Decembrist uprising The course of events briefly. The uprising of the Decembrists - an attempt of the revolution or struggle for power

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To something from contemporaries (believed: Pushkin himself) so wrote about Alexander I, having learned that the king, which looked after St. Petersburg and Moscow, Paris and London, Berlin and Vienna to the Tagarrog Tagar Terry Gorodishko, there 19 November 1825 died suddenly :

All my life spent on the road
And died in Taganrog ...

His death led to a dynastic crisis, transformation, which lasted 25 days, until December 14.

Since Alexander I died childlessly, the king was to become (according to the Law on the Preconsession of 1797), his next brother Konstantin. But he had long gave himself a jam "Do not climb on the throne" ("wander like a father strangled"). In 1820, he entered a Morganatic marriage with the Polish Countess of J. Grudzinsky, thereby cutting off his way to the throne. Alexander, making sure that his brother preferred to the Unitary Wife of the Tsarist Scepter, on August 16, 1823. Special Manifesto deprived Konstantin's rights to the throne and declared the heir to the next brothers - Nicholas. This manifesto Alexander I stared into the Assumption Cathedral, where he was kept until the death of the king in deep secret. From here and the entire cheese-born of the transmission caught fire.

As soon as Petersburg learned about Alexander I death, the authorities and troops began to swear to Konstantin. November 27 he squeezed him and Nikolai. Konstantin, for his part, swore Nicholas. A racegerer race from St. Petersburg began to Warsaw, where Konstantin lived as Poland's governor, and back. Nikolai requested Konstantin to come to St. Petersburg and sit on the throne. Konstantin refused. "The crown is made like tea, and no one / 91 / wants," the tip in St. Petersburg. In the end, Nikolai decided to become a king and appointed renoval on December 14.

That was the "current moment." He favored the uprising, but the Decembrists were not yet ready to perform. It was impossible to postpone the same performance: the Decembrists became aware that the government knows about the existence and even the composition of the secret societies and is preparing for violence with them. Donos on the Decembrists came to Alexander I from May 1821 the most detailed one was obtained in Taganrog on December 1, 1825, after the death of the king. Donoster - Member of the South Society, Captain A.I. Mayborod - called 46 names of the most active conspirators, including the whole composition of the southern directory and the Northern Duma.

The Decembrists were well informed about what was happening at the court and in the government: one of them (S. G. Krasnokutsky) was an Ober-Prosecutor of the Senate, another (A. I. Yakubovich) was friends with St. Petersburg Governor General MA Miloradovich, A G.S. Bathnikov used the confidence of the most authoritative and aware of the members of the government M.M. Speransky. Having learned that on December 14, the recrymey was appointed, members of the Northern Society decided: no more impossible. December 10, they "voiced" elected dictator The uprising of the Colonel Life Guard of the Transfiguration Shelf of the KN. S.P. Trubetsky, and in the evening 13th gathered in the apartment K.F. Ryleva to the last meeting. Ryleev said: "Sheathing brooms, and a saber is not hidden." Everyone agreed with him. It was decided to perform the next morning and certainly.

What was the plan of the uprising on December 14, 1825? What slogans were the Decembrists in the Senate Square?

On the eve of the uprising, the members of Northern Society made a new program document - "Manifesto to the Russian people." The author was Trubetskaya. "Manifest" proclaimed the purpose of the Decembrists, the overthrow of the autocracy and the elimination of serfdom. Following the victory of the uprising, it was assumed to create a temporary government of 2-3 persons, which were planned by MM. Speransky and Senator N.S. Mordvinov, and from members of the secret society - Secretary of Speransky G.S. Baths. The temporary government was to prepare for the spring of 1826 by the convening of the Constituent Assembly ("Great Cathedral"), and the Cathedral would solve the two main issues of the revolution: how to replace the autocracy (by the republic or constitutional monarchy) and how to free the peasants - with earth or without land. Thus, "Manifest" left the main questions openthat / 92 / speaks of his compromise character. Moderate and radicals at the time of the uprising did not have time to coordinate their positions and postponed the disputes to the Great Cathedral, relying on his will.

The tactical plan of the uprising was such. The main forces of the rebels (Life Guard Moskovsky, Finland and Grenadier regiments) headed by Dictator Trubetsky should have gathered in the Senate Square at the Senate Building, prevent senators to reciphenia and force them (if you need the force of weapons) to publish "Manifesto to the Russian people) ". Meanwhile, other shelves (Izmailovsky and Guards Sea crew) under the command of Captain A.I. Yakubovich would capture the Winter Palace and arrested the royal family. Her fate would solve the Great Cathedral, depending on the new form of government: the Republic (in this case, the royal family would be expelled from Russia) or the constitutional monarchy (in this case the executive would be given the king). The uprising plan was built with the expectation of the support of the South. On December 13, Trubetskoy sent to the Directory of the South Society of the Festival with the news of the preparing uprising.

In total, the Decembrists expected to raise six guards regiments of 6 thousand people in St. Petersburg. It seemed to them that this was enough for victory. Other of them were hoping to even avoid blood, believing, as Ryleev said, that "soldiers (governments. - N.T.) will not shoot soldiers, but, on the contrary, join us, and everything will end quietly." The people should only have to taste the fruit of the uprising, who was deemed in his favor, and his sympathetic presence in the Senate Square Decembrists considered desirable. G.S. Batenkov said that "it's necessary and in the drum to take ads, because it will gather the people." In a word, inactive people as a coup background - such was the idea of \u200b\u200bthe Military Revolution of Decembrists.

The uprising began on December 14 around 11 am. The Decembrists brought three guards regiments (Moscow, Grenadier and Sea crew) to the Senate Square and here they learned that Nikolai Pavlovich led the Senate to the oath even at dawn, at 7 o'clock. Moreover, A.I. Yakubovich, who was entrusted to seize the Winter Palace and arrest the royal family, unexpectedly refused to fulfill the order, afraid of possible rearness. So two main links in the action plan of the rebels disappeared, it was necessary to take on the spot new decisions, and the dictator of Trubetskaya did not appear on the square. He by that time realized that the uprising was doomed to death, and decided not to exacerbate his own guilt, as well as the guilt of his comrades, decisive actions. However, there is a version emanating from Nicholas I and penetrated into the literature (up to Soviet), that he was hiding next to / 93 / and peeking out the area from behind the corner, waiting for whether more regiments will be gathering.

The Decembrists gathered 3 thousand soldiers on the Senate Square. They built in Kara around the monument to Peter Great. Hardly many of them were aware of the political meaning of the uprising. Very differently, configured contemporaries told about how the rebels soldiers shouted: "Hurray, Constitution!" - Considering that the wife of Konstantin Pavlovich is called. The Decembrists themselves, not having the opportunity and time for frank political agitation, won the soldiers to the square in the name of the "legitimate" sovereign of Constantine: "swearing one sovereign, right there to smell another - sin!" However, Konstantin for the soldier was not desirable in itself, but as a "good" (presumably) king - antipode "evil" (the whole Guard knew) Nikolay.

The mood in the kara of the rebels on the Senate Square was vigorous, raised. Alexander Bestuzhev in front of the soldier sharpened a saber about the granite of the monument to Peter. The rebels kept passively, but persistently. Another Moscow regiment was standing on the square, General Miloradovich, hero 1812, the companion of Suvorov and Kutuzov, tried to persuade the Museum to disperse and began to speak incendiary speech (and he knew how to talk with soldiers), but the Decembrist P.G. Kakhovsky shot it. Miloradovich's attempt repeated the commander of Guardia A.L. Warriors, but also unsuccessfully, although this parliamentary got cheaply: it was contused with a lifted, abandoned from the crowd of Zewak. Meanwhile, reinforcements approached. New attempts to incline them to humility took the third of the Alexander I brothers Mikhail Pavlovich and two Metropolitan - Petersburg, Father Seraphim, and Kiev, Father Eugene. Each of them also had to flee. "What a Metropolitan, when two weeks two emperors swore!" - Screaming the Soldiers-Decembrists following the running about. Seraphim.

In the afternoon, Nikolai Pavlovich threw against the rented guard guard, but the rebellious kare beat off the several attacks with rifle fire. After that, Nikolai had only one tool, "Ultima Ratio Regis", as they say about this agent in the West ("the last argument of kings"), - artillery.

For 4 hours of day, Nikolai pulled the area of \u200b\u200b12 thousand bayonets and a saber (four more than the rebels) and 36 guns. But his position remained critical. The fact is that around the square gathered a crowded (20-30 thousand) crowd of the people, at first only observed behind both parties, not understanding what was happening (many thought: teachings), then it became / 94 / show sympathy for rebels. In the government camp and in his parliamentaries flew from the crowd of stones and lamps, which were the great set of building the building of St. Isaac's Cathedral.

Voices from the crowd asked the Decembrists to hold out the Dothemna, promised to help. Decembrist A.E. Rosen recalled this: "Three thousand soldiers and though more people were ready for everything on the marriage." But the boss was not. Only about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the Decembrists chose - immediately, on the square, - the new dictator, also Prince, E.P. Obolensky. However, the time was already missed: Nikolai launched "the last argument of kings."

At the beginning of the 5th hour, he personally commanded: "Palf guns in order! Right flank start! First! .." To his surprise and fear, the shot did not follow. "Why not shoot?" - pounced on the right-hand canonir lieutenant I.M. Bakunin. "Why is your own, your wellness!" - answered the soldier. The lieutenant snatched his wick and made the first shot. He followed the second, the third ... Rows of the rebels fell and ran.

At 6 pm everything was over. Posted on the square corpses of the rebels. According to official data, there were 80, but this is a clearly reduced digit; Senator P.G. Divov counted on that day 200 dead, official of the Ministry of Justice S.N. Korsakov - 1271, of which "Cherni" - 903.

Late in the evening, Ryleva was the last time participants of the uprising. They agreed how to behave at interrogations, and, having gone to each other, were separated - who home, and who and right in the Winter Palace: to give up. The first was announced in the royal palace with the one who was the first to come to the Senate Square, - Alexander Bestuzhev. Meanwhile, Ryleev sent to the south of the messenger with the news that the uprising in St. Petersburg was suppressed.

Petersburg did not have time to recover from shock caused on December 14, as he learned about the uprising of the Decembrists in the south. It turned out to be longer (from December 29, 1825 to January 3, 1826), but less dangerous for tsarism. At the beginning of the uprising, on December 13, the Mayberius was arrested for a nurse, and after him, the entire Tulchinsky stop. Therefore, Southerners managed to raise only the Chernihiv regiment, which was headed by Sergei Ivanovich Muravyev-Apostol - the second most important leader of the South Society, a man of a rare mind, courage and charm, "Orpheus among the Decembrists" (as His historian GI stockings called them), their common Loves. Commanders of other parts, which / 95 / counted Decembrists (General SG Volkonsky, Colonels A.Z. Muravyev, V.K. Tisengauzen, I.S. Schweikovsky, etc.), did not support Chernigov, and the Decembrist M.I. Palochev, the commander of the equestrian-artillery company, betrayed the comrades and took part in the suppression of the uprising. On January 3, in battle at the village of Kovylevka, about 70 km on the southwest of Kiev, Chernigov Regiment was divided by government troops. Heavy wounded Sergey Muravyev-Apostol, his assistant M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin and Brother Matvey were captured (the third of the brothers of the Moravian-Apostles, Ippolit, who had swore "defeat or die", shot himself on the battlefield).

The decrace with the Decembrists was brutally. Total, according to calculations M.V. Silent, more than 3 thousand rebels were arrested (500 officers and more than 2.5 thousand soldiers). V.A. Fedorov according to documents counted 316 arrested officers. The soldiers were Spyzruten bits (other - to death), and then sent to the penalty numbers. For reprisals with the main criminals, Nicholas I appointed a supreme criminal court out of 72 senior officials. He instructed the work of the court by M.M. Speransky. It was the Jesuit move of the king. After all, Speransky was on suspicion: among the Decembrists there were people close to him, including his secretary of this year. Bat'nkov, which was paid to the greatest punishment of all the disgusting Decembrists (20 years of solitary imprisonment). The king judged that Speransky, with all the desire, to be soft would be strict, for the slightest condesception to the defendant from his part would be regarded as sympathy of the Decembrists and the proof of his connection with them. The calculation of the king was fully justified.

The court was devoted to 121 Decembrist: 61 member of the Northern Society and 60 - South. Among them were the stars of the Russian title nobility: 8 princes, 3 graphs, 3 baron, 3 generals, 23 colonel or lieutenant colonel and even an Ober-Prosecutor of the Governing Senate. Of the major moves of the movement, only General MF was judged. Orlov - the brother of his Alexey's brother, the royal favorite, the future chief of the gendarmes, pulled him from the king (he immediately suffered a moment when he was with the king in the church, collapsed to his feet and, calling for the rescue of all the saints, persuaded him to pardon his brother). Pardon M.F. Orlova surprised everyone, and close to the king and shocked. Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich on the coronation of Nicholas I approached A.F. Orlova and (Cittifying an eyewitness) "He told him with his usual courtesy:" Well, thank God! All right. I am glad that brother is crowned. And sorry that your brother did not hang out! ".

The behavior of the Decembrists on the investigation and court, perhaps, slightly drops them in our eyes. M. Lunin kept heroically, I. Pushchin, S. Muravyev-Apostol, N. Bestuzhev, I. Yakushkin, M. Orlov, A. Borisov, N. Panov. / 96 /

However, almost everyone else (not excluding Pestel and Ryleyev) repent and gave frank testimony, issuing even persons who were not disclosed by the consequence: Trubetskoy called 79 surnames, Obolensky- 71, Burtsev - 67, etc. Here, of course, objective reasons were affected: "Fragility", as M.V. Nechkahna, noble revolutionism; Lack of social support and experience in dealing with the cavaluation of self-adjusting; A peculiar code of noble honor, who ordered the defeated to accept the winner of the sovereign. But, no doubt, the subjective qualities of such different people were manifested here and, for example, instinctively devoted sinovation of Trubetskaya and a daring, independent Lunin.

All the defendants were divided into penalties for 11 discharges: the 1st (31 defendants) - to the "cut-off of the head", 2nd - to the eternal cortega, etc.; 10th and 11th - to the degradation of soldiers. Five Court put out the discharges and sentenced to quartering (replaced hanging) - this is P.I. Pestel, k.f. Ryleev, S.I. Muravyev-Apostle, M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin and Miloradovich Killer P.G. Kakhovsky. From the entire composition of the court only Senator N.S. Mordvinov (Admiral, First Marine Minister of Russia) raised his voice against the death penalty to anyone, writing a special opinion. All the rest showed ruthlessness, trying to please the king. Even three spiritual people (two Metropolitans and the Archbishop), which, as Speransky intended, will be renounced on the sanatorium from the death penalty, "they did not renounce the sentence of five Decembrists to quarters.

The five of July 13, 1826 was executed on the Kronverka of the Petropavlovsk Fortress. The execution was done by barbaric. Three - Ryleev, the Ants-Apostle and Kakhovsky - fell out of the gallows, they were hanging again. Lifting the second time on the scaffold, the ants-the apostle would say: "Unhappy Russia! Even hang as they do not know how ..."

More than 100 decorchers, after the replacement of the "cut-off of the head", they refer to Siberia and - with a degradation of ordinary - to fight against the mountains in the Caucasus. For a catguard for some of the Decembrists (Trubetsk, Volkonsky, Nikita Muravyov, etc.) voluntarily followed their wife - young, barely managed to marry aristocrats: Princess, Baroness, generals, total - 12. Three of them died in Siberia. The rest returned along with the husbands in 30 years, buried in the Siberian land more than 20 of their children. Feat of these women decembristock, Suggest in the poems N.A. Nekrasov and Frenchman A. De Vinya.

An amnestied Decembrists already new Tsar Alexander II in 1856 by that time in Siberia from 100 convicts survived only 40. The rest died at the Katorga and in the link.

Could the Decembrists defeat? This question, first delivered by Herzen, is discussed and today, and today some historians (after Herzen) respond to him positively, believing that the Decembrists were "not lonely" and could rely on "a number of persons and figures" from the nobility and even governments . However, it is difficult to agree with such a version: the totality of all "for" and "against" it makes it recognize that the uprising of the Decembrists was doomed to defeat.

The point is not only that the rebels were small, acted passively and disparately, and other of them (Trubetskaya, Yakubovich, Volkonsky) even avoidped against any action, and not that the Decembrists in the Senate Square, as Herzen stressed, "not There was enough people "- in the sense of not presence, but interactions. The main thing is that then in Russia, the autocratic-serf system still did not exhaust itself, the conditions for his violent overthrow did not have a revolutionary situation, and the people remained immispusable to the ideas of the revolution. Therefore, the Decembrists, with all their connections with people from the nobility and the government itself, could not count on any wide support on a national scale, they represented an insignificant handful of their class. It is estimated that all officers and generals are members of the secret societies, as well as participants of the Decembrists' uprisings that were not included in the society, then only 0.6% of the total number of officers and the generals of the Russian Army (169 of 26,424). All the nobles in Russia were almost a quarter of a million. It means that at that time a more rational means of transforming Russia than an armed uprising, was an evolutionary path - the pressure on the government on the part of those noble and military circles to which the Decembrists belonged.

Nevertheless, the historical merit of Decembrists is indisputable. They entered the history of Russia as pioneers of the liberation struggle against autocracy and serfdom. Their uprising, with all its weaknesses, was an act of international significance. It hit the European reaction, according to the Sacred Union system, the stronghold of which was a tsarism. In Russia itself, the Decembrists woke up the winsted spirit of the nation. Their names and fate remained in mind, and ideas in the arsenal of the next generations of freedom fighters. The prophecy of the poet-Decembrist A.I. Odoevsky: / 98 /

Our sorrowful work will not disappear,
Flame burns out of the spark.

Historiographic reference. The literature on the Decembrists is colossal: 12 thousand names, i.e. more than any other phenomenon of Russian pre-revolutionary history, except for the war of 1812

The first in time in the historiography of the Decembrism was a protective concept, formulated already in the manifesto on the top of Nikolai I dated July 13, 1826 (the day of the execution of the leaders of the Decembrism): "Not in the properties and not in the nrules of the Russians was this intent<...> The heart of Russia for him was and always will always be impregnable. "A classic sample of this concept is the book of Baron M.A. Korf" Edema for the throne of Emperor Nicholas I "(St. Petersburg ", And their conspiracy is like" purulent growth on the magnificent body of autocratic Russia "," without roots in the past and prospects in the future. "

The guarders opposed the revolutionary concept. She was the subject of the Decembrists themselves (M.S. Lunin and N.M. Muravyev), and A.I. became classic Herzen who in the bright works "On the development of revolutionary ideas in Russia" (1851) and "Russian conspiracy of 1825" (1857) showed the national roots, the greatness and significance of the Decembrists as the first Russian revolutionaries, opened the main source of their weakness (separating from the people), but in general I idealized them ("Falang of Heroes", "Bogati, forged from pure steel", etc. .).

Simultaneously with the revolutionary formed and soon prevailed in the historiography of the Decembrism liberal concept. Her founder became the Decembrist N.I. Turgenev sentenced to the case on December 14 "to cut off the head." He was then abroad, the invitation of the royal authorities to return home and let him cut off his head rejected, but for the purpose of self-defense, he began to portray all the Decembrists with harmless liberals. Acad developed this concept. A.N. Pypin (cousin N.G. Chernyshevsky), who considered the Decembrists' software plants as a continuation of the reforms of Alexander I, and the uprising on December 14 as an "explosion explosion" due to denunciations and the threat of repression.

The most outstanding in pre-revolutionary literature on the Decembrists is the work of V.I. Semevsky, where the views, programs and plans of the Decembrists are capitally investigated as a phenomenon of pan-European, although somewhat exaggerated foreign influence on their ideology.

Soviet historians studied all sides of the Decembrism: its origin (S.N. Chernov, S.S. Landa), ideology (B.E. Sy Roechkovsky, V.V. Pugachev), Northern Society (N.M. Druzhinin, / 99 / K.D. Aksenov) and South (Yu.G. Oksman, S.M. Fayerstein), Decembrists' uprising (A.E. Presnyakov, I.V. Pokoh), reprisals with them (P.E. Schegolev, V.A. Fedorov). A number of biographical works published, the best of which are N.M. books Druzhinina about Nikita Muravyev and N.Ya. Eidelman about Lunin. The largest generalizing work belongs to Acad. M.V. Silent. In it, along with advantages (the widest coverage of the topic, a colossal source base, striking scrupulsiness, a bright form of presentation) There are disadvantages that are peculiar to the Soviet historiography of the Decembrism as a whole - mainly, the protrusion of the revolutionism of the Decembrists and the disadvantage of non-disabilities for the revolutionar of weaknesses (for example, unstable behavior Many of them on the investigation and court).

More modernly (although not so detail), the movement of the Decembrists V.A. Fedorov in the book "Decembrists and their time" (M., 1992). Recently, we have marked the trend towards the revision of the traditionally Soviet view for the Decembrism, but it is low productive, judging by the fact that her enthusiasts tend to consider the main ones in the origin of the Decembrism is not internal, Russian, and external, European factors [16. Cm.: . See, for example: Pantin IK, Plymak E.G., Khoros V.G. Decree. cit. P. 87.

Translated into Russian: Yosifova B. Decembrists. M., 1983, 0 "Mara P. K.F. Ryleev. M., 1989.

Cm.: Mauri A. La Conspiration Descemtmstes. R., 1964.

0 Today, you can imagine with great difficulty than "breathed" what people who lived almost 200 years ago thought. Therefore, their actions sometimes, they cause a swivel and condemnation that only adds interest in the life of our ancestors. Today we will talk about the essence decembrist uprising in 1825.
However, before continuing, I would like to recommend you some more curious publications on various topics. For example, what means aphorism, what a field is how to understand the word creative, which means the word of the tradesman, etc.
So, will continue about the Decembrist uprising briefly. At that time, a couple of percent of the rich people lived in Russia, and everyone else was in the position of either in general slaves (serfs). Therefore, among the bureaucrats and educated people they are ripe dissatisfaction, the very actively used secret societies.

The Decembrist's uprising briefly - it was an attempt of the state coup, which occurred in the capital of the empire of St. Petersburg on December 14, 1825. It is believed that the main active persons and leaders of the uprising were nobles that were parallel with the Guards officers. Having close contacts with army parts quartered in the city, they tried to attract them to their side so that they were not allowed to Trone Nikolai I. The main declared goal of negotiators was to destroy the tsarist dynasty, and the cancellation of serfdom. In fact, the revolution was led by secret societies, there is information that the English ambassador was the coordinator and this leader of the uprising. The real goal was to destroy Russia, and separating it into parts. And in 1917, the West managed to do this, then, and then in 1991 there was another successful attempt of the genocide of the Russian population

Well, now let's go back to our branches, that is, the Decembrists. In fact , decembrist uprising 1825. The year was the very first of well-organized anti-government actions in Russia. Historians believe that it was carried out exclusively from humane purposes to free the peasants from the shackles of slavery, as well as against the power of the autocrat. If in 1917, the slogan was "there is no war, everyone to throw the trenches and diverge through the houses", and also separately for the peasants promoted the idea of \u200b\u200bgiving land to property for free, and then it worked.
However, our Decembrists were, whether they were fools, or they managed them like puppets because of Cordon, but they had one - the "cancellation of serfdom". Who could it even be interested in the peasants themselves?

1825 uprising background

Under Alexandra I, English, and German spies have been actively worked for destabilizationthe situation in the country. A scrupulous work was carried out, the result of which would eventually be a limitation of the autocrat power.
For several years, a huge job was carried out, thousands of people were drawn into the orbit of this idea. However, when unexpectedly Alexander I died, then for conspirators it became a pleasant surprise. Immediately, contradictory instructions began to come from a misty Albion, and the gears of this huge pest conspiracy began to be gradually unwound.

However, as they say, hurry - people embarcate, here and our " zlodeev"From the first days of the conspiracy, everything went awry. The fact is that the king did not have children, and his elder brother Konstantin, has long refused the throne, he did not like power as such.
However, these circumstances did not seem to know official officials, because, how else to explain the fact that the population of the Russian Empire gave oath to the emperor Konstantina PavlovichAlthough he did not accept such powers. As a result, the situation has developed so that only Nikolai could become the heir.
This is such a confusion and confusion reigned at the time in all cities and weights of Russia.

Then, foreign curators of the Decembrists decide that it came that a glorious hour when you can destroy this barbaric country. They give orders to their puppets to the Decembristians, and they begin to act. For the uprising day was chosen December 14, 1825when the population had to swear to the loyalty to the new emperor Nikolay I.

What was the plan of the Decembrists?

The main actors in this bloody performance were:

Alexander Muravyov - the main conspirator and ideological inspiration of the Union;

Kondrati Ryleev;

Ivan Yakushin;

Sergey Trubetskaya;

Nikolai Kakhovsky;

Pavel Pestel;

Nikita Muravyov.

It is clear that these people were the screen of some secret societieswhich were extremely interested in the overthrow of power in the Russian Empire.

The Decembrists plan was to prevent the Senate and the Army of Russia in any way to swear to loyalty to Nikolai I.
The conspirators were planning to take the Winter Palace to the assault and take hostages to the royal family. This circumstance would extremely simplify the rebel to take the power in their hands, Sergei Tube was appointed to the head of the whole Shaik.

It is clear that after the coup, England, would like to impose democracy, and would arrange a total genocide, as many of us remember on the 90s of the last century. Although in fact they declared the creation instead of the empire, free republic. Well, and the royal family should have expelled from the country. Although it is worth noting that some, especially the steady Decembrists dreamed of lime all the royal race under the root, and destroy everyone who at least somehow consisted of relations with the royal dynasty.

Decembrist uprising of 1825, December 14

So, on December 14, early morning, St. Petersburg is the time and place where the performance was appointed. However, the rebels did not immediately go on the plan. The most important thing, Kakhovsky, who previously declared the possibility and desire to go to the Nicholas room, and killhis, suddenly refuses this idea.
This information caused a real shock from the real leaders of the uprising, the British. The next failure did not make himself wait a long time, Yakubovich, who had to capture the royal family, refuses to send troops to the assault on the winter.

However, as teenagers say, it was already a "brownie," since the flywheel of the uprising was gaining momentum. Decembrists, and their Western curators did not return from their plans. Therefore, a number of agitators were sent to the capital army barracks who persuaded the soldiers to enter the Senate Square and declare their indignation of events occurring in the country. This operation was performed quite successfully, and there were 2350 sailors and 800 soldiers on the square.

Unfortunately for the rebels, by 7 am, senators already swearNicholas, and when the rebels were already on the square, this procedure was completed.

When troops gathered on the square, a general came out to them Mikhail Miloradovich. He tried to persuade the soldiers to leave the square, and again break through the barracks. Seeing that the guilt begins to fluctuate, and can really disperse, the Kohovsky revolutionary, came to Miloradovich, and fired at him. It was already too, and to the rebel, sent horseman guardsmen.
Unfortunately, riotit became quite difficult to suppress, because several thousand civilians joined him at that time, there were many women and children among them.

However, in order to save their power, Nikolai had to give a heavy order, shoot on buntovshchikovshrapnel and cushion from guns. And only then, the Decembrists were forced to escape. So, closer to the night, of the same day, December 14, the revolution was suppressed, and on the entire length of the area, killed and dying.

Looking from the height of his years, we can conclude that the king gave the only rightthe order, because if the plans were able to the conspirators, Russia would have drowned in the blood, and the victims would have been calculated not thousands, but millions.

It is necessary to compare, then an old event with what happened in Ukraine maidan. Don't you think that the handwriting is very similar? And there, and there, the Westerners collected the crowd, caused the victims, only Yanukovych was a cloth, and did not give an order, which would eventually save tens of thousands, if not millions of Ukrainians, from the onset of democracy.

We must pay tribute to the king, for its decisive actions, in addition, on his side, there was a fact that the involvement of the masses in the coup was extremely small. Saucepiecesat that time, it was not enough. Most likely, the event can be considered a truly large adventure of Western special services and secret societies against the Russian authorities.

Decembrist revolt. Causes of defeat

It is impossible to understand what happened on December 14, 1825 in the Senate Square, if not to know what was conceived by the Decembrists, in what plan they stopped what was hoping to make.

The events overtook the Decembrists and forced them to perform before those deadlines that were identified. Everything has changed dramatically late in the fall of 1825.

In November 1825, he unexpectedly died away from St. Petersburg, in Taganrog, Emperor Alexander I. Son was not, and his brother Konstantin was the heir to the throne. But married to a simple nobility, a person not royal blood, Konstantin according to the rules of the Preconsession could not give the throne to his descendants and therefore he was moving away from the throne. The heir of Alexander I was to be the following brother, Nikolai - rude and cruel, hated in the army. Constantine's renunciation was held in secret - only the most narrow circle of members of the royal family knew about him. The renunciation did not receive the forces of the law, unlimited during the Life of the Emperor, so Konstantin continued to the heir to the throne; He reigned after Alexander I death, and on November 27, the population was shifted to Konstantin.

Formally, a new emperor appeared in Russia - Konstantin I. In the shops already put his portraits, they had time to even inhabit several new coins with his image. But Konstantin The throne did not take, at the same time did not want to formally renounce him as an emperor who was already brought.

The ambiguous and extremely tense position of the transaction was created. Nikolai, afraid of popular perturbation and waiting for the speeches of a secret society, which was already aware of the spies-in-laws, decided to finally declare himself with the emperor, and without waiting for the brother of the formal act of renunciation. The second oath was appointed, or, as they spoke in the troops, "renovyag", - this time Nicholas I. Razsyaga in St. Petersburg was scheduled for December 14.

The Decembrists still decided to make a decision to perform at the moment of changing emperors on the throne. This moment is now coming. At the same time, the Decembrists became known that they were committed, - the constituent of the Sherwood and Mayboards were already on the table at the emperor; A little more - and the wave of arrests will begin.

Members of secret society decided to perform.

Prior to that, the apartment was developed at Ryleyev's apartment. On December 14, on the day of recrymey, the revolutionary troops will be released on the command of the Mystery Society. The dictator of the uprising was chosen by the Guard Colonel Prince Sergei Trubetskaya. Forces, refusing to swear, should go to the Senate Square. Why exactly on the Senate? Because the Senate is here, here Senators on the morning of December 14 will swear to the new emperor. The power of weapons, if they do not want good, it is necessary to prevent senators to the oath, make them declare the government deployed and publish a revolutionary manifesto to the Russian people. This is one of the most important documents of the Decembrism, explaining the purpose of the uprising. Senate, thus, the will of the revolution was included in the action plan of the rebels.

In the revolutionary manifesto, the "destruction of the former government" and the establishment of a temporary revolutionary government was announced. Announced the liquidation of serfdom and on the equation of all citizens before the law; Freedom of printing, religion, classes, the introduction of the vowel jury, the introduction of universal military service was announced. All government officials had to give way to elected persons.

It was decided that as soon as the rebel troops block the Senate, in which the senators are preparing for the oath, the revolutionary delegation as part of the Ryleeva and Poll will enter the Senate premises and will present the requirement to the new emperor Nicholas I, declare the royal government to the Russian and publish a revolutionary manifest People. At the same time, the Guards Sea crew, Izmailovsky regiment and the equestrian-pioneer escadron had to move to the Winter Palace in the morning, capture him and arrest the royal family.

Then the Great Cathedral was convened - the Constituent Assembly. It should have taken a final decision on the form of the elimination of serfdom, the form of a state-owned device of Russia, to resolve the issue of land. If the Great Cathedral decides by a majority vote that Russia will be a republic, at the same time a decision was made about the fate of the royal family. Part of the Decembrists held the opinion that it was possible to expuls it abroad, the part was leaning toward the rearness. If the Grand Cathedral will come to the decision that Russia will be a constitutional monarchy, then the constitutional monarch was planned from the composition of the reign family.

The command of the troops during the seizure of the Winter Palace was instructed by the Decembrist Yakubovich.

It was also decided to capture the Petropavlovsk fortress - the main military pilot of tsarism in St. Petersburg, to turn her into the revolutionary citadel of the Decembrist uprising.

In addition, Ryleev asked the Decembrist Kakhovsky early in the morning of December 14 to penetrate the Winter Palace and, as it were, the independent terrorist act, kill Nicholas. He first agreed, but then, considering the situation, did not want to be a single terrorist, acting allegedly outside the plans of society, and early in the morning refused this order.

An hour after the refusal of Kakhovsky, Yakubovich arrived to Alexander Bestuzhev and refused to lead sailors and Izmailov to the Winter Palace. He was afraid that in the fight the sailors will kill Nicholas and his relatives and instead of the arrest of the royal family will be a kingdom. This Yakubovich did not want to take on himself and preferred to refuse. Thus, the adopted action plan was abruptly violated, and the situation was complicated. The conceived plan began to collapse even before dawn. But he was impossible to slow: the dawn was assumed.

On December 14, officers - members of secret society were still darkened in barracks and conducted agitation among the soldiers. Alexander Bestuzhev spoke before soldiers of the Moscow regiment. From the oath, the new king soldiers refused and decided to go to the Senate Square. The regimental commander of the Moscow Regiment Baron Frederix wanted to prevent the exit from the barracks of the rebel soldiers - and fell with a broken head under the strike of Schepina-Rostov officer's saber. With a fluttering regimental banner, taking combat cartridges and charging guns, the soldiers of the Moscow regiment (about 800 people) were the first to come to the Senate Square. At the head of these first in the history of Russia's revolutionary troops, the headquarters-captain of the Life Guard of the Dragunsky Regiment Alexander Bestuzhev was walking. Together with him, headed by the regiment was his brother, the headquarters-captain of the Life Guard of the Moscow Regiment Mikhail Bestuzhev and the headquarters-captain of the same regiment Dmitry Schepin-Rostovsky.

The regiment was built in combat order in the form of a kara (combat quadricle) near the monument to Peter I. was 11 am. The St. Petersburg Governor Miloradovich General Governor rolled up to the rebel, began to persuade the soldiers to disperse. The moment was very dangerous: the regiment was still alone, the other shelves were not yet suitable, the hero of 1812. Miloradovich was widely popular and knew how to speak with soldiers. The beginning of the uprising has just threatened a big danger. Miloradovich could strongly shake the soldiers and succeed. It was necessary for anything to interrupt his campaigning, remove it from the square. But, despite the demands of the Decembrists, Miloradovich did not drive away and continued the persuasion. Then the chief of staff of the rebels Decembrist Obolensky pin turned his horse, wounding the count in the thigh, and the bullet, at the same time, the generally broken by Kakhovsky, the generally wounded the general. The danger, hung over the uprising, was reflected.

The delegation is chosen to appeal to the Senate - Ryleev and Pushchin - I also went to Trubetskoy early in the morning, which I myself went to the Rye before that. It turned out that the Senate was already sworn, and the senators were reversible. It turned out that the rebel troops were going to an empty Senate. Thus, the first goal of the uprising was not achieved. It was a heavy failure. From the plan, another intended link was filmed. Now there was a seizure of the Winter Palace and Peter and Paul Fortress.

What exactly spoke fishing and the Pushchin in this last date with Trubetsky - it is unknown, but, obviously, they agreed on some new plan of action, and, then come to the square, they were sure that the Trubetskaya would now come there, to the square, And start command. Everything impatiently waited for Trubetsky.

But everything was not the dictator. Trubetskoy changed the uprising. On the square there was a situation that demanded decisive actions, and did not resolve the Trubetka on them. He sat, tormenting, in the office of the General Staff, went out, peeking out due to the corner, a lot of troops gathered on the square, hid again. Ryleev searched him everywhere, but could not find. Members of the secret society, who choose the Trubetsk dictator and trusted to him, could not understand the reasons for his absence and thought that he was detained some causes important for the uprising. The fragile noble revolutionary of Trubetsky was easily abandoned when an hour of decisive action came.

The non-appearance of the chosen dictator to the area to the troops in the uprising hours is an unprecedented case in the history of the revolutionary movement. The dictator betrayed this and the idea of \u200b\u200bthe uprising, and comrades in a secret society, and the troops that went for them. This non-appearance played a significant role in the defeat of the uprising.

The rebels have long waited. Several attacks taken by order of Nicholas Equestrian Guard on the kara of the rebels were repulsed with a raggy rifle fire. Barrifying chain isolated from the kara of the rebels, disarmed the royal police. The same was also engaged in the "black", which was on the square.

The housing of the construction workers, for which many firewoods were harvested for the construction of the St. Isaac's Cathedral. The village of the people called the "Isaac Village", from there and flew in the king and his retinue a lot of stones and flights.

We see that the troops were not the only alive force of the uprising on December 14: on the Senate Square on this day there was another participant in the events - huge crowds of the people.

The words of Herzen are well-known - "Decembrists in the Senate Square lacked the people." To understand these words should not be in the sense that there were no people at all on the square, "the people were, and the fact that the Decembrists failed to rely on the people, to make it an active force of the uprising.

Curious impression of a contemporary about how "empty" at that moment was in the other parts of St. Petersburg: "The more I left the Admiralty, the less meeting the people; It seemed that everyone was fled to the square, leaving their empty at home. " An eyewitness, whose name left the unknown, told: "The entire Petersburg glasses glasses, and the first Admiralty part contained 150 thousand people, familiar and unfamiliar, pleasures and enemies forgot their personalities and gathered in the circles, reasoned about the subject, hit their eyes. ".

The "commoner", "black bone" - artisans, workers, workshops, peasants who came to the bars in the capital were merchants, minor officials, students of secondary schools, cadet buildings, apprentices ... Two "rings" of the people were formed. The first consisted of those who came early, it was surrounded by the kara of the rebels. The second was formed from those who came later - their gendarmes were no longer allowed to the area to the rebel, and the people were crowded behind the royal troops surrounding the rebellious kara. From these later "later" and the second ring was formed, surrounding government troops. Noticing this, Nikolai, as seen from his diary, understood the danger of this environment. It threatened with large complications.

The main mood of this huge mass, which, according to the evidence of contemporaries, was calculated by tens of thousands of people, there was a sympathy of the rebel.

Nikolay doubted his success, "seeing that the case is becoming very important, and not foreseen what will end." He ordered to harvest the crews for members of the royal family with the intention of "to pay" them under the cover of the cavaloric chores in the royal village. Nikolai considered the Winter Palace an unreliable place and foresaw the possibility of strong expansion of the uprising in the capital. In the diary he wrote that "the fate would ours were more than doubtful." And later, Nikolai said Mikhail's brother Mikhail many times: "The most amazing thing in this story is what they were not shot with you then."

Under these conditions, Nicholas and the resort to the parcel for negotiations with the rebels of Metropolitan Seraphim and Kiev Metropolitan Evgenia. The thought of sending Metropolitans for negotiations with the rebels came to Nicholas in the head as a way to clarify the legality of the oath to him, and not Konstantin through spiritual persons authoritative in the affairs of the oath. It seemed to be better to know about the correctness of the oath, but not to Metropolitans? The decision to grax for this straw was strengthened by Nicholas anxious Westims: he was reported that the Life Grenadiers and the Guards Sea crew were published from the barracks for joining the rebels. If Metropolitans managed to persuade the rebels to disperse, then the new shelves who came to the aid of the rebel, would have already found the main rod of the rebellion, and they themselves could exhale themselves.

But in response to the speech of the Metropolitan about the legitimacy of the required oath and the horrors of the shedding of fraternal blood, "rebellious" soldiers began to shout to him from the ranks, according to the testimony of Dyakon Prokhor Ivanov: "What kind of Metropolitan you are, when two weeks you swear to two emperors ... do not believe you, Go away! .. "Suddenly the Metropolitans rushed to the left, hid in a break of the fence of St. Isaac's Cathedral, hired simple cabidors (while on the right, closer to the Neva, the palace carriage was waiting for them) and returned to the Winter Palace. Why did this sudden tale of clergy happen? Two new shelf approached the rebel. On the right, on the ice of the Neva, climbed, breaking through with weapons in his hands through the troops of the royal environment, the regiment of the Leib Grenador (about 1250 people). On the other hand, the rank of seafarers entered the area - almost in full force the Guards Sea crew - over 1,100 people, just 2350 people, i.e. Forces arrived a total of more than three times compared to the initial mass of the rebels of Moscow (about 800 people), and in general, the number of rebels increased four of them. All the rebel troops were with weapons and in combat cartridges. All were infantrymen. They did not have artillery.

But the moment was missed. The collection of all the rebel troops occurred after two more than an hour after the start of the uprising. An hour before the end of the uprising, the Decembrists chose a new "dictator" - Prince Obolensky, headquarters of the uprising. He tried to convene a military council three times, but it was too late: Nikolai managed to take the initiative into his hands. The environment of the rebels by government troops, more than four times superior to the correspondent on numbers, was already completed. According to the calculations of Gabaev, 9,000 infantry bayonets were collected against the 3,000 of the rebels, 3 thousand sabers of cavalry, while not counting the artillerymen (36 guns), not less than 12 thousand people. Because of the city, it was caused and stopped for the complaints as a reserve for another 7 thousand bayonets of infantry and 22 of the cavalry squadron, i.e. 3 thousand sabers; In other words, another 10 thousand people stood in the reserve.

A short winter day clone in the evening. It was already 3 hours in the afternoon, and it became noticeable to darken. Nikolay was afraid of the onset of darkness. In the dark, the people accumulated on the square would lead themselves more active. Most of all Nikolai was afraid, as he later recorded in his diary, so that the "excitement was not reported to Cherni."

Nikolai ordered the shoot of a booth.

The first volley of the cabinet was given above the soldiers' ranks - it was according to the "Cherni", which fell away the roof of the Senate and the neighboring houses. On the first volley card, the rebels were answered by a rifle fire, but then under the city of the floor of the rows trembled, they swapped - the flight began, the wounded and killed. The royal cannons shot along the crowd running along the English embankment and gallery. Crowds of the rebels soldiers rushed to Nevsky Loda to move to Vasilyevsky Island. Mikhail Bestuzhev tried on the ice of the Neva again to build soldiers in the battle order and go to the offensive. Forces built. But the nuclei hit the ice - ice split up, many tunted. The attempt of Bestumev failed.

By night, everything was over. The king and his clutches in every possible way understood the number of killed, they talked about 80 corpses, sometimes about hundred or two. But the number of victims was much more significant - the causation at the close distance mowed people. According to the document of the official of the Statistical Department of the Ministry of Justice S. N. Korsakov, we learn that on December 14, 1271 people were killed, of which "Cherni" - 903, juvenile - 19.

At this time, Decembrists gathered at Ryleyev's apartment. It was their last assembly. They agreed only on how to keep themselves at interrogations. Desperation of the participants did not have borders: the death of the uprising was obvious.

Summarizing, it should be noted that the Decembrists not only conceived, but also organized the first performance against autocracy with arms in hand. They committed it openly, on the square of the Russian capital, in the face of the gathered people. They acted in the name of the crushing of the susceptible feudal system and the movement of their homeland forward along the path of social development. The ideas, in the name of which they rebelled, - the overthrow of the autocracy and elimination of serfdom and its residues, turned out to be life and for many years they collected under the sign of the revolutionary struggle.

Decembrist organizations.

In 1816, in St. Petersburg, young officers-noblemen created the first Russian secret revolutionary society called the Savings Union. After a few years, two secret revolutionary societies were formed - "Northern" with the center in St. Petersburg and "South" in Ukraine, where many officers served, members of the secret society.

Nikita Muravyev, Sergei Trubetskaya played in Northern Society, and later the well-known poet of Kondrati Ryleev, which blinked around his fighting Republicans. In the southern society, the head of the head was Colonel Pavel Pestel.

The first Russian revolutionaries wanted to raise a revolutionary uprising in the troops, to overthrow the autocracy, to cancel the serfdom and to promote the new state law - the revolutionary constitution.

It was decided to perform at the time of the change of the emperor on the throne. After the death of Alexander I, there was an environment - a government crisis, profitable for revolutionaries.

Decembrists carefully developed their plans. First of all, they decided to prevent the troops and Senate to bring the oath to the new king. Then they wanted to enter the Senate and demand to publish a nationwide manifesto, which will be announced by the abolition of serfdom and the 25-year period of the soldiers' service, on the declaration of freedom of speech, meetings, religion and about the convening of the Constituent Assembly of the deputies chosen by the people.

The deputies were to decide which system to establish in the country, and approve its basic law - the Constitution. If the Senate did not agree to disclose the revolutionary manifesto, it was decided to force him to be strength. The rebels troops were supposed to take the Winter Palace and Petropavlovsk Fortress, the royal family should have arrested. If necessary, it was assumed to kill the king. In the meantime, the Decembrists thought so, they walked out from all sides to St. Petersburg favorites according to the provinces of deputies. Collapse autocracy and serfdom. A new life of the liberated people will begin.

A dictator is elected to the uprising - an old member of society, Guard Colonel Prince Sergey Trubetskaya, one of his founders.

But not all intended happened. I managed to raise the rebellion not all the outlined shelves. Among the rebels did not turn out to be artillery parts. The dictator Trubetskoy changed the uprising and did not appear on the square. The rebel troops lined up before the empty building of the Senate - the senators have already brought the oath and dispersed. To attract to the uprising the people of the Decembrists were afraid: he could go further than they counted. The main thing is that the Decembrists were far from the people. They were afraid of the rebel people and the "horrors of the French revolution." And then - the Tsarskaya Cardman put an end to the first Russian revolutionary uprising. The purpose of this work is to analyze the draft constitutionals of P. I. Pestist and N. M. Muravyov.

"Russian Pravda P. I. Pestel" Pestel was a supporter of the dictatorship of the temporary Supreme Board during the revolution, considered a dictatorship with a decisive condition for success. Dictatorship, according to his assumptions, was to last 10-15 years. His constitutional project "RUSSIAN TRUTH" was a permanent temporary supreme board, reflected by the dictatorial power. The full name of this project reads: "Russian truth, or a protected state diploma of the great people of the Russian, serving the covenant to improve the state-owned device of Russia and containing the right perhaps for both the people and temporary supreme board." The work of Pestel over the constitutional project lasted almost ten years. Its constitutional project showed that he was aware of the movement of the political thought of his time.

The constitutional project of Pestel not only was repeatedly discussed at meetings and congresses of the leaders of the South Society, but also the work on the text of the project was attracted by separate members of society. It was not only about style in the narrow sense of the word, but also about the content; Amendments and other Decembrists contributed. At the Kiev Congress of 1823, the main provisions of the "Russian truth" were discussed and unanimously adopted by the leaders of the South Society. Thus, the Russian True, representing the fruit of a huge personal work of Pestel, at the same time is a ideological monument of a whole revolutionary organization discussed and adopted unanimously. This is the largest monument of the revolutionary past of the first quarter of the XIX century.

The revolution was impossible, in his opinion, successfully commit without a ready-made constitutional project.

Especially carefully developed a pedestracy thought about the temporary Supreme Revolutionary Board, whose dictatorship, according to Pestel, was a stronghold from the "horrors of the invalid" and "folk interdudes", which he wanted to avoid.

"Russian True," - wrote Pestel in his constitutional project, - there is no commission or instructed by the Supreme Board for its actions, and at the same time declaration of the people, from which he is released will and what can be expected again ... it contains duties, At the Supreme Board assigned, and serves for Russia with a vuality that the temporary board is the only good of the Fatherland will act. The disadvantage in such a diploma plunged many states into terrible disasters and civil code, because in these Government could always act in their arbitrariness, according to personal passions and private species, without having a clear and complete instruction, which would have been able to be guided, and that people Meanwhile, he never knew that they were taken for him, he never saw clearly, to what purpose the actions of the government are striving for ... "In the Russian truth, 10 chapters were planned: the first chapter - about the borders of the state; the second - about various tribes, Russian the state of inhabiting; the third - about the states of the state; the fourth - "On the people in relation to the political or public state prepared for him"; fifth - "about the people in relation to the civil or private condition prepared for him"; sixth - about the device and education of the Supreme authorities; seventh - on the device and the formation of local authorities; the eighth - about the "security device" in the state; ninth - about the government in relation to the welfare device in the state; Tenth - Association for the preparation of the State Code of Laws. In addition, in the "Russian truth" there was an introduction, which was talking about the basic concepts of the Constitution and a brief conclusion containing the "main definitions and decisions, Russian's true definitions".

According to the testimony, only two heads and most of the third, the fourth and fifth chapters were written and finally separated, and the last five chapters were not written at all, the material to them remained only in the form of draft preparatory passages. Therefore, it is necessary to attract the added material in order to compile an idea of \u200b\u200bthe constitutional project of Pestel as a whole: the testimony of "Russian truth", these by Pestel and other members of the secret society on the investigation, as well as a summary of the main "Russian truth", dictated by the Pestel Dekabrist Bestuzhev -Rumina.

First of all, we analyze the question of how I was allowed in the Pestracy project the question of serfdom, and then proceed to the question of the destruction of autocracy. These are two main questions of the political ideology of the Decembrists. Pestel extremely and highly appreciated the personal freedom of man, the future of Russia, according to a saddler, is society, first of all personally free people. "Personal freedom," the "Russian truth" says, "there is the first and most important right of every citizen and the sacred duty of each government. It is founded to all the construction of a state building, and there is neither tranquility or goodness."

The liberation of peasants without land, that is, providing them with only personal freedom, Pestel considered completely unacceptable. He believed, for example, that the liberation of peasants in the Baltic States, in which they received land, there are only "imaginary" liberation.

Pestel stood for the liberation of peasants with the ground. His agrarian project was developed in detail in "Russian truth" and is of considerable interest.

In his agrarian project, Pestel boldly united two contradictory principles: on the one hand, he recognized the right thing that "the land is the property of the whole human race," and not private individuals and therefore cannot be private property, for "a person can only live on Earth and Only from the Earth food to receive ", therefore, the Earth is the common heritage of the entire human race. But, on the other hand, he recognized that the "works of the essence of the sources of ownership" and the one who has supported the land and processed, has the right to own land based on private ownership, especially since for the prosperity of the bakery "you need a lot of costs", and their It will agreed to make only the one that will be "in the suberity of his property will be". Recognizing the correct both contradictory provisions, Pestel based on his agrarian project the requirement of land separation in half and recognition of each of these principles only in one of the half of the separated land.

All the processed land in every parish "so was supposed to call the most minor administrative division of the future revolutionary state" on a label project is divided into two parts: the first part is public property, it can not be sold, or buy, it goes to the community section between those who want to engage in agriculture, and is intended for the production of "necessary product"; The second part of the Earth is private property, it can be sold and buying, it is intended for the production of "abundance". Part of the community, intended for the production of the necessary produced to share between the volost communities.

Every citizen of the future republic must necessarily be assigned to one of the volosts and has the right at any time free of charge of the land owed to him and process it. This provision had to, according to Pestel, guarantee the citizens of the future republic from a beggar, hunger, pauperism. "Every Russian will be completely in need and confident that in his parish always a block of land can find that he will deliver food and in which it is soaked in this will receive not from mercy of the closest and not staying in their dependencies, but from work, koi will attach For the processing of the Earth, he most belong to Jaco a member of a volost society on par with other citizens. Wherever he wanted, where he was looking for, but still in mind it will be that if the success of the efforts will change, then in the volost of their own His family, always reflector and urgent bread can find. " Volost land - community land. The peasant or in general, any citizen in the state, who received land put on, owns them in a community right, can neither give it nor sell or lay it.

Decembrists, Russian revolutionaries, raised in December 1825 uprising against autocracy and serfdom (the name was received by a month of the uprising). The Decembrists were noble revolutionaries, their class limitations imposed a press on the movement, which was antipodeal according to slogans and is associated with the pivation of the prerequisites of the bourgeois revolution in Russia. The process of decomposition of the feudal-serfral system, which clearly appeared already in the 2nd half of the 18th century. And intensified at the beginning of the 19th century, was the base on which this movement grew. The weakness of the Russian bourgeoisie contributed to the fact that the revolutionary nobles became the "primary freedoms" in Russia. Patriotic War 1812, whose participants turned out to be almost all the founders and many active members of the future of the Decembrists, subsequent foreign hikes 1813-14 were for them to a certain degree of political school.

Decembrists - Representatives of the left wing of the nobility were the first to openly oppose the autocracy and serfdom for conducting bourgeois-democratic transformations.

The origins of the ideology of the Decembrism:

    humanistic ideas of French enlighteners and Russian liberal modes of the late XVIII century;

    patriotic rise and growth of national self-consciousness after the war of 1812 and foreign trips 1813 - 1814;

    disappointment in the internal political course of Alexander I, which cooked liberal transformations.

The first pre-kibrist organizations originated in the Wednesday of Guards officers in 1814 - 1815.

In 1816 - 1818. The secret society "Union of salvation" was operating, which united about 30 people and headed by A.N. Muravyov. In 1818, on the basis of this society, the "Union of Benencies" originated, which was more consistent and united about 200 people. At the meetings were discussed issues of elimination of serfdom and autocracy, the introduction of the Constitution and the Representative Board. In 1821, due to the disagreements and persecution of the authorities, the "Union of Benencies" was dissolved. On his basis, "South Society" appeared in Ukraine, headed by P.I. Pestel and Northern Society in St. Petersburg, headed by N.M. Muravyov (later, the first role was put forward here by K.F. Ryleev).

The program document "South Society" was the "Russian truth" of Pestel, according to which the elimination of monarchy in Russia and the establishment of the republic with a unicameral parliament ("People's Eve") was assumed. Executive power - "Holding Duma" from 5 members, each of which would be president during the year. There was a complete abolition of serfdom, the introduction of democratic freedoms and the provision of equal election law for all men.

The program "Northern Society" ("Constitution" N.M. Muravyova) was more moderate. Russia was supposed to become a constitutional monarchy, and the emperor - the head of the executive. Legislative authorities belonged to the two-challenged parliament - "People's Eve". The fortress law and the estate system were completely eliminated, civil liberties were introduced and equality of all before the law. At the same time, the electoral right was limited to property valuable and landlord landfill was fully maintained.

Both societies negotiated the coordination of their actions and planned to carry out their goals by military coup and the kingubius, which was planned for the summer of 1826. These plans were confused by the unexpected death of Alexander I in Taganrog on November 19, 1825. His brother Konstantin Pavlovich was considered secretly refused From the throne back in 1822, when it became aware of this, it was appointed renoval to the new emperor Nikolai I. The Decembrists decided to take advantage of the situation of transactions. It was decided to bring troops to the Senate Square in St. Petersburg and to force the Senate, the Synod and the State Council did not swear to Nicholas, but to accept the "manifesto to the Russian people", which set forth the requirements of conspirators.

On the morning of December 14, 1825, the troops were faithful to the Decembrists in a combat at Square (only about 3 thousand soldiers and 30 officers). But they acted indecisive, because It turned out that the highest officials were already sworn Nicholas, besides, appointed by the military leader of the Uprising S.P. Trubetka did not appear on the square. Against the rebels were tightened by the rules of the Russian troops (12 thousand people and 4 guns). Attempts to persuade conspirators to disperse were not crowned with success, so the order was given to open fire for defeat. The uprising was suppressed. Also, the uprising of the Chernihiv regiment was completed on December 29, 1825 in Ukraine, because The leaders of the "South Society" were arrested on the eve.

In total, 579 people were attracted to the investigation in the Decembrists case, of which 289 were found guilty. Over 100 people were expelled to Siberia, the rest were shown and sent to fight in the Caucasus, 5 people (P.I. Pestel, S.I. Muravyev-Apostle, M.P. Bestuzhev-Ryumin, K.F. Ryleev and PG . Kakhovsky) were executed.

Causes of the defeat of the uprising:

    narrow social base of the uprising;

    bid on conspiracy and military coup;

    insufficient conspiracy and passive tactic at the time of the uprising;

    the unpreparedness of most of society to serious transformations.

The value of the Decembrists' uprising is that it was the first attempt to change the existing system. Their performance showed the presence of deep contradictions and the need for reforms.

After the suppression of the Decembrist uprising in the country, a repressive-police regime was established, any dissent was suppressed.

Looking to the West, where the serfdom has long been canceled and introduced the Constitution, it became clear that the conditions in which the fortress peasants live are just terrible. Their owners mocked them, regularly increasing luggage and barbecine, and in disobedience refer to Siberia, watched by the support of the king himself.

After the war, the industry was restored rather quickly, but she could not compete with the industry of European countries, since in Russia it was based on manufactory, and those in turn on manual work. To establish production had to attract a huge number of peasants. The landowners were selected from their land without constrained and attached to their own, made the amounts of fells incredibly high. The peasants refused to pay rugs and as a result of this, anti-refresh movements began.

Military officers who were abroad were frankly afraid that a riot would begin soon in the folk masses, and he would cover the whole country. Many have become disappointed in the state activity of the emperor, as it was a supporter of repressive methods of impact on the fortress.

Decembrists believed and dreamed of democracy and freedom of speech. The main example for the imitation was France, where a revolution was recently happened. Also, the Decembrists insisted on the distribution of power on the branches, and not concentrating it in some hands.

The uprising of the Decembrists on the Senate Square in St. Petersburg.

In 1825, the Decembrists reached the Senate Square, it happened on December 14. The Governor-General Miloradovich tried to calm the Decembrists, but one of the participants in the uprising of him wounded. In the course, the Decembrists comes to news that army employees have long sworn to the loyalty to the new emperor, and they have no choice, they will have to pass the weapons and suffer defeat. Decembrists make a decision to die, hoping after all the fact that reinforcement is somewhere nearby. At this time, the struggle between them and royal artillery is tied. Guns in the focus shot rebels. Some soldiers rushed outfit.

After the repression of the uprising of all participants was waiting for the court. Three dozen officers were sentenced to the death penalty, 17 people were expelled to Siberia to Eternal Cathedral. The rest were resolved to soldiers or sent to the boat for a certain period.

The consequences and results of the Decembrist uprising.

The historical meaning of the Decembrist uprising is incommensurable high. The uprising of the Decembrists was the first association against the royal power. Thanks to him, the unshakable royal regime was still shaken, it contributed to the future development of the opposition in Russia.

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