Chemical flax oil. Linen oil composition of vitamins

Gardening 30.06.2020

Linen oil (eng. linseed Oil, Flaxseed Oil, or flax Oil.) - vegetable oil from flax seeds.

Linen oil has a color from yellow to brown, bitter taste. It is rich in polyunsaturated essential fatty acids: linoleic and alpha-linolenova in the optimal human ratio - 1: 1. The linen oil contains another fatty acid from the Omega-6 family - Gamma-Linolen. By fatty acid composition, linseed oil refers to the most valuable vegetable oils. Linen oil contains up to 300 mg% of sterols (predominantly beta-sitosterol), has high E-vitamin activity: contains gamma tocopherol (29.7 mg / kg), alpha tocopherol (0.55 mg / kg), Delta Topopherol (0.45 mg / kg). Linen oil is a source of vitamins: B1, riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin RR, pantothenic acid, biotin; Mineral substances: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. Flax seed proteins are rich in such amino acids as: isoleucine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, valine, threonine. Flax seeds contain linatin flavonoid with bactericidal activity. Linen oil contributes to the normalization of lipid metabolism, in particular, to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood, which is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis; The systematic use of flaxseed oil improves the functional state of the cardiovascular system, brain, eye, germ, gastrointestinal tract, enhances tissue regeneration (Obukhova L.A., Garagul E.B.).

The composition of fatty acids of linseed oil
Linse oil contains the following main fatty acids (including triglycerides):
Fatty acid Share,% Omega-family
Polyunsaturated fatty acids
Linolenova 47-71 Omega-3.
Linolevaya 12-24 Omega-6.
Arachidonova 0,0 Omega-6.
Eichosapentaenova 0,0 Omega-3.
Docosagsesenova 0,0 Omega-3.
Omega-6 / Omega-3 \u003d 0.3
Monounsaturated fatty acids
Olein 10-22 Omega-9.
Palmitolein 0-0,5 Omega-7.
Gadolein +.
Geddown +.
0-0,6 omega-11 +
Omega-9 +
Saturated fatty acids
Palmitica 4-11 -
Stearinovaya 2-3 -
Arahinova 0-0,5 -

Linseed oil producers do not always indicate its composition, limited by reference to TU (for example, TU 9141-011-5811041-03), therefore, it is impossible to judge how much in this product is accurately contained. The photos of the Linen Unrefined Production of PC Ltd. Tskas Health for LLC Dial Export is represented. On its website, DIAL-Export company characterizes flaxseed oil as follows:

"Oil made of flax seeds, according to nutritionists, is the most valuable among all vegetable genesis oils. It is distinguished by the optimal amount of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and omega-6. Linen oil displays "harmful" cholesterol from the body, contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack, has a beneficial effect on lipid exchange. It has specific smell and taste.

In the open form is stored no more than 2 months! It is not recommended to heat!

Oil application:

  • In cooking:
    • it is recommended to add to salads and winegres, to fill porridge, boiled potatoes, sauer cabbage, first dishes
    • use with honey to enhance the effectiveness of exposure
    • an indispensable oil for vegetarians and people, in whose diet there is no fish.
  • In medicine*:
    • it is used for cardiovascular diseases such as ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, stroke
    • to normalize the intestinal work, in gastrointestinal diseases
    • to improve the liver, promotes weight loss **
    • as a mandatory element in the diet of pregnant women to properly develop the brain of the future child.
  • In cosmetology:
    • to improve the condition of the skin and hair. "
* Site authors Website do not have facts confirming or refutable statements from this quotation and medicine related to medicine.
** Linseed oil, like other oils, is a high-calorie product (899 kcal per 100 g). Therefore, it cannot stimulate weight loss. However, in reasonable amounts, it can be accepted in the composition of diets, including aimed at weight reduction, as a means that fills nutrients missing in diets.
Linen oil as bad
Currently, both Russian and foreign markets present a large number of dietary supplements (food additives) which or 100% linen oil or contain it in its composition and focus the consumer's attention on it. For example, flaxseed oil ... Vom, "Altai" Omega-3, "Ole Vita", ... with Selenium (Borodino), ... with Selenium (Biocor), ... with Amaranth, OmegaDesti, Mirrola , Sun Result Factory, Multitonus, ... Food with a beast and chamber "Elixir of Life", Linaid, "Tsarevshchino", "Omegalen", "Altai Len" and others. Linseed oil in these badges is either in capsules, or in bottles.

Linseed oil can be attributed to the most valuable natural products. By chemical composition, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids. The oil is used in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular ailments, in the fight against cancer. Supports with hormonal problems such as depression, menopause, helps adjust the menstrual cycle. Consider in more detail the chemical composition and food value of flaxseed oil, its main health benefits.


Len is one of the oldest cultural plants. It spread throughout the world from the Middle East and the Mediterranean Region, where cultivated for several thousand years. The first documented messages about the healing properties of flax are dated to the times of the Greeks and Romans. Hippocrates in the fifth century BC used Len in the treatment of mucrosita, with pain in the stomach or diarrhea.

The product is produced in the process of pressing mature flax seeds, at low temperatures (not higher than 50 ° C). Due to which the useful chemical composition of linseed oil is preserved completely. It is yellowish, with a characteristic odor and taste, sometimes called "Orekhov". This taste varies depending on the variety and maturity of seeds, the conditions of cultivation, the pressure method and the storage conditions of the finished product.

Chemical composition of cold spin flaxseed

Therapeutic properties of the product are the result of bioactive compounds contained in it such as lignans and essential unsaturated fatty acids. Lignans are one of the types of phytoestrogen - natural compounds of plants similar to the chemical structure and action with estrogen (women's hormones). They can effectively imitate and replace human hormones, inhibit their excessive activity in the body, are also powerful antioxidants. Indispensable also called vitamin F, are not synthesized in the human body, and enter it with food. There are two basic unsaturated fatty acids. The first, as well as the most nutritious - alpha-linolenic acid (Ala). It belongs to the Omega-3 family. The second main unsaturated acid is linoleic acid (LA). It belongs to the Omega-6 family. Omega-3 Fatty acids include: docosahexaenic acid (DHA) and eikapentaenic acid (EPA), which the body can produce from linolenic acid. For babies and children, docosahexaenic acid is the main fatty acid (it is part of the maternal milk). The omega-6-acid family includes gamma linolenic acid (GLA) and arachidone acid (AA), which the body can produce from linoleic acid. Omega-3 posses the greatest biological activity. The ratio of fatty acids of the Omega-6 family and the Omega-3 family is correct when they are proportions (<5: 1). И здесь можно прийти к тревожному заключению. Современная диета не способна предоставить организму омега-3 жирные кислоты в нужном количестве. Суточная потребность человека в них составляет 2 грамма. Омега-6 кислоты в рационе присутствуют в избытке. Это приводит к нарушению иммунных механизмов и чрезмерной тенденции к воспалительным процессам, следовательно, ко многим недугам.

The source of omega-3 is: flax and rapeseed seeds, linseed oil, walnuts, wheat embryos. Sources DHA and EPA are marine products (sea fish, for example, mackerel, salmon, halibut, cod, herring, saardine, seafood and fish oil). Therefore, Omega-3 sources are not so much.

Omega-3-Acid research pioneer was Dr. Johanna Budddiga, a German biochemist nominated for the Nobel Prize seven times. She ruled his own clinic in which research was conducted. In one of the experiments carried out by it, all patients observed the absence of phosphatides and lipoproteins in the blood, including the absence of omega-3. In such a situation, malignant cells are developing very easily. Patients have passed three-month therapy with the inclusion in the diet of the necessary nutrients. After this period, it was observed that the growth of malignant cells began to regress, and hemoglobin restored the correct values. Dr. Buddavig began to look for a natural way of supplementing the diet of the necessary phosphatides and lipoproteins. The result of this search is a paste, known all over the world, that is, a mixture of two natural ingredients: flaxseed oil and low-fat curd. Dr. Budddiga, for 10 years, watched the impact on the health of a special diet, which she developed itself, using it in the inpatient treatment of patients with chronic diseases. It turned out that it gives the desired effect even in cases recognized by academic medicine incurable.

The composition of fatty acids in linseed oil:

  • alpha Linolenic Acid (Omega-3) - approximately 50%;
  • linoleic acid (omega-6) - approximately 15%;
  • oleic acid (omega-9) - approximately 17%;
  • saturated fatty acids - about 10%.

This acid ratio is correct to maintain the health of the body. For this reason, it is worth consulating a small amount of this product every day.

Linen oil: composition of vitamins

This product is rich in vitamins A, B2, B4, B5, B6, B9, D, F, E, K and RR, useful and necessary minerals - potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, iron, phosphorus and sodium .

It also contains an impressive amount of vitamin E (17.5 mg per 100 g of product). His beneficial properties for skin and hair are widely known. However, few people know that vitamin E significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, reduces the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and causes a decrease in blood cholesterol.

Studies conducted for 8 years in the United States, in a group of more than 120,000 healthy people showed that an increase in the dose of vitamin E in the diet leads to a decrease in the risk of ischemic heart disease by as much as 40%.

Linen oil, whose chemical composition can be compared by the amount of vitamin A content with its best sources - fish fat and liver, are widely used not only for health promotion, but also in cosmetology. Holine (B4) located in the product helps to normalize the mental state of the person, enhances stress resistance.

How to store flax oil

It should be stored cooled, preferably in the refrigerator, away from direct sunlight, under the influence of which omega-3 is very quickly oxidized. Optimal temperature from 4 to 10 ° C. The maximum storage period in such conditions is 3 months. Why should the product be consumed only cold? The composition of the linen changes during heating, as it loses the valuable omega-3 acids. It cannot be subjected to heat treatment, i.e. heated, boil, use for frying, because it has a very low heat resistance, oxidizes, loses its valuable properties and even becomes toxic.

What kind of it is worth it

  • combining with cottage cheese, natural yogurt;
  • as an addition to salads and porridge;
  • as an addition to cold dishes;
  • drink, starting with a teaspoon, an empty stomach.

Dosing for adults

Sick people should take more of this useful product - 6-8 tablespoons, drink an empty stomach.

Drink it straight from the spoon can be unpleasant for many. Therefore, the following is a useful recipe with it:

12.5 g of dry curd or goat cheese, tofu mix with 8 tablespoons of flax oil. Add a few tablespoons of natural yogurt, patch or kefir (the most low-fat, preferably 0% fat) to obtain the desired consistency. Instead of yogurt, you can use 1-2 tablespoons of cool water.

Ingredients should be mixed in a blender for about 3-5 minutes until a homogeneous mass is formed. Pasta must have a consistency of mayonnaise or liquid cream. It all depends on the number of added yogurt. The finished paste can be kept in the refrigerator day. Treatment can last up to several weeks. Then reduce the amount of up to 1-2 tablespoons per day.

Oil dosing for children

When taking oil by children, there is no difference between patients and healthy. Everyone should receive the same amount of product. The only difference in the age of the child. Those for less than 7 years should get 1 g of linen oil for every kilogram of body weight. Children over 7 years old should receive 0.6 g of linen oil for every kilogram of body weight. This difference is due to the fact that older children have less need for Omega acids. In one tablespoon, an average of about 10 g of linseed oil.

Useful action

Vitamins and essential fatty acids in the composition of linseed oil help in treatment:

  • cancer;
  • prostate disorders;
  • alzheimer's disease;
  • sclerosis;
  • rheumatic diseases;
  • allergies;
  • blood circulation disorders (atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, arrhythmias)
  • elderly diseases;
  • defects of view and hearing;
  • memory problems (brain activation);
  • any dermatological problems;
  • digestive problems: hepatosis, gallbladder disease, stomach ulcers
  • diabetes.

Side Effects and Contraindications

In practice there is no danger of overdose by this product. Excess oil, not absorbed by the intestines, will cause a laxative effect in the body.

A small number of people, with its consumption, can be subjected to allergic reactions with such symptoms as rash, urticaria, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing, wheezing and others. They should avoid this product in their diet.

Flax oil can interact with drugs - can slow down the speed of their absorption. Before making a decision on the introduction of it into the diet, it is usually recommended to consult with a doctor, especially in case of more serious diseases.

An impressive chemical composition of flaxseed oil gives the right to call him a real elixir of health, beauty and longevity. We hope that after reading this article, you will enter this product forever in your diet.

Benefit for a female body

The product has a positive impact on female health. Oil aligns and supports hormonal balance. It is recommended to take in the premenstrual period and during menopause. Lignans are a vegetable analogue of sex hormones. Therefore, during the period of Klimaqs, the oil helps facilitate the state and suspend the process of aging the body.

Omega-3 helps to absorb iodine and calcium. These elements are necessary for the full work of the thyroid gland and maintain the bone fortress at the proper level, including preventing the development of osteoporosis.

Flax oil is considered a good oncoprotector. It shows high efficiency in the prevention of breast cancer.

The vegetable product is used in home cosmetology. It is able to provide full face care and hair.

Linen oil during pregnancy and lactation

According to some data, oil is caution to use in the last trimester. It should be abandoned by the use of its empty stomach, as this can lead to premature birth.

Oil helps pregnant and lactating women to maintain their own health, prevent the deficit of fats, vitamins and minerals. It improves the mood, fights depression, effectively eliminates constipation.

Use for children

If there are no contraindications, the oil must be present in the diet of the child. It improves development, activates the brain work, improves calcium digestibility. The oil will increase immunity and will help with therapy of bronchophole diseases.

Use for men

Oil improves the blood supply to the small pelvic organs, which contributes to the strengthening of potency. Also, the product stimulates the production of genital hormones.


Do not use oil in case of allergies on it. Other restrictions are:

  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Exacerbation of pancreatitis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • PC in the women's reproductive system.

Oil is not combined with some drugs:

  • Relaxing means.
  • Antidepressants.
  • Oral contraceptives.
  • Tools that change blood consumption.
  • Diabetic means.

Excessive oil consumption can cause Omega-3 overdose, which causes bleeding, impairment of vision, the appearance of the hematoma.

Use oil in cooking

Oil from flax can not be heated. Therefore, it is not suitable for cooking. Also, it should not be added to only cooked hot dishes. It should be used as a refueling for vegetable salads. It is combined with fermented dairy products. Oil can be added to soups, porridge, boiled potatoes, but before refueling with linseed oil, the dish should cool a little.

Use of oil in folk medicine

As prevention, you should drink every morning on an empty stomach of 1 tbsp. l. Oil. 1st art. l. Oils should be taken in the afternoon, adding it to the food. At the beginning of the reception, there may be a general discomfort, which can last up to 5 days. At this time, a one-time consumption dose should be reduced.

Weightloss remedy

Oil helps to lose weight and clean the body from slags. Begin with the reception follows from the daily rate of 2 hours, drunk 2 times: an empty stomach 20 minutes before meals and 20 minutes after dinner. Two weeks later, the total daily rate can be increased to 2 tbsp. l. The recommended reception duration is 2-3 months.

If the taste of oil does not like or observe an unpleasant feeling, then it is worth adding it to food and drinks.

Treatment of heart disease and vessels

In addition to the classic treatment regimen proposed by the doctor, linseed oil should be taken. To do this, it is enough to drink the oil once a day 2 hours before the evening reception. Dosage should be increased gradually, starting with 1 tsp. Oil and bring to 1 tbsp. l.

Line oil helps with elevated pressure. In this case, a two-time reception is provided: 30 minutes before lunch and before bedtime. The product can only be used if the pressure does not rise above 150/90.



When gastritis therapy should be drunk on 1 tbsp. l. Oil on an empty stomach. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink it with a decoction of the Hypericum.

Prank ulcer

With the therapy of the stomach ulcers, it is recommended to take a mixture of 3 oils: sea buckthorn (70 ml.), Hypericum (30 ml.), Flax (50 ml.) Mix the components, pour into a container with a tightly closing lid, store in the refrigerator. Drink every time before eating 1 tbsp. l. Oils, pre-bumping a bottle with a mixture.


During constipation, you should not neglect linseed oil. Chronic stool delay should be treated according to the following scheme: 1 tbsp. l. Product for half an hour before breakfast and dinner. With less serious disorders, a mixture of low-fat yogurt and oil from flax should be prepared (1 tbsp. L.). The finished mixture must be consumed 1 hour before the deposit to sleep.

Use of oil in home cosmetology

Facial care

Flax oil has a certain value for the epidermis. Its composition helps to eliminate pigment spots and other age-related skin changes. Regular procedures will increase the elasticity, reduce wrinkles. The product deeply nourishes the skin, eliminates dryness and peeling. In addition, the means is effective in the treatment of acne and other skin diseases.

Care around the eyes

The skin in this area is thinner and most susceptible to wriggles. To eliminate them, it is necessary to apply a slightly heated oil to the area around the eye. The procedure uses a cotton disk that is wetted in oil. To do not stretch the skin to replace the usual massage movements to "Making". This method is suitable for skin care around the lips.

Rejuvenating mask

The regular application of the composition will allow to clarify the skin and improve the complexion, ensure deep nutrition, smooth wrinkles and pull the skin.

How to use:

  1. Grind in a blender lemon (1/2 pcs.).
  2. Mix with oil from flax (2 tbsp. L.) And honey (2 art. L.).
  3. Clean the skin of the face.
  4. Apply.
  5. After 20 minutes, wash off warm water.

Mask for problem skin

Linen oil perfectly copes with inflammation and acne on the face. If a mask is done 1 time a week, the skin condition will improve significantly.

How to use:

  1. Kefir (3 art. L.) Stir with lemon juice (2 tbsp. L.), Oil from flax (2 tbsp. L).
  2. In the mixture, pour a small amount of flour.
  3. Clean the skin of the face.
  4. Apply.
  5. After 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Hair care

Flax oil promotes growth and strengthening hair. It helps to get rid of dandruff and normalize the fat balance.

Mask, stimulating hair growth

The tool helps strengthen the roots of the hair and wake the "sleeping" bulbs. The finished composition must be carefully launched in roots and scalp. Then, for better exposure, the head is wound with a terry towel. The time of the procedure is half an hour, after which you need to wash your head with shampoo.

How to cook:

  1. Grinding onions (1 pc.).
  2. Mix with flax oil (1 tbsp. L.) And honey (1 tbsp.).

So that oil from flax brings only benefits should not take it over measures. The product has a specific taste that not everyone likes. Therefore, taking it as a means of treatment, you can purchase it in a capsuated form.

Linseed oil - Important and indispensable health product. Regular The use of flaxseed oil normalizes the work of the body and helps with many diseases. Here you will find detailed information on the use of linseed oil.

The benefits of oil from flax seeds and its healing properties have been known since ancient times. In Russia, it was an indispensable food product - it was used with vegetables in the post, on the basis of it, festive dishes were prepared, added to a baking for fragrance. In ancient folk medicine, flax oil found an application for the treatment of cuts and rapid wound healing, to facilitate pain. To this day, flax oil successfully helps a person in the fight against illnesses, while maintaining his health for many years.

The composition of the luna oil

Oil is obtained from flax seed with cold pressing (in flax seeds it is contained up to 48%). It is with cold spin technology that the oil retains its healing properties and can be used for medicinal purposes. The oil from flax seed can be color from brown to golden (depending on the degree of cleaning). According to biological value, oil from the flax seed occupies the first place among other food vegetable oils and contains a mass of substances beneficial for the body (polyunsaturated acids, Vitamins F, A, E, B, K, saturated fatty acids (10% composition).

The oil from the flax seed is an excellent external source of valuable polyunsaturated fatty acids of omega-3 and omega-6 (our body cannot independently synthesize these fats). Moreover, if Omega-6 is also present in soybean, sunflower, mustard, rapeseed and olive oil, then omega-3 is contained in sufficient quantities only in linen oil. In oil from flax seed, the omega-3 content is 2 times more than in fish oil, and significantly higher than in other food products. Finding into the body, Omega-3 and Omega-6 are introduced into the cell structure, and in the future they have a positive effect on cell activity, the rate of transmission of nerve pulses.

Useful properties of linseed oil

It is because of the high content of omega-3 and omega-6 oil of flax seeds contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body and has the following useful medical properties:

Regular use of linseed oil helps reduce cholesterol and blood viscosity, increase the elasticity of the vessels, which ultimately prevents the development of myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, ischemic heart disease, reduces the risk of stroke and the formation of thromboms.

Invaluable Immuno protection properties of oil: Its use as a food product preventive prevents some cancer diseases (breast cancer and rectal cancer). Also in medicine recommended oil from flax seed to take postoperative and weakened patients during rehabilitation. It is recommended that the regular use of flax oil and children for the full, healthy development of the body are recommended.

The role of flax seed oil as a useful health product in the life of any woman is very important. This oil must be included in the diet of pregnant women, because Its components have a positive effect on the proper development of the brain of the future child, make it easier for pregnancy and childbirth. The daily use of oil from the flax seed normalizes the hormonal background, softening the premenstrual syndrome and improving the well-being of a woman in the menopausal period.

Linen natural oil was also widely used in complex treatment and prevention of light and bronchi diseases, diseases of the nervous system, kidney disease and bladder, thyroid diseases, in the treatment of potency disorders in men.

In modern cosmetology, flax oil is applied As part of all sorts of masks for leather and hair due to high content of vitamins and rejuvenating, softening, bactericidal properties

Nutritionists came to the conclusion that a person can effectively lose weight by deliverance from excess weight, provided partial replacement for animal fats consumed for easily digestible food linseed oil. The oil from flax seed is also an indispensable component of nutrition for vegetarians, refused to consume fish.

The use of linseed oil

We recommend adding linseed food oil into winegirls and salads, mix with kefir, yogurt, honey, consumed with sauerkraut and boiled potatoes, refueling them cereals. The oil from the flax seed is sometimes added to the baking to give it a special fragrance and a pleasant yellowish-orange shade.

It should be noted that It is better to use flax food in cold form, not exposing heat treatment, - In this case, it will not lose its healing properties and will retain all the beneficial substances and vitamins.

By the way, flax oil - This is the wrong name of the product "Linen Oil".

To whom and when is contraindicated by the residency of flaxseed oil.

But W. Linen oil , as well as any potent medical agent, is Contraindications.

      • Linen oil has contraindications: In the case of a biliary disease or with diseases of biliary tract.
      • In case of passing a course of treatment with antiviral or antidepressant drugs.
      • Linen oil contraindicated Pregnant and lactating women, children under 5 years old, women during a course of reception of oral contraceptives.
      • Linen oil is not contraindicated suffering from hypertensive disease, but it is recommended to be used under the supervision of a doctor.
      • Linseed oil With the supervision, contains hypericin, which may cause allergic reactions to sunlight in people with light skin and light hair. In these cases Contraindications We must consult with your doctor.
      • Contraindicated excessive use of linseed oil With a beast - temporary discomfort is possible in case of liver disease.
      • If you have chronic pancreatitis or other problems with pancreas, gallstone disease, hepatitis, take tincture linen seed on oil contraindicated - She can cause aggravation.
      • With cholecystitis to take linseed oil You can only during meals.
      • Contraindication to the use of linseed oil It is impossible to exacerbate chronic pancreatitis, hepatitis, or bile sickness, take the tincture of linen seed on oil.
      • Contraindication It can also serve: hypertension, increased blood coagulation, atherosclerosis, bleeding caused by polyps, cyan or other uterine tumors and its appendages, lactation, enterocolite.

        Application: linseed oil You can use as a salad and additive to second and milk dishes.

        Contraindications: Fry on it is not recommended.

        When buying linseed oil, you should always pay attention to its quality, shelf life and appearance. High quality linseed oil Must have yellow-green. Muddy shade and smell Oil must be absent.

Properties: Linen food is one of the most valuable, known since ancient times. According to its biological value, it is in the first place (surpassing, including olive). Linseed oil Improves cellular exchange, eliminates constipation, improves the quality of the skin. The proportions of the content of vitamins and their action with regular use of linseed oil (1-2 tablespoons per day) lead to cleaning the body from slags. Uneme-3 unsaturated fatty acids, omega-6 prevent the occurrence of diseases such as diabetes, ischemic heart disease, atherosclerosis.

Modern studies have shown that consumption Linen oil The food reduces the risk of stroke by 37%. Consuming linseed oil , You can not be afraid of such terrible diseases as diabetes, atherosclerosis, ischemic heart disease and many others.

In folk medicine linseed oil Used from worms, heartburn, various ulcers.

On the content of unsaturated fatty acids linseed oil Exce species the products of the usual diet, and only 1-2 tablespoons ensure the satisfaction of the daily need for them.

Linseed oil According to its biological value, it is in the first place among the food oils. The flax seed contains 46% vitamin F, which is not synthesized in the body, but is brought from the outside. The composition of linseed oil includes valuable unsaturated acids and a large number of vitamins A and E.

Linseed oil - An important element of the woman's nutrition, its consumption contributes:

  • facilitate the proceeding of premenstrual syndrome and premenophasis;
  • improving the condition of the skin and hair;
  • linseed oil leads to strengthening the nervous system;
  • the work of the kidneys during swelling;
  • linseed oil increases visual acuity;
  • linseed oil leads to weakening and treatment of asthma.

Flax ordinary - LINUM USITATISSIMUM L. Female Linen- Linaceae. Other names: Len Sowing, Dolguna, Moochen, Ilniec, Ilinak, Luchenets, Slate.

The Linum Roman Name of Cultural Flax, and it happened from the Celtic Lin-thread, because the threads are obtained from the stalks of cultural flaples. The species name indicates an excellent degree from the word "useful" and literally has the meaning of the "the most common".

For a long time, flax in the treatment of different diseases was used using mainly linen seed.

Flax sown - moisthed annual herb plant from the family of flax. Root rod. Stem thin, branched. The leaves are regular, narcolatory. Flowers in splashing winding blue. Corn fivelest. Stamps blue. Fruits of flax - dry spherical box with 10 seeds. Seeds are flattened, oblong, smooth, shiny. Two industrial cultures are grown: Lenen Dolgun, with a thin stem of 60-150 cm high., At the top of a minor, divorced, mainly on the fiber, and Len-Kudryash, the height of the stem is 30-50 cm, highly branchy from the base, giving a large crop of seeds , Oilseed culture. Flowers from June to August. Fruit from the end of July. In a wild form is not known. Widely cultivated in the northern and middle lane of the European part of Russia and Siberia.

Seeds (linen seed and linseed oil) are used. For technical purposes, oil is obtained by hot pressing or extraction by organic solvents. Oil - light yellow oily liquid with characteristic odor and taste.

Spread. There are about 300 types of flax, common in moderate and subtropical areas of the globe, above all, the Mediterranean in the north-west of North America.

Chemical composition. Flax seeds contain fatty oil (30-48%), which includes linolen triglycerides (35-45%), linoleic (25-35%), oleinova (15-20%), palmitic and stearin (9-8%) Acids, in addition, polysaccharides (5-12%), protein (18-33%), carbohydrates (12-26%), organic acids, enzymes, vitamins A, F, styrenes. In the shells of seeds contain high molecular compounds, giving linocamene with 16 H 20 o 9 hydrolysis; Methyl ether (beta) -ox - methylglutaric acid; Linocinuicarine with 16 H 20 O 8 and Diglycoside of the composition with 32 H 46 ° C 16. The plant, especially the seedlings, contain glycoside linamarine with 10 H 17 NO 6, cleaved by linase on the sytic acid, glucose and acetone.

In addition, flax seeds contain:

Macroelements (mg / g) - H-12.1; SA-2.0; Mg-4.0; Fe-0.09;

Microelements (μg / g) - Mn-0.09; Cu-0.34; Zn-0.47; CR-0.04; AL-0.18; SE 19.3; Ni-0.18; pb-0,1; i-0,24; b-2,3; Concentrate SE.

Due to the fact that the plants contain such a number of mark and micro elements, it should be noted that the mineral metabolism that occurs in the body is still not yet sufficiently studied and our knowledge regarding the needs of a person in individual mineral elements of their optimal content in Food is far from refined.

As for macroelements, it should be noted that:

calcium refers to difficult mineral elements, due to the ratio of its foods with other mineral components - phosphorus, magnesium, as well as proteins and fats;

sodium, participates in intracellular and intercellular metabolism processes, in providing electrolyte and acid-alkaline equilibrium. Sodium ions enhance the ability of tissues to inflammatory and allergic reactions, and also have a pronounced vesseloring effect;

potassium plays an important role in the enzymatic processes of the body, reduces the ability of tissue proteins to bind fluid. These potassium properties have been widely used in the clinic in the treatment of blood circulation deficiency in the form of a special rising urination of a potassium diet.

From trace elements, most significant:

the iron is an integral part of hemoglobin, complex iron complexes of a number of enzymes, reinforcing respiratory processes in cells;

copper is a necessary element for plant and animal organisms, contributes to the conversion of mineral compounds of iron into organic, the transition of iron deposited in the liver into the bone marrow and using it in hemoglobin synthesis, stimulates the formation of erythrocytes;

zinc contained in all organs and human tissues. Its largest concentration is revealed in pancreatic cells that produce hormone insulin. Insulin crystals contain 0.36% zinc. Many studies revealed the role of zinc in the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism. This was used to use zinc-containing insulin preparations (Protamin-Zinc insulin, zinc-insulin suspension) with a prolonged sugar-based effect, for the treatment of diabetes patients.

Also presented the interest of biologically active lignins of flax. So, flax seeds are approximately 100 times more rich in lignins compared to other plant seeds. From degreased flour of flax seeds, the diglycoside of secoisolaryrezinol (SDG) is isolated, which in the body of a person under the action of the intestine microflora metabolizes in enterolact and enterodial.

Phospholipids are found in the lipid fraction of flax seeds: phosphatidylcholines, phosphatylosites and phosphothidylcerin. Linseed oil also contains cyanogenic glycosides Linamarine, Linstatin and Neolinstatin.

Linen oil contains vitamin F, which is a mixture of ether fatty acids, vital components of cell membranes. Participates in oxygen and fat exchanges, eliminates inflammatory processes, contributes to the recovery of cells.

It is known that a serious problem when taking inside products from flax is the ability of the plant to extract from the soil and accumulate cadmium, forming chelates with thiyotent proteins of the plant (phytohalathinamy). However, as the results of our research show, the cadmium content in flax seeds growing in Dagestan is insignificant.

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