What drives the godfather. What is needed for baptism? At what age is better to baptize the child

Reservoirs 15.10.2019

The sacrament of baptism symbolizes the adoption of a person in the ranks of the Christian Church. Today we will talk about what you need to hold the crubble rite, about choosing the name of the baby and about his angel-guarder.

Baptism is one of the most important sacraments, in the course of which, through some sacred actions, a person who participates in them is transmitted to the invisible grace of God. As the Orthodox Church teaches, baptism is the spiritual birth of a person, one of the most important events in his life on earth. The Baptism process gives a child an angel-keeper who throughout the human life will guard him from all the troubles and adversity. In front of many parents, some questions are becoming unclear: what needs to be prepared by the children's parents of the child, how exactly is the rite of baptism, what features in the baptism of a girl and a boy? All this needs to be found out to a hike to church. You need to understand perfectly well that baptism is not entertainment that it is very serious. People who participate in this ritual should be with clean, sincere, transparent thoughts.

When is the best baby to baptize?

When to baptize a newborn? It is best to baptize a person in infancy, and the sooner, the better. The church recommends baptize the children or on the eighth day after their birth, as it was on the eighth day a baby Jesus was devoted to his father heavenly, or after forty days from the moment of birth (today basically both kissing children). The young mother after childbirth for forty days is physiologically unclean, so it does not go to the temple, and its presence is necessary to the baby. Forty days from the date of birth over the young mother read a special prayer, after that a woman is endowed with the opportunity to be present in various church sacraments, and it may be present at the baptism of his baby.

But most parents who baptized their children long after forty days, realize the fact that the baby is best to pass the rite of baptism in the newborn period. After all, at this time, the child is the bulk of his time in a dream, so it will not get a very strong stress from the unfamiliar situation, from a large number of people.

Regarding the choice of the day of baptism, you can choose absolutely any day, no restrictions. The choice of the day of baptism depends only on the wishes of you themselves, godparents and the possibilities of a certain temple.

Select name

Before baptism, the child is numbered by the name. If the Orthodox family, the child's name should only be Orthodox. The name of the child is given in honor of this or that saint. The list of names of all Saints (Saints) can be found every year on church calendars. Earlier in Russia there was a custom, give the child the name of that saint, the memory of which falls on the day when the baptism of the child is being held. But this is just a custom, it is not a requirement.

No one will force you to choose one or another name, the Church respects your choice of name, takes into account the wish of relatives about the honor of which saint they would like to call their baby. If the parents are hampered with the choice, then the priest will come to the rescue, he will independently determine for the child of the Heavenly patron. The priest is guided, as a rule, the fame of the saint. He makes it so that in the future the child can easily learn his saint, find it icon. Parents in this case should clarify the priest, in honor of which Sacred Child. The day of the memory of that saint, in honor of which was called with the baptism of the child, will be the day of his angel or the day of the name.


Children's baptism is a big responsibility that lies both on the biological parents of the child, and on those who from baptized on their hands takes the child - the godfather and the godfather. There is a very important condition for the sacrament of baptism that a person consciously believed in God. During the baptism, the baby is still very small and cannot manifest his faith, so instead, the godmothers pronounce the godfather and father. To the selection of perceivers you need to approach very responsibly, since it is in the faith of these people your child will be baptized.

The godparents must necessarily be Orthodox believers who belong to their spiritual life seriously. The godfather should continue to respond to ensuring that the child is sacred, visited regularly the temple, they should also pray for the child to be healthy, happy. If the people you want to choose in the godfather are not familiar with church life, then for them very good training will be familiar with the Holy Scriptures, the study of the main rules of Christian piety. Before the sacrament of the baptism, the godparents must comply with a three-day post, must confess and compete.

The rules of the church say that the child should have a perception of the same sex as he himself, for the boy the perception should be a man, and for a girl - a woman. But usually traditionally choose two godparents - the godfather and father. Cannons do not contradict, as does not contradict, if the child has a perception of another sex, than he himself. The most important thing is that this person really believes, and in the future would fulfill all the obligations to educate his cross (saint) in the Orthodox faith.

God's parents can not be: minors, as they still do not have their own serious spiritual rod; People who lead an immoral lifestyle; People who are going to enter into marriage and spouses; Inovier and Foreign Christians; Absolutely strangers, for example, some granny parents who have asked to chrish the child. The priest in all such cases refuses to commit the baptism rite. Of course, parents can hide this information, but it is not worth doing this.

How many times during your life can a person be a godfather?

Regarding this, the Orthodox Church does not have a clear canonical definition. The most important thing is that a person who agrees to become a perception remembered that he is more responsible that he will be responsible for her before God. A measure of such responsibility can be determined how many times for your life a person can become a godfather. This measure is individual for every person.

Preparation for baptism

What is needed in order to prepare for the baptism of the child? First you need to go to the church in which you plan to paint your child. In the icon shop, you can get answers to all your questions. It is best to prepare questions at home and record them in some notebook so that you can be easier to navigate. The shop worker will provide you with a special brochure, it sets out all the basic information about baptism. Also, the employee will record all the data of the baby and future godparents, which will be necessary when making a guide certificate. You will be invited to voluntarily make a donation to the Church.

It should be aware that baptism will not be conducted without a preliminary conversation of future godparents with a priest who will hold the sacrament of baptism. It will be even better if the parents of the child will come to such a conversation with the godfather. The day in which the conversation will be held, and the time will be prescribed to you in an icon shop, you will also tell you what exactly you need to take with you and how the rite will be held. The date and time of baptism appoints a priest.

On the day of baptism, you need to get to the church about fifteen minutes before the appointed time to navigate in the setting and slowly get ready. If you want a photographer or a video operator to be present on baptism, then you must first ask for a blessing.

  • In the process of holding the sacrament of baptism, the child can be given a pacifier if required.
  • If your relatives, and you are not baptized for some reason, it can be done together with the whole family.
  • If the child is very much crying and shouts in his arms from the godfather, then you can calm the baby. The priest may stop the action for a while so that the child calms down.
  • It is necessary to know that the clothes that the baby is put on the parish to the church should be comfortable for a child, so as not to deliver to him discomfort, and clothing should be comfortable for dressing up.
  • After the child was dying, it should be regularly adjusted. Especially the communion is important in the first three years of the child's life. Children up to seven years are involved without confession, in the older age, the child must be confessed to the child before communion.

Baptist shirt and a native cross

According to tradition, the baptismal shirt is for the baptism of the obligatory purchase of the godfather, and for the godfather - a native cross. The cross can be purchased in the store or in the church. It is necessary to know that the cross, which was purchased in the Icon shop do not need to be consecrated, but the store the cross is subject to compulsory sanctification. For small kids, the silver crupper is best suited. Silver is relatively inexpensive and very useful for the skin. When choosing a cross, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the cross was smooth so that he could not scratch the gentle skin of the child. For some time when the baby is growing, the cross can be replaced.

The cross can be removed from the child only when bathing, the rest of the time he must constantly be on the child. Very often it happens that children lose crossbars. If it still happened, then as soon as possible you need to buy a new cross and wearing it. But before this, the cross should be consecrated.

Many are interested in the question, what is better to buy a cross: on the rope or on a chain?

For small kids, you can buy a "gaitanchik", this is such a special rope for wearing a cross. Such a rope can be bought in any icon shop. She is better for young children, as the chain can rub the neck. You can also purchase a ribbon or laugh in a chain instead of a chain. They should not be too long to not distract the child.

Baptist shirt. In the old days, the godfather Mother itself was to make a baptismal shirt. The baptismal shirt looked like this: it was a simple white dress, having a long sleeve, and a cross was embroidered between the shovels. To date, the baptismal shoes are sold in any children's stores, in the church.

You can also purchase a completely entire baptismal set with a cap or handkerchief (for girls). You can choose an outfit of any color, but still it is better to stop your choice on white, as it is white color that symbolizes the sinlessness of a person and his spiritual purity.

An integral attribute of baptism is the hryonma. It is an openwork diaper, a special fabric, or a towel, in which the baby wocks after bathing. After the christening, the hidge does not need to be washed, it is enough just to dry it. It is kept by parents as a memory of the sacrament of baptism. Kryzhma must be near the man until the end of his life, on the last path she also departs together with the man.


The day of baptism comes. You go to the temple with your child, so that the priest led the sacrament of baptism. What awaits you and baby?

  • At the very beginning of baptism, baptismal vows are pronounced. The priest asks some questions. The godparents must be responsible on behalf of the child (if the child is cross in adulthood, and he can speak, then the answers gives the child himself). The priest conducts anointing a child with special church oil, which is called fir. This is done so that in the future child grew bodily and mentally healthy.
  • Next, the baptism is carried out, the child is immersed in the clics of the baptismal font. If the boy is conceding, then his mother's mother brings him to the font, and if the girl is sacred, then the godfather is hampered. The priest throws the child three times in holy water.
  • While the child is dipping, the second perception is behind the back, holding a towel, and takes the baby after the font from the hands of the priest. Next, the child is put on a baptized shirt and cover the head with a cape or handkerchief (girls).
  • The priest again smears the baby with butter, but now it is a holy world. In a person's life, anointing the holy world happens once.
  • After anointing from the head of the baby, the priest coarses a small part of the hair. In the process of compatibility, prayers are read.

Baptism is finished

After the baptism was held, a record was recorded in the church book that the baptism took place and the priest issues the parents of the baby's baptism. Next celebrate the christening, cover a festive table that marks an important family celebration. There is a long tradition to feed guests a baptismal porridge. Very good if you make this custom. During dinner, everyone presents gifts to a child, wish him good health, happiness and success. Among the guests, the latter should be kum with Kuma - Such is the tradition. This celebration ends.

For all Orthodox people, baptism is a very important event in life, because this is the second birth of a person (spiritual, and the first was physical when the child was born), the cleansing of his soul for further life, some pass in God's kingdom. All previous sins are released in a new-known person. For this reason, the sacrament of baptism is necessary for each person who is looking for the meaning of life and salvation.


Who are the godparents?

Baptism is a very important sacrament. This is the spiritual birth of man and cleansing his soul from all the existing sins. The church recommends baptizing the child on the eighth or on the fortieth day after birth. On the eighth day of his life, Jesus himself was devoted to his father heavenly. On a fortieth day, so precisely for this period the body of a woman after childbirth becomes physiologically clean and it is allowed to go to the temple, because for a small child the presence of mom is needed.

Naturally, children, being at that age, cannot realize the essence of faith, you should not wait for repentance and faith, namely, these two conditions are the main to connect with the Lord God. For this, the child is prescribed the godparents, who are later responsible for the upbringing of their scene (saint) in the Orthodox spirit. It is necessary to choose the godfare parents very responsibly, because these people will be for the baby with the second mother and the second father.

How to choose godparents?

Choosing godfare for your child needs among people close to you or good friends with whom you regularly support relationships. It should be people who you absolutely trust. Church tradition states that if anything happens to the child's biological parents, the godparents take this role on themselves.

The godfather can only be Orthodox believers who can give a report in their faith. For a child, it is usually enough and one godfather, for the girl only the godfather is needed, and for the boy - the godfather dad. But traditionally in Kumany invite both. Great parents can choose two, three, four, seven, as you will be pleased.

Church norms believe that the godparents cannot become:

  • Spouses Lii Bride and Groom, as married relations between people are banned, which are in spiritual relationship.
  • Parents of their baby;
  • Minors, as they do not have a clear rod of faith.
  • Nuns and monks;
  • Unresolved people;
  • Inurnorating people (also unbelievers);
  • People who participate in different cult sects, organizations;
  • Immoral people, as their lifestyle does not deserve to be the godfather.
  • Mad people, as they are not able to vouch for the faith of the baby, and in the future they will not be able to learn it.

What is happening during baptism?

Most often, baptism occurs in the church, although it is permissible to conduct and beyond. Usually the duration of the sacrament lasts from thirty minutes to one hour.

The main members of the sacrament of baptism are a child, godfather parents and a priest. In ancient times, parents could not participate in the sacrament, but in recent years the church began to begin much loyal. And in the sacrament of baptism, the mother is allowed to be present, and the father of the child (after reading a special prayer).

Perceivers Throughout the entire process, be glad with a priest, one of them is the baptist. Before committing a rite, the father bypass the baptismal in white clothes and read prayers three times. Next, he appeals to the godfather and the godfather with a request to turn the face to the West, it symbolizes the abode of Satan. Some questions are given to the bafesem. But since he is still very small and can not talk, IO is responsible for him (if the child is adult and can speak, then responds independently). Questions and answers to them repeat three times. Then the godfather needs to read the faith symbol. The Faith symbol briefly present the foundations of the Christian faith.

The priest sanctifies oil (fir) and water and child for a sign that he has become a full-fledged member of the Christian Church, and enjoy the bare. The bafesemium gives the name and plunge into the sacred water three times. From the font of the baby in a baptismal diaper (hidge), godpieces are taken. If the baby is cross in the cold season and for some reason it is impossible to completely distribute it (for example, a very cold air temperature in a baptismal), then you should prepare the pen and the legs of the child in advance, they should be naked. If the room is warm, then the child is dipping naked. After immersing in the water, the priest conducts a world-making. He dips a brush in a sidier with Mirra, the child is acknowledged, forehead, ears, nostrils, chest, legs and pens. With each anointing, these words are pronounced: "Print the gift of the Holy Spirit. Amen". Together with the father, the godparents repeat the "Amen".

When the process of milk-magazine ends, the gospel and the apostle read and, together with these prayers, the child has a small bunch of hairpins. As a sign that the baby became a Christian, a cross dress on her neck. Sliced \u200b\u200bhair remains in the church as a sign of dedication, and symbolizes the sacrifice of God. When the baptism rite ends, the godfather parents take the kid from the hands of the priest. For this reason, the godparents are called frequenters often. After they take the child to the hands after the completion of the rite, they undertake all the future life to raise the baby in the Orthodox spirit. Also, the godparents hold the answer for the spiritual education of their godfather on a terrible court. If there is no possibility to see with your godfather every day, then you should mention them in your prayers.

Responsibilities of godparents

Alas, but not all godparents understand the full meaning of their new "post." Very good, of course, to divert your kid and give him birthday gifts, angel day and other holidays. But this is not the main responsibility of godparents. They should take care of their kidnik very much, and this concern includes a lot.

You need to pray every day about the kid. You need to teach yourself to contact God once a day, but before bedtime. It is absolutely not difficult. You can ask God to help in the upbringing of your children, salvation, toast, well-being of relatives, gods. It is very important that the child at least from time to time visited the Temple with the godfather, they must be reduced to the church holiday to the communion. All godfall give children gifts, but it will be better if they have Christian meaning. An excellent gift will be a children's Bible, all major sacred history events are described in it.

Also, the godfall can help young milfs who do not always find time to work out with the child.

What kind of godded parents should be an appearance

At the rite of baptism, perceivers should have consecrated native crosses. Traditionally, in the church, a woman should have a handkerchief or a golk covered head, and the skirt or dress should be lower than the knee and closed shoulders. The exception is only small girls.

Since baptism lasts for a long time, it is not recommended to wear high-heeled shoes, because the bulk of the time you will need to stand with the baby on your hands. The godmother should not be on lip lipstick lips. Regarding men, there are no specific requirements for their appearance (it is natural that Maets and shorts are better to refrain, because in the temple such clothes will not look appropriate). To the church you need to dress modestly, so as not to attract attention to yourself, it is necessary to focus on the ceremony itself.

Preparation for rite

Today, almost all kids in the temples. Naturally, there are exceptions, let's say if the baby is very sick, then in this case, the sacrament can be carried out in the hospital or at home. Then you need to provide a separate clean room for making a rite.

For the baptism of the child, the first thing to do is choose the temple. Pate in different churches, ask what the features of the rite in each of them are. It is also worth considering that baptism is not always carried out directly in the temple. Many temples have a baptistery (baptism). The baptismal is a separate room, which is located on the territory of the temple, adapted specifically for the baptism rite. If the temple is large, then in it the ceremony is usually solemn and lush. And someone may like a calm secluded setting of a small church. Talk to obedients or with a father, they will be able to tell you about all the details of the ceremony of baptism.

How to choose the day of baptism?

There is no establishment of the Church of Baptism on a fortieth day after the birth of a child. This is due to the fact that until the fortieth day, a woman who gave birth to a child cannot enter the temple, since it has postpartum expirations and weakness at this time. Before entering the temple, special prayers read over a woman. But if you want to baptize the child before forty days or later, then no one can ban it. Children, at the request of parents, often congestion and until the fortieth day, especially if the child is threatened with the child. In this case, baptism is carried out as a protective rite against any of the unclean.

In ancient times, the feast of baptism in their significance was equated to the greatest holidays of Christians, for example, to Easter. But today the baptism is a family holiday. And now the rite is allowed to spend almost any day, except for such great church holidays as Trinity, Christmas, Easter. Often, on such days, temples are crowded, so it is recommended to transfer the day of baptism to another date. You can come to most churches without an appointment. The sacrament of baptism is usually started to spend from 10 am, since the service ends at this time. But in this case, there is a big chance that your child will be baptized with someone else or you will have to wait a bit. Much more convenient, it is still preliminary agreement with the priest who will hold a rite for a particular day and time. In this case, your baby will be baptized in proud loneliness and first. It is very important that the day of baptism did not coincide with the critical day of the godfather, since in the opposite case it will not be able to attend the temple.

Preparation of godparents to the sacrament

In order for all the rules to be respected, it is preparing for the rite necessary in advance. The godparents should taste the temple on the eve of the Baptism, confess, repent in all sins, coming up. Very good, if the godparents will host before the day, but this is not a mandatory requirement. On the day of the rite, the godfather parents are forbidden to have sex and eat. At least one of the godfather should know by heart the "Symbol of Faith." For the rules, the godfather reads the "symbol of faith" with the baptism of the girl, and the godfather - with the baptism of the boy.

There is such a chemless rule - all the costs associated with baptism are taken by the godparents. Some temples have no specific rates, in this case, upon completion of the baptism, invited and godpass contribute voluntary donations. The size of these costs is not negotiated and they are not mandatory. But, as a rule, the custom is observed.

According to church traditions, the godfather of the child buys on the baptism of "solemn" or a kryph. It can be a conventional towel or a special fabric, in which the baby wrap up when they take from the car. Also, the godfather gives the baby a baptismal shirt and caps with ribbons and laces, for girls - with pink, and for the boy - with blue. The baptismal shirt is preserved throughout the human life. After the baptism of the baby, the hryon is not erased, as the oil droplets may remain on it. In the process of the sacrament, the kryzhma gives some miraculous abilities. In the event that the child is punished, it is covered with a hound or use it, like a pillowcase on the cushion for the baby.

The godfather gives the child a baptismal cross and chain. Many believe that the cross is best to choose silver, some believe that the golden cross is best suited, and someone has the opinion that it is best for little babies to buy a cross on a rope or on a ribbon, and not on a chain. It is individually.

What needs prayers need to know?

Every conscious Christian should know the main prayers: "Symbol of Faith", "Our Father", "Virgin Delo". In the process of baptism, the godparents are pronounced the prayer of the "Symbol of Faith". Each of these prayers is in a brief prayer, it can, if desired, purchased in the church shop.

What should you take with you to the church for baptism baby?

Baptism symbolizes the birth of a person in a geldly new life. The godparents, taking a child from the holy font, take a completely pure creature that has no sin. This cleanliness symbolizes the clothes - the hryonma, it together with the crossed is an integral attribute. The kryphus usually buys the child's mother's mother, and the cross is the godfather.

For a small child, a hodge can serve as a white openwork diaper, a baptismal shirt or a new towel that was not still in washing.

And so, article:

According to the rules of the kid, you need to baptize on the fortieth day after birth. But in extraordinary circumstances, this can be done before. And in this case, any baptized person can speak as a priest.

The optimal age when the kid is able to move the rite without whims, - 3-6 months. A month later, a child who is already beginning to distinguish between "his" and "strangers," can be afraid of an unfamiliar situation and cry, which will complicate the process of baptism and himself, and parents, and the priest.

Where to baptize?

The parents of the child choose the Orthodox Church, based on their own preferences. Baptism can be performed almost any day after the morning prayer without approval. Cross and in the post, and on holidays. However, if you have planned a certain time and day to make a ritual and day, it is better to communicate with the father in advance. Also primitives the possibility (or inability) to photograph the sacrament. Now it is permitted in many temples, but most often for a certain fee. Those who are shy to personally negotiate with the priest may ask for the help of obedients - women who work in the temple or traded in the church shop. Choosing a central temple for baptism, keep in mind that the date of the rite will be appointed regardless of your plans and in the temple at this point may be crowded. Of these considerations, it makes sense to baptize the child in a small church near the house.

How to choose godfall parents?

To approach the choice of godfather - perceivers - it is necessary with particularly liability according to church canons, the godfather - the spiritual educators of the child and the guarantors for him before God. Therefore, this question should not be solved for considerations of kinship, benefits or "to not offend." Rules for the choice of godparents:

* The godfall must be eradicated in Orthodoxy;
* It is desirable that the godpa is two - a man (over 15 years old) and a woman (over 13 years old); If the procession is one, he must be the same sex as a child;
* Perceivers should not be married to each other or get married;
* In the role of the godfather, relatives of the child (grandparents, aunt or uncle, or other family members) can be
* A pregnant woman can become a godfather, but since the girl will have to keep in his hands to her, your chief needs to be calculated;
* The godmother cannot become a woman who gave birth to less than 40 days ago.

What are the responsibilities of the godfather?

The people chosen by you in susceptibles should prepare for the rite as seriously as you are, if not more serious. For this they need:

* Visit the Church to confess (repent of their sins) and compete;
* Learn the prayer "Symbol of Faith";
* 3-4 days before the rite to fast;
* On the day of baptism, as well as in front of communion, the godpants can not be eaten and having sex;
* In susceptors during the rite there must be a native cross;
* According to custom, it is the godfare that the baptism of the baby;
* Also, according to the Orthodox tradition, the godfather gives the child an outfit for the ceremony, and the godfather is a cross.

Prayer Symbol of Faith

I believe in the One God's Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the Sky and the Earth, visible to all and invisible. And in the one-piece of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only beefish, and from the Father Born himself before all century; Lights from the light, God is true of God is true, born, unructable, one of the father, right away. We are for the sake of a person and our sake of salvation of Szedshago from heaven and embodied from the Spirit of Holy and Mary of the Virgin, and in the smallest. Consistent with the Pilate Pilate, and suffering, and buried. And risen on the third day by Scripture. And it is worthwhile to heaven, and the stern father's father. And Paki Supilo with Glevai Sudiuti Alive and Dead, the Eagle Centers will not end. And in the Spirit of the Saints, the Lord, the life-gate, and from the father outgoing, and the Father and the Son of Spoklans and Svalivim, Glagolavsha, the prophets. In one, the Holy, Cathedral and Apostolic Church. Confessing a single baptism in leaving sins. The resurrection of the dead, and the life of the future century. Amen.

Rules of behavior in the church.

* Dressed in church should be modestly and decent. Calm, dark tones are preferable, screaming are unacceptable.
* Dress or skirt in women should be long enough - to the knees and even lower. Men entering the church, expose their heads. Women, on the contrary, cover it with a handkerchief or other headdress. Decoration on this day is better to leave at home.
* You can put a candle with any hand.
* You need to be baptized only with your right hand.
* Men stand on the right half of the church, and women are on the left.
* Mother cannot enter the temple if it continues allocations.

What will required for the rite?

* Native cross (on a ribbon), which can be purchased in church shop or directly in the church. If the cross is bought in the store, then it needs to be consecrated in advance. Note that some crosses with the image of a crucifixion on a Catholic pattern cannot be consecrated. Catholic cross is easy to find out for the fact that on it the legs of the Savior are nailed to the cross not two nails, but one.
* Icon of the Orthodox Saint, whose name will receive a kid.
* Baptist shirt. In principle, in this capacity, any new white clothing can perform, but it is better to purchase a special shirt in the church (and a cape also for the girl).
* Clean towel or diaper, to wipe the child after the font (this item is not needed).

How is the baptism?

Many parents are worried about the church rules, they are not allowed to be present in the church during the rite. However, now far from all priests strictly adhere to this ban. Therefore, dads with moms, and the godfather is better to know the order of baptism's rite.

Parents with baby, godfather and guests drive up to the church a little in advance so as not to start the rite of intent and the more not to make the priest wait. After being filed to the beginning, the perceivers make a child in the temple (the girl holds the godfather, and the boy is a godmother). At the same time, the kid should be without clothes, but wrapped in a white diaper.
The first priesthood is the laying down of the priest's hand to the baby, symbolizing the patronage, which the Lord has a baby.

When making the sacrament of godfather parents with a baby in their hands and with candles become in the font. They loudly read the "Symbol of Faith", rebound from the devil and promise to perform the commandments of God. The priest then sanctifies the water, takes the baby from the godfather and immerses him three times in the fonts with the words: "Slave of God (name) is baptized in the name of the Father, Amen, and Son, Amen, and the Holy Spirit, Amen." (Worry about the fact that the child is catching up, it is not necessary, since in the temple, as a rule, heat, and the water temperature in the font + 36-37 degrees).

Together with the baptism, the sacrament of the world conjunction is committed. The priest is crushed by the crucial infant with the saint world of his forehead, eyes, ears, mouth, nostrils, chest, hands and legs, every time saying: "Print the Spillage of Svyataro, Amen." Next, the baby is given to the hands of the perception of the same sex, which should wipe the crumb and put the cross and a baptismal shirt prepared in advance. White clothes worn on baptized, meaning the cleansing from sins across the holy sacrament.

The priest crucifably twigs the toddler's hairpieces (divided by a tiny strand on each side of the head), which symbolizes the humility to God and at the same time marks the small sacrifice that the baptine brings the Lord to thanks to the beginning of a new, spiritual life. At the same time, the priest says: "The slave of God (or the servant of God) (name) in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen will be tagge.

After baptism and the minor formation of the baby is divided 3 times around the car. This means that the new member of the Church forever connected with it.

And finally, if a boy was baptized, the father brings him to the altar if the girl helps her to make the icon of the Mother of God. The coercury symbolizes the dedication of the baby to God on the Old Testament image.
Be prepared for the fact that the baptism rite will take from 30 minutes to 2 hours (the rite time depends on the father).

How to celebrate baptism?

After the christening, the family and invitees go to the house where the child lives to celebrate the christening with a traditional abundant feast. In addition to other posts, guests are served hot drink (PUNSH, Mulled wine or heated wine) and special festive treats. This is usually a sweet pie, decorated with the initials of the child and the date of Crespin.

And do not forget to drive a baby to the communion after the baptism of led (be it a baby or a little older)

Baptism is one of the most important sacraments in a person's life. Sometimes a person comes to him already in adulthood, but much more often the decision to make the rite is taken by parents of the newborn, turning to the temple almost immediately after its appearance. In this case, the whole responsibility for preparing for the celebration and the choice of shafts to go to their shoulders, and then will not prevent the rules and signs associated with this special day. And it is worth considering that for a boy and girls there are their differences.

Rules for christening boy

  • The most important task when baptism becomes the choice of shaft parents. After all, these people should become for the kid with spiritual mentors, and in the event of the death of real parents, to fully replace them. Therefore, only adults and believers, baptists in the Orthodox tradition and not married among themselves are selected for this role. And it is believed that the boy is especially important for the presence of a shaft father, and it is not necessary to have a whirlpool.
  • The place for baptism of the child does not matter. Parents depending on their own preferences can choose the Orthodox Church for the rite both on the next street and in the other hemisphere. In addition, in case of fear of the life of the child, the priest may well hold a rite of home or in the hospital.
  • Future shaft parents must certainly be interviewing in the temple. During this meeting, Kum and Kuma not only stipulate all organizational moments, but also receive additional information about the sacrament from the priest, as well as instructions on the importance of their role. In addition, it is useful to pass the ceremony of purification and confession.
  • The baptism of the boy's baptism consists of mandatory anointing with a bare and diving in the font. It ends with the use of the altar in the baptismal set and visiting the altar.
  • Usually the presence of the mother in the church during the baptism of the Son is not allowed. However, if the desire is very strong, it is quite possible under certain conditions: reading a special prayer before and after the rite, mandatory confession of the mother and several days of the post preceding the date of baptism.
  • The required attribute for baptism except for a native cross is a baptizing set. The most important subject in it is the hryonma - a special elegant pellery with the image of the Orthodox Cross and the initials of the baby. In addition, it should have a baptismal shirt, cap and a blanket.
  • All items of the baptistic set should be maintained in the family as a relic and re-used only when the next child is baptized. It is believed that it makes the connection between brothers and sisters stronger.
  • In addition to the spiritual duties on the instructions of the godfather, the shaft parents must adopt part of the expenses related to baptism. So the duties of an embarrassing father include the purchase of a native cross and pay for the rite. An embers Mom acquires or manufactures with his own hands a baptizing set.

Signs for baptism rite

With the sacrament of baptism, a lot of diverse believes is connected. Therefore, many parents who wish their offspring of all goods seek to keep abroad during the rite not only church customs, but also folk traditions accumulated over long century.

  • Almost all native believe that before the baptism of the child is absolutely defenseless in front of any dark forces and unkind people. That is why until the date of the sacrament of the kid does not show anyone other than the closest people who are guaranteed to all their hearts wish him only the happiest fate.
  • Inevitably, when traveling to the Temple, the baby appears before a large number of other people's eyes. To no one from among the idle zooak, no one can accidentally cause the baby evil, use "garlic" protection. To do this, the mother must have a clove of garlic in front of the house and immediately after that he can be poured into the baby. It is believed that the bright aroma of the vegetable will serve as a faithful guard from the evil eye.
  • Collecting the child to church, Mom must take care of new clothes for him. It is believed that if he appears in front of the Lord in new clothes, then the life of the boy will certainly be safely. And how can not be elegant in such a special day of life!
  • Knowing parents never erase the baptismal set after the rite. He is stored in the house not only as a family relic. It is resorted to his help in case of any ailment of the child, wrapping the baby in the hryon. Many believe that this ritual facilitates the suffering of a dyatyat and contributes to recovery.
  • Traditionally, after church sacrament in the boy's house, a festive table is covered. It is not customary to do too rich, but the menu should necessarily have products from dough, cereal, fruits, vegetables and greens, light alcohol. In addition, shaft parents must certainly have to try each dish so that the skeleton never knew needs.
  • For the shaft, first participating in the baptism rite there is another sign. It is believed that the first gloomy woman should have a boy, and a man is a girl. Otherwise, their personal life will be unhappy.
  • Signs are categorically forbidden to take into a shaft pregnant woman. Our ancestors believed that her participation in the rite could harm not only the future kid, but also her own, who had not yet born her diet. After all, the thoughts of the shaft mother during the sacrament must be fully focused on only one child - her kid, and in the case of a woman in an interesting position it is impossible by definition.

Traditional baptism gifts

Such an important event in a person's life as baptism must certainly be accompanied by gifts from all invited. However, it is worth considering that there are certain rules and traditions regarding the choice of presents.

  • For an embarrassing father, in addition to the cross, a silver spoon is considered to be an obligatory offer or another gift from this precious metal. An excellent choice will be the Personal Bible in the gift execution.
  • For ancient mother, in addition to the baptized set, the traditional gift is considered to be icon with the image of the saint patron of the infant. Most often it is purchased ready for it, but it is quite possible to hand over the product performed, for example, the embroidery of beads.
  • In addition to mandatory presents, guests can choose from a wide range of religious and thematic fiction. For families with a small sufficient, a good help will be children's clothing, cosmetics and toys. A good memorable surprise will be a video or photography of baptism rite, an exclusive photo album for the first kid images.

Baptism is one of the most important events in the spiritual life of the child: from now on and for the whole life, the baby will be under the reliable protection of his angel - the keeper. That is why the baptism needs to be approached very seriously and responsibly, remembering that it is not a "simple formality" or tribute to fashion, but a great sacrament, during which God's grace is descended to the baby.

When to baptize a child?

According to tradition, babies are sacred most often on a fortieth day: it was at that age at the time of the Old Testament, the children were brought to the temple for the first time. In addition, it is after the expiration of forty days after childbirth (due to physiological moments), the mother has the right to take part in the sacrament after reading the priest's special prayer over it.

Nevertheless, if Kroch was born very weak or there is a threat to his life, it is possible to paint it before, inviting the priest to a medical institution (in such situations, the medical staff, as a rule, is towards parents).

In general, it is believed that the children under time the sacraments under time: they are not afraid of unfamiliar people who take them on their hands yet, it is easier to carry watering with water and even full perch.

The older the child is, the more he is subject to the influence of surrounding events, people, sounds, and can react to them with anxiety, whims, crying. Yes, and the godpants are much harder to keep on the hands of a three-year karapus than a newborn crumb.

Often, parents are afraid to baptize the baby in the cold season, transferring this event for a period of warm weather. It must be said that this is not entirely justified: even in winter in the room where the sacrament is very warm, and the water for the fonts is also heated.


The main task in preparing for the baptism of the child is the choice of godpieces. There may be two of them, but it is optional. The main thing is that the girl was a godfather's mother, and the boy is a godfather.

Today, most often the godparents take close friends, which, sometimes, are far enough from the church. This is not entirely correct, because it is the godfare parents that are responsible for the spiritual education of the baby, they will pray for him, even if (and this happens often) between them and the parents of the child there was a disorder.

According to the general rules, the godfathers may not be people who:

  1. are unbelievers, another faith or atheists;
  2. monks;
  3. suffer from mental illness;
  4. sick drug addiction and alcoholism;
  5. lead a savrabian sex life;
  6. are juvenile (boys - up to fifteen years old, girls - up to thirteen);
  7. are parents of a child;
  8. are a married couple;
  9. there is a child who is conceding, native brother or sister.

Baptismal supplies

Preparation for the baptism of the child also includes the preparation of the necessary baptizing accessories:

  • Cross

It is better if it is made of silver or ordinary metal, with rounded edges and almost flat, so that the crumble is not covered. Instead of a chain, it is better to choose a short-lived soft rope. After making the sacrament, the baby must wear a cross, without removing.

Many parents are afraid if the neck of the crumbs is not transferred, whether he will not swallow it, will not lose. As one priest said: "No one child brought harm to one child." It is only necessary to watch the rope to be closer and could not get confused, and the nodules on it - durable, so as not to be unleashed.

  • Kryzhma

The white diaper on which the baby initials can be embroidered, the Orthodox Cross, and on the edges - openwork patterns. In the hryonma, the godfall holds the baby during baptism and take into it from the font, after which it is stored at home next to the baby's cot. It is believed that if the crumb is worried, he sleeps poorly or capricious, it is necessary to wrap it in the hryon or to hide it - and it will become much calmer;

  • Baptist Shirtacha

It can be both the usual cotton sprinkle of white color and made to order a silk shirt with a gold embroidery. The only requirement - it should be new. In such clothes, the baby is in the temple during the sacrament, after which it is stored in the family as a relic.

Already before the baptism itself in the temple, it will be necessary to purchase candles (quantities will indicate a priest).

Sacrament Baptism: Important moments

Before becoming godded parents, people who commit such a responsible mission should come to a conversation to the priest. Some imagine a similar meeting in the form of the exam, although it is far from this: the father will tell about the basics of Orthodoxy, about Christ and the Gospel. It will indicate which prayers must be read, will explain the responsibilities of the godparents.

It is important to remember that the christening of the child suggest some rules.

Rules for the godmother:

  • handkerchiefs or slaves on the head;
  • skirt or dress below the knees (in no way trousers);
  • blouse or upper dresses - with closed shoulders and elbows.

According to the unlawful rule, the godfather buys the hryon and a native cross if the girl is conceding.

Rules for the Cross Pope:

  • the presence of a nasty cross on the neck;
  • the absence of any headdress;
  • needlish clothing (categorically impossible - shorts and shirts).

On the cheating, again, the rule, the godfather pays the baptism and acquires the cross for the godman - the boy.

By choosing the temple, you should agree on the bottom of the sacrament and clarify that it is necessary to bring with you. In the presidential day, parents with baby, godparents and relatives must arrive a little pre-agreed time to avoid a possible fuss. Breast kid is preferably feeding him to lie calmly.

If you wish to shoot the sacrament on the video or take a photo, you need to ask the permission from the father in advance.

The sacrament itself in different temples lasts from thirty minutes to an hour.

During this time, the baptism rite passes several stages:

  • reading a priest of certain prayers;
  • perch in the font (or just a sprinkling of a water);
  • putting a cross;
  • anointing kid by the world;
  • walking around the font;
  • hair coercion.

The final stage of the girl's baptism is applying it to the icon of God's Mother of God, and the boy is introducing it to the altar.

After the completion of the sacrament, a certificate of baptism is issued, which indicates the date, data on the godfather and priest who committed the sacrament. Batyushka explains to parents when the child must be brought to the temple on the communion.

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