Interesting and inexpensive salads recipes. Cheap salads

Gardening 17.10.2019

Lightweight and delicious salads bring a variety of our diet. They do not need expensive ingredients and a lot of time. There are enough seasonal products and the fact that in the refrigerator, adding a bit of fantasy and putting it with your love you will feed your loved ones a real masterpiece.

How to cook light and delicious salads - 15 varieties

Very light salad, his name speaks for itself. The low-calorie cucumber and the chicken will saturate the body, but the figure will remain in order.


  • Chicken fillet 300 gr.
  • Cucumbers 150 gr.
  • Canned green peas 150 gr.
  • Sour cream 150 gr.
  • Dill
  • Salt.


Fillet boil from the moment of boiling 20 minutes. Curbed cucumbers cut into a middle cube and dill chopped finely. When the meat was cooled, it is also chopped into pieces and mix with cucumbers and peas. Solim to taste and refuel sour cream.

Polka dot can also be taken and fresh frozen, only first it will need to slaughter, and then quivering with ice water.


  • Potatoes boiled 300 gr.
  • Boiled eggs 3 pcs.
  • Melted cheese 200 gr.
  • Fresh cucumbers 3-5 pcs.
  • Mayonnaise 3-4 spoons
  • Salt, pepper and greenery to taste.


Clean potatoes and eggs, cut into a cube. Add sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers to them, mix everything. The fused cheese also cut the cube and add to the salad.

So that the cheeks were easier to chop, put it for a while in the freezer. 5-10 minutes will be enough.

All mixed well, add spices and refuel mayonnaise.

This salad is perfect as a snack to beer and children are recommended from five years old and in limited quantities.


  • Chicken 300 gr.
  • Mayonnaise 250 gr.
  • Solid cheese 200 gr.
  • SUCHI 200 gr.
  • Canned corn 380 gr.
  • Tomatoes 3 pcs.


In salted water, drunk a chicken, and, after cooling, cut into pieces. From the bottom to consider the crust and chop cut into a cube. Sprinkle with vegetable oil and dry in the oven until golden color. Cheese and tomatoes also cut a small cube. We mix all, add canned corn and refuel mayonnaise.

Salad is more tasty when the crunchy crackers are in it, so they need to add them to the salad before the feed itself.

The cooking is very fast and easy. And thanks to the original refueling, it is suitable as a festive table and pamper your favorite for every day.


  • Beijing cabbage 300 gr.
  • Balyk smoked 200 gr.
  • Salad leaves 50 gr.
  • Garlic 2 teeth.
  • Grapes without bones 100 gr.
  • For refueling:
  • Olive oil 4-5 h. Spoors
  • Mustard of Directory 2 h. Spoons
  • Salt 0.5 h. Spoons


Cabbage and lettuce leaves cut, add chopped garlic to them and chopped to the cube Balyk. Then we raise grapes in half and send to the rest of the ingredients. For the sauce, all the components and fuel salad are prettier. All is ready! Quickly and unusually tasty!

Seafood is very useful, and with the addition of fresh vegetables this is not a cunning salad becomes a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. Give a portion of health to your family.


  • Seafood: 400 gr.
  • Pepper Bulgarian 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Onions 0.5 pcs.
  • Creamy oil 30 gr.
  • Lemon juice, salt, pepper to taste.


First of all, we prepare seafood: the creamy oil is melted in the pan, and when it warms up well, we send our sea cocktail. Hold on fire until all the liquid evaporates.

It is not worth overeating sea products for a long time on fire, they will become rubber.

Meanwhile, the onions cut into cubes and, to get rid of the extra bitterness, we tear it with boiling water. Pepper clean, grind straws. From the tomato I remove the flesh (so that I would not have given the necessary moisture), we cut the same as pepper. All components mix, add spices and refuel lemon juice.

Very useful salad, all products are carefully chosen and create a savory taste that you will like almost everyone.


  • Boiled Buryak 2 pcs.
  • Carrot raw 1 pc.
  • Garlic 1 zub
  • Walnuts 3-4 pcs.
  • Soy sauce
  • Olive oil
  • Apple vinegar.


The boiled beet is cleaned and three on a large grater, but it is riveted with raw carrots. Press over the press garlic. Walnuts are chopped with a knife and also move to the rest of the lettuce. Pepperm, water soy sauce oil and apple vinegar. Everything is well interfered. All is ready! Quick and useful!

For gourmets, this Italian salad is just a find. It is very easy to cook looks just luxurious, and the taste is just divine.


  • Shrimp 150 gr.
  • Solid cheese 100 gr.
  • Eggs 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Garlic 1-2 teeth.
  • Mayonnaise 100 gr.
  • Ketchup 100 gr.
  • Lyme juice.


First of all, in the sauce from the mayonnaise and ketchup, we lay boiled shrimps and leave it. Meanwhile, boiled eggs clean, and cut the slices. From tomatoes, we remove the flesh, and also cut on the slices. On the tomato layer, lay eggs and a layer of grated cheese. Put shrimps from above. Each layer can be sprinkled with Lyme juice and pour sauce. But you can simply mix all the components of the salad and then fill in lime and sauce, everything is at your request. It does not hurt this gentle salad for the wonderful taste.

An excellent summer salad diversifies your menu and gives good energy charge for a whole day.


  • Tomatoes 3-4 pcs.
  • Onion red 0.5 pcs.
  • Olives 250 gr.
  • Solid grades cheese 200 gr.
  • Fresh parsley and basil.
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil.


Tomatoes cut into slices, cube cheese and olives cut in half. Onions cut thin half rings. We mix everything, add greens. Let's refuel lemon juice and oil. All is ready!

This salad is known to everyone, but it will never get bored. It is also available in winter, but his taste always transfers us to the warm Summer Coast of Greece.


  • Olives 1 Bank
  • Cucumbers 3 pcs.
  • Tomatoes 3 pcs.
  • Red Pepper Sweet 1 Piece
  • Bow 1 pc.
  • Salad leaves
  • Cheese "Sirtaki"
  • For refueling:
  • Garlic 1 zub
  • Olive oil 100 ml.
  • Lemon juice
  • Spices for your taste (basil, thyme, rosemary).


Cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers cut a large cube and send to a deep bowl. Onions cut half rings, salt, wash your hands, whatever he gave juice, and send to vegetables. We make a refueling: grinding spices, add to them squeezed garlic for piquancy. And slightly pepper. Issimate the juice of halves of lemon, add butter and mix well. Refill ready. We add olives to vegetables and now all time mix. Next, cut the cheese with a large cube and add it to the salad immediately before serving.

Instead of Sirtaki cheese, you can take a cheese or feta cheese.

We serure the salad before serving on the table: laying out lettuce leaves, then sliced \u200b\u200band mixed vegetables, and in the completion of cheese. Since the cheese is salty, salt can not be added. Let's refuel the salad and serve it.

Such a salad will be traditional on your desk due to its delicate taste. And it is beautifully decorated, it is perfect for a festive table.


  • Squid 300 gr.
  • Cucumbers 2 pcs.
  • Chicken boiled eggs 3 pcs.
  • Sour cream
  • Salt.


Squids defrost and clean. Cut into straw and boil three minutes in salted water.

You can boil first, and then cut, so there is a chance not to digest this capricious product.

Eggs boil and chuck straw. As you can cut the cucumber straw and mix all the components of the salad. Add sour cream, salt. Everyone is well interfered and can be served to the table.

Such an unusual name of the salad because most of the ingredients of red and in its components are crab sticks.


  • Crab sticks 200 gr.
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Pepper Bulgarian Red 2 pcs.
  • Garlic 2 teeth
  • Cheese 150 gr.
  • Homemade mayonnaise to taste.


Thin straw cut the crab sticks. Tomatoes cut in the same way to previously removing their insides. The pepper is removing the core and also shining straw. Cheese three on a large grater. Garlic grind and also send to the rest of the products, refuel mayonnaise and can be served to the table.

Because of his sweet taste, he is loved by a fair sex.


  • Pineapples canned 120 gr.
  • Chicken breast boiled 200 gr.
  • Cheese solid 150 gr.
  • Boiled eggs 2 pcs.
  • Garlic 1 teeth
  • Mayonnaise to taste
  • Salt.


The whole process of cooking takes only a few minutes, for this we are crushed all the lettuce, salt and refueling mayonnaise. All products are mixed in a bowl and apply to the table.

This recipe very saves time, and even a child can cook it.


  • Tuna Canned 1 Bank
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs.
  • Eggs boiled 2 pcs.
  • Corn canned 0,5 banks
  • Sour cream and mayonnaise for 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Greens.


With canned food to merge an extra liquid, and the fish disassemble into pieces. We cut eggs and tomatoes, add corn. All mix and refill sour cream with mayonnaise. Decorate with greens.

The easiest in preparation, but in its taste is not inferior to expensive salads.


  • Cabbage young 1 Kochan
  • Carrot 1 pc.
  • Bow 1 pc.
  • Greens
  • Salt pepper
  • Vinegar and vegetable oil.


A sharp knife finely bold cabbage straw, you can use a batch. Carrot three on a coarse grater and send to the cabbage. We cut onions, salt, add a bit of vinegar, and also move to the rest of the vegetables. Grind parsley and salt together with the rest of the lettuce. Now you need to wash everything well that the cabbage would let juice. Let's refuel all the oil.

This dish is obtained not only tasty but also satisfying.


  • Canned bean 380 gr.
  • Meat fillet (what you like) 300 gr.
  • Mushrooms 300 gr.
  • Bow 100 gr.
  • Carrot 150 gr.
  • Chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • Salt, mayonnaise, vegetable oil for frying.


In salted water with spices, we boil until the meat is ready. Onions, carrots and mushrooms are finely shining and individually fry in a frying pan. The cooled meat cut the cube, add corn, roasted vegetables and chopped eggs to it. Solim, mix and decorate to your liking.

Fast and light salads on an ambulance hand are not only vegetables, as many seems to. These are delicious and original dishes prepared in half an hour. Each of them can be fed a whole company of guests.

One of the best culinary masterpieces for a quick case is, of course, very light, nutritious, very tasty salads on an ambulance hand. For this purpose, our disposal is the freshest vegetables, fruits, greens and cheese. And, of course, fish, sausage, a variety of species.


  • "Adygei" cheese - 200 g;
  • for decoration - 3 twigs of parsley;
  • 6 sheets of green salad;
  • 150 g of hot smoked mackerel;
  • failure yogurt;
  • chips potato and olives without bone - for decoration.

For the preparation of this salad, 25 minutes will be required. It turns out 3 portions, each contains 200 kcal.

How to cook:

Tip: If there is no Cheese "Adygei", it can be replaced, similar in composition and taste, the fish of hot smoked can be used any, focusing on their taste addiction.

Salad with cod liver and tomatoes


  • 1 bank of canned liver cod;
  • unsweetened apple;
  • 1 large sweet pepper pod;
  • white onions;
  • a little lemon juice for splashing;
  • 1 large and tight tomato;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • parsley - to taste;
  • egg category "selected";
  • dill - to taste.

For cooking you will need 35 minutes. It turns out 3 full-fledged portions of 230 calories in each.

How to cook:

Liver cod put in a cup, break it on small pieces. Machine vegetables: Bulgarian pepper pod, tomato and onion - cubes. Add vegetables into a cup to the liver.

A boiled egg to fell fine. With apple, remove the skin, remove the core and grate on the usual grater. Lemon juice sprinkle apple flesh so that it does not darken.

In a cup with liver and vegetables add grated apple, egg and a little crushed greenery, seasoned with mayonnaise. All ingredients mix.

Salad "Rash" with sausage

It will take:

  • 1 medium sized apple (about 100 g);
  • red bow head - ¼ part;
  • the sweet-sweet mustard mustard - 1 h. spoon;
  • a piece of white bread for a toast;
  • greens, lettuce leaves, green onion feather - for decoration;
  • sour cream - 40 g;
  • krakow sausage - 100 g

You can prepare a dish for 3 people in 25 minutes. Each portion (100 grams) contains 270 kcal.

Step-by-step cooking method:

To prepare a toast: a piece of bread cut off the entire width of the loaf. Cut the frying pan without adding oil (on both sides).

Cut the sausage with a thin straw, does not remove the skin with an apple, choking similarly - straw. The ratio of these ingredients should be 1: 1, they are the main components of the dish.

The Quinta of the Red Luke is chopped with a thin straw, a green onion feather crushed, add to the main ingredients (sausage, apple). Fill the dish sour cream and mustard, mix. In the bowl put leaflets of lettuce, on top of the prepaid dish on top.

A roasted pieces of bread cut into a crust, cut it into two triangles. Serving: Put on a plate next to a salad slide 2 parsley twigs (without stem), 2 pieces of toast.

Salad "Interesting"

It will take:

  • 400 g of small inflorescences of fresh broccoli cabbage;
  • or 1 packaging of frozen broccoli;
  • 1 package (300 g) - crab sticks;
  • egg - 4 pieces;
  • mayonnaise "Light" - 150 g;
  • solo to taste.

Salad can be prepared in 20 minutes. Calculation of products for 4 servings, each contains 180 kcal.

The method of cooking:

  1. For three minutes, boil broccoli in boiling water. It is important not to digest cabbage, inflorescences must be elastic. Cook 4 eggs screwed;
  2. Crab sticks, broccoli inflorescences and eggs chopping straw.
  3. All ingredients mix and fill with light mayonnaise, season with salt;

Tip: Mayonnaise can be replaced with sauce consisting of 4 tablespoons of yogurt without sugar and dessert mustard spoon.

Salad "Mushroom"


  • canned corn bank;
  • small champignons - 300 g;
  • 1 Main White Luke Head;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • a pinch of salt.

Salad cooking will be needed 20 minutes. Quantity: 4 servings of 200 kcal in each.

  1. Seven minutes to boil champignons in salted water. The bulb is chopping with rings, grab on the oil;
  2. Small champignons are beautifully cut into the plates, add corn, fried onions, gently mix and deliver mayonnaise. You can salute a little.

To reduce the caloric content of lettuce, mayonnaise is mixed with sour cream in equal proportions. You can decorate with green onions.

Simple, fast and tasty salads for a festive table

When catastrophically lacks time for cooking festive dishes, it is especially important to know recipes that help cook not only quickly, but also tasty.

Salad "Spicy" with salmon

Required products:

  • salmon is weakly salted - 200 g;
  • 3 tomatoes;
  • 2 of any apple;
  • marinated cucumbers - 2 pieces;
  • 1 red or yellow sweet pepper;
  • garlic - 2 slices;
  • purple bow - 1 head;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • lettuce or parsley leaves;
  • spices to taste.

The required time for cooking will be 20 minutes, each portion of salad contains 280 kcal.

How to cook:

  1. From the apple to cut the peel. Cut apples, cucumbers cubes, pepper and salmon - straw, and tomatoes - thin slices, garlic and leek crushed arbitrarily;
  2. All ingredients are connected, mix with mayonnaise, rub the spices, fold into the salad bowl, decorate the greens.

So that the dish looks more festively, you can put the lettuce leaves on a flat plate, between them put sprigs of parsley, in the center of the salad.

Salad "Original" with minced

Required products:

  • boiled meat chicken - 150 g;
  • hazelnut - 100 g;
  • 2 tablespoons - butter cream;
  • tomato, orange, cucumber - 1 pieces of each;
  • canned green peas - 40 g;
  • potato - 1 piece;
  • 100 g of low-calorie mayonnaise;
  • salt is a pinch.

For cooking you will need a time - 25 minutes. In 100 grams of the finished dish contains 260 kcal.


  1. Boiled chicken flesh cut into pieces and scroll twice on any meat grinder (electrical or mechanical) together with nuts and butter cream;
  2. The resulting mince to deliver salt and remove into the refrigerator;
  3. Potatoes boil in the peel. Then clean and cut into slices, add canned peas and fresh cucumber, chicken cube;
  4. Connect vegetables with chicken minced, fill with light mayonnaise. All this is put in a beautiful salad bowl, on top to decorate the orange and tomato slices.

Tip: Marine meat can be chosen to your taste.

What a delicious salad to cook on a quick hand for a birthday

For my birthday, I want to cook something special. This is not necessarily a time-consuming salad from expensive products. It may well be canned beans, olives, boiled ham and fresh vegetables.

Salad "Italian"

Ingredients will be required:

  • suddy bread (not very fresh) - 500 g;
  • large tomatoes - 5 fruits;
  • 1 red bulb;
  • green Basil - 4 twigs;
  • canned white bean - 1 bank;
  • olives canned - 100 g.

For refueling:

  • olive oil - 60 g;
  • 1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar;
  • to your taste to pierce and saline.

Cooking time: 15 minutes. Quantity: 8 portions of 290 kcal in each.

Cooking recipe:

  1. Cut into cubes with sinky bread, sprinkle with olive oil on top and dry it for 7 minutes in heated to 200 degrees of the oven;
  2. Wash tomatoes, chopping cubes. Bully cut into thin half rings. From jars with canned ingredients merge water. All prepared vegetables are put in a suitable salad bowl;
  3. Prepare refueling: In a cup, combine olive oil with balsamic vinegar and spices. This mixture is slightly whisked by a whisk;
  4. Add crackers to vegetables, pour the cooked sauce, mix. So that the bread cubes are soaked with refueling and tomato juice, to put a dish in the fridge for 15 minutes.

You can also do differently: put a salad on the table right away, and let the guests choose, what kind of crackers they like more (impregnated or crunchy).

It will take:

  • a piece of solid cheese - about 150 g;
  • eggs - 5 pieces;
  • celery - 4 stems;
  • 150 g of ham boiled;
  • tomatoes - 6 small solid fruits;
  • green salad - 5 leaves;
  • 5 Green Luke Feather;
  • basil - 6 stems;
  • cornishons (marinated cucumbers) - 4 pieces;

For sauce:

  • 40 g of yogurt of disadvantage;
  • fat cream - 40 g;
  • 5 tablespoons sour cream;
  • to taste - pepper;
  • 2 pinching salts.

The cooking will take time: 35 minutes. The dish is calculated for 4 persons. The calorie content of one portion is 310 kcal.


  1. Cook eggs until complete readiness, remove the shell and cut into circles. Clean celery, and leaves to postpone aside;
  2. Cheese and boiled ham chopping cubes of the same size. Tomatoes omit for a second in boiling water, and then remove the peel from them, cut into 8 parts;
  3. Wash green salad leaves. Decompose them on a flat dish, on them from above along the edge of the salad bowl to lay eggs chopped by circles;
  4. Cheese, celery, ham, tomatoes mix and lay out in the center of the salad bowl;
  5. Cooking the sauce: sour cream, yogurt, beat cream, spit into pepper, salt. Salad fill the cooked sauce;
  6. Arrows of green onions, celery leaves, basil to finely chop and sprinkle with this greens salad. Cut the roots in the form of a fan, put them next to egg circles.

You can also use any boiled sausage for the preparation of this salad.

Prepare salads quickly and tasty maybe if you cook from the minimum set of products and choose not the most time-consuming recipes.

The recipe for another simple and tasty salad is in the following video.

Detailed Description: The simplest and cheap salad recipes from the chef's chef for gourmet and housewives from various sources.

Salads are very tasty dishes that love almost everything. You can cook salads both to a festive feast, and just for breakfast, lunch or dinner dear households. However, there are situations when you need to quickly prepare something, but the means are not enough money. Do you have this too? In such situations there is one fairly simple solution - to prepare delicious and fast inexpensive salads. Especially pleased that cook salad quickly and inexpensively is quite fulfilling the task. After all, there are quite a lot of recipes, how to cook inexpensive salads on an ambulance hand, which will significantly save your time and, of course, a family budget. From the most simple ingredients, you can prepare a real exquisite dish, which will affect everyone simply appeal to their taste and view. It is in this subcategory that you can find the most original, appetizing and easy-to-cook recipes, how to prepare inexpensive delicious and fast salads. Here are also selected recipes for fast and inexpensive salads that you probably have already prepared more than once, but adding a new ingredient and decorating in a new way, you will already have than to treat your favorite households and loved ones. A variety of selected recipes in this subcategory is simply amazed. These are cheap salads on the ambulance hand, nutritious, lungs, snack bars and, of course, vitamin. For example, to prepare a vitamin salad just enough and quickly, and the benefit of it is very and very much. Especially such salads are useful for kids, so they certainly prepare their loved ones with useful salads. Also in this subcategory shows recipes, how to cook quick and inexpensive salads with photos. It is very convenient, because you can see not only the end result, but also how it is better to decorate the cooked dish. There are also step-by-step recipes, which will become a real salvation for those who are not very strong in cooking. With recipes in this subcategory you can easily prepare a quick and cheap salad. Choose for yourself the most delicious, original, unusual recipes inexpensive fast salads and proceed directly to the cooking process. Nearby will certainly appreciate your efforts and will definitely ask for additives, because salads really get very tasty.

Fresh cabbage salad

- 350-400 grams of cabbage,
- 1 carrot,
- Half cucumber,
- 2 tbsp. Olive oils,
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 1 tsp. honey
- 2 twigs of mint,
- 2 branches of dill,
- 2 Basil Spots,
- 2 sprigs of parsley,
- Salt.


Delicious and beautiful salad "Pine cones"

Ingredients: Chicken fillet, egg, cheese. Potatoes, corn, onions, almonds, mayonnaise

In winter holidays, most often for the new year, I am preparing a "pine cones" salad. The preparation recipe is very simple and fast enough.

Ingredients:- 200 grams of chicken fillet,
- 4 eggs,
- 2 raw melted,
- 1 Cartinet,
- 100 grams of corn canned,
- 1 bulbs,
- 250 grams of almond fried,
- 100 grams of mayonnaise.


Salad "Pomegranate Bracelet" with almond

Ingredients: Potatoes, mayonnaise, carrots, beef. Onions, egg, beet, almonds, grenades

Recipes Salad "Pomegranate bracelet" are a lot. Today I suggest you cook it with almonds and beef. Salad is very tasty.

Ingredients:- 2 potatoes,
- 100 grams of mayonnaise,
- 2 carrots,
- 200 grams of beef,
- 1 bulbs,
- 4 eggs,
- 2 beets,
- 20 grams of almonds,
- 1 grenade.


Salad "Mimosa" with an apple without potatoes

Ingredients: canned, apple, carrots, onions, potatoes, egg, cheese, mayonnaise

Mimosa salad recipes are a lot. Today I will tell you how to prepare a very tasty and simple mimosa salad without potatoes with cheese and an apple.

Ingredients:- 1-2 canned banks "Sarddin",
- 1 apple,
- 3 carrots,
- 1 bulbs,
- 3-4 potatoes,
- 5 eggs,
- 100 grams of cheese,
- Mayonnaise.


Salad "Rustic" with cucumbers and champignons

Ingredients: potatoes, chicken fillet, mushroom, onions, cucumber, salt, pepper, oil, mayonnaise

Which of the owners did not come across the situation when the guests are knocking on the door and urgently need to cook something. Or you want something delicious, and products in the refrigerator are not a lot of variety.

Russian cuisine - salad with potatoes, fish and low-headed cucumbers - fast, simple and satisfying

Each woman has special recipes in the piggy bank for such situations. Well, it's easier to cook something is not too difficult that it is preparing quickly and instantly eaten.

Best fit salads are simple, but tasty and cheap. Lungs Recipes such salads will be given below, with detailed descriptions of the components and the procedure for cooking.

And now you need to go deep into the history of such a popular dish as a salad. Historical cooks argue that salad was invented in ancient Rome . While the distant time of the component of salad was vegetables. Already much later, about the nineteenth century, the chefs began to experiment and mix with vegetables meat products, eggs and other ingredients. And so many different salad recipes are simple, but tasty, and with cheap components, and easy to prepare.

So, promised recipes.

In a beef salad, you can add corn and green radish - and a new unusual dish is ready

This is a salad, probably one of the most economical. Beef Easy stands on the market in the Bulk penny, because it is a sub-product. As for the remaining components of the salad, they are almost always present in any kitchen.

Salad preparation products:

  • Light beef 150 grams
  • Bulb 2 pcs.
  • Radish green 2 pieces
  • Eggs 5 pcs.
  • Sweet corn
  • Sunflower oil a few tablespoons
  • Salt
  • Mayonnaise small pack


Lung Wash, clean from hard ducts. Cook until readiness (Readiness is determined as follows: Purify the fork easy if the liquid was transparent, then ready). Cool the lung, clean the film, cut the stripes and pack with sliced \u200b\u200bonions In a skillet. Redon wash, clean and grate For Korean carrots. From chicken eggs make egg pancakes and also cut them straw . Mix In Saladka, all salad components: light, corn, radish, egg pancakes . Salad to prevent add mayonnaise and salt .

Let's give 20 minutes and you can try.

Salad "Tomato"

This salad is very popular with many owners because of its simplicity and low cost, like other similar salads - simple, but tasty and cheap, and easy to prepare. But it is worth reminding that this salad is seasonal. Tomatoes in winter are not suiced.


  • Ripe tomatoes
  • Louk small
  • Vegetable oil
  • Apple vinegar
  • Salt to taste
  • What a soft cheese, type of cheese


Cut tomatoes Solk, folded into the salad bowl. Onion Cut in half and small lobes. Brynza. Cut up arbitrarily, but you can simply cover your hands. Mix in a cup vinegar and oil Add, Add salt , all carefully mix With a fork.

Stir all the ingredients of lettuce, fill and serve.

Salad "Young-Green"

Salad with tomatoes and cheese - Simplified version of Greek salad

The most vitamin salad is from the whole selection. Everyone knows that in greenery always contains a lot of folic acid. It is extremely useful for the development of strong immunity. This salad is needed especially in spring.

Products for cooking:

  • Green cucumber 3-4 pieces
  • Dill, parsley, cerema
  • Green onion
  • Eggs 3 pieces
  • Mustard unsosts 1 tsp
  • Salt, spices
  • Vegetable oil.


Wash cut cucumbers Slices, fold into a salad bowl. Very little cripple all greens And put to cucumbers. Swim eggs Clear I. cut in half, and once again in half. Add to cucumbers and greens and gently mix. Butter Mix S. sOLYU. Add, Add mustard, spices And hesit everything to the state of the emulsion.

Fill a salad.

Salad "Michman"

This simple and easy, but at the same time delicious and cheap, salad - from Russian cuisine. It goes well as a cold snack for hot drinks. You can vary the ingredients and add herring instead of fish. And you can salted mushrooms or sauced cabbage.


  • Salted cucumbers - 3 pcs.
  • Boiled potatoes - 5 pcs.
  • Green Lucky - 1 Bunch
  • Fish boiled - 150 gr. (canned)
  • Sunflower oil unrefined - 5-6 st. Spoons


Cucumbers cut arbitrarily, together with potato and onions . Fish to smoke fork And add to the rest of the products.

Pour oil.

Salad "Beauty"

Salad with cheese and beetroot - simple and original


  • Sweet 4 pcs. (small)
  • Cheese, any hard 200 gr.
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise


Beets to cook before the finished state, clean and cut Bloupes. Cut cheese Also starring. Stir the beet and cheese, refuel mayonnaise.

There are recipes in which salads are really simple, but tasty and cheap, and easy to prepare. Just and elementary - washed, broke or cut, refueling and ready.

No need to boil or fry.

Salad "Zaikina Otild"


  • Carrot 3 pcs.
  • Cabbage 150 gr.
  • Tomatoes ripe pink steam pieces
  • Gaud or Dutch cheese 150 gr.
  • Cucumbers steam pieces
  • 120 gr. mayonnaise


Carrots, cheese and cucumber crush With a grater. Cabbage and tomatoes cut straw. Of a tomato Remove the core.

All components of the salad gather in a bowl, stir and refuel mayonnaise .

Salad "Kozlik"

Salad with cucumbers and cheese can also be added to the leaves of a lathouse


  • Mix of salads 200 gr.
  • Cucumber 2 pcs.
  • Cottage cheese or cheese 150 gr.
  • Salad refueling

"Uninvited guest that in the throat bone"

No, we are all, of course, hospitable and welcoming owners. But the situation when expensive unexpected guests suddenly appear on the verge of your home, and you are not completely ready, it is rather unpleasant. It's one thing when an old girlfriend looked at the light to the flames - enough tea with a cookie in the kitchen. And if the company of friends of her husband fell to you, decided to celebrate the victory of the favorite football team? While the main dish is preparing, guests need to feed something quickly, and in this case sandwiches and salads come to the revenue. On our site you will find a huge number of sandwiches recipes, and we will try to assemble the recipes of fast salads. Just let's agree immediately: the salad is a dish of fresh vegetables or fruits with a particularly prepared refueling. Mayonnaise "salads" is, rather, a snack, we will also talk about them. Only refueling them we will be mayonnaise our own manufacture. You will be surprised how home mayonnaise is different from the incomprehensible substance that we sell in stores.

. Carefully separate 2 yolks from the proteins, removing also flagellas. Eggs are preferably taking home. If you are afraid of salmonellosis, take quail in the 1: 4 ratio (that is, instead of 2 chicken yolks you need to take 8 quail). Some spoon spoon slightly salute and squeeze in one direction. You do not need to beat the mixer, mayonnaise will be as tasty, but due to the large number of air bubbles, its storage is reduced to 1-2 days. Continuing to rub, add a drop of vegetable (ideally - olive) oil, stir up to a complete connection with the yolk, and only then add the following portion. Each time the oil portion is becoming more and more. Try in one direction, every time achieving complete homogeneity. For 2 yolks, you will leave about 300 g of oil. Each time the mixture will become all thicker. The resulting mixture is salted and stick to taste, add the finished mustard, mix and add lemon juice or vinegar. The mixture travels and will replace the purchase of mayonnaise, but only in appearance, but not in any way.

And now - recipes how to cook quick salads.

Almost Greek salad

1 beam salad,
1-2 sweet red peppers,
1 bulb,
½ banks olives without bones,
100-150 g cheese
1 tsp. Sweet mustard
1 garlic clove,
1 tsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. lemon juice
1 tsp. honey
1 tsp. dry basil
Pepper, salt.

All ingredients, except for a few lettuce leaves, cut pretty large. Prepare the refueling, rubbing all the ingredients for a fork. If you do not have a balsamic vinegar, then it can be replaced with an ordinary or apple. Place the salad leaves on the flat dish, put a slide on them and pick up the dressing.

1 beam salad,
1 beam of greenery (any, to taste),
2-3 Sweet Green Peppers,
2-3 cucumber,
1 White bulb,
½ - 1 bank olives without bones,
5-7 quail eggs.
2 tbsp. soy sauce
2 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
3 tbsp. olive oil.

Boil eggs and put them in half. Sweet bow Cut rings, cucumbers - circles, green sweet peppers - stripes. Green cut or navigitate hands. Mix the ingredients for refueling and sprinkle salad.

2 tomatoes,
2 cucumber,
1-2 sweet peppers (can be multicolored),
1 Kochan Beijing Cabbage.
150 ml of natural yogurt,
1 tbsp. apple vinegar
1 garlic clove,
1 tsp. honey
salt pepper.

Vegetables cut arbitrarily and fill with refueling. The refueling is preparing like this: dispel the clove of garlic, scroll it with yogurt, add honey, vinegar, salt and pepper to taste.

250 g of pasta,
200 g cheese
4 tomatoes,
1 Cucumber,
½ banks olives without bones,
6 tbsp. olive oil,
3 tbsp. wine vinegar
Black ground pepper, salt.

Pasta lean in salted water, rinse and leak on the colander. When all the water strokes, mix pasta from 1 tbsp. Oil. Tomatoes cut into cubes, cucumbers - slices, olives - rings. Brynzes open hands. For sauce, take a vinegar with butter, add salt and pepper, can still be placed oregano. Combine vegetables with pasta and cheese, fill the sauce and put a salad in the refrigerator for an hour.

Smoky chicken salad


50 g of green lettuce

2 tomatoes,
100 g of radish
4 tbsp. olive oil,
3 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. mustard
Sugar, salt, pepper, greens - to taste.

Salad cut off stripes, cut tomatoes by quarters, radishes - circles. Chicken meat cut into cubes. Mix the oil, mustard, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper, scroll to homogeneous mass. Connect all the ingredients, mix and pour the sauce.

1-2 Celery Puff,
1 large apple,
¼ Kochana cabbage,
Olive oil, lemon juice, salt.

Cabbage Touch as thinner, celery cut into thin slices, apple soda on a large grater or cut into cubes. Stir, fuel oil and lemon juice with salt and pepper.

Marinated cabbage salad


300 g of pickled cabbage,
2 pickled cucumbers,
3 eggs,
3 tbsp. Green peas
Greens, natural yogurt, salt - to taste.

Put a slightly squeezed cabbage to the salad bowl, add the eggs and cucumbers cut by cubes, mix. Severe yogurt and sprinkle with greens.

5 tomatoes,
2 sweet peppers,
1 Cucumber,
1 bulb,
100 g of cheese
10 olives without bones,
3 tbsp. olive oil,
2 tsp lemon juice
Salt, pepper, greens.

Sweet pepper lay out on the tray and put in the hot oven for 10-15 minutes. Then lay it out in the package, tightly touch and leave for 10 minutes. Remove the peppers from the pepper and cut the cubes. Tomatoes scat, then lower the ice water and remove the skin. Cut tomatoes with large cubes. Cucumber cut along the 4 pieces and cut into slices. Onions Cut the quarter-charts. Mix on the bowl onions and parsley bowls and remember slightly to start the juice. Add tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, sprinkle with lemon juice and fill oil. Sprinkle with olive balls from olives on top.

Salad "Spring"

100 g cabbage,
2 small cucumbers,
3 radishes,
2-3 eggs,
40 g of green bows,
3 tbsp. sour cream
Salt, greens.

Cabbage Touch thinly, cucumbers cut into small cubes. Redishes Soda on a large grater, boiled eggs out. Mix the cabbage with salt, shave a little and add all the ingredients. Fill sour cream, sprinkle with chopped greens.

And these salads - for those who have a couple of avocado in the refrigerator. The attitude towards this fruit is either sharply negative or enthusiastic. Avocado is an unusually useful ingredient in any dish. Do not know that, besides sauce Guacamole, cook from avocado? Make useful rapid salads!

200 g of weakly fat salmon,

2 tomatoes,
50 g lettuce leaves,
Olive oil, salt, pepper.

Place the lettuce leaves on the flat dish. Salmon cut into thin slices. Avocado Cut in half, remove the bone, the pulp gently remove with the help of a teaspoon and cut into slices. Lay out the salmon and avocado on lettuce leaves, sprinkle, pepper and pick up butter.


1 Tomato,
1 sweet pepper,
50-70 g of cottage cheese cheese (type "Almete"),
1 Thin Lavash,

Avocado Clean the peel and cut the cubes. Tomatoes and peppers also cut into cubes. Connect in the Misk Avocado, Tomatoes and Cheese, mix. Distribute the filling on the lavash sheet and roll it into the roll. Cut the macox on slices.


1 canned tuna bank,
1 Red bulbs,
1 tbsp. lemon juice
Salt, pepper, greens.

Avocado Cut in half, remove the flesh, frow the fork in the puree and mix with lemon juice. Canned tuna is also a fork. Onions Cut rings. Mix the products, salt, stick and put in the boat from the peel avocado.
Sprinkle with greens.

Avocado salad with cheese and pear


1 pear,
2 sweet peppers,
100 g of solid cheese,
1 tbsp. lemon juice
1 beam salad.
1-2 clove of garlic,
¼ ChL Sahara,
3-4 tbsp. olive oil,
2 tsp lemon juice
Salt, pepper, greens.

Avocado Cut straw and sprinkle with lemon juice. Pepper and pear Cut straws. Cheese also cut the thin straw. For refueling, squeeze garlic through the press and mix with chopped greenery, salt, pepper, oil and vinegar and take the fork. Salads are made of lettuce leaves, lay out vegetables, pears and cheese, paint the refueling.

Fast salads made of canned vegetables, with sausages and mayonnaise difficult to call light snack. But it does not bother them often to appear on our table. In order not to move the calories in front of the main dish, try changing the style of supplying such salads. To do this, take an empty jar from under olives, carefully cut the bottom and start the sharp edges so as not to cut down. Put the junk with a smooth (upper) edge on the portion plate and fill the ready-made salad snack to half, slightly compact and remove the jar. You will get a portion of salad that you need to pour refueling and decorate to your liking.

200 g of hacks of good quality,
3 eggs,
100 g of canned beans,
Mayonnaise, greens, thin lemon slices.

Cut the boiled boiled eggs and ham, add beans without fluid, fuel mayonnaise. Decorate the greenery and slices of lemon.

Salad "Hungry guests"

2 bulbs,
1 carrot,
1 Little Bean Bank,

Mayonnaise, vegetable oil for frying, pepper, salt, greens.

Onions and carrots cut as magnificent and extinguish in a small amount of vegetable oil. Cool down. From canned canned beans and champignons to drain the liquid and combine with onions and carrots. Suck, pepper, make mayonnaise.

1 Bank of Gorbushi,
100 g of melted cheese
1 bulb,
2 eggs,
Salt, pepper, mayonnaise.


Leek cut as gloss as much as possible, sniffer sniffing for a fork, eggs and fused cheese soda on a fine grater. Mix, spell, pepper, fill mayonnaise.

Salad of smokedmackerel

200 g of smoked mackerel,
2 eggs,
1 jar peas,
2 acid apples,
Greens, mayonnaise.

Clean the smoked mackerel from the skin and bones, frown for a fork. Apples and eggs cut into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, add chopped greens, fuel mayonnaise.

Warm salad with champignons

200 g of boiled chicken
1 Bank of Champignons,
200 g of soft drown cheese,
¼ stack. White dry wine or cream,
1 bulb,
Salad leaves, greens.

Chickens Cut into cubes, onion - thin rings. Slow mushrooms, dry in a pan and cut. Melted cheese heat on a slow fire in a bowl, add wine or cream, mix. Mixed ingredients pour the resulting sauce. Salad is served in warm form.

Quick salads are good not only for guests, you can prepare them every day, especially fresh greens and vegetables salads. A couple-triple ingredients, curious refueling - and a new salad ready!

Enjoy your appetite and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shufkaykin

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