What do the signs of mint yards look like. How to determine the coin mint

Gardening 10.10.2019

Carefully look at the designations on the coins, you can see the abbreviations of SPMD and MMD. But what do these symbols mean and what are their differences? We will analyze this question more.


Coins of SPMD - Coins produced by the St. Petersburg Mint.

Coins MMD - Coins minted by the Moscow Mint.


The St. Petersburg Mint is considered one of the largest mints of the world engaged in chasing both ordinary and commemorative and jubilee products from precious metals. It also serves as the place of manufacture of signs, medals, orders and other products from non-ferrous metal alloys for state orders. Based on the territory of the Petropavlovsk Fortress in 1724. It is among the most famous and oldest St. Petersburg enterprises. The main difference between the coins of the St. Petersburg Mint - this abbreviation of SPMD, on modern Russian coins located under the right paw of the bird. At various times, they also had other letter notation: SP, SPM, SPb, cm, LMD, L.

Left - MMD; Right - SPMD

The Moscow Mint also applies to the number of leading manufacturers of coins, various differences and medals. Carries out coins by order of foreign states, works with private customers. Releases investment, memorable and precious coins that are becoming a collectibles object for numismatons. The time of the foundation of the Moscow Mint Official is officially considered to be 1942. Together with the St. Petersburg Mint, he serves as a member of the association called the "State Command". On the coins of the Moscow Mint under the right paw of the eagle, the abbreviation of MMDs is worthy or simply the letter M. On the penny and the same coins of the abbreviation of a money courtyard are placed under the hoof the horse.

Sometimes there are coins that do not have any alphabetic designation. They are considered defective and rated several times more than their nominal value. Such coins include, for example, five-toe coins 2002 and 2003 releases.

Conclusions Site

  1. SPMD coins - coins produced by the St. Petersburg Mint.
  2. MMD coins - coins minted by the Moscow Mint.
  3. The old coins of the St. Petersburg Mint may also be denoted by the SP, SPM, SPB, SM, LMD, L. The products of the Moscow Mint Mint have only two notation: M or MMD.
  4. The coins of the Moscow Mint can be produced according to an individual order, while the products of the St. Petersburg Mint Cereal are made exclusively for state orders.

Many beginners engage in numismatics are somewhat skeptical definition of the coilwho released this coin. And this will not say wrong for the future collector of rare coins. After all, the knowledge of the mint yard sometimes helps to determine the market value of the raritet that has fallen to you. The same nominal released by different mint courtes can retire in price several times.

So how to determine the mint on the coins of Russia. First you need to know that in modern Russia there are two mint courtyards: Moscow and St. Petersburg. And on modern coins of their names are mined in the form of monograms: MMD and SPMD. On the penny coins, the sign stands on the reverse in the form of letters M and C-p. Sometimes on some coins there is no designation of the courtyard. And as a result of such a marriage, the cost of the coin grows at times. Also, the novice collector should not be alarmed by the fact that the stamp of the Moscow Mint on the coins is somewhat looks somewhat more than St. Petersburg. This is the case.

To determine the mint for a numismat, it may be needed a magnifying glass. But if circumstances can use a camera or scanner. But the last two ways are more suitable for old or fragile coins. So the magnifier is the main tool of numismat.

But even with a magnifying glass, it is not always easy to find on the coin of the emblem of mint yards. Therefore, we immediately suggest that on 10 ruble coins sign of the Mint You can find coins under the obverse under her face value. The photo below is clearly illustrated.

And the speakers will delight collector letters M or C-n under the front hooves of the horse.

On the coins of the beginning of the nineties, monetary courtyards are marked on the front side of the coin in the form of letters M (Moscow) or L (Leningrad).

Also, the mint can be determined by Hurt (edge) coins - on MMD coins, the inscriptions have a more rounded shape than on SPMD coins.

In ordinary coins that are in a walking, the emblems of the coins are on the reverse of the coin under the eagle's paw on the right side. Moneta courtyards standard monetary, so you can easily distinguish them.

Here. Now you know how to determine the mint on a coin and be able to arrange all your coins not only in order, but also to distinguish between mints, as a real numismat professional.

The signs of the coin court on the coins of Russia allow you to accurately determine where such a coin was minted. Since the time of the Soviet Union, two mint courtyards existed in Russia - Moscow and Leningradsky, who later became St. Petersburg.

In Moscow, the mint appeared back in 1534. And in 1724, the decree of Peter I opens a mint and in St. Petersburg, which was also the only one for some time, since Moscow did not function from 1826 to 1942.

Now in Russia there are two mint courtyards. The designation on the coins is mined in the form of monograms: MMD and SPMD.

Mint Signs in the USSR

The first sign of the coin court appeared on the back of 1 ruble, which was released in 1975, in honor of the 40th anniversary of the victory. It was a LDM mark, which treated Leningrad. In 1977, in addition to LDM, a sign of MMD on Gurt Chervonz was first inflicted. On the exchanged coins, the signs denoting the mint, began to be applied only since 1990.

Signs of coins on coins

In the USSR, liteers L and M, as well as abbreviations LDM, MMD were applied for 1992-1993. On the ruble of 1992 there are three different versions of the mint of the mint - MMD, L and M.

To determine the coin court, there will be a magnifying glass. In some cases, if the state of the coin is already bad, the scanner and the camera can be useful. But in most cases there is quite enough magnifying glass. Sometimes see the emblem of the coin court is quite difficult.

Mint's emblem in modern Russia

So how to determine the mint on modern coins in Russia? On the penny coins, they are displayed in the form of M and C-P on the obverse under the front hooves of the horse. On some coins, the Moscow coast stamp looks more, which also corresponds to reality.

The usual familiar coins that are common in the circulation have the signs of mint courts located on an obverse of coins under the eagle's paw. At the same time, the monetary vensels usually have a standard form, nevertheless there may also have many varieties. Sometimes a mint can be determined by Hurtle coins. Money, minted on, have inscriptions more rounded form than those that minted St. Petersburg Mint.

On the anniversary coins, depending on the nominal, the sign of the coin court may stand in different places. On the reverse coins in dignity in 2 rubles and 5 rubles, the emblem is located between the curls of the branches on the right side. In the central part of the reverse directly under the face value, it stands on a 10-rubles. And on the rest with brass coating - near the year of release.

There are also such coins on which the sign of the coin court is not affixed. This happened due to an error in the manufacture of stamps. Among the numismatists such coins are very valued. 4 such coins are known, two of which are anniversary: \u200b\u200b1 ruble of 1993, minted in honor of the 130th anniversary of Vernadsky; 2 rubles of 2003 - in honor of the 40th anniversary of the flight to space; as well as 5 kopecks 2002 and 2003. An affiliation of coins of the USSR times to a specific coin court can be determined by some features of stamps.

Some numismatu-newcomers underestimate the significance of the sign of the mint of the mint, but in vain. The coin of the same dignity and year of production can be very different in price depending on the presence and absence of this sign, as well as its shape.

Alexander Igorevich

Reading time: ~ 3 minutes

If in the future I want to have a collection of rare coins, then with the Cathedral of specific copies, it is also important to pay attention to the mint. Sometimes this knowledge helps to quickly determine the market value of the new product that fell into hand. The same copy released by different yards may differ in price several times.

History and modernity of Russian monetary courtyards

On the territory of the modern Russian Federation only two mint courtyards work. One works in Moscow, and the second - in St. Petersburg. On modern coins, the name is minted as "" or "". If the products are kept, then they will simply let the letters "M" or "C-P".

There are copies on which there is no indication of origin. The cost of such a marriage increases at times. It is alarming the fact that usually the MMD stamp looks several times more than St. Petersburg. In fact, there is nothing strange in this because it is so it really is.

The first Russian mint was founded in 1534. It happened in the then capital of Moscow at Queen John IV. In St. Petersburg, this institution was founded by Peter I in 1724. Since 1876, the monetary courtyard in St. Petersburg became the only one in the country. Today he is still located in the territory of the Petropavlovsk fortress. In 1921, it was here that the chasing of Soviet coins began. Also in Russia, the Yekaterinburg Mint since 1727 was 1876 from 1727. With the Suzu-Medelvillery, the courtyard worked from 1766 to 1847.

Hi My expensive subscribers. You know, I often draw attention that people throw off coins, do not want to take delivery in the store, especially if it is a trifle. And here are minor money, so lie on the ground or near the counter, and for some reason there are few people who want to raise them from the floor. But most recently, in early childhood, we called the coins, and we were happy with the madly when the parents gave us a trifle, and we fled and fell asleep her in the piggy bank.

But not everyone understands its values, in fact, the coin passes a long way to get to our wallet, so appreciate each of them. Do you like to consider coins? Personally, I like to look for all sorts of different encrypted drawings, dots, logos. Do you know where the coin is indicated by a mint of the courtyard? If yes, write in the comments, it will be very interesting to read your opinion.

I, as always, I will start with the story, but it will not particularly concern our topic, but will raise the issue of money as a whole. I will tell you the parable, which many certainly know.

One old man constantly asked God for money, day and night, night and day he prayed God, about the same thing. Somehow his servants came to God and said: "God, well, give him money to him, well, look, he asks you so much." God replied to these words: "I will give, but let go to work, let it go outside or buy a lottery ticket, as I will give him money if he is sitting at the icon, it does nothing and just asks for money."

Money is not only euros, dollars, rubles or francs, it is coins.

It is said that if you saw the coin and did not take it yourself, it means that you really don't need larger amounts. Thus, according to legend, God checks whether you really need extra funds or not.

Where they produce coins in Russia

St. Petersburg and Moscow are two cities in our huge state where coins produce. How are they produced? The process of their creation takes its start with the study of the layout of the future product. The three-dimensional designer model is several times more than that of a real coin.

A layer of silicone rubber is applied to the finished layer, after its cooling, it is removed and the so-called "negative coin" is obtained. The negative coin is filled with epoxy resin, after it hardens, it turns out "future" eagle and rushk.

The master stamp with the help of the hydraulic press is made by other models ("negatives"), thanks to which working species will be created. Coins are processed, hardening, chromery to increase the service life. These stamps for work allow you to release from 250 thousand to 100 thousand coins (it all depends on the hardness of the alloy, which is part of the moment and their size).

The mint blank is made of professional tape, which is made of metal. As a rule, it looks like a circle. Initially, the lateral side of the coin - Gurt is processed. This happens on a special apparatus that makes notches, and if it is necessary and the logo.

Did you know that 10 ruble coin, during processing heats up to a temperature more than 800 degrees? After processing, the workpiece is cooled and treated with a combination of small metal balls, a ceramic filler and a special chemical. Surfaces are etched with this mixture. After that, the blanks are dried with hot air and ship in a special press for coins, where the stamp is done.

Do you know which sign of the Moscow Mint Mint? If yes, waiting for your answers in the comments.

Modern stamping

The process of stamping modern coin works completely on automatic mode. Her two sides are reproduced at the same time. Coins with defects on the market are not allowed, they can replete again.

I understand that someone occurred to someone that the valuable coins of Russia can be slightly "pulling" during production. But it is completely excluded. As it became known to me, men and women inspect without clothes and carefully check after the end of the shift and at the time of joining work.

Each coin despite its similarity, unique, it is impossible to put it in one row with other representatives. What was the best mint? Maybe the one that was in the USSR, and maybe Leningradsky? I would like to see at least one eye, as it all happens. If you've ever been to such places, I will definitely wait for your photos. It will be very interesting how much costs 50 rubles 1993 the price? I think about it, not one more blog will be written, because the topic of money is an eternal topic.

Finally, I want to say that the coins, like paper money, are worthy of respect, as my grandmother said: "We are someone else's work", so you care about them, and even better start collecting, because, after dozens of years you will sit with your grandchildren, and They will consider a big album with coins. Like the treasures of pirates, the kids will like this!

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