What is related words 2. Single words

Gardening 15.10.2019

Select related words to check the spells of children are taught, starting from the first class. However, even some high school students find it difficult to perform this task. Moreover, often adults, helping their children with a homework in Russian, have difficulty. They are confused by such definitions as "related" and "single-roof" words. Many were forgotten than they differ from each other.

The wording in modern textbooks is quite vague and can not always clarify the situation. Let us try to figure out what is understood under the related words in modern linguistics, and what they differ from the one-called.

So, related in Russian is called lexemes:

  • with the same root;
  • close in their meaning;
  • etymologically ascending to the same nest (i.e. formed from the same effect);
  • distinguishes with a set of prefixes and suffixes.

For example: forest - Forester - Forestry - Forest; Walking - to move - the exit - part of - all-terrain vehicles - stilts.

Related lexemes can relate both to one and to different parts of speech: pain (noun), sick(adjective), root (verb), painfully (adverb). Having a common root, which means that the general main meaning, such words are slightly different from each other with their lexical meaning.

Nevertheless, it is possible to explain the shades of these values \u200b\u200busing that effort from which they are all formed. The patient is the one who experiences pain. Cheering - experience pain. It hurts - as the pain is felt.

Related words separately - wordforms separately

It is important not to confuse the related words with forms. The latter have the same root, but different endings (flexions). Sun - Sun - Sun; Read - reads - read - All this is not different lexemes, but the forms of the same word. With the help of endings, only grammatical meaning is changing (case, time, face, number, etc.), but the lexical significance remains unchanged.

Root one - mean related?

However, most often related words are confused with single-colored. Fews are able to clearly explain what their difference is. Moreover, often these concepts are used as synonyms, which is not entirely true.

To begin with, remember that obviously called such wordswho have the same root, but different consoles and suffixes. Unlike related, they do not need to be similar in their meaning. From this point of view, noun driver And adjective water are single, as they have a common root - water. But they are not related, since they have a completely different lexical meaning.

You can make the following conclusion: All related lexemes are single, but not all single words are related.

It is important to remember when selecting a check word, so as not to be mistaken with an explanation of a particular orphogram. Often, students do not pay attention to the meaning of the lexeme and try to explain the writing of the adjective tearful- noun slime, writing nouns gudgeon - Song pick.

Rules for the selection of related lexemes in Russian

Consider the rules that will help you not make a mistake by performing such a task..

Select the root. There are two ways to do it. The first is to understand how this word is formed. For example, builder educated by verb build With the help of suffix - tel.

Sometimes it does not work with the go to find the root. Then we try to change the beginning and the end of the given lexeme: retell - tell, express, raise, retelling, story, fairy tale, fabulous. Root here - tale.

Forget as much as possible single words, not forgetting that all of them should be close in their meaning.

It will not be reminded here that in Russian exists 5 basic ways of word formation:

  1. Prefixal (prefix). For example: read - Pere + read, up to + read.
  2. Suffixal. Cheese - Cheese + OK, Birch - Birch + Close, Lace - Lace + Nitsa.
  3. Prefixal-suffixal: water - under + waters + nickname, yard - with + yard + ny, dream - once + dream + Xia.
  4. Unsworky (It is used in the formation of a noun from verbs or adjectives): wide - wide, bring - bridges.
  5. Addition. The words or their foundations can be folded, for example: School + boarding school - boarding school, + flies - airplane, white + teeth - whitefly. Sometimes in word formation in this way the base can be reduced: salary + fee the salary.

There are other, less common ways of word formation, such as abbreviation (Moscow State University MSU). However, methods listed above are mainly used for the selection of related lexing.

In the process of searching for single-handed words, it is impossible to miss such a phenomenon as alternation of consonants and vowels in roots. Moreover, sometimes the vowel in the root can completely "disappear." For example: measure - to dug, express - the presentation, sing - I sing, read - reading, shine - Candle, drive - driving, sculpt - leper. Despite the different sound, these pairs of lexemes are single. Prove it easily, relying on their similar lexical importance.

You can explain such alternations historically. They are associated with the loss of some vowels ( roll - flattering), the identity of consonant sounds (GZ, SCHSch, HSh: friend - friends, squeak - sick, rumor - listen) and other phonetic processes.

Sometimes words originally related and having one root, over time, differ in their lexical meaning. In modern language they are called "Historically related". As an example, you can bring lexemes bed - Victory, Nail - Carnationwhich are now related are not considered, although they have a common root.

And finally, the most important secret in the selection of related words - regular training and large vocabulary. Only in this case, the test words will be remembered on the machine, and your letter will be competent.


With this video, it will be easier for you to understand what kind of related words and forms of words are.

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The concept of related words is the identical concept of one-sided words. Such words are produced from one initial shape and have a single root. This circumstance determines the fact that all related words have a similar meaning. In this case, they can vary greatly and are complemented by pretexts, suffixes, endings.

Examples of related words

To deal with the concept of related words and learn them to allocate them, among other words, you need to bring some examples:

  • the words "Lace, circling, circle" are related to each other. They all contain the basic form of "circle, circle". In this case, the letters "F, G" are changing, but the meaning and meaning of words remains unchanged. At the same time, the word "circle" is an initial word that means the form. This is a circle actually. Therefore, the word "mug" will also be related because it is formed from the word "circle" due to the round shape;
  • the words "wall, wall, shy, wall" are also related. Their main part is the form of "walls". That is, the initial word will be the word "wall", which denotes the main concept, the subject itself. Already, all other words are formed. These are added consoles, endings, due to which new forms of words have been created;
  • "Movement, catch, move, move." In this case, we are talking about the action, that is, about the "movement". This is the basic word that means the basic concept. Then, derivatives are formed. For example, the word "valve" means a locking device capable of moving. Due to this, it locks the door. Therefore, all listed words are related to each other.

Thus, all related words have a single root. It is he who makes them relatives. Therefore, it is important to allocate such a root and understand its semantic meaning.

Related words and synonyms

Related words have the same root and are derived forms from the initial word. Synonyms are words that have similar meaning. But the root of synonyms will be different. So, the words "bright" and "brilliant" are synonyms. But they are not related to each other.

That the concept of "related words" children begin to study in the first grade, high school students do not feel very confidently, fulfilling the tasks of the selection of related words.

I am sure that the difficulties cause a non-solid knowledge and lack of vocabulary of schoolchildren.

I suggest an algorithm using which, schoolchildren will be able to quickly pick up related words to any

First we define what is called related words. Related words are close to the meaning of the lexeme (words) with the same root, but different prefixes and suffixes.

Example: Rod - a relative - Program - Rodan - to give birth - the maternity hospital - the birth.

All the words are close by meaning, have the same root - Rhodes.

Remember: words that differ only with the endings are not related. This is a form of one word. Example: table table - table (ending points to different cases of one word).

It should be borne in mind that these etymologically related words today can differ significantly in meaning. Examples: Cosmos - cosmetics, veteran and veterinarian, long and genuine. If the etymological value of words is difficult, it is necessary to refer to the etymological dictionary.

And now we learn to determine and pick up related words.

  • Change the word to find it the basis. Dining room: dining room, in the dining room, no canteens. there will be a table
  • We define what is formed by this base. The word "dining room" is an adjective formed from the noun.
  • Adding suffixes and consoles to the root, formed related words:

The table is the throne - a feast - a tabletop.

It is sometimes difficult to determine which root is common to kindred words. To determine it, do this.

Now a bit of theory: in Russian, related words can be formed in such ways:

  • Prefix (submissive): The world - re-+ Miria, move - in + move.
  • Suffix: peace - world + ok, world + yane, world + one.
  • The world - with + peacefulness, the move is in + the move + one.
  • Postfixal: What - any, some kind of, some. In this case, related words forms postfix, which joins in a whole word.
  • The battle: highly paid - highly paid, quickly soluble - instant.
  • Trigteen: Specialist - Spec, Computer - Comp.
  • Abbreviation: Russian Federation - RF, banking machine - ATM.
  • Addition. There are several options here. Whole words (sofa bed, chair bed) can be folded, their parts (steamer, aircraft), or part of the word with whole (milkomy, cement).

By forming related words, one should not be released with a formation: the phenomenon when the roots of words, having a completely different meaning, sound and are written in the same way. So a number of words: water-water vodka - is not related to another row: the driver is wiring - wires.

Words can be disassembled. Knowledge of these parts will help to better understand the meaning of many words, correctly use them in speech and competently write.

Words that have a common part and are close to meaning, called related .

Rank- ranksverders - rankiTERS - rank- SO rankichi - rank

All these words have the general meaning of "being native" and the general part - rank.

Related words are close in meaning and have a common (identical one) part in which the general lexical importance of all related words has been concluded.

The general part of the kindred words is the root. Therefore, related words are called even sample.

The general lexical significance of all single words is concluded.

Root is the main part of the word. It concludes the basic meaning of the word. It is necessary to be able to find the roots in words to better understand the meaning of words and write them correctly. The root is taken to denote the arc from above.

The roots of words in (related) single words are written equally. Among one-handed words, there may be a word that helps to write all other words correctly.

Examples of single-handed words

Here is an example of chains of single-colored words:

    • sheet - leaf - leaf - flip
    • hanging - hangs - hangs - provisis
    • With root -Kot-: cat, catrod.
    • With the root - oak, oakoK.
    • With Korean -Les-: forest, forestnoah, re forestoK, forestnick, forestglasses.
    • With the root - Lew-: shine, shineiT shinelya, P. shineiT, RAS shine, shineilico shineflash.
    • With the root -dar-: gift, giftiT, P. giftfull-time, in giftoK.
    • With root -vint-: screw, screw, screw.
    • With the root - block-: side, side, sidewall.
    • With the root - call -: ringing, call, call, bell, ringing, chime.
    • With the root - sharp-: cold, cold, refrigerator.
    • With root-liver-: mor.e, mor.skoy, Primorsky, mor.yak, Sailor.
    • With the root - -: rOS.but, rOS.hollow rOS.s.
    • Elephant, ivory, elephant
    • Salon, salty, salt, salt, salting, straw.
    • Feed, feeder, feed.
    • Fly - pilot, flying.
    • City, urban.
    • Home - home.
    • -Are-: boiled, welding, cook, decoction
    • -Sell-: Saucer, express, suggest, story
    • -Bel-: whiten, whitac, whitewash, whitewash
    • -the-: weight, weighing, weighing weights
    • -Pis-: written, inscription, written, census
    • mushroom - mushroomnickname mushroomoK - mushroomnoah - mushroomnitsa - mushroomglasses (all these words have a general meaning and the same part - mushroom).
    • foxichka - foxbut - foxoNKA - foxka - fox - foxyat - foxiY (words have a general meaning of all these words - a small forest beast with a red skin and a fluffy tail, and a common part - fox).
    • Pearbut - pearka - pearevi - pearlooking for - peartank - pearyaka (all words have a general meaning - fruit, and a common part - pear).
    • Fetus - demon fetusie - Bes fetus-You fetus - about fetusdisruption - O. fetusobserve O. fetusturn out fetusiR - fetusiT -
      fetusgo fetus- fetusovitoy - fetus- fetusonoy - fetusorodie - Ply fetus - RAS fetusiT - RAS fetusgo

It turns out that related words seemed to grow from one root.

The root is the main general part of the kindred words in which their main meaning is concluded. The root in related words is written equally.

How to find the root in the word?

  1. Choose as many kind of child words as possible.
  2. Find a common part of the kindred words close to writing and value is the root of the word.

Paired consonants in the root need to be checked if they stand in the end of the word or in front of another consonant sound.

To check, you need to change the word so that after the consonant walked a vowel sound. You can choose to words with a pair consults a single word.

  • snow - Snow - Snowman
  • frost - frost - freeze
  • spoon - Spoon
  • sleeve sleeve
  • mushroom - fungus
  • fish - Fish
  • bush - bushes
  • cold - cold
  • rain - Rain
  • shubkka - Shuba
  • birch - Bereza
  • grass - grass.

What are the words from the word "branch"?

We find single-handed words for the word branch. First of all, we highlight the root. Root in the word branch: -The
Single words for the word "branch":

  • twig, branchiness, branch, branching, branching, branch;
  • branch, branching, branching;
  • branchist;
  • it is branched, branch, branch, branch, branch, branched, branch, branch, branch, branch.

P.S. The CLOV branch and branch are single-root, having one value. In these words, there is an alternation of consonant TV and t.

Test on the topic "Single words"

Driver, Water, Water, Water, Water



Defined what word in the chain is superfluous:
whistle, whistle, whistle, light



Find a common root in a chain of single-colored words:
Forests, Forest, Forester, Lesovik

What are the difference between related words from samplen?

    Related words are words that have the same root that can be said about one indigenous words. However, the difference is that related words must be rented in meaning that it is not always possible to say about just single words. Example: Waters, water - related, but water and drive - just single.

    When they give a homework, find related words, then a little confused, related words - what is it?.

    These are single words, words that have one root, so

    motherland - native - to be born are related.

    Differences can be found in the fact that words can be different parts of speech.

    Related words, as if not to repeat, but without it will not work:

    for example: Snow, snowball, snow.

    For example: Mountain, humpback, hill, mountain, miner.

    these are words that have the same root, but they relate to different parts of speech.

    Russian is beautiful, mighty and rich. Such beauty can not be loved. But beauty requires how to say, victims. Therefore, the time was given to study the Russian language and its rules, always tedious, but it is worth it.

    At school, like that, it was not strongly focused on this topic. Or maybe I have long finished school and I don't remember almost nothing. Yes, and by nationality, I was very hard to learn Russian. Let he even be mighty.

    Related words - words having the same root or similar in meaning. Ordinary words are also words having the same root, but with different sorts and prefixes. For example, forest-forest forests; House-house-domain.

    Related words are words that have the same root, but at the same time they relate to different parts of speech. For example: pine, pine throat.

    Words drive and water It is impossible to be considered related, since the values \u200b\u200bof these words are different. These words are single.

    Words window window under the window Also not related, these are different forms of the same word.

    Related words are words with one root and one meaning, sometimes a little different in meaning.

    Single words have one root, but different meaning is committed.

    The root is a common part of the word, the whole point of words is rooted.

    Related words and one-sided, in some extent they do not differ. If literally, then

    The difference between the kindred words is that they must be close and in meaning. For example, a mountain and a hill are two words not only single, but also related.

    Here it is exactly written about this.

    In the textbook in the Russian language for the 2nd grade about related words, the following is written:

    In other textbooks, it is said that a distinctive feature of related words from one-sided can be considered mandatory identical meaningful meaning. In order to become clearer, I will explain. It seems to me that, for example, that the words of the bird and the bird will not be related, but only one-sided. Why? Because the meaning of the word bird It differs from the meaning of the word Bird, in the first case, it is a diminutive-smear. I think it is the meaning differences that are key in the method of determining the differences between these two concepts.

    I will describe more about the meaning of the concept of the words related. These words are simultaneously single-handed, have one root, the same in meaning, but different in value.

    Immediately I will give examples of such words:

    1. gor-A, Mountain, Mountains, Mountains.
    2. luduh-a, puddh-ittsy, pudd-out (although they do not say so, but the child may well express this way).
    3. legs, knife, knife is still.

    Related words play with the meaning of the word, making something that is about, then large, then the usual, then small, then tiny. This happens with various suffixes of diminishing or magnifying.

    No need to confuse related words with changing in shape (word form). Example: a puddle (there is now one), puddles (there were many of them), a pool (one puddle and something happens, let's say, lies something in a puddle). Changing the word word formation is when the root is one, the meaning of one (speech about the same puddle), but the time of action and the number of these puddles is changing.

    Pay attention to this answer, very sensible everything is set out.


    In order to change the word for related, need to change suffixes.

    In order to change the word in shape, word form, change the end.

    In order to change the word on the principle of sample, change everything except the root.

    The same value remains only at the root, and not the whole word as a whole. Example: RAK-U, RAK-UN, Pro-Beige, Running, Pro-Beige-Ali. The meaning is only at the root, run, run, run, but for words the meanings are different, the action is different, the subtext is different.

    Related words have the same root. But, unlike single-handed words, the relatives are close to the meaning. So, for example, fight, fighting, warhead, the fighter is related words.

    But, at the same time, the words of the centenary will be only single-handed, in no way related, as they reflect different concepts, have no general meaning.

    There is also a concept of historically related words, these are words that have ceased to be related to time. For example, victory and trouble, previously related.

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