Wooden floors creak: what to do to eliminate unpleasant sound. Creak the floors what to do without disassembling from what the floors creak

Landscape design and layout 26.06.2020
Landscape design and layout

If the wooden floor creaks - what to do and how to be

All those who live in old private homes, often experience the same problem with time - the wooden floor creaks - what to do in this case will tell in this article. A positive point in this case can be the fact that all the work can be held with your own hands.

Possible causes of creak

If lags creak, the following reasons are possible:

  • Bad boards. This fact is the cause of the screens most often. How to remove the field creaking in this case, you ask. We just need to fasten the boards more reliably, and for this, the screws are best suited. Unlike nails, they will not weaken after a while.
  • Dramed or were incorrectly installed lining under lags. Over time, the floor creaks in the apartment, because the lags become not so stable and it is manifested when walking.
  • Education between boards. This happens if there was not sufficiently dried wood as a raw material or it could dry after changing the season. In this case, the boards begin to be strained among themselves, which is accompanied by an unpleasant sound.
  • Laying without compliance with the gap between boards and wall. In this case, the screensions arise due to the fact that the wall was not left for a 10 mm clearance, necessary for the board during the change of microclimate could expand freely. As a result, the boards swell or swell - the wall has a creaking at the point of contact with them.

Naturally, the screens may occur in the case of aligning some of these factors. In order to understand how to remove the creaking of the wooden floor, you need to understand its nature. Often, quite simple inspection, but sometimes it may be necessary to remove a couple of boards to determine in what condition are lags.

Now you need to understand what to make the floors do not creak if they are made of plywood. An additional reason for the causes of the screens can serve as an inter-light friction. Since the installation of the sheet coating is carried out with the observance of gaps, which are soon embarrassed by putty, therefore such side moments arise.

Getting rid of squeaks

It is worth talking about how to remove the creaking of the wooden floor in the apartment. The following tips will help everyone with a probability of 90% get rid of creaks in the floors. At the same time it will be necessary only to stock fasteners. READ ALSO: "How to eliminate the creaking of parquet - proven ways".

Half screwing

In the old days, probably there were no such boards that would not be attached to the floor with nails. Such floors still have so far and many of them have not been repaired for more than a dozen years. It can be assumed that most nails are broke out, and their replacement is required for a modern efficient mount in the form of self-tapping screws.

Sequence of floor scrolling:

  • Initially, you need to know the thickness of the lag. This can be done, drilled hole in the floor and measuring the cut to the base. You can go to another way - to remove one floor. Self-tapping screws must have a length of 1.5 cm shorter than the cumulative length of the floor board and lag.

If you decide to use a screwdriver instead of an electric train, then it should be quite powerful and have a capacious battery, otherwise the repair process will significantly delay.

  • If the screwdrity does not cope with screwing the screws, before installation you can drill holes for them. Old nails remove optionally, if they do not interfere.
  • Lags, as a rule, are located at a distance of 600 mm each other. To understand how many screws should be purchased, you need to multiply the number of lags by the number of boards located across the entire width.
  • Further, everything is trite simply - you need to firmly fasten all the boards, while the hats must be tight. If there are still angios somewhere, then these places should be noted that later consolidate them additionally.
  • Next should align the surface with plywood. It is also attached to the floor with self-draws with a step of 150-200 mm. Fir twist them less often, they can hang out.

Summets between the boards

If the lumens appeared between the boards, because of which the floors creak - what to do without disassembled them, in this case it is fixed with the help of wedges from a tree.

Sequence of operations:

  • slight wooden wedges from a tree, identifying the desired size;
  • cover them with glue and score in the gap, wedges must sit tightly;
  • after drying the glue, the excess part of the wedges can be cut off the flush with the base.

The disadvantage of this method is that the rail must be customized every time for the size of the slots, and this is very long.

It's easier instead of racks to use the cord:

  • It will take to buy a braided cord on a synthetic basis. Next, it is subjected to impregnation with joinery glue or PVA glue, and with the help of core or Doboisher, the cord is driven between the boards somewhere half of their thickness.
  • The upper part of the slots is filled with a self-made putty, which includes sawdust and plow glue. It must have a pasty consistency.
  • The spacure should be applied with a small excess to after drying, its excess could be cut into the main flooring.

Restoring ordinary genital boards

Not everyone knows what to do if the floor creaks in the apartment, in the case when a regular board was used for the manufacture of such a floor.

The creaking appears because the floorboards during the load begin to fuse, because the nearby boards do not hold them in any way.

What to do so that the wooden floors do not creak in this case - it is to bore the boards one on the other.

It will take a long drill, wooden droplets and such a sequence of actions:

  • Make a hole in the chalkboard under an acute angle so that it reaches the adjacent board.
  • Cover the wrap of the plow glue and drive it into the drilled hole. It should penetrate each board somewhere by 50%.
  • The second hole must be made in another direction in the nearby chalkboard after 200-300 mm. Thanks to this, the specks will support the boards by analogy with the tipped.

Deformation clearance

All over the perimeter should be a gap of 10 mm in case of temperature differences. If you removed the plinth and found a wedge under them, they should be removed in obligatory order. If there is no gap at all, it will be necessary to remove the extreme boards and shorten them, then attach back.

Shabby lags

If after the inspection it turned out that the lags are not entirely correct, then in such cases, it is often necessary to reoperate the floor, whether it is an apartment or a private house. There are cases when this problem arises in a particular place, it is easier to solve it - you just need to remove part of the trim and replace the lining for lags or on them.

It is worth noting that lags should not be fixed to the base, thus, the soundproofing quality of the floor deteriorate.

The thickness of the boards and gaps between lags

If the wooden floor creaks in the apartment - what to do if this happens when moving on it? This happens when too thin board or the distance between lags is lagged.

It is necessary to remove the dimensions of the problem gender and compare them with the required indicators. If the difference is very big, you will need to remake the floor, providing it with intermediate boards to ensure sufficient structural strength.

The problem can be partially solved by adding additional supports between lags, but it is necessary to understand that this output is temporary.

It will be necessary to do the following:

  • We will need large screws to ensure reliable bonding boards.
  • The length of the self-samples should not be less than the distance from the top of the board to the concrete screed.
  • Make a hole with a diameter of barely smaller than the diameter of the screw. Excess the length of the self-press should be cut.
  • Self-tapping screws should be screwed until it gets to a concrete base.
  • Self-tapping screws should be cut into so that they are not sharp, otherwise they will quickly spoil the concrete screed and stop supporting the beating boards.

It is worth remembering that laying the flooring on top of the creaking floor will not save the situation, the annoying sounds will not go anywhere. In any case, you will need sex restoration activities, it is better to do it in advance.

How to remove the creaking of a wooden floor

Often the owners of private houses face that the floors creak in some rooms. You can cope with this problem, without viewing the entire design of the floor covering and fulfilling all the necessary work on your own without the involvement of masters.

But before deciding how to get rid of the edge of the floor, it is necessary to accurately determine the reason for the appearance of this unpleasant sound. Often, so that the floors do not creak sufficient to ensure high-quality fixation of all components of the structure, which will allow you to refuse to sort out the floor.

Why this unpleasant sound appears

Solving how to get rid of the edges of the floors, the features of the wooden floor design should be remembered. After all, its basis in any case is lags made of carefully dried and spent a special processing of logs.

Further assembly may have certain differences. To create a floor covering of lags, choose chipboard sheets, plywood, osp, or other material that is directly related to the number of wood-chip.

Floor creaking is often caused by the use of low-quality material.

Another installation option - the lags are fixed with a gender, using the self-tapping screw and high-quality fastening. This moment can be called controversial.

Old masters who have tremendous installation experience in which only a natural tree is used, assure that for high-quality work, so that the wooden floor does not have scrupted, mount the flooring to lags is better than nails.

If the floor began to creak over time, it may have been violated a set step between lags, because it precisely it ensures the strength and reliability of the outdoor coating.

However, the most common reasons are the fact that the wooden floor will crept:

  • poor-quality fixation of the floorboard or other material used to create an outdoor coating;
  • errors made during installation (non-compliance with the installed step between lags and fasteners);
  • the lack of an accurate horizon (work was carried out without the control of the construction level);
  • the floor creaks and in the event that there is no mandatory indent between the walls and floorings or other floor-coating.

Accounting for the features of the material before installation

Old coating can also be a creamy

Squeezing gender is the result of elementary structural changes associated with the age of the tree used as an outdoor coating. Each owner of an apartment or a private house faced with this problem is looking for a response to the question "What to do if the floor creaks strongly", how to eliminate the cause, avoiding excess material costs, but many masters can advise how in the apartment to remove the creaking of wooden floors, avoiding the apartment Such complex and labor-intensive works as a disassembly of the floor covering.

Procedure for performing work

Thinking about what to do if the floor creaks what measures to take and how to do so as not to creak the floors in an apartment or a country house, you must first set the exact reason for the emergence of the problem and then proceed to successively performing manipulations aimed at its Elimination.

To do this, clean the room, freeing it from furniture and carpets, and in the presence of linoleum, remove it. Of course, it is easier to fully disassemble the entire design and performing a new installation, but it will require large material costs.

Repair, without disassembled the floors from the tree, is quite possible if it is necessary to make a fixation of the floorboard to the frame created from the large size of wooden bars or logs to get rid of the screle. Such an operation is called a floor screed. For its execution, scrolling of self-tapping screws is carried out.

In some cases, the floors for a long time remained durable and reliable, the former fasteners should be removed, after which it is necessary to drive new nails or scroll through new screws.

To the floors do not creak, it is necessary to ensure not only a reliable fixation of the finish layer (floorboard). Having access to the subfield, you should fill out an existing installation foam space.

Alternative methods

Thinking over how to remove the creak of wooden floors in the apartment, many consumers choose the use of a mounting foam, which as a means to fight the creak has long been obtained by well-deserved consumer confidence.

The filling of foam in the underground does not take much time, is not related to the number of labor-intensive work and allows you to strengthen the floor in the apartment for quite a long time.

If the floor creaks, there is no need to open it. It is enough to make a hole, the diameter of which corresponds to the diameter of the camshaft on the canopy with foam.

Another simple and reliable way to get rid of the squeak of floors is to use specially trained wedges that are driven between the floorboards. Write the floor will not be able for a long time, if all the wedges intended for the restraint are driven in the right places and have accurate height.

There are two ways to install Kliniev:

  • between floorboards and lags;
  • in the gaps between the wooden floorboards.

Creep the floors, what to do, everyone solves depending on the situation. If, in order not to creak the wooden floor, the wedges are driven between the floorboards and lags, then they are simply dipped into glue. This will be a guarantee that fixation will be more reliable. Solution Scroll Problem See this video:

Drinking spacers between flooring boards, the distance between them should be observed, not exceeding 20 cm. This operation can also be performed in two ways.

After the first expanded with wooden inserts (clins), the gaps are filled with sealant. After its drying, the wedges are removed, and the obtained empties are also filled with sealant.

The second method requires not only thoroughly and deeply drive the strut, but also to do everything you need so that the peg does not rise above the surface of the floor. It is cut with a grinder, a planer or simply cleaned the place of introduction with paper with abrasive materials, seeking to get a smooth and smooth surface.

Repair of linoleum with their own hands

Manual polishing granite

Repair parquet do it yourself

What to do if the wooden floors creak do not disassemble the coating

A tree is one of the most popular materials for the design of the floor covering both in wooden houses and based on reinforced concrete. Wood floor is practical and environmentally safe, but it is subject to a variety of problems. One of them - during long-term operation, the coating begins to creak.

You can get rid of an irritating sound, completely by passing the floor. However, this procedure is quite laborious and often expensive. It is possible to correct the problem much easier and faster, simply fixing the coating in problem places. How exactly do the floors in the apartment do not creak?

Causes of violin

As you know, the wooden floor can be done in two ways:

  • lags are trimmed by plates of plywood, chipboard, osp, or other sheet material;
  • one-piece flooring is stacked on the lags.

In both embodiments, the lags are thick and durable bars from the tree - they are attached parallel to each other with a certain step, which ensures the maximum strength of the floor covering.

In addition, an airbag is created between the lags, providing ventilation of a wooden design and a heating coating. The main layer of the floor is attached to this frame using self-tapping screws.

Creep the floors for the following reasons:

  • Mounting errors - if laying the plates or boards is too tight, without leaving the necessary gaps, at a temperature expansion, they will start rubbing on each other, fade and creak. Also, errors can be made in the preparation of the base and installing the lag in the apartment - if you fasten them on an uneven surface, to make them unreliable or on too much distance from each other, the flexing is also inevitable, and the coating will creak when walking on it.
  • Old age coating. Over time, fasteners (nails or selflessness) begins to break off, the boards begin to move and fuse, from this and creap appears.

Elimination of the problem

You can correct the screenshots in two ways. The first of them is solid - complete gender disassembly and designing a new coating. At the same time, on the new floor, you can mount a concrete screed, raise the coating above the base or simply to sheathe the old structure with thick plywood sheets. It will save from sounds if the boards creak, but if the problem is in the frame, the new coating layer will not save.

Less expensive and faster way to correct eliminate the screens is to securely fix the coating on the basis. This is done as follows:

  • At first, the distance between the gender boards or sheets of plywood and concrete base is determined. It is necessary to make a hole in the coating to the very base and measure the height using a thin raum or a piece of wire.
  • There are selflessness sufficient lengths in order to reach the surface of concrete slabs, but not crawling into them, as well as not stand over the floor plane. The fastener thickness should be at least 7 mm, and the thread length should exceed the height of the outdoor design. In this case, screwing the self-tapping screw will be not a screwdriver or screwdriver, but to use it as a bolt and fasten with a wrench. This will make it possible to more finely adjust its position so that it does not exactly stick the top layer of the floor base.
  • The places in which lagows run are determined. This can be done, focusing on fastening, as the wooden floor is attached to the frame and, accordingly, the self-tapping screws or nails will be screwed into lags. If the boards are attached only around the perimeter of the room, you will have to tear off the plinth and find the screws under them. In addition, the walls left a small gap through which the underground is clearly visible.
  • In the lags through the coating plates, holes are drilled, which must be slightly smaller than the diameter of the cooked self-tapping screws.
  • Fasteners tightened until it stops, hacking the caps in the boards. Thus, it is worth fastening all the creaking boards, and for the prevention you can process the entire floor area.
  • Self-tapping screws will be restricted into concrete, serving the body support. If the self-tapping screws have enough thickness, they will never allow the floor to be fed and creaked.

Instead of bleeding the caps into the surface, you can leave some section of the fastening element above the floor, and then cut it to the cleaner with the help of a grinder. In this case, additional fasteners will not even be noticeable. After the completion of the procedure for spinning the screws, the screws are sweeping, painted and coated with finishing coating.

And what can be done if the problem is not in the boards, but in the lags themselves? In this case, a simple mounting foam can help. The procedure is similar to the previous one. A through hole is also drilled in a creaking place. The diameter of it should be sufficient to crawl the circuit pistol.

Then, through this hole, a foam is poured under a stressful lag, which, soliday, will ensure sufficient strength to become a support for the carrier frame structure. The creaking of the floor will after that disappear, at least before it is necessary to make overhaul in the apartment.

And the last, the boards will creak because of friction among themselves, what to do in this case? Eliminate this cause of unpleasant sounds can be very simple - chucking the joints of the coating elements by any elastic material, having previously driven by the wedges between them to expand the joint. A sealant or elastic spacure is poured between the spreadsheels.

After drying, the wedges are removed, and the places where they were also filled with substance. The sealant will also be able to play the role of the insulation and will not give the formation of slots in the floor.

Many inhabitants of old houses over time face the problem of what the boardwall wooden floor begins to creak. Such floors usually lie on the lags, which are on top of the concrete slab, over time are smalleled and when walking it is started to creak. This especially becomes noticeable and annoying at night when you are trying to go quietly around the room and the corridor, the floor creaks, and you will end up with loved ones.

The main reasons why floors creak

If the floor creaks, then before starting the repair, you need to analyze the possible causes of the occurrence. Mostly the reason why the wooden floor crepts, consist in the peculiarities of its design. There are several options that were mostly used when coating the floor in old apartments and homes:

Helpful information:

  1. In the first case, wooden bars or lags were laid on the concrete floor, while the distance between them was approximately 40 cm. On top of them, a lining was placed, consisting of a layer of chipboard or plywood, on top of which was placed on the Fiberboard sheets.
  2. In the second version, wooden boards were mounted on the lag attached to the concrete slab.

If the floor boards creak, then the cheapest option will fasten them on the self-tapping screw, especially since this can be done independently. At the beginning it is necessary to determine what distance from the concrete slab is the old floor covering. To do this, you need to drill a small hole with a diameter of about 4 mm in the floor and measure the depth, to do it with the wire. Then you need to purchase and not sticking on the surface of the coating. The next stage is the definition of the location of the lag, it is possible to do this by the old nails or adjusted the plinth near one of the walls. Then the holes are drilled slightly less than the diameter of the screws, to which all the floorboards are fixed with the order with the help of a screwdriver.

In recent years, wooden floors are becoming increasingly popular. These and parquet, and laminate, and made in the old manner, but using modern technologies, boardwalk.

New parquet flooring

The tree is the most eco-friendly floor covering, it is nice to walk barefoot on it and it is easy for him to care. However, wooden floors have several sufficiently serious flaws: sometimes they creak.

Tree floors are subject to other troubles: often such gears not only annoying creak, but also begged under his feet. The reason for both these flaws is the same.

To understand why the wooden floor creaks and get rid of boring sounds, first of all, consider how it is arranged.

Floor design

Any wooden floors consist of base, layers and coating. There are several ways to the wooden floor device, but in this case we are interested in the design with the use of Lag: it is sooner or later begins treacherously shaking.

Such a floor works very simple: wooden beams lags are laid on the concrete tie, on top of this frame from bars - boards, plywood sheets or chipboard, and on top there are parquet, laminate, linoleum or carpet coating.

Why creak floors? There are many reasons for a screens. Simplistic speaking, the sound that is so annoying us, arises from the fact that the wooden parts of the tie of the floor will rub each other. Especially pressing may be floors, in which several wooden mess: for example, on the boards are plywood sheets, and the finish coating is glued.

Imagine that lagow beams lie on a concrete screed. When loading on the floor, plywood or chipboard transfers the load on the lags, and they are slightly bent.

By themselves, they rarely creak (only if there are cracks in them), however, when the rushing lag barely springs after a deflection, this is enough for her upper face to be drowning on the lower part of the plywood sheet or chipboard, transmitting friction on the overlying wooden layers. And creak arises.

Squeezes the boarded floor? This is due to the friction of the boards among themselves, and the chipboard plates are corrupt, taking each other by the edges.

No matter how correctly wooden floors were laid, over time they are all becoming more or less "conversational". This is due to the fact that the design of the floor with time weakens: the fasteners are loosened; dry, soaked in moisture or partially destroy its wooden parts; Gaps appear between parts of the floor. But not rare creaky floors and new homes

Why creak new floors?

"We treat" sex

Whether it is old or new, but the reasons for which your gender creaks is always the same. But if in the old buildings, even high-quality floors die or destroy over time, then in new flaws in the design of the floor, it is most often caused by its incorrect assembly or violation of its overall technology. An exception to this rule is only a case when shrinkage of the house itself (for example, with the improper calculation of the foundation).

Wooden flooring creaks and in such cases:

  • It is assembled from not sufficiently dried construction details and materials. Lags and boards dry, plywood sheets or change dimensions, and gaps appear between wooden surfaces.
  • There is no layer between lags and plywood or other coating (for example, it protects well from the symbol of the layer of waterproofing) or a substrate is immunity under parquet or laminate;
  • Lags and boards are not securely fastened, their ends move relative to each other;
  • Wooden coating is indefinitely attached to the lags (nails or screws jump out of spring boards);
  • The technological gap is not made near the walls.

If it is incorrectly chosen the thickness of Bruus Lag, boards, plywood; It is not sustained the distance between the lags - the floor can also be encroaching. Lags are made from a bar with minimal sizes of 10 x 8 centimeters, a step between them should not exceed 60 centimeters (the optimal distance is about 40 cm). For flooring, it is advisable to use boards not thinner than 35-40 mm, and Faneru - from 20 mm, otherwise they will fade.

Forcing the floor to silence

The most reliable way to get rid of unpleasant sounds - hauling floors. However, this is not always possible. Below, these techniques will help you if not forever, then make your halfless one for a long time.

Saw one board in a militant or parquet floor

Floors on lags

If you can accurately find the same board that responds to every step by an unpleasant sound, then everything you need is a drill, hammer, a piece of boards and any superchalter (for example "moment").

Drill several holes in the junctions between the creaky board and adjacent boards (the diameter of the 8-10 mm drill, the holes are made at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other). You need to drill at an angle of 45 degrees, while half of each hole falls on one board, half to another.

Now cut out from the cut of a clina's chalkboard with a length of 10 cm and a thick in the size of the holes and also squeeze glue. After a few minutes, score these pins in the grooves and cut down so that they do not stick out.

If the cause of the squeak is a jumped nail, fastening the board to the lag, repair the floor is even easier. Take a new nail a little longer than the former, and that the connection was stronger, bring them the board to the lag at the angle of 45 degrees. Additionally, a nail in a problem board can be fixed with screws that will not let him jump out again.

For fastening, you can use not only nails, but also long wood screws. Sometimes they advise after eliminating the screenshot to cut the screws of the screws, especially if you are creating a parquet board. Of course, if you cut off the screw and stick the place of repair, it will be almost imperceptibly. However, this is not worth it, at least immediately. Perhaps you will have to twist the attachment on the capricious board, if it creaks again, or weaken it.

The board with a lag can be connected in the same way as in the previous case, driven into it lubricated with glue clins under the tilt.

Sometimes after such an operation, a few days later, the board is lifted and starts to creak again. In this case, you will have to additionally attach a lag in the base method described below.

The floor creates in different places

Find the most "loud" board on the creaking area or the most "loud" section of the floor and located near the lag.

Find out exactly where the lag passes, it is simple enough: they will point out nails, which the flooring or other coating is added to them. Drill the hole with a diameter of at least a centimeter and measure the distance from the floor surface to the concrete screed. It usually does not exceed 10-12 centimeters.

For fastening, an anchor bolt of the corresponding diameter and 15 centimeters is used. Earlier, the drilled hole is deepened into the concrete screed by the perforator in concrete and the anchor is clogged into it, which will firmly captures the blackboard with overlapping.

If you install anchors in places where the boards lie on the lags, and drive the anchor through the lag, you can get rid of a sufficiently large creaking area.

The whole floor creaks

If the place of the greatest screen does not determine, because the floor crepts the floor (and sometimes silent under your feet), you will have to strengthen it entirely.

This is usually because under the beams - lags, which lie on a concrete tie - the cause can be a drying (deformation) of lags - emptiness arise. It is possible to determine them by rumor, taking the floor with a metal twist or hammer: the sound of the impact will be muffled.

Drill a hole in the coating 15-20 mm and fill in the space between the floor surface and the base of the cement solution (the ratio of water and cement 1: 1). When it is filled, hammer the hole with wooden chip and clean.

A more reliable way to strengthen the floor of the chipboard shields or parquet floors is to fill the underground space of heated tar.

Laying plywood

Sometimes it is filled with assembly foam. However, the foam is rather plastic, and its density depends on the load on the floor, temperature and humidity in the room. Perhaps the floor will cease to creak, but will continue to fake. The foam can not fill out all the underground space, but only its creaky plot. On average, this method helps to get rid of the unnecessary sounds of the year for three.

Violently lag.

It rarely happens, but still it happens when the lag made from a raw bar dries and cracks. The inner fracture of the lags can be chosen by PVA glue. The disadvantage of this method is that glue can get on the nearest boards to the lag, tightly engage in each other. Disassemble such a connection for more serious repairs will no longer work: this fragment of the floor will have to cut and completely replace.

Sorry threshold

Under the creaking threshold, wooden clins are driven from a well-dried solid tree. Wedges are made with a not very large bevel to propagate a canopy, they did not greatly raise it. The protruding parts are written. If, after signing the threshold stopped creaking, it is strengthened from the clocks, it is strengthened with a plank - in addition to bonding, it covers the resulting gap between the threshold and the floor.

Paul creaks due to the fact that the building gave shrinkage

As you know, wooden houses are exposed to the greatest shrinkage. So, the houses from the bar in the first year after the construction can lose 10% of their heights. Repair the floor In such cases, it often makes no sense, as it will not only creak, but can also become a shaky or twist.

The only output is a complete hauling of the floor. Sometimes after checking the quality of the concrete base, it is necessary to make a new concrete screed on the "lighthouses", and then, given the characteristics of the building, put the lags and put the floor.

Adjustable lags

Dismantling of an old coating

One way to prevent the destruction of the floor design during operation is not ordinary, but adjustable lags. They are brushes in which threaded holes for polymer bolts (racks) have been done. Laga is installed directly on the concrete base, through the racks are drilled through holes in the concrete and a dowel is clogged into them. Such a design is extremely durable and does not give sex.

Adjustable lags can be lowered and lifted, rotating the rack bolts, which allows you to get a perfect horizontal surface. The height of the lags over the overlap can be from 5 to 20 centimeters.

After alignment of the beams relative to the horizon, the plastic rack bolts are cut under the size and secured the draft coating on the lags (shields from DPS, Phane, etc.). The thickness of the draft coating should be at least 20 millimeters.

Adjustable lags are more expensive than usual, but the flooring, stacked by such lags, has no gaps, does not seek and do not creak. So, you do not have to come soon after the completion of construction is again taken for the tools, correcting the "talkative" or swinging gender.

  • To reduce the likelihood of a violence with a possible drying of lags and boards, between lags and boards (shields from chipboard, plywood) are placed damping gasket. It may be waterproofing or rolled insulation. For parquet and laminate there are special substrates. If they are laid, and the floor crepts - the substrate must be rebuilt.
  • Reduces the likelihood of a pattern of a loose laying of boards or shields: the gap is not larger than the millimeter. It will not affect the strength of the coating, but will not let the wooden edges touch and the more rubbing each other.
  • Phaneur on the boards is better to lay on glue or mastic: if such a floor once starts to fake, rubbing surfaces in its design will be less, as plywood and boards will move as a single design.
  • If the floor creaks due to the fact that gaps were formed between the lags and the screed, the wooden wedges can be put under the lags. However, this method is suitable only for the boardwalk and is quite traumatized for it: for this type of repair, it is necessary to tear up the boards after 50-80 cm. In addition, the ridges of the boards are damaged and the floor can be re-regulated.
  • If the floor does not always build, make sure what days creak appears. Maybe the weather change? Wooden floors involuntarily warn that dry weather will soon be replaced by rainy or vice versa - after a weekly rain, the sun will finally look like.
  1. Why creak floors?
  2. Floor Scrip Control Methods - Mounting Foam
  3. Methods for elimination of the edge of the floor - Kliniev
  4. Methods for eliminating the edge of the floor - self-tapping screw
  5. Floor Scrip - Plywood
  6. Floor screenshots - an anchor method

With the problem of the creamy floors, not only residents of old houses are facing. Unsuccessfully laid out new laminate can also annoy you hated sounds. We offer not tolerate and do not rush around the apartment on tiptoe, when someone is asleep, and to radically solve this problem. Version variants of the violep mass - choose your own.

Why creak floors?

  • Boards are not firmly fixed to underground crossbar. As a result, the inevitable loosening, why the floor creaks;
  • The simplest and natural reason - the tree "got drunk." Unfortunately, it happens with natural material when the floor serves for a very long time;
  • Special wooden linings asked;
  • Nails and screws loosened;
  • The ends of the boards when walking on the floor move;
  • Between the wall base and the floor is an insufficient gap.

Folding floors in the apartment: We offer several options for eliminating the problem

Option 1: Mounting foam

It is impossible to say that this method will help one hundred percent, but with a very big viper, it really works. An ordinary mounting foam is used, which carefully poisoned into the underground. It is done completely simple, which means that even a beginner will cope with the elimination of the screens.
The undisputed plus of this option is that you do not need to remove the board from the floor. It is enough to drill a certain amount of neat holes and blew a foam there. Also, it can be poured into the slots between the boards. The principle of operation is simple: the poured foam will freeze and expand, as a result of which the floorboards will turn out to be attached and the creak will disappear.

However, there is such an option and two obvious drawbacks. First, this method is quite expensive. The foam will be needed, and good material from the proven manufacturer is expensive. Secondly, the shortwand. Unfortunately, after some time, the creak will return again, because the foam is destroyed and pushed. However, this may not happen, because it all depends on what load is experiencing your sex every day. If we are talking, for example, about the office, where people are constantly moving, the creaking will come back for sure. But in the apartment such a way will be much more durable. The following answers to the question of why the floor creaks, read below.

Option 2: Kliniev Scroll

If the wooden floor creaks, then the wedges are suitable as it is impossible. This option is more durable than mounting foam, and significantly less costly. True, you have to work well.

Ideal if you have the opportunity to work with the "bottom" floor (let's say, in the country or in the house). In this case, the wedges need to be bought between the boards themselves and beams. Previously, each wedge is worth lubricate with high-quality glue.
If you can not get to the underground, you can not, just drive the wedges of the tree into the gaps between the floorboards. There may be a lot of such gaps, and work will be quite painstaking, but believe me: it is worth it. Your work tools are a cone-shaped Dobannik and a regular hammer. Keep in mind that the approximate distance between 2 wedges should be approximately 0.17-0.22 millimeters. It is necessary to sweep the wedges in such a way that the upper part does not enter into the top of the board. Now you know what to do to the floor does not creak. But this is not all: suddenly the next option will you like more?

Option 3: Selfless

So, you will creak the floors of the chipboard. To forget about this sound forever, it is sufficient to attach a simple fane on top of the material. Note that the plywood used should be no thinner than twelve millimeters. Phaneur must first cut into small squares. After that, make sure that the base of your floor is completely dry. Plywood is fixed to the floor with screws or special glue. Between "Squares" you need to leave the gaps in the nine-ten millimeters. In more detail how to eliminate the creaking of the floors in the apartment, see the video clip below:

Option 5: Anchor method

If you are interested in a new floor covering, then look at our catalog: you will find hundreds of modern models with photos and descriptions from proven sellers.
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Elimination of violin

It is possible to remove the creaking of wooden floors on your own and at high costs.
The cheapest and effective way is scrolling with self-draws. To do this, you will not need to disassemble the floor. Old nails will need to duplicate with strong self-drawing. Scrops for the most part will go, if the lags are in good condition, did not cracked and did not move from the spot.

Radical way - replacement floors. This is an expensive option, since it will have to change the floor in the whole apartment, but everything will be reliably and for a long time. Here the selection depends on your budget and preferences: make a new floor of the lags or replace only the sex board, make a dry, semi-dry or wet tie. The screed will slightly increase the height of the ceilings, and you will need to change all the doors. But on the screed, you can easily put a tile, porcelain stoneware, install heated. If you want to make a screed and keep the current floor level, the missing thickness is compensated by a layer of clay or extruded polystyrene foam, which will add additional heat and noise insulation. When the device, the screed must be clarified which permanent load is withstanding the slabs of overlapping in your home; In old houses, this is at least 150 kg per square meter. m.

Paul scrolling

We will not describe the process of replacing the floor, and tell me how to fix the creak even without removing the boards.

  1. Determine at what distance the floor boards are lying from concrete slabs. To do this, drill the hole and measure the depth with the help of the wire.
  2. Buy the screws on the tree of the desired length so that they come in with a hat and not sticking out.
  3. Find places where laugs lie. They can be found on nails in the floor - they go along along them. If nails are not visible, dismantle the plinth and look at the lags through the gap along the wall, there is a special indent of about 1 centimeter.
  4. Drill a hole of 1-2 millimeters less than the diameter of the self-press.
  5. Tighten the screws with a screwdriver until it stops, slightly drowned the hat.
  6. Repeat it with each board, screwing it to all lags.
  7. There is another option - tighten the screws of the same length as the distance to concrete. Previously need to fasten their tip so that they do not destroy concrete over time. In this case, they will serve as an additional support, and will not let the boards be fed. This method also helps in places where the scrolling does not remove the creaking (for example, cracked lag).

Fasten the lags to the concrete base is undesirable, it will reduce noise insulation.

Video to eliminate the violep of wooden floors in Khrushchev:

Sometimes the cause of the squeak lies in the friction of the boards among themselves. You can solve this problem by driven between them wooden wedges.

Now, when we eliminated the creaking in the apartment, the floor should be aligned before laying a new coating. It is best to do this in 2 layers of plywood with displacement of the joints. Each sheet is screwed to the floorboard in 15 cm increments.

An example of preparing wooden floor under laminate laying). After repairing the floor from that article, 4 years passed, and not a single screen appeared.

Causes of the appearance of violin

Boiled wooden floors lie on the lags, which over time and when walking are smalleled, so they begin to creak. Especially the problem becomes a noticeable night when the room needs to be quiet, and as a result, all the household wake up.

To start repairing and performing work correctly, it is necessary to analyze why the wooden floor creaks in the apartment. Most often, the answer is hidden in the design itself, since it was used for laying a wooden floor in old houses.

The first option provides for bars from a tree or lags, which were drowned onto a concrete surface, and the distance between the wooden products was 40 cm. To cover the floor, they were used by Fanur or chipboard, and also, additionally sheets of fiberboard.

The second option provided for the fastening of wooden boards from above on the lags that were attached to the concrete floor.

It combines these two options that the wooden products lay in a horizontal position and were bars, no more than 4 cm thick. Their main function serve not only the basis for the trim, they also created an indentation from the wall of the concrete slab so the floor could "breathe" . The top layer of the floor with inner wooden beams was connected to the most simple nails, which over time during operation loosen, and the fastener ceases to be dense, the floor begins to creak.

Possible options to combat cream

Let's start with the fact that the most radical and effective way of getting rid of the annoying violin is the complete replacement of the floor covering. New wooden floors will have a long period of time to perform their functions, without requiring additional repair, but they will turn into a penny. The replacement of the wooden floor is the cardinal changes in the apartment, the cost of extra money for the purchase of materials, their delivery, as well as the payment of the workforce of the masters. Even an inexpensive coating option requires large additional expenses of an indefinite size.

Another well-known method of solving the screenshot is the replacement of wooden floor on the screed, on top to which you can put a ceramic tile, linoleum, laminate, parquet or wooden products. A decent solution, but when there are small children in the house. Linoleum or tiles will be cold, if you do not put an additional layer or not to install heated. An additional layer can become a ceramzite, GVL or extruded foam, the material is expensive and the installation will require a lot of strength, as well as time.

The affordable and inexpensive embodiment of the creak is the replacement of plywood, which is fixed by self-drawing. But if the lags look awful, then they will have to be replaced. The coating will have to still completely remove, update the wooden floors, but after that, with time, the coating will again creak.

There are several effective methods that will help solve the problem and eliminate the wood-floor creaking. This is not such an easy thing, but with it any newcomer at home is to cope. The main task, correctly pick up the technology, most suitable for a particular floor covering, given the material that is used and what quality it is.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to think not only about the problem, but also about the appearance of wooden boards. The creak can be removed using a graphite powder, which includes a talc, falling asleep it in the slot. In addition, the slotted formations can be scored by wood wedges. If after the work done there is no result, then wooden products are screwed with screws.
  2. Common method is the use of self-tapping screws. In the sections of the wooden floor, where the creaking is heard, holes, 2 mm, and screw the screws to the very end are dried. The upper part of the screw is removed, and the place of its installation is putty. Such a solution will help to eliminate a slight creaking of the wooden floor. In case of strong sound, plastic dowels with screws are used, which deepen into a concrete screed of 40 mm. Shpunte boards also have a property with time to crack and disappear, so screws that provide for a secret head are used to fasten them to the wooden floor. The thing is that in most cases it is those wooden products that are poorly attached to lags or overlapping beams. If the problem is really in this, then this method will no doubt help.
  3. The third method is more time-consuming and requires more effort. If there is not enough money for overhaul, then pins come to the rescue. In a place where the wooden floor creaks in the apartment creaks, the holes are drilled at the board, in diameter 10-12 mm, leaving the distance to 30 cm. Using high quality PVA glue is pressed by the prepared pins. After that, it is necessary to clean the wooden floor, and it will not scrip.
  4. In order not to creak parquet, wooden products are fixed to lags by rounded screws, at a distance of 5 cm. Eliminate the workforce will help the electric drill, in which the rotation speed is adjusted. But if in some places the wooden floor will still tripping, then in wooden boards it is necessary to make a hole, a diameter of 6 mm and download the mounting foam into it, but not overdo it.
  5. The easiest, budget and grandfather method of eliminating the screenshot of the wooden floor is between the scripting floorings insert a wedge. To do this, the wedge is littered from the suitable board, roaming it with glue and drive into the gap, and then complaim the wedge flush with the floor
  6. There is another durable and reliable method, which will save 100% from an annoying and unpleasant violin. These are metal anchors. The method is very reliable, but requires investment of funds and great efforts. The principle of operation lies in the end-to-end installation of anchor, which will pass through the wooden floor and transverse beams, rushing in concrete. For it, a special outer shell is prepared, which is made of metal, thus strengthening the lag. The upper part of the anchor will not be visible outside, since the size of the opening from above is drilled by a larger nozzle in diameter. Experts recommend installing anchors throughout the perimeter of the room. According to the rules, the distance between the products must be within 1m, but the less, the better. The calculation will determine how much anchors will need.
  7. If the creak is bothering on a flat surface, then you can apply a phaneer to eliminate it. Everything is simple here. The material should not be thinner than 12 mm, it is cut into small squares and strengthen on top to dry wooden floor with screws or a special adhesive. It is necessary to leave distances between squares, a size of 10 mm and to sharpen them at an angle with respect to the direction of the location of the boards.
  8. Replace old screws and nails. This is a fairly reliable method, but also labor-intensive due to the fact that the old wooden floor can be upgraded without fully dismantling it. It is necessary to carefully check the entire floor, each site, change all old fasteners to new parts. Nails, of course, it is better to exclude at all, because over time they will rust, and the boards will dying, thus causing the floor shrinkage, therefore, and its creaking. The best option, as mentioned above, is screws or screws. In some cases, this method allows to get rid of unpleasant sound for a long time. Before you have a screed, you need to check all the beams and boards. If there are rotten, deformed or dry, should be replaced with new ones. After the work done, in places where the creak was heard, it is possible to use the mounting foam.

The attentive and competent approach to the performance of work will make, even the oldest wooden floor quiet, as if it is made of cork material.

More clearly, what to do so that the wooden floors do not creak can be viewed on the video:

  • Bulk floors do it yourself
  • PVC tile for floor
  • How to make a dry floor tie do it yourself
  • Dry screed Knauff do it yourself: instruction, reviews

Causes of the occurrence of violin

Actually, the final cause of the creaking sex is only one - friction between two poorly attached details. But typical places in which such a phenomenon can be observed, the wooden floor has three.

In the simplest case, the floor crepts due to friction between adjacent floorboards: one of them begged under the load and scrolls about the neighboring. Such a creak has a characteristic dry sound and is quite easy to detect with a sequential melting of the floor boards.

A more characteristic creak with a thin peak occurs due to weakened attachment by nails of boards to lags. Rusty metal inside the dry tree creates a really nasty crush and determine the place of occurrence is much more difficult in view of the fact that nails hats are usually hidden under several layers of paint.

The third and most rare type of violin - discussed compounds of composite lag and jumpers between them. The appearance of such a screen is typical for frame and high-rise buildings with a complex system of wooden floors. The sound of the floor when walking in such cases, muted and cracked.


The reason for the appearance of a violep on the ends and fasteners of the boards may not be sufficiently tight pressed to lags. This is a typical woodland disease: for several cycles of the seniority, the nails may fall out and all the flooring becomes a breakdown.

The essence of the strengthening of the floor is to restore the density of pressed boards by self-drawing, which over time they do not lose as pressed. The snag is that pressing the sword-bred board in one place, you can relax the mount at other points, so it will correct to upset the entire floor at once.

Another subtlety is to need to drill boards before screwing the screws to avoid the thread hooker in them. The method is ideal for eliminating a screame in the draft floor. Cutting coatings can also be strengthened by self-draws, but the traces of the hats will have to mask the shplanyow, which, besides, should be chosen into the tone of the tree when opening the floors of varnishes.

The greatest difficulty is to determine the locations of the lag if the traces of the fastening of the flooring are hidden. Among all methods, you can select two most effective: drilling with the control of the drill exit in order to determine the installation step of the lag and break down the extreme boards.

Bruep the boarding house

The overhaul of the wooden floor is the only way to eliminate the creaking with a guarantee that does not require significant cash investments. And with creaky lags, this method is almost no alternative.

The point is to consistently tear and edge into place of the board, without changing their order for a more dense fit. At first, 3-5 boards from one edge are removed, then the space under the floor, the preservation of the lag, the presence of malicious organic matter visually evisited with good extra light.

When the first board is enshrined and drove one after checking and fixing each subsequent. All the boards are checked for rotting and pest damage, unsuitable changes to the new same thickness, customizing the ends of the plane for a dense dynamic.

To avoid the appearance of a screen between the flooring in the future, you can allocate the boards on wooden wanks and tightly tightening them by a car jack. If there is no need for a hidden fastener, it is recommended to use self-tapping screws - two for each place of attachment to lags.

Surface strengthening

Not very budget, but a very effective way of getting rid of the draft floor from a screen - fannels with frequent attracting fastening with self-draws. The thickness of the flooring should be at least 12 mm, the mount is performed in each board in two rows in a checker order. Not further than 30-35 mm from the edge.

In addition to self-samples, a mixture of sawdust or mineral crumb with glue-bustilat will help to achieve a high-quality clutch. It is important to place the sheets of layers in such a way that the joints between them contribute to the bomb of the boards in the future. Ideally, it should be divided by an additional flooring by two layers of 6-8 mm, while crossing them with a glue mixture and thoroughly consider the junction dressing scheme.

The method is characterized by high technological complexity. In addition to the high-quality tightening of the screws and the correct location of the sheets, it is required to remember the layout of the board layouts so that each of them is deductable and attracted. To do this, the location of the joints on the walls are noted on the walls, according to which the threads are stretched or lined with a lines of the color cord.

To eliminate the creaking of the floor during walking is quite independently, if we competently approach the solution of this problem, wooden floors people have been used for a long time. It is wood that for a long time withstands competition with many new floor finishing materials. Moreover, it should be noted that, despite the fact that modern methods for the production of finishing materials appear, it is the tree that it is chosen in order to make her housing exquisite and luxurious. It is impossible not to pay attention to the fact that the wooden floors contribute to the house. However, at a certain moment, before each wooden floor owner, a question arises, how to eliminate the creaking appeared?

How to remove the creaking of the wooden floor in the apartment: one reason out of six

Answer this question is very easy. If you start with a logical reasoning, the floor is the central part of the overall design, and sooner or later, this construction begins to shift naturally. This is exactly the cause of mechanical stresses. In addition, there are a number of reasons that affect the occurrence of squeaks.

As a rule, the wooden floor begins to creak due to improper operation or long use

Eliminate 6 main factors:

  • Incorrect operation;
  • High humidity indoors;
  • Weakened nail compounds;
  • Lack of the required distance at the walls;
  • Drying material;
  • Long operation time.

Wooden floors from boards are stacked by lags, which, after long-term operation, begin to break off and creak. Especially this becomes noticeable at night, when you need to go through the room quietly, but as a result, everything can be waking up. In order to correct this problem, you need to make an analysis of the reasons why creak can occur. In the basic cases, the answer to the question is hidden in the structures themselves.

Seed floor in the apartment: how to fix multiple steps

You need to start with the most radical and effective step, which will help get rid of creaks, this is a complete floor replacement. The new material will be able to carry out the task for a long time without requiring additional repairs. However, this method cannot be called budget. The full replacement of the floor cover will require from the owner not only a large amount of time, but also extra wretches for the purchase, delivery and, of course, if necessary, payment of the work of the masters. Large financial expenses will require even the most inexpensive options.

Get rid of the squeak in the old floor you can, if it is completely replaced with a new one

Another known method for delivering a screlet is to replace floors on the screed. From above, not such a material can be put on ceramics tiles, laminate, wooden parquet or linoleum.

This solution is more profitable, but if there are children in the house, then such an organization will need additional insulation.

Additional material as a layer can perform clayzite or foam. Materials for insulation do not relate to budget, and their operation will require a sufficient amount of time and strength.

The most inexpensive option in the fight against the creak is to update the plywood casing, which is attached to the self-tapping screw. But if the lags have a bad look, you will have to disassemble. In this situation, the coating will still need to fully remove, but even in this case it is possible that the new floor will not begin to creak.

Experts identify several specific methods that are able to eliminate the problem of a creaking floor. It's not a simple thing, however, absolutely anyone can cope with him. The main task is to choose the desired option, which will lead to a positive result.

In order for the wooden floor to do not creak, you can use a cement solution or talc, which should be shred

Here are the main ways to eliminate the problem:

  1. The first thing you need to do is think not only about the problem of the screen, but also about the appearance of the material. The creak can be easily eliminated by graphite powder. It includes talc, falling asleep which in the gap can be eliminated by the creaking. You can also score wedges in the gap, if there is no result, then the boards should strengthen with screws.
  2. The second way is more time consuming and needs great efforts. If there are no funds for global changes, the pins will come to the rescue. In those places where the creak is distributed, the holes should be drilled at a diameter of 10 to 12 cm. The distance between the holes should be at least 30cm. Using high-quality PVA glue, pins are pressed. After the floor is cleaned - the creak will be eliminated.
  3. In order to eliminate the creaking on the wooden floor, the boards are attached to the lags with screws of the rounded type. They help to pull and fasten the surface without tearing it. Make a job easier can drill in which the speed control function is enabled. If the creak is not eliminated, then the holes make a diameter more and the mounting foam is suitable for fixing.
  4. The oldest and simple method is the elimination of a violep with a wedge. For this purpose, wedges are cut out of the desired material, lubricate with glue and ride into the holes.
  5. A more durable way to get rid of the screap, which in any situation gives a positive result, is the use of metal anchors. The method is most reliable, but here you will have to spend the budget and efforts. The work is that the anchor is installed in the wooden floor, resting in concrete. Under it is prepared by the outer shell, which is created from the metal. Thanks to this method, lagows are strengthened. Anchor will not be visible outside, since the holes create according to their parameters. If you follow the rules, the distance between the anchors should not exceed 1m, but experts claim, the less distance, the better.
  6. And the last but equally effective method is replacing the screws and nails. This method is not only reliable, but also time consuming, due to the fact that the floor passes the full modernization without dismantling. In the process of repair, each part of the floor is carefully checked, and old fasteners are replaced with new details. Of course, to exclude nails, this is the best option, as they are rust with time, causing the deformation of the floor and creak. Before making a screed, check all the boards. Embossed elements should be removed and replaced with new ones. After the work is done, you can reinstate the construction foam.

If you come to work competently and carefully, you can make a creaking quiet, or remove it at all, without opening, even at the oldest floor. Your finish will be quiet, as if work was done from cork material. Each of the ways of autopsy can be found in the learning video. Thanks to them, you can learn how to repair the creaking boards from the chipboard without disassembling the parquet.

Why crept floors in the apartment: final stages

It does not matter what method of combating the creak you will prefer, the final stage should include a careful study of the floor surface for the slot. They must be chosen to close the wood mastic. Make sure the reliability of the coating cannot be so that the boards be fed up, in this case they are eliminating them.

Places where repairs have been repaired. Then the floor is covered with oil, which also helps to get rid of the edge of the floor for a long time.

Additionally, the wooden floor can be seized and covered with oil, which will help get rid of annoying screens

And the last thing you need to do is visually process the floor. If it consists exclusively from the boards, then it can be covered with varnish or paint, and if there is another coating, we put it. The same applies if the floor must be pulled. Thanks to such methods, your wooden floor can get an additional service life.

Creep the floors: what to do, without disassembling (video)

What conclusion can be done on the basis of this article? The creak, which is distributed from your wooden floor, this is not a sign that it will be necessary to carry out global installation work. Thanks to the advice listed above in our article, you will be able to extend the life of your coverage without much difficulty and monetary deposits.

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