Salad recipes quickly. Cheap New Year's salads (budget recipes)

Gardening 17.10.2019

Light salad. Lightweight salad is a nutritious lung salad for the absorption of products, fastened with vegetable oil, yogurt, sauce or low-fat refueling.

Food directly affects our well-being. Want to feel lightness, energy, cheerfulness - eat healthy, not heavy food, which saturates the body with useful substances, but does not knock out of the forces, leaving only one desire - to be sofa. Want to eat and feel comfortable and easy? Forget about heavy, multicomponent salads filled with fatty mayonnaise. In fact, mayonnaise only spoils a salad, its benefit and positive effect on health. We'll have to do with more healthy refills - lemon juice, olive oil, high-quality soy sauce, yogurt, low-fat sour cream, etc.

Choose only healthy foods for salad. Refuse the sausage and smoked, which are often put in salads today. Only fresh seafood, vegetables, delicate low-fat cheeses, fruits. Do not overdo the cheese and eggs. Remember that the remains of food from the refrigerator to healthy products do not belong. All products must be fresh. For the same reason, it is not necessary to prepare a lot - it is always better to do and eat a fresh salad than to think that the day before yesterday will also help strengthen health. In such a salad neither vitamins nor freshness.

Also important is the method of processing products. If you are preparing a fish salad, then you do not need to fry it - it is better to sweat or weld. The same applies to Churyatin if they decided to make a salad with fillets. Vegetables for light salads are in a fresh form. They are enough to wash and cut. Therefore, light salads - salads are fast. Healthy food can save time! It is a pity that Fastfud lovers do not know about it!

Separately, you should talk about salt, which is a provocative of heart disease, slows down the withdrawal of fluid from the body and strengthens appetite. Add salt in minimum quantity - only such a salad is light and dietary.

Strengthen the taste of light salad that may seem a little fresh, you can with the help of properly selected spices. Successful options are kinza, cinnamon, ginger and, of course, black ground pepper. Spices because not only enrich the taste, but also burn fats. The feeling of lightness will be intensified every day! Many peary on the spices that those excite appetite. If you feel hunger, just send a couple of extra spoons of salad, because it has very few calories. Compared with any salad, refilled by mayonnaise, dietary salad - feather!

Cheap salads - This is a "corporal wand" for the hoses that they want to save a little, but at the same time feed their seven satisfying and tasty dish.

Delicious salads are inexpensive

Vegetable salad

You will need:

Potatoes - 7 pcs.
- Carrot, chicken egg - 5 pcs.
- Lukovka
- Spices
- Canned peas bank
- boiled sausage
- Marinated cucumber - 5 pcs.
- mayonnaise refueling

Stages of cooking:

Vegetables boil together with the skin. After cooling, clean them and charge them with a small cube. Cut the cubes boiled sausage. Purified bowl lick lickly. Chicken egg dummage, after purification, cut down with mines slices. Also ring slices and pickled cucumbers. Open the container with canned peas, hide the liquid, mix with other products and migrate the mayonnaise refueling.

Prepare and such.

Delicious inexpensive salads

Recipe with chicken

Required products:

Marinated Cube - 95 g
- Chicken meat - ½ kg
- mayonnaise refueling - 80 g
- Cucumber
- 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese
- Dutch cheese - 95 g
- Differ - 50 g
- garlic teeth - 2 pcs.


Chicter cough in small pieces. Roll the frying pan, pour a little sunflower oil, fridge meat. Dutch cheese do, mix with crushed garlic, chopped dill and cottage cheese. Mass stir. Add a little mayonnaise, put on the shelf of the refrigerator for impregnation. Put ready meat for impregnation on a paper towel, getting rid of fat residues. Sound meat to fold into the salad bowl. Open the corn jar, pour the contents into the salad bowl. Wash the cucumber, swee on the grater or cut straw. Salad slide to fold into the plate. Download a lot of cheese with small balls, put on the dish as decorations.

Do also.

Salad with bald and cheese

You will need:

Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
- Dutch cheese - 80 g
- Orange
- Marinated corn - 190 g
- carrot
- Mayonnaise sauce - 190 g
- Spices, salt


Clean carrot drunk in the peel, remove it and soda on the grater. Cut the eggs screwed, clean, charge with small cubes. In deep capacitance, connect the sweet corn, the baluster, sliced \u200b\u200bby a cube, chopped eggs. Purified orange divide into slices, remove each film. Stir the mass, slightly salute, season and pour mayonnaise. Decorate the dish when feeding. First, put it with a slide, and then cover with a grated carrot and grated dutch cheese.

Try it.

Salad cheap - recipe


Chicken Egg - 7 pcs.
- chicken fillet - ½ kg
- Cucumber
- Rep. Lukovka
- Parsley with dill
- Sunflower oil - 50 g
- Low-calorie mayonnaise
- disposal

Stages of cooking:

Boil fillet for 25 minutes. As soon as it cools, cut it melid. Touch the bowl, pour boiling water to remove bitterness. Perfect and wash the deceit. Make pancakes from each egg: Wear an egg, season, fridge on both sides. After cooling, tight straws. Components for Salaptic Mix, Pight mayonnaise refueling. Mix and proceed to creating a form of a dish. Sattail cooked mass, giving the shape of the Christmas tree. In order for the village to become green, spread the cucumber from above, sliced \u200b\u200bthin straw. You can also sprinkle with chopped greens.

Prepare as well.

Cheap Salads: Recipes


Fig - 80 g
- Spices with salt
- Sea fish - ½ kg
- onion ripe - 2 pcs.
- Carrot - 2 pcs.
- Chicken egg - 2 pcs.
- dill with parsley
- sunflower oil

Stages of cooking:

Remove the skin with carrots. Soak in front of the cooking rice. As soon as he slightly flashes, drain the water and put cooking. Suppress your carrots at this. Swarge chicken egg, clean, soda. Run fish in salted water. After cooling, squeeze the fork. Cut onions not very small pieces, fridge. In almost ready-made rice, add a slight salt. While the cereal will be cooked, bail the greens. Put the components in the plate, Pight mayonnaise, stir carefully.

Option with cucumber

You will need:

Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
- Dutch cheese - 75 g
- Chicken meat - 145 g
- Green pickled polka dot - 5.2 tbsp. l.
- Chicken egg - 3 pcs.
- Differ
- ground pepper with salt

Stages of cooking:

Boil meat, charge it with small cubes after cooling. The chicken egg is swarped by screwing, remove the shell from it, separately print the protein with the yolk. Open canned food, drain the unnecessary liquid. Throw the Dutch cheese. Lay out salad layers, spread mayonnaise. First place the cucumber, sliced \u200b\u200bwith straw, chicken meat and protein. Next lay out cheese, yolk with peas. Decorate dill sprigs.

And how do you?

Peasant salad

Required products:

Sour cucumber - 4 pcs.
- Potato - 3 pcs.
- Dining room beet
- Carrot - 2 pcs.
- Lukovka
- Greens of Ukropia
- disposal
- Sunflower oil - 50 g
- Green canned peas - 245 g

How to cook:

First dare vegetables in the "hits", remove the peel, cover with small square slices. Put the acidic cucumbers with pieces. Open the jar with peas, repay the contents to the rest of the components (except liquid - it needs to be merged). Clean the bowl, finely tap. Stir the mass, season, turn the sunflower oil. Finished salad put into a salad bowl, decorate dill branches.

Salad delicious and cheap


Dutch cheese - 190 g
- Liverka - 295 g
- mayonnaise
- Chicken Egg - 5 Stuff
- Spices
- Piernes of green onions


The liver can take chicken, pork or beef. Remove the films from it, dare in the prescribed water. After cooling, cut the subprodukt with small cubes. Dutch cheese cough with a small cube or straw. Cook the testicles, remove the shell, lie with pieces of any form. Pier and green onions. Components for Salapta Connect, season with spices, Maderate refueling.

Cheap salads photo:

Recipe with canned beans and peas

Open the canned peas, corn and beans on the jar, drain the liquid, put the products into a deep bowl, paint the mayonnaise refueling and stirred. 5 minutes before the filing, pour a pack of garlic cracker, stir the salad.

Recipe with potatoes

Cook 5 potatoes, cool, remove the skin, charge small cubes. Fold the potatoes into the bowl. Cut the cucumbers not too small pieces, peel and shift to potatoes. Put onions, hide with boiling water, fold into the bowl. 270 g sausage Cut into small pieces, attach to other products.

Try it.

Recipe with melted cheese

2 melted raw Put in the refrigerator. Swarge 2 eggs screwed, pour cool water. Once they are cooled, remove the shell. Skip garlic across the garlic. Clean cooled raws on the grater. Place eggs, raw materials, garlic in a bowl, make mayonnaise, hinder. Baton Cut the same slices, dried slightly in a frying pan. Lay the cheese and garlic mass on a toasted bread, decorate with sprigs of parsley. Warm loaves can also be lubricated with butter - they will be even tastier.

Delicious salads recipes cheap

Japanese salad with rice


Simple rice - ½ pcs.
- canned pink salmon jar
- mayonnaise

Stages of cooking:

Boil the rice camp to readiness, put on the colander, wash it under water. How extensive fluid strokes, put into the salad bowl. Get fish canned food, fold into the general vessel. The dish should have something like a watch so that the rice absorb juice. Decorate when filming with chopped yolks and fresh parsley.

Prepare and.

Option with chicken breast and tomatoes

Required products:

- Tomato - 2 pcs.
- canned corn jar
- Eggs - 2 pcs.
- Little potato - 3 pieces
- Little chicken breast
- clove of garlic
- mayonnaise sauce

Cook chicken breast, let it cool. Meat disassemble the fibers, slightly sprinkle, sprinkle with the pepper, fold into the salad bowl. Wash tomatoes, cover the sharp knife. Cook potatoes, let cool, clean from the skins and charge small pieces. Boil chicken eggs, charge after cooling. Drain the water with sweet corn. Garlic is very finely babble, skip through garlic press. Ingredients fold into the salad bowl, make it refueling, prevent.

Simple salads inexpensively

"Lonely Heart"


Korean carrot - 0.2 kg
- Chicken breast
- Egg - 3 pcs.
- Solid cheese - 0.1 kg
- Middle garlic slices


In the Pial, connect the crushed garlic and mayonnaise sauce. Mellenko cough the meat with a cube, put into the plate, wake the mayonnaise. Put the carrot from above, sprinkle with cheese, back the Mayonezic again. Next lay out grated eggs. Stay a salad in the shape of a heart, because it must fully justify its name.

Cod liver salad

You will need:

Chicken Egg - 2 pcs.
- Fresh cucumber
- Half of the midday bulbs
- ordinary mayonnaise sauce
- Cod liver jar
- Rice is long-grained - ½ tbsp.

Stages of cooking:

Boil the rice camp, put the first layer on the serving dish. Drain the liquid from the liver, remember it pretty, spread over the rice. Cook the melid blunt bulb, pick up in sugar sand and vinegar, put the third layer. Throw the eggs, put the mayonnaise and grated cucumber. If products are still left, then the layers are repeat.

Cheap and tasty salad can be prepared from vegetables, fish canned food, eggs, green onions, radish, sweet corn, solid cheese, melted cheese, etc. The main thing is to choose such products that would be perfectly combined with each other. You can fill the salad by mayonnaise, vegetable oil, low-fat sour cream, etc.

Culinary community -

Salad Recipes on Smell Hand

Salad of cabbage and cucumbers - very simple, budget and incredibly tasty. In addition, it is possible to submit it very exquisite way. And not only like a salad. Excellent such a salad looks at Bruckette.

The combination of fruits with seafood does not seem too brave? So, this dish you will like it! Recipe for cooking salad with pear and shrimp - for those who are not afraid to experiment.

Salad "Forest Out" with thighs

On the nose holiday, and there are no new ideas for a feast? Then I suggest you to find out how to cook the "forest edge" salad with thieves. Delicate taste and original feed, - My guests rated for dignity;)

Oyshemks are amazing mushrooms. They not only contain a large number of minerals and vitamins useful for humans, but also have healing properties. And salads from them are excellent!

Already only one type of this salad is preparing pleasure and raises the mood. And this impression is not deceptive. Having tried a salad with strawberries and arugula, you will get true pleasure.

Mexican salsa is an excellent composition that is simultaneously universal and simple, provides ample opportunities for its use in completely different dishes. Read the recipe!

Salad with fried meat can replace dinner. The dish is fresh, but satisfying. I am preparing such a salad with beef. Fresh vegetables, seasonal. Salad with fried meat can still be called Mediterranean.

Salad with kiries and beans - insanely easy to prepare, but satisfying and tasty salad, which is on the pocket even to students. Good goes to beer. Learn how to cook salad with chiries and beans!

A simple recipe for cucumbers with garlic and dill has repeatedly saved me in "critical" situations when in the refrigerator what is called "mouse hanged", and the friends of her husband in one voice demanded a snack. Share!

An exquisite and simple recipe for a salad with an apple and cheese will appreciate not only vegetarians - this salad is enjoying the meats, and even on a festive table this dish will be quite appropriate!

A spicy salad of apples and cucumbers will delight you not only with new taste, but also the availability of ingredients. Bright, original, saturated - such a salad can't help you!

I propose very simple and at the same time a very original salad recipe, which we in our family call the country salad. Everything is simple and brilliant, the main feature is to feed the dishes. Meet!

On the Internet found a very original salad of corn and champignons. It looks great on the table, combines interesting components and will be discovered for guests on your holiday.

Salad with beans and crackers - satisfying and very simple in preparation. It is perfectly suitable for both beer. And on the second day, this salad will be more tastier. Sukhariki can be fasten, and you can buy ready.

Bulgarian pepper gives any Salat a unique taste, crunch and juiciness. One of my favorite salads with this ingredient is a meat salad with Bulgarian pepper. Salad - satisfying, refueling mayonnaise.

Daikon came to us from the east. If you have not tried to cook a salad of radishes Daikon, urgently need to correct. It is very useful and economically, does not grieve. You should cook!

The tomato season is in full swing, and if this vegetable has already come to this vegetable - I recommend this simple lettuce recipe with pickled tomatoes. Under a special sauce, they marilize and become even tastier!

I offer a simple recipe for salad of chicken and tomatoes. This salad can be safely attributed to the small masterpieces of cooking, but rather not for taste, but for an interesting appearance.

Italian salad with pasta is a very tasty cold salad with pasta. It is quite often possible to meet not only in restaurants, but also in ordinary canteens, so you can consider a dish usual :)

Of the arrows of garlic, you can prepare a very tasty and unusual salad. My salad consists of the arrows of garlic, pork and spices. It can be served both hot and cold. Preparing for half an hour.

Tomatoes with sour cream at home Personally, I have a top place among salads. Judge for yourself - easily, fast, aromatic, and even the juice from it can be used as a sauce to the garniram!

Salad from tomatoes and onions is very simple in the preparation of a salad that does not require any complex ingredients, nor special culinary skills. It is good as a side dish to meat, like an independent snack.

The beautiful and nutritious salad from the beans sprouts is a beautiful dish to clean the hunger on a lunch break or become a light dinner. This vegetable salad contains a large amount of vitamins and fiber.

Salad "Club" with chicken

Salad "Clicking" with chicken is, as follows from the name, very satisfying, calorie salad suitable for solid lunch or dinner. Simple Rezzhka Salad Recipe - Salvation for Bachelor :)

Salad with salty mushrooms - an original salad, for the preparation of which any salted mushrooms are suitable - champignons, whale, chanterelles, etc. I tell how to cook salad with salty mushrooms.

Salad "Tsarsky"

Brilliant and at the same time a simple recipe for the tsarist salad will allow you to cook you really hardly tasty and luxurious salad, which will not be ashamed to put on the table for expensive guests. .

Salad "ministerial"

Salad "Ministerial" is sold in many Russian supermarkets and is very popular among buyers. However, it is much more tasther to prepare the "ministerial" salad at home.

Salad "Bunito"

A simple recipe for Bunito salad is a rescue circle for the hostess, when you need to quickly prepare a delicious salad. Minimum time costs - maximum result. By the recipe restaurant "Celentano".

Salad with chicken and tomatoes can well replace light dinner. The chicken can be served hot, baked on a regular pan or grill. Mayonnaise and olive oil are suitable for this salad.

Salad of beets with garlic is a classic salad, one of the most popular throughout Russia. The recipe for beet salad with garlic to madness is simple, but just in case - share my own;)

Salad with peaches has long been in my top lunch of light salads. This is a win-win version of light and original snacks. The main thing is sweet juicy peaches. It is suitable and caring about the figure.

This exquisite salad will probably like the lovers of both the Ruhals and pears - cheese and cedar nuts so profitable shade the unexpected combination of their tastes that it is simply impossible to resist.

A simple Kohlrabi and Apple Salad Recipe will help you diversify your summer menu, and the original taste of this dish will make it quite relevant even on the holiday table!

Salad with fried foxes - a very tasty summer-autumn salad, which is preparing easy and simply from chanterelles, arugula and cheese. If you have chanterelles - try cooking, you won't lose.

Salad from Chinese cabbage - very fast cooking and very useful! Everyone has its own version of a simple salad recipe from Chinese cabbage, and I will share my own - with sausage and corn. .

A classic cabbage salad with carrots is a light ranger, which is perfect for any dish. I cook it very often, his home adore him. In addition, this is a real vitamin bomb!

Today I suggest you to cook the old salad in a new way, I am adding a little apple and ginger to all familiar cabbage salad for a long time. It turns out very and very tasty, I guarantee!

Appologists of healthy nutrition for the recipe for salad from radishes with mayonnaise will throw me with stones, but to lovers satisfying and tasty to eat this salad will like it. Yes, the salad is not as useful. But delicious!

If you want to know how to prepare a radishes and celery salad so that it was not only useful, but also truly tasty, this recipe is for you. Products are available, and the benefits are invaluable!

Fresh carrot salad is a classic genre, a well-known familiar salad of simple and affordable ingredients. Delicious, fresh and very crunchy salad, which is perfectly served as a side dish, and separately.

Salad with sorrel at the same time and tasty enough, and incredibly useful. Sorrel is a very acidic thing, so it is difficult to prepare a delicious salad of sorrel, but you can. How? Read the recipe - learn;)

Stunningly motley and festive, and springly useful salad. Surely each of you knows how to cook vegetable salad with a radish, but still - I will share my recipe! ;)

Potato salad with bacon is my branded dish. How many times I prepared - guests always respond in it in the style of "LLC, this is the best potato salad that I have experienced." Prepare? :)

Fresh vegetables appear, which means it is time to charge vitamins. The recipe for salad of cabbage and radishes is extremely simple, there are no wisdom ingredients, so we take vegetables and prepare!

Beet salad with pear is a very unusual and interesting salad. First, the combination itself is unusual, secondly, it is preparing from crude beets that we are extremely unusual. However, it turns out delicious!

How to fill the stock of vitamins and strengthen the immune system? Prepare delicious and useful dishes from young sick. Read the Salad Salad Recipe with a photo!

The nettle, the most "biting" grass, is actually incredibly tasty and useful. If you decide to try strap, start with lightweight, tasty nettle salad. You'll like it!

Fresh cucumber salad is my favorite version of fast and light summer snack. Just a few minutes of effort - and fresh, full of vitamins and life salad is ready!

Recipe for making potatoes salad in the best traditions of German cuisine. Incredibly satisfying, calorie and, at the same time, budget salad - I recommend to take note on the note :)

If you do not want heavy food, but you need to back up the strength, try this salad - fresh vegetables in an interesting taste combination will satisfy the most exquisite requests.

Recipe for cooking vegetable salad from tomatoes, cucumbers and greens - to help everyone who loves fresh vegetable salads. There is nothing complicated in cooking, but the recipe is probably useful;)

Salad with a radish and egg - classic spring salad of Russian cuisine. As soon as the first radish is sleeping in the country - on the same day I prepare this one (even children) Favorite vegetable salad with eggs.

Salad "Nice"

Delicious French Salad Niçoise with a delightful aroma, gentle and beautiful. As the French say, Salad "Nice" is a health salad and for pleasure :)

Post - Golden time for lovers of mushrooms! I suggest you try the delicious salad with my thraisters on a repeatedly tested recipe. I promise that I will like not only stand up :)

You have a jar of pickled in the refrigerator, and you do not find it applications? Salad with thumbes and cabbage - here is a great option to use these mushrooms. Simple, inexpensive and tasty.

Salad "Rash"

Delicious salad from singer burned. Recipe from the transfer of a culinary duel on the NTV channel. Salad really turns out very satisfying and tasty - it's worth trying. Good luck! ;)

Salad "White Nights"

Very fast and easy to prepare White Nights salad can be used as a salad-snacks for a festive dinner, so for everyday snack. Excellent combination of ingredients.

The recipe for the preparation of a popular salad with cheese, eggs and cod liver, which was considered hardly a riding luxury during the times of Soviet deficiency. Today, the liver cod sold everywhere - we are preparing!

The recipe for the preparation of broccoli salad is a very tasty salad that can be easily served even on a festive table. In the US, such a salad from broccoli is considered classic. I recommend trying!

Greek Salad Recipe Classic

The recipe for the preparation of a popular salad at home is a note to everyone who loves delicious vegetable salads. However, Greek salad is not just a vegetable salad, it has its own secrets.

The vitamin cabbage salad is a light summer salad, which contains the daily norm of many of the necessary vitamins and minerals. I tell how to prepare a vitamin salad of cabbage.

Cabbage salad with radish and sage is a very fragrant, useful and delicious salad of just a few simple fresh vegetables. Excellent option for fast and useful snacks. Dietary salad.

Salad "Crusting"

I tell how to prepare a salad "crisp" - a very tasty salad, which can be safely served on any festive table. An experienced way is proved that this salad from the table leaves first! ;)

Great lean recipe! Take a look at the classic Vinegret recipe in a new way. I am sure that the taste of you will be pleasantly surprised - my whale is best combined with the traditional ingredients of Vinegret.

Salad salted salmon is a very light salad, which is quickly preparing, is so quickly eaten. A simple recipe for salad of weakly salt salmon belongs to Italian cuisine.

Salad with shrimps and squid - lightweight Mediterranean salad, easy to prepare and noble for stomach. If you cook salad with shrimps and squid from fresh products - it will be super!

Salad with avocado and salmon - a lean salad, which in view of his ease and festivity would have a harmoniously on the table during the Holy Square. Simple salad recipe with avocado and salmon - for you!

Salad from zucchini and nuts is very simple in preparation, but a rather tasty and original snack that is never delayed on the table for a long time. Recommend!

Sweet pepper salad with avocado is an ideal salad for a quick, but satisfying summer snack. The dietary dish - the figure will not harm :)

Red cabbage salad is my favorite salad from those who are preparing in two bills and are suitable for fast light snack. In addition, a red cabbage salad can be considered raw food.

Fresh cabbage salad is an excellent option for easy snack or add-on to main dish. It is preparing quickly and easily, it turns out to be lean and easily-friendly. Syroedic salad.

Salad of blue cabbage is one of my favorite vegetable salads. Learn how to make a blue cabbage salad, and your culinary arsenal will be replenished with a very simple, but effective lettuce recipe!

Green salad with tomatoes and avocados - a very tasty salad of fresh vegetables and greenery, which in summer it may well replace a full-fledged lunch. Fully raw food salad - no thermal processing.

Cabbage salad with vinegar

If you never ate Kohlrabi, a simple Kohlrabi salad recipe will help you to get acquainted with this vegetable. And if you are already familiar with this vegetable - you know how delicious Kohlrabi salad.

A lightweight vegetable salad is a tasty and vitamin-filled summer dish, capable of becoming a decent alternative to any snack. A simple light salad recipe is to your attention.

Fresh carrots and beet salad is a salad of people who care about their health. Such a number of vitamins and useful substances, perhaps, does not contain any other vegetable salad. Preparing!

Salad "Caesar" with salmon - a decent alternative to the traditional version of this salad. A simple recipe for Caesar salad with salmon is almost no different from the classic, but the taste is completely different.

Salad "Prague"

Prague Salad is a bit rude and primitive, but very tasty and satisfying salad, which can replace a full lunch or dinner by calories. I tell how to cook "Prague Salad".

I first tried a salad with crab meat in the restaurant. I liked it, I learned how to cook myself, and now I will be happy to tell you how to cook a salad with crab meat.

Salad "Delicious" does not have some particular recipe, everyone prepares it in its own way. I present to your court your simple recipe for Salad Salad. I swear - it turns out really very tasty!

Vegetable salad with pasta is an excellent summer dish of fresh vegetables. In the summer heat, when the hot dishes do not want a vegetable salad with pasta - a decent alternative to dinner or dinner.

We suggest you read the recipes inexpensive salads that you can apply for meat and fish dishes, to use in the form of an independent light snack or use as a filling for a pita or a crook.

Vitamin salad

Cheap salads are easiest to cook in spring when fresh greens and first vegetables appear. Read simple recipes of the most popular snacks and prepare them with us:

  • To prepare a vitamin salad with a sorrel, you need to take two large cucumbers, on a beam of parsley and sorrel, ten radishes and 100 g of fresh Adyghe cheese. Washed vegetables and grind arbitrarily, cheese cut into cubes, add salt to taste and fill the dish with vegetable oil.
  • For salad under the romantic name "Freshness" you need to take 600 g of young cabbage, 100 g of large radish, one fresh cucumber, one carrot, green bow, bunch of dill and parsley. Carrots Stit on the grater, vegetables cut the thin straw, green grind. Add salt, unrefined sunflower oil, mix all, wait until the dish is imagined, and serve it to the table.
  • For the preparation of spicy salad from fresh vegetables and greens, you need to take the Beijing cabbage, tomatoes, a bunch of a bug, a little green salad and olives without seeds. Grind all the ingredients, add salt to them and make sauce from sour cream and mayonnaise.

Fresh salads (inexpensive and delicious) you can prepare in a matter of minutes. However, if you want to complicate them a little, read the following recipes.

Recipes of simple and inexpensive salads with smoked chicken

A snack of fresh vegetables and chicken meat can be a beautiful dinner for those who decided to get rid of excess weight. It can also serve as a filling for a pita and Mexican cake. Before you recipes for low-cost salads that you can cook very quickly:

  • To make a smoked chicken salad, you need to stock fresh cucumbers, carrots, smoked milk, bunch of dill, iceberg salad leaves, radishes and a bunch of green onions. Vegetables and chicken meat can be taken in any proportion, and then chop them with a knife and fold into a suitable salad bowl. For sauce, connect natural yogurt and cerebral mustard, add salt and ground pepper. Mix the salad with refueling and serve to the table.
  • To prepare the next dish, you will need 350 g of canned beans, 350 g smoked chicken breast, 300 g of cheese, three tomatoes and a beam of lettuce leaves. Ingredients grind and put in a salad bowl. For sauce, connect lemon juice and olive oil. Mix all the components, and in front of the feed itself, sprink the dish with crackers.

These salads are simple and inexpensive, so you can prepare them both on weekdays and on a festive day. Guests will definitely appreciate your efforts and the pleasant taste of fresh vegetables.

Ham salad

The composition of this dish includes a mixture of salad leaves, four fresh tomatoes, smoked breast, ham, fresh herbs (parsley, tarragon), two cloves of garlic and croutons fried with thyme. Cooking:

  • Grind herbs, lettuce, meat and tomatoes.
  • Chesish fry on olive oil.
  • Add fragrant croutons.
  • Get the salad with lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Snacks with sausage. Cheap salads with photos

If the guests unexpectedly grew up or a small feast is planned, then you will need to quickly cook snacks. For this, we recommend paying attention to the following recipes:

  • To quickly prepare a snack salad, cut the straw half of the stick with salami, 200 grams of solid cheese and two large fresh cucumber. Get the mayonnaise salad and serve to the table.
  • You can cook a snack for quick hand if you have boiled sausage (250 grams), canned corn (100 g), two boiled eggs, two fresh cucumber, one raw bulb and fresh greens. All these products should be chopped into small cubes, salt and fix with mayonnaise.
  • For fantasy salad, chop out 200 grams half a compound sausage, three fresh tomatoes, one cucumber and a bunch of green onions. Add to this 100 grams of fresh podoles, spray and fill mayonnaise.

We hope that in the future you will be useful to these salads. Simple and inexpensive snacks will decorate your festive table or addition to ordinary dishes.

Piquant snack

To prepare the Mediterranean salad, you need to perform the following steps:

  • Cut with long strips of 100 grams salami.
  • Part of olives (20 g) grind arbitrarily, and part (20 g) put in a salad bowl.
  • Circle lemon Cut strips along with the skin.
  • Fresh greenery grind.
  • Mix all the ingredients and leave them marinated for one hour.

Salads with crab chopsticks

These tender and simple snacks are very easy. Cheap salads will help you out in any situation and help you create an image of a skillful culinary.

  • To prepare a "youth" salad, grind 200 grams of crab sticks, 200 g of fresh cheese, two tomatoes, a couple of garlic cloves. Mix all the products and fill them with fresh mayonnaise.
  • For the preparation of satisfying snacks, take 400 grams of crab sticks, canned corn, five boiled eggs, 200 g of solid cheese, a couple of garlic cloves and one bulb. Grind the ingredients, connect them to the salad bowl, salt, stick to taste and make mayonnaise.
  • You can make a lightweight and useful snack. To do this, put a straw 200 grams of white cabbage, finely cutting 200 g of crab sticks, soda on a grater one large carrot. Put the products in the salad bowl, pour into them the can of corn and mix well everything. Salad salting to taste and fuel mayonnaise.

Fruit snacks

Cheap salads from seasonal fruits will fall to taste to children and adults. We bring to your attention a few simple recipes:

  • To prepare a delicious fruit salad, cut one orange (without peel and seeds) and two kiwi, one banana. Cut the circles. Add 40 grams of sparkling in boiling water and fill all the ingredients from sour cream, sugar and cinnamon in salad.
  • To make a delicious layer salad, prepare and grind one apple with sourness, one bunch of green onions, fresh cucumber, chicken egg. Put the ingredients in the layers in separate creams as follows: first the cucumber (do not forget to escape it), then eggs (salt and them), onions and an apple. Snaw all this masterpiece olive oil and serve to the table.
  • Make with us a delicious fruit salad with yoghurt refueling. To do this, clean one orange from the peel, remove the seeds and cut it with cubes. One banana and one apple cut out slices, fresh mint grind arbitrarily. For refueling, connect 100 grams of fresh yogurt, two spoons of vanilla sugar and 50 g of condensed milk. Mix the products, add 100 g of canned strawberries to them (fresh), pour all the sauce and sprinkle with oatflakes.


Salads inexpensive and tasty should be a frequent guest on your desk. With their help, we can replenish your daily diet with vitamins and microelements that the body is so necessary. In addition, inexpensive salads will always be helped if there is not enough time to prepare complex dishes.

Cheap salads - general preparation principles

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself and close to some simple, but tasty dish, which is easy to prepare and does not require the use of expensive products. Or is it planned unplanned arrival of guests, and there is no means for preparing a chic feast. In such situations, recipes for cheap salads will come to the rescue. Do not confuse about such a wording, because cheap - does not mean bad. This is especially true of cooking. Of course, you do not need to buy lowest quality products, since a cheap salad implies only the replacement of expensive products more accessible, but no less tasty and high-quality products. Also for cheap salads, vegetables, meat or fruits are mainly taken, which can be bought in the nearest store, and not products from elite supermarkets.

As for the replacement of expensive products to cheaper, then a lot of different options are available here. So, instead of turkey meat, you can take ordinary chicken meat, expensive crab meat can be replaced with crab chopsticks, instead of a red caviar to use caviar washing, also the liver will cost much cheaper than any meat. If mussels are required for the salad recipe, they are unlikely to be able to replace something, it will be necessary to simply choose the most inexpensive brand. Although in cheap salads, such a product is rare enough. Lime and papaya can be replaced by ordinary lemon and melon, respectively. As for cheeses and sausages, it is possible to look at less well-known manufacturers offering products at a bargain price.

In general, cheap salads can be anyhow: vegetable, meat, fruit or fish. For inexpensive snacks of vegetables, carrots, beets, cabbage or potatoes may be needed. Especially lucky owners of country sites: in the summer, you can collect tomatoes, cucumbers and all kinds of greenery directly from the bed and prepare a delicious cheap salad. For meat low-budget salads, chicken meat or an inexpensive sausage takes. A simple and tasty fish snack can be prepared from canned sprats, mackerel or sardine in oil.

The general principle of cooking cheap salads, as such, does not exist. From low-cost products, you can prepare a variety of salads: ordinary, puff or ingredients of which are lined with slides. Depending on the products used, different refills are taken: mayonnaise, sour cream, vegetable oil or a variety of sauces.

Cheap salads - preparation of products and dishes

Before cooking, all vegetables and meat must be thoroughly washed and expelled. If thermal processing is required, the product needs to boil, fry, put out or cook for a pair. Ingredients can be cut into the most different ways: cubes, straws, bars, slices or small slices - it all depends on the recipe for cheap lettuce.

From the dishes you may need a saucepan, frying pan, a common bowl or a salad bowl, a grater, a cutting board, knives and a garlic farmer.

Recipes cheap x salads:

Recipe 1: Cheap Salad

Faster and easier for this cheap lettuce, probably not yet invented any snacks. Consipiency is preparing literally in 3 minutes, but it does not affect dishes on the taste.

  • Bank of canned red beans;
  • Canned peas bank;
  • Tutu of rye crackers with garlic;
  • Mayonnaise.

From beans, corn and peas to heat the liquid, lay out products in a deep bowl, refuel mayonnaise and mix. 5 minutes before the filing, pushing a pack of garlic crackers in a bowl and how to mix the salad.

Recipe 2: Cheap salad with potatoes

A simple and satisfying salad, which is perfectly suitable as a garnish to the main dish. Prepared from the simplest and affordable products.

  • 5 potatoes;
  • Marinated cucumbers - 150 g;
  • 1 turn onion head;
  • Inexpensive dairy sausage - 270-300 g;
  • Mayonnaise.

Potatoes boil in uniform, cool, remove the skin and cut into small cubes. Share potatoes in a bowl. Cucumbers cut not too small, but not large. Sneaking and add to the potato. Onions finely chop, quivey, lay out in a bowl. Scroll cut into small cubes and attach to the rest of the products. Fill mayonnaise salad and move it should be mixed.

Recipe 3: Cheap Salad with Melted Cheese

A spicy delicious salad, which is very easy to prepare and does not require large investments. Especially good to serve such a snack on hot toasts.

Cheese put in the refrigerator at least for an hour so that it was convenient to rub it. Eggs weld screwed, pour cold water, after you are cool - clean and finely chop (or grate on the grater). Skip the garlic through the garlic. Chilled raw materials grate on a large grater. Share eggs, cheese and garlic in a bowl, fill with mayonnaise and should be mixed. Baton cut into slices of the same thickness and slightly dry in a frying pan. Garlic-cheese mass lay on roasted pieces of bread. Decorate a snack with sprigs parsley. It will be even tastier if the warm loaf is lubricated with butter.

Recipe 4: Cheap Japanese Salad

Excellent feed snack for every day or to the festive feast. For the preparation of dishes are used to all available and inexpensive ingredients, but no one will think about, as the salad is very tasty.

  • Half a cup of ordinary rice;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • Bank of canned corn;
  • Bank of canned fish (hillside or tuna in their own juice);
  • Mayonnaise.

Rice to boil until prepared in a slightly salted water, lean on a colander and rinse under cold water. After standing excess fluid, lay out rice into a salad bowl. Cut the eggs screwed, cool, finely chop and add to the rice. With corn to send a liquid, put in a salad bowl to the Costal products. Canned fish to smoke for a fork and add to salad. Make all mayonnaise and mix thoroughly. You can pour a little juice from canned food. Salad should stand at least an hour in the refrigerator so that the rice so much to water the juice. Before serving the dish, you can decorate finely chopped yolks and twigs of fresh parsley.

Recipe 5: Cheap Chicken Salad

The inexpensive salad, which is perfect for and for receiving guests, and for every day.

  • Small chicken breast;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2-3 small potatoes;
  • 2 eggs;
  • Bank of canned corn;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Pepper, salt.

Chicken breast boil until ready, cool, disassemble meat on fibers, slightly salted, pepper and put it in a salad bowl. Tomatoes wash, cut into a sharp knife in the form of small cubes. Potatoes boil in uniform, cool, clean and cut into small cubes. Swim eggs boiled, cool and finely chop. From corn to drain the water. Garlic very finely chop or skip through a special press for garlic. Fold all the ingredients in the salad bowl, refuel mayonnaise and mix.

If you have a few of your recipes for the preparation of cheap salads, you can use the following tips, which will allow to significantly save on the products:

- brown sugar can be replaced by conventional sugar sand;

- instead of Lime to take a lemon, and instead of lemon - about 10 g of citric acid;

- honey will quite fit instead of maple syrup;

- Wine vinegar is well replaced by balsamic;

- ordinary sorrel can easily replace spinach;

- Instead of the "Parmesan" cheese, you can use any other grade of solid cheese;

- If there is no white wine in stock, and on the basis it is necessary to prepare sauce to refuel salad, you can resort to such tricks: dissolve 2 cubes of sugar rafinad in a small amount of vinegar;

- Normal onions - a wonderful alternative to Luka-Rye;

- Canned sweet pepper with ease will replace artichokes.

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