I enter the dark churches of the cycle. Analysis of the poem "I enter Dark Temples

Gardening 29.09.2019

"I enter the dark temples ..." (1902)

This poem Alexander Blok has absorbed all the main motifs of the "poems about the beautiful lady" cycle.

The main motive of the poem is the waiting for a meeting with a beautiful lady and high service to her. All the work of washed atmosphere of mystical mystery and miracle. Here everything is unpacked, everything is just a hint. Some reflections, flickering, hopes for an incomprehensible miracle - on the phenomenon of an excellent lady, in which a certain divine start was embodied.

The words of the lyrical hero acquire the nature of the solemn hymn, the prayer chants with which believers usually turn to their deity. The text of the work consists of appeals and exclamations expressing the immeasurable admiration of the hero. Events are not happening. There is only an expectation: the lyrical hero sees himself in the image of a devotee, who gave high vows of the eternal ministry of his beautiful beloved.

The lyrical hero calls his beloved magnitude eternal wife, cute, saint. So high and holy the image of an excellent lady is that all appeals to it are written by the author with a capital letter. And not only these words, but also pronouned: you, about her, yours.

The rituality and holiness of what is happening is also underlined by the image of the temple, burning candles and the lampad. The poem itself sounds like prayer. The vocabulary vocabulary: a lot of high, beautiful and outdated words are used, emphasizing the exclusiveness of the event (do a rite; Merzian Lampad; illuminated; rhizes; rational). Love for a beautiful lady is a kind of sacrament. The heroine appears in the guise of the magnitude of the eternal wife, and in the appearance just the earthly woman, when the lyrical hero calls her cute.

The lyrical hero expects a miracle - the appearance of a mysterious stranger. His lonely, alarmed soul is striving for an exalted, waiting for revelation, rebirth. This expectation is a volatile, tense, alarming.

The poet uses red symbolism. In all poems dedicated to the beautiful lady, the red color is the fire of earthly passions, and the sign of its appearance. In this poem, the lyrical hero is waiting for its appearance in the light of the red lamp. Epteat illuminated also reflects this color:

And in my face I looks, illuminated,

Only an image, only a dream about it.

The beautiful lady is a dream, ideal, but happiness with her may not be on Earth, but in eternity, in dreams.

In this poem there are familiar motives for love lyrics: dreams of her, hope for a meeting.

But the image of an excellent lady is unusual. This is not only a real beloved lyrical hero, but also the soul of the world. The lyrical hero is not just loved, and a person in general, which seeks to merge with the soul of the world - to achieving absolute harmony. In such a reading, the poem is perceived no longer as a love, but as a philosophical lyrics.

The dream of a meeting with an excellent lady is the desire to leave the real world, from unworthy people for whom "Truth in wine", in the profit and self-catering. Using associations, images and symbols, Alexander Blok writes not only about love, but also about the complex, uncharted world, awakening harmony, beauty, good.

To enhance the impression, the block uses epithets (dark temples; poor ritual; adhesive candles; they are growing features). Emotionality strengthens personification (run ... smiles, fairy tales and dreams; The image looks) and rhetorical exclamations (oh, I used to these rizam / magnitude of the eternal wife !; oh, holy, like candles gentle, / how are your features!). Assonances are used (I am waiting for an excellent lady / in Merzian Red Lampad).

/ / / Analysis of the poem block "I enter into dark temples ..."

A. The block is considered one of the first symbolists, this creative direction puts a symbol on the first place as a sign that can be perceived differently is ambiguous. Symbolism arises in France and further extends to other countries.

In the work of the poet, a love topic is important, which acquires different colors. This is not surprising, because the poet himself loved, and his love carried through his life. His chosen was the love of Mendeleev. This woman began for Alexander Blok not only his muse, inspirational in creativity, but also the guardian angel. Even after parting, the block did not stop helping the former spouse, because he saw not only a beloved woman in it, but also a true friend. He trusted her like himself.

The block does not tell about their mysterious feelings and experiences, he all reveals in his work. The poet is perfect for women, all the creativity of the poet is connected with verses about the beautiful lady. The author considered women very subtle and wounded natures. Love Mendeleev was for the poet a real ideal of a woman. He was afraid that he could blame the soul of that man that he loved so much. But the poet perfectly knows that far from every can be a reverent attitude. Human nature is deceptive, he himself was repeatedly deceived in his life, but continued to believe his beloved people. Mendeleev's love often betrayed the block, preference to others. And only after time I understood how noble was a person who was so long with her next.

The poem "I enter into dark temples ..." dated 1902. The image of Our Lady becomes central in the work of the block, this is an image-symbol of a beloved woman, which is near, but often elusive and unavailable. This is the author represents a great lady. In the image of Our Lady, a favorite poet is guessed, which for him becomes the embodiment of purity and beauty. A lot of synonyms use the author, he calls his favorite magnitude eternal wife, Saint, cute.

The lyrical hero enters the temple and in the "twinkling of the Red Lampad" waiting for a beautiful lady. The main topic is increasingly revealed - love, it becomes clear that the lyrical character still awaits her beloved. All words say that precious feelings are really important for the poet, even be unreasonable.

The block still believes that love is heavenly gift, and not to curse. The image of an excellent lady and the Mother of God are the symbolic images in which the perfect woman is embodied. We have the right to love, even when it is contrary to rational when we see the shortcomings of a person. Alexander Block in his love lyrics shows how to treat a woman, what should be true high feelings. Poems are written with a soul and heart, love and respect sounds in each phrase. There are a lot of symbols in the works, but they are most often repeated, are constants in creativity. Block is a great poet symbolism, chasing female purity and real beauty.

This poem was written when the young Alexander Pokhu was almost 22 years old. This time is commemorated by the poet itself as a period of active creativity, an open spiritual search for their own higher truth and truth. A whole cycle of love poems is devoted to the love of Dmitrievna Mendeleev. In her face, the poet found a cute girlfriend and the Muse, who served all his life. He wore this girl, who later became his wife, and saw in her manifestations of the Divine essence.

The poetic analysis "I enter into dark temples" is intended to show and designate the main feature of the spiritual quest Alexander Blok at a particular stage of development of creativity. Namely, the ministry is the image of eternal femininity, attempts to find it in the material world, approach her and make a one-piece and indestructible piece of their own existence.

Subject poem

"I enter into dark temples" - one of the vertices of the poetry of Alexander Blok in the cycle dedicated to the beautiful lady. The key point should be considered an attempt to find the dream, the image of the eternal femininity in the world is ordinary with predominant material values \u200b\u200band installations. From here, it is clearly traced in the moment of incomprehension in ideas, unrequency, the futility of the search.

Analysis "I enter into dark temples" shows how much the lyrical hero A. Blok is cut off from reality, absorbed in its own intrusive idea. And with this mystical desire it is difficult for him to cope, it subordinates himself, deprives will, common sense, reason.

The state of the lyrical hero

Verse "I enter into dark temples" - the eleventh in the account of the number of works addressed to Dmitrievna Mendeleev. The lyrical hero is in a state of anxiety, he wants to gain integrity with himself, find his lost half - part of himself, without which he cannot become happy. In holy place, temple, he sees only the echoes of the mysterious, unearthly image, which is directed by his quest, what is focused on and all attention. Here the author himself connects with the feelings of the lyrical hero in these deep internal experiences.

The image of eternal femininity

One of the most beautiful and mysterious is the poem "I enter into dark temples". The block endowed his heroine fabulous, mystical features. She is elusive in its essence, beautiful and incomprehensible, as the dream itself. This is how the image of beauty as the Ipostasis of Divine Love occurs. Often, the lyrical hero compares it with the Virgin, gives her mystical names. Alexander Blok called her a dream, Mosti Virgin, eternally young, the Veldist of the Universe.

Readers have always left enthusiastic reviews and impressions after reading such verses, as "I enter into dark temples." The block is a favorite poet of many intellectuals, especially his work is to close young young men and girls. The one who serves the lyrical hero is shrouded in the greatest mystery. He belongs to her not as an earthly woman, but as a deity. It is surrounded by both shadows in which her grave to apolonistic start - the hero contemplates her and receives himself from the experience of feeling. Analysis "I enter into dark temples" demonstrates the reader an interesting approach to the interpretation of the lines known and loved by millions.

Key symbols

In the poem, several images can be distinguished that create a kind of background for the development of action, complement the plot of bright paintings.

Rhise emphasize the holiness and elevation of the image of an excellent lady. This is the material embodiment of the Divine Start (Virgin, Church). Everything is alien to her, it is an exalted element of freedom and light. She can pray at night during the lunar light, each thought and the action of angry unrivaled beauty.

Red lamps symbolize the short-livedness of the dream, its distant and unreality, compared with everyday life. There is a connection of the fictional world with reality.

Thus, the analysis "I enter into dark temples" emphasizes the idea that intimate-personal experiences of youth occurred at the poet against the background of the desire to solve the secret of beauty.

The poem "I enter into dark temples ...". Perception, interpretation, assessment

The poem "I enter into dark temples ..." AA was created Block in 1902. It was written under the impression of a meeting of the poet with any Mendeleev in St. Isaac's Cathedral. The poem entered the "cycle of poems about the beautiful lady." In his youth, the poet was passionate about the philosophical teachings of V. Solovyov. According to this teaching, the world, mired in sins, will be saved and revived to life with a certain divine start, embodying eternal femininity. The block endowed this image perfect features, gave him various names: a wonderful lady, the greatest eternal wife, bunk. He represented himself as a knight, giving a vow of serving a beautiful lady. As part of these creative searches, this work was created.

Compositionally in the poem develops the same topic - the wonderful dream of the hero, describes his date with a beautiful lady. At the beginning of the poem, there are some challenges of reality: "Dark Temples", "Poor Rite". All these images are preceded by a date of the hero with an excellent lady. And no wonder it happens in the temple. This is a world in which love and harmony, kindness, warmth and perfection always reigns. Thus, the image of the heroine in the consciousness of the lyrical hero is equal to the Divine Start. And gradually the image of the hero also clarifies for the reader. The second stanza is becoming a kind of climax of a date:

In the shade of a high column tremble from the screen of the doors.

And in my face it looks, illuminated,

Only an image, only a dream about it.

The reader here understands that a beautiful lady is only a hero's dream. However, in the soul there is no bitterness, no regret. He is completely immersed in his dream, infinitely devoted to her. Reality does not like it, because it seems to not exist in his soul. The world of the hero is the world of "smiles, fairy tales and dreams." The main thing is faith in a dream: "I do not hear nests, nor speech, but I believe: honey - you".

The poet uses the characteristic images and paints here: we see the Merzian of the "Red Lampad", the golden gloss icons, the mattiness of yellow candles. The color palette is symbolic here: the red color speaks of sacrifice, hints at the readiness of the lyrical hero to give life to the sake of the beautiful lady (red is associated with blood). The yellow and gold, on the contrary, - paints, symbolizing life, sun, warm. Obviously, the lyrical hero merged so much with his dream, that she became the unchanged part of his life.

The poem is written by Dolnik. The poet uses various means of artistic expressiveness: epithets ("Dark Temples"), the metaphor ("Highly run on the eaves of smiles, fairy tales and dreams"), alliteration ("I shall from the screen of the doors").

Thus, the work is "software" for the early lyrics of the block. The young poet embodied his myth about the world soul through allegory, mystical premonitions, mysterious hints and signs.

The poem absorbs the main motifs of the "poems about the beautiful lady" cycle.

The reason for creating a poem was a meeting in St. Isaac Cathedral A. Block with L.D. Medeleyeva. Before the lyrical hero, an image appears, which is comparable only with Pushkin Madonna. It is "the purest charm of the purest sample." In the poem with the help of color, sound and associative symbols, the image of an excellent lady of the lyrical hero is mysteriously and uncertain. All words and stanzas are full of special significance: "Oh, I used to these riza," "Oh, Holy ..." - by anphory the author highlights the importance of an event.

The intonation is solemn and prayer, the hero is eager and begs about the meeting, he all trembles and trembles in her expectation. He is waiting for something wonderful, majestic and completely bowing to this miracle.

"Flickering of the Red Lampad" does not allow us to clearly see the image of an excellent lady. She is silent, silent, but for understanding it and respect does not need words. The hero understands her soul and attracts this image to heavenly height, calling the "magnificent Eternal Wife."

Church vocabulary (lamps, candles) puts an image of an excellent lady on a par with the deity. Their meetings occur in the temple, and the temple is a mystical center that organizes the space around him. Temple - architecture, which seeks to recreate the world order, amazing consent and perfection. The atmosphere corresponding to the anticipation of contact with the deity is created. The image of Our Lady, as the embodiment of the harmony of the world, which fills the hero's soul to reverence and peace.

He is a loved, selfless, who is impressed by an excellent person. She - there is something beautiful and disembodied, which makes the hero shudder: "And in the face I look illuminated, only an image, only a dream about her", "I tremble from the screen of doors ..." She is a concentration of his faith, hope and love.

Color palette Consists of dark shades of red ("in the twinkling of red lamps ..."), who carry sacrifice: the hero is ready to part with life for the sake of the beloved (red blood); Yellow and gold colors (candles and church images) bearing heat, aspiring to man, and the special value of the surrounding existence. High white columns rise significantly as an image of excellent ladies and spiritual senses of the hero. The block that happened in the poem looked into the darkness, covered with dark bedspread ("Dark Temples", "In the shade of a high column") in order to somehow protect this intume and the holiness of the sensations of heroes from the outside world.

Flower. Sounds.

1 Starf: Sounds "A", "O", "E" combine tenderness, light, warm, delight. Tones are light, flickering. (White color, yellow.)

2 stanza: Sounds "A", "O", "And" - constraint, fear, darkness. Light decreases. The picture is unclear. (Dark colors.)

3 stanza: Darkness leaves, but the light comes slowly. The picture is unclear. (Blend of light and dark colors.)

4 stanza: the sounds "O", "E" carry an ambiguity in themselves, but bring the largest stream of light, expressing the depth of the hero's feelings.

Analysis of the poem A.A. Blok "Girl sang in church choir" .

In this poem, the poet conveys the interaction of eternal femininity, beauty with the reality of life, that is, the connection of the earth and divine.

At the beginning of the poem - peace, pacification. The church, singing a girl, and on the second plan - ships floating in the sea, people who forgot their joy. The girl in the church song comongs "... tired in someone else's edge, ships that went into the sea forgetting their joy." Her song is a prayer about those who are abandoned from the native bed, about the alien. Peaceful singing encouraged each of the gloom to look at her white dress and listen to the mournful song. The darkness and her white dress symbolize the sinful and holy among this cruel world. She instilled his singing in people a part of sincere kindness, hopes for the best, a bright future: "... And it seemed to everyone that joy would be that in a quiet creeper all the ships that there were tired people in a stranger to have a bright life for themselves."

We see the unity of those present in the church in one spiritual impulse. Even at the beginning of the poem there was no hope for happiness, a bright life. But when her gentle voice was heard from the darkness, and a white dress appeared, lit by the beam, then came the confidence that the world was beautiful, it is worth living for the sake of beautiful on earth, despite all the troubles, unhappiness. But among the universal happiness, someone will be deprived and unhappy - the one who went to the war. And now the warrior will live only with memories, hoping for the best.

With her dazzling radiance, a gentle voice gave people the opportunity to forget for a moment about what is happening outside the church. In the image of the girl, they saw that ray of life that was so necessary for them. It was seen in it not a simple girl, but a deity, descended from heaven to sinful land to save their souls. In the last patch of the poem of crying a child - a harbinger of war. After all, the poem was written in 1905 (the end of the Russian-Japanese war).

Understand the deeper meaning of the poem helps us color background. If, at the beginning of the poem, people are absorbed by darkness, then at the end of the poem, dark tones are moving into bright. It seemed to them that they were "... a bright life found."

In the fourth stanza, in the third line - "... Painful secrets - a child cried" - this child is proper, the future is open to him, he knew the tragic outcome for Russia in the summer of 1905. The child personifies rebirth, update, all the lightest and innocent. And in this case, he is a brief child predictive future of Russia.

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