February Revolution 1917 Stages. February Revolution: Day by day

Gardening 14.10.2019

The Great Russian Revolution is the revolutionary events that occurred in Russia in 1917, starting with the overthrow of the monarchy during the February Revolution, when the authorities moved to the temporary government, which was overthrown as a result of the October Revolution of the Bolsheviks, who proclaimed Soviet power.

The February Revolution of 1917 - the main revolutionary events in Petrograd

A reason for the revolution: Labor conflict on the Putilovsky factory between workers and owners; Interruptions with the supply of Petrograd Food.

Main events February Revolution happened in Petrograd. The leadership of the army headed by the head of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief by General Alekseev M. V. and the commander of the fronts and fleets found that they do not have the means to suppress the riots and strikes engulfed Petrograd. Emperor Nicholas II ran away from the throne. After his alleged successor, the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich also abandoned the throne, the State Duma took the country under its control, forming the Interim Government of Russia.

With the formation of parallel temporary government of the Soviets began the period of dvoevsty. The Bolsheviks form the detachments of the armed workers (Red Guard), thanks to attractive slogans conquer significant popularity, primarily in Petrograd, Moscow, in large industrial cities, the Baltic Fleet, the troops of the Northern and Western fronts.

Demonstration of women with the requirements of bread and the return of men from the front.

The beginning of a universal political strike under the slogans: "Down with a tsarism!", "Down with autocracy!", "Down with the War!" (S00 thousand people). Shocks of demonstrators with police and gendarmerie.

Tsar telegram Commander Petrogradsky Military District demanding "Tomorrow to stop the riots in the capital!"

Arrests of the leaders of socialist parties and workers' organizations (100 people).

Execution demonstrations workers.

The proclamation of the decree of the king about the dissolution of the State Duma for two months.

Troops (4th company Pavlovsky Regiment) opened fire on the police.

The rebel of the spare battalion of the Volyn regiment, its transition to the side of the strikers.

The beginning of the mass transition of troops to the side of the revolution.

Creation of a temporary committee of members of the State Duma and the Interim Executive Committee of the Petrograd Council.

Creating a temporary government

Renunciation of the king Nicholas II from the throne

Results of revolution and dwellers

October Revolution of 1917 Basic events

During October revolution Petrograd VRK, established by the Bolsheviks led by L.D. Trotsky and V.I. Lenin, overthrow the temporary government. At the II All-Russian Congress of the Councils of Workers and Soldiers' Deputies, the Bolsheviks withstand the heavy struggle with the Mensheviks and the right esters, the first Soviet government is formed. In December 1917, the Government coalition of Bolsheviks and Left Socialists was compiled. In March 1918, the Brest World with Germany signed.

By the summer of 1918, a one-party government was finally formed, and the active phase of civil war and foreign intervention in Russia began, which began with the rebellion of the Czechoslovak Corps. The end of the civil war created the conditions for the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).

Basic events of the October Revolution

The temporary government suppressed peaceful demonstrations with a performance against the government, arrests, the Bolsheviks were announced outside the law, the death penalty was restored, the end of the dwellesty.

The 6th Congress of the RSDLP was held - a course was taken to a socialist revolution.

State Meeting in Moscow, Kornilova L.G. We wanted to declare the military dictator and at the same time dispersed all the advice. Active folk performance disrupted plans. Improving the authority of the Bolsheviks.

Kerensky A.F. Announced Russia by the Republic.

Lenin secretly returned to Petrograd.

The meeting of the Central Committee of the Bolsheviks, Lenin V.I. And stressed that it is necessary to take power10 people - for, opposites and Zinoviev. Choose a political bureau - led by Lenin.

The Board of the Petrograd Council (headed by Trotsky LD) adopted a provision on the Petrograd VRK (Military Revolutionary Committee) - a legal headquarters for the preparation of the uprising. CREDC was created - Military Revolutionary Center (Ya.m. Sverdlov, F.E. Dzerzhinsky, A.S. Bubnov, M.S. Uritsky and I.V. Stalin).

Kamenev in the newspaper "New Life" - with a protest against the uprising.

Petrograd garrison on the side of the Soviets

The Provisional Government gave an order to Junkers to seize the Typography of the Bolshevik newspaper "Working Road" and arrest members of the VRK, which were in Smolny.

The revolutionary troops occupied the central telegraph, Izmailovsky station, controlled bridges, were blocked all the Juncher schools. VRK sent a telegram to Kronstadt and Centrobalt to call the ships of the Baltic Fleet. The order was performed.

October 25 - meeting of the Petrograd Council. Lenin made a speech by saying the famous words: "Comrades! The working and peasant revolution, about the need for which the Bolsheviks spoke all the time, was accomplished. "

The volley of the Aurora cruiser became a signal to the storm of the Winter Palace, the temporary government was arrested.

2 Congress of the Soviets on which the Soviet authorities proclaimed.

Temporary Government of Russia in 1917

Heads of the Russian government in 1905 - 1917.

Witte S.Yu.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Goreminkykin I.L.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Stolypin P.A.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Kokovtsev V.II.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Sturmer B.V.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

january - November 1916

Trenov A.F.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

november - December 1916

Golitsyn N.D.

Chairman of the Council of Ministers

Lviv G.E.

march - July 1917.

Kerensky A.F.

Minister-Chairman of the Provisional Government

july - October 1917.

Pavel Milyukov
leader of the Cadet Party

At that time, the post of Minister of Internal Affairs Alexander Protopopov, as it appears from the memories of contemporaries, and from the transcripts of his interrogations in the Investigation Commission, was a man of mental abilities clearly insufficient for such a position. And according to some reports, he also suffered a psychiatric disease.

Georges Maurice Paleologic quoted in his diary of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Nikolai Pokrovsky: "I would give these messy only a secondary meaning if my dear colleague was still a glimpse of reason. But what to expect from a person who has already been a lot of weeks as lost any feeling. Reality and which is eaten by the shadow of Rasputin? This night he spent two hours, causing the ghost of the elder. "

Study, if not a crazy minister, Protopopov applied considerable efforts to provoke the procession of workers to the Duma, 14 (27) February and shoot this procession from machine guns. However, the leader of the Cadet Party Pavel Milyukov appealed to the work in a press with an open letter, in which they called them not to be conducted on Protopopov's provocations, and the procession did not take place. But it was only a delay of the explosion.

Literally the day before the storm broke out, on February 22 (March 7), the emperor Nicholas II left the royal village in a bet to Mogilev, as Milyukov wrote, "while maintaining the capital only a telegraph and even less reliable railway link."

More than 150 thousand Petrograd garrison at that time consisted of mostly from reservists and recruits of the second wave, mostly peasants.

Finally, these days sharply laughed almost 20 degrees, as if nature herself pushed people to go out into the streets.

The city has developed conditions for the "ideal storm".

February 23 (March 8), on International Women's Day, thousands of workers came to Petrograd Streets. They shouted "Bread!" and "Down with hunger!". On this day, about 90 thousand workers of fifty enterprises participated in the strike. Without having fuels, plants stopped one by one. The next day, the workers had almost 200 thousand, and another day, according to various sources, from 240 to 300 thousand, that is, up to 80% of the total number of workers in the city. Classes at the university also stopped, and students joined the protesters.

Residents of the workers, in particular the Vyborg side, were tightened to the city center. At rallies, for example, on Znamenskaya Square (which is now called the area of \u200b\u200bthe uprising), the red flags were raised and the political slogans shouted: "Down with autocracy!" And "Down War!", And also sang revolutionary songs.

Read closure

Petrograd authorities tried to avoid the use of force, as they saw that soldiers and the Cossacks were not configured to overclock crowds of protesters. "I did not want to resort to shooting hard," said General Habalov at the interrogation in the Investigation Commission.

The reasons to provoke this revolution were political, economic and ideological.

Resellers of serfdom, precisely, autocracy and landowner land tenure, slowed down the development of capitalist relations. This led to the country's lag from advanced powers in all areas of economic activity. Especially acute and clearly, this lag was manifested during the participation of Russia in the First World War, which became a catalyst for the extensive economic crisis, which affected all the spheres of production and caused the full collapse of agriculture. All this, along with the hardest financial crisis, led to the impoverishment of the masses, which, in turn, led to the growth of the strike movement and the number of peasant unrest.

Economic difficulties and, especially, the failures of Russia in war, provoked an acute crisis of power. The rule of Tsar Nicholas II were dissatisfied with everything. Corruption, which struck the entire management apparatus from above, caused sharp discontent among the bourgeoisie and intelligentsia. In the army and the fleet grew anti-war moods.

The fall of the authority of Nicholas II contributed to the continuous change of government members, most of which were unable to solve pressing tasks in the conclusion of the country from the protracted crisis. The appearance in the royal surroundings of individuals like Rasputin also discredited the monarchy in the eyes of the country's total population.

All this was aggravated by the growth of the national liberation struggle of the peoples who made up national outskirts of Russia.


The beginning of 1917 was marked by widespread interruptions in food supplies. Bread lacked, prices grew, and together with them there were dissatisfaction with the masses. In February, Petrograd was covered by the "bread" rebounds - the crowds of desperate displeased people thickened bread shops. February 23 under Art. Art. Petrograd workers went on a universal strike, demanding bread, stopping war and the overthrow of autocracy. They were joined by students, employees, artisans and peasants. The strike movement covered both capitals and many other cities of the country.

The royal government responded to these disarms of the Duma by two months, mass arrests of activists of the revolutionary movement and shooting of demonstrators. All this only poured oil into the fire. In addition, the military began to be joined. On February 28, power in Petrograd moved to strikers. Duma deputies have formed a temporary settlement committee of order .. In parallel, an alternative authority was elected - the executive committee of the Petrograd Council .. The next night, these structures jointly created a temporary government.

The next day was marked by the renunciation of the king from power, in favor of his younger brother, who, in turn, also signed a renunciation, transferring power to the temporary government, instructing him to choose members of the Constituent Assembly. Manifesto about it was published on March 4.

Power, therefore, was, on the one hand, in the hands of the temporary government, on the other, in the hands of Petrosoveta, who offered the rebel to send his delegates to him. The situation named in the textbooks of the "dvoevlasty" history, subsequently and turned into erosity. The constant disagreements between these structures, the delay of war and the necessary reforms aggravated the crisis in the country ...

Results of the February Revolution of 1917

The primary result of this event was the overthrow of the monarchy, proclamation of political rights and freedoms.

The revolution abolished inequality on the estate, national and religious signs, the death penalty, military-field courts and a ban on political organizations.

Amnesty was carried out by political prisoners, the duration of the working day was reduced to eight hours.

However, many urgent questions remained unresolved, which resulted in further growth of dissatisfaction of the masses.

- Revolutionary events that took place in Russia in early March (in the Julian calendar - at the end of February - early March) of 1917 and led to the overthrow of autocracy. In Soviet historical science, it was characterized as "bourgeois".

Its tasks were the introduction of the Constitution, the establishment of a democratic republic (the possibility of preserving the constitutional parliamentary monarchy), political freedoms, the solution of land, worker and national issues was not excluded.

The revolution led to a significant deterioration in the socio-economic situation of the Russian Empire in connection with the protested First World War, the economic ruler, the food crisis. The state became increasingly harder to contain the army and ensure the food of the city, among the population and the troops grew dissatisfaction with military troops. At the front, agitators of left parties actually acted, called the soldiers to disobedience and Bunut.

The liberalized public was outraged by what was happening in the "tops", criticizing the unpopular government, frequent shift of the governors and ignoring the State Duma, whose members demanded that reforms and, in particular, the creation of the government, which is responsible not to the king, and in front of the Duma.

The aggravation of the needs and disasters of the masses, the growth of anti-war sentiment and universal discontent with autocracy led to massive performances against the government and the dynasty in large cities and, above all in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg).

In early March 1917, in connection with transport difficulties in the capital, the supply was worsened, food cards were introduced, temporarily suspended the work of Putilovsky. As a result, 36 thousand workers lost their livelihoods. The strikes in solidarity with Putilovets were held in all areas of Petrograd.

March 8 (on February 23, on the old style) of 1917, tens of thousands of workers who carried the slogans "Bread!" and "Down with autocracy!". Two days later, the strike covered half the working Petrograd. Armed squads were formed at the factories.

March 10-11 (February 25-26, in the old style), the first collisions of strikers with police and gendarmerie occurred. Attempts to disperse the protesters with the help of the troops were not crowned with success, but only gave the situation, as the commander of the Petrograd Military District, fulfilling the order of Emperor Nicholas II on the "restoration of the order in the capital", gave orders to troops to shoot in demonstrators. Hundreds of people were killed or injured, many arrested.

On March 12 (February 27, on the old style), the general strike turned into an armed uprising. The massive transition of troops on the side of the rebels began.

The military command tried to pull up new units to Petrograd, but the soldiers did not want to participate in the punitive operation. The side of the rebels took one military unit after another. Revolutionary soldiers, capturing the weapon warehouse, helped the detachments of workers and students to arm.

The rebels took the most important points of the city, government buildings, arrested the royal government. They were also defeated by police sites, prisons were captured, prisoners were issued, including criminals. Petrograd overwhelmed the wave of robbery, murders and a scope.

The center of the uprising was the Tauride Palace, which had previously been met by the State Duma. On March 12 (February 27, on the old style), the Council of Workers and Soldier deputies was formed here, the majority of which were the Mensheviks and Trunks. The first thing that the Council was engaged was to solve the problems of defense and food supply.

At the same time, in the neighboring hall of the Tauride Palace, the Duma leaders who refused to obey the decree of Nicholas II on the dissolution of the State Duma, have formed a "temporary committee of members of the State Duma", which announced himself by the carrier of the supreme power in the country. The Committee was headed by the Chairman of the Duma Mikhail Rodzianko, and representatives of all the Duma parties entered the body, with the exception of the extreme right. Committee members have created a wide political program necessary for Russia transformations. Their primary task was to restore order, especially among the soldiers.

March 13 (February 28, by the old style), the Interim Committee appointed General Laurel Kornilov to the post of commander of the Petrogradsky district commander and sent his commissioners to the Senate and Ministries. He began to fulfill the functions of the government and sent to the deputies of Alexander Guccov and Vasily Schulgin for negotiations with Nikolai II on renunciation from the throne, which took place on March 15 (March 2 in the old style).

On the same day, as a result of the negotiations of the Temporary Committee of the Duma with the Executive Committee of the Petrograd Council of Workers and Soldier Deputies, a temporary government was created led by Prince George Lvov, which took all the completeness of the authorities. The only representative of the Soviets, who received the ministerial post, became the work of Alexander Kerensky.

March 14 (March 1st old style) The new government was established in Moscow, during March - throughout the country. But in Petrograd and on the ground, the advice of workers and soldier deputies and the advice of peasant deputies acquired great influence.

The coming to power at the same time the temporary government and the councils of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies created the situation of dvoevsty in the country. A new stage of the struggle for power between them began, which, together with inconsistent policies of the Provisional Government, created prerequisites for the October Revolution of 1917.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources information

The first stage of the 1917 Revolution in Russia, which took place in early March (in the Julian calendar - in late February - early March). Began with mass anti-government speeches of Petrograd workers and soldiers of the Petrograd garrison, and as a result he led to the abolition of the monarchy in Russia and the establishment of the power of the Provisional Government. In Soviet historical science, it was characterized as "bourgeois".

Russia on the eve of the revolution

Of all the great powers of Europe, which participated in the First World War, Russia entered her the weakest economically. Then, in August 1914, in Petrograd, they believed that the war would last only a few months. But the military action was delayed. The military industry could not satisfy the requests of the army, the transport infrastructure was undeveloped. The morale decreased not only in the army, but also in the rear: residents of the villages were unhappy with the departure of able-bodied workers, the requisition of horses, reducing the receipts of urban industrialists; Citizens - tension in enterprises, growth of high costs and interruptions with supply. By the beginning of 1917, the socio-economic situation of the Russian Empire deteriorated significantly. The state became more difficult to maintain the army and provide food to the city, among the population and in the troops there were dissatisfaction with military troops.

The progressive public was indignant to what was happening in the "tops", criticizing the unpopular government, frequent shift of the governors and ignoring the Duma. In the context of the passivity of state power throughout the country, committees and associations were created to solve the problems that the state could no longer decide: the Red Cross Committee tried to control the sanitary situation in the country, Zemsky and the City Union - all-Russian military community organizations - tried to centralize the supply of the army. The Central Military Industrial Committee (CSCA) in Petrograd became a kind of parallel ministry.

Cities covered a new wave of strikes and strikes. In January-February, the number of stackers reached 700 thousand people, in one strike on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the bloody Sunday, 200 thousand workers took part in Petrograd. In some cities, the demonstrators went under the slogans "Down with autocracy!" Rosged and acquired the popularity of anti-war moods. Russian Social Democrats (Bolsheviks), whose leader V. I. Lenin became one of the most prominent figures of the Russian political emigration was called to conclude the separate world. The anti-war Lenin program was to turn the imperialist war in the civil war. More moderate social democrats, such as N. S. Cheidze and the leader of the works of A. F. Kerensky, called themselves "defenders" and advocated a defensive war in the name of the Motherland, but not autocracy.

The authorities missed the opportunity to correct the situation: the emperor and his environment sequentially rejected the proposals of liberal circles on the expansion of the powers of the Duma and attracting those popular with the public to the public. Instead, a course was taken to neutralize the opposition: organizations were closed, speaking for the reorganization of power, and instructions for the suppression of possible unrest were sent to the army and the police.

Start of strikes in Petrograd

February 19 due to transport difficulties in Petrograd worsen food supply. Food cards were introduced in the city. The next day, the doors of empty bakers lined up huge queues. On the same day, the administration of Putilovsky plant declared a locaut due to interruptions in supply with raw materials, and as a result, 36 thousand workers lost their livelihoods. The government fell to the plant administration. Stacks in solidarity with Putilovets were held in all areas of the capital. Representatives of the legal, Duma opposition (Menshevik N. S. Chkheidze, Lotovik A. F. Kerensky) tried to establish contacts with illegal organizations. A committee was created to prepare the demonstration on February 23 (March 8 for a new style), International Women's Day. Then there are already up to 129 thousand people, the third part of all workers Petrograd. They were supported by intelligentsia, students, employees, artisans. In schools ceased occupations. The Bolsheviks initially did not support the initiative of the demonstration on this day and joined her at the last moment. In the evening, power was introduced in the capital the so-called 3rd position - thus, from February 24, the city was transferred under the responsibility of the military. The police were mobilized and enhanced by the Cossack and cavalry divisions, the troops occupied the main administrative buildings, the river police - transitions through the Neva. In the main streets and squares, military outposts were installed, they were connected to equestrian connectors.

The spontaneous movement grew avalanche-like. On February 24, there were more than 200 thousand people, and on February 25 - more than 30 thousand. The strike has grown into a universal strike. Workers from all areas flocked to the city center, bypass passage bypassing the police barriers. Economic slogans were replaced by political: the cries of the "Down of the Tsar!" Were increasingly heard. And "Down War!" Armed squads were formed at the factories. The emperor did not give himself a report on the scale of what was happening: On February 25, he ordered the commander of the Petrograd Military District to stop the riots in the capital before the next day, but at this point the general was no longer able to take anything. On February 25-26, the first clashes of strikers with police and gendarmerie, hundreds of people were killed or injured, many were arrested. Only on February 26, more than 150 people died in Nevsky Prospect and Znamenkaya Square. On the same day, Nicholas II issued a decree on the dissolution of the State Duma, thereby missing the chance to move to the constitutional monarchy.

Demonstrations develop into a revolution

On the night of February 27, part of the soldiers and officers of the "elite" Volyn and Preobrazhensky regiments rebelled. For several hours, the most of the regiments of the 200-thousandth Petrograd military garrison followed their example. The servicemen began to move on the side of the demonstrators, to take their security. The military command tried to pull up new units to Petrograd, but the soldiers did not want to participate in the punitive operation. The side of the rebels took one military unit after another. The soldiers fastened on dads and bayona red bows. The work of the authorities, including the government, was paralyzed, strategically important items and infrastructure facilities - train stations, bridges, government agencies, postal, central telegraph, - passed under the control of the rebels. The demonstrators captured the arsenal, where they took more than one hundred thousand guns. A mass performance, now armed, was adjacent not only soldiers, but also prisoners, including the criminals released from the capital of the capital. Petrograd overwhelmed the wave of robbery, murders and a scope. Police sites were subjected to pogroms, and the policemen themselves are lynching: the guardians were caught by the law and order and at best beaten, and sometimes they were killed in place. Not only liberated criminals were engaged in ladders, but also rebidden soldiers. Government members were arrested and concluded in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

The center of the uprising was the Tauride Palace, which first met the Duma. On February 27, a temporary executive committee of the Petrograd Council of Workers' Deputies with the participation of Mensheviks, ECOV, trade union leaders and cooperators was spontaneously formed. This authority addressed the teams of factories and factories with a call to choose their representatives to the Petrograd Council. By the end of the same day, the first dozens of deputies were registered, delegates from military units were joined to them. The first meeting of the Council opened in the evening. The Chairman of the Board of the Council was the leader of the Social Democratic Fraction of the Duma Menshevik N. S. Chkheidze, his deputies - Lokovik A. F. Kerensky and Menshevik M. I. Skobelev. The Executive Committee also included the Bolsheviks P. A. Zalutsky and A. G. Hatpniks. Forces, grouped around Petroset, began to position themselves as representatives of the "revolutionary democracy". The first thing that the Council was engaged was to solve the problems of defense and food supply.

In the meantime, in the neighboring hall of the Tauride Palace, the Duma leaders who refused to obey the decree of Nicholas II on the Duma dissolution, the government was formed. On February 27, the "Temporary Committee of the State Duma Members", which declared himself a carrier of the supreme power in the country. The Committee was headed by the chairman of the Duma M. V. Rodzianko, and representatives of all the Duma parties were included in the body, with the exception of the extreme right. Committee members have created a wide political program necessary for Russia transformations. Their primary task was to restore order, especially among the soldiers. For this, the time committee was necessary to negotiate with the Petrograd Council.

Nicholas renunciationII.

Nicholas II all days from February 24 to February 27 was at the rate of the Supreme Commander in Mogilev. Informedly informedly informed, he was confident that only the "riots" occurs in the capital. On February 27, he launched the head of the Petrograd Military District S. S. Habalov and appointed to this position General N. I. Ivanov, giving it an order to "put an end to the riots." Head of the headquarters of M. V. Alekseev ordered Ivanov to refrain from the power methods of pointing order and in the evening of February 28, having enlisted the support of the front teams, convinced Nicholas II to consent to the formation of a government responsible for the Duma.

On the same day, February 28, the monarch left the bet to the royal village - there, in the imperial residence, he was his wife, Empress Alexander Fedorovna, and their children who were sick. On the way, his train was detained by order of the revolutionary authorities and redirected to Pskov, where he was the headquarters of the Northern Front. The delegation of the Temporary Committee of the Members of the State Duma left, to offer the Emperor to renounce the throne in favor of Alexei's son with the regent of the Grand Duke Mikhail Alexandrovich, the younger brother Nicholas II. Dummers offer supported the command of the army (fronts, fleets and bets). March 2, Nicholas II signed an act of renunciation in favor of his brother. In Petrograd, this step caused a squall of protests. Right participants of the revolution and socialists from Petrosovet strongly opposed the monarchy in any form, and the Minister of Justice of the Provisional Government A. F. Kerensky noted that he was not swore for the life of a new monarch, and already on March 3, the Grand Duke Mikhail was moving away from the throne. In the act of renunciation, he stated that the future of the monarchy would solve the Constituent Assembly. Thus, the monarchy in Russia ceased to exist.

Formation of a new government

By morning on March 2, long and tense negotiations between the two centers of power - the temporary committee and the Petrogradsky Council were completed. On this day, the composition of the new government headed by Prince G. E. Lvov was published. Before convening the All-Russian Constituent Assembly, the Government proclaimed himself temporary. In the Declaration of the Provisional Government, the Program of priority transformations: amnesty for political and religious affairs, freedom of speech, press and assessments, cancellation of classes and restrictions on religious and national signs, the replacement of police of the People's Police, elections to local governments. Fundamental questions - about the political stroke of the country, agrarian reform, the self-determination of peoples - was supposed to be solved after the convening of the Constituent Assembly. It was the fact that the new government did not solve the two main questions - about the termination of war and about the Earth - in the future it was taken by the Bolsheviks in the struggle for power.

On March 2, turning to the "sailors, soldiers and citizens" gathered in the Ekaterininsky hall, P. N. Milyukov announced the creation of a temporary government. He said that the Prince of Lviv will be the head of the government, and he himself will be headed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The speech of the Cadet leader was perceived with great enthusiasm. The only representative of the Soviets, which received the ministerial post was the work of A. F. Kerensky.

Results of the February Revolution

The February Revolution has exposed deep socio-economic, political and spiritual contradictions of Russia of the beginning of the XX century. Various social groups tried to defend their interests and solve accumulated problems. This led to the activation of the new organizations already existed and the emergence of new organizations, striving to put pressure on power. For example, Petrograd across the country began to appear advice - in March 1917, only in the provincial, county and industrial centers there were about 600. The soldier's committees were formed in the army, quickly became the real owners of military units. By May 1917, there were almost 50 thousand such committees, they consisted up to 300 thousand soldiers and officers. Workers at the enterprises united into factory-factory committees (FZK). In major cities, the detachments of the Red Guard and the working militia were formed. The number of trade unions by June reached two thousand.

The February Revolution gave impetus and national movements. For the Finnish, Polish, Ukrainian, Baltic and other national intelligentsia, it has become a guarantee of the autonomy, and then national independence. Already in March 1917, the Provisional Government agreed to demand the independence of Poland, and in Kiev, the Ukrainian Central Rada appeared, subsequently proclaiming the national-territorial autonomy of Ukraine contrary to the desire of the temporary government.


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N. N. Sukhanov Notes on the revolution: at 3 t. M., 1991.

Tsereteli I. G. The crisis of power: memories of the leader of Menshevikov, deputy II of the State Duma, 1917-1918. M., 2007.

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