Saying Writers about Winter. Quotes about winter beautiful

Gardening 15.10.2019

Winter came to the city, strong silent, how to find someone in this world I really need?

Winter makes from glass trolleybus leaf on which you can write. It seems that everyone wants to leave their thoughts on this sheet. To read. So as not gone.

Willight would come immediately in the first December day. In the morning I got up, and the city was filled with snow, and there is no damp, dirty autumn.

What winter do I like more summer? Yes, the fact that in the heat under 40, reluctance, hugging her beloved, watch TV.

The strongest love for those who met in winter. If the guy got carried away by a girl in a shapeless pullover, a thick jacket, stupid with frozen cheeks, he has a deep feeling.

This long winter will help us understand that you need to attach importance to the fact that there is ahead, and not a long time ago.

Sometimes I think that winter is just a fiction, because snowflakes are small ice floes. . . There is no hostility, because the hostility is a great feeling. . .

Easy, cool, sparkling snow touched my face, and for a moment it seemed to me that you were affectionately kiss me.

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Lost the remote control of the weather, which found a request to be returned and not indulged in cold, rain and snow!

"The main thing? This is: to agree with everything. Not anything to explain. And then do it as best for you. And then your life will be much easier. "

December. Cold. Windy. Snow ... It's time for a warm blanket, hot chocolate and beautiful fairy tales ...

In winter, a real man should: put a Christmas tree, build a fortress and grow a snowman.

Winter sun through tears laughs

And when did you see me for the first time, what did you think about me? "Out of idiot eats ice cream in winter.

Winter is over, and on the soul is still not warm (

I love winter, raise your head to the sky ... And the clouds sprinkle the world with sweet vanilla sugar ...

I hate winter ... worry two cold immediately ... one in the heart, another on the street.

Winter ... Snow ... Beautiful ... Good ... bl * AT, Good on this is all from the window to watch !!!

Winter in the soul, winter in the heart, winter settled for a long time in me.

What is the difference, summer or winter. Happiness does not happen on season.

The first day of winter reminds us that the new year is soon.

Winter loosened not for a joke !!! I almost got off the road !!!

My perfect winter is a lot of snow and kissed lips with your loved one))

Holly: a step, slipped, got up, smoked. Step, slipped, got up, smoked. I breathed, spit, I decided to move to Clarice.

This holly diligently teaches me to fly.

I love ice ... 4 twine, 2 flips, 5 swallows and I am at home :)

Snowflakes are small stars with the magical taste of the new year ..

Grandfather Frost, for the last new year I asked you a guy. So take it back this goat and let's better markers 🙂

It was the most unforgettable summer ... the saddest autumn ... I hope it will be the happiest winter ...

In winter, the windows on the bus turn into a place of correspondence. As if everyone wants to express what he had in thoughts. To others see. So that not in the void.

Winter is the season of alcoholism and despair.

Winter came down! And in the shower it is not clear whether Spring, or the summer! And it doesn't matter, the main thing is that warm and colorful!

end. The play is over. And the curtains are already lowered and the doors are all closed. End end. But the heart continues to beat the fire. We are not nailed. we are alive. And the sun rays are always open. We will live further in the same way.

In a friend of VKontakte's status: "How cold is hard, it's hard for the soul when I realize that there is no more ...". I write to him: "Chey, they say, with a girl broke up?" He: "NOT, LOST HAPPY ..."))))))))

Snowflake from fluffy, white, silver snow fell on a cheek, it was like your gentle kiss

Return summer! Turn off the snow, draw the sun, warm the sky, boil the sea, put the palm trees ...

Outside the window again morning, it is snowing again, reminding the same day when that snow fell ... That first snow that we met together.

Winter is the best season, but only next to you.

Sometimes it seems to me that winter does not happen that winter is a lie ... Because the snow is just frozen drops of rain ... and there is no hatred, because hatred is just frozen drops - winter statuses

"Congratulations on your winter. Frown to health. Always your minus on the thermometer. "

Parking into a snowdrift, you must first make sure that he is not busy!

Return the summer !! .. Turn off the snow, draw the sun, warm the sky, boil the sea, put the palm trees ..

Under the highest notes of thin strings of the soul, the wings are slowly breaking, in love. (from)

Love Winter! Because the new year ... Because the skating rink ... because it's just snow ... such a white fluffy ... Snowflakes fly ... shine ... shimmer ... so good ... calm ... and ... romantic ... especially at night ...

Winter began ... hand on the mouse frown \u003d))

Winter .. She makes meetings shorter, loneliness is more noticeable .. but she makes the words warmer, kisses are stronger, and love .. love does not depend on the time of year ..

xXX: Outdoor -40 ... I will go a pike of beer.

Welcome to autumn ... goes and sadness! Snow-white, fluffy winter will come ... Full new events and impressions.

Warrked strip, moonshine to the nose! Sausage and fat Bach! Put and then I will pay blue, the blue investment lay on the wires, the current Piz * Anuto got out ... УУУ ...

Winter - Que Hour, Kolya Checky Lіto, Ale in Tseh Hour Chalen Radієsh Snіgopad, І Tihelenko Naspіvєsh Пісенка з кока кока и ли ...

We like autumn and winter, next but not together ...

I want winter. Snowflakes on palms, rustling of jackets, and couples from mouth, Coca Cola advertising on TV, new year. Waiting time.

Heat. There is no money for air conditioning. I found a way out - instead of a shower gel, I wash a menthol shampoo and run around the apartment. For the winter I plan to stock pep tincture, because Heat too.

Welcome to autumn ... goes and sadness! Snow-white, fluffy winter ... full of new events and impressions)))) Do not despair)))

The colder winter, the colder heart.

Winter without mandarins do not care that summer without ice cream!

Well, why so cold ??? We waited for snow, drifts and babies, building snowmen ...

in the white dance hugging, the flakes of snow are spinning to never part ...

Some men look like snowmen. You sculpt the image from them, and then he melts.

Romantic-snow mood, with New Year's flavor 🙂

Snow confused in my eyelashes ... I am going along the frozen street ... somewhere there is a man. My favorite ... Hurry up, worried ...

long winter laughed in my eyes, but only she was with me

Fear in the soul, eyes on the forehead. I'm on Ice on Ice!

With the onset of winter, people become heartless why ..?

Winter - yes, what could be more pleasant? ... when you walk, and you have small, white, but terribly beautiful snowflakes ... probably nothing

And I love the winter, there is a lot of joy in it, I met my happiness in it ...

Today at school on the first floor, the guy runs, I am: "Do not run" he: "Che?" And I: "And what will you do to me?" And he takes me by the shoulders and says: "I will tell you one simple thing, firstly not nervous, and secondly I do not bone the girls" I don't know what, but I was deeply shocked ..

Do you know what -45s is in Siberia? This is when you add iPhone to answer the call!

Love Winter! Because the new year ... because the skating rink ... Because it's just snow ... such a white fluffy ... Snowflakes fly ... shine ... shimmer ... so good .. calm ... and .. romantic .. especially at night ..

Her perfect winter. A lot of snow. Weathered lips. It.

I have a raspberry syrup on your velvet heart, leaving a silk flavor of sugar winter on it ..

From the balcony window, in woolen socks, with mandarin in hand winter seems beautiful

24c et according to our ... Cold with * ka, but it's nice that the real winter ... and no one will say not Ice really Ice)))

Snowflakes at the eyelashes froze, and an ironic smile on the lips ... Winter is a reason to start everything first ...

Snowflakes outside the window, I dream of you ... My angel is unearthly, I miss you ..!

You and in the summer in the soul of winter and winter - winter, and for a couple of years and just go crazy ...

Winter came!!! Now we are waiting for the spring!

Snowflake from fluffy, white, silver snow fell on a cheek, it was like your gentle kiss.

  • This winter, even if we wake up, cold indifference will make it hardened to the bones.
  • Winter - time to build plans and see prospects. Time to sleep under the snow cover and under other blankets. (Malin Kevel)
  • Time of year - Winter. The time of year is to lose. ("Night snipers")
  • Quotes about winter beautiful - in winter it is cold to those who do not have warm memories.
  • Every year something dies in you when the leaves fall out of the trees, and their bare branches are defenselessly swinging in the wind in the cold winter light. But you know that spring will surely come, just like you are sure, the frozen river will be liberated from ice again. (Ernest Hemingway)
  • Heat no better cold, and vice versa. To raise flowers, it's better warm to skate, better cold! (Oleg Roy)
  • When a strong frost, people become warmer to each other. (M.M. Zhvanetsky)
  • Winter ... Although you are often so cold ... But nevertheless, even those who you bring cold and sadness, do not take offense, because you are so beautiful - all white and snowy ...
  • The city lies in darkness ... Again, again by winter ... ("Spleen")
  • Cold winter day in your door will be given real happiness. And your heart melts from his love.
  • Snow, right, loves fields and trees, since he is so gentle with them! He covers them with white parina, so that they were warm and cozy, and says: "Some of them, dear, sleep until summer comes." (Lewis Carol)
  • Winter smells of mandarins, vanilla and hot chocolate.
  • When winter comes, even with the most powerful oaks falls foliage. (Charles de Bosier)
  • What smells winter? - Miracle! After all, in it everything is fabulous!
  • In this winter crazy, I did not reach again, and the winter looked around and over. (I.A. Brodsky)
  • And I hid, almost not breathing ... ah, winter fairy tale, how good you are!
  • Winter - honest season. (I.A. Brodsky)
  • Winter is a time when you're waiting for summer, but at the same time you are madly happy with the snowfall, and quietly touch the song from Coca-Cola advertising.
  • There are winter books. Not those that about winter, but those that make a cozy blizzard outside the window. (Hopeing Yasminsk)
  • Winter is not a symbolic time when they feed the voices and go out of lights that usually indicate the path. In winter, I'm confused, I live, as if bouncing a face in the wall and shut down my ears. (M. Turny)
  • Contrary to visibility, it is winter - it's time for hope. (Zhilbert Sizbron)
  • Since there are no colors among winter, it is not necessary to peel about them. (P. Yesenin)
  • Our summer is only painted in a green winter. (Heinrich Heine)
  • The beauty of spring is just in winter, and sitting by the stove, compose the best May songs. (Gayne)
  • In the frosty winter night comes like an enemy, in a warm summer evening - as a lover, and in this March day she was calmed down. (Thomas Gardi)
  • Winter is the time of year when people must warm each other ... in their own words, their feelings ...
  • Winter came again; Fresh, cold, windy day and empty in front of me the plain resurrected my hopes. (Charles Dickens)
  • Spring - Winter Solvent. (Ludwik Jerzy Kern)
  • Quotes about winter beautiful - Winter - a good thing when it is a real winter - with ice on rivers, hail, wet snow, cracked frosts, blizzards and all other things, but the spring is not good - solid rains, dirt, slush, one word - Almighty, and soon it would end. (Mark Twain)
  • Every winter I am surprised how you can live in the city, and I begin to understand each spring. (Palmer floor)

This section contains, beautiful quotes about winter, short and long winter statements, a description of the frosty time of the year.

Blushed frost. And we are glad to join the Mother of Winter. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, "Evgeny Onegin"

In December, winter is a stellet canvas, and the frost enters the bridges. Russian proverb

Good, clean Russian snowy winter. Deep sparkle on the sun drifts. Large and small rivers hide under ice.

And how are the winter dawn, the morning dawn, when the field covered with snow, the hillock lights the golden rays of the rising sun and blobs, grimits the dazzling whiteness! Unusual Russian Winter, Bright Winter Days, Lunar Blonde Nights! Hello, winter!

After a few days of the cruel wind with a blizzard, who made me even sit hopefully at home, today there was a wonderful winter weather, one of those winter sunny days, which with its inexpressible charming can be forgotten that somewhere in the south sun, flowers and almost eternal summer. Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

There is already a real winter. The earth was covered with a snow-white carpet. There was not a single dark spubby. Even bare birch trees, alder and Ryabins were removed by the fuck, precisely silver down. They stood covered with snow, as if they had a dear warm fur coat ...

The day was soft and molly. The reddish sun was low hung over long, similar on snow fields, layered clouds. In the garden stood covered with the pink trees. Unclear shadows in the snow were impregnated with the same warm light.

I look out into a piece of a window that is not sketched by frost, and I do not recognize the forests. What is the magnificence and calm! Voronkova Lyubov Fedorovna.

Winter began to host over the ground, but we knew that under loose snow, if you unprove it with my hands, you can still find fresh forest flowers, knew that there would always be a fighter fire in the furnaces that the titles were left with us, and winter seemed to us the same Beautiful like summer. Paust Konstantin Georgievich

Reds, clear and quiet stood short winter days, similar as two drops of water alone on the other, and somehow sadly, he became restlessly in the soul, and the people were naught. Sergey Aksakov.

The day promised to be frosty and clear ... Clear sparkling morning. Snow, attacked at night and has not yet been elected by the shelter, lay smooth shoes. In the air there was a transparent frosty shine, breathtaking with her throat when breathing. Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich

"And in one color white draws winter. Poor, but as much and what is ingenuity. These luxurious curtains, snow boulders covering the roots to the top of large and small wood; These are a set of pearls and diamonds, sparkling at the light of the sun and the moon; This real, majestic plant type, as if sharpened from ivory, is a meaningful silence and silence, this twilight day and half a sun. "Snow is walking" Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

There were long winter twilight; Falling snow began to close all items and white darkness dressed the ground ... Sergey Aksakov. (quotes about winter)

I learned not to freeze on the wild frost, do not fall from the summer heat, survive in a hostile environment. Alexander Arkhangelsky "Matveyevka: Brotherhood of Matryushki"

Snowfall is the only weather I love. He almost does not annoy me, unlike the rest. I can sit for hours by the window and look like snowing. Silence of snowfall. She is good for different things. The best is to look through thick snow into the light, for example on the street lamp. Or get out of the house so that the snow falls on you. Here it is, a miracle. Human hands do not create this. Erland Lou. Doppler

If there were no winter, spring would not seem to us so beautiful; If there were no poverty, wealth would not be so desirable. Anna Bradstritis

Winter - time to build plans and see prospects. Time to sleep under the snow cover and under other blankets. Malin Kevel. You or never

February, usually a non-merciful, wind-barbed, issued in that year snowy and favorable. In the morning - silent and dumb, clutched with iced scarves on the very eyes, they came late and reluctantly, accelerating the last breathing the last night mist. Narine Abgaryan "Three apples fell from the sky"

When snowflakes fly, they are like fluff. And when you see closer, you will see the stars, and they are all different. One rays are gear, the other is sharp as arrows. Voronkova L.

Happy one who does not notice the summer is now or winter. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, "Three Sisters"

Winter is a non-absolute time when the voices subside and the lights come out, which usually indicate the way to me. In winter, I'm confused, I live, as if bouncing a face in the wall and shut down my ears. Turnier Michel

December just started. Nature still could not decide whether winter is now or late autumn, and therefore there was something quite blurred, drooping and gray. Expand Dmitry Emets Tanya Grotter and Chatty Sphinx »

The snow-covered mountains in the distance are attached to the ground with their own weight, the forest is dead and silent, the whole world is silent, white and fluffy snow covered everything around, but the frost deprives everyone else - including a person - the right to voice. Knut Gamsun, Maria Gamsun "For overgrown paths. Under the shadow of the golden rain "

Following the cold winter, solar spring always comes; Only this law and should be remembered in life, and the reverse is preferable to forget. Leonid Soloviev, "Tale of Hojo Nasreddina"

On the courtyard December, but under your nails are still August.

It was about eleven o'clock in the evening, recently there was the first snow, and everything in nature was under the rule of this young snow. The air smelled in the air, under his feet gently crunched snow. Earth, roofs, trees, benches on the boulevards - everything was soft, white, young, and from this house looked differently than yesterday. The lanterns were buried brighter, the air was transparent ... Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

"Even the strongest blizzards begin with one snowflakes."

The slow transition of autumn by winter - everything is not bad. It's time when you need to collect, put in order and fold all your reserves that you have accumulated over the summer. And how beautiful to collect everything that you have, and put it closer to yourself, to collect your warmth and your thoughts, break into a deep mink - confident and reliable shelter; Protect him as something important, expensive, your own. And after let the frost, storms and darkness come when they do. Tuva Jansson

When the earth is covered with snow, I like to pretend as if I walk on the clouds. Takayuki Ikkaku

But the white day took into his own rights, and the lighting from the trample stove gradually disappeared. How good, how sweet was on the soul! Quiet, quiet and light! Some unclear, full of adversaries, warm dreams filled the soul ... Aksakov Sergey Timofeevich.

Morked was the look of winter nature. The frost squeezed moisture from wood bans and trunks, and bushes and trees, even the roots and high herbs were chosen by brilliant Iney, according to which the sun's rays were harmlessly gliding, shook them only with a cold glitter of diamond lights. Aksakov

In order to understand truly that there is one or another country or a place, it is necessary to go there in winter, of course. Because in winter life is more real, more dictates with necessity. In winter, the contours of someone else's life more distinct. For a traveler, this is a bonus. Joseph Brodsky

Winter day is short, which is similar to all other subjects visible and invisible from the cold shrinking and because the sun comes early, and the night of the remnants of the lamps and the lanterns expands, because it is warmed. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, "Letter to a scientist neighbor"

The land was an elegant, similar to a shy bride. And in the morning everything crushed around: the frozen roads, the leaves on the porch, black stems of nettle, protruding from under the snow. Paust Konstantin Georgievich

No snowflake falls in the wrong place.

Winter is the time to collect golden moments and enjoy every hour of belling. Judit Boswell

The June dawns, the July halfders, the August evenings - everything went, ended, left forever and left only in memory. Now ahead of the long autumn, white winter, cool green spring, and during this time you need to think about the last summer and summarize. Ray Bradbury, "Wine from dandelions"

Winter is a time for peace, good food and warmth, to make a friendly hand and conversation at the fire. This is time for home. Edith Situell

Spring tones - in colors, winter - in imagination. Terry Gilmets.

Snowflake is a winter butterfly.

Each mile in winter - for two. George Gebert

Fall on the throat in the snow - the pleasure that only one who experienced him can appreciate. Emily Bronte. Wuthering Heights.

I learned the coldest winter that inside me - an invincible summer. Albert Kama

Winters are always pretty heavy. But nevertheless the snow is magic. Tuva Jansson, "All about Moomin Trolls"

Your sunlight smiles at the winter days of my heart, neither a moment without doubting in the return of his spring colors. Rabindranat Tagore

Winter turns the water and hearts of people in a stone falling out of the sky. Victor Hugo, "Rejected"

"The warmth is no better than the cold, and vice versa. To raise flowers, it is better warm to skate, better cold! " Oleg Roy.

"In winter, it is cold for those who have no warm memories." From the movie "Unforgettable Roman"

"When a strong frost, people become warmer to each other." M.Zhwannetsky

Winter is a post of nature. Olga Muravyova

Contrary to visibility, it is winter - it's time for hope. Zhilber Sizzron

In winter, the sun is laughing through the tears. Russian proverb

"Following the cold winter, a sunny spring is always coming; Only this law and should be remembered in life, and the reverse is preferable forgetting. " Leonid Soloviev

In the midst of winter, I find the indomitable summer. Albert Kama

Winter - amazing season. The wood white, as if enchanted by someone: Silence- listen: Only the snow is a pilot, the blizzard sweating and fall, falling snow flakes.

Poverty can not be ashamed, but it is impossible not to feel sowing it. Exactly as in winter to walk without a fur coat is not ashamed, yes cold. Fedor Nikolaevich Glinka

Laughter is the sun: it drives the winter from a human face. Hugo Victor Marie

Of all the wonders of the Earth you, about the snow is beautiful, I love you ... For what I love - I do not know. Zinaida Hippius

Winter turns the water and hearts of people in a stone falling out of the sky. Victor Hugo

When winter comes, even with the most powerful oaks falls foliage. Charles de Bosier, "Legend of Unelenspigel"

Snowflakes are the falling stars, which, approaching the Earth, become, contrary to the laws of the prospects, only dim and less. Ilya Masovodov.

In winter, it is especially nice to be someone most important and wallowed under the blanket as you please. Max Fry, "Power Sunborn"

"You can love the winter and carry warmth, you can prefer the summer, remaining an ice fragment." Sergey Lukyanenko.

"Snowflakes are heavenly salamandres." Maria Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

"Winter for that created in white colors so that we can start our lives with a clean sheet." Hopeing Yasminska "Cafe Maga"

quotes about winter, short and long, assembly of statements, beautiful words Description of winter nature.

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In winter, so much magic, so much beauty! Look around!

Here it is happiness: snow, marmalade and warm mittens ...

Winter smells of mandarins, vanilla and hot chocolate.

What smells winter? - Miracle! After all, in it everything is fabulous!

Winter spurs us to warm us in their handles and share them with one touch.

Lord, so snow wanted! So that in winter the soul of Luda was warmed by the expectation of happiness and miracles.

The first snow is a chic phenomenon!

At first, long-long wait for him, and then with delight you watch the snowflakes bite the world with white veil.

And I hid, almost not breathing ... ah, winter fairy tale, how good you are!

From my childhood, I feel a kind of excitement in front of the fresh cover of snow ... just enter into some kind of new world, and all of you permeates the joy of discovery, the first contact with something clean, untouched, not defiled. John Steinbeck

Hello winter! Sparkling miracle! Invalid snowflakes flying as if angel fluff from the wing ...

And how little children are rejoiced with snowflakes, run behind them, catch them.

Raise your head to the sky, and the clouds sprinkle the world with sweet vanilla sugar.

And snowflakes climb kissing ...

You listen to the music of the snow, the soul swept back and Zamre.

And if you look up on falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying where far away ...

Winter is in white tones to begin their lives with a clean leaf.

Skis, skates, snowballs,
Here is winter entertainment.
She is not far off
With snow and winds.

Winter-Aa! Havor joyed knees and teeth!

Around one snow.
We are on the snowy planet.
Around the usual winter
But we are glad to her like children.

Kuba did not have winter in cities and villages, never knew these days merry!

Winter is a fairy tale: beautiful, white, very, very clean! Let your life be the same!

Under blue skies
Magnificent carpets
Shiny in the sun, the snow lies;
Transparent forest one black
And spruce through frost green,
And the river under the ice shines. A.S. Pushkin

Snow ... Adults say it is frozen water, but children know better: these are small stars with the magical taste of the new year.

Remember your childhood. On the street, snow, blizzard, and you are wrapped in a jacket and carry on sleds with full packaging packagings and candies on the knees.

Winter came down! And in the shower it is not clear whether Spring, or the summer! And it doesn't matter, the main thing is that warm and colorful!

Winter is a time when you're waiting for summer, but at the same time you are madly happy with the snowfall, and quietly touch the song from Coca-Cola advertising.

I want to go on a slightly lit street in the evening, where snow crushes under my feet, my favorite music is playing in the headphones, and the path lights lights.

Winter. Blizzard. Snow. Cold. Weather created for hot tea, warm blanket and beautiful fairy tales.

A purring cat and a burning fireplace make winter pleasant. Scottish proverb

There are winter books. Not those that about winter, but those that make a cozy blizzard outside the window. Hopeing Yasminsk

The beauty of spring is known only in winter, and sitting by the stove, compose the best May songs. Heinrich Heine

Winter ... Snow mounted huge flakes on the ground. He is everywhere. Stunningly quiet, bright night; There are so many calm in it.

Winter I love not for the new year, but for bringing closer to people who are in the same room in the evening when the windows fly billions of snowflakes and the wind howles in the drainage pipes.

In winter, the line between at night and the day of blurry. What smells winter? ... miracle! .. After all, everything is fabulous in it! February is the shortest month, but because of the terrible cold it seems the longest. Winter is a time when fur coats walk their owners. Fear in the soul, eyes on the forehead. I'm on Ice on Ice! Winter - the time of lethargic sleep nature.

Winter is hit in the heart of every life, an animation and inanimate. If it were not for artificial lights of fun, if it were not for a bustle, created by the thirst for life, and mad chase at the lady of the merchants ... from him.

Warning time - winter. Frosty, cruel, but - magical. Winter in white colors to start their lives from a white sheet. Winter turns the water and hearts of people in a stone falling out of the sky.

Winter love those who have warm stylish clothes for her!

I hate winter. It begins too early and ends too late.

The closer winter, the more we look like our photo on the passport.

From my childhood, I feel a kind of excitement in front of the fresh cover of snow ... just enter into some kind of new world, and all of you permeates the joy of discovery, the first contact with something clean, untouched, not defiled.

I love winter, because in the winter you can sit at home without a feeling of guilt.

Winter is a time when fur coats walk their owners.

Fear is autumn. Despair is winter. Tosca - New Year.

Winter-Aa! Havor joyed knees and teeth!

Winter is a post of nature.

If autumn smeared the roof of condensed milk, then the spring will be delicious icicles.

Winter - honest season.

You listen to the music of the snow, the soul swept back and Zamre.

We in England only two times of the year - Winter and Winter.

Winter is the time when you are waiting for the summer, but at the same time madly happy with snowfall.

Raise your head to the sky, and the clouds sprinkle the world with sweet vanilla sugar.

Winter turns the water and hearts of people in a stone falling out of the sky.

Look for your loved ones - there is too cold winter ahead.

And how little children are rejoiced with snowflakes, run behind them, catch them.

The city lies in the darkness ... the point again by winter ...

What smells of winter? ... miracle. After all, it is still fabulous.

Oh, as frosty in January, when convenience in the yard!

Russian winter is when in the refrigerator is warmer than on the street.

If troubles are not perceived as troubles, then there is no trouble. And winter - not trouble.

Winter came, winter went away, and summer is summer!

Winter is in white tones to begin their lives with a clean leaf.

Snow ... He will still fly away even in the dreams ... Even in the summer, because for some reason I will never dream of me.

Winter has come! Pedestrians wear warm cowards, and the rest are studded rubber.

And I hid, almost not breathing ... ah, winter fairy tale, how good you are!

I will sing to you songs about people without the bottom, about those in whose cold winter lives.

And if you look up on falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying where far away ...

I spoke to this hunter: buy yourself boots! And he: went and bought sneakers - they say, more beautiful. - He did not think it did. We still do not go to the kids in the pastries. And I go and I go ...

Hello winter! Sparkling miracle! Invalid snowflakes flying as if angel fluff from the wing ...

Mentally change the winter on the spring and fall in love.

How much winter under the apple tree is either sitting, you will not open the law.

Made winter snow. Lost the joy even face stars.

And snowflakes climb kissing ...

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