Separate spelling is not with adjective examples. "Not" with adit - features of writing

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The question of how "not" written with adjectives is quite complicated, since the choice of the correct option will depend on many factors, besides there are exceptions. The article presents systematized data that will allow better learning spelling rules and apply the knowledge gained in practice. Consider when it is poured, and when separately writes "not" with adjectives. Examples will also be presented.

Variants of fusion spelling

"Not" with adjectives picked in the following cases:

1. When the word without this morpheme is not used at all. For example, negligent, unprecedented (there is no word "shavy", "gracious").

2. If the adjective is possible to replace with any synonym that does not contain "not". For example, weightless (sad); unmarried (idle). It should be borne in mind that the synonym without "not" is not always able to pick up, in which case it is allowed to explain the adjective by some close to the expression. For example, unjoyable power (that is, similar to men's); Nearby thoughtfulness (that is, such as in adults).

Separate writing option

"Not" with adjective separately written if:

1. There is a contrast. So, in suggestions, where one part of the speech is opposed to another with the help of the Union "A", the adjective with "not" will be written separately. The specified rule concerns both complete and short forms. For example, not interesting, but boring; Not sincere, but pretended.

This prescription acts and then when there is no obvious opposition, but it is meant. Here is an example. We observe not ordinary weather (that is, not ordinary, but exceptional). At the same time, note that it is possible to interpret the meaning in such sentences in different ways. Compare two options:

  • This is not a difficult question (... and simple, that is, you do not think that the question is complex).
  • This is an easy question (that is, light).

An exception

Many are thinking about how "not" written with adjectives in proposals, where there is opposition, but not with the Union "A", but with the Union "But". Doubts arise for no wonder, because, indeed, such a case is an exception, and the adjective in this situation will be written with "not" in a firmware. The fact is that the Union "But" performs a different function in the proposal: we also see two signs, but the second of them exists and at the same time as first, and as if contrary to him. We give examples:

  • The question is not simple, but complicated.
  • The question is not easy, but solved (yes, it is not simple, but it can still be solved).

2. There is a denying of some kind of quality or properties. So, they are written with "not" separately characterizing the constant property of the subject. Also, they are prescribed to the selection of opposition. For example, spoons are not steel (... and silver); Honey is not lime (... and flower).

As for how "not" writes with adjectives, characterizing the quality of the subject, there are nuances here. Separately should write "not" with high-quality parts of speech, which designate color. In combination with this particle, such adjectives express insufficient manifestation or lack of quality. For example, the shade is not blue; paint is not yellow.

3. There is an underlined approval. If in question or simply painted emotionally proposal adjective expresses an underlined statement, then with "not" it will be written separately. Such a proposal mentally can be supplemented by the answer. We give examples.

  • Who does not know this movie! - Yes, he is known to everyone.
  • Is it not clear without explanation? - Yes it is clear.

The spelling of "not" with adjectives in the presence of explanatory words

1. If such as explanatory words are used as "bye", "at all", "far", adjective with "not" is written separately. The same applies to cases when adverbs starting with "ne" (for example, nitsy) are applied, and some negative pronouns (for example, no one). For example, not dependent woman at all; far from a close way; No sad movie.

The same rule applies to the adjectives ending on "". For example, with no one comparable; by no means dependent.

An exception

If the function resembles a noun, that is, it is not dependent on the adjective, but on the contrary, it is explained to them, then "not" is written with the word. For example, I did not accomplish nothing illegal.

2. If there are other explanatory words, besides those listed in the first paragraph, "not" with adjective is also written in a punch. We give examples.

  • You made an inappropriate comment in this situation (that is, the remark is not appropriate - a negative sign is approved).
  • These are incomprehensible words (that is, we do not understand the words).
  • This is an unsuitable place for the games (that is, the place is not suitable for games).

The rule is applicable for the adjectives ending on "-MI", such as waterproof, independent, incorrigible, non-aggravated, indestructible, etc., including for their brief forms. We give examples.

  • He set a notundable record.
  • Our state is economically independent.

3. When there is an adhesive degree or measures next to the adjective (for example, it is extremely almost, extremely highly, very, etc.), with "not" it will be written in a punch. For example: a very unsuccessful day; Very ugly behavior.

In the event that the implications are used as explanatory words, "at all", two options for writing adjective with "not" are used. It is supposed to pounce, if the explanatory word is given in the value "perfectly", "very", "absolutely", and separately - if in the value "not" not "at all", etc. Compare Examples:

  • It was a completely uninteresting performance (approval: yes, not at all interesting).
  • It was not a good look (denial: no, not good).


If you met a combination of a "not" particle and adjective, which has no attention to what the point has a statement - it will depend on this that Writing will depend. For clarity, we give examples:

  • This picture is not more beautiful than that (that is, it is not more beautiful than the other).
  • This picture is ugly that (that is, less beautiful than the other).

And further…

The adjective type is greater, smaller, the best, the worst is written with "not" separately. Examples:

  • He continued to work with no less perseverance.
  • Check revealed not the best results.


Now you know how "not" written with adjectives. And, as they probably managed to notice, there are many nuances in this matter. To choose the correct option, sometimes little simply remember the rule, you need to be able to reason logically and correctly determine the meaning of the statement.

The font and separate writing "not" with adjectives is governed by a number of rules. Usually the use of this causes many difficulties not only among schoolchildren, but also in adults. I understand the subtleties and remember the rules will try further.

Adjective is ...

One of the brightest, colorful parts of speech is considered to be reviving our speech, makes it more interesting, diverse. When we want to tell about what a person looks like, without him we can not do. Growth, voice, facial expression, color of clothing - all this is expressed exactly the name of adjective.

It is difficult to imagine artworks that would not use it as a description. For example, human behavior in one situation or another is hardly without it.

And there is nothing about poetry and talk: there is always adjective. They are used in means of various artistic expressiveness: metaphors, epitheats, comparisons.

What is needed "not"

In the sixth grade, students have to explore the fusion and separate writing "not" with adjectives. After all, the negation of this part of speech gives him a completely different, special meaning.

Take two examples:

  • The man is not at all fun.
  • He was sad.

With all, it would seem general similarity, they have various emotional shades. The second example is usually used in everyday speech when we tell each other about everyday events. The first sentence, as a rule, use classics in their works. It carries not only information about the state of a person, but a kind of highlight, mystery.

The denial helps not only change the meaning of the word to the opposite, but also give it some color.


Throughout the learning process, students in the lessons repeat the topic "Fusion and separate writing" not "with adjectives." In the elementary classes, the children learn that this particle, for example, is always written with verbs only separately. Therefore, there are errors to spell it with other parts of speech. With adjectives, it is different.

It should be switched to it when the word without "not" does not exist. For example: hate, angry. Let's try to discard this particle and get a hound, grab. There are no such words in Russian. That is why we are forced to write them together so that their meaning is not lost.

The fusion writing "not" with adjectives is observed and in the case when we can replace the word with this negative particle synonym.

For example: Mom returned from the guests dissatisfied. We try to pick up the word similar in meaning and get: Mom returned from the guests sad (evil, sad).

We see that they easily replace each other. This gives us the right to write a particle "not" with this word ply.


The "not" writing rule with adhesive is not difficult, it is worth only to remember some of the features.

So, separately we will write the word when there is opposition in the sentence.

For example: The flow in the river is not calm, but stormy. The Union "A" suggests that in this case one adjective is opposed to another. This means that they have the opposite meaning. Otherwise, such words in Russian are called antonyms.

Be careful and focus on the context. In this case, the "stormy" and "calm" have opposite values.

Do not confuse the Union "A" with a similar meaning of the Union "But". Very often he does not oppose the words, but adds information.

For example: Our cat is defective, but good. This proposal carries this meaning: even an animal and has no features, it is very good.

There are no opposition here, the words "pionee" and "kind" are not antonyms. In this case, it is also necessary to pay attention to the value of the proposal as a whole.

The next case is used by separate writing "not" with adjectives - this is the presence of auxiliary words "at all", "at all", "bye".

For example:

  • The wind on the street is not cold.
  • This man is not at all high growth.
  • The film was not interesting at all.

In the presence of these "helpers" we will always write this particle only separately.

We will continue to disassemble the writing "not" with the adjective following example:

  • The color of the tablecloth was not white.

What do we see? On the one hand, you can replace the word synonym, for example, "light". On the other hand, here is meant to oppose: not white, but a red or any other color (in this case, the words "white" and "red" are

Here is another example of separate writing: if the opposition is implied, then the word with "not" writing together cannot be written together.

Complex cases

The font and separate writing "not" with adjectives is not limited only by the cases above. Sometimes there are such situations when the word is not suitable for any rule. Take an example: Our child is not calm neighbor. On the one hand, it is implied by opposition, and on the other, you can find synonym. In this case, a twofold writing "not" with adjectives is allowed, that is, both together and separately.

It is also worth noting the use of this particle with brief forms.

With them, it will always be written in the same way as complete.

For example: ugly look - the view is ugly, a man is not rich - not rich (It is understood that it is medium wealth).


We studied the "not" writing rule with adjectives, tried to affect the most common cases.

In fact, the nuances are much larger, but they should be considered in each individual case. Now you will not have difficulty when you encounter adjectives used with the negative particle "not".

The font and separate writing of the particle and the prefix "not" with different parts of speech always causes difficulty. Someone relies on the principle: "If you can insert the word - write separately," others are trying to avoid controversial moments, preferring to use synonyms. The spelling "not" with adhesives is one of the simplest topics if you understand it. The main thing is to correctly explain the material.

Structure rules

The spelling "not" with the adjectives is a rule that completely coincides with the writing of the same particle and consoles with nouns and adversions ending with "O". We will also have to remember only eight points of the rules, six of which about separate, and the remaining two - about the compatible spelling of the negative particle console.

"Not" pounce

In no case should not forget that there are words with which "not" is always written in a punk - it is part of the root, separating from the word it is impossible. So, "not" with adjectives that are not used without it, always written in a punk. For example: negligent, unpleasant, clumsy - words "shavy", "passenger" and "plot" in Russian does not exist, so it is impossible to tear off from them in any way. Usually with this part of the rules of difficulties does not arise anyone.

The second case, when "not" with adjectives is written pits - the ability to replace the adjective synonym without a negative console. For example: Shallow - small, bad - bad, rather big - big. It is important to remember that it works only with high-quality adjectives (it is synonyms and antonyms that form and form comparison degrees).

"Not" separately - general items

Separate "not" with adit to the rule is more voluminous, but no more complex. Of course, you can go from the contrary: if it is not replaced by a synonym without "not" and is used without "not" - to write separately, but such universal techniques do not always work, and sometimes you need to be able to explain why it is written exactly that, and not otherwise.

First, the "not" particle is written separately from the adjective if there is a contrast with the Union "A". For example: not big, but small; Not wide, but narrow. It is important to remember that "not" with the adjectives, after which the Union is "but", it is written in a punk (if the word is suited to a rule about the compatible writing "not"): non-smoke, but deep river; ugly, but kind person; irrational, but the right decision.

Secondly, the Russian language is one of the few, where there is a double negation. It is with him "not" is written separately: it's not interesting for anyone, no one is funny, no one is secret.

Thirdly, there are some points of rules for the fusion and separate writing "not", which are universal for all parts of speech. Such is the item with "not at all", "by no means", "far from" with which this particle is always written separately. For example: not a fun, not the spacious, not happy. Here, by the way, there is also its own difficulty: very often, at all, it is completely confused with adversions of measures and degrees, like "completely" and "absolutely". When they are present, "not" is written in a punch, for example: absolutely non-cool, completely not far away.

"Not" separately - features

A separate part of the rules make up the items for which "not" and adjectives are always written separately. There are no exceptions here, you just need to remember three short statements:

First. Words that are written through a hyphen, and "not" - always separately: not in a friendly comrade, not in Russian.

Second. Relative (denoted a sign that cannot be more or less) and attracted (belonging to someone) adjectives, adjectives (sour) and colors (pink) are written separately from "not": not winter, not mamm, not bitter not black. By the way, in order to distinguish the discharges of adjectives, one can argue from the opposite: if the adjective does not have degrees of comparison, synonyms and antonyms - it is definitely relative or assumed and suits this rule.

Third. Adjustable in a comparative degree are also written separately: no better, not free, not original.

Fixing exercises

In some cases, in the textbooks on the writing of the particle-prefix "not" with adjects and separately, examples are very poorly. Most often rules, but few exercises that can really help in memorizing these rules. In lessons, teachers are usually given a number of words, and the student must decide whether the "not" particle or the prefix will be "not" for each case. Acquaintance with the rule and follow-up practice will definitely help better consolidate the material passed.

The first exercise is the definition of writing "not" with adjectives. Examples: (not) beautiful; absolutely (no) funny; (not) wide, but long; (not) in price; far (not) cheerful; (not better; (not) blue; (not) in a friendly; no one (no) interesting; (not) deep, and small.

This simple task will give an opportunity to either remember the rules or check intuition - in any case, such exercises are considered the most common rules in the development of this rule.

The second exercise is the explanation of "not" with adjectives. Examples "separately": not blue; not more beautiful; not soft; not wooden; not fresh, but a smallest; not sweet; not in Turkish; not big; not mamm; Not attractive at all. Examples "Dlya": non-bubbling; unpleasant; non-trap, but deep; unpuck; careless; uninteresting; ugly; not easy, but fascinating; not angry; Non-good.

Answers to exercises can be found in the rules themselves.


Writing "not" with adjectives is a completely simple topic. However, it is very important to pay proper attention to it. The main thing here is to remember the items of the rules responsible for writing "not" with adit to adhesion and separately. Examples and practices will help to figure out better and consolidate the material passed.

Spelling not with adjective names | # |

They are picked by S. not adjective nameswho are without not Do not use: careless, unprecedented, hostile.
They are picked by S. not adjectiveswhich in combination with not acquire the opposite value; usually such words can be replaced by synonyms without not: small (small), unmarried (idle). Not It is always possible to choose a similar synonym, but the affirmative shade of the value contained in adjective, serves as a basis for compatible writing: Someone in the chapel on the stone sits; Young pranks ... were determined by nonsense thoughtfulness.
Written separately S. notadjectivesIf there is or meant contrast: the problem is not simple, but complex; relationships are not hostile; The light is not sharp.
Usually, notwritten separately with relative adclusive By giving a denial to expressed signs: clock is not golden, honey is not lime. Of the quality adjectives These include adjectivesthat indicate the color and which in combination with not Do not form words with the opposite meaning: paint is not blue, binding is not yellow.
This takes into account the syntactic function adjective: The rule is usually applied to the adjectives in the role of the facility, since the estimated opposition gives the uttertainment the nature of the general negative judgment expressed by a particle notbut may not apply to adjectives As definition: these people are not local - to shine with non-defense beauty; paper is not white - nonsense citizens.
In some cases, a double interpretation of the text is possible and, as a result, a dual writing: this task is not difficult (Approved "Ease") - This task is not difficult (denied "difficulty"). Similar nuances are especially important to consider when transferring a contract and other serious documents.
Disasses the opposition expressed by the Union but, and opposition expressed by the Union but. With the first one of two opposing signs, the signs are denied, and the other is approved: river is not deep, and small; With the second there are no concepts opposite to each other, they are fully compatible, that is, the subject is simultaneously attributed to two signs without denying one of them: river shallow but cold. In the first case not It is written separately, in the second - ply.
The presence of explanatory words, as a rule, does not affect the jigging writing not from adclusive : unknown author, unknown science facts, incomprehensible student words, unnecessary for details; lake, unclear in the forest (Everywhere is approved by a negative feature, and not denied positive).
Separate writing not from adjectivehaving explanatory words with him, meets:
for adjectiveswhich in full and brief form have a different meaning, for example: not ready to exit an actor;
in the presence of negative pronoun and adverbs (starting with n.) Or combinations : not a well-known address, innocent people, no harmful drink, is not a simple solution., not a new storyCompare: unknown me paths - no one drivenBut: There is nothing impossible in life! What is the accused of my neighbor, there is nothing illegal (Negative pronoun does not depend anything on adjectives, and they are explained by them);
Sometimes when setting adjective With dependent words after the determined noun: the enterprises not joined (under conditions of separation, the design with adjectives is approaching the value to the involvement of the turnover).
If as an explanatory word advocates adhesive measures and degrees ( very, extremely, very, almost a naren expression to the highest and the like) then not from adjective Written punk: a very ugly act, extremely inappropriate lunge, very unsuccessful performance.
In the presence as an explanatory word adverb at all perhaps both a fusion and separate writing not from adclusiveWhat is associated with the two values \u200b\u200bin which the specified adverb is used: 1) "perfect, very", 2) "by no means", "no way". In some cases, both interpretations are possible and, as a result, both writing: very small achievements (small, modest) - not at all great achievements (not big).
Double interpretation adheres at all: 1) "by no means", 2) "At all, completely" - in the conversational style of speech: There were not convincing arguments at all. - the authors of these works are less popular or at all unknown authors..
With briefs adclusive The denial is not written basically the same way as complete: it is poured in the absence of opposition and separately if available: room low - room low; incomprehensible "survey - the question is not impaired. Compare writing in the presence of various explanatory words: The search for material on the selected topic is easy for it.; People in the future are too unsure - No control here is no longer possible; They are not similar to each other. Compare also: This river is always restless. - This river is never calm.
Written separately S. not Brief adjectives that are not used in full form or have a full form of different meaning: not ready for departure, should not do that, do not intend to be silent, not obliged to help.
Depending on the meaning not With brief adjectives, as well as full, it is written, then separately: Our family is not high (approximately the same thing poor). - Our family is not rich (i.e. medium wealth); This girl is ugly (a negative sign is approved) - This girl is not beautiful (denied positive sign). Compare also: Nearby trouble. - Not great, it would seem, this distance for styers.More often there is a separate writing in pairs: not needed - unnecessary, not right - wrong, disagree - disagree, not capable - unable (Usually in these cases, the denial of a positive feature is more felt than the adoption of negative).
Two writing occurs in combination not With a comparative degree of adjectives: This screensaver is ugly that (more ugly) - This screensaver is not more beautiful than that(Does not have greater beauty).
Separately written: not lower, not higher, no better, no worse, no closer, not poorer and the like (frequent form of writing not with a comparative degree of adjectives).
Separately written not With forms bigger, smaller, best, worst: with no less success, with not the best chances.
Varies with writing with ungalled adclusive on the -Mom and with communion on -Mom: if there is an explanatory word, the first are written in a punch (as well as replaced adjectives), the second - separately: uninhabited island, water insoluble crystals, not read by non-specialists magazines, not a beloved stepmother.
TO adjective on the -Mom Treat words formed from non-transparent verbs ( independent, waterproof, non-burning) or from the verbs of the perfect species ( incorrigible, indestructible). These words apply to general rules for writing not from adclusive, that is, they are written in a punch and in the presence of explanatory words, as well as in a brief form ( isle of deceptive, the disease is incurable, these countries are economically independent). However, the rule of separate writing remains in force adjectives from not, if pronouns and adverbs starting with the quality of explanatory words neither Or combination not, not at all, not at all: not comparable impression, by no means soluble crystals; either of the art is not eliminated. The exception is words that without not Do not use: nobody invincible army or an incomprehensible case for anyone.
Writing should be distinguished not With the words -Momformed from transient verbs of an imperfect type: such words can be both the suffering gestances of the present time and adjectives (in the first case, writing with not Separate, in the second - a fusion). In combat, they are if, with them as an explanatory word, an efficient case of an active person is used, less often a creative gun (the so-called instrumental); If there are other explanatory words, they become adclusive (lose the value of the suffering and time value and acquire qualitative value). Compare: not a favorite stepmother child - unloved in childhood games (in the second case, the word unloved Indicates a constant feature, it means about the same as "unpleasant", "unwanted").
TO adjective This type includes: invisible, unbearable, non-flammable, negascin, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, invisible, immutable, unloved, unthinkable, unplanable, inalted, untransferable, indescribable, unrecognizable, unnecessable, unfriendly, intolerable other. Compare their writing in the presence of explanatory words: indivisible for three numbers unforgettable meetings for us, independed by simple words feelings, Nouns Nouns, Nourant in Russian, Intriable in our society etc.
Separately written not from adjective In an interviewal sentence, if negation logically emphasizes: Is this position without any evidence? Who are not known to the names of our astronauts?
If the denial is not emphasized, it is used in a fusion writing: Is this the situation unclear? Is this approval incorrect? (Replacement possible: Is this an approval erroneous?)

  1. if adjective is not used without not , eg: notardent nottiny notseparation notwinning;
  2. if a not it serves to form a new adjective, which can be replaced by loved ones in meaning with a word or expression, for example: nottall (low), notpolite (rude). In this case not It is a prefix.
  3. If there are words in adjective highly , quite , extremely , pretty , absolutely And some other, reinforcing the degree of manifestation, for example: It was very nothigh fence; It was extreme notpolite answer.

It is not a negative particle and writes with adjective separately:

  1. if there is either meant contrast, for example: The house was not high, and low; The answer was not polite, and rough;
  2. if negative particles are used in adjective far away , by no means, not at all , eg: far away polite answer; by no means good mood;
  3. if adjective has dependent words with n. , eg: nobody N. interesting article, whit difficult task.

Not with brief adjectives

Spelling not with brief adhesive, the value of which coincides with complete, obeys the same rules as the spelling not With full adjectives, for example: ceiling nothigh (Low); ceiling very low ; ceiling not high, and low; ceiling not high (And what?).

Dynamic and separate writing not With brief adjectives, it helps to distinguish the meaning of what he wants to express writing, for example: tale not interesting (Pretty boring) - tale not Interesting (i.e. it is impossible to say that it is boring, but not reading with great interest); road non-rigid (Satisfied narrow) - road not widea (i.e. it is impossible to say that it is narrow, but not very broad).


There is a small group of brief adjectives with which not He is always written separately. Such adjectives or do not have a full form, or in full form have a different value, for example: not happy, should not, it is not capable, not ready, I do not need, I do not agree, it is not obliged.

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