Rules of business etiquette whom to follow to everyone who value the reputation. Basic principles and rules of business etiquette

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Etiquette (Franz. Etiquette, from Greek. Ethos - custom, character), established procedure for behavior anywhere (initially in certain social circles, for example, in the courtyards of monarchs, in diplomatic circles, etc.). Today distinguish everyday, guest, business, Military, diplomatic and other types of etiquette. Etiquette has a pronounced situational character. The need to choose one or another word, gesture or any more etiquette mark is primarily due to a specific situation. Etiquette is organically connected to moral norms and society. The system of moral installations that determine the nature of communication from a variety of peoples includes a set of universal universal values: a respectful attitude towards senior, parents, women, the concepts of honor and dignity, modesty, tolerance, and benevolence.

The standards of etiquette, in contrast to the norms of morality, are conditional, they are as if the nature of the unwritten agreement on the fact that people are generally accepted and what is not. Each cultural person should not only know and comply with the main rules of etiquette, but also understand the need for certain rules and relationships. The manners largely reflect the inner culture of a person, its moral and intellectual qualities. The ability to behave correctly in society is very important: it facilitates the establishment of contacts, contributes to the achievement of mutual understanding, creates good, sustainable relationships.

Modern etiquette regulates the behavior of people in everyday life, in the service, in public places and on the street, visiting and on various kinds of official events - receptions, ceremonies,. Etiquette is a very important part of universal culture, morality, morality developed for many centuries of life by all nations in accordance with their ideas about the good, justice, humanity - in the field of moral culture and the beauty, order, improvement, household feasibility - in the field of culture material.

One of the components of the etiquette is the culture of human behavior, its manners. - Method to keep yourself, external form of behavior, handling other people used in speech expression, tone, intonation, characteristic of man gait, gesturing and even facial expressions. In society, good manners are the modesty and restraint, the ability to control their actions, carefully and tactfully communicate with other people. The bad manners are customary to consider the habit of talking loudly, not embarrassed in expressions, exhaustion in gestures and behavior, slope in clothes, the rudeness, manifested in frankly incompatibility to others, in neglecting others and requests, in a shameless imposition of other people and desires, in disregard Inability to restrain their irritation, in intentional insulting the dignity of the surrounding people, in tactlessness, foul language, use of humiliating nicknames and nickname.

In general, the etiquette in a civilized society coincides with the general requirements of politeness, which are based on the principles of humanism. Everyone's expression are known: "Cold politeness", "Ice courtesy", "contemptuous politeness", in which epithets added to this beautiful human quality, not only kill his essence, but also turn it into their opposite. Emerson defined politeness as the "sum of small victims", which we bring to the people around us with whom we enter into certain life relations.

Nothing is so cheap and not appreciated as expensive as politeness. True politeness can only be benevolent, as it is one of the manifestations of sincere, disinterested benevolence towards all other people with whom a person has to meet at work in the house where he lives in public places. With colleagues in work, with many familiar in everyday life, politeness can go to friendship, but organic benevolence towards people in general is a mandatory base of politeness. A genuine culture of behavior is where a person's actions in all situations, their content and external manifestation flow out of moral principles of morality and correspond to them.

The culture of behavior is equally obligatory both by the subordinate to the higher. It is primarily expressed in an honest attitude to their duties, in strict discipline, as well as in respect, politeness, tacty in relation to the leader. The same - in relation to colleagues. Require a valid attitude towards yourself, ask more often with a question: whether you answer them the same.

At the heart of any etiquette, including business Etiquette, It is a concern that the person does not interfere with another person, whatever everyone can work together, to build, live and be happy, without limiting anyone else in this. Do not interfere with each other you need to be able to, and this needs to cultivate yourself, and others. At the same time, it is necessary to educate not so much manners as what is expressed in manners: careful attitude towards people, to the case, to nature, to their past. This is what makes a person with a carrier of culture.

With all the proximity of the principles of business etiquette with universal dormitory standards, there are several rules that are particularly important for business relations.

1. Punctuality. You need to be able to count the time required to come to work on time. Otherwise, you will be perceived as an unreliable, unorganized person who cannot be reached.
2. Do not say too much. In the field of business ethics there are strict norms of corporate confidentiality, which implies non-disclosure by employees of commercial, technical, personnel and other information. The same applies to personal information.
3. Style of clothing. In any situation, you should look accordingly, according to the case and not to be knocked out of the style of clothing peculiar to your business environment. Your individual taste you should demonstrate exclusively within the framework of the adopted Dress Code.
4. Speak and write on a good literary language. The style of your letter must be stylistically competent and lexically correct. The ability of a person competently state his thoughts not only facilitates mutual understanding, but affects his image as a whole. The success of your business career often depends on the ability to communicate. A business man in order to succeed, it is necessary to master the art of rhetoric, that is, the skill of eloquence. It is very important to follow both its diction - pronunciation and intonation. In business communication, never use the slang words and offensive expressions.
5. Support a positive image () of a business person. It may be different: from the "man is pleasant in all respects" to a reliable partner, but an extremely unpleasant and non-cultural person. Creating your image, first of all, you need to think about how you will look in the eyes of others.
6. Interest and attention to others. A business person must be sincerely interested in other people, listen more than talking. You need to learn more about your interlocutor, what he thinks what kind of man he is. Call your interlocutor by name, ask questions. All this will help in establishing further relations.
7. Being yourself. People very thinly feel false and. Try to be easier and natural, and people will answer you the same.
8. Think not only about yourself, but also about others. It is impossible to conduct business successfully without considering the opinions and interests of partners, customers ,. Often, the reasons for failure in cases are the manifestation of egoism, zaqotniness on their own interests, the desire to harm competitors, even colleagues to speed up their careers. Study always patiently listen to the interlocutor, learn to respect someone else's opinion and understand it, get rid of intolerance to dissent, never humiliate opponent, even if he gives it a reason.

Determining the etiquette as an established procedure of behavior somewhere gives the most general idea of \u200b\u200bit. Business etiquette is richer in its content, since it refers to this category as special to general. Business etiquette is the most important side of the morality of the professional behavior of the entrepreneur. In domestic beginner businessmen, many favorable deals are broken, especially with foreign mino, due to the fact that they do not know the rules of business etiquette. And more often they are "substituted" various consultants and secretaries. Many "new Russian" bad taste is noticeable in clothing, behavior manners.

As a result, "new Russians", their consultants and secretaries become the subject of silent and unilent criticism from partners. Resperating and honoring their company after the first meeting, all negotiations stop. And the reason for this is the behavior of "new Russians", which can be evaluated with words from the famous fairy tale about the old woman, which "does not know how to stand, nor to call."

In order not to get into the ridiculous situation, you need to know the rules of good tone. In the old days, they taught Peter the Great firmly. In 1709, he issued a decree, according to which he was punished, anyone who behaved "in violation of etiquette." Perhaps it is necessary to impose a sentence for the Tehi domestic businessmen, who puts not only themselves to the laugh, but also throws a shadow on Russian entrepreneurship. Maybe you should even enter the exam for knowledge of business etiquette.

So, knowledge of business etiquette is the basis of entrepreneurial success.

The rules of etiquette, dealt with specific forms of behavior, indicate the unity of two sides: moral and ethical and aesthetic. The first side is the expression of the moral norm: preventive care, respect, protection, etc. The second side is aesthetic-seeming about the beauty, the grace of behavior forms.

For greetings, use not only verbal (speech) means "Hello!", "Good day", but also
non-verbal - gestures: a bow, nod, squeak, etc. can be indifferent to say: "Hello", nodding your head and pass by. But it is better to do otherwise - say, for example: "Hello, Ivan Aleksandrovich!", Heat to smile to him and stop for a few seconds. This greeting emphasizes your good feelings for this person, he will understand that you appreciate him, and the sound of own name is a pleasant melody for any person.

Appeal Unnamed - Appeal Formal: Whether it is a subordinate or boss, a neighbor for a landing or a fellow traveler in public transport. Appeal by name, and even better - by name and patronymic - this is an appeal to personality. Using the name, patronymic, we emphasize the respect of human dignity, demonstrate the spiritual location. This greeting speaks of human culture and creates a reputation as a delicate, educated, tactful person. Of course, people are not born with such qualities. These qualities are brought up, and then enter the habit. The earlier this upbringing is started, the better: it turns out to be in habit. It is especially difficult to form the formation of good intellectual-generation businessmen in the first generation, as they have to be mostly or by samples and errors. No wonder the British say: to become a gentleman, you have to have three university diplomas in the family: grandfather, father and son.

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. The rules of behavior of people changed with changes in the living conditions of society, a specific social environment. Etiquette has emerged during the period of absolute monarchy. To adhere to certain rules of behavior, the ceremonial was necessary for the exaltation of royal persons: emperors, kings, kings, princes, princes, dukes, etc. To secure the hierarchy within the class society itself. From the knowledge of etiquette, the fulfillment of his rules was often dependent on not only a career, but also a person's life. So it was in ancient Egypt, China, Rome, Golden Horde. The violation of the etiquette led to the hostility between tribes, peoples and even to wars.

Etiquette always performed and performs certain functions. For example, separation by ranks, estates, kindness of kind, titles, property position. Especially strictly respected and the rules of etiquette in the countries of the Far and Middle East were observed.

In Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century. Western etiquette began to introduce hard. Clothes, manner and external forms of behavior were transferred to Russian soil. For compliance with these rules, the boyars and the noble estate (especially in the metropolitan cities) constantly and persistently, sometimes cruelly, followed by the king Peter I. For their violations were strictly punished. In the future, in the reign of Elizabeth and Catherine II, the rules of etiquette, which meet the requirements and peculiarities of the national culture of Russia were selected. Russia as an Eurasian country largely connected the opposites of Europe and Asia. And these opposites were much not only in the XVIII century, there are many of them now. R. Kickling said that the West is West, East is east, and never meet them. So, in Europe mourning color - black, and in China - white. Even within the borders of the Russian Empire, the rules of behavior of various peoples differed significantly.

Of course, public progress contributed to the interpenetration of the rules of behavior, enrichment of cultures.

The world became closer. The process of mutual enrichment by the rules of behavior allowed us to develop a mutually acceptable, recognized in the main traits, fixed in customs and traditions. Etiquette began to prescribe the norms of behavior at work, on the street, visiting, on business and diplomatic techniques, in the theater, in public transport, etc.

But besides the rules of etiquette, there is also professional etiquette. In life, relations were always and will remain, which ensure the highest efficiency in the performance of professional functions. Participants of any interaction always try to preserve the most optimal forms of this interaction and rules of conduct. From the beginner, they will require strict compliance with the worked and proven rules of business communication, since the latter facilitate the performance of professional functions, contribute to the achievement of the goals set. In a particular team, a group of workers, employees, business people add up certain traditions, which over time acquire the force of moral principles and constitute the etiquette of this group, community.

In the practice of business relationships there are always some standard situations that cannot be avoided. For these situations and produce forms and rules of behavior. This set of rules is ethricted business communication. Here is one of the definitions of etiquette - this is a set of rules of behavior in business, which represents the external side of business communication.

Business etiquette is the result of a long sampling of the rules and forms of the most expedient behavior, which contributed to the success in business relations. It was not always easy to master these rules, so the entrepreneurs from Sokhi often responded about them not very flattering: "Why do I need all this?" You can follow this principle. However, if you want to establish strong business relationships with foreign partners, then the knowledge of business etiquette is simply necessary.

Can be reminded how trading ties with medieval Japan were installed, which is up to the famous era
Majsei was almost tightly closed for the rest of the world. The merchant, the merchant, who arrived in the country of the Rising Sun to establish business connections, was represented by the emperor. The presentation procedure was such a humiliating that it was not for each foreign guest. Inozec should have been from the door of the receiving hall of the knees to the knees to the place allowed by him, and after receiving the same way, the stuff as cancer, leave his place and hide behind the door.

But both in those long-standing times and now, the rules of business etiquette help the approach of economic and financial interests of trading people, businessmen. The profit was and remains above all the differences in national nature, religion, social status, psychological features. These differences obeyed the etiquette of the country of interest to the country. Submission to the rules of the game defining parties created the basis for the success of the transaction.

What are the rules of behavior to know the entrepreneur? First of all, it should be remembered that business etiquette includes accurate observance of the rules of culture of behavior, which involves first and foremost respect for human individuality. The social role played by one or another person does not have to be self-sufficient, it should not have hypnotic influence on a business partner. The cultural entrepreneur will equally respect to the minister and to the ordinary technical worker of the ministry, the president of the company, the company and the office cleaner, i.e., to show sincere respect. This sincere respect should be an integral part of nature, but only if you learn to believe in the decency of people. It is impossible to detect even a sign that he is "a dark horse" for you, seeking you to get around on a straight or priese, and speaking easier - to deceive. The basis of behavior should be a moral assessment: a business partner is good! If, of course, he did not prove his actions inverse.

The culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without complying with the rules of verbal (verbal, speech) etiquette associated with the forms and manners of speech, the vocabulary, i.e., with everything adopted in the communication of this circle of business people. There are historically accumulated stereotypes of speech communication. They previously used Russian merchants, entrepreneurs, and now they use cultural Russian and foreign business people. These are words: "Ladies", "Lord", "Sudari" and "Sudari". Among other social groups, such appeals are not yet widely vaccinated, and we often observe how people experience a sense of domestic discomfort at meetings, meetings, because they do not know how to apply to each other: the word "comrade" seems to accurate their dignity due to a certain Relationships to this word, which established under the influence of the media. And on the other hand, many to the "gentlemen" clearly did not grow because of their nashchensky existence. Therefore, very often in transport, in the store, on the street we hear the humiliating phrases: "Hey, a man, move", "Woman, Join the Ticket", etc.

Among the business people, the appeal "Mr." has the right to life. This word emphasizes that these citizens, the social group is free and independent in their actions more than any other social group in modern Russia. In addition, this form of appeal is not borrowed blindly somewhere in the West or East. Thoughtless borrowings, launched in turnover most often by our not very cultural television and radio journalists, reporters, as a rule, cut the hearing and emphasize the wretchedness and the claims of such borrowing, for example: "Presentation took place", "a new mentality of Russians" or "Sponsors of the Vernissage" is formed and so on. "Mr." is an original Russian word. It has the most common value as a form of polite access to a group of individuals and a separate person used in preferred layers. In addition, in another his meaning - the "owner of the property" is both respectful attitude towards a person.

In business conversation, you need to be able to answer any question. Even on the simplest, asked daily several times: "How are you?", It is always necessary to remember the feeling of measure. Do not answer anything impolite; Burst: "Normally" and pass by too impolitely, if not rude; Empty in the long reasoning about your affairs - to enjoy the boring. In such cases, business etiquette prescribes to respond approximately the following: "Thank you, normally." "Thank you for complaining of sin," and so on, interested in, in turn: "I hope that you are all right?" Such responses are neutral, they soothe all, follow the standards that have developed in Russia: "Not a decline when things go well."

However, Chekhov, Slovakov, Polyakov and Yugoslavov on the question: "How are you?" The rules of business etiquette is not allowed to briefly tell about the difficulties, complain, for example, on the high cost. But they talk about it, cheerfully emphasizing that a business man overcomes difficulties - they are quite a lot in his case, but he knows how to cope with them, and proud of it. And without difficulty and worries live only a slacker.

In (verbal, speech) communication business etiquette involves the use of various psychological techniques. One of them is the "stroking formula". These are verbal turnover of type "Good luck!", "I wish you success", famous phrases: "Big ship is a big swimming", "Neither a fluff, no feather!" etc., pronounced with various shades. Speech signs of the location as "Salute", "no problems", "O" Kay ", etc., are widely used.

But such clearly ulcer wishes should be avoided as "your calf of an evil wolf to eat."

In the speech etiquette of business people, compliments are of great importance - pleasant words expressing approval, a positive assessment of business activities, emphasizing the taste in clothing, appearance, balance of a partner's actions, i.e. evidence of the mind of a business partner. It is not in vain to the heroine of the popular once the film "The Elder Sister" said that a gentle word and a cat is nice. From this point of view - not a mechanism for a flattery. Flying, especially rude, is a mask for which mercantile interest is most often hidden. Compliment, especially if you deal with a partner-woman, is the necessary part of the speech etiquette. During business communication, there is always a real opportunity for compliments. They inspire your business partner, give him confidence, approve. It is especially important to remember the compliment, if you are dealing with a newcomer Yes, for example, victims at first fail. It is not by chance that the open criticism of their employees is prohibited in Japanese firms: this is unprofitable, as labor activity and the initiative decreases.

Business etiquette prescribes strict compliance with the negotiations of the rules of the country's behavior - business partner. People communication rules are associated with the image and style of life, national customs and traditions. All this is the result of centuries-old life experience, life of the preceding generations of this or that nation. Whatever traditions, rules - they have to do, if, of course, you want to succeed. Fair the proverb "Do not go to someone else's monastery." Often it is necessary to comply with all the rules even if they do not like you. The interests of the case are above your tastes and addictions.

During the business conversation with the Italians, try not to demonstrate your rejection of their loud, overly lively speech, the hot discussion of even a non-essential question, and when communicating with the Japanese, I am not surprised by the use of superior speech revolutions. Superlighteners in relation to the partner and the "gentity" of his own "I" (for example, "I, unworthy, and my insignificant wife invite you, highly and noble, to visit us") do not interfere, but help the Japanese to keep our business perfectly. It is difficult to find another business partner, which in advance with such a scrupulsity would not calculate the most incredible options for the upcoming transaction and put so much different (financial, legal and other) traps to their partner in negotiations as the Japanese. Japanese supervoperty is a kind of drug, sleeping vigilance of a negotiation partner. In any financial, technical and other business transaction, the Japanese, as a rule, will go around the finger of our unnecessary to banal compliments and flattery of domestic businessmen.

Business etiquette requires special behavior in communicating with customers. In each person of services provided to customers, there are professional subtleties in behavior. But it should always be remembered that it determines the relationship with customers the most important principle: the client is the most expensive and desired person in your office (shop, enterprise). If there are many customers, they usually try to serve the ladies and elderly people first. But in any case, in working with clients, you need to be a good psychologist.

It is also important to comply with certain rules regarding clothing and appearance. Very optional to wear an ultra-medium suit. It is important that the suit was in a decent state, did not hang on you with a bag, and the pants should not resemble the salted old harmonic. The costume should be to the place and by time. If negotiations with partners are appointed during the daytime, a light suit is suitable. Pants and jacket can be of different colors. But if negotiations go in the evening, the costume should be dark, the shirt is necessarily fresh, ironed, tie - not screaming, shoes - cleaned. The elegance of a business person is determined by a shirt, tie and shoes, and not the number of costumes that he brought with him.

For a trip abroad, it is enough to have three sets of clothing: dark and light suits, a decent jacket and a sweater for walking. If the route of your trip passes through the countries of the East, remember that women should not wear pants, appearing on the street, in public places without stocking or pantyhose (especially in the countries professing Islam), and men in bright ties.

It must be remembered that there are no trifles in business relationships. For business, the etiquette means a lot. Clothing, entrepreneur behavior, manager is his business card. About Guest begins to make a submission in advance by collecting information about it. Sources of information serves the behavior of a businessman on the way to the place of business meeting, in the hotel, during the meeting itself. Remember, people are surrounded everywhere who, with one degree or another, learn to study you.

Compliance with the most important rules of behavior with unfamiliar people - a sign of your respectability, pupils, self-confidence. There are a number of rules of behavior in various types of transport: plane, train, car. Long journey has a leisurely conversation. We must be able to lead it. First of all, it should not be abused by the attention of travelers, do not strive to take possession of the conversation as soon as possible by all sides of the conversation, not to be unnecessarily speaking: the chatter is a sign of bad tone. Another extreme is closed, gloomy, dislike. It should also be remembered that conversations during flight or trip about accidents, transport catastrophes do not create a favorable image, do not help establish friendly or business contacts with others. After landing the aircraft, in a sign of appreciation, do not hurry to hand the stewardless tips, it will not take them. You can thank the carriage crew with applause for skill, service culture.

Modern business life is impossible to imagine without the phone. Thanks to him, the efficiency of solving many issues and problems increases, there is no need to send letters, telegrams or travel to another institution, the city to clarify the circumstances of any case. By phone you can do a lot: to negotiate, give orders, set out the request, etc. Very often the first step towards the conclusion of a business contract is a telephone conversation.

In compared with the letter, there is one important advantage: it provides a continuous bilateral exchange of information regardless of distance. But you need to carefully prepare for business telephone conversation. Poor preparation, the inability to allocate in it the main thing is concisely exposed to their thoughts, and competently express their thoughts lead to significant losses of working time (up to 20-30%). So approves the American manager A. Mackenzie. Among the 15 main reasons for the loss of time by a businessman, he put telephone conversations in the first place. Psychologists note that the duration of telephone conversations depends on their emotional color. Excessive emotionality creates prerequisites for speech fuzziness, incompleteness of phrases, which increases the telephone conversation time.

It is also known that when telephone conversation, such a phenomenon is observed as suggestion with communication. It may be the source of tension between the parties. Therefore, during the conversation, it is necessary to observe the measure. Otherwise, the meaning of communication and the conflict may arise. Signs of suggestion with communication: the emergence and strengthening of unfortunate discontent with partner, irritability, syradiability, etc.

You should come from contact with a partner in time to maintain business relationships. In addition, conducting long-term telephone conversations, you can get a reputation as a bore or punched. Similar reputation
ration will undermine interest in you and your business offers. To restore the good name of the company and its renome, you will have to spend much more effort than when setting the first business contact.

According to psychologists, positive emotions tone the activity of the brain, contribute to a clear rational thinking. Negative emotions lead to a violation of logical connections in words, arguments, create conditions for the incorrect assessment of the partner, its proposals. Therefore, it is possible to draw conclusions that the effectiveness of business telephone communication depends on the emotional state of the person, from his mood. Significant expression manifestation is also significant. She testifies to the conviction of a person in what he says, in his interest in solving the problems under consideration. During the conversation, you need to be able to interest the interlocutor to your business. Here you will help the correct use of instant methods and beliefs. How to do it, with what funds? Voice, tone, timbre, intonation attentive listener says a lot. According to psychologists, tone, intonation can carry up to 40% of the information. You only need to pay attention to such "little things" during a telephone conversation. To try to speak exactly, to restrain my emotions, do not try to interrupt the interlocutor.

If your interlocutor shows a tendency to disputes, it expresses unfair reproaches in a sharp form, the self-confidence sounds in his tone, then take patience and do not answer him the same. If there is an opportunity, translate the conversation to a calm tone, partially admit it right, try to understand the motives of his behavior. Try to briefly and clearly state your arguments. Your arguments must be in essentially and competently set out in form. In a conversation, try not to admit the expressions of the type "go", "good", "Lada", "while", etc. The telephone conversation is also better not to use specific, professional expressions that may be incomprehensible to the interlocutor.

It must be remembered that the phone exacerbates the shortcomings of speech; Fast or slow down pronunciation of words makes it difficult to perceive. Especially follow the pronunciation of the numbers, the names of their own, consonant letters. If the calls are found in the conversation, the names of their own, surnames, etc., which are poorly perceived by rumor, they need to be pronounced by syllables or even passing them.

Business etiquette is the thing, without which the real professional can not do. After all, even if you are an excellent specialist in your field, but at the same time regularly expose yourself not in the best light, communicating with colleagues, bosses or customers, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve great success in your career. We bring to your attention the rules of business etiquette, which should be followed.

Get up when you represent someone

Get out of place, you will strengthen the effect of your presence. If during the acquaintance you will stay in place, then you will be easier to ignore. If you were worn by surprise, and you can't get up immediately, then just slightly bend and apply forward, indicating that you would definitely get up if they could.

Always call your full name

In business atmosphere, you should always use your full name. However, it is also necessary to pay attention to this, if people easily remember and pronounce it. So, if your name is too long and complicated, do not forget to hand the interlocutor and your business card so that he can perceive it and written.

A representative of a higher rank or host should always be the initiator of a handshake

In the modern business world, a handshake is an official greeting regardless of sexuality. The first to feed the hand, according to etiquette, should a person holding a higher position or a representative of the host. If for some reason he knew, then, without losing time, stretch your hand to greet. After all, be that as it may, the handshake should take place.

Dress up accordingly

Clothing is an important form of non-verbal communication. It is capable of how to increase your professional reputation, so worsen it. Therefore, going to a meeting or event, be sure to find out what the dress code is expected there and get dressed in accordance with it.

Say "Thank you" no more than one or two times during the conversation

Do not abuse thanks in a business conversation. Otherwise, your interlocutor can start to perceive you as a helpless and in need of permanent support for a person.

Send individual letters to all negotiators

Remember that after negotiations or interviews about the employment, you must send a message within a day to everyone who would like to thank. In the modern world, this is most often done by e-mail.

Do not get your phone

We all wear mobile workers everywhere. However, you should not remove the phone from your pocket or bag during a business meeting. Of course, you might think that you will be able to imperceptibly answer the letter or print a message, but from the side it will look rude. Also do not put the phone on the table during the meeting. After all, so you will demonstrate the interlocutor, which is ready at any time to switch your attention to your mobile phone.

Use professional photos

Always place only high-quality professionally completed photos on business sites. After all, you should look like a reliable and suggestive business person, and not as carefree special, just returned from the beach or parties.

Use professional email address

If you are working in the company, then use the corporate address. But if you need to give a personal email address, then take care that it looks correct. So, it must necessarily contain your name. In no case do not use nickname.

Always sending email, check the correctness of the selected destination

This simple action will never be superfluous. After all, confuse the addressee is easy, but the effects of errors may be very serious.

Follow the rules of business correspondence, sending emails

It is not necessary to use in the mail by mail the conversational expressions like "hello guys!" Or "Hi, people!". Even if you are closely familiar with the addressee, remember that other people can see your correspondence. Therefore, it must be sustained in a business tone.

If you forgot someone's name, then admit it

Everyone can forget the name of his interlocutor. If it happens to you, then just politely admit it.

Welcome people at work

Coming to the office, always greet as those who know and with strangers you. After all, after a few minutes it may be that the stranger will sit next to you at a meeting or meeting.

Keep your fingers together when you specify something

Do not point to someone or something index finger. Make it best to open palm, holding your fingers together.

Do not be late

Always come on time to meetings. After all, you do not want to spend the time of other people. In addition, nonpunctuality is considered as a sign of non-professionalism. However, it may happen that the situation will come out from under your control, and you still can not appear on time. In this case, immediately send stakeholders notice of the planned time of your arrival, apologize and briefly explain the situation.

Do not make a chair for partners and colleagues

It is quite normal to hold for someone door. However, regardless of sexuality, you should not make a chair with your colleagues, partners or customers.

Always refract the bread with hands

During business lunch or dinner, never use the knife to cut bread. Refracting it should be hand.

Do not do too expensive order

During business lunch, you should not order, for example, an expensive steak or lobster. In this case, it may seem that you are simply trying to take advantage of the situation when a person who invited you to a restaurant will be paid for you.

Do not forget about the rules of behavior at the table

If you do not often have to visit the restaurants, dining with business partners, you will ask in advance the rules of the packaging etiquette. This will allow you to make a pleasant impression on the interlocutor.

Order the same meal as your interlocutor

If your partner orders snack and dessert, then you should follow his example. Otherwise, he may experience discomfort while waiting for you will also eat, for example, the first and second dishes.

Never ask the waiter to pack dinner residues with themselves

You come to a restaurant for business negotiations. Therefore, in no case, do not ask to pack what is left to you with you.

Inviting must always pay

If you invite someone for lunch, then the bill should always pay only. And this applies to both women and men. If your interlocutor will insist on the possibility of paying lunch itself, you can say that he does not worry, because the expenses will cover you, or something in the same spirit.

Stay sober

Many transactions were broken and the pit of the quarry was destroyed due to the fact that people during business negotiations were abused by alcohol and as a result behaved in an inappropriate way. Therefore, always stay sober during business events and informal communication with partners.

Prepare polite care

Leaving the room, always say some suitable phrase. This will allow you to maintain control over the situation and remain polite. So, for example, you can say "it was nice to meet" or "See you at a meeting on Monday", etc.

Compliance with the ethics of business communication is the basis of a successful team. Relations, built on the rules of professional ethics and mutual respect, create a comfortable working atmosphere, maintain motivation in the team.

The article presents the basic principles of ethics of business communication, tips and rules that will be useful both to employees and managers.

Possess oneself so much to respect others like himself, and come with them
As we wish you to come with us - this is what can be called humans.

What it is?

Business communication, like any other, needs regulatory. Etiquette of business communication - the arch of vowels and segless rules for those who have to work together every weekday.

Without regulated standards, business communication turns into an indiscriminate exchange of information. Each person perceives the world around his colleagues, leaders and subordinates in his own way.

So that different worldview does not interfere with the work and did not allow everyone to speak different languages, it is important to comply with etiquette and culture of business communication. This applies to both relations within one team and external contacts (between employees of various departments or branches, between the employee and the client).

Rules and basic principles of ethics of business communication

Ethics of business communication has first of all practical goal. Its compliance greatly simplifies the work of the whole team as a whole and each employee in particular, as it is easier and faster than generally accepted patterns. At the same time, the staff will know what to expect from each other. Such a step helps to raise overall productivity, eliminating employees from thoughts like "And what did he mean?".

Second task of business ethics - Create a working atmosphere in the team, in which the case is dedicated all the time, and the fun is given to the last hour. Moral Comfort plays a big role in life than physical, and thanks to the observance of business ethics, employees in terms of meeting work will always feel comfortable.

Moreover, the moral side of the business ethics also affects productivity: an employee who feels comfortable in the workplace will be more devoted to the company, it will strive to make his job better. A pleasant atmosphere, achieved by compliance with the ethical principles of business communication, forces workers to strive for excellence in work.

We offer for viewing video review 5 of the main rules of etiquette in business communication by D. Carnegie:

Main types of business communication

There are three main types of business communication, they are based on a generally accepted hierarchy inside the collective.

So, business communication can occur:

  1. "Top down";
  2. "Down up";
  3. "Horizontally".
For these three categories, there are various ethical norms of business communication, although there are general principles. First of all, the general principles belong respect for employee, Independence from the role of the latter in the company.

It is important to be correct to employees, colleagues from other companies and customers with which you work. This, for example, implies that unethical will ask the interlocutor about his personal affairs, especially about the problems, just because it is interesting to you.

Common rules for all concern and etiquette business communication by phone. "Hello" or "Yes" is an unsuitable greeting for a business person. It should be polite to be represented, calling your position, company name, department.

When telephone conversation, you need to be attentive if you first speak with a person - be sure to remember his name and patronymic and contact them. Its thoughts should always be exposed clearly, concise. If for good reasons you cannot support the conversation, you need to apologize to the interlocutor and suggest contacting him later.

Communication "Head-subordinate"

Head "Above" subordinate

Or "top down". Any good leader should try to create a comfortable atmosphere in the team. It is the self-discipline of the head that is the most powerful motivator and an example for subordinates.

Therefore, people who occupy senior positions are primarily important to comply with ethical rules for business communication.

Tip: From the self-discipline of the head, the effective work of the entire company begins. Just learning to manage yourself, you can manage other people. From habits should disappear familiarity, lateness, postponement of solutions "for later". All this will help strengthen your authority, win the location of employees - everyone wants to strive for a bright future for the ideal leader.

The head is the one who manages the workflow and gives orders.
You can do this in several ways, including:

  • Order;
  • Request;
  • Question or request;
  • Call volunteer.
Order - a strict form of disposal. Orders should not be abused, but in a good way - they should be avoided at all. Most often, direct orders apply in relation to unscrupulous employees in critical situations. But if it came to the problems and orders - think about what a good company can bring this, obviously a conflict officer?

Please - the most common form of disposalEspecially if there has already been enough trust working relations in the team. In response to a request, an employee can give his comment if necessary. The head can also present a request in such a way that it will be equivalent to the orders, while the tone will remain benevolent.

Question It is usually set to those employees who showed themselves as people competent and initiative, the same concerns the call of volunteer.

Council to the head: it will be very useful to explore his subordinates to find out which of them adequately perceives questions. For example, a qualified subordinate, with enthusiasm performing its work and deserving the confidence of the manager, can give delivel tips on how to solve this or that task. An employee is uninimitative and unfinished soon will see the weakness of the manager and the reason to lean away from work.

Also subordinates always appreciate justice. So the award should always be adequate to merit, just as a punishment - adequately mishau. At the same time, it is impossible to leave the promahs of employees at all without attention - such behavior can show the leader as inattentive or say an employee that he can work after the sleeves, lean and stay unpunished.

Among other things, the boss must show subordinates that he respects and appreciates their opinion and contribute to the common cause, and in this case he will achieve a return loyalty.

Communication "subordinate-boss"

Of course, the rules of business communication must comply with all subordinates. A good employee, as well as the leader, is interested in a comfortable atmosphere in the team, therefore, in the framework of the ethics of business communication, one of the tasks of the subordinate - to help the head support it.

The subordinate in no case should try to manage his head, this is a manifestation of disrespect, non-compliance with the hierarchy and, accordingly, violation of the norms of ethics of business communication. The subordination should always take place: you can in the correct form to express your opinion, but it is impossible to indicate the boss. By the way, in this case, the ethics of network communication is no exception. It may seem that in Internet correspondence, some of the rules of ethics can be neglected, but it is not. On the other side of the screen, there is still a boss, and behave with it, respectively.

It is not recommended to be categorical with the boss. It is not necessary to agree with him, otherwise you can seem like a lets. But it is not constantly arguing with the management. It is important to find a thin line and show that the subordinate respects the leader, has an inner rod, a strong character. Such employees are appreciated, they are trusted as people loyal and reliable.

I always ask for assistants to share your difficulties; always try to support them
Of course, if they are ready to admit that they have problems.
J. Soros.

If the company has a top management, then contact him, bypassing the immediate boss, it is not worth it. This is a direct demonstration of disrespect for the head, so you can question the competence of the manager, which can negatively affect relations within the entire team.

It would be rashly not to mention about the main weapon of some employees is a lie. If an employee allows himself to lie in the workplace, promise to fulfill all tasks (followed by failure), talking about how he did what he really did not do - a rare leader will refuse himself the pleasure to get rid of such an assistant. Honesty and trust - the basis of business communication. Adhering to these principles, the employee can go even further than planned, but if you try to sick, too much.

Communication "Employee employee"

In this case, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that, in essence, determines the relationship between employees: on their rights and obligations. They must be clearly distributed among colleagues, as otherwise there will be inevitably conflict. Everyone must do their own business, even if at work it intersects with other employees.

Often there is a business rivalry or competition between employees, during which they try to achieve, for example, increase. Here it is necessary to understand that the transition to personality is unacceptable. Respect should be valued above all. The etiquette of business communication at the presentation, in particular, suggests that the colleague cannot be interrupted, interrupt. All questions and objections can be expressed in the correct form after the presentation or during the specially designated for questions.

Also should not take on more than it is possible to perform, no need to make promises that will not be kept. It is necessary to adequately evaluate yourself, their capabilities, as well as the possibilities of employees.

Business etiquette is a complex of the norms of the behavior of the long-term international practices of business communication.

A business etiquette is called the adopted procedure and form of passage in the business sector. It is based on all types of etiquette. The main functions of business etiquette is the formation of rules contributing to mutual understanding of people.

Ethics (from Greek, - custom, temper) is the doctrine of morality, morality. The term "ethics" for the first time used Aristotle (384-322 BC) to designate practical philosophy, which should answer the question of what we should do to make the right, moral actions.

Business etiquette is richer in its content, since it refers to this category as special to general. In domestic beginner businessmen, many favorable deals are broken, especially with foreign firms, due to the fact that they do not know the rules of business etiquette. The rules of etiquette, dealt with specific forms of behavior, indicate the unity of two sides: moral and ethical and aesthetic.

First side - This is the expression of the moral norm: preventive care, respect, protection.

Second side - Aesthetic - it testifies to the beauty, the grace of forms of behavior.

Etiquette is a historical phenomenon. The rules of behavior of people changed with changes in the living conditions of society, a specific social environment. Etiquette arose during the initiation of absolute monarchies. Adhere to certain rules of behavior, it was necessary for the exaltation of important persons, such as: emperors, kings, kings, princes, princes, dukes, etc. From the knowledge of etiquette, the fulfillment of his rules was often dependent on not only a career, but also a person's life. Etiquette always performed and performs certain functions.

For example, division by ranks, estates, kindness of kind, titles. The rules of etiquette in the countries of the Far and Middle East are especially very strictly observed. To Russia at the beginning of the XVIII century. Became, Western etiquette is introduced hard. Clothes, manner and external forms of behavior were transferred to Russian soil. For compliance with these rules, the boyars and the noble class especially and persistently, sometimes brutally, followed by the king Peter I. For their violations were strictly punished.

Public progress contributed to the interpenetration of the rules of behavior, enriching cultures. The world became closer. The process of mutual enrichment by the rules of behavior allowed us to develop a mutually acceptable, recognized in the main traits, fixed in customs and traditions.

Etiquette began to prescribe the norms of behavior at work, on the street, visiting, on business and diplomatic techniques, in the theater, in public transport. But both in those long-standing times and now, the rules of business etiquette help the approach of economic and financial interests of trading people, businessmen. The profit was and remains above all the differences between the national nature, social status, psychological features. These differences obeyed the etiquette of the country of interest to the country. Submission to the rules of the game defining parties created the basis for the success of the transaction.

The rules of behavior that the entrepreneur needs to know:

1) First of all, it should be remembered that business etiquette includes precise compliance with the rules of culture of behavior, which involves first and foremost respect for human individuality.

2) the social role played by one or another person does not have hypnotic influence on a business partner.

3) The cultural entrepreneur must equally respectfully to the ordinary technical worker of the Ministry, the company's president, the company, that is, to show sincerely respect.

The culture of behavior in business communication is unthinkable without complying with the rules of verbal (verbal, speech) etiquette associated with the forms of speech manners, vocabulary, that is, with the whole style of speech, adopted in communication of this circle of business people. In business conversation, you need to be able to answer any given question. In the verbal (verbal, speech) communication business etiquette involves the use of various psychological techniques. One of them is the "stroking formula". These are verbal turnover of type: "Good luck to you!" "I wish you success."

In the speech etiquette of business people, complements are of great importance - adopted words expressing approval, a positive assessment of business activities, emphasizing the taste in clothing, appearance, balance of a partner's actions, that is, an assessment of the mind of a business partner. Compliment, especially if you deal with a partner-woman, is the necessary part of the speech etiquette. During business communication, there is always a real opportunity for compliments.

Business etiquette requires special behavior in communicating with customers. In each form of services provided to customers, there are professional subtleties in behavior. But it should always be remembered that it determines the relationship with customers the most important principle: the client is the most expensive and desired person in your office (shop, enterprise).

It is also important to comply with certain rules regarding clothing and appearance. Very optional to wear an ultra-medium suit. It is important that the costume is in a decent state. The costume should be to the place and by time. Since good clothes emphasizes the elegance of a business person.

For business, the etiquette means a lot. Clothing, entrepreneur behavior, manager is his business card. The opinion of Guest is beginning to make up in advance by collecting information about it. Sources of information serves the behavior of a businessman in the way to the place of business meeting, the behavior in the hotel, during the meeting itself.

Compliance with the most important rules of behavior with unfamiliar people - a sign of your respectability, pupils, self-confidence. There are a number of rules of behavior in various types of transport. Long journey has a leisurely conversation. We must be able to lead it. First of all, it should not be abused by the attention of travelers, do not strive, as soon as possible to take possession of all sides of the conversation, not to be unnecessarily speaking: the talkativeness is a sign of bad tone. Another extreme is closed, gloomy, dislike.

Ethics of business communication "horizontal."

The general ethical principle of communication "horizontally" is there between colleagues (managers or ordinary members of the Group). With regard to the counterparts, it should be borne in mind that finding the right tone and acceptable standards for business communication with equal status by employees. Here are some principles of ethics of business communication between colleagues:

Do not demand any special relationship or special privileges from the other.

Try to achieve a clear division of rights and responsibilities in fulfilling the overall work.

In relations between colleagues from other departments, you should answer for your department yourself, and not hill your guilt on your subordinates.

Do not give promises that you will not be able to perform. Do not exaggerate your importance and business opportunities. If they are not justified, you will be inconvenient.

Etiquette is one of the components of your business image, and experienced business partners also pay attention to this aspect of your behavior. Consider the basic rules of business etiquette:

The first rule - be punctual.

It is very important in business correctly organize and calculate time. Planning and punctual implementation of all planned affairs is the key to success. The formation is incorrect about the person who expected you. And even the most sincere apologies and assurances of the inability to come in a timely manner unable to fully change the guilt, because even at the subconscious level, a certain unpleasant precipitate will remain, which will mean a somewhat negative treatment with respect to you.

The second rule is not saying excess to others.

Each millionaire has certain secrets to achieve success, but none will tell you to you. Do not talk about affairs in your own business, because sometimes even the smallest hint may affect the activities of the competitor.

The third rule - do not be an egoist.

It is impossible to do business successfully, without considering the thoughts and interests of partners, customers, buyers. Often, egoism prevents the achievement of success. It is very important tolerant to treat your opponent or partner, learn to listen and explain your point of view.

The fourth rule is dressed as it is in society.

Clothes is a demonstration of your taste and status in society. Do not need to relate to this rule. The appearance is the first aspect that a person pays attention to and this immediately configures it to the appropriate way.

The fifth rule is to follow the cleanliness of speech.

All you say and write must be set forth in a beautiful language, right. The ability to communicate, competently lead the discussion and convince the opponent is very important for negotiating. Watch out for your pronunciation, diction and intonation. Never use obscene vocabulary and offensive expressions. However, do not forget that the ability to listen to the interlocutor is an equally important aspect of communication.

The above-mentioned rules disclose its main provisions, which will help in business, but there are still many other rules that it is also necessary to comply with:

● Speech and psychological rules. The speech etiquette of business people is also important compliments. The compliment satisfies the most important psychological need of a person in positive emotions. All benefit from the compliment. But it should be remembered that the compliment should not contain ambiguous revolutions, teachings, it should be brief whenever possible, to be built on the actual basis, be sincere and concrete.

● Professional hearing and emotional intelligence. Professional hearing is a special talent that manifests itself in the ability to find valuable information in the partner heard from the partner, which means that it causes a confidential attitude towards himself. And the partner's statements are completely in his verbal field. Listen is more than only to understand the words, it is also a way to capture the intonational system of speech. The presence of this ability can ensure success in business communication.

Business etiquette requires special behavior in communicating with customers. It requires good psychological knowledge, experience and certain emotional intelligence, which includes not only an understanding of itself and managing their own emotions, but also the ability to recognize the emotions of other people.

● appearance and clothing. In the channels for which a person sends information about himself, considerable importance is its appearance and clothing. Clothes - a kind of business card and has a psychological impact on communication partners. Very important manner of wearing clothes. The most suitable form of business clothing for men and women was the costume.

● Ethiquette ceremonies:

○ Greeting. It is a form of mutual respect, and in any situation should show not only our politeness, but also sincere locality, goodwill to the partner. It is appropriate to use not only speech facilities, but also with non-verbal gestures: nodding, bowing, smile. Appeal by name and patronymic is an appeal to the person, thereby emphasize respect for a person, such a greeting speaks of your culture.

○ Handshake. The mutual location of people to each other and requires a special tact. Increasingly, with a mutual greeting of a man and a woman, the initiators of a handshake is she. The exception to the rule is the situation when a man is much older than a woman in age or official position, in this case he gives his hand first. It is not customary to exchange hands academy through the threshold, the table, through any obstacle.

○ Presentation. Understanding provides the necessary and useful links. It is customary to represent the younger older older, idling - a married, lower status - the highest, a man - a woman, a younger woman - senior, etc. When a man is presenting a woman, he gets up and slightly bowed, a woman stays away. Just arriving at the meeting are not presented to persons who are already leaving him. It should not be in elevators.

○ Receptions. In society, there were long established certain rules for the organization and conduct of various kinds of receptions - from diplomatic receptions to home parties. Takes are carried out both in commemoration of important events and in honor of any official events. Receptions are divided into day and evening, receptions with seating and without seating at the table.

○ Presentation. The first goal of the presentation is the presentation: firms, goods, services, books, etc. The presentation gives a good opportunity to invite the right people, set business contacts. A carefully thought out a list of persons who are desirable to see at this event, and invitations are sent in advance. Announcement of the presentation in the media.

○ Communication rules by phone. In effectively use, the phone becomes the most important component of the image of the company, and the skill of employees of the company to lead telephone negotiations determines its reputation and scope of its business operations.

The adjustment of communication by phone is very important. The analysis shows that about 40% in the telephone conversation occupy the repeats of words, pauses. Excessive information, so you need to prepare in advance to the telephone conversation, select the desired material, documents, suggestions, addresses.

The conversation plan should be drawn up if the telephone conversation is important for you, write questions, predict the likely answers and offers of a business partner, keep in memory or on paper dates and numbers of documents, materials related to business.

Whatever the phone number you type, who would have come true, should be sure to say hello if you call the institution, you need to introduce yourself to immediately.

The answering machines appeared in order to improve the performance of different kinds of services. However, they must be properly used. You should include an answering machine only when you need to leave the workplace. Returning, immediately listen to the record. Answer calls should not postpone. If you call back and answering you the answering machine, you need to call yourself, ask your question or tell something, then, recalling your phone number, ask to call you.

● Business Communication Rules:

○ Business Letters. Business letter is an element of creativity, because Each business letter individually. It strictly depends on the identity of the addressee, the concreteness of the situation, the position and the general culture of the writing. Business letters perform two functions: provide communication between business partners and maintain information about this connection.

The main requirements for business letter are its brevity, clarity and correctness. Sharely should be formulated the main thoughts and suggestions of the author's author. The letter is made only on one question, the text should be convincing with sufficient argument. Tone presentation - neutral, not allowing emotional manifestations.

○ Faxable role in this form of an electronic communication system belongs to the design of the first page. It is drawn up on the firm forms, where its emblem is located at the top of the part, and at the bottom of the page along the entire length of the line - addresses, telephones and other coordinates of offices and departments of the company. The text is printed on the printer, signed by hand. Always respond to messages, even if you find it difficult to solve some task. In the business world, the one who does not respond to correspondence is considered an irresponsible partner and do not trust him.

○ The business card is a list of not too dense cardboard of a small format, printed by a typographical way. The color varies, although according to the protocol, they must be white. The text is dialing in black, but not "silver" or "gold". The reverse side of the card must be clean to make the mark. Sometimes on the reverse side, the text is duplicated in a foreign language.

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