How to choose the first ski for the child. Choose cross-country skiing correctly: Instructions for beginners

Gardening 17.10.2019

Choose ski sticks easier than skis or shoes. But in the ski sticks, too, have their own characteristics that we will tell in this article: from what material, what length, what hands and treatments are better to choose.

Selection of ski sticks by material

Pulk ski sticks are made of several materials:

  • Aluminum. Aluminum ski sticks are durable, cheap, but heavy. They have one big plus - they are almost impossible to break. Brought out, straightened and went further. Cons - weight and insufficient rigidity for sports riding. If you like to walk through the forest outside the trained tracks, then choose lightweight aluminum sticks .
  • Platelastik (Plastic and fiberglass) - light, cheap, but soft and fragile. Fiberglass in softness and vibrations are similar to aluminum, and by strength heavily inferior. Sticks of fiberglass It will not stand powerful repulsions, so only suitable for skiing for trained tracks.
  • Carbon (carbon fiber) or a mixture - crawly (plastic and carbon). Ski sticks from carbon hard, lungs and durable. Carbon easy to break only with lateral impact on the stick. There are variants of 100% carbon and carbon mixture with plastic or fiberglass. Purchase sticks with a carbon content of at least 60%. Carbon sticks Withstand powerful repulsions, so suitable for training and competitions.

The price of carbon sticks begins from 2500 p. For example, carbon sticks NORDWAY CARBON. or Stc Avanti.. Such sticks have a good carboxylast, but low-quality handles and dorms.

More qualitative carbon stick models will cost from 6000 p, for example KV + Viking or KV + Tempesta.- Durable handles and dorms, more than 70% carbon, fast strap relief system.

The lightest and hard racing carbon sticks are from 10 000 r. For example, models KV + Elite, Tornado, Bora or SWIX Quantum, Team and Triac- 100% high quality carbon, durable dorms and handles, convenient damping system.

Pens, Drugs and Ski Sticks


Table selection of ski sticks for growth

Ski sticks for growth: FIS table for classic stroke

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We will tell about what to pay attention to if you are going to choose Scandinavian sticks for yourself.

Surely walking in the park, you often met people of different ages that walked like you, only in their hands kept sticks, similar to ski. It is clear that no they are ski, and in their hands, people hold them not just like that - they are engaged in sports ,. If you like to watch such "walkers" and you decide that this sport is clearly for you, we will tell you what to pay attention to when choosing an inventory.

Scandinavian walking sticks: views

Scandinavian walking sticks are two types:

  • fixed length or monolithic;
  • sliding or telescopic.

However, even experienced athletes will not be able to definitely answer, what kind of preference to give preference, as both have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Monolithic sticks are characterized as follows:

  • they have a light weight;
  • the risk is not injured;
  • will last as long as possible;
  • you can play walking on the sand, wet road and even dirt.

It does not matter whether you are new in this sport or experienced "walker". Monolithic stick fits all. Newcomers can not worry about the fact that the design is inappropriate and will lead to injury. And those who have been doing such a walk for a long time, it is important to know that the monolithic stick during the workout gives constant load. The most important thing is to pick up a stick under your height. We will tell about how to do it right, but slightly lower.

Telescopic sticks are easy to fold. They built a special antishoke system - a shock-absorbing spring.

Sliding sticks are chosen by next reasons:

  • length is easily adjusted;
  • they are easy to transport and take with them at any journey;
  • you can easily adjust the load intensity;
  • their cost is cheaper than monolithic.

Keep in mind that too often folding sticks are better not to use. If there are water, dirt or sand several times in the clamps, then they can easily break. Also, a stick can start constantly noise due to the appearance of excess vibration. Therefore, if you do daily, it is better not to buy such sticks. They are more suitable for those who train infrequently or, let's say, leaves for the weekend for the city to actively relax. In this case Telescopic sticks are the perfect option for transportation.

How to choose Scandinavian sticks: Basic criteria

When you have decided on the type of stick, you need the remaining parameters to come to you perfectly. It is important that the sticks are not too high or heavy, soft and uncomfortable. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following criteria.

There is no accurate formula for calculating optimal weight. This parameter is strictly individual. The main thing is that you should not feel the severity when you keep sticks in your hands. After all, if they are heavy, the training will be unbearable and rather harmful than useful.


Almost all the workout depends on the length of the Scandinavian sticks. Too long sticks can give an excessive load, and too short - on the contrary, do not give it at all. Fortunately, there is a calculation formula that will help you choose the optimal height of the stick. To do this, multiply your own growth by 0.68, and the result obtained is rounded to a flat figure. Suppose your height is 167, we multiply at 0, 68 and we get 113.6. So you need a stick about 115 centimeters long.


Scandinavian sticks must be elastic. This very important is because hard sticks are given to vibration, and this is harmful to the joints. In addition, you simply can fall when walking if your sticks are not elastic. Make some quick steps, touching the tip stop. If at the same time you did not feel any vibrations in hand, then you made the right choice.


  • Aluminum. From this material, Scandinavian sticks are rarely manufactured. And the performed from it is better not to buy, because aluminum is poorly coping with vibrations. It is not so important and noticeable if you are engaged in the snow, but if classes are held on the asphalt area, discomfort will arise.
  • Carbon. Sticks from this material are much stronger aluminum. Plus, they will serve you long enough, as the vibrations are well absorbed and weigh a little.
  • Fiberglass. Scandinavian sticks made of this material transmit the least vibrations and in their hands they are practically weightless. However, they are not very durable and often break.

A pen

  • Cork. Such a handle is considered one of the most convenient. The material does not cause allergies.
  • Rubber. Material (rubber and cork mix) provides convenient grip and fit, so the hand will not slide.
  • Plastic. The most inconvenient handle. Plastic is not able to absorb sweat, so the hand is constantly sliding, and the person has discomfort.


Many Scandinavian sticks include treaty. They can be in the form of semi-portion or peculiar cappos. They are needed in order for you to comfortably keep sticks in your hands. Plus the dwells remove the load from the wrists. But for this they should make her hands tightly and hold the wrist, without squeezing them. It is best to choose removable dorms. Then you can easily drink water or remove the jacket, for example, without removing your hands from the treaty.

When choosing doseers, it is also important to look at the girth of your palm. They should be about two times less. If the girth is 20 cm, then the dank must be approximately 9-10 cm. We also look at the material and fabric from which it is made. He should not be too tough, so as not to rub your hand.


Select the tip must be based on where you are planning to train. Universal is considered a solid metal tip. With him you can train on any road.

Wolframe or carbide tips are suitable for classes on loose soil, sandy or dirt roads. There are models of Scandinavian sticks with replaceable tips. Therefore, they can be purchased separately.

Rubber or carbon tips are suitable for walking through solid asphalt, concrete, tile or cumen roads.

Sneakers on the legs, ski sticks in their hands - this is the Russian response to the popularization of Nordic Walking, literally coming through the whole world around the world. Northern or otherwise, Scandinavian walking has also recently been a wagon for our compatriots.

But making sure that the new sport is unusually useful for health, (and what is important, it is available even for those who have a little longer), many soon joined the ranks of his followers.

Although just take old ski sticks and stand up on the health path. In the hands there should be the right sports recorder, and it will work out, as in the saying about the stick, what about two ends ... Let's figure out how to choose the right sticks for the Scandinavian walk.

Why exactly on sticks accent

To make the sticks magically returned health, and not, they are selected individually for themselves and not in the ski row of the store of sports goods. Athletes and lovers of Nordic Walking, interested in the maximum efficiency of such walking, train with special sticks intended for Scandinavian walking. Pli-supports regulate the operation of the musculoskeletal system, loading the muscles that need to be developed, and gently those departments and joints, the pressure on which is contraindicated.

The main contingent of "Scandinavian walkers" is people with cardiovascular pathology, suffering from arthrosis, protrushes and spine hernias or in the past injured. Classes of Nordic walking for them is a sinking cardion and the opportunity to actively move without harm yourself. The same applies to people inelennas, the purpose of which is to increase endurance, to intensify the transport of oxygen in the tissues of the body. Therefore, which in the hands of the stick, this is the result.

What are they, Nordic sticks

When choosing sticks, three main criteria are guided: material manufacturing, design, size.

Folding (telescopic) Whole (fixed length)
compactness, convenience of transportation in a bag, versatility (the ability to set up the growth of family or guests); suitable for athletes who change the load during training Exercises perform jogging. reliable and light monolithic rod; Convenient to practice walking close to home; serves longer than folding.The elasticity and springness of the tree are the most important qualitative indicators for choice.
come across a poor quality mechanism; harder and more expensive than one piece; Lifetime below. the inconvenience of transportation, the need to go.

Aluminum folding sticks with antishok system more elastic compared to blurred counterparts.

Size - defining characteristics

The main landmark when choosing sticks is their length, which is chosen by the growth of man, But at the same time, taking into account the degree of future activity, the level of preparation and health status. The system of determining the desired size of the Scandinavian sticks is different than skiing. The calculation is based on the Nordic constant of 0.68, which is multiplied by human growth. The resulting and rounded result is what it is necessary.

According to some coaches, the length of sticks is obtained more accurate if the permanent take the value of 0.70, and for skiers who train in the summer, and at all - 0.72. For the elderly and those who have sick joints, the ideal will be the coefficient of 0.66.

Choosing, it is best to follow the advice of experienced "walkers" and try on a future purchase.

If the angle in the elbow joint with a vertical rack of 90 degrees is your sticks.

But for a weakened category is more comfortable, if this angle is slightly more, that is, the sticks will be slightly lower. Too high sticks will prevent the tilt of the body forward, as required. And overly short will cause back pain.

Matching sticks of growth is the determining factor to achieve the desired result.

Discomfort, muscle overvoltage and lower back pain - a signal that the selection is made wrong.

The optimal length of the sticks is to each one

Line of stick lengths in sports stores 5 cm.

The table value is focused on a health group. The fitness program allows an increase in the length of sticks by 5 cm, and the sports - by 10 cm.

If there is no confidence that the fixed height of the monolithic copies is successfully suited, beginners it is better to buy the first telescopic sticks and adjust the size of themselves.

Video: how to pick up sticks for Scandinavian walk

About tips, handles and treatments

Tip is an important item. From branded sticks he is intact. Changing shoes, you can walk not only all-season, but also oscillate. The solid and sharp iron tip is adapted for ice, snow, soft soil and sand. Rubber soft and silent - for asphalt and paving stones. The set with sticks includes a set of tips, but the desired can always be bought separately.

Choosing the sticks, you need to pay attention to how the area of \u200b\u200bgrip is decorated.

The handle must be non-slip and durable.

Usually it is performed from a natural cork or comparable to it on the texture of the material, most often rubber. Unlike the easily wear plug, the substitute is easy to clean, and its service life is higher.

Doreck is attached to the handle. This is a semi-pass, the people are nunted "cack", which is adjusted for a specific size using belts. There are expensive models with gloves of generally accepted sizes. In any case, it is advisable to take it to make sure that it does not push the palm or wrist.

Ski and trekking sticks - no

If a in winter, you can still go on the road with ski sticks (under the condition of proper length), then in the warm season on solid coating without depreciation can not do. Rubber tips from the Scandinavian sticks will not suit, and the impact load will become unbearable for the spine and joints.

Thick and strong trekking sticks for long-distance travel and mountain routes are also not suitable. They are designed for the cumulative weight of the tourist and the backpack, too long, besides, always foldable. Such a stick is deprived of elasticity and will be heavy for Scandinavian walk.

Who produces and that produce

Height adjustable


Aluminium alloy




Our choice:

NordicStep Compact Carbon,

Folded size, 66 cm
Size 110 cm min - 135 cm Max
Pen - Rubber / Cork
Weight, 450 gr
Color - Silver / Purple


Non-removable iron tip, rubber nozzle, propylene / plug knob; division 1 cm, weight 480 g, 85 cm in folded form;

The same + anti-shock, 3 sections;

Non-removable metal tip, rubber shoe, propylene / plug handle;

Complete set of tips in addition to a non-removable gear, cork handle, quickly unstable dank, 2 sections, weight 400 g.

Finland / Russia

Handle material - rubberized plug, belts in two versions - removable and undested; Minimum length 83 cm, weight 330 g;

Non-removable winning tip + removable rubber nozzles: rings for sand, disc for snow, 3 sections, 63 cm in folded form, weight 450

The tip from the winner alloy, the nozzle for sand and asphalt, 2 sections, the handle cork, quick-consumable treatments on the left and right hands, the weight of 390 g, withstand the load;

Exel Nordic Traine


The tip is the toothed from winning, a non-removable darkness with a division on both hands, a cork handle, in folded form 61 cm, the weight of 410 g,

Leki Smart Traveller Alu,


ultra-durable with anodized surface

Universal tip for any type of surface; Ergonomic handle, reflective elements, maximum size 61 cm, weight 400 g;

The height is fixed


Aluminium alloy




Atletic, Russia

Winning Tip + Replaceable Rubber for Asphalt and Ring for Soil; Cork handle, Drakes Full, weight 260 g.

Finland / Russia /


100% fiberglass;

Set of tips, quickly disassembled dank, handle cork rubberized, weight 340-370 g;

A complete set of replaceable tips, handle - rubberized plug; Quickly removable dormant, 340-370 g;


Universal toothed tip + rubber nozzle, a handle made of genuine plug, the dormant is uncomplicable, the weight of 330 g;

(15 layers of carbon)

Advanced Systems: Fast Detachment Disconnection, Universal Tip, Increased comfort.

Video Overview Telescopic Sticks CMD Sport C Anti-Shok

The choice of this or that manufacturer is a matter of taste and financial opportunities. Brand specimens that have passed the test of time tested by athletes-professionals may seem expensive for poor Russians. But they precisely, after some time, training sessions are guaranteed to restore the physical form.

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The same carbon content of various manufacturers does not yet mean equal quality of goods.

Currently, more and more people begin to get involved in skiing, and this sport is gaining its popularity. Good riding depends not only on the professional qualities of the skier, but also from properly selected equipment, where the main place is occupied by skis and ski sticks.

1. Depending on the style of riding, different requirements for skis and stick length are presented. Selecting skiing for riding with a skate move, make the following: Skiing next to you - they must be longer than your growth by 15 cm. For example, if your growth is 175 cm, then the optimal ski length will be 190 cm.

2. Sticks are selected in the same way. But only they must compare with your growth to be less than 15-20 cm. You can choose sticks and higher, but only if you have a fairly good physical training of hands. Remember only that sticks should not be higher than your ears (maximum length) and do not sink lower shoulders (minimum ski stick length).

3. If you pick skis for classical skiing, then their length should be greater than your 25-30 cm. The amount that succeeds is, it is the optimal length of this type of ski for you. Sticks here should be less than your growth by 25-30 cm. And skiing for walks should not be more than 15-25 cm more than the growth of the skier.

4. Selecting the skis to watch not only on the growth, but also on the weight and level of preparedness. So athletes who are well prepared physically will withstand greater weight of sports equipment. If you are a novice, then take 10 cm from its growth, and if you already ride and consider yourself an experienced skier, then take 20 cm.

5. To select the size of skis and sticks, depending on the type of ski stroke (classic or skate) and growth, depending on weight or preparedness, you can use some tables.

6. Also, to calculate the length of the skis and sticks for children, you can use a special table, because the choice of length is taken into account not only growth, but also the age of the child. For children, do not buy in any case the equipment "on the grown". First, the child in it will not be able to ride normally, and secondly, it can lead to injury.

7. Note when the equipment is also selected also to its characteristics such as stiffness and severity. It should be both light and the most rigid.

8. Skis and sticks buy only in sports specialized stores. Such a store will be as a guarantee that suggests that you buy high-quality things.

Now you know how to choose skis and sticks for growth! Successful choice!

Scandinavian (Nordic) Walking began to be popular for a long time, due to the fact that it is possible to start doing it at any age without prepare. Adapt to loads should be gradually, increasing them in schedule. Many may not immediately understand how such a walk is different from the usual? Actually different strongly. During normal walking, only the muscles of the legs are trained. Even if you take the dumbbells, you will add work with your hands. With nordic walking, the pressure is evenly distributed to all systems, so almost every muscle is being worked out, while not overloading joints. But that the training takes place correctly and efficiently, it is important to choose to choose the inventory, namely, sticks for Scandinavian walk. How to choose them, to pay attention to when buying, which firm is better - about it and will go further conversation.

will depend on the purchased inventory. The main thing is to correctly pick up sticks for Scandinavian walk in growth. They will serve as a support that will have no less than the load than on the entire body as a whole.

Good inventory must have the following qualities:

  • To be easy.
  • Eldly enough.
  • With the right handle, which is comfortable to hold in your hand.
  • With a rubberized nozzle that does not allow it to slide on different road surfaces.
  • From durable material, high quality.

Only then will the inventory will contribute to the improvement of the body and will withstand all the upcoming loads. Why do you need sticks during Scandinavian walking? They help strengthen the heart muscle, normalize weight, redistribute the load on the entire muscular frame, thereby reducing the total fatigue. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the purchase of inventory. Use ski sticks, as well as trekking, is not recommended, as they do not take into account all the needs of this type of training. Skiing are not adapted to the ride of solid coating, thereby not compensate for the shock load. And trekking sticks are too heavy and long.

How to pick up the height of sticks?

Support allows not only to reduce the load in the process, but also increase the efficiency of the work. The redistribution of pressure on muscles, in need of development, is regulated by the operation of the bone system and its concomitant organs, the pressure on bundles and tendons is minimized.

The length of the sticks for Scandinavian walk is one of the key factors that the whole process depends on. Pick it individually, focusing on growth. The calculation formula is very simple, and it looks like this.

  • The exact growth of man is calculated.
  • The data is multiplied by the number 0.68.
  • The resulting is rounded and the desired value is obtained.

This coefficient is generalized enough and applied to those who have no serious disorders or pathologies, and a good physical form. Other factors are also taken into account. For example, man's age. The height of sticks for the Scandinavian walk to pensioners is calculated by multiplying the initial value by 0.66. The number is suitable for diseases suffering from diseases. But who do more often in the summer, it is better to take the number 0.72. Determine that the stick was chosen correctly not difficult. If you keep it straight, then the elbow forms an angle of 90 degrees.

There is another technique how to choose the height of stick sticks. It is necessary to take advantage of the already calculated value relative to growth. If you failed to calculate the value yourself, then the table can be helped.

Height Height stick
140-145 cm95 cm
145-150 cm100 cm
155-160 cm105 cm
160-165 cm110 cm
170-175 cm115 cm
180-185 cm120 cm
185-190 cm125 cm
190-195 cm130 cm
200 cm135 cm

As you can see the gap between the options is 5 cm, which allows you to choose a suitable stick not only for growth, but also taking into account the weight, the presence of diseases. For example, a person with a sick lower back is better to stick to be slightly lower. That is, the angle in the elbow was more than 90 degrees. In this case, the technique will be observed - and the torso will quite a little tilt forward during movement.

If overvoltage or pain appears in the back of the back or the loin, then this is a signal that the choice is made incorrectly. Therefore, it should be calculated again or together with a specialist. For all people, the size of the sticks will be individual.

Used material in production

What is the inventory? The answer will be unambiguous - from high-quality raw materials, allowing you to engage in this sport with maximum benefit. The market contains mostly only three types:

  • Aluminium alloy.
  • Composite composition (carbon).
  • Fiberglass alloy with carbon.

Figure out what the difference between them is not difficult. The highest quality is carbon, but also its value is an order of magnitude higher than the rest. This alloy is a carbon fiber, which turned out as a result of the weave of carbon filaments. It is characterized by flexibility, high reliability and weightlessness. At the same time, the sticks made from it become elastic, which is fundamentally for tendons and ligaments at intensive loads. They are easier to walk with everyone who suffers obesity, as they absorb the emerging vibration and minimize the pressure on the shoulders, the brushes.

Wands made of fiberglass have an important difference from other analogs, it is lower cost. At the same time, vibration is also well quenched, and the strength is not inferior to any other. Can I study Scandinavian walking with them? The inventory made of this raw material is perfect for the Scandinavian walk and will serve not one dozen years, even with regular training.

Aluminum sticks are considered the most budget. But in contrast to the rest they have a heavy weight. In addition, they are not very durable and are not able to repay the vibration, it is especially well felt on the asphalt road.

Stroke design

Inventory selection for Nordic walk should include the study of the presented structures. Buyers in any sportswear will offer only two species that are called:

  • Whole (fixed).
  • Telescopic.

Both species differ near the characteristics. Accurate answer, what better does not exist. Choose it is based on your needs.

So, the telescopic sticks can become longer or shorter, adjusting to the needs of the user or the features of the relief. The main advantage is the ability to fold the inventory by reducing its size several times, and transport, even packing into baggage. They have a blocker that withstands pressure, keeping fixation. This species can easily adjust as soon as the need arises.

They are recommended to use beginners in this case, which only began to engage and master the peculiarities of sports. You can accurately understand what the height will be suitable for comfortable workouts. But experimental masters often use it, because they are so easy to fold and transport even in public transport to long distances.

Fixed sticks do not change their height, and are popular among those who are constantly engaged in walking. They are suitable for those who walk around the city or only in the forest, since they feel more confident in solid soil. They differ little from ski, so they are often confused with them. Monolithic sticks are simple, distinguished by high reliability and durability.

What is the equipment?

Selecting the stick, it is impossible to do without close attention to such elements, like handles, tips and templates. It is fundamentally important, what raw material was used for their manufacture. You should also pay attention to whether it is suitable for use in these climatic conditions or too frequent training. Let's try to figure it out in each form.

Nozzles and tips

What should the Scandinavian sticks should be determined only by looking at the package. Typically, manufacturers are offered a series of tips, which can be used when walking on sandy soil, ground, loose soil, solid coating.

Nozzles and tips from well-known manufacturers are practically not erased during operation, besides, they perfectly provide adhesion with any surface. However, for extreme cases, it is better to choose the appropriate option. For example, a solid metal tip is used for walking in ice, sand or soft soil. But to move on a paving or concrete, it is better to get a silent nozzle of soft rubber.

There are also special nozzles that look unusually. They are not rarely called "claws" or "spikes". What they differ from the rest are the material. Usually they are made of tungsten carbide. You can only use it cold in winter. Movement around the city or forest area in a warm time if the road is not covered with snow, it is impossible. They are usually protected by special tips so that the spikes are not erased.


The scope of the stick should be rubberized, with a sufficient number of edges for reliable brush fixation. Slip can seriously interfere in the process, so it should not be at all. Manufacturers usually perform this part of a natural cork or similar to the structure of raw materials. The advantage is weightlessness in cleaning and long service life.

In the options at a low price, plastics are used, it copes worse with the task and often slipping out of the hands. In addition, the handle must withstand any weather conditions and a sharp change of temperatures.


The handle is usually attached to the dormant (drone), as it looks can be seen in the photo. It is a semi-rotator that is adjusted under the desired size due to the presence of belts. But you can meet the models that already have cabins with the most common sizes. Before buying, it is better to take and make sure that it is perfectly sits and does not prescribe.

This is another significant difference that sticks should boast for Scandinavian walk, in contrast to ski, where the dwelling is replaced by loop. You can customize it under the desired size at the expense of "lipuchk", which is convenient to kids. In one movement, they can be removed or put on hand.

What is the manufacturer of sticks to choose?

By buying any products, you need to focus on the company that is engaged in the production. Sticks for Nordic walking no exception. Well established in the market Finnish, Austrian, German firms. Their product of good quality and reliable:

  • Exel. One of the most promoted brands that became one of those who founded the International Foundation of Finnish walking. Products of this company differs from other durability and security. But compared to the rest, the price of them is always higher.
  • Leki.. Products from Germany are not inferior to the rest in quality characteristics, moreover, every year they produce interesting innovative developments that can take into account individual vehicle techniques, for example. There are always many options for tips for all occasions.
  • KV + Adula. Manufacturers of sticks from Italy are characterized by ease and a wide range. These are offered many removable parts, rubber tips and different handles.

Additional instrument selection tips can be viewed in the following video.

As can be seen, a universal answer, how to choose sticks for Scandinavian walk - no, as many individual factors are taken into account, for example, human age, the presence of chronic diseases, regularity of training, planned load. Deciding to master, it is worth learn how to go correctly.

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