The image of the mother in the works of the XIX century writers. Mother's image in Russian poetry

Gardening 01.10.2019

The theme of the mother is so long and organically inherent in Russian poetry that

it seems possible its consideration as a special literary phenomenon. Taking the source from the very beginning of Russian literature, this topic consistently passes through all the stages of its development, but even in the poetry of the 20th century, retains its main features.

In the Russian folklore, the mother's image passes from the general for all peoples in the era of the matriarchate cult of the Great Goddess, from Slavic pagan beliefs, special reverence in Russia's Russia. In the folk beliefs, the women's deity, associated with the "Mother-raw-earth", lived in the pagan, and in Christian uniform up to the 20th century, combining in Russia along with the main subsequently worship of the Virgin.

The first manifestations of the mother's image can be observed in folklore works, initially in the domestic ritual folklore, in wedding and funeral songs. Already here are its main features, peculiar to him and subsequently - in special epithets when farewelling with his mother: as the bottom of our abandon, / night and mantis mantis ....

Such a characteristic was usually given in the people of the Virgin, she called "an ambulance assistant, warm intercession," our sadness "," the intercession of our and prayer, the defender of the whole genus Christian. " So the image of the mother of everyone correlated with the heavenly senior maternal way.

In the funeral crypts also expressed the deep connection of the mother with

mother-raw-earth, and in maiden wedding bales when separated from

"Mother" and the native house, as well as in the recruit songs, the image of the mother stood in connection with the images of native places, the Motherland.

So, the three main hypostasis of the image of the mother who persist in poetry up to the present day, there were already at the dawn of verbal art of Russia - Our Lady, Mother, Motherland: "In the circle of the Heavenly Force - the Virgin, in the circle of the natural world - Earth, in a generic social life - Mother, are on different steps of the cosmic divine hierarchy with carriers of one maternal beginning. "The first mother - the Most Holy Mother of God, / the second mother - Cheese Earth, / Third Mother - how to take sorrow ...".

The image of Our Lady, especially the people in the people, most often embodied in folk spiritual verses and apocryphs, where "the passions of Christ" were transferred through the suffering of the mother ("Dream of the Virgin", "Battle of the Virgin"). G. P.

Fedotov emphasizes the peculiarity of the Russian image of the Virgin, who distinguishes its image from Western Catholic: "In the image of it, not young and not old, as if untimely, as in the Orthodox icon, the people honor the heavenly beauty of motherhood. This is the beauty of the mother, not the Virgin. " At the same time, the image of the Divine Heavenly Mother in folk verses is endowed with human-female. Her crying on their son coincide in its shape and lexical composition with funeral plates of ordinary mothers. This also confirms the prominency in the folk mind of the images of God's Mother and the Earth Mother of Man.

In the folklore, we find another substantial phenomenon for the development of the topic of the mother: this topic could be embodied on the first person when the image of the mother revealed through her about himself, through her experiences and the inner world. This is the image of the mother primarily in the crying mothers on children, where the mother directly expresses his sorrow, partly in the lullabies, in which the thought is laid at the same time about the future of the child and about the fate of the mother herself. This method of incarnation of the image of the mother - on behalf of the mother itself - will go into the poetry of the XX century.

In the ancient Russian written literature continues the line of development

the image of Our Lady, coming from spiritual poems - in apocryphs, in works on the miraculous strength of this image. So, in the "Zadonshchina" and "Tale of Mamaev Boy", the Mother of God saves the Russian people, but at the same time, it costs it along the way with the way of the whole Russian land, for which the battle is coming, as well as raw land, the soil, to which the rumor the prince bowed Dmitry so that she suggests him the outcome of the battle.

Closer to the literature of the New Time, in the XVII century, the image of the earth's mother, in connection with the increase in the personal beginning, authorship, deepening psychologism, with such a concept that D. S. Likhachev identified as "individualization of life". These trends are especially noticeable in the key to the development of the Mother's Image of the Work - "Tale about Osorina's Olyania", where "the ideal of the mother is depicted in the face of Juliania Lazarevskaya Son Her Calicistrea Osornin." The author's mother appears in this almost the agiographic work of the Holy, but the idealization of its image is already "on reduced soil", its holiness is in the "economic ministry of households" (D. S. Likhachev).

In the literature of the XIX century, the mother's theme was continued in the work of many writers and poets. First of all, in the work of M. Yu. Lermontov and N. A. Nekrasov. In Poetry M. Yu. Lermontov, the mother's theme, the very beginning to enter the classic high poetry, has an autobiographical start (his record about the song, which "peeped the deceased mother" - with this record, the poems of the same period are directly related: "Caucasus", and Also "Angel", where it is not by chance that the song bears a kind of beautiful memory). In poetry M. Yu. Lermontov, a complex single knot was laid out of a romantic memoil of his own mother, gradual complication, psychologicalization and "reduction" of a female image in his lyrics, as well as from the images of earthly nature and prayers to the Mother of God. All the threads of this node stretch from the beginning of the existence of Russian literature - through the poetry of M. Yu. Lermontov and N. A. Nekrasov - Next, up to the present day, and each of them is important as a component of the mother's topics in the literature. Approaching a female image to reality, the trend of realism, gradually amplifying in the poetry of M. Yu. Lermontov, leads to another way of incarnation of the mother's topic - objective when the image of the mother in poetry is almost equal to a separate literary character. Thus, his "Cossack Lullaby", associated with life, with folklore traditions, reflected the overall blow of the literary process along the path of "democratization" (D.E. Maximov) and presented the first image of a simple mother from the people in the subsequent gallery of the like.

It should also be emphasized by N.A. Nekrasov in the formation

mother's topics in Russian poetry - the poets of the 20th century were in creating a mother's image from Nekrasov. His poetic heritage provides a rich material to solve this image, both in the romantic and realistic vein. So, everything that has been connected with the mother's mother's mother was in his poetry, as if the remaining not touched by the general bias of his creative path to realism ("Motherland", "Knight per hour"). The top of the development of such a "ideal", even the deified image of the mother - the death poem of N. A. Nekrasov "Bayushki-Bai", where the mother is directly endowed with Divine features and towers to the image of Our Lady and at the same time another Nekrasovskoy shrine - Motherland. But in the poetry N. A. Nekrasov, as a realist, an image of a mother embodied "on reduced soil" is also present from the very beginning. This line in his work goes from the parody of Lermontovskaya "Cossack Lullaby" of the 1840s. Later, it will lead to the folk image of the mother ("Orina, Mother Soldiers'", the poems "Frost, Red Nose", "Who lives well in Russia"), created by epic laws, on the principles of objective reality. This is no longer a poet's mother, which he sneaks and perpetuates from his subjective positions, but a certain character arising in poem with his history, personal features and speech characteristics.

Particularly wrote about his mother S. A. Yesenin. The image of the mother is inextricably linked in his verses with the image of the village house with blue shutters, the birch of the Ocean, the road, which goes away. The poet as if asked for forgiveness from the old woman "in the old-fashioned, Old Shushuna." In many verses, he asks her not to worry about the fate of an unpleasant son. In the image of the mother for him, all the mothers, waiting for their sons home, are united. Perhaps in the nature of the mother laid the desire to take care of their younger children, to protect them from life adversity, troubles. But often in this desire too caring mothers reach extremes, depriving their children any initiative, being taken to live under constant care.

She stood at his cradle, she loved him as a son. "My mother ...", "he said about her. She was dedicated to the verses of famous poets, memories remained about it in the centuries. Arina Rodionovna, Nanny of the Great Poet of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. Biographers A. S. Pushkin will call it the noblest and typical face of the Russian world. The poet loved her kindestream, unchanged love and in the years of matureness and glory talked with her for an entire hour. The entire fabulous Russian world was known for her, and she passed it extremely original. Among the letters to A. S. Pushkin from all celebrities of Russian society are notes and notes from the old babysitter, which he is on a par with the first, and the poet is talking about the attachment to her poems, it is dedicated to it, for example: "Girlfriend of my harsh ..."

Girlfriend days of my harsh,

My dove is mine!

One in the wilderness of pine forests

For a long time, you have long been waiting for me.

You are under the window of your Svetlitsy

You grieve, as if on the clock,

And slow the spokes

In your murred hands.

You look at the forgotten gates

On a black remote path;

Tosca, Premonition, Care

Clear your chest.

That messes you. . .

N. V. Gogol was one of the first Russian writers who created the image of the Russian mother in the Taras Bulba story. "I slept everything in the yard ... One poor mother did not sleep. She straightened to the head of expensive sons of his who were lying near; She combed the ridge of their young, casually expired curls and wet them with tears; She looked at them all, looked all the feelings, all turned into one vision and could not look. She fielled them with her own breast, she severed, trembled them. "My Sons, My Sons are cute! What will happen to you? What awaits you? " She said, and tears stopped in wrinkles who changed her once a beautiful face. Youth without pleasure flashed in front of her, and her beautiful fresh cheeks without lobsiens were sweated and covered with premature wrinkles. All love, all feelings, all that is a gentle and passionate in a woman, everything turned in her mother's sense. She is with a heat, with passion, with tears, like a steppe seagull, rushed over their children. For each drop of blood, she would give them all herself.

A month from the embroidered sky has long been illuminated by the entire courtyard, ... And she was all sitting in the heads of the cute sons of their own, he didn't give her eyes for a minute and did not think about sleep. "

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Mother's image through a century

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The image of the mother is a national cultural symbol that has not lost its high value from ancient times to the present day.Nevertheless, the image of a mother as a literary category, despite the obvious significance and sustainability in Russian literature throughout its entire existence, remains essentially not investigated in domestic philology. Based on this contradiction and the urgent need, we decided to turn to the study of the problem of the embodiment of the image and theme of the mother in Russian literature. The chronological framework of the study is limited to a period of xi XX century, however, in order to reveal the topic more fully, we were forced to also contact the history of the literature of previous periods.

The main difficulty in selection of materials on the problem of mother's theme in Russian poetry is due to the fact that this topic in science on literature is still practically not covered. In this regard, the work was carried out as careful selection and union of different information from various artistic and scientific sources.

The purpose of research work:track, as in Russian literature, faithful to its traditions, depicted the image of a female mother, and prove that this image will always be present in Russian Word.

In its study, we turned to prose and poetry of the XIX - XX centuries. Working on the study, we set themselves the following tasks:

to tell what place the image of a female mother in the artistic literature is occupied;

show the immortality of the mother's image in time; To carry out a slight study on the relationship between our peers with mom.

The relevance of the problem: On white light there are words that we call saints. And one of these saints, warm, gentle words - "Mom". The word carries the warmth of the mother's hands, the maternal word, the maternal soul. Three people are born every second in the world, and they will also soon be able to pronounce the word "mother". From the first day of the child's day, their mother lives his breath, his tears and smiles. The sun warms all living things, and her love warms the life of the baby. But the main thing, mother introduces child to his homeland. In his mouth, she invests a native language, which has entered the wealth of mind, thoughts and feelings of generations. Is anything can be relevant? Every year on November 26, the Mother's Day is celebrated in our country.

Mum! The most expensive and close man. She gave us life, gave a happy childhood. Maternal heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming us with their warmth. She is our best friend, the wise adviser. Mother - our angel is a keeper.

Great and diverse Russian literature. It is indisputable by its civil and social sound and meaning. From this Great Sea, you can draw incessantly - and it will not hide it forever. Not by chance, therefore we have books about the partnership and friendship, love and nature, the soldiers' courage and the Motherland ... and any of these topics received its complete and decent embodiment in the deep and peculiar works of domestic masters.

But there is another holy page in our literature, dear and close to anyone's heart is works about the mother.

With respect and appreciation, we look at a person, to the gray hair of a reverently uttering mother's name for their old age respectively; And the contempt of an execution of the one who in the bitter senile, it turned away from her, refused to have a good memory, a piece or blood.

In relation to the mother, the people measured their attitude towards a person ...

Mother ... the most expensive and close man. She gave us life, gave a happy childhood. Maternal heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming us with their warmth. She is our best friend, the wise adviser. Mother - our angel is a keeper.

That is why the image of the mother becomes one of the main in Russian literature already in the XIX century.

    Main part

    Mother's image in oral folk creativity

The appearance of the mother already in oral folk art acquired the captivating features of the custodian of the focus, working and the faithful wife, defenders of their own children and the unchanged wardwoman for all disadvantaged, offended and offended. These defining the qualities of the maternal soul are displayed and the pigs are still in Russian folk tales and folk songs.

The history of the mother's topics leads its origin from the very emergence of Russian literature. The first appearance of the topic of the mother in the literature we can observe in folk works, in the household ritual folklore, in wedding and funeral songs. Then in works that are not related to the rite, in the so-called spiritual verses, the high image of motherhood begins to cultivateespecially honorably in the people of Our Lady. A vivid example of the entry of the earth's concrete image of a mother in written literature is the "Tale of Osiana Osornin". The author's mother appears in this almost the agiographic work of the Holy, but the idealization of its image is already "on reduced soil", and its holiness is in the "economic ministry of households."

The people always honored the mother! In oral poetry from ancient times, her appearance is endowed with the brightest features: she is the keeper of a family hearth, a defender of his own children, the warden for all disadvantaged and offended.

Not by chance in the people also lives a lot of good, gentle words about the mother. We do not know who they were told for the first time, but they are very often repeated in life and go from generation to generation: "There is no nice friend, than a birthplace Mother", "with a sun light, with a matushka Heat", "Bird is glad spring, and Mother's baby "," Who has a uterus, that head is smoking "," Mama Roda - Candle is restless. "

How much is it invented and written about mother, how many poems, songs, thoughts! Is it possible to say something new?!

There are many examples when the heroism of the woman's mother saved his children, his relatives. One of these examples is Avdota Ryazan from the national legend of the courage of a simple woman - Mother. (Evna "Avdoty Ryazan"). This epic is remarkable in that it's not a man - a warrior, and a woman - the mother "won the battle with the Horde." She got up to defend her relatives, and thanks to her courage and the mind "went Ryazan to Polon."

The image of the mother in the Russian poetry of the 20th century is also limited to the poetry x I.The X century, first of all, with the names of Lermontov and Nekrasov, in whose work this image played a prominent role.

Lermontov the theme of the mother, only the beginning to enter the classic high poetry, has an autobiographical principle, which confirm the poem "Caucasus" (1830), as well as an "Angel" (1831).The trends of realism, gradually increasing in the poetry of Lermontov, approaching the female image to more terrestrial, lead to another way of incarnation of the theme of the mother - objective ("Cossack Lullaby" with its way a simple mother from the people).

In early Russian literature, which, for known reasons, initially was the lotion of only representatives of the highest classes, the mother's image remained in the shadows for a long time. Perhaps the named item was not considered a worthy high syllable, and maybe the reason for such a phenomenon is more simple and natural: after all, then the noble children, as a rule, were taken to educate not only governors, but also the Kormilitz, and the children of the noble class, unlike the children of peasant were artificially distant from the mother and were fed by milk of other women; Therefore, it happened - even if not quite conscious - the dullness of sons of feelings, which could ultimately not affect the work of future poets and prosaikov.

It is no coincidence that Pushkin does not say a single poem about his mother and so many adorable poetic initiations of Nyan Arine Rodionov, which, by the way, the poet often called gently and carefully - "Mamushka".

    Mother in the work of the great Russian poet N.A. Nekrasov

True, deeply theme of the mother sounded in the poetry Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov. Closed and discrepanted by nature, Nekrasov literally did not find enough bright words and strong expressions to assess the role of the mother in his life. And the young men, and the old man of Nekrasov always with love and admissions spoke of his mother. A similar attitude towards her, in addition to the usual sons of attachment, flowed, undoubtedly, from the consciousness of what he was obliged to:

And if I easily shook over the years

With the soul of my intersecting traces

I remember all the reasonable legs,

Proud of ignorance environment

And if I filled the life of the struggle

For the ideal of good and beauty,

And wears the song, me,

Live Love Deep Damage -

Oh, my mother, I will come to you!

In me saved the live soul you!

(From the poem of N.A. Nekrasova "Mother")

How did the poet of his mother "saved the soul"?

First of all, being a woman highly educated, she joined their children to mental, in particular literary, interests. In the poem "Mother" Nekrasov recalls that another child, thanks to the mother, he met the images of Dante and Shakespeare. She also taught his love and compassion to those "whose ideal is the left grief", that is, to serfs.

The image of a woman - the mother is brightly represented by Nekrasov in many of his works "in full ripping rustic", "Orina, Mother Soldiers', the poem" Looking at the horrors of war ", the poem" Who lives in Russia "...

"Who will protect you?" - appeals the poet in the poem "Mother"

He understands that, besides him, there is no one else to fold the word about the sufferer of the land of Russian, the feat of which is indispensable, but great!

She was filled with sadness,

And between how noisy and abrasions

Three years around her played,

Her mouth thoughtfully whispered:

"Unhappy! Why are you born?

Will you go expensive straight

And you can not avoid fate! "

Do not overshadow the fun of their forties,

Do not cry over them, Martyr-mother!

But tell them from youth early:

There are times, there are whole centuries,

In which there is nothing welcome,

More beautiful - a thunder wreath ...

(From the poem N.A. Nekrasova "Mother")

Another grief happened to him to see "in the gold order of youngsters" - grief in the native family. His mother, Elena Andreevna, a dreamy, meek woman, very suffering in marriage. She was a man of high culture, and her husband had an ignorant, cruel and rude. For all day, she remained alone in the manor, and the husband constantly drove through the neighboring landowners: his favorite entertainment had cards, a booze, a psh hunt for hares. There were days when she played in a piano and cried and sang about her bitter captivity. "She was a singer with an amazing voice," recalled the poet about her subsequently.

I played and sang the hymn sad;

That song, the cry of the soul is long-suffering,

Your firstborn inherited later.

With participation, she treated her to her husband to her husbands and often joined them when he threatened them with violence. But attempts to curb his rage did not always succeeded to her. There were cases that with these attempts, her husband was thrown on her with fists. You can imagine how the son hated him at such moments!

Elena Andreevna knew the world poetry well and often retells the young sown those excerpts from the creations of great writers who were accessible to his understanding. After many years, already an older man, he recalled in the poem "Mother":

Melodies and affection,

Whom you told me fairy tales

About knights, monks, kings.

Then, when I read Danate and Shakespeare,

It seemed that I met familiar features:

Then images from their living world

You wrapped in my mind.

It seems that there was no other poet, which so often, with such a reverend love would resurmine the image of the mother in his verses. This tragic image is immortalized by Nekrasov in the poems of "Motherland", "Mother", "Knight per hour."

"Bayushki-Bay", "Having", "Unfortunate" and others. Thinking in childhood about her sad fate, he has already learned himself in those years to sympathize with all the powerless, oppressed women.

Nekrasov argued that it was the suffering of Mother who was a protest against the oppression of a woman (see the poem "Troika", "in full ripping rustic", "Frost, red nose").

    Nekrasovsky traditions in the poetry of the Great Russian Poet S. A. Yesenin

Nekrasov traditions found their reflection in the poetry of the Great Russian Poet S. A. Yesenin, who created surprisingly sincere poems about his mother - the peasant.

Through the creativity of Yesenin is the light image of the mother of the poet. Endowed with individual features, he grows into the generalized image of a Russian woman, there is still in the youthful poet verses, as a fabulous image of the one that not only gave a whole world, but also made the song with a song. This image takes the concrete earth appearance of the peasant engaged in everyday affairs: "Mother with grasp is not swimming, bent low ..." (poem "Mother's letter")

Loyalty, constancy of feeling, heart dedication, inexhaustible patience are summarized and opoetized by Yesenin in the image of the mother. "Oh, my patient mother!" - This exclamation broke out not by chance: many excitement brings the son, but everything forgives the maternal heart. So the Motive of the Son's guilt is frequent with Yesenin. At his trips, he constantly recalls his native village: she is a road to the memory of youth, but most of all goes there the mother's teenager about the son.

"Cute, kind, old, gentle" mother seems to poet "For the parent dinner." Mother worries - the Son has not been at home for a long time. How is he there, in the distance? The son is trying to calm her in letters: "Time will be dear, native!" In the meantime, "Evening unspecified light" flows over the maternal hut. The son, "still the same gentle", "dreams only that rather from longing a rebel grogging into the lowest one." In the "letter of the mother", the sovie feelings are expressed with a piercing artistic force: "You are one help me and Otrada, you are one of the unspecified light."

It seems to us that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem "Letter of Mother" is primarily to show Russian people to love, always remember their homeland and set up on patriotic way. Indeed, at first glance it may seem that all the feelings of the hero are addressed precisely to a particular person, and partly it can be true, but also the evidence that the "mother" here is not a collective image of the motherland. Of course, some episodes are quite difficult to compare precisely with Russia. For example, "you often go to the road."

Also, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem can be considered the desire of the poet to pay our attention to the fact that we should not forget our mothers. We must more often visit them, care for them and just love them. The lyrical hero regrets that he did not do so and wants to change.

A. Yashin in 1964 wrote a poem "with the mother alone". Even his name is sufficiently similar to the "letter of the mother." However, the idea of \u200b\u200bA. Yashin is impossible to interpret ambiguously. This is the appeal to people, calling for them to listen to the opinion of those who presented them with life, loved them. The situations described in these two poems are also similar. And in that and in another case, the lyrical hero is a personality, from which nothing happened "(as they say, A. Yashin). Also in the "letter of the mother" and in the poem "with the mother alone" it is noted that "because there is nothing anyway in the light of the mile of your illudine bed." According to this example, we want to prove that, indeed, the topic of love for the mother belongs to the eternal topics. However, it is the poem of S. Yesenin that, by 1924, has already honed his skills, seem to us most understandable and pleasant for every Russian person. Because it was this author who knew how no one else would penetrate himself and transferring to his readers that the most "Russian Spirit", which is so expensive.

Yesenin was 19 years old, when he with amazing penetration felt in the poem "Rus", the maternity expectation - "waiting for gray mothers."

Sons became soldiers, the royal service carried them on the bloody fields of world war. Rarely rarely come from them "doodle, derived with such labor", but everyone is waiting for their "chille huts", warmed by the maternal heart.

    Gorky crying mother in poem A.A. Akhmatova "Requiem"

They do not forget their children,

Dead on bloody Niva,

How not to raise wreaku

His dreamed branches.

(From the poem of N.A. Nekrasova "Attentive to the horrors of war)

These lines from the distant 19th century remind us of the bitter cry of the mother, who we hear in the poem Anna Andreevna Akhmatova "Requiem". Here it is, the immortality of true poetry, here it is, the enviable length of its existence in time!

"Requiem" - the poem is complicated, there is no, at first glance, integrity, there is no single hero, a common storyline. She is all as if assembled from the fragments of the mirror, in each of which is a new heroine, a new fate. And a woman from poems is merged with the identity of the author, it opposes others, then unites his fate with the fate of many. But always, in any case, the heroine "Requiem" is a woman, mother and wife.

Already in the first poem, "you took you at dawn .." The painting is granted a wide generalization. There are no personal motives, the lyrical heroine compares himself with the "Streethesky Wives", going "under the Kremlin Towers." The meaning is clear: it is impossible to justify the blood shed.

Personal theme appears in 3,4,5 verses. These are very accurate temporary details ("17 months shout"), and affectionate appeal ("On you, son, in the night prison, Glisses"), this is the characteristics of the most lyrical heroine - "Tsarsko Selo-Merry Sin." But thousands of such victims stand behind the mother and son, so it stands, "three hundred and transmission", in the prison queue.

The image of the mother becomes through and main in the poem. Akhmatova, telling about his fate, about his sufferings, implies the general nature of such fate:

Seventeen months shout

Call you home

Rushed to the feet of the executioner,

You are my son and my horror.

Moreover, the name of the poem (Requiem is a clock service in the Catholic Church), Christian symbolism allow you to compare this image with the image of the Virgin. It is this thought directly expressed in the tenth poem of the poem:

Magdalene beat and sobbed,

Pupil Favorite Kamene,

Too great, the suffering of the mother, losing the whole child. Nothing can compare with this grief.

17 months (1938 - 1939) Akhmatova held in prison queues in connection with the arrest of the Son, Lion Gumilyova: He was arrested three times: in 1935, 1938 and 1949.

Seventeen months shout

Calling you home ...

Everything was confused forever

And I do not disassemble

Now who is a beast, who is a person

And long to wait.

But this is the fate of not only one mother. And the fate of many Mothers of Russia, day-to-judged prisons for prisons in numerous stages with transmissions for children arrested by the carriers of the Stalinist regime.

Before that, grief bent the mountains,

The Great River does not flow

But strong prison shutters,

And behind them "Cutting holes"

And mortal longing.

Mother passes the circles of hell.

X The head of the poem is a culmination - direct appeal to the evangelical issues. The appearance of religious patterns was prepared not only by mentioning saving appeals to prayer, but also the entire atmosphere of the suffering mother, the present son on the inevitable, inevitable death. The suffering of mother is associated with the state of the Virgin of the Virgin Mary; The suffering of the son with the flour of Christ, crucified on the cross. There appears the image "Heaven melted on fire." This is a sign of the greatest catastrophe, a world-historical tragedy.

Magdalene beat and sobbed,

Pupil Favorite Kamene,

And there, where silently mother stood,

So no one to look and did not dare.

Mother's Mountain, it is impossible and inexpressible, its loss is intense, because it is her only son and because this son is God, the Savior's only time. Crucifixion in the "Requiem" - the universal sentence of the inhuman system, which encourages the mother on the immense and disadvantaged suffering, and the only beloved of her, the Son is for non-existence.

Thus, Akhmatova goes beyond the expression of personal experiences. The poem is many-voiced, it merges the voices of those women who stood in endless prison queues in anticipation of the "Stone Word", with a timid hope for a miracle. And the poetess can not have the right to forget it. She must convey all the horror of those days to the descendants. "Requiem" became a cry of exhausted soul, hundreds of souls. Never forget like:

Again, the commemorated hour approached.

I see I hear, I feel you:

And the one that barely before the window brought

And the one that is not the land of the earth,

And the one that beautiful shook his head

Said: "Here I come here, how to go home!"

"Revka" - a brilliant alloy of destiny of the country and the fate of the most Akhmatova. And we are grateful to this great woman who created the poetic chronicle of the era.

5. The tragedy of the mother's image in works about the Great Patriotic War.

The image of the mother is extremely used on itself the features of drama. And it began to look even more tragic against the background of the Great and terrible war in his fierce. Who more mother suffered suffering at this time? About this book Mothers E. Koshevaya "Tale of Son", Kosmodemyanskaya "Tale of Zoe and Shura" ...

Yes, don't tell about it -

What years did you live in!

What immeasurable weight

On the female shoulders lay down!

(M. Isakovsky "Russian Woman")

Mothers cover us with breasts, even at our own existence from any evil,

but they cannot protect their children from the war, and perhaps the war is most directed against mothers. Our mother not only lost their sons, worried about the occupation, worked until the exhaustion, helping the front, but they themselves died in fascist concentration camps, they were tortured, burned in the furnaces of crematoriums.

Why are the people who exactly a mother gave life, so cruel to her?

In the novel, Vasily Grossman "Life and Fate" Violence appears in different kinds, and the writer creates bright, piercing pictures of the threat that it carries for life. It is impossible to read without shudder and tears. Horror, the feeling of fear covers. How could people endure these inhuman tests that have fallen into their share. And especially scary, it becomes not in itself when the mother is bad, the saint being on earth.

And the mother - martyr, sufferer, she always thinks about children, even in the last minutes of life: "How to finish me a letter? Where to get forces, son? Are there human words capable of expressing my love for you? I kiss you, your eyes, your forehead, your hair.

Remember that always in the days of happiness and the day of burning maternal love with you, no one is able to kill it. Hall, live, live forever. Mother is capable of any sacrifice for the sake of children! Great Power of Maternal Love! " (Roman V. Grossman "Life and Fate")

Mother Vasily Grossman died in 1942 from the hands of the fascist executioners.

In 1961, 19 years after the death of the mother, the Son wrote her a letter. It has been preserved in the archive of the widow writer.

"When I die, you will live in the book that I dedicated to you and the fate of which is similar to your destiny" (V. Grossman)

And the hot tear, spilled by the writer in his old mother and in the Jewish people burn our hearts and leaves them a scar of memory.

The story "Mother of Human" Vitaly Vottkina is a heroic poem about the unparalleled courage, durability and humanity of the Russian woman - Mother.

The story of everyday life, inhuman hardships and adversity of the young woman in the deep rear in the Germans grows into the story about the mother and motherhood as the embodiment of the stentedness in the childhood, on endurance, durability, long-suffering, faith in the inevitable victory of good over evil.

B. Zavokatin described the exceptional situation, but in it the author saw and managed to transfer the manifestation of typical traits of a female mother. Talking about the misadventures and experiences of the heroine, the writer constantly seeks to identify in private nationwide. Maria understood that "her grief is only an invisible drop of a drop in that terrible, the wide river of the burning of human, black, illuminated by fires in the river, which, overpaying, the shore rules, looked wider and wider and wider and faster, sought to the east, giving away from Mary's what she lived in this light all their short twenty-nine years ... "

Tale's last scene - when the commander of the regiment of the upcoming Soviet army, having learned the history of the heroine, with all the squadron "sank to Mary on his knees and silently pressed her cheek to her facelessly lowered by a little rigid hand ..." - gives almost a symbolic meaning to fate and the feat of the heroine.

The generalization is achieved by introducing a symbolic image of motherhood - the image of Madonna with a baby on the hands embodied in the marble by a missing artist.

"I was peering into her face," V. V. Splotkin writes, "remembering the story of a simple Russian woman Mary and thought:" There are many things like Maria, we have a great many on earth, and time will come - people will give them due ...

Yes, this time will come. They will disappear on the earth of war ... People will become people-brothers ... They will gain joy, happiness and peace.

So it will be, "... and maybe then the most beautiful, the most majestic monument will be erected by the most beautiful, the most majestic monument, and to her, the worm-worm of the earth, they collect white, black and yellow people-brothers all gold peace, all the gems, all the gifts of the seas, the oceans And the depths of the earth, and, created by the genius of new unknown creators, shine over the earth, the image of the mother of the human, our unwanted faith, our hope, eternal love ... People! My brothers! Take care of your mothers. This mother is given once! " (From the story of V. Vyatkina "Mother Human")

Truly beautiful words, good instruction. But in real life everything is much more complicated, and sometimes the relationship of children and mothers is weird in nature.

It became interesting for us how the relationship with the mother of the boys and girls of our class.

We conducted a survey in which 20 people participated. (Appendix No. 1)

As a result of the study, we came to the conclusion that all the respondents with the mother-friendly relationship. (Appendix No. 2). But sometimes there are conflict situations, as a result of which we are to blame. 70% of eleventh graders believe that children and parents are the culprits of conflicts. (Appendix No. 3)

And on the question: "Does you often tell your mother's tender words?" - 80% answered "rarely". (Appendix No. 4)


Thus, we believe to improve the relationship with your mother, we ourselves need to be ready and attentive to it.

We call on everyone: take care of your moms, let their eyes always shine joy, happiness and warmth!

No matter how navigated you running events

No matter how in your whirlpool,

Eyes Eyes Mom Take care

From the offense, from the burden, from worries ...

As unusually important in our computer-emancipated eyelid, not lose the highest destination of a woman. After all, for a small man who comes into life, where love, good and beauty is always fighting with betrayal, evil and disgrace, where to make a mistake and confuse more than in any physical task, the first teacher should be primarily a mother. And how correctly I was noticed by Jean-Jacques Rousseau: "Initial upbringing is most important, and this initial upbringing, undoubtedly belongs to a woman"

They say our time added difficulties and in the difficult relationship of "fathers and children.". Probably, it is so, because the personal contacts of a person with a person are narrowed, the culture of human communication is reduced. These and other costs of progress undoubtedly affect the family. There is a lot indifferent, cold sons and daughters for whom the mother is no closer than the "neighbor in the apartment." There are many reasons for here, and unfortunately, not always in difficult-looking relationships are kids, much depends on parents, but in particular, and From the mother, because Mom plays an important and, perhaps, the main role in the upbringing of the child. She seems to create a new man, forming the world around the world. It is not by chance that the mother's eyes are the eyes of her child, the words of her child. And When the kid first steps to the ground, he sees the world as he sees his mother.

And how many years we did not have - 5, 15 or 50 - we always need a mother, her caress, her attention, her love, and the more our love for the mother, the happier and brighter life. Is not it?!

Indeed, the work of the mother is one of the holy pages in our literature. This is not only the embodiment of love, happiness, but also inspiration. And the next generation poets will definitely accept this topic to research.

The image of the mother will live in centuries.

    List of information resources

1. A.Akhmatova. Collection of poems. Publishing House in 2008

    V. Grossman. Roman "Life and Fate", Moscow Publishing House 1987

    3..t. Spun. Tale "Mother Human", Publisher in Moscow 1991

4. Yesenin S. A. in verses and life: poem. - M.: Republic, 1995.

    Lermontov M. Yu. Complete assembly of poems in 2 tons. T. 2. Poems and poems. L., OV. Writer, 1989.

    N. N. N.A. Complete essays in 15 tons 2 - L. "Science", 1981.

    Russian folk proverbs and sayings. - M.: Enlightenment, 1990.

    The taste of Yamal's berries: poems, prose. -M.: OJSC Forenburghizdat, 1999.

    "Mommy, beloved, native", collection of poems, proverbs, sayings, sayings. Gubkinskaya CBS, 2002.

    M. Tsvetaeva. Collection of poems. Publishing House in 2008

Appendix No. 1.

Questionnaire "My Relations with Mom"

    Is it possible to call your relationship with your mother friendly?



    How often do you have conflicts with mom?



do not arise

    Appendix number 3.

    Appendix No. 4.


mothers ...

Great and diverse Russian poetry, who has managed during its development and existence to make up and accommodate all the storms of social concussions and transformations. It is indisputable by its civil and social sound and meaning. At the same time, she always knew how to catch and express the finest and innermost movements of the human soul; And in the harsh godines, rising to the vagate thunder, the poetry did not break her pure and thin melody of the in love of the heart; She opened and strengthened the global philosophical truths, shocked existing ideas about the world order.

From this Great Sea, which reflected, seems to be all the abyss, you can draw incessantly - and it does not hide it forever. It is not by chance, therefore we have volumetric collections and whole volumes of poems on the partnership and friendship, love and nature, the soldier's courage and the Motherland. Any of these topics deserved and received its complete and decent embodiment in the deep and peculiar works of masters of poetry.

But there is another holy page in our poetry, expensive and close to anyone to anyone, any uninuted soul that did not forget and not refused to destroy their origins is poetry about the mother.

Poet R. Gamzanov wrote, kneading before his mother:

Stand all and listen to standing,

Preserved in all its glory

The word is an older, holy!

Stretch! Stand! Stand all!

The word does not deceive this name

In it hidden the life of the creature,

In it is the source of everything. He is not the end.

Stand up, I say it: Mom! ..

Mum! How is it, as beautiful this word! Maxim Gorky wrote: "Flowers do not bloom without the sun, there is no happiness without love, there is no love without a woman, there is no poet, no hero, all the pride of the world - from mothers!"

What could be in the light of the most sacred mother! ..

From the first day of the child's birth, their mother lives his breath, his tears and smiles. A man who has not yet done a step on the ground and only the beginning to burst, uncertainly and diligently adds in the syllables of "Ma-Ma" and, feeling his luck, seeing joyful mom, laughs, happy ...

The sun warms everything alive, and maternal love warms the life of the baby. Mom has the best and affectionate heart. Remember lines from the poem L. Nikolaenko:

Love you, mom, for what, I do not know

Probably for living and dreaming,

And I am glad the sun, and a bright day.

For that you, I, my native, love ...

All the most expensive shrines are named and illuminated by the name of the mother, because with the name of this and the very concept of life is connected.

Happy one who since childhood has learned the maternal affection and grew up under the caring warmth and the light of the maternal look; And to death suffers and tormented by the resulting creature in the initial years in the light of the world - Mother; And even ending with his seemingly not in vain and with the benefit of the last century, it cannot, without tears and bitterness, remember this unemployed pain, about that terrible damage, as his unimusted fate agitated.

Not by chance, with all my heart, we respond to the poetry of Lysenko, the poet from Vladivostok, whose biography is easily guessed behind the stakes of the poems: antenna post-war childhood, an indifferent adultery ... A poem is written a poem dedicated to the Mother's memory:

Hand casting fresh throne:

Heat more. I remember the other.

Mother before death will throw in the oven icon -

Then b and I do not wash this.

Then the night seemed long.

Mother died.

I am a naive

Vinyl in all of God, but doctors.

Poet V. Kazin his incomprehensible bitterness and loss showed in the final lines of the poem "on the grave of the mother":

Oppression and grief, and bewilderment,

The nail stood in my creature,

Standing - Your lively continuation

The beginning of the lost one.

With respect and appreciation, we look at a person, to the gray hair of a reverently uttering mother's name and one respectfully protecting her old age; And with contempt - who forgot about a woman who gone and growing it, and in a bitter older, he turned away from her, denied good memory, a piece or blood. Very relevant for such people will be the poem of the poet A. Remisova on the feelings for the mother "Take care of mothers":

I ask you, take care of mothers,

Heat from everyday blizzard,

Their love is one hundred times hot

What friends and favorite girlfriend.

Mother will assume your pain

All terzany, confusion and flour,

Mother puts on the road bread-salt

And it will take advantage of your hands ...

In print literature, which was originally a lot of only representatives of the highest classes, the maternal image remained in the shadows for a long time. Maybe the reason for such a phenomenon is simple and natural: after all, the noble children, as a rule, were taken to educate not only governers, but also fed, and the children of the noble class, unlike the children of the peasant, were artificially distant from the mother and were fed by the milk of other women; Therefore, it happened - let not quite conscious - the dullness of the sons of the feelings, which could not, ultimately, do not affect the work of future poets.

It is not by chance that no poems about their parent and so many adorable poetic initiations of Nyan Arine Rodionov, which the poet often called gently and carefully - "Mamushka".

We all know the favorite Pushkin lines:

Girlfriend days of my harsh,

My dove is mine!

One in the wilderness of pine forests

For a long time, you have long been waiting for me ...

Indeed, nothing human was alien to Alexander Sergeevich. In these stitches, we hear his living voice, overflow the living feeling of the poet.

Truly deep and strongly theme of the mother sounded in democratic poetry. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov created a surprisingly whole and capacious image of the peasant woman's mother. It is enough to remember his poems "... there are women in Russian selets", "in full swing of the rustic rustic", "Orina, Mother Soldiers'", "Knight for an hour", Epopea's poem "Who lives well in Russia."

The appearance of the mother already in oral folk poetry acquired the captivating features of the custodian of the focus, working and the faithful wife, defenders of their own children and the unchanged warden for all disadvantaged, offended and offended. This topic continued in his work. In the poem "Who in Russia live is good" the poet described the love of the children of the peasant woman Matriol Timofeevna. Death Demunchet became a terrible tragedy for the mother. All the hardness of the peasant life, the death of the child still can not break Matriot Timofeevna. It takes time, her children are born every year, and she continues to live, raise their children, carrying hard work. Matriot Timofeevna is ready for everything, just to protect his beloved Chad. This is evidenced by the episode when she wanted to punish her son Fedot. Matrön rushes to his feet to the landowner passing by the landowner so that he helped save the boy from punishment. And the landowner ordered:

Podpa miniatory

For infability, by stupidity

Forgive ... and bubble bang

For about punishant!

For what suffered the punishment of Matriot Timofeevna? For its limitless love for children, for readiness to sacrifice themselves for them.

The traditions of Nekrasov were timely picked up and widely, and completely developed not only by such poets as I. Surikov, I. Nikitin, but during the further literary process and later authors. Of these, first of all, the name of Sergey Yesenin, which created amazingly sincere and emotional poems about his mother, the peasant in the genus and classes, so in something ongoing the gallery of Nekrasov's images.

One of the poems of S. Yesenin "The letter of the mother" is addressed to the closest person on earth and begins with the appeal:

Are you alive yet, my old woman?

I am alive. Hi, hello!

Let flowing over your hut

That evening unspecified light ...

... what do you often go to the road

In old-fashioned old shushun.

The image of the poem expresses the motive of the meeting. From Yesenian lines:

Write to me that you, Tai of Anxiety,

Loaded chobko about me

you can find out that the mother of Yesenin is alive and stands up with anxious meeting with his son.

In the grave moments of life, his heart stretched to the parent hearth. Many Russian poets have repeatedly wrote about mothers, but it seems to me that Yesenin poems can be called the most touching confessions in the love of "cute, native old woman." His lines are full of piercing heartiness.

Peaceful work, the continuation of the kind, the unity of a person with nature - these are the ideals for which the story should be tested. Any retreat from this centuries of the established life threatens unpredictable consequences, leads to the tragedy, unfortunately.

The name of this misfortune is war. The joy of life is overshadowed by memories of the dead and not returning. And how many proliferate mothers will not run on the passions and look out from under the palms - do not wait for a cute heart! How much will be out of swollen and faded eyes to stream the tears - do not climb longing! It is about such constituent burning, nailed poems of poets A. Teddovsky, Ya. Vellakov, D. Blynsky, O. Berggolts, M. Maksimov, A. Dementiev ...

It is impossible without internal trepidation and deep complicity to read the high values \u200b\u200bof the row from the poem of Nekrasov "Attentive to the horrors of war" about the holy sincere tears of mothers:

... saints, sincere tears -

That tears of poor mothers!

They do not forget their children,

Dead on bloody Niva,

How not to raise wreaku

His faded branches ...

This topic continues A. Nedhov in the poem "Maternal tears" despite the fact that the Son returned from the war:

... fifth snow spinned, started the road

Over the bones of the enemy from the Mozhaisk Birch.

Seda's son returned to his native threshold ...

Maternal tears, maternal tears! ..

The other era dictated its motives. The image of the mother began to look even more tragic against the background of the Great and terrible war in his fierce. Who more mother suffered suffering at this time? She lost her sons on the front, worried about the occupation and remained with small children in her arms without bread and the bed, she worked until the exhaustion worked in the shops and fields and, with all the might helping the debris, shared with the front the last piece. She made everything and exhibit, and therefore in our consciousness the concept of "homeland" and "mother" has long merged together.

Beautiful, brazing image of the mother heroine is described in the poem "Mother":

... and herself, like a mother-mother, meet -

Divide the enemy for a short time.

And grabbed her shoulders

And the other handted with her handkerchief.

But what fire was still hidden

In this weak, dried breast!

Grinned, looking at the soldier:

Has the old woman coped? Hold! -

Led, walked on flour

For love and honor to keep the answer.

Litched her, tied hands -

Hands that worked so many years.

What cooked food, rye mowed,

That woven the liestones of the canvas,

That the sons of the warriors were grown, -

Far sons. Circle War ...

Bey - not killed. Like a dog

Throw. Woke up from dew.

So okay. You can even cry

To the tears did not see dogs ...

The image of the mother was extremely used on himself the features of drama and even tragedy and almost always, and above all, sounded socially: if the mother is bad, the saint is the essence on earth, then can we talk about the justice of the world?

It is impossible to remain indifferent to the poem "Requiem".

Describe all the horrors of the church asked her unfamiliar woman, as well as, stood in imprisonment in Leningrad. And Anna Andreevna responded. Otherwise, it could not be, because how she herself says:

I was then with my people,

Where my people, unfortunately, was ...

The repression fell not only on friends, but also for the family of Akhmatova: Son was arrested and Son is arrested - Lev Gumilyov, and then the husband - and earlier, in 1921, the first husband was shot - Yule.

Husband in the grave, son in prison,

Pray for me ... -

she writes in "Requiem", and hears in these rows of the molly of the unfortunate woman who lost their loved ones.

Before us is the fate of mother and son, the images of which are correlated with Evangelical symbolism. We see the simple woman who has a husband at night, the biblical mother whose son crucified. Here we have a simple Russian woman, in the memory of which the crying of children will remain forever, the fallen candle from the Bodge, the mortal sweat on the face of a loved one, whom they will lead to dawn. She will cry on it just like once under the walls of the Kremlin we were crying ragged herbs. That suddenly, before us, the image of a mother, so similar to Anna Ahmatov, who cannot believe that everything happens exactly to her - "mockery", "favorite" ... could she ever think that it would stand three hundred in line in the crosses . And now her whole life in these queues:

Seventeen months shout

Call you home

Rushed to the feet of the executioner,

You are my son and my horror ...

Do not disassemble who "beast" who "man", because they are arrested by innocent people, and all the thoughts of the mother are involuntarily treated to death.

And then the sentence sounds - "Stone Word", and you need to kill memory, make a petrified soul and learn to live again. And the mother thinks again about death, only now - his own. She seems to her salvation, and it does not matter what kind of type it takes: "Poisoned projectile," Girks "," Typhoous Chad ", is the main thing that it will save from suffering and mental emptiness. These suffering are comparable only with the suffering of Mother Jesus, who also lost her son.

But the mother understands that it is only madness, because death will not allow to carry out:

Not a son of terrible eyes -

Fossil suffering

No day when the thunderstorm came,

Not an hour of prison diet ...

So, it is necessary to live in order to call the trimming of those who died in Stalin's dungeons, remember always and everywhere standing "and in the lutty cold, and in the July-sisker in the Red Shop."

The poem has a poem called "Crucifixion". It describes the last minutes of the life of Jesus, his appeal to mother and father. The misunderstanding of what is happening, and the awareness comes that everything that happens is meaningless and unfair, because there is nothing worse than the death of an innocent man and the death of the mother who lost his son.

In the poem A. Akhmatova showed its involvement in the destiny of the country. Famous Prose B. Zaitsev, reading "Requiem", said: "It would be possible to assume that the fragile this and a thin woman will publish such a cry - female, maternal, the cry is not only about themselves, but also about all the suffering - wives, mothers, brides , generally about all crucibles? " And it is impossible to forget the lyrical heroine to forget mothers, suddenly become gray-haired, howl, who lost her son and not to realize their images in the poem. And he sounds in all those who died in the terrible time of the repressions of the poem "Requiem" as a memorial prayer.

As a scoop and tragically it sounds like easy and close to our time. And again in the blood, instantly bugs of recent fires come to life, the deadly shells are wound and rumble, horror cries and powerless moans are heard. And over all of this confused and stunned world in silent grief grows a breast figure of a mother.

In 2005, Lysenko Mila wrote another "Requiem for the boys of 131 Maykop brigade" to the sad date on January 2, 1995, when our life exploded along with the ruptures of the first shells in Grozny. Her son fought in this war. The mother recalls: "Yes, these shells not only broke up the lives of our boys who served in Maykop 131 motorized rifle brigade, they broke the lives of hundreds, thousands of families. Those who died and those are alive - we always remember this should ... "This is how the Mother's image describes the Mila, the love of the son, the memory of children in" Requiem for the boys 131 Maykop Brigade ":

... asphalt in the blood, huge ruins ...

Machines are burning, the flame is like the day!

And at home in the TV watch moms,

Praying fate: "Only not only!"

In the mail read the telegram,

Consciousness lost suddenly

And this son, keeping the health of mom -

She did not say where he went then.

And this mother, its not believing sleep,

Waited, and mentally from the bullet being flashed,

Losing forces, Alu Shal Slare,

As if she defending his son.

And defended and found it

When already and the strength on the outcome,

In the distant city, the contused lay,

And all the live, thin, but walks, walks!

But how many of them who wait,

Search went your native boys!

How many months went through the courtyards,

Asking, we cried all quieter.

Then they learned them with great difficulty.

Out of thousands of the same burned

Then they were buried by all regiment,

Playing music on the nerves of bare.

And coming here for the tenth time

We want to say, dropping tears:

Native, you are alive all for us,

And you will be living years, years! ..

Even in the most seemingly, calm times above the mother hung and disturbed the sinister rock, so the Russian mother from the distant centuries carries the seal of eternal sufferers. Promotional people who are bumping in their happiness, rarely rise to an understanding of the suffering of the neighbor; Maybe therefore, the mother in our literature, widowed the lich, most often the face is compassionative, able to understand and console over and unasonable, support the weak and instill faith in a disappointed. The strength of the maternal feeling is clearly also said in the poem L. Tatytyyevaya "Sons":

I tell me too much

Love I give children

That maternal anxiety

The life of my life is old.

Well, I can answer them -

Impassive, like armor?

Love, me given to children,

Higher makes me more ...

But, acquiring the features of the symbol and fulfilling a huge public mission, the mother never lost the usual human features, while remaining a welcoming mistress and a smart interlocutor, a diligent worker and a born starfish, wide in a feast and courageous in the mountain, and always in joy and restrained in sorrow, and always Good, understanding and feminine.

Maternity in itself is a whole world.

Summarizing the foregoing, bowing to the poets who skillfully sincerely described the image of the mother, try to create a literary portrait in several lines of poem in prose of his own essay: "You are in my thoughts! Heavenly blueness - light, clear. In the transparency of deep paints inexplicable purity, you stopped with the eyes of blue dreams, raising the child, so that it could take a look at the way out of the grove in the torque. And on your face, your peace and grace - two companions are yours and every mother, who is ready to suffer and wait for the child - to her, the first to tell her, says his own.

How not to be proud of it, one of mothers, the initial gracious of a huge life, to which she gave to be born - as each mother in the world, that the world gives childhood, neglecting his mouth. So the sun gives the world at dawn its first beam, a new earthly day infant. And the one who can weigh the sand in the hand, imperceptible in the sand, is able to feel the entire weight of the planet. So the mother, their child, lifting - holds the whole earth. And only because its saint is allowed to call. "

Essentially, the image of the mother in Russian poetry has become a kind of standard of women's merits. The generous imagination of the poets draws us a creature almost impeccable, but the language does not turn out to say that a similar addiction somewhere inevitably leads to idealization: after all, the mother really was and remains an outstanding person!

Mother! .. Undoubtedly, it is one of the deepest and harmonious creatures of domestic poetry!


1. Gamzanov R. "Stand up everything and listen to standing ..." // Vekhegonova I. Mama. Poems of Russian poets about the mother. - M.: Young Guard, 1980.- with. 39.

2. Gorky about Italy. - M.: Fiction, 1973.- S.59

3. Nikolaenko L. "I love you, mom ..." // Vekhegonova I. Mama. Poems of Russian poets about the mother. - M.: Young Guard, 1980.- with. 39.

4. Lysenko G. Hand Casting a fresh throne // Lysenko G. Roof over head. - V.: Far Eastern Book Publishing House, 1979.- with. 10

5. Casin V. On the Mother's Grave // \u200b\u200bVekhegonova I. Mama. Poems of Russian poets about the mother. - M.: Young Guard, 1980.- with. 107.

6. Remizova A. Take care of mothers // Scientific methodical magazine "Class leader", 2004 No. 3.- with. 110.

7. Pushkin // Pushkin. - M.: Children's literature, 1978. - with. 174.

8. Nekrasov in Russia live well // Nekrasov. - T.3.- M.: True, 1954. - p. 83-96

9. Yesenin Mother // Yesenin. - M.: Fiction, 1985.- with. 76.

10. "Hiding the horrors of war ..." // Nekrasov of the work. In 2 tons. T. 1.- M.: Fiction, 1966. - p.110

11. Non-sughs A. Maternal tears // Vekhegonova I. Mama. Poems of Russian poets about the mother. - M.: Young Guard, 1980.- with. 53.

12. Tvardovsky // Tvardovsky. - M.: Children's literature, 1985. - p.18

13. Akhmatova // Akhmatova and Poem.- M.: Young Guard, 1989.- with. 147-157

14. Tatytyjeva L. Son // Vekhegonova I. Mama. Poems of Russian poets about the mother. - M.: Young Guard, 1980.- with. 39.

15. Kolesnikova O. You are in my thoughts such. Poem in prose // Kolesnikova O. Mother's image in poetry. - D.: 2008

Annex to the work "Mother's image in poetry"

Creative work of student II course of group number 82

by profession "Cook, confectioner"

Valyan Anastasia Sergeevna

"Mother's Image" (6 drawings)

Extracurricular event on the topic "Mother's image in Russian literature"
for students 67kl
Teacher of Russian language and literature S.V. Bailova
Purpose: formation and development of artistic culture of students based on values
relationships to motherhood by means of literature.

trace as in Russian literature, faithful to its humanistic traditions,
pictured image of women
educate students with respect for female
raise a patriot and a citizen aimed at improving society in
which he lives
develop the spiritualist world of students, their national self-consciousness
Equipment: Projector, Presentation
Event flow
1. Video "Ave Maria"
2. Entry:
Slide 2.
Mother symbol of life, holiness, eternity, heat and all-resting love.
The most expensive, native, holy is connected with this way: for all people it is Mother
Land, to them
Maternity at all times was holy and was the highest value. In the art of all
peoples are the theme of maternity. The art of European countries is impossible to imagine without
the image of Our Lady. In Western Europe, he is associated with the cult of Madonna, and in Russia with
Icon "Vladimirskaya Our Lady" (XII century) Baby gently presses his face
to the maternal cheek and wures her neck with her hand. Children's eyes fixed to mother, they
as if she is looking for her protection. Anxiety and sadness took place on her strict face. With all
the maternal tenderness in her appearance feels the consciousness of the inevitable sacrifice.
Young woman with a child in her arms, easily stepping on the clouds to meet her
tragic fate, Maria must give her son to suffering and flour to all
people were happy. Beautiful eyes of the mother sadness. Rafael famous greatness
women, Maria Ideal Maternity. The artist comes beauty, femininity,
tenderness and selflessness of the mother.
Maternity theme is one of the most ancient topics in world culture.

Mom ... the most expensive and close man. She gave us life, gave a happy
childhood. Maternal heart, like the sun, shines always and everywhere, warming up us
heat. She is our best friend, the wise adviser. She is our angel - the keeper.
Therefore, the theme of the mother has long been occupied by both classical and in
modern literature.
Do not count the bright images of mothers who brought fairy tales and legends to us,
poems and songs, stories and stories, novels and memoirs
Already in folk works - in wedding and funeral songs - an image occurs
mother. In spiritual verses, this image appears through the image of Our Lady, especially
ctyma in Russia.
Especially often the image of the mother is found in works for children.
Light mother's eyes, warmth mami hands, gentle voice, tender smile these expressions
do not come, do not seem beaten, because they are genuine, organic, there are no
chewing. Soul with joy or with longing, but always responds to them.
Slide 3, 4
In the poetry of the XIX century, the mother's theme is primarily associated with the names of M. Yu. Lermontov and
N. A. Nekrasov.
Slide 5.
Lermontov, very early lost mother, remembers her image, her songs that she
he sang in his work.
"Angel" (passage from poems read students)
Slide 6.7
Incidentally deeply and full of mother's theme sounded in the poetry Nikolai Alekseevich
Nekrasov. Closed and discreet by nature, Nekrasov just did not find
quite bright words and strong expressions to appreciate the role of the mother in their lives. AND
boys, and the old man of Nekrasov always with love and adolescence spoke of his mother
She taught his love and compassion to those whose ideal - the left grief, "that is,
The image of a woman - the mother is brightly represented by Nekrasov in many of his works: in
the poem "Who lives well in Russia", in poems "in full ripping
rustic "," Orina, Mother Soldiers', "His Horrors of War", "Mother"
Great feeling! Every door,
Which side will come to
We hear how children call mothers,
Distant but burned towards children.
Great feeling! His to the end
We keep in your soul, -

We love sister, and wife, and father,
But in the flour we remember the mother! (passage read students)
Slide 8.
Just got acquainted with one of the greatest works of the 19th century, created by N.V.
Gogol, Taras Bulba.
Paying great attention to the description of the main heroes of the work, the author of everything
several pages devotes the image of Andria's mother and left. But these lines
enough to imbued with sympathy for this little, fragile woman,
madly loving their children.
(Students read students in the work)
(In the work, we first meet with your mother when she meets his
sons. "... Pale, thin and kind mother, who stood at the threshold and did not have time yet
hug your beloved children. "
Among the strong heroes of the story we saw a weak, little woman who loves
his children with respect refers to her husband. When Taras asked the younger,
why he does not beat him, mother said: ".. and you will have a sort of mind that child
native beat Father. "
She was very worried that they would be so little at home. "... and I will not be able to look
on them." She did not sleep all night, she looked at his children and could not look. "My Sons,
my sons are cute! What will happen to you? What awaits you? .. "
Although she had a husband and two sons, she was lonely: she had rarely seen children, and Tarasa
"... in a year two to three days, and then a few years have not had a hearing about him." In his youth
suffered from the Taras insult and even he beat her, probably she was very beautiful, but
quickly aged. All night, the mother hoped that the trip will postpone, and her children will live
at home. But this did not happen. "The poor old woman, deprived of the last hope, is sad
i was pulled in the hut. "
Before leaving Taras asked the mother to bless sons. "Mother, weak like mother,
hugged them, took out two small icons, put on them, sobbing, on the neck ... Do not forget, sons,
your mother ... Send at least a news about yourself ... "When Taras with Ostap and Andrey left,
she ran out for them per gate, as if he knew that he would never see them again)
Slide 9.
Nekrasov traditions found their reflection in the poetry of the Great Russian Poet S. A.
Yesenin, who created surprisingly sincere poems about his mother - the peasant.
Yesenin was 19 years old when he was impatible with amazing penetration in
the poem "Rus" sadness of the mother's expectation of the Sonovoldat.

"Oh, my patient mother!" This exclamation broke out not by chance: a lot
the excitement brings the son, but everything forgives the maternal heart. So it occurs frequent
Yesenina Motive of the guilt of the son.
At his trips, he constantly recalls his native village: she is a road with memory
youth, but most of all goes there toggie the mother.
The image of the mother for him is akin to the ecounopic - their relatives are eternal patience, waiting,
hope for "Help and Rebel". Yesenin created a real cult of his mother in the literature.
"I didn't see anyone better than you," the poet about his mother will say.
Listen to "Mother's Letter" performed by Malinin. (Audio recording)
Slide 10.
Following Yesenin, many writers and poets continue this topic.
About what had to survive mothers in the war years is written a lot
penetrated works. There is nothing worse for the mother than the loss of
native and close to her creature in the world is her child. And how much tears had to
shed only during the years.
Presentation "WHAT MATERY") (pupils)
(In 1969, Vitaly Zavokin wrote the story "Mother Human", about simple
women who managed to stand in terrible tests during the war years and become
the continuing of the genus and revive his native land. In the eyes of the main heroine
the works of Mary Fascists hung her husband and a little son, burned the village, and
residents hijacked to Germany. She miraculously remained alive. But she believed that Russian troops


"The image of a mother in the lyrics of the poets-classics and poets-modernity"

primary school teacher MBOU

lyceum №13 Rostov-on-Don

Mom, I carry your name through life like a shrine.

There will be years to go. There will be apples to fall into the grass.

There will be sun to appear.

Will rivers break into the desert.

Ships in the Martian seas will be saved.

There will be a little life.

Each atom. Housing each.

People! My brothers! Take care of your mothers!

A real mother - a person is given once!

Sergey Esta.

Who teaches the child to make the first steps? Who sings the first in his life with a lullaby song? Who tells the fairy tale? Who teaches to speak in their native language? And what word is most often the first child pronounces? Of course, Mom!

Yes, it was the mother who opens the door to the big world to the big world, she is relentlessly with him, the first rises on his crying ... he hears the tender words of the mother, feels warm, protection. How his handmakes stretch to her mother! And even when people become adults and come off from their home home, their connection with the mother does not break. And in moments of trouble, danger, despair we still call for help, first of all, mom ...

The modern world is cruel, there are power, money, patronage. But what about the power of maternal love, love all-consuming, love all-seeking? Maybe, turning to the beginning, to the source of life, society will be able to return the world, peace, well-being? With Mother's milk, each person absorbs the most expensive, gentle, sincere feelings. Why with time of such a baby, and then an adult appears cruelty, the desire to humiliate, even destroy the like himself?

These questions were worried about poets and writers from biblical times. The image of the mother is one of the most revered, loved in Russian literature.

Mother's heart

Mother's heart is the most merciful judge, the most surrounding friend, this is the sun of love, the light of which warms us all his life.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

"The Sun of Russian Poetry" - the Classic famous worldwide - A.S. Pushkin as a child was deprived of maternal love. Nadezhda Osipovna had an uneven, with sharp changers of sentiment: it was angry, then it fell into black melancholy, then suddenly became affectionate and lively again. Alexander often annoyed it and urged usually after another prank to violence. Mother annoyed everything: the stubbornness of the boy, its dissimilarity on other children, his incomprehensible complexity.

But still there were two women in the house of Pushkin, who Dali Alexandra did not give him maternal love and affection. Nanny - Arina Rodionnova, a serf peasant, released on the will, but not wishing to leave the Lord, hys down their children, and then grandchildren. Grandmother - Maria Alexandrovna Hannibal, who, according to the testimony of the sister of the poet, Olga Sergeyevna, "there was a little mind and at her time formed, used to say and wrote a wonderful Russian language ..." They told him fairy tales, legends, acquainted with the world of popular folk.

Oh! silently about my Mamushka,
About the charms of mysterious nights
When in Chepes, in the old apparel,
With diligence crosses me
And in a whisper to tell me will
About the dead, about bovy exploits ...
From horror, do not flourish, it happened,
Barely breathe, squeezing under the blanket,
Without feeling no legs or head.

1816 year

With great love and tenderness, the poet often spoke about his nanny - Arine Rodionov. She was constantly next not only when the poet was a child, but also being a famous poet, friend and companion of the participants of the Decembrist movement. She accompanied him and in references, and in isolation in their generic estate S. Mikhailovsky.


Girlfriend days of my harsh,
My dove is mine!
One in the wilderness of pine forests
For a long time, you have long been waiting for me.
You are under the window of your Svetlitsy
You grieve, as if on the clock,
And slow the spokes
In your murred hands.
You look at the forgotten gates
On the black remote path:
Tosca, Premonition, Care
Clear your chest.

Madonna - in Catholicism means the Virgin, "Mother" of the Divine Creation, the Son of God. The wife of Alexander Sergeevich became the embodiment of the ideal of motherhood - Natalia Nikolaevna Goncharov.


Not many paintings of old masters
I always wanted to decorate my abode,
So that the visitor was superstitiously
Hovering an important judgment of the experts.

In the simple corner of mine, the medium of slow work,
One picture I wanted to be forever viewer,
One: to me from the canvas, like with clouds,
Preternal and our divine Savior -

She is with greatness, he is with a mind in the eyes -
Looked, meek, glory and in the rays,
Some, without angels, under the Palm of Zion.

My wishes were fulfilled. Creator
You sent me, you, my Madonna,
The purest charm of the purest sample.

The image of the mother in the works of A.S. Pushkin passed all the stages of poetic evolutionary development: from hostility to his own native mother, through good gentle feelings for Nyan and Grandma, to the highest worship of the Holy Virgin.

Mikhail Yurjevich Lermontov.

M.Yu.Lermontova's mother - Maria Mikhailovna - was a very kind man, he treated the fortress peasants, helped the poor. She often took her little Misha on his knees, played on the piano and sang.

"When I was a boy of three years , - remembered Lermontov, -that was the song from which I cried ... She was my deceased mother ... " Tenderness to mother and longing on it were reflected in many works of the poet.


In the sky midnight angel flew

And he sang a quiet song;

And month and stars and clouds crowd

Ate the saint song.

He sang about blissful spirits

Under the gloys of the paradise gardens;

About God he sang and praise

His uncovered was.

He soul Mlata in Mladu in the arms carried

For peace, sadness and tears,

And the sound of his song in the shower is young

Stayed - without words, but alive.

And for a long time she languished she languished,

The desire is wonderful full;

And the sounds of heaven could not replace

She is boring land songs.

1831 year

Maria Mikhailovna died from Chakhotka in February 1817 at the age of 21, 11 months 7 days. The theme of loneliness and sadness, accompanying the poet from early childhood, laid red thread through all the work of M.Yu.Lermontov.

Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet.

Childhood A.A.Feta was not quite happy. But you won't call him sad: "... He had everything like many landlord sons living predominantly on earth and earth. There was a rustic life, ordinary rural use, and around - Central Russian nature " - So recalled later about the poet his daughter.

The image of the mother's poet is associated with the roots of German (mother - nee Charlotte-Elizabeth Fet), the future poet was brought up in a German school under 14 years. Then - the Oryol province with its infinite fields, plains and completely different memories of the time, about the close and native man - about the mother. In poems associated with the time, we find closely twisted folklore:

Lullaby song heart

Heart - you're baby!

Ugomon take ...

Although on the moment reason

I'm glad to take a soul

Your whole disease!

Sleep, Lord with you,

Baiushki bye!..

1843 year


Quietly evening trample

Gold Mountains;

Sultry air cold, -

Sleep, my child.

Nightingales have long fallen

Dusk extension;

Strings timidly granted, -

Sleep, my child.

Look angelic eyes

Flit light;

So easily breathing nights -

Sleep, my child.

1845 year

In a later period of his creativity, the poet draws his attention to the image of Mother as the Virgin. This is due to the inner disagreement on the poetic field, and misunderstanding from the loved ones, the love of which was deprived by A.FET in childhood. And the poems turn into prayer:

Ave Maria.

Ave. Maria. - Tiha Lampada,

Four verses are ready in the heart:

Pure Virgin, Grieving Mother,

Your soul penetrated your grace.

The sky of the queen, not brilliance rays,

In a quiet will appear dreams!

Ave. Maria. - Tiha Lampada,

Four verses are ready in the heart.

1842 year

The appointment of a woman's poet represented as motherhood, and a woman himself was silent by Madonna, carrying his son to people in the name of salvation.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.

Childhood N.A.Nekrasova passed in the village of Greshnevo, which is located on the shore of the Great Russian River Volga in the family of prosperous landowners. Little in his surrounding life was pleasant, sorrowful minutes sufficiently had to experience the future poet. The poem "Motherland" is a biographical saga about the native land, where his childhood passed, memories of tragic minutes from childhood. His mother - Elena Andreevna - a kind, soft woman who has conquered fate, lived with a man who is typing not only the fortress peasants, servants, but also all households.

Whose lyric flashes in the Alley of the Dalus

Fits between branches, painfully - sad?

I know why you cry, my mother!

Forever predicted sullenly ignoramus

You did not indulge in unreserved hope -

You frightened the idea to rebel against fate,

You rushed your lot in silence slaves ...

But I know: there was no soul of your freight;

She was proud, stubborn and beautiful,

And all that take out to you got the forces,

Are your desiccant whisper forgive? .. ..

Bind, pain, longing is heard in other poems - memoirs of relatives and loved ones:

Come with me, my birth!

Again a light shadow for a moment!

All of you lived unloved,

All of you lived for others,

With head, the storms of life revealed,

All his own age under the thunderstorm

I stood - your breasts

Protecting favorite children ...

("Knight per hour")

The poet "Revenge and Sorrow" in his works often affected the tragic fate of a Russian woman, women -Materi. This is the poem "Russian women", and the poem "Who lives well in Russia", "Frost, red nose" and many others.

In full ripping rustic rustic ...

Share you! - Women's Russian dat,

It is hardly more difficult to find.

No wonder that you are tight until time

Of the Miscellaneous Russian Tribe

Multi-chase mother!

And again there are lines from prayer facing the Virgin, in defense and forgiveness, in mercy:

My day-day my sadness,

In the night of the Bogomolitz,

Vekova My dryhead ...

("Orina, Mother Soldier")

No poet to N.A.Nekrasov did not fumble with such a force of a woman's image, a female mother. How stunning ideal images creates a master. As beautiful images created by Nekrasov, which are in constant work, joys and mourn the maternity and the struggle for the family.

Poetry of the 20th century. New wave

The twentieth century broke into the literature and, in particular, in poetry, novelty forms, poems, size, lexical revolutions. There was a lot of different currents with their ideological views, new topics. But the theme of maternity not only remained one of the most important, but also sounded with a new force. A. Blok, I.Sveryanin, O. Madelshtam, M. Tsvevenko, B. Ahadulin, E. Northushenko and many others appealed to this topic.

Sergey Yesenin

But, perhaps, the most capacious, expressive, nationwide image of the mother belongs to Sergey Yesenin. In the Russian consciousness, the image of the mother has always been assigned a special role: she and a givingman of life, and a bombard, and the defender, and sadness for the adversity of children, she and the personification of their native land, she and "Mati Green Dubravushka", and "Volga-Mother", and " Mother's Mother, "and finally," Mother - Cheese Earth "is the last shelter and the refuge of every person.

There is hardly a person who does not know the Yesenian lines "Letters to Mother". And even the heart-up in the life storms, the heart is compressed when the memories of the mother when reading his poems or singing songs, let someone else, but so similar to his love, anxiety, patience.

Are you still alive, my old woman?
I am alive. Hi, hello!
Let flowing over your hut
That evening unspecified light ...<…>
Nothing, native! Take it easy.
This is only a painful delusion.
Not such a bitter
So, not seeing you, die.<…>
I'm still the same gentle
And I dream only about
So rather from the rebel longing
Thug into the lowest our home.<…>
And do not teach me to pray. Do not!
There is no more return to the old return.
You are one help me and Otrada,
You are alpo<… >


Friend S.Senin Ivan Evdokimov recalls reading the letter by the poet:"... I pushed hard throat hard, I cried and hiding, I cried, deep in the vast ridiculous chairs, on which I was sitting in a darling simpleness between the windows."

Such a piercingly exciting image of the mother has developed at the poet only at the end of the life path. Mother in verse Yesenin - a symbol of childhood, a native home, a hearth, a native land, the Motherland. It is made like all the mothers of the Russian Earth, patiently waiting for the return of their sons and flavored about their troubles and failures.

Words in poet verses are often intertwined with the words of many prayers facing Virgin:

"The Bogoroda Delo, do not despose me, the sinners, demanding your help and your intercession, my soul's soul, and a lot of me ..."

Yesenin, devoting the poems of the mother, created the prayer of the Son about the mother. And his prayer came to the heart, broke into memory forever and became a folk song.

Anna Akhmatova

With the mother of the stubborn and wayward girl, the relationship was smooth and cold and therefore warm words dedicated to carefree childhood, we do not find. However, the theme of maternity at A.Akhmatova is traced from early creativity. And through all the poems - the image of the Martyr Martyr, the intercession, the Mother of God.

The share of material is light torture,

I was not worthy.

In the white paradise, the wicket was dissolved,

Magdalen Son took.

Every day my - cheerful, good,

I lost in a long spring,

Only hands jerk

Only cry I hear in a dream.


The tragic fate of Akhmatova repeated thousands of female stakes, which dropped on the shoulders of mothers repressed. The pain of all mothers merged into one dark, all-consuming and resulted in the poem "Requiem"

Before that, grief bent the mountains,
Not flowing the Great River
But strong prison shutters,
And behind them "Cutting holes"
And mortal longing.
For someone, the wind is fresh,
For someone, the sunset is not interested -
We do not know, we are everywhere,
We hear only the keys of the shrink
Yes Steps Heavy Soldiers.
Risen as a dinner early.
In the capital, wounded

There were found, dead damaged,

The sun is lower and foggy,
And hope all sings away.
Verdict ... and immediately tears rushed,
All of all are already separated,
Like with pain, life from the heart is taken out,
As if rudely browned,
But goes ... walks ... one ...
Where is the involuntary girlfriend now
Two of my awesome years? ..<…>

Quietly pouring quiet don,
Yellow month is included in the house.
Included in the hat
Sees yellow month shadow.

This woman is sick,
This woman is alone
Husband in the grave, son in prison,
Pray for me.<…>

And again the name of the Virgin, the name of the sufferer, the Great Martyrs - the name of the mother.

"Do not scold me, Mati,
in the coffin of vigor. "


Angels choir Great Hour raised,
And heaven melted on fire.
Father said: "Paul left me?"
And Mother: "Oh, do not scold me ..."

Magdalene beat and sobbed,
Pupil Favorite Kamene,
And there, where silently mother stood,
So no one to look and did not dare.

Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva

Marina's poetry is a stream of stormy memories of a distant carefree childhood, where Mom - Maria Alexandrovna Maine - loved to play on the piano, putting love for music and art with his daughters.

We, as you, welcome sunsets,
Running the closeness of the end.
Everything is rich in the best evening
To us you are invested in the heart.

To child dreams clone tireless

(Without you, only a month in them looked!),
You led your baby past
Bitter life of thoughts and affairs.

From the early years we are close to those who are peenbled,
Burned laughter and alien homemade shelf ...
Our ship is not a good moment of Mig
And swims by the will of all winds!

All pale azure island - childhood,
We are alone on the deck.
Seen, sadness left inheritance
You, about mom, your girls!


In the cycle "In the first poems about mom", we see and feel the whole tenderness and tallness of Tsvetaeva in relation to loved ones, especially to the mother.

Subsequently, after a long year of wandering, troubles, incomprehensibility, separation, in her lyrics we see appeal to God, prayer poems.

For a period - for dove - for my son,
For Tsarevich junior Alexy
Pray, church Russia!
Angel Watch,

Remove how fell on the plates
Dove Uglitsky - Dimitri.
Affectionate you, Russia, Mother!
Ah, you will not have enough
On him - love grace? ...

The suffering of a mother who gives his child to people, eternal patience, love, expectation, hope - feelings that permeate the poems of Marina Tsvetaeva, chanting a difficult maternal share.

Modernity and poems about the mother

Love for mother is one of the innermost topics not only Russian, but also world poetry.

Mom ... This is a purest spring, from which every person draws. This is our hope, our support, our defense, our love.

In poems about the Great Patriotic War, we see the long-life heart of the mother who accompany their sons to war on the protection of the Motherland.

The first bullet in the war of any

Amazing the mother's heart.

Who would not win the last fight,

And the maternal heart suffers! ..

(K. Kuliyev)

And again with a new force sounds prayers in verses of contemporaries.

Oh why you, the sun is red,

Do you go away - do not forgive?

Oh, why with war inside

Son, do not come back?

From your trouble I will revenue

Aril eagle quickly ...

Remember, my bloodstream!

Small, only ...

White light is not mil.

I was silent.

Return, my hope!

My grains,

My zoryushka,

Gorushko my, -

Where are you?

"Requiem" R.Rabremensky

Modern poetry continues the traditions of classics, singing the image of a mother - a simple peasant woman, mother-of-homeland, a mother soldier who gave their sons war, mother -The Mother of God, carrying the world, his soul, his life is his child.

More often, the theme of separation, meetings, farewells ...

We are like moorings, the edges of their relatives are waiting ...

And, burned down ways,

You, the father's house returning, as for the first time,

See your mother's hands ...

That they merged with all the kind, holy,

And the light of the window, and the ripe Niva trembling,

That they, sleepless, more rest

And you all the rest you do not give!


Metaphoric and figuratively presented mother in the work written by white verse, the German poet Zbignev Herbert "Mother":

He fell with her knees as a tangle of wool.

Developed hastily and ran blindly.

She held the beginning of life,

about bVIL around the finger,

Like a thin ring. Eliminate wanted.

And he rolled off the steepness and climbed the mountain.

And came to her, confused, and silent.

Will not return to the sweet

throne her knees.

Extracted hands shine in darkness

like the old town.

Mom is the closest and most expensive man on earth. Next to her, whether we are five, twenty or fifty years, we are always kids, and we have, as S.Senin said - "Help and Otter" in the face of our mothers. It does not immediately come to understand this, but the older we become, the point ofly we feel the tragedy of the inevitable loss and your guilt for the fact that they are not always grateful, careful, gentle. The past will not return, you need to take care of the present.

List of used literature.

    Akhmatova A.A. Poem. Poems. Tsvetaeva M.I. Poem. Poem. Dramaturgy. Essay. - M.: Olympus; LLC Firm Publisher AST, 1998.

    N.N. Nekrasov Poem. Poems. Articles. - M.: Olympus; Publisher AST, 1996.

    Poetry of the Silver Century at School: Book for Teacher / Avt.-Cost. E.M. Bldyreva, A.V. Ledges. - M.: Drop, 2001.

    Silver Age. Poetry. (School of Classics) - M.: Ast, Olympus, 1996.

    A.A.Fet.. Leningrad, Soviet writer, 1959.

We recommend to read
