High resolution satellite map of Karelia. Karelia map

Landscaping and planning 25.09.2019
Landscaping and planning

Satellite map of Karelia

Satellite map of Karelia. You can view the satellite map of Karelia in the following modes: map of Karelia with the names of objects, satellite map of Karelia, geographic map of Karelia.

Karelia- a republic that is part of Russia and the Northern Economic Region. One of the regions of the country that borders on Finland. Karelia has a long history that dates back to the 9th century, when this territory was part of Kievan Rus.

The climate of Karelia is transitional - from continental to maritime due to the strong influence of the cold masses of the Atlantic and the Arctic. average temperature in winter - -13С, in summer - +13. Karelia is also characterized by frequent rains, cloudiness and high humidity.

The main attraction of the republic is its nature. Approximately 5% of the entire territory Karelia- it's not just great natural objects, these are territories under the protection of the state - nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and national parks. In total, there are more than 100 natural monuments and almost 50 reserves in the republic. The most famous National parks Karelia - Vodlozersky, Kalevalsky, Paanayarvi, Kostomukshsky and Kivach.

One of the most unique natural objects of this region is the plain waterfall Kivach, 100 km from the city of Petrozavodsk. This is the largest waterfall of its kind in Europe. www.site

There are also so-called "three pearls" in Karelia, which are considered the cultural heritage of not only the republic, but of the whole of Russia as a whole. These are three Karelian islands - Solovki, Valaam and Kizhi.

The Republic of Karelia is located in the northern region of Europe and the northwestern region of Russia. The White Sea washes it from the northeast, and the western border is simultaneously the border of the Russian Federation and Finland with the European Union. The nearest eastern neighbor of Karelia is the Arkhangelsk region, Vologda and Leningrad regions border on it in the south, and Murmansk region in the north. The largest cities are Petrozavodsk, Kondopoga, Segezha, Kostomuksha and Sortavala.

Satellite map of the Republic of Karelia is a satellite photo of the Republic of Karelia. Use + and - in the left corner of the map to zoom in or out on the satellite image of the Republic of Karelia. Use the arrows to move around the map.

Republic of Karelia. satellite view

You can view both in schematic map mode and satellite view by switching the view modes on the right side of the map.

Strikingly beautiful landscapes, thousands of rivers and picturesque lakes, huge forests - all this makes Karelia very attractive for travelers. The capital and administrative center of the Karelian Republic is Petrozavodsk, and Karelia itself is part of the Russian Federation as an autonomous subject.

Petrozavodsk. Satellite map online

The main territory, located on the Baltic Crystalline Shield of Karelia, is occupied by hilly plains, turning into the West Karelian Upland with the highest point Nuorunen. Once its relief was severely deformed by a retreating glacier, resulting in numerous moraine ridges, lake basins and kames.
The climate here is mild, with a transition from maritime to temperate continental, the weather often changes. Winters here are snowy, but not too severe, and summers are short-term wet and warm, but without drought. There are a lot of fallouts. The bowels of the Republic of Karelia contain many minerals: titanium, molybdenum, iron ore, mica, marble, asbestos, diamonds and other valuable rocks.
The water resources of the Republic of Karelia are practically inexhaustible - about 27 thousand rivers flow on its territory, many of which are chained in stone banks. The number of lakes reaches 60 thousand, and the swamps are countless. Major rivers: Onda, Kem, Vodla, Unga, Kovda, Shuya, Chirka-Kem and Suna river with waterfalls. In Karelia there are two of the largest lakes in Europe - Onega and Ladoga, there are also lakes Nyuk, Segozero, Pyaozero, Syamozero and others with no less original names.
Some of the species of animals and birds of Karelia are listed in the Red Book. In addition, there are four reserves in the republic, two of which have the status of museum reserves, and three national parks. The natural attractions of this region can be seen as part of scientific tourism - along specially designed eco-routes.

Karelia is a European republic. To the west of it is already abroad, and the eastern part is adjacent to the Arkhangelsk region. To the south are Leningradskaya and Vologda region, and to the north - Murmansk. All this is clearly visible on the online map with the borders of the republic.

The well-known West Karelian Upland turns into a plain with hills. This is the main relief of the republic. Although the glaciers greatly changed the relief of Karelia, they added basins, ridges, and kams to it. There are many lakes and rivers in the region. Availability White Sea makes the climate changeable: sometimes maritime, sometimes temperate continental. But basically climatic conditions soft, high humidity. Summers are usually cool and short:

  • The average temperature in summer is +20 degrees;
  • In winter - up to -30.

The republic is rightfully considered the main mining region of the country. In addition to marble, here I am looking for iron ore, quartz, mica. The region is rich in gold, silver, diamonds. Uranium ore is being developed.

Districts and cities, population density

The whole of Karelia occupies more than 180 thousand square kilometers. The satellite map allows you to analyze the density of populated areas. With a total population of more than 600 thousand people, the population density is different:

  • South - 8, 7 people per square meter;
  • Center - 2 people;
  • North - 1.5 people.

The largest number of people is located in cities, about 80%.

The main city of the republic is Petrozavodsk, where the density is about 10 people per square meter.

Transport, including maritime

Logistics is represented by intracity, intercity and international transport.

Within the area, residents move:

  • Buses (more than 20 routes);
  • minibuses;
  • Trolleybuses (7 routes);
  • Taxi;
  • On private vehicles.

Finland can be reached by:

  • bus;
  • Taxi;
  • By air.

Highways connect Karelia with Murmansk, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tver, Sochi, Krasnodar, Novorossiysk, Syktyvkar, etc. The length of the routes is more than 12,500 kilometers. These routes are clearly visible on the map of Russia.

The republican department has more than 4 thousand kilometers of roads.

main highway railway transport is St. Petersburg - Murmansk, on which there are trains of the Oktyabrskaya and Northern Railways.

Karelia is a maritime region, shipping is developed here. The ships carry out routes along the White Sea coast, along the Svir and Neva rivers; Ladoga, Onega lakes, the White Sea-Baltic Canal.

Medvezhyegorsk is the location of the Federal government agency"White Sea-Onega State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping", which coordinates the movement of cargo and passenger ships.

The satellite map of the region allows you to track all the transport and logistics hubs of the republic.

Map even with small settlements

Karelia consists of 18 municipalities, 2 of which are urban districts:

  • Petrozavodsk;
  • Kostomuksha.

There are 776 rural settlements, including 86 rural settlements, 15% - with a small population. A map with regions of the region allows you to see the smallest regions and sparsely populated areas. So, the smallest is the Kalevalsky district, in which a little more than 6 thousand people live.

Karelia is a republic within the Russian Federation, located in the northwestern part of Russia. On the satellite map Karelia shows that the region borders on Finland, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk and Leningrad regions. In the northeast it is washed by the White Sea. The area of ​​the region is 180,520 sq. km.

The plain territory of Karelia was strongly changed by the glacier. Today, the region has numerous deposits, including diamond and iron ore. Karelia is often called the "country of a thousand lakes": there are 6,000 lakes and 27,000 rivers. The main state forest reserve is also located here.

The largest cities of Karelia are Petrozavodsk (capital), Kondopoga, Segezha, Kostomuksha and Sortavala. The economy of the region is based on woodworking and paper industry, metallurgy, mining and mechanical engineering.

Marble Canyon in Karelia

Brief history of Karelia

In the 7th-9th centuries, Korela tribes lived on the territory of Karelia. V XVI-XVII centuries Korelsky district was formed here, in 1617 it was transformed into the Karelian duchy. In 1784, the Olonets vicegerency was created. In 1920, the Karelian labor commune was founded, in 1923-36 - the AKSSR. In 1940-56 there was the Karelian-Finnish SSR, later transformed into the Karelian ASSR. In 1991 Karelia became a republic.

Kizhi Museum-Reserve in Karelia

Sights of Karelia

On the detailed map Karelia from the satellite you can see the main natural attractions: Ladoga and Lake Onega(the largest in Europe), the Kivach and Kostomukshsky reserves, the Paanajärvi, Vodlozersky and Kalevalsky national parks.

In Karelia, it is recommended to visit the museum-reserves Kizhi and Valaam, the sanatorium "Marcial Waters", the Ruskeala waterfalls and the Ruskeala marble quarry, the Sheltozero Veps ethnographic museum and the National Museum of Karelia.

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