Last journey Cook. Who is James Cook

Gardening 19.10.2019

1746-1754 He served on shopping ships, having passed the way from the jungle to the assistant of the navigator, then on warships. In 1759-1764 Was pilots in Canadian waters. In 1764-1767, the commander of the ship, he was shooting the shores of Newfoundland and P-ov Yucatan.

In 1768-1771. He went to his first worldwide swimming on the ship "Endeavor", organized by British Admiralty for the seizure of new lands in the Pacific Ocean. Having conceded Cape Horn, Cook arrived at O-in Tahiti in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean, discovered and inflicted the island to the north-west of him, calling them about the society. In 1769-1770 He cut out New Zealand, setting her island position, examined the shed between its northern and southern things about you, opened the eastern coast of Australia, called the new South Wales, and a big barrier reef. Then followed to the west to O-Wu Java and around Africa returned to England.

The second round-world swimming of Cook (1772-1775), this time in the east direction, was organized in order to search for southern mainland and a detailed examination of New Zealand and other islands in the southern hemisphere. On the ship "Resolved" Cook in 1773. For the first time in history crossed the southern polar circle and reached 71 ° 10 'Yu. sh. Although Cook believed that near the Southern Pole could be a mainland or a big island, attempts to find him were unsuccessful. During this swimming, Cook has opened 2 atoll in the Tuamot Archipelago, Atoll Hervey and O-in Palmerston in the Cook OG-BBG Group, New Hebrides, Own Group, Norfolk, South Georgia and South Sandwich. The expedition contains valuable information about the flora and fauna of Oceania, Australia and South Atlantic, about marine currents.

In 1776, Cook was headed by a third round-the-world expedition on the ships "Resolved" and "Discovery" for the search for the North-West passage from the Atlantic Ocean in a quiet and accession to Great Britain of new lands in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. In 1777, she opened another 3 atoll in Cook's OG circuit, O-Vapai in the Tonga group, O-Va Tubuai and Christmas in the Line Archipelago, and in 1778 - 5 Hawaiian O-Great Patoes, including. Oahu and Kauai, and Southeast Hawaiian O-Va - Maui and Hawaii. In the same year, Cook explored and struck the North-West Coast of America from 54 ° to 70 ° 20 's. sh. In 1779, he was killed in a skirmish with Hawaiians.

The name of Cook has been named more than 20 geographical objects, including the mountain on the O-South in New Zealand, the shed between the Northern and South New Zealand, 2 groups of the islands in the Pacific Ocean, the bay of the coast of Alaska.

Sea Encyclopedic Directory Ed. N.N. Isanina. L.: 1987

(1728-1779) english navigator and researcher

Captain James Cook, a famous English navigator and traveler, I was overlooked the entire Pacific Ocean, visited Australia, New Zealand and in many southern islands that later became English colonies. If you try to briefly designate his travel routes, it turns out that he has practically did not go from the ship.

James Cook was born in the county of Yorkshire in the family of a subsidiary, began to serve as a unit on shopping ships from 18 years, in 1755 he went to military service and for thirty years was already considered an outstanding navigator.

After that, he made three famous expeditions: in 1768-1771 - on Tahiti, to New Zealand and Australia, in 1772-1775 - to the southern part of the Pacific Ocean and in 1776-1779 - in the South and North Pacific, trying to Find the Northern Strait and first indicating the Siberian Tip of Asia on the map.

In 1768, James Cook went to the first round trip.

He had to deliver a scientific expedition to Tahiti Island to observe how Venus passes through a sun disc. For this, he was provided by the ship "Endeavor" with the crew of 80 people; In addition, there were three scientists on board.

Cook successfully delivered scientists to Tahiti and after they spent the necessary observations there, took the course to the north-west.

After a long journey, he opened the archipelago, consisting of two large islands. It was New Zealand. James Cook explored her and went on, to Australia. In 1770, he opened a big barrier reef, landed in Botani Bay Bay, explored the east coast of Australia and announced his property of Britain called New South Wales. During this expedition, significant scientific materials were collected. James Cook satellites were engaged in this - Botanist Joseph Banks and Zoologist Sydney Parkinson.

Then, through Torres, the strait of the navigator passed to the island of Java and, having encouraged the Cape of Good Hope, returned to England, making a world journey in the western direction.

During his second trip (1772-1775), James Cook went in search of "South Earth" and for a more detailed examination of New Zealand and other islands of the Southern Hemisphere.

Cook crossed the southern polar circle, but because of the ice he had to return. After numerous attempts to break through the waters, it came to the conclusion that there is no extensive southern ground. However, he put on a map a number of unknown islands in the southern part of the Pacific Ocean: the southern group of new hebride, oh. New Caledonia, O.Norfolk, South Sandwich Islands.

The third and last journey of James Cook began in 1776.

He sailed from England on two ships - "Resolute" and "Discovery". The purpose of the expedition was to try to find the path around North America - the so-called northwestern pass. And again, Cook came out in the Pacific Ocean.

In early 1778, he opened the Hawaiian Islands.

From here, the navigator went to the north, to the east coast of America. He managed to get to Bering Bay, located near Alaska, and there he was forced to retreat under the pressure of the ice.

Shortly after James Cook returned to the Hawaiian Islands, he was killed during a collision with the locals because of the stolen boat.

The British people honored their hero as a skilled navigator and a great researcher. Many places opened by him were named after him, and his detailed reports and observations became the basis for many expeditions.

In 1934, a house in which the boy James Cook lived in Yorkshire in Great Outon, was presented to the Government of Australia.

He was carefully disassembled and transported to Melbourne, where he became a museum.

Brief biography of James Cook for children. Most importantly

In 1728 the future navigator was born. His family lived in the village very modestly. Upon completion of the local school, he worked on a farm under the leadership of his father, and in speed settled an employee for carnel surge. So began his new life.

He made a brilliant career and all due to the fact that he was engaged in hard self-education. He entered the jung on the merchant ship, and after some time he was already an assistant captain.

In 1755 he was signed by a sailor to the Royal Navy. A month later, he was already a boatswain and participated in the seven-year war. And in its relatively young years he has already reached unprecedented heights.

In 1768, James went to his first journey for astronomical observations. He landed and his team off the coast of Tahiti. Cook was illuminated by friendliness and called upon this command.

Any conflicts or aggression is strictly punished. They had to break stereotypes from local residents. Since everything was done before this by robbery or cruel violence.

In 1772, James goes to second journey.

This time he studied the Pacific District near New Zealand. This time it did not cost without adventures: the composition of the ship was silent quiet, they witnessed a terrible spectacle - cannibalism. As a result of this expedition, many islands and archipelagos were opened.

Since 1776, James Cook goes to the third of his journey. In 1778, Haiti islands, the island of the birth. Interestingly, the Cook and his ships Haitians were perceived for the gods, and therefore the contact was set up at the same time.

But soon everything spoiled because of the deaths of theft by local residents. Conflict increased, despite the big friendliness of Cook. In 1779, a skirmish with local residents took place, as a result of which Cook died.

For children by dates

James Cook's Biography about the main

James Cook - who did not hear the name of this great English navigator, who made three round-world travels at the cost of his life.

James Cook was born a ninth child in the family of farm servants in the distant 1728.

Life in the poor frightened the very young James to look for a job. At the age of 13, he takes a haberdasher on the removal of the skin.

From the young Youth, Cook dreamed of swimming on large ships, to open and explore distant countries. Since 18 years old, he stubbornly put his way through thorns to the stars.

Initially, he comes to Jung on the ship for the carriage of stone coal. During this period, he actively engaged in self-education, since he did not have money for college or tutors. He willingly reads, studying geography, drawing, story, mathematics. He buys many books and spends all his salary for this passion.

In 1755, war begins with France. Cook gets a sailor to a warship. Here he manifests himself as a good cartographer.

The knowledge and skills they received helped to navigate the terrain and make good navigation and strategic maps of the Canadian rivers, Labrador.

These cards were actively used in a military business for attack.
In 1768, James Cook receives the title of an officer and becomes the leader in his life around the world expedition to the southern hemisphere. This expedition will last for more than three years. The expedition rented Cape Horn, reached Tahiti. On the island of Tahiti Cook and the team of scientists were to explore the dome of the starry sky of the southern hemisphere, but, unfortunately, the local natives stole most of the equipment.

As a result, the proper research failed, and the ship went further to the south. On the way, they passed by New Zealand, got to Australia. It was this fact that then allowed England to declare his rights to the green continent.

In addition, in this expedition, Cook opened the world a miracle of light - a large barrier reef, which we now hear so often.

The second expedition in 1772 was less prolonged, but no less productive.

Cook ship went to the south and could not pass through the ice. The team conducted a study of ice boundaries. On the way, the Tonga and New Caledonia archipelago was opened.

The last journey of Cook took place in 1776. The purpose of the journey was the opening of the passage connecting two ocean in the north. The ship has reached 71 parallels and then I could not move because of ice. Cook ordered the course to pave into Hawaii. By the way, Hawaii The world also opened James Cook a few years earlier.

Arriving in Hawaii, the team went ashore. But on the shores they were waiting for ill-quality aggressive locals. A multi-day bloody swallow began and on February 14, 1779, the natives of Hawaii killed James Cook, and his ships "resolve" and "Discovery" returned to England.

James Cook left behind a huge heritage.

What opened James Cook

Its name called more than 20 geographic major objects. Sadly, James Cook did not leave the heirs. The fact is that he was married, had 6 children. Unfortunately, all children died at an early age. This is not a simple fate of a great person.

For children by dates

Interesting facts and dates from life

Main article: Study of the World Ocean

In the XVIII century, the UK (England) became the "master of the seas", in the anthem of which there are words: "Right, Britain, Seas". In 1768, an expedition was sent to the Pacific Ocean in search of new lands James Cook.

Smart and bold sailor, he went away from the jungle to the captain of the ship. Twice committed Cook around the world and died during the third in 1779.

Cook completed the opening of the banks of New Zealand, proving that this is not a mainland, but two large islands. He first inflicted the eastern coast of Australia on the map. The navigators were convinced that Australia (in the translated "Southern Earth") in its size - the mainland.

Cook has opened a lot of islands in the Atlantic, Indian and especially in the Pacific Ocean. Oceania islands are very diverse. Among them are small coral islands - the atol, just 2-3 meters towering above sea level.

There are small and large, up to several thousand meters high, volcanic islands. There are big islands, such as New Guinea and New Zealand, whose nature is similar to the nature of the mainland. Several close to each other are forming the archipelago.

Residents of small islands - Polynesians - were beautiful navigators, fishermen. Most of them welcomed Cook and his companions. Residents of New Guinea, New Zealand, Hawaiian Islands were militant, often fought among themselves.

In a skirmish with local residents - the natives of the Hawaiian Islands - James Cook was killed.

First round-the-world swimming (1768-1771)

The eastern shore of Australia Cook discovered one of the wonders of the world - a large barrier reef - the ridge of coral underwater and surface elevations of about 2,000 km long.

Corals - limestone skeletons of the smallest marine animals of the warm seas. There may be so many of them that together they form underwater platforms and islands that make swimming. The underwater inhabitants of the coral reef fish, starfish, crabs are beautifully interesting and beautiful.

Paradise birds live on New Guinea, named so for the beauty of their plumage. Many birds of New Zealand do not know how to fly - there are no predators on the island, and they are calmly looking for food on Earth all day.

Second world swimming (1772-1775)

Cook believed that extensive land could lie near the southern pole, and in search of the southern mainland floated far from the south, for the southern polar circle.

The path was blocked by thick fogs, ice and icebergs. Cook turned back, believing that no one could penetrate south than he. Material from site

Third round-the-world swimming (1776-1779)

In the north of the Pacific Cook led the search for paths to the Atlantic. He sailed along the shores of North America, described them, endured the Alaska peninsula in the north-west of the mainland and, having passed the Bering Strait, reached the North Arctic Ocean.

Hawaiian islands, open by a cook in the Pacific Ocean, is a large volcanic archipelago. The vertices of volcanoes exceed 4000 m.

What did James Cook open? Traveling the legendary navigator

Often the eruptions occur. Lava, like a fiery river flows into the ocean. Coconut palms grow on the shores. Their big nuts with a solid shell fall into the ocean and are transferred to currents.

Dropped pasta, they germinate on a new island. Inside the nut a lot of liquid - coconut milk. On the atolls, where there are no streams and rivers, this milk often replaced the inhabitants of water. There are many different birds on the islands or almost no animals.

On this page, material on the themes:


  • James Cook 1768-1779 that opened

  • Main contribution Opening of the land of James Cook

  • To the discovery of which mainland was close to James Cook

  • James Cook Contoves Contribution to the Study of the Pacific

Questions to this article:

  • What kind of hemisphere lies Australia?

  • What is the archipelago?

  • What is called ocean?

  • Tell us about the nature of the Pacific Islands.

Material from site

British navigator James Cook: Biography of a young man who has become captain

Cook James. (1728-1779) - English navigator.

He was born in the family of a daily worker and received a modest school education. Cook worked as an assistant food store, then a sailor. In 1757, he volunteered to serve on the fleet. Unusual abilities of Cook allowed him to get the name of the navigator for two years.

She worked for a long time as a geodether in difficult natural conditions in North America, where she conducts reviews and coastal reviews. Therefore, dozens of geographical maps were created, which were the result of five years of research.

In his first expedition to the widespread southern sea of \u200b\u200bCook left the place of commander at the age of 40.

His goal is to astronomically observe the passage of Venus through the solar panel. This happened in early June 1769, and it was visible only in southern tropics. Thus, the official part of the expedition was developed. However, one more important thing is: to determine whether this is the land of the Southern State (Antarctica), and if so, it should become the owner of the British crown. But as a result of his first trip, Cook cannot be confident in the existence of the continent.

Nevertheless, the expedition discovered and investigated many of the islands, examined the eastern coast of Australia and declared her colony of England.

There is a question about the organization of a new expedition. After exactly the year after the return of Cook goes to the second expedition, and only in three years he will again see the coast of England.

During this trip, the expedition for the first time in the world crossed the southern polar circle and separated them from Antarctica just one hundred kilometers.

However, it was impossible to move on. Now Cook could say with full confidence: there is no unknown southern country. He writes: "I walked through the southern ocean in high latitudes and crossed it so that there was no place for the continza, except near the drug in places inaccessible to navigate."

But in fact there was an unknown southern country and improper conclusions. Hook slowly slowed down further studies of Antarctic spaces.

During the second expedition, Cook prepared several new islands and visited the Mysterious Island Easter.

In July 1776, Cook went to his third and last journey from which he did not have to return. The purpose of this expedition is to find the transition from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean in northern latitudes.

This happens for a long time. On the east coast of Bering Strait, ships reach Alaska. But the search for the passage is in vain: impassable ice blocks the path. Almost three months, Cook went to subolar latitude; During this period, he manages to explain the card. In 1778, the ships returned back, and in January 1779 reached the Hawaiian Islands.

Their discovery was the most important achievement of the third expedition.

Residents of the islands that were outraged by the behavior of sailors and policemen were killed by J. Cook.

Opposite information about how he died. February 22, 1779 Tired remains of James Cook were released in the sea. It was the tragic end of the life of one of the greatest navigators in the history of mankind.

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Biography and opening James Cook
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Cook (Cook) James (November 27, 1728, Village Marton, County Yorkshire, England - February 14, 1779, Hawaii Island), English navigator, triggering land three times, the first Antarctic Sea and the Chief of the East Coast of Australia, New Zealand; The captain of the highest rank (corresponds to the Russian captain-commercial; 1775), member of the Royal Society (1776).

Childhood, Youth and the beginning of the career of the navigator

Born in the family of the Batraka-Lakehouse, since the age of 7 began to work with his father, at 13 he began to attend school, where he learned to read and write, at 17 he hired into the pupils of the clerk to the merchant in the fishing village and first saw the sea. In 1746 he entered the Jung on the ship carrying coal, then became an assistant captain; I went to Holland, Norway and Baltic ports, cutting time for self-education. In June 1755 he was recruited on the British Military Fleet by a sailor, two years later, in the position of the navigator was sent to Canada. In 1762-67, already commanding the ship, I performed the shooting of the shores of Newfoundland Island, examined its inner areas, was the locations of the northern part of the Bay of St. Lawrence and the Honduran Bay. In 1768 produced in lieutenants.

First around the world swimming

In 1768-71, Cook was headed by an English expedition in Barka "Indvr", aimed at the Pacific Ocean British Admiralty to identify southern mainland and accession of new lands to the British Empire. After the opening of the four islands from the Company's group, over the "empty" ocean more than 2.5 thousand km and October 8, 1769 reached an unknown land, with high, snow-covered mountains. It was New Zealand. For more than 3 months, Cook floated along her shores and was convinced that these were two major islands separated by the strait, later received his name. In the summer, Cook first approached the eastern coast of Australia, which was announced by British possession (New South Wales), the first to study and struck about 4 thousand km of its east coast and almost all (2,300 km) to them a large barrier reef. Through the Strait Torres Cook passed to the island of Java and, having reopening the cape of good hope, July 13, 1771 returned home, losing 31 people from the tropical fever. Thanks to the diet developed by him, none of the team sick in Qing. The first round-world swimming of Cook lasted a little more than 3 years; He was awarded the rank of captain I rank.

Antarctic world swimming

The second expedition in 1772-75 on two vessels - the "resolist" gate and Bark "Edvecher" - is organized with the aim of searching for southern mainland and survey of New Zealand Islands and others. In January 1773, for the first time in the history of navigation, the southern polar circle (40 ° East longitude) was crossed and went over 66 ° of southern latitude. In the summer of 1773, twice unsuccessfully Cook tried to search for southern mainland, reaching 71 ° 10 "southern latitude. Despite the conviction, near the sushi pole, refused to subsequent attempts, considering it impossible because of the accumulation of ice further swimming south. In the Pacific found (1774) New Caledonia Islands, Norfolk and a number of atolls, and in South Arctic - South George and Sandwich Earth (South Sandwich Islands). During swimming in the Antarctic waters, I buried the legend about the giant inhabited southern mainland (which was refuted by Bellingshausen and Lazarev ). Cook first met and described flat icebergs set as "Ice Islands".

Third swimming and death of Cook

The expedition of 1776-80 on two courts - the "resolon" and the Discovery gate - was aimed at searching with the North-West passage from the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic along the shores of North America and the seizure of new lands. In winter, 1777-78 Cook opened 3 atoll from the Cook chain, 2 islands in the Line Archipelago, 5 Hawaiian Islands. It was held along the north-west coast of North America from 44 ° 20 "to 70 ° 44" northern latitudes and opened the bays of Prince William, Cook, Bristol and Norton, continued the opening of the Mountains of St. Ilya, Peninsula Kenai, Alaska and Alyaard, Alaskan and Aleutsky Ranges, confirming the presence of Bering Strait between Asia and America. I came across solid ice, returned to wintering to the Hawaiian Islands, where in the next fierce fighting with the inhabitants was killed.

Cook as a person and professional

Cook possessed outstanding abilities and "made himself" himself thanks to enormous hardworking, inflexible will and focus. "Strive and achieve" - \u200b\u200bhere is the motto of his life; He walked to the intended goal courageously, not afraid of difficulties and failures, without losing the presence of the spirit. Cook was married and had 6 children who were dead in early childhood. It is called more than 20 geographic objects, including three bays, two groups of islands and two straits.

James Cook is a talented researcher of new lands and captain of the ship. He went three times around the world. But, I am sure that these facts from his life few people know. But many who think that Cook ate the aborigines. It is associated with me with Vladimir Vysotsky's song about why aborigines ate Cook. Is it true? Next, I will tell you about this fact.

Famous researcher James Cook

James Cook is a very famous traveler of the XVIII century. For his life he was able heal. The values \u200b\u200bof these travel are huge. New territories of Newfoundland, East Canada, Australia and New Zealand (along the coast), Western part of North America and all oceans (except for the Northern Icetic) were investigated.

Unlike other researchers, he was born in the poor family and was self-taught in the naval. Cook's ability noticed experienced navigators in time. Career growth was obvious. Junga, sailor, skipper and captain - All these steps he successfully passed. And after were:

  • 1768-1771 - the first round-the-world expedition of Cook. He was the captain of the ship "Endeavor". The main goal to visit the southern mainland (Terra Australis). The ship sailed through Tahiti Islands, New Zealand and went to East Australia;
  • 1772-1775 - Second World Travel. Captain "Resolved" and "Edvecher". Swang through, reached the southern polar circle and New Zealand. South mainland never found. The cold prevented to continue sailing further;
  • 1776-1779 - Third Travel. Captain "Resolved" and "Discovery". I wanted to open the passage between the two parts of America. He opened Hawaii, and was killed by the aborigines.

About Captain James Cook is a lot of legends and interesting stories. Now I want to tell the most famous of them. For some reason, I am sure that few people know about them:

  • Cook accidentally mistaken in the name of the islands. They were called "Fisteri", but the captain put them on his card and he was accidentally wrote. Next, the error no longer corrected;
  • James did not eat aborigines. One of them was fatally wounded Cook Dagger, and then the natives dismembered his body, but did not eat. It happened in Hawaii;
  • Commands Cook The first began to resist the marine disease (scurvy). The first medicines from her were found;
  • Card cards At that time were very accurate. They used to the middle of the XIX century.

The English Military Seamar was born on October 27, 1728 in the town of Marton, was a famous discoverer, cartographer, researcher and captain of the Navy. He headed the 3 largest maritime expeditions on the study of the World Ocean, which were around the world. Thanks to its knowledge, as well as talent and accuracy in drawing up cards, the many seafarers have been used by his works before the second half of the XIX century. It was famous for his friendly and peaceful attitude towards indigenous residents of the territories mastered by him. I knew how to fight terrible in the time of the disease, a queen, from which many sailors were lifted. Thanks to the bunch, death from illness was reduced to almost zero.

Childhood and youth

Born in the poor family. His father was a Scottish bare, with a very small salary. In addition to James in the family there were another 4 children, therefore the family was lived. In 1736, the entire family moved to the village of Great Ayon, where the Cook younger is going to school (today it has been turned into a museum). She studied in it for 5 years, after which he began to actively help his father and got a job for a farm. After a short period of time, he became the manager. The sea career began at the age of 18, when he was hired by Jung to the coalman "Hercules". The greatest fame of the discoverer brought 3 round-the-world travel during which the cards were not only largely clarified, but also new lands and islands were opened.

First round-the-world expedition

The first round-the-world expedition took place from 1768-1771 years. During this period, he was already an experienced navigator, therefore he was appointed Captain of the ship "Endeavor", which was the only vessel in the expedition. The most significant discovery was a visit to Tahiti Island, where the team has established friendly relations with local aborigines. A long time during their stay on the island of James held its astronomical studies, thanks to which he made up cards with amazing accuracy and laid the routes. After sailing, the team went to New Zealand, and then reached the banks of Australia. It is historically assumed that it is the great English researcher who belongs to the banner of the Australian discoverer. However, this is not quite so, because long before him, the shores of the smallest continent reached the ship of the Dutch Expedition. However, Cook reached the shores of Australia and proclaimed the Earth with the property of the British Empire.

Second Arduce Expedition

The new series of discoveries of the Great Traveler occurred from 1772 to 1775. This time 2 ships participated in the expedition: "Resolute" and "Edvech". The most significant event was the intersection of the southern polar circle. The team began to be the first one who succeeded. In an interesting fact, the fact that during a strong storm two ships lost the appearance among themselves and met only in Charlotte Bay. Then the ships visited the island of Tahiti, the island of friendship and New Zealand, near the shores of which they were separated. "Edvech" returned to London, and James went on. During further research, he managed to open a new Caledonia, South Georgia and only after that returned to London.

Third round-the-world expedition

In the period from 1776 to 1779, the third round-the-world expedition was held in which 2 vessels took part: already known "resolve" and "Discovery". Swimming began in the summer of 1776, during which the Kergelen Island was opened by the team. After that, the expedition continued and the ships arrived in Tasmania, then visited New Zealand and the island of friendship. During the third round-the-world expedition, Cook was able to open the Island of Christmas and Hawaiian Islands. Also, the ships went around the western part of North America and reached Alaska. On the way back the ship visited Hawaiian Islands again. However, the attitude of local residents was changed to the militant and, despite all James attempts to resolve the conflict, he was killed in one of the skim.

Cook James Cook James

(Cook) (1728-1779), English navigator. Head of 3 around the world expeditions, opened many islands in the Pacific Ocean. During the 1st ("Endeavor", 1768-71), found out the island position of New Zealand, opened a large barrier reef and the east coast of Australia. The 2nd expedition ("resolved", 1772-75), trying to find the southern mainland, reached 71º10 \\ "Yu. Sh., But the Earth did not find. In the 3rd expedition (" Revoluche "," Discovery ", 1776-79 ) Open the Hawaiian Islands, part of the coast of Alaska with the bays of Prince William, Cook, Bristol and Norton. Killed by Hawaiians.

Cook James.

Cook (Cook) James (1728-79), English navigator. The head of 3 round-the-world expeditions, opened a lot of islands in a quiet approach. During the 1st ("Indenev", 1768-71) found out the island position of New Zealand (cm. NEW ZEALAND), opened a big barrier reef (cm. GREAT BARRIER REEF) and east coast of Australia (cm. Australia (mainland)). The 2nd expedition (resolon, 1772-75), trying to find the southern mainland, reached 71 ° 10 "Yu. Sh., But the lands did not find. In the 3rd expedition (" resolon "," Discovery ", 1776- 79) Open Hawaiian O-VA, part of the Alaska coast with a hall. Prince William, Cook, Bristol and Norton. Killed and eaten by Hawaiians.
* * *
Cook (Cook) James (November 27, 1728, Village Marton, County Yorkshire, England - February 14, 1779, Hawaii Island), English navigator, triggering the land, the first Antarctic Sea and the Chief of the East Coast of Australia, New Zealand; The captain of the highest rank (corresponds to the Russian captain-commercial; 1775), member of the Royal Society (1776).
Childhood, Youth and the beginning of the career of the navigator
Born in the family of the Batraka-Lakehouse, since the age of 7 began to work with his father, at 13 he began to attend school, where he learned to read and write, at 17 he hired into the pupils of the clerk to the merchant in the fishing village and first saw the sea. In 1746 he entered the Jung on the ship carrying coal, then became an assistant captain; I went to Holland, Norway and Baltic ports, cutting time for self-education. In June 1755 he was recruited on the British Military Fleet by a sailor, two years later, in the position of the navigator was sent to Canada. In 1762-67, already commanding the ship, surveyed the shores of the island of Newfoundland (cm. Newfoundland (island))Investigated its internal areas, made up the locations of the northern part of the Bay of St. Lawrence (cm. Saint Lawrence Bay) and the Honduras Gulf (cm. Honduras Bay) . In 1768 produced in lieutenants.
First around the world swimming
In 1768-71, Cook was headed by an English expedition in Barka "Endvier", aimed at the Pacific Ocean British Admiralty to identify southern mainland and accession of new lands to the British Empire. After opening four islands from a group of society (cm. Islands Societies) It was over the "empty" ocean more than 2.5 thousand km and October 8, 1769 reached an unknown land, with high mountains covered with snow. It was New Zealand. For more than 3 months, Cook floated along her shores and was convinced that these were two major islands separated by the strait, later received his name. In the summer, Cook first approached the east coast of Australia, which was announced by British possession (New South Wales (cm. New South Wales (state))), first explored and put on a map of about 4 thousand km of its east coast and almost all (2,300 km) the large barrier reef (cm. GREAT BARRIER REEF). Through the strait Torres. (cm. Torres Strait) Cook walked to the island of Java (cm. JAVA) And, having encouraged the cape of good hope, on July 13, 1771 returned home, losing 31 people from the tropical fever. Thanks to the diet developed by him, none of the team sick in Qing. The first round-world swimming of Cook lasted a little more than 3 years; He was awarded the rank of captain I rank.
Antarctic world swimming
The second expedition in 1772-75 on two courts - the "resolist" gate and Barka "Edvecher" - organized with the aim of searching for southern mainland and survey of the islands of New Zealand and others. In January 1773, for the first time in the history of navigation, the southern polar circle (40 ° East longitude) was crossed and went over 66 ° of southern latitude. In the summer of 1773, twice unsuccessfully Cook tried to search for southern mainland, reaching 71 ° 10 "southern latitude. Despite the conviction, near the sushi pole, refused to subsequent attempts, considering it impossible because of the accumulation of ice further swimming south. In the Pacific found (1774) Islands New Caledonia (cm. New Caledonia), Norfolk (cm. Norfolk (Island)) and a number of atolls, and in South Arctic - South Georgia (cm. South George) and "Sandwich Earth" (South Sandwich Islands (cm. Southern Sandwich Islands)). During swimming in the Antarctic waters, I buried the legend about the giant inhabited southern mainland (which was refuted by Bellingshausen (cm. Bellinshausen Faddey Faddeevich) And Lazarev (cm. Lazarev Mikhail Petrovich)). Cook first met and described flat icebergs (cm. ICEBERG) set by the "Ice Islands".
Third swimming and death of Cook
Expedition 1776-80 on two vessels - "resolon" and Discovery gate (cm. Discovery (name of a number of vessels)) - was aimed in search of the North-West Passage (cm. Northwest passage) From the Pacific Ocean to the Atlantic along the shores of North America and the seizure of new lands. In winter, 1777-78 Cook opened 3 atoll from Cook chain, 2 islands in Line Archipelago (cm. LINE), 5 Hawaiian Islands (cm. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS) . It passed along the north-west coast of North America from 44 ° 20 "to 70 ° 44" northern latitude and opened the bays of Prince William, Cook (cm. Cook Bay (Bay)), Bristol (cm. Bristol Bay of Bering Sea) And Norton, continued the opening of St. Ilya Mountains, Kenai Peninsula (cm. Kenai), Alaska (cm. Alaska (Peninsula)) and sonar, Alaskan (cm. Alaskan Range) and Aleuto (cm. Aleutian Range) Ranges, confirming the presence of Bering Strait between Asia and America. I came across solid ice, returned to wintering to the Hawaiian Islands, where in the next fierce fighting with the inhabitants was killed.
Cook as a person and professional
Cook had outstanding abilities and "made himself" due to enormous hardworking, an inflexible will and focus. "To strive and achieve" - \u200b\u200bhere is the motto of his life; He walked to the intended goal courageously, not afraid of difficulties and failures, without losing the presence of the spirit. Cook was married and had 6 children who were dead in early childhood. It is called more than 20 geographic objects, including three bays, two groups of islands and two straits.

encyclopedic Dictionary. 2009 .

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    James Cook James Cook Portrait of J. Cook, 25 May 1776. Artist Nathaniel Dance Rod of activity: Marinee, Captain of the Royal Fleet ... Wikipedia

    - (1728 79) English navigator, triggered the land three times. He led the three expeditions, opened 11 archipelasses in the Pacific Ocean and 27 islands, including a new Caledonia. During the first expedition (Endeavor, 1768 71) found out that the new ... ... Historical Dictionary

    Cook James. - (Cook, James) (1728 79), English, navigator and researcher. Entering the service in Korolev, the fleet and showing himself a capable sailor, quickly sent to the officer's rank. During service in North. America (1759 67) amounted to the map of the hall. St. Lawrence and ... The World History

    Cook, James. - Cook James (1728 1779) English navigator, head of three round-the-world expeditions. In 1746 1754 He served on shopping ships, having passed the way from the jungle to the assistant of the navigator, then on warships. In 1759 he received the first officer rank and ... ... Marine Biographical Dictionary

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    Cook (Cook) James (27.10.1728, Marton, County Yorkshire, ≈ 14.2.1779, Hawaii Island), English navigator. Born in the family of the piverechik. From 1746 he served on shopping ships, taking positions from Yong to Assistant Navigarman. In 1755 he moved to the military ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Cook, James. - Cook (Cook) James (1728 79), English navigator, triggered the land three times. He led 3 expeditions, opened in the Pacific 11 archipelasses and 27 islands, including new Caledonia. During the 1st Expedition (Endeavor, 1768 71) found out that ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Cook James. - Cook J. Cook J. () English navigator, triggered the land three times. He led the three expeditions, opened 11 archipelasses in the Pacific Ocean and 27 islands, including a new Caledonia. During the first expedition ("Endeavor", 1768 71) found out ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary "World History"

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