Quotes and parables about life with meaning. Great sayings "7 wise men"

Gardening 10.10.2019

a wise man does not make another of what he does not want to do to him. - Confucius *

"So in everything, as you wish, so that you are doing with you, so do you and you with them, .." - Gospel from Matthew: (MF.7: 12). Gold rule of morality.

The ability to see wonderful in ordinary is an unchanged sign wisdom. - Ralf Waldo Emerson

If you want to know a person, do not listen to what others say about him, better listen to what he talks about others
- Woody Allen

The laws of mechanics I bring from the laws of God.
- Issak Newton

There is nothing complicated in life. This is us complex. Life is a simple thing, and in it the simpler, the more correctly.
- Oscar Wilde

Be among those whose presence helps you develop perfect qualities. Leave those because of whom your shortcomings are strengthened. Do not explore other people's weaknesses, but do your own. Do not bring anything to anything, since attachment is a source of non-free. As long as you do not calm your mind, you can not survive happiness.
- Padmasambhava

As a well-lived day gives a calm dream, so with the benefit of life life gives a calm death.
- Leonardo da Vinci

- Baba Virs Singh

There are no keys from happiness! The door is always open.
- Mother Teresa

One, looking at the puddle, sees dirt in it, and the other - the stars reflected in it.
- Immanuel Cant for the god dead.
- Akhmatova A.

I believe in God, who is in the natural harmony of all things, and not in the Lord, who is engaged in the fate and actions of concrete people.
- Albert Einstein

A person is part of a whole that we call the universe, a part, limited in time and in space.
- Albert Einstein

You can close your eyes to what you see. But you can not close the heart on what you feel.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

There are people deep, like the ocean - in which you want to plunge ... and there are people like puddles that need to be around, so as not to blur

The wiser becomes a person, the less he finds reasons for the offense.
- Richard Bach

Forces appear from defeats, not from victories.
- Coco Chanel

Be the owner of his will and the servant of their conscience.
- Coco Chanel

Age is just a digit. She does not define a person's mind and his views on life. It all depends not from the past years, but from the permitted circumstances in life.
- Sylvester Stone

"Who are you? You are the one who asked for Earth for the time to do something wonderful here, something for you is very important, something that cannot be done anywhere else and never ..."
- Richard Bach

Only he lives truly, who in every neighbor sees himself and God himself.
- Lev Tolstoy

Know that while you are praised, you are not on your way, but on the road, pleasing to others.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

If each person had started his day, watching the world fills life, light and beauty, the villain would have disappeared - in the washed spent the soul, there would be no place for them ...

From any difficult situation now you will leave, if you just remember that you live not with a body, but soul, remember that you have something stronger in the world.
- Lev Tolstoy

"Wisdom is not a product of training, but a life attempt to acquire it."
- Albert Einstein

The point is not to nationalize and enjoy the acquired, but in the fact to rise yourself and die, full of own essence
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

You are a guest. Leave this land a little more beautiful, a little more humane, slightly more loving, a little more fragrant for those unknown guests who come after you ...
- Osho

- Chinese proverb

The soul in which there is no wisdom is dead. But, if you enrich it by teachings, she will revive, like an abandoned land, which rained rains.
- Abu-l-Faraj

Causes within us, outside only excuse ...
- Osho

We are all geniuses. But if you judge the fish by her ability to climb on a tree, she will live a lifetime, considering themselves fool.
- Albert Einstein

One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad: do not focus on troubles, do not live offends, do not get enough irritation, do not hide anger. Do not drag different trash in your soul.
- Buddha

It is not the one who has the best, and the one whoever retrieves all the best of what has.
- Confucius

In each of us they live health, and youth, and harmony. We just need to be able to find them and awaken.
- Vladimir Lermontov

If you hate - it means you won.
- Confucius

A soft man does what they ask.
A stale person does not do what they ask.
A stupid man does what they do not ask.
A clever man does not do what they do not ask.
And only a wise person does what you need.

What we see visibility only one
Far from the surface of the sea to the bottom.
Believed insignificant explicit in the world
For the secret essence of things is not visible.
- Omar Khayam

You have to do what makes you happy. Forget about money or other traps, which are considered success. If you are happy, working in a rustic store, work. You have only one life.
- Karl Lagerfeld.

Our world is immersed in the huge ocean of energy, we fly in infinite space with incomprehensible speed. Everything is rotated, moving - all the energy.
- Nikola Tesla

- Albert Einstein

Usually it takes a very long time to understand incredibly simple things.
- Joe Chang.

Failure is just the opportunity to start again, but more wisely.
- Henry Ford

If the problem can be resolved, it is not necessary to worry about it. If the problem is insoluble, it is meaningless to worry about it.
- Dalai Lama

A man who never became mistaken never tried to do something new. Most people do not try to make anything new due to fear to make a mistake. But this is not necessary to be afraid. Often the person who was defeated, learns about how to win more than one success comes at once.
- Albert Einstein

What we called Matter is actually energy, the frequency of vibrations of which is reduced to the possibility of perception by the senses.
- Albert Einstein

Without wisdom there is no justice.

God we are angry with our sins, people are advantages.

Good are often accepted for a fool.

Beauty see, wisdom hear, good feel.

In those moments, when the despair is choking, when it seems to you that you can't do anything and that it is impossible to do anything, here know: only at such moments you truly go ahead.
- Francis Scott

You can not do anything with the length of your life, but you can make a lot with its width and depth.
- Archimedes

In the Tibetan tradition, it is advised to look at life with the eyes of a traveler who stayed in the hotel for a couple of days: he likes the room, like this, but not tied to them excessively, because he knows that it does not belong to him, and he will soon leave ...
- Chang Khadro

The Lord does not have a mistake, neither insensites. You pass the life lesson and while, without making the conclusions of the correct, raise on the same thing.
- Archimandrite John Peastery

I believe that truly real religion is a good heart.
- Dalai Lama

Inexplicable thing - soul. No one knows where is located, but everyone knows how it hurts.
- A. P. Chekhov

Each has something special, you just need to open your eyes.
- Lama Ole Nidal

Today is only one of many, many days that are still ahead. But maybe all these days depend on what you do today.
- Ernest Hemingway

I want you to stop looking for something outside yourself and listened to what you are inside. People are afraid of what inside, and this is the only place where they can find what they need.
- Peaceful Warrior

It is impossible to lose hope, because a person cannot be broken so that it cannot be restored.
- John Green. "In search of Alaska"

You have sails, and you clung to anchor ...
- Confucius

Who sees too far, is not calm heart. It is not sad about anything in advance and do not rejoice that there is still no.
- Eastern wisdom

It does not matter how many days in your life, it is important how much life in your day ...

Be light yourself. Do not worry about what others say, do not worry about traditions, religions, morals. Just be light yourself!
- Buddha Shakyamuni

The mind, when it is properly used, is a perfect and unsurpassed tool. With the wrong application, it becomes extremely destructive. I am expressing exactly, it's not that you may somehow use them - usually you do not use them at all. He enjoys you. That is the disease. You believe in what you are your mind. And this is a delusion. The tool captured you.
- Eckhart Tolere "The Force now"

"There is nothing softer and flexible than water, but try to give her resistance."
- Lao Tzu

Each of us is responsible for all humanity. This is my simple religion. No need for temples, there is no need for complex philosophy. Our own brain, our heart - here is our temple; Our philosophy is kindness.
- Dalai Lama XIV

The greatness of the world is always in accordance with the Great Spirit, looking at him.
- Heinrich Heine

Church, Temple or Kaaba Stone, Quran or Bible, or Martyr's bone - all this and more of that my heart can take and accommodate, since my religion is love.
- Abdu-L-lah

There is no end secret, whose name is a man, exactly as a secret whose name is the world.
- Carlos Castaneda

A person is a creature that can admire the beauty of nature and at the same time to destroy it.
- Darius, philosopher

The notorious missing link between monkey and a civilized person is just us.
- Conrad Lorentz

The more adult becomes a man, the more important for it is the content than the shell.
- Garun Agatsarsky

The life of people devoted only to pleasure without reason without morality has no price.
- Immanuel Cant

If you managed to deceive a person, then this does not mean that he is a fool. It only means that you trusted more than you deserve.

When a person seems to be that everything is going on, something wonderful in his life is trying to enter his life.
- Dalai Lama

Good does not dress the mask evil, but often evil under the magician of good, creates his insane business.
- Omar Khayam

I know the world: in him the thief is sitting on the thief;
Sage always loses in the dispute
With fool; dishonest honest shakes;
A drop of happiness sinks in the sea grief.
- Omar Khayam

Wait - painfully. Forget - painful. But the worst of suffering is not to know what decision to take.
- Paulo Coelho

Whatever you have done behind people, you do it in front of God!

A person lives a real life if you are happy with someone's happiness.
- Johann Wolfgang Goethe

"The best teacher in life is an experience. True, really, expensive, but explains it is intelligible. "

Not the same is great who never fell, and he is great - who fell and got up!
- Confucius

Who can fill every moment in deep content, that endlessly extends his life.
- Isolde Kurtz

A person forgot his true appointment, the true divine origin of his own and hit all the grave. From here we have environmental problems, from here military conflicts, from here an infinite, constantly multiplied number of contradictions, disagreements, disputes, weld.

Do not waste time on a person who does not seek to spend it with you.

One of the most common misconceptions is to consider people with good, evil, stupas, smart. A person flows, and there is all the possibilities: it was stupid, he became a smart, he was angry, became kind and vice versa. In this greatness of man. And from this you can not judge a person. You condemned, and he is already different.
- Lev Tolstoy

Who wants - looking for opportunities, and the one who does not want is looking for excuses.

There is a desire - there are thousand ways, no desire - there is a thousand reasons.

Even having malicious eyes, we see only what we already know. Other people perceive not as they are, but as we want to see them. We turn the real man with a painted picture.
- Yana Philippe Zendker

Life is a moment. It is impossible to live first on the draft, and then rewrite on Belovik.
- Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

The task of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to live according to the internal, conscious to you by law.
- Mark Arellium

The benefit is not that life is long, but in how to dispose of it: may happen, and it often happens that living long lives for a long time.
- Lutions of Annese Seneca (Jr.)

Life is not suffering and not pleasure, but the case that we must do and honestly bring it to the end.
- Aleksis Tokville

When you throw mud to a person, remember that it may not fly before him, but on your hands will remain!
- Author unknown

"And it's time to tired to people from the right and wrong hostility, it's time to see that Glory was confused, not knowing who to impose a wreath. ... the mind is damaged by the twentieth century, the most terrible century of history."

We think that God sees us from above - but he sees us from the inside.
- Zhilbert Sizbron

Where all the lives are, harmony becomes deformity.
- O. Balzak

Here is my secret, it is very simple: Zorko is one heart. The most important eyes will not see.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery, "Little Prince"

People are the only creatures on earth that need the help of God, and behave as if there is no God ...
- Johnny Depp

If a person is perfectly, the most noble creation, then torn off from the law and morality, he is the worst of all.
- Aristotle

For me, every hour of the day and night is an invisible word to a miracle of life.
- Walt Wheatman

Our world, even after all discoveries that made scientists, for everyone who seriously thinks over his device, still remains a miracle, mystery and secret.
- Thomas Karleil

In this world there is nothing minor for such a little creature as a person. Only knowing the tiny world around us, we can acquire great art - the ability to get in this life the highest possible happiness.
- Samuel Johnson

Here is my mystery. Everything is completely simple: you can only see a heart. The main thing is hidden from the eyes of human.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The one who wants to be healthy is partly recovering.
- Giovanni Bokcchcho

The art of medicine is to help the patient to drive time until nature cures the disease.
- Voltaire

Not the opinions of people, but the arguments of the mind - here is the universal formula for the search for truth.
- Pierre Abelar

Who makes the importance of empty affairs, it will be an empty person in important matters.
- Caton Elder

People become close gradually, others - instantly.

Thinking atheist, living on conscience, does not understand how close it is close to God. Because it creates good, not expecting rewards. Unlike believing hypocrites.
- Hans Christian Andersen

Believe in yourself! Believe in your abilities! It is impossible to succeed and be happy without solid and reasonable confidence in your own forces and opportunities.
- Norman Vincent saw

The ability to see wonderful in ordinary is the unchanged sign of wisdom.
- Ralf Waldo Emerson

As soon as you understand that you don't need anything in the world - the world will become yours.
- Lao Tzu

No greatness where there is no simplicity, good and truth.
- L. Tolstoy

The last war among people will be war for the truth. This war will be in every individual person. War - with its own ignorance, aggression, irritation. And only the fundamental transformation of each individual person can become the beginning of the peaceful life of all people.
- Nikolay Roerich

The dog recognizes his owner in any clothes. The owner may be in a bathrobe, in a suit and a tie or not dressed at all, but the dog always recognizes it. If we are not able to recognize God, our beloved owner, when he is closed in other clothes - clothes from another religion, then we are worse than the dog.
- E. S. Radhanath Swami

I prefer to do in my life what I love. And not that fashionable, prestigious or laid.
- Moscow does not believe in tears

If you want to succeed, avoid 6 defects: drowsiness, laziness, fear, anger, idleness and indecision.
- Jackie Chan

Beware of those who want to impress you a feeling of guilt, for they crave power over you.
- Confucius

The arrow sent by you in the other will fly off the globe and will turn into your back.
- Eastern wisdom

For this, the closest person is the one who knows your past, believes in your future, and now accepts you as you are.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

We will destroy politics without principles, pleasure without conscience, wealth without work, knowledge without character, business without morality, science without humanity and prayer without a victim.
- Mahatma Gandhi

- Eastern wisdom

The person is designed so that when something lights his soul, everything becomes possible.
- J. Lafondten

We do the effort to wake up and really wake up when the dream becomes terrible and no longer tolerate it. The same should be done in life when it becomes unbearable. At such minutes it is necessary to wake up to a new, higher, spiritual life.
- Lev Tolstoy

It is careful and indignant, it's like drinking poison in the hope that he will kill your enemies.
- Nelson Mandela

Life sometimes beats, but these blows are a medicine. "Punishment" - from the word "Okaz". And the order is a lesson, teaching. The Lord teaches us as the father is caring. Puts a little son in the corner so that he does not do the next time.
- Peter Mamonov

The disease always occurs either from the surplus, or from the lack, that is, from a malfunction of equilibrium.
- Hippocrat

Let every error teach you a great lesson: each sunset is the beginning of a very, very bright and big dawn ...
- Sri Chinmi.

Under intelligence, I understand, mainly, the rarest innate ability - not to burden about others.
- Dina Rubin

The third my rule was always striving to defeat yourself rather than fate, change my desires, and not the order of the world ...
- Rene Descartes

To become happy, you need to get rid of all too much. From extra things, too much fuss, and most importantly, from extra thoughts.
- Daniel Shellabarger

"Do not try to never prove your right point, because then you will be wrong."
- Street Joseph Isikhast

Who contemplated the greatness of nature, he himself strives for perfection and harmony. Our inner world should be like this sample. In a clean atmosphere, everything is clean.
- Honore de Balzac. Lily Valley

Like warm clothing protects from the jewel, so shutter speed protects against the insult. Multiply the patience and calm of the Spirit, and the insult, as if bitter she was, you will not be touched!
- Leonardo da Vinci

The wider you open hugs, the easier it is to crucify you.
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Rishi proclaim that we do not have our body, mind or emotion. We are the Divine Souls, which are in a delightful journey. We came from God, we live in God and develop in unity with God. We are the truth we are looking for.
- Sanatana Dharma Upanishada

When I looked around, I felt herself in the sea ... But when I closed my eyes and looked inside, I saw a whole universe ...
- Yena Han Hidat

There is nothing complicated in life. This is us complex. Life is a simple thing, and in it the simpler, the more correct
- Oscar Uald.

Your brain is similar to the garden, followed by, and you can run it. You are a gardener and you can grow up your garden, or leave it in the launch. But know: you have to reap the fruits or your work or your own inaction.
- John Kekho. "The subconscious can be all"

Whatever you do - you make yourself.
- Eastern wisdom

The longer I live, the more I tend to think that in the solar system the earth plays the role of a madman.
- Bernard Show

Asceticism is not to own anything. Asceticism is that nothing owned by you.
- Abu Yazid Bistami

If ever, chasing the happiness, you will find it, you, like the old woman, who searched for your glasses, find that it was on your nose all the time.
- Bernard Show

If I ask: "What is your religion?", I will answer: "That that in the trees, in the mountains, in animals; Religion of all creation is my religion. Because its light is in every creature on earth, and this light fills me. Because the father is alone, and we all are his children, wherever we are. "
- Baba Virs Singh

Power over yourself is the highest power.
- Seneca

If there is no world inside us, it is useless to look for it outside.
- Francois de Larancyfo

Very many people are waiting for Friday all week, the whole month of the holiday, the whole year of summer, and all the lives of happiness. And you need to rejoice in every day and enjoy every moment.
- Osho

Everything has its own sunset ... And only the night ends with a dawn.
- Eastern wisdom

All paths are the same: they lead to nowhere. But some have a heart, and others have no. One way gives you to the silence, the other - destroys you.
- Carlos Castaneda

Society is a rocker of weights that cannot lift some, without lowering others.
- Jacques Vanier

Do not take any negative. While you do not accept it, it belongs to the one who brought him.
- Buddha

A man with the highest strength of the Spirit corrects the inner to control the external.
A man with a lower strength of the Spirit corrects external to calm the inner.
- Lao Tzu

Avoid attributing yourself the status of the victim. Whatever disgusting your position, try not to blame external forces in this: history, state, bosses, race, parents, the phase of the moon, childhood, late falling on the pot, etc. At the moment when you lay guilt on something, you undermine your own determination to change something.
- Joseph Brodsky

Comfort is not furniture, not a house, not a place. Comfort is when the soul is calm.

Many believe that the tests of this life - certainly the payroll for past sins. But, wasn't the metal in the mountain, because he hesitated and should be punished? Does this not make it in order to improve the properties of the material? ...
- Lobsang Rampa

Democracy is a balloon that hangs over your heads and makes it turn up while other people shake your pockets.
- Bernard Show

If you have an apple, and I have an apple, and if we exchange these apples, then you have one apple. And if you have an idea, and I have an idea, and we exchange ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.
- Bernard Show

You are responsible for changing. But you can only change your attitude. Here and lies your responsibility!
- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

This embodiment is God, coming in his own land. Human incarnation is God, who is in human form itself. Do not underestimate yourself, this form is a divine form. Therefore, you must act with the completeness of Divinity in you.
- Papadzhi

Founding itself loses dependence on other people's opinions.
- Albert Einstein

The only lesson that can be learned from the history is that people do not remove any lessons from the history.
- Bernard Show

The beauty of this world is that it can be seen in different ways. He is so unlimited that it is able to reflect the man in the mind of the man exactly how man himself is. That is, the more wonderful the inner world of man, the more beautiful it seems to him the world around.
- Excerpt from the book "The World of Greaz: Notes of the Wanderer"

Most people are like woody chips, a rolled ring around their own emptiness.
- Saint Feofan Navit

See the truth inside yourself. And everything around you will begin to change to the extent that you see the truth inside yourself.
- Robert Adams

Do your own, and how others look at you, do not consider it important. For the court is faithful only to God. People and well know well, the more the more ...
- Saint Feofan Navit

If a person does not put in his heart, that in addition to his one and God, there is no one else in the world, it will not be able to find peace of mind in his soul.
- St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov.

The soul can not have the world, if it won't pray for enemies. God is the light of impregnable. Its being greater than any image, not only real, but also intelligent.
- Rev. Alder Siluan Afonovsky (Semen Ivanovich Antonov; 1866, Tambov province - 1938, Athos)

Forget the relationship with the body, forget. Forget that you body, but do not forget that what will leave the body - is you.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj

Do not enter any religions of the world and come to God, let go away all the religions that make interference on the way to him.

Cyll, created by the world, also created the world. If she cares about you, then it can take care of both the world ... if God created the world, then look after Him His care, and not yours.
- Ramana Maharshi

Pleasure and painful pain. It is easier and easier to not notice them than to act on their instructions.
- Nisargadatta Maharaj

I saw someone else's sin - Introduces your own.
-Kayana Proverbits

Anyone should be in countries where the joy of life is dissolved in the air
- Vyacheslav Polunin

Do not swim for the flow, do not swim against the current. Swatch where you need.
- Sun Zi.

The world is similar to sleep. If we do not realize that the world is similar to sleep, then only replace some ideas on the other, as illusory.
- Lama Hannah Nidal.

So much was told by the wise people of the words about love, about the relationship of people close to the spirit of people, philosophical disputes were flared up on this topic for many centuries, leaving after themselves only the most truthful and taller statements about life. They survived to our time, perhaps many sayings about happiness, and how beautiful love has undergone some changes, but they are still filled with deep meaning.

And of course, it is much more interesting not to read the solid black and white text, killing your own eyesight (although, of course, no one dares to reject the value of the thoughts of great people), but look at beautiful, funny and positive pictures with elegant design, in the soul.

Wise spells, clothed in steep photos, you will be remembered for a long time, because so the auditorium will train even better - you will not only remember the funny and positive thoughts, but also captured images on images.

Pleasant addition, isn't it? Watch smart, positive pictures about love, rich in deep meaning, read about how beautiful life in all its manifestations, celebrate funny and smart phrases of wise men, suitable for status on social networks - and along with this to train their memory.

You can remember the short, but surprisingly, and intelligent statements of great people about happiness, about the meaning of life, so that in conversation is elegant to present their knowledge before the interlocutor.

We picked up for you the best, the most funny pictures to raise the mood - here and funny, funny images that you will call your smile, even if the mood before that was zero; here and smart, philosophical phrases about people, about the meaning of life, about happiness and love, suitable rather for thoughtful reading in the evenings, and of course, how can you disregard funny photos about how beautiful love is about how it affects people, forcing them to create their all sorts of nonsense in the name of love.

All this is part of our life, all this is the thoughts of the great people that many years ago lived before us.

But take a look, as fresh, how are their statements about love and happiness today. And as well, that the contemporaries of the sages retained their smart thoughts for people that will be later, for us with you.

Pictures filled with a variety of content - about people whose life is not so beautiful without love, about people, for whom happiness is, on the contrary, alone and know itself - everything is presented on your gourmet taste. After all, it is impossible to reliably answer - what is happiness, for example? And is it really beautiful love, how was it accustomed to portray poets, artists and writers of all times and peoples?

You can only comprehend these secrets yourself. Well, in order to achieve the goal, it is not so difficult to achieve, you can always brimmer wise thoughts regarding certain life situations.

You can send beautiful and funny, interesting pictures near a person, and it will not be necessary to be your second half.

The best friend, parents, and even just a colleague, with whom a friendly relationship - everyone will be pleased to get such a small mark of attention, filled with meaning, and allows you to think about how beautiful, despite the minor turmoil and moments of a bad mood.

Thoughts are material. So, it is always necessary to think positively, and thereby attracting positive to yourself - good luck, promotion, and maybe true love?

Print and hang on the wall at least at home, even in the office, funny and cool phrases about love with a deep meaning, so that every time entering the room, to accumulate on them. Thus, already subconsciously you will become much loyal to the small flabs.

Fate your good fairy for those who are not sensible to you: Cool and beautiful pictures sent to a friend will serve as a good basis for raising the mood if you can not personally do this for various reasons - whether it is a working day, or different accommodations at all.

About people you can not only download to your gadget so that they are always at hand.

You can save the whole selection of myself on a social network page so that smart and beautiful sayings about happiness always accompanied you and tuned to positive. Read the funny phrases about love in the morning - and your quarrel with the second half will no longer seem disaster and the end of the world.

Life is not suffering and not pleasure, but the case that we must do and honestly bring it to the end.

© A. Tokville

I saw the meaning of my life in helping others to see the meaning in his life.

© V. Francan.

If a person begins to be interested in the meaning of life or its value - this means that he is sick.

© Sigmund Freud.

We must be able to close the boring book, leave bad cinema, part with people who will not value you.

A friend all - a friend.

© Aristotel

For me to live - it means to work.

© I. Ayvazovsky

The strive is not to succeed, but to ensure that your life makes sense.

© A. Einstein

A person should not ask what is the meaning of his life, but rather should realize that he himself is the one who addressed the question.

© V. Francan.

The more you think about the meaning of life, the less sense remains in what you think.

© L. Sukhorukov

While a person does not give up, he is stronger than his destiny.

© Erich Maria Remarque

No one becomes a good person by chance.

To walk to the goal, you must first go.

© O. Balzac

Life is not to live, but in feeling that you live.

© V. Kleevsky

Let I do not know the meaning of life, but the search for meaning already gives the meaning of life.

© N. Berdyaev

Only one who has lost everything is free, for what to live.

© Erich Maria Remarque

What does not kill us makes us stronger.

© F. Nietzsche

Every person is mistakenly mistaken, but no one except a fool, not to persist in an error.

© Aristotel

Find your way to find out your place - this is all for a person, it means to become yourself for him.

© V. Belinsky

Life is not a burden, but wings of creativity and joy; And if someone turns it into the burden, then in this he himself is to blame.

© V. Veresaev

Let our highest goal be one thing: to say, as we feel, and live, as we say.

Without an element of the unknown, life game loses meaning.

© John Golsuorci

If suddenly life throws you another lemon, the gain is strong tea and enjoy.

© Ya. Korchak

Better be simple yes honest than the smart and false.

In life you need to strive to overtake not others, but yourself.

© M. Babkok

Our life is a journey, the idea is a guide. No guide, and everything stops. The goal is lost, and forces as it did not happen.

We do not know how to do with our short life, but still wish to live forever.

© A. France.

The whole point of life lies in the infinite conquest of an unknown, in eternal effort to know more.

If you do not want much, then the little will seem to you many.

© Democritis

Pickling on a straight road will be ahead of the running, which got off the way.

© F. Bacon

A person in life may have two major behaviors: he either rolls or crams.

© V. Soloohin

The meaning of life is similar to Karabnia on the rope, which we ourselves were thrown into the air.

In life it is easier to walk to the handle than to the point.

At the present wise sayings about life and love, spoken by famous representatives of humanity, as well as unknown authors for completely different topics:

  • I cry without tears and without sounds - this is such a special system of breathing, when just suffocating. Quiet and without drama.
  • The struggle for existence is the most effective distraction from the flow of life.
  • What is history? Variability - its essence.
  • In the modern world you need to be a terrible cynic to be an optimist.
  • I would like to live better and better, but we are forced to live more fun ...
  • All the best memories in my life begin with the words: - We do it ... - The soul would not have had a rainbow if the eye had no tears. Thought - material, and the most incredible desires - are executable. Remember: you attract to yourself what you believe. When it seems to you that the goal is unattainable, do not change the goal - change your action plan.
  • Those who are patiently waiting, really in the end something gets, but usually this is what remained after people who did not wait.
  • You can pull out the girl from the village, and the village from the girl is not.

  • Tips - like Casteca: It is not difficult to take it unpleasant.
  • Friendship between women are just a non-aggression pact.
  • The dog needs a dog life, and man needs human. The main thing: not to confuse ...
  • If a man needs from a woman only one thing, then it is only one and capable.
  • Now there is no need to torture people hot iron, for there is a huge amount of noble metals.
  • If you want to become happy, learn first to suffer. I. S. Turgenev
  • Records exist in order to beat them.
  • Life - like a box of chocolate candy ever know what inside.
  • Forgive easy. Heavier to forget for what to forgive.
  • Life is what happens to us while we are building plans for the future. Allen Sounders
  • He did not drink, did not smoke, went on a bicycle, lived economically, the coast of every penny and died in a blooming age surrounded by an agricultural native. It became a big lesson for me. John Barrymore
  • Life can be delicious if you know how to cook it A. Maximov
  • You need to waste time, but to invest in it.
  • Remember, the occupation can always be found. Well, but life is a thing that has ending.
  • It is impossible to ban live fun, but do so that it does not want to laugh.
  • And most importantly do not stop dreaming before bed!
  • Do not tell God that you have a problem, turn to the problem and say that you have God.

  • Each of us passes through the bridges of life, burning them behind them and carrying the smell of smoke and bitterness in memory.
  • I need such proximity so that the skin penetrates - right into the brains, how to leave the astral.
  • When you do something, it is best to rely only on yourself. Yamamoto Tsungeto
  • Love! Let it stupid and funny. Let any hope can be. Love you! Now I do not care. Now you are even more expensive for me ...
  • The beauty of a woman is a bait. The main thing is in her heart.
  • Love should be two. Then they will go off and will not understand where the beginning, but where is the end.
  • Beauty is the power, as well as money, as well as a charged gun ...
  • Love is everything. And that's all we know about her. Emily Dickinson
  • When people start to open their eyes - they close the ears.
  • Sickie! And you do not need to shout, never, anyone begging for anything ... Just the shoulders reprieve and go to silence ... The one who loves you, will not leave one.
  • The history of mankind is the story of a rather small number of people who believed.
  • It is impossible to "drink little", "smoking rarely", "change my wife within reason." There is no "golden mid" when determining the degree of deposit.
  • You know the expensive, so that the man understands the woman is a big rarity. And while the woman finds himself that she himself tries a bunch of other rotten, and maybe not very men.
  • Well, the modems already have everyone, but there is no happiness ...
  • Life is a chain of consecutive stages of creating a picture, and not the desire to the moment of its end.
  • You can judge the nature of a person by how he behaves with those who can no longer be useful to him, as well as those who can not give him surrender.

Wise quotes - you can not return to the past and change your start, but you can start now and change your finish.

Those who are patiently waiting for, indeed, in the end, something gets, but usually it is what remained after people who did not wait.

Only those who are worse are thought about us, but those who are better than us, they simply not before us. - Omar Khayam.

The lower man soul, the higher nose up. He stretches there, where the soul is not Doros.

Any luck - the result of long preparation ...

Life is a mountain. Rise slowly, descend quickly. - Gi de Maupassan.

Advise only when asking. - Confucius.

Time does not like when it is wasting. - Henry Ford.

There is nothing impossible in this life. It happens only that there was not enough attempts ...

Do not make decisions when you are angry. Do not give promises when you are happy.

You can live life in two ways. One way is to think that miracles does not happen. The second is to think that everything that happens is a miracle. - Albert Einstein.

Truly always where there is lack of reasonable arguments, - they replaced the cry. - Leonardo da Vinci.

Do not judge what you do not know, - the rule is simple: to keep silent much better than to say empty.

A person finds time for everything he really wants. - F.M. Dostoevsky.

We will not come to this world in this world, I will not immediately find our friends. Hold on for a moment ... After all, he will not happen, as you yourself will not be repeated in it ...

Friendship do not plan, do not shout about love, do not prove the truth. - Friedrich Nietzsche.

Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; She is born in our heart, she is going on our thought. If a person speaks and acts with good thinking - happiness follows him as a shadow, never leave.

I really do not like arrogant people who put themselves above others. So I want to give them a ruble and say, learn about the price - you will return the surrender ... - L.N. Tolstoy.

Human disputes are infinite not because it is impossible to find the truth, but because the arguing is not looking for truth, but self-affirmation. - Buddhist wisdom.

Choose yourself a job in the soul, and you do not have to work for a single day in your life. - Confucius.

Little to know, it is necessary and applied. Want a little, you need to do.

Bee, stunning a steel sting, does not know that she disappeared ... So fools, a launching poison, do not understand what they do. - Omar Khayam.

The kinder we become, the more kind of kind to us relate to us, and the more good we are, the easier it is to see good things around us.

Smart are not so much looking for loneliness, but they avoid the fools created by fools. - Arthur Schopenhauer.

The time will come when you decide that everything is over. This will be the beginning. - Louis Lamur.

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