Installing the toilet on the site. Detailed instructions How to make a toilet in the country

Gardening 04.03.2020

In front of the owners of undeveloped country sites or lands with dilapidated buildings there is a task of improvement. First of all, on its territory you need to build a restroom. So that she was comfortable and pleased with the eye on the appearance, you should thoroughly think about your own project or trust the purchase of the purchase.

Build from wood by tradition

Despite the abundance of materials in the construction market, including the innovative, the most popular during the construction of the toilets remains a tree.

Whole advantages:

  1. Ecology. When the boards serve their, the restroom can be disassembled and burned in the furnace.
  2. Decorativeness. Even the most uncomplicated wooden toilet easily fits into the design of any summer cottage, emphasizing its natural beauty.
  3. Hygienicity. Wood absorbs unpleasant odors by masking them.
  4. Durability. If you use special impregnations against bacteria, fungi and insects or paint, protecting from a destructive ultraviolet, then you can significantly extend the service life of the material.
  5. Low cost.

The main disadvantage of wood is increased flammability, which can be reduced by processing by heat-resistant means.

Restroom simple design can be built in one day

The restroom from the boards in the country can be built with a cesspool (laptop-closet) or with a waste capacity (powder-closet). The first option is required to dacifics with a large family permanently residing on the site, and the second - it is suitable for those who cares for the garden for several days a year. In this case, the biological waste container can be unloaded for about once a month. In addition, the type of dressing is affected by the location of the groundwater: if they are close, then the cesspool should not dig.

Deciding with the design of the toilet, you can proceed to drawing up the drawing, which will simplify the frame assembly, or take advantage of the finished plans.

The drawing indicates detailed dimensions

In any case, it is recommended to produce design details of the design to avoid non-accuracy and curvature. The most simple model of the restroom, which does not require special skill, is considered a "nesting". Usually its height is two to three meters, the width is one meter, and the length is one or one and a half meters. If you wish, all these sizes can be increased or make a double restroom.

The toilet "Teremok" looks original, especially the sweat-shaped form on which the snow is not delayed. And also the "fabulous" design is well protected from the wind. Its main element, in contrast to the "benchmark", is not a frame and walls, but the roof, fixed on the truncated base.

Design, hollow, well protected from snow

Another common variety of restroom - "Shalash", where the side walls simultaneously serve as the roofs of the roof. This model is erected in just a few hours. Finishing materials in such a design are needed only from behind and in front, roofing materials are stacked on the sides.

Comfortable seat - an important part of any restroom

Build Chert

The development of the drawing of the country toilet should be started with the frame, noting the design dimensions (length, width, height) and pointing the cross section of a bar or boards. In the project of a wooden building, a scheme of cutting a facing material should be displayed, the amount of which is calculated for one side (due to symmetry), front and back walls. By creating a drawing of the "Birdhouse", the front wall must be built above the rear for the slope if the roof is single. In the toilet with a gable roof the front and rear walls are the same in height. Those who are going to do in the restroom ceiling should also be displayed on the illustration.

Calculate the number of materials

Standard product set for a small cottage toilet height of two meters:

  1. Two pieces of edged board from four to six meters.
  2. Four floors six meters.
  3. Three-meter lining - two or four packs (depending on the type of inner casing).
  4. The edged beam thick is not less than 50 × 50 mm or board - from 20 mm for the frame.
  5. Pergamine is four meters.
  6. Ruberoid - one and a half meters.
  7. Twenty special galvanized nails for eightwall slate or professional flooring.
  8. Galvanized steel for the skate.
  9. Door with accessories.
  10. Two sand buckets.
  11. Packaging of antifungal drug.
  12. Roofing material (120 × 140 mm).

The list may vary and supplemented depending on the selected model of the restroom. The final estimate is drawn up by a predetermined drawing. For the construction of the roof of the toilet with a length of 1.5 m and a width of 1.2 m, 1.8 m 2 of the edged board will be needed (calculated by multiplying the length of the width) plus three meters (0.75 boards) - on the side rafters.

As a result, 1,75 boards with a length of 4 m and width of 0.25 m are enough for the roof covering. The amount of genital board is determined by the same scheme: 0.6 m 2 (1 m x 0.6 m) is necessary for flooring and (0.6 m x 0.4 m x 2 + 1 m x 0.4 m + 1 m x 0.6 m \u003d 1.48 m 2) - for stools, and the area of \u200b\u200bfour boards with a length of six meters and thickness in 100 mm is 2.4 m 2.

7.28 m 2 boards will be needed on the posterior and two side walls of the restroom. The area is also calculated by multiplying the length of the width. As a result, 2 m 2 lining will go to the rear wall and 2.64 m 2 - on one side (2.64 m 2 x 2 + 2 m 2 \u003d 7.28 m 2).

For the model of the restroom in the form of parallelepiped the length of the lining should be at least 1.24 m (if you fill the products across it), and you can take an arbitrary width and thickness. Calculations are made similarly: the area of \u200b\u200bthe wall walls is revealed and it is divided into the area of \u200b\u200bone board of the lining, the number of necessary elements is obtained.

We build a restroom according to the traditions of Russian architecture

We purchase high-quality material

If you decide to build a restroom from the boards, it is better to take advantage of widespread products from larch, which does not darken, long retains its original species and is distinguished by strength. Edged boards can be planed and untreated. The first is more expensive, but already dried, polished and do not injure their hands while working.

The toilet can be sewn and lining - thin boards that are fastened with grooves. Usually it is created from the coniferous wood of the tree, well opposes moisture and temperature drops and is not deformed under the influence of sunlight.

The lining is well withstanding atmospheric influences

A budget and convenient option in the collection of closet can be used by the pallets - packaging products that are convenient to fasten, break, process and combine with other materials. It is easy to get it for free by contacting the transport companies that do not need "garbage", or purchase at a rush price through thematic portals.

Pallets are connected by bolts

The restroom can also be resistant to plywood, fiberboard, chipboard or hermetic OSB-plates. All listed materials are easy to install and are resistant to adverse biological influences. However, it should be borne in mind that the fiberboard and chipboard made of glued sawdust can be damaged at shock loads, it applies to thin materials. The toilet coated from the fiberboard at 0.5 mm is unlikely to last long.

Modern plates of OSB-3, created from chips with synthetic resins in the form of three layers, withstand significant mechanical impacts and are convenient in construction. Therefore, suitable for long-term operations. Reliable, durable and pleasing eyes with the style of "under ancient" will get a restroom from the bric or bar. This design has only one drawback - a high price.

Preparing the necessary tools

In the process of building the toilet, you will need:

  • building level;
  • hacksaw or portable circular saw;
  • plane;
  • screwdriver Set;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • a hammer.

Step-by-step instructions for the construction of a country toilet

The following methods are used for the dischargeable pits device:

  • installation of reinforced concrete rings;
  • lad out brick walls;
  • installation of special polymer tanks;
  • concreting with the use of the root.

Phased toilet construction:

  1. Prepare the project, it should be decided on the construction site of the restroom, which should not interfere with the neighbors, so it will have to install it with an indentation from the fence in one and a half meters. If you decide to make a cesspool, pride the entrance to the assessing machine. Do not build a toilet in lowlands, which can be flooded with spring floods.
  2. The structure of the backlock begins with a pits of a pit, which can be with drainage or hermetic. The first option is less laborious, and the second is indispensable at a high level of groundwater, spreading sewage throughout the site.

    The cesspool should be located no closer than 5 meters from the wells, residential buildings and sections with fruit trees

  3. The pit flows in accordance with the dimensions in the drawing, compacted, falling asleep with sand and cementing. After that, the walls are blocked up and poured with a solution or rest with bricks (as an option: concrete rings). Next, the surface is plastered and processed with the bottom of the bitumen mastic. Do not forget that the walls should rise above the ground no less than sixteen centimeters.
  4. Capital boobs can be built with a filtering bottom, falling asleep with a broken brick or rubble. Thus, liquid waste will go into the ground, so it will be necessary to clean the pit it will be much less likely. Installation of a plastic container can be performed on any plot, observing sanitary and hygienic standards, since in this case the fecal masses do not fall into the ground.

    On the bottom of the pit poured broken brick

  5. At the next stage, the foundation is established. Toilet is enough to wear around the perimeter of the poles or blocks from concrete. The framework involving four vertical bases is constructed from a wooden bar or profile metal pipes. The longitudinal rafters of the roof strapping must perform at least than thirty centimeters per perimeter of construction.

    The base for the restroom can be made from treated

  6. The base is fastened by the Muspist to four straps at the level of the stool, corresponding to the growth for ease of use (usually enough forty centimeters from the finish flooring). After that, the ships of the side and back walls are mounted on the diagonal and vertical supports for the door, fastened with a jumper at the top, not more than a hundred ninety centimeters in height.

    Stulchak is located at a distance of about 40 cm from the floor

  7. The finished frame is trimmed with clapboard, board, OSB, etc.

    Toilet frame is trimmed by rail

  8. On the back wall, the door is made for convenient cleaning of waste. It is better to seal the cover with a rubberoid or other moisture insulating material. Installation of the ventilation pipe in the slots of the stool and roofs is desirable.

    Rear door for cleaning waste is equipped with ventilation

  9. Next, the door is hung with a lighting window equipped with a hook and a scoring.

    Roof covering mounted using a drill

The framework to the parallelepiped design is better made from larch bars, and pine suits the floor, walls, overlaps and doors. To the toilet gets neat, it is necessary to make careful measurements according to the drawing.

The model "Shalash" is being built very quickly. Work begins with the installation of the front and rear walls of a edged pine board with a thickness of at least thirty millimeters. The material is permissible to be fixed both on nails and on the self-tapping screw. Next, the longitudinal and transverse beams are installed according to the drawing, and the base of the pedestal on the back wall and the spacer element is mounted.

After assembling the frame, the platform is trimmed and the floor. For the latter, it is better to take a piece of solid wood size 20x100 millimeters. Ventilation in the "halate" is mounted on the back wall. The door, as always, is attached at the final stage.

Video: Country toilet, combined with shower, do it yourself

Create a durable finishing layer

The street toilet is constantly under the adverse effects of precipitation, wind and temperature drops. From this tree darkens and rotates. Prolong its service life will help protective coating, which must be aesthetic.

Original toilet design can decorate a plot

Main types of coatings:

  1. Oil paints. It is good to impregnate the tree, form a strong layer, serve to seven years. Have a big consumption and dry for a long time.
  2. Antiseptics. Penetrate at a depth of approximately one centimeter, the material from the blue, mold and rotten are protected. Keep the natural color of the tree or tint it slightly.
  3. Lasuring paints. Translucent, serve to five years, do not change the surface texture.
  4. Covered paints. Also retain the relief of the material, do not lose the form up to seven years, form a very durable layer.
  5. Acrylic paints. Can serve up to ten years, allow the tree to breathe, perfectly retain the color.

Fans of a natural shade of wood better apply antiseptics and special impregnations. Those who wish to give the expanse of imagination can be used by dark colors that will not be contaminated. Designers do not recommend covering the toilet scratch-bright colors that rush into the eyes. It is better if the restroom will be hidden from prying eyes.

In most cases, the construction is painted after the assembly. However, there is its own cons. After all, the edges of the boards and other hard-to-reach places will remain without protection. It is more correct to process the material even before the construction of the restroom.

People who know how to draw well, can arrange the toilet original. Birds, insects, flowers on a dark background and other images will make your closet dissimilar to others.

"Staining the walls of the toilet, you should not use varnish, which delays steam and does not fit for street work."

Apply the means is recommended for clean, well-grounded surface. First, the antiseptic treatment is carried out, and then the finish coating in two or three layers with dryers is applied. Collect boards under the scorching sun can not, otherwise cracks arise after drying. The primer must coincide with the main paint. During operation, the tool must be constantly stirred to achieve a smooth layer.

Natural dark tones optimal for restroom

Build a comfortable wooden toilet in the country is easy. Even newcomer can cope with this task. However, that the result does not disappoint, a number of simple conditions must be observed. It is not possible to use ready-made drawings, but before proceeding with the embodiment of the project, they need to be well comprehended. And even better - make the necessary improvements to the finished drawing (resizing, adjustment of the structure, etc.). Creative approach allows you to get the best result.

It is often the first one, about what a person thinks after buying a plot: how to make a simple street toilet in the country with your own hands and ready-made drawings here will come to the way, as well as a detailed description of all stages of construction, tips and nuances.

One of the most important and vital buildings on the country or garden plot is the toilet. The need for a simple structure arises after a few hours after arrival. And even if the owners already have a bathroom in a cozy house, street amenities will never be superfluous.

Toilet in the country area easy to build with your own hands

The simplicity of the design allows even a person without much building experience to equip the toilet for giving with his own hands. And if you connect fantasy, then a house for thinking about

it will actively fit into the design of the site and, perhaps, even will be decorated.

What toilet build: species and features

Actually there are only two options: with a cesspool or without it.

  • A toilet with a cesspool is simple, proven experience and time a construction that consists of an equipped cesspool and a toilet house above it. As it is filling with uncleanness, the pit is cleaned manually or ordered an assessing machine.
    And it happens, just tolerate the house to another place. The old pit is buried, and after 6-7, its contents will finally overload and you can again put the toilet back.
  • Lesuft-closet is a variety of street toilet with a pit for uncleanness, but with the difference that it should be sealed. Such a toilet has to build if it is located close to home, water source or when groundwater is highlighted.

Scheme: How the Lesuft Klozet is arranged

  • A toilet without a cesspool or Pood-closure is equipped if the groundwater is locked very high or if the toilet uses little. In this case, the capacity for collecting uncleanness can be anything other than the pit (bucket, barrel, plastic tank). The desired volume determines the intensity of the use of the bathroom.

After each campaign in such a toilet of impurities, sudes dry peat, sometimes using sawdust or ashes, so in the house there should be a box for a "masking powder". After filling, the container is retrieved by hand, and the contents are evacuated into the compost pit. If the uncleanness was crossed by peat, then after time they become wonderful fertilizer.

Toilet without cesspool (Poll-closet)

Important! If the groundwater is lowered below 2.5 meters, you can build any type of toilet, but if they are located above, then from the cesspool will have to abandon.

Where to build a toilet

For toilets with a cesspool, there are a number of sanitary and hygienic standards and restrictions, which depend on their location on the site.
Minimum distances from toilet to other objects:

  • To water sources (wells, wells, lakes, rivers) - 25 m;
  • To houses, cellars - 12 m;
  • Before the summer soul or bath - 8 m;
  • To the nearest tree - 4 m, and shrubs - 1 m;
  • Before the fences - at least 1 m.

Scheme: The correct location of the toilet relative to other buildings in the country area

Important! Choosing a place of construction, it is worth considering not only objects located on their own plot, and those that are on the next.

In order for the summer evenings on the terrace, amber, the place is chosen, taking into account the wind roses. If the site is located under a slope, the toilet is better to put at the lowest point.

Construction of a cesspool

After selecting and preparing the site, they begin to dig a cesspool. As a rule, it is a square shape, a depth of at least 2 meters.
The cesspool is two types:

  • Hermetic. The bottom of such a pit is concreted, reinforced before the fill, and so that the reinforcement does not sink in concrete, it is put on pegs. The walls are also sealed, put off with a solution or shut off the seams by bitumen.

Sealed cesspool for toilet

  • Absorbing. What a pit is better to dig to the sand, then the liquid fraction of uncleanness will be faster to go into the ground. The bottom is covered with a layer of large rubble or pebbles.

Construction of absorbing cesspool

Strengthen the walls of the cesspool can be in several ways:

  • Brickwork;
  • Concrete structure;
  • Ready reinforced concrete rings;
  • Plastic tank.

From above, the pit is covered, bars, slate or concrete, leaving only a plot under the stool, and start assembling a toilet house.

Construction of a toilet house

The optimal sizes of the country toilet are 1 × 1.5 m, height - 2.2-2.5 m. Otherwise, it will be simply uncomfortable, especially for people with large forms. It is not necessary to make the toilet drawings on their own, if there are no special requirements and ideas can be used ready.
First of all, the scheme is convenient because it allows you to correctly calculate the number of building materials and the preliminary cost of the yard bathroom.

The construction of the toilet above the cesspool (the scheme of proper placement)

The base of the carcass

The dressing house is recommended to push 2/3 forward above the cesspool, providing, thus, access to it for cleaning the rear wall of the structure.
The resistance of the building can provide a shallow foundation. Between it and the frame laid waterproofing, 1-2 layers of rubberoid. But for easy construction from the tree, it is not at all necessary. The basis is enough to install on concrete blocks.
You can also put four reference pillars. To do this, in the corners of the future design, four pits of about 60 cm depth, in soft soils you can up to 1 meter, and lower asbestos pipes. A third pit is filled with cement mortar. After that, the support beam is installed in the pipe, and the pit is fully filled with concrete.

Installation of the bottom of the toilet on concrete blocks

Assembly of the carcass

For the construction of the frame, it will be enough for a bars with a cross section of 50 × 50 or 80 × 80 mm, more dimensional material is inappropriate.

  • First, they collect a rectangular support with a jumper, from which the front wall of the stool will climb, and screw it to the foundation or support racks. On top wealing the board. The thickness of the floor board should be at least 3 cm.

Construction of a wooden frame toilet

  • The frame of the front, rear and side walls are collected from the bar. In this case, the front wall should be higher than 10 cm above the rear, it will provide the necessary roof slope.
  • For greater strength, the design on the side and rear walls is recommended to make diagonal drives.
  • On the front wall, the strengthening for the door corresponding to the size and make up the hole below the window.
  • Frames of the walls are fixed on the base with metal corners, on top and at the level of the stool make the strapping.

Strengthening toilet carcass with metal corners

  • The next step will be the assembly of the frame of the stool and its skin, if there are no alternative options, for example, the floor toilet.

Saving framework

Cut the frame with wooden boards. The vertical location allows you to significantly save the material, and the horizontal imitates the log house and looks interesting. The boards are tightly customized to each other and attach to the base. Instead of a tree, sheets of professional flooring, slate or any other material corresponding to the construction budget also use.

Tailing framework

Tip! All wooden structural elements are desirable to handle a special antibacterial impregnation that will protect the material from moisture and pests, and after varnish or paint


The roof should not be outside the walls of more than 30 cm. Installation starts with fixing parallel boards at a short distance. After that, the visor is sewn below, attach the boards outside around the perimeter. The prepared base is placed by a layer of waterproofing, usually, this is a rubberoid, after which they cover the design by any roofing material (slate, metal profile, bituminous tile).

For the toilet, it is enough to build a simple flat roof

Dachini, which the standard house diagram does not suit, can find drawings of more interesting options, make it independently or purchase ready-made toilet houses, they are going along the design of the designer, and for convenience, instructions and all related drawings are necessarily attached.

Exhaust ventilation

Exhaust ventilation in the summer toilet - is a pipe that removes odors from a cesspool. Its lower edge is crushed into the pit, and the upper must rise above the roof at least 20 cm.

Country toilet ventilation

A plastic tube with a diameter of 100 millimeters is suitable for ventilation arrangement. It is attracted to the rear wall from the inner or exterior side of the structure and fixed with iron clamps. To strengthen the craving on the ledge installed the disflector nozzle.

Installation door for toilet

Doors install ordinary wooden, ready-made plastic or homemade, from the material that the frame was trimmed. Plunct the door to 2 loops. The closing method in principle may be any, traditionally it is a latch, a scoring or hook, outside and inside. From more cunning lock systems, for example, with latches, it is better to refuse, since their mechanism will be influenced by moisture and quickly degrees.

For the installation of the door enough two loops


For more comfortable use of amenities, it is better to take care of their lighting in advance. It can be a wall lamp that works from the battery. Alternatively, you can bring the wiring and connect a small lighting device.

Country Toilet Lighting Options

And the day to illumine the inner space will be a small window. Cut it, usually, above the doors or at the top of the door, but the options are actually more, from curly windows on the walls and to the transparent roof.

Tip! The cesspool will serve longer if it does not throw toilet paper and other hygienic or household accessories, so it must be a bucket in the toilet. If sizes are allowed, it is convenient to establish a conventional washbasin with a pendant nose, especially since you are ready for a rowing pit.

Poll-closet: Features of the structure

The lack of a cesspool is the main difference in construction. But there are some differences in the design of the house. We will have to think about the method of extracting the container in which uncleans are collected.

Scheme: Patron closet device

The door, usually, equip the posterior wall of the house or the front wall of the chairs. Inside the booths set a special box for peat (ash, sawdust). Without ventilation, it is also not to do here, only the pipe is not descended into the pit, but directly under the chairs.

Building toilet in the country: video

The toilet is built, which is simply mandatory in the country. Often it is from this structure and the arrangement of the purchased area begins. At first, you can do without a bath, and without a gazebo, and even without at home or at least a barn for storing inventory, but without the toilet can not do.

In order to comfort the time to spend the time, you certainly need to take up the construction of the toilet, and you can produce all the work with your own hands. Instructions for creating such a strategically important facility for this site provides first place a choice of space.

Choose a territory for construction

Of course, everyone has the right to decide where to start the construction of such a specific object, but there are a number of sanitary and hygienic standards and restrictions to which it is necessary to listen by choosing the location of the toilet:

  • Strict rules regulate the minimum permissible distance between, the water from which is used for household needs.. The construction site should be removed at least 25 meters from water intake sources;

By choosing a plot, not only your own interests and the location of your well should be taken into account, but also take into account the interests of the neighbors and take into account the location of the wells in their sites.

  • Naturally, the arrangement of such a room is not conducted in the center of the site. Try to choose for such a construction more modest remote place. Place the toilet on the most border of the site is also prohibited, you must retreat from it at least 1 meter;
  • If the plot is uneven and there is some height difference, the toilet should be located in the lowline;
  • Take into the calculation of the wind rose in order to prevent the spread of unpleasant odors on the site;
  • For convenience, prior to the convenience of the entrance of the assesenizer machine directly to the cesspool in order to clean it, After all, do it periodically still have to do.

Main types of toilets for cottages

Differences in the design of such buildings lead to the existence of a certain classification of toilets, which do not provide for the possibility of connecting to central sewage. At the same time, the construction of any of them is not much difficult and will not take much time.

You will independently handle the construction of the following types:

  1. Toilet with a cesspool;

Based on these types of structures, many modifications differ in appearance, design used by building materials, which may seriously affect such a parameter as the price.

The choice of one or another type of structure depends primarily on the level of groundwater level on the site.

Council. If this level is only 3.5 m and above, then can be equipped on the plot only Pood-closet.
If the level of water occurrence is much lower, then your choice is not limited to anything.

Design with a cesspool

Among our compatriots, the design of precisely this type has received maximum distribution. The operation of such a toilet is as simple as possible and lies in the accumulation of waste in the cesspool, digging specifically for this.

In the event of filling the pit on 2/3 of its height, clean or machine is cleaned, or the construction is preserved and the toilet itself is moved to a new place, and the filled pit for the country toilet falls asleep ground.

Arrangement of Jama

The construction of a country toilet begins with:

  • A pit under the cottage toilet in the shape of a square with a side of one meter and a depth of two;
  • The bottom and walls of the dug pit must be strengthened. As such fortifications, concrete rings for a toilet in the country, a brickwork or masonry stone, can also be used by wooden logs or boards. The bottom is covered with a layer of rubble, which is compacted thoroughly;

Council. If you are afraid for the tightness of the bottom of the pit, you can concrete it or lay out brick.

  • Next, the pit seal is made by the method of legituition and plaster, it is necessary for the waste to penetrate into groundwater.

Building toilet from wood

In fact, the answer to the question of how much the toilet is worth the cottage directly depends on the selected materials for construction. In order to save, the majority of dacnis choose the tree for this. The construction process itself is based on the following issues:

What form to make a toilet? Usually a toilet frame for cottage has a rectangular or square shape.
What type of foundation to choose? The optimal option for the base for such a building is a column foundation for the toilet in the country. The construction of the foundation is to lay a brick pillar under each angle of structure. Ruberoid fill on top of the poles, which will be a waterproofing layer
How to make a frame? The framework is made of beams that are pre-covered with primers and painted in order to protect them from rotting processes. The frame collapse consists of the following steps:
  • After the processing of the beams fasten together and set to the prepared foundation;
  • Vertical beams are installed on the basis, strictly byverting their vertical levels; The racks are installed, which will subsequently sweat the door;
  • Are installed beams protruding around the perimeter of the structure necessary for the roof structure;
  • Right over the pit, a construction framework is made.
What to do the roof? As a material for plating the roof, all the same frontal belongs, which are covered with a slate sheet from above
How to seize the toilet in the country? Often, a tree, lining, siding, etc. is selected as a material for the toilet trim, etc.

Council. For a more accurate and high-quality attachment of vertical beams to the base, plates made of metal and bolts are used.

For the convenience of using the toilet at night, lighting should be provided, for which electricity is hampered. In the absence of electricity, you can rescue such a service as the rental of a generator diesel for giving. For lighting during the daytime, it follows in the trim over the door to cut the window.

The form of this window may be any, but often cut holes with strict geometry or in the form of a heart.


The toilet is a building that is certainly related to the occurrence of unpleasant flavors. In order to minimize this side effect of this kind of structures professionals, it is recommended to equip the seat with a tightly adjacent lid, also besides this, there will be an extract in the summer toilet.

To improve the ventilation, the execution of the following actions is necessary:

  1. The sewer plastic tube with the help of a clamp is attached to the rear wall of the structure so that one end of its end is mounted in a cesspool to a 1 dm;
  2. The other end of the pipe is excreted out through the hole done in the roof;

Council. Ventilation pipe should rise above the roof of about 0.2 m.

  1. The entrance and exit pipes should be carefully embedded, and in order to strengthen the craving, it is necessary to install the disflector nozzle on the tip of the pipe.

Country backlog

This type of design is the best answer to the question of how to put the toilet in the country in the house if there is no sewage. Lesuft-closet is a structure that is an intermediate option between the cesspool and the septic of industrial production and are perfectly operated in such structures as country houses from the container block, wood or stone. This type of toilet involves the presence of a hermetic capacity.

Cleansing the bredation of such a design is made only by specialized equipment, so you should not choose a backlash-closure if there is no firm with such services near your site.

Pood-clock outside the city

This type of construction is the most simple as possible, because it does not require a cesspool. The functions of such a pit performs a specialized container or a barrel for the toilet in the country, which is placed directly under the stool, and when filling just out.

To ensure partial removal of an unpleasant fragrance in such a structure, a drawer with sawdust, soil, peat or dry straw is placed next to the stool. These materials can be powdered after each visit to this facility.


As you have already managed to understand, to build a toilet on your own country. Everyone who is a little familiar with construction is capable of building. And if you are not a builder, then, if you wish, learn everything yourself, if you select enough time and attention to this, and you will do work carefully. And the video in this article will tell you about the construction technology even more.

Excellent article 0.

Even if the cottage is simply a naked plot of land without a single building, still do not do without the main thing - toilet. The need for this uncomplicated building arises after a few hours of stay in the country area. Despite the fact that we all imagine how the toilet should look like and what you need to do, still do not hurry. First of all, the site should be studied to understand what kind of country toilet can be built in a particular case, because there are several of them. Then you need to decide exactly where you can put the toilet, while observing the sanitary rules and norms. And only after that you can proceed to directly construction. In order to make a country toilet with your own hands, there is nothing complicated. Nevertheless, it is not necessary to make the toilet box independently. The modern market can offer ready-made dressing houses for every taste. In this article we will analyze the instructions, how to make the toilet with your own hands, starting with the selection of the type of toilet and ending with the manufacture of a house.

What toilet in the country can be equipped - species and features

On the room, where there is a house and in fact you can live, it is desirable to have two toilets - one in the house, and the second on the street. The toilet in the house is convenient to use at night or in bad weather when it rains. Yet in the house and warmer and more comfortable. The street toilet for the cottages is necessary in order to use it in the day after garden-garden work on the plot and do not bear the dirt from the street to the house.

There are several types of toilets that can be used in the country:

  • Street toilet with a cesspool.
  • Poll-closet.
  • Lesuft closet.
  • Biothuette.
  • Chemical toilet.

The choice of toilet is influenced by such an indicator as the groundwater level. If water is far away (deeper than 2.5 m) and never rises above this mark even in the rainy season or spring floods, you can use any of the proposed toilet options. If the level of groundwater is high, water is close to the surface, then it is impossible to equip the toilet with a cesspool.

Street toilet with a cesspool - Old good time-tested construction. It is a cesspool to a depth of 1.5 m, from top to which the dressing house is worth. Unclean in the pit accumulate and gradually decompose. If the intensity of using such a toilet is large, then the filling of the pit occurs rapidly, sewage does not have time to be fermented. Previously, such a problem was solved simply - they took off the dressing house, I drove the old pit, and elsewhere they dug out a new one and put the toilet from above. Now they are preferred to clean cesspools either with the help of an assessing machine, or manually.

Poll-closet - An option toilet for the location where water is close. There is no cesspool in his design. Instead, it uses a container (bucket, barrel, box), which is installed immediately under the stool. In order for the uncleans not too much reminded of yourself an unpleasant smell, after each hike to the toilet, they sprinkle with dry peat, sawdust or ash. The process itself resembles pointing, from which the name of this type of toilets "Pood-closet" occurred. After filling, the container gets and emptied into the compost pit, a bunch or other place. Over time, sewage, late peat, will turn into a wonderful fertilizer.

Schedule-close - Toilet with a hermetic cesspool, which is cleaned with the help of an assessing machine. Typically, the lubric closets are equipped directly in the house next to the outer wall of the house. The cesspool is located outside, sewage in it come along the pipe. The pit herself has a bias away from the house for convenience of cleaning.

Biotica - Habitual for urban residents of a cabin with a capacity, into which the active microorganisms are poured for processing unclean. Probably the easiest way to set the toilet in the country, since it is not necessary to build anything - you can buy a ready-made lookup of any sizes, both street and home.

Chemical toilet It differs from the biothetule only the means of processing unclean. Chemical reagents are used here, so the contents of the container after recycling cannot be used as a fertilizer in the garden, unlike the dry content.

Peat toilet - This is a domestic version of Poll-closet. In fact, Poll-closet is also a peat toilet, because in it a peat is used to drink feces. Home peat toilet - upgraded achievement of civilization. It is very similar to the usual toilet, only in the water tank instead of water - dry peat, and instead of the sewage pipes, sewage containers.

Such a toilet can be safely installed inside the house. To eliminate the unpleasant odor in its design, ventilation is provided, which must be laid out.

The selection of the cottage to the cottage is completely dependent on your personal preferences and on the conditions that Sanpina's rules dictate.

There are certain restrictions on the placement of the street toilet. First of all, they relate to those toilets in which impurity can contact with soil and groundwater.

  • From the toilet to the water source should be at least 25 m. Be it well, a well, a lake, a stream or other water object. If the country area is located under some slope, the toilet must be installed below the source of water fence. This will exclude wastewater in drinking water.

Important! Please note that not only your source of water should be taken into account, but also the nearest neighbors.

  • From the toilet to the house and cellar or basement should be at least 12 m.
  • From summer soul or bath, saunas at least 8 m.
  • The distance from the construction for the content of animals to the toilet should be 4 m.
  • From the trunks of trees - 4 m, from shrubs - 1 m.
  • From the fence to the toilet should be at least 1 m.
  • Also necessarily takes into account the rose of winds when choosing a place and location of the street toilet, so as not to annoy neither the neighbors of unpleasant amber.
  • The door to the toilet should not be opened towards neighbors.
  • If the groundwater is below 2.5 m, then any street toilet can be equipped. If higher than 2.5 m, then the toilet with the cesspool can not be done, only Pood-closet or the play-closet, and you can also put the hay. Such designs are safe in the sense that uncleanness cannot get into groundwater and pollute them.

Please note that when choosing a place toilet, you must navigate the objects not only on your site, but also on the neighbor. This also applies to trees, and Sarai, and at home, and everything else. For the toilets of type Pood-closet and the laptop-closet listed above the limitations do not act, since they are not unclean in them in contact with the soil. The only thing that will have to be taken into account when placing them are a rose of winds and ease of use.

Toilet in the country with your own hands - Instructions for building Poll-closet

To equip the country toilet itself is not so difficult, it is enough to have initious carpentry skills, engineering thinking and stocking of a friend. Consider an example of building a toilet in the dacha in the type of Pad-closet. As we wrote, his feature is that under the toilet there is no cesspool. And it greatly facilitates the task. First, such a toilet can be placed near the residential house. Secondly, the construction technology itself is somewhat easier, you will not have to dig meat. Thirdly, pollution of groundwater is excluded.

The construction of the toilet must begin with the drawing so that all the elements and parts have appropriate dimensions, and not on the eye. Due to the fact that there is no cesspool in Pood-closet, only the design of the toilet house will be presented in the drawing.

Schematically, PAP-closet can be represented so:

The size of the toilet is selected so that it is convenient to use it. For example, the most common size: 1.5 m width, depth 1 m, height 2.2 m. Dimensions can be increased if the size of the hosts are required. Toilet manufacturing material can be different: the most common wooden toilets, but you can sow wall metal products, slate or other material, as well as erect brick walls.

Wooden wood toilet - drawing in cut.

Example 1..

Example 2..

You can use the finished drawing, or you can make your own. The main thing is to comply with the size of construction.

Foundation and Support for Toilet

The country toilet is a building that does not require heavy foundation. In some sources, you can find a proposal to fill the toilet tape foundation. In fact, this is superfluous, especially if the toilet is wooden. Support for a toilet house can be made in two ways: the first is to burst poles, the second to lay out the perimeter of bricks or concrete blocks.

As a pillars, the supports can be used both a wooden bar or log and concrete column columns. The latter is more resistant to the aggressive environment and will serve longer.

  • First of all, mark the plot. It is extremely important to accurately determine the corners of the structure.
  • We take 4 asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 150 mm and freezing them outside with bituminous mastic.
  • In the corners of the toilet house, the wells digs and plug the pipes to a depth of 50 - 70 cm. The depth of the pipe stopping can be more, it depends on the structure of the soil. You can make 90 cm or 1 m.
  • To the height of 1/3 of the pipe, they must be poured with concrete solution. Diligently compact concrete to remove air bubbles.
  • Inside the pipes insert wooden or concrete pillars supports. To secure them, add a concrete solution.

Support poles in this case can perform the vertical part of the frame, i.e. They must be expelled to a height of 2.3 m from the ground. It is also necessary to constantly check that the position of the column is even relative to the corners.

There are cases when it is enough to fix concrete blocks or bricks as a support, which will then be installed frame. In this case, it is necessary to remove the top layer of the soil to a depth of 20 - 30 cm and tightly tamme the base. For greater reliability on the bottom you can fall asleep layer of sand. From above, concrete blocks, bricks or concrete borders are installed.

We make a carcass of a street toilet

The skeleton of the country toilet can be made of a wooden bar of 50x50 mm or 80x80 mm. Thicker and massive bar 100x100 mm and not necessarily take more. You can also use metal corners.

The frame must be a design:

  • 4th carrier vertical supports.
  • Bind of roof toilet. Longitudinal bars for the roof should be beyond the limits of the toilet housing by 30 - 40 cm. Front canopy will serve a visor, and behind - to remove rainwater away from the toilet.
  • Bind or screed at the level of the future stool. Usually, the bars of the stool strapping are attached to the spacer to the carrier vertical supports. The height of the stools should be comfortable - 40 cm from the floor of the toilet.
  • Diagonal drives for the strength of the design on the back and side walls of the toilet.
  • Frame for mounting the door. Two vertical supports to 1.9 m and a horizontal jumper from above at the same height.

Be sure to calculate the height of the stool, as too high the seat will be inconvenient, especially if there are low-spirited people among the owners. Indicate at what level the clean floor will be in the toilet, and postpone from it 38 - 40 cm up. Note that the strapping on top of the strapping will still be a thickness of 20 - 25 mm thick.

We are wearing a toilet case, make a roof

Further construction of the country toilet is to trim the framework. Since wooden toilets are consistently popular at the expense of their original beauty, convenience and comfort, the walls of the country toilet can be seen with wooden boards.

Wooden boards with a thickness of 15 - 25 mm nail to the frame, tightly configuring them to each other. Place boards must be vertically. Since the roof will be located with a bias on the rear wall, then the upper part of the plating boards will have to gently cut at an angle.

Instead of a tree, you can use sheets of professional flooring, slate or other material. It is much easier to work with them, as you need only three sheets for the rear and two side walls. But in such a toilet is much less comfortable than in a wooden. And all because there is no natural humidity and air exchange through the walls.

On the back of the toilet it is necessary to make the door through which it will be possible to remove the container with uncleanness. It is usually done on the entire width of the rear wall to a height of 40 cm (to the height of the stool). This door on the loop is fixed. You can perform it from the same wooden boards.

The roof of the country toilet usually cries the same material as all buildings on the site so that the buildings are not squeezed out of the composition. You can use sheets of professional flooring or metal tile. In the roof it is necessary to perform a hole for the ventilation pipe, which should then be thoroughly seal.

If you want to make a wooden toilet roof, it must be covered with a rubberoid or other rolled material so that the tree is not wet.

Turn the door

The door for the country toilet usually makes wooden. Put the door on the loop. The number of loops 2 or 3 depends on the severity and massiveness of the door. The harder door, the more loops should be. The mechanism of closing the door to the toilet each makes how he likes it more: latch, hook, shatter or wooden valve. Inside the toilet also need to install a latch.

Above the door should make a window through which natural lighting can penetrate. Usually it is made as close as possible to the roof, so that water does not fall into the rain during the rain. The window can be glazed, then neither rain will not be afraid or insects that often fly through such a window. What a country wooden toilet looks like, you can see in the photo.

Country toilet: Photos - Examples

We draw a chairs in the toilet

The seat or stools in the summer toilet is performed from wooden boards, lining or moisture-resistant plywood. It is better to use a clean tree without additives, so I exclude Phaneur. The skeleton of the future chairs was made at the stage of the framework of the frame, so it is now quite gently sewing it with wooden boards and paint. In the middle, cut the hole through which we will cope. Be sure to check at what depth from the beginning of the chairs should make a hole so that it is convenient to use.

Under the stools, we install a container for sewage from 20 to 40 liters. By the way, the stool cover can be made fading on the hinges, and can be stationary.

On a wall in a convenient location, insulating the container for peat. Below we put a bucket for toilet paper. You can install a washbasin inside the toilet if the dimensions are allowed. Then, under the washbasin, we set the bucket for lesions.

How to build a toilet in the country with a cesspool

The construction of a toilet with a cesspool is somewhat more complicated, as it is necessary to equip a hole for waste. The dressing house for this type of toilets is no different, so we will not affect it. Denote by how to make communication. The diagram presents how the cesspools should be located relative to the toilet linkey. Based on this, we carry out the markup of the site and proceed to earthworks.

  • Digging a cesspool with a bias in the direction of the rear wall of the toilet with a depth of 1.5 m.
  • The bottom and walls of the pit are tamped by a clay layer 15 - 25 cm. Some instead of clay make walls of pits from wood, brick or concrete. If the groundwater is at sufficient depth, then the walls of the cesspool are completely sealed not necessarily. Enough clay castle.
  • The base under the toilet is shot down from a wooden bar 100x100 mm. You can also use pavement border or concrete blocks, putting them on the ground. If you use a wooden bar, it must be treated with an antiseptic.
  • Over a cesspool, we are settled from the boards. First, knock the frame from BRUSEV. We make such a distance between them so that it is convenient to clean the pit. Note that the flooring is done outside the toilet house, under the house there is a free space of sufficient size, so that the unclean fell into the pit.
  • The flooring needs to be hampered by a runneroid or other rolled material.
  • By the toilet, we install the hatch, which is a folding cover on the loop. Luke will be used when cleaning the pit. Wooden hatch process the antiseptic.
  • We pave the ventilation pipe from the pit. We set it next to the rear wall of the toilet, we take to 70 - 100 cm above the roof of the toilet. For these purposes, you can use a conventional sewer pipe. Top on the pipe fix the visor so that water and garbage does not fall inside. Fix the pipe to the rear wall of the clamps. The lower edge of the ventilation pipe must be located 15 to 20 cm below the toilet floor level.
  • A toilet lodge is installed on top.
  • Around the toilet with a cesspool, it is necessary to make a breakdown and the removal of rainwater so that it does not flood the pit with uncleanness.

If in the future it is planned to clean the cesspool with the help of an assessing machine, the toilet must be so located on the plot so that the car can drive up at a sufficient distance. Remember, the sleeve of such a car is only 7 m.

Country toilet Lesuft-closet and its features

Most often, the country's cottage toilet type is installed next to the residential house or inside the house. The sewage is located outside the structure, behind its walls. A toilet of this type can be built only where there is an opportunity to warm the waste hole in the winter. If the toilet will not be used in winter, then before the end of the season, the cesspool must be completely cleaned.

The main difference between the play-closet from other types of toilets is that the cesspool in it is fully sealed and is regularly cleaned with the help of an assessing machine. Here are some differences in the construction of the backlock:

  • Hermetic pit, so that impurities did not absorb into the ground. You can pour a pit from concrete, perform it from bricks and plain, and you can use ready-made plastic containers - caissons.
  • From the cesspool, ventilation pipe must go. It is necessary through the chimney of the furnace or fireplace. In turn, a pipe in a hole should go from the chimney through which warm air will come. It is necessary that the pit does not freeze. The material of the exhaust pipe is asbestos-cement or ceramic.
  • If there is no conventional furnace or fireplace in the house, but only gas heating, then the heating of the cesspool must be carried out with a low-power electric heater.
  • A lid / hatch is made above the pit. So that the cover does not freeze, it is done double: the top is metallic or cast iron, and the bottom is wooden. There are insulating material between the lids.
  • The bias of the pit should be away from the house for the convenience of cleaning it.

Recently, peat toilets for cottages are becoming increasingly popular. Their convenience is that they can be boldly placed in the house in any room. Peat toilets are easily cleaned, almost no smell, even a fragile woman or an elderly man can cope with them. Also, such toilets can be made on the street, the same Pood-closet is just the predecessor of the modern peat toilet.

The first building that appears on any site is a toilet. We can somehow do without a house and soul, but without this building - in no way. For many toilet toilet for giving with their own hands - the first construction experience. It is good that the structure is uncomplicated, so even without any experience will cope with simple.

The very first building at the cottage - toilet. Often it is the first construction experience with your own hands.

Although the country toilet is not the most difficult building, a lot of features. Without a clear action plan, you can not do. Sick down the steps how to build a toilet in the country:

  1. Choose a toilet type.
  2. Determine the place on the construction site.
  3. Determine with dimensions and materials for construction.
  4. Getting started to build.

Now about each item more.

Without cesspool

For the most part, the toilets without cesspool are built much easier and faster. In them, waste is collected in a hermetic container, which is usually placed right under the stool. The whole difference is how waste is processed and their smell is neutralized. There are the following types:

Pros from country toilets without a cesspool (called still dry) essential:

Minuses are also considerable:

  • Factory toilets are not so cheap.
  • It is necessary to periodically change the container.
  • It is necessary to monitor the presence of neutralization.

Toilet installation standards on the site

Most of the restrictions refers to the toilets with a cesspool: it is necessary to limit possible pollution. Norms such:

The remaining norms are valid for all types of toilets:

  • Up to the boundary of the site should be at least 1 meter.
  • Doors should not be opened toward the neighboring area.
  • When choosing a location, you need to consider the prevailing direction of the wind.

Choosing a place where you will build a toilet for giving your own hands, pay attention not only to your own buildings and objects, but also to the neighboring. This will help avoid friction with them with Santsa.

If you build a toilet with a cesspool, you need to add to all the listed requirements - an entry organization for an asserenitator machine.

How to make a toilet in the country do it yourself

You have already passed the first two steps: you chose a toilet type and place to install it. The next step is chosen the size. With them, it is not so difficult to determine. How to choose the volume of cesspools told - for 2-3 people enough 1.5 cubic meters, now what kind of size should be a house for the toilet. It all depends on their own desire and from the size of the owners. In the standard version make toilets of the following sizes:

  • height - 220 cm;
  • width - 150 cm;
  • depth - 100 cm.

These dimensions are convenient for people with an average set. They can be changed as it is convenient for you. No standards.

Houses for toilets are most often made of wood. But this is not a rule. It can be from sheet material type DVP, GVL, from a flat slate, bricks and any other building materials, profiled sheet metal, even from plastic.

Toilet in the country, do with your own hands from any material. This one - from the professional flooring

The most favorite roofing material for the country toilet is slate. Inexpensive is a device of a soft roof from the weapons of the materials. In general, you can use any available. It is fixed on a solid crate, so there is no special difference.

Build a rustic toilet

The last stage is actually construction. The procedure is determined by what type of toilet you will be erected. If with a cesspool, the first make it.


Procedure for the construction of such:

In order not to be masonry and waterproofing, you can install a special plastic container - septic. They are of different volumes and structures - with one or two necks.

Septic tanks in the cesspool of a dacha toilet - and no problems with waterproofing

The boiler rotates a little more sizes of the selected septicity, the container is installed, falling asleep by the soil previously removed. The device of such a cesspool is many times faster and more reliable.

Cabin for a cottage toilet

Any toilet for giving is installed in a small cabin-house. Do with your own hands the easiest way to make a rectangular construction with a single roof: a minimum of time, costs and materials.

Cabin base - columns

First of all, you need to take care of the presence of sex. It should be raised at a certain distance above the ground. It is more convenient to do this with the help of columns folded in the corners of the building. You can hardly burn them to the depth of freezing of the soil, it is hardly worth it, but to burst into the soil by 20-30 cm below the fertile layer you need. It is usually folded from bricks, butt stones, you can pour out of concrete, and the like. On such a basis, during the route, the cabin will rise, but usually it does not lead to any serious damage: the construction is small.

As it turned out, toilet for giving with your own hands is not so difficult. Time and costs need a bit. But in the process will acquire useful skills.

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