Bismarck Otto background - biography. Otto Bismarck - Iron Chancellor with Human Face

Gardening 19.10.2019

At 17, Bismarck entered the University of Gottingen, where he studied the right. In beability, the student received a reputation between the walks and Drachun, was distinguished in duoral fights. In 1835 he received a diploma and was soon credited to work in the Berlin Municipal Court. In 1837, he took the position of the applied official in Aachen, a year later - the same position in Potsdam. There he joined the Guards Hsenther Regiment. In the fall of 1838, Bismarck moved to Greifswald, where, in addition to the fulfillment of his military duties, studied animal breeding methods in the Elden Academy. The cash loss of his father, together with congenital disgust, to the image of the Prussian official forced him in 1839 to leave the service and adopt the management of family possessions in Pomerania. Bismarck continued his education by becoming for the works of Hegel, Kant, Spinoza, D. Straus and Feyerbach. In addition, he traveled in England and France. Later joined the chuteists.

After the death of the Father in 1845, family property was divided and Bismarck received the estate of Schönhausen and Knikhof in Pomerania. In 1847 he married Johanne von Puttkmer. Among his new friends in Pomerania were Ernst Leopold von Gerlah and his brother, who not only were at the head of Pomeranian chipters, but also included a group of court advisors. Bismarck, a student of herlahov, became known thanks to his conservative position during the constitutional struggle in Prussia in 1848-1850. Countering Liberals, Bismarck contributed to the creation of various political organizations and newspapers, including the "New Prussian Newspaper" ("Neue Preussische Zeitung"). He was a deputy of the Lower Chamber of Prussia Parliament in 1849 and the Erfurt Parliament in 1850, when he opposed the Federation of Germanic States (with or without or without Austria), for it believed that this union would strengthen the revolutionary movement. In his Olmyutsky speech, Bismarck defended King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, capitulated before Austria and Russia. A contented monarch wrote about Bismarck: "Angry reactionary. Use later. "

In May, 1851 King appointed Bismarck by the representative of Prussia in the Allied Sejm in Frankfurt am Main. There, Bismarck almost immediately concluded that the purpose of Prussia could not be the German Confederation with the dominant position of Austria and that the war with Austria is inevitable if the dominant position in the United Germany will take Prussia. As Bismarck was improved in the study of diplomacy and the art of public administration, he was increasingly distinguished from the views of the king and his Camarilla. For its part, and the king began to lose confidence in Bismarck. In 1859, Brother King Wilhelm, who was at that time regent, freed Bismarck from his duties and sent the Messenger to St. Petersburg. There, Bismarck became close to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs by Prince A. M. Horchakov, who contributed to Bismarck in his efforts aimed at diplomatic isolation at first Austria, and then France.

Minister of Prussia.

In 1862, Bismarck was sent by the Messenger to France to the court of Napoleon III. Soon he was withdrawn by King Wilhelm I to resolve the contradictions on the issue of military allocations, which was burly discussed in the lower chamber of parliament. In September of the same year, he became the head of government, and a little later - the Minister of Commerce and the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Prussia. The militant conservative, Bismarck announced the liberal majority of parliament, consisting of representatives of the middle class, that the government will continue to collect taxes, conforming to the old budget, because the parliament may not be able to adopt a new budget due to internal contradictions. (This policy lasted in 1863-1866, which allowed the Bismarck to hold military reform.) At the meeting of the Parliamentary Committee on September 29, Bismarck emphasized: "The great issues of time will be decided not to speeches and resolutions of the majority - it was a gross mistake of 1848 and 1949, but iron And blood. Since the upper and lower chambers of parliament were unable to develop a single strategy on the issue of national defense, the government, according to Bismarck, should have been initiated and to force the parliament to agree with his decisions. Listing the activity of the press, Bismarck made serious measures to suppress the opposition.

For their part, the liberals were sharply criticized by Bismarck for the proposal to support the Russian emperor Alexander II in the suppression of the Polish uprising of 1863-1864 (Alvezleben Convention 1863). Over the next decade, Bismarck policy led to three wings, the result of which was the association in 1867 German states to the North-German Union: War with Denmark (Danish War 1864), Austria (Austria-Prussian War 1866) and France (Franco-Prussian War 1870 -1871). April 9, 1866, the day after the signing of the Secret Agreement on the military union with Italy in the event of an attack on Austria, he presented his project of the German Parliament and Universal Secret Rights for the male population of the country for consideration of the Bundestag. After the crucial battle of Kötiggritz (Sadovaya), Bismarck managed to achieve a refusal of the annexionist claims of Wilhelm I and Prussian generals and offered Austria an honorary world (Prague Mir 1866). In Berlin, Bismarck introduced a bill to Parliament, exempting him from liability for unconstitutional actions, which was approved by liberals. In the next three years, the secret diplomacy Bismarck was directed against France. Publication in the press of the Emskoy deppendacy of 1870 (in the editorial office of Bismarck) caused such a perturbation in France that on July 19, 1870 a war was announced, which Bismarck actually won by diplomatic means before it began.

Chancellor of the German Empire.

In 1871, Versale Wilhelm I inscribed on the envelope address - "Chancellor of the German Empire", approving the right of Bismarck to manage the empire, which he created and which was proclaimed on January 18 in the mirror hall of Versailles. The Iron Chancellor, which represented the interests of the minority and absolute power, managed this empire in 1871-1890, based on the consent of the Reichstag, where from 1866 to 1878 it was supported by the party of National Liberals. Bismarck held the reform of German law, management and finance systems. The reforms of education conducted by him in 1873 led to a conflict with the Roman Catholic Church, but the main cause of the conflict was the volatile distrust of the German Catholics (who made up about a third of the country's population) to Protestant Prussia. When these contradictions manifested themselves in the activities of the Catholic Party of the Center in Reichstag in the early 1870s, Bismarck was forced to take action. The struggle against the Zasili Catholic Church was called "Culturkampf" (Kulturkampf, the struggle for the culture). In the course of her, many bishops and priests were arrested, hundreds of dioceses were left without leaders. Now church appointments were to be coordinated with the state; Cleary arts could not be in the service in the state apparatus.

In the field of foreign policy, Bismarck made every effort to consolidate the conquest of the Frankfurt World 1871, contributed to the diplomatic isolation of the French Republic and sought to prevent the formation of any coalition threatening German hegemony. He chose not to participate in the discussion of claims on a weakened Ottoman Empire. When, on the Berlin Congress 1878, the next phase of the "Eastern Question" discussion was completed chaired by Bismarck, he played the role of an "honest broker" in the dispute of the rival parties. A secret contract with Russia 1887 - "Assurance Agreement" - showed the ability of Bismarck to act for the backs of its allies, Austria and Italy, to preserve Status Quo in the Balkans and the Middle East.

Up to 1884, Bismarck did not give clear definitions of the colonial policy, mainly due to friendly relations with England. Other reasons were the desire to preserve the capital of Germany and minimize government spending. The first expansionist plans of Bismarck caused the energetic protests of all parties - Catholics, the Publicists, Socialists and even representatives of his own class - Junkers. Despite this, in Bismarke, Germany began to turn into a colonial empire.

In 1879, Bismarck broke with liberals and further relied on the coalition of large landowners, industrialists, the highest military and government ranks. He gradually moved from the policy of "Culturcupf" to persecutions of socialists. The design of its negative prohibitive position was the introduction of a system of state insurance for illness (1883), in the event of injury (1884) and pension provision in old age (1889). However, these measures could not be isolated by the German workers from the Social Democratic Party, although they distracted them from revolutionary methods of solving social problems. At the same time, Bismarck opposed any legislation regulating the working conditions of workers.

Conflict with Wilhelm II.

With the entry into the throne of Wilhelm II in 1888, Bismarck lost control over the government. With William I and Friedrich III, which rules less than half a year, the position of Bismarck could not shake none of the opposition groups. Self-confidentious and ambitious Kaiser refused to play a minor role, and his stretched relationships with Reichskanzler became increasingly stretched. The most seriously discrepancies were manifested in the question of amending the exclusive law against socialists (operating in 1878-1890) and in the question of the right of ministers subordinate to the Chancellor, on the personal audience of the emperor. Wilhelm II hinted Bismarck on the desirability of his resignation and received from Bismarck a resignation statement on March 18, 1890. The resignation was accepted in two days, Bismarck received the title of Duke of Launburg, he was also awarded the title of Colonel-General Cavalry.

The removal of Bismarck in Friedrichsruhe was not the end of his interest in political life. Particularly eloquent, he was criticized by the newly appointed Reichskanzler and the Minister President of Count Leo von Carimi. In 1891, Bismarck was elected to Reichstag from Hanover, but never took his place there, and two years later refused to put his candidacy for re-election. In 1894, the emperor and already aging Bismarck again met in Berlin - at the suggestion of Hohenwhea Hohenloe, Prince Shillingfurest, the successor of Caprivi. In 1895, all Germany celebrated the 80th anniversary of the Iron Chancellor. Bismarck died in Friedrichsruue July 30, 1898.

Literary monument Bismarck are His Thoughts and memories (Gedanken Und Erinnerungen.), but Big policy of European cabinets (Die Grosse Politik Der Europaischen Kabinette, 1871-1914, 1924-1928) in 47 volumes serves as a monument to his diplomatic art.

Bismarck Otto Background (Bismarck, Otto Von) (1815-98), German State Avestigator, who was called "Iron Chancellor".

Prussian nobleman, Bismarck manifested himself in parliament as an army monarchist and an opponent of democracy. During the revolutions of 1848, he opposed the requirements of constitutional reforms, and in 1851 as a representative of Prussia in the Frankfurt Meeting, in which Austria was dominated, demanded equal rights for Prussia.

After a short stay of the ambassador in St. Petersburg (1859) and Paris (1862) was appointed first Minister of Prussia (1862-90).

Increased the number and reorganized the Prussian army.

In 1864, Prussia, together with Austria and other German states, defeated Denmark, annexation of Schleswig-Golostin, and also had an important strategic importance for the German Union "Kiel Channel.

In 1866, Bismarck provoked a conflict between Prussia, who spent together with Italy, and Austria, known as the seminal war (Austria-Prussian War), from which Prussia came out the winner. Then bismarknexed Hannover, in the same year united by most German states in the North German Union and became his chancellor.

He was the initiator of the Franco-Prussian war (1870-71), which led to the surrender of Napoleon III and the long and cruel siege of Paris by Prussian troops. According to the peace treaty in Versailles, France lost Alsace Lorraine, and Bismarck here in January 1871 proclaimed King Prussia Wilhelm I Emperor of the German Empire.

In Germany, Bismarck introduced a single monetary unit, the Central Bank, legislation and conducted a number of administrative reforms.

Attempts by Bismarck to weaken the influence of the Catholic Church (so-called "CulturCampf") ended in failure, but throughout Germany, a Prussian school system was established, controlled by government officials.

A supporter of strong executive authorities, Bismarck sought to limit the powers of the German Parliament (Reichstag), severely straightened with supporters of socialism. Trying to distract workers from socialists and to keep the trade unions under the control, Bismarck introduced the first social security system in history - a number of social insurance laws (1883-87), providing for compensation in case of illness, accidents and old age.

In the field of international relations, the Chancellor initiated the creation of the "Union of Three Emperors" (Dreikaiserbund), and then a tripal union.

With great success, he presided over the Berlin Congress (1878) and the Berlin Conference on Africa (1884). Thanks to his policy, the protection of the national economy and the protectionist fares, the German industry and trade flourished, and the country itself actively acquired overseas colonies.

The death of Wilhelm I exposed the weakness of the position of Bismarck, dependent on the will of the monarch, and not from the support of the people. Wilhelm II watched the threat of his power in Bismarck and forced him to resign in 1890.

The last years of the life of Bismarck held in privacy.

Otto von Bismarck is the German State Worker, Reichskancler of the German Empire. Born on April 1, 1815 in the family estate of Schönhausen in Brandenburg, the third son of Ferdinand Background Bismarck-Shenhausen and Wilhelmines Menken, at birth, received the name Otto Eduard Leopold.

At 17, Bismarck entered the University of Gottingen, where he studied the right. In beability, the student received a reputation between the walks and Drachun, was distinguished in duoral fights. In 1835 he received a diploma and was soon credited to work in the Berlin Municipal Court. In 1837, he took the position of the applied official in Aachen, a year later - the same position in Potsdam. There he joined the Guards Hsenther Regiment. In the fall of 1838, Bismarck moved to Greifswald, where, in addition to the fulfillment of his military duties, studied animal breeding methods in the Elden Academy. The cash loss of his father, together with congenital disgust, to the image of the Prussian official forced him in 1839 to leave the service and adopt the management of family possessions in Pomerania. Bismarck continued his education by becoming for the works of Hegel, Kant, Spinoza, D. Straus and Feyerbach. In addition, he traveled in England and France. Later joined the chuteists.

After the death of the Father in 1845, family property was divided and Bismarck received the estate of Schönhausen and Knikhof in Pomerania. In 1847 he married Johanne von Puttkmer. Among his new friends in Pomerania were Ernst Leopold von Gerlah and his brother, who not only were at the head of Pomeranian chipters, but also included a group of court advisors. Bismarck, a student of herlahov, became known thanks to his conservative position during the constitutional struggle in Prussia in 1848-1850. Countering Liberals, Bismarck contributed to the creation of various political organizations and newspapers, including the "New Prussian Newspaper" ("Neue Preussische Zeitung"). He was a deputy of the Lower Chamber of Prussia Parliament in 1849 and the Erfurt Parliament in 1850, when he opposed the Federation of Germanic States (with or without or without Austria), for it believed that this union would strengthen the revolutionary movement. In his Olmyutsky speech, Bismarck defended King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, capitulated before Austria and Russia. A contented monarch wrote about Bismarck: "Angry reactionary. Use later. "

In May, 1851 King appointed Bismarck by the representative of Prussia in the Allied Sejm in Frankfurt am Main. There, Bismarck almost immediately concluded that the purpose of Prussia could not be the German Confederation with the dominant position of Austria and that the war with Austria is inevitable if the dominant position in the United Germany will take Prussia. As Bismarck was improved in the study of diplomacy and the art of public administration, he was increasingly distinguished from the views of the king and his Camarilla. For its part, and the king began to lose confidence in Bismarck. In 1859, Brother King Wilhelm, who was at that time regent, freed Bismarck from his duties and sent the Messenger to St. Petersburg. There Bismarck became close to the Russian Foreign Minister Prince A.M. Gorchakov, who contributed to Bismarck in his efforts, aimed at diplomatic isolation at first Austria, and then France.

Otto Edward Leopold von Bismarck was born on April 1, 1815 in the family of small noble nobles in Schungausen's estate in Brandenburg. A leaving from Pomeranian Junker.

He studied jurisprudence at the university in Göttingen first, then at University in Berlin. In 1835 he received a diploma, in 1936 he passed an internship in the Berlin Municipal Court.

In 1837-1838, he worked as an official in Aachen, then in Potsdam.

In 1838 he entered military service.

In 1839, after the death of the mother quit from service and was engaged in the management of family possessions in Pomerania.

After the death of the Father in 1845, family property was divided, and Bismarck received the estate of Schönhausen and Knikhof in Pomerania.

In 1847-1848, the deputy of the first and second United Landtagov (Parliament) of Prussia, during the revolution of 1848 he advocated an armed suppression of unrest.

Bismarck became known thanks to his conservative position during the constitutional struggle in Prussia in 1848-1850.

Countering Liberals, he contributed to the creation of various political organizations and newspapers, including the "New Prussian Newspaper" (Neue Preussische Zeitung, 1848). One of the organizers of the Prussian Party of Conservatives.

He was a deputy of the Lower Chamber of Parliament Prussia in 1849 and the Erfurt Parliament in 1850.

In 1851-1859, a representative of Prussia in the Union Sejm in Frankfurt am Main.

From 1859 to 1862, Bismarck was the Messenger of Prussia in Russia.

In March - September 1962 - Prussian Messenger in France.

In September 1862, during the constitutional conflict between the Prussian royal power and the liberal majority of Prussian Landtag, Bismarck was drafted by King Wilhelm I for the post of head of the Prussian government, and in October of the same year he became the Minister of Foreign Minister of Foreign Affairs. He stubbornly defended the rights of the crown and achieved the resolution of the conflict in her favor. In the 1860s carried out military reform in the country, significantly increased the army.

Under the leadership of Bismarck, Germany was implemented by the "revolution from above" as a result of the three victorious wars of Prussia: in 1864, together with Austria against Denmark, in 1866 - against Austria, in 1870-1871 against France.

After the formation of the North German Union in 1867, Bismarck became Bundeskantler. In the Hermann Empire proclaimed on January 18, 1871, he received the highest state post of the Imperial Chancellor, becoming the first Reichskanzler. In accordance with the Constitution of 1871, Bismarck received almost unlimited power. At the same time, he retained the post of Prussian Prime Minister and the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Bismarck held the reform of German law, management and finance systems. In 1872-1875, on the initiative and under pressure, the laws were adopted against the Catholic Church, the laws on the deprivation of the clergy of the right of supervision of schools, about the prohibition of the Jesuit Order in Germany, on compulsory civil marriage, on the abolition of the articles of the Constitution, provided for the autonomy of the Church and others. These The events seriously limited the rights of the Catholic clergy. Attempts by unpleasure caused repression.

In 1878, Bismarck conducted an exceptional law through the Socialists, which prohibited the activities of social democratic organizations through the Reichstag. He mercilessly pursued any manifestation of political opposition, for which he was nusted by the Iron Chancellor.

In 1881-1889, Bismarck conducted "social laws" (about the insurance of workers in case of illness and in case of injury, on pensions in old age and disability), which laid the basics of social insurance workers. At the same time, he demanded tightening anti-working policies and during the 1880s successfully achieved the extension of "exclusive law".

Bismarck built his foreign policy, based on the situation in 1871 after the defeat of France in the Franco-Prussian war and the capture of Germany Alsace and Lorraine, contributed to the diplomatic isolation of the French Republic and sought to prevent the formation of any coalition threatening German hegemony. Fearing the conflict with Russia and wanting to avoid the war on two fronts, Bismarck supported the creation of the Russian-Austro-German Agreement (1873) "Union of Three Emperors", and also concluded with Russia in 1887 "Agreement of Reinsurance". At the same time, in 1879, on his initiative, an agreement on Union with Austria-Hungary was concluded, and in 1882, the Triple Union (Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy), directed against France and Russia and placed the beginning of the split of Europe into two hostile coalitions. The German Empire has become one of the leaders of international politics. The refusal of Russia from the resumption of the "contract of reinsurance" at the beginning of 1890 was a serious failure of the Chancellor, as well as the failure of his plan for the transformation of the "exclusive law" against the socialists in a permanent. In January 1890, Reichstag refused to resume it.

In March 1890, Bismarck was dismissed from the post of Reichskanzler and the Prussian Prime Minister as a result of contradictions with the new Emperor Wilhelm II and the military command on the issues of external and colonial policies and on the work. He received the title of Duke of Launburg, but he refused him.

The last eight years of life Bismarck held in his estate Friedrichsruhe. In 1891, he was elected to Reichstag from Hanover, but never took his place there, and two years later refused to put his candidacy for re-election.

From 1847, Bismarck was married to Johanne von Puttkmer (died in 1894). The spouses had three children - the daughter of Marie (1848-1926) and two sons - Herbert (1849-1904) and Wilhelm (1852-1901).


200 years ago, April 1, 1815, was born the first chancellor of the German Empire Otto von Bismarck. This German State Affairs has entered the story as the creator of the German Empire, Iron Chancellor and the actual head of the foreign policy of one of the greatest European powers. Bismarck's policy made Germany leading military-economic power of Western Europe.


Otto von Bismarck (Otto Edward Leopold von Bismark-Shenhausen) was born on April 1, 1815 in Schhenhausen Castle in the Brandenburg province. Bismarck was the fourth child and the second son of Rothmister retired a small nobleman (they were called them in Prussia) Ferdinand von Bismarck and his wife Wilhelmina, nee Menken. The genus Bismarck belonged to the old nobility that took place from the Knights-conquerors of Slavic lands on Labi Elbe. Bismarcks traced their pedigree until the board of Charles Great. The estate of Shehenhausen was in the hands of the Bismarkov family from 1562. True, the genus Bismarkov could not boast of great wealth and did not belong to the number of the largest landowners. Bismarcks have long served the ruler of Brandenburg on a peaceful and military field.

From Father Bismarck inherited stiffness, determination and power of will. Bismarkov was among the three most self-confident families of Brandenburg (Shulebourgs, Alvenzleben and Bismarcks), their still Friedrich Wilhelm I in his "political will" called "badly, unprofitable people." The mother was from the family of civil servants and belonged to the middle class. During this period in Germany there was a process of splicing the old aristocracy and a new middle class. From Wilhelmina Bismarck received the liveliness of the mind of an educated bourgeois, a thin and sensitive soul. This made Otto Bismarck von is extremely extraordinary person.

Childhood Otto von Bismarck held a Knickhof in the childbirth, in the genius, in Pomerania. Therefore, Bismarck loved nature and retained a sense of connection with her all his life. Education received a plaminan in private school, the Gymnasium Friedrich Wilhelm and Gymnasium Tsum Grauen Kloster in Berlin. The last school of Bismarck finished at 17 in 1832, passing the exam on the certificate of maturity. During this period, Otto was most interested in history. In addition, he was fond of reading foreign literature, he studied French well.

Then Otto entered the University of Göttingen, where he studied the right. Study then attracted Otto little. He was a man strong and energetic, and received the glory of the walks and Drachun. Otto participated in duels, in various tricks, visited the beer, made up for women and played money in the card. In 1833, Otto moved to a new metropolitan university in Berlin. During this period, Bismarck was mostly interested, except for the "trial", international politics, and the region of his interests went beyond the limits of Prussia and the German Union, the framework of which was limited to the thinking of the overwhelming majority of young nobles and students of that time. At the same time, Bismarck had high self-conceit, he saw himself a great man. In 1834, he wrote to a friend: "I will become or the greatest scoundrel, or the greatest transducer of Prussia."

However, good abilities allowed the Bismarck successfully completing training. In front of the exams, he visited tutors. In 1835 he received a diploma and began working in the Berlin Municipal Court. In 1837-1838. served as an official in Aachen and Potsdam. However, to be an official quickly bored him. Bismarck decided to leave the public service that there was a controversy with the will of his parents, and was the result of the desire for full independence. Bismarck generally differed with a complete will. Career official did not suit him. Otto said: "My pride demands to command from me, and not to fulfill other orders."

Bismarck, 1836


Since 1839, Bismarck has been engaged in the arrangement of his Knickfield estate. During this period, Bismarck, like his father, decided to "live and die in the village." Bismarck independently studied the accounting and agriculture. He showed himself skillful and practical landowner who knew well both the theory of agriculture and practice. The value of Pomeranian places increased by more than a third in nine years, when they managed Bismarck. At the same time, three years fell on the agricultural crisis.

However, Bismarck could not be simple, though smart, landlord. It was trampling in it, which did not give him to live in rural areas. He is still a ladder, sometimes he descended everything that he managed to scorch for months of painstaking labor. He drove a campaign with bad people, drank, seduced by the daughters of the peasants. For the violent temper, it was called "Mad Bismarck".

At the same time, Bismarck continued self-education, reading the work of Hegel, Kant, Spinoza, David Frederick Strauss and Feyerbach, studied English literature. Byron and Shakespeare were fascinated by Bismarck more than Goethe. English policies quite interested Otto. In intellectual terms, Bismarck put on the order of all the landowners-junkers surrounding him. In addition, Bismarck - a landowner participated in the local government, was a deputy from the district, a deputy lander and a member of the Landtaga of Pomerania Province. Expanded the horizons of his knowledge by traveling to England, France, Italy and Switzerland.

In 1843, a decisive turn occurred in the life of Bismarck. Bismarck brought acquainted with Pomeranian Lutherans and met the bride of his friend Moritz von Blakenburg, Maria Von Tadden. The girl was seriously sick and died. The identity of this girl, her Christian beliefs and persistence of character during the disease was struck by Otto to the depths of the soul. He became a believer man. This made him a convinced supporter of King and Prussia. The ministry of the king meant serving God for him.

In addition, there was a radical turn in his personal life. Mary Bismarck met the Johann Background Puttkamer and asked her hands. Marriage with Johannna soon became for Bismarck's main life support, up to her death in 1894. The wedding took place in 1847. Johanna gave birth to Otto two sons and daughter: Herbert, Wilhelm and Maria. A dedicated spouse and caring mother contributed to the political career of Bismarck.

Bismarck with spouse

"Mad deputy"

In the same period, Bismarck comes to politics. In 1847, he was appointed Representative of Ostuelbian chivalry in the United Landtag. This event was the beginning of Otto's political career. His activities in the interregional body of the Clarification, which mainly controlled the financing of the Ostaban construction (Berlin-Kenigsberg Road), mainly consisted of pronouncing the critical speeches directed against the liberals who tried to form a real parliament. Among the conservatives, Bismarck enjoyed a reputation as an active defender of their interests, which is capable of notingly deepening in subject argument, arrange a "fireworks", distract attention from the subject of the dispute and excite the minds.

Countering Liberals, Otto, Bismarck, promoted the organization of various political movements and newspapers, including the "New Prussian Newspaper." Otto became a deputy of the Lower Chamber of Prussia Parliament in 1849 and the Erfurt Parliament in 1850. Bismarck then was an opponent of the nationalist aspirations of the German bourgeoisie. Otto von Bismarck saw in the revolution only the "greed of the poor." The main task of Bismarck considered the need to indicate the historical role of Prussia and the nobility as the main driving force of the monarchy, and the protection of the existing socio-political order. The political and social consequences of the revolution of 1848, which covered a significant part of Western Europe, had a deep influence on Bismarck and strengthened his monarchical views. In March 1848, Bismarck was even going to make march to Berlin with his peasants to end the revolution. Bismarck occupied an ultra-right position, being radical even a monarch.

In this revolutionary time, Bismarck performed as an ardent defender of the monarchy, Prussia and Prussian Junkers. In 1850, Bismarck opposed the Federation of Germanic States (with the Austrian Empire or without Her), as it believed that this association would only strengthen the revolutionary forces. After that, the King of Friedrich Wilhelm IV, on the recommendation of the adjutant General of the King Leopold von Gerlaha (he was the head of the Ultra-right group surrounded by the monarch) appointed Bismarck by the Messenger of Prussia in the German Union, in Bundestag, meeting in Frankfurt. At the same time, Bismarck also remained a deputy of the Prussian Landtag. The Prussian conservative has been so fiercely discussed with liberals about the Constitution, which even made a duel with one of their leaders, Georg von Vinka.

Thus, in 36 years, Bismarck took the most important diplomatic post that the Prussian King could offer. After a short stay in Frankfurt, Bismarck realized that the further association of Austria and Prussia was no longer possible in the framework of the German Union. The strategy of the Austrian Chancellor of Metternich, trying to turn Prussia in the younger partner of the Habsburg Empire in the framework of the "Central European" headed by Vienna, failed. The confrontation of Prussia and Austria in Germany during the revolution was obvious. Then Bismarck began to come to the conclusion that the war with the Austrian Empire is inevitable. Only war will be able to solve the future of Germany.

During the Eastern crisis, even before the beginning of the Crimean War, Bismarck in a letter to Prime Minister Mandyfiel expressed concern that Prussia's policy, which hesitates between England and Russia, in case of evasion towards Austria, the Ally of England, can lead to war with Russia. "I would like," said Otto Bismarck, "in search of protection from a storm, our elegant and durable frigate to the old, source worms of the Military ship of Austria". He suggested reasonably use this crisis in the interests of Prussia, not England and Austria.

After the end of the Eastern (Crimean) war, Bismarck marked the collapse of the United Eastern Power Conservatism based on the principles of conservatism, Prussia and Russia. Bismarck saw that the gap between Russia and Austria would last long and that Russia would look for the Union with France. Prussia was supposed to, in his opinion, avoid possible opposing unions, and not allow Austria or England to involve it in the Anti-Russian Union. Bismarck has ever been occupied by Antiangalian position, expressing his distrust in the possibility of a productive Union with England. Otto von Bismarck noted: "The safety of the Island location of England makes it easier for her a refusal to the continental ally and allows him to throw it on the mercy of fate, depending on the interests of English politics." Austria, if he becomes an ally Prussia, will try to solve its problems at the expense of Berlin. In addition, Germany remained an area of \u200b\u200bopposition to Austria and Prussia. As Bismarck wrote: "According to Vienna politics, Germany is too close for us for us ... We both cultivate the same thing ...". Bismarck confirmed his earlier conclusion that Prussia would have to fight against Austria.

As Bismarck improved his knowledge in diplomacy and the art of government, he was more and more removed from ultra-conservatives. In 1855 and 1857 Bismarck inflicted "intelligence" visits to the French emperor Napoleon III and came to the opinion that it is less significant and dangerous politician than Prussian conservatives believed. Bismarck broke with Herlacha. As the future "Iron Chancellor" said: "We must operate with realities, not fiction." Bismarck believed that Prussia needs a temporary union with France to neutralize Austria. According to Otto, Napoleon III de facto suppressed the revolution in France and became a legitimate ruler. The threat to other states with the help of the revolution is now the "favorite occupation of England."

As a result, Bismarck began to blame the principles of conservatism and Bonapartism. Bismarck answered the enemies that "... My ideal policy is impersonal, independence in making decisions from sympathies or antipathies to other people's states and their rulers." Bismarck saw the stability in Europe more threatened by England, with its parliamentarism and democratization than Bonapartism in France.

Political "Study"

In 1858, Brother King Friedrich Wilhelm IV, who suffered a psyche disorder, Prince Wilhelm, became regent. As a result, Berlin's political course has changed. The reaction period was completed and Wilhelm proclaimed the "New Era", demonstratively appointing the liberal government. The possibilities of Bismarck influence the politics of Prussia sharply fell. Bismarck was withdrawn from the Frankfurt post and, as he himself celebrated, sent "to the cold on the Neva." Otto von Bismarck became a messenger in St. Petersburg.

Petersburg experience quite helped Bismarck as the future Chancellor of Germany. Bismarck became close to the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Gorchakov. Later, Gorchakov will help Bismarck in Isolation First Austria, and then France, which will make Germany leading power in Western Europe. In St. Petersburg, Bismarck will understand that Russia still occupies key positions in Europe, despite the defeat in the East War. Bismarck well studied the alignment of political forces surrounded by the king and in the metropolitan "light," and realized that the situation in Europe gives Prussia a great chance that falls very rarely. Prussia could unite Germany, becoming its political and military core.

The activities of Bismarck in St. Petersburg was interrupted due to serious illness. About a year, Bismarck was treated in Germany. He finally broke with extreme conservatives. In 1861 and 1862. Bismarck twice represented Wilhelm as a candidate for the post of Minister of Foreign Affairs. Bismarck outlined his gaze on the possibility of uniting "Neavustian Germany". However, Wilhelm did not decide to appoint Bismarck Minister, since he made a demonic impression on him. As Bismarck himself wrote: "He found me more fanatical than I really was."

But at the insistence of the prevailing bismarca of the Military Minister, the background of Rona King still decided to send Bismarck "to study" to Paris and London. In 1862, Bismarck was sent by the Messenger to Paris, but he stayed there for long.

To be continued…

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