Cooking domestic Chebureks is deer than Cheburchny. Juicy Chebureks and at home make it easy! Recipes of fragrant, crunchy, juicy chebureks from different types of dough and minced

Gardening 19.10.2019

Chebureks with meat is a very tasty dish. And if they are still juicy, then they do not break away from their absorption. The dough for this dish is prepared without yeast. Stuffing, which follows from the very name - meat.

Chebureks are preparing in a frying pan with the addition of a large number of vegetable oil. But still the most important thing in this caloric dish is the filling. About this in more detail.

How to make juicy and delicious minced chebureki

To prepare this filling, you will need:

  • meat or minced meat (best use lamb, but in the extreme case any meat can be applied) with a number of ½ kg;
  • kurdnyny fat, pre-crushed into cubes - two tablespoons (can also be replaced by pork or chicken inner fat);
  • two large bulbs;
  • water purified in 200 ml;
  • vegetable oil in 250 ml.

Proper preparation of juicy fillings:

  1. The first must be prepared onions. For this, it is cleaned, washed under water and is crushed with a sharp knife. Also for this purpose you can use a blender. Then add salt and throat thoroughly until the aromatic juice is released. Remove to the side;
  2. Now meat. It is necessary to wash well, dry and remove all bodies or films. Divide into pieces of small size, and after finely chop with a sharp knife or blender. Fat also add to the moment of grinding meat;
  3. Mix mince with bow. Add the required amount of salt and pepper of black ground and fragrant hammer;
  4. In order for the filling to be more juicy, it is necessary to add purified water into the mixture. The amount of water is determined by the state of the meat mass. The perfect result is a thick cashad-shaped mixture, with its composition resembling a fatty sour cream;
  5. Add seasonings to your taste and proceed to the formation of Chebureks.

Recipe successful filling

Here it is a recipe for real Chebureks - very tasty and indispensable. For cooking you need:

  • lamb - ½ kg;
  • one bulb of large sizes;
  • salt and pepper;
  • ground Muscat - a small pinch;
  • ground coriander - ½ teaspoon;
  • dry basil - a tablespoon without a slide;
  • dry dill - a tablespoon without a slide;
  • water boiled.

Preparation of a juicy lamb filling:

  1. Meat thoroughly wash in cool water, dry and cut into small pieces. Then skip them through the meat grinder;
  2. Onions cleanse, wash, crush into small cubes and fry in a pan with a small amount of vegetable oil. Cool, crush with a blender or meat grinder and add to the already prepared minced meat;
  3. Add salt, pepper, Muscat ground, dry dill and basil (if possible, should be replaced with fresh fragrant herbs);
  4. Add to the composition ½ cup of warm water and mix everything thoroughly with hands. Leave for a while.

Chicken minced

From chicken meat can also be prepared by Chebureks. Perhaps it will not work too juicy, but still the result will delight with a gentle taste and aroma. For preparation, the next list of components will be required:

  • minced chicken, fresh - ½ kg;
  • three large bulbs;
  • one carrot of large sizes;
  • one garlic teeth;
  • salt and pepper in accordance with personal preferences.

Preparation of chicken filling:

  1. Put into the container to lay out mince and mix it with the necessary amount of salt and pepper;
  2. Leek clean, wash and cut into the form of very small cubes. Add to meat;
  3. Garlic is also released from the peel, and grind with a very sharp knife. Also send to meat;
  4. Wash carrots, clean and wash thoroughly again. Turn into a porridge mixture with a meat grinder. Add to mince and mix thoroughly components.

Traditional recipe

Ingredients number
wheat flour of top grade - four cups of standard sizes
purified water - 320 ml + 100 ml for filling
groomed fat - one tablespoon
egg - 1 PC.
salt and various seasonings - taste
lamb, preferably without strey - 0.7 kg
onion - 350 g
Time for preparing: 150 minutes Calorie per 100 grams: 263 kcal

This recipe has been used for many decades. The whole process of cooking is divided into three stages: the preparation of the test, the preparation of the filling and the direct frying of Chebureks.

Cheburek Preparation Stages:

  1. In the process of frying Chebureks, in no case should you use the lid, because they get soft and will not be characteristic and pleasantly criste.
  2. The oil is poured into the frying pan as long as the formed pasties will not swim in it.
  3. To obtain a bubble and crispy test, it is worth spreading the Chebureks only in the already preheated vegetable oil.

Cooking Chebureks is a fairly simple and entertaining process. Here even a beginner and inexperienced culinary will cope. But at the same time, this dish can surprise many, because it is possible to be called a real masterpiece.

Despite the large calorieness, Chebureks with meat love everything. However, not everyone knows how to prepare them. In this article we will present you several recipes using which, you can easily and quickly make delicious, gentle and juicy meat Chebureks.

General information about the dish

Before you tell you how to cook Chebureks at home, you should tell you that in general are product data.

Most of our countries believe that Chebureks are an exceptionally Russian dish. However, this is an erroneous opinion. After all, such products are a traditional dish of Mongolian and Turkic peoples.

It should also be noted that the word "Cheburek" in the Soviet era was borrowed from the Crimean Tatar language. Translated, it literally means "raw pupbodes".

Appearance, filling and method of cooking

Chebureks with meat are pies prepared from fresh dough. As you have already guessed, the meat product (pork, beef, lamb, etc.) performs filling of such products.) Previously make fragrant minced meat with the addition of the onions, various seasonings and spices. By the way, some hostesses prefer to prepare such products not from twisted meat, but from the finely avosy.

As a rule, Chebureks with meat are frying on vegetable oil. However, thermal processing and animal fat (ram or goose) are admissible.

I also want to say that sometimes potatoes, solid cheeses, mushrooms, stewed cabbage, eggs with rice and onions are used as a filling for such products.

Step-by-step recipe for delicious Cheburekov

Now you know what the Chebureks are. If you have never tried to prepare such products yourself, then below we imagine several detailed recipes.

Traditional pasties with meat are made using the underestimation dough and fragrant mixed minced meat.

To prepare such a dish, we should take care of the presence of such products in the kitchen as:

  • raw eggs large - 2 pcs.;
  • water for drinking - 600 ml;
  • salt Salt - Approximately 2/3 Dessert Spoons;
  • pork without fat - 300 g (for filling);
  • beef young - 300 g (for filling);

Preparation of dough

Before making Chebureks at home, you need to knead the foundation. To do this, whipped chicken eggs, a table salt and a dining room are added to ordinary drinking water. Mixing all the ingredients to a homogeneous state, sifted flour are gradually suited to them. After a long knead, get quite cool dough. It is covered with a food film and leave at room temperature for 20-35 minutes.

We make meat filling

The classic recipe for delicious Cheburekov requires the use of only mixed minced meat. To prepare it, beef and pork are thoroughly wash, and then cut off all the extra elements and twisted in the meat grinder. Bulbs are also crushed exactly. Then both ingredients are connected, squeezed with spices and mix well. At the output, very fragrant mixed minced stuffing is obtained.

We form products

How to cook Chebureks at home? To do this, a small piece is plugged with a fresh dough and roll it into a thin and round layer with a diameter of about 10-13 centimeters. Then one half of the product is laying out meat minced meat in the amount of one large spoon. It is distributed on the basis so that it does not reach her edges by 1-1.5 centimeters. Then the meat product covers the second part of the test. The edges of the semi-finished product are pinching with the help of a regular fork or using a special adaptation for Chebureks (relief knife).

By analogy, all other products with meat are also forming.

Frying process

Chebureks in a frying pan roasting pretty quickly. To do this, the sunflower oil is poured into it and warm it up. Then 2 or 3 semi-finished products are laid in the boiling fat (depending on their size). On each side they are roasted about 5-7 minutes. At the same time, Chebureks should become ruddy and fully prepared inside.

After the products are roasted, they are laid out in a colander, and if necessary, dipped about paper napkins. This is necessary so that all the extra oil is removed from the Chebureks.

Pretend dish to the table

Now you know how to make Chebureks classic way. Fiering them in a frying pan and removing surplus oil, products are laying out into the common plate and in hot form presented to the table. In addition to such a dish, a cup of sweet tea, tomato paste, ketchup or sauce is served.

Preparing simple, but very tasty pasties

Few people know, but the pasties with vodka are less fat, rather than those are preparing to a classic way. This is due to the fact that alcohol prevents absorbing large amounts of oil.

So, for the preparation of delicious and crispy Cheburekov, we will need:

  • water for drinking - 500 ml;
  • salted salt - approximately ½ dessert spoon;
  • soda dining room - a small pinch;
  • flour is bright - take from 4-5 glasses (at discretion);
  • 40-degree vodka - 2 large spoons;
  • beef young without fat - 600 g (for filling);
  • onions - 2 large heads (for filling);
  • spices - apply at discretion (for filling);
  • sunflower oil is about 300 ml (for product roasting).

Men dough

Chebureks on water without adding eggs are obtained more crispy. Such dough for cooking fried products is very often used by those who hold the post, or supporters of vegetarianism. However, in this case, instead of meat filling in Chebureki, potatoes, greens or other products of non-residential origin should be added.

So, for the kneading base in warm water for drinking, a table soda and 40-degree vodka are added. By solving all the components, there is a sifted flour into the liquid and everything is mixed thoroughly. The outlet get a very cool dough, which is given to relax under the napkin for 25-35 minutes.

Make a filling

Aside aside the dough for pasties with meat, proceed to cooking the filling. We will not consider a lean dish version now. Therefore, we take beef and rinse it well. Cutting off the meat product all unwanted elements, it is very finely bruised with a sharp knife. Alternately come with bulbs. In the future, both ingredients are combined, salted and pepper. As a result, fragrant chopped minced stuff is obtained, which is immediately used for its intended purpose.

The formation process

All Chebureks are formed in the same way. Fresh dough on vodka and drinking water are divided into pieces, and then rolled them into round cakes. After that, on the halves of products, chopped meat minced meat and distribute it so that it does not reach the edges of the base for 1-1.5 centimeters. Then the filling cover the second half of the dough and beautifully pinch the edges.

Frying products

Chebureks juicy and tasty is best prepared on vegetable unrefined oil. It is poured into a deep frying pan and warmly warm up on a strong fire. After a light smoke goes with fat, there are several semi-finished products in it and roasted for 4-7 minutes on each side. During this time, they must be good to twisted and fully prepare.

Feeding fried products to the table

Preparing crispy pasties on vodka and water, they are neatly removed from the pan and lay out on a plate. As for the empty saucepan, the following semi-finished products are placed in it and roasted in the same way.

After the preparation of all Chebureks, they are immediately served to the dining table. As a rule, such products are used with hot sweet tea and sharp tomato sauce.

Making Chebureks in kefir

Chebureks using a fermented milk drink are very gentle and soft. In this regard, they are recommended to start non-meat, but a potato filling. So you will get very tasty and hearty products that will appreciate all members of your family.

So, to prepare Chebureks in kefir at home, you need to purchase:

  • kefir Negust shop - 300 ml;
  • celebration salt - about 2/3 dessert spoons;
  • soda dining room - a small pinch;
  • flour light - take from 4-5 glasses (at discretion);
  • egg raw - 2 pcs. (1 - in the dough, 1 - for the filling);
  • middle potatoes - 5-7 tubers (for filling);
  • milk and butter - for cooking puree;
  • fresh green onion - beam (for filling);
  • spices - apply at discretion (for filling);
  • sunflower oil is about 300 ml (for roasting products).

Cooking the foundation

For the preparation of kefir test, the fermented milk drink is slightly heated on a weak heat, and then a table soda is added to it, a mustache salt, a whipped egg and sainted flour. After a long and intensive mixing of the components, a rather thick dough is obtained, which is immediately used in direct intended.

How to make a vegetable filling?

How to cook minced meat for Cheburekov, we told above. However, in this recipe we decided to use a vegetable filling. For her preparation, potato tubers are cooked and cleaned from the peel. After that, they are laid out in salty boiling water and boiled for 25 minutes. During this time, vegetables should be soft. Then the pots are drained from the pan and melted creamy oil and hot milk are added. Also in the puree, one whipped chicken egg, fragrant pepper and finely chopped green onions are introduced. If the taste of the last ingredient does not suit you, then it can not be added.

We form Chebureki

To form Chebureks on kefir with potato stuffing should be exactly the same as described in previous recipes. A slice of the dough is rolled into a round layer, lay the puree on it and beautifully pinch the edges. As a result of such actions, a flat and neat semi-finished crescent-shaped semi-finished product are obtained. By analogy, all other products are pushed.

Frying on the plate

Frying Chebureks with potatoes takes much less time than the process of thermal processing of meat products. This is due to the fact that the filling of this course is already ready, and you only need to wait for the dough.

So, after the sawmill of the semi-finished products, they alternately lay out in the boiling fat and roasted on both sides. Prepared potato chebureks, they are gently removed from the pan and put on a common plate.

Feed potato products to the table

Of course, meat pasties are more popular than potato. However, the latter has their own fans. Such products are incredibly gentle. Moreover, unlike a meat dish, a potato version is less high-calorie and harmful.

Serve Chebureks with a vegetable filling to the dining table preferably along with a cup of sweet and hot tea, as well as tomato paste or ketchup.

Lazy Chebureki

Do you know how the Chebureks are preparing from Lavash? If not, we will tell you about it right now.

So, for lazy Chebureks, we need the following components:

  • lavash Thin Armenian - 4-6 pieces;
  • broiler bird breasts (frozen or chilled) - 500 g (for filling);
  • onions - 2 middle heads (for filling);
  • spices - apply at discretion (for filling);
  • sunflower oil is about 300 ml (for roasting products).

Preparation of the basis

Chebureks from Lavash very often prepare those hostesses who do not want to pay the process of kneading too much time. Thus, buying ready-made products, you should only chop them by the required dimensions. This is considered a complete preparation process.

Cooking chicken minced

Due to the fact that the dough for Cheburekov was decided to replace the pita, filling for the preparation of such products it is better to make white poultry meat. This is due to the fact that the chicken minced is fried far faster than beef or pork. Thus, you will be fully prepared and filling, and does not boost Lavash.

So, to make chicken mince, breasts are well wash in warm water, and then separated fillets from bones and skin. After that, the remaining flesh is crushed in a blender with the bulbs. Mixing ingredients well, they are squeezed with spices and immediately use for their intended purpose.

Formation of Chebureks from Lavash

Forming Chebureks using footwash is easier than simple. For this, a piece of Armenian is laid out on a flat surface, and then placed chicken minced me. Having closed the filling of the second half of the base, proceed to the similar stuffing of the next pita.

How should I fry?

Chebureks from the lavash are frying on a small amount of oil. It is added to the frying pan and sularily warm up. Having postponed several semi-finished foods with meat into the skill, they are prepared for about 4-6 minutes on each side. At the same time, mince must be fully prepared, and Lavash is only slightly twisted.

Combine product data should be extremely neat. This is due to the fact that the edges of the pita are not fastening with each other, but only slightly covered. I want to say that from the open base in the oil can flow a little broth (from the filling). In this regard, frying such products is recommended under the grid lid, in order to reduce the amount of splashes.

Submit to dinner

Prepare lazy Chebureks with chicken minced meat, carefully removed from the oil and lay out on paper napkins. After removing excess fat, the products are presented to the table along with tomato sauce and sweet tea.

- Hey, friend, why do you have one onions in Cheburek?
- Uh, offend, brother, not one bow - a lot of onions!

Anecdot times Perestroika

Refuse the tasty, appetizing, with the ruddy crust of Chebureca is difficult. In which of the national cuisines, this dish appeared and how to cook it correctly, hot spores are still underway. In fact, Chebureks are homemade - it seems to be ordinary pies with stuffing, only they are preparing in a large number of vegetable oil and look very original.

All of you, of course, know that for juicy fragrant chebureks, a lot of onions are put on a filling. And this is not a joke - onions, highlighting the juice with frying, makes the filling of the Divine! But the test is guess everything. After all, it should be simultaneously thin, soft, with a light crust in, and not rubber.

Culinary disputes are subject to culinary disputes. Someone prefers a classic recipe, and someone prepares the dough for Chebureks in kefir, mineral water, beer or even vodka. The test for Chebureks includes simple ingredients. Here are just the secrets of preparation of them the correct dough still worth considering. Many hostesses do not add eggs to the dough so that Chebureks do not get brushing, while others knead the dough for pasties on hot water so that it is gentle and elastic.

In any case, you can choose for yourself the most convenient option, our task to tell how to cook the dough for Chebureks.

The most common test recipe for Cheburekov

3-3.5 stack. flour
1 tbsp. warm water
½ h. L. salts
3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.

It is this recipe that most of our owners uses, varying the amount of ingredients at its discretion: someone puts out a little more flour, and someone pulls oils. If you are used to working with the dough on the table - please, and if for this case you have a deep tank, use it. Take the top for cooking top quality and pre-sift it. Put a slide flour, make a deepening in it, pour water into it, pour salt, vegetable oil and slowly, picking up flour from the edge, knead the dough. If it turned out to be steep and you can roll it into a tight ball, flour is enough and no longer need to add. Wrap the dough with food film and leave it for about 30-40 minutes alone, and then proceed to the preparation of Chebureks.

Dough for Chebureks with bubbles

2 stack. water,
3-3.5 stack. flour
1 tsp. Salt.

All ingredients Personalize in a deep tank (bowl or pan) and mix up to obtain a tight homogeneous mass, until the dough stops sticking to the hands. Form the ball from the dough, wrap it with its food film or put in the cellophane package and send to the fridge for half an hour. After that, proceed to further actions.

Milk Cheburek Dough

2.5 stack. flour
1 tsp. salts
1 stack. milk
1st. l. Vodka.

Pour milk into a saucepan, warm, but do not boost, pour salt, mix it so that it dissolves. Squash a flour into a bowl or right on the table slide, make a small deepening, pour into it milk and slowly vodka. Check the dough. Wrap its food film and send for an hour to the refrigerator. Meanwhile, you can do the cooking of the filling.

Dough for Chebureks on Kefir

2.5 stack. flour
1 tsp. salts
1 stack. kefir
1 egg.

In the deep bowl, beat the egg with a whin or just forks. Then pour kefir and mix. Next, gradually pumped in small portions of pre-sifted flour. Mix everything well and holding the dough to the table, continue to wash it up to the desired consistency. Form the resulting dough into the ball, wrap the film or put into the cellophane package and leave to relax right on the table for 40 minutes.

Rapid dough for Chebureks on mineral water

4 stack. flour
1 egg,
1 tbsp. l. mineral water
1 tsp. Sahara.
a pinch of salt.

I would like to recall once again that the amount of ingredients you can reduce or increase at your own discretion, depending on what the dough you want to get. So, get a good egg with salt and sugar, add mineral water and come across flour. Flour seek a slide on the table, make a deepening and pour the resulting mass of eggs, salts, sugar and mineral water. Gently knead the dough, picking up flour from the sides. The dough should be dense, uniform and most importantly - not sticky. Wrap it in the food film and leave for an hour in a warm place. An hour later, get the dough, roll and start cooking. Shepshushki from such a test need to do thinner than on dumplings or dumplings.

Cheburek dough on beer

2.5 stack. flour
1 egg,
1 stack. light beer
1 tsp. Salt without a slide.

Wrap an egg with salt (by the way, the salts can be added less), add the beer room temperature, mix. Gradually add to this mixture a sifted flour and mix everything thoroughly again. Put the dough on the table and continue to be kneaded until the mass stops sticking towards the hands and freely rolls into the ball. This ball can simply cover with a towel and leave on the table to reach the desired condition for 40-50 minutes. Ready (already roasted dough), thanks to the presence of beer in it, it will turn out to be delicious and crispy.

Cheburek dough on vodka

4-4.5 stack. flour
1 egg,
1-1.5 stack. water,
2 tbsp. l. vodka
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
2 h. L. Salt.

The presence of vodka in the test will be completely unnoticed. But adding this ingredient to prepare for surprise crispy and delicious pasties. It is known that vodka acts in such cases as a baking powder and makes the dough gentle and air. Pour water in a saucepan, add salt, vegetable oil and bring to a boil. Then pumped into the water a glass of flour, mixing, pour into a deeper and large size container and cool the mass. After that, lean the egg in it, pour vodka and add the rest of the flour. Do not rush, enter the flour gradually and smear to an elastic state, homogeneous and without lumps. Getting the dough cover with a towel and leave on the table for 30 minutes so that it rests, and then send for an hour to the fridge. Now you will see the result will exceed your expectations.

Custard Dough for Cheburekov

3 stack. flour
¾ stack. water (steep boiling water),
1.5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
1 egg,
1 tsp. Salt.

Pour water into a small saucepan and put the salt on the stove, add salt, vegetable oil and bring to a boil. Immediately add to the water and half a cup of flour. Mix thoroughly so that there are no lumps, and retain to the side so that the mass is cooled to room temperature. After that, learn the egg, mix well and do the remaining flour. Pour it with a slide on the table, make a deepening and pour there with a custard. Check the dough. It should be homogeneous and drumming. Leave it alone literally for 30 minutes, and then mix again and proceed to further actions, that is, to the preparation of Chebureks.

Puff pastry for Cheburekov

2.5 stack. flour
200-250 g butter,
½ stack. cold water
½ h. L. Sahara,
1 tsp. Salt.

Give the oil slightly set, and then cut it with small pieces. Sprinkle them with flour and mix to homogeneous mass. Do in the finished dough funnel and pour cold water there, add sugar, salt and gently mix everything. The dough should be elastic. If necessary, add some more flour. Place the dough into a deep bowl, cover the towel moistened in the water and send for 2-3 hours to the refrigerator. After the specified time, get the dough, lay out on the table, roll out, fold into the envelope, bending the edges to the center, roll out again and fold the envelope. Do such a procedure with a test 3-4 times and start cooking. If the test was too much, divide it into two parts and one of them, wrapped into the food film, remove into the freezer before the next convenient case.

The pastry for pasties, as you have already seen, is preparing easily, quickly and does not cause special hassle. This means that delicious, crispy, fragrant pasties can be easily prepared at home. Try, and you will no longer smear any pasties, except those you cook with your own hands.

Enjoy your appetite and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shufkaykin

Chebureks are a national Tatar dish, and translated from Turkic, means "fried patter with filling." Since the origin of the name Turkic, then the dishes are the same, although many in our country include these tasty pies exclusively than Tatarstan.

There are many types of Cheburekov, in different countries of the Caucasus. For example, in Azerbaijan, where a dish with greens, as, for example, have their pasties, who are called "Gutabas", may include meat, cheese, greens, pumpkin, batter scar, and depending on the districts, differ and methods of cooking dishes. Some prepare them on a dry frying pan, others are fry in oil. But it can be noted that in both cases amazing "Gutabs" are obtained.

Traditional recipe for home chebureks

Of course, in our country, two types of meat are used as a meat filling: pork and beef, but if you open a classic recipe, then you will not see these meat varieties. The main component is lamb, which is scrolled with the onions, and not only salt and pepper are added, but also the traditional spices of the peoples of Asia and the Caucasus.

Fry Chebureks in a large amount of oil is not correct, and it is harmful to health.

Although it is accepted in many cities of Russia, it is especially true of our local stations and markets, prepare pasties in a large amount of oil, or rather in deep fryer, in a traditional recipe this dish does not prepare. For frying use Kurdyuchi (barbells) fat, the number of it is certainly large, but it does not correspond to the number of urban beads of fast food.

Cooking Cheburekov at home

Of course, the Chebureks are homework tastier and safer, those that are preparing on the streets of the city, but many people think that they are very difficult to prepare them and long, which is mistaken. They are preparing simply and quickly. For two hours you can print on seven people. And in principle, home pastries and food, which is much more tastling the purchase and restaurant. A lot of homemade recipes can be found on the forums and books. This is the food to which we are accustomed, and which will not replace any complex recipe. These dishes are simple and tasty.

Beautiful drawing on the bezel of Cheburek can be applied with a fork.

To cook delicious pasties, be sure to add your favorite greens, spices, in mince, be sure to add broth or water, so the filling will become juicy. And vodka is worth adding if you want to get a uniform, crispy crust, and gentle dough. If you wanted the pasties, do not rush to run to the nearby layer with fast food, it is better to go beyond the fresh minced meat and good flour, prepare your dish and please their loved ones

Recipe home Cheburekov

For cooking will need (based on 6 servings):

For filling:

  • ½ bunch of dill;
  • 1 kg. minced meat, mixed (beef, pork);
  • 1 cup of beeps of meat or boiled water;
  • 1 turn onion head (large, or 4 small);
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper to taste.

For test it will be necessary:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 tbsp. l. vodka;
  • 3 pinching salts;
  • 1 cup of warm water;
  • 5 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 2 cups of flour (it may be necessary more, depending on the variety of flour).

Cooking minced:

  1. Onions, dill clean, rinse and chop finely.
  2. Add onions and dill to mince.
  3. Salt and pepper, pour broth or water, knead.

Preparation of dough:

  1. Flour to sift in a bowl, break there eggs there.
  2. Pour warm water, oil, vodka, salt and knead the elastic and smooth dough.
  3. Give the test to relax 30 minutes.
  4. Cooking Cheburekov:
  5. Separate the dough into small balls, size with a chicken egg.
  6. Roll the circle is not too thick, but also not to the dough rushing.
  7. To the center lay out mince about 1-1.5 tbsp. l., form a crescent, edges to shower, and make a pattern to make a fork.
  8. Heat the vegetable oil on a large pan, lay out pasties, and fry until the formation of a golden crust.

Fast Food Ready.

Total cooking time: 2 hours

Note: Chebureks are fried quickly, you need to follow them so that you are not burned.

- Hey, kind, yes you have in yours
Chebureca one onions!

- Pachet Adyn Bow? Many onions!

Soviet joke

Often, passing by stalls, where different goodies are preparing, it is impossible to stay and not buy something to the snack. And the appearance and aroma of fringe, ruddy, fascinating Cheburek oils generally drives mad. It doesn't scare at all the idea of \u200b\u200bflaming with oil along the ears, so great the desire to bite off a piece of this belly pie. And what is unusual in it? Summary of the pate like a pie. AN no, Cheburek Although a close relative to our cake, but it is a completely different, invented many centuries back and won the universal respect for the work of culinary art. The first appearance of Cheburek is attributed to the soldiers of Genghis Khan, who decided to prepare such patties on an inverted shield, a lot of oil ranks into it. There are other versions of the appearance of this dish, but whoever came up with him, thank you so much. Cheburek turned out and taste good, and in preparation is simple. In a word, wonderful on all sides!

Buy it in any outlets today is not problems - even finished, even frozen. But after all, how we do not know how different Chebureks are different from home. In addition, it is not difficult to cook homemade chebureki. The main thing is to know the technology and follow simple preparation rules so that your product is juicy, fringe, fragrant, that is, what he was originally. Over time, many recipes for cooking pastries appeared. As they say, how many owners are so many opinions. Each of them uses various dough for the preparation of Chebureks and in its own way changes the composition of the filling. However, there are recipes for the preparation of the right Chebureks, traditional, replacement of ingredients in which is not just undesirable, it is unacceptable. And start catching up your skills in the preparation of Chebureks, of course, stands with one of them. And I finish cooking traditional Chebureks home, it is worth inventing something new, slightly varietying a classic recipe.

Cooking Cheburekov can be divided into three stages: preparation of the test, cooking the filling (in our classical case it is meat minced meat) and the frying of the resulting billets. Let's start with the test. The composition is extremely simple: flour, water, vegetable oil and salt. The peculiarity of such a test is that it is mixed on boiling water. Add 1 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. vegetable oil (it is it gives a test of some bubbleness). Mix in a bowl with salt 2 cups of flour and without ceasing to interfere, pour water with vegetable oil into flour. When the dough mixes in whom and cool down slightly, pour flour and continue to wash it with your hands. The dough should be smooth, elastic and lagging behind. Leave it for an hour or two. In the meantime, go to the second stage - the preparation of the filling (minced meat), which in the classic version is a mixture of minced meat, sliced \u200b\u200bonion and water. Mix everything, add salt, spices to taste and, of course, greens. Everything, the filling is ready. According to the consistency, it should remind a thick sour cream, the proportions of meat and onions in it - your taste. The number of onions in the filling should be really big - it is the bow, thinly sliced \u200b\u200band mixed well with meat, gives Chebureca that the most incredible juiciness. It is good to dissolve the minced meat, instead of the water kefir, then the filling will not spread. When the dough lasts his laid time, roll it into the sausage, put it on the pieces, each of them roll into a thin cake, put the stuffing, fold in half and gently protect the edges. Fry the billets from two sides on vegetable oil without smell (you can take corn). Butter in a pan should be a lot - the pasties in it literally "float". Chebureki became golden color? Urgently remove them and put it on the napkin to get rid of excess fat. There are pasties best immediately after cooking, with heat with heat to feel all the charm of this dish. If these miracle pies have happened a little more than you expected, freeze them with raw, laying up first on the pallet, and then pack in polyethylene packages. It is very convenient.

Having honed your skills in the classics, you can experiment a little with filling, prepare cottbureks home with potatoes, cheese, mushrooms and cheese, tomatoes. In general, mix the ingredients as you like. You can also approach the test to be made creatively, having prepared it in kefir or adding cottage cheese into it.

Chebureks homemade with meat filling on kefir

300 ml kefir,
500 g flour,
1 tsp. Sahara,
1 bulb,
500 g of minced meat,
½ CHL soda,
vegetable oil,
Salt, pepper - to taste.

Mix sugar, kefir, salt, add to the mass of soda, then pour flour. Stuffed with grinding onions, pepper and sprinkle. Slim dough, cut the circles out of it. In the middle of each, put the filling and protect the edges. Fry Chebureks in vegetable oil from two sides.

For dough:
1 stack. flour
2 stack. cottage cheese.
For filling:
300 g of mixed minced
1 bulb,

Wipe your cottage cheese through a sieve, spray, add flour and knead the dough. Sung and stick to the taste of stuffing, add chopped onions into it. Solid dough, cut the circles out of it. Then put the center of each mug and take the edges. Fry Chebureki from two sides on vegetable oil.

400 g of mixed minced
500 g ready-made yeast dough
1 bulb,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
1 tsp. Sahara,
1 stack. ice water
1 bundle of kinse or parsley,
vegetable oil,
a little flour
Salt, pepper - to taste.

Add chopped onion, garlic, chopped cilantro, salt, pepper and sugar, cooked mince. Mix the stuffing with your hands, gradually adding ice water. When water is absorbed into the mince, remove it into the refrigerator. Finished yeast dough roll in the sausage and divide it into parts. Each part roll into a thin cake, in the middle of which put the filling and protect the edges. Pour some oil on the pan and fry from two sides to 4 minutes.

500 g flour,
100 g of water,
5 potatoes,
1 tbsp. sour cream
1 egg,
1 bulb,
100 g sala
½ CHL salts
½ CHL soda,
Salt to taste.

Boil to the readiness of potatoes. In the pan, fry the sliced \u200b\u200bslices sliced \u200b\u200bby small pieces, then add chopped onions to it and fry everything for 5 minutes. To the finished potato, add a bow with a lard and get drunk to a puree consistency. Add sour cream in the water, salt, egg and thoroughly. Gradually pour flour. Add the soda and knead the dough. Finished dough finely roll out and cut the circles out of it. In the center of each mug, put a potato stuffing and protect the edges. Fry Chebureks from two sides in vegetable oil to a golden crust.

3 stack. flour
1 stack. water,
1 egg,
2 tbsp. vodka
300 g of brine cheese (Suluguni),
100 g of solid cheese,
½ CHL Salt.

For the test, boil the water with salt and 1 tbsp. Vegetable oil, remove from the fire and immediately add half flour. Mix well well, add an egg and vodka and continue to mix the resulting mass. Then add the remaining flour and knead the smooth dough. Roll it into the ball, put it in a plastic bag and leave for 30 minutes. For the filling, cut the whole cheese straw. From the test, take off the small pieces and roll them into thin pieces. On the edge of each of the resulting cake, lay 1 tbsp. The cheese mixture, cover the second half, protect the edges and fry in a hot vegetable oil for 1-2 minutes on each side.

For dough:
4 stack. flour
1 ⅓ stack. water,
1 egg,
2 tbsp. vodka
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
½ CHL Salt.
For filling:
750 g of minced meat,
1 small zucchini,
2 bulbs,
Salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Boil water with oil and salt, pour ½ stack. Flour and stir up to the disappearance of lumps. Cool the resulting mass, then add an egg and vodka. Gradually pour flour, knead the steep dough. For the filling, skip the zucchini and onions through the meat grinder and add them together with the resulting juice into the meat minced meat. Sung wash, pepper and knew well. From the test, roll the sausage, divide into pieces that roll into thin pieces. On half each, put the stuffing, cover the second half and protect the edges. They can also be slightly told the rolling pin and smoothly trim the pizza roller. Fry Chebureks in a large number of preheated oil on medium heat on both sides to a beautiful ruddy crust and lay them on a paper napkin so that the oil is absorbed.

For dough:
250 ml of mineral water,
4 stack. flour
1 egg,
2 tsp Sahara,
1 tsp. Salt.
For filling:
500 g of mushrooms,
150 g cheese,
Green onions - to taste.

Stir all the ingredients intended for the test. After kneeling the dough, let him stand 20 minutes. For filling, fry mushrooms in a pan, cool, add a stenched cheese, finely chopped green onions, salt and mix. From the test, make balls, roll them into thin pieces, in the center of which put the filling and protect the edges. Fry Chebureks for 7 minutes on each side on a hot oil to a golden crust.

For dough:
100 ml kefir,
1 egg,
½ CHL salts
Flour - how much will take the dough.
For filling:
200 g veal,
200 g pork
200 g cabbage,
1 bulb,
Salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

From the above ingredients, knead the elastic dough and let it stand for 15-20 minutes. Cook out the pork and beef mince, add a chopped cabbage to it and a finely chopped onion, sprinkle, pepper. Slide a thin layer from the dough, cut the circles from it with a saucer. On one half of the circle, put the stuffing, the other cover and protect the edges. Fry Chebureks in a hot oil until prepared on both sides on medium fire.

For dough:
500 g flour,
1 stack. boiling water
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
a pinch of salt.
For filling:
500 g cabbage,
1 bulb,
1 carrot,
1 Tomato,
1 sweet pepper,
1 bunch of greenery,
Salt, pepper - to taste.

Mix flour, vegetable oil and salt. Make a depression in flour, pour a glass of boiling water there, mix everything and knead the dough. For the filling, lie cabbage, finely cut down onions, tomato and bell pepper. Cut into small pieces, soda carrots on a large grater. Extinguish the vegetables until the vegetable oil is ready to prepare, add a chopped greens, spray, pepper and let cool. Separed pieces from the dough roll into thin cakes. On one half, put the filling and smoothly distribute it on the semicircle, the second half cover and turn the edges well. Fry Chebureks in a large amount of oil to ruddy crust.

500 g flour,
3 eggs,
250 ml of milk,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 tsp. Salt.
For filling:
500 g fillets Malta (or other any fish),
2 bulbs,
40 g of green bows,
5 tbsp. vegetable oil
3 tbsp. water,
2 tbsp. mayonnaise
3 tbsp. flour
Salt, pepper - to taste.

Separate yolks from proteins. Zhelty put in a separate bowl, add milk, vegetable oil and salt to them. Mix the resulting mass well and add to it sifted through the sieve flour. Check not very cool dough and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours. For the filling, take a frostbed fish fillet, cut it into pieces, slightly sprinkle, cut in flour and fry on vegetable oil. When it is ready, cool down and disassemble into small pieces. Tatching onions with thin half rings and fry a little on vegetable oil. Green onions cut down with thin rings and, adding to the fried onions, sweat a little until soft. When the leek mass is ready, add to it the fish mass, salt, stick, mix, add some water and let it warm 5 minutes. Finished stuffing cool down and add mayonnaise. Exhaust dough shake on the balls and roll into thin pieces. On one half of the cake, put 1 tbsp. Stuffing, other cover and carefully protect the edges. Fry Chebureks in a deep pan in a large number of vegetable oil to a golden crust.

Cook pasties homemade with any of the proposed stuffings and please your loved ones and guests a truly delicious dish.

Enjoy your appetite and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shufkaykin

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