The symbol of the Trephal Maste Skanvord 10 letters.

Gardening 03.07.2020

Everyone knows how the usual playing deck looks like. Worms, Captive, Bubnes and Peaks - These suit are familiar to the amateur gambling. But few people know that each of them carries a certain energy. So, what value does the Trefa suit?

Total interpretation

Ordinary playing cards do not have a serious esoteric meaning, like, for example, Taro, but it does not prevent them from using them for predictions of fate: they are a rather strong symbolic system. The entire card deck personifies some kind of universe, life with its sorrows and joy, confrontation of good and evil, light and dark.

Trephic black color symbolizes cold seas and darkness: autumn and winter, evening and night. This is a male symbol. Trephic - work, luck, money, flame force. The king is like Zeus, the lady is his wife Hera, and the currency is young Apollo. Almost any map of this suit that dropped during prediction means happiness. All this concludes the Neol Trephic. Photo you can see below.


Personifies the evening day, false gossip, success. If the map dropped up, a person is waiting for a gift (a card lying closestly shows who will be a donor). In any desperation, you should guide cards. Laying them on the table, look carefully: what falls what suit? Trefts can change their meaning according to this.

The king of the same suit. Means the happy resolution of the planned plans.

Ten treph. A man awaits tender, touching love.

Nine peak. Top down - good news, up - news about troubles.

Seven treph. Big winnings, winning competition.

Shears Tref. An unexpected conversation, a date. With the six other texts - the long road in the railway.


This is a friend who will definitely come to your aid. In the alliance with other maps of this suit means the emergence of people who will allow you to become happier. If the king is absent, the king of Tref is missing, most likely, a person awaits a failure in small matters.

Valts Tref. You should expect grief.

Nine Tref. Top down - an important person pays for you signs attention, up - he can become an enemy.

Eight Tref. Events on water, far sailing, ship wreck.


Or a child born out of marriage. It may mean unsuccessful circumstances, problems in personal life, the appearance of an opponent or rival.

Eight Tref. Soon you can enlist the help of close relative or girlfriend.


Male in shape, military, comrade. If there are no king in the situation, nor ace, it means that in the near future should be expected to be expecting great worries. If this card is first falling, the prediction will be correct.

Valts is located in the middle, between two ladies - a betrayal in marriage, an intrigue on the side. Between two dollars - anxiety for the future.

Unknown will help you avoid trouble.

Dozen tambourine. In business, you are successful.

Eight Tref. Unexpected events, pleasant surprise.

Seven peak. Mountain, problems due to negotiators.


If a dozen falls in the fortune study, the value of the card must be interpreted depending on the texts around it. Alone symbolizes changes, financial and moral poverty, difficult work, various dangers. With the tambourines - a meeting with a business man, with Chervah - a joyful find, a victory in the lottery.

Ace Tref. You should expect pleasant changes.

Dozen tambourine. Perhaps soon you will get a big amount of money. The same means the eight of the eight of the eight.

Dozen worms. New dating, flirt. You are waiting for success in love affairs.

Nine Tref. Soon you will be very surprised. Establish relationships with expensive people.

Nine, eight and seven treph. Successful combination. In life, you will only be the best.

Seven peak without any ace. We should expect betrayal, deception. Be careful with loved ones.


Light money, doubt. When you fortunate on a particular person means that this character will soon cease to with you any communication. Top up - sadness, longing, false conversations, bitter tears, down - a nice conversation. Together with the tambourines, there will be a quick receipt of money that will be spent in vain. Fallen together with the nine Cherry signals about mutual love.

King and lady Tref. Big love, strong feelings, pleasant company of an influential person.

Ten peak. Finality in financial plan.

Ten, eight or seven treph. Good luck in all your endeavors.


Sadness, sorrow, death of a family member or a close friend.

Ace Tref. Conference success in affairs, if the map lies with the edge up - disappointment.

Curlee worms. Long conversation, unexpected losses.

Ten treph. In the near future you will acquire an apartment or a house, get the inheritance and gain wealth.

Seven treph. On time came happiness, surprise. In the situation with the ace, the worms signals soon or inheritance.


If the seven fell in the scenario (Treft), you should expect a close road, pleasant news, an unexpected inheritance. If the map dropped up up - it means a person who is guessing will soon have to shed a lot of tears.

Eight peak. If the maps are laid out by a young man, then the beloved deceives him.

Covers of worms, four ladies and seven. You will soon have a son.

Dozen Worms, if there are ladies, currencies and other seven. Soon you will learn about the deposit in the family. News of pregnancy.


Trephists are suitable, in many scenarios predicting a long road. The six signals about the sea road, a vain journey, a love meeting on the street or in the garden.

Ten treph. Soon you will learn about the departure.

Ace worms. You are awaiting a pleasant morning date. If there is a TUZ TURIF in the scenario, expect a date in the evening, ace of peak - you should prepare for the night meeting.

Any fortune telling can tell what you should expect from life. Depending on which suit you fall out: Trephists, peaks, tambourine or worms, you can learn the most intimate secrets of the future. You only need to define correctly and correctly interpret layers.

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The architect of the first restaurants McDonald's came up with to equip the buildings with two large golden arches, which became a symbol of fast food. Later, the company wanted to abandon this logo, but they were convicted by the psychologist Luis Cheskin. He argued that the symbol is like an inverted image of female chestand therefore reminds people about carefree childhood.


This logo has a completely special and romantic story. He was painted by Coco Chanel, who at that moment was in the castle of Château Crémat in Nice. According to one famous legend, she was inspired by the shape of the vaulted arch of the castle and drew a logo that became known worldwide. Many celebrate magic letters, because CC is not only the first letters in the name of the castle, but also initials Coco.


At first glance it seems that the Gillette logo is just the name of the brand. But if you look close, you can see that the edges of the letters G and I exactly repeat the shape of the blades of famous razor machines.


Goodwill is a world-famous non-profit organization that collects food, clothes and essentials and gives them in need. Employees of the Organization believe that it is necessary to do good not only on holidays, but every day. That is why their logo - this is the letter G, which has been reminded by a happy face.

Most people do not immediately notice the arrow, which is hidden between the letters E and X, but those who noticed her once, begin to see her in the logo in the first place.According to the designers, it is this arrow to act on customer subconscious, symbolize the speed and inspire confidence in the courier service.

Logo "Adidas"

The first letter "t"

The second letter "p"

Third letter "and"

Last beech letter "K"

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The tribal is the simplest nontrivial node. Trilister can be obtained by connecting 2 free end of the usual simple knot, as a result of which we get a cooked ring. As the simplest knot, the tribal is a fundamental object when studying ...

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
Triliste, m. The name of various plants with a triple leaves (bot.). Grandfather meadow (type of clover). Shard creep (clover type). Water tribal (Trifol). The image of a triple sheet on various kinds of emblems (special).

Examples of the use of the word tribal in the literature.

Petals trilitale, backlit from behind diffusion lamps, gave inhomogeneous lighting.

But how to understand that on the aspen crust and the petals of the marsh trilitale can grow such a big body?

It was not clear and why the Aylians called the Cairievers of Water Rollers, and why the Aylians insisted that merchant vans from Cairione necessarily crowned themselves as a flag bearing shamrock Avendesora.

Huge growth, athletic addition, with large features of a boiled and still very beautiful, fresh and ruddy face, with a big volatile blond beard, Parmel Stepanovich Trilisnikov He had an extraordinarily courageous, magician kind of energetic, power admiral.

At that moment Beranger de Shanshevriye, a thin seven-year-old girl, looked into the square through carved trilisters The balcony lattice exclaimed, turning to the Fleur de Lis: - Look, dear godfather, what a pretty dance dances on the square and beats in the tambourine, there, among these gross citizens!

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