What denotes to see a loved one in a dream. What to expect and what to prepare if a loved one dreams? Dreams with a favorite flower

Reservoirs 28.06.2020

By the dream of Miller, kissing in the dream of his beloved person in the dark - to condemnations and overcomes in your environment; With light - to a decent development of events. Sleep, in which the bride dreams that her beloved marries another - to unfortunate jealousy. An indifference of a loved one in a dream says that in reality you will decide, choose a marital or an independent life. If in a dream your husband or wife love you - this is to a cloudless family life and good children.

Change your beloved in a dream - it means you will deceive it. His betray is to abuse your trust. If a favorite person gives you his photo in a dream - this suggests that you are for him only an instrument to achieve his goals; If gives dear gifts - it's a good and rich husband. Walking with a loved one by a beautiful well-kept park - to a pleasant pastime and successful marriage.

Dining in a dream with a loved one - to a quarrel or parting, but the feeling of pleasure from lunch is to cloudless relationships. Farewell to your loved one - to his indifference. Lack of sorrow with you, with numerous fans.

What dreams of a loved one - in eastern dreams

To see in a dream of a loved one with fire or flame in his hands - to a strong passion that he is experiencing to you.

What dreams of a loved one - by the dream of Freud

According to Freud, a loved one is dreaming as a symbol of harmonious sex life. If in a dream, the beloved is danger - it means that you are tormented by fear to part with him.

What is the dream of a favorite - according to modern dream book

Sleep, in which you are in a wedding dress next to your beloved - to unpleasant change, disappointment, quarrel. A hand outstretched in his dream is a good sign, she testifies to his sincerity and support that he will have it, no matter what happens.

What dreams of a loved one dreams

Kissing with your beloved - to separation, sadness or betrayal. Sexy scenes with him in a dream foreshadowed scandals, swimming in the sea - unpleasant changes or treason. The walk along the roof of the thrill is not at all romantic adventures in reality, but, on the contrary, his lies.

What dreams of a loved one - in female dream book

Quarrel with your beloved in a dream or even fight - to a good relationship with him. Unlike Javi, to sleep the expression "beats, which means, loves" is absolutely true. Such a dream means that his soul will try to you, despite all the obstacles. Get from your beloved warm thing - to warm and sincere relationships. If you see your beloved with fire - it means you are the subject of his passion.

What dreams of a loved one - in the French dream book

Wedding ring, presented by a loved one in a dream, foreshadow or quarrel. Offers hands and hearts that you will be done in a dream, you will never get.

What dreams of a loved one - according to Slavic Dream

According to Slavic dreams, see a loved one in a dream - to the emergency meeting; Love someone to deception, sadness. To see a lover or mistress - to a shame.

What dreams favorite - by classic dreamy

If in a dream, the beloved, dressed in black clothes, looks at you with reproach - it means that you will have a cooling of relationships.

If in a dream you dance with your beloved - it means that the success of men will be waiting for you. If your favorite dances with another woman - it means that in reality to get the desired you need to show exposure and tactful behavior.

If a young girl sees his beloved old man in a dream, it means that she can lose it. To accompany your loved one in a dream to war - it means to know about his negative qualities. The dream is that your favorite died, foreshadows fast failures.

If in a dream you see your beloved gambler - it means that he will give you a reason to domestic in his honest intentions towards you.

Interpretation, what dreams your favorite girl can be completely different. So, sleep can only be a reflection of events that happened in reality, to be a projection of experienced. In this case, it will not be proper, and it should not be taken into account.

On the other hand, a seen plot can and foreshadow the future sleeping, warn about possible errors or hazards, give prompts about possible outcomes. Such a dream should be remembered in detail and with the help of dreams to choose an accurate prediction.

From the correctness of the choice of interpretation, a lot can depend - both the life mood, and the fate of relationships with their half, and much more. Drawing images can tell you about your future.

See it

If a man appeared in a dream his favorite, then, most likely, he is experiencing a surge of emotions. A seen plot will not bring clarity about the development of relations in the future. However, the sonnet of the Katuta believes that if sympathetaga was hardened in a dream, then the guy does not avoid additional expenses. Young specials foreshadows romantic experiences, and a kiss with her is an unexpected, but a very pleasant surprise.

Dream interpretation of the wanderers spreads, what dreams of the guy his beloved girl is. So, according to the interpreter, now it's time to start implementing my projects, as luck will be accompanied in any beginnings. But the modern dream book insists that caution should be taken in affairs. A young man can mislead and deceive.

Any circumstances in which the heart lady appears, the sleeping should be "trying to try". So, if she had fun and looked at five with a plus, then, most likely you will come to everyday life to have fun. If your beloved looked out of the hands, I was bad, it was slightly, then, according to the obviousness, you need to actually listen to your well-being. Serious health problems are possible.

Drawing a date in a dream should be interpreted as an option for the development of relations in the future. So what can you with a beloved girl? According to Miller's prediction, if the upcoming meeting causes you an alarm, it means that soon your love dust will slightly fade. If you dreamed of a walk in the park with, then ahead of you awaits long and happy relationships.

A collaborative trip to the party is also interpreted as a favorable sign. Wailed to watch, how is your and having fun? What can it dream? To the fact that together you will carry your bright feeling after year.

But what dreams of how something put on your meeting? The dream book believes that the likelihood of an increasing act on your part in reality will lead to unpleasant consequences.


To the question, what dreams, as you achieve, with your girlfriend, there is a response from the French dream book. He believes that this plot is a promise of well-being and mutual understanding in reality. In addition, according to the interpreter, if the bride in the vision is a miracle, as good, then it's time to deliver it a lot of positive emotions in reality with unexpected gifts. Your choices will definitely appreciate the generosity.

If the beloved in a dream is not a bearer of beauty, then, most likely, in the near future you will be in trouble, getting faithful friends. On the other hand, see your favorite in a dream, it means to be invited in reality in a good society, to be able to become rich and successful. Summing up, the answer to the question, what dreams of making an offer to your girlfriend is the beginning of a white strip.

Delicate touch

Began to kiss in a dream your favorite? In reality, you will all be perfectly, complete mutual understanding and loyalty to each other. Kissing it in the light of the day, it means to be an exemplary husband and ideal in all respects of the worker.

If, in a dream, there was a frank kiss in front of the crowd, then you should be careful in life. Most likely, you are surrounded by gossip and inconsideration. Try not to give the local mushrooms for dirty gossip, otherwise there is a possibility that you will part with your beloved.

Sleep is not just a harbinger of the coming. This is the experience of the past day released on the will of thoughts and feelings. Dream - the result of the subconscious released to freedom. And here women get very interesting here, what does this subconscious mind say to his pictures drawn on the canvas of dreams? For example, the question arises: what does your favorite man dream?

Snowstation - the result of the minor subconscious

If he (the only and unique) calls you by name, then his thoughts are completely devoted to you, and his warm feelings of sincere - nothing threatens to shake them in the near future.

  • If a young man is confessed in a dream of a dream, it makes sense to take a step towards "to give acceleration" so that this recognition is embodied in the real one. There are cases when without an additional pulse, men are not solved to open their feelings.
  • Sex with a loved one in a dream says that relationship between you will be strong and long, if you do not spoil them yourself. Presents from a man donated on the other side of Javi, must be manifested in real life.
  • If the dreams runs away from his boyfriend, apparently you break through any heavy thoughts and anxiety for your relationship. Some doubts make you away from your loved one. What exactly it is difficult to say. In such a situation, it may be worth making a break, take a time-out in a relationship to give yourself time to finally decide for yourself, to go with this person in life further or not.

The photo sent from his beloved person talks about full indifference to you on his side.

What dreams love (video)

See a meeting with a loved one

For the girl Randevo with his beloved, as the dreams says, does not carry anything except frustration. The guy, most likely, cooled to you. But for people more age, on the contrary - to see such a dream means that the perspective appears on the horizon to strengthen the relationship currently available. Women promises such a dream also well-being, as a result of success in affairs. A man a date with a long-labeled lady in a dream says that this meeting will be in reality. A date with the former, with whom you once broke up, is interpreted as regretful of the consumption, and that it would be nice everything back.

For the girl Randevo with his beloved, as the dream book says, nothing but disorders

If a former young man is asking for forgiveness, you can say with confidence that in reality he regrets the very breaking of relationships. In general, the picture is identified as:

  • dreams with a loved man in the lead role, usually do not carry anything critically bad, but also do not promise magic change in the near future;
  • in the overwhelming majority of the dreams of this category - the vision of one or another side of your relationship;
  • the truthfulness of these dreams can only check you - try, such a situation should take a chance.

What dreams a favorite man with whom they broke up

The main interpretation is regretting parting. As a result, the desire to return the past.

For what? The image of the former beloved, with whom it was once so good, pops up in the subconscious in women with enviable constancy. It is normal, because everything is good, kind, positive at the level of the chord of the human brain is postponed forever. And, periodically pops up in memory.

I want to see a loved one in a dream: what to do for this?

There will be no news that many female species often wants to see a beloved precious "knight on a white horse" in his dreams. And they are waiting for this every time, go to bed. And wake up in tears due to the fact that the good well done did not dreamed. Is it possible to do something in this situation, is there a way to help such a "grief". There is nothing impossible for humanity.

Will not be news that many female species very often wants to see her beloved in her dreams

Try to adhere to these simple rules, and do not lose hope:

  1. It is necessary to walk before bed - half an hour will be enough.
  2. A few hours before sleep, exclude coffee, tobacco, other pathogens, do not eat oily food overnight.
  3. Do not climb the brains at the night of horror films, thrillers, do not listen to heavy negative music.
  4. Try to fall asleep in full calm, without excitement, quarrels and any disassembly inside the family.
  5. Tune in to its image and close your eyes.

These simple ways, of course, do not guarantee the desired result by 100%, but bring the fulfillment of your desire as close as possible.

  • talk to your loved ones and ask him so that he, before bedtime, lick, thought about you. Agree to fall at the same time;
  • come up with yourself a place where you will need to meet in a dream;
  • for the success of the event, it is necessary that both acting persons sleep;
  • it is said that scientists have proven the ability of water to store information - charge the water for sleeping: Slip your desire to the glass with water and put it in the headboard. If you wake up at night - drink this water in a sip.

See in a dream how is a loved man

It hurts and insulting and in a dream to see how the beloved is coming from you. You can interpret this dream in different ways. To do this, you need to know whether the lady is married or not. If a woman is married and she dreams of parting with her husband, this is a mirror reflection of her fears and complexes. Otherwise, it can not be, since she values \u200b\u200bin real life with his feelings and relations with his spouse.

If parting occurs without insults, reproaches and mutual accusations in all mortal sins, it means mistakes in the fault of the fault of the woman. It needs to be an objective analysis of its behavior and, if necessary, make the necessary adjustments.

Dreamed that lovely waiting

If the dream of this kind came from Thursday to Friday - a dream awaits a meeting with a person he can't tolerate. When it dreams that the beloved is waiting and calling, while doing some actions: waving his hands, calling a voice - such a dream speaks about the upcoming long separation with him. He is waiting for a long trip away from home and from you, of course.

If the dream of this kind came from Thursday to Friday, a dream awaits a meeting with a person whom he cannot tolerate

If the beloved does not take any action - it stands, sitting, but does not do anything - it says that somewhere close to the separation of the commencement, and that you need to take some steps to preserve relationships, otherwise everything will end so much.

What dreams of the arrival of a beloved man

Such an event, like the arrival of a beloved, predicts an ambulance sneezing. Favorite seems to be in a hurry to prevent something bad and in a hurry to help.

If a person who loves and which is worthwhile, dreaming at the station, and you see that he wants to approach you, but can not do this, then sleep warns that a rival appeared on the horizon, who does not allow him to you and does Everything so that in his heart, instead of love, indifference settled.

When the unexpected return of his beloved trip is dreaming, such a dream says that your chosen one does not quite trust you and is waiting for the dreams to somehow dispel his suspicion.

See in a dream the return of a loved man who threw forever

Unforgettable experiences that live inside the dreams and do not want to leave him alone, they say that a dream who threw a dream is still loved and no less strongly than before. This problem is much larger than it seems. From it it is necessary to somehow get rid of, only ... how? Wait for he will return, it does not make sense - in such an anticipation, many go crazy.

Who threw a dream man still loved and no less strongly than before

If a man returns with flowers, this is a sign that he would not come back, but not on a "permanent basis," and so - light meetings and no one should.

Talk in a dream with your beloved

Talking with loved ones during sleep does not carry any shocks and cataclysms in a sleeping relationship. Neither good - neither bad. If someone from two during the conversation crying, then in the foreseeable future everything will be fine and nothing threatens idyll in relationships.

It often dreams that the beloved gets up during the conversation and leaves. This, as it may be trying to say: I want to be and I will be with you, but I have to leave often, and you wait for me. This may refer to work, business trips, business trips. And you can already decide whether you can live with your beloved in this pace or not.

What dreams of a man (video)

Appreciate your loved ones, take care of them. Let them be near in reality, and do not come only in a dream. If you truly love, sore, learn to fall with the principles and opinions - sometimes it is necessary in order not to collapse with such a difficulty erected building with the name of love. But listen to sleep. They certainly benefit, at least as a reminder that a loved one can be very easy to lose forever.

ATTENTION, only today!

Like any dream, the dream about the beloved carries the hidden meaning, the message. Sleeping must certainly understand what lesson he should be learned from the information obtained in encrypted form. Perhaps, the interpretation is best to turn to dreams. They will tell me what a loved man or woman dreams.

Beloved - who is he?

To see a loved man in a dream - a sign that the Beloved dreams of sleeping and will soon remind himself with a letter or call. Favorite woman - love is mutual, ambulance with your beloved, pleasant pastime.

Did you dream your favorite guy? You strongly tweak, romantic date or dinner. To see your favorite girl in a dream - make a sweetheart gift with hidden meaning, confess to her in his feelings.

Sad - the dream is a heavy conversation. A loved one is confessed in the cooling of his feelings, a sad meeting, resentment.

Friendly - everything will be fine, do not worry. Success in all matters and endeavors, new accomplishments. Cheerful, joyful - satisfaction in relationships, happiness with beloved, enjoyment from proximity.

Aggressive - a dream threatens danger. In the coming days, caution does not hurt. Do not be too frivolous - you want to be offended and offended.

Dream circumstances

Positive events

Meeting with the Beloved - I will come true.

Possible sorrowful events, breaking relationships and long-term suffering. This warns the dream in which you saw your loved one.

It will dream with him that the passion crammed with it, the carnal pleasures appeared on the fore. The dreams are not satisfied with the relationship, he needs more affection and attention than he gets.

Former favorite returns in a dream - Sleeping cannot forget the previous love, longing and suffering on the past does not leave him alone, take yourself in hand and live in today's day.

Phenomena of negative character

Did you dream that a loved one does not love you? Perhaps they were cooled to you, in reality there is something to worry about, there is a unpleasant conversation.

Answering the question of what a quarrel with a loved one dreams, dream interpreters believe that you have accumulated many unspoken claims, do not keep them in yourself, tell me straight.

To see a loved one in a dream - the dreams suspects the beloved in dishonesty and the double game is absolutely groundless. He is jealous and intolerant in relationships. Dreams are told about it, in which the girl saw a beloved man with another woman.

Change your favorite person in a dream - Sleeping capable of low-lying actions. He will betray and deceive a loved one, what will be bitterly repent. Sleeping tormented sinful thoughts, if in a dream he successfully managed to change the beloved.

Parting with a person you love, in a dream - a good sign: I will be together, the union and connections of strong, feelings are mutual and durable.

To see a loved one in a dream - the lover will live for a long time and in full health. Do not be sad - your fears have no reason.

Interaction with a character in a dream


Hug in a dream with your beloved man - you are cast for your nose. Betrayal and meanness towards sleeping. This is the interpretation of sleep, which was lucky to hugging a beloved man.

With your beloved man in the lips in a dream - a bad sign: the dream is not experiencing former treasures, treason and deception. Get a crushing blow to recover from which it will be very difficult. This warns the dream in which you kissed your adoration object.

Dance - Flirt, New Dreaming, Romantic Meeting, Acquaintance.

Receive a gift - a dream will be literally: expect a pleasant surprise. Waiting for your beloved - dreams suffer and misses. You are tired of separation.

Praise the beloved in a dream - the dream of a dream has good reasons for discontent and distrust.

Sitting with him at the same table - in the future Sleeping expects a festival, a meeting with relatives and loved ones, on which the beloved person will be present.

Sleep - the dreams tries to close the eyes on the obvious lie. You were betrayed and continue to deceive, above your naivety.


Robling with your loved one - the emergency will have a quick meeting, a date. The lover will remind themselves about yourself - I will write or call.

Feel indifference - your feelings have long been cool. You no longer love - take truth in the eye.

It is silent - an unresolved conflict arose between lovingly, the longer you pull with explanations, the situation is hopeless.

Conduct the lover in me - there will be an ambulance separation. Temporary parting can be delayed for a long time.

Search, lose - in the present you rarely see. The dreams feels lonely and all abandoned.

Suspected in treason - jealousy torments you and poison existence. Try calming down and find out the truth.


To expel - in the reality of the dreams, meetings and clarifying relationships with the beloved. You dream of her visit and news, but in vain.

Jealous - Sleeping tormented unclear suspicions.

Swear in a dream with a beloved man - quarrels and discord in reality, a difficult period, misunderstanding in relationships, disorder.

Sleep, in which the dreams beat the beloved and strikes her, means his stormy passion and a fierce attraction that do not find a way out. You suffer from lust and can not satisfy it. Sleeping long ago lost peace - the low-albele ending his mind. You live only by one fantasies about the object of your gravity, exhausting love. This is also the dream, in which a woman had a chance to beat a beloved man.

When was the vision?

Who drew up?

Lonely girl - your dreams of a sweetheart will remain unreserved dreams. Guy - longing for beloved nibbles you from the inside.

To see a girl in a dream in a dream guy she loves, then he often remembers about her, soon a date Introduces. Guy - you miss the beloved and waiting for the meeting.

Pregnant woman - dreaming does not matter.

Married - strong bonds of marriage, happiness and well-being. A married man is the stability and satisfaction of family life.

View of Sonnikov

It is important to understand, the message of the dream is addressed personally a dream, and no one can feel all the nuances of what he seen. Dream interpreters will help to ask the direction of thought, and then you will have to rely exclusively on your own inner feeling.

Favorite often dreams of us ... Is it just because we are in real life that feel affection for them? Or is such a dream still carries some important information? We find out what a loved one dreams.

Some think about what a loved one dream is, and other such dreams are seriously perceived, considering them only by the projection of reality in sleep. After all, when we love, you do not stop thinking about the object of your love. But each dream means something, the definite meaning bears. So what is the dream of a loved one?

Dream Miller: Favorite man in a dream

Kissing in the light of day with the second half - to further well-being in relationships, in the light of the night - to condemnation by native people. If the girl dreamed of the groom, but in a dream he marries another, which means that she is jealous of his beloved without a reason. A dreaming beloved man showing care - a sign that in the future your union will be perfect, you will have beautiful children. If the partner in a dream remains indifferent, then in reality you need to think if he really is who you want to tie fate. When a favorite gives a photo with his image in a dream, this is a sign that truly he does not feel feelings for you, for him you are only a way to achieve some goals. Walking around the park with the second half in a dream - to a successful marriage. If you dream that you are forgiven with your beloved, then your emotions have already subsided.

What dream of Freud's favorite

Freud often interprets dreams from the position of sexual life. A psychologist about what a loved one dreams, he said that this is a sign of satisfaction in sex. Sleep with the presence of the second half means that in the intimate sphere you are fine. If the girl nodded that his favorite gives her a gift, then she was waiting for her a meeting with a secured man, for whom she would later marry. In a dream to kiss with a loved one - to gossip from envious and ill-wishers. If you have dreamed of sex with the second half - the scandal is waiting in reality.

Recovered Favorite Man in Dream Dream

A good sign, if in a dream your favorite pulls your hand to you. In this case, he uncovered with you and keeps loyalty. If a woman is dreaming that she is spinning in a dance with his beloved, this is popular among other men who are in her life. And if the lady in the dream saw her cavalier dances on the other, you should prepare for testing: problems will begin in life, and you need to courageously overcome all the misfortune. Like Miller, flowers says that if in a dream you will part with a partner, then, most likely, you have become indifferent to each other.

Women's dream book: To see a loved one

What dreams of the favorite man lady? To the beautiful relationship with him in reality. Even if the chosen one will interfere with you to be with you, he can everything overcome. The lover holds fire in his hands - you are sexy attracts it.

Classic dream book: dream of a loved one

If it gave up that the chosen one died, wait soon failure. When a loved one dreams in a more mature age than he is now, then, most likely, you will not be together with him and soon part. The second half came in a dream in black clothes - to cooling feelings.

What dreams loved by french dream book

A dream in which the chosen one gives a wedding ring, perceived by girls as a sign that it will happen soon in reality. However, such a dream has a completely different meaning: you have a big quarrel with a beloved or even a complete break of relationships. Also, nothing good does not succeed to see in a dream, as a loved one offers to marry him. It means that the proposal of the hands and hearts you do not wait.

A girl who sees in the dream of his beloved person, it is necessary to soberly assess his attitude towards him, follow how he belongs to her. Any quarrels, misunderstanding and strange behavior of a loved one in a dream should alert.

If your favorite person shows indifference, you will get a choice - whether to marry in the near future or remain independent.

Robling with your loved one - most likely in life he is not so interested in relations, as assures. A similar meaning has a dream, in which a beloved person gives a photo. This means that a certain benefit is moving in the relationship, and not love at all.

If with quarrels, parting or farewelling with your beloved person in a dream you do not have frustration, in life you are able to resist his loss.


What to see in a dream your favorite?

Very often girls in a dream comes a loved one.

Such visions carry a psychological meaning in themselves, because a person who is close to the heart and soul often becomes the most important thing in life. What dreams of a loved one, beloved man?

If the beloved is shot

Situations when the beloved is dreaming, they say that a dream is often thinking about him or misses. But there are other meanings. So, if a close person is unhappy and irritable in a dream, then this prediction is promoting separation or temporary grinding.

When every night, a close person comes in a dream and kisses or hugs a lady, such circumstances often indicate that in love feelings between lovers are all good, they are happy.

1. What dreams of a loved one with which there is no serious relationship? This vision means that the girl is constantly thinking about his beloved, and as a sign of gratitude he comes in a dream every night.

Permanent such dreams about him indicate that the girl dreams of mutual feelings, wishes reciprocity and continue relations. Especially when in a dream she hugs him.

2. When the beloved, with whom the girl binds family attitude, this is a sign that the feelings of both partners are strong and strong.

  • In a dream, a close man is indifferent - in real life there is a quarrel or a small sweeping.
  • The young man smiles, kisses, hugs and glad to see his girlfriend in a dream - a romantic meeting or a cozy dinner is coming ahead, smoothly flowing in perfect night.

See the lover dead

Good health and well-being promises a vision in which a native man died. When a closure died and a woman cries over him, hugs him, then this is a sign of memories of any events.

A young man died, and this circumstance does not cause sorrow from a woman, this is a warning about possible disputes. If the beloved died, and then resurrect (or to look for the deceased), then the vision of promises parting, which will end with reconciliation.

  • If the young man died in fact, and then returns in night visions, then all this is due to the psychological state of sleeping.
  • Often, sleep about a loved one who died, warns about the appearance of ill-wishers, so the deceased wants to point out people who bring the negative into life of the living.

When a young man died in a dream as a result of an accident, and a woman sees all this, then the vision promises her unusual situations in life.

Emotions in dreams

What does the dream book, favorite when in a dream happy? Similar dreams say that in family life everything peacefully and calmly.

But this does not mean that it is possible to relax and put everything on samone. Make your favorite pleasant things, romantic surprises or just listen to his desires, and then family life and the truth will bring one more happiness!

When he dreamed of beloved sad and disappointed, then in real life this circumstance indicates an offense from a young man. This means that he is waiting for some open and sincere feelings from the partner.

Actions beloved

What dream of a loved one who leaves the car? Man on the car always symbolizes his own feelings. Perhaps you are worried about something and afraid that your men's feelings are not so strong or strong, and he can leave you.

Do not worry, such dreams do not reflect reality. They only talk about your fears. Just talk with your beloved about what worries you.

  • Search for him - to solving problems.
  • When the spouses together are sent somewhere on the car, then this is a sign of ambulance and happiness.
  • To get by car in an accident - to the coming of unusual situations in life, perhaps the beginning of a new life.

What does the dream book, favorite if drunk in vision?

  • To see a drunken person - in real life, frivolous situations are likely.
  • Drunk behaves Busino - soon the person has incomprehensible situations, the way out of which will be very difficult to find.
  • Drunk behaves inappropriately (or hugs sleeping) - a person will have to experience frustration or cause ridicule.
  • Drunk crying - to understanding the events.
  • Drunk leaves in the night and disappears - a positive outcome of the problems that have arisen.
  • To see how drunk gets drunk again, it is a sign that any person patronizes in life in life. If drunk causes dislike, then it is better to give up from such assistance.

See treason

What dreams of a loved one that changes or is in relations with another woman? To see her man next to the other, it is always unpleasant and hurt, but such dreams do not foreshadow bad events.

When a man changed on the other, then in real life it is a sign of strong love and tender care for the spouse. If a man changes on his beloved in front of his beloved, then the vision foreshadows a journey or good luck in financial affairs.

A close man kisses another - to difficulties in the financial sphere. When it changes in the dark, this is a precursor of life difficulties. If changing in the light of the day - to prosperous resolution of events.

If the lover changes, and then marries that woman, then this circumstance points to unfortunate jealousy.

When someone else's woman kisses her beloved, it throws a hoax from the side of the sleeping. If a close person kisses his own woman, then deception is possible from the side of the man. The lady itself deceives the beloved - to unexpected acquaintances.


When close is leaving, it is a parting sign. If the beloved is deceiving, and then leaves the woman, but at the same time the lady does not feel sad, then such a vision is the harbinger of numerous fans.

Sleep, where a loved one leaves, and a woman is crying and surviving at the same time, promises getting rid of problems in real life. When first the beloved kisses, and then leaves the lady - it is a sign of reckless actions, offenses from others, displeasure in relations with his spouse.

  • If a man leaves, and the lady continues to look for him, then in real life such a dream is promoting to the past.
  • In general, look for cute - to the search for meaning in life.
  • Search for a person who has long been lost - returning to the past relations, memories of resentment.
  • Search of an unknown beloved - a pleasant pastime.
  • Search for a lover and find it - to married.

See former beloved

If there is a former beloved, it often talks about pleasant or negative memories. The dream, where the beloved still remains close and native foreshadows the return to the past and the prosperous completion of past relationships.

At first, the former kisses, hugs, and then changes the lady - dream of a strong passion.

Vision about lovely people bring joy and peace of mind sleeping. In real life, such situations often indicate a mental state of a person.


What does your favorite man dream?

If you kiss with your beloved man in the afternoon, then the dream carries approval from others, if a kiss occurs in the dark, the society can move to condemnation.

Even in a dream, many may experience a feeling of jealousy if the beloved in it marries someone else.

Many dreams are considered to be magical and amazing, some are filled with images from the scope of fiction. Waking up people, consider such dreams with absurdity. However, most dreams are filled with reality and carry some encrypted information. Many dreams are not remembered, and some may even make a dead end. Perhaps, every person has curiosity and the desire to solve him, if the interesting thing was dreamed, and even a terrible dream. Often, it is in a dream that people are exempted from tension, which can experience a person during the day.

Young girls love to solve their dreams, because today it is easily able to find an interpretation of any sleep on the Internet. So, asking the question "Why dream of a loved man? »In the address bar, you can find a lot of explanations and interpretations of this event. Also on this question there will be many different dreams.

From the point of view of psychology, such a dream can tell about the incomplete cases of sleeping, which is very important for him and which he often thinks in reality. Often, the subconscious issues exactly those images that worry a person most.

Any dream book can tell why the favorite man was breeding. Such interpretations were collected many centuries with different people, however, it is necessary to look at the whole context of sleep, to correctly interpret it.

Such a dream can mean ambulance or love intrigue. Be sure to remember what this man does in a dream.

A woman who dreamed of a traitor should be more attentive and careful. To see a photo of a beloved man, which he sent, means insincere feelings and the use of sleeping in other people's goals. The girl will soon have a generous and rich husband and she will not need anything if she takes gifts in a dream from Kavalera, whom he loves. The marriage will be successful if the girl walks in the fields or in the park with his beloved. Many will experience feeling indifference to the person with whom they say goodbye in a dream.

In the future, you can part or quarrel with your loved ones, if in a dream to dine with your loved one.

You can be sure that a close person thinks his beloved if he called it in the vision by name.

If the long-awaited date did not take place in the dream, then this fact suggests that a man cannot decide with his feelings for a woman. Recognition in love that sounded in a dream warns a girl about what she needs to take the first step towards rapprochement, as the young man is afraid to hear the refusal. For a married woman, such recognition in a dream means well-being in family life. To be not recognized by his loved ones in a dream, says that a close person has a different, as well as about his secrecy. If scandals occur between people loving each other, then in real life you need to carefully look at your relationship, perhaps this pair does not have a joint future.

You can not trust your beloved if in a dream he hid his eyes when talking, perhaps he hides something.

Many dreams have a diametrically opposite meaning, so if the girl dream that it changes his beloved, and he sees it, then this dream is happiness and well-being in family life.

Serious, moving in long marriage, the relationship is expected to be a woman engaged in a dream with their loved one. The girl can prepare for the wedding, if in a dream, your beloved combs her hair.

It must be remembered that every sleep is individual, so you do not need to blindly believe dreams.


Dream Dream Former Favorite

What dreams former beloved in a dream

If a woman sees in a dream of a man with whom she once tied up a love relationship, it could mean that at the level of the subconscious, he could not break up with him. Often, similar dreams see girls who have discomfort in their current relations, running away in a dream to the one who once gave love. A dream with a former beloved puts the need to complete these relationships in which there could be unclear and ambiguity. Former beloved foreshadows quarrels with a real beloved, which can occur due to the tendency of a woman to return to past insults. If you see the former in a dream, try to be more prudent, do not make reckless actions for which you can then pay.


Bell your favorite in a dream

Favorite bell

To search for an image of interest, enter a keyword from your sleep in the search form. Thus, you can easily learn what a dream is known to your beloved, or what means in a dream to see the call of your beloved.

Call from your beloved in a dream

Now my favorite is in another city, far from me ... I dream dream that call on the phone from him. And I do not understand anything that he tells me ... I try to understand, it seems that he is drunk. I became very worried, but I could not call him back ... Sleep dreamed from Friday to Saturday

Call from the former in a dream

Less than a month ago, they broke up with a loved one, I still love him, and I will probably love to love all the time, we communicate now at the meeting (!)

I dream, the phone call, the phone calls, the phone jammed a little I barely answered, I hear the interference with a small one, his voice "I miss you, I am very good," I want to see you, something like that, that's what a call knew from the former in a dream?

I want the text to see the interpreter at home of the Sun!

Call at the door and dead people in a dream

Such a dream: I stand at the door of the entrance and call the call, allegedly your own apartment. In a dream, I know my apartment on the 1th floor, although in reality on 2 ohms. But the location is the same. I call there is no sound from the call, two or no, the third time, the call melodiously rang. But I do not open the door. Although I know for sure that my husband (in reality, formerly formerly and who has deceased a few years ago) and the mother-in-law (also in reality deceased) at home and for some reason do not open me.

But then the door sprinkle, her neighbor opens and I go into the entrance. The door allegedly my apartment has my husband and mother-in-law, near. So during sleep they stood shoulder to the shoulder silently. A young very beautiful girl with white leather and bright red lips are spinning nearby. Allegedly, I know my ex-husband wants to marry her and welcome it. Then I had in my hands for some reason a hair dryer, which I brought to the apartment to a neighbor on the contrary, the one that opened the door to me and left her at home.

After that, I went again to the entrance, where the company was stood, husband, mother-in-law, a neighbor, a beautiful girl and some other woman.

Call died in a dream

The sleep begins the call to the mobile, the dad is displayed on it (my father, as far as I know, is not alive), I take the phone starting emotionally to complain about my sister, he says to me in response, but I do not hear something -This interference.

On the same night, the great-grandmother, who, too, is no longer. About her sleep vaguely remember.

Dead relatives often dream about what it is? Why dream call from the dead in a dream?

Call at the door in a dream

I dreamed that at night someone called the door. There were 3 calls, they were all very long. In the end, the nerves passed even in a dream and I opened the door, but who I did not remember there. It is very confused that the calls were at night, there were 3, and who was still unknown there! For some reason, it is nervous! Thank you all in advance!

Call from that light in a dream

Help express the sleep of the call from the world. He dreamed from Wednesday to Thursday, woke up from 3, 25 nights.

Mom calls me to the room and says the father calls (he died), I enter the room and on the table there is something a phone, or a laptop from which the call is some strange, loud and vibrating sound, from which goosebumps in the body and in the ears Rings. It immediately it became clear that the bell from the world. My mother and I rejoice that the Father called us with the truth.

Next, the monitor is turned on at the computer and the father appears, it begins to tell that he is good and shows two of my little nephews, traveling on his neck and like a sister also goes around with them. At the same time, he called them with his children, and the mother grinned, allegedly what children, they are grandchildren. As if they are with him there, although they are alive and healthy. He himself looks younger and even with a beard, like Kadyrov, although during his lifetime he never wore her. Tighted and healthy (recent years he has a lot and strongly surf).

Then he goes to bed in the room and I'm lying with him, he wants to tell something about me or ask, but I pull out and say, so that he first told about my older sister and that I am late for work.

Masha with him with his hand, I say for now as a strange childish voice and something like a call or until the next time and run away, he waves to me with his hand and says goodbye to me.

I wake up.

Call from a mobile phone in a dream

In a dream I find in my bag 3 mobile phone, one of which is mine, and others do not know whose and I do not know how they got to me. One mobile phone rang, I raise, hoping to learn whose he. In the tube heard the cry of an unfamiliar girl: "Help me please, I feel bad, help ....."

The call of the former in a dream

He called me, but I saw him. I saw his face, faithful. There was noise. Permanent noise due to which I could not clearly hear one phrase. This noise was like him. The sound seems to be washing the dishes and put in a drying in place. Screens of plates. I was at that moment in some kind of unfamiliar room.

Normal atmosphere. The colors were mostly warm. Very yellow, not bright, but muted. As from the ordinary light bulb. Only a lot. In the room I was with a classroom, she was not connected with him, except that he saw him once.

When he called, she first giggled, that I was annoyed, because I prevented me to speak and clearly hear. Then it seemed to calm down.

Call in sleep

I heard the call, found the hidden phone. The mistress rang. There was a correspondence their shared photos.

The photographs also attended the exhausted old man, spread on the bed. The husband saw Nakhodka did not deny the correspondence, looked confused and did not know what to lie.

Favorite man in a dream

Favorite girl in a dream

Favorite died in a dream

Favorite man in a dream


Hide from a loved one in a dream

Here you can read the dreams in which symbols are found. Hide from love. By clicking on the link interpretation of sleep under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretation written by free interpreters of dreams of our site. If you are interested in interpretation of sleep in the dreams - go to the dream link, and you will fall on the page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, as they are interpreted by various dreams.

To search for an image of interest, enter a keyword from your sleep in the search form. Thus, you can easily learn what dreams of hiding from your beloved, or what means in a dream to see hiding from your loved one.

Hide from a loved one in a dream

He takes a senior position, married, but I really like. He walked by a predominant gait no one noticing. And I saw him and start hiding. Then it turned out to be in his office, he was furnished, but at the same time empty from visitors. I drew attention to the chair, or a small red sofa, which is now in the office of our former boss. Now it takes an even higher position. And I got the impression that they work together in the same office, although their cabinets and so ...

What does this dream mean?

Favorite in the coffin lies not alive in a dream

I go into the room with strangers, I understand that this is a beloved apartment (we are not long, I was not at home, I don't know him). I see a coffin, in it lies my favorite, not alive. I want to go to the coffin, and cry close, and his relatives against, begin to shout, who she is so, what the right she has to be next to him.

I was confused, I do not know how to behave, trying to see, and is it true of my beloved, trying to break up closer, at some point it turns out and understand that yes it is he. I am very confused and do not even want to cry. I just do not know how to react everything.

Because I didn't do anything bad for this, and my beloved, too, behave perfectly with him, and I do not understand why such an attitude towards me is negative.

Favorite man in a dream

He dreamed of a beloved person with whom I broke up and parting was very painful, and he is already almost married. I dreamed that I am visiting him at home, there is only his parents and he, his wife is not. Parents are very hospitable to me set up, fussy, they are preparing for something, he is near. I sit and think: Where is his wife? Is it not her. And then I understand that it is, just somewhere away. I jump up starting to gather, I want to leave because it hurts me from this, he does not want to let me go, hugs. Parents tell him to me: Do not leave, sit just like our guest. But I'm still leaving. I go out into the courtyard, the wicket on the web is sitting a big frightened spider, I reached him and he ran away. I go out from the yard. Favorite catchies me, begins to hug, and I start it to beat him and call a mate. He lets, I turn forward and take a step forward. I stopped and thinking: to turn around or go further. And that's it.

Favorite girl in a dream

I saw my favorite girl in a dream. In a dream, we drove by car, and she cried and complained how she lives badly. In life, this girl told me that I was just a friend for her. Tell me what could you mean your favorite girl in a dream?

Favorite died in a dream

I had a dream from Thursday on Friday. My favorite me and our friends rested in the country. Then the beloved went to the shop on a taxi, and returned on foot. After some time after his arrival on the street, noise rose. We all went to watch what happened. It turned out that a taxi on which he left fell into an accident and after that he turned around and came back to the cottage. After some time after that he became bad and he died. I saw his lotions as he was lying in a coffin. What does it mean. What dreams of such a terrible dream ???

Favorite crying because of the former girl in a dream

I dream as I read the letter of my beloved from his former girl, where she confesses to him in the restless love ... Next, I will find my beloved for reading this letter, but he cries, crying because he wants to go to her and because of me can not .. In the letter, she indicates that allegedly because of me more writing to him and blocks it on the site ..

He begging friends to persuade to persuade her to open access to him .. When he suddenly saw what Olo I cry .. he would not like his rushes to me and says that he will never leave me .. but he still cry .. and in continuing sleep .. just dream of an enlarged face of this girl ...

Favorite man in a dream

I almost every night dream of my former young man. In a dream, I see how we spend time together, and sometimes just walk, most often trying to have sex, but it does not reach it.

In real life, we were together for a long time, but the relationship ended a few years ago. But the feelings remained like him and me. Last time relationships do not support practically. Tell me, please, why can a loved person dream in a dream? - I'm crazy already somewhat from these dreams.

Favorite singer and man in a dream

Already once again dreamed of a favorite singer. I never saw him live. But I love him insanely. And not only like a singer, but also as a man. And for the last month, he had already dreamed of me for the third time. Dreams diverse. And in almost all he touches me. Or I am to him. And once we even kissed. What is it all dreaming? You can go crazy.

Favorite woman picked up a man's shirt in a dream

My beloved man, dreamed of a dream in which I give all shirts. And for him as if he picked up and postponed separately-florid, as he likes. I gave him this shirt, he puts it up, and the shirt was put out.

And I tell him, nothing terrible, I am another pickup, in size.

Favorite man lies in a coffin in a dream

I clearly see the coffin open, in it there is my young man. I'm terrified first, and then I see how the eyelashes are growing up - as if he did not die, but only sleeps.

Favorite repainted car in a dream

He dreamed that the shores I love was going to repaint my car from the black (she was so in real life) into silver. And somehow quickly ... it becomes gray-silver color, the same as in the picture, and such a dream I like it even more. Help the correctly express. Thank you.

Favorite in a dream

Today I dreamed my favorite person, there is nothing on one side of the strange .... well, I dreamed and dreamed ... But the fact is that we are familiar and we meet just over a month .... everything seems good ... a couple Once this month we went to the sea rest ... Since this is the only opportunity to meet .... We live at a distance of 300 km from each other ... everything is simple .... And here the last three days he began to leap In the evenings ... everything seems to be fine, but still ... oils in the fire poured his former girl writing me a letter ...

That he is a womanizer constantly changes ... promises the golden mountains but does not fulfill anything ... I'm in the disaster ... On the one hand, I know it, he did not hide such details of his life from me ... He has a birthday) 30 years round date .... and at night he dreamed of ... Honestly I did not remember ... There were some actions ... something happened ... I even woke up among the nights ... . It is only clearly remembering the white cowardly on it .... not family men's cowards ... and not clear ... I can't even explain what they are ..

Melting, shorts ... and so on .... something is probably the average ... And they are sewn from the White Dricatage ... Soviet .... There was such a soft knitwear in the hole, from which T-shirts and children's underwear were sewn. .. here it had such pants .... maybe try to explain what it means ....

Favorite man changes with a girl with me in a dream

Dreams of a dream where my young man (meets 9 months and we live as much together) talks to my friend (we somehow spent time in one company, and he liked the girl, you can say the spark between them), then she starts to caress him, He is not removed, he likes, he begins to moan ... Action happens in an unfamiliar apartment but in a dream she is ours. I see all this but I can neither stop the rival nor to stop the rival, although I really want to - for I'm afraid that I still should be guilty. Then she leaves and we continue to talk about her, I stroke him in the hair, and he says to me that she wants to "survive" him from me but not trying to calm me and how I understand it is not going to obstruct it either

Favorite man in a dream

I dreamed like me and my favorite person stand on the roof. After a couple of minutes, we began to be photographed: several photos were crashed into my memory: as we are together hugging, kissing and so on.

After that, we began to lie on the roof with him and enjoy this time))

In reality, we have no relationship, feelings are mutual, but it is still working constantly and does not find time and he is shy)): With

Favorite girl in a dream

I stand at work on the street, the territory is big and fenced, I see not so far my girl (we work together) Sits in the car with a guy however it starts to leave, a terrible jealousy and feeling that it is treason, I break out

And I start running for the car, running for some time, she sees it, stops, fit and says, I'm not leaving, I just give a girlfriend and everything, I look, and in the car and the truth girl sits, but a guy sat down


See a photo of a loved one

Dream book see a photo of a loved one Dreamed, why dream in a dream to see a photo of a loved one? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to see a photo of a loved one, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Photo

See a photo of a friend or a person close to you: Sliding sign.

If a person whose photo you saw, is far away: perhaps some events will remind you of him.

If you saw in your dream a photo of a person who is nearby: a dream foreshadows you temporary parting.

Black and White Photography: This is the memory of the distant past or the sign of events associated with the elderly.

If the black and white photo surprises you with its sharpness and contrast: it is possible that we are talking about the death of someone from the acquaintances.

Photo of a stranger: a sign of fleeting meetings or events that will leave a long track in your soul.

See your own photo: means that some circumstances can be changed in your character, which will cause you surprise. Perhaps, however, these circumstances will make you notice that you have long been no longer the one before.

Dream Interpretation - Photo

Consider your photo in a dream - a bad omen. Such a dream indicates that you do not have any joy from work, unhappy with your family life and even with your appearance. You seem to be having evil rock. If you continue to visit similar thoughts, then your life will pass imperceptibly and aimlessly. To look at the photo of a loved one in a dream - in real life you will be seriously concerned about the fate of this person.

Slow in a dream photo - to great misfortune. You will find the tragic news. Most likely, this dream foreshadows the disappearance of a close person, which is unlikely to succeed.

If in a dream you have lost a photo, then you should be more careful in your affairs. You do not act in the best way, sometimes completely forgetting about such concepts as honor and conscience. Stop it, for for all worldly affairs, we will answer the court of the Lord.

Going in a dream with a photo to the fortuneteller to find out the future, - evidence that you are very gullible, naive man. And at least, in principle, this is not such a bad feature, the whole trouble is that you very often trust your secrets not to those people. Open your thoughts and ask the Council should be at certain wise people.

Dream Interpretation - Photo

To do in a dream photo - I will not be satisfied with your position of the home slave and raise the riot in defense of your family rights. If you are photographed in a dream as a winner of a beauty contest - in reality you will easily fool and stretch a lot of money before you understand what.

View photos in the family album - Such a dream promises the addition of the family. Torn photo foreshadows the death of someone who is captured.

Buy a camera means that you will soon be devoted to someone else's family mystery. Do in a dream color photos and slides - make a good deal. Show photos and discover not at all what was removed on the film - such a dream foreshadows the inevitable misfortune.

Dream Interpretation - Photo

Own photo is a change in fate.

You can lose your friend's trust or to succumb to flattering promises and assurances.

Photo of a loved one - to his cheating or dishonesty in many matters.

If the photo in the hands of family people, there will be some kind of bad act.

Torn picture - to separation with a person, about whom it is not necessary to regret.

If in a dream it is unclear the plot of photography, in reality you will not have enough information to make some decision.

Familiar people in photos - to meetings or cases with these people.

Strangers - to the resumption of old friendship.

Dream Interpretation - Photo

If you see a photo in a dream - wait for the cheating soon. If you get a photo of your lover in a dream - know that he is not entirely devoted to you, but only trying to impress you.

For family people, the possession of someone's photography - means exposing someone's actions.

If you dream that you have done your own photo - it means you are not enough to hurt yourself and others.

Dream Interpretation - Photo

Photo - To see his own photo in a dream - you pay too much attention to yourself, while forgetting about your "second half." It is not only about life, but also about sex - you are so passionate about to get pleasure that they completely forget that in bed, besides you, there is another person.

In a dream, printing photos - the secret will soon become apparent; Despite your strengthened attempts to hide your misconduct, somehow a person knows about him who happened directly. Consider photos in the photo album - you will find an interesting acquaintance. However, in a new person there will be a certain "highlight" that you need to see, otherwise you will simply do not understand who you are dealing with.

Dream Interpretation - Photo

To see a photo of a familiar person in a dream means your desire to strengthen relations with him, make them more stable and stable. Most likely, this applies not to an intimate sphere - he is interested in you exclusively as a friend.

If you see your own photo, in the near future your partner will tell you everything he thinks about you. You will get a complete picture of how you look in his eyes. Put a photo in a dream - to the rupture of relationships with your expensive person.

Dream Interpretation - Photo

If you dream your picture, it means that you pay too much attention to your person, while you often forget about the partner.

This also applies to sex - in pursuit of pleasure you do not even try to delight your loved one.

If you dream that you are typing photos, such a dream means that you are trying to save secretly some kind of act.

However, a person who directly affect your actions to somehow learns about it.

Consider photos foreshadowed with an extraordinary person.

However, it is not always possible to immediately see, a person is interesting or not.

Therefore, attentively rectify to others, because people are not always like that they seem.

Dream Interpretation - Photo

Seeing a photo of a friend in a dream foreshadows sadness about the past. Photographing a memory in a dream means a close separation with your loved one. If you dreamed that someone took a picture of you, then you threaten the real danger or some suspicion fell on you. If in a dream you unexpectedly photographed, then there is a sadness, fright or fear. Spend someone's photo in a dream - to divorce or rupture relations. See interpretation: Portrait.

Dream Interpretation - Photo

See your photo - to flattering speeches, someone else's - to deception; If a person winks in the photo, smiles or moves - this is to a new test of fate.


Beloved former girl

Dream book your favorite girl Dreamed, why dream in a dream a favorite former girl? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a favorite former girl in a dream, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Former Girl, Wife

The dream, in which your ex-beloved appeared, says that the past still lives in your heart, although you may diligently avoid memories of him.

You are waiting for something to change for the better in your life, secretly dreaming of returning left light, joyful days and doing nothing.

Sleep suggests: Enough to wait for the weather from the sea, be more active, and good luck will certainly smile.

If it dreamed that your former died, this means that a new period will begin in your life soon.

It is difficult to say how favorable it will be.

However, exactly exactly what bored does not have to; You will simply have no time to indulge in memories, no matter how nice or vice versa.

Dream Interpretation - Former Guy, Husband

A former young man or a former husband, which appeared in a dream, symbolizes your excessive passion for the past.

This is exactly what gives you to go ahead, develop as a person; Former love does not want to give way to love in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person tells that the time of changing priorities, the crash of the former ideals.

After this internal audit, you will go much better, and in all spheres of life.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Many girls see in their home - to pleasant news. A girl of pleasant outdoor to see in a dream for men means big expenses; Kiss her - to unexpected and joyful events that will surprise you. A very young girl with a fresh blush on his face, having dreamed of you, means that you have a pleasant meeting with a cute man, which will significantly improve your mood. The ugly girl who disastended to you foreshadows the violation of the normal and relaxing course of your affairs or lifestyle. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows obstacles in affairs. Sick girl in a dream - the harbinger of bad news from a loved one. Perhaps one of your loved ones will get sick, which will very upset you. A dancing girl of pleasant outforth in a dream - to a love diction or joyful news. A girl to buy or catch in a dream - a sign of enhancing in the service, prisoner - liberation, patient - recovery rich - benefit. A distressed girl (or crying) in your dream - to the breakdown between lovers or partners. Mother to see in a dream blooming young girl sleep foreshadows getting good news from her children. Being a girl in a dream - for a woman - the fores of a pleasant pastime, which can be fraught with the consequences, which will not slow down to affect her reputation; For a man, such a dream is a sign of unhealthy; For people of creative professions - a tide of inspiration. See interpretation: Lady, freak.

Dream Interpretation - Girls

Girls always dream of honor, profits, to a good society. In a dream to marry a girl means that fate will give you a gentle love. If you see in a dream a beautiful girl, then this dream is designed to remind you that small gifts are supported by friendship. If the Nekrasiv girl dreameded you, this is a sign of a rare devotion that is close to you. To seek marriage on a charming young girl is an omnant of life well-being. In a dream, kidnap the girl with cunning or strength to tears and sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Dream Interpretation - Girl

Seeing a girl in a dream, you need to be ready for the fact that there will be something surprising in life that carrying a lot of joy with you.

If you see in a dream a girl, combing your hair, in your family Someone will soon marry or marry. If you dreamed that you ourselves comb your own hair, then soon get a dear gift.

If you dreamed of a girl riding on sleds, it foreshadows separation from your loved one. The girl walking through the blooming spring garden, promises well-being, success in personal and public life, abundance.

To dream in a dream a girl unfolding on the table napkins, means that you will become a target for the goat gossips and deceivers.

If you dreamed of a girl with rapidly growing hair, it means that your dream will never turn. However, such a dream may foresee the receipt of small amounts of money, as well as the appearance on your path of a rather stupid person who will "put sticks in the wheels."

Dream Interpretation - Girl

see in a dream a cheerful and joyful girl, to love, joy and success. See frowning and angry girl, it means to hear some bad and disturbing news.

Who can see a modest, decently dressed girl, will receive a joyful news, where did not expect her to get.

To see the careless, obscenely dressed girl, it means to hear the joyful news that can be the cause of obscene actions.

Lucky and exhausted girl-tolever and possibly poverty.

If a man sees a naked girl, it is waiting for a failure in trade affairs, but if he is confident that she is a virgin, then in all trade affairs it will never come to success. If in a dream the girl turned into an old woman, then this is to improved living standards.

Dream Interpretation - Girl

To see a young girl in a dream - to a pleasant surprise, joy, wealth.

Huday, a pale girl - to the disease in the family.

If a man sees a pretty girl in a dream, in reality he will try to arrange his personal life.

For a woman, such a dream - to jealousy.

Dancing girl - a symbol of love.

A dream, in which a young man sees himself a girl, promises him an actor career.

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Dream Interpretation - Girl

If you see yourself in the company with a girl, sleep foreshadows in any important thing for you. Unfulfilled promises, data from loved ones, upset your affairs and add worries to your already difficult life. If you see attractive girls - you probably will be disappointed in a friend of life, throw a search for adventures and suffer a financial crisis. To see in a dream pale, like a shadow, a girl - the patient will appear in your family. If you see a girl in a dream, it is an omnation of problems and associated nervous crisis. But idle man see himself a girl very favorably. Such a dream predicts a career associated with acting talents.


Wet eyes of a loved one

Dream Dream Wet eyes of a loved one Dreamed, why dream of wet eyes of a loved one in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream wet eyes of your beloved person, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at home of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - wet be

Wet to be - you will shake you.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes.

View of the eyes, quality of view - signs of the spiritual state of the dream, the intensity of his spiritual life / dream, their health, diseases / love organs of the very dream, his sex, potency.

Have a good vision, "Eyes quickly move" - \u200b\u200bgood, happiness, health.

It's bad to see the eyes with difficulty open, "they are slowly tossed" - loss, poverty / harm from sexual waste.

Almost to be - trouble.

Fly in the eyes feel, sand in them or something interferes - unpleasant self-knowledge, unclean conscience.

Have Belmo - Cheating / About Adult Children will have to take a lot, they will not come out in people. "

Eyes one to lose - tangled, useless works / misfortune with children.

The eye flows in a dream - the flour of conscience.

Tall in a dream - trouble / betrayal / death of loved ones: children or sisters.

Loose eyes - a tendency to formism.

To see in the mirror that you have big beautiful eyes - happiness (happiness in children).

What you have dull sick eyes - misfortune (anxiety due to children).

See yourself in a mirror with colorless or white eyes - to realize the silent behavior.

With stacked, getting out of orbit through eyes - member of the soul, worn.

See yourself in a mirror with pits instead of eyes - loyalty to intuition, deep insight, clairvoyance.

With burning eyes - feel dangerous, demonic forces.

Eyes of their dropped see - Wedding / Children Self-life will begin.

To remove and view your eyes - the feeling of the falsity of your perceptions, the wrong idea of \u200b\u200bthe world / children from the new side to see / your intimate life will be the subject of conversations.

Having in a dream the third eye - the birth of a child / woman: pregnancy / danger to destroy the created by their works.

The light of the eye is the road to light - start a new one to perceive the world.

To see that some kind of creature pursues you and trying to eat your eyes - experience inconvenience and trouble from other secrets / caution from the dangerous development of spiritual forces, dangerous spiritual immaturity.

See the human eye on the table, in a bowl, glass, etc. - will be revealed by the shameful details of your life / experience fear of Divine Justice.

See a bunch of human eyes - precious stones.

See eyes with Belm - you are closely being followed by enemies.

To see someone's evil look - a bad dream that foreshadows the dangerous collapse of plans, a deception that happens most likely from relatives.

To see in the darkness someone's eyes - hidden from you and the hard work of your conscience will give unexpected fruits / someone watching you.

Dull eyes-ghosts in daylight without a body see - an unpleasant, painful split personality to survive.

To see in the sky in the clouds brightly sparkling eyes - a symbol of authority, which should be submitted.

Eyes to pump out anyone - scare and configure people against themselves / severely to suffer from jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Wet

If a person sees himself in a dream, entered the room when wets of clothes, - bad, it means the battle.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes.

An excellent vision in a dream to have - the fores of great success and recognition. If in a dream you saw that your vision worsened or you fumble something, then you are waiting for money difficulties or a disease of your loved ones. Lovely sleep predicts that they are in vain losing time and hope for a person who absolutely does not appreciate them. The eye disease in a dream means betrayal or a loss of a friend due to some serious illness. Lose vision in a dream - a sign that you breed this word or your children threatens a deadly danger. Sometimes such a dream predicts the loss of a close friend. If in a dream you have darkened in your eyes or clouded, you are waiting for repentance in a bad or criminal act. Sometimes sleep predicts you a loss of ownership. Stay without an eye in a dream - to poverty or loss of loved ones. A pregnant woman's sleep predicts that the child she would give birth can be a criminal and get to jail at a young age. See interpretation: blind.

Have three or four eyes in a dream - a sign of a strong family and a happy marriage. If you dream that you have your friend's eyes instead of your own, then you are threatened with blindness. Blind or oblique eyes see in a dream - to misunderstanding, quarrels, failures.

To be soothery to be in a dream - to trouble. Meet the one-eyed person in a dream - to deception. Having himself in a dream only one eye means that you can become a victim of evil. To see in a dream that some eyes are watching you - the oppression of the fact that someone seriously thinks about you or what is awaited by a big luck. If something happened in a dream with your centuries, then your friend is in trouble and decides to ask you for help in which you would never refuse him. Very beautiful eyes to see - to great attachment; Black eyes in a dream mean the goats of enemies; omitted - sign of insincerity;

Closed eyes their or strangers mean short-sightedness and need to clarify the circumstances.

Planted eyes in a dream - to sorrow and chagrins. Large and beautiful eyes see - fortunately, wealth and good luck. If in a dream you will see an animal or a person without an eye, then you are waiting for separation from your beloved or complete misunderstanding of partners. Belmo in front of the eyes means that you do not see what is happening at your nose. See interpretation: Belmo, eyesight, cry, face.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes.

There is long eyes considered a mirror of the soul, they are reflected in them everything, what a person thinks about what he feels. In the people, such proverbs and sayings are stacked in the people: "hide your eyes", "build eyes", "for beautiful eyes", "Eyes are running out."

Eyes not only give out the mood and thought of man, but also serve him as a reference point in space: "It's dark even eyes." Eyes are a big value given to a person who needs to be preserved, so the value of other things is expressed in proverbs and sayings, where the eyes are mentioned. For example, the value of life and the wiseness of the oath is expressed by the words: "Oco for the eye, tooth for the tooth." Sometimes they give instruction using a comparison "to take care, like a zenitsa of an eye."

Seeing a man walking in the clubs of dust and trying to find the road - this dream warns that you are not on the path, someone deliberately tries to knock you down from the true path, take care of the veiled obstacle, trap.

See in a dream that before the eyes of the views that you even do not have time to consider are irritated - you are irritated by a shortage of time and because of this everything falls out of the hands, it seems to you that things go bad and establish them there is no possibility, you really need Only stop and focus on the main thing, throwing the whole secondary.

You dream that you warn you about anger of a powerful person who watches absolutely behind everyone and always knows where what happens to whom - you have a rich imagination, and therefore you are nervous because of what is not; You are afraid of those in whose hands the power, stay away from them.

See in a dream among the winter an orange tree growing on the mountain, to which it is impossible to approach, - this dream foreshadows you prospects, the implementation of which belongs to the distant future; You will be passionate about the new project.

You have a conversation with a person who constantly avoids looking at you, and you can't even catch the expression of his face, consider the color of the eyes - you will be put in a predicament; Do not be afraid of a frank conversation; Do not try to figure out what constantly eludes you, because it has not yet come; Forgive old debts, otherwise get sick.

You go down the street with a bad mood and, as I discharge, pay attention that all the oncoming passers-by in the eyes of trash and tears - this dream indicates increasing discontent with itself and the inability to cope with their sorrows; You are excessively prone to criticism.

To see that you wander in the pitch darkness and can not understand, whether something happened to eyes, or indeed, dark - indecision will capture you by surprise and will not allow you to take the right decision in time; Beware of all suspicious and watch out for health.

To see in a dream, everything you dreamed of lately, and be in confusion - to disappointment, tedious work, hard thoughts.

See the protective cases that you are trying to attach to the eyes so that nothing can accidentally hurt them, - something will appear in your life than you will greatly go out and worry about safety; To successful acquisition.

See in a dream of an unfamiliar person who is trying to attract your attention to his gaze - to an unexpected acquaintance, to a romantic date; You will witness what a secret that can bring you trouble and trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes.

To see in a dream someone's eyes foreshadows good luck, success in affairs and joy. If the eyes are unhealthy, blind, oblique, etc. - is to deception, insult, illness and other troubles.

To quickly monitor your eyes - well-being, it's bad to see - a lack of money, a loss. At the same time, myopia means the entanglement in the affairs and an unexpected visit of an undesirable guest, and the facilitance suggests that you will learn about the existence of an opponent living with you under one roof.

To lose eye in a dream - to the disease, the death of loved ones. One-eyed man is a hint in affairs, unexpected and unwanted. To see eyes is not in its place - a bad sign that foreshadows vision or progressive eye disease. Brown eyes Sign of treachery and tricks, gray - a warning against a flattened man, blue - to fail because of your own foulness.

Inflamed eyes - to the alarms and terrible events, blushing - unfortunately with acquaintances.

Persecuted eyes - a warning against the goats of your enemies, followed by every step.

Tomny, with a painful eye - to a charming rival.

The eyebrament in the eyes is an insight, the change of opinion about something, Belmo on the eye - to deception, barley - to wealth.

Black Eyes - Take care of false friendship, green - hot love, colorless - decay of affairs or lowering at work, omitted - Love matures in the soul and will soon give yourself to know, closed - get joyful news. Silly blinking eyes foreshadow the loss in their own fault.

Large and very beautiful eyes - fortunately and wealth.

To see a person without an eye is to lose your loved one.

Crying eyes - the forever of a bad future.

Crying in a dream or constantly wipe eyes from tears when cutting onions foreshadows that your rivals will bring you a serious defeat.

Wearing glasses in my eyes in a dream - achieve deep old age. See glasses in front of others - carefully follow your property, here you can incur losses.

Treat in a dream of eyes at the eyepiece means that you are not satisfied with your life and resort to very sophisticated tools to achieve the desired success.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes.

"Open your eyes on chiropo" see the essence, notice. "Glass eyes" indifference, disinterest. "Watch all eyes" or "look in both" passion, extreme attention, vigilance. "To look wide with the eyes of" horror, extreme surprise. "Close your eyes on ..." Inattention, care from the problem, do not intentionally notice. "And the eye does not blink" Exposure. "Cuts eye" rejection. "The eyes on the forehead climbed" extreme surprise, surprise. "Put the eye on something, claw" the desire to master it. "Eyes to compensate" boring, annoying. "To let dust in the eyes" embellish, create an incorrect impression. "Poking in the eye" apart. "Blinded by success" does not take into account real circumstances. "Sick look" Anger, hatred, love passion. "Look in love with eyes."

"I see", "I saw it with my own eyes."

"Devil's eye."

"The third eye", "all-seeing eye (clairvoyance).

"Not see obvious."

"The bad evil eye", "smoothed." "Eye for the Oco" is an irreconcilable feud, revenge. "Give in the eye" Aggression, blow to a vulnerable place. "Shoot through the eyes" to seduce, to show interest to hostility, try to fall in love with yourself, attract.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes.

If you are in a dream, look closely to someone in your eyes, it means that you should not be too trusted to friends: Karie's eyes - expect treachery and deception from the best friend's side; Blue eyes - you will not be able to confront the gossip, the reason for which will be your trust man, at first glance, manifested sincere participation to you; Gray eyes - dangerous flattery, which will sue your vigilance; Black eyes - a cheerful friendly party will end with quarrels and disappointment; Belmo on the eye - you are in ignorance about the true meaning of the good location of colleagues. See the eyes of an animal or just eyes - you are watching the enemy, hidden by a friend; A man with one eye looks at you - the betrayal of close people is not far off; For lovers - you will have an opponent from the nearest environment.

Imagine that you look into the eyes of a dreaming so long that he does not withstand and take a look. From this struggle of views, you leave the winner.

Dream Interpretation - Eyes.

Large beautiful eyes to see in the mirror - fortunately in children.

Dull and sick eyes - unfortunately, alarming because of children.

Eyes closed their see in a dream - to strong love.

Fast movements with eyes - to well-being.

Many human eyes - to obtain jewels or profits.

Eyes to see badly - to a lack of money or any damage.

The eye follows the eyes to someone to pump out - you scare your actions or configure people against yourself.

The eyes are tied in a dream - for a woman a warning - you should be careful, there is a situation around you, which can create you a lot of problems and even lead to trouble.

Dream interpretation - eye

To see the eye is a warning against the goats of your enemies, who followed every step to spoil your business.

Loving this dream promises ingratiating rival.

Brown eyes - a sign of treachery, tricks. View of the blue eye, directed at you in a dream, promises you some kind of failure, the reason for which your excessive timidity becomes. Gray eyes - warning against a flattened man.

If in a dream you have eyes inflamed or you lose your eyes - wait for the occurrence of alarming events. An unfavorable sleep, where one-eyed person will appear - he promises misfortune.


The man called his beloved

Dream interpretation man called his beloved Dreamed, why dream of a man called his beloved in a dream? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see a man called a loved one, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams at the Sun House!

Dream Interpretation - Favorite

Favorite is a dream in which you kiss your beloved in the dark, warns you that you are at a sight of numerous gossip and enviousness. If the kiss took place at the light, you will be able to avoid scandals and intrigues. If you have dreamed that your bridegroom married another, prepare your heart to the attack of jealousy. And in reality, everything is perfect. If in a dream you are upgraded by the fact that your chosen one is indifferent to you, then you simply cannot decide: you get married or continue to live yourself. Sleep, in which you feel love from your chosen one, promises you the joy of family life and genuine love. If you in a dream allowed yourself to change your loved one, it means that you are also easily trusted. However, if you dreamed that my beloved changed, then in reality he can do the same. The dream in which you get a photo from your beloved, warns about the mercenary feelings of your chosen one. He does not like you at all, but simply uses. Therefore, think about whether you should meet with him.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If you dreamed of a man, then you have some kind of pleasure. If you see a stranger man in a dream, it foreshadows the commission of some adventure. To see a man itself means to get into some kind of spicy situation with far-reaching consequences.

If a man seen in a dream is in prison, it promises you the exercise of the plans for a long time.

To see a man-actor - to the upcoming quarrel with friends or loss of someone from people close to you. Research, tears and grief are possible. Annoyance, trouble.

If the man you saw in a dream was an obstetrician, it means an ambulance.

To see a man's dream in a dream and enjoy communication with him means that you have to cry a lot and worry on trifles.

If in a dream a small growth man is trying to tie a quarrel or a fight with a man who is superior to his strength, it means that you are exchanged for trifles. Also, sleep is surviving an unexpected acquaintance, thanks to which many joys will appear in your life.

By the way, various historical sources lead numerous examples of dreams that predicted events that have occurred later. Such facts lead in their "comparative lives" an ancient Greek writer and historian Plutarch (approx. 45 - Ok. 127), the Roman historian and the writer Guy Lights Tranquil (approx. 70 - approx. 140) and many other ancient authors narrate.

On a private dream, which was predicted by misfortune, the story of Plutarch from his famous "lives" was preserved. Once at night on the eve of the murder of the Roman dictator and the commander of Guy Julia Caesar, his wife Calpurnia woke up in sobs: she dreamed, as if she was holding the killed husband's arms. Her experiences were so convincing that Julius Caesar intended to cancel the meeting of the Senate scheduled for this day. If he had given the importance to this warning over his wife, he would have stayed alive (in the Senate he had twenty-three knife wounds, in which all senators were attended) and the subsequent history of the Roman Empire would have formed otherwise.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If you dream of a young, cute man - in real life anxiety awaits you. Old gray-fired man foreshadowed a long life. Very fat, full man with a big belly - to pleasant events and sensations.

A man with a beard means a disease in the family. A man in a shirt is a sign of unfortunate marriage, on an expensive elegant suit - you will fully enjoy all the benefits of life. An ugly man with repulsive features of the face is to disappointment in the beloved.

A gloomy man in a bad mood means that they will come across many obstacles to the exercise of conceived. A cheerful and sociable man foreshadows that they will gain fame due to the achieved successes.

Aggressive man, roughly achieving intimate intimacy with you, means that you are coming unpleasant experiences because of the person you considered your friend. To dream of a dead man - to big money.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If a woman sees in a dream a nice man with beautiful features of the face - the dream promises her well-being, satisfaction with fate, consistent joy. If such a dream sees a man - this is a sign of long business disagreements, quarrels with partners, goats of business opponents. A man in white clothes promises joy, getting a state, in black - loss and sadness. Tolstech in a dream foreshadows you well-being in matters, and a low-spirited man is a sign that you will overcome difficult circumstances. Gorbun does not promise anything good, for often this dream warns about the deception or betrayal of those who you trust.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If a woman dreamed of a beautiful, well-folded man, in the near future she enjoys a full life and will be happy in love and sex. But if you have seen a man of sullen and ugroen, they are waiting for disappointment and problems with their loved ones.

For a man to see in a dream another man (friend or stranger) means that soon he will have an opponent who is able to destroy the harmony of relations with his beloved woman and cause jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Male

"Talk as a man with a man" Serious conversation, clarifying relationships.

"Be a man" Call for courage, nobility.

"I will make you a real man" (strong, volitional man). The "man" the word carries the shade of simplicity, rudeness, rudeness.

Dream Interpretation - Male

If the image of a woman symbolizes the sphere of senses, then a man: this is a symbol of active activity.

Meet a slender, pleasant man: foreshadows the cases that will please you. Such a dream is equally favorable for both women and men.

An ugly man in a dream: a sign of failure in affairs. Most likely, your future plans need revision.

A woman in which she sees her husband: can suggest, in what condition is its current affairs and plans.

See my husband cheerful and cheerful: Sign of wealth in the house.

A quarrel with her husband in a dream: it foreshadows some difficulties that nevertheless end well.

Seeing her husband ugly or unpleasant: a sign of acute discontent with its position.

Such dreams do not foresee anything good.

If a woman sees herself a man: this suggests that she is able to cope with the difficult situation and can safely count on their strength.

Dream Interpretation - Male

Bald man - to respect and wealth.

A man in the shirt of a woman dreamed of - to trouble marriage.

A naked man see - to luck.

Dead man on the street - to the opening of new sources of income.

Intimate relationships in a dream with a man - to loss of state.

Dream Interpretation - Male

To urinate to your feet - foreshadows great luck, success.

Uncoated head and loose hair - someone in secret plots against you.

Uncoated hair and closed face - there will be a litigation, a trial.

If the Ox Wasp is in front - it will be a misfortune in the family associated with households.

You see yourself with eyebrows in the evening with another person - there will be a promotion.

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