Collapsible boat flat-bottomed with their own hands. Plywood boat

Landscape design and layout 26.06.2020
Landscape design and layout

General issues

Holidays in nature, hunting or fishing in the terrain, which is surrounded by water bodies, is the activity that is impossible without a floating agent, so the boat is not a luxury, but an urgent need. Buying your own mini-ship is able to punch a decent gap in the budget, because of this, this option is in small. However, the biting prices of small flowerflows do not become an insurmountable obstacle for enthusiasts, as they make a boat with their own hands much easier than it may seem at first glance. An independent creation of a practical small vessel is an entertaining process, but it requires a serious approach from the author of a future boat.

Choosing materials and types of boat - first step

It is impossible to say that there are a lot of options for the future builder, but there is a choice. The homemade boat can be made of:

  • aluminum;
  • tree;
  • plastic;
  • rubber (rubberized tissue);
  • become;
  • plywood.

There is no ideal material, each of them has its advantages and is not deprived of the shortcomings, but most often the masters stop their choice on the wood and its "colleagues", since the advantages of these options are undoubted. It:

  • ecology, low weight;
  • buoyancy, reliability, strength;
  • silent, maneuverability;
  • relatively small cost;
  • long service life with proper material processing and vessel storage;
  • the possibility of using cheerful, installation of the motor and / or sails.

There are two varieties of wooden boats:

  • kille structures;
  • flat-bottom (round bottom) courts.

Secondly thanks to the fishermen, as boats-flat rooms have better stability, allowing you to hunt even standing. It is convenient to unfold on these plaquinities, and the places in them are enough for everything that it is necessary to fans of fishing: both for gear and for a very large catch.

Kelem home-made mini-trial distinguishes the best passability of complex segments, speed, practicality. However, these boats are more demanding, as the passengers and the "driver" of the car must first learn to keep the equilibrium, competently distributing the center of gravity.

Features of wooden "boat works"

There are several requirements that will have to consider the creators of these boats. Among them:

  1. Ability to handle the tree, knowledge of all nuances. This concept includes the optimal choice of boards, the ability to calculate the future maximum load on wood, as well as awareness of how billets bending.
  2. The correct choice of other materials: In addition to wood, they will need tools to protect it from leaks, from the destructive effect of water, elements for fastening all parts of the structure.
  3. Availability for assembly. Since all the workpieces and the vessel itself have quite large dimensions, and a lot of time to build a lot of time, a room or a plot is needed, reliably protected from rain.
  4. Need to have all tools for working with wood.
  5. At least one helper, it will be necessary.

This is a minimum list of what is necessary, therefore other conditions may appear during the work.

Correct dimensions and drawing

About them a separate conversation, because weight depends on the size, capacity, carrying capacity and stability of a small vessel on the water. If you write about the recommendations, then they are:

  1. Height of sides. The optimal value is 500 mm, but no one prohibits a small change in a large or smaller side.
  2. Length. This parameter depends on how many people will be in the boat at the same time. If the plasserity is calculated for one, then the length of 1800-2500 mm is enough. For a duet "Savior" need 3000 mm, for 3-5 people are enough 3500-4000 mm. We ingest in the last design and six, but in this case the question is already in the other - in the comfort of such a large company.
  3. Width. Here, the recommended value is 1000-1500 mm, but it is necessary to consider that the maximum figure will significantly reduce maneuverability, but will make the vessel more stable. We need to take into account the weight of people, the potential cargo, which will be transported by boat, the length of the flooded.

Focusing on the recommended (or chosen by the builder) dimensions, it is necessary to make a drawing. If the master is not strong in drafting such schemes, it is better to stay on ready-made, proven sketches that are not difficult to find on the Internet: just enter only two words in the search engine - "Boat drawing", and then switch to "pictures".

Preparation: Tools, Materials

After the theory, the practice begins - the acquisition of materials and the search for all necessary tools. The main thing for the boat is the board. In this case, it is better to buy a spruce, larch or pine sawn timber, which does not have cracks and bitch tormented by falling out. Those that keep tightly, do not pose a threat to the future ship. Check their reliability is simply enough to hit them with a hammer or a sledgehammer. Optimal wood, which was kept in a dry room at least a year, lay the entire period on a flat surface.

The rest of the rest includes:

  • antiseptic for wood;
  • strings for strut and triangular - for the nose of the boat;
  • water-repellent paint - pentacryl, progress, raptor (for cars), brushes (paint);
  • nails (better galvanized self-tapping screws) of different lengths and hammer for them;
  • primer;
  • drill low power, screwdriver;
  • glue (polyurethane), replacing it - resin, syringe for applying in hard-to-reach places;
  • varnish (yacht) - Alpina Yachtlack, BELINKA YACHT, Eskaro Marine Lakk 90, Premia;
  • sheet metal for the bottom and bonding elements of the boat;
  • sandpaper (or grinding machine);
  • file;
  • pass (sealant);
  • parakord (Kevlar, nylon, polypropylene) - to give sides of the boat the necessary form;
  • roulette;
  • clamps;
  • electrolzik (hacksaw).

Manufacture of wooden flat house

How to make a boat with your own hands reliable, strong, unspecified? Answer One: All stages require a clear execution, since the hurry, any shortcomings, the traditional Russian hope "on Avos" is contraindicated. ATTENTION Even to "small trifles" - a prerequisite.

Production of sides

  1. At first, according to the drawing, all the blanks saw. Details, including board, are treated with a file, and then sandpaper. Soak antiseptic.
  2. On the one hand, the boards are made drowned at an angle of 15-30 °, then with the ends with a chamfer to ensure the perfect (without gaps) adjacent billets in the nose.
  3. The triangular bar is fixed by the nose of the boat, attaching it with nails or self-drawing to the joint of the boards from the inside after the perfect fit. The edges of the contacting parts are first impregnated with an antiseptic, then lubricated with glue (resin).
  4. The name of the assistant and give the boards of the boat the necessary form using the Paracord or its replacement. The cord is tied up on the side, setting the struts between them the same width as a future boat. Then the rope is tightened.
  5. Train fastening (rear element of the boat is a flat fodder). With sides, it is combined with glue (resins) and self-tapping screws (nails).

Creating and fixing the bottom

The bottom is made of wood (it is better to find a wide massive board), waterproof plywood (FSF, 12 mm) or from sheet metal.

  1. If a metal sheet is used, the item is cut out so that its dimensions exceeded the bottom for several centimeters. They are needed for attaching to the bottom of the sides. Since the leaks here is the biggest threat, all the joints are generously laughing with glue or resin, use the pass. The edges of the metal are bended with a hammer. Self-tapping screws in a step of 15-20 mm throughout the perimeter of the boat.
  2. If a wooden board is found (plywood), the element of the desired form is cut out of the material, and then act in the same way - to be treated with glue or resin, use the pass and fasteners.

Finishing material processing

Now the elements of the boat again are generously treated with an antiseptic, eliminate all potential gaps with a pacle or sealant. Then twice ground, put paint into several layers, each of them give time for drying.

Then cover the ship by varnish, also 2-3 layers. The last stage is the installation of beamers-cans, the installation of triangles for the stern, they are processed - ground and paint (lacate) - separately. At this, the manufacture of boat-flat houses is considered complete.

Verification of waterproof boat

This operation is needed to make sure the reliability of the vessel before it is the first large swimming. There are several ways to do it, but it is better to carry out a comprehensive test.

  1. Check on site construction. In order to make sure the boat turn up the bottom of the bottom, set on a long bench either into several stools. Then a large amount of water from the hose is poured onto it. The recommended duration of this testing is 5-10 minutes. The boat is turned over and inspected for leaks.
  2. Test mini-ship with large water. If the homemade flat show did not show herself with a holey veil on the "shipyard", then it is first sent to free swimming on a small depth. When the first water tests are successful for 30 minutes, it means that the vessel is ready for any water.

They can come in handy by those who do not like to allow errors that always require additional efforts to correct them. And therefore, some recommendations can be (and necessary) in advance "wind on the mustache":

  • in the manufacture of a self-made boat, it is better not to save on the quality of materials, since the best wood is synonymous with the long-life of the future of its own floating.
  • all billets are advised to cut with a small margin, because it is much easier to cut off the surplus, otherwise you will have to cut a new element;
  • sealant, glue, resin or packle - what is required to purchase with a large margin, joints of the sides with the bottom are especially important;
  • in all wooden parts for fasteners, it is necessary to dry the holes in advance of a slightly smaller diameter than that of nails or self-tapping screws, the goal is to prevent possible cracking of the material.

Boat from plywood

The plywood floating agent has its advantages to which include:

  • a small weight, since a lightweight version of such a boat has a mass constituting only 10-15 kg, and such a vessel is quite easily transferred even together;
  • maximum capacity - 5 people, but it all depends on the chosen project;
  • the durability of the mini-ship, but only in the case of technology compliance;
  • affordable price of all required materials.

If the Master has a desire, and the reasons to refuse to not find it, then you only need to highlight free time to create a boat.

Materials, tools

Furniture plywood (FC) is not suitable for the construction of this vessel, so it is necessary to purchase one of the following marks: BC (impregnation - Bakelite varnish), BS (Bakelite glue) or, if there is no possibility to buy BK and BS, FSF (resin formaldehyde adhesive). It is necessary to pay close attention to the quality of the material: the slots are unacceptable in the ends, and on the surface of the bitch or other defects. Fat plywood is not suitable, since the sheet should be able to bend, therefore the maximum (or optimal) thickness is 6-9 mm. Other necessary materials and tools:

  • bar - high-quality, dry;
  • reiki from larch - for keel and stringers (longitudinal ribs hardness);
  • fiberglass in rolls;
  • waterproof paint;
  • primer and spacure (also waterproof);
  • epoxy adhesive;
  • yacht varnish;
  • pencil;
  • copper wire (paper clips);
  • chisel;
  • nippers;
  • a hammer;
  • pliers;
  • plane;
  • roulette;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • clamps;
  • grinder machine;
  • putty knife;
  • electrolzik, Pilking (for figure cut).

Drawing of plywood design

It is easier and easier to choose a ready-made sample, which can be found on the Internet without any problems. But before the "hunt" for him you need to think about several details. These include:

  1. The appearance of the boat, its shape.
  2. Capacity of the future vessel and its size.
  3. The level of complexity of the design. The debutants of "shipbuilding" is better to look towards simple models.

After the drawing liked is found, the wizard has the rights to be slightly correcting: for example, resize or form some elements.

The easiest of drawings is the one in which all the details are placed on 1 plywood sheet.

  1. First, it note the axial (longitudinal) line, then those that are located between the letters A, B, and V. Half the bottom are transferred to the paper, cut out, then apply the pattern to the second half of the sheet, they will drag the bottom to be symmetrical.
  2. Conduct a line separating traums from it. The bottom is filled with a jigsaw first, the back board is followed by him.
  3. Similarly, drawn, and then the side boards are cut out: there are one element, impose it to the second workpiece, then nevertheless, climbing in the clamps, cut out. Spice places in all billets are treated with sandpaper.
  4. Racks for keel and ribs of hardness (stringers) are cut, then they are grinding them.

If you do not suit the small size of the boardwork, then two sheets of plywood before the cutting operation glue "on the Us", processing the connection site first by the plane, and then the grinding machine. The resulting seam put a cargo.

Assembling elements of boat

By steps, the process of connecting the details looks like this:

  1. At the bottom and the bikes of the transom drilled holes, the diameter of them - 1, 5 mm, step is 150 mm. Similarly, they come with the bottom from the stern. Both items are connected to the wire, the twists are made outside.
  2. The bottom is placed on 3-strokes, on extreme chairs to ensure the necessary deflection lay the boards or books. Call assistant. Along the edges of the side and side sides of the bottoms make holes with a similar diameter and step.
  3. Side elements are fixed with wire to the bottom and the trans. After checking the geometry of the boat, the brackets are planting a chisel on the internal joints. Between the sides, temporary struts are inserted in places where partitions will be installed (spline) and seats-jars. They are temporarily fasten with self-drawing.
  4. All joints are glued three times with fiberglass using epoxy glue. The width of the first strip is 25 mm, the second - 40, third - 50 mm. All wire twists from the outside in front of the sickness outside are biled outside, and the joints of the joints curve.
  5. Remove temporary struts, install splits and banks. The holes from the self-tapping screws are "masked" with wooden bellows placed on epoxy glue.
  6. Rakes intended for keel and stringers are mounted with glue and self-drawing, then placed under the press.

Finishing work

First, all irregularities that appeared "due to" epoxy glue are removed by ectile paper. Defects either all surfaces are covered, then the boat is ground. The last stage is painting and / or varnish.

How to make a boat with your own hands? Not difficult, but not too elementary. This can be verified if you look at all the stages through the wizard's eyes. For example, in the reality of solving the task, it will help make sure this video is divided into 9 parts:

Rent on the Lono of Nature, have their own a great therapeutic effect. Smooth smooth of a lake or river soothe better than numerous drugs, whether they are at least completely from natural raw materials. That's why men seek to sit with fishing rods on the shore of the reservoir, and swim in the roaster on a boat or boat - the top of dreams.
And everything would be nice, but here are the boats now expensive. About boats - generally conversation separate. And now we will imagine that a separate garage is needed for the boat and plus a trailer for transportation, so it turns out that no sensible hostess understands such an ordinary, normal male hobby.

However, there are a more budget version of the hobby, self-made water vehicles are fully allowed. The conversation will go about the boats of flat houses, especially since the material for them is inexpensive - plywood.

Why flat-bottomed

Yes, indeed, why the flat window, and not say a stationary boat or boat. Looking ahead, let's say that a flat bottom, or a flat-bottom boat, is the simplest thing that can be done on your own. It has the set of positive qualities, which for a conventional water vehicle requires significant costs.

  • The price of the boat, as well as weight, will be minimal;
  • Transportation of this type of transport can be safely carried out on the trunk of your own car without any additional trailers;
  • When storing the boat is calmly installed in the usual garage, occupying a bit;
  • The usual dyeing of the bottom can solve the whole complex of problems;
  • And the most important thing is the boat of the plywood boat from plywood with their own hands. The construction is available even to people who do not have the skills of manufacturing such products.

These are the main positive features. And for further comparative analysis, I want to stay on some parameters that have a digital expression.
In particular:

  • The length of the boat depends on the number of people and loading capacity of the vessel and maybe from 1800 to 3800 mm and more;

Our reference! The boats, of course, may be more, but in this case they are designed for the so-called commercial transportation, and in this case they will require more serious materials for the construction corresponding to impregnations, work with seams and so on.

  • Maximum width - from 1000 to 1500 mm;
  • The height of the side and the transaction is approximately around 400 mm;
  • Mass of boats from 60 to 80 kg, maybe somewhat more;
  • Calculation for carrying capacity of 1-3.4 people. Either 120 - 380 kg.

For your information! Despite the seeming frivolousness of the design, it can additionally be equipped with a sail or motor (it is except two fun). In this case, the motor can be from 2 to 8 hp, the trauma will calmly solve such a superstructure. For lovers to be halves or with a passing breeze, there is also an opportunity to make a snap, what will be discussed in the following chapters.

Head of material and general rules for working with it

Once they spoke about the plywood, it means that I will examine on the bones of Fanur. It is clear that not all material from this family will need.
We will use the material of two types:

  • First. Plywood with increased moisture resistance. This is usually the usual building material, the thickness of which is in the range of 12 - 16 mm. Often, a glue basis is used in the production of such a material that is not recommended for use in housing, namely in the rooms.

Limited, allowed to use on balconies and in household premises, due to the entry of formaldehydes into the composition of adhesives. For ecology, such a relation is also undesirable, so we recommend that you use a multi-layer laminated plywood with a minimum amount of glue and an application for almost ecological purity.

  • Second. So-called aviation or five-layer plywood. Despite its ease, it is strong enough and can be used:
    • first, on the traum;
    • secondly, on the seat.

Despite different approaches to the construction of the flat window, in different sources there are general rules for working with the material, a kind of universal user manual, here it is:

  • Considering our case, you need a disk saw for cutting material. When working with a thin plywood, which can be used, for example, to cut the letters, the usual knife is construction (this is plywood up to 2 mm). Well, for the completeness of the picture, we report that the plywood from 2 to 6 mm is sawned by an electric bike;
  • In any multi-layer plywood there is a risk of cracking in the outer layers of the veneer when cutting across the fibers. This can be avoided if there is a weakening bands of the top layer of the veneer along the alleged cut;
  • The main designs of the flat window suggest the screed parts of the wire, in some there are fixation by self-draws, followed by the fill with epoxy resin. I would like to say that the self-tapping screw is not riding in Paneru just like that.

The reason for this is a banal, with direct ripples or twisting, divergent radial cracks in products are possible. It was recommended first to drill the fan by the drill of the corresponding diameter, and then spin the screws;

  • When designing, the plane arises the need to abnormal the base of the boat, giving it curved forms. In order for plywood easier to be lighter, it is wetted, attached to the necessary form and leave in this position until complete drying to 14 hours;

The assembly process for all the rules.
  • When gluing parts, all general recommendations for cleaning, degreasing, stripping are given on a glue with glue or packaging, so it is repeated here, no sense. But what is needed to pay attention is to the location of the fibers of plywood when gluing. So, parallel running fibers glued much more reliable;
  • About some chagrins in work. If you have plywood in carrying out work, it can be glued, having paved with thin paper between layers and sneaking it with glue. Of course, no about which construction of the boat cannot go, but, for example, for the assembly of shelves, birdhouses, decorative figures in playgrounds, such material is quite suitable. Unfortunately, you got marriage.

Selection of tools

The choice of tools is always important, although if you are going to keep design in the garage or a home workshop. That all this is probably there.
Well, what do you have?

  • The electrolovka and the disk saw - this is what will certainly find and it is on them the main task of sawing material;
  • Electrolake - Now it is not uncommon. No, take a neighbor, but this is if you are not going to make a boat with straight sides. For the usual design of the flat window, the sides of the arrangements at an angle of 45 degrees are provided, for this it is necessary to spend a burrow and here it is very difficult to do without electrolake.
  • Grinding tools. They can be both electric and mechanical (sandpaper and holder for it, perfectly cope with the problem of stripping);
  • Screwdriver - can be applied, both in the main purpose and the role of drills for drilling holes for fastening or self-tapping screw.

The process begins

We dealt with the material, the calculation was spent. Best of all the cut and sewing to arrange on a special table, but please tell me where you saw a wide table in the garage? That's it, there is no it there, so we proceed from the realities.
On the floor:

  • With the help of the kitchen, we carry out a phased transfer to the canvas of all parts. It will be nice to prepare patterns on paper in advance and then transfer them to the canvas.

By the way, some masters recommend to carry out modeling and build a model of the future boat in a large-scale ratio. Thus, you can and visually submit what you will create and, if necessary, make adjustments;

Note! Preliminary preparation of parts on paper is also needed in solving the issue of material saving. The fact is that rational accommodation helps to actually save the material, but it would be good to do without fanaticism, leaving enough space for cuts and the ability to pass the part to the required sizes.

  • The process that we now can do not do if you prepare the usual vertical boards of the vessel. If you prefer a classic with a small divorce, then you can not leave anywhere.

For this, electruruckics are used. To work with this tool, one pass is enough, leave more space for grinding, and here, use anything at least a power tool, at least emery paper, the choice is yours;

  • If in your design, the splintings or other jumpers increase the stiffness of the structure are provided, then it is time to assemble them or cut (if they assume a littered form);
  • Then there is an assembly of sides, feed and if there is a personhpigel in the idea, then it. At the same time, the fixation of parts occurs with a metal wire, for which the connection site is first drilled, and then tightened;

Tip! To facilitate the assembly, you can use plastic clamps for cables, the only inconvenience is that they should be put more often, especially in places where the tension occurs, but they will perfectly hide in a thick layer of epoxy resin.

  • After the frame, the bottom of the boat is connected. The principle of attachment is exactly the same: either on the clamp or wire. The joints in the literal sense are poured with epoxy resin. Normal salary will not have such an effect. You need not just fixation of parts, but also sealing, but here you will have to pour out;
  • After drying, the seams occurs another processing. The formed seams are sutures, give them a single appearance. And then, specifically purchased by a wide fiberglass ribbon, impregnated and the messed-mounted epoxy resin, the joints are sampled once again:
    • twice outside;
    • and once on internal circuits;
  • But now you can fix other parts of the ship.

Sail - symbol of romantics

  • For walking under the sail of one mast and sails there will be little, it is necessary to ensure the stability of the vessel, otherwise it will be lit as a nevel. For these cases, the Swvet is provided. This element may well be made of plywood to 6 mm, as well as the steering wheel, but it can be made of plywood, which goes to the production of the body.

Swutes can be one or more. It is believed that the most sustainable position of the vessel provides two Swutes, which are located under the bottom of the boat with some turn in different directions;

  • A few words about the steering wheel. The simplest steering is the usual loop, in the number of two pieces, one piece is attached to the traum, and the second directly on the steering wheel.

Preference is given to the loops of non-removable so that the steering wheel does not fall. Sometimes it is allowed to drill in the transom special oval window in which the steering wheel is inserted, the fixation occurs with a metal pin;

  • The masts are preparing collapsible from two pieces. At the same time, the attachment of parts to each other occurs with the help of special fasteners, the lower part of the mast has a square cross section and is attached to the steppe (special nest);
  • Sails are prepared from dense fabric, for example, teak, at the worst of the bosal. There are a lot of ways to fasten the sails, their listing is inappropriate in mind the distance from the topic, you can find them in the appropriate literature and on sites that specialize in the subject of yachts and boats.

Additional comments

  • Creating a boat of the Plogging Employment and giving the right to an error. We will explain. The fact is that any design that you will start collecting can go wrong, especially with newcomers. There are errors on the turn of the sides, on the articulation of the details, on the fit and so on.

This should not be an obstacle, especially since Plywood is beautifully adjusted for any sizes. If you change the boat geometry slightly, you will take one - two centimeters, then on the legs of your vehicle, it is most likely not reflected (read also).

  • There are details for which you often pay attention to the last. It is connected with the ease of their attachments. Two keel for the stability and direction of movement and racks for feet to the bottom of the vessel for the convenience of rowers. And if the first two is easy to attach to the ready-made boat, then the rails are better to secure until the bottom of the bottom of the bottom structure is fixed.

Paint and call

The last strokes remained, in the form: walk to putty, sand and paint. You can simply cover the olifa and then three layers of paint.
Why in three, explain:

  • The first layer is a primer. It can be in color any, even white, its main task to align possible defects and coat the entire surface with a single layer;
  • The second and third is decorative and protective. It is clear that the more layers, the better the protection. But again, within the limits of reasonable. The choice of color or colors remains yours.

Tip! The yacht varnish has proven not bad, which is represented by a wide front even in construction super and hypermarkets. It can be used. The remaining paints are better to buy in stores specializing in products for boats and yachts, since waterproof paints may differ from each other.

And now it remains to call your creation, by any name. Do not forget that how you call the yacht, so it sails (it is quite acceptable for both boats). This appearance is interesting because they do not make any special requirements, but it can be used both at sea and river or lake.

The fiberglass boat has gained popularity with their durability and reliability. Fiberglass has a number of significant advantages over other materials. You can collect vessel quickly and without much costs. Fiberglass boat with their own hands - a budget and decent option for fishing trips.

Plastic small-scale ship is intended mainly for fishing. It can also be used for water tourism, sports direction. The operating conditions of the boat on the water: the wave is not more than 60 cm high, the wind force is up to 4 points along a ten-ball scale. The ship from fiberglass is an excellent alternative to inflatable boats.

In the first place among the advantages is the strength that exceeds this indicator of the aluminum boat of the same class. Such a ship will last long, with proper care - up to 20 years.
The casing of fiberglass has excellent hydrodynamics and shape, has high physicochemical properties. Repair fully feasible. One of the most important advantages of the plastic boat is the possibility of its manufacture in accordance with its desires.

Fiberglass is the only material that allows you to create the form of any complexity. Independent design of the bottom makes it possible to equip it with rugs any configuration. You can achieve the maximum efficiency of the vessel's running qualities, placing the rugs in the most suitable places. In addition, the design of the homemade boat will be a reflection of the character of its owner.

There is a method of manufacturing a self-made boat from plywood and fiberglass, when plastic is used only for outdoor coating of the boat. But this technology does not justify yourself. Lying under the plastic layer of plywood quickly picks moisture, which increases the weight of the vessel. There is a rapid destruction of plywood due to the effects of microorganisms and the stratification process, because by the strength of the plywood is significantly inferior to the plastic.

How to make a boat? Accurately observing all the rules, even the newcomer will be able to implement this task. The technological process is simple and budget. The vessel body is created due to the reinforcing filler impregnated with the polymer composition.

Materials and drawings

Raw materials used as a reinforcing filler in the manufacture of a frame:

  • the base of the body, board - roving fiberglass TP-07, TP-03, TP-056;
  • local strengthening of separately taken areas - structural fiberglass T-11, T-13.

Fiberglass can be different types of weaving, the size of the threads. Basically choose "oblique" or satin weaving. Threads must be twisted. Sold material in the form of sheets, rolls, ribbons.

Fiberglass is sold in a fatty fat. So that the fabric is better impregnated with the binder, the grinder should be removed using gasoline, white spirit or acetone. Degreased tissue dried around 2-4 hours in the air.

To glue the reinforcing material, resin will need. In the shipbuilding industry, three varieties of resin are used: epoxy, vinyl ether, polyester. The most important characteristics of the resin during the construction of a fiberglass boat from any type of fiber is adhesion and soilability.

A cheap option is the use of a polyester resin that allows you to create a one-piece element from fiberglass per surgery. You can apply the resin TM Ashland. To create decorative, with the protective properties of the coating of the body, it will take gelkout. The plywood is also required with a thickness of at least 1.2 cm, which has moisture resistance.

The manufacture of the boat is impossible without the prelimine drawing. Designing of future floating conditions can be carried out using the AutoCAD program. First, a 3D model is created, then the schemes of the spangling, grids. Ready drawings are taken on specialized sites, on the Internet. Now you can begin to make a fiberglass boat with your own hands.

The matrix

The production process of manufacturing a fiberglass boat begins with the construction of the matrix with their own hands. First, the framework is made to which the splintmosts are attached. Next, they should be hampered by a twelve-millionth plywood, trying to achieve as a smooth surface as possible. The edges of the boat make more rigid, for sides are used by a double layer of plywood.

Now it is necessary for a long time and thoroughly align the boards using polyester putty. It is necessary to exclude all the errors so that the boat design is stable. You can work with special chapels templates.

At the stage of alignment of the matrix, it is possible to provide such an important part of the boat as a keel. It provides an even movement of a more funny or motorboat, excluding the spirits. A homemade keil made from wood is poured with polyester resin.

By markup, all the errors of the constructed matrix are detected. The sandpaper is aligned and cleaned the edges, giving the future shy symmetry. The finished form cleared of dirt is degreased, an anti-adhesive composition of 4 layers is applied to it. It is necessary as a separator that does not allow the adhesion of the resin to the surface of the form.

Helcouta coating

After drying, the wax layer is applied gelcoat, which is the outer surface of the boat. This is a responsible moment on which the appearance of the vessel depends. Gelcoat provides protection against scratches, ultraviolet, losses. It is necessary to apply it, seeking a uniform coating, avoiding bubbles and drills. Now you can start laying out the cuttings on a fully dried layer of gelkuty.

Manufacture of housing

Cutting the tissue is carried out by cutting the canvases corresponding to the length of the housing. The canvas for laying along the waterline and keel should not have the junctions. If there is an obstacle to the obstacle, the material in this place is able to edit, and then detach. You should leave the allowances when stripping along the edges for laying in Vnakroy. To sew pieces of fiberglass to obtain the required length, you can use glass threads, rolled out of the edge of the material, or impregnated with oil linen.

The fiberglass layer is evenly covered by a binder polymer resin. To do this, it is recommended to use a casting roller. Air bubbles should be avoided, since the emptiness remaining in some places weakens the design. The next layer of fiberglass is stacked on a similar scheme. You can apply up to five layers of fiberglass. To obtain a more beautiful upper layer, it is recommended to use a special "upper" fiberglass.

Power frame and floor

To enhance the housing, it is necessary to pave three wooden bars along the shape, which is then covered with two layers of fiberglass. Installation of the spangling produces every 30 cm, also applying fiberglass on them.

It is necessary to create a double hermetic bottom that makes the boat that is not optimized even in case of turning. The floor is trimmed with plywood sheets with moisture-resistant properties. The finished floor is covered with a pair of layers of reinforcing tissue, with a mandatory impregnation with a polymer resin. The composition is given to dry completely.

Finishing stage

It remains to remove the finished boat from the form, trim the allowance, stick the surface, mounted the roof and the beam protection. Additional elements can also be made: seats, merry fasteners, drawers. Using fiberglass, you can make any necessary accessories for the vessel. After that, proceed to painting.

A similar method is made with their own boats from fiberglass. Of course, the drawing and design of the boat is more complicated than boats, and efforts will need more. But the cost of homemade will cost half less than the same finished vessel.


Repair a boat from fiberglass or a boat is required when typical damage occurs:

  • decorative layer defects;
  • cracks in the case;
  • goes and semi-belly;
  • the discrepancy of the corners;
  • sinks.

Basic materials for repair: fiberglass, epoxy resins. Starting repairs, it is recommended to place a damaged place closer to the horizontal level. The surface must be clean, dry, low-fat. There may be a hair dryer, technical or household. Before the start of sealing defects, fiberglass must be deguted, rolling in a solvent, and dry well.

In case of emergency repair, it is not necessary to dry it over the stake, as the soot is formed. Before laying on damage to damage, the fiberglass is impregnated in a diluted compound (polyester or epoxy resin), after which it is pressed with pulling between two sticks. The place of repair must be cleaned with a large skirt to a glass tape layer, making it slightly terry.

Elimination of damage

Small injuries in the form of scratches are close to epoxy resin without filler or soil. The cross-type scratch is removed by a compound with a compound with a filler, after which the processed place remains to stall and paint.

Small cracks sufficiently smeared with epoxy resin. If the housing cracked, then the damage is removed on both sides of damage to fiberglass. After drying it is filled with epoxy resin. To do this, click on each side of the cracked, giving it to reveal, and scrub. After that, the edges are combined, fixed. From above, on both sides, we are imposed by a compound strip of fiberglass. After the frozen, the place of repair is grin, covered with a layer of resin, spooled and paint again.

The semi-bodie is characterized by a break with the remaining piece of plastic. If a break is small, then you need to correct the sticking piece. To do this, it is necessary to handle the compound all surfaces. With the help of the stop and the Cyanka, the piece is put in place, while on the one hand, the convexity is formed, and on the other - the dent. Fiberglass is stacked with impregnation, fixed by cargo. After the polymerization of the semi-bodie, the resin with filler sweeps. Further actions, grinding - laying the impregnated sheet, repeated twice. Then grinding and painting.

The platoon is closed with the help of foam punch, preferably on external inquodes. From thick fiberglass, several patches are made with tolerances from 3 to 5 mm, so that the thickness of the package corresponds to the thickness of the case. After installing Punson, patchs are pasted. The algorithm for further action is the same as in previous cases.

The discrepancy of the angles is eliminated similar to the sealing of cracks, but the fiberglass is taken in the form of a tape. Sink is the most unpleasant type of damage. Sometimes it is a defect of production. It can form between layers due to water from entering, which cuts the layers in winter. For repair, you will need to open the sink, drill the hole before entering the cavity.

Then there is a wide section (up to 5 mm) at its largest size. The open cavity is dried with a hairdryer, filled with a compound with a syringe. The processed shell is clamped into the press. Then the usual putty algorithm, grinding and painting is performed.

Fiberglass is an excellent material for the manufacture of boats and boats available in application. Made with their own hands fiberglass boats are obtained durable and durable, easy to repair. It should be borne in mind that the components of the materials used in the work are not safe for health. It is necessary to work in rubber gloves, protective masks, glasses, in a well ventilated place.

Boat from plywood with their own hands, drawings and stages of her buildings.

Let's look at the drawing of the presented model in the context:

Breschatuk - Wooden Bar 114x60 (mm)
Spand - Plywood 16 (mm)
Ahterstevin - Plywood 16 (mm)
Kilson - Wooden Bar 30x80 (mm)
bottom - plywood thickness 6 (mm)
Board - Plywood 6 (mm)
Handle - chrome tube with a diameter of 16 ... 20 (mm)
Paul - Planed Board 20x100 (MM)
Deck - Plywood 6 (mm)

A little about the material used:

Two types of sizes: 6x1500x3000 (mm); 16x1525x1525 (mm)
Longitudinal location of fibers
The degree of quality "E"
Grinded on the one hand "sh1" (6x1500x3000)
Unlocked "NSH" (16x1525x1525)
Classification to the effects of moisture "FB" or "BS"

Overall dimensions of plywood boats

Let's start work with the manufacture: Breshtuk; five splits; Ahterstevnya; Kilson

We install on the staple and fasten the Breschatuk; five splits; Ahterstevlen

Insert in the kilson groove, pre-lubricating the touch plane by glue, and give the design to dry.

Take the cardboard and bewitting it along the plane of the sides and draw the side of the side.

Take the cardboard and bewitting it along the bottom plane and draw the bottom circuit.

Making sure about the accuracy of measurements of the contours, we transfer them to Phaneur and neatly cut. We should have four details - two left and two right, and right parts are a mirror reflection of the left.

Fastening start from the bottom.

Brass or galvanized screws and epoxy glue will attack the parts cut from plywood to the framework frame. After rejection of glue, contour align the grinding machine.

Similarly, fastening board.

The joints of the plywood parts are fastened as follows:
1. Drill along the junctions, at the same distance, through holes with a diameter 3 (mm).
2. Insertion cord insert into the holes.
3. Tighten the parts between themselves.

After screwing the glue, the contour and the surface of the joints align the grinding machine.

From above by analogy, fasten the deck. Surveys align.

We produce pasting of all joints with two layers of fiberglass and let her dry.

Does not hurt, if you carry out the processing of fiberglass of the entire case.

Finally we treat the housing and paint in an interesting color.
For the stiffness of the design, the bottom of the seat, strengthen the wooden bars on both sides.
On the floor lay the boards. Top decks install metal knobs.
Boat from plywood with their own hands is made:

It is no secret that most of the male population loves to go fishing. Special pleasure brings fishing on a boat and therefore many dreams of acquiring this object, and some make it with their own hands.

Boat manufacturing materials

The Internet is eating a variety of creativity ideas that can be easily implemented. Entering any request in the search engine, a person quickly gets his answer.

And deciding to build a means for swimming on water, you will easily find a lot of ideas that can be implemented if desired. So what can make a boat? It can be made of:

  1. Tree.
  2. Plywood.
  3. Bottles.
  4. Aluminum.
  5. Rubber.

Each listed material is characterized by complexity in use, because the density is different, and respectively quality too. But it is worth remembering that each material has its pros and cons. Therefore, the choice of material directly depends on the period of further operation of the funds:

  • For example, the most durable material is a tree. It is more adapted for a long swimming on water and can serve seven years. It is worth remembering, you need to take a durable tree. It is best to use oak. So there is a high probability of quality manufacture.
  • Plywood is no longer so reliable than a tree. This will be determined in its subtleties. But if you are not very often chosen for fishing, you want to save on the manufacture, the plywood is an excellent choice.
  • As for bottles, many are asked a completely logical question: how to make a boat from bottles? Many will think that this is not real at all. But despite all doubts, the result will be awesome. It will be easy. But in the case of the manufacture, it is necessary to maximize the result of your work that your work is not collapsed while climbing water.
  • Aluminum is also great as a matter. He is reliable, can serve a long time. But production from such a material will take a long time, forces. Therefore, many prefer a wooden foundation.

The last material is very common. After all, all purchased swimming facilities are made precisely from rubber. It holds well on the water and is able to withstand a lot of weight.

But in production you need to be neat, because one puncture will spoil it. Time, effort, money will be spent in vain. The process requires complete concentration, maximum attention.

Wood base

Many centuries in a row, people used a tree like a means of movement along the water surface. At first, these were simple facilities in the form of small platforms, the boat of which occupied for a long time appeared later.

After all, it should be high quality for safe transportation of cargo. Now in our time, if desired, any person can reproduce the remedy at home.

A simple step-by-step plan will teach how to make a wooden boat. In advance, it is necessary to prepare long, wide boards that will serve on the boards of the Chelny. They must be dry, even, not to have cracks.

After the preparation of the main material, it must be processed for convenient bonding. The edges of the boards must be cut into exactly so that when collecting, the boards tightly touched each other. Next, begin to make a means of movement. Start you need from the bow. Cut out an extra board, which in the middle will keep the side.

After the end of work on the sides, you need to build seats. The process is very simple, so it does not take much time. Wooden boards, you need to nail to sides. After that, the bottom should be installed. It can be iron.

Cut from the iron sheet the desired shape, thanks to the thick clogged nails, fastened to a wooden basis. The boat is practically ready. It remains to attach the iron chain, which will serve as the basis for anchor.

Manufacture of plywood boats

Construction plan How to make a boat from plywood will be slightly different from the previous one. How to make a boat with your own hands the drawings and the description will become a reliable assistant during the process, full information of the drawings can be found on the Internet.

Take a large sheet of plywood, draw the contours of the product on it, relying only on the drawings. After that cut out. Magnet is ready, it remains only to fix everything correctly. The job exactly needs to be started with sides.

If you want to attach a motor, the back board must be strengthened. After high-quality bolt bolt, attach the bottom. Use glue, resin. It is not necessary to sorry to inflict the listed funds, but also should not be removing. Applying them, you need to wait until complete drying. Here the Chelny is almost ready, you only need to paint at your discretion.

Rubber boat

Answer to the question: how to make a boat with your own hands the drawings will be the first answer. Thanks to them, the product will be the right form. Therefore, the first thing should draw drawings, calculating the slightest details.

After that, cut out from the sheet of plywood boat of the specified sizes. Additionally, we will need boards for reliable fittings, tarpaulin for coating. These materials must be combined with each other with all the same glue, resins. Be sure to give time to stick glue, otherwise the design is harvested. And your efforts will be spent in vain.

After that, cover the product with a tarpaulin, attaching it tightly to the boards. Remember, the design should be wide. So it turns out a homemade boat. It will not greatly look like a rubber, which is sold, but soft, convenience, she will provide you.

For a greater understanding of the manufacturing process, you can see how to make PVC boat with your own hands. There, on a visual example, the principle of work will be explained. After all, read and see an example, repeating actions, these are completely different things.

Air boat

Seeing photos on the Internet about how they make a boat from bottles, many are surprised by setting a natural question: how to make a self-made boat from plastic bottles or how long can it be used?

The principle of manufacture is so simple that even a ten-year-old child can construct it. For the production you need a lot of plastic bottles. They should be in perfect condition, without cracks, holes, in order not to pass water.

The amount depends on the desired sizes of the vessel. Also, on bottles, there must be a lid that the water does not enter into the inside, did not make them harder. The carrier material must be put in the form of a vessel, carefully attacked glue among themselves.

Here is a means for swimming ready. It is very cheap in production, but not very high quality. It is highly likely that a bottle can be broken over the branch, thus damaging the design.

Aluminum ship

Having learned the principle of production of previous boats is not difficult to guess how to make an aluminum boat. The difference is only in the material from which the ship will be done. By strength, it can be safely put in second place after the tree.

And subject to quality work, it can serve a lifetime.
Doing, remember that it is necessary to attach materials with high quality, tight. Because life depends on the quality of work.

Anchor do it yourself

Anchor is the main element of the floating agent. After all, it helps for a long time to hold in one place, not allowing the flow to carry the ship. In order to attach anchor, it is necessary to drill a hole in the back of the boat, stretching the iron chain that will become the basis for anchor.

Next you need to attach the cargo itself. It should be a big piece of iron that can stop the boat. It will be necessary to attach to the chain, using welding. Ten minutes - anchor is ready. This is the easiest way to make an anchor for a boat with your own hands.


A few simple ways will help you learn how to make a boat with your own hands from various materials. Even if the attempt is not successful, the experience of making the vessel on their own it is accurately remembered.

But if you still get a good boat, it will certainly come in handy for fun for walking on the river and fishing. Therefore, do not miss the opportunity to try to make a boat with your own hands.

Video about how to make a boat with your own hands

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