How to lose cracks. How and how to make cracks in concrete? How to close through cracks

Gardening 23.06.2020

Due to the movement of the formation of the soil, the entire structure is routing, then in one, then in the other direction. But the structure itself is thoroughly, due to good.

In the event that a crack appeared in the wall of the house, it may mean that the foundation is very poorly coping with its duties. But there is also a mass of the reasons why cracks may arise and even without destroying the foundation.

If the supporting soils will not evenly take the load, the tape will deform stronger than able to withstand the walls of the structure.

Do it easy:

If the markers remain integer or cracks expand or narrow, then this means that the foundation is well performing its purpose, and there was a voltage in the wall materials that splashed in the form of cracks.

To enhance the wall in the emergency section:

  1. Reinforcement by carbon fiber or steel grid, from the outside;
  2. Metal frames or anchor attachments;
  3. Reinforcing elements that are laying on the strokers;
  4. Use the injection method.

So before starting construction, consider all the nuances. Well, if the trouble still happened, then after reading this article you will know what to do.

We hope that the information of this article was useful to you. We wish you good luck!

One of the most popular materials for the construction of various objects is brick. However, this material is not ideal, and in buildings from it during their operation, flaws and damage may occur.

The most common withdrawal are cracks on the wall. Correct such a lack will not be a lot of work. To do this, it is necessary to find out the cause of the crack and choose the necessary technological method to eliminate it.


The manifestation of cracks on the wall surfaces from the brick is a bad sign. However, when the foundation is properly laid and properly performing cracking, there should not be arranged.

Any visible flaw signals a non-compliance with the norms of construction or use and needs to be immediately corrected the cause of its appearance. The level of complexity of sealing cracks in wall surfaces depends on their thickness and depth (sometimes it is necessary to disassemble the necessary brickwork area).

You can close the crack with your own hands if you follow our recommendations. We will help you to eliminate any flaws (for example, a cracked surface of the carrier wall).

Causes of gaps

There are several reasons that create an unpleasant problem.

  • Lack of either unsuitable bundle between blocks. It is manifested in the form of a vertical crack over the entire height of the wall (it occurs when the extension structure arises to the existing building or in case of non-compliance with the correctness of the work). You can get rid of the gap only if the pre-reinforced belt is made by the reinforced belt.
  • Ladies when laying the foundation of the building:filling the foundation for a small depth (less than the ground freezing level), the use of granular or mineral blocks, the use of concrete with poor strength and frost resistance. External manifestations: cracks in the areas of corners or rapidly increasing cracks in the upper parts of the wall surfaces from the brick.

You can avoid this by strengthening the foundation perimeter by creating a belt from concrete.

  • Error defining the quality of the soilWhat makes errors occur when taking into account the load. This also includes soil deformation as a result of vibrations, natural phenomena (for example, active soil waters), as well as the works of close to the object. All this leads to the appearance of large cracks throughout the surface of the walls.
  • Conciliatory drawdown over the first year of operation.This is manifested in the form of small and shallow gaps, which are in the future do not increase in size. To eliminate them, you need to make only insignificant repairs.
  • . Cracks arise in the areas of the greatest voltage. In order to avoid it, it is necessary to distribute the load evenly and produce the screed in the required places.

In order to close the crack in the wall of the brick house, you should stick to a simple instruction:

  • carefully inspect the entire building, recognize and eliminate the foci of cracks;
  • periodically check the condition of the wall surfaces;
  • when the slightest cracks are found, it is necessary to immediately do everything possible to prevent the dissemination of defects;
  • when forming cracks, it is necessary to calculate the necessary inner region of the slots, as well as to maximize the interaction with finishing agents;
  • after checking the walls and the processing of the slots, the detected cavities should be made and make an exterior isolation (or finishing).

Prior to the determination of the cause of the exemption, it is meaningless to make something for its correction.

In addition, it is necessary to conduct a permanent check on the rate of increasing cracks. For this, the slit must be noted with marking from the spacing composition of either a concrete solution. The desired ranges of strips is 100 × 40mm with a layer thickness of less than ten millimeters. There is also a simpler paper using paper. Check for breaks should be made every day for five weeks. In case of problems, it is necessary to capital repairs to the foundation of the construction and assistance of a professional.

It is worth remembering that the width of the crack is more than twenty millimeters is critical. In such a situation, an auxiliary increase in the edges of the cracks and the strengthening of brick structures is necessary. The destruction of the region needs to dismantle.

If, after check, you noted that the crack did not increase, then you can use the simple method of sealing the slit in the brick wall.

Methods for fixing cracks

It is worth remembering that the occurrence of vertical debris width from ten millimeters is the harbinger of the destruction of the walls of the structure. Therefore, repairing this crack cement mortar without a solid metal screed will not work. In this regard, there are several repair options.

  • Sloves special anchorsmetal in a dowel, mounted along the edges of the crack.
  • Installation of longitudinal metal brackets with bends along the edgesin pre-done holes in the wall surfaces (later they should be lifted with cement mortar). This method is the easiest and reliable when fixing through slots from the outside.

  • Hardening of brickwork from the inside with special fastening compounds.When mounting fasteners into the surface of the wall, they need to be made to a greater depth (more than half of the entire thickness of the wall). It is allowed to alternate fasteners. In practice, sealing the slots in the wall surfaces from the brick is made after the installation of fixing structures.
  • Use of reinforcement gridrationally, if desired, strengthen the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe structure, because even the careful calculation of the foundation does not guarantee the absence of a shrink on the risk. When choosing a method and material to eliminate cracks, it is necessary to take into account the upcoming outdoor finish. All parts made of metal material are processed against corrosion against corrosion and disguise painting are either embarrassed by plaster.

What to close cracks

The compositions for lubing slots depend on the location of the flaws (from the inside, outside the house or even under the window). Inside the room, stripping the crack is possible on the basis of plaster or a mixture of lime and cement. For outdoor installation, it is better to choose the most resistant to moisture materials (otherwise, the finish will last long).

  • For minor cracks (less than five millimeters width) is a repair with a solution from cement. In situations, when shrinking microscopic cracking does not exceed one millimeter, they are better to lure epoxy resin.
  • For defects with a length of five to ten millimetersthe seal can be made of cement and sand in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3. To achieve a plastic consistency, it is necessary to add water.
  • For more problematic cracksin the wall structures of the brick (as well as in the structures with a layer of air), the foam will be a great solution. Such material requires compulsory protection against sunlight, so after frozen the foaming surplus are removed.

  • For defects of various typescement composition is suitable with the addition of polymers from the M400 brand category. The compositions are passed through a small grid with a small grain of sand or joinery glue based on polyvinyl acetate and water. PVA in such cases is added redundant (from one liter on the bucket) and adds to the latter.
  • For problem locations wall(from the inner or outdoor) you can use silicone-based sealant. The advantages of such a fund can be attributed to the plasticity and a long service life of the material, tolerance to temperature and humidity changes, the convenience of climbing cracks with the help of an assembly pistol. The disadvantage of this method is large financial expenses, so it does not fit for large areas and volumes.
  • If necessary, eliminate defects on the outsideand with the presence of an outdated solution, mixtures are used with the addition of brick crumbs.

At the end of the repair, the condition of brick surfaces must be carefully examined for two months.

Over time, holes or cracks may appear in any walls. The appearance of such defects is considered ordinary. Very often they may appear when installing and repairing the heating system, air conditioners, as a result of the rearrangement of furniture and many other things. When preparing surfaces to further finish, it is necessary to beat the old and unnecessary plaster, so the chips of the fragments that will need to be renovated are possible. In addition, on any concrete during operation, cracks appear sooner or later.

You can come up with many ways to disguise damaged sections: close the picture, take the wallpaper and much more. But this will not solve the problem itself - the hole will remain. In order to close defects in the wall, it will not be necessary to help the masters, all this can be done independently.

Causes of cracking in the wall

The occurrence of cracks is not only able to spoil the appearance of the premises, but also become a serious problem of functioning the entire building. One of the most common causes of the appearance of defects is an uneven shrinkage of the structure. Often this happens with the wrong distribution of load on the walls or poor-quality sealing of the soil at the construction phase. If the design is beveling strongly, then cracks should be embedded only after eliminating the causes of such a shrinkage and strengthening its base. With strong offsets, there is a threat of collar of walls and overlaps.

The reason for the occurrence of cracks may be climatic conditions: sharp temperature differences, the effects of sun rays or wind. Especially exposed to the risk of joints between the internal and external walls on the topmost floors of the building and staircase overlap.

Elimination of cracks is performed using the introduction of cement mortar inside the open cavity.

Concrete over time is dried, so it is possible on it the appearance of various defects. They may arise both on the facades of the building and inside. Through holes appear most often in reinforced concrete buildings.

Methods of restoration of damage

Close up damage on the wall can be in several ways. The method and scale of repair depends entirely on the size of the defect. If the holes remained after dismantling unnecessary nails or screws, it will be enough to apply a putty or another cement-containing material.

With deep and large cracks, more serious measures are needed. Such holes often occur after replacing heating systems or electrical wires and sockets. Usually for sealing serious defects you have to use cement or repair gypsum.

The specificity of the restoration of concrete walls depends on the scale of the problem, but the toolkit will need almost the same for all cases. To clean the surfaces, it is necessary to stock dry brush or domestic vacuum cleaner. When filling the cracks by mounting foam, it is necessary to prepare a knife for cutting the extra material.

In order to close the hole with a putty or cement mortar, narrow and wide spatulas will be needed. They are comfortable to lure distressed places. With great damage, as well as to give strength, a reinforcing tape will be required. It is embarrassed by the cement composition and becomes a full-fledged wall component that will protect it from re-destruction.

Do not forget about the final stage of wall restoration. For grouting surface, sandpaper paper with fine-grained spraying should be prepared.

Before making a hole, it is necessary to expand it with a long screwdriver in order for the repair mixture to penetrate the most deeply. After it should be cleaned of cement dust. This can be done with a vacuum cleaner or any dry brush.


The entire surface is carefully wetted with water with a sponge or foam sponge. Do not neglect this work on the preparation of the hole. Wetting will not allow a spacious mixture to quickly give the water with a concrete wall.

Next, we should put a layer of marlevary tissue and glue it to the crude surface. A few minutes later, it is necessary to proceed to the putty of a defective place. The solution is applied and thoroughly rubbed into the hole.

After the mixture is dry, everything is pretty sandpaper having a fine-grained surface. The final stage of the putty hole is painting the repaired place or its pasting with wallpaper.

Repair of serious damage

The initial stage of this work as a whole is similar to the preparatory phase of putty small holes. Previously, the entire damaged surface of the wall is cleared of stones, dust, sand and wetted with water. Instead of water, the surface is often treated with a sealant. Then the hole is filled with brick or stones, which are mixed with cement mortar. This design will save the binding material and will harden the repaired place.

Work with concrete mixture

The concrete mixture is prepared in the following proportions: three parts of the sand of the shallow fraction are added to 1 part of the cement. Instead, they often use a special repair mixture or gypsum.

This material can be bought at any construction store. It is a dry cement powder that should be diluted with water and proceed to work. A strong and dense composition of its structure makes it possible to high qualityly close the large chips in the concrete wall. It should be waited until it grabbed with concrete.

After the restoration material for eliminating defects hardens and dries off, the entire surface is sweeping, then rubbed the spatula. Void should be carefully lung and align in terms of level. It is necessary to leave everything to complete drying. Usually it takes up to 12 hours of time.

After surface treatment of walls is carried out. First, the restored places are thoroughly polished by sandpaper, then facing works are carried out: pasting or painting processed places.

Sealing deep cracks in the wall

Very often in the process of becoming and shrinkting at home, there may be seams between the panels or the deep cracks appear. Serious problems restoration of data damage will not deliver.

The easiest way is to close them by mounting foam. It comes in aerosol cylinders, which make it easy and quickly repaired such defects. Foam perfectly fills empty places and deeply penetrates the most hard-to-reach gaps. The material is perfectly engaged with a different surface, in a matter of minutes expands and hardens when interacting with air. When using the mounting foam, a good result is guaranteed to eliminate deep holes and cracks.

Preparatory activities

Before starting the restoration, it is necessary to prepare the surface with which further work will be carried out. The gap is cleaned of garbage, concrete fragments, dust and dirt. Then everything is wetted with water.

Before applying the mounting foam, the cylinder thoroughly shakes around a minute so that its contents become homogeneous. During operation, the capacity should be positioned vertically in the upstream position. This is necessary due to the inside of the gas, it is easier foam, so it huses her cylinder.

It is recommended to fill the cracks from the bottom up. If the damage is too deep and serious, the mounting foam should be applied by layers, each of which is stacked after the complete drying of the previous one. This method allows you to highlight the open cavity and dry the material.

After filling the crack, the raw mounting foam should not touch the hands. Any touch can affect the structure of it and slow down the frost process. It is necessary to suffer and wait for a complete drying of the material.

The final stage will be the removal of surplus of the mounting foam using a conventional knife. Then it should be sealing the surface with putty. Alignment is performed by sandpaper.

Do not worry about the remaining hole or cracks in the wall. Any defect, which scale it would not be, simply and easily close your own hands without help.

The most important condition for the qualitative implementation of the restoration is the exact following to all recommendations.

Workers recently handed over one room, painted, laminate, plinth. After drying the paint, the corners and some other places began cracks. Tell me how to be? Redo all over or bleach wallpaper and is it possible to glue the wallpaper on top? Thanks in advance.

Experts answered the question

Best answer

What to do.

3 response

Flizilin construction was necessary to first glue or wallpaper for painting.
Actually, now it can be done.
I am not a repair specialist, but in my opinion, somehow it is strange that the cracks at such a speed were formed.

Everything is not easy here. If the house is cracking, then you need to look for the cause. And most likely these cracks are "on always", that is, alive.

Go to the staircase, make it there. Put the neighbors. If there are cracks, then only wallpaper.

And with wallpaper, not everything is so simple. Wallpapers are holding only microcracks, let's say so with a thread. If the crack is thicker thread, then for example, the same phlizelin (any paper) can already tear.

What to do.
1. If there are cracks in the form of a web or they are not thicker thread - flieslinic (or any thick) wallpaper the simplest solution.
2. If the wall cracks specifically, then the exit only in the reinforcing painting grid. However, she may not save.
3. For such a case there are glass. This is the strongest thing that can be. Hold enough strong cracks and very weak grounds. They should be painted ... However, because of their some kind of office, usually people buy them only as the strength of the walls. They are then putty and on top glue any wallpaper with a pretty pattern (including phlizelin under painting). If you are putty, it is wiser to use glass ceiling. They have a minimum smoke, spend less putty. But they are thinner on the walls, therefore they are less strong (Purver early, if that)

Useful answer? Yes 3 / Not

thank you very much for the answer.
Cracks are no more thread, on the other hand, the second room and there are no cracks there.
Maybe this is due to the poor work of the "masters" and the shtlocking of the walls? They said that the grid will be covered and covered again, and then fill. Only here hope that the same will not be, very small ..

Useful answer? Well no

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Minor defects can be corrected independently if they are associated with plaster. If the appearance is associated with the deformation of the main structure, then you need to seek help from specialists.

Materials for external work for cracks

  • Neomid Professional ─ Putty-melting is universal. For deep cracks and chosel. Contains reinforcing fibers.
  • Semin Fibrelastic ─ Elastic shp splash for outdoor and internal works. Especially for "breathable" cracks and joints.
  • Profix ─ assembly and plating mixture. This is a plastic madhouse with a slight application.

Fracks for internal works

  • Semin Rebouchage ─ filling spatle for internal works.
  • Unis Blike-Tolsti-Layer ─ Gypsum Split. Universal, easy to apply, crack-resistant. Warranty up to 15 years.
  • Terraco HandyFlex ─ Super elastic aggregate for cracks.

Repair with your own hands

Often, during repair work, it is necessary to deal with unpleasant defects. They are found during the removal of wallpaper or leveling the wall under painting. With insignificant flaws, you can cope on your own. When street defects are more than inside the house, it complicates work. Of course, it is difficult to deal with the cause, but you can try to hide this defect.

Putty cracks monolithic house

To "cure" defects in monolithic walls, you will need appropriate tools and materials:

  • sealing composition (sealant, foam) and concrete solution;
  • putty knife;
  • grinding grid and holder for her;
  • rigid bristles brush;
  • tool for boxes.

Initially, it is necessary to expand the flaw, covering the edges with a hammer for better crack adhesion with a putty. Clean the defect from dust and pour sealant into it, then align the seam by concrete solution. What to silence? You can, of course, use only a solution, but the sealing composition will not allow it to appear more. After drying, you need to polish possible irregularities.

The better to smear the cracks of the carrier wall from blocks

Smooth cracks appear on the masonry when it is not reinforced. For the repair of the wall there are several embossed options. Consider some ways to eliminate the defect.

1 way:

  • deteriorate, but if necessary, squeeze the crack;
  • clean from dust;
  • with the help of metal E-shaped anchors attached to the dowels, strengthen the crack between the blocks;
  • to the solution add pieces of broken slag block (the smaller, the better) and attach a defect.

2 way

  • expand the crack;
  • progress;
  • separate with solution.

For small cracks, it is permissible to use glue for tiles, mounting or special foam for blocks.

If a straight crack went in the corners, how to correctly eliminate

The direct angular crack must first be divided, to be brought to the grinding chain of the primer "ground-pin" and seam. To do this, take the shplanyotka "isoilps" to the spatula and go well in the flaw. On top of the shplanie to impose a grid. After drying, clean it all irregularities.

Repair cracks in brickwork: how to remove

  • The repair of cracks in the brickwork begins with cleansing from dirt, dust, a chipped brick, which has fallen a solution and other unnecessary elements.
  • It is good to wet the crack, as the base of the brick has a property to absorb water. Throwing the solution, it will penetrate the crack deeper.
  • A wide portion of flawed with a solution, and the narrow part is filled with a sealant from the "gun".
  • Since the sealant has a white color, and the solution is gray, you need a crack to give an aesthetic look. To do this, apply glue for tile. It is well tolerating the temperature differences, frost-resistant, moisture-resistant.
  • After drying the building material, the seam is lost, align the irregularities.

Repair of cracks in the concrete wall of the panel house cement mortar

  • Initially, check the condition of the crack, expand it with a hammer and chisel.
  • Compressor blow all the dirt.
  • Depending on the cement brand to prepare a solution. To do this, mix sand, cement, water, beat to a porridge state.
  • Defect to lubricate PVA glue for better crack adhesion with solution.
  • Fill out flawed with a solution to the wall level.
  • Smooth off.
  • After drying, clean it.

If there are cracks in a new house, than to close

  • Special tool to expand the crack.
  • Clear it from dust.
  • To improve the adhesion of the shtlock.
  • Close the seam with the spatula with a spatula.
  • To prevent re-manifestation in formations, sickle sickle.
  • The top of the tape hold one spatula, and the second to smooth the ribbon.
  • Apply the shp can, give time to dry.
  • After 24 hours, pass the surface of the seam.

Walls belong to vertical carrier and enclosing structures. They withstand power and not strengths. Therefore, there must be durable, durable, withstand the temperature-wet mode.

Than guided during the repair of cracks: the main rules

So that the bearing abilities and the enclosing properties of the walls are preserved for a long time, you need to be guided by "general recommendations on the technology of crack repair."

The crack repair is carried out after drawing up a map of defects and a defective statement, which confirm the results of the survey, the causes of their manifestation.

Choosing unpleasant formations, you need to consider:

  • wall manufacturing material;
  • the number of flaws;
  • the width of the defect;
  • branching of flaws;

Only then perform repair work:

  • shake
  • clear dust;
  • rinse;
  • fill out the appropriate plaster.

If we noticed the crack in the house, you need to monitor its changes: whether it is expanding or remains the same. When constructive changes occurred, you need to seek advice from specialists. Only they will be able to professionally assess the condition of the surface, recommend the activities to prevent and eliminate them.

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