Arkana is what? Junior arcans. Arkana Tarot - meaning

Gardening 28.06.2020

Interpreters of human destinies on Tarot cards are constantly faced with such a definition like Arkan. But what carries this word? What are the sacraments in themselves older and younger arcans? And what can be said about the fate of a person, looking at the dropped card?

What is Arkan?

The word "Arkan" has a Latin origin. Translation of it - "mystery", "hiding". Each Arkan carries the image that the interpreter must decipher, thus predicting the fate of a person.

In other words, it can be said that arkans are cards in the Tarot deck, which tell about the past, present and the future of man.

Arkana are divided into senior and younger.

History Arkanov

The history of the appearance of the Tarot deck is as mysterious as their symbolism. However, it is confidently said that the younger arcans are a prototype of a modern playing deck of cards.

The nebula of the origin still implies several versions of how fortified cards appeared.

The most popular version put forward a French writer and theologian Zhablen in the 18th century. Its essence is as follows: Tarot is the "all-seeing" book that can reveal the secrets of human destinies. The creators of this "book" are members of the Egyptian occult organization. To speak more precisely, Tarot is the path of development of a person's personality until its highest form, a true essence.

Senior Arkanam is given the role of interpreters of human spiritual development. Younger are life situations with which this development occurs.

It is customary to assert that in the most ancient Egypt, Tarot was used only in secret communities and did not endorse on the massive review. But the thing is that the Card alignment foreshadowed the emergence of the Egyptian authorities and the destruction of the ancient Egyptian state.

In this regard, the priests of secret societies in fear before the magical knowledge may be lost, they decided the "all-seeing" book to turn into a gambling entertainment, which will carry information about the past, present and future.

Junior Arkana

Such arkans constitute the bulk of the deck. Of the 78 tarot cards, the younger arcans are 56 pieces.

Despite their numerical superiority to the older arcans, they inferior to them in importance. If the first are the basic information about the fate of a person, then the second are an addition to what has been said: they tell about any details, treat any everyday situations, clearly describe the picture of what is happening.

Among the junior Arcans are allocated for 2 categories:

  • License plate;
  • Figured.

The structure of figure cards is similar to the map of the usual deck: there is a currency, lady and king. But there is another representative of the court representatives in Tarot - Knight.

Number Arcanes: Value

  • Cups (worms, bowls);
  • Swords (swords, peaks, guilt);
  • Wands (Sour, sticks, scepters, trees, baptism);
  • Pentacles (dinarias, discs, coins, tambourines).

4 MASTA - these are 4 elements:

  • Cups - water;
  • Swords - air;
  • Wands - fire;
  • Pentacle - Earth.

If you interpret in more detail, then the younger arcanes indicate the following:

  1. Cups have the designation of human feelings and emotions.
  2. Swords - cold, sound reason, mind and rationality of thought.
  3. Wands - generated ideas.
  4. Pentacles are a material sphere and everyday human activity.

The lasty of junior arcanes are located in a strictly given sequence, which determines the clear order of the events in the fate of a person.

Arcans depicted numbers. Their range in the deck from the aces to 10. Even numbers symbolize the stable development of events, odd - spontaneity, impulsive effect.

Figured cards

Figured arcanes are cards that carry people. Such a feature makes the position of the junior figured arcanes in the fortune study.

The thing is that the figures of people interpret two: they can symbolize a real person or reflect the role of a person in the fate of a person who is guessing. For accurate and complete information and to understand the role of a curly card, the casting tarot make full.

Figure arcanes are:

  • Currency (pack);
  • Knight (Prince);
  • Queen (lady);
  • King (pharaoh).


No matter how simple, at first glance, fortune telling with the help of tarot, not everyone is able to correctly decipher the meaning sent by them.

The knowledge of the meaning of Tarot, the symbols of his arcanes is also a kind of teaching, which is not amenable to everyone, but attracts many to him. After all, at all times, people sought to solve a riddle of life and their fate.

It has long been a cult game, but its developers never stop there. The game is constantly evolving and upgraded. For example, literally after six months after the official release of the game, the sets of objects were launched (as well as separate items). They did not give any real bonuses in the game, but nicely changed the appearance of the hero, and also added some pleasant effects.


All things have their own rarity category. Initially, such innovation was skeptical. Why these things? What is the fat from Uncommon Sets (full sets of things for the hero)? Or, in "Dota 2" things became more and more, so slowly players are accustomed, and then they approved a new feature at all. Things were divided into the following categories in value.


  1. COMMON. - Cheap and simple things. Their color is white. Do not make indigenous changes in appearance.
  2. Uncommon. - Middle rare things. Color - bluish.
  3. RARE - Rare things. Color - blue.
  4. Mythical. - Very rare things. Color - purple. Such things in the root change the appearance of the character, as well as the icon of the abilities (not always).
  5. Legendary. - Unique things. Color - bright purple. May not change the appearance, but have a special effect that makes them the most valuable (the famous DK Hook).
  6. Arcane - The most valuable and rare items. Color - light green. We will speak more about them.
  7. Immortal - Very valuable things, extremely rare. Orange color.

The most valuable

What role do these items perform? And in general, what is Arkana in "Dota 2"? These are the most rare items that are created together with the introduction of a certain promotion (with the exception of the first thing of such value on the Hero Lina). For example, when the Arkan-Seth was made on Mortred, then simultaneously introduced a share associated with this set. Award for participation and victory in this promotion - new rare Rare or Mythical. Now each player knows what Arkana is. In "Dota 2", the presence of such items has long been no news.

Elements of rarity - Arcane - either single, or published in the form of set. What gives Arkana in "Dota 2"? First, it completely changes the appearance of the hero. These include such subtleties as its posture, position, weapons, appearance, etc. Secondly, it will change the abilities icons. Thirdly, the most pleasant thing changes the effect of these very abilities. For example, after a successful blow, a phantom copy appeared behind the enemy, such an effect produced Arkana to the Morter. "Dota 2" is also pleasant surprises for players. So, fourthly - the very shares that have already mentioned above. The game developers did not stop at this, so rare things were becoming more attractive. The last Arkan Seth, created on the hero Crystal Maiden, in addition to all other pleasant bonuses, also added a small satellite (in the form of a dog of northern breeds).

Problems of objects

For a long time they went disputes about whether these things affect the balance of the game directly or indirectly. For example, one or another effect could affect the performance or "load" of the player's screen. Therefore, such things are initially tested not one day by Valve employees. Tests are held for quite a long time. To begin with, in view of the fact that the animation is not only abilities, but also the actions of the heroes was changed, it was necessary to check whether everything was still working as before. For example, the shuffles on the use of a certain ability according to the standard for this hero - 0.4 p., And with the introduction of a new subject and animation this time can be increased or decreased. Or the hero's ability earlier worked from a distance of 450 units (a unit of distance measurement), and now it was 455 or 445, which will have its impact on the balance of the game and the hero. For such a game, like "Dota 2", even 0.1 s. May be essential. Only after careful tests, such items are entered into the game. So we figured out the question of what Arkana is in "Dota 2".

Arkana Taro- 78 Symbolic images that have come down to us from the Millennium depths collected in the holy book of Tota. Traditions say that earlier it was clay plates, leather flaps, then metal plates.

Among the symbolic images of the system of Arkanov, images of cups, wands, as if of copies, rhombuses are blocked. 78 images were not numbered and arranged in groups. They somehow used, according to difficult, not reached us, the rules laid out like solitaire. Legends say that the Arkanov Taro system allowed to receive information, and very concrete: about the present and future of man, about the state as a whole, about lunar and solar eclipses, spills of rivers, crops and insignificants, about the universe and stars, etc.

What is "Arkana Tarot" - Articles:

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3.5 hours of the theory in video format. You will no longer have difficulties with reading court cards in the situation Tarot! In the webinar, you will learn how people, relationships and work are reflected in the court cards of Tarot.

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