Strong rude formulas for female beauty. Detailed value Berkana

Landscape design and layout 28.06.2020
Landscape design and layout

Each representative of the weak floor has its own "female tricks." Some are new-fashioned currents and trends, others appear as a result of breakthroughs in scientific areas, and the third - arose long ago and were transmitted from generation to generation. Just to such tricks include a ruffin alignment to improve its appearance and internal state.

"Berkana" - a symbol of beauty, health and fertility

What will tell such a rune

After all, what is beauty? This is not only a beautiful shell. That's what is the components of beauty:

  • well maintenance and tidiness in appearance;
  • self confidence;
  • positive energy;
  • taking yourself and love for yourself;
  • balance and harmony;
  • individuality.

All these qualities are collected in one girl, and make it beautiful. It is possible to achieve an internal balance through it through it, it is possible to improve its appearance using runic hieroglyphs.

Among the enormous diversity of the alphabet, the symbol of beauty is just one - Rune Berkan.

Detailed value Berkana

The rune of Beauty Berkana has a rather complicated interpretation. It is a symbol of the mother of the cormal. From here and follows the basic value: execution and implementation of desires. All female power engineering unites in Berkan, she can give impetus to new begin or move the work with the dead point.

Berkan is distinguished by its characteristics, among which the protection: this hieroglyph symbolizes the shelter. For fortune telling Berkana - a fragile girl who can be trusted. And in the commoner, this icon is more used as a symbol of beauty, health, fertility, etc.

How to draw Berkan?

Family and beauty rune will serve better if you duplicate its image. Most often apply such a drawing on the skin, but there are other popular methods for applying and applying Runes Berkano:

  • applying a runic hieroglyph with essential oils on the skin of the body;
  • creating a drawing on the wrist hand;
  • drawing a rune Berkano on a pad just below the thumb of one or both hands;
  • creating a tattoo with an image of a runic symbol or a whole steel;
  • embroidery on the nasal scarf or any other object of the wardrobe;
  • acquisition of coulon, suspension, rings, sewages or any other jewelry with Berkanna.

You can see a certain tendency: all methods are associated with femininity:

  • nasal handkerchief;
  • essential oils;
  • figure on a fragile female wrist.

All these items and attributes are keys to the disclosure of femininity in each. It is not necessary to wear long skirts to the floor and let go of the spio to the belt - it is important to find a balance within yourself, then all the energy will be configured to the desired wave and you will not have to mask the lack of beauty internal cheap masks outside.

Interpretation of the Runic Hieroglyph

The value of the rune of youth and beauty We have already disassembled, the next step is to find out what it means in fortune telling on the runic symbols. It all depends on the position in which the rune felling. It can be straight and turned out:

  • Runa Berkano is straight (in the literal position) in fortune telling for the future promulit changes to the better. It symbolizes a good physical and spiritual state of the health of a gadget person.
  • Symbolizes growth, development and favor of nature. In combination with coyla, means the improvement of the inner component of a person, and Assuz together with Berkano suggests that the Council of the Closeup is necessary for making a decision.
  • Berkano in an inverted (indirect) position is a symbol of contradictions and disagreements. The disorder can occur both inside one person and in relation to him with others.
  • A combination with UMA indicates serious changes in life, and in combination with other runes Berkano can be the first lighthouse of the appearance of any diseases.
  • By itself, the rune of beauty Berkano is not negative, and to bear a positive charge, but in combination with less favorable runes, its value is somewhat worse.

The Runic Symbol of Berkana is not negative. However, in combination with less favorable runes, its value is somewhat worse

A person who uses Runa Berkano in his life must be full of confidence and strength. It is a light runic hieroglyph, therefore carries a positive charge and cannot be used for bad intentions. When attempting to such operation, she will forever cease to cooperate with a person and can significantly spoil his self-determination and self-esteem.

Berkano in fortune telling

For women, Runes are a guide to the secret world, full of secrets and new amazing discoveries. With fortune telling on the runic symbols, the appearance of Berkano in the defold is a very favorable sign, because the rune itself is a symbol of purity and innocence. But everything can change depending on the position of the supposed icon:

  1. With fortune telling on the relationship, the icon has fallen in the literal position indicates the purity and sincerity of the feelings of loved. Such an alliance is strong and deprived of low-lying defects. In the prediction of the relationship of the couple, the burgrano is honest, a long and durable alliance, in which there is always a place of mutual assistance, respect, understand and love.
  2. The inverted position speaks of the disclaimers and pioneering, conflicts in family life. The main value of the torn Bernano - strong excitement and experiences. It can be expressed in experiences about the spouse or child. Specify the situation of runes who fell in one scenario with Berkano overtook. Less common, but its importance is childlessness. It is inexplicable, if only one has fallen into a pair (such a combination says that the cause is the physical state of human health) or Perth (speaks of magical intervention in the life of a couple).

The girl should be rejoiced if Runa Berkano fell into its relationship: it is a sign of sincerity and happiness.

There are many happy and joyful moments ahead with your loved one. No negative in relationships, only love and reciprocity.

Runic symbol "Berkana" foreshadows many good moments with a loved one

Fortune telling for career success and Bercank

This rune may mean not only the relationship based on love and trust - Bernano can reveal important aspects of human business relationships. Interpretation of this Runic Hieroglyph in fortune telling to predict the prospects in business and work:

  1. The direct position of the symbol promises good prospects, to implement the life of which requires careful preparation. It can also talk about moving through the career ladder and success in relations with colleagues. Rido, which fell out in the scenario, talk about future business trips and moves to work, and Kenaz attracts success in his career due to self-confidence.
  2. The overwhelmed position warns of a possible premature or unsuccessful completion of the working project. It is worthwhile to beware of unexpected turns of fate and monitor the process of fulfilling the work. In combination with the faughter, the symbol warns about the possible financial losses that it is feared. This may well occur due to excessive efforts and stubbornness of the gadget.

As in other sobs, in predictions of the career future Berkan, the positive energy is carried, and possible problems may occur only by the fault of the person himself. Such a rune favorably affects the course of events in any field of life and improves the general physical and mental state of gadgetting.

Straws with Rule Beauty Berkano

It is possible to make several magical stakes with the presented ruunic hieroglyph. Here are examples of basic, proven and effective combinations:

  • Yer, Perth, Ingus, Berkano (such becoming aimed at rejuvenation and restoring the lost female strength; brings the girl more interesting moments and happiness).
  • Berkan and Uruz together give confidence to women, revive their feeling of their own dignity and fill the bowl of female attractiveness.
  • Berkan, drawn on two female palms, increase and increase the attractiveness of the girl who had these characters.

You can not only draw a pencil or handle Runic hieroglyph - methods of drawing a picture There are many, a lot has already been said about them. It remains only to choose the appropriate, tune in to the desired way and spend the ritual. It is important not to forget to preliminarily consecrate the runes with four elements and consecrate them with breathing. After that, it is necessary to use to change the events in the life and improve its quality.


Each of us dreams to look attractively in the eyes of others, and especially this concerns the representatives of the beautiful gender, which most of all cares their appearance. It turns out that adding charm can be used with the help of the Magic Power of Runes - and the Runic Running Beach, created by a rhunologist named, will help in this. Let's consider in more detail how it works and in what cases will help.

What situations can be used by becoming a "beacon of attractiveness"?

First, if you have problems with self-esteem. As you know, even people with a very beautiful appearance sometimes do not like themselves so much that they make a lot of problems because of this. This is due to the fact that all our emotions and positive, and negative - are reflected in our energy field. Energy fields of different people interact every day, affect each other.

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When a person is good when he is experiencing a mental rise, even the surrounding feel it and seem to be "infected" from him positive, attracted to him, try to be closer. When a person overwhelms the negative, people around him in the energy level feel it and intuitively prefer to stay away from it. A person who does not suit something in itself, begins to radiate a bad mood to the surrounding space, insult, anger, discontent, aggression than in the end and dissipates others, even despite its perfect appearance.

Runner becoming the "beacon of attractiveness" destroys your internal complexes and barriers, so that you again feel your own attractiveness, which means you improve your mood and well-being.

Secondly, this formula can be used when you want the object of your sympathy to pay attention to you. Under the action of the runes, you "shine" in his eyes with all your bright colors, which means it will certainly notice you, wants to communicate with you.

Thirdly, you can use the "beacon" and then when you just need to notice you: it can be a working team in which you do not stand out, important negotiations, from which much depends on the outcome of which, some contests and competitions, Where you need to "shine", an interesting party, but anything. It becomes so universal that it is possible to apply it in any circumstances when it comes to personal attractiveness.

Runes included in the beacon of attractiveness, and their work

Rune becoming the "beacon of appeal", created by the author running, is as follows.

It includes the following runes:

  • A bunch of two characters - symbolizes the "beacon" himself, makes the operator with a seemingly repeater of positive energy and charm
  • gives man youthful enthusiasm, rejuvenates his
  • - Water Rune - refreshes its appearance
  • Perth is responsible for sexual attractiveness, a special female or male charm (depending on the floor of the person using the formula)
  • Uruz strengthens the effects of the impact of the runes mentioned above
  • responsible for a tangible result, as well as for cyclical, non-stop work of the Stava
  • Salt "highlights" a person makes it noticeable in the eyes of others

Rules for applying, turning and activation of Stava

It is possible to inflate the ruffeance "Light Attraction" on a photo of a person, on his own body, or on any thing that will be used as an amulet. If you apply to the amulet - do not forget to wear it with me all the time so that the formula acts constantly.

Stretching Vych is better done. During the drawing of the runes and the title, you need to mentally imagine yourself, your best qualities, represent that you are irresistible in the eyes of others, young, sexy, full of energy, charming.

It is possible in any way that for one reason or another is suitable for you more than others: breathing, by the power of one element or everyone at once, blood, intention, contact method, by any personal techniques.

What time does it work after becoming?

Any ruling formula does not begin to act instantly - on its promotion requires a certain time, on average from week to month. But, since the rune becoming the "attractiveness beacon" is considered fairly simple, you can feel its impact after a few days. As the valves loosen is mounted, it can be updated, recruiting already drawn characters.

In an effort to be as attractive as possible, and the ladies, and men resort to the most diverse tools, sometimes not quite traditional. But the one who disassembled in magic is well aware, how effective can some magic symbols can be. They are widely used to participate in fate, divination and help in a wide variety of matters.

Especially powerful power possesses runes, one of the most ancient signs that have survived to the present day. The power of the runes is used to solve a wide variety of vital issues. Those who are concerned about the gain of their own attractiveness, will help the runes for weight loss tested with a pattern and runes for beauty and sexuality.

Runes - nothing but symbols of the most ancient alphabets of some nations of Scandinavia and parts of other European countries. The runes of Druids are most famous to the general public. Their writing system consisted of 28 ruins. Another popular alphabet is German, which includes 24 runes. Otherwise, he is called eldest feet.

Runic alphabets existed a lot. There were 5 Scandinavian alphabets. 2 belonged to the peoples living in the modern territory of Denmark. 5 more were used jointly by the Swedes and Norwegians. All these Runic Alphabets are Scandinavian, Danish and Norwegian-Swedish - are referred to as Junior Futarc.

How to use the runes?

It is the older Futark that is considered the magical and most effective. Alas, only a few came from 24 runes to our time, so now in the turn of the runes of the younger Futark. According to the ancient legend, the runes were given to the Supreme God once at the time of his meditation and high insight. For this reason, the Runic signs of ancient times were considered:

  • something divine
  • endowed by the supreme force
  • magic.

Many centuries ago, they were drawn on a stone or a tree and wore in a special handlebar (a small bag). Trying to find out your future, they were taken out of the wallet at random and did a special alignment.

Now there are runes and on the stone, and on the tree. But you can simply depict - "write" - runes on paper or even on the body.

Pretty power possess runogram - Magic talismans that are manufactured individually for every person and life situation. The runes can be depicted on different things that you want to put the magic force or protect from the unkind eyes.

For example, at the entrance doors in the house, on some kind of baby's thing or even on its own body. If you wish to lose weight, then write the runes either directly on the body, or on a small piece of paper, which should always be with you.

For drawing the runes, it is better to start a special marker (either a helium handle) of red, black or blue. It should be used only for these purposes and more for anything. Hide this marker and do not let them use it. It will be a "sacred tool" only for drawing runescripters.

Picture runes on the body can only be in those places that the foreign person will not seewhich are hidden under clothing. It may be a belly or the inner side of the shoulder. If you use runes for beauty and attractiveness or weight loss, it is best to draw them on your stomach.

How to draw runescripts?

Even on your own body (and especially on him!) runes need to be applied correctly. They must be drawn so that a certain virtual observer, one who stands in front of you can correctly read them. In no case in the mirror image! Of course, the signs you have written not to show anyone.

Runes for weight loss are best to apply on the stomach. This is the area of \u200b\u200bthe so-called lower chakras, which are just responsible for bodily. Symbols applied to the front abdominal wall, strengthen the appeal, correct some personal qualities and even protect against negative energy from the outside.

Runes can be depicted in the column or in the line. During writing, it is important to negotiate, what is the validity of the runes as desirable. If the runes are slightly erased, and the result you need is not yet received, then they can be just once again obliged. After the characters written by you have had the desired impact, they can be washed away, and, to do it with a simple milk to remove makeup or even alcohol. The removal tool does not play.

The main thing is to remember that even after the runescripts were erased from the body, they will still have 2-3 days to provide their impact on it. If you are not ready to use your body as a notebook, just write to the same red marker of the runes on a piece of paper. Wear it always with you, carefully store from an extraneous eye and burn when signs will have their own action. Washing runes from the body or burning a sheet with their image, must be respectfully thanked by respect.

For weight loss and stabilization of weight, several combinations of runes are used. The most effective magic formula that will help to lose weight quickly and with pleasure, such is:

URUZ - Dagaz - (here you write your name) - Laguz - Kenaz - ISA

The runes need to draw in the middle of the abdomen and on the left palm. On the stomach, the runescripts are drawn from left to right, on hand - ranging from wrists towards fingers. Picture the magic formula is better blue or black marker and it is necessary to update it every day. This is a prerequisite!

Draw ruins need exactly the way they are depicted on the illustration, in no case turn the "down head" "down", otherwise the result will be the opposite desired.

So, on the stomach we write the magic formula from left to right, the top of the runes - where our head, bottom - respectively, legs. We begin to write on the palm from the wrist (also depicting runes directly, and not upside down). The last rune must be drawn at the base of the fingers.

There are also several confidence in the meaning of runic combinations. For example, in order to make it easier to move the refusal of food or reduce the volume of ordinary portions, such runes can be used:

Mannaz - Berkano - Fenhu - Woney

They are help less think about feeling hunger, to dwell on it and saturate much smaller portions. The magical formula is especially well in the first few days when the diet is particularly hard. Gradually, the body gets used to such a power regime and is easier cope with a decreased diet.

Another formula will help well, without loss in terms of health, survive the starvation period:

Isa - Kano - Dagaz.

If the first two runes to rearrange in places and get as a result of the formula "Kano-Isa Dagaz", then such a combination will contribute to active burning in the body of fat and updating all processes, and hence the general rejuvenation.

Rune "Kano" means "fire, burning, burning", "Isa" contributes to ensuring that the combustion process lasted in time, and was not short-term phenomenon. The sign "Dagaz" symbolizes the transformation, changing itself.

Any of the three indicated combinations of runes are applied with a red marker on the left forearm, as always, from left to right, "head" up.

Another formula - »Yera - Soviet - Hagalaz - Council - Yera» - It will help to significantly reduce the appetite, but increase the energy and give strength. This combination is framed by a rune yer, which helps to restore normal, natural metabolism and adjust the hormonal balance of the body.

Runograms should be applied in the morning, before meals. Update the formula also follows every day, so many days as needed to achieve the desired effect.

RuNograms of female and male charm

Runogram successfully apply to strengthening female and male attractiveness. Moreover, for each floor there are its own characters. For example, the runes for female attractiveness are as follows:

Berkana - Berkana

Moreover, one character is drawn on the left wrist. The second "Berkana" is depicted on the right. After applying to the body of these runes, the woman wakes up in the woman, unconditional femininity, in front of which men would just be able to resist.

To rejuvenate the body, you can use such a combination: Yera - Percho - Ingus - Berkana

And in order to promote the regeneration of skin, rejuvenation and elasticity of the skin, the ruunogram should be drawn on the body: Algiz - Laguz - Pertron - Council

Become more feminine, confident, but at the same time not aggressive, and soft, a combination will help: Laguz - Berkano - Gebo - Soul This runogram is also a love amulet of a very strong action.

There are also special runes for male attractiveness that endowed representatives of the strong half of humanity by courage and charisma, which especially attracts the ladies. The rune formula of masculinity and attractiveness is as follows: Tayivaz - Gebo - Uruz - Soul

Applied to the body, this Runogram will help to attract the attention of the ladies, will create harmony in personal and sexual relationships, give the media of the symbol of sexuality and even help strengthen the potency. Each rune in this formula has its meaning and direction. For example, the first - "Teivaz" is the rune of dedication. Once it was used by warriors to help and get relics in competitions and fights on the battlefield. Now it will help to achieve career heights.

The second rune - "Gebo" - symbolizes the partnership. She will help to gain harmony and in love and business relationships. The third - "Uruz" - is intended solely to increase male power. If a man has problems in male health, this rune is especially shown to him. She will help restore youth and potency. The fourth rune - "Soul" - a very powerful symbol of power. In ancient times, she still denoted the sun.

A powerful rulic symbol for male attractiveness and good luck in love affairs can be drawn using the following runes:

  • "Teivaz", "Ingus" - runes of masculinity;
  • "Sokuo" - highlight the carrier of runes among other male representatives;
  • "WUNO" - this rune by value is in the second plan and is aimed at ensuring that the upcoming date brought a lot of joy;
  • rune "Kenaz" gives passion;
  • "Bernano" symbolizes a woman who needs to be attracted.

Molding apples (eternal life, youth and beauty)
author Nooma.

Northumbrian runes
Eoch - eternal life
Bjork - Eternal youth
Doug - in the heyday of forces, health and beauty

"This RF gives me eternal life and eternal youth in the heal of forces, health and beauty."

Feta (rejuvenation)
author Nooma.
KH (Slavic letter, not stipulated) - Returns the object youth and beauty
Soulo - youth and beauty (Duplicate the Chinese)
Raido - Returns (Duplicate KH)
who were at the facility in such age
Tourisas - and destroys the process of aging appearance and the body as a whole
Yera - permanent

"This RF makes me young and beautiful" (for young) or "This RF makes me so young and beautiful, as in my so many years" (for older).

It can be applied to the body, on the cucumber, on cream, make a talisman.
The effect is, really appearance becomes younger and more beautiful.
Unfortunately, it is believed to cleanse the negative, as blocking aging (which is perceived by them as the closure of roads or something like that). But, perhaps, this is my one-time case, since recently I read a lot and from everything in a row.

Formula for skin rejuvenation.
Red and draw them and draw, on one part of the body.
You can also apply in the photo or on a tube with a cream with a reservation or hanging to read.

Eternal youth


Here is such eternal youth ...........
All trite simply, perthro rebirth, hagalaz cleansing, Berkano growth, development, Ehwaz process engine ...............
This is a Palindrome, very often I use this principle, works like a clock ...
palindroms work in all directions from top to bottom from left to right, as well as diagonally

Apply in a photo or on a tube with cream or just on a piece of paper, I always stipulate "... to the result"

Based on the practical experience of using Polyndrome, Vej Orij. I advise you to use it no more than 5-7 days a month .. You can specify a specific impact on certain parts of the body .. the revision is more predictable and its action is less extreme ...

New eternal youth can be worn all the time ... and do not be afraid to get it extremely)))) ....
Hagalaza - cleansing from the suspended
Perth- rebirth internal organism
Evazi. - Process engine.

Tours- Clear appointment of action, direction in the right direction
Hagalaza - cleansing from the suspended
Perth- rebirth internal organism
Berkana- Growth of new cells, flexibility, elasticity
Evazi.- Process engine.
Kano.- Getting health, radiance of recovery, attractiveness ..
How talisman is better to do on an apple tree
it is better to use the second option in Vzci and correctly specify .... that the action it was clearly directed ... to choose a more radical then, softly and without stress, then the second ..

Run the change process
Cleansing, rebirth
Up to 25 years old
With body slim, skin smooth
The aging programs are destroyed
Cleared body consciousness
The attractiveness is reborn
Sexuality, flexibility, youth!

Runic bet "Stairs in youth"
author lov_ushka.
Dagaz - Ignous- Go to another condition. Ingus- in general - steps, so here is the step of Winz, i.e. Back, in the past.
Next, points go - the number of years (in this case, 5 pieces), the transition to steps five years ago.
lower floor:
Berkana - Female beauty flower
FROMovilo- Beauty and Health Energy (stipulate everything you need)
Isa. - freezing of processes (aging, fullness, think about what)
Ingus - hit to the level that you need and fix in it.
Rune of the second plan - yera - Get the desired result.

Eihwaz (1) - pulls up and gives the influx of blood to the muscles;
Eihwaz (2) - activates the work and elasticity of connecting tissues;
Eihwaz (3)- Restores the turgor of the skin;
Laguz feathers. - elimination from the old state of the body. Both in physics and psychosomatics;
Laguz.- the removal of what prevents to come to a new state in the body specified in the Task of Stava;
Thurisaz zerk. - Taking care of fears and past states at the operator;
Thurisaz- prohibition of return to the old state of the body from the operator;
Nauthiz mirror. - conscious coercion of the body change;
Nauthiz - the need of an organism in change;
Ingwaz. - gift of rebirth to the Fiz Plan;
Kenaz.- internal change at the psychosomatic level;
SOL (ISL.) - gives energy to the strike;
MADR (ISL.)- Regeneration and recovery.

Quote: Such a small, but active amplifier for cream, which we use for face against wrinkles.

I used a picture from the company of my favorite cream, which was applied.

I will not say that taking advantage of this becoming, you will not need Botox or it will replace any plastic procedure.

No, this is not true, but what a pity that there is still no such a panacea.

Its action is based on the strengthening of the cream. It is, the cream penetrates deeper, feeds more and, naturally, the result is visible.

The face looks more fresh and tightened, not visible fatigue (they know the bags under the eyes and saved the cheek - I am surprised at all - from where everything is taken!)

One thing I can say with sure, after the action of Stava during the week, I ceased to use the tonal cream-disappeared the need.

(For skeptics - creams of this company I have been using 10-15 years, so with the main capabilities of the cream, I am not familiar with the heal)

After becoming a renowned, specifically indicating the action of each rune. I added that the action of it begins at the time of contact with the skin of the face, at other times the runes accumulate their energy. Did it directly on the jar, so that I would take it into my hands. Every time I say - "Well, youth!".

Activated by becoming their breathing, plus clarified that the words "young" will be triggered as a switch for runes.

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