Read the novel Fathers and children in reducing. Short retelling "Fathers and Children" on chapters: Description of events, characteristics of heroes

Reservoirs 01.10.2019

Even the most impressive books in time can unwittingly fad to in your memory, time is in a hurry to delete minor episodes from it. However, the teacher in literature checks exactly knowledge of the details, so it can make sure that the work is really studied, read and analyzed (analysis of the book, by the way). That is why we offer a brief retelling of Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" on chapters. So you will definitely miss anything.

The reader is postponed in 1859 and sees the landowner Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanova. The author describes his fate: the hero grew into the family of a rich general, and after the end of the University of St. Petersburg, he married his beloved woman. But after her death, the nobleman, living in the village, one brought up the firstborn.

When the boy was enrolled in the university, they were in the capital with her father, and the eldest Kirsanov did not miss the opportunity to be closer to his son, so he always tried to get acquainted with Arkady's comrades.

The author smoothly moves to the string, describing the present: Now Nikolai Petrovich is a 44-year-old nobleman, which is engaged in the economy "on the new way". He does not go out in this matter, but he does not give his hands, because it is waiting for a young son to help. The old man is impatiently wandering around the country and looks out the crew.

II Head

Finally, the long-awaited guest arrives, but not one: a buddy with him. Turgenev says so:

in a long balachon with brushes ... Nude red hand ... Hanging Benbards ... The face expressed self-confidence and mind.

Arcasha himself is a pink-eyed young man who is very shy to show joy from meeting with dad. Before a harsh and silent friend, the hero clearly shakes his emotions.

III Head

All three are sent to Maryino - the manor of Kirsanov. Arkady in a conversation with his father mentions another characteristic of Bazarov:

I can't express you to what extent I rushing his friendship ... The main subject of it is natural sciences. Yes, he knows everything.

From this conversation we learn that the Bazarov is a future doctor, a naturalist, and Arkady is trying to like his buddy, very much admiring them. He even tries to hide his own joy associated with the return home, since his comrade does not like to express emotions.

The collision of spiritual and material, or rather, poetry and medicine occurs in the third chapter: Nikolai Petrovich reads the rows of Pushkin, which, undoubtedly, speaks of his fine nature, and the bazaars simply interrupts it. The rudeness of the guest will explain his worldview. The hero considers reading Pushkin poems absolutely inappropriate and unnecessary.

IV Head

The uncle Arkady, an elderly, but very well-kept and dressed man welcomes their homes. He "took out his beautiful hand from his pocket his beautiful hand with long pink nails," but rushed to shake the Guest Ruchish. He immediately hides his beautiful brush with his pocket.

So the conflict is born: men at first glance did not like each other.

V Head

Spillway Evgeny leaves for a swamp together with the peasant children. He urgently needed frogs as a test material.

Arkady notices the inhabitant of the Flegel - Fuenus, a serf girl. It turns out that she has a son from Barin. The hero was pleased with the appearance of brother, but he wonders, why the father silent such happiness.

Arkady enlightens relatives at the table, explaining the ethical and moral principles of a friend. He is a nihilist who takes over the courage to deny authorities, traditional values \u200b\u200band generally accepted ways.

Guest returns to the marsh catch.

VI Head

The unnecessary handshake of Pavel Petrovich and Bazarov in the sixth chapter develops into the mutual antipathy of heroes. Eugene announces his dislike for domestic scientist authorities, and his elderly interlocutor annoyed. He was accustomed to the manners of the court interior, and the entry of the young attachment for him is insulting. He especially did not like the rude and cheeky voice of the speaker.

In the midst of the controversy bazarov exposes its truth:

A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than a poet.

Feeling tension, Arkady is trying to distract those present by the story about his uncle. So he wants to prevent the relative of the relative, because he knows about the bile character and acute language of the comrade.

VII Head

Pavel Petrovich was a brilliant officer, a star balls and evenings, the welcome guest of all selected people. But he had a misfortune to fall in love with the Princess R., he retired and followed everywhere for many years. When Princess R. died, Pavel Petrovich settled at his brother in Maryino.

The mental story does not touch the main character at all, he sees weakness in this act.

He believes that "a person who has put on a female love all his life and, when he was killed by this card, Raskis and sank ... - Not a man."

Confirming his Nihilist's worldview, he calls all this romanticism Chushy, which is useless to society, in contrast to medicine.


Pavel Petrovich visits Fuenus, although it usually does not honor her such honor. After describing the room, the author reveals the purpose of the arrival of Kirsanov: he wished to look at the seven Mitu.

In the same chapter, we plunge into the past and learn the mystery of the convergence of Nikolai Petrovich and Benches - the daughter of his housekeeper. Three years ago, a man decided to show pity and took to him two poor barns, mother and daughter. Not so long ago, the old woman died, and a soft and timid girl began to live with Barine in an illegal marriage.

IX Chapter

Bazarov skillfully drawn with the infant of Fuenus, speaking with her about the health of Mitya. He is ready to provide all the necessary services if the child needs a doctor.

However, the bazaars in their repertoire: Having heard the game Nikolai Kirsanov on the cello, Eugene only condemns him. Arkady is dissatisfied with this reaction.

X Head

For two weeks of staying Bazarov in the estate of Kirsanov, Pavel Petrovich raised Evgeny, and Nikolai Petrovich often heard his speeches, looked at interesting experiences, but, of course, a strange guest was afraid.

Evgeny is again indignant in response to reading Pukhkin's poems Nikolai Petrovich, without constraints the owner of the house "retired person". Then Pavel Petrovich, standing on his brother, again faces the bazaarov in the heated verbal battle. Bazarov says that "denial is uttering everything," but does not meet support from Kirsanov.

And Nikolai Petrovich, recired his misunderstanding with his mother, begins to compare this situation with his son Arkady.

XI Head

Nikolai Petrovich nostalgic: recalls the spouse, unwittingly compares it with Fuenus, but understands that the deceased wife was much better. His thoughts acquire more and more sentimental notes, and he suffers from awareness that young people would condemn it for softness and sensitivity.

Bazarov offers its friend Arkadia trip to the city: there lives the old comrade Eugene.

XII Head

As was suggested by Bazarov in the previous chapter, they went to meet with Arkady to meet with the student Eugene. Separate lines are devoted to the description of the city, where they are finally found with a fussy man - Sitnikov, who considered themselves the follower of Bazarov. Also, heroes get acquainted with an official from St. Petersburg by a whalezine and governor, which contributed to the connections of the Father Arkady.

Sitnikov invites those who arrived heroes to Cushina. He himself calls her emancipated, advanced woman.


Together with the heroes, the reader meets Cushina, as a caricature image of a woman who considers himself educated and progressive. However, during a conversation, the girl is not particularly fascinated by the answers of her guests, it only leads meaningless conversations, which explains the discomfort of Arcadia and Bazarov in her society.

For the first time, the work will sound an important name - Anna Sergeyevna Obodyna, who will later play a significant role in the life of the main character.

XIV head

Thanks to the ties of the Father Arkady, together with his comrade, come to the governor's ball, where the son of Nikolai Petrovich meets with. This sweet, young, rich landowner learns from his interlocutor about his friend. The girl is intrigued and asks both young people to come to visit her.

Bazarov is impressed by Anna Sergeyevna.

He said that "she has such shoulders, which I have not understood for a long time."

So, he decides that the trip to her is a good idea, and men intend to apply a visit, not forcing themselves to wait.

XV Chapter

Arkady with Bazarov heads for her to meet, then the girl makes an even greater impression on Eugene.

The reader reveals the history of the enrichment and widowism of Anna Sergeyevna: after receiving the education in St. Petersburg, her ruined father dies, and she receives the proposal of Odenty - a rich elderly landlord. However, her husband dies after six years, and Anna Sergeyevna remains with his condition.

A frequent topic in Anna and Eugene's conversation - science. Heroes quickly come closer, they are interested in communicating. At the end of the meeting, Anna Odintov invited heroes to her estate.

XVI Head

Odintsova introduces men with his sister Katya.

The bazaarov shaves the environment, stating that all people are equally arranged, the organs are identical, as the fact that a person proudly calls the inner world. All moral diseases come from society and its delusions, so it is enough to correct it so that no ailments are no longer.

The author describes Odintsov. This is empty and indifferent to everything. She thought he wanted everything, but, in fact, did not want anything. She had no prejudice, but also as such affections was also not.


In the estate of Odse (Nikolsky), friends stayed about fifteen days. Bazarov considered love with stupidity, and "Knight's feelings something like deformity or illness." However, he noted with indignation that he himself came across the Silk Anna. Too well, he was alone with this lady. However, Arkady found his ideal in Katerina.

In the same head of the bazaarov meets the manager of his father. He gives him that Eugene's parents are excited by his delay and the Son has been enjoyed.


To the eighteenth chapter of the former Eugene, you can not find out: denying any romanticism or recognizing love Chushia Bazarov is aware of the feelings for Anna Odintova.

A man is explained with a woman, but she rejects him. She is more expensive to peace of lonely life. Eugene in the despondency goes to the parental estate.

XIX Chapter

Heroes leave Odintsov to visit their parents. Changes in Eugene notices not only the reader, but also the friend of Arkady: it's painfully a friend has become loaded.

After watching the guests, Anna Sergeyevna still hopes that in the near future the conversation with Bazarov will again take place, although they parted very cold.

XX Head

Friends come to the parents of Eugene. Turgenev describes the delight of the parent's parents associated with the long-awaited arrival of the Son, even though they walked to be a little more restrained, well knowing about the worldview of Eugene.

Bazarov did not see the parents for three years, and despite this, in no hurry to pay the father and hour conversation. He complains about fatigue from the road, goes for overnight, but does not closame eyes.

XXI Head

There was no week how Eugene decides to leave. In the village of the family of the bazaarov thinks that everything distracts him, and at least Arkady tries to convey to a friend, as wrong, Eugene stands on his own.

We are represented by the gloomy thoughts of the main character:

I did not break myself, so the Babenka will not break me.

Of course, the parents of the hero were absolutely not delighted by the decision of the Son to leave so soon. They grieved, barely daring to discover annoyance.


Heroes come back to Maryino, where they are glad.

However, Arkady is not so easy to stop in place. After a while, he again leaves to the city, failing to Milk Nikolskoe, where Anna and her sister were perfectly adopted. Meanwhile, Eugene with his head goes into medicine, trying to cure from love dust.


Bazarov aware of where and why Arkady is still going, and grins over his excuses. But Evgeny himself prefers to hike into work.

The only person in the estate of Kirsanov, to whom the Bazarov had a positive attitude, is a bauble. She saw a simple man in him, so he did not hesitate so as the Lord. Even under Nicolae Petrovich she was not so calm and freely. The doctor was always happy to talk about her baby.

Once the bazaars kissed the girl, but this scene accidentally found Pavel Petrovich.

XXIV head

Then the old man goes to the desperate step: it causes a young guest to a duel. It does not report true motive, but he insults Eugene, stating straight things that he is superfluous. The aristocrat in it despises this coarse and inoperative male.

Duel does not turn out to be one of the characters deadly, but no victims do not cost, and the bazaarov takes the rival to the leg. However, as a real leakage, he immediately has an uncle Arcadia medical care.

After what happened, Eugene leaves for the family, and his opponent asks his brother to take Fennica to his wife. He used to oppose an unequal marriage, and now realized his need.

XXV Head

Arkady all the time was in the shadow of his senior comrade, blindly imitated him and repeated his words. But after acquaintance with Katya, everything changed. The girl pointed out the cavalier that he was much kinder and nurser without a basar. This is him real.

On the way, Eugene comes to Nikolskoye, meets a friend and tells him that there was a complete gap of the Bazarov with his relatives without him.


Katya with Arkady in love, young people exchanged recognition. The young man asks her consent to marry him. Excited and romantic Katya agrees to the proposal of Arcadia.

We are mistaken ... At first we were interested in each other, curiosity was initiated, and then ... "-" And then I exhale "- answers the bazaars.

Eugene leaves forever: and a friend, and his beloved woman is lost for him.


The hero comes to the family. In the village there is bad rumor about him, people do not understand his scholars, the people alien to his denial, although he himself sincerely believed that they were supported by him.

This self-confident bazaars did not suspect that he was in their eyes there was something like a fool's jester.

Evgeny was in Apathia, abandoned science. He only helped the father to treat the surrounding people. But even it was not given to him. During the opening, he cut and infected with a typhoid. He knows that he is waiting for death. Now he asks one - send by Anna.

A visit to the guest he believes his feelings, complains that it does not need anyone that people did not understand him and did not accept, but he wanted to be a useful society. And so could not.

XXXVIII Chapter (Epilogue)

All couples got married: Nikolai Petrovich took Fenuchka, Arkady - Katya. Even Anna marries a smart, but a cold person who corresponds to her completely.

In the last rows, the work of Turgenev describes the grave at the rural cemetery, where only the elderly couple comes to his beloved son.

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Roman Turgenev "Fathers and Children" In summary of chapters will be useful to any student when preparing for the literature and exams of OGE and EGE, both in the literature and Russian language.

Chapters 1-3.

The novel begins with the fact that the landowner Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov expects the arrival of the Son in his estate - Maryino. The action takes place in the spring of 1859. When Nikolai Petrovich was young, many believed that he could become a good military, but this did not happen because of the injury gained. After graduating from studying at the university, he married and settled in the estate. Nikolai Petrovich's wife died in ten years after the birth of the son of Arkady, and Kirsanov engaged in a lot of her boyfriend. When it was time to learn, he sent Arkady to Petersburg, living with him there the first three years. Now the Son must visit him in the village, and Nikolai Petrovich is very worried about the meeting with the matured arkadium; In addition, he will come not alone, but with the other - Evgeny Bazarov.

Arkady presents a friend of his father and speaks Nicholas Petrovich that Eugene is a simple person, and you can behave naturally with him. Father and son ride in a stroller, and bazaars - in Tarantas.

The elderly landowner is very happy with the meeting with his son, constantly wants to evaporate with him, because of what Arkady feels a little embarrassed and, so as not to show this, behaves somewhat unclosed. Also, the young man turns away in the direction of a friend, as if fearing that Bazarov is heard his questions about the activities in the estate and reasoning about the beauties of nature. Nikolai Petrovich reports that there are no major changes in the life of the estate, in addition that the girl's girl lives with him, no. He is shy and says that the Fenia can go if the Son is against her stay in the house; Arkady does not consider it necessary. Father and son feel embarrassed and change the direction of the conversation. Young Kirsanov sees kissing everywhere launch; He believes that some changes are needed, but does not know which specifically. Then men again discuss the magnificence of nature; Nikolai Petrovich begins to read the poem of Pushkin out loud, but here the bazaars appear and asks a friend to smoke. Throughout the remaining path, the senior Kirsanov does not utter a word.

Chapters 4-5

Near the house men meets only the old servant and a glimpse of the girl. Nikolai Petrovich invites everyone to the living room and tells the servant to serve lunch there. There, guests meet a tidy elderly man who turns out to be the elder brother Nikolai - Pavel Petrovich; Its well-groomed species contrasts greatly with the untidy appearance of the Bazar. After acquaintance, young people go to put themselves in order, and Pavel Petrovich at that time asked Nikolai about Bazarov, whose type caused some dislike in it. At lunch, they spoke a little, and after him immediately went through their rooms. Evgeny shared with each other with his thoughts about his father and uncle; Then they almost immediately fell asleep. Brothers Kirsanov walked for a few hours: Nikolai reflected on his son, Paul thought about something, looking at the fireplace fire. Fenechka looked at his baby, whose father is not other than Nikolai Petrovich.

The next morning of the bazaar, who woke up earlier, goes for a walk; It makes up the company Local boys, together with whom he catches frogs. The rest at this time are going to drink tea. Arkady, going to the sick phenoshek, learns that he has a little brother. This news pleases a young man, and he reproaches his father who did not tell him about the birth of the Son. Nikolai Petrovich and his brother are surprised by the lack of Bazarov and ask Arkady questions about his friend; He says that Eugene is a nihilist, that is, a person who does not accept anything on faith. Here the Bazarov itself appears and bears frogs to the room for further experiments.

Chapters 6-7

During Tea Party Pavel Petrovich argues with Bazarov; Men negatively belong to each other and do not hide it. Nikolai Petrovich, trying not to bring the case to the scandal, asks a young man to help him choose fertilizers, and he agrees. Arkady also tells a friend about Pavel Petrovic, hoping to change his mind about uncle. It turns out, Pavel Petrovich was a military man; He was kept a big career, but at the age of 28 he fell in love with one princess, which was married to the old man. The character of the woman was rather windy, but it did not prevent Pavel Petrovich to love her. However, their relationships did not last long; Parting was very upset by a man, he threw the service and had traveled for his beloved for various countries for four years. Then he tried to continue his career, but soon he learned that the princess died. After that, Pavel Petrovich arrived at his brother, who also remained a widow.

Chapters 8-11

Nikolai Petrovich met Fencing three years ago. He met her and her mother in a restaurant; Women's affairs were quite bad. Nikolai took them to his estate. After the death of Mother Fenshka, he began to live with a girl who conquered his heart.

After talking with a friend of the bazaarov, meets the phenya and her son; He says that if they need medical care, they can always contact him. After some time, Eugene hears the game of Nikolai Kirsanov on the cello and laughs. Arkady does not approve of a friend's behavior.

It takes two weeks. During this time, all the inhabitants of the estates are accustomed to Bazarov, but Pavel Petrovich continues to hate him. Somehow, Nikolai Petrovich overheard the conversation of his son with a friend, during which Eugene called Arcadia "retired man", which was very insulting. Nikolay spoke about this brother. Soon after the tea party, another unpleasant conversation happened, during which the bazaars accused Arkady's father in the fact that he, like all aristocrats, lives without any sense. Pavel Petrovich expressed disagreement with the position of a young man, saying that such nihilists, like bazaars, only worsen the situation in society. There was a serious dispute; Eugene considered senseless conversation and left. Arkady was removed with him. Nikolai Petrovich remembered that one day, being still at the age of his son, he quit with her mother, who also did not understand his point of view. Now he himself cannot look at the young eyes.

Chapters 12-14.

The next day, the bazaars with Arkady are leaving to the city to visit a long-time friend; There they received an invitation to the ball, and the familiar Eugene - Sitnikov - called the buddies to visit Evdokia Kukshina. She did not like friends; Evdokia turned out to be an untidy woman who does not listen to the interlocutor at all.

On the ball, young people get acquainted with Anna Sergeyevny Obodyna. She drew attention to Arkady, who told the girl about his friend; Odintsova invited them to visit. Bazarov seemed that Anna Sergeevna differs from other women.

Chapters 15-19.

Soon friends came to visit the girl. They will find out that this six years was married to a rich man; He recently died, leaving her rich inheritance. The behavior of the Bazarov was unusual, and he said much more than always. With Arkady, Anna Sergeyevna talked for both younger brother. For goodbye, she invited young people to their estate - Nikolskoye. There they met her sister Katya. Anna Sergeyevna often walked in the garden with Bazarov, and Arkady experienced some feeling of jealousy.

Eugene fell in love with Odintsov, despite the fact that he considered the love of nonsense. His feeling was mutual, but neither he nor Anna Sergeyevna wanted to openly admit it. Once the bazaarov met the manager of his father, who said that parents are waiting for the return of Eugene and worry about him. He decides to leave and will soon admire the one in love, but she says: "You did not understand me." The girl believes that she will be calmer than one. The next day, young people are leaving; Arkady thinks Eugene has changed very much during his life in Nikolsky.

Chapters 20-24.

In the estate of bazaar friends there are warm and welcoming. At dinner, the mother looked at his son all the time, and his father talked about the business of the estate. Father wanted to talk to Evgeny also after dinner, but he refused, referring to fatigue; In fact, the young man could not fall asleep until the morning. Having learned that the Son leaves again, the parents were very upset. After his departure, the bazaarovs were worried, deciding that Eugene threw them. On the way back, young people visit Nikolskoye; There they had a cold reception, and Anna Sergeyevna had an inholic look.

Arkady with Eugene return to Maryino, where their arrival caused sincere joy. The bazaars took up with the experiments, and Arkady - the help of his father. However, young Kirsanov often thought about one; Once he finds the correspondence of his mother with her mother's mother and under this pretext rides Nikolskoye, where he has a warm welcome. Bazarov at this time with his head goes into experiments and is distinguished from all the inhabitants of the estate, except for baubles. Once in the gazebo, he kisses a girl on his lips; Pavel Petrovich is a witness to what happened, but says nothing. Eugene begins to feel awkward; He is tormented by conscience. Soon Paul Petrovich raises the Bazarov to the duel; They do not call this reason, saying that they are shooting due to political disagreements. During the duel, Eugene wounds the opponent in his leg.

Chapters 25-28.

After that, the bazaars go to the estate of their parents, but on the way decides to visit Nikolskoye. There, Arkady has a good relationship with the sister of Anna Sergeyevna - Katya. She says that in fact the Arkady is kind, but the bazaars affect him negatively. Young are trying to confess to each other in love, but Arkady, frightened, goes to her room where the Bazarov meets. Evgeny informs him about everything in Maryino. Then the bazaarov speaks with Odentova; They decide to stay friends.

Arkady makes the Kate offer, and it agrees. Bazarov leaves for parents, before that, saying to a friend, that that "is not suitable for decisive affairs." Living in the parental estate, Eugene helps his father and treats patients. Once, when opening a peasant who deceased from Tifa, he was hurt and infected with a deadly disease. After some time, the young man began with a fever. He wants to see Odintsov; When a girl comes, the bazaarov shares with her true feelings, after which it dies.

Six months later, two weddings play in Maryino. Arkady marries Kate, and Nikolai Petrovich - on Benchka. Pavel Petrovich leaves abroad, Anna Sergeevna also marries, and Bazar's parents spend almost all the time on the grave of their Son.

The summary of the "fathers and children" - the novel written by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev in 1862 will need you if you need to quickly get acquainted with the plot for passing the exam. They can also take advantage of people who simply want to meet with the creation of the Great Classic, not spending a lot of time. So, Turgenev, "fathers and children": a summary, on chapters not broken.

Start Romana

In the first stage, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov - a middle-aged landowner of the middle arm - waiting for the arrival of his son Arkady, who graduated from the University at the inn of the courtyard. Kirsanov raised his son alone, as Arkady's mother died when he was still very small. Arkady comes, but he is not alone. With him, the companion is a slim high young man who introduced himself as Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. He decides to stay by Kirsanov and swim around for a while.

A little about Turgenev

Drinking, let's say that this is a rather exciting book - "fathers and children." Turgenev (a brief content of this, unfortunately, will not reflect) was a wonderful writer. Thanks to his work, important problems were raised, which are relevant so far.

Main conflict

So, continue to present the summary of the "fathers and children" - a book that has become for many beloved. At first, the father and son have no relation to the relationship, especially since Arkady confused Fenzka - his father's cohabitant, having a child from him. Arkady appealed to Nikolay Petrovich condescendingly, and it was unpleasant to father. At home, our heroes are found with Pavel Petrovich - Uncle Arkady. Relationships from Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich did not work out. Already the next morning they had a quarrel. Bazarov, famous nihilist, argues that chemistry is more important than art. He is for a practical result and is even proud that he has no "artistic meaning." Kirsanova annoys the bazaars, and he collapses him with criticism of nihilism - what exists in "emptiness". However, the enemy skillfully parishes him. Nikolai Petrovich soothes himself by the fact that they, old men, just behind their lives and do not understand the views of the youth.

Trip to town

Friends get acquainted in the provincial city, where they went the next day, with the beauty of Oblovo. To her bazaarov began to experience a living interest, let and zinic. However, then it covers a truly romantic feeling. He used to know him in himself. Odenty also rejects his courtship, and the bazaarov decides to go to her father and mother. Those in him do not have the souls, but soon he decides to return to Kirsanov, because his parents had too boring.

Death Bazarov

Having arrived in the estate, the bazaars occasionally meets with Fuenus and kisses her. Seeing this Pavel Petrovich deeply offended, as Fenochka reminds him of his first love. Men are shooting, bazaars wounds Kirsanov, but immediately assists him, being a doctor. He breaks with Arkady, because he feels a stranger in this family. Evgeny leaves for parents and soon receives a deadly infection of blood after opening the corpse of a typhoid patient.

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Final Romana

Now everyone has their own life - Arkady raises the estate, and his father lives in Dresden with a young wife. And only on the grave of the Bazarov, two old people come - his parents to mourn the untimely departed son.


The effect of the novel begins on May 20, 1859. A young man who has just finished the university, Arkady Kirsanov goes to the Stage Dvor, where his father is waiting for him - Nikolai Petrovich. Nikolay Petrovich Kirsanova is now 43 years old, but he looks no longer very young. He worries before meeting with his son. Moreover, the Son is not going alone - along with him the estate should come and his student friend Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov.

Nikolai Petrovich devoted his whole life to raising his son. Even when Arkady was already a student, Nikolai Petrovich lived in St. Petersburg with him, got acquainted with his friends and tried to understand what modern youth lives. Nikolai Petrovich's wife died 12 years ago, and now the son of Arkady and Brother Pavel Petrovich were the most close to him for him. True, there was still a girl named Fenzka, which Nikolai Petrovich loved, and who had a child from him, but this fact was trying to keep this fact from his son.

Familiarity Paul Petrovich Kirsanova and Evgenia Bazarov immediately develop into mutual dislike. Already the next day, a large quarrel flashes between them, whose instigator, in truth, becomes Pavel Petrovich. For Bazarova there is nothing that he would not deny. He believes that art can not be more valuable and more important than chemistry, and science is primarily practice, and only then the theory. Nihilism (that is, the denial of all) Bazarov seems to be Petrovich simply blasphemous. He cannot understand how it can be denyed everything, including the love he, Pavel Petrovich, once experienced, and who devastated him so much that he was no longer capable of any feelings or thought after parting with his beloved. Bazarov also convinces him that he and his brother do not at all imagine what modern life is.

In the provincial city of Bazarov and Junior Kirsanov, there are those who consider themselves the followers of Bazarov - Sitnikov and Kukshin. They do not learn anything and do not master any profession, but their nihilism has reached such an extent that they leave far behind themselves even the Bazarov himself.

Arkady meets Odintova, it seems to him that he is in love with her. In fact, it is not like that - his feeling is simply contrived. But the bazaars became interested in one and the dreams of him at all are not at all about how he reads her poems under the moon, but about something bigger.

Arriving to Anna Sergeyevna home, friends get acquainted with her younger sister Katya, with which Arkady gets closer.

Bazarov leaves Anna Sergeyevna, as it does not want to become a "slave of his passion," wants to remain independent of everything. Odintovova does not protest against his departure, as it also believes that the main thing is not a passion, but calm.

Bazarov goes to their parents, but can not live with them, without having experienced boredoms, and couples days. He returns to the estate towards Kirsanov, where because of liberty in relation to Fennicke, is forced to fight duel with Pavel Petrovich. The bazaars is easily wounded and the very same help itself. But after this duel, Pavel Petrovich begins to insist that his brother marry on Fennicke, although he used to actively opposed it.

Bazarov breaks up with arkadium and one and moved to live to their parents. Soon, opening the corpse of a man who deceased from typhus, he infects and dies. Before death, he is explained with the Odental, who comes to say goodbye to him. Six months after these events, two weddings occur immediately - Arkady is wary with Katya, and Nikolai Petrovich with Fenzka. Arkady takes on behalf of the estate and reaches great success in this. Nikolai Petrovich is engaged in public operation. Pavel Petrovich leaves to live in Dresden. And on the grave of Bazarov, his elderly parents often come and grieve about the sons underestimated from them.

Before you - the summary of the first 10 chapters of the work "Fathers and Children" I.S. Turgenev. A summary is given on the chapters, in order for you to be more convenient to navigate in the events of the novel.

You can also familiarize yourself with the brief retelling of chapters and .

Moreover, those passages to which you need to pay attention, and which are "accepted" to quote in the lessons of Russian literature we give in an unchanged form.

The novel "Fathers and Children" was written in the 60s of the XIX century and became very iconic for his time.

The actions in the novel occur in the summer of 1859, that is, on the eve of the peasant reform of 1861.

Fathers and children are a summary. Chapters 1-10.

Changing on the chapter, you will go to her concise content.

  • Go to the maintenance of chapters 11 - 20.
  • Go to the maintenance of chapters 21 - 28.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 1. Summary.

In this chapter, we get acquainted with the history of the Kirsanov family.

"What, Peter? Do not see even? ", - asked on May 20, 1859, leaving without a hat on a low porch of the inn on *** highway, a barin of years of forty with a little, in a dusty coat and checkered panthalons, at his servant, young and cheeky small with whitish Poump on the chin and small fascia glaze.

A servant, in which all: and turquoise earrings in the ear, and a closed multicolored hair, and courtesy of television, in a word, all exposed a man of the newest, improved generation, looked condescendingly along the road and responded: "No, no, not see."

Do not see? - Repeated Barin.

Do not see, - the servant responded again. Barin sighed and sat down on the bench.

Barin, whose name is Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, is waiting for the arrival of His Son Arkady. Nikolai Petrovich is the owner of two hundred souls. The estate is good, it is located in fifteen versts from the inn. Kirsanova's father - a combat general of 1812 he was a rude and semi-limited man, all his life gave military service.

Nikolai Petrovich and his elder brother Paul were born in the south of Russia. Nikolai Petrovich "As the General Son" ... " not only did not differ courage, but even deserved nickname panties».

The mother of the boys lived in his pleasure. She did not pay much attention to children too much. Nikolai Petrovich, as the General Son, was supposed to go to military service. But he broke his leg, she remained chrome for life.

When Nicholas turned eighteen years old, his father took him to St. Petersburg and " placed him to university" The brother was in the Guards Regiment. Nikolai Petrovich and his brother lived together, on the same apartment.

In 1835, Nikolai Petrovich came out of the university as a candidate, and in the same year, General Kirsanov, dismissed for the unsuccessful review, came to St. Petersburg with his wife on living.

After some time, General Kirsanov died of impact. Soon the mother, Agafokley Kuzmichnna died. She was hard to get used to the deaf metropolitan life.

Another parents were alive, Nikolai Petrovich fell in love with the daughter of the former owner of his apartment, a pretty and developed maiden. When Mourning on parents ended, Nikolai Petrovich married her. For some time, young lived in the city, then settled in the village. There was a son of Arkady.

The spouses lived very well and quietly: they almost never parted, read together, played four hands on the piano ...

But in ten years, in 1847, Nikolai Petrovich's wife died. It " barely made this blow, went in a few weeks».

In 1855, Arkady entered the university. Nikolai Petrovich lived with his son three winters in St. Petersburg, trying to communicate with Arkady's comrades. I could not come to the last winter of Kirsanov, and now, in May 1859, he was already gray and a little snubble, he is waiting for his son, who received how once Nikolai Petrovich, the title "Candidate".

« It seemed a Tarantas harvested by the Troika Yam Horses" Kirsanov with joyful cry "Arkasha!" Mets his son.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 2. Summary.

In this chapter, acquaintance with Evgeny Bazarov.

Together with Arkady, his buddy arrived. Arkady told the Father that the buddy was so kind that agreed to swim around them. A young man holds a little alienated. He with some indifference answers the joyful greeting of Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanova. The friend of Arkady is the name of Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov.

Evgeny Bazarov

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 3. Summary.

Arkady was very happy to see his father. But the young man restrained sincere, almost childish joy. Of course, his feelings and emotions still did not manage to hide. So he " i wanted to quickly translate the conversation from the mood of the excited about the ordinary».

Arkady says his father, which is very valuable to friendship with Bazarov. He says that his new buddy is engaged in natural sciences and is going to keep the exam for the doctor next year. Arkady asks the father to be friendly with the bazaarov.

In turn, Nikolai Petrovich tells the Son about what is happening in the estate. He also suggests that the old Nyanyushka, Egorovna died. Nikolai Petrovich changed the clerk, he decided do not keep more of you are freely published, former yard, or at least not entrust them to any posts where there is responsibility».

The father embarrassedly tells his son that the girl lives in his house, Fuenuschka. Nikolay Petrovich shame his weakness. But Arkady treated this news with indifference. Father and son look around.

The places for which they passed, could not be called picturesque. The fields, all the fields, stretched up to the skyskle itself, then slightly rummaged, then dropping again; Somewhere visible small forests, and, destroyed by rare and low shrubs, cried the ravines, reminding the eye of their own image on the vintage plans of Catherine-time and rivers with overwhelmed shores, and tiny ponds with thin dams, and villages with low elements under dark, Often up to half with placed roofs, and the swollen threshing sheds with wicker from the twigs walls and yawning sticks near the emptied Gumen, and the churches, then bricks with a falling out of some plaster, then wooden with toned crosses and ruin cemeteries.

Arkady sadly looked at a sad picture. He thought that " the poor edge of this, does not affect neither satisfaction or hardworking; It is impossible to stay so much, the transformation is necessary ... But how to execute them how to start? ..»

However, sad reflections could not take the top over the cheerful fitness of the young man.

... Spring took her own. All Golden Golden, everything is widely and gently worried and glanced under the quiet breath of a warm breeze ...

Arcadia's mood has changed.

A quarter of an hour later both crews stopped in front of the porch of a new wooden house, painted with gray paint and coated with iron red roof. It was Maryino, a new Slobodka identity, or, on the peasant name, Bobili Farm.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 4. Summary.

The chapter describes dinner in the estate of Kirsanov.

Only a girl of twelve and young guy, dressed in a gray livrayny jacket with white emblem buttons, were to meet the Lords and a young guy, dressed in a gray livrayny jacket with white coat of arms Petrovich Kirsanov. Arkady and his buddy were hungry. Nikolai Petrovich ordered to bring dinner.

The living room entered the "middle-height man, dressed in dark English suite, fashionable low tie and varnish half-boots, - Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. In appearance he was about forty five: His briefly marked gray hair was cast in a dark brilliance as a new silver; His face, bile, but without wrinkles, unusually correct and clean, as if derived by a thin and lightweight cutter, was the traces of beauty wonderful: they were especially good, black, oblong eyes. " Pavel Petrovich was glad to see the nephew. Nikolai Petrovich presented his brother to Bazarov. After Arkady, with his buddy, left, Pavel Petrovich expressed some dissatisfaction with the fact that "this hairy" will be located in their house.

At dinner, the situation was quite calm. Nikolai Petrovich talked about the tree of the Vienna life, Arkady - about life in St. Petersburg. After dinner, Bazarov gives his characteristic Nikolai Petrovich and Pavel Petrovich. About the first he responds quite approving, calls him the goodness. Pavel Petrovich was awarded a more ulcerative assessment. Bazarov calls him an eccentric, because in the village he walks so much.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 5. Short content.

The next day, Evgeny Bazarov woke up very early, still slept. He came out of the house and ordered local boys to catch him frogs. Evgeny Bazarov spends experiments over frogs. With the surrounding bazaars communicates with some contempt. But despite this, he causes confidence and respect, especially in the people standing below for a social staircase.

Arkady is surprised that Fuenus was not attended by the table. Arkady asks the Father, he did not shy a girl. Young man specially goes to get acquainted with her.

After the acquaintance, Arkady found out that he has a little brother. This news Arkady met with joy.

In a conversation with Pavel Petrovich, Arkady gives an assessment to his friend Bazarov. He calls it "Nihilist" And explains what it means.

According to Arkady, a nihilist can be called the one who does not inclined before any authorities; Nothing takes on faith - neither opinions nor the principles. Pavel Petrovich is very surprised. He does not understand how to live without principles.

Suddenly there is a bane, a young attractive woman, on her appearance about twenty-three years old. She is " all white and soft, with dark hair and eyes, red and childish plump sponges and gentle handles" Soon there comes the bazaars, he has a bag of frogs with him. Uncle Arkady asks Barazov Question: What is he going to do with frogs, or to breed? But Evgeny Bazarov misses the mock past the ears. He says that frogs are needed for experiments. When Pavel Petrovich finds out that the bazaars are engaged in natural sciences, he asks if the example of Germans should not, because they are "strongly succeeded in this." Bazarov agrees with the fact that the authority of the Germans is very high, he calls them teachers. Pavel Petrovich is perplexed why he has a higher opinion about German scientists than about Russians. But Bazarov does not consider it necessary to explain its position.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 6. Summary.

Pavel Petrovich asks Bazar, if he does not recognize any authorities. Bazarov believes that the authorities recognize anything, you also do not need to believe anything: " Why am I will recognize them? And what will I believe? I will tell me, I agree, that's all" Such a position seems to Pavel Petrovich incomprehensible and wrong.

Pavel Petrovich talks about materialists, recalls Goethe and Schiller. He speaks with some condemnation about " chemists and materialists" But the bazaars disagree with him. Eugene believes that the chemist is much more useful than any poet. This opinion causes a strong surprise from Pavel Petrovich. He directly asks Bazarov if he recognizes art. He responds in a sharp form: " The art of making money, or no more hemorrhoids!»

Pavel Petrovich asks Bazarov, which means that he believes in one science. Bazarov answers:

I have already reported to you that I do not believe in anything; And what is science - science at all? There are sciences, as there are crafts, titles; And science does not exist at all.

Bazarov's answers are insulted and shocked Pavel Petrovich. After some time, Arkady reproaches the Bazarov in the fact that he said so sharply with his uncle. But Evgeny believes that there is nothing to indulge the whims of the county aristocrats. Arkady asks his friend to be more indulgent to the uncle and tells the story of Pavel Petrovich. According to Arkady, Pavel Petrovich is worth noting, and not to condemn, and even more so do not need to mock him.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 7. Summary.

In the seventh chapter, the story of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanova is told.

Pavel Petrovich received good upbringing, in his youth was distinguished by a rare beauty. Women paid attention to him, he was self-confident and persistent. At twenty-eight years, he was already captain. Pavel Petrovich had tremendous opportunities. But suddenly he met the princess R. The nature of the princess was quite and very strange. She had a reputation of a frivolous coquette. However, the woman did not find anywhere else, often cried, prayed.

In a word, the behavior of the princess squeezed the nature in it impulsive and exalted. Pavel Petrovich met her on the ball. She produced a strong impression on Kirsan, a young man without a memory fell in love with her. The princess seemed to him a mystery, which is why he gave her a sphinx ring. Pavel Petrovich said that she herself was similar to Sphinx, as he could not solve it.

Despite all the advantages of Pavel Kirsanov, he soon tired Princess. It was a heavy blow for a person accustomed to quick and easy victories. Pavel Petrovich as if he was prayed. He resigned, threw his career, despite the brilliant opportunities that opened before him. Now he only did what he followed the princess. Of course, she drove the persistent and boning cavalor.

Sooner or later, Pavel Petrovich realized that they had no future, but he could not return to her former life. After love disappointment, Pavel Petrovich no longer thought about marriage, ten years of his life passed, like a dream, empty, not decorated with nothing.

Once Pavel Petrovich found out about the death of Prince. She died, and before his death almost went crazy. Kirsanov received a posthumous message from Prince, there was his ring.

Pavel Petrovich did not have anything better than living with her brother. They were both unhappy. Nikolai Petrovich lost his beloved wife, and Pavel Petrovich lost his memories.

However, Nikolai Petrovich was still happier, because he had a son of Arkady, and he also had a realization that life was not in vain.

Lonely Pavel Petrovich had no such thoughts. There was no hope in his life. When the bazaaries heard this story, he said that Pavel Petrovich is inapting pity. According to Bazarov, a person should not put all his life " on the map of female love" The bazaars amounted to Pavel Petrovic not the most flattering representation, so any arguments of Arcadia seem unconvincing. Speech Bazarov cynical and cruel. However, it is impossible not to admit that in some issues he is right. However, Arkady does not agree with him. It is not difficult to understand that Arkady and his buddy are absolutely different people.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 8. Summary

Meanwhile, Pavel Petrovich visits Fuenus, asks to show a child. The girl is confused, as the presence of Pavel Petrovich she does not really like. Nikolai Petrovich comes here, and his brother immediately disappears. Pavel Petrovich returns to his office.

How did Nikolai Petrovich met Fencing, who became so close to him? Acquaintance occurred three years ago. Kirsanov spent the night in the county town at the end of the courtyard. Nikolai Petrovich met the hostess, Fenuska was her daughter.

Kirsanov invited the Hozägiyku of the innocent yard to his housekeeper. Once it happened trouble - Fuenus a spark from the stove fell into the eye. Her mother turned to Nikolai Petrovich for help. Kirsanov treated the girl and fell in love with her. After some time, Fuenus was orphaned, she had nowhere to go.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 9. Summary

For a walk, Fenuska gets acquainted with Bazarov. He assists the baby who has a teeth. Fenechka feels the location to the bazaar.

Arkady talks a lot with her friend. Evgeny says that in the economy of Kirsanov is not the best way. According to Bazarov, managing " either a fool or a plow»; « employees are watching beyond the lazy" Bazarov believes that Nikolai Petrovich peasants are easily " inflate».

Arkady says the bazaars are very bad opinion about the Russians. Bazarov does not deny this:

"The Russian man is only good that he himself is absorbed opinions."

In general, bazaars gives all very interesting characteristics. He says: " It is important that twice two - four, and the rest is all trifles" Arkady asks him: " And the nature of faddies? "What the bazaarov answers:

"And the nature of trifles in that meaning, in which you understand it. Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and a person in it worker. "

Of course, Arkady does not always agree with the opinion of his friend, but cannot but listen to him. When Bazarov finds out that Nikolai Petrovich plays a cello, it causes him a grin. Bazarov believes that the honorable father of the family should not play the cello that this is too frivolous occupation.

Fathers and Sons. Chapter 10. Summary.

Bazarov offers Kirsanov's very long time. The courtyard begins to respect it. Father Arkady, Nikolai Petrovich, tries to communicate less with Bazarov, as it is afraid of him. Pavel Petrovich hates Bazarov. Evgeny himself refers to everyone with condescending contempt. Once the bazaarov said Arkady that his father " kind small", But" his song Spet" Thus, Bazarov wanted to say that Nikolai Petrovich is not capable of some kind of delight acts. Bazarov said Arkadia that his father reads Pushkin. According to Evgeny himself, it is not to read this "nonsense", but something useful, so he recommends Arkady to give his father " Matter and power»Buchner. Nikolai Petrovich heard this conversation and was very offended. He told his brother about it.

Pavel Petrovich in rage, he speaks of his hatred for Bazarov. Pavel Petrovich considers his charlatan, who left in science nearby. But Nikolai Petrovich objects. He considers Bazarov smart and knowledgeable. In the evening, at the table, a large quarrel occurs between Bazarov and Paul Petrovich. Bazarov said about the neighboring landowner, that the "rubbish, aristocratic". This caused indignation from Pavel Petrovich. He expressed the Bazarov that a sense of self-esteem was developed in the aristocrat, respect to himself. And no aristocrats no "No durable public good" The bazaars skeptically listens to Pavel Petrovich. He says that aristocrats are sitting back, so do not bring any benefit to society.

Pavel Petrovich wants to know what the nihilists are useful. Bazarov says that nihilists deny all:

"In the present time, the denial is most useful - we deny."

Hearing it, Pavel Petrovich says that it is necessary not only to destroy, but also to build. Bazarov objects: " This is no longer our business. First you need to clear».

The dispute comes and about the Russian people. Pavel Petrovich says the bazaars despises him. He agrees with this and says that the Russian people with his stupidity, not formation, cannot be despised.

The conversation is very serious. Different problems were affected. Finally, Pavel Petrovich said that it was broken - not to build. After that, Arkady joined the conversation. He said that they would break exactly because they are power, and the force does not give a report in their actions. The angry Pavel Petrovich said that the strength is both in the wilder Kalmyk, and in Mongol, and civilization should be an enlightened people.

Bazarov proposed to call some "rulings", which would not deserve complete and unconditional denial. Pavel Petrovich led not the most successful examples.

The conversation left an unpleasant precipitate from the Brothers Kirsanov.

Go to the brief content of chapters 11-20.

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