Bases to classify political systems. Political system of society, its structure

Gardening 26.09.2019

Political system of society, its structure

Political Science and State Regulation

Political system of society, its structure. Option 1 . Under the political system of society, the combination of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms of interactions and relationships ...

Political system of society, its structure.

Option 1

Under the political system of society Understand the combination of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms of interactions and relationships between them, which are implemented by political power.

Functions of the political system:

1) definition of goals, tasks, pu tai development of society;

2) Organization company activities Upon reachingx goals;

3) the distribution of material and spiritual resources;

4) approval diverse interests of the subjects of the political process;

5) Development and implementation of variousnorm of behavior;

6 ) ensuring stability andsociety security;

7) political socialization of the personality, the introduction of people to political life;

8) control For the implementation of political and other norms of behavior, preventing attempts to violate them.

Base classification of political systemsit is usually a political regime, character and method of interaction between power, personality and society. For this criterion, all political systems can be divided into:

  1. totalitarian
  2. authoritarian
  3. democratic.

Political science allocates fourmajor elements of the political system, referred to as subsystems:

1) institutional,

2) communicative,

3) regulatory,

4) cultural ideological.

TO institutional subsystem relate:

  1. political organizations (institutes) - the state, political parties and socio-political movements, i.e.organization, the direct goal of the existence of which is the exercise of power or impact on it;
  2. incomprehensible political - Trade unions, religious and cooperative organizations, i.e., i.e. Organizations operating in the economic, social, cultural spheres of society. They do not set themselves independent political tasks, do not participate in the struggle for power. But their goals cannot be achieved outside the political system, and therefore such organizations should participate in the political life of society, defending their corporate interests, seeking their accounting and implementation in politics.
  3. clubs for interests, sports societies - organizations that have only a small political aspect in their activities. They arise and operate to realize the personal interests and the inclined of any layer of people. The political shade they acquire both objects of impact from the state and other political institutions actually. They themselves are not active subjects of political relations.

Communicative subsystem The political life of society is a combination of relations and forms of interaction that develop between classes, social groups, nations, individuals regarding their participation in the implementation of power, developing and implementing policies.
Political relations are the result of numerous and diverse relations of policies in the process of political activities. To join them and political institutions encourage their own political interests and needs. Highlight
primary and secondary (derivative) political relations.

  1. primary - forms of interaction between social groups (classes, nations, estates, etc.), as well as inside them;
  2. secondary - relations between states, parties, other political institutions reflecting the interests of certain social layers or the entire society.

Political relations are built on the basis of certain rules (norms).Political standards and traditions:

  1. legal standards (constitution, laws, other regulatory acts). The activities of parties and other public organizations are governed by their statutory and programms.
  2. unwritten customs and traditions. They are of great importance in many countries (especially in England and its former colonies) along with writing political standards:
  3. ethical-moral norms in which the representations of the whole society or its individual layers are fastened about good and evil, truth of justice. Modern society approached the awareness of the need to return to the policy of such moral landmarks, as an honor, conscience, nobility.

Cultural and ideological subsystem Political systems represents a combination of various political ideas, views, ideas, feelings of participants in political life.

Politically consciousness constituent entities of the political process functionson two levels

  1. theoretical (political ideology) - views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theory
  2. empirical (political psychology) - feelings, emotions, mood, prejudice, traditions

But in the political life of society they are equal.

In the ideological floor system, we occupy a special placepolitical culture - a complex of typical samples (stereotypes) of behavior, value orientation of political ideas for this society.Political culture - This is transmitted, from generation to generation experience in political activity in which the knowledge, beliefs "model of human behavior and social groups are connected.

Option 2.

Political system of society, its structure

The political system of society (PSO) is a holistic, streamlined set of political institutions, political roles, relations, processes, principles of the political organization of the Company subordinated to various social standards, historical traditions and plants of the political regime of a particular society. It includes the organization of political power and relationship between society and the state.

There are several approaches to understanding and interpretation of the PSO. The prevailing point of view of Russian and foreign political scientists on the structure of the PSO is the discharge of such subsystems (blocks), as an institutional, information and communicative and regulatory and regulatory.

The institutional subsystem consists of institutions such as the state, political parties, groups of interest. The leading institution that focuses the maximum political power is the state. Political parties and groups of interest affect the formation of state structures, carry out the correction of political goals, send political development. In authoritarian and totalitarian societies of the group of interests and political parties strictly subordinate to the ruling elite and bureaucratic apparatus.

The PSO structure includes the information and communicative subsystem, which establishes links between the political system institutions. The elements of this subsystem include information transmission channels to the government (for example, the study procedure at open sessions, the Investigation Commission, confidential advice with interested groups), as well as the media, under which television, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, books, Internet resources designed for the widest audience.

The regulatory regulatory subsystem form all sorts of rules, which determine the behavior of people in political life: their participation in the processes of nominal requirements, transformation of these requirements in decisions, implementation of decisions. These norms are the basic rules of participation at all stages of the political process.

Norms can be divided into two types:

  • norma habits
  • normas-laws.

The random-habits largely determine the form of a political system, within which the norms are operated. Normas laws determine the process of legislation, establish (or not establish - depending on the regime) of the rights: votes, freedom of speech, creating associations, etc.

Functions of the political system:

  1. political socialization and attraction to participation;
  2. expression of the interests of various groups and layers of the population;
  3. political communications;
  4. development of norms laws;
  5. application of norms;
  6. monitoring compliance with norms.

The fundamental basis of the PSO is the state.

Option 3.

Under the political system of society, the combination of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms of interactions and relationships between them, in which political power is being implemented. The functions of the political system of society are diverse:
1) identifying goals, objectives, ways to develop society;
2) organization of the Company's activities to achieve the goals;
3) the distribution of material and spiritual resources;
4) coordination of the diverse interests of the subjects of the political process;
5) development and implementation of various norms of behavior into society;
6) ensuring the stability and security of society;
7) political socialization of the personality, the introduction of people to political life;
8) control over the implementation of political and other norms of behavior, preventing attempts to violate them.
The basis of the classification of political systems is, as a rule, the political regime, nature and method of interaction between power, personality and society. Under this criterion, all political systems can be divided into totalitarian, authoritarian and democratic.
Political science allocates four basic elements of the political system, also called subsystems: 1) institutional, 2) communicative, 3) regulatory, 4) cultural and ideological.
The institutional subsystem includes political organizations (institutions), among which the state occupies a special place. Political parties and socio-political movements play a large role in the political life of society. All political institutions can be divided into three groups. The actual political organizations include the direct goal of the existence of which is the exercise of power or impact on it (state, political parties and socio-political movements). The second group - incomprehensive-political - includes organizations operating in the economic, social, cultural spheres of society (trade unions, religious and cooperative organizations, etc.). They do not set themselves independent political tasks, do not participate in the struggle for power. But their goals cannot be achieved outside the political system, and therefore such organizations should participate in the political life of society, defending their corporate interests, seeking their accounting and implementation in politics. Finally, the third group includes organizations that have only a minor political aspect in their activities. They arise and function for the realization of personal interests and the inclined of any layer of people (clubs in interest, sports societies). The political shade they acquire both objects of impact from the state and other political institutions actually. They themselves are not active subjects of political relations.
The communicative subsystem of the political system of society is a combination of relations and forms of interaction, developing between classes, social groups, nations, individuals on their participation in the implementation of power, developing and implementing policies. Political relations are the result of numerous and diverse relations of policies in the process of political activities. To join them and political institutions encourage their own political interests and needs. Select primary and secondary (derivative) political relations. The first includes various forms of interaction between social groups (classes, nations, estates, etc.), as well as within them, to the second - relations between states, parties, other political institutions reflecting the interests of certain social layers or the entire society.
Political relations are built on the basis of certain rules (norms). Political standards and traditions that determine and regulating the political life of society are a regulatory subsystem of the political system of society. The most important role is played by legal norms (constitutions, laws, other regulatory acts). The activities of parties and other public organizations are governed by their statutory and programms. In many countries (especially in England and its former colonies), along with writing political standards, unwritten customs and traditions are of great importance. Another group of political standards represent ethical and moral norms, in which the submission of the entire society or its individual layers are fastened about good and evil, truth, justice. Modern society approached the awareness of the need to return to the policy of such moral landmarks, as an honor, conscience, nobility.
The cultural and ideological subsystem of the political system is a combination of various political ideas, views, ideas, feelings of participants in political life. The political consciousness of the subjects of the political process operates at two levels: theoretical (political ideology) and empirical (political psychology). Forms of manifestation of political ideology include views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories, and to political psychology - feelings, emotions, moods, prejudice, traditions. But in the political life of society they are equal. In the ideological subsystem, a special place is occupied by political culture, understood as a complex typical of this society of rooted samples (stereotypes) of behavior, value orientation of political ideas. Political culture is transmitted from generation to generation experience in political activities, which combines knowledge, beliefs and models of human behavior and social groups. The main directions of the reform of the political system in our country are determined by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, adopted at the referendum on December 12, 1993. It proclaims our state by democratic federal legal legal to the Republican form of the Board (Article 1). The carrier of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia is the people who carry out their will directly (through elections and a referendum) through state authorities and local governments (Art. 2). In Russia, free elections in which all citizens are participating from 18 years (except for the court they are incapable and contained in prison courts), president, deputies of the State Duma, members of the highest legislative bodies and heads of the highest executive authorities of the subjects of the Federation, organs local self-government, heads of urban and district administrations. The fundamental rights and freedoms of a person are enshrined in the constitution of our state. The foundations of the constitutional system are declared political and ideological pluralism, manifold and equality of various forms of ownership, separation of the authorities. But the real formation of a democratic regime in Russia just began.

Political system

Purpose: To form a submission of students on the structure of the political system.

Type of lesson: combined.

During the classes

I. Repetition.

Answer questions for self-test, with. 228.

II. Studying new material.

1. Structure and function of the political system.

2. State in the political system.

3. Political regime.

4. Democratic changes in Russia.

- A combination of political organizations, socio-political duties, forms of interactions and relations between them, in which political power is implemented.

Functions of the political system

1. Definition of tasks, ways to develop society.

2. Organization of the Company's activities to achieve their goals.

3. Distribution of material and spiritual resources.

4. Coordination of a variety of interests, subjects of the political process.

5. Development and implementation of various norms of behavior into society.

6. Ensuring the stability and security of society.

7. Political socialization of the individual, the involvement of people to political life.

8. Control over the implementation of political and other norms of behavior, preventing attempts by their violation.

Political system of society - An extensive set of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms, norms and principles of interactions and relationships between them, in which political power is implemented.

Signs of the political system of society:

- in its framework, the mechanism of political power is formed and improved;

- claims to monopolize legitimate physical violence;

- due to the social, economic and spiritual structure of society;

- It has relative independence.

Basic elements of the political system of society

1. Political principles and legal norms:

- regulate political relations, giving them an orderly, determining the permitted and unauthorized in the functioning of this political system;

- We offer political foundations;

- determine the style and methods of the work of the organs of the state apparatus, other institutions of the political organization;

- contribute to the formation of the mechanism for the distribution and consolidation of the corresponding roles between members of society).

2. Political institutions:

- represent political institutions with organized by the structure, centralized management, the performing office;

- include the forms and essence of political functions, relationships, control types.

3. Political consciousness:

- reflects social reality;

- perceives events, assessing it in the degree of importance and compliance with interests, legislative acts, political standards, traditions, ideals;

- predicts the possible prospects for social and political changes in society.

4. Political culture:

- acts as a stabilizing and destabilizing factor of the political system;

- Carries out the continuity of political traditions, customs, social historical experience.

Bases to classify political systems

1) type of formation and nature of the socio-economic structure:

- slave-owned;

- feudal;

- bourgeois;

- Communist.

2) the nature of the political regime:

- Totalitarian.

3) Social base:

- military;

- civil;

- national-democratic;

- Bourgeois-democratic.

4) the development of civil society.

The concept and structure of the political system of society

The category "Political System" reflects the focus of the political process. The purpose of the functioning of the political system is to ensure power in society.

Modern philosophical science did not work out a single definition of the concept of "system". The most common is the definition given by one of the founders of the general theory of L. Bertalanfi systems: system - This is a complex of interacting elements. In turn element It is called some continued component of the system that is directly involved in its creation. Also, along with the presentation of the elements in the idea of \u200b\u200bany system, an idea of \u200b\u200bits structure is also included. Structure - This is a combination of sustainable relationships and links between the elements. The structure usually includes the overall organization of elements, the relationship between them, etc.

To analyze complexized systems, similar to those that, for example, is a human society, scientists have developed the concept of "subsystem". Subsystems the "intermediate" complexes are referred to as elements, but less complex than the system itself.

One of the definitions authorities It characterizes it as a social phenomenon as the real ability of a certain subject (individual person, social community, political institution) to carry out its will in social life, to influence the activities, the behavior of people with the help of certain funds - authority, law, violence. The management of society by a certain social group (or coalition of groups), which has a decisive influence on the government's power structures, is political power. Based on the understanding of politics as a method for the redistribution of social statuses in society, political power is associated with the struggle of social groups for the distribution of social values \u200b\u200bin a socially differentiated (class) society. In terms of its volume, political power is significantly wider by the state of state: state power is only one of the organizational forms of political power.

The word "policy" occurred from Greek politikewhich means in the translation of "state affairs", "the art of government management".

The policy did not always exist. Among the reasons for its occurrence, the polarization of society, leading to the emergence of social contradictions and conflicts in need of permission, as well as the increased level of complexity and significance of the management of society, which required the formation of special, separated from the people of the authorities. The emergence of political and state power is the most important policy background.

Science offers various policy definitions.

Politics- This is a relationship between states, classes, social groups, nations arising about the seizure, implementation and retention of political power in society, as well as relations between states in the international arena.

Politics - These are the activities of state bodies, political parties, public associations in the field of relations between social groups (classes, nations, states) aimed at integrating their efforts to strengthen political power or its conquest.

Politics - The scope of teams, parties, individuals, the state associated with the implementation of common interests with the help of political power.

Political life includes not only the state, but also other non-government institutions and organizations that also carry out some political functions. These are parties, public, etc. Organizations involved in power structures. All of them enter certain volitional relations about the implementation of political power. Their aggregate, organic bond and interaction within the state means the political system of society.

The political system includes four components:

1) Political organization of the Company: state, political parties and movements, public organizations and associations, etc.;

2) socio-political and legal norms regulating the political life of society and the process of implementing political power; political relations;

3) political ideology: political consciousness characterizing the psychological and ideological aspects of political power and political system;

4) political practice consisting of political activities and cumulative political experience.

The structure of the political system means from which elements it consists, as they are connected with each other.

There are various political systems. The basis of the classification of political systems, as a rule, is a political regime, that is, the nature and method of interaction between power, personality and society. Let's call them without disclosure:

Distribution type, market, convergent,

Liberal-democratic, totalitarian, authoritarian,

Open and closed, etc.

Civil society operates at several levels: industrial, socio-cultural and political-legal. At the first level Citizens create associations or organizations (private, joint-stock enterprises, professional associations) to meet their basic food needs, clothing, housing; on the second - To meet the needs for spiritual improvement, in knowledge, information, communication and faith, such public institutions, as a family, church, media, creative unions are created; third level Associate political and legal relations in which the needs of citizens in political activities are being implemented. For this, they create parties and political movements that are elements of the political system of society.

From this we can conclude that the political system in society performs a variety of specific functions to which can be attributed to:

Definition of goals, tasks, ways to develop society;

Organization of the Company's activities to achieve the goals;

Distribution of material and spiritual resources;

Coordination of the diverse interests of the subjects of the political process;

Development and implementation of various norms of behavior into society;

Ensuring the stability and security of society;

Political socialization of the individual, the introduction of people to political life;

Control over the implementation of political and other modifications of summing up, preventing attempts by their violation.

Under political system of societyunderstand the combination of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms of interactions and relationships between them, in which political power is being implemented.

In the political system, the main role is played by the state ensuring the political organization of society. Many scientists in the substantiation of the dominant place of the state in the political system of society lead a number of arguments:

"The state solves the common problems of the country.

"It is the only full-fledged organization on the scale of the country.

"It defines the main directions of the development of society in the interests of all and every person.

"It is an official representative of common interests and goals both within the country and abroad.

The political system reflects the level of political creativity in society, the nature of the political participation of the population in society, the processes of legal consolidation of power, the distribution of political roles, etc. It has a huge impact on the culture, economy, ideology, being a necessary element of all social reality.

Elements of the political system

Political science allocates four major elements of a political system, sometimes called subsystems: institutional, communicative, regulatory and cultural and ideological.

TO institutional subsystem pOLITICAL INSTITUTES (ORGANIZES), among which the state occupies a special place. Political parties and socio-political movements play a large role in the political life of society.

All political institutions can be divided into three groups.

To the first groupThe actually political includes organizations, the direct goal of the existence of which is the exercise of power or impact on it (state, political parties and socio-political movements).

To the second group - Not actually political - organizations include activities in the economic, social, cultural spheres of society (trade unions, religious and cooperative organizations, etc.). They do not set themselves independent political tasks, do not participate in the struggle for power. However, their goals cannot be achieved outside the political system, and therefore such organizations should participate in the political life of society, defending their corporate interests, seeking their accounting and implementation in politics.

To the third group There are organizations whose activities have only a minor political aspect. They arise and function for the realization of personal interests and the inclined of any layer of people (clubs in interest, sports societies), acquiring political tints as objects of impact from the state and other political institutions actually. They themselves are not active subjects of political relations.

Communicative subsystem the political system of society is a combination of relations and forms of interaction, developing between classes, social groups, nations, individuals on their participation in the implementation of power, developing and implementing policies.

Politicalrelationships are the result of numerous and diverse links of policies in the process of political activities. To join them and political institutions encourage their own political interests and needs. Highlight primary and secondary (Derivative) political relations. The first includes various forms of interaction between social groups (classes, nations, estates, etc.), as well as within them, to the second - relations between states, parties, other political institutions reflecting the interests of certain social layers or the entire society.

Regulatory subsystem. Political relations are built on the basis of certain rules (norms). Political norms and traditions that determine and regulating the political life of society are constituted regulatory subsystem political system of society. The most important role is played by legal norms (constitutions, laws, other regulatory acts). The activities of parties and other public organizations are regulated by their statutory and programms. In many countries (especially in England and its former colonies), along with political standards recorded in texts of legal acts, unwritten customs and traditions are of great importance.

Another group of social norms constitute ethical and moral norms, in which the submission of the entire society or its individual layers are enshrined and evil, truth, justice. Modern society approached the awareness of the need to return to the policy of such moral landmarks, as an honor, conscience, nobility.

Cultural and ideological subsystem the political system is a combination of various political ideas, views, ideas, feelings of participants in political life in its content. The political consciousness of the subjects of the political process operates at two levels - theoretical (political ideology) and empirical (political psychology). The formations of the manifestation of political ideas include views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories, and to political psychology - feelings, emotions, moods, prejudices, traditions, but in the political life of society they are equal. In the ideological subsystem, a special place is occupied by political culture, understood as a complex typical of this society of rooted samples (stereotypes) of behavior, value orientation, political ideas.

Political culture is transmitted from generation to generation experience in political activities, which combines knowledge, beliefs and models of human behavior and social groups.

The political system is a holistic, ordered set of elements whose interaction generates a new quality that does not inherent in its parts.

The main elements of the political system are political institutions:

1. state;
2. political parties;
3. public organizations and associations;
4. institutes of Direct Democracy (elections, referendums, demonstrations, rallies, etc.).

There are various classifications of political systems.

Political regime - This is a combination of the principles of the organization and functioning of political power institutions.

The principles on which the functioning of political systems is shared are:

§ Method of making power solutions;

§ limits of the authorities of the authorities in regulation of social relations.

By method of adopting power solutions Democratic and authoritarian political systems can be distinguished.

Another sign of dividing political systems - the limits of the intervention of the authorities in regulation of public relations. Liberal and totalitarian political modes are isolated by the criterion.

On a socio-economic basis, they are divided into the following types.

Totalitarian distribution. They are based on a ratified economy and the state distribution of material goods. The political regime in such a system is totalitarian.

Liberal democratic. Their base is a market economy, they are characterized by a democratic political regime.

Convergence and mobilization. They are based on a combination of state intervention in the economy with the market. Such systems usually correspond to the mode of varying degrees of authoritarianity.

Elements of the political system

Obviously, in each particular society, its specific political system is formed, since the components of its elements - traditions, institutions, political values, etc. - In different societies are different. Note that politics is open system. It actively interacts with other areas of society - economic, spiritual, social, affecting them and experiencing response.

There are various grounds for allocating the main elements of the political system. Consider the first of the classifications in which subsystems are distinguished:

§ organizational and institutional - These are organizations (social groups, revolutionary movements, etc.) and institutions - parliamentarism, party, public service, legal proceedings, citizenship, presidency, etc.;

§ regulatory-Regulatory - political, legal and moral norms, customs and traditions;

§ communicative - relations, links and forms of interaction between participants in the political process, as well as between the political system as a whole and society;

§ cultural and ideological - Political ideas, ideology, political culture, political psychology.

Organizational and institutional subsystem

Political organization - an organized group of people acting in order to achieve a certain political goal, for example: political party; socio-political movement; initiative group of citizens nominate candidate for deputies; public association affecting public policy; Cell of revolutionaries, etc. You can also allocate organizations that have political goals, but these goals are not the main (for example, trade unions or church). Finally, some organizations do not have obvious political goals (let's say, club of mushrooms), but under certain conditions can act as political organizations.

Political Institute - A more complex element of the political system, which is a sustainable type of social interaction, regulating a certain portion of the political sphere of society. The Institute performs an important function (or several functions), meaningful for the whole society, forming an ordered system of social roles and interaction rules.

Examples of political institutions are parliamentarism, institute of civil service, institutes of executive power, institute of the head of state, presidency, monarchy, legal proceedings, citizenship, political law, political parties, etc. The main institution in the political system is the state.

Communicative subsystem

TO communicative component The political system of society includes relations, communications, forms of interaction and communication, which develop the entrance of political activities.

To implement their political goals, participants in political activities (institutions, organizations, large social community, individuals) should build various relations between themselves and the social environment. Communication, forms of interaction and communication, which add up in this process, represent the communicative subsystem of the political system of society. For example, this is the interaction of parliamentary committees; bonds arising between the parties and government agencies; relations between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the authorities; Communication of the state with the population, etc.

Channels of connection play an important role in the communicative subsystem, on them information about the needs of the population is transmitted from the population to the state (this can be open hearings, the commission for the investigation, sociological surveys, the results of the elections) and back - from the state to the population (media playing an important role is played here Meet the population with political decisions adopted by laws, etc.).

Norms of political interaction Include political, legal and moral norms, as well as customs and traditions.

Cultural and ideological subsystem

In cultural and ideological The component of the political system includes political ideas, views, ideas, beliefs and feelings of political participants. Conditionally, a political and psychological level may be allocated in the cultural and ideological component concerning predominantly behavioral aspects of policies, and a political and ideological level focused on political theory.

Political psychology Concentrated on the behavior of individuals, groups and whole societies, as well as on their motivation, sentiments, opinions, feelings, emotions, beliefs, delusions, etc. Of particular importance here are the psychology of the crowd, charisma of leaders, manipulation by mass consciousness, etc.

Political ideology Represents a higher level and includes political ideas, concepts, theory, teachings. The center of the political and ideological level is political culture.

Under political culture Understand the part of the spiritual culture of mankind, which includes a combination of political knowledge, values \u200b\u200band behaviors, as well as political languages, symbols and traditions of statehood.

All elements of the political system, being in constant interaction, contribute to the implementation of important social functions:

§ determination of promising areas of social development;

§ Optimization of the Company's movement to its goals;

§ resource allocation;

§ coordination of the interests of various subjects; the introduction of citizens to active participation in politics;

§ Development of norms and rules of the behavior of members of society;

§ control over the implementation of norms, laws and rules;

§ Ensuring stability and security in society.

The political system includes the following institutions:

§ the state and its bodies;

§ political parties;

§ socio-political movements;

§ Pressure groups, or groups of interest.


State - The main system-forming element, it combines all other elements of the political system into a single integer. The state is the strongest subject of politics, because it has the power and the ability to force. At the same time, the state and the object of political struggle, the prize for various political forces in the struggle for the possession of the state machine. Not always it functions in the political system as a whole. In the course of the political struggle, individual state bodies may acquire independent importance (as a result of the confrontation of political forces): for example, the army that commits a coup. In conflict between Russian President and the Supreme Council (Parliament) in 1993, the president represented some political forces, and the parliament is others. This situation cannot exist for a long time, since destabilizes the political system.

State and state power - award for the victim in the election of the party. In such political systems there are developed parties and fairly effective control over the authorities.

The relatively important role of the state and bureaucracy as independent actors in the exercise of power, along with the parties whose role is also essential.

Political parties

The party is an organization that combines citizens of the same political views to fight for power or for the implementation of its program.

Party is an ideological organization. The ideology (philosophy) of the party is a set of ideas that it is guided in their activities.

According to ideological principles, the party is divided into:

§ conservative;

§ liberal;

§ democratic;

§ Social democratic;

§ Socialist;

§ communist;

§ Nationalist.

The party has a permanent organizational structure and senior personnel, necessarily has the charter and issued membership. According to Russian legislation, the party is considered to be an organization, which has no less than 50 thousand members. The party has a program with concrete proposals that it intends to implement, coming to power, or does the ruling party.

Purpose of the party - conquer and maintain state power. If the organization does not put such a goal, then it is not a political party. Political parties usually represent the interests of certain social groups.

In relation to the political system, the party is divided into systemic and non-system. Systemic Forms a part of this political system and operate according to TE, guided by its laws. The system party is fighting for power by legal methods, that is, adopted in this system, in elections. Non-system parties Do not recognize this political system, fighting for its change or elimination is usually violent. Usually they are illegal or semi-face.

Party role in the political system It is determined by its authority and confidence of voters. It is the parties that the state is formulated that the state is carried out when this party becomes ruling. In democratic systems, as a rule, the party rotation takes place: from the ruling they go to opposition, and from the opposition - again to the ruling. By the number of batch, political systems are classified as follows: single-party - authoritarian or totalitarian: bipartisan; Multi-Parliate (the latter prevail). Russian political system - multi-party.

The state, as an element of the political system of society, the state is the organization of political power, promoting the preferential implementation of specific interests (class, universal, religious, national, etc.) within a certain territory. The state is part of the political system, its element, concentrating the diversity of political interests. It occupies a leading place in the political system of society. The political system is a holistic, ordered set of elements whose interaction generates a new quality that does not inherent in its parts. The main elements of the political system are political institutions: 1. State; 2. Political parties; 3. Public organizations and associations; 4. Institutes of direct democracy (elections, referendums, demonstrations, rallies, etc.).

State functions The main function of the state is to ensure the comfortable residence of their citizens. To this end, the state performs a number of tasks: management of the economy and society; Defense of own territory. As social relations develop the possibility of more civilized behavior of the state. The nature of the state and its position in the political system suggests a number of specific functions that distinguish it from other political institutions. The functions of the state are the main directions of its activities related to the sovereignty of state power. The objectives and objectives of the state differ from the functions, reflecting the main directions of elected to those or another government or regime of a political strategy, the means of its implementation. Political institution

The classification of the state functions of the state function is classified: on the sphere of public life: on domestic and external, on the duration of action: permanent (implemented at all stages of state development) and temporary (reflecting a certain stage in the development of the state), by meaning: on basic and additional, Visibility: on explicit and latent, on the effect on society: on guard and regulatory.

The main classification is the division of state functions on internal and external. The internal functions of the state: the legal function of ensuring the rule of law, the establishment of legal norms regulating the public relations and the behavior of citizens, the protection of human rights and freedoms and citizen. Right-order political function Ensuring political stability, the development of software and strategic goals and the tasks of the development of society. Political organizational function The streamlining of all imperative activities, the implementation of control over the execution of laws, coordination of activities of all subjects of the political system. Organizational function Economic function Organization, coordination and regulation of economic processes, with the help of tax and credit policies, planning, creating incentives of economic activity, sanctions. EconomicalLight Credit

Social function Ensuring solidarity relations in society, cooperation of various layers of society, the implementation of the principle of social justice, the protection of the interests of those categories of citizens who, by virtue of objective reasons, cannot independently provide a decent standard of living (disabled, retirees, mother, children), support for housing construction, Health, public transport systems. Social function Environmental function Guaranteing a healthy habitat, establishing environmental management. Environmental cultural function Creating conditions for satisfying cultural needs of people, the formation of high spirituality, citizenship, guaranteeing an open information space, the formation of state cultural policies. Cultural State Cultural Policy Educational Function Activities to ensure democratization of education, its continuity and quality, providing people to equal opportunities for education. Education

The external functions of the state: the foreign policy function of the development of diplomatic relations between states, the conclusion of international treaties, participation in international organizations. Foreign Political Function Filmatic Relations The function of ensuring national security maintaining a sufficient level of society's defense capacity, protection of the territorial integrity, sovereignty and security of the state. National safetySecurity of the state The function of maintaining a world order participation in the development of a system of international relations, to prevent wars, to reduce armaments, participation in solving global human problems There are international relations the function of mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic, political, cultural and other areas with other states.

The word "politics" occurred from Greek Politike, which means in the translation of "state affairs", "the art of government management". Politics are the activities of state bodies, political parties, public associations in the field of relations between social groups (classes, nations, states), aimed at integrating their efforts to strengthen political power or its conquest. The category "Political System" reflects the focus of the political process. The purpose of the functioning of the political system is to ensure power in society.

The political system includes four components: 1) the political organization of the Company: the state, political parties and movements, public organizations and associations, etc.; 2) socio-political and legal norms regulating the political life of society and the process of implementing political power; political relations; 3) political ideology: political consciousness characterizing the psychological and ideological aspects of political power and political system; 4) political practice consisting of political activities and cumulative political experience.

The structure of the political system means from which elements it consists, as they are connected with each other. There are various political systems. The basis of the classification of political systems, as a rule, is a political regime, that is, the nature and method of interaction between power, personality and society. We call them without disclosure: \u003d distribution type, market, convergent, \u003d liberal-democratic, totalitarian, authoritarian, \u003d open and closed, etc.

Under the political system of society, the combination of various political institutions, socio-political communities, forms of interactions and relationships between them, in which political power is being implemented. In the political system, the main role is played by the state ensuring the political organization of society. Many scientists in the substantiation of the dominant place of the state in the political system of society lead a number of arguments: "The state solves the common problems of the country. "It is the only full-fledged organization on the scale of the country. "It defines the main directions of the development of society in the interests of all and every person. "It is an official representative of common interests and goals both within the country and abroad.

The political system of society is a category that reflects political activities and emphasizes the systemic nature of the political life of society. Political science allocates four major elements of a political system, sometimes called subsystems: institutional, communicative, regulatory and cultural ideological. The institutional subsystem includes political institutions (organizations), among which the state occupies a special place. Political parties and socio-political movements play a large role in the political life of society. Elements of the political system

Communicative subsystem of the political system of society is a set of relations and forms of interaction, developing between classes, social groups, nations, individuals on their participation in the implementation of power, developing and implementing policies. Political relations are the result of numerous and diverse relations of policies in the process of political activities. To join them and political institutions encourage their own political interests and needs. Select primary and secondary (derivative) political relations. The first includes various forms of interaction between social groups (classes, nations, estates, etc.), as well as within them, to the second relationship between states, parties, other political institutions, reflecting the interests of certain social layers or the entire society.

Regulatory subsystem. Political relations are built on the basis of certain rules (norms). Political standards and traditions that determine and regulating the political life of society are a regulatory subsystem of the political system of society. The most important role is played by legal norms (constitutions, laws, other regulatory acts). The activities of parties and other public organizations are regulated by their statutory and programms.

The cultural and ideological subsystem of the political system is a combination of various political ideas, views, ideas, feelings of participants in political life. The political consciousness of the subjects of the political process operates at two levels of theoretical (political ideology) and empirical (political psychology). The formats of manifestation of political ideas include views, slogans, ideas, concepts, theories, and to political psychology feelings, emotions, moods, prejudices, traditions, but in the political life of society they are equal. In the ideological subsystem, a special place is occupied by political culture, understood as a complex typical of this society of rooted samples (stereotypes) of behavior, value orientation, political ideas. Political culture This is transmitted from generation to generation experience in political activity, which combines knowledge, beliefs and models of human behavior and social groups.

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