Brief description of the main types of transport. Abstract: Types of Transport

Gardening 13.10.2019

The third leading industry of material production, it constitutes the material basis of the international division of labor, affects the placement of production, promotes the development of specialization and cooperation, as well as the development of integration processes.

All the paths of communication, transport enterprises and vehicles together form the global transport system. The NTR touched all types of transport: increased speed, increased lifting capacity, multiplied the rolling stock. The appearance of containers, underwater tunnels significantly expanded the possibilities of transporting various goods.

The ratio of modes of transport in the transport systems of regions and individual countries of the world is different. Thus, the transport system of industrialized states has a complex structure and is represented by all types of transport, including electronic. A particularly high level of development of transport infrastructure is distinguished by Japan, USA, France, Germany, Great Britain, and others. It is for developed countries that account for about 85% of the consignment of global internal transport (without sea long-grazing). And in the Zapo. Europe 25% of the cargo turnover falls on railway transport, 40% - for automotive, and the remaining 35% - on the inner water, sea (near) coastal and pipeline transportation.

Land transport

Railway - and today its role remains important, especially in the carriage of bulk goods, about 50% of the total length of railways falls on 10 countries - USA, Russia, India, Canada, China. On the density of railways leads Western Europe.

Automotive - leads in intracity and suburban passenger transportation. Along the length of highways are highlighted - USA, Russia, India; In the thickness of Europe and Japan.

In the United States and Canada, the share of railway and road transport in the carriage of goods has already been almost equal. In the countries of Eastern Europe and the CIS, railways are still leading in the transport of goods, but at the same time the importance of road transport is constantly growing.

Pipeline - received rapid development due to the increase in oil and gas production. The global network of oil pipelines currently has a length of more than 400 thousand km., Network (main gas pipelines are even more - 900 thousand km.). The cost of transportation through pipelines is three times lower than by rail. They ensure transport stability, less environmental pollution.

All in. America pipelines are laid from oil and gas production areas to industrial consumption centers in the east of the continent. In zap. Europe they pass from seaports to industrial centers in the depths of the continent. In Russia, oil and gas pipelines were carried out from the regions of Zap. Siberia and Volga region to the European part of the country and further in the east. and zap. Europe. The length of the Friendship pipeline 5, 5 thousand km., And the gas pipeline Urengoy-Western Europe is about 4, 5 thousand km.

Water transport

Sea - of all types of world vehicles is the cheapest marine. It provides more than 75% of transportation between countries (total cargoes - about 3, 6 billion tons per year), serves 4/5 of all international trade, transporting bulk, bulk, bulk cargo. The largest tonnage of the Maritime Fleet of Japan, USA, Greece, Russia. The presence of a large fleet in Panama and Liberia is due to the fact that under the flags of these countries there are courts of other powers. The atlantic ocean is distinguished in terms of maritime traffic.

The largest world ports (in terms of freight turnover) include: Rotterdam (Netherlands), Singapore, Shanghai (China), Nagoya, Tokyo-Iokohama (Japan), New Orleans, New York, Philadelphia, San Francisco (USA), Antwerp ( Belgium), Gavr, Marseille (France), London, etc.

River - uses shipping rivers, channels and inland reservoirs. The largest shipping channels and water riverways of the world - coastal canal (USA), Great Canal (China), Volga-Kama Waterway (Russia), Waterway Rhine - Mine - Danube in Europe. River transport serves mainly the domestic needs of individual states, but sometimes international transport (for example, on the Rhine Rivers, Danube in Europe, etc.).

The largest river and lake fleet - in the USA. Among the leading countries of the world in terms of volume of cargo turnover of inland water transport, China, Russia, Germany and Canada should also be noted.

Air Transport

Air transport is the youngest and dynamic. It ranks first in intercontinental transport. In the most developed countries there has been a thick network of airlines. The largest air park (airplane) is concentrated in the USA, significant in Canada, France, Australia, Germany. Over 1 thousand airports are participating in international airports (there are about 400 only in Europe).

The largest airports in the world: in the USA - Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, Atlanta, New York (Kennedy), San Francisco; Great Britain - London (Heathrow); Japan - Tokyo, as well as in Germany - Frankfurt am Main, France - Paris, etc.

Transport currently has become less dependent on nature. But at the same time, negative impact of transport on nature (thermal, noise, chemical and other types of pollution) is growing. Many countries take measures to protect the environment from the negative impact of transport.

The movement of people and goods is the absolute need for society. For their implementation there are special means - transport. What he is, even a child knows, knows. Nevertheless, this is a complex system that requires absolute understanding.


From the point of view of an integrated approach, the title concept can be viewed as follows:

  1. The combination of all existing ways to move.
  2. Branch of farms and production.
  3. Systemic association of all methods of movement and relevant infrastructure.

In the generalized sense, transport is:

  • link between cities, countries and continents;
  • the main component of any production;
  • a means of moving people, as well as ensuring their vital goods.

As a branch of production, it consists of:

  • from the subject of labor - actually transportation;
  • wages - rolling stock;
  • work carried out - management of them.


Given the absolute need for it, transport has entered all spheres of life. It is inherent in many functions:

  1. Economic. It acts as in the extraction and provision of state with minerals: oil, gas, stone coal, ore, precious metals. Makes it possible and accessible specialization of production simultaneously with their cooperation. It is a major binder in the internal and international trade of any country.
  2. Social. It manifests itself in providing opportunities to live, work and relax in different parts of the settlement, countries, mainland, planets and human facilitation.
  3. Cultural significance lies in the possibilities of exchanging experiences and values, visiting any culturally rich places, replenish the new works of art.
  4. A political role is to establish international and trade relations.
  5. Military - in providing an army with the capabilities of peaceful and armed vehicles, medical care and nutrition.

Thus, regardless of the species and features, transport is an integral part of the state and society.


All existing movement methods can be distributed in two main groups: medium implementation of the main activity and service area.

Depending on the medium, the following groups allocate and types:

  1. Ground: rail, wheel.
  2. Underground (subway).
  3. Air (aviation).
  4. Space.
  5. Water and underwater.
  6. Pipeline.

By the nature of the service sphere, distinguish:

  1. Public transport.
  2. Special uses.
  3. Transport of personal use.

Public transport types are represented by a combination for moving goods and passengers aimed at fulfilling economic, social, cultural, as well as political functions that are characteristic of them.

The most important types of public transport options include railway, automotive, water, aviation and what each of the groups represents, we will look at further.

Manuzhova and Support

The grandfather can be considered a prototype of all land vehicles. Starting with antiquity until the beginning of the 20th century, he performed all the functions corresponding to the current transport industry. At the same time served as an incentive to search for more technological and productive ways to move goods and passengers.

Depending on the territorial features, horses, donkeys, bulls, elephants, deers, dogs, camels are exploited. Animals were used for riding or blamed for transporting carts, wagons, carriages.

Supported transport was used for off-road (mountains, desert, taiga) - animals with Blades on the back leased.

With the development of the railway and car communication, he gradually out of public operation, going to rare personal use.

Water transport

Water marine transport - also has ancient roots related to the third III-II thousand BC. er, and was the only way to implement international trade and conquests of overseas countries.

Today it is distributed on the sea and river. Its advantages can be attributed to:

  • less energy cost than railway and automotive;
  • lack of need to build routes;
  • the ability to transport voluminous freaks over long distances, as well as where complicated or is too expensive construction of bridges.


  1. Dependence on weather conditions.
  2. Small movement speed.
  3. High cost of building ports and docks.
  4. The possibilities of river are limited to the passability of rivers.

An important feature of the loading and unloading work is the need to involve several types of transport within one port economy, namely automobile and rail.

Railway transport

It is a cargo and passenger transport, whose work is based on the movement of rolling stock on specially equipped paths - rails. His advantages:

  1. Universality, independence from weather conditions, reliability.
  2. High cargo and passenger capacity, which allows you to implement the movement of large streams in minor time intervals.
  3. The ability to carry out direct deliveries from the manufacturer, if there are appropriate driveways.
  4. Good speed.
  5. Comfort passenger travel.

If we consider the types of freight transport, then the railway occupies a leading position on the transport of non-valuable, overall cargo, among which forest, grain, stone coal, building materials, oil refining industry. If necessary, containerization is applied.


  1. Caidage intensity and engineering difficulties of building ways and rolling stock.
  2. The limited direction of railways, maneuvers and simultaneity of movement of several compositions.
  3. Practically always requires the previous or subsequent use of automotive tools, which is displayed in total costs.
  4. Difficulties of loading and unloading.
  5. International transportation is often hampered by a track width difference.

The freight turnover averages 40-50% in the Russian Federation and 15-20% on the world market. The corresponding passenger turnover in Russia is 30% and 10 - in total in the world. Thus, this is a productive and reliable transport.

What is steam locomotive - they knew our ancestors. Today is his future - for the electrification of railway lines. Modernization of communication paths and rolling stock on a row with a complex introduction of high-speed technologies is a stable prospect for an increase in the profitability of the industry.


Public transport types represents the automotive industry - the most mobile, technological and exploited. At the same time, it represents personal, special and departmental vehicles and their infrastructure. The proportion of Russian motor vehicles is only 4-6%, of the world - 8-10%. Automotive passenger transportation in the Russian Federation occupy 30-40% of all carried out, whereas in the world - 70-75%.


  1. Mobility, opportunities for direct deliveries without using intermediate types of movement.
  2. The advantage of transporting valuable, beating and perishable goods, including small volumes.
  3. The method of delivery of food, including hard-to-reach regions.
  4. A variety of vehicles for carrying capacity and type of body.
  5. Good speed, low cost and convenience of passenger displacements.
  6. Easy ways.


  1. Energy intensity, negative impact on the environment.
  2. High cost.
  3. Minor lifting capacity, in comparison with other species.
  4. The minimum degree of comfort of passengers.
  5. Significant degree of wear of rolling stock.
  6. Dependence on the safety of traffic safety. The presence of risks associated with them downtime and additional capital losses.

Passenger transport is almost half presented by car. It remains the leader among variants of movements within the settlement and country. For international, and especially intercontinental, railway, water or aviation.


Airplanes and helicopters - the highest achievement of a person, in a literal and figurative sense, a significantly simplifying solution of ultra-communal tasks, to which include: moved to huge distances at high speed, Delivery of medicines or humanitarian aid to natural disaster zones and disasters, the implementation of complex operations in construction, Fire fighting, evacuation, agriculture and so on.


  1. High speed.
  2. A worthy level of comfort of passengers.
  3. The possibilities of transporting valuable and perishable goods.
  4. Do not require the construction of communication paths.


  1. Low security.
  2. The need for the highest qualification of pilots and dispatchers.
  3. Meeting dependence.
  4. Significant capital intensity and cost.
  5. Limit of freight.

Along with considerable risks and high cost, takes about 20% among world passenger traffic.


A combination of pipe-shaped ways to move liquid and gaseous "goods" to considerable distances are pipelines. With it, provide interregional, international and intercontinental supply of oil and gas. The work is carried out using the pressure difference in the system and their regulation, respectively, transport workers are represented by dispatchers and controllers of items.

The advantages include manufacturability, high performance and accessibility in any conditions. The disadvantages are high safety and compliance requirements, continuous control and narrow direction of the system.

It is extremely necessary to ensure the comfort of the population, as it depends on its functioning the possibility of convenient cooking and the level of heat in housing in the cold season.

The most important system of any society is transport. What is the state without territory and the population, without industry, cultural heritage and displacement opportunities? It is the bloodstream of any country and the world, in general. It's trouble ecology, but also, that is quite possible, the salvation of mankind.

Vehicles are devices designed to move from one place to other people, various goods and a variety of equipment installed on the vehicle. Types of transport are classified depending on the medium in which the vehicle is functioning and transportation is carried out. There are water, terrestrial, air, underground and space vehicles. There are also combined vehicles that can move in several environments - amphibians, airflows, some types of airbag.

Water vehicles

Water modes of transport include vehicles carrying out transportation on water - rivers, oceans, canals, seas, reservoirs and lakes. The main type of vehicle transport is the vessel. Depending on the depth of the reservoir, water transport is divided into the following types:

  • river - ferries, barges, river trams, courts on air pads;
  • sea - cruise liners, heavy trucks, tankers, container carriers.

The consumption of water vehicles can be attributed to their low speed, seasonality of navigation and the possibility of direct intercontinental communication, and to the pluses - a large capacity and low minimum cost of transportation.

Types of freight vehicles

By freight transport can be considered a vehicle moving in any environment. There are cargo aircraft, cargo ships, cargo trains and a varied ground wheel cargo transport. The following types of ground cargo vehicles differ:

  • Trucks, combined with the body - onboard trucks, vans, tempophurgies;
  • Self-propelled tractors intended for towing trailers and trailers;
  • Trailers without their own engines, which are designed for hitch with a tractor in the road train;
  • Coupling semi-trailers - tilt, onboard, platforms, trawls, refrigerators, dump trucks.

Types of special vehicles

The category of special vehicles includes transport used for purposes other than civil, or having special equipment. There are the following types of special vehicles:

  • Cars, motorcycles and buses of police officers;
  • Emergency medical care cars;
  • Machines of urban communal services - Snow removal equipment, watering machines;
  • Military transport (armored personnel carriers, combat cars and other);
  • MES machines, fire trucks;
  • Intectional transport used at large enterprises.

Main types of vehicles

In addition to the displacement environment, transport varies in functional purpose. Allocate common transport (public), personal transport and special purpose transport (technological and military). Vehicles can also be classified into several different types of energy sources used by the following categories:

  • transport with electric motor;
  • transport with thermal engine;
  • transport with a hybrid engine;
  • vehicles without its own engine - sailing and muscular power leading.

Modern and promising types of transport include vehicles on a magnetic cushion and automatic transport without a driver.

The vehicle is a technical device, the purpose of which is the transportation of people or cargo to long distances. Today in the world there are more than a dozen thousands of such devices. Therefore, in order to distinguish one transport from the other, the standard classification was invented, due to which all types of vehicles can be divided into their intended energy used and the movement environment.

Main types of vehicles

As mentioned above, depending on certain signs, all types of vehicles can be divided into three main groups:

  • by appointment;
  • for energy used;
  • by moving medium.

Since the aforementioned types of vehicles have their own classification, features and differ from each other by certain features, they can be considered in more detail.

Types of transport for destination

Under the appointment, the sphere is meant in which the specific type of transport is used most often. That is, it can be vehicles:

  • Special use. This includes military (armored cars, tanks) and technological transport (travel machines).
  • Common use. This category includes all types of water, air and terrestrial transport used in the field of trade and services. For example, a truck that transports goods is already transporting to the common use category.
  • Individual use, i.e., those vehicles with which a person enjoys personally. The most common individual transport is a personal car or a motorcycle.

In addition, there is still a separate public transport subcategory. This includes urban (public) transport, that is, the one that transports passengers on certain routes, according to the schedule and for a specific fee. It can be buses, trams, trolleybuses, etc.

Types of transport for used energy

Depending on the energy used, there are vehicles:

  • Movement of wind power, such as sailing vessels (sailboats).
  • Moving muscular power (movable by man or animal). The most common transport driven by a person is a bicycle that is driven by foot pedals. In addition, there are smaller rowing vessels in everyday life, which are also moving through the human strength. About vehicles, movable animals, written in more detail below under the appropriate heading.
  • With a personal engine. This species, in turn, is divided into transport with a thermal and electronic engine.

Vehicles with a thermal engine - a mechanical vehicle that works through the transformation of heat into the energy required for movement. The source of heat in such engines may be, for example, organic fuel. One of the most famous transport representatives with a thermal engine - a steam locomotive, which is driven by treating (extracts) of coal.

The electronic is considered that transport, the engine of which is driven by electricity energy. The main vehicles of this type are trams, funicular, monorails, electric cars and electric goods.

Types of transport on the displacement environment

Depending on the movement medium, transport can be:

  • ground (automotive, rail, cycling, pipeline, as well as transport, driven by animals);
  • air (aviation and aircraft devices);
  • water (surface and underwater ships);
  • cosmic (devices and machines moving on airless ways);
  • other species.

Other types of transport include stationary lifts (elevators), elevators, cableways, etc.

Ground transport

There are various terrestrial vehicles that are divided by a number of signs:

  • According to the drive, there is a tracked (some types of tanks, tractors and cranes), wheeled (cars, bicycles, mopeds, motorcycles), as well as land transport, which leads in motion of animals.
  • In the number of wheels there are: monocycles (single vehicles), bicycles (two-wheeled), tricycles (three-wheeled) and quad bikes (four-wheeled transport).
  • By type of roads there are railway and fine vehicles. Rail transport includes any vehicle that carries the load and passengers on rail tracks. That is, it can be locomotives, wagons, trams, monorails and overpass transport. There is any terrestrial transport, including vehicles that moves around land.

Automobile vehicles

Automobile transport is considered the most popular and common type of land vehicles. The automotive includes all kinds of funds, with the help of which the shipping and passengers on the straight paths are carried out. Many cars are intended not only for transportation to short, but also on long distances, especially in cases where it is impossible to deliver passengers, products or materials in another way.

All car transport shares:

  • The racing cars, which, most often, are used in automotive and sprint races (Drag racing, auto-slal, etc.). These include, for example, monoposts are single cars with open wheels used in the Formula 1 races.
  • Transport cars that serve only for shipping and passengers. Depending on the purpose of the destination, they are passenger (personal uses), cargo (cars - vans, tractor, etc.) and transported (buses, route taxis, etc.).
  • For special machines, which, among other things, are equipped with additional equipment intended for certain purposes. These include, for example, ambulance or fire trucks.

Vehicles movable animals

Use animals as a means of movement, people have learned when other types of land transport has not yet existed. Although there were already years old, modern vehicles appeared, many still prefer to ride riding on horseback or bargaining an animal in a wagon to transport any cargo.

To transport, movable animals, belongs:

  • Mangown transport. As vehicles to move cargo and passengers on carts, carts, people are mainly used horses, dogs, camels, buffalo, elephants and other mammals, which can be tamed and trained to transport.
  • Superior transport. The name of the packaging is like a packaging (blouse), which is attached to the back of the animal. Such a vehicle is used in cases where the gentle transport is inappropriate, for example, in mountainous areas where too cool slopes and narrow roads, which makes it difficult to move the wagon and cart. In addition to mountain areas, pack animals are used in rural and swampy terrain, as well as in the deserts or in the northern regions, where there are bad roads or there are practically no.
  • Horse transport, which is designed both for the transport of passengers and to participate in special sports competitions and contests. Basically, horse transport includes horses, camels and elephants.

Pipeline vehicles

The main purpose of pipeline vehicles is only transportation of goods (chemicals, liquid and gaseous products) on special channels (pipes). This type of ground transport is the cheapest and most popular, which are no analogues in the world. For example, in the territory of the Russian Federation, pipelines are used to transport more than 95% of oil produced.

In addition to low cost, pipeline transport has other advantages:

  • fast shipping;
  • low cost of transportation;
  • lack of cargo loss during delivery;
  • pipelines can be laid out where and as you like (not counting the airways).

Main types of pipeline vehicles: sewage, plumbing, garbage chute and pneumatic transport (pneumatic).

Air Transport

The aircraft appeared at the beginning of the 20th century and quickly won popularity worldwide. This type of transport also includes helicopters, airships, airbuses, airplanes. This is one of the fastest, but expensive types of vehicles, which is intended for passenger and freight traffic for long distances (more than 1 thousand km) by air. In addition, there are aircraft and helicopters that perform service functions (for example, stew fires, spray over the fields of insecticides, sanitary aviation, etc.). Tourists and businessmen who want to get into another country or even another continent are used by air transport. With these vehicles transport overalls and heavy things, products with a small shelf life, as well as valuable items.

At least this type of transport is noisy, expensive pleasure, but it is indispensable for scientific expeditions, which are sent to long-distance continents or other hard-to-reach places, where difficult or impossible to get in other way.

Water transport

This is one of the classic types of vehicles. Such transport is intended for transportation of artificial (reservoirs, channels) and natural (lake, rivers, sea, etc.) waterways.

Unlike air, water transport is one of the cheapest after pipeline. That is why almost everything is transported by such vehicles: ranging from building materials and ending with minerals. And such floats, such as ferries, are able to even transport other transport.

But passenger traffic has recently become much smaller. This is justified rather low speed, with which vessels move from one seaport to another.

Main types of vehicles moving on waterways: surface (boats, boats, liners, ships) and underwater ships.

Space transport (spacecraft)

Space transport (spacecraft) is a mechanical vehicle intended for the transport of goods and passengers on airless space (in space). Of course, speaking about the transport of people, it is implied that they are both passengers and the crew, the control of the spacecraft. Basically, such transport is intended for more specific purposes. For example, space stations are designed for various relief research, oceans and atmospheres that cannot be carried out on Earth, and satellites allow people to watch international television programs and make weather forecasts meteorologists. In addition, some spacecraft are used for military purposes (surveillance of combat areas, exploration of other countries, the detection of approaching space objects, etc.).

From the main space transport you can allocate: satellites, cosmic ships, orbital and interplanetary stations, planets.

Transportation - (from Lat. Transporto - Move), this combination of funds and ways of reporting activities of which ensures all the activities of people. Paths of messages are roads. Technical facilities, refueling, communications, workshops. Transport and most important strategic resource. There are terrestrial, water and air transport. Land types: rail, automotive and pipeline; Water - sea and river; Air - aviation. The tenth of people works on the TRANSP.

Transport system - a set of all types of transport related technologically, technically, economically and regulatory legal acts.

    Main types of transport, their brief description

Railway transport In many industrialized countries, one of the leading places occupies among other types of transport. This is due to its versatility - the ability to serve the manufacturing industries and meet the needs of the population in transportation, regardless of weather: in all climatic conditions and at any time of the year.

Having modern types of locomotives and wagons, a powerful railway, using modern means of automation, telemechanics and computing equipment, railway transport, along with other industrial production industries, enters the economic potential of each country.

During its existence, the length of the railways of the world has reached almost 1.3 million km; At the same time, they do not have equal in the volume of the transverse ability and continuity of operation.

1825G. First railway in England

Automobile transport Provides:

1) a relatively high speed of movement;

2) Delivery of goods to areas where there are no other types of transport.

It is most convenient, as it allows you to deliver cargo directly from the sender to the recipient without overload; Effective in intracity and long-distance transportation of passengers. At the same time, the cost of freight and passenger transportation by road is higher compared to other species. In the world, 31 million km, and in Russia 1 million km the length of roads.

Sea transport Provides mass transport to foreign countries, as well as between ports within the country located on the coast of the seas. Sea transport are most effective in directions where sea routes are shorter than land, and where there are no other types of mass transport. For Russia, the importance of sea transport in the maintenance of the northern regions of Siberia and the Far East, where there is no railways. The cost of sea transportation of goods is lower than other types of transport, and especially when transporting long distance.

River transport Carries out local and long-distance carriage on routes that coincide with the location of shipping rivers and canals. It has a high sustainable ability, especially when using high loading vessels on deep-sea rivers, as well as on the routes of the River-Sea. The cost of river transport is lower than other types of transport. However, the substantial disadvantage of Russia's river transport is the short-term navigation during the year and low speed speeds.

Air Transport- The most high-speed type of transport, by means of which are carried out mainly passenger transportation to neighbor and long distances. The proportion of freight traffic is low. The work of air transport is very influenced by weather conditions. The cost of air transport is significantly higher than on other types of transport.

Pipeline transport It is used for transporting mainly oil, petroleum products and natural gas and is almost independent of weather conditions, it is capable of transporting liquid and gaseous products to very long distances, is a relatively cheap type of transport. In Russia \u003d 15000 km

Industrial Transport carry out the movement of objects and products of labor in the field of production.

Trunk general use transport includes railway, automotive, sea, river, air and pipeline.

Urban transport Provides transportation within the city and includes a metropolitan, trolleybus, tram, bus, taxi, cargo car, etc.

    The main elements of transport systems

The unified transport system ensures the coordinated development and operation of all types of transport in order to maximize transport needs with minimal costs. The transport process is a set of funds and ways of communication, as well as various technical devices and structures that ensure their normal operation. Its components: Means of communication, communication paths, technical devices and facilities in transport (repair plants, refueling, services); Reserves - transport abilities and throughput paths. The subject of the impact of transport is loads or passengers. Means of impact - rolling stock. Object of impact - efficiency. Or administrator.

    Economic, State, Social, Cultural and Military Value of Transport

Economic- It is to ensure the development, communication and coordination of the work of all sectors of the economy.

State- It is that transport connects certain areas of the state.

Social- ensuring the work of the population, relief of labor and increase its productivity.

Cultural- It is possible to distribute the aesthetic values \u200b\u200bwith its help, which increases the culture and education of the population.

Military- Provides transportation of troops and military equipment, as well as the supply of troops with everything necessary. It is impossible to maintain the front now without transport.

    Russian transport location in the global economy

The share of GDP 12% in the world is engaged in transport. Volume of iron expensive 31%

River is 2% Sea transport. 4% Air transport is less than 1% Pipeline takes 8% Railways transport about 3% of passengers. Automotive transport transports passengers more than 50% air more than 11% taxis 11% trolleybuses more than 30%

    Timeline development of transport in prehistoric period

Transport appeared about 6,000 years ago. Skating rollers for especially heavy loads, extended tree trunks or rafts. The wheel was an important and greatest step in the history of mankind, approached about 3000 years BC. Blades or 2 - 4 - wheel wagons were used. Sails, tubular wheels approximately 1500 years BC The invention of the compass.

    Transportation of transport from 1 to 17th century

In 1662, wagons appeared in Paris - for the transport of passengers. Vans - for the carriage of goods.

800: Baghdad streets began to cover the gudron.

875: The first attempt to manage the flight of Abbas Ibn Farnas.

1633: Lagary Hasan Chelaby makes the first attempt to manage the flight on the rocket.

1662: Blaise Pascal introduces the equestrian public bus, which has a regular route, timetable and system of tariffs.

    Transportation of transport in 18-19V 1700

In 1791, a scooter was designed. In 1817, Karl Drayce built a 2-wheelchair (Dresin).

Steam machines have become a big impetus for the development. In France, a balloon was invented. 1825- Railway and iron road bridge in England were built. In Russia in 1839 from Peter in the royal village 27 km. In 1851, Zrovnah road from Moscow to Peter. 1896- The first flying model of the aircraft. The first three wheel car was created in France. 1877- The first icebreaker was created (Russia).

    Transportation of transport in 20V and now

1901-Ford has established a car release. 1905-first gas station. 1914- First Airlines in the USA 1933-Butlero Baltic Channel. 1941- Turbo jet aircraft (England) 1947- First supersonic aircraft. 1968- TU 144 Supersonic aircraft.

    Concept of the unity of the transport system, its development

Main ideas: 1) Development of the concept of unity of the transport system. 2) management principles in a market economy. The transport system is most often considered as a holistic industry of the national economy, which includes 4 elements:

1 Transport network of all types of transport common and not common use.

2 moving vehicles (regardless of the ownership of Nix),

3 Labor transport resources

4 Management system by all types of transport at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

    Transport management system in the Russian Federation and its prospects

The need to clearly fulfill the task of transport related transport.

Unique transport links

Close relationship between transportation processes

Conducting a tariff policy

Conducting a comprehensive analysis of the transport system

    Characteristics of transportation and availability indicators

Indicators of transportation and availability

These indicators reflect the level of transport service, population

and depend on many factors:

Network length;

Throughput and transportability;

Street configurations;

Parallelism of moves;

Rain, ice, etc.;

The greater the indicator, the more the network is developed.

1) Network of the network for 1000 km2

LE - the length of operational length; S - Area area.

2) Transportation of the population by 10,000 people

H is the number of population.

3) Generalized Indicator (Ejingel Formula)

4) Uspensky introduced the formula: the volume of goods presented for transportation

Q is the number of goods.

5) the development of various types of transport appeared an indicator for bringing

them to the general mind

S0 - Calculated territory

Vasilevsky offered the following coefficient of bringing the transport line to

one km of railways (bandwidth)

For motorways - 0.45

Normal highway - 0.15

River Way - 0.25

Main gas pipeline - 0.30

Oil pipeline - 1.

Railway transmission indicators DSZH / D:

The world as a whole - 1.81

CIS - 0,65

USA - 2.27.

Asia - 1.35

Russia - 0,51

Africa - 0.50

Macroeconomic indicator of the level of transport

services consider the volume of the reduced cargo turnover in ton kilometers, (

cargo turnover - the number of tons given by one kilometer) coming

for 1 ruble of national income.

    Volume of transportation performance

The volume of transportation is the planned or actually made by the volume of transportation per unit of time.

Cargo turnover - made volume at a certain distance.

The average transportation range is a freight turnover or a passenger turnover by tons.

Labor productivity is a division of transport work per person.

The complexity is indicator of the reverse volume of labor.

Transportation of goods in tons (T);

Cargo turnover in ton kilometers (TKM);

Transportation of passengers (people);

Passenger turnover in passenger kilometers (pass.-km).

    Main performance performance indicators

Time, the speed of cargo delivery and the degree of their safety are the most important indicators of the quality of transport product products that direct impact on the quality and efficiency of production transport service.

    Terms and speed of shipping and passengers

As a rule, there is a reasonable compromise in market relations between the cost and urgency of delivery. Delivery times are associated primarily, with a technical or estimated rate, which is focused on this transport. The delivery time depends on the type of communication, the technologies of the work of transport, design features of vehicles, the conditions for carrying out the transport process, including climatic and many other factors. Delivery time is based on the average speed of movement and includes time on the delivery - export of cargo, loading and unloading operations, paperwork, stopping in way for various reasons, etc.

The delivery time is the time from shipping by the cargo by the cargo owner (the sender) before receiving it by the consignee.

The delivery time of the passenger is the time from the exit from the place of sending (house, work) before arriving at the destination.

If you take the speed of movement of a regular train on the railway at a distance of 600 - 700 km per 100%, then the speed of the route train will be 130-140%, vessels on river transport - 60 - 70%, air - depending on the distance 150 - 300%, In a long-distance road traffic - 180%, and on the pipeline - 40-50%.

The average speed of movement in railway transport is 55 km / h; The loaded speed of the cargo train is approximately 33 - 35 km / h, and the locomotive moves at a speed of 15-20 km / h, the electric locomotive 40-50 km / h, the diesel locomotive - 25 - 30 km / h. A long-distance bus has a speed of 40 - 50 km / h, the Express bus 70 is 80 km / h; Court of type "River-Sea" - 26 km / h, and ships on underwater wings - 65 - 75 km / h; Aviation on local lines -300 - 400 km / h, on distant lines - 850 - 950 km / h or more.

Approximate delivery speeds by type of transport are as follows: on railway transport - 10-11 km / h (mileage on average 260 - 270 km / day, and on route trains - 350-370 km / day); on road transport - 15-17 km / h, and with a long-distance message 2 - 3 times higher (500 - 800 km / day); on river transport - 5 - 6 km / h (280 - 300 km / day); on sea transport -16- 17 km / h, and tankers - 19 km / h (350 - 550 km / day); In air transport - 450 km / h; On pipeline transport -70 - 80 km / day. Sea transport in coastal transport faster delivers the load than railway transport. Pumping oil lengthens the delivery time of 2 - 3 times compared with the delivery of oil by rail. Transportation of goods by small batches on all types of transport is a reduced delivery rate, which is associated with the need for their accumulation. Losses from the insufficient shipping speed by rail at the moment are estimated at 20-25 billion rubles. in year.

The situation is somewhat differently with passenger delivery rates. This speed must be counted with the time and convenience of the entrance to the trunk transport. The speed of transportation of passengers in any type of transport is higher than when transporting goods. On passenger transport there are ordinary and high-speed routes, as well as cargo-passenger routes, the cost of which is different; It depends on the number and duration of stops along the route. The speed of delivery, taking into account the cost, determines the competitiveness of the enterprise on passenger traffic.

In any situation, it is necessary not to simply focus on the average delivery time, but to calculate the specific time of the passenger delivery or this cargo on this route, taking into account the convenience (interest) of the passenger or the requirements of the cargo owner.

    Brief history of vehicles using human and animal strength

The wagon is a vehicle intended for moving along the solid surface of goods or passengers using animal or humus muscles; The driving wagon is a living creature located outside it.

Cargo wagons

The cart is a four-wheeled wagon (in the Soviet Union there were twelve telegostroy plants. The biggest one was the factory "shift" in Borovichi. In the 1980s, he produced up to two thousand carts per month, which were supplied at all corners of the USSR.)

Arba - two-wheeled wagon

The wagon is a big cart, anguish. (Until the second half of the 20th century, the truck was called a large, long cart, harnessed by horses or oxen)

The wheelbarrow is uniaxial and therefore easily controlled wagon for moving goods muscular strength (the car was invented in antique Greece. Two list 408-407 and 407-406. BC e. Mention "1 box for a single vehicle (Hyperteria Monokyklou)" )

Martial wagons

Chariot (they appeared about 2600 years before our era)

Four-wheel combat waggings of a peculiar design were used by Hetti and Gusites.

Tacanka - used during the Civil War in Russia (the name of the equestrian height of the Machine (mainly) by a machine gun aimed at back. Known from the beginning of the 1890s.)

Specialized Wagons

Field kitchen (in the Russian army, the first field kitchens appeared in 1898.)

Mobile Church (the first Orthodox mobile (hike and ulus) church, in the name of the Resurrection of Christ, was built in 1724 for the grandson of the Kalmyk Khan Ayuki-Khan Baksadaya-Dordzhi (Peter Tisch))

On the poloz

The carts on the clamns are usually called sled. The most famous types of sled in Russia:

Warning coach on the clamns.

Sledge is an open wagon on the clamns expanding in the back.

Woods - cargo sleeves without a body.

Passenger wagons

The coach is the covered wagon on the springs. (The first carts on horse racing found in Celtic burials indicate that the body was suspended on the belts. Four-wheeled crews were also used in prehistoric Europe and their classic design in the form of wheels and spring suspension was used since time immemorial .)

The diligence is a large multi-seat passenger or mail wagon, widely used in the XIX century. (Postal diligences received the most spread in the late XVIII - early XIX century. The average route rate of mail diligences was 9-10 km / h.)

    Mechanical means of movement

In the understanding of a modern person, the word "car" means transport that is equipped with an autonomous engine (it can be an internal combustion engine, an electric and even steam boiler). A couple of centuries ago, the car was called all the "self-deviating carts".

People enjoyed mechanical means of movement still before the invention of the car. Muscles of man tried as a driving force, and giving resources. For example, in ancient China there were land wagons with sails, which were driven by the power of the wind. In Europe, such innovation came only in 1600x years, thanks to Simon Stevin designer.

The Nurembergian watchmaker I.Khachi was a built-in-making wagon, the source of which was a large hour spring. One plant such a spring was enough for 45 minutes drive. This wagon really moved, however, there were skeptics who argued that two people were hidden inside it, leading it in motion. But despite this, she was still bought by King Sweden Carl, who used it for traveling along the royal park.

According to the book published in Paris in 1793, the author of which was an ozanam, for several years, a stroller went to the Paris streets, leading to the movement of a lacker, which was pressed on the steps located under the body.

In Russia (XVIII century) two designs of mechanical crews were invented: Samschurenkova Samschurenkov (1752) and Samochka I.P. Kulibin (1791). A detailed description of the self-volatile stroller has not been preserved, but it is known that its tests were successfully held on November 2, 1752. According to the invention, I.P. Kulibin has been preserved much more information: it was a three-wheeled pedal stroller with a flywheel and a three-speed gear shift box. The idle course of pedals was carried out due to the ratchet mechanism installed between the pedals and the flywheel. The leading wheels were considered two rear, and managed - the front. The weight of the stroller (along with servants and passengers) was 500 kg, and the speed developed by it is up to 10 km / h.

Later, Russian inventor E.I. Artamonov (fortification locksmiths of the Nizhnya Tagil Plant) in 1801 built the first two-wheeled metal bike.

    Era of steam vehicles

Ferdinand Verbst built the first car at a vapor go around 1672 as a toy for the Chinese emperor.

The car was a small size and could not carry a driver or a passenger, but maybe he was the first working steam transport ("car"). In 1680 Isaac Newton in one of his works on the mechanics described the crew, which was supposed to move due to the reactive force of steam. The crew was a cart, equipped with a steam boiler with a nozzle, through which, with the help of a valve, he could burst steam, thereby dispelling the cart. Of course, it was only a project, and it was not known whether he was ever implemented. The first steam engine was "fire unit", designed by the English military engineer Thomas Severi in 1698. Then English Blacksmith Thomas Newcomen in 1712 demonstrated its "atmospheric engine". It was an improved steam engine of Severi, in which Newkäen significantly reduced the pair's working pressure. Attempts to Newcoma to use the reciprocating movement of the piston to rotate the rowing wheel on the vessels turned out to be unsuccessful. However, Newkoven's merit is that he one of the first implemented the idea of \u200b\u200busing steam to obtain mechanical work. Newcomine steam machines were widely widespread: by 1735, only in England there were more than a hundred.

In 1769, the French inventor Kyuno experienced the first sample of a full-size car with a steam engine (advanced Machine Newcomine), known as the "small cart Küno", and in 1770 - "Big Telago Kyuno". The inventor himself called her "fiery telephone" - it was intended to tow the artillery guns. "Cuno cart" is considered the predecessor not only the car, but also the locomotive, since it was driven by steam force. Kyuno steam cart (Fardier à Vapeur de Cugnot) had a drive to a single front wheel. However, apparently, the handling of it was unimportant, which was the cause of the world's first car accident: the inventor did not cope with the control.

In 1791, the Russian inventor Ivan Kulibin was made by the "Scooter Wagon". Ivan Kulibin began working on a carriage of a spark engine and pedals in the 1780s. Among his features flywheel, brake, gearbox and bearing, from which any modern car consists. His design had three wheels. Unfortunately, as with many other inventions, the state has not seen the potential of these developments and they did not receive further development.

The first patent for a car in the United States was provided by Oliver Evans (English) Russian. In 1789. Evans showed his first successful self-propelled machine, which was not only the first car in the United States, but also the first amphibian car, as it was capable of traveling on the wheels on the ground

In the XIX century, the diligeans on the steam rod and rolls (steam tractors, that is, the firewalls) for ordinary roads were built in England, France and were used in a number of European countries, including Russia, however, they were hard, voracious and uncomfortable, so widespread did not receive widespread . Among other works, a steam car on a liquid fuel, assembled in 1815 by the professor of Prague Polytechnic by Joseph Bozlek (English) Russian. And four-bed steam phaeton, made in 1813 by Walter Hancock (English) Russian, developer and operator of London steam buses.

In 1900, approximately half of cars in the United States was on a vapor go. Steam, electrical and gasoline cars competed for decades, while in the 1910s, internal combustion gas engines did not become dominant.

Soviet projects:

in 1948, experienced by us-012 was built on the chassis of the semito YAAZ-200 (later MAZ-200). The characteristics of the three-cylinder steam machine were quite familiar: power - 100 hp, turnover - up to 1250 per minute. And the dimensions and mass turned out even less than a diesel engine with a gearbox. True, this economy reduced a heavy (about a ton) "boiler".

    History electric car

In 1828, Hungarian Yedlik Anos, who invented the early type of electric motor, created a miniature model of the car driven by movement with its new engine. In 1834, the inventor of the first DC electric motor, the blacksmith of Vermont Thomas Davenport, installed his motor into a small model of the machine, which he operated on the ring electrified track. In 1835, the Dutch professor of the city of Groningen Sibrandus Stratin and his assistant Christopher Becker created a small electrical machine, which moved into motion non-rechargeable primary electroplating elements. In 1838, Scotlandets Robert Davidson ( english) Developed an electric locomotive that reached a speed of 6 km / h (4 miles / h). In England, in 1840, a patent was granted a patent for the use of rail routes as a conduit electric current and similar American patents were issued in 1847 by Lilley and Colten. Approximately between 1832 and 1839 (the accurate year is unknown) Citizen Scotland Eng. Robert Anderson invented the first coarse electric carriage, resulting in the motion of non-rechargeable primary galvanic elements

    The first cars with an internal combustion engine

Early attempts to manufacture and use internal combustion engines were difficult due to the lack of suitable fuel, feature, and early engines used the gas mixture.

Early Gas Experiments were held by the Swiss Engineer Francois Isaac de Rivas (English) Russian. (1806), built an internal combustion engine operating on a hydrogen-oxygen mixture, and the Englishman of the Semalli Brown (English) Russian. (1826), experimented with its own engine on hydrogen fuel as a vehicle to Hill Shutorses (English) Russian., South-eastlylone. Hippomobil (eng.) Russian. Belgian Etienne Lenor with a single-cylinder internal combustion engine on hydrogen fuel made test runs from Paris in ZhuaoNevil-le-Pont (English) Russian. In 1860, covering about nine kilometers about three hours. Late version worked at the coal Gaze.Delmamar-debtueville (eng.) Russian. The car was patented and tested in 1884.

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