Which part of the speech is formed by all the communion. Communion in Russian

Gardening 30.06.2020

Participle - This is part of speech that means sign of subject by action and answers questions what? What? What? what kind? (What makes? What made? What made?)

Primary form The communion is the form of a nominal case of the only number of male genus ( IP, E.C., M.R. ). Denoted sign of the subject by actionCombators combines signs and.

Communions are formed by glagol And they have some permanent signs. Communions are perfect (read, excited ) I. imperfect species ( reading, worried ). The type of communion coincides with the view of the verb, from which it is formed ( excited - From the verb of the perfect species weigh, Caught - from the verb of an imperfect worry ).

Like I. verbCommunions have a sign of time, but for the communion, this feature is permanent. Communions are last (listened ) I. present time ( listening ). Communions of the future time does not happen!

Communions from return verbs have the same suffixes as from irrevocative, but by completion is added -We (drawing ).

Like I. adjective Communion is consistent with the nouns in childbirth, the number and the case (this is his non-permanent signs): playing baby boy playing girl playing children . Some communities, like adjective, can form a brief form: built - Built, Born - Born .

Some communities retreat from the general rule of their education: grow up - grew, go - the smooth, row - row - fun, scrubbing - scraper - crumb .

Syntactic role

In the proposal, the communion performs the function:

  • definitions (full form). Sorva nN The girl flower faded soon.
  • name portion compound tag (full and brief form). Flower sorva n. Girl today. (Why do we write one n - read in the abstract).

Communion can have with you dependent words. All together they form participialwhich is a single member of the sentence - definition . There is desires in man deserving respectand there are desires do not deserve such (M.Gorky).

Morphological parsing plan.

I. Part of speech, general grammatical meaning; verb. From which the communion is formed.

II. Morphological signs:
1. Initial form ( IP, E.C., M.R.)
2. Permanent signs: a) valid or suffering; b) time; c) kind; d) repayment.
3. Non-permanent signs: a) complete or brief form (in suffering communities); b) case, c) number; d) genus.

III. Syntactic role.

ATTENTION. Need to distinguish!

Adjectives and communion They answer the same question, indicate a sign of the subject. To distinguish them, you need to remember the following: the adjectives indicate a sign in color, shape, smell, place, time, etc. These signs are constantly peculiar to this subject. And the communion denotes a sign in action, this sign proceeds in time, it is not inherent to the subject constantly.

Compare: reading room - adjective, sign for its intended purpose, and Reading man - Communion, a sign of action; brave - Osmaleened, Dark - Darking, Breathing - Cotton . Also, the communion are formed with the help of the suffixes characteristic only: -(-The-), -n- (s), -(-), -the, -th, -th-,, -n (The latter meets adjectives).

◊◊◊ Sometimes the sacrament is considered not as an independent part of speech, but as a special form of verb ( in this Abstract, this topic is not considered).

Participle - A special form of the verb, which means a sign of the subject on action and answers questions what? What? What? what kind?

Some scientists consider communion by an independent part of speech, as they have a number of signs that are not characteristic of the verb.

As the forms of verb, the communion possess some of it grammatical signs. They are perfect species I. imperfect; present time I. last; returns and non-return.
Forms of future time, communion do not have.
Communions are valid and suffering.

Denoting the sign of the subject, the communion, as well as adjectives, grammatically depend on the nouns, consistent with them, i.e. They become in the same case, the number and genus that the nouns to which are related.
Communions are changed by cases, by numbers, by childbirth.
The case, the number, the genus is determined by the case, the number, the nature of the nouns, to which the communion belongs. Some communions, as well as adjectives, have a complete and brief form.

Initial form of communion - The nominative case of the only number of male genus. All verbal signs of communion are correlated with the initial form of the verb - an indefinite form.
As an adjective, the communion in full form in the sentence is the definition.
Communions in brief form are used only as the nominal part of the composite one.

Valid and suffering communities.

Valid communion Denote a sign of that subject that the action itself produces.
Padding communities Denote a sign of that subject, which is experiencing an action from another subject.

Education communities.

When forming communities, the following verb signs are taken into account:

  1. Transition or verb (from transient verbs is also formed by valid and suffering communities; from non-transparent - only valid communion).
  2. View of verb (The verbs of the perfect species are not formed by the communion of the present. From the verbs of the imperfect species, the valid parties of the present and the past time are formed, from most verbs of the imperfect species are not formed by the suffering communion of the past time, although these verbs have the appropriate forms of the verbs of the verbs).
  3. Verb conjugations (and valid, and the suffering communities of the present have various suffixes depending on the surge of the verb).
  4. Return or non-return of verb (From the return verbs of the suffering communion are not formed). Valid communities formed from return verbs remain in all times of suffix, no matter what sound (vowel or consonant) is in front of this suffix; The suffix is \u200b\u200bat the communion after graduation.
When forming communities to suffixes of the present - (-b-), - (-dent-), -th-, And the past time -t-, -sh-, -nn-, -nno- They join the endings of the male, female and middle kind of singular number ( -You, but, -ay, - it) or the end of the plural ( - ").
From a number of verbs are formed not all Varieties of communities.

Most of the transient verbs of the imperfect species do not have the form of the suffering communion of the past.

Morphological analysis of the communion.

I. Part of speech (special form of verb); What verb is the general value formed.
II. Morphological signs:
1. The initial form is the nominative case of the only number of male genus.
2. Permanent signs:
a) valid or affected;
b) time;
c) view.
3. Non-permanent signs:
a) full and brief form (in suffering communals);
b) the case (at the communities in full form);
c) number;
d) genus.
III. Syntactic role.

Parts of Speech

Communion is a special independent part of speech in Russian, which combines the properties of the verb and adjective. This manifests itself in the fact that the communion is formed from the verb, but answers the questions that are characteristic of the adjective: what? What makes? What made? What made? Students of schools and linguistic students should be able to correctly identify the type of communion. This is a permanent morphological sign of communion, it significantly affects the interpretation of the meaning of the word. To determine the type of communion and prevent errors, it is important to use advice and act according to the algorithm.

We determine the type of communion. Recommendations
  1. First, determine what verb the communion was formed. This part of speech combines signs of adjective and verb. The view may be suffering and valid. Either the object performs a certain action, or some action is made with an object:
    • the actual partition indicates the action of the object, for example: reading - someone reads, a person reads a book;
    • supporting party describes the action performed with the object, for example: readable - something read, the book is read by a person.
  2. You can define the type of communion by specifying the relevant questions:
    • what made? What makes? - Questions of valid communion;
    • what is done? - The question of the suffering communion.
    Remember that this verification method must be combined with more academic: according to formal features indicating the view. However, this method will help you initially focus on a particular view, and then check whether the sacrament corresponds to him by highlighting the suffix in it.
  3. Put the Communion in full or short form. Please note whether the communion you considers have both forms. Remember an important feature of the type of speech:
    • the actual communion has only a full form in Russian, it is impossible to put it in a brief form without violating language norms;
    • the suffering communion can have both forms: full and short; For example: readable - readable.
    If your communion does not have a brief form - it is valid. Sometimes a brief form of a suffering communion may seem archaic, but you will see that it fully complies with the norms of the language. For example: broken - broken.

    Valid communities put in a brief form only in some dialects, choosing separate words for this. You can immediately distinguish the violation of the norm of the Russian language: reading - reading.

  4. Please note: Pradual communities in brief form change in Russian in numbers and childbirth. For example: We read - readable - readable - readable.
  5. Disassemble the communion of the composition. It is advisable to make a complete analysis of the words in the composition to accurately find the suffix. It is this part of the communion and is its formal species sign. Each type of this part of speech has specific suffixes:
    • valid communities: suffixes -, - -, -, -, -Sh-, -Th-;
    • praeling communities: suffixes -th, -n-, -n.
  6. Draw an independent consolidated table of signs of the type of communion. Make all useful information about different methods for determining the type of this part of speech: on issues, suffixes, the presence of short and complete forms. Provide your table with your own examples. Then it will be much easier for you to correctly determine the species of communion, and all the information you will quickly remember, using different types of memory.
  7. Please note that some of the communities have long switched to another part of speech. Externally, they resemble the communion, but are actually adjectives, since they denote the actions and conditions that have become permanent signs of objects. For example, canned peas. Such words should be disassembled as adjectives.
Algorithm for determining the speculation of communion
How to determine the type of communion correctly? Follow the algorithm and remember the recommendations.
  1. Write on a separate sheet of communion, which you need to determine.
  2. Remember your table and start considering words according to it. To start, ask the question of the question.
  3. Check if this communion has a brief, full form.
  4. Disassemble the word according to the composition. Highlight the suffix and find out what kind of type it corresponds. Determine the species affiliation of the communion.
  5. Check yourself: write down the verb, from which the sacrament is formed. Make a phrase with him. Think: is it talking about the action committed by an object or about the action that someone produces with the object? Make final conclusions and write down the type of communion.
Follow the recommendations, determine the type of communion according to the algorithm, then you can do the work correctly.

Communions have some grammatical signs of verb, noun and adjective.

Combat, as a special form of verb, there are two types:

  • perfect species - deciding (from deciding), which prompted (from to encourage), agitated (from weighing);
  • imperfect species - falling asleep (from fall asleep), worried (from exciting).

Communities have two time:

  • the past - resolved (one who decided), agitated (one who excited);
  • present - falling asleep (one who falls asleep), worried (the one who is worried).

Communions do not have the form of a future time.

Communions are:

  • returns - with suffix -schess (deciding, rushing),
    Non-returnable - without suffix, "prompted, built);
  • actual - reflect the sign of the object or subject as the initiator of the action, that is, those that "act" (the solved swimmer - who decided that the reason was prompted);
    Praditive - reflect a sign of an object or subject as an artist who "suffer" and perform an action on the initiative of another (the agitated sea - who excited the wind, I worry - which the memories are worried).

As nouns and adjectives, communities change on cases, numbers, childbirth. In communities:

  • Padeges - nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, cool, proposed (awakened day, awakened the day, awakened the day, etc.);
  • Numbers are the only and multiple (falling asleep baby, falling asleep children);
  • Kind - male, female, medium (boiling stream, boiling water, boiling milk).

The case, the number, the genus is determined by the case, the number, the nature of the nouns, with which the Partition is correlated (under the fluttering flag - with the nouns and communion of the fluttering only number, male genus, anterior case). Full communities are leaning as adjectives.

Some communion, as well as adjectives, have two forms:

  • Full shape - flooded, covered,
  • A brief shape - flooded, covered.

The initial form of communion is the nominative case of the only number of male genus. Morphological signs of communities are correlated with an indefinite form of verb, it is determined by the transition or incompetence, perfect or imperfect.

Examples of communion

We give examples of proposals with communities. Combathes are highlighted in color.
The picture drawn by the fifth grade student was exhibited at the city-wide competition. Sailors did not risk going to go out empty Beardy sea. He noticed a friend raising the steps to the second floor.

By numbers

My work is finished long-term.
All cookings were finished.

In forms

The boat was accurately glued to black water, densely decorated with yellow leaves (M. Gorky).
The chest of his starchy shirt was decorated with a devilish fiesty tie (M. Gorky).

The starchy, decorated - the suffering communities in full form. Printed, decorated - Paddative communions in brief form.

By times

Examples of persistent and valid communities in different times from the works of M. Lermontov:
Real Time:
Suddenly, on a bright strip, crossing the floor, the shadow flashed.
Actual last time:
In the Seine, she overturned the kettle and the candle standing on the floor.
Personal Time:
The oak leaflet broke away from the branch of the rim and went into the steppe, cruel beard persecuted.
Past time:
Mashuk's head smoked like a torn torch.

Syntactic role

Communion in full form in the sentence acts definition.
Locked trees silently and submissively dropped yellow leaves (A. Kubrin).
On the unexed compressed fields, on their barbed yellow bristle, the autumn splason (A. Kubrin) is slaky brushed.

Communions in a brief form perform in the proposal only as the nominal part of the composite.
Long seelings are shaved, like bells, according to branches (E. Maximov).
Glowing sunset Dal Heaven is embraced (S. Naddon).

For others.

Interpretations of communities are different. Some authors believe that communion is a special form of verb, others consider them as an independent part of speech. These glances are reflected in the textbooks. Do not be surprised therefore, if, taking a textbook of another author, you will see any other interpretation. From the decision, what is the point of view, the answers to some questions depend:

  1. How many parts of speech is highlighted in Russian?
  2. What form: an indefinite shape of the verb or communion in the form of M.R. units I.P. - Read the initial form?
  3. What are the boundaries of verb words, how many forms have a verb?
  • Because it does not see the grounds for allocating them into a separate part of speech.
  • Because patriotically adheres to the views cultivated at the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov.
  • Because it considers this position not only scientifically based and relevant common sense and a wider linguistic context, but also practically useful for the guys.

My scientific preferences may not interest anyone, but practical considerations are relevant for many. Therefore, on the last statement it is worth linger. For practical literacy, it is important that the guys are easy to automatically relate communion with the verbs from which they are formed. It is necessary, firstly, to determine the rigging of the verb: the writing of the suffixes of the present time depends on this information. Secondly, to determine the infinitive basis: the suffix of the verb base of the infinitive you need to know to determine the vowels in the seasons of the past time. The ability to correctly find the indefinite shape of the appropriate verb is one of the universal skills. It will be required permanently: from the 6th grade until the 11th. If we consider the sacrament of the verb form, the question of searching for the initial form, which arises in the course of learning constantly will contribute to the development of the child, awareness of the uniform nature of the verb forms, the originality of the verb categories of the species, transition, return, time, and leasing. In this case, children feel better feel the verb nature of these categories and are easier oriented in distinguishing between communities and exclusive adjectives. Finally, this is important for the development of linguistic thinking as a whole, studying foreign languages \u200b\u200b(the assignment of communities for verb forms has common origins), since such interpretation is supported by the material of foreign languages, such as English.

§2. General characteristics of communion

1. Meaning: Sign of subject by action. Questions: What? What makes? What made? What made?

2. Morphological signs: Features of the morphological form: Combathers have signs of both verb and adjective.

  • Permanent (unchangeable) signs are signs of verb:
    • view: sv and nsv,
    • transitivity,
    • repayment
    • time (present and past)
    • pledge.
  • Non-permanent (variable) signs are signs of adjective:
    • number,
    • case
    • fullness-brevity (in suffering communities).

3. A syntax role in the proposal. In the proposal, complete parties, as well as full adjectives, are the definition either part of the faded, but brief, as well as brief adjectives, only part of the fag.

Read more:
On verbal morphological features, see section 11. Morphology. Verb.
On the morphological signs of adjective, see Section 8. Morphology. Adjective.

§3. Forms of communion

Communions are: valid and suffering.

What does it mean?
We know that the sacrament indicates a sign of the subject by action.
The noun, denoting item, is a definable word, and the sacrament is a definition that expresses a sign of the subject by action. According to action, it means that the communion does not express any sign, but only one that in a real situation is associated with the action. Loving mother - This is the one that loves sleeping kid - This is the kid who sleeps studied at school Items - These are subjects that are learning. At the same time, two fundamentally different situations are possible:

1) action performs the subject itself
2) The action is carried out above the subject of any action manufacturer.

Valid communion

If the action is carried out by the subject itself, the communion is called valid. Examples:

Boysitting on the windowsill ...

defined Word boy, Determining sitting on the windowsill (the boy himself produces action: sits)

GirlCleaning by phone ...

defined Word girl, definition chatting on the phone (the girl itself produces action: chats)

Padding communities

If the action is directed to the subject, and its manufacturer has someone else, then the communion is called the suffering. Examples:

DishesWashing out in the dishwasher, glittered as new.

Defined Word dishes, the definition of washed into the dishwasher (the dishes did not wash myself, it did someone).

Essay, Written by me last week, lost.

Defined Word essayDefinition written by me last week (Essay wrote talking, it did not write himself itself).

Praeling communities have a complete and brief form.

§four. Full - a brief form of suffering communion

Tulips, bred in Holland, are highly appreciated all over the world.

derived - Full form

These grades of tulips are bred in Holland.

released - Brief form

Full and brief forms of suffering communities are changed in the same way as complete and brief forms of adjectives.
Full forms are changed by numbers, by childbirth (in units), and by cases. Examples:

Variety Dark, almost black roses, derived in France, is called Edith Piaf.

released - Unit, M.R., I.P.

We live in the countryhaving occupying the sixth of the sushi.

engaged - Units, J.R., P.P.

Our at homeLocated next door were not at all alike.

located - Mn.ch., I.P.

Brief forms are changed by numbers and in units. By childbirth. Cases in brief forms can not be. Examples:

The book is written and given to the publisher.
The novel is written and even published.
Essay is written and printed in the journal.
Letters are written and selected.

§five. Education communiments

Different verbs have a different number of involved forms. It depends on the type and transitionality of the verb.

Transitional verbs of NSV. Have 4 forms of communion:

3) The suffering communion of the present time: readable
4) The suffering communion of the past time: ready.
Verb to read Nsv. Forms of both the past and present time are possible from the verbs of NWS.

Transition verbs of St. Have 2 forms of communion:

1) the actual communion of the past time: bought,
2) Passpiece Combusions of the past time: bought.
Verb buy Sv. Forms of the present time from the verbs of the SV are impossible.

Unprofitable verbs of NSV. Have 2 forms of communion:

1) Activities of the present time: walking,
2) the actual communion of the past time: walked.
Verb walk Nsv. Forms of the past and present are possible from the verbs of NWS.

Uncompressive verbs of St. Have the only form of communion:

valid communion of past time: absentee.
Verb stroll Nsv. The form of the present time is impossible from it.


Communions of the past time are possible from the verbs. Communions of both the past and present time are possible from the verbs of NWS. Of your future time does not happen.
From transient verbs, you can form forms and valid and suffering communities. From non-transparent - only valid communities. The formation of persistent communions from non-transparent verbs is impossible.


  • some transient verbs do not have forms of persistent communities of the present, for example: beat, write, sew, revenge. Broken, writing, shy, sweat- forms of the suffering seasons of the past time;
  • some transient verbs do not have the forms of the suffering passes of the past time, for example: love, View. Favorite, Iskie- forms of the suffering communities of the present time;
  • from verb take Forms of suffolding communion is not formed.

Such exceptions are fixed in dictionaries. For example, see: Borunova S.N., Vorontsova V.L., Ukraine N.A. Orphoepic dictionary of the Russian language. Pronunciation, emphasis, grammatical forms. Ed. R.I. Avenesova. 4th ed. M.: Russian. 1988.

On the spelling of the sfixes of communions, see the spelling of communities.

§6. Communions - not communion: ungalled adjectives

Learn to distinguish between communion and ungalled adjectives.
Communion - if the subject is involved in action, the verb characteristics are relevant for communities: view, time.
Adjective - if the action is no longer relevant, the result became a constant sign: ice cream products, dried mushrooms jarny meat.

1. Full form

one). A word in full form with suffixes -n-, -n-, -E-, is: it is:

  • the exclusive adjective, if it is formed from the verb of the NSV and does not have dependent words with him: non-speaking grass (from kost. - NSV);
  • communion, if it is formed from the verb of CV or has dependent words with him: purchased newspapers (buy - sv), not killed until mid-July herb ( until mid-July - dependent words)

2). The word in full form with suffixes is -, - - is:

  • ungalled adjective, if it is formed from an uncompressive verb: combustible (from to burn - incomplete. Gl.), Thoughtful (from think - incompleteness. Gl.), unfading (from fade- incomplete. Gl.);
  • communion, if it is formed from the transition verb NSV: inclined (from incline), called (from call)undeled (from sweep) unforgettable (from forget) - communion, because Verbs transient NSV.

2. Brief form

In short communities, as in full, the verb component is remaining the value associated with the view and time. The film is removed., The letter is written., Painting is harassing., Linted (Action in the past, the result is relevant in the present). Can add: just, for example: the letter is written just. It is possible to transform into a passive design without changing the meaning: The film was removed., The letter was written. The picture was hung.

In a brief adjective feature constant: it is brought up and formed. I.e to her In general, these signs are characteristic. You can not add: just. You can not transform into a passive design.

§7. Participial

The involvement of the turnover is a communion with a dependent word or dependent words.

Do not confuse:

The dependent and defined word is different words. The definable word is the word to which the communion relates from which its form depends. The dependent word is a word that spreads the communion. Its form depends on the form of communion.

Fog, Dipped on the river at night, the afternoon scattered.

Defined word - fog. Participle - droppedThe form depends on the form of the defined word: fog(What?) Dropped - Unit, M.R., I.P. Dependent words - on the river at night, form of dependent words, if they are changeable, depends on the communion: dropped(for what?) on the river - V.P.

Participial - dipped on the river at night.

Sample forces

Check how you understand the content of this chapter..

Total test

  1. Is it true that the verb morphological signs are constant signs of communities?

  2. Is it true that communion change as adjectives?

  3. What are the words name, the form of which depends on the communion?

    • Defined Word
    • Dependent word
  4. What are the seasons do not happen short forms?

    • In valid
    • In suffering
    • Everyone has
  5. How do short forms of communion change?

    • By case
  6. How do complete forms of communion change?

    • By case
    • In numbers and in the singular - by childbirth
    • On cases, numbers and in the singular - by childbirth
  7. What does it depends on how many involved forms have different verbs?

    • From the return of verbov
    • From hiding verbs
  8. What verbs have all 4 forms of communion: real time, actual last time, the experiencing time, the suffering time?

    • Transitional NVS.
    • Transients
  9. What verbs have only 1 form of communion: valid last time?

    • Unprofitable nsv
    • Unpromprehable St.
    • Transitional NSW
    • Transients
  10. How many forms of communion can be formed from transient verbs of sv?

  11. How many forms of communion can be formed from non-transparent verbs of NSV?

Right answers:

  1. Dependent word
  2. In valid
  3. In numbers and in the singular - by childbirth
  4. On cases, numbers and in the singular - by childbirth
  5. From the type and transitionality of verbs
  6. Transitional NVS.
  7. Unpromprehable St.
  • A16. Vowels in personal endings of verbs and swinging suffixes

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