The last Russian-Persian war. Russian-Iranian wars

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The joining of the Transcaucasus to Russia actively opposed Iran. In this issue, Iran's support provided both England and France, which, in turn, conflicted among themselves.

In 1801, at the time of the accession of Georgia to Russia, England concluded political and trading contracts with Iran. The British provided broad political and economic privileges. The Anglo-Iranian Union was directed against France and Russia. The feature of England's policies in Iran was that she was always anti-Russian character, even in cases where both powers were allies in European affairs. Through the East India Company, England supplied Iran weapons and provided economic assistance. In 1804, Iran began the war against Russia for which it was a big surprise. Nevertheless, a few Russian units managed to keep the attack and apply a number of defeats in Eastern Armenia and block Erivan. In 1805, hostilities unfolded mainly in the territory of Northern Azerbaijan. In 1806, Russian troops occupied Derbent and Baku. By this time, the victory of France in Europe and the extraordinary growth of its military power pushed the Iranian Shah to enter into active negotiations with Napoleon against Russia. In May 1807, the Union Agreement against Russia was signed between France and Iran, according to which Napoleon took the obligation to force Russian to leave the Transcaucasia. A French military mission arrived in Iran, which launched a variety of activities, both against Russia and against England.

The French predominance in Iran was short. In 1809, England managed to conclude a new union agreement with Iran and expel the French mission from there. The new contract did not bring to the relief of Russia. England began to pay Iran military subsidy for war against Russia and resumed the supply of weapons. English diplomacy systematically disappeared the attempts of Russian-Iranian peace talks.

The Assistance provided to the British could not significantly improve the position of Iran, although he pulled the economic and military resources of Russia from the European Theater of Military Action. In October 1812, after the Borodino battle, Russian troops defeated the Iranian army and peaceful negotiations began. In October 1813, the Gulistan Peace Agreement was signed, according to which Iran recognized the importance of the main part of the Transcaucasia to Russia, but kept the Yerevan and Nakhichevan Khanate. Russia received a monopoly right to keep a military fleet in the Caspian Sea. The merchants of both sides received the right of unhindered trade.

Russian - Persian War 1804-1813

The activity of Russia's policy in the Transcaucasus was mainly connected with persistent requests of Georgia to protect against Turkish-Iranian Natius. During the reign of Catherine II between Russia and Georgia, Georgievsky treatise was concluded (1783), through which Russia was obliged to defend Georgia. This led to a collision first with Turkey, and then with a percion (until 1935, the official name of Iran), for which the Transcaucasia has long been the sphere of influence. The first collision of Russia with Persia due to Georgia occurred in 1796, when Russian troops reflected the invasion of the Georgian lands of the Iranian troops. In 1801 Georgia, by the will of her king, George XII, joined Russia.


It forced Petersburg to get into the complex business of the restless Transcaucasian region. In 1803, Mingrelia joined Russia, and in 1804 - Imeretius and Guria. It caused Iran's discontent, and when in 1804, Russian troops occupied Ganja Khanate (for the raids of Ganja detachments to Georgia),

After the accession of Georgia to Russia and to give it the control, which existed in other areas of the empire, the appearance of the Caucasus became necessary, although extremely difficult, task for Russia, and the main attention was drawn to approval in the Transcaucasus. Attaching Georgia, Russia has become an open-hostile attitude towards Turkey, Persia and to the Gorso peoples. The minor domineering Transcaucasian princes, having taking advantage of the weakness of the Georgian kingdom, under whose protectory were located, be independent, looked extremely harmful to strengthening Russian influence in the Caucasus and entered into secret and explicit relations with the enemies of Russia. In such a difficult position, Alexander I stopped at the CN. Cyciano.

Pavel Dmitrievich Tsizianov

Realizing that for successful actions in Georgia and Transcaucasia, not only a person is needed and courageous, but also familiar with the terrain, with the hands and customs of the mountaineers, the emperor withdrawn by Pavel I Commander-in-Chief of Knorring and, September 9, 1802, appointed Astrakhan Military Governor and Mountable in Georgia KN. Cycianova. By charging him this responsible post and the informing Plan of the Count Zudda, which consisted in the occupation of the land from the Riona River to Chickens and Araks, to the Caspian Sea, and further, Alexander I ordered: "To clarify the tangible cases of the edge, and meek, fair, but moreover Firm behavior to try to acquire power of attorney to the government not only Georgia, but also of various neighboring possessions. " "I am sure - I wrote the emperor to Ctsianov - that I am convinced of the importance of serving assigned to you, and guided by both the knowledge of my rules for this edge, and your own prudence, you will perform your duty with the impartial and right of which I am in you Always assumed and found. "

Understanding the seriousness of the danger that threatened by Persia and Turkey, Ctsianov decided to secure our limits from the East and the South and began with the nearest Khanyssia of the Gaginsky, which was already conquered by the GR. Teeth, but, to remove our troops, again recognized the power of Persia. A convinced of the inaccessibility of Ganges and hoping for the help of the persian, the ruler, Javat Khan, considered himself safe, especially since Jars and Elisians, convinced by Dagestan princes, came out of obedience, despite the beliefs of Cizzian. Javat-Khan in response to the letter of Cycianova, who invited him to submit it, said that he would fight Russian until she won. Then the cycianov decided to act energetically. Increased Gulakov's squad that had a permanent post on r. Alazani, Aleksandrovsk, Tsitianov with 4 battalions of infantry, part of the Narva Dragun regiment, several hundreds of Cossacks, a detachment of the Tatar cavalry, with 12 guns, moved to Gange. The plan of the fortress and the map of its surroundings in Citianova was not. I had to make intelligence in place. On December 2, for the first time, the Russian troops faced the troops of Javat-Khan, and on December 3, bombardment was charged and began, since Javat-Khan refused to pass the fortress voluntarily. Cycianians did not dare to storming a gagise for a long time, fearing to incur strong losses. Four weeks lasted the siege and only on January 4, 1804. The main mosque of Gangzhi was already "facing the True God", as Tsizianov expressed in his letter to General Vyazmitinov. Sturm Ganja cost 38 people killed and 142 wounded. Among the killed by the enemy was Javat Khan.

Javat Han.

In the prey of the Russians got: 9 copper guns, 3 cast-iron, 6 falcontes and 8 banners with inscriptions, 55 pounds powder and a big bread.

Persia declared war war. In this conflict, the number of Persian troops has multiplied Russian. The total number of Russian soldiers in the Transcaucasia did not exceed 8 thousand people. They had to act on a significant territory: from Armenia to the banks of the Caspian Sea. In terms of weapons, the Iranian army, equipped with English weapons, was not inferior to the Russian. Therefore, the ultimate success of the Russians in this war was primarily connected with a higher degree of military organization, combat sweating and courage of troops, as well as with the colonical talents of military leaders. The Russian-Persian conflict marked the beginning of a hardest military decade in the history of the country (1804-1814), when the Russian Empire had to fight almost all over the perimeter of his European frontiers from Baltic to the Caspian Sea. It demanded that the country was unprecedented since the North Voltage War.

Campaign 1804 years .

The main combat operations of the first year of the war turned around in the Erivani region (Yerevan). Commander of Russian troops in the Transcaucasus General Peter Zizianov began a campaign with offensive actions.

The main forces of Persian under the authorities of Abbas Mirza had already passed the Araks and entered into the Erivanian Khanate.

Abbas Mirza.

On June 19, Tsizianov approached Echmiadzin, and the 21st eighteen thousands of Persian Corps surrounded Cycianov, but was discarded with large losses. On June 25, the attack resumed and again Persians were broken; Abbas Mirza retreated for Araks. Notifying the Erivanian Khan about this, Tsizianov demanded a fortress and oath for citizenship. Verogenic Khan, wanting to get rid of the Russians and to save the location of the Persian Shaha, sent to ask him to go back. The result was the return of the 27-thousand Persian troops, located the camp at the village of Calagiri.

Abbas-Mirza made preparations for decisive actions here, but Zizianov warned him. On June 30th, the three thousandth detachment of the Russian troops crossed r. ZanGu and, beating the ball made from the Erivan Fortress, attacked the enemy who occupied a strong position at altitudes. At first, Persi said persistently defended, but in the end were forced to retreat to their camp, located in three versts from the battlefield. The small number of cavalry did not allow Tsizianov to pursue the enemy who left his camp and appealed to Erivan. On this day, Persi has lost up to 7,000 killed and wounded, all the traffic, four banners, seven falcontes and all the dear treasures. The award of Ctsianov for the victory was (July 22, 1804) Order of St. Vladimir 1st Art. Having won the Persians, Tsizianov sent their strength against the Erivanian Khan and the 2nd of July postponed Erivan. Initially, Khan resorted to negotiations, but since Ctsianians demanded an unconditional delivery, then on July 15, part of the garrison and several thousand persian attacked the Russian detachment. After a ten-hour battle, the attackers were reflected, losing two banners and two guns. On the 25th of July 25, Tsizianov sent Major General Portnigin with part of his troops to attack Abbas Mirez, whose camp was located in a new place, not far from Erivani. This time, the victory was on the side of Persian and Pttyagin was forced to retreat. The position of Cycianov was becoming harder and harder. Strong heat trampled the army; The sumizers with the provincial came with a significant delay or did not come at all; Georgian cavalry sent to them back to Tiflis, on the road was captured by the enemy and assigned to Tehran; Major Montreresor, who held the post under the village of Bombaki, was killed by Persians, and his detachment was extermined; Lezgins made raids; Karabakh people invaded Elisavetpol District; Ossetians also began to worry; The detachment of the detachment with Georgia was interrupted. In a word, the position of Cycianov was critical; In St. Petersburg and Tiflis were waiting for the news of the death of the squad and Tiflis was preparing for defense. One cycianov did not lose. Adamant will, faith in himself and in his army gave him the power to continue the siege of Erivani as persistently as before. He hoped that with the onset of the fall, the Persian troops would be removed and the fortress, without their support, will be forced to surrender; But when the enemy burned out on the root of the whole bread in the vicinity of Echmiadzin and Erivani and the detachment began to threaten the inevitable hunger, the dilemma became a dilemma in front of Ctsianov: to remove the siege or take the fortress by the attack. Ctsianins, faithful to themselves, chose the latter. Of all the officers invited by him by the Military Council, only Portnagin joined his opinion; All others were against the assault; I gave way to most votes, Tsizianov gave an order to retreat. On September 4, the Russian troops performed in return hike. In continuation of the ten-day digression, up to 430 people ill and died about 150.

Refusing to take Erivani, Tsizianov hoped that by peace negotiations, he would be able to expand the limits of Russia, and the attitude of him to the Gorsky Khans and the provinces was the opposite to the one who followed the Russian government to Cycianov. "I kept", he wrote to the Chancellor, "take a rule the system previously formerly the system and instead of salaries and gifts defined for the softening of the mountain peoples, pay some kind of tribute to the imaginary citizenship, I myself demand a dance." In February 1805, KN. Tsizianov received from Ibraim-Khan Shushinsky and Karabakh oath to loyalty to the Russian king; In May, Selim-Khan Shekinsky brought oath; In addition, he was submitted to the jangir-khan Shagakh and Budah-Sultan Shuragelsky; Having received a report on these joins, Alexander I awarded Cycianov a monetary service in the amount of 8000 rubles. in year.

But although Cycianov's troops in the battle of Canagir (near Erivani) defeated the Iranian army under the command of the hereditary prince of Abass-Mirza, the Russian forces were not enough to take this harden. In November, the Persian troops approached the new army under the command of Shah Feth-Ali.

Shah Fetch Ali

A squad of Cycianova, who has already suffered by that time significant losses, was forced to remove the siege and retreat in Georgia.

Campaign 1805 .

The failure of Russians under the walls of Erivani strengthened the confidence of the Persian leadership. In June, the 40-thousand Persian army under the command of Prince Abbas Mirza moved through Ganja Khanate to Georgia. At the River Askeran (Karabakh Range) Avangard of Persian troops (20 thousand people) met the stubborn resistance of the Russian squad under the command of Colonel Karyagin (500 people), which had only 2 guns. From June 24 to July 7, Henman Karyagin, skillfully using the features of the terrain and changing positions, the heroic reflected on the ones of the huge Persian troops. After a four-day defense in the Karagach tract, a detachment on the night of June 28, with a battle, broke through Shah Bulah Castle, where he was able to hold out on the night of July 8, and then secretly left his fortifications.

Castle Shah-Bulah

The dedicated resistance of soldiers Karyagin actually saved Georgia. The delay in the promotion of the Persian troops allowed Tsizianov to collect forces to reflect an unexpected invasion. On July 28, in the battle of Zagam, the Russians defeated the troops of Abbas Mirza. His campaign on Georgia was stopped, and the Persian army retreated. After that, Tsizianov suffered the main fighting on the Caspian coast. But his attempts to conduct a nautical operation with the aim of capturing Baku and the decision ended to no avail.

Campaign 1806 .

P.D. Kazicianov moved to a campaign to Baku.

Russians moved through the Shirvan Khanate, and, in this case, the cycianov managed to increasing the Shirvan Khan to join Russia. Khan took the oath to the citizenship on December 25, 1805. From Shirvani, the prince informed Khan Bakusky about his approach, demanding the surrender of the fortress. After a very difficult transition through Shemakhinsky Mountains, Zizianov with their detachment approached January 30, 1806 to Baku.

Racking people and wanting to avoid bloodshed, Tsizianov once again sent Hanu proposal to submit, and set four conditions: the Russian garrison will stand in Baku; The Russians will dispose of the same; Mercury will be guaranteed from oppression; To Ctsianov will be delivered, as Amanat, the eldest son of Khan. After a fairly long negotiations, Khan stated that he was ready to submit the Russian commander-in-chief and to betray himself into the eternal citizenship to the Russian emperor. In view of this, Zizianov promised to leave it by the owner of Baku Khanate. Khan agreed to all the conditions supplied by the prince, and asked Tsizianov to appoint a day to accept keys. Prince appointed February 8. Early in the morning he went to the fortress, having 200 people with him who had to stay in Baku as a garrison. The prince of Baku Germans with keys, bread and salt were expected to the urban gates, they announced that Khan does not believe in full for his sorry and asks Prince about a personal date. Cycianov agreed, gave back the keys, wanting to get them from the hands of Hana himself, and went ahead, ordered to follow the lieutenant colonel to the prince of Eritian and one Cossack. The steps in a hundred to the fortress, came to the meeting of the Tsizianova Hussein-Kuli-Khan, accompanied by the four Baku People, and while Khan, bowed, brought the keys, the Baku People were shot; Cycianians and KN. Eristians fell; The Khan retinue rushed to them and began to chop their bodies; At the same time, artillery fire on our detachment opened from the city walls.

Body KN. Cycianova first was buried in the pit, at the very gate, where he was killed. General Bulgakov, who took Baku in the same 1806, betrayed the dust of his burial in the Baku Armenian Church, and ran in 1811-1812. Georgia Marquis Paulchi transported him to Tiflis and buried in the Zion Cathedral. The monument with the inscription in Russian and Georgian erected over the grave of Cycianov.

I.V. Gudovich

General Ivan Gudovich was appointed commander in chief, who continued the offensive in Azerbaijan. In 1806, the Russians occupied the Caspian territories of Dagestan and Azerbaijan (including Baku, Derbent, Cuba). In the summer of 1806, those who tried to go to the offensive of the troops Abbas Mirza were broken in Karabakh. However, soon the situation was complicated. In December 1806, the Russian-Turkish war began. In order not to fight on two fronts with their extremely limited forces, Gudovich, taking advantage of hostile relations between Turkey and Iran, immediately concluded a truce with the Iranians and began military actions against the Turks. 1807 has passed in the world negotiations with Iran, but they have not led to anything. In 1808, military actions resumed.

Campaign 1808-1809 .

In 1808, Gudovich suffered major fighting in Armenia. His troops occupied Echmiadzin (the city to the west of Yerevan), and then besieged Erivan. In October, the Russians broke the troops of Abbas Mirza at Karabab and occupied Nakhichevan. However, Erivan's assault ended in failure, and the Russians were forced to retreat the walls of this fortress. After that, Gudovich was replaced by General Alexander Tormasov, who resumed peace negotiations. During the negotiations, the troops under the command of the Iranian Shah Feth-Ali unexpectedly invaded Northern Armenia (articraft area), but were reflected. Failure ended and an attempt to army Abbas Mirza attack Russian positions in the Ganja region.

A.P. Tormasov in the army

Campaign 1810-1811 .

In the summer of 1810, the Iranian command planned to begin an offensive in Karabakh from his supporting point Megry (Mountain Armenian village, located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe left bank of the Arak River). To prevent the offensive actions of the Iranians, a detachment of Henmen was set off under the command of Colonel Kotlyarevsky (about 500 people), which on June 17, an unexpected attack was able to master this reference point, where there was a 1.5-thousand garrison with 7 batteries. Russian losses amounted to 35 people. Iranians lost more than 300 people. After the fall of Megry, the southern regions of Armenia received reliable protection from Iranian invasions. In July, Kotlyarevsky defeated the Iranian army on the Arake River. In September, Iranian troops tried to start an offensive in the west direction on Akhalkalaki (South-West Georgia) to connect there with Turkish troops. However, the Iranian offensive in the area was reflected. In 1811, Tormamasov was replaced by General Paulchi. However, Russian troops did not take active actions during this period due to limited numbers and the need to lead the war on two fronts (against Turkey and Iran). In February 1812. Paulchi was replaced by General Rtishchev, who resumed the negotiations about the world.

Campaign 1812-1813 .

P.S. Kotlyarevsky

At that time, the fate of war was actually solved. A steep turn is associated with the name of General Peter Stepanovich Kotlylaley, whose bright colonical talent helped Russia victoriously complete a protracted confrontation.

Battle of Aslanduse (1812) .

After in Tehran received news about the occupation of Moscow by Napoleon, the negotiations were interrupted. Despite the critical situation and the obvious shortage of forces, General Kotlyarevsky, who Rtishchev provided freedom of action, decided to intercept the initiative and stop the new offensive of Iranian troops. He himself moved with a 2,000th detachment towards the 30,000th Army Abbas Mirza. Using the suddenness factor, the detachment of Kotlyarevsky crossed over Arak in the area of \u200b\u200bAslanduz and on October 19 attacked Iranians. They did not expect such a quick attack and in confusion retreated to their camp. Meanwhile, the night occurred, leaving the real number of Russians. After inspiring his soldiers unshakable faith in a victory, the unrelated general led them to the attack against the entire Iranian army. The courage has surpassed power. Running to the Iranian camp, the handful of Heroes of the Tsykovy Natius produced an indescribable panic in the village of Abbas-Mirza, who did not expect a nightly attack, and turned the whole army. The damage of Iranians amounted to 1200 people killed and 537 captives. Russians lost 127 people.

Battle with aslandze

This victory of Kotlyarevsky did not allow Iran to intercept the strategic initiative. Crushing the Iranian army near Aslanduz, Kotlyarevsky moved to the fortress Lankaran, who covered the path to the northern regions of Persia.

Taking Lankaran (1813) .

After the defeat of Aslanduz, Iranians pinned the last hopes for Lankaran. This strong fortress was defended by a 4,000th garrison under the command of Sadyk Khan. The offer to surrender Sadyk Khan replied to the proud refusal. Then Kotlyarevsky gave an order to his warriors to take the fortress by storm, stating that the retreat would not be. Here are the words from his order, read by soldiers before the fight: "To exhaust all the means to force the enemy to surrender the fortress, finding it to that adamant, there is no more way to conquer the fortress by this arms of Russian, as soon as the strength of the assault ... We must take a fortress or Everyone to die, why are we sent here ... so we prove, brave soldiers that the strength of the bayonet of Russian can not oppose ... "January 1, 1813 followed the attack. Already at the beginning of the attack, all officers were knocked out in the first rows of attackers. In this critical situation, the attack was headed by Kotlyarevsky himself. After cruel and ruthless assault, Lankaran fell. From her defenders alive remained less than 10%. Russian losses were also great - about 1 thousand people. (50% of the composition). During the attack, heavy injuries received and fearless Kotlyarevsky (he became disabled and left the armed forces forever). Russia lost a bright successor of the Rumyantsev-Suvorov military tradition, whose talent only started to create "Suvorov's miracles."

sturm Lenkorani

Gulistan World (1813) .

Falling Lankaran decided the outcome of the Russian-Iranian war (1804-1813). It forced the Iranian leadership to stop the fighting and go to the signing of the Gulistan World [concluded 12 (24). October 1813 in the village of Gulista (now with. Gulustistan Geranbo district of Azerbaijan)]. A number of Transcaucasian provinces and Hangey (Derbent Khanate) departed to Russia, which received the exclusive right to keep the military fleet in the Caspian Sea. The Russian and Iranian merchants were allowed to trade freely in the territory of both states.

The conflict between Iran (Persia) and the Russian Empire was annoyed since Peter I, however, was only local in nature, full-fledged fighting began only in 1804.

Start of war

Ganja Khanate, which existed in the North Caucasus in the second half of the XVIII century was independent Khanate. He managed to coexist around the powerful neighbors, sometimes making raids to the Karabakh Khanate and Georgia. After the last raider on Georgia, Ganja Khanate originated to end its existence.

Wanting to ensure the security of controlled Georgia, Russia decided to seize and join Ganja to its territory. Heading with General Tsizianov on January 3, 1804 Ganja was taken, Han was killed, Ganja Khanna ceased to exist.

After that, the general moved his troops towards Erivani, which was controlled by Iran, and the desire to also join it to the Russian Empire. Erivan was famous for his fortress, and could serve as a reliable outpost for the subsequent conduct of hostilities against Persia.

Without reaching the Erivani, the Russian army met with the 20,000-thousand-tailed trades of the slave Son Shah Abbasa-Mirza. After breaking the Persians three times, the army of Citianova was asked by Erivan, but due to lack of food and ammunition, they had to retreat. From this point on, the opposition began. Officially, the Persian Shah declared the war of Russia on June 10, 1804.

Feat the detachment of Karyagin

Inspired by the retreat of Russians, the Persian Shah gathers in 1805 by an army of 40 thousand people. On July 9, the 20-thousandths of Abbasa-Mirza, moving on Georgia, came across the detachment of Colonel Karyagin, with a number of 500 people. At his disposal there were only 2 guns, however, nor the numerical superiority, neither the best weapon broke the spirit of the detachment for 3 weeks managed to beat the numerous attacks of Persians, and when the situation was critical they managed to hide. During retreat, so as not to leave the gun to the enemy, the soldier Gavril Sidorov offered to arrange a "live bridge" through crevice, and lay there along with his comrades, sacrificing his life. For this feat, all soldiers received salary and awards, and Gavril Sidorov was set a monument in the General Staff. After that, Abbas Mirza refused to go to Georgia.


In 1806, Russia and the Ottoman Empire began military actions, and the main forces from the Persian direction were transferred to the war with the Turks. Prior to this, General Tsizianov managed to join the Shirvan Khanate, besieged Baku and agreed on the delivery of the city, but during the transfer of keys there was treacherously killed by a relative of Khan. Baku was taken by General Bulgakov. Relative silence lasted until September 1808, when an attempt was undertaken to take Erivan, but she was not crowned with success. Further in the Russian-Persian war came out again, Russia basically led the war with partisan detachments, paying more attention to the confrontation with the Turks.

Renewing active action

In 1810, the detachment of Colonel Kotlyarevsko captured the Fortress of Migri, while the Araks was also defeated by the Avangard of the troops of Abbas Mirza. In 1812, Napoleon I, and the Persians incorporated to the world, decided to take advantage of the moment and divide the Russians in the Caucasus. The newly assembled army, driven by Abbas Mirza began to gradually take one fortress after another. First, taking Shah Bulah, and then Lankaran. The situation managed to refraart the same Kotlyarevsky. At the end of 1812, he defeated Persians from Aslanduz Brody, after which he went to Lankaran. On January 1, 1813, she was taken, after this war was discontinued, peace negotiations began.

Russian-Persian War 1804-1813

The cause of the war was the accession of Eastern Georgia to Russia, adopted by Paul I 1801/18/18/12/18/18/1801 Alexander (1801-1825) signed "Manifesto on the establishment of a new board in Georgia", the Katil-Kakhetian kingdom was part of Russia and became the Georgian province of the Empire. Then voluntarily joined the Baku, Cuban, Dagestan and other kingdoms. In 1803, Mengrelia and Imereti kingdom joined. January 3, 1804 - Sturm Ganja as a result of which Ganja Khanate is eliminated and part of the Russian Empire.

On June 10, the Persian Shah Feth-Ali (Baba-Khan) (1797-1834), who joined the Union with the UK, declared the war of Russia. Shah Fatah Ali Shah swore "to drive out of Georgia, cut and destroy all Russians to the last person."

General Tsizianova had only 8 thousand people, and even then scattered throughout the Transcaucasus. And only the main forces of Persians - the army of the Crown Prince Abbas-Mirza consisted of 40 thousand people. This army moved to Tiflis. But at the river Askers, Persians met a detachment of Colonel Karyagin as part of the 17th regiment and Tifliss Musketeers. From June 24 to July 7, they beat off the attack of 20 thousand Persians, and then broke through their ring, transporting those killed and wounded, both of their guns. Karyagin had 493 people, and after the fight in the ranks there was no more than 150. On the night of June 28, the detachment of Karyagin, a sudden attack was able to master the castle of Shah-Bulah, where they held ten days before the night on July 8, when the opponent was hidden left, unnoticed by the enemy .

With the beginning of the navigation of 1805 in Astrakhan, a squadron was formed under the command of the captain-lieutenant F.F. Vesewego. On the courts of the squadron was planted under the command of General-Major I.I. The bump range (about 800 people at three guns). On June 23, 1805, the squadron approached the Persian port of Enzeli. Three Galiot under the fire of Persians landed the landing. Persians, without taking the battle, fled. However, the attempt of the bumps to master the city of Rasht failed, and the landing squad was adopted on the court. The Russian squadron went to Baku. After unsuccessful negotiations about the delivery of the city, a landing was landed, and the courts began to bombard the fortress that answered the fire of her artillery. The Russian landing, overcoming the stubborn resistance of the Baku People, mastered the dominant heights dominating over the fortress, for which, for the absence of horses, the guns had to batte people.

In September 1806, Russian troops under the command of General Bulgakov again moved to Baku. Local Khan Husein Kuli fled to Persia, and on November 3, the city surrendered and swore Russian. Baku, and then Cuban Khanate were declared Russian provinces and, thus, by the end of 1806, Russian dominion was approved on the entire coast of the Caspian Sea to the mouth of the Kura. In addition, the Jaro-Belokan region was finally attached to Georgia. Count Gudovich was appointed to the place of Prince Tsizianov, who had to lead the war on two fronts with weak forces - against Persia and against Turkey (with which the war began by that time), and at the same time maintain order in just a grated country. During 1806, Cuba, Baku and all Dagestan were occupied, and the Persian troops, who tried to step again, were broken by Caracappete. In 1807, Gudovich took advantage of the inconsistency of the actions of opponents and concluded a truce with Persians.

In 1809, General Tormasov was appointed commander in chief. In this campaign, combat actions were carried out mainly on the Black Sea coast. With the Persians, there was no effect negotiations, and the Turks were gradually supplanted from the Transcaucasus. At the end of 1811, a truce was concluded with the Turks, and in May of next year, the Bucharest world. But with the Persia, the war continued.

On October 19, 1812, General Kotlyarevsky Culdered Attack broke the Persian army at a small fortress of Aslanduz. August 9, 1812 r. The Persian army under the command of Serdar Emir-Khan, which consisted of English instructors led by Major Harriss, seized the fortress of Lankaran. Russian command decided to repel Lankaran. On December 17, 1812, the General Kotlyarevsky with a two-thousanded squad came out of Ah-Oblin and after a severe hike in Stuzhu and a blizzard through the Mugan Speaker on December 26 approached Lankarani. On the night of January 1, 1813, the Russians went to the storming of the fortress. From the sea, Lankaran fired the ships of the Caspian flotilla.

On October 12, 1813, a treatise (Gulistanist world) was signed in the Gulistan tract in the Zeiva Zeiva River. Russia finally acquired Karabakh, Gangzhinskoe, Shirvan, Shikinsky, Derbent, Cuban, Baku, part of Talysh, Dagestan, Georgia, Imereti, Guria, Mingrelia and Abkhazia. The Russian and Persian subjects were allowed to ride the dry path and the sea freely in both states, to live in them, who wishes how much, "and merchants to send, also reverse departure to have without any detention."

In addition, Persia refused to keep a military fleet in the Caspian Sea. "In the reasoning of the Military Courts, then as before the wars, alone existed in the Caspian Sea, and the Russian military flag existed in the Caspian Sea, then in seven respects and now it is provided to him one for the same right with the fact that in addition to the Russian powers no other power is not May be in the Caspian Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Military Flag. "

However, the Gulistan world did not contribute to the establishment of good-neighborly relations between Russia and the Persion. Persians did not want to put up with the loss of Vassal Transcaucasian Khanation, and the border skins happened quite often.

A good deed is performed with effort, but when the effort is repeated several times, the same thing becomes a habit.

L.N. Tough

In 1804, the war between Russia of the Persia began. The cake in the twentieth century Persia changed its name, the name of the event - the Russian-Iranian war of 1804-1813 has changed. It was the first war of Russia in Central Asia, which was complicated by the war with the Ottoman Empire. As a result of the victory of the Alexander's army 1, the interests of Russia in the East faced the interests of the British Empire, which was the beginning of the so-called "big game". In this article, we offer an overview of the main causes of the war between Russia and Iran in 1804-1813, the description of the key battles and its participants, as well as the characteristics of the results of war and its historical importance for Russia.

Situation in front of the war

In early 1801, the Emperor of Russia Paul 1 signed a decree on the accession of the Eastern Caucasus. In September of the same year, his son, Alexander 1, as a new emperor, gave an order to create a Georgian province on the territory of the Kakli-Kakhetian kingdom. In 1803, Alexander joins Mingrelia, thus the border of Russia comes to the territory of modern Azerbaijan. There were several Khanats, the largest of which was Ganja with the capital in the city of Ganja. This state, like the territory of the whole of modern Azerbaijan, was part of the interests of the Persian Empire.

January 3, 1804, the Russian army begins the assault of the fortress of Ganja. This significantly violated Persia's plans. Therefore, she began to look for allies to announce the Russian war. As a result, Shah Persia Feth Ali signed an agreement with the UK. England, according to tradition, wanted to solve her problems with other people's hands. The strengthening of Russia's influence in Asia was extremely undesirable for the British who protected their main pearl - India. Therefore, London gives Persia all guarantees of support for the latter, in the event of the beginning of military action against Russia.10 June 1804, Sheikh Persia declares the war of the Russian Empire. So the Russian-Iranian war began (1804-1813), which was long 9 years.

Causes of War 1804-1813

Historians allocate the following causes of war:

  • Accession to Russia lands of Georgia. This expanded the influence of Russians in Asia than the Persians and the British were extremely unhappy.
  • The desire of Persia to establish control over Azerbaijan, which was interesting and Russia.
  • Russia conducted an active policy to expand its territory in the Caucasus, which violated Persian plans, in addition, in the future it could have created a problem for the integrity and independence of their state.
  • Gigimonia Great Britain. For many years, England was a country that independently rules in Asia. Therefore, she tried in all possible ways not to let Russia go to the borders of their influence.
  • The desire of the Ottoman Empire to take revenge from Russia for the wars of the second half of the 18th century, especially wanted to return the Crimea and Kuban. It pushed Turkey to help any rivals of Russia, which were near her borders.
As a result, a union was formed between the Persia, the Ottoman Empire and Ganja Khanate. The patronage of this union was provided by England. As for the Russian Empire, in the Russian-Iranian war, 1804-1813, she was consisted without allies.

Martial steps 1804-1806

Battle for Erivanya

The first serious battle happened after 10 days after the start of the war. On June 20, 1804, a battle of Erivan took place. The Russian army under the command of Cycianov completely defeated the enemy, which opened the way into the depths of Iran.

On June 17, the Persian army held a counteroffensive, moving away Russian troops to the same fortress Eriva. However, already on June 20, the Russian troops spent in the offshield forcing the Persians to retreat. An interesting fact - Alexander Bagrationi, Georgian king of Russia Karli Kakhetian kingdom, fought on the side of Persia, the Georgian king. Before the war, he was one of the organizers of the reform of the Iranian army. On August 21, 1804, his troops defeated the Tiflis Corps of the Russian Army. It was one of the first failures of the Alexander's army 1. Because of this defeat, the Russian army retreated to the territory of Georgia.

At the end of 1804, the Emperor of Russia decided not to rush in hostilities with the Persia, but to make the accession of other states in the territory of Azerbaijan. In January 1805, the troops under the command of Nesvetaeva joined Russia Shuragel Sultanat, and already in May, an agreement was signed with Karabakh Khanate on a voluntary entry into Russia. Karabakh Khan even allocated a large army for war with Iran.

Map of the Russian-Iranian war

Battle for Karabakh and Shirvan

Russian Iranian War 1804-1813 moved to the Karabakh area. At this point, a small army of Major Lisanevich was located on the territory of Karabakh. Already in early June, the news appeared that 20 thousandth army of the heir to the throne of Persia Abbasa-Mirza was visited by the territory of Karabakh. As a result, Lisanevich's troops were highly surrounded by Shusha. Without large military reserves, General Zizianov sent from Ganja to the help of a detachment of 493 military led by Colonel Karyagin. This event entered the story as the Karyaginsky raid. For 3 days, the troops passed about 100 kilometers. After that, a battle was started with Persians in the Shabunda region, near Shushi.

Persian forces significantly exceeded Russian. However, the battle lasted for more than 5 days, then the Russians took the Fortress of Shablag, however, it did not make sense, since the Persians sent an additional army to this area from under Shushi. After that, Karyagin decided to retreat, but it was late, since the troops fell into a complete environment. Then he went to the cunning, offering negotiations on passing. In the process of negotiations, an unexpected blow was applied, and the troops were able to break through the environment. The conclusion of the troops began.

According to eyewitness memories, in order to translate the carts with weapons and supplies through the ditch, he was thrown by the bodies of the dead. According to another version, these were live volunteers who agreed to lie down in the ditch and give life to allow Russian soldiers to get out of the environment. Based on this tragic and terrible history, Russian artist Franz Roubo drew a picture of the "Living Bridge". On July 15, 1805, the main Russian army approached Shusha than was able to help both Karyaginsky troops and a blocked Lisanevich army, which was in Shushe.

After that success, the Army of Cycianova conquers the Shirvan Khanate and takes the course to Baku. On February 8, 1806, Baku Khanate became part of Russia, however, during a meeting with Khan, his brother Ibrahim Beck killed Cycianov and Colonel E Eristov. The head of the Russian general was sent by Sheikh Persia, as a demonstration of the dedication of the Baku Khanate to his greatness. The Army of Russia left Baku.

The new commander-in-chief was appointed I.Gudovich, who immediately conquered the Baku and Cuban Khanate. However, after these success, the Army of Russia and Persia took a pause. In addition, in November 1806, Turkey attacked the Russian empire, and another war began between these countries. Therefore, in the winter of 1806-1807, Uzun-Kilissky truce was signed, and the Russian-Persian war was temporarily suspended.

Truce and new conflict participants

Both sides of the conflict understood that the agreement was 1806-1807 this is not a world, but only a truce. In addition, the Ottoman Empire tried to return Persia to war faster to stretch the Russian troops into several fronts. Sheikh Feth-Ali gave Turkey Promise soon to start a new war, as well as, taking advantage of the truce, signed an agreement with Napoleon Anti-Russian Union. However, he did not exist for a long time, because in June, Russia and France signed the Tilzite world. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a block of European and Asian states against Russia failed. It was a gigantic success of Russian diplomacy. The only European ally of Persia remained Britain. In early 1808, Russia, despite the continuation of the war with Turkey, resumed military actions against Persia.

Battle of 1808-1812

The Russian-Iranian war of 1804-1813 actively continued in 1808. This year, the Russian army inflicted Persians a number of defeats, the largest of which was at Karabab. However, the state of affairs in the war was ambiguous and victory alternated with defeats. So, in November 1808, the Russian army suffered defeat near Yerevan. Alexander's reaction was instant: Gudovich was removed from the post of commander. He was replaced by Alexander Tormasov, the future hero in the war with Napoleon.

In 1810, the troops of Colonel P.Kotleyevsky defeated the Persians from the Mirgi Fortress. The main fracture in the war happened in 1812. At the beginning of the year, Persia was offered truce, but after he learned about Napoleon's attack on Russia, the fighting continued. The Russian empire was in the most difficult situation:

  1. From 1804 it lasts a protracted war with a percia.
  2. In 1806-1812, Russia had a successful, but exhaust war with Turkey.
  3. In 1812, France attacks Russia, thereby complicating the task of victory over the Persia.

However, the emperor decided not to take positions in Asia. In 1812, the troops Abbas-Mirza invaded the Karabakh and caused a crushing defeat by Russian troops. The situation seemed catastrophic, however, on January 1, 1813, troops under the command of P. Kotlyolevsky took the storm the key fortress Lankaran (Talysh Khanate, near the border with the Persion). Shah understood that it was possible to promote the Army of Russia in the Persia itself, so he proposed a truce.

Historical reference: the battle hero himself, Peter Kotlyarevsky, was heavily injured in battle, but survived and received from the Emperor of Russia the Order of St. George of the second degree.

The end of the war - Gulistan world

On October 12, 1813, Russia and Persia signed the Gulistan World in Karabakh. According to his conditions:

  1. Persia recognized the accession of Eastern Georgia by Russia, as well as Hangey in Azerbaijan (Baku, Ganja and others).
  2. Russia received a monopoly right to maintain a military fleet in the Caspian Sea.
  3. All products that exported to Baku and Astrakhan have an additional 23% tax.

So the Russian-Iranian war was completed 1804-1813. Surprisingly, today it is extremely little about the events of those days, because everything interests only the war with Napoleon. But it was as a result of the Persian war, Russia strengthened its position in Asia, having weakened the position of Persia and Turkey, which was extremely important. It must be remembered, even though the war with the Persion is fading against the backdrop of the Patriotic War of 1812.

Historical meaning

The historical importance of the Russian-Iranian war of 1804-1813 was extremely positive for Russia. Modern historians suggest that the victory was given to the Russian Empire at once several huge benefits:

  • From Russia, about 10 thousand people died from Russia for almost 10 years of conflict.
  • Despite the large number of victims, Russia has strengthened its influence in the Caucasus, but at the same time found in this region for many years to itself a large problem in the form of a struggle of local peoples for independence.
  • At the same time, Russia received an additional way out to the Caspian Sea, which positively influenced Russia's trade, as well as on its status in the region.

But, perhaps, the main outcome of the Russian-Iranian war was that it was the first collision of the interests of Great Britain and Russia, which was the beginning of the "big game" - the largest geopolitical confrontation, which lasted before the beginning of the twentieth century, when countries became members of one block, entunts . In addition, the collision of interests continued after two world wars, but the Soviet Union was already on the site of the Russian empire.

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