Sweet croutons of white bread with egg and milk recipe with photo step by step. Croutons from the baton with egg and milk sweet recipe

Landscape design and layout 18.10.2019
Landscape design and layout

A simple recipe for the crouton from the baton will help, when it is necessary to quickly and deliciously feed family members or guests. The finished product is perfect for breakfast or baby punch. In the quality of the snack at work, you can use roasted pieces with cheese and sausage, and sweets of sweet loaves with jam and nutmegs can enjoy fans.

Grops from the baton with egg and milk

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 2 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 216 kcal / 100
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: European.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

Prepare croutons from the baton with milk and egg simply, and there is delicious. The recipe can be used for morning tea drinking or snack during a lunch break.


  • milk 2.5% - 200 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l;
  • egg chicken - 1 pc.;
  • razing Baton - 150 g;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Yolk with a squirrel to beat the wedge or fork, add salt.
  2. Pour the resulting milk product, mix.
  3. In the resulting mixture to impregnate bread slice.
  4. Put the loaf on a hot frying pan, lubricated with oil.
  5. Fry toast to ruddy crust on both sides.

Sweet croutons

  • Time: 30 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 3 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 200 kcal / 100 g
  • Purpose: for afternoon.
  • Cuisine: world.
  • Difficulty: average.

Sweet croutons from the baton are suitable for children for afternoon and breakfast.

Baking in the oven will reduce the calorie content of the finished dish, which is important for supporters of diet food. To enhance taste, you can add cinnamon, vanilla.


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry Baton - 6 slices;
  • butter creamy - 20 g;
  • sugar - 40 g.

Cooking method:

  1. In deep containers, beat the egg with sugar to the complete dissolution of grains.
  2. Add milk room temperature.
  3. Lubricate the baking sheet with oil.
  4. Share the balls pre-dipped in a sweet mixture.
  5. Put a baking sheet with future croutons for 20-25 minutes in the oven, heated to 200 ° C.

With sausage and cheese

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 5 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 231 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

The recipe for the crouton from the baton with sausage and cheese is characterized by ease of execution. Sandwiches are obtained satisfied, they can be used for a picnic or snack.


  • sausage boiled - 300 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • solid cheese - 200 g;
  • baton - 250 g;
  • sunflower oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk - 300 ml;
  • greens, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the bread product with slices with a thickness of at least 2 cm.
  2. Beat eggs with spices, milk.
  3. Plug bread pieces into the mixture, fry one side on a hot frying pan about 1-1.5 minutes.
  4. Cut the sausage with wide stripes, grate cheese on a large grater.
  5. To put the sausage on the unjitted side of the bread, then cheese. To cover the pan with a lid, turn off the fire.
  6. After 2-3 minutes, put ready-made croutons on a plate, decorate finely chopped dill.

With jam and nutmeg

  • Time: 15 minutes.
  • Number of portions: 4 persons.
  • Calorie dishes: 269 kcal / 100
  • Purpose: for dessert.
  • Kitchen: French.
  • Difficulty: Easy.

Fry toasts with jam will like both children and adults. A nutmeg gives a dish refined taste. Adding cinnamon makes a ready-made dish useful.


  • batone slices - 8 pcs.;
  • jam apricot - 100 g;
  • creamy oil - 80 g;
  • milk - 60 g;
  • sugar powder - 125 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • a nutmeg, cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar powder, squirrels, yolks.
  2. Add a nutmeg, dairy product, cinnamon.
  3. Mix the mixture thoroughly.
  4. Melt oil in a frying pan.
  5. Slices of bread to dip in the mixture, put on a hot frying pan.
  6. Fry both sides of the breadheads.
  7. On the warm pieces to put a little jam, smear it with a knife throughout the area of \u200b\u200bbread.


Recipes for cooking sweet croutons of their white bread.

Now in stores a huge amount of delicious confectionery products, and at an affordable price. Many of us almost forgotten the taste of homemade cookies and tubes. And once the joy for children was fried sweet bread in the pan. After all, in deficit times it was difficult to find chopsticks or cookies.

There is a lot of crouton recipes in a frying pan. This option is considered to be Scandinavian. It is from those edges "Kushanye came to us. You can prepare breakfast just on milk or with the addition of eggs. So dessert is obtained by the most delicious and juicy.


  • 210 ml High fatty milk
  • Half of a worn baton
  • A little sugar
  • Butter


  • Everything is simple enough. Need to cut yesterday's bunch with thin slices
  • The ideal is 1,5 cm thick. So, a slice will be able to soak well with liquid
  • Next, pour milk into the bowl and warm it in the microwave
  • Pass sugar and averaged the saccharine dissolution
  • After that, on a hot pan, disappel the oil and wait for it when it is cubized
  • After that, plunge the pieces into the milk and lay out slices into the oil
  • Keep on each side of 3-5 minutes

This breakfast is more delicious, as an egg is present in the recipe. It makes the taste of bread more gentle and saturated.


  • 2 raw eggs
  • 150 ml of milk
  • 50 g of sugar sand
  • Half Baton
  • Butter


  • Cut a worn white bread or a loaf of slices, 1.5 cm thick
  • After that, the eggs with a plug beat a little, you do not need to seek foam
  • Enough so that yolks and protein become indistinguishable in color
  • After that, the milk is poured, and the mixture will sweeten
  • Preheat frying pan to high temperature and throw some oil
  • Now every bread slice is soaked in substances 1-2 minutes on each side
  • After that, lay out pieces of bread in the maslice and fry until goldenness

There is a lot of recipes for cooking sweet breakfast from bread without milk. The most popular are breakfast with condensed milk and wine.

With wine

Very unusual and unusual recipe for our locality.


  • 250 g Hlebba
  • 20 g of powdered sugar
  • 110 ml of red wine
  • Cinnamon, Vanilla
  • 2 protein
  • Butter


  • Initially, it is necessary to cut the crust from a worm baton
  • After that, the ball is cut with thin slices, sizes 2 by 3 cm
  • In a small but deep bowl, stir wine with powdered and cinnamon
  • Now in another opinion, turn the proteins into a fairly homogeneous mass.
  • There is no need to beat in the foam. Fair slices in a wine substance and protein foam
  • Lay out the bread strips in the hot oil and fry to the ruddy kokka

With condensed milk

A sufficiently unusual version of the sweet breakfast. It is preparing on condensed milk.


  • 150 ml of condenbies
  • 50 ml of boiled water
  • 300 g Hlebba
  • Butter
  • 3 eggs


  • Cut the remnants of yesterday's baton with thick slices
  • In the deep People, mix the condensed milk with boiled water and eggs
  • Now split the maslice, and when it starts to "shoot", lay out slices of bread
  • They must be pre-filled into the dairy mixture and fry until goldenness

Options for such breakfast is also plenty. You can prepare bread with cheese or vanilla. Crown in crisp crust.


  • 140 ml of milk
  • 2 raw eggs
  • 300 g Baton
  • Sugar
  • 100 g of solid cheese
  • Butter


  • Cut the remains of yesterday's baton or bread with small cubes of the same size.
  • After that, in the Avudine, turn eggs with milk and sugar into a homogeneous substance
  • Separately turn the solid cheese into the crumb. To do this, use a grater or blender
  • Heat oil in a pan. Cubes loose in the dairy mixture and crawl in a cheese crumb
  • Fry cubes to ruddy crust

As you can see, a delicious breakfast can be prepared from bread and milk. Please toddlers with a recipe from your childhood.

Video: Delicious Bread Breakfast

The croutons with the egg and milk are preparing less than in 5 minutes, while become excellent breakfast, dessert or addition to any first and second dishes. Many love to use them instead of ordinary bread, others, with the help of more interesting recipes, turn ordinary slices of the baton to an exquisite snack. At the same time, sweet croutons can always be supplemented with jam or jam, and salty - any kind of self-preparation sauce. Also with them are wonderful sandwiches with any products.

For croutons, any types of bread, baguans, baguettes, buns, etc., are used. It all depends solely on the preferences of culinary. The taste from this may change dramatically, so it is better to try all the ways to cook this dish to choose your favorite option.

Before making croutons, bread slices are well soaked in milk, and also failed with whipped eggs. In Clar, you can add flour, salt or sugar, any spices to taste, garlic, greens, etc. During the roasting, croutons often sprinkle with grated cheese, at the end of the process you can also add vegetables, olives, mushrooms, meat ingredients. At the same time, if the composition of the dish is quite rich, it is better to take advantage of non-frying pan, but an oven that all products perfectly penetrate.

You can serve hot or cold to the croutine table, they remain delicious and on the second, and on the third day after cooking. The main thing is to store them under the lid or paper napkins. To slices of bread do not dreamed and not worried.

These croutons are perfectly suitable as a delicious snack for a beer party. At the same time, cooking will take just a few minutes. So you can easily prepare this dish in any required quantity. You can leave the baton pieces in general, but small squares or straw will be much more convenient to eat, and they look more attractive. Together with salt and pepper, you can add any seasonings at your discretion, such as dried greenery or curry.


  • 6 pieces of baton;
  • 3 garlic slices;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1/3 cup of milk;
  • 100 g of solid cheese;
  • Salt pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the baton with a crust, and cut into the fleet with squares.
  2. Beat the egg in the bowl, add milk, salt and pepper to taste.
  3. Skip the garlic through the press and pour out to the other ingredients.
  4. Mix the contents of the bowl, lay out the pieces of the baton.
  5. Put the Baton on a lubricated oil bastard.
  6. Grate the cheese on the grater and evenly sprinkle the croutons to them.
  7. Preheat oven to 150 degrees and prepare a dish of 10 minutes.

Interesting from the network

The easiest and fast option how to fry croutons with an egg and milk. It is possible to make a delicious, though modest, dessert to tea for 5 minutes in the morning. Instead of the baton, a sweet bun is perfect for this dish. Finished croutons can be used as a basis for sweet sandwiches, watering them with a jam, condensed milk, melted chocolate, etc. Before cooking crops, they need to soak in an egg-milk mixture about 3 minutes.


  • 150 g of baton;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 cup of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. l. butter;
  • Powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the baton with slices of medium thickness.
  2. In a bowl, beat with sugar eggs to homogeneity.
  3. Add milk to the eggs and lay out each piece of baton to the resulting mixture.
  4. Heat the frying pan with butter well, roasting the croutons on both sides to the golden color.
  5. Finished croutons sprinkle with powdered sugar and file to the table.

Now you know how to cook croutons with an egg and milk on a recipe with a photo. Bon Appetit!

Crowns with milk and eggs are a universal dish that can be a supplement to the main treat or a full-fledged snack. At the same time, it is enough just to change a couple of ingredients in the recipe so that it turns into a sweet dessert, perfectly complementing any tea party. Knowledge, how to cook croutons will help to quickly feed households, as well as use even a little burned bread for delicious delicious. The following tips will help in the cooking process:
  • For delicious croutons, choose a little dried bread;
  • In the ingredients, the Baton is specified, but it can be easily replaced by any other bakery products, without making any adjustments to recipes;
  • Before frying the croutons, heat the frying pan with vegetable oil. At the same time, try to be not very much, otherwise the croutons will turn out too fat;
  • To get rid of excess fat, lay out croutons on a paper napkin after cooking;
  • After roasting on every piece of bread, put on the slication of butter. It will make croutons even more gentle and soft.

Sometimes it happens that after leaving guests there are a lot of chopped batons, or las are left after kebabs, and urgently need to apply the surplus of bread somewhere! Dry crown recently - not a very popular lesson. Although it is possible to make crackers. And then swing them in sweet tea. Or bake bread charlotics - recipe.

And you can press the crunch. That is - croutons (with an emphasis on the last syllable). These roasted pieces of bread, in our case, moistened in sweet flavors, correctly call no croutons (that is, implying that they are a female kind, example: 1 grenca), and croutons (from the word croutin, the only number, male genus).

It is difficult to get used to this stress. If you are confused to correctly say the word croutin, replace the croutin in the word of the fishing line (small forest). And draw a pace. The end of these similar words of male genus and emphasis in cases and forms of the only and multiple number will be the same (to the fishing line - to the crunch, about the fishing line - about croutons, etc.).

Fried croutons

In general, no matter how you call this delicious toasted bread, sweet croutons love everything - both children and adults! They are comfortable to cook both both cheap and delicious treats for ambulance hand for unexpected guests.

For croutons, you can also take both fresh, and stale white bread (buns, butter). Black bread is also suitable for sweet croutons, but it is an amateur. It seems to me that black rye bread is better to start for salted hot sandwiches. Or just eat with spharie sunflower oil and salt!

What to cook sweet croutons

  • Baton white (ordinary, from wheat flour) - 1.5 pieces (25 slices);
  • Milk (or kefir) - 0.5 liters;
  • Eggs - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • Vanilla sugar (optional, not necessarily) - 1 teaspoon;
  • Salt is a small pinch (1/4 teaspoon);
  • Vegetable frying oil - about 1 cup.

How to fry sweet croutons

  • Baton cut into larps (about 1.5 cm thick). This is the perfect size for croutons, it is such a thick of bread on a bakery.
  • Eggs beat with sugar (simple and vanilla) and salt. Add milk (or kefir) and mix well. Sugar must dissolve.
  • Baton slices dip a few seconds in the egg-milk mixture. You do not need to reveal, the pieces of the roll should not fall apart.
  • Then, wet slices lay out on a wide plate so that the glass is too much milk.
    Heat the oil in a frying pan (layer 1 cm). The croutons actively absorb the oil, so - remember that with each new portion of the grenkov it is necessary to pour oil.
  • Fry croutons on medium heat on both sides before marshedral. Crowns are preparing quickly, therefore, far from the slab is better not to depart.

Croutons in a pan

Delicious homemade croutons for tea

How to replace the milk or kefir in the flap for croutons

If you do not have any milk, no kefir, you can take a ripper, bifox, natural yogurt, sour cream (eager), snowball (then do not add sugars, and so sweet it will be).

All thick fermented dairy products can be slightly diluted with water, and then the sweet sauce is not enough for all bread - thick will be in more pester to slices.

If there is nothing at home any milk and sour milk, then you can simply add water into the flavors on the crpage, but it will certainly be poorer. Then, even on cream or fed oil, fire (if there is such an oil, and not sorry).

Sweet croutons - a tasty and simple homemade food on an ambulance hand. Cook quickly. Eat delicious!

Baton or bin cut into squeezing with a thickness of 1 cm, put one by one on the dish and sprinkle with cold milk (3 - 4 teaspoons of milk for one slot). When the bread is soaked with milk, moisten it in a slightly shot on the plate of the egg and brest in grated breadcrumbs, to fry the croutons on the heated fat, having grabbed them on both sides.

Serve croutons with boiled carrots, with beans, kolrabi, spinach, podtalki beans in tomato sauce, with a bouquet of vegetables, etc. You can feed the croutons to tea, sprinkling them with a powder, with vaniline, smearing the jam, jam or putting fresh berries and fruits on them, in advance sprinkled with powder, raspberry, strawberries, strawberries, slices of apricots, juicy pears or bananas.

Cooking time - about 25 minutes.

Crown - recipe- 200 g of baton,
- milk,
- 1 big egg,
- 5 tbsp. spoons of grated supersers,
- 60 g of pork fat.

Sweet croutons with egg and milk

Sweet croutons with egg and milk - One of the rapid and beloved many breakfasts. They turn out ruddy, appetizing and very tasty, they can be prepared in a matter of minutes. Baton for the crouton is taken as fresh and slightly faded. And fry slices of bread better on the vegetable and butter, they will taste more tender.

Ingredients for the recipe "Sweet croutons with egg and milk":

  • Baton - 7-8 slices
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Milk - 100-150 ml
  • Sugar - 1-2 T.L.
  • Vegetable oil - 5 tbsp.
  • Creamy oil - 30 g

How to cook sweet croutons with egg and milk

For the preparation of sweet croutin, you can take a fresh or slightly faded loaf. Cut it across thin slices.

Slightly whipped in a bowl with a whisk or an ordinary fork egg with sugar. Then we pour milk with a thin flowing and mix to a homogeneous mass. I wrote an approximate quantity of sugar, you can put in your liking.
The dishes for whipping is better to take not very high, but with a wide bottom to be freely entered a piece of bread.

Each slice of the baton is fed from both sides to an egg-milk mixture.

As it should be heated by the pan with refined vegetable and butter, so that the egg-milk mixture does not spread through it, and put our croutons. You can fry the slices of the baton on one vegetable oil, but with the addition of the creamy oil, the croutons will be more delicious and tender.
Do not forget to keep track of the amount of oil in a frying pan. It does not need to pour it a lot - the croutons will turn out to be fat, and with a lack of burning.

Fry pieces of baton on medium heat from two sides to ruddy crust.

Then lay them on a plate with a paper napkin, so that the oil is absorbed.

Delicious, appetizing, sweet croutons with an egg and milk are ready!

Immediately, while they are warm, we feed them to the table with tea or coffee.

Pleasant appetite!

Sweet croutons with egg and milk to breakfast

The recipe for these crouts is probably a sign of everyone who received a salary in dozens, and not thousands of rubles, and for ice cream and campaign in the movies paid a penny in the literal sense of the word. The times have changed, and the croutons are still good - I recommend trying!

For sweet crap we need:

  • 8 White Bread Slices
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 ml of milk
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for frying
  • sugar sand for putting

Recipe for making croutons with egg and milk

  1. In a deep plate, break 2 eggs, beat them with a whisk. Pour milk and beat it once again.
  2. Heat oil in a pan. Slices of white bread carefully swollen from two sides into an egg-milk mixture and lay out on the pan.
  3. Fry croutons from 2 sides to golden color.
  4. Share croutons on the dish and until they cooled, sprinkle with sugar sand.
  5. It's time to call native breakfast!

This delicious and quick breakfast will be enjoyed even picky consumers. Appetizing rosy croutons offered to tea or coffee, - the key to a great mood for all morning!

Name: Croutons with egg
Date added: 01.07.2016
Time for preparing: 20 minutes.
Portions from the recipe: 4
Rating: (1 , Wed. 5.00 out of 5)

Recipe crouton from a baton with an egg

Cut bread with thin transverse slices. Then, in a deep bowl, take the egg and milk, as if going to cook omelet. This can be done using a mixer or metal whine. Optionally, add sugar, salt, spices. While the egg mixture is prepared, warm up the pan. To lubricate it bottom, melts a little creamy oil.

Slices of baton Suit into the egg mixture with both sides and lay out on a hot frying pan. As roasting, turn the croutons on one side to another so that they are not burned. After 3-5 minutes, when the breads are twisted, remove it from the fire and lay out on the plate.

Delicious fragrant croutons will definitely enjoy all the home! Despite the fact that the recipe for cooking the dishes is simple as possible, in this case there are its little secrets. To start the day with the delicious croutons, use a pair of tricks.
  • Baton is better to take a worm. Fresh bread after cooking can be not roasted inside.
  • In order for the egg mixture in which the bread does not spread in a frying pan in the pan, it is necessary to warm the oil on it.
  • The use of butter for frying will give croutons more gentle and pleasant taste. If the oils turn out to be greater than necessary, the croutons will become too fat, and if there is little - can burn.

And finally, not only a frying pan can be used for the preparation of the dish, but also the oven. It turns out especially tasty if there are still some products on top of the crunch.

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