Fried potatoes with mushrooms - preparation recipes in a pan.

Gardening 21.10.2019

One of my most favorite summer-autumn dishes, without which I just can not imagine the season - fried potatoes with mushrooms. The most delicious option is, of course, with just assembled forest mushrooms: thickens, chanterelles, white. But you can cook with champignons and even messengers. In the autumn season for collecting mushrooms, forest fungi, and in winter frozen, dried or salty. True salty will have to rinse a little to remove the extra salt, and then fry.

The combination of fried potatoes with mushrooms causes many special delight is not just like that, this is a delicious hot dish, a real belly holiday. And at the same time, very satisfying, the mushrooms themselves are not a calorie, but heavy food, the sense of saturation is preserved for a very long time. It is still half a day of an active holiday somewhere on a cottage veranda.

Mushroom lovers very often, as I turn out to be also fans of potatoes. I can understand it. And in the campaign you ate fried potatoes with mushrooms, just collected in the forest, this is a stunning experience, for life is remembered.

When we cook the roasted potatoes at home in a pan, then immediately begin to invent and improvise, add spices, greens, sour cream, or cream, carcass and fry in a special way. In general, give the dish even more brightness of taste and fragrance. Surprise how much delicious combinations can be invented with roasted potatoes and mushrooms, adding different vegetables, products and even meat to them. Here is already a feast on the table, so a feast.

Let's be proceeding until I am still able to write and do not choke.

How to cook fried potatoes with butters - a simple recipe

Our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, but most likely more far ancestors, all cook fried potatoes with mushrooms. Consider this dish came to us together with the wisdom of the old generations. And it is beautiful in this, because for so much time has not changed. Is that the real cast iron pans are now difficult to find, and they say, it turns out the most delicious fried potato.

Olter is very common forest mushrooms in the middle strip. We, for example, near the giving them so much growing that many simply cease them to collect and seek more noble mushrooms. But I think it's in vain, because if you do not eat right away, then any mushrooms can be prepared for the winter. For example, be white. And on the contrary, so let's fire oil with potatoes.

It will take:

  • potatoes - 6-7 medium sized pieces;
  • oil - 250-300 grams;
  • onions - 2 mid-bulbs;
  • salt, pepper and fresh greens to taste.


Fresh oils are good rinse and remove the skin from the hat. It is rapid and the oil-haired, which is not very desirable in potatoes.

Potatoes are best taken young, it is very tasty in fried. Clean the potatoes and put into the water so that the mushrooms are soworld, she did not darken.

Onions Cut in small cubes and put it fried on a frying pan healed with vegetable oil.

Silte onions and stick a little, jam fry to transparency. He must become a little soft.

While roasted onions, cut the mushrooms with pieces. You can choose the size of your taste, someone loves bigger, and someone is Melnyko. I prefer bigger, as mushrooms are always losing in size, and so I want a delicious piece of mushroom to come across a teeth.

Add sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms to fried onions and fry them further together until the fungi is ready. With frying, it is more silent, because the mushrooms will highlight a lot of juice and it is necessary so that it evaporates faster, and did not cook our mushrooms.

Now the queen turn came. Remember that all this time she had to lie in cold water, otherwise it will darken and become brown. Drain the water and slightly mix the potatoes. Cut on the plates, and then thin straw. So the potato spare well.

By the time the potato bookmarks, the pan should be very hot. Right to squall mushrooms with onions, put potatoes and mix. Continue frying potatoes with mushrooms, stirring periodically. It is best to do that when the lower side of the potatoes will be shrouded.

If you finely cut potatoes, it will cook faster. Almost simultaneously with the moment when most will be well roasted. If the potato pieces are large, then when the roasters are enough, reduce the fire to weak and cover the lid so that the middle of the potato pieces reached. Forex under the lid of five minutes.

Delicious dish - fried potatoes with mushrooms - ready, urgently call everyone to the table and dinner, until you cooled!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms are preparing in different ways, in the past recipe we fried onions and mushrooms, and then potatoes added to them. In the same time everything will be different. In the first champignons are preparing much faster than potatoes and it is better to begin to fry them later, but at the same time they are also more juicy, so I perfectly fry them in different pans, and then join together. Well, the "highlight" of this recipe in the form of sour cream. It turns out very tasty, you may not doubt.

It will take:

  • 8-10 medium-sized potatoes;
  • fresh champignons - 0.5 kg;
  • sour cream - 150 gr;
  • fresh dill - several twigs;
  • salt, pepper and leather spices to taste.


First of all, clean the soot potatoes and cut on a bar. The thinner, the faster it is recruiting, but too small can begin to crumble, especially if the potatoes are young and starchy.

Put a large frying pan with a thick bottom on the stove, heal it on the maximum heat and add vegetable oil. Once the smoke goes from the oil, put potatoes. She will immediately start roasting, but do not rush to mix, wait for ruddy crust.

While potatoes are roasted, start cutting champignons. Some love to wash and clean these mushrooms, but I advise it to do this only if they have lost our whiteness because of the long expectation of our turn in the refrigerator. If the champignons are fresh and white, then cut them like that.

Cut the mushrooms with large pieces, remember, they will decrease from frying. Put the second frying pan on fire and also add the oil. Put mushrooms fried into a hot pan and cook before being shred. Silte mushrooms in your taste process.

At this time, potatoes will reach at least half-prepared. Silt and its taste, add a ground black pepper and, if you wish, dried spices for potatoes. This is usually fragrant herbs and vegetables that perfectly emphasize the taste of potatoes. Stir and continue to fry.

When champignons softened and shook a little, shift them into a pan with potatoes. Stir and roast together. It also time has come to add finely chopped fresh dill. Then put several spoons of delicious fresh sour cream.

Try potatoes ready. By this time, he should already be ruddy outside and soft inside, that is practically ready. After that, stir the potatoes, mushrooms and sour cream, cover the frying pan with a lid and remind on weak fire literally 3-4 minutes so that the tastes are mixed.

Sour cream is almost completely melted and absorbed, adding taste. Stunningly delicious fried potatoes with mushrooms champignons. If you love the bow very much, you can add it to this recipe, while frying it with mushrooms. But without a bow, the taste is just gorgeous. As if in childhood returned. Bon Appetit!

Fried potatoes with white mushrooms and onions in a frying pan

Talking about mushrooms and potatoes, it is impossible to miss out of sight and noble white. Especially if it is fresh, just assembled in the forest mushrooms. Usually we prepare these directly at the cottage and eat first. Very rarely manage quite a lot of white gather to prepare for the winter. Freeze for example. By the way, fried potatoes with mushrooms frozen no worse than fresh, just the cooking technology changes slightly. You know that freezing is one of the methods of conservation, in which the maximum of taste and the beneficial substances is preserved.

But we will not be distracted by frozen mushrooms strongly, because in this recipe we use fresh.

It will take:

  • potatoes, preferably young - 4-5 pieces (large);
  • onions - 1-2 pieces;
  • garlic - 1 teeth;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • greens of dill for feeding.


In the case of forest mushrooms, not necessarily white, but also other noble, it is best to slaughter them in front of hot. Literally 10 minutes.

Therefore, we will take first mushrooms. Clean the mushrooms of the legs from black scraps and remnants of the Earth. Pretty rinse their running water. Cut into pieces of small size so that they are harmonized with potatoes in the finished dish. Do not be too small, because they still respect.

Then, in a comfortable large saucepan, boil the water and boiling, put mushrooms. Boil 10 minutes on medium heat, watch them not running out, as they will most likely be abundantly foaming.

After that, drain the mushrooms into a colander and let the drain so that the excess fluid does not turn the frying.

Preheat vegetable oil in a pan. Finely cut the onions and garlic and fry before the appearance of a golden blush. After that, add to the bow with garlic mushrooms and stirring, roasting until the mushrooms are already brushed.

In another frying pan, the oil also warm the oil and when it will be hot, lay the chopped potatoes. Fry not too often stirring in order to have time to form a ruddy and crispy crust. It is in the roast potato most importantly.

When potatoes are almost ready (and it will take no more than 20 minutes, depending on the grade of potatoes and sizes of pieces) add roasted mushrooms to the potatoes. Stir and fry a little on low heat. Give all tastes and fragrances to mix. Silte and pepper in the process.

Serve roasted potatoes with white hot mushrooms with fresh dill. You can cook meat dishes or kebabs, potatoes will be a great garnish.

Another kind of very tasty forest mushrooms is chanterelles. Some of the most delicious and fragrant fungi, which you must definitely try. If you do not grow near the house or dacha, find the market for happy collectors that sell them. It will cost it. Also frozen chanterelles are found in stores, but fresh is much better.

The chanterelles are perfectly combined with many products, no wonder of them prepare everything from omelet, to pasta, but we use them for classic fried potatoes with mushrooms. These mushrooms do not necessarily boil before hot, which speeds up the cooking process. It is enough to rinse very well before cooking in a water container so that all the grain, grains and another natural debris are faded, and another natural debris from the liners in the legs. Unpleasant when it crumbs on the teeth.

It will take:

  • fresh chanterelles - approximately 600 grams;
  • potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • onions - 1 large bulb;
  • salt, black pen and dill greens.


Soak fresh chanterelles in cold water for 10-15 minutes, then rinse under the crane to wash the entire forest trash from scales. Put mushrooms on the grid or in a colander and let the drain of the water.

Preheat a frying pan with a creamy oil or a mixture of vegetable and cream. Creamy oil will give fungams a special taste.

Put mushrooms in a hot frying pan and roast. First, the juice and mushrooms will be separated, they will steal a little, but if it is often stirred, the liquid will quickly evaporate and frying.

Cut the fine onions. You can cubes, and you can and thin half rings, if you like the pieces of the bow larget. Add a bow into a frying pan to chanterelles at the moment when the liquid and mushrooms disappeared began to roast. Fry onion and chanterelles together before girlishing. After that, remove the frying pan from the fire.

Clean the potatoes and cut the panels or thick straws. A wide frying pan, the best cast iron, with a thick bottom herald with vegetable oil. Put on hot potatoes and fry until it is shivered. After that, add mushrooms and remove a few more minutes.

At the end, when potatoes will be ready, add finely chopped dill and cover the lid. Let stand five minutes and can be served to the table. Delicious and incredibly fragrant fried potatoes with mushrooms ready!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms and young home - recipe like a grandmother. Video

But this recipe shall share from the personal collection. Here, fried potatoes with mushrooms are preparing for a recipe that has already transmitted many generations. All the wisdom of the lived years is concentrated in the simplest, but insanely tasty dish. In addition, how to cook the potatoes itself, you will handle the life advice on the right and tasty cooking. Invaluable experience to adopt. The mushrooms by the way in this recipe are dried, which does not affect the taste and quality of excellent dishes. We look and learn.

Helpful advice! All recipes listed in this article are suitable for cooking from frozen mushrooms. Depending on the type of fungi, select the appropriate. For example, we have such popular ones, prepare without pre-cooking and defrosting. Immediately put them in a skillet, there they are rejoicing and prepared. The main thing is to burn mushrooms separately to the water distinguished from them, did not boil potatoes.

Another dish that is remembered from childhood itself is fragrant potatoes with mushrooms, roasted on the fat. Such and the taste is special, and the smell is memorable, and the pieces of fried salae were hardly delicious mushrooms. I remember even this potato in the family had different variations of recipes. Grandmother loved her to fry well to a crispy crust and squirrel from Sala, and dad loved to cover the lid at the end of cooking and give her to become soft and crumbly. I love both options, but you suggest try and choose your favorite.


  • middle size potatoes - 5 pieces;
  • salo (classic salted, can with meat veins) - 200 grams;
  • fresh or frozen mushrooms - 400-500 grams;
  • onions - 1 big bulb;
  • garlic at will;
  • salt, ground black pepper to taste.


Fried potatoes with mushrooms on the fat prepares very similar way that we looked at a little earlier. One little difference brings only fat.

First of all, heals a frying pan with a thick bottom and a small amount of vegetable oil. No need to pour it.

Palo harness with large thick pieces, in the process of frying it will decrease in the amount and get out. If you cut into thin slices, then by the end of the cooking dishes you risk getting microscopic dried squalls. If you like the taste of the sala itself, make it bigger.

Put the fat on a hot frying pan and fry to ruddy crust, see how the fat will get up and filling out the pan from it.

Now the next important stage, if you do not want to prepare soft stewed potatoes with a light roast, and make it precipitated it, then cook the mushrooms separately. Mushrooms are allowed a lot of juice, which, with a joint cooking with a potato, will begin to curl it and will not be roasted.

If fry mushrooms separately, now it's time to put a potato into the sibro. Clean it and cut the pars or slices, not too thin. Lightly stirred with lard and fry stirring only when a griring crust appears on the bottom layer.

In a separate frying pan, he heat some vegetable oil and put onions chosen by semirings or cubes. Fry it to a light Rumenanta, but do not remember, it will reach ready to be readily with mushrooms. If you add garlic, now it's time to put it in a frying pan.

Put the washed and sliced \u200b\u200bmushrooms on a frying pan. Small mushrooms like young people can not cut, but to fry the whole. Fry on a strong fire until all the resulting liquid is reset. Silte mushrooms with onions. After that, quite slightly give mushrooms to twisted and add them to a pan with potatoes.

Continue to fry potatoes with mushrooms and lard to complete readiness, periodically stirring. If you want to get a potato softer, then for the last five minutes of cooking, cover the frying pan with a lid.

Well, everything is ready, cut the fresh greens and call everyone at the table. Bon Appetit!

Fried oysteries with potatoes and sour cream - video recipe

If you really want to cook fried potatoes with mushrooms, but alas? Now is not a mushroom season, frozen mushrooms or fresh, but grown by artificially grown. I mean champignons and oysteries. About the recipe with the use of champignons, I told you at the beginning of the article, so let's see how to cook fried potatoes with oysteries. And for taste add sour cream, because it will not see anyone to find out that mushrooms with sour cream are simply superb.

On this all today. Wait for new recipes and delicious secrets. Collect mushrooms in pleasure and fry them with potatoes.

With potatoes - this is a dish, which at first glance may seem simple and ordinary. But if you resort to some culinary secrets, it can acquire a completely extraordinary taste.


Before talking about some features of the preparation of such a dish, like mushrooms fried with potatoes, it should be clarified that it is a traditional recipe. So, firstly, potatoes will need, and secondly - mushrooms. Any - chanterelles, white, whale, champignons are suitable. And it is not important that they will be dry, fresh marinated or frozen. We still need vegetable oil. Some gourmets, of course, use olive, but it is not suitable in this case - it will interrupt the aroma of mushrooms. More as an additional ingredient, onions are often used. By the way, it is worth noting the number of products. It all depends on the desire of culinary. The dish will be more fragrant if mushrooms put more.

Classic recipe

Mushrooms fried with potatoes, cook very simple. So, originally vegetables need to be cleaned. Then rinse fresh mushrooms with water and dry. Next, they will need to cut into small cubes and exactly the same - onions. The next step is cleaning potatoes. Regarding cutting there is no clear framework - everyone cuts potatoes as he likes. Can be cubes, bars, rings - in principle, it does not matter. By the way, before starting to prepare (directly to frying), the onions and potatoes should be rinsed. So it turns out to make a dish more useful. The washed bow will not be patched, and extra starch can be repeated from potatoes. Now about cooking. Skin must warm on fire well, then pour oil into it. Do not get involved, otherwise mushrooms fried with potatoes, it turns out too fat. After the frying pan root and the oil will warm up, it will be necessary to give a literal onions - just a few minutes so that it becomes soft and acquired a light golden crust. Then mushrooms fall asleep and, periodically stirring them, fry for about five minutes. Then add potatoes and hold a frying pan on fire for about 20 minutes. In the middle of cooking it is necessary to salute and pepper the dish. The result is fragrant and delicious potatoes with mushrooms (fried). The photo of such a dish awakens appetite, and the fragrance simply drives it away - no wonder it is popular.

The secret of the exquisite aroma

Without which the kitchen can not exist? Without spices and seasonings, it is known to any little to the experienced cook. And the preparation of fried potatoes with mushrooms without spices is also hard to imagine. Of course, and without spices will get a good dish, but the spices make it quite special. If you add only a pinch of fragrant Italian herbs, it will turn out to make the usual potatoes more refined. Spicy mixture of dried olive, thyme, nutmeg, greenery, etragona - the fragrance of these additives is revealed in the dish. By adding hops-Sunnels, you can also achieve an exquisite sophisticated taste. Despite the fact that this seasoning is used mainly in Georgian cuisine, in potatoes with mushrooms it will also be appropriate. In general, with spices you can experiment infinitely, the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it. If you pour too much curry or red pepper, that is, such a dish will be simply impossible. It is necessary to feel the measure.


As you can see, if you bring some fantasy in cooking, you can cook completely unusual mushrooms with fried potatoes. The recipe is quite simple, but it can be complicated. Taste, respectively, will also change. It turns out an incredibly tasty treat, if in the middle of the preparation, potatoes and mushrooms tomato paste. Do not think that it will be stewed dish. By all, you will need to not close it with a lid. Then the potatoes and mushrooms will get a rich color and crispy crust. And, of course, the taste is transformed. Just need to remember that the tomato has a pronounced taste. Therefore, it is not necessary in the literal sense of the word "pour" a frying pan. Some people who like the sophisticated, delicate taste, fill the dish sour cream. Only in this case should be swatted in it mushrooms before adding potatoes - it will be better.

Additional ingredients

Pepper, tomatoes, chicken fillet, cheese - you can add anything to this dish anything. I want to make it more satisfying - then it will be an appropriate chicken fillet, which is worth it to fry until full readiness and add to potatoes 5 minutes before the moment you should remove the frying pan from the fire. Vegetables will make this treats summer, bright, elegant and fresh. If a few minutes before ready to grasp 200-300 grams of cheese and sprinkle potatoes from above, after which it is covered with a lid and give 2-3 minutes to stand on fire - the cheese will melt and get casserole. In general, with this dish you can experiment infinitely and bring something new to recipes. The main thing is that the products are harmonized with each other.

One of the most beloved dishes from childhood is fried potatoes with mushrooms. It can be cooked at home, in the country and even in the forest at the fire. Recipes of this simple eats set, fry potatoes with champignons, as well as with forest mushrooms. Often the potatoes are roasted with onions, and mushrooms - extinguished in sour cream. Serve a dish with sour cream and greens.

Cooking will take a little time, and even the child will love a simple recipe. In addition, due to the peculiarities of the storage of products used in the recipe, fry mushrooms with potatoes can be all year round. This dish has not very high calorie content, but contains a large amount of fats, so it is better to apply vegetable salad on the side dish.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms, let the calorie, but very tasty dish

Vegetarian option

The recipe is called Vegetarian due to the lack of sour cream - frequent ingredient when cooking. To reduce calorieness, roasted potatoes are prepared on vegetable oil. To prepare potatoes with mushrooms you will need:

  • 1 kg of potatoes;
  • 500 g of fresh mushrooms;
  • 1 large bow head;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt to taste;
  • bunch of greenery.

The recipe does not indicate which mushrooms are better fit. You can cook with forest, for example, white mushrooms, chanterelles, thickens or borodics, or with champignons. But this will not affect calories. The most difficult thing in preparation is the preparation of mushrooms.

If you are preparing potatoes with mushrooms with champignons, then they must be placed in a colander and rinse with running water, or you can simply clean them, although this method will take longer. The smaller the moisture makes mushrooms, the better.

Separate the legs from the legs and clean the top layer. Forest mushrooms need to remove the darkened places if you use myself or freak, then it is better to rinse hot water and rinse several times under the crane.

Clean potatoes and cut into thin slices across. If the tubers are large, you can cut them along and crumpled by semicircles. Onions Clean, and then cut into small cubes. In the deep frying pan you need to pre-pour the oil, and then fry the bow until golden color.

When the onions are wrapped up, put it in a plate. In the pan again, it is necessary to pour vegetable oil, then add potatoes and fry it until readiness, periodically stirring. If you like fried potatoes with a crust in, cook it better without a lid and salt a couple of minutes before readiness.

In a separate frying pan, heals the oil and fry mushrooms, sliced \u200b\u200barbitrarily: in the cooking process, they are horrong and decrease in the amount of several times. It is necessary to fry for 40 minutes.

Mix ready-made fungi with potatoes, then pour onions in the pan. Grind greens and sprinkle her dish. As you can see, the recipe for the preparation of fried potatoes with mushrooms is not at all complicated. The caloric content of such a kushan (per 100 grams) is about 120 kcal.

Especially delicious, if you take forest mushrooms for this dish

Fried potatoes with fresh mushrooms are well combined with salty and pickled vegetables, such as cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes. You can file a vegetable salad, lecture or tomato sauce.

If you put out with sour cream, the dish will turn out more gentle.You need to add sour cream about 20 minutes after the start of frying. The mushrooms need 100 grams of sour cream.

Fast cooking way, tasty

The recipe that is executed in several techniques and takes less than an hour, by modern hostesses. Such potatoes fry good when a very little time left to dinner or lunch. The recipe is very simple, cooked on it fried potatoes with fresh mushrooms (most often with champignons) is soft and gentle. For such a dish you will need:

  • 1200 g potatoes;
  • 200-300 g mushrooms;
  • 1 big bulb;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • vegetable oil;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 1 bunch of greenery.

Cut the potatoes in small strokes, mix with mushrooms and roast on moderate heat

Leek Clean, cut into small cubes. Mushrooms (can be prepared with champignons, white or other forest species) rinse under running water, clean from spoiled areas. Cut into about 1 centimeter in cubes. At the same cubes, cut the purified potatoes.

Put on the fire a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, heat the vegetable oil in it. It can be used and creamy, but in this case the calorie content of the dish will increase. Onions need to fry to cream color.

Pour potatoes in the pan and remove for 5 minutes. Add mushroom mushrooms to him, spray, pour into the frying pan of the waters and cover the lid. Dog fire to a minimum. How much do you need to stew? For 40 minutes. After that, you can remove the lid and slightly fry vegetables until golden color.

Cut the greens and sprinkle ready-made mushrooms with potatoes.

You can slightly change the recipe: instead of water to put out in sour cream. Potatoes with mushrooms and sour cream will be especially tasty. Calorie is approximately 150 kilocalories per 100 grams.

As you can see, the recipe for making mushrooms with potatoes is easy to perform. Regardless of what mushrooms you choose, the dish will be satisfied, tasty, and the caloric content will not be very high.

Aromatic and satisfying dish that can be fed the whole family. We offer you several recipes. Choose any of them - and you can start cooking. Good luck!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms in sour cream

Grocery set:

  • bow - ½ part of the head;
  • 400 g oil;
  • greens;
  • 5-6 potatoes;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • sunflower oil (unrefined).

Instructions for cooking

  1. To begin with, we go to the store for mushrooms. Olter is best suited for our dish. We proceed to processing mushrooms. Throw out leaflets. With a hat gently remove the mucous skin. We send an oil to a saucepan with salted water. Put on the stove. We wait for the boiling of the liquid. We begin for 15-20 minutes. Welded mushrooms are shifted in a colander. Rinse well. We give liquids dragging.
  2. Clean potatoes from the peel, cut straw.
  3. We remove the husk from the bow. We need only half the head. Cut by half rings.
  4. Clean garlic. It needs to be crushed (preferably cubes).
  5. Garlic and onions We ship into a preheated pan with oil. Fry these ingredients.
  6. When the bow acquires a golden shade, you can add boiled mushrooms, sliced \u200b\u200bon halves. Following the sour cream. You do not need to mix.
  7. When the sour cream becomes more liquid, add potatoes to the pan. Mix the ingredients. Solim. The dish should be prepared for another 15 minutes. So, fried potatoes with mushrooms are ready for the table and subsequent eating. We wish you a pleasant appetite!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions


  • 2 mid-bulbs;
  • ½ cup of sunflower oil + 2 tbsp. l. for frying;
  • potato - 1 kg;
  • spice;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 600 g of fresh mushrooms (preferably champignons).

How to prepare fried potatoes with mushrooms and onions:

  1. Unlock the necessary products on the table. We will also need two frying pan - big and small.
  2. Vegetables are rinsed with water from under the tap. Mushrooms learn on the colander. From Luka and garlic removing the husk. Now you need to grind it all. Onions cut half rings, mushrooms - cubes, and garlic - thin plates. Clean potatoes. Flip it with cold water. While it is not necessary to cut it.
  3. Great frying pan fill with oil (1/4 piece of glass). Turn on the fire. Put onions and garlic. Compress these ingredients 5-6 minutes. As soon as vegetables are twisted, we get them noise. But the pan does not need to clean the pan.
  4. Clean potatoes cut straw. Again, heat the pan. Put potatoes. We fill the oil remaining in a glass. Fry potatoes by setting a strong fire. Be sure to stir. As soon as the golden crust appears, it is necessary to reduce the fire slightly. You can salt the dish.
  5. While potatoes are fried, we will make the preparation of mushrooms. We take a small frying pan. We fill in it 2 tbsp. l. Oil. Heat. We put crushed mushrooms. Fry until readiness. Do not forget to stir.
  6. Roasted mushrooms add to the pan to potatoes. Following sending onions, garlic and spices. Solim to taste. Turn off the fire. Mix the dish and serve on the table.

Potatoes with mushrooms and cheese in the oven

Grocery list:

  • 70-100 g cheese;
  • middle bow (optional);
  • 3-4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 200 g of mushrooms (for example, chanterelles);
  • tomatoes - 4-5 pieces;
  • bunch of greenery;
  • 5-6 potatoes;
  • spice;
  • sunflower oil.


  1. Where to begin? With potato treatment. Clean it from the peel. Cut straw. We ship into the frying pan. Fry on the oil until a golden shade appears.
  2. Clean the onions from the husk and grind.
  3. Mushrooms are rinsed in running water. We repeat the procedure 2-3 times. After that, cut the fungi by quarters.
  4. Add chopped onion to the pan. There we put mushrooms and spices. Solim. Fry until readiness, stirring ingredients regularly.
  5. In the baking form, we send potatoes and mushrooms. Top to put sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes with rings. All this is watering sour cream. Then we sprinkle with grated cheese and chopped greens. Forms along with the contents are placed in a preheated oven. Test 10-15 minutes. Then you can invite your favorite kids and husband to the table.

Fried potatoes with mushrooms: recipe for multicooker

Required products:

  • middle bulb;
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • spice;
  • 0.5 kg of champignons;
  • clove of garlic;
  • 700-900 g potatoes;
  • half carrots;
  • greens;
  • 1-2 Art. l. vegetable oils;
  • lavr - 2 sheets.

Instructions on how fried potatoes are prepared with mushrooms in a slow cooker:

  1. We wash champignons thoroughly. Let them dry. Cut the plates.
  2. Clean the onions, crushing cubes.
  3. In the multicooker's bowl, we pour the amount of oil specified above. Run "frying" mode. Timer do not put. Once the bow softens, you can add crushed mushrooms. There we put the marrow in the grater. Fry these ingredients by stirring them with a special blade.
  4. Clean potatoes. Cut on slices. Add to the bowl.
  5. In a small amount of boiled water, we mix spices, sour cream and salt. What's next? This mixture is poured vegetables. Find in the menu "Fastening" program. Launches it for half an hour. Close the multicooker cover. For all 30 minutes, the dish can be prevented only once.
  6. After the beep sounds, we try to taste potatoes. If it is hard, then another 10 minutes we prepare the dish in the "quenching" mode. Finished potatoes with mushrooms lay out on plates, sprinkled with chopped greens from above.


Now you know how fried potatoes with mushrooms in a slow cooker, on the stove and in the oven. In any case, it turns out a fragrant and incredibly tasty dish.

In the days of the post, mushroom dishes are greatly cutting away - it is impossible to use any animal products, but I want to eat anyway. So go into the course of mushrooms, potatoes, porridge and pasta. Well, to them, understandable things, all sorts of vegetables, even fresh, even canned. It turns out satisfying and tasty dinner or dinner without using products prohibited during this period. Also mushrooms are an excellent rescue for vegetarians who do not use animal proteins, and proteins for the body are required.

Today I will tell you how you can cook everything your favorite dish: Potatoes with mushrooms, fried in a pan, I will give a step-by-step recipe with photos, and a few more interesting recipes and tips, how it all deliciously cooking, using dried mushrooms, fresh forest and store, frozen and Marinated.

So, potatoes with mushrooms, step-by-step recipe in a frying pan


  • 300 g champignons
  • 5-6 Cartoshin
  • 1 Lukovitsa
  • Oil for frying
  • salt, Basil, Pepper, Greens at will

You can cook if there is no time, immediately on 2 pans. If the pan is alone and the time allows you to prepare alternately.

So, initially put the pan on a strong fire (necessarily clean so that nothing has done to it). As it will warm up well, we pour oil a little. Cut apart arbitrarily, I usually cut from cut or in a cube. Fry to pink color.

While he is roasting, I prepare the mushrooms (I wash and dry them, remove the skin in advance).

Cut into thin slices of champignons, and how the goes will reach the condition, throw mushrooms to it.

Frying, interfering with a shovel periodically, and so, until they evaporate with moisture mushrooms (but do not overcover!).

Tip: If you want the potatoes to be crisp - cut with thin lumps, and fry in a large amount of oil, ideally in deep fryer. And do not close the lid. If you want the potato to not be frozen, and more wounded, after roasting on a strong fire for 10 minutes, how little shut down, remove to a weak fire and cover the lid.

When the potato is already ready, throw mushrooms to it, and another 5 minutes turn. At the same time, scoop, sprinkle the pepper, you can crush out 1-2 cloves to crush or chop it merely. You can add some basil and fresh greenery (already at the very end).

All, our potato with mushrooms in a pan is ready, can be served to households. Marinated cucumbers, tomatoes or any, who choose from the recipes presented on the recipe page are perfectly suitable for it.

Other options for cooking fried potatoes with mushrooms in a pan

We prepared a dish with shop champignons. It is delicious, but if you have the opportunity to apply forest mushrooms, it will be much more tastier and fragrant. White mushrooms, chanterelles, boosions and so on here are great. Only a nuance: Forest mushrooms need to rinse, boil 15 minutes, merge water, rinse again, dry and only then start cooking. It must be remembered that the mushrooms with frying are significantly reduced in the amount and that they give liquid, so immediately with potatoes are not recommended for them, otherwise instead of fried potatoes, you get the steamed.

Potatoes with mushrooms in one pan

This recipe has its own nuances, let's discern them. So, to fry the potatoes with mushrooms in a pan at the same time, without using two frying frying, do this:

Initially, as in the option above, he fry the onion, then the mushrooms are twisted, we will evaporate moisture and then add thin-sliced \u200b\u200broot roots into the pan, thin cakes, otherwise it will be soaked for a long time and mushrooms will have to be worn.

In such a case, the potatoes turn out to be blusted, you need to cut it, give her a little standing in the water (from half an hour), she will give starch, then rinse it, to dry and already put it up for mushrooms. First let it fry, and cover with a lid, remove to a weak fire.

Of course, in this option, do not get such a ruddy crust, which can be obtained, roasting the potatoes separately. But - it is also delicious and with a shortage of time you can cook so much.

Potatoes with dried mushrooms

If you got stuck with summer mushrooms in a dried form - excellent! They give such a wonderful aroma when cooking, just a miracle!

Initially, mushrooms pour hot water or milk, let them hold, swell, return the former beautiful shape and volume. Then they need to peak them - either in the water salted, or by adding water into milk, 15 minutes. Dry the liquid by placing the mushrooms into the colander. Moreover, it is good that they do not give excess water in a pan when cooking. Further, everything is described by the first step-by-step recipe.

Potatoes with pickled mushrooms

If a jar of pickled in the basement was called, let them in the case and prepare with potatoes in a frying pan. They initially need to rinse well, from spices and salts, dry and then in order, or on one pan, or on two at the same time.

See nowHow to cook delicious, step-by-step recipe with photos.


  1. If you buy mushrooms on the market, be sure to carefully look closely to them so that there are no worm, whiskers, they are for nothing.
  2. If, when buying mushrooms, at least the slightest doubt arose in their shelf life and edible, go around them, poisoning mushrooms is very dangerous and distributed.
  3. If you brought mushrooms from the forest, they will definitely have a lot of land, sand, soak them, diligently, not lynching, everything is rinsed and removed, otherwise you get an unpleasant surprise in the form of crisp on the Earth's teeth. And IMPORTANT: Be sure to talk about 15 minutes, and rinse again.
  4. Green, spices, add literally before shutting down. If garlic is going to move, which will give a unique aroma and piquancy - it is also challenging it before turning off.
  5. Preparing mushrooms with potatoes, remember it is a dish to dinner, do not give it to dinner, it is long digested and you will be very comfortable.
  6. Do not give mushrooms to children, they have the structure of the sponge, absorb everything that fell into themselves, and can harm the children's body. For the same reason, do not collect mushrooms at the Okolin and near industrial enterprises. Only in the forest, far from the city and passage roads.
  7. Remember, as soon as the little frosts hit, collect mushrooms and it is impossible to use them!
    Do not store mushrooms warm and in a closed tire.
  8. By bringing mushrooms from the forest, immediately proceed to their processing.
  9. When frying potatoes often do not turn over, otherwise you break the structure, and instead of beautiful slices get a mess.
  10. Having preparing the dish, take the pan heavy, best of all the cast-iron, with a thick bottom, then the dish will be excellent.
  11. The dish can be prepared in a slow cooker, but everything turns out to be more stew. Although there is a way out here: just at the end of cooking open the lid and get out to be shrouded.
  12. Extra spices break the aroma of mushrooms, it is possible a little pepper, basil and greens, 1-2 clove of garlic and enough. By the way, if you got dried somewhere dried mushrooms, you can crumble him in the pan when cooking, crazy aroma is guaranteed to your dish!
  13. If you want to cook potatoes with mushrooms on a festive table, you can do this: fry the potatoes, chopped by strokes, in deep fryer, fry mushrooms with onions separately, chop the greens. Before serving to hoist on a plate (dash, a common potato, a slide mushroom on it. Sprinkle with greens from above - it will be beautiful and festive.
  14. Frozen mushrooms thaw gradually, slowly, so that the moisture is superfluous, better in the refrigerator from the evening, start this process, and the next morning can already be prepared.

You can also add roasted vegetables in the finished dish: zucchini, sweet pepper, tomatoes. Experiment, please close with delicious dishes!

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