How can you paint the door from PVC interroom. Painting Doors: Overview of methods and methods of their implementation

Gardening 03.03.2020

Chipboard is one of the well-known materials that are used for the manufacture of furniture, doors and other products. What makes this material about? These are wood chips that are kept due to formaldehyde resin. Wood chips under the influences of moisture and other unfavorable conditions can be cleaned and reveal. You can protect them by treating the surface with varnish or paint. In addition, the coloring materials serve as protection, painting still gives a decorative effect, because not only multicolored surfaces are created, but also a variety of texture. So the question rises how to paint the door from the chipboard to give her a wonderful look? To do this, you just need to cover the door with a new layer of paint material. It is essential to know what material was covered by the chipboard initially or the door is new, and the coating is completely absent.

Before painting the chipboard, carefully prepare the surface. The final result of painting depends on this work. To update the doors from the chipboard, the transparent varnish or paint, which is applied to the surface. But this is not practical, as paint starts to give cracks after a while. Remove later this layer of paint is not so easy and takes a lot of time. But it is still possible in several ways.

You can handle the surface of the door to the chemical composition. You need to choose it depending on what the door was treated.

Also on the surface can be affected by hot air, which can be served from a construction dryer. Going out, enough hot air affects the old coating, destroying it. But then you can easily remove it with a spatula. But it is important to observe a certain temperature so that the door surface is not spoiled.

Then the surface must be cleaned from the assembled, dust and degrease it. Applying a clutter grid (preferably coarse), clean the basis of the door so to leave small burstles. It is necessary in order to create better adhesion with the basis. Apply a special primer. The primer is applied with the goal so that the glue, which fastens wood chips, did not allow the evaporation of toxic substances, and the moisture could not penetrate inside.

Before painting the door from the chipboard, it follows it to be covered and stabbed to remove the resulting irregularities and differences. Before tapping on the surface you need to apply primer. For doors from DSP it is better to use acrylic primers. They have property to take care of the basis of cracks. The putty must be applied by a construction spatula, distributing a uniform layer throughout the door.

After the putty layer is dry, it is thoroughly grinding fine-grained emery paper.

How to paint laminated doors

This procedure is carried out until all irregularities will be corrected. After that, the dust must be removed and start directly to painting.

A good solution for painting chipboard will be a sprayer or a special canister filled with paint. Such tools are easier to make a uniform layer, without incl.

What types of paint are suitable for such a material?

Before choosing paint, you need to consider one point: different types of paints give different result of staining. To increase the resistance of the surface to mechanical effects, you should cover the basis of varnish.

Painted doors acrylic paints will serve for many years. They are not afraid of temperature differences and a gathering pairs, condensate and splashes of water. The surfaces that are painted with acrylic paints are withstanding about 5,000 miles.

Before painting the door from the chipboard, you need to know painting technology.

Paints occurs in several layers. You can paint like brush and roller, which has a short pile. A roller having a long pile can leave the pattern that looks like an orange crust. If after applying the paint still visible unevenness, you should again apply sandpaper, for sanding and apply a layer of paint. If such a method has achieved the expected result, you can proceed to the final stage - applying a transparent varnish. It can also be applied in several layers.

Choosing the quality of paint and colors is a matter of taste, but it is important that the painted doors from the chipboard are harmonized with the interior.

How to paint the laminated door interroom so that she acquired novelty and served a long time

Nowadays, laminated coatings are used more and more. They are separated by furniture, interroom and entrance doors, as well as other elements of the interior. With his own species, the laminate resembles a tree, so it is so used in construction and finishing. This coating is considered durable, but nevertheless, due to the mechanical effects, laminated doors can receive flaws and come into disrepair.

Is it possible to paint the laminated door?

To give such door defects attractiveness and cheer out with color, technological painting is applied. Next, we look at how to paint the laminated door so that it serves as long as possible.

We restore the laminated door with paint

Over time, laminated doors are covered by stains near door handles and scratches over the surface. It is quite difficult to remove such flaws, since the coating is not particularly amenable to this. Therefore, the most effective means to correct damage is the painting of doors.

Immediately, we note that the processing of the vessel and varnish will not fit, because for this process it will be necessary to polish the door and close all the irregularities of putty, and under transparent coatings all these errors will be visible.

Therefore, only opaque coverage, paint suitable for painting the laminated doors. But work is not easy. In particular, because the paint will not be able to clutch with the laminated surface and will flock from it. Therefore, it is necessary to know the technology how to paint the laminated door so that the paint on it holds as long as possible.

Materials and painting tools

Special enamel for painting.

Brush and roller.


Putty for wood.

Putty knife.


Napkins and rags.

The door surface should be prepared for painting. The doors are clean, wipe and dried. All scratches, as well as the door cloth rubbing sandpaper or grinding machine. After that, the dust from the surface is removed with a brush and rags.

Then the door is applied to the canvas. It should lie down a thin layer so to become one whole with the door. After drying and grinding the first layer, the second is applied, which is the same, after drying it is watched.

When the door has acquired the desired structure, it is pulled off from dust and wipe the solvent. Now the surface is fully ready for painting. Next, consider how to paint the laminated door correctly.

Mobile door laminated

The paint will need to be diluted, as the door should be covered with three thin layers of paint. Material for painting should take the one that is diluted with White Spirit.

It should be painted with a brush, this will allow you to better apply a coating on the door surface. The paint is not just covering the surface, but thoroughly rub it into the door canvas.

After applying paint, the door should completely dry. Only after this is applied second, and then the third layer. Each of them, after applying the subsequent, should be dry.

Now the finished door is covered with varnish, to give it shine and attractiveness. Varnish can be applied both with a brush and a paintopult.

Painting Laminated Door Morilka

How to paint the laminated door if there are no large defects on it, but the color of the coating responds slightly and lost.

Using a grinding machine, the upper coating layer is neatly removed. Then the surface is maintained by sandpaper and cleaned from chips and dust.

The canvas of the door is wiping with a solvent, and after drying it, is processed by the versatility of the corresponding tone.

Moriquet should be breeded in accordance with the instructions.

A mixture is applied to the door with a roller, brush or using a spray gun.

The technology of work is the same as with paint. The door of the door can be covered in three approaches, but not earlier than 12 hours after applying the previous layer.

After the final painting of the vest and complete drying of the surface of the doors, they should be lacquered.

Alexander Diryablov
What to do with furniture? Leave your grandmother's furniture, she is not so much left and not so many reasons for joy for the presence of this furniture in the grandmother's apartment. "Metit territory".. The furniture remains its apartment. I do not know your relationship, but you probably need to persuade. Can be removed furniture (remove the garage for example by the way modern furniture from chipboard ... you just say that it is worth the furniture do not explain what new or old and buy another

Anatoly Sverdl
I have a large closet, on the doors of the polyrolol. I would like to remove it or someone to leave tell me how? Ginger well, and cover the matte varnish. Little do under the old days. Polyrol wax with silicone oils is the more adventure to start a couple of times rinse White by Spirit. Every time removing the remnants of White Spirit is a wet rag with Ferie. Then the foam rubber is wet some cleaning powder ...

Oksana Strelkova
How can you paint a wooden door covered with varnish? Varnish, only with a tint. Luck is better removed, acetone. Outlet door and cover with another varnish. If you can't (or do not want) you can just take an eye and cover with another varnish, but still it is better to wash off. And after washing, you can primine and paint any paint ... varnish and paint, paint can fly away. Or remove the varnish surface

Natalia Titova
Painted a lacquer Wooden surface I want to repaint paint-emal, to / emuls, is it necessary to remove the varnish?! In general, the water-dispersion paints covers unpainted wood. So enamel or all the same emulsion) is necessarily not necessary, if the varnish is not a water, they are compatible with enamel, but if the lacquer is water, it is better to be better pricked or removed at all. It is necessary to master everything that is energized with all sorts of girlfriend and -breet everything you want

Stanislav Yakovenko
How to repaint the windowsill? Fail with sandpaper, and cover the oil paint (ticurila or snow) new sticky plastic - it will be cheaper to repaint alkyd enamel. And before this to suffer with a ripping if the windowsill wooden, then it is possible to clean all the paint and cover with varnish. I was so covered by my mourn and varnish, though the window in the light beige ... That's what he is not plastic - for sure. Or wooden with irradiated paint or from the CSP (put it earlier, where the wide windowsill do all over and paint and paint again.

Denis Andreychikov
Hello. Please advise how and in what color you can repaint interior doors. Take advantage of acrylate paint. It does not stink, dries dry, laundered while raw, water. The color depends on the end. I would paint into the elephant bone or under the color of the wallpaper in the brightest color present on the wallpaper. First you need to remove the old scabs for you, you need a soldering gasoline lamp and a spatula LMPA heats the beauty before the formation of bubbles and immediately read the spatula. If you have doors from Soviet times ...

Gleb Zubkov
Do you independently do a pedicure? And with some varnish love half nails to paint "Verunchik herself, herself, myself," on my legs, I always have a fierce, and in my hands there is usually no lacquer erased, and I didn't have enough time to honestly, Yaya and myself I love to praise on someone else's Pedicure, But I'm more and more gorgeous ...

How to paint doors

On my own, and lacquer only in the summer I cover the whole at home more often, sometimes I go to the salon in general, I do not allow yourself to go)

Larisa Antusheva
How to repaint or update the old cabinet for an entrance hall? Color - a light tree, a coating - varnish, on the doors there are frames and it is saved with a maple: there are excellent melted varnishes, only you need to take into account that you already have a certain shade. In general, if restored furniture, then it is better to cover it with a varnish from the collapse. This restoration is very subtle and difficult, although very interesting, it's hard to tell here, so write to YouTube and look there all the process as they do, how and what the type of wood is applied. And the disassembly is obligatory everything that can be removed\u003dvfm2-_vy9vi...

Vladislav Udovkin
What pervert (apparently in the USSR) with a patient fantasy and an unhealthy color appealed to the floor paint?! What a fucking difference, but they lived well well, personally, I painted the floors like paint in the country, because I plan to do repair in the future, and there is no point to use any coatings, since everything will be redone. It is better to paint than the feet floor. So that.

Veronica Konstantinova
There is an old Soviet wardrobe, I want to repaint-like this is done, paint on what basis is it possible to get paint from the balonchor, degrease, paint. Collect alkyd enamel with a brush or a small velor roller. There is an ancient eeventical method-buy glue wallpaper under the tree and beautiful and without problems from the title to stink will be acrylic paint painted polished writing desk, not sanding, everything was painted everything and keeps it!

Ruslan Lijak
How to paint the fridge? Those who are painting cars Find out. They can also paint the airbrushing. Well, if it is not worth it, we wipe the nitro-solvent to degrease, clean the rust and dust all the cylinder paint on the metal layer in 2-3 with drying everyone ... I painted once a refrigerator with a canister. Such paint is easily scratched. But it looks fine. Nothing primed. Just acetone protein, and splashed paint for a more solid effect it is better to buy auto-paint and 2-component ...

Alina Lizunova
What can be buried fat stains on a light brown door? Gasoline and detergents did not help oxolute or polyrolla oxol, after wiping the stains, you need to go through the entire surface or with lacurates - from the lungs of Uyat -Spiritis (not the fact that it will help if the lacquer was on nitro-zone 646 fat will remove, but also color too, and ... you can try organic Solvents No. 646 or 647, but they strongly corrupt paint and some plastics if the stains of fatty or resin origin, you can try to reduce them with a carpet for cleaning upholstered furniture and carpets ...

Victor Samokhvalov
How to repaint lacquered furniture to start, you need to contempt, and varnish first.

to remain a naked tree. There are paints on lacquer, but it looks not very beautiful with them. This is at home. I know such a way: all the "problem" places are tinted by the usual gouache, dry - and then covered with furniture varnish, you can after drying again. Looks like a new one. But look - this is for polished surfaces.

For decorative and protective coating of a wooden door on sale there is a large range of paints and varnishes. The article will talk about what kind of paint paint the doors in different operating conditions.

  1. What paint is better to paint wooden doors
    • Morlogs
    • Paints
  2. How to paint the doors
    • Surface preparation
    • How to close the gaps and chips
    • Grinding door
    • Applying primer
    • Application of finish paint
  3. Painting Morilka

What paint is better to paint wooden doors


This is a traditional wood coating. It gives shine, saves the color of the material and protects it. Varnish is usually chosen for coating doors in baths or saunas. It is most convenient for all to cover new products, since the old will require careful preparation, which includes grinding of the entire canvas to the original light color. True, you can choose a tinted lacquer immediately, which will give a color and takes into one app.

Lucky, though they seem at first glance, universal, have different formulations and destinations.

  • Nitrocellulosic varnish is suitable for coating wooden doors in residential premises. It is not recommended to use it in the baths or bathrooms due to the low strength of the resulting coating. It can quickly crack.
  • Acrylic lacquer. Resistant to ultraviolet rays and adverse effects. It happens glossy or matte, most often does not have an unpleasant smell. The door-processed can be washed.
  • Polyurethane varnish. It has high adhesion with a wooden door surface and high strength characteristics. There are glossy, semi-shy and matte. They are suitable for applying not only on wood, but also on veneer, parquet, worktop. Resistant to abrasion, but bright wood gives yellowness.
  • Water based lacquer. Long dries and does not have an unpleasant smell. Their properties can vary greatly, as manufacturers include different additives. More accurate information can be found only on a jar with composition.
  • Polyester varnish. Toxic and with a sharp odor, which is why they are chosen for painting wooden doors on the street. Create a particularly durable coating.

Tip: If the door is painted, then it is important where work is made and what composition. If it is located in the sun, it is worth choosing long-drying compositions, which, when heated, is better penetrated into the tree structure and are more uniformly applied. If the varnish quick-drying, then it will evaporate too quickly, which will lead to the uneven painting. It is even better if the door is pre-removed from the loops and will be painted indoors. This will help to avoid sticking dust and insects.

  • Oil varnishes. They are distinguished by a large content of fatty resins, so incompatible with some paint surfaces. Therefore, before applying, it is necessary to completely clean the wooden door from the old coating. The consistency is pretty thick, so it is more evenly to go to the brush than the paintopult. Do not have a sharp smell. Wax oil varnishes are capable of lightening soft wood.

Now about how to paint wooden doors: For interior, the best choice will be varnish on a polyurethane or acrylic basis. But for exterior works or for bath doors, it is best to choose resistant varnishes, so-called decks.


Their task is to toning wood and short-term protection against adverse factors. But such a coating is required to be constantly updated. Their main dignity - they do not hide, but on the contrary, emphasize the beautiful structure of the tree.

Morki 4 species are available:

  • based on alcohol - dries the most quickly, but has a sharp odor and higher price;
  • on water basis - will leave more time for drying, but it does not have an unpleasant odor. Suitable only for internal works in premises with normal humidity;
  • based on oils - before use they are required by solvents, such as acetone;
  • on a lamp basis - most often called azure. Despite the fact that they significantly reduce painting work, it is rather difficult to achieve a beautiful result. To obtain a flat, one-photon surface should be sprayed with its paintopult.

Tip: Choosing between quick-drying veneer and slow-butting need to take into account not only the time of their drying, but also the result. Thus, water-based compositions penetrate into the wood, making the color more saturated, and the drawing is clearer. If the drawing is not important, but you need a quick result or light color, then choose alcohol versions.


With the help of paints, you can not only paint new doors, but also restore the old canvases. The main thing to understand the types of paint and choose the desired one.

  • Paints related to opaque coatings are made on the basis of organic solvents, such as polyurethane, acrylic, etc. To this group also belongs to water-dispersive acrylic coatings. Despite their toxicity and fire hazard, they are very popular due to the simplicity of application and the high quality of the resulting coating.
  • When choosing, which paint paint interior doors, most often their choice is stopped on alkyd paints with water-repellent properties. They fall superficially, not penetrating into the structure of wood, and form a dense strong film with a thickness of up to 1 mm. When working, it is important to observe one nuance: Application is possible only to an absolutely dry surface, otherwise air bubbles are formed, which will lead to a solid cracking of paint.

  • To date, oil paints based on olifa have almost disappeared from the sale. It is connected with a high price and low strength characteristics of the protective layer. Sometimes it is replaced by an alkyd resin oxol, it reduces the cost, but the composition becomes a sharp unpleasant smell that resistantly holds several days.
  • Acrylic and polyurethane paints based on organic solvents enjoy the greatest popularity. This is especially true of water-dispersion compositions, water is used as a solvent (this is a classic version of the white painted canada doors). They do not smell and create a vapor-permeable coating. When they dry out, a film is formed that protects the wooden door from the moisture content and the temperature difference. But during freezing, the bank loses its properties.
  • Paints are universal, they can be painted both prepared wood and straight coating.

How to paint the doors

Before painting wooden doors, you need to hold a number of preparatory work.

Surface preparation

Most often, this concerns no new doors that require restoration or just an update. Preparatory work, first of all, imply the removal of old paint coating. This is done either with a skirt or spatula. But both of these options will take a lot of time. Consider how to simplify the task.

  • Heat the surface with a construction hairdryer. This household tool is often in demand and is inexpensive, so there are almost every homemade master. Unlike domestic, it has significantly greater power and heats up harder. Just just a few minutes to bring it to the old paint, how it will start bubble. After that, clean it with a spatula is much easier and faster. It is necessary to work in gloves. Cheap hair dryers are quickly overheated, so it is impossible to work for a long time.

Tip: When cleaning a wooden door, with the help of a constructional hair dryer, it is impossible to set a temperature above 220 ° C, otherwise the structure of the wood is badly damaged and in the future it will be destroyed faster.

  • Washing paint. So called special chemical compositions designed to remove paint. In appearance, it is a gelling mass of transparent color or with a light shade. There are several types of selling them, in this case you need to choose a wash, on the label of which it is indicated that it is designed for wood. It is easy to work with her, quite a tassel evenly distribute it over the entire surface of the door and leave for 30 minutes (the paint should begin to move away). Next, it is written to a spatula or scraper. When preparing the surface of the door in this way, it is impossible to immediately begin to the subsequent color. Initially, everyone is thoroughly wiped with a dry cloth, then wash with soap solution and give dry.

Tip: All seawrs for paint have a sharp smell from which dizziness can begin. Therefore, it is recommended to take security measures. If after applying the gel immediately coat the surface of the film (the usual food is suitable), then the smell will be somewhat less, and the effect of the composition is better.

  • People's method. It is checked for years, this will require acetone, film and spray gun. Using the sprayers on the surface of the wooden door, acetone is sprayed and immediately, preferably in several layers, the film is superimposed. It is important that it fits tightly, without air access. As a result, after 15 minutes, the paint will begin to bubble and depart. But the composition of acetone negatively affects the wood.

How to close the gaps and chips

  • Wood rather vulnerable material. Therefore, when operating a wooden door, chips, dents or cracks are often formed on it. When restoration, they can be sealing so that after painting they will be invisible.
  • To disguise minor defects, putting in the wood putty, for large - furniture wax. Externally, it is easy to distinguish them, the latter looks in the form of a dense bar, and putty, like all the analogues, pasty consistency. All types of wood repairs have a palette of shades, the most close to natural. You need to choose the most close-up to the color of the repaired door.
  • Before the restoration of the door, peeled from the paint is wiped with a rag-moistened in a solvent. Then a small spatula takes a little putty and the slot is tightly filled. The surface is immediately smoothed so that the grooves remained. It is convenient to work with a rubber spatula, which apply a grout when laying tiles.
  • Close up of a large flaw, a soldering iron with a thick sting heaving a little furniture wax. Softened, but not the liquid mixture is imposed on the repaired area. If a curly part broke, then we need to try to repeat its contour. If the slot is closed on a flat surface, then the patch must speak somewhat. It is necessary in order to then align both emery paper and smooth it out.

  • When working with wax or putty, although it turns out to disguise the chick, but it will still be allocated due to the lack of wood texture pattern. But here there is a way out. There are special furniture markers on sale, which are also selected by color. With their help and are applied invasses, repeating the drawing of the base. It is cheap, in the range of 50 - 100 rubles. Color them at the last stage before applying varnish or verse.

Grinding door

  • Often, grind even a new wooden door. If there are even small chips, jads or irregularities, this procedure should not be missed. This is done either with a grinding machine or by hand with a skin.
  • For the convenience of manually, you can fasten a piece of skin on a self-tapping screw to a small bar or secure nails. The main thing is that the caps are recessed and could not scratch the surface. First, the processing is carried out with coarse paper, and only then fine-grained. Special attention is recommended to give ends with transverse saws, which, as a rule, always have roughness.

  • Grinders are significantly accelerating the workflow. For primary coarse processing, a circular grinding machine will be required, and for the finish-tape. If the door has patterns or relief, then do not do without manual skins.

Applying primer

For applying the soil can use a roller with a small pile, brush, a sponge or sponge. It is important that brushes or rollers leave no villi or hairs. It's just enough hand to lose them before starting work.

As the rules, the primers are colorless and have a very liquid consistency, so they will not be made of difficulty. But on this score there are recommendations:

  • impregnations and simulators on the wooden door more convenient to apply a tampon from a natural sponge;
  • water-based soils and alkyd are applied with tassels, diligently rubbing so as not to form. The movements of the brush must be ordered from top to bottom or vice versa.

After drying a layer of primer, the surface is checked. Sometimes the composition lifts the villi, making the woods of Schelava to the touch. It takes a little late to walk the finish eye with the smallest grain.

Application of finish paint

  • If there was no special primer at hand, it can be made independently from the paint, which is designed for the door. To do this, it is diluted with a solvent in proportion 1: 2. Apply it more convenient to the tassel. In the future, it contributes to a smoother color and lack of non-flocks.

  • Before use, the paint is well mixed. At one time it will not work evenly to paint the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe door. And do not try to do it, causing too thick layer of paint. If some place remains lighter, it closes the subsequent layers.
  • If the door was not removed before the painting, and it is in a vertical position, then work starts from above, gradually going down. This will avoid the inclination of the drops on the previously painted surface. With horizontal location, the canvas can be caught as you like, but adhering to the specified direction, without chaotic smears and docking sites.
  • The first layer is left to complete drying. Time individually depends not only on the composition, but also on the temperature and humidity of the environment. As a rule, it takes no more than a day for alkyd paints.

Tip: When buying a LKM in the store, the buyer tries to choose a composition that dries as quickly as possible. The best indicators in this regard in water based paints. But they are distinguished by low moisture resistance, so it is not recommended for painting a wooden door in the bath.

  • When drying, carefully examine the surface. Almost always paint raises the fibers of the wood, which were surveyed during Okarivania. It is impossible to leave them, you will have to walk again. Nothing terrible, if somewhere starts slightly shone the wood, but everything should be done to avoid.
  • The second layer is recommended to apply across the door canvase. As in the first case, it is impossible to do too thick the paint layer. After drying, there must be an absolutely smooth surface. Often two layers are enough, but if there are doubts in the homogeneity of the coating, then the last third layer is applied.

Painting Morilka

The painting of the wooden door is different from painting by the LKM.

  • Morlogs, regardless of the basis on which they are produced, have a rather liquid consistency. In order for the color to lay exactly, in front of painting wood is moisturized with water, which contributes to less absorbing composition and more uniform distribution.
  • If the door is located vertically, it is necessary to apply the veil to the bottom up so that its drops do not fall into another unpainted surface. This also applies to the door box with slopes.
  • When painting in a horizontal plane, the first layer is applied along the fibers of wood. After drying, the second time the composition falls across, and the third finish again along. This achieves uniform tinting of all elements from all sides. It should be noted that, after drying, the color will be somewhat lighter than when applied. Therefore, to achieve the desired result, sometimes more layers are required.

  • Like paint, the veil raises the fibers, forming a rough surface that you need to grind with zero again.
  • When using a alcohol, an alcohol basis does not have to re-grind, as it does not raise the fibers. In addition, drying is only half an hour. But still, the first place in popularity is occupied by aqueous solutions, due to its ecology and non-toxicity.

How to paint laminated doors

Laminated coating, especially in interior doors, displaces products from natural wood. They look beautiful, can imitate expensive wood species, easy to use and compared to the door from the array, are available at a price. No wonder that it is they who occupy an honorable first place among the doors installed in apartments and country houses. Despite the durability of the material, they are also subject to mechanical damage. But many owners do not know whether it is possible to paint laminated doors and throwing out, buy new ones. Next, consider how to restore it with painting.

If it was necessary to disguise stains or scratches, then opaque paints will be chosen. Also for work will need:

  • tassel or roller;
  • spatula and putty for wood;
  • rag;
  • sandpaper;
  • solvent;
  • enamel for laminated surfaces.

Stages of work

  • Lamination on the door has low adhesion with all materials. If you just start applying it, it will slip, forming lower and stains.
  • Therefore, the entire surface must be carefully polished and brushed with a dry cloth all the dust that was formed.
  • The entire door is covered with a thin layer of putty. The thinner and evenly the layer, the better it will grab the surface, creating a durable coating. When it dries, the skin-zero is slightly grinding, focusing on possible irregularities. The second layer is then applied and aligned with grinding after drying. In addition, it will make the surface more roughly, which guarantees the best grip with the finish paint.
  • For painting the laminated door, it is better to prepare a more liquid composition of the paint, for which it is diluted with solvent twice. (It is recommended to choose the composition of the baked White Spirit).
  • In the absence of collapse, work is best done with a brush. It is carefully applied to paint, rubbing it into all inaccessible places. It is important to follow in order not to be formed by the influx. It is better not to scroll than to apply too much. If this failed to avoid, then after drying it is cleaned with a skin.

  • To secure the result, after three layers of paint applied varnish.

In the case when the laminated door does not have defects, but I just want to update it, you can use the versa or tinted varnish (the latter can only be applied by spray gun). The technology is reduced only to grinding, toning and further coating of varnish. Therefore, if there are doubts about it is possible to paint veneered doors or from any other materials, then subject to the above-described technology to do it anymore.

Is it possible to paint the doors of the MDF video

Today, laminated coating is considered one of the most durable finishing materials. It is successfully used to arrange the floor, for the manufacture of furniture and interior doors. Repeating both in color and drawing natural wood, the laminate has an attractive appearance, successfully imitating parquet or wood products.

Interior doors made with the use of lamination combine long service life, stylish look, good heat and sound insulation characteristics. But even a durable laminated coating, which is constantly used for many years, is able to lose attractiveness. In order to give him a new life, a restoration is necessary, which can often be in painting.

Features Restoration of the coating with paint

During operation, laminated doors are covered with scratches and scratches, which are especially noticeable in the area of \u200b\u200bthe door handle. Sometimes it is very difficult to get rid of these mechanical damage. Due to its structure, the laminated coating is almost not amenable to any kind of processing.

So, it is impossible to use for the restoration of strongly damaged doors of varnishes or verses, which are extremely popular when processing natural wood. This is explained by the fact that before processing by these materials it will require the restoration of the smoothness of the doors with the help of spacion materials, and they will be visible under the layer of varnish.

Of all the paints and varnishes, only paint is able to give laminate former attractive appearance. But make painting with your own hands is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The main complexity is the complete absence of adhesion, that is, the clutch between the coating and the coloring agent.

Smooth laminated door surface very poorly holds enamel, which is usually used for painting products from wood. The paint can get caught in a month, due to which the doors will look even worse than before processing. To understand the painting principle of laminated coating, it is necessary to consider what is its structure.

Modern laminate is a material consisting of several layers:

  1. The top layer is a protective coating that is responsible for the stability of the board to a different kind of mechanical damage. As a rule, it is made of paper impregnated with a special solution of corundum and melamine resins.
  2. Decorative coating. It consists of paper, which is due to embossing and painting the texture of wood.
  3. The base is made of plastic or fiberboard. The base is quite dense and the fattest of all layers of the laminated board.
  4. Under the basis there is a substrate (bottom layer) that is responsible for laminate waterproofing. This layer is very difficult to destroy, usually it remains as much even with the strongest influences.

Having considered the composition of the material from which laminated doors are made, it can be understood which technology will be most suitable for staining. First, you need to specially handle the protective layer, giving it a good adhesion. Secondly, it is necessary to align scratches and scratching surfaces, covered them to the depth of no more than 2 layers. After that, it is possible to paint enamel.

Algorithm for painting

For painting laminated doors, the following materials and tools will be required:

  • rags or rags;
  • sandpaper with grains of different fractions;
  • putty knife;
  • putty on a tree;
  • white Spirit;
  • emale PF 115 or PF 226;
  • brush for painting.

First of all, it is required to prepare the treated surface. For this door, the doors are carefully laundered from possible contaminants and dried. After that, it should be removed all the scratches and scratches, applying coarse-grained sandpaper or grinding machine. All dust is neatly removed using a clean cloth.

The next step is to apply putty. The mixture is applied in 1 or more layers in such a way to make a single integer with an array of the door. When applying multiple layers, it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the previous layer. After drying, the sweafing composition is required to align the treated surface using medium-earnest papers.

Then the door again is cleaned with a clean cloth and makes it matting sandpaper with small grains. The main task here is to make the surface of matte and a little rough, which will significantly increase the adhesion of the protective layer with a coloring matter.

When the door acquired a matte, the same over the entire surface area, it is necessary to wipe it with a soft cotton cloth moistened with White-Spirit. After that, it can be painted. Since the enamel will be applied in several layers, it is required to dilute the White spirit to the liquid state and mix very carefully.

It is necessary to produce not a roller, but a painting brush, which will allow you to better cry the entire surface of the door. The paint should not only be applied, but also thoroughly smear. After applying the paint material, the laminated door must be left to completely dry the paint. It is then applied 1 or more layers of substance.

When the paint is completely dry, the door is ready. To give it a more attractive appearance, you can use varnish, which is applied using a brush or collapse. If necessary, several layers of varnish can be used. Each subsequent layer is required to apply 24 hours after applying the previous one. Varnish coating will give the door strength and aesthetics, make it more durable.

Restoration of laminated doors who do not have serious defects

If the laminated coating door has scratch, but there are no scratches and other serious defects on it, you can use simpler restoration methods.

So, a small stain on the doors can be smeared with the marker of the same color as the surface. You can also apply the veil.

In order to handle the door by the verse, you will need to cook:

  • grinding machine;
  • emery paper "Zero";
  • soft rag;
  • solvent;
  • veil;
  • malyary roller or paintopult.

The main task in carrying out work is to remove the upper protective layer of the laminated board. It is necessary to do it extremely careful not to damage the foundation. When the protective layer is removed with a grinding machine, the base is neatly processed by sandpaper, and then wiping into a soft cloth moistened in the solvent.

When the solvent is driving, the surface is required to be treated with a verse. To do this, you can use a roller or pour the solution into the crash. The veil in the same way as paint, it is desirable to apply in several layers. 12 hours after drying, the solution can be treated with lacquer doors.

If the interior doors in the room aged and lost their former beauty, do not rush to throw them out. In order to update the interior, try to paint the laminated doors or treat them with a verse. This method will save the family budget and still long use the destination doors.

Give the aesthetics of interroom doors from different materials using staining. This method does not require large financial costs, because it is enough to choose a suitable paint. At the same time, the rules for its use, composition and combatability with the door material are taken into account.

How to prepare interroom door to painting

To restore the appearance of the old door or to give aesthetic, a new product without decorative coating is painted. This procedure is applicable to natural wood canvases, chipboard or MDF.

Interior door after dyeing becomes bright and looks beautiful

For processing by coloring components, the door preparation is required. The technology of this process depends on the source state of the product.

Features of preparation:

  • the painted door must be cleaned from the coating. To do this, use a non-filament spatula, a construction hairdryer, fine-grained emery paper. The included hairdryer holds at a distance of 20 - 30 cm from the surface, for a few seconds heated the paint to its bloating, and then remove the layer with a spatula. So handle the entire door, and the residues eliminate sandpaper or grinding. If the cloth is covered with varnish, then it is removed with a special wash or removed by grinding;

    When the hair dryer is heated, the paint swells and easily remove it

  • if the door is new and does not need to remove paint, the surface is treated with antiseptic compositions. It is necessary to protect material from moisture, fungus and mold, as well as the best adhesion paint with wood or chipboard. For application, a brush is used, which evenly distribute primer over the surface. The tool must be intended for wood, its compatibility with paint is required;

    Primer can be transparent or color

  • with the canvas remove the accessories, remove the dust after grinding, placed it on a flat horizontal surface. The door is not recommended manually to paint, in this case the surfaces are easily formed on the surface. They spoil the appearance of the product. All gaps, small cracks are smeared with a putty to the color of the canvas. It is relevant for wood doors, chipboard or MDF.

    Before painting eliminate with putty all the gaps and cracks

Preparation involves not only the processing of the door, but also workspace. For painting, both tools are needed, namely brush of different sizes or paintopult. Slices of pure foam rubber, fabric, greasy tape, stationery knife will be useful.

Video: Removing the old paint from the door

Interior door staining technology

The quality of staining of the wooden surface depends not only on the proper preparation, but also from choosing paint, compliance with the rules of its application. Therefore, before starting work, you need to know the features of the stages of work, which are expressed as follows:

  1. The coloring composition is prepared according to the manufacturer's instructions. Some means require dilution with a solvent, but it is always important to mix the paint thoroughly to a homogeneous state, and then pour a small amount of means into the staining tank. If the paint is used, it has a special tank.

    The paintopult works simply, but helps to create a smooth and beautiful coating.

  2. The composition is applied in a small number of light movements on the surface. It is important to do it evenly, which will allow the layer of the same thickness on any part of the door. After processing one side of the canvas, it is necessary to wait for it to dry and turn the product for painting on the other side.

    After processing on one side, the door turns over

  3. After drying the first layer, on each side of the door, you can start applying the second. The paint is applied in small quantities and are distributed as uniform as possible. The finished product is left to complete drying, and then install the accessories and hang on the loop.

    Bright door easily make the interior original

These stages belong to the overall technology of painting doors from chipboard or wood. Depending on the type of paint used, the blade material used to the tool must be taken into account some features of the work.

Video: Coloring Interior Door Brush or Roller

Selection and features of paint

Manufacturers produce a variety of paints for wood. Such formulations are also suitable for MDF or chipboard, since these materials consist of wood chips and binding components. The only exception can be paint on a water basis, because it contributes to moisturizing chipboard or MDF, which will lead to the deformation of the canvas.

Paint for wooden interroom doors

Paints of several species can be used to process wooden products. Before purchasing one or another option, it is necessary to get acquainted with the manufacturer's instructions and the features of the use of the composition.

The choice of paints includes options with different characteristics.

For wooden interior doors, the following types of compositions are optimal:

  • alkyd paints are presented in different colors, create a durable and dense coating, resistant to fading. At the same time, funds are characterized by a strong unpleasant smell that holds several days after painting. Affordable price, a variety of shades makes alkyd compositions in demand for processing outdoor doors, and interroom will unpleasant to smell quite a long time;
  • acrylic paint does not have a pronounced smell, provides a thin coating, dries quickly, has a bright color. The disadvantages of such a means are expressed in the low strength of the layer, low resistance to mechanical effects, high cost at medium characteristics;
  • oil compositions are suitable for wooden doors, have a natural oil in their composition and have a strong smell that disappears in a few days after painting. High-quality coating retains its kind for several years, and affordable price makes paint in demand;
  • nitroemal or nitrolac is optimal for wood, as they create a durable saturated color layer, which is resistant to mechanical, chemical influences. High toxicity requires the use of nitrocracy in a room equipped with good ventilation.

All of the above funds have a certain smell and therefore it is important to comply with their rules and apply personal protective equipment. If weather conditions allow, it is worth equipping a place for painting on the street. It is impossible to use the compositions next to the heating devices open with fire.

Paint for doors from chipboard

You can find doors from chipboard, which do not have a laminated or veneered coating. They are intended for self finish and easy to paint. Such products already have a small layer of primer, which protects the canvas. But before painting on top of this layer, one more is applied, providing a better base for staining.

Chipboard canvas can be painted with roller, brush or paintopult

For treatment, oil, alkyd and nitrocracies are optimally suitable for treatment with chipboard. Acrylic compositions are rarely used, since the slightness of the layer and the small shelterness of these funds does not allow to hide the rough surface of the chipboard.

If the doors have a laminated layer, then it is very difficult to act on top of it evenly. Therefore, the best solution is surface treatment without decorative coating. For this purpose, the same actions are carried out as in the preparation and painting of wooden products. It is important to verify the absence of a doors of the chipboard, since this material is unstable to moisture. And also use water-repellent impregnations for wood.

Staining interroom doors from MDF

The MDF is deciphered as a fine fraction and is sheets made of pressed fine chips and binding components. In this case, the structure well absorbs moisture and liquid substances. Therefore, tight paints are used to process doors, and the surface is pre-ground.

MDF doors are covered with a pattern in the form of wood structure, and staining should be carried out on a canvas without decorative coating

For processing door from MDF, dense paints are suitable, such as nitrosostava or oil tools. When processing and choosing the following rules are important:

  • the composition should provide a glossy surface, as the matte paint will emphasize the irregularities of MDF and will make the doors with ugly;
  • the optimal flow rate of the staining composition at a door of 200 x 80 cm is 1 kg. The same amount of primer will be required on the canvas;
  • the tool is applied to the surface treated with primer, in several layers of the same thickness;
  • for primer, you can use olif, which will eliminate the excessive porosity of the material of the door.

The compositions must ensure a durable, solid layer after drying. The color can be any, and the application of each of the next layer occurs after drying the previous one.

Features acrylic paints and odor

Acrylic enamel is one of the common options that forms a matte cover only with a slight glitter. The tool is distinguished by instability to mechanical or chemical influences. Therefore, the acrylic coating is additionally protected by a durable varnish, which will give a gloss surface.

Acrylic paints produce different manufacturers, but it is important to choose the optimal color and protective varnish

When painting interior doors from natural wood, MDF or chipboard often use non-sharp odor. Such paints do not have toxic components in their composition, are characterized by an average level of resistance and a variety of colors.

To the means without a strong smell include the following options:

  • acrylic enamel has a light smell and therefore the means can be painted the door directly in the residential room, but with open windows;
  • acrylic - light coating suitable for interior doors;
  • the thermoemal will quickly dry and is intended for staining the heating system batteries, but is great for wood, as it has a water base.

These types of coatings are presented in packs of different volumes. When choosing a certain option, it should be noted that when painting with a brush or rollers, a greater consumption of composition occurs than when applied by the paint. Therefore, it is best to acquire a means with a small margin.

The color of interior doors

Thanks to the staining, you can give the door of any shade. To do this, choose the color of the paint taking into account the interior of the room. To be guided by the following regulations for the selection of the door shade:

  • the canvas of strict dark shades from chocolate to black are suitable for solid interior in English, classic style;
  • blonde doors from white to light brown optimal for the children's room, as they make a pleasant atmosphere;
  • bright green, red, purple and other tones are appropriate in pop art style, modern, high-tech and other design destinations;
  • multicolored canvas are often installed in a nursery or in an apartment decorated in a single bright style.

Doors can contrast with color range of the interior. This is a bright solution original, but requires the perfect combination of other details. For example, in the setting, decorated in blue and white tones, will be unusually looking yellow doors. It should be chosen not too saturated with shade, which will achieve combinations harmony.

Yellow-white doors look bright and fit for the children's room

The color of the door must match the shade of the box. If the canvas is multicolored, the box is stained in any one tone present on the door. Ideal if the color of the canvas is repeated in the setting of the room. Thus, the harmony and correctness of combinations is achieved.

When painting, it is important not only to correctly choose a tool, but also its color. The technology of processing wooden products, MDF materials or chipboard is one and therefore you can easily paint the door to the desired shade. Preliminary preparation will provide a persistent and qualitative result of the work.

As a rule, the old doors are high-strength cloth and high-quality box, but the appearance over time is spoiled due to thick coating. As one of the budget update methods, the usual paint for wooden doors is used. In this material you will learn how to paint wooden doors, and get acquainted with other modern ways to renovate coverage at home.

Fig. 1. Door before and after staining

Selection of paints and varnishes

Classified LKMs on the following features:

  • In composition (water and organic basis);
  • On the protective effect (against organic and chemicals, mechanical influences, changes in humidity and temperature);
  • Using the use method (internal, external, combined);
  • By type (impregnation, paints, verses, varnishes).

1. Paints. Can be applied to process new and old doors. There are no difficulties with the choice, but due to incompetence, people choose inappropriate material. Paint and varnishes are transparent and opaque. The first compounds include certain pigments that show wood structure. But opaque coatings consisting of organic solvents (oil, alkyd and other types) are often used.

Alkid enamel is considered the most popular, the cost of which is distinguished by affordable. Such a coating has a high strength, a large assortment of shades.. But enamel smells badly, her unpleasant smell remains 2 days, so they work with her on the street, pre-removing the canvas with loops or freeing the room. An alternative solution is acrylic enamel, which also has many colors, but there is no toxic smell. In dried paint there is no special strength, so it is additionally treated with acrylic varnish to protect against mechanical effects.

Fig. 2. Paint on wood

A more resistant coating for wood doors is a nitrocracy that has optimal strength. The composition is toxic, sometimes leads to allergic manifestations, so it is necessary to work with it in protective equipment. If the nitrocracy is treated with the old surface, the preparation and grinding of the panel to a light shade is carried out in advance.

2. Lucky. Belong to traditional coatings that give wood shine and protecting its surface. Usually varnish is used when coating doors in rooms with high humidity (bath and sauna).

There are many different varnishes:

  • Acrylic. The material is resistant to negative impacts, humidity and ultraviolet. Distinguish matte and glossy coating without toxic smell.
  • Nitrocellulose. Varnish can handle wooden doors. The coating is not suitable for bathroom processing and bath, as it has insufficient strength and quickly cracks.
  • Varnish with water base. He does not have an unpleasant smell. Due to different additives, the properties of the material may differ.
  • Polyurethane. The lacquer has high strength and adhesion with wood, it happens to matte, semi-conventional and glossy. In addition to wood, polyurethane varnishes can be applied to parquet, veneer, countertop.
  • Oil varnish. There is no sharp smell. The composition contains a lot of fat resins, so an old coating is removed from the door in advance. Apply a better tassel due to thick consistency.
  • Polyester. The composition has a sharp smell, characterized by high strength, but toxic, therefore suitable for processing street doors.

Interior doors are better in painting acrylic or polyurethane coating, and strong materials are suitable for external work or premises with high humidity..

Fig. 3. Wooden varnish

3. Morlogs. The task of such compositions is tree tinting and temporary protection against negative impacts. But the constant update of the layer is required, which emphasizes the wood structure.

Several options allocate:

  • With lacquer base (azure). The composition reduces the duration of work, but it is difficult to achieve aesthetics, so a monophonic surface can be obtained by spraying with a spraying;
  • With oils. Before use, you need to dilute with solvent;
  • With water. Dries longer, but there is no toxic smell. The composition penetrates deep, giving a more rich shade and a clear drawing, which looks beautiful;
  • On alcohol basis. Dries quickly, but it is more expensive and has a sharp smell.

Fig.4. Wooden door

To protect the tree from fungus, humidity and dirt, oil wax is used, deeply penetrating into the surface. The coating gives strength and shine.

If you choose than making the surface of the door, then you need to consider the duration of drying and the resulting effect.

Cooking the cloth to painting

First, the door is removed from the loops, stacked on a flat surface. Before using alkyd paint, placing the canvas is better to place on the street or in a well-ventilated room. Then the door is blocked to be available all the elements. Accessories is also removed or winded with foil, and the locks are stuck in scotch.

Cleaning doors

Previous cleaning, removal of old enamel or paint. For such purposes, it is better to use a grinding machine, and when it is absent, it is possible to wear a layer with a sandpaper of medium grain. The bubbles that appear are eliminated by a hairdryer that will warm up the paint layer to remove it with a spatula. Conscreasing and simple method of cleaning the surface are cozy formulations.

Fig. 5. Cleaning and surface grinding

The layers of old paint can be removed by an abrasive nozzle on a drill. From the panels, pieces of dust and paint swell, the surface is grinning so that scratches, irregularities or roughness remained. The surface is examined on both sides, the density of the compounds is analyzed, the frame of fasteners and metal corners can be strengthened.

Shpocking and grinding

New putty close existing cracks and recesses. For alkyd paint, the composition of any color is suitable, and before applying oil impregnation, varnish or wax, the tone of the putty must match the cloth. The dried areas of the doors are grinding fine-grained emery. At this stage, any defects are eliminated.

Fig. 6. Putty doors

Antiseptic coating

When using paint, the surface is pre-treated with antipiren and antiseptic impregnation (for example, Biotex) when the door is installed in the steam room. It is advisable to choose the means of one company, which will improve the interaction and quality of the coating.

Fig. 7. Antiseptic for wood

After that, the door must be primed, then apply a layer of putty. You need to handle all the door zones, as well as cracks in decorative details, between the jacket and the proloce. After the putty dries, the surface is repeatedly putty.

Staining technology

If the painting of the new canvase is carried out, then it should be protected from swelling. Pre-lay it on a flat surface, treated with sandpaper or grinding. Then the cloth is ground, recesses and smooth areas are processed. After drying the surface, secondary processing is carried out.

Fig. 8. Painting areas of the canvas

The old door of the house needs to be painted high quality so that there are no stains and implications on its surface. It is unlikely that you need to buy a spray gun for coloring of one or two canvases, so you can use a violent tassel or roller.

After you have chosen than you can paint the wooden door, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances of the work:

  • flush the brush, removing poorly fixed hairs;
  • correctly paint the panel door is needed in 3 stages using a roller, from the upper left corner you need to shift to the right, covering everything canvas. After drying, the door needs to be treated in the longitudinal direction. Then you need to paint the cloth from the upper right corner;
  • when processing the violet cloth, you need to use the brush, process the surface carefully, avoiding excessive coverage.

Fig. 9. Cloth treatment sequence

Painting alkyd enamel

To cover the doors of alkyd enamel, the following steps should be performed:

  • remove the panel with the loops so that paint flux does not appear on the surface. Then the spatula and the skin must be removed and the old layer should be removed, thoroughly rinse the surface and inspect for the presence of defects. Squares and cracks are sweeping, the surface will be dried and grinding with a skin. In the last stage, the priming is carried out;
  • the finished canvas falls on the horizontal surface of the floor, a table or workbench, shining with polyethylene. Available glass is stuck with scotch. The panel door at first stained with a purple brush, and then - the protrusions. In the future, all the cloth is scorched by a roller. With a two-layer applying alkyd enamel, a consumption of 40-80 g / m2 will be obtained;
  • additionally, it is possible to toning the canvas under a wenge, having impregnated with its special composition. The basis of such paint includes natural oils. After the paint layer was applied, it is necessary to carry out a rubber spatula or a sponge about 10 times;
  • you can take a liquid soap with paint. Initially, the cloth is covered with paint and liquid soap. On soap you need to apply another coating layer.

Fig. 10. Alkid enamel for wood surface treatment

Processing Morilka

When choosing a simulator, primer does not apply. The agent penetrates into the deep layers of wood from pine or oak, staining its fibers and increasing protective indicators. There are several ways of applying the composition: rubbing, spraying, simple applying and worshius. Usually use simple applying.

Fig. 11. Processing of the blade of the Morilka

Since the veil will be better to go to the wet cloth, it needs to be slightly moistened. First, the color is carried out along the fibers, and then - across them. The next layer is carried out in the fiber orientation. From the bottom processing a cloth with jambs not to disrupt the design design.

After a veil was applied with a water basis, the surface of the skin with a zero (due to raised fibers), remove dust and apply the following coating layer. If the alcohol veil is used, the fibers do not rise, and the grinding is not required. But the aqueous compositions do not have an unpleasant odor and toxicity.

Oil or wax impregnations

In the treatment of canvas with oil impregnation there are nuances. First, the composition of the pinotex is well stirred. With incorrect application, darkened zones and strips may appear. For work, we use a brush, sprayer, roller or sponge of foam rubber. Depending on the porosity of the material, the number of layers will be calculated.

Fig. 12. Application of wax impregnation

First, a little composition is gaining, distributing it evenly in the width of the panel. Then the impregnation is rolled off with a roller or triturated with a tassel without spangling. Duration of drying is 8-12 hours. No later than a day another layer is applied.

Wood imitation

To paint the interior doors under the tree with their own hands, follow the instructions:

  • we apply to building materials with light paint (beige, white, gray or yellow);
  • dried surface process liquid soap;
  • cover dark paint, clean the liquid soap.

Wood structure can be performed on a veneered material, treating a special fiber brush (the effect of "under the old") is obtained. Then you need to apply one or more paint coatings and pollute it.

How to paint laminated doors

Compared to the doors made of natural wood, the laminated products look aesthetically, easy to use and are available at cost. For the processing of laminated doors, a roller or brush will be required, a spacing wood with a spatula, sandpaper, rags, solvent and special enamel.

The surface is completely grinding, cleaned with a rag from dust and sprinkled with a thin layer. After drying, the putty is carried out with sandpaper, they apply the second time and again after drying it is grinding. Before painting, the composition is diluted with solvent. Paint is causing carefully, paying attention to hard-to-reach zones. After 3 layers, the result is fixed with varnish.

Fig. 13. Wood surface varnishing

In the absence of defects, you can update the laminated coating. It is suitable for a tinted lacquer or a sulfur that is applied after grinding and tinting.

The selection of the color of the panel is carried out on the basis of the wishes. The main recommendations applies:

  • drying of the surface before using alkyd enamel;
  • the combination of the hue of the canvas with furniture;
  • choosing a door from an array coated with oil impregnation, for wooden dwellings;
  • combination of aged door with antique objects;
  • selection of doors with dark tinting for lacquered furniture atmosphere;
  • applying paints with water makeup.

In the process of painting the door you need to comply with equipment and security measures.

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