine and pharmacology worldwide. For example, more than 20% of the total population suffers from this pathology. In the syndrome of the irritable intestine, symptoms and treatment are under the jurisdiction of the gastroenterologist, to which it is necessary to contact with a given disease. If all people face with periodic chairs and usually know what to do, the considered pathology causes an exhausting, chronic disorder of digestion, which seriously affects the overall human health, his physical and psychological state.

Essence of a phenomenon

In essence, this pathology (CRC) is a chronic intestinal disorder with a violation of its functions without visible reasons. Such a phenomenon is accompanied by painful sensations of abdominal character, violations of the chair, discomfort, and inflammatory reactions or infectious lesions are not detected. Even blood tests and feces do not give an informative result.

An irritated intestine can manifest themselves in people of any age and gender. However, women suffer from this phenomenon (almost 2 times). The peak of the manifestation of pathology is at the age of 32-38 years. Unfortunately, up to 2/3 of all the affected people do not turn to the doctor, trying to cope with this on their own. In principle, this problem in the intestine extremely rarely leads to organic disorders, but it cannot be launched, since the nervous system is essential, and finding the body in constant stressful state can not pass without a trace.

The pathology of the irritable intestine as a disease is characterized by functional disorders in the form of deterioration of intestinal motility and susceptibility to its stimulation of neurogumoral or mechanical nature.

In other words, under the influence of non-pathogenic factors, the intestine ceases to adequately react to the corresponding signals, which violates the mode of its emptying.

The phenomenon under consideration can develop both in a thick and in the small intestine. The most common is considered an irritable colon syndrome (CRTK). It is precisely in it that the formation of carts, and therefore the violation of the peristaltics leads to stool disorders and problematic defecation. According to the nature of the manifestations of stratum irritation syndrome, as well as the SRC as a whole, it is divided into 3 types: the predominance of abdominal pain and meteorism; SRC with diarrhea and SRK with constipation.

Ethiology of the disease

The causes of irritable bowel syndrome have not yet been fully clarified. However, medical statistics and the results of numerous studies give the overall picture of the most common etiological mechanism. Most professionals believe that most often the pathology causes nervous stress or long-term psychological overload.

It is clearly established that syndrome appears in people with increased nervous excitability against the background of psychological loads. As a rule, this factor prevails among young women.

The influence of a neurogenic factor is reminiscent of the enchanted circle: stressful situations generate CRC, and its chronic flow causes nerve disorders. They also enhance the manifestation of symptoms of pathology. As a result of such mutual influence, neurosis and psychopathy of various varieties are often arising. Syndrome of irritated colon is rarely generated by nervous effect, but if it has already appeared, the stress is able to greatly sharpen the clinical picture.

In case of irritable intestinal syndrome, the causes are associated with other endogenous and exogenous factors:

  1. Increased muscle activity and nerve endings of the digestive tract, which causes a violation of intestinal motility. In such cases, visible disorders in the stenotic structure or intestinal nerve is not detected, but the register of peristaltics of the intestine is still disturbed.
  2. Individual hypertrophied sensitivity of the body to fill and stretching the intestine, which causes pain in small loads on the intestines, although in other people they are considered the norm.
  3. Hormonal factor. In periods of a sharp change in the hormonal balance in the body, signs of CRC are noted. In women at the beginning and end of menstruation, they are associated with a significant increase in the blood of the alphabet.
  4. One of the common etiological factors is improper nutrition. An irritating effect creates fatty food with excessive calorie and simple overeating. The risk of pathology increases with the use of strong coffee and tea, sweet mineral water with gas, and especially alcoholic beverages. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the individual intolerance to the organism of some products.
  5. Hereditary predisposition quite often becomes a decisive factor in the origin of the disease.
  6. Gastroenteritis attacks can provoke chronic intestinal disorder, becoming a trigger to launch the SRC mechanism. A similar effect can be expected from dysbiosis.
  7. The question of how to get rid of the irritable intestinal syndrome, has to be solved in prolonged reception of some drugs. Especially in this direction, antibiotics are distinguished, which, in addition to pathogenic microorganisms, destroy the useful microflora, disturbing the balance.

Summarizing the above, you can characterize the etiological mechanism of the SRC as follows. Thin and thick intestines are elements of the digestive tract, and the passage of recycled food is provided by the contractile functions of the muscular layer of intestinal walls. Upon slowdown or excessive activation of abbreviations, the process of forming and removing a felling mass is violated, and other signs of pathology are manifested. If muscle dysfunction persists for a long time, then the speech can be guided about the appearance of irritable bowel syndrome. In this case, pain, diarrhea or constipation appear.

Symptomatic manifestations

Symptoms of irritable intestinal syndrome are manifested in the form of functional intestinal and extraordinary disorders. To the first category, depending on the type of pathology, such basic signs include abdominal pain, diarrhea (defecation more often 3 times a day with liquid consistency of Cala) or constipation (defecation less often 3 times a week). Nearby manifestations include neurological, vegetative, psychopathological disorders, as well as violations in other digestive bodies.

When the SRC occurs according to an option with the predominance of diarrhea, the following features of symptoms are noted. The most characteristic feature is diarrhea, which occurs very often for various reasons. Especially noticeably affected meals. The urge to urgent defecation occurs immediately after lunch or during food, and the most intense sign is manifested in the first half of the day. A person begins to suffer the so-called "bearish disease", when diarrhea is violently manifested in any psychological load, emotional excitement, fright. In addition to diarrhea, with the development of the CPC of this type, other symptoms can be observed: the bloating, pain in the belly on the sides, increasing with unexpected urges to defecation and disappearing after it.

Syndrome with a predominance of constipation, on the contrary, leads to a significant delay in defecation. Breaks between processes can be more than 3 days. Caltal mass becomes dense, often acquires the type of small "lamb coils". Belest or transparent mucus can be released. A long stagnation of feces leads to the appearance of pain along the entire length of the colon in the form of colic or other sensations. Chronic constipation causes a deterioration in appetite, heartburn, nausea, an unpleasant taste in the oral cavity.

Finally, the development of the CPC in 3 options is possible when abdominal pain prevails. In this case, the violation of the chair looks like alternating diarrhea and constipation by the unpredictable scheme. The most characteristic symptom is constant pain in the abdomen.

You can finally distinguish the following features characterizing CRCs: abdominal pains of spastic, stitching or butter type, becoming less intense or disappearing in general after defecation; stool violation; the impossibility of deterring the urges to defecation; constant feeling of filling the intestines even after their emptying; Meteorism and bloating; nausea; The appearance of mucous impurities in a hiding mass. These signs are distinguished by their duration, i.e. the chronic character of the entire phenomenon.

Prolonged disorders in the emptying of the intestine lead to numerous discrepancies of extra investigatorization. It is necessary to note the most characteristic symptoms:

  1. Disorders of neurological and vegetative type: Migraine (Feeling almost half of all patients), lumbar pains, feeling coma in the throat, heartlessness, insomnia at night and drowsiness in the afternoon, poor-quality breath, dysmenorrhea, dysuria of various types, impotence.
  2. Psychopathological disorders: various phobias, depressive state, panic attacks, hypochondria, anxiety syndrome, hysteria (such disorders are marked by almost 2/3 patients).
  3. Disorder of other digestive organs: pain in the hypochondrium on the right side, vomiting, sensation of gravity in epigastrics, signs of dispersion of a non-evident character (almost 85% of all victims are observed). In addition, often develops irritable bladder syndrome.

Lack of treatment or poorly cured CRC leads to serious deviations. The apparent relative health safety is deceptive. Psychological impacts are so great that they are able to cause severe neurological deviations. Permanent diarrhea isolating the body, leads to its dehydration and washing important trace elements. Naturally, human performance is reduced, insomnia appears.

Methods of detection of disease

In case of irritable intestinal syndrome, the diagnosis is faced with certain difficulties in differentiation of pathology. Symptoms of SRC are similar to the manifestation of many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, the diagnosis of this phenomenon is set by the exclusion method, i.e., by external inspection, laboratory and instrumental methods are eliminated by other diseases.

Directly on the analyzes to establish the SRC will not be able to consider the absence of changes in blood composition, urine or feces. There is no infectious component. Taking into account such characteristics of pathology, criteria were adopted for diagnosis:

  • discomfort and recurrent pains in the syndrome of irritable intestines have a long time, and they coincide with the period of participation of the urges to defecation and changes in the nature of the fault;
  • pain significantly decreases or disappear after the intestinal emptying;
  • pain symptoms and discomfort last at least 5 months, and no less than 3-4 days are felt during the month throughout the period.

It is based on the presence of the specified criteria, a diagnosis is made, but then it is necessary to conduct a survey to exclude other diseases. In the manifestation of such symptoms as the broken defecation mode, an unstable chair, abdominal pain, such diagnostic procedures are carried out:

  • general and biochemical analysis of blood and feces;
  • radiography with the introduction of a contrast agent (usually barium sulfate);
  • endoscopic studies by introducing a special endoscope through an anal hole - the device allows you to visually assess the state of the colon and take a sample for biochemical analysis;
  • coprogram, and if necessary, rectoroscopy, irrigoscopy.
  • biopsy of intestinal walls.

When conducting research, first of all, it is necessary to differentiate the syndrome of irritable colon (or thin) on the anemia of the iron deficiency, the deficiency of the vitamins of the group B, lactose failure, celiac disease, tumor formations.

Diet with disease

Incorrect and excessively rich food often provokes considered by the syndrome. Taking into account this circumstance, treatment in the irritable intestine syndrome begins with optimal nutrition (mode and menu). It is most important to organize frequent, fractional nutrition with the exception of products that are able to have a negative impact.

You can distinguish the following products that are recommended to significantly limit, and it is better to remove it at all. There is such an effect of products:

  • stimulate the appearance of diarrhea: apples, plum, beets, rich in fiber;
  • increase gas formation and meteorism: legumes, baking, cabbage, nuts, grapes;
  • contributes to the emergence of constipation: fried dishes and fatty products.

It should be borne in mind that quite often people have individual intolerance to milk. One-piece milk is recommended to replace with fermented milk products (kefir, yoke, ripped). During the risk of celiac disease, gluten-containing products are excluded. It is better to remove sweet carbonated drinks from consumption of sweet gum.

  • food must be regular, without large interruptions, uncontrolled fasting and overeating;
  • it is recommended to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of liquid, but without caffeine content (it is best to drink tea on medicinal grasses);
  • coffee and tea - no more than 0.5 liters per day;
  • the use of beverages with gas and alcoholic beverages should be eliminated;
  • it is recommended to introduce a limit on fresh fruit - no more than 250-300 g per day;
  • to reduce gas formation, flaxseeds and oats are perfectly helping (you can in the form of porridge).

An alternative approach is needed when using products rich in fiber. The fact is that in diarrhea such products are prohibited as diarrhea stimulants. However, with chronic constipation, nutritional fibers (fiber) helps to calm the irritated intestines. The most common suppliers of food fiber are counted bran, brute products from coarse flour, grain, some fruits and vegetables (drain, cabbage, zucchini, carrots, beet).

The varieties of fiber (soluble and insoluble) should be distinguished. For dietary nutrition, a soluble type is needed, which is contained in oats, nuts, seeds, pectins. You can use the pharmacy option - the nefagula powder.

Principles of treatment of pathology

QUESTIONS On how to treat pathology and how to calm the irritated body are solved comprehensively: power optimization, elimination of a psycho-emotional nature, optimization of lifestyle with an increase in physical activity, conducting medication therapy. Therapeutic and preventive measures are carried out in any type of CPC, but in order to heal the disease with traditional means, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the disease.

What should be the treatment?

To cure the CRC when the diarrhea prevailing is helped by the means:

  1. Before the food is assigned a means capable of slowing down motor functions. These drugs are most common during irritable intestinal syndrome: diphenoxylate, loperamide, imiodium, lopeedium.
  2. Soothing effect provides such a means as a smect.
  3. Recovery of medicinal plants are recommended: cherry, cherry berries, garnet peel, alder.
  4. Reduce gas formation capable of sorbents: polysorb, polyfepan, filter, enterorosgel.
  5. Modern medicine with irritable intestinal syndrome with diarrhea - modulator of serotine receptors Preparation of AOSetron.

As an option, the PCC with constipation is treated with the pathology using means capable of facilitating the defecation and soften the carte masses. These are most often assigned to such drugs:

  1. Medications based on the plantain to increase the volume of content in the intestine: Naturolaks, Mukofalc, Solgar, Metamucil, FireBelex, Spain. In addition, agents based on agar and musical cellulose are used: Citrolen, Fiberal, Fibercon. Such drugs usually begin to act 9-11 hours after administration.
  2. The softening of the feces is ensured by drugs with lactulose: Duhalak, Portolak, Gudlak. They, not falling into the blood, are able to change the consistency of the cavalo mass.
  3. Means of category of laxatives osmotic type: Macroogol, Forlax, Lavacolak, Relaxan, exported. These means give the effect in 2-5 hours.
  4. Soft laxatives: Northax, Guttasil, Guttalaks, Salakal, Laxic.
  5. Sulfur modulators: Tigesol, Prukaloprid.
  6. To create a soft laxative effect, the Essentuki mineral water 17 is recommended containing magnesium ions in its composition.

If abdominal pain is dominated in the manifestation of irritable bowel syndrome, such funds are assigned as drug therapy:

  • antispasmodic preparations: but-shpa, doll hydrochloride, as well as anticholinergic medicines: Hyoscyamine, zymiphenacine, drifenatsin;
  • calcium channel blockers: spasmodomomen, dithel;
  • means for regulating intestinal motility - Debidat;
  • preparations for lowering gas formation (defoamers): Espumizan, Cecilate, polysilane.

Symptomatic therapy

In comprehensive treatment, therapy is carried out the therapy of the most pronounced symptoms that can worsen the state of the patient person. Antidepressants are prescribed to reduce neurological and psychopathological disorders. Such an impact has a double effect: eliminates a psychogenic etiological factor and interferes with the development of neurogenic deviations as a symptom of the disease. The most commonly used tricyclic antidepressants. They reduce the sensitivity of brain receptors to pain and normalizes the transmission of nerve regulating pulses. Traditional preparations are considered: amitriptyline, imipramine, Nortitintyline. In addition, modern funds are appointed: Befol, Fenelzine, Pyrazidol.

An important role in the medical process is given to the improvement of intestinal microflora and eliminate signs of dysbacteriosis. With the development of the SRC, pathogenic microorganisms are activated and lactobacilli and bifidesbacteria deficiency appears. Suppression of pathogenic bacteria is carried out by probiotics: enterol, baktisoptil. With a more severe course of the disease, nitrofurans, fluoroquinolones, intestinal antiseptics (Rifaximin) are prescribed. The normalization of the content of the useful microflora is provided with the help of eubiotics (lines, bificol) and prebiotics (lactulose, hilak-forte).

A positive effect is noted when using folk remedies in the form of medicinal plants. Particularly noted such compositions: mint oil for aromatherapy; Infancy and decoctions from pharmaceutical chamomile, oak bark, Tminne seeds, Valerian root; Infusions against constipation from licorice root, yarrow, crust crust. In the fight against diarrhea, roots of heming, hospitals, plantain, blueberry, sage, walnut are used.

SRK is a common phenomenon to which people do not always have an adequate attitude. To eliminate neurological deviations and other complications, this pathology must be treated with effective methods.

Probably, there is no man in the world who at least once did not experience a sense of discomfort in the intestine. Swimming, intestinal colic, constipation or diarrhea happened to everyone. However, do not everyone know that a possible cause of such behavior of the human body may not be a misunderstanding in the form of organic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract or intestinal infections.

About 30% of cases of development of such symptoms occurs due to disorders relating to the motor function of the thick or small intestine. In such cases, this is the presence of an irritable bowel syndrome in a patient.

The concept of "irritated intestines"

In cases where there is no infectious (fungal, viral, bacterial) or immune inflammations in the intestine wall, when the intestines are free from anatomical anomalies and tumors and is not populated with helminths or the simplest, but the person is experiencing pain syndrome and periodic chair disorders - this is an irritable syndrome intestines (CRK). This disease is also not accompanied by any changes in the testimony of kala and blood tests.

Most often, people over 20 years old have suffered from such pathology, while 40% of patients have age from 35 to 50 years. Regarding gender differentiation, the syndrome extends to 5-18% of men and 15-25% of women. At the same time, 60% of patients do not resort to medical care in this case, 28% go to the gastroenterologist, 12% - to the therapist.

Causes of irritable intestinal syndrome

The universal cause of the occurrence of the SRC does not exist.

It has been established that the disease occurs due to the increased excitability of the nervous system against the background of systematic stresses (this is the cause of increased incidence among women and young people). It is worth noting that such a situation is a vicious circle in which the CRC is developing against the background of stressfulness, and the presence of intestinal pathology and its corresponding manifestations robs the patient to depression, which leads to the development of violations in other systems and bodies. During the examination of some patients with irritable intestinal syndrome, the psychoneurologist is additionally diagnosed with neurosis, psychopathy.

Among the doctors, there is a joke of the Interpretation of the SRK - "irritable head syndrome", in addition to the main symptoms, signs of violation of the central nervous and vegetative system are quite often observed.

    Motoric disorder intestine

Also among the most common reasons for the development of this syndrome, the intestinal motility disorders are distinguished, as well as shifts in the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles of the intestines forcing the intestines to shrink. In this case, there are no violations in the nervous apparatus of the intestine or in the intestinal wall, and there is only a periodic increasing separation of relaxation and abbreviations.

    Also, patients have increased sensitivity to stretching and overflowing the intestine. Increases and sensitivity to pain.

    There is a relationship with a hormonal background. Namely, in women in the last and first days of the cycle there is a conjugation of menstruation with intestinal pains and diarrhea against the background of an episodic increase in the level of forebanding e in the blood.

    High calorie, unusual and excessively fatty food can also cause the development of the symptoms of the intestinal disorder. Among the drinks capable of provoking such manifestations should be highlighted with sweet sodes, tea, coffee, alcohol.

    Hereditary predisposition is also a significant factor: the syndrome is observed more often from those people who have parents suffered from such pathology.

    Intestinal infections in 30% of patients can cause the development of the SRC.

    The lack of ballast substances in the diet and dysbacteriosis can also cause the development of the SRC.

Signs and symptoms of irritable intestinal syndrome

According to SRC symptoms, it is practically no different from a typical intestinal disorder. Today there are several options for this pathology.

The option in which the main symptom is diarrhea

    At the same time there are pronounced urges in the process of food and after it, while such a picture can be observed several times a day. More typical are the morning time and the first half of the day.

    In some cases, diarrhea can develop against the background of strong fear, experience or emotional arousal. In the people, such a condition is called "bearish disease," since it is at the brown bears that there is a characteristic reaction (defecation) for fright and danger.

    With this version of the development of irritable intestinal syndrome, there is a bloating of the abdomen and pain in the side departments of lower navels, which develop suddenly before the urges and weaken after the defecation.

Option with predominance of constipation

There are pains along the thick bowel and bloating, however, such a state is accompanied by a latency of the stool over 3 days. Pains may have a long-term character or develop on the principle of intestinal colic. Characteristic sacrament of pain after defecation. The chair often changes its shape, it can become more dense, and an admixture of white or transparent mucus is supplemented.

Against the background of constipation, digestion disorders may develop in the form of an unpleasant taste in the mouth, heartburn, nausea, appetite disorders.

The third option is the alternation of constipation and diarrhea

This version of the SRC is distinguished by the predominance of abdominal pain and periodic change of the character of the chair with diarrhea for constipation.

Thus, the intestinal irritation syndrome is characterized by such signs.

    Selection of mucus during intestinal emptying.

    Meteorism and bloating.

    The sense of incomplete intestinal emptying.

    The feeling of lack of opportunity to restrain the urge to defecation.

    Chair disorders (constipation, diarrhea and their alternation).

    Spastic, buttering, stinging pain in the abdomen, discomfort that weakens or completely disappears after the intestinal emptying.

Diagnosis of intestinal irritation syndrome

Since this pathology changes in blood and feces, the results of biopsy and X-ray cannot be found, then at the Roman conference, doctors decided that:

signs of intestinal irritation should include discomfort and intestines pain, which disturb the patient for at least 3 days a month over the past six months and is combined with obvious relief and improvement after the intestinal emptying, which began with the change in the shape and the frequency of the chair.

For subsidiary features include:

    pathological defecation: urgent urge to measure or strain;

    changing the shape of the chair: frothy, watery or grungy solid;

    deviations in the frequency of detergents - defecation less than 3 times a week or more often 3 times a day.

Considering the fact that the main symptoms of the SRC are not specific, a very important fact is to eliminate more serious pathologies that can manifest themselves in this way. Therefore, if there is complaints from a patient to bloating, pain and instability of the chair, doctors prescribe:

    biochemical and general blood tests;


    if necessary, irrigoscopy and retromancopy can be performed;

    in the presence of indications, the intestinal wall biopsy is carried out.

Almost 90% of patients after a visit to the doctor and surveys themselves adapt independently to the state of their own body and cope with the symptoms of their own forces, considering themselves healthy people. However, 10% of patients focuses on this problem and refer themselves to the number of hopelessly sick people, constantly turn to a variety of specialists, begin to insist on conducting additional research and therapeutic measures that are not able to bring relief. Such an answer of the body for treatment only aggravates their conviction in the severity of pathology and leads to social isolation of such people.

Differential diagnosis

Symptoms that are not only not peculiar to CRK should be remembered, but also must cause concern to their condition:

    development of the disease in old age;

    progression of symptoms;

    the appearance of sharp symptoms - the irritable bowel syndrome cannot be sharp;

    manifestation of symptoms at night;

    loss of appetite, decrease in body weight;

    rectal bleeding;

    diarrhea with severe pains;

    the presence of fat in the cartilaoney masses (steatheree);

    increasing body temperature;

    lactose intolerance and fructose, gluten intolerance;

    the presence of intestinal cancer or inflammatory bowel diseases in close relatives.

Below are diseases and conditions that are mandatory in the differential diagnostic search, since they have common symptoms.

The simplest reasons

Physiological States in women

Impact of food and medicinal stimuli:

    mesoprostol, preparations of bile acids, iron, potassium, antibiotics;

    unusual food (business trip, travel);

    abundant feast;

    fatty food;

    gaseous products, coffee, alcohol.

Prolonged intellectual overvoltage, excitement, fright, however, after rest, the symptoms weaken and disappear.


Gynecological diseases


    plastic scar peritonitis.

Differ in the typical clinic of the SRK

Organic diseases of the intestine

Neuroendocrine tumors of the gastrointestinal tract


    sidrome short small intestine;

    glice invasions (sharp, ascarides);

  • microscopic colitis;

    nonspecific ulcerative colitis;

    intestinal infections (intestinal flu, dysentery, salmonelis);

    crohn's disease;

    intestinal tuberculosis;

    colorectal cancer, rectum cancer;

    diverticulosis of the intestine

    carcinoid syndrome in the early stages;


Usually occur in the disguised form of the diarrhea or pain

Endocrine pathology

    diabetes mellitus with diabetic enteropathy;


Some symptoms may have a similar character with SRC.

Treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome

Since the manifestations of irritable bowel syndrome are quite diverse, and painful changes in the intestines are not detected, the therapy is more aimed at suppressing the symptoms of this pathology.

However, before being taken for the use of drugs, the theory of Academician Pavlova should be remembered as to what the unhealthy nervous system is the cause of all ailments. And although the popularity of this concept has several pigeons recently, this does not concern the case with the irritable intestinal syndrome. In this case, the scientific assumptions of the academician are very appropriate and confirmed by practical medicine, which has proven to the favorable effect of various activities aimed at normalizing the psycho-emotional state of patients in the presence of irritable intestinal syndrome.

Therefore, if a person who suffers from SRC is not able to put his psychological state in order to put his psychological state, to cope with problems at work, in a family, chronic stress, it is recommended to apply for help from a qualified specialist in the field of psychology. If the problem came further and turned into a phobic state due to fear before pain, involuntary defecation or somatized depression, then first of all it is necessary to deal with this problem, watched by the support of neuropathologists and psychiatrists.

With easier cases before the start of drug treatment, it is recommended:

  • be engaged strong physical work and more walking;
  • refuse tobacco and alcohol;
  • adjust the power mode;
  • reviseown lifestyle.

Thanks to the complex of these simple events, you can bail your own nervous system and save the intestine from the influence of excessive "scissown" heads.


Therapeutic food in the irritable intestine syndrome is not required, and to be more accurate, then focus on the preparation of special dishes, counting food value and calories in eaten food is impractical. It is more important to establish regular nutrition in a relaxed atmosphere. Also cost limit products that provoke:

    constipation - fried and greasy dishes;

    gas formation - nuts, grapes, cabbage, legumes, baking;

    diarrhea - products that can enhance the intestinal motorcycle in diarrhea - beets, fiber, plums, apples.

In case of intolerance of the milk sugar, simple milk should be replaced with a prokubvash, ryazhenka, kefir, with celiac disease should be excluded from the diet, containing gluten. It is also recommended to reduce the consumption of chewing and carbonated drinks. In order to prevent prevention, it is possible to take preparations, the action of which is aimed at normalizing intestinal microflora ("Bifidbacterin", "Linex"), the reception must be carried out by courses. This is necessary because the intestinal dysbiosis can enhance the manifestations of the intestinal irritation syndrome.

Treatment of intestinal irritation syndrome with diarrhea

If you adjust the chair is not possible, and intestinal discomfort and pain is accompanied by frequent urges to empty arising from ever and anywhere, then it is necessary to move to more serious treatment measures. However, it should be remembered that under the mask of diarrhea, more serious intestinal infections can be hidden, therefore a qualified doctor should be engaged in the diagnosis of the irritable intestinal syndrome and the selection of treatment tactics.

A constant reception of drugs with irritable intestinal syndrome is not only in-disabilities, but also dangerous. Medicines should be applied only during periods of exacerbations, when the patient is constantly experiencing suffering:

    before meals, Loperamide ("Lopedium", "Diara", "Imodium"), "DiPhenoxylate" up to 2-3 times a day can be prescribed. These drugs can slow down the intestine motorcy;

    the "smect" has excellent effect;

    from the vegetation preparations in the form of decoctions, the peel of alder, cherry, cherry fruits, pomegranate;

    also apply sorbents - "Enterosgel", "Filter STI", "Polyfepan", Polysorb;

    also, with this version of SRC, modulators of serotonin receptors ("Aosault") are used.

With constractions

    preferred means for irritable intestinal syndrome, which can increase the volume of intestinal content, are preparations based on the plantain Bolshoi ("Spaigol", Fairlex, Metamucil, Metar Psychology, Mukofalc, Naturolaks), synthetic cellulose ( "Fiberkon", "Fiberal", "Polycarbophil", "Citrole"), Laminaria, Agar. The action starts 10 hours after the reception;

    lactulose - as an option with a latency of the chair, the most common practice is a polyhydric alcohol of lactulose ("Gudlak", "Portolak", "Romphalak", "Norma", "Duhalak"). The problem with the chair is solved without irritation of mucosa and suction in the intestine;

    polyethylene glycol - refers to drugs from a group of osmotic laxatives that can start working after 3-6 hours ("exported", "Relaxan", "Osmogol", "Transilence", "Lavaclak", Fordrans, Forlax, "Macroogol ");

    mitigating laxatives - Vaseline and vegetable oils, sodium picosulfate ("Laxic", "Slavicap", "Picosulfate Regulaks", "Guttalaks" drops, "Laxigal", "Guttasil"), Norgalaks;

    serotonin modulators "Prukaloprid", "TigCorerD" are also effective;

    mineral waters containing magnesium ions - "Essentuki â„–17" have a relaxing effect.

From spasms and pain

    foamers ("Polisilan", "Ceuolate", "Dimethikon", "Espumizan") - destroy gas bubbles, because quite often pain is the result of excessive guts with gases;

    calcium channel blockers ("Ditheitel", "Sports") and motility regulators ("Debidat") contribute to reducing pain;

    anticholinergic agents ("Zamiphenacin", "Daperenacin", "Hyoscyamine") are also used as classical antispasmodic agents ("DROTAVERIN", "but-shpa").

Antidepressants in intestinal irritation syndrome

The fact that repeating pain in the abdomen and stool disorder is a manifestation of psychological problems, known for a long time. In addition, the very presence of irritable bowel syndrome can lead to the development of a depressive state even in a completely adequate and balanced person. Therefore, triclical antidepressants are often used in the treatment of this disease.

The mechanism of action of such drugs is reduced to the suppression of excessive perception of pain and normalization of the supply of nerve pulses from the spinal and brain to the intestines. This helps to reduce uneven contractions leading to stool disorders and pain.

    Trampramine, "imipramine", "Northriptyline", "Dofepin", Amitriptyline are prescribed traditionally.

    Today, monoaminoxidase inhibitors are preferred: "Phenlay", Pyrazidol, "Befol" and "Moklobemeid", which is more gently acting in the presence of psychosomatic disorders.

SRK and dysbacteriosis

The course of pathology can be complicated by the addition of dysbacteriosis of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, the excess growth of pathological microorganisms and the shortage of bifidum and lactobacilli leads to the weighty of the pathology in the form of stool disorders and bloating. Thus, it is advisable to engage in the treatment of intestinal dysbiosis.

Initially, it is necessary to suppress the work of harmful microorganisms.

    Traditionally, these purposes use derivatives of nitrofurans: "Stop Diarom", "Enterfuril", "Furazolidon". The course is carried out for 5-7 days.

    With light forms of dysbacteriosis, probiotics with antibacterial properties of bacteriophages are used (Bakcytil, Enterol).

    In the presence of indications, fluoroquinolones can be used ("Cefloxacin", "Ciprofloxacin"), Trichopol (Metronidazole), the intestinal antimicrobial drug Alpha Normix ("Rifaximmin"), intestine antiseptic "Intetrix".

Comprehensive therapy implies the use of enterosorbents: "Enterosgel", "Filter", "Lactofilm".

Next comes a series of eubiotics (preparations that contain various variations of the combination of intestinal sticks, enterococci, bifidobacteria, lactobacilli) and prebiotics that create conditions for the nutrition of useful microorganisms.

    The first group includes Linex, Bificol, Normoflorin, Bifidumbacterin, Premadofilus. The course of eubiotics continues for 4 weeks, not less.

    The second group is prebiotics, among which the "Hilak-Forte", "Lactulose" is most often used.

People's methods for the treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome

Treatment of intestinal disorders in folk medicine occupies a separate niche. Previously, such methods were used to get rid of any intestinal discomfort, without finding out the cause of the development of such a state. Since the basis of the irritable intestinal syndrome is functional disorders, the treatment with the help of traditional medicine is quite possible. The main thing in this case is the presence of a sense of measure.

Medicinal plants

    The most effective is aromatherapy using oils of peppermint. This plant can calm the intestines and save the patient from spasms.

    Will you can apply champs and infusions from the bark of oak, chamomile. Anise drops, cumin seeds, valerian root, chamomile, mint, dill, fenhel seeds are eliminated from spasmodic pain.

    For constipation, you use the yarrow, licorice root, kouring twisted.

    Diarrhea perfectly eliminates a sheet of walnut and sage, blueberry berries, plantain, roots of heming, coil, paint.


One of the methods of normalizing the intestinal functionality is a complex of special gymnastic exercises, which is able to force the intestines to work more coordinated. In the classroom, an important element is the influx of fresh air. Thus, the reassurance of the nervous system occurs and its impact on the intestines is weakened. Effective is a bike, walking, stretching the spine (Pilates, Yoga). In the course of research, Swedish scientists have found that more than 50% of patients with irritable bowel syndrome were able to reduce the manifestations of symptoms with moderate physical exertion from 30 minutes to an hour for 3-5 days a week.

Meditative practices

This method is a great way to relax the intestines and the nervous system without the use of antidepressants. It is important that the classes are accompanied by the corresponding positive attitude to the result. At the same time, group classes give a greater effect.

The conclusion is as follows, in the treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome, it is important not to correctly choose a list of medications that eliminate symptoms, and rebuild your life rhythm into a more measured pace, start philosophically to treat everyday adversities and maintain a positive attitude to the outcome of treatment, which is not only desirable and important to conduct.

This is one of the most common diseases on Earth. According to statistics, an irritable intestine syndrome (CRK) is sick about every fourth person. However, only every third of their number appeals for help. The disease is also known as intestinal neurosis or irritable colon syndrome.

Description and causes of illness

Against the background of other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, irritable intestinal syndrome is a mansion. After all, it would seem, nothing can provoke him. In patients with CRC, there is no damage to the intestinal mucosa of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as any pathology of the tissues of the intestinal tract of inorganic origin. And, nevertheless, the disease manifests itself, and sometimes numerous surveys cannot establish what actually happens to the human body.

Now the point of view is dominated in medical science, which in most cases the direct cause of irritable intestinal syndrome is stress. This is also confirmed by the fact that the alarming state, the depressive state and other neurotic disorders are observed about 60% of patients with CPCs.

To understand why this happens, it should be understood in the mechanism of the intestinal work. The main functions of the thick division of the intestine are absorption of water and mineral substances from the residues of food, the formation of roam masses and the promotion of them to the rectum. Recent tasks are carried out due to the reduction of muscle walls and the absorption of mucus.

It is possible that for many it will seem amazing, but the intestine does not always work in itself, in a fully offline mode. The intestine has its own nervous system called enteral. It is part of the vegetative nervous system and does not directly depend on the central nervous system. However, the regulatory brain departments are responsible for the production of substances that manage the work of the vegetative nervous system, including the nervous system of the intestine. Such a connection is called the intestinal brain axis and is bilateral. And in stressful situations, failed in the functioning of this mechanism. The brain gives the wrong signals to the intestines, and he, in turn, incorrectly informs the brain about the processes occurring in it. There is a violation of the intestine motility, the slightest discomfort in the intestine causes the attacks of pain. This is due to another important circumstance in which the disease is developing - increased levels of sensitivity to pain.

However, stress and low pain threshold are most often not the only factors causing the disease. In most cases, there is a whole range of reasons.

Circumstances contributing to the emergence of irritable intestinal syndrome:

  • Dysbacteriosis
  • Irregular and unbalanced nutrition
  • Lifeline Lifestyle, Sitting Work
  • Genetic predisposition. It has been established that most of the SRC suffering have close relatives who also had such a disease.
  • Violation of hormonal background in women (for example, during pregnancy or during menstruation)

An important role in the occurrence of irritable sink syndrome plays factor. There are certain categories of products whose frequent use contributes to the appearance of SRC. These products include:

  • Alcohol
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Snacks and products
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee-containing drinks
  • Cookies
  • Fatty food

Also, the CRC may be observed after the treatment of some infectious diseases of the intestines is completed. This type of irritable sinch syndrome is called post-infectious.

Among the factors causing the SRK are also sometimes called excess growth of microflora. However, useful microorganisms cannot cause themselves about problems with the intestines and scientific evidence of their connection with the emergence of the CPC. Another thing is the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, however, such diseases relate to infectious and require completely different approaches and treatment methods.

Syndrome of irritable intestines is almost twice as often occur in women than in men. Perhaps this is due to the greater emotionality of weak gender, as well as in the fact that women are more often occurring changes in the level of hormones. It is also possible that women are just more often inclined to contact doctors. SRK is a disease predominantly middle-aged, since the greatest frequency of the disease falls at age at 25-40 years. In the elderly (over 60) the disease occurs much less often.

In children and adolescents, an irritable bowel syndrome is also not uncommon, but there is no accurate statistics on this score. Often, the Children in children do not pay attention, taking it for infectious intestinal disorders. Many experts believe that cases of irritable intestinal syndrome, detected in adulthood, are still formed in childhood.

Symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome

The irritable bowel syndrome is characterized by such chronic symptoms as heightened gas formation (meteorism), bloating, constipation, diarrhea (diarrhea), pain and colic in the lower abdomen. Approximately every third disease, accompanied by similar symptoms, is CPC. An important feature is that the unpleasant sensations in the abdomen, as a rule, appear after eating and disappear after defecation.

Pains usually have a grapple-shaped (spastic character). However, there may be painful or stabbing types.

Also, such signs are also characterized for the disease, as the separation of mucus with a chair, a change in the consistency of the chair, irresistible or false calling for defecation, the feeling of incomplete intestinal emptying after defecation.

There are three main types of irritable intestinal syndrome:

  • Accompanied by diary (approximately 2/3 of the total number of patients)
  • Accompanied by constipation (approximately a quarter)
  • Combining constipation and diarrhea (less than 10%)

In some cases, the stool changes are not observed, and all the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome are reduced to an increase in flatulence and intestinal colic.

Under diarrhea, it is customary to imply emptying the intestine that happens at least three times a day. As a rule, people suffering from a similar type of illness, feel the urge in the morning hours or in the morning. At night, the urge is usually absent. It also often diarrhea begins in case of stress or strong experiences. This syndrome is sometimes called "bearish disease."

Stool is considered to be constipated, no more often than once every three days. Popps may also be accompanied by such symptoms as dyspepsia, nausea, dry mouth. Before the chair can be observed colic that pass after a fear.

Also in patients have vegetative disorders, such as headaches, insomnia,. It may also be observed an irritable bladder syndrome (almost in third cases).


If you have found symptoms similar to SPC symptoms, it is recommended to pass a survey. It is best to refer to the gastroenterologist. Diagnosis of SRK is a difficult matter. Usually, the diagnosis of CPCs is given if all attempts to find in analyzes or results of studies of some infectious agents or intestinal pathology ends fail.

It is also important to take into account the frequency of symptoms and the duration of the period during which they are observed. The leading world gastroenterologists proposed the following criteria. It is believed that the SRC includes stool disorders, no less often than 3 days per month. They should also be observed within 3 months in a row. It is necessary to take into account the relationship between the occurrence of symptoms and the change in the frequency and the appearance of the stool.

Diagnosis should be separated from SRCs such ailments as:

  • infectious diseases of the tract
  • glice Invasii
  • dysbacteriosis
  • anemia
  • avitaminosis
  • tumors
  • polyps
  • ulcerative colitis
  • syndrome by a short small intestine
  • tuberculosis of the intestine
  • crohn's disease

Intestinal disorders, reminiscent of SRK, can also be characteristic of some forms of diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, carcinoid syndrome. Disorders of the intestine in old age require a particularly careful examination, since for the elderly, the SRC is generally not characteristic.

From the CRC, it is also not worth mixing single cases of a gastrointestinal disorder that can occur in healthy people after abundant fences, consumption of a large amount of alcohol, carbonated drinks, unusual or exotic food, for example, while traveling.

Signs such as an increase in temperature, acute character of symptoms or their strengthening over time, night pain, bleeding, resistant, for several days, no appetite, weight loss, is not characteristic of CPCs. Therefore, their presence indicates some other disease.

Diagnosis, you need to do the following tests:

  • General blood analysis
  • Blood chemistry
  • Cala Analysis (Coprogram)
  • Blood test

To eliminate the pathologies of the large intestine, methods of colonoscopy and irrigoscopy, esophagogastroduodenoscopy, ultrasound of the abdominal cavity are used. In some cases, the biopsy of the intestinal wall can also be applied. With pronounced pain syndrome, the doctor may offer to pass through electric strooperography, pressure gauge, a balloon dilatation test.

Under the tendency to diarrhea, testing for lactose tolerance and the analysis of intestinal microflora is carried out. If the diarrhea is absent, then the transit radioisotope research method can be applied. After passing the primary course of treatment, some diagnostic procedures can be repeated in order to establish the degree of effectiveness of therapy.

Treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome

Full cure from the disease is difficult due to the fact that, as a rule, it is not caused by a certain reason, and their complex. In addition, medicine has not yet established an accurate mechanism for the development of the disease, therefore, the treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome in the general case does not exist. But this does not mean that it is completely unknown, how to treat and what to treat the disease. Practice shows that irritated intestines can be cured in about a third of cases, and in the rest it is possible to reduce the degree of manifestation of symptoms.

On the other hand, the irritable bowel syndrome can not be called a disease that threatens life and health. The intestinal irritation delivers quite a few trouble to patients, but usually does not behave directly to some complications, dysfunctions and lesions of the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract.

Many people who have been diagnosed with SRK are gradually getting used to their symptoms and are treated independently or adjust their lifestyle so that the disease would not bother him.

However, the disease should not be ignored, and the symptomatic therapy of the disease is more than desirable. After all, such symptoms of CPCs, as frequent diarrhea and constipation, are far from harmless, as they create an increased load on the rectum and can lead to diseases such as hemorrhoids, cracks in the rear pass and paraproctitis. This is especially true of constipation. The diarrhea in addition contributes to the dehydration of the body. Also should not be ignored by the hidden causes of the disease - alarming and depressive states that can lead to much more serious problems with the body.

But the most important thing is that the attacks of pain and violations of the chair lead to a decrease in the quality of life. With sudden attacks of the disease, a person may have problems with the performance of their working responsibilities or with communication with other people. All this further aggravates the stressful state of a person, which creates a kind of vicious circle, from which it becomes more difficult to get out. When CPC, treatment is always conservative. It may include both drug and non-drug methods.


The main non-drug treatment method is diet. Diet with CRC should not be strict. First of all, it should be aimed at systematization and streamlining the food process, giving it a regular nature, as well as to improve the balance between different products. Food should be accepted in small portions, it should be avoided.

Selection of diet depends on what type of disease is observed in the patient. If diarrhea is dominated, then the share of products causing them - for example, fruits and vegetables, and dairy products should be reduced in the diet. If the constipation is most often observed, then the amount of oily and salty food should be limited. With constipation, it is also recommended to consume more water. People suffering from meteorism, it is necessary to limit the use of carbonated beverages, legumes. But it is unlikely that it makes sense to abandon some types of products, especially vegetables and fruits, completely.

Photo: Africa Studio / Shutterstock.com

Sometimes there are recommendations to add more vegetable fibers. However, many scientists believe that following such instructions does not reduce the intensity of symptoms. Moreover, in the case of the CRC with diarrhea, the enhanced fiber consumption is capable only to strengthen them. Of course, it should not be completely abandoned from the fiber, since it performs an important role in the proper functioning of the intestine and in the prevention of many diseases, but the mechanical increase in its consumption does not make much sense.

In general, the diet should be selected on an individual basis. The diet suitable for one patient will not always help the other. Therefore, it is better to note, after which products most often there is an emergence of unpleasant sensations and symptoms and exclude them from the diet. A consultation with a professional nutritionist will also be useful.


Drug treatment of irritable bowel syndrome is mostly symptomatic.

Basic groups of drugs:

  • Spasmolytiki
  • Plenochiters
  • Anti-Diameted Tools (for an option of a disease with sustainable diarrhea)
  • Laxatives (for an option with stable constipation)
  • Intestine microflora regulators (and prebiotics)

Antidepressants and tranquilizers are applied to eliminate the mental causes of the disease. However, not every type of depressants is suitable in the case of irritable bowel syndrome. The greatest effectiveness in the disease was demonstrated tricyclic antidepressants, such as amitriptyline. Inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure can also be used, for example, fluoxetine. In some cases, benzodiazepines are recommended. But drug psychotherapy is a complex section of medicine, so the choice of drugs can be carried out only by a qualified psychotherapist physician. An independent selection of psychotropic drugs can lead not only to the deterioration of the state of the intestine, but also to the aggravation of neurological problems - depression or anxiety.

In some cases, light sedatives based on plant components - Valerian and dyeing are effective. They have a minimum of side effects and therefore they can be used without fears.

With exacerbation of the disease, there are many ways to reassure the intestines. As a means of diarrhea, such a common drug is best suited, as an imodium, or its structural analogue containing Loperamide. The effect of the drug is based on a slowdown in the intestinal food. Sorbents can also be used, such as.

But for the treatment of constipation caused by the disease, not every laxative. It is best for this purpose to use the laxatives whose action is based on an increase in the volume of carte masses and increase the content of water in them. These drugs are usually produced on the basis of plantain seed extract (metamocyl) or synthetic cellulose (citrole). They are not recommended to take before bedtime, as it can cause the bloating. Senna-based laxative preparations are not recommended, as they are able to increase gases and strengthen abdominal pain.

For the treatment of meteorism, defoamers are intended - preparations that reduce the number of gases in the intestine. As a rule, they are based on Siemetone and Dimethicone among such drugs, we can note meteorpazmil, polysilane, Ceuolate, Espumizan.

Antispasmodic tools are most suitable for meteorism and imperative defecation urges. To reduce spasms and associated pains, traditional universal type antispasmodics can be used (doll). It is also worth paying attention to specialized antispasmodics used to treat spasms in the gastrointestinal organs, for example, Duspatalin. Suitable for removal of spasms and preparations from the group of m-cholinoreceptor blockers (buckopan). When using muspasmolitics, Miorosanta should be borne in mind that they are contraindicated during pregnancy.

Dysbacteriosis is syndrome, which, as a rule, accompanies the disease and is expressed in reducing the amount of useful intestinal microflora. It is usually characteristic of a diarrheal type of disease.

Probiotics are used to correct the situation (preparations containing intestinal microflora organisms) or prebiotics (preparations that improve the habitat with microorganism).

Among probiotics, it is preferable to apply funds containing Bifidobacterium infantis lactic acid bacteria or SACCHROMYCES BOULARDII fungi, for example, Linex and Enterol.

Folk Medicine also has many ways to combat intestinal disorders. Good for this purpose are plant preparations based on mint leaves, and the root of Valerian. In diarrhea, plantain, walnut, sage and blueberries are used, with rearrangements - yarrow, licorice root, crust crust.

Other funds

Exercise are one of the auxiliary treatments. They improve psycho-emotional state, as well as stimulate the contractile ability of the intestine. The type of physical exercise may be different and must be seamless on an individual basis. Someone will have a fairly simple morning charging or daily walks. Classes on simulators can also be used. Studies show that more than half of the patients who began to engage in physical education on average half an hour and hour per day, soon felt the decrease in the symptoms of the ailment.

Also, the patient needs to improve the routine of the day, to establish a normal bed mode for the disease is contraindicated, as it can only worsen the psychic condition of the patient. It is also necessary to find out which stressful situations are able to cause aggravation of symptoms and, if possible, avoid them.

If there is a stress based on the disease, then psychotherapy is added to the non-drug treatment methods. It may include hypnosis, relaxation sessions, psychological training and autotraining.

If intestinal disorders are concerned quite often and continue for more than a few months, it can be assumed that a person has developed an irritable bowel syndrome (CRC). This is a specific state of the intestine, balancing on the verge of pathology and norms.


In the modern world, all sorts of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in people occur very often. SRK is counted to one of the most common diseases in the world. According to statistics, about 20% of the world's population suffers from it, and this is only fixed cases. Because of not particularly pronounced symptoms of the disease about 2/3 people suffering from it, do not seek help from specialists.

- This is a violation in the functioning of the digestive system, causing chair disorders, meteorism, intestinal spasms.

This condition does not lead to structural intestinal violations, the development of complications and is not dangerous for life, it only gives discomfort. At the same time, it is impossible to fully cure it, but you can eliminate the symptoms.

Causes of pathology

Currently, the exact reasons that CRC are called, the scientist failed to identify. During the examination of people suffering from it, no concomitant pathologies are usually detected that can lead to such long and pronounced manifestations. Separate scientists are confident that they are associated with a violation of neuroendocrine bonds between the brain and the intestines, which is why the intestine is fed from the brain structures an incorrect signal, which causes a functional disorder.

Most specialists engaged in the study of the syndrome believe that the culprits of its development is a set of mental and physical problems. In their opinion, the causes of the irritable intestinal syndrome may be as follows:

  • Eating "harmful" products and a malfunction of the power mode. There are many products that regular consumption of which can lead to problems with the intestine. The main, belongs: oily, fried food, various snacks, cookies, caffener-containing and carbonated drinks, chocolate, alcohol. Not the best way to function the gastrointestinal trades, constant legends are affected, the food on the go, skipping of the presses of food.
  • Psychological disorders. Depression, restless states, panic disorders, frequent stress, etc. They lead to the overeximation of the nervous system. As a result, the intestinal mucosa becomes very sensitive and reacts even for minor effects, for example, death from the usual nutrition.
  • Genetic predisposition. According to research data, the symptoms of the irritable intestine, manifest themselves from those whose parents suffered from SRK.
  • Increased sensitivity. Some people have a low threshold of sensitivity in the intestine, so they are able to cause unpleasant sensations even the most common phenomena, for example, minor intestinal stretching when filling it with gases or food.
  • Violation of intestinal motility. Slow motility can cause constant constipation, and accelerated - diarrhea. At the same time, spasms and sharp reductions in intestinal muscles, capable of causeing pain.
  • Excessive growth syndrome bacteria. The enhanced growth of bacteria that populate the delicate intestine, as well as the occurrence of bacteria that are not characteristic of it can cause dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, meteorism, weight loss, and later the SRC.

Symptoms and clinical manifestations

Not all experts refer to the PCC to pathological states, therefore do not consider it a disease. Nevertheless, there are certain signs of irritable intestinal syndrome, for which it is possible to judge that a person has it is that disorder. These include:

  • nausea and meteorism - bloody is less pronounced in the morning and gradually increases, it may be saturated after meals;
  • feeling of gravity in the stomach;
  • the feeling seems to be an intestine at the act of defecation, it is not possible to empty completely;
  • alternation of diarrhea and constipation;
  • the presence in the cartoons of the mucous membacity separated;
  • false calls for defecation or urges that appear spontaneously and requiring urgent visits to the toilet;
  • frequent defecation (more than 3 times a day) or rare acts of defecation (less often 3 times a week);
  • diarrhea - more often occurs after breakfast, for a short period of time can occur from 2 to 4 acts of defecation, when the intestines are first emptying the kal is more dense, subsequently become more liquid;
  • constipation - Called masses can be solid enough and have a form of a pencil, it is also possible to have a skid-shaped chair when the feces leaves at the beginning of the defecation decorated, and then cashey-shaped or liquid;
  • spasms and abdominal pain, disappearing after defecation. Pains in irritated intestines can have a different character, be laundering, stupid, burning, etc. More often pain is localized on the left in the ileum region. It is usually enhanced while eating and decreases with the exhausting of gases, defecation or reception of antispasmodics.

The above symptoms are usually enhanced after meals begin and begin. They can have different severity, we will weaken, it is intensifying, to appear for several days in a row, and then for some period to disappear.

According to a predominance of some clinical symptom of SRCs, they are divided into irritable bowel syndrome with:

  • constipation;
  • diarrhea;
  • alternating constipation and diarrhea (mixed form).

The symptoms of the irritable intestine syndrome associated with the intestines are not the only manifestations of the disorder, nonspecific signs often arise in patients. Their presence complements the clinical picture. These features refers:

  • feeling of depression, less often depressive condition;
  • alarming state;
  • the periodic appearance of an unusual lift in the mouth, in no way associated with the reception of any food;
  • pain in the lower back of the back, headaches;
  • issuing problems - the impossibility of emptying the bladder completely, frequent urination, etc.
  • functional changes in the rhythm of pulse (arrhythmia, tachycardia) in the absence of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • sleep disorders - it can develop both insomnia and high drowsiness.

Despite the huge number of complaints, a greater duration of the course of the disease, with inspection of patients with CPCs, a satisfactory overall state and normal objective indicators are usually noted.

What doctor treats irritable bowel syndrome?

In suspected of SRC, it is necessary to contact a gastroenterologist, if there is no possibility to get to the reception to this specialist, you can visit the therapist.

The reason to appeal to the doctor should serve any, even minor health problems. As for the SRC, a combination of at least two of the following signs can speak about its availability:

  • abdominal pain, they occur periodically, may have different intensity and character, become less pronounced after the intestinal emptying;
  • feeling of the overflow of the stomach;
  • meteorism, swelling and bloating;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • sudden need to empty the intestines;
  • excretion from the anal mucus hole;
  • the feeling that the intestine is not completely empty;
  • the alternate occurrence of diarrhea and constipation.

The above symptoms of irritable intestines can occur 1-2 times within a month and last a few days in a row. However, it is assumed that the patient of the CRC can be possible only if they are present for more than three months.

Before you prescribe any treatment, the doctor will need to establish an accurate diagnosis. Since the irritable bowel syndrome does not have unique symptoms and signs that can easily distinguish it from other pathologies, the diagnosis of this disease is carried out by exclusion. There are a number of diseases that in the initial stages are manifested as well as this disorder - pain in the abdomen, flatulence, constipation or diarrhea, disorders of digestion, etc. For the SRC, you can take the first signs of the following pathologies:

  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • ulcer necrotic colitis;
  • adhesion sickness of the small intestine;
  • poisoning;
  • some types of intestinal infections;
  • inflammatory bowel diseases;
  • crohn's disease;
  • early stages of oncological intestinal diseases.

Usually diagnosis includes the following activities:

  • calais analysis;
  • general blood analysis;
  • colonoscopy;
  • blood chemistry;
  • rectorOnoscopy.

If there is a need, other studies are appointed. With a serious course of the disease to collect analyzes and conducting examinations, the patient may be offered hospitalization, as a rule, it lasts at all long, just a few days. If during diagnostics it is possible to exclude dangerous diseases, the doctor sets the final diagnosis, selects the most appropriate therapy.

  • psychologist;
  • neurologist;
  • psychotherapist;
  • nutrition;
  • physiotherapist;
  • infectious system;
  • pediatrician, this specialist is needed in the syndrome of irritable bowel in children.

Diagnosis of the disease

What either specific diagnostics of the SRC currently does not exist, since it does not cause obvious changes to the gastrointestinal tract. Studies are assigned to establish a diagnosis that will eliminate the presence of other diseases that have similar symptoms.

Assuming that a patient has a disease of the irritable bowel syndrome, the doctor may in case it is worried about 3 months:

  1. pain or bloating, as well as both together that disappear after defecation;
  2. pain or meteorism, or both of these symptoms accompanied by constipation or diarrhea;
  3. the frequent need for intestinal emptying (the need for defecation occurs more often than usual).

Confirm the assumptions of the doctor, maybe there may also have a minimum of the following symptoms:

  1. gravity or tension in the stomach, bloating;
  2. the feeling of incomplete intestinal emptying, sudden strong urge to defecation, the need to excessively strain during the intestinal emptying;
  3. excretion of mucus from the anal hole;
  4. strengthening symptoms after meals;

In case of suspected an irritable bowel syndrome, compulsory testimony for additional studies is the presence of the above signs, symptoms indicating some serious diseases. These symptoms include:

  • seal or swelling in the anus or abdomen;
  • unfinished weight loss;
  • anemia.

The following studies are usually carried out:

  • general blood analysis;
  • calais analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • colonoscopy with biopsy;
  • rectorOnoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • ezophagogastroduodenoscopy of the duodenum to exclude celiac.

Features of treatment

In different patients, SPR symptoms are manifested in different ways, some prevail over others. Yes, and the disorder itself proceeds unequal. In this regard, the treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome is carried out on the basis of each specific case. Usually the basis of therapy is a diet, the use of drugs, and psychological and alternative methods of treatment may also be proposed, allowance for the use and folk remedies.

  1. Diet. The change in the usual nutrition is the main and most efficient way to combat this disease. The diet must be selected individually, given the reaction of the body to different products and the presence, of those or other symptoms. A good helper in the preparation of the diet will become a food diary. It records all consumed products and the reaction to them organism. Thus, food contributing to the development or strengthening of symptoms is determined. It is her in the future and will need to be avoided first. Essential and general recommendations. So diet with an irritable intestine syndrome provides consumption of a large amount of fiber, regular frequent meals, consumption of sufficient water volumes, a decrease in the diet of "harmful" products and beverages - fried, oily, alcohol, coffee, soda, etc.
  2. Medical treatment. Drug therapy is selected depending on the presence of certain symptoms. Antispasmodics are used to remove spasms and reduce pain. With the CPC, manifested by constipation, mass-forming laxatives are prescribed, they increase the content of the fluid in the feces, making it softer. If the irritable intestine is accompanied by diarrhea, contradictricated agents are used, which increase the time of promotion on the food gastrointestinal tract, which allows the forging masses to compact. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe antidepressants.
  3. Psychological therapy. All sorts of psychotherapeutic events (spoken therapy, hypnosis, etc.) will help reduce the manifestations of anxiety, which often accompany the SRC, reduce the impact of the subconscious on the occurrence of some symptoms of the disease, get rid of depressive states, etc.
  4. Alternative treatment methods. There are also additional methods of therapy that are used not so often. These include intestinal irrigation, reflexotherapy, acupuncture.

Diet and Features of Patients with PCC

As in the presence of most diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diet with irritable intestinal syndrome is simply necessary. Moreover, it is the main way of treating this pathology. In some cases, to get rid of SRC symptoms, it is enough to change the diet and observe a certain power mode.

First of all, it is worth noting that there is no single diet for people suffering from SRK. Powered by irritated intestines is selected individually, taking into account the prevailing symptoms - diarrhea, constipation, etc.

It is also necessary to take into account that every organism is individual, and therefore responds differently to various products. To track the impact of a particular meal for well-being, experts recommend every person with the CRC to conduct a food diary. It constantly needs to make all the products that the patient consumed during the day, and then note how the body responded to them. Thus, gradually succeeds by the method of exclusion to identify all foods, which the body does not tolerate and responds to a deterioration of well-being.

In addition, there are a number of general nutritional rules for people with irritable bowel disease and a list of products from which it is necessary to refuse, regardless of the prevalence of symptoms.

Food rules:

  1. Try never to skip meals. It should be powered regularly, limited portions per day at least 4 times, and better 6. Eat does not rush and carefully chew in this way;
  2. Do not eat at night, because during the sleep of the peristalistic and the development of enzymes is significantly reduced. Food that fell into the human body shortly before he went to bed, not fully digested and begins to rot, as a result, fermentation processes arise, which further aggravate problems with the intestine;
  3. Make up your diet so that the body gets all the necessary components - fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids, micro and macroelements. In the irritable sink syndrome, food rich in fiber, which improves the processes of digestion is especially useful. Enter such food in the menu it is necessary to gradually so that the body is used to it. If this is not done, the occurrence of adverse reactions - intestinal spasms, meteorism, etc.
  4. Daily drink at least one and a half liters of fluid, better clean water. This rule is relevant absolutely for everyone, even for healthy people.
  5. Prepare dishes in such a way as boiling, baking or steam processing. Fry products are not recommended.
  6. When cooking, try to use the minimum amount of salt.
  7. Limit the number of portions of fruit. They are preferably not more than 3 times a day, one portion should have, for example, about half a grapefruit or apple.

Prohibited products with irritable intestines:

  • Food causing meteorism and fermentation - carbonated drinks, whole milk, sweets, bean, fresh vegetables and fruits in large quantities.
  • Irritating substances are sharp spices, smoked, caffeine, too salted products, alcohol, sharp spices, marinades, sour fruits and vegetables.
  • Food allergens are preservatives, dyes and other chemistry, which is found in many stores.
  • Food, negatively affected by the pancreas and liver - fried dishes, animal fats (including butter), fatty fish, meat, poultry skin.

Features of the diet when diarrhea

The main task in the SRC with diarrhea is to reduce the fermentation and putrefactive processes that occur in the intestine, to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, a diet with irritated intestines, the main symptom of which is diarrhea, eliminates all the foods from the menu capable of provoking rotting and fermentation, enhance the peristaltics and promoting the discharge of the stool. The following products are recommended to limit or exclude:

  • Vegetables and fruits containing a large amount of fiber and sugar. It is also worth abandoning the consumption of peel, cores and bones, such fruits. Products rich in fiber and sugar contribute to the emergence of fermentation processes, increased gas formation and accelerate the advancement of the feces. During exacerbations, it is worth abandoning absolutely from all fruits and vegetables.
  • Products with an elevated content of yeast, stimulating fermentation processes. Such products include snob, black bread.
  • Food rich in potassium, a lot of this substance is contained in dried fruits.
  • Food containing a large number of sharp components and salts. It contributes to the filling of the gastrointestinal tract, as a result of which the diarrhea is enhanced.
  • Milk and fresh fermented dairy products. Such food is seriously digesting, so it is also better to exclude from the menu with an irritated intestine.
  • Sugar and sweets. They enhance fermentation processes, especially if they are consumed in large quantities.

In order to slowly slow down the intestinal peristalsis, it is worth useing dishes that are well absorbed and easily pass the processes of splitting and suction. In addition, it is recommended to enrich the diet of food that contributes to securing the chair. The menu should be made of the following products:

  • dried wheat bread, crackers;
  • cementing berries - blueberries, black currant, cherry;
  • low-fat meat and fish;
  • decoction of oats, soups with oatmeal;
  • rice dishes;
  • porridge, casserole;
  • puree from vegetables, vegetable soups;
  • boiled eggs, but in small quantities;
  • in limited quantities, fermented milk products, which were released more than 2 days before the use - kefir, rubbed cottage cheese, prokobovash;

At the very beginning, the diet is not to abandon fruits and vegetables at all, then as the status improves in the menu you can start incorporated the thermal treatment of gentle vegetables. If the body on such a diet reacts normally, you can gradually increase the amount of these products and add fruit to the diet. In the raw form, such food should begin to use only a few months after the start of the diet.

See also :.

Features of the diet at CRC with constipation

With frequently emerging constipation, first of all, it is worth avoiding food with a fixing action that annoys the digestive tract causing fermentation. In this case, the power in the irritable intestinal syndrome is to exclude such products and introduced into the diet of food, which improves the motor function of the intestine.

For prohibited products belongs:

  • job, baking, pastries;
  • chocolate, cocoa, tea, coffee;
  • kissel;
  • water porridge, especially rice;

With irritable intestine syndrome with meteorism, besides the above food, it is also necessary to avoid the following:

  • solid milk;
  • rye bread;
  • legumes;
  • cabbage, potatoes;
  • watermelons, grapes.
  • bread from Bran, Perlovka, millet, buckwheat - they are good sources of plant fiber;
  • vegetables and fruits, especially useful - pumpkin, carrots, beets, prunes, for a planning effect, such products are better to treat thermally;
  • fresh milk food - they will help settle the intestine with a useful microflora;
  • chicken eggs, meat and fish, low-fat varieties.

To facilitate the passage of food for the gastrointestinal tract and acceleration of the peristaltics, it is necessary to use as much vegetation food as possible. Very useful to consume bran every day, which is like a brush cleans the intestine. In addition, the diet in the irritable intestinal syndrome should be supplemented with a large amount of fluid. The fluid will contribute to the softening of the hose masses and easier to exit.

Folk remedies

Despite the fact that the SRC is not a serious illness and does not lead to any complications, it is necessary to treat it. If this is not done, with the time of the symptoms of the disease, only increases and will cause even more discomfort. In addition to the diet and the use of drugs, it is possible to treat an irritable intestine syndrome by folk remedies. Often, similar therapy in the SRC gives very good results.

First of all, it is worth noting that the treatment of folk remedies will be really effective, it is necessary to combine with a special diet, since it is the main and most effective way to deal with the CRC.

Most drugs are pretty narrow, but at the same time. In such a directional impact, with this disorder, there is no need, because it is most often associated with intestinal innervation violations or its motility. In addition, many medicinal plants have a soothing effect, it is just necessary at the CRC.

Popular treatment of irritable intestines will reduce the intensity of most symptoms of the disease and reduce the frequency of exacerbations. With the help of certain recipes, you can eliminate diarrhea, get rid of constipation and meteorism. However, before using any means, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. This is due to the fact that:

  • first, it is necessary to make sure that the patient is the SRK, and not any other disease, because similar symptoms have many others, and quite serious diseases;
  • secondly, some of the folk remedies are able to aggravate chronic diseases, in no way associated with the intestine.

Folk Recipes with Diarrhea

To eliminate such an unpleasant symptom of irritable bowel syndrome, as diarrhea, you can use the following tools:

  • Tincture of walnuts. Large together with the leather 100 grams of green nuts, place them in a glass container (preferably from dark glass) and pour the glass of vodka, while the liquid must completely cover the fruits. It is necessary to insist the tool within a week. It is accepted at half a teaspoon in a quarter of an hour after eating. This tool is better not to use with strong pain in the stomach.
  • Hawthorn fruit decoction. Fill 10 grams of dry fruits glass boiling water. After that, place the mixture on a small fire and negotiate it for about 10 minutes. Leave the fruits for half an hour broke, then strain. The remedy is recommended to take three times a day with adults 2 spoons of dining rooms, for children in 1, diluting it in equal proportions with water. This decoction is particularly effective in irritable bowel syndrome in children.
  • Infusion of rye superstars. Fill half a cup with a glass of warm boiled water. Leave them for 12 hours, then strain through the sieve (the sediment should remain in the drink). Drink infusion in small doses throughout the day, scolding before use. Take the tool need to improve.

Folk recipes for CRC with constipation

One of the most frequent SRC symptoms are constipation. Treatment by folk remedies of the irritable intestinal syndrome, accompanied by this problem, can be carried out by the following means:

  • Onion juice Small bulbs Wash and squeeze juice out of it. It is best to eat fresh juice, so every time it is desirable to prepare a new portion. It is necessary to take it with a 0.5-1 tablespoon of the dining room three times a day, before eating. It follows this treatment for 3 weeks, then for 3 weeks it is necessary to stop receiving the means. Onion juice is well relaxing the intestine, but it cannot be tagged with nursing mothers and with a strong meteorism.
  • The decoction of the cortex is crazy. Pour the spoon with a table bark with a glass of boiling water, then place it on fire and pursue about a quarter of an hour. Means strain and dig equal to it by volume of boiled water. Take up to eat three times a day. One-time dose 1 teaspoon. This folk remedy for irritated intestines, accompanied by strong pain, is not recommended.
  • Infusion of thorns leaves. In the thermos, pour a spoon with a table of raw materials, then pour a glass of boiling water into it. Give the facility, then take half a glass three times a day for at least a week.

Tools for pain and meteorism

Meteorism and pain may occur, as with a mixed form of the disease, so accompanied by constipation or diarrhea. For the folk treatment of irritable bowel in this case, such recipes can be used:

  • Infusion of mint. Pour the spoon of the dining room with a glass of boiling water and leave minutes for twenty. Infusion strain and drink in small sips three times a day thirty minutes before meals. At times it is necessary to drink 100-150 ml. infusion Such a tool normalizes the chair, relaxes the intestinal walls, soothes the new pain.
  • Broth fruit cherry. This remedy eliminates abdominal pain. Flip the glass of boiling water with a spoonful of dining dry fruits. Then, negotiate the composition on a small fire of about 5 minutes, let him cool down a little and strain, while the fruits can not be crushed, since there are harmful substances inside them. Plate Pete three times a day in 50 ml. After rejoicing.
  • Infusion of carrot seeds. The tool helps with meteorism well. In the evening, pour the tablespoon of seeds into the thermos, then add two glasses of boiling water to them. In the morning, the infusion is strain, drink it in small sips twice a day on a glass.
  • Infusion of dill seeds. Fill 2 teaspoons of raw steel glass boiling water. An hour later, the means strain. Take it half a glass three times a day. Such an infusion prevents the accumulation of gases.

The treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome by folk remedies is recommended periodically, when symptoms appear. It should be borne in mind that the recipes are not universal, one can help, and they do not work on others. Perhaps the patient will have to try even several treatment regimens before he selects what to get to him. If the positive effect of treatment does not succeed, or new symptoms cannot be achieved, it is necessary to re-consult a doctor.

Preparations for conservative treatment

There are various methods of treating SRK. One of the mains is medication therapy. Treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome with medical preparations is necessary to eliminate the main symptoms, the normalization of the chair and, if necessary, psycho-emotional state.

The choice of tactics for the treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome depends on many factors - the leading symptom (constipation, diarrhea, meteorism, pain), its gravity and impact on the quality of life, the mental state of the patient, the nature of the manifestation of the disease, etc.

In some cases, compliance with the special diet and food intake mode can fully restore the intestinal function, as well as eliminate the symptoms of the SRC. If such measures are not enough, simple folk remedies can be used, but the drug therapy is more often appointed.

To date, there is no one effective therapeutic scheme, according to which this syndrome is treated. All appointments are carried out individually, based on the clinical variant of the disease and necessarily only after a complete survey, as well as the exclusion of organic tractures of the gastrointestinal tract.

Medicinal preparations with irritable intestines can be used different. The following funds are prescribed:

  1. Anti-diagracial means - delivered from diarrhea;
  2. Laxatives - help get rid of constipation;
  3. Spasmolitis - eliminate spasms, reduce pain;
  4. Antidepressants are used to treat depresses, also have a sedative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to the above preparations, many specialists for the treatment of SRC are further prescribed probiotics.

Safety spasmolytics

Usually, to eliminate pain syndrome, and with it and the degrees of gas formation, doctors are used when spasmodics. These funds prevent reductions in smooth muscle cells, as a result of which the intestinal wall is spasped. For the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome, the following drugs can be appointed:

  • Duspatalin. It refers to selective calcium channel antagonists. This is a myotropic spasmolitic, selectively affecting the smooth muscles of the intestine. The drug normalizes the motorcycle gastrointestinal tract after a quarter of the hour after reception.
  • Bustle. It has spasmolytic activity, improves the intestinal promotion. Against the background of the reception of this product, such side effects as an increase in blood pressure, accompliament spasm, tachycardia is very weak. Treats the drug to m-cholinolics.

In addition, the traditionally used drugs include but-shap, Papaverin, Galidor.

Preparations for the normalization of the chair

Diarrhea and constipation Some of the main symptoms of the SRC, it is they who most often deliver the greatest discomfort. To combat similar manifestations, antiodeary or laxatives are used, it is possible to appoint enterosorbents.

  • SRK, accompanied by diarrhea. At this state, it is necessary to slow down the advancement of the intestinal feces. The most commonly used drugs with irritated intestines with such a symptom - Loperamide and Imodium. They influence the intestinal peristalsis, increasing the time of promotion on the food gastrointestinal tract. This makes it possible to compact and achieve the required amount of powerful masses, which reduces the number of acts of defecation. In addition, with a frequent liquid chair, enterosorbents (enterosgel) can be assigned. They absorb gases and toxic substances, prevent irritation by the female intestines. If the SRK, except the diarrhea, is also accompanied by meteorism, it is worth using the drug Imodium plus.
  • SRK, accompanied by constipation. Treatment of this type of disease is carried out with disgraceing agents. It is best to use mass-forming laxatives, such as citrolecole, metamocil or fitting. Such drugs increase the mass of the feces and the amount of fluid in it. It makes feces softer and allows him to pass by the intestines freely. When using such means, it is necessary to consume a large amount of fluid, since they are made on the basis of fiber, as well as similar to the consistency of substances that are started to swell when entering the intestines. Also, the treatment of irritated intestines occurring with constipation can be carried out using salt laxatives, for example, magnesia, can be recommended lactulose (dofalak).

Antidepressants at SRK

When patients with SRC have such symptoms as depression or increased anxiety, as a rule, antidepressants are prescribed. Such drugs in the irritable intestine syndrome should be used only under the control of the doctor and always observe the recommended doses and the time of their reception. The following groups are used as a cup:

  • Tricyclic antidepressants (doxypin, imipramine, amitriptyline). They will stop depression, have an analgesic and neuromooling effect, also have an anticholinergic effect, thanks to which the intestinal transit slows down. Imipramine or amitriptyline can be appointed, even if there are no signs of depression, but there is pain in the abdomen and diarrhea.
  • Inhibitors of serotonin reverse seizure (feven, fluoxetine, paroxetine, sertraline). These funds have a smaller number of side effects than the first. In addition to antidepressant effect, they reduce abdominal pain and improve intestinal emptying.

The favorable effect of antidepressants is to reduce the level of anxiety and depression, as well as their ability to reduce the severity of symptoms associated with digestion due to the impact on the ust of the "bowel brain".

Probiotics at SRK

Various intestinal disorders are usually accompanied by an impaired microflora in the intestine. For its normalization it is useful to take probiotics. They are a substance of microbial origin, their composition includes live microorganisms, which relate to a physiologically normal intestinal flora. Finding into the organ such microorganisms create a sour Wednesday, which helps to suppress the growth of rotten and gas-forming flora, and also produce antibacterial substances that bring the development of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. There are the following groups of probiotics:

  1. Multicomponent - bifidumbacterin, enterol, colibacterin, lactobacilli, bakyubyl, baktisporine, sportserine, nutroline.
  2. Polycomplete - Bifilong, Linex, Bosporin, Bifidin, Bifinorm, Yogulukact.
  3. Combined - Bifidumbacterin Forte, Kipacid, Acipol.
  4. Recombined - Subalin.

Probiotics can be produced in the form of food additives or medicines. In the first other than the living microorganisms, other useful substances are also contained - adaptogens, trace elements, vitamins.

Patients with SRC should be known that successful treatment of the disease is possible only with an integrated approach. Treatment of irritable intestines to preparations must be combined with a special diet, power mode. It is desirable to add it to psychotherapy, which will help stabilize the psycho-emotional sphere of the patient, which will reduce too high sensitivity to provoking factors.

Irritable bowel syndrome in children

In principle, the CRC in children cause the same factors as in adults - the nature of nutrition, heredity, motility disorders, special psycho-emotional states, inflammation reactions, violations of the autonomic and central nervous system, causing changes to the motor function of the intestine, etc. Differences in the manifestation of the disease, as well as difficulties in its diagnosis, can be explained by some physiological and anatomical features of the children's body, namely:

  • an incomplete set of digestive enzymes, it is the reason that not any food can digest normally;
  • more than adult mobility of intestinal loops;
  • gradual reproduction in the intestines of microflora than the child becomes older, the closer the composition of his microflora in the intestines to normal;
  • more frequent cases of food allergies;
  • the inability to fully control the muscles of the intestine to the nervous system;
  • increased sensitivity to all sorts of intestinal infections;
  • accelerated feast formation;
  • weaker fixation of the submissible base and the most mucous membrane in the rectum;
  • more frequent fermentation episodes in the intestines and, as a consequence of gases, kids;
  • accelerated differentiation and cell growth in organs;
  • less intensive bile production because of what fats are worse than digested.

As in the case of adults, in children, the treatment of irritable intestinal syndrome is comprehensively.

The basis of therapy is observance of diet and nutritional mode, it can, if necessary, can be supplemented with drug treatment, physiotherapy procedures, phytotherapy, sometimes the use of folk remedies is permissible. In parallel with the main treatment of patients, an increase in physical activity and psychotherapeutic effects are recommended.

Diet with SRK

Power under this disease should be selected individually for each child based on the prevailing symptoms, as well as the characteristics of the body, how it transfers these or other products. However, there are a number of general recommendations:

  • First of all, from the children's diet it is necessary to eliminate carbonated drinks, smoked, marinades, chewing gum, chips, crackers and other snacks, coarse fiber, whole milk.
  • You should reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the menu.
  • With constipation, it is partially replaced with sugar with a sorbitol, xylitol, recommended in porridge or soups to add bran, to give a baby prunes, figs, kuragu, honey.
  • In diarrhea, it is better to eat in a warm form, it is desirable to eat homemade crackers, rice, faint broths, apples. For a period of exacerbation, you need to completely abandon raw fruits and vegetables.
  • With any kind of disease, it is necessary to eat regularly, at the same time, at least 5 times a day at least 5 times a day.

Medical therapy

It is necessary only if the change in the diet, an increase in physical activity, the psychotherapeutic effects did not bring positive results. Treating irritable intestines in children with drugs is carried out depending on the prevailing symptom:

  • In strong pains are prescribed antispasmodics (spasmodomomen, trimeticutin, but-shp).
  • The meteorism uses simethicone, sub-symplex, espeamizan, capable of destroying gas bubbles.
  • CPCs with constipation are treated with osmotic laxatives (lactulose, atlax), prokineetics (cisaprid).
  • In case of disease, accompanied by diarrhea, use antidiare (immodium, loperamid), binders (cherry and blueberry fruits, root of the laptop, oak bark, tannin), adsorbents (smect, activated carbon).
  • When the SRC is combined with depression, increased anxiety the best results are achieved when appointing antidepressants. Therapy is desirable to add psychotherapy sessions. Many pediatricians for the treatment of children prefer to use phytopreparations, such as new passion, perrsen, etc.

Psychological aspect of treatment

In order for the treatment to be effective parents and a sick child, it is necessary to understand the essence of the disease. CRK is not a severe illness, does not cause any serious consequences and complications. But, despite this, it is impossible to cover the eyes to her, because the symptoms of the irritable intestine of the patient can disturb throughout life, then becoming more obvious, then practically disappearing. How long there will be periods of improvement, depends on the child himself, on how it will treat his disease, his lifestyle, thoughts, nutrition.

In many ways, the irritated intestines in children will leak and be treated with parents. Adults are not overlooking the child and treat him as a seriously sick, since a similar approach can lead to "care of the disease" and aggravate its manifestations. The task of parents to behave is optimistic, try to exclude possible psychotrambulating factors from the life of the child, overcurrent and at school.

For children, the forecast for SRK remains always favorable. Complications are almost never found, and the disease gradually passes. A long course of irritable intestinal syndrome in children (for many years or even before adult) is commonly found when trying to cure a disease independently or when a diet and other recommendations are neglecting and other recommendations.


Considering that one of the main reasons, due to which the irritable bowel syndrome is developing, is stress, it is very important to avoid situations capable of bringing it and learn how to quickly get rid of this state. Remove stress helps leisurely walks, swimming, walking. Well soothe relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises or meditation, physical exercises such as Tai Chi or Yoga. Reduction in the life of the amount of stressful situations and the increase in sustainability to it will necessarily help reduce the intensity and frequency of SRC attacks.

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