ID and name of objects in Minecraft. Iyy objects in minecraft and their categories

Gardening 24.07.2020

It's time for time to tell you about ID of all items, blocks in Minecraft. This article will consist of several particles:

Now we will consider everything in detail and discuss. Well, let's go:

What is Item Items in minecraft

ID objects - A unique identifier that consists of numbers. Each item has such ID. In many cases, knowledge of these IDs and blocks is needed for modification creators and for the administration of various servers in Minecraft.

Since if you want to give out to someone, any object, block, then you will need to use the / GIVE command. But not everything is so simple after you have entered this command, you will also have to write another console team (in need) - the subject ID.

Using the GIVE command to receive items

In order to get items and blocks using the / GIVE command, you must have cheats. Well, to distribute items on the server you must have the right to this.

/ Give. [Number] [Additional data]

To simplify the task in the future and get any items in minecraft You need to learn this below the specified table.

Main teams of obtaining items:

  • /give. - team issuing and receiving items in Minecraft.
  • - The name of that player who you want to send the subject.
  • - in this point you need to specify Id object from the table.
  • [quantity] - Dial the numbers which amount of this item Want to send no
  • [additional data] - This item indicates the second part of the ID number of the subject that it has.

ID of all items Minecraft

Now knowing the necessary commands and ID of all items in minecraftYou can get any items in minecraft in any amount.

What is the difference between the block?

Block is all those things that can be put on the ground. And objects are called - those things that can not be put on the ground. That is, items are mainly used by a player, and blocks in the form of land, grass, vegetation, and so on.

Welcome to the site

In this article, you will find a lot of new and useful information for yourself that will help you play minecraft, and play very productively and in your pleasure. Or rather, here you will familiarize yourself with the ID of all the main blocks, items and other things that exist in the game Minecraft. For each specific version of the game, the blocks with numbering blocks are laid below. You just need to know what you have a game version and find a picture for your minecraft. I often update this news and complement it after each game update.

But not every one knows that such an ID objects and why do we need it? I will try to dispersed this fog that has developed in your head and help figure out this issue.

Id blocks and objectsin the Minecraft game, this is a list, or rather the numbering of all existing items and blocks that exist in the game world, ranging from the usual block of land to diamond or anvil.

Why do you know all this incomprehensible and huge numbering? The answer is very simple! Those people who know how to use Id help get the right resources in a single game. And admins on servers with their help will be able to distribute resources the remaining player in their desires, thus encouraging them.

You ask: You are all so well tell, but still how to get my desired diamonds I do not understand.

I answer you for this question! In order to get diamonds in the game you need to find a diamond in the picture, remember this number or write. Then I use this number you can get a long-awaited resource in the game Minecraft Creative game or using such cheaters like TomanyItems and Not Enough Items. You can find them in the future on this site.

Now proceed to the long-awaited numbering ID. I posted it below. Dare and look for the necessary information.

So one more suggestion! To enlarge the photo just click on it!

Id blocks and subjects for Minecraft 1.15.2, 1.14.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.4, 1.13.2, 1.12.2, 1.11.2, 1.10.2, 1.7.10, 1.5.2

In my opinion, I have written everything clearly and you should do everything! Successful and pleasant game. Thanks for attention.

After the 12W34A assembly (version 1.4), users may include visualization of IDs not only key objects, but also all sorts of lists of values \u200b\u200bin chests, stoves, etc. However, how to find out the Iyid objects in minecraft, and what types do they share? Let's immediately say that this is done by simply pressing two keys F3 + H. By the way, after the next release of 12W41A, the game began to be displayed.

Objects in the game Minecraft have special properties that increase the character's capabilities. Get them crafting (creating) with a variety of recipes. In order not to be confused, the creators of the game ordered all items by category.

Categories of items

  • Materials - for crafting blocks or things.
  • Food - quenching hunger.
  • Tools are actively used for mining, transferring or destruction of any items, or resources.

In addition to objects, the unique number is assigned to colors. For example, if you decide to create ferrous wool, then you need to drive ID 35, 15. Using identification numbers, the player can manage the items and create the chains from them to get others from some things.


A huge variety of items allows the user to increase its capabilities and solve any task. The game is specifically sharpened that the players interact with objects. For example: you decided to create an iron grille, and for this you need iron bars that are created from ore. Such tasks are very fascinated by the players, because of nothing we can create all that your soul.

We hope this question has become completely clear! Share important information about ID items in minecraft with other players and leave your opinion via comment. Thank you!


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You are an administrator of a server or about a player, ID objects in minecraft will be useful to everyone, for example for a store plugin if you administrator and need to give yourself some kind of subject through the Give command? You always need to have this picture at hand, on it you will find all the standard items, under the Icon written Id (ID) from the world of Minecraft, which is needed. All object icons are arranged in order, as well as in the game, it is very convenient for quick search. Below you will find pictures for each version of Minecraft.

Item Items in Minecraft 1.15 / 1.14.4 / 1.13.2 / 1.12.2

To watch Iyi items right in the game Press the keyboard shortcut keys F3 + H.. Now if you bring the mouse cursor to the object icon, the identifier will be written in the pop-up hint. Starting with minecraft 1.12.2 Additional ID was introduced, in a text version, in the form of a full name in English. And in the latest versions of Minecraft 1.15, 1.14.4, 1.13.2 Developers abandoned the digital variant, only the name remains. In general, it became quite uncomfortable, because it's easier to write a few numbers than the name of the things consisting of several words.

Id objects in minecraft 1.12.2

For those who do not have possible to see the identifiers inside the game, we offer attention to the image with all IDs in minecraft.

As a rule, everyone loves to cheer and use different cheats, plug-ins and so on. To do this, players should always be needed at hand table ID objects in minecraft 1.5.2 and so on. Because all these numbers are hard to learn difficult. Of course, you will know the most basic and frequently dialized data, but with rare items will be trouble.

In addition, such information is useful even to admins. When they want to facilitate their lives and get some item.

Below on the site has all the information you need, which can be downloaded.

Picture ID items in Minecraft. (Click to enlarge)

How to use the whole table

You just need to find the item you need and see which digit is standing nearby. Be careful because there are objects with the same ID in the game. For example, wool. All wool in the game has an identifier at number 35. But, because somehow you need to distinguish it. For this there are even additional numbers. Each color of the subject has its own corresponding digit.

How to enter minecraft objects?

Entering these id is very simple. Everything is done in the form of a template

Team Give [Number]

You need to enter without brackets. Here are some examples.

As a result, you will get a tree into the number of 23 pieces. That is, the figure 5 is a tree ID, and 23 - quantity.

The same can be done with any other subject. Experiment.

As mentioned above, wool can have different colors, respectively, different ID. In such cases, you need to enter it.

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