Search for phraseologism by value. Phraseologist

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Hello, dear blog readers Website. The Russian language is not in vain, consider "great and mighty".

It has not only words with which you can describe the reality of what is happening, but also, the meaning of which does not correspond to the words used in them.

Such phrases (these are phraseologisms) it is impossible to understand "in the forehead" (literally), because the words used in them sometimes create a completely ridiculous picture. For example, "to do from the fly of an elephant", "sit in a puddle", "led by the nose", "like a goose water", etc. They are consumed only in a figurative sense and that.

What it is (on examples)

Phraseologism is sustainable expressions (Everyday used precisely in this form), one of whose features is that they are almost impossible to translate them. And if you do it literally, then the real Abrakadabra will be.

For example, how will you translate a foreigner of phrases:

With Gulkin Nos.
Where the eyes look.
Shooted sparrow.

And at the same time, we, as the carriers of the Russian language, we immediately understand what we are talking about.

"With Gulkin's nose" - a little, very little.
"Where the eyes look" - right, without a particular purpose.
"Streamed Sparrow" is experienced in some cases.

This is some of the examples of phraseologism. But what determination gives this concept in textbooks:

"Phraseologism is an expression established under the structure and composition that used in a figurative value And consists of two or more words. "

Signs of phraseologism

The phraseology is fairly easy to recognize. These phrases have their own distinctive features:

  1. They are numbered two or more words;
  2. Have stable structure;
  3. Have portable value;
  4. Have historical roots;
  5. Are united Member of the sentence.

And now consider each of these distinguishing criteria for phraseologism.

These are a few words that are one member of the sentence.

In one word phraseologism does not happen at all. Most often they consist of exactly two words, but there are many examples and longer phrases.

Here examples of such phrases with their explanation:

"The dog ate" - an experienced, more than once does something.
"We do not overcome water" - very friendly.
"Waiting for the sea of \u200b\u200bweather" - do nothing and hope that everything will be decided.
"Seven Fridays at the week" - constantly change their plans or decisions.
"Beat as a fish about ice" - something you do, and the result does not give it.
"Well, you and the porridge brew" - I did something that provoked a whole chain of events.

With the analysis of the proposals, the phraseologisms are not divided into parts. For example, the phrase "worked until the seventh sweat" is a single legend. Similarly, how to "count the raven" or "wash your hands."

Phraseologisms are stable phrases in a figurative sense

Such phrases it is impossible to distortBy adding or removing separate words from them. AND cannot be replaced Some words to others. This is reminded by a "card house", which will fall apart if you pull out one card from it.

By the way, "House of cards" also an example of phraseologism, it is used when they want to say that "Something very easily broke out or is about to break".

For example:

"Between heaven and land" - means being in suspended, not to know what to do.

And it is impossible to replace the "sky" in this phrase, for example, on the "clouds", or "land" on the "field". As a result, it turns out at all the colorful expression that others people and will not understand.

More examples of sustainable phraseological units with explanation of their meaning:

"Torture water" - means to come up with something strange, badly influence others.
"After the sleeves" - do something poorly.
"Drinking the sleeves" - work well and quickly.
"Consider Raven" - distracted, be inattentive.
"Stay with your nose" means to be deceived.
"Take on the mind" - change your behavior or attitude to something.

These phrases are always figuratively

As you could have noticed, all phraseologisms are figuratively. That is why they are simply impossible to translate into another language.

For example, try to translate into English phrases "disservice". It will sound like "Bear Service", and any foreigner will understand that "some particular bear has some kind of services," and rather solving that we are talking about a trained bear.

But we understand this phraseologism well, which means "Help so that it became even worse".

The same can be said about other expressions:

"Flusted Kalach" - a man's magician who will not deceive.
"On the angry of the day" - something relevant that at the moment attracts great attention.
"I sat down in Kalosha" - did something awkward, I was mistaken.
"Lose head" - do unreasonable things.
"Mix bones" - discuss someone for his back.

The history of the origin of phraseologism

Some philologists argue that all the phrases have some historical roots. Just before us did not all be saved. But there is a phrase, about which you know exactly where they went.

For example, expression "Beat egglush"which means "nothing to do". The bumps in the old days called small wooden bars, of which most often made spoons. It was very easy to make the workpiece, it was trusted by the most inept apprentices. And everyone around believed that they did not really work.

Or phraseologism "like water off a duck's back", meaning that "man says goodbye." This phrase spawned the nature itself. Not only the goose, but also any bird water is really quickly running out, since their feathers have a thin fat layer.

But the expression "Trishkin Kaftan" Not so widely known, although it means "an unsuccessful attempt to solve some problem that leads only to new problems." The phrase appeared thanks to the Basna of Krylov:

Triski on the elbows caftan has extended.
What to think for a long time? He began his needle:
Quarterly cut sleeveless -
And the elbows paid. Kaftan is ready again;
Only a quarter of the naughtle of steel.
What is the sadness before that?

But phraseologism "Monomakh hat"which means "too big responsibility," presented us Pushkin In his drama "Boris Godunov".

Examples of phraseologism and their meaning

And this is not the only example when the situation appears in Russian due to literature. For example, a lot came to us from the ancient myths and epos, and even from the Bible.

  1. "Apple of discord" - Cause of a quarrel between people. It was originally meant an apple, because of which the ancient Greek goddesses of Athena, Aphrodite and Gera were crushed, since it was written on "the most beautiful."
  2. "Trojan horse" - Hidden trap. Wooden horse in which the Greeks hid to conquer Troy.
  3. "Gordian knot" - confusing, complex situation. In memory of the real node, which tied the king of pride, and who ruled Alexander Macedon's sword.
  4. "Augean stables" - Large mess. One of the feats of Hercules when he was ordered to clear the huge stables of the king of Avgii.
  5. - Mounting threat. Another story from ancient Greece, when the Court Damocl envied the king Dionia and wanted to take his place. And he agreed, but he hung over his head sword on his horse hair.

  6. "Procrustean bed" "The desire to adjust something under the existing framework, while sacrificing something important." The robber scrollly lured the travelers to himself and laid them on his bed. To whom she was Mala, he pulled out his legs. And whom is great, cut them off.
  7. "Two-Leak Janus" - and deception. Was in ancient Roman mythology such a god with two persons who headed all doors, inputs and outputs.
  8. "Achilles' heel" - weakness. In honor of the ancient Greek warrior of Achilles, whom in his childhood dipped into the water of immortality. And the only unprotected place he had a heel left, as they kept for her when they lowered in the bath.
  9. "Manna Heavenly" - Something necessary and saving. The roots must be sought in the Bible, in history, as Moses removed Jews from Egypt. At some point, they ended with all the food, and God sent them the "manna heaven."
  10. "Sisyphers work" - Useless occupation, which will definitely do not bring benefits. The ancient Greek king Sisifa for his slit life was convicted of eternal flour - to pump a huge stone on the mountain, which then immediately rolled down.
  11. « » - Theme or people who are constantly discussed. One of the car in the Old Testament for faithful people - "You will be truth, horror and a mixture of all nations." And "Little" is "peoples" in Church Slavonic.
  12. "Awards of the eyelids" - Very long time. An extremely rare phraseology, which also came from the Bible, which mentions Patriarch Areder, who has lived in the light of 962 years.
  13. "Homeric laughter" - Loud laughter over some nonsense. So laughed gods in the poems of Homer "Odyssey" and "Iliad".
  14. "Smoking Fimiam" -, exorbitantly praise. Another rare phraseology, which appeared thanks to the same name of incense, which was burned in the Jerusalem temples to delve God.
  15. "Pyrrhic victory" - The victory for which a too big price had to pay. The ancient Greek king Pierre won the Romans, but lost too many warriors. Even his phrase is known - "Another such victory, and we will perish."
  16. "Cook in the fly" - It is forgotten. Summer - in an ancient Greek river in the kingdom of the dead, who ruled the god of Aid.
  17. "Pandora's Box" - Source of misfortunes and troubles. In the myths of ancient Greece Zeus sent a woman named Pandora to Earth. And she gave her a casket, which contained all human misfortunes. And she was not kept and opened it.
  18. - Disorder, inorganized, turning into a real chaos. In the Old Testament, people decided to build a tower that would take to heaven.

    But the Lord warmed up - destroyed the tower and mixed languages \u200b\u200bso that people could not understand each other.

Brief summary

In conclusion, I will say that phraseologists are found in any language of the world. But such a number of winged phrases, as in Russian, no bigger nowhere.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Phraseologisms are the winged expressions that have no author. Authorship does not matter. These "highlights" are firmly entered into our language, and perceived as a natural element of speech coming from the people, from the depths of centuries.

Phraseologists are a decoration of speech. The imagery that is easily perceived in the native speech becomes a stumbling block in someone else's foreign language. We absorb your linguistic model with Mother's Milk.

For example, when you say, "a storehouse of knowledge" - you do not think about the fact that the storehouse is a well! Because when you say it, you don't have a well at all mean, but a person is smart, from which, like from a well, you can draw useful information.

Phraseologisms and their values \u200b\u200bExamples

The value of phraseologisms is to give an emotional color to expression, strengthen its meaning.

As water plays a big role in a person's life, it is not surprising that there are so many phraseological units associated with it:

  • Water does not dare the mind.
  • Water about water does not cry.
  • Water dam rifle.
  • Water path will find.

Below, as examples, phraseological units, one way or another associated with water:

Beat - On turbulent, full events, fertile life: by analogy with a fountaining key in comparison with calm expiring water sources.

Beat like a fish about ice - persistent, but in vain efforts, unsuccessful activities

Storm in a teacup - Large excitements on insignificant occasion.

WILLS WATER WATER SUPPORT - It is not yet known how it will be, the outcome is not clear, by analogy: "Grandmother put in half said"

Water will not fall out - About strong friendship

Water in Serew Wearing - Wast time to spend time, to engage in useless thing in the same way: thrust water in a step

Water in Roth scored - silent I. does not want to answer

Carry water (on com-l.) - burden with heavy work, using his priesthood

Still waters run deep - about who quiet, the Smire only looks at

Come out dry from water - without bad consequences, remain unpunished

Bring to light - expose, sit down in lies

Drill wave - carry gossip, provoke scandals

Ninth Val. - harsh test (high wave)

Money as water it is meant that the easiest of which they spend

To stay afloatbe able to cope with circumstances, to conduct a successful case

Blow on the water, having burned on milk- unnecessarily cautious, remembering the past mistakes

Wait by the sea - wait for the favorable conditions that are unlikely to be collapsed

From empty to empty (overflow) - do empty, senseless reasoning

The same - similar, indistinguishable

As in the water looked - foresaw, accurately predicted the events, as if he knew in advance

How to go to the water - disappeared without a trace, without disappeared

Down in the mouth - sad, sad

Rain like bucket- heavy rain

How the water through the fingers - one who easily leaves persecution

How do you not know the fusion , then do not climb into the water - warning not to take hasty actions

How to drink to give - exactly, undoubtedly, easily, quickly; just as easy as let the traveler get drunk

Like fish in water - very well navigate, it's good to understand, feel confident

Like water off a duck's back - anyone else

Like snow on the head- Suddenly, suddenly

Drop Stone Ticker 0B perseverance and perseverance

Cook in fly - to be devoted to oblivion, disappear without a trace and forever

Crocodile tears - insincere compassion

Swim in gold - be very rich

Loda tried - It started

Fish in troubled waters - to make benefits for yourself, not posted this

Many water leaks (since then) - a lot of time has passed

Reckless - About decisive, bravo, bold man

Sea of \u200b\u200btears - cry a lot

Gloomy clouds - Very angry

Torture water - consciously confuse any case, confuse or make confusion

On the wave of success- Take advantage of the case

On the crest of a wave - is in favorable terms

At the bottom - low (incl. In the figurative sense)

Pump the atmosphere - Exaggerate the seriousness of the situation

It is impossible twice in the same river (water)- You can go into the flow of water again, but it will not be the same, so in life you can not repeat some moments, survive them twice

Not washing, so catalym- Not one, so in the other way, any means (to achieve something, to annoy someone). The expression comes from the speech of rustic laundry

Do not Solono Bread - Back immediately

Cut off - to dwell, starve

Overflow (water) from empty to empty - engage in monotonous senseless occupation

Mix bone - gloomy, gossip, seek about com

Fill up the cup - Make nervos

To go with the flow - obey the influence of the circumstances, the course of events

After the rain on Thursday - Never. The phraseology is associated with the worship of the ancient Slavs of the god Perun (God thunder and lightning). He was dedicated to Thursday. In Christian times, the expression began to express complete distrust

Last straw- then, after which the fracture occurs

Complete fire, water and copper pipes - survive life tests, severe situations

Pond Prudi - a large number of

Flog a dead horse- Useless case is similar:

Pumping water in a step- to engage in useless, empty case

Seventh water on kisel - Far Rodna

Seven feet under the keel - Successful unhindered road

From face water do not drink - persuaded to love a person not for external data, but for internal qualities or other less visible advantages.

Hide the ends into the water - Hide traces of a crime.

Cherry Water, below grass - modestly, imperceptibly behaving

Wash your hands- remove from anything, withdraw responsibility for anything. Some of the ancient peoples of the judges and prosecutors in their impartiality committed a symbolic rite: washed their hands. The expression was widespread thanks to a gospel legend, according to which the Pilate, forced to agree to the execution of Jesus, washed his hands before the crowd and said: "I'm innocent in the blood of the righteous of this."

Ecology of life: Often, to achieve a certain speech effect of ordinary words, it is not enough. Irony, bitterness, love, mockery ...

Speech is a way to communicate between people. To achieve complete mutual understanding, more clearer and more likely to express its idea, many lexical techniques are used, in particular, phraseologist (Frameological unit, idioma) - Sustainable speech speeds that have an independent value and are characteristic of a specific language.

Often, to achieve a certain speech effect of ordinary words, it is not enough. Irony, bitterness, love, mockery, your own attitude to what is happening - all this can be expressed by much more efficient, more precisely, emotionally.

We often use phraseological units in everyday speech, sometimes not even noticing - after all, some of them are simple, familiar, and familiar from childhood. Many of the phraseologism came to us from other languages, epochs, fairy tales, legends.

"The game is not worth the candle" and other winged expressions

Augean stables

At first, these auguevy stables first, and go there and go.

Value. Signed, contaminated place where everything is in full disarray.

Origin. He lived in ancient Eloid, told in an ancient Greek legend, the king of Avgy, a passionate lover of horses: three thousand horses kept. In his stables. However, the stall in which horses were kept, no one was cleaning for thirty years, and they threw up the roof by manure.

Hercules was sent to the service to Avgia, to whom the king and instructed to clear the stables, which could not be able to make anyone else.

Hercules was as cunning, how many mighty. He sent a river water stable into the gate, and a stormy flow for a day washed away from there all dirt.

The Greeks melted this feat along with the other eleven, and the expression of Augean Stables began to apply to the whole launched, contaminated to the last limit and in general to designate a large disorder.

Arshin swallow

It is as if Arshin swallowed.

Value. Keep unnaturally straight.

Origin. The Turkish word "Arshin", meaning a measure of lengths in one elbow, has long been Russian. Until the revolution itself, Russian merchants and craftsmen were constantly used by the arches - wooden and metal rules in a length of seventy one centimeter. Imagine how a person who swallowed such a ruler should look like, and you will understand why this expression is applied towards the prim and arrogant people.

Whites jeese

In Pushkin's "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish" An old man, indignant

shameless greed of his old woman, angry tells her:

"What are you, baba, whlen are smoked?"

Value. Whether to behave, viciously, like a crazy.

Origin. In the village on the backyards and landfills, you can meet high bushes with dirty yellowish, in purple curbs with flowers and an unpleasant smell. This is Belen - a very poisonous plant. Her seeds resemble the poppy, but the one who will eat them becomes indispensable: ragged, buffet, and often dies.

Buridanov décor

He is taking place, can not decide on how the dried borudanov.

Value. An extremely indecisive person, hesitating in the choice between equivalent solutions.

Origin. The philosophers of the late Middle Ages put forward the theory in which the actions of living beings depend not on their own will, "and exclusively from external reasons. Scientist Buridan (more precisely, Buridan, who lived in France in the XIV century, confirmed this thought as such an example. Take a hungry donkey and put On both sides of his muzzle, at equal distances, two identical hay oyans. The donkey will not be any reason to prefer one of them. Other: after all, they are exactly different. He will not be able to reach out to the right, nor to the left and in the end will die With hunger.

Let's go back to our branches

However, it is fully about that, back to our branches.

Value. The call to the speaker is not distracted from the main topic; The statement that his retreat from the topic of conversation ended.

Origin. Let's go back to our Baranam - Cataca with French Revenons a Nos Moutons from the farce "Lawyer Pierre Polen" (approx. 1470). These words, the judge interrupts the speech of the rich ship. Having aroused the case against the shepherd, who pulled his sheep, a bugster, forgetting about his litigation, shook the defender of the shepherd, a lawyer Penlen, who did not pay him for six elbows of Sukna.

Mustra Kolomenskaya

For such a milestone, Kolomna, like you, all immediately pay attention.

Value. This is called a very high growth person, versil.

Origin. In the village of Selo Kolomna, there was a summer residence of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The road there was lively, broad and was considered the main thing in the state. And when they put huge verst pillars, which in Russia did not have happened, the glory of this road increased even more. Intelligent people did not fail to use the novelty and dubbed the cololometric vigorous man. So still say.


The clever man, more than once and not two drove the enemy per nose.

Value. Cheat, mislead, promise and not fulfill the promised.

Origin. The expression was associated with fair entertainment. Gypsies drove bears for showing the ring for the nose. And forced them, poor people, do different tricks, deceiving the promise of the hand.

Hair end

It covered horror: the eyes rolled out, the hair end.

Value. So they say when a person is very frightened.

Origin. "Stand end" is an empty, on the tips of the fingers. That is, when a man is frightened, he has hair like a tiptoe on his head stand.

That's where the dog is buried!

Oh, that's it! Now it is clear where the dog is buried.

Value. That's what is the matter, it is in this true reason.

Origin. There is a story: Austrian warrior Sigismund Alutetens all hiking and battles spent along with her beloved dog. Once, during a trip to the Netherlands, the dog even saved from the death of his master. The graceful warrior solemnly buried his four-legged friend and put a monument on his grave, stood over two centuries - until the beginning of the XIX century.

Later, the dog monument could be wanted by tourists only with the help of local residents. At that time, the saying was born "That's where the dog is buried!", Having the meaning now: "I found what I was looking for," "Dotted to the essence."

But there is more ancient and no less likely the source of the sayings that have reached us. When the Greeks decided to give the Persian king to Xerks the battle of the sea, they planted in advance on the vessels of old men, women and children and crossed them to the island of Salamin.

They say that the dog belonged to Xantippu, the father of Pericla, did not want to part with his owner, jumped into the sea and climb, after the ship, got to Salamin. I exhausted from fatigue, she immediately died.

According to the testimony of the historic of the antiquity of Plutarch, this dog was put on the seashore, the filmmaker - a dog monument, which was shown curious for a very long time.

Some German linguists believe that this expression was created by treasure detectors, who of fear before the unclean force, allegedly guarding every treasure, did not decide to directly mention the goal of their search and conditionally began to talk about a black dog, implying iodine of this feature and treasure.

Thus, according to this version, the expression "That's where the dog is buried" meant: "That's where the treasure is buried."


For such things, they, of course, should be pushed by the first number!

Value. Sternly punish, scold someone

Origin. What is what, and this is a familiar expression for you ... And where did it get from your unhappy head! Do not believe it, but ... from the old school, where pupils are pouring every week, regardless of whether or to blame. And if the mentor is overwriting, then such a spanking was enough for a long time, until the first day of the next month.

Lock glasses

Do not believe it's glasses rubbing!

Value. To deceive anyone, presenting the case in a distorted, wrong, but beneficial for the speaker.

Origin. We are not talking about glasses that serve to remedy. There is another meaning of the word "glasses": red and black signs on playing cards. Since there are cards, there were in light and dishonest players, Shulera. They, to deceive the partner, started on all sorts of focuses. They were able to, by the way, imperceptibly "rubpoints" - turn the seven in the six or four to the top five, on the go, during the game, gluing "point" or making it a special white powder. It is clear that "rubbing glasses" began to mean "cheating", from here there were special words: "pointing", "point-shifter" - Delkach, who knows how to embellish his work, is bad for very good.

Voice in the wilderness

In vain work, you will not convince them, your words - a voice of blatant in the desert.

Value. Indicates in vain persistent, calls to which no one is chosen.

Origin. According to biblical legends, one of the Hebrew Prophets appealed from the desert to the Israelis to prepare the way to God: put the road in the desert, to make the mountains decreased, the dollars were filled, and curvature and irregularities straightened. However, the appeals of the prophet-hermit remained "the voice of the blatant in the desert" were heard. The people did not want to serve her fierce and cruel god.

Goal like Sokol.

Who is the good word to me? After all, I am a circle of orphan. Goal like falcon.

Value. Very poor, beggar.

Origin. Many people think about a bird. But she is not poor and not rich. In fact, the "Falcon" is an old military trumpet weapon. It was completely smooth ("naked") pig-iron dwarf fixed on chains. Nothing extra!

Naked truth

This is the state of affairs, naked truth without embellishment.

Value. True, as it is, without the bias.

Origin. This expression is Latin: Nuda Veritas [Nuda Veritas]. It is taken from the 24th ODD of the Roman Poet Horace (65 - 8 BC). Antique sculptors allegorically portrayed the truth (truth) in the form of a naked woman, which was to symbolize the true state of the belongings without default and gloves.

Mount onion

Yes, can you cook soup, onion mone.

Value. Temptation, unlucky person.

Origin. Effective volatile substances, in abundance in a bulb, act annoyingly on the eyes, and the hostess, as long as the bow crumble for their shabby, pour tears, although there is no slightened. It is curious that tears caused by the action of irritating substances, in chemical composition differ from sincere tears. In tears of fake more protein (this is not surprising, because such tears are designed to neutralize caustic substances that have fallen into the eye), so fake tears are slightly turbid. However, this fact, every person knows intuitively: there is no muddy tears of faith. And the grief of the onion is called not a grief, but the touch is transient. Most often, it is half a half, half-digitically refer to the child, who again examined.

Two-bit Yanus

She is lying, dodging and hypocritic, a real two-limit Janus.

Value. Double, hypocritical man

Origin. In the Roman mythology, God of all starts. He was depicted with two persons - a young man and an elder, - looking in opposite sides. One person is drawn to the future, the other is the past.

In the bag

Well, everything, now you can sleep quietly: it's in a hat.

Value. Everything is in order, everything successfully ended.

Origin. Sometimes explain the origin of this expression by the fact that in the days of Ivan the Terrible, some court cases were solved by lots, and the lot was drawn from a judge's hat. However, the word "hat" came to us no earlier than in the days of Boris Godunov, and it was used only to foreign headdresses. It is unlikely that a rare word could get at the very same advantage.

There is another explanation: _, much later than Dyaki and ordinary, disassembled court cases, used their hats to get bribes.

If you helped me, "says the plaintiff to Deak in a stingy poem. A. K. Tolstoy, - I would told her, she, in the cap ten rubles. Joke? "Razki now," said Dyack, substituting the cap. - Well!

It is very possible that for the question: "Well, how is my case?" - The orders were often answered with the desert winking: "Case in a hat." That's where the saying could be born.

Money does not smell

He took this money and did not frowned, the money does not smell.

Value. It is important to have money, not the source of their origin.

Origin. In order to urgently replenish the treasury, the Roman emperor Vespasian introduced a tax on public urinal. However, Tite reproached for this father. Vespasian raised money to the nose and asked if they smell. He answered negatively. Then the emperor said: "But they from urine ..." based on this episode there was a winged phrase.

Keep in black

Do not allow her to sleep in bed

With the light of the morning stars,

Keep lazy in black body

And do not remove the ulcers from it!

Value. Sternly, strictly handle someone, forcing a lot to work; Touch anyone.

Origin. The expression occurred from the Turkic expressions associated with horse breeding, meaning - moderately nourish, perish (Kara Keshek - meat without fat). Literal translation of these phrases is "Black Meat" (Kara - Black, Keshek - Meat). From the literal value of the expression and happened to "keep in a black body".

Bring to white

A nasty type, brings me to white cation.

Value. Relax to the limit, bring to rabies.

Origin. When the metal is heated with a forging, it is reduced depending on the temperature in different ways: first with red light, then yellow and, finally, dazzling white. At a higher temperature, the metal melts and boil. The expression from the speech of Kuznetsov.

Smoke kingdom

In Korchme smoke stood a rocker: songs, dances, scream, fight.

Value. Noise, gam, mess, turmoil.

Origin. In the old Russia, the huts were often treated in black: the smoke did not leave through the chimney, but through a special window or the door. And in the form of smoke predicted the weather. It goes the smoke pillar - it will be clear, the wolf is to the fog, the rain, the rocker - to the wind, bad weather, or even a bore.

Egyptian executions

What kind of punishment is, just the execution of Egyptian!

Value. Disasters bringing torment, severe punishment

Origin. Goes back to the biblical story about the outcome of the Jews from Egypt. For the refusal of Pharaoh let go of the Jews from captivity, the Lord subjected Egypt terrible punishments - ten executions of Egyptian. Blood instead of water. All water in Nile, other water bodies and tanks turned into Kor .OV, but remained transparent for Jews. Penalty frogs. As Pharaoh was promised: "They will come out and enter your house, and your bedroom, and your bed, and your houses of your slaves and the people of yours and your furnaces are yours, and your sauna. The toads filled the Egyptian land.

The invasion of the midges. As a third punishment on Egypt, Halleles of the midges hit Egypt, who attacked the Egyptians, stuck them, climbed into the eyes, her nose, ears.

Fly Flyes. The country was floodied by pezzles of flies, from which all animals, including home, began to throw themselves to the Egyptians.

Sea cattle. In all Egyptians, the cattle is filled, the attack did not touch the Jews. Ulcers and meadows. Lord commanded Moses and Aaron take on the handful of chimney soot and throw it up before the pharaoh. And they covered the bodies of Egyptians and animals by their terrible ulcers and membranes. Thunder, zipper and fire degrees. A storm began, thunder thundered, flashed lightning and fiery hail fell on Egypt. The invasion of locusts. Strong wind blew, and behind the wind flew into Egypt Horde Saraschi, sober up all the greens until the latter blasting on Egyptian land.

Unusual darkness. Darkness that fell into Egypt was thick and dense, it could even touch her; And candles and torches could not disperse darkness. Only the Jews were light.

Penalty penalty. After all the firstborn (with the exception of Jewish) died in Egypt in Egypt (with the exception of Jewish), Pharaoh surrendered and allowed the Jews to leave Egypt. So the outcome began.

Iron curtain

We live like behind the iron curtain, no one goes to us, and we do not have anyone.

Value. Barriers, obstacles, complete political isolation of the country.

Origin. At the end of the XVIII century. The iron curtain lowered the theater scene to protect the audience in the event of a fire on it. At that time, an outdoor fire was used to illuminate the scene - candles and oil luminaires.

Political coloring is the expression acquired during the First World War. On December 23, 1919, Georges Clemanso said in the French Chamber of Deputies: "We wish to put an iron curtain around the Bolshevism to continue not to destroy civilized Europe."

Yellow press

Where did you read it all? Do not trust the yellow press.

Value. Based, lying, falling on cheap sensation print.

Origin. In 1895, in the newspaper New York Warld, it was regularly published by a series of comics called "Yellow Kid". Her main character, a boy in a yellow shirt, a yellow shirt, made fun comments on various events. In early 1896, another newspaper, New York Morning Journal, lured to himself the creator of the comic book - the artist Richard Outcolt. Both publications flourished on the publication of scandalous materials. A dispute broke out between competitors due to the copyright of the "yellow baby." In the spring of 1896, the editor "New York Press" Erwin Warman, commenting on this litigation, contemptuously called both newspapers "yellow press".

Alive smoking

A. S. Pushkin wrote an epigram for Criticism M. Kachenovsky, started by the words:

"How! Already still smoking journalist? " She ended the wise advice:

"... how to zagasya smelly rauchinka? How to yell my smoking? Give me advice. "

"Yes ... spit on it."

Value. Exclamation when mentioning the ongoing activities of someone, its existence, despite difficult conditions.

Origin. There was an old Russian game: the buried rauchinka was passed from hand to hand, delivered: "Alive, sheer alive, alive, alive, not died! .." Lossed the one who had Lucik Gasla, began to smoke, smoke.

Gradually, the words "alive smoking" began to apply to those or other figures and to various phenomena, which would have to, according to the logic of things, have long disappeared, but, contrary to everything, continued to exist.

For family seals

Well, of course, because it is a mystery for you for family seals!

Value. Something inaccessible understanding.

Origin. Goes back to the biblical turnover "Book for seven seals" - a symbol of secret knowledge, inaccessible to the uninitiated, while it was not shot seven seals, W from the prophetic New Testament book "Revelation of St. John the Bogoslov. " "And I saw in his right hand at the book sitting on the throne, written inside and outside, sealed seven seals. And I saw an angel of a strong, proclaiming loud voice: "Who is worthy of revealing this book and take it off her?" And no one could neither in heaven, nor on earth, nor underground reveal this book and see it. The lamb who "was risen and his blood redeemed us to God, took the press from the book. After removing the six seals on the inhabitants of Israel, the seal of God was laid, according to which they were taken for the true followers of the Lord. After removing the seventh seal, the Lamb ordered John to eat a book: "... She will be bitter in your womb, but in your mouth will be sweet, like honey," to tell about the future update of all over the world and dispel the concerns of believers about the future of Christianity, to which with All sides are rapidly the Jews, pagans and false teachers. "

Nick down

And Zaruba is on your nose: you will not be able to deceive me!

Value. Remember firmly firmly, once forever.

Origin. The word "nose" does not at all mean the sense of smell. Whatever enough, it means "memorable plank", "tag for records". In ancient times, illiterate people were with themselves such sticks and smells and did all sorts of notes, scuba. These tags are nasalized.

Truth in wine

And near the neighboring tables, lackeys are sleepy sticking,

And drunkards with the eyes of rabbits "In Vino Veritas" scream.

Value. If you want to know exactly what a person thinks his fault of him.

Origin. This is the famous Latin expression: In Vino Veritas (Veritas). It is taken from the labor "Natural History" of the Roman Scientist Pole Senior (I C. N. E.). Where it is used in the meaning: that has a sober on the mind, then drunk in the language.

It is not worth it

Do not do it. The game is clearly not worth the candle.

Value. Estimated efforts do not justify themselves.

Origin. The basis of the phraseological expression lies a card term, meaning that the rates in the game are so insignificant that even the winnings will be less than those who are spent on the candles to illuminate the card table.

To hatching

Well, my brother, you came late, to the haguard disaster!

Value. Loose, appear when everything has already ended.

Origin. The saying arose in those times when people in our frosty country, coming to the church in warm clothes and knowing that they could not enter into the header, folded their trephies and the caps at the entrance itself. At the end of the church service, leaving everyone disassembled them. "To the hatching" came only one who was clearly hurried to church.

Like chickens in soup (get)

And he got with this business like chickens in soup.

Value. Unfortunate, unexpected misfortune.

Origin. Very common saying, which we repeat completely and beside, sometimes no idea of \u200b\u200bits true sense. Let's start with the word "chickens." This word in the old Russian language means "rooster". And "Schuy" in this saying before it was not, and she was uttered correctly: "I got into the chickens in the touch," that is, there was a jog, "not lucky." The word "tower" was forgotten, and then the people of the expression "in the tower" will be redone "in soup". When she was born, it was not entirely clear: some think that since Dimitri is an impostor, when "in the tower"; Polish conquerors fell; Others - that in the Patriotic War of 1812, when the Russian people were forced to escape the Horde of Napoleon.

King for a day

I would not trust them with generous promises that they distribute to the right and left: caliphs for an hour.

Value. About a person who turned out to be accidentally endowed with power.

Origin. In the Arab fairy tale "Son in reality, or a caliph for an hour" (a collection "Thousand and one night") tells how young Baghdadets Abu-Shsanan, not knowing that in front of him Kalif Gyrune Al-Rashid, shares with that of her cherished dream - At least for the day to become a caliph. Wanting to have fun, Garun Al-Rashid plunges Abu-Gassana into the wine sleeping pills, orders the servants to transfer the young man to the palace and treat as a calif.

The joke is possible. Waking up, Abu-1 Cssan believes that he is a caliph, enjoys luxury and begins to give orders. In the evening, he again drinks wine with sleeping pills and awakens at home.


I'm afraid you will always be a scapegoat from them.

Value. The defendant for someone else's guilt, for the mistakes of others, since the true culprit cannot be found or wants to get away from responsibility.

Origin. The turn goes back to the text of the Bible, to the description of the Hebrew rite of imposing sins of the people (communities) on the living goat. Such a rite was committed in case of desecration by the Jews of the sanctuary, where the Ark of Revelation was located. Baran died in the atonement of sins and one goat sacrificed for sin. On the second goat, all sins and lawlessness of the Jewish people were shifted: the clergyman put his hands on him as a sign that all sins of the community go to him, after which the goat was expelled to the desert. All those present at ritual were considered purified.

Lazari sing

Straight Lazari sing, stop to be down.

Value. Klyanch, whining, exaggerated to complain about fate, trying to cause sympathy around.

Origin. In Tsarist Russia, crowds of beggars, cakes, blinders with guides who have missed, with all sorts of pitiful bastings, were gathered everywhere in crowded places. Slepts especially often hooked the song on a single evangelical story "On Rich and Lazar" song. Lazar was poor, and his brother is rich. Lazar harvested by the remains of food rich together with the dogs, but after death he fell into paradise, while the rich was in hell. This song was supposed to get fastened and stop those whose beggars were missing. Since not all the beggars really were so unfortunate, often the complainant moans of them were pretended.

Close to Rogon

Promised to be careful, and I myself am purposefully climbing on the dog!

Value. Take something risky, rushing for trouble, do something dangerous, pre-doomed to failure.

Origin. Rogon is a pointed amount that was used when hunting a bear. Having hooked up with the wrong, the bolts put this sharp count. The enraged beast climbed by Rogon and died.


Invertible praises from your mouth - a real bear service.

Value. Inspected assistance, a service that brings more harm than benefits.

Origin. The source - Basnya I. A. Krylova "Dressman and Bear". It tells her like a bear, wanting to help her friend a desert to shallow fly, which sat down on his forehead, killed along with her and the deserted himself. But in the bass of this expression there is no: it has developed and entered the folklore later.

Cast pearls before swine

In a letter to A. A. Bestuzhev (end of January 1825) A. S. Pushkin writes:

"The first sign of a smart person - at first glance to know who you deal with,

and do not throw beads before reheetling and like. ".

Value. Would spend words referring to people who can not understand you.

Origin. In the Nagorno sermons, Jesus Christ says: "Do not shrine a dog and do not throw your pearls before the pigs so that they do not erupt his legs with their own and, turning you, not confused you" (Gospel from Matthew, 7: b). In church-Slavic translation, the word "pearls" sounds like "beads". It is in this version that this biblical expression and entered into Russian.

On the goat you will not come up

It looks at all down, you will not come to it and on the goat curve.

Value. He is completely impregnable, it is not clear how to contact him.

Origin. Having fun of his high patrons, applying for their fun and husli, and the bubbers, dressed in goat and bearish skins, in the Operation of the Crane, "Shpini" these were able to clearly clean the good divids.

It is possible that their repertoire includes riding goats or pigs. Obviously, it was the crumbs that were sometimes once again with such a bad mood of a high-ranking person that "even the goat did not act."

Non-well man

He had nothing to be laid, and in general he was a man's nice.

Value. Frivolous, careless, bless.

Origin. In the old days in Russia, they called not only the road, but also various positions at the court of prince. The path of Sokolnikiy - who holds the princely hunting, the path of the catcher - the dog hunting, the path to the keen - crews and horses. The boyars truthfully tried to get the path to the prince - the position. And to whom it did not succeed, about those with disregard responded: a unwanted man.

Put in a long box

Now we postpone it in a long box, and then forget at all.

Value. Give a long delay to delay his decision for a long time.

Origin. Perhaps this expression arose in Moscow Rus, three hundred years ago. Tsar Alexey, Father Peter I, ordered in the village of Kolomna in front of his palace to establish a long box where everyone could lower his complaint. The complaints were lowered, but it was very difficult to wait for the solution: months and years passed. The people renamed this "long" box in "Long".

It is possible that the expression, if not born, was fixed in speech later, in the "presences" - agencies of the XIX century. The then officials, taking different petitions, complaints and petitions, undoubtedly sorted them, laying out in different boxes. "Long" could be called the one where the most uncomfortable things were postponed. It is clear that such a box, the petitioners were afraid.

Retired goat drummer

I now not under the post - the retired goat drummer.

Value. No one needed, no one is a respected person.

Origin. In the old days at the fairs drove trained bears. They were accompanied by a dancer, a dressed goat, and a drummer, accompanied by his dance. It was the "goat drummer". He was perceived as a worthless, frivolous person. And if the goat "retired"?

Touch under the monastery

What did you run, what to do now, let me down under the monastery, and only.

Value. Put in a difficult, unpleasant position, bring under punishment.

Origin. There are several versions of the origin of turnover. Perhaps the turnover arose because people usually went to the monastery who had big trouble in life. According to another version, the expression is due to the fact that Russian conductors led enemies under the walls of the monasteries, which during the war turned into the fortress (to bring blind under the monastery). Some believe that the expression is associated with the difficult life of women in Tsarist Russia. Only a strong relatives could save the woman from the fear of her husband, having achieved protection from the Patriarch and the authorities. In this case, the wife "led her husband under the monastery" - he was referred to the Monastery "to humility" for half a year or a year.

Lay a pig

Well, his vile character: put a pig and satisfied!

Value. Stimolku to adjust some nastyness, to attack.

Origin. In all likelihood, this expression is due to the fact that some nations on religious reasons do not eat pork. And if such a person was imperceptible to put a pork meat in food, then it was defiled by his faith.

Get into the bake

Small got into such a binding that even kaul shouti.

Value. Get into a quantity, dangerous or unpleasant position.

Origin. In the binding dialects - woven from the branches of fish trap. And, as in any trap, it is an unpleasant thing in it.

Professor of sour

He always tells everyone. Also me, Professor of sour!

Value. Unlucky, bad master.

Origin. Sour soup - Nuddy peasant food: water and sauer cabbage. Prepare them did not make much difficulties. And if someone was called the Master of Acid, it meant that he was not suitable for anything.

Roar Beluga

Three days, she was roared by Bluggy.

Value. Scream loud or cry.

Origin. "It, like a fish, is known for a long time ago. And suddenly "roar by Bluggy"? It turns out that it is not about Belug here, but about Belukha, so called polar dolphin. So he really roars very loud.

Dilute antimony

Everything, the conversation is over. I have no time to breed antimony here.

Value. Chat, lead empty conversations. Comply with unnecessary ceremony in relationships.

Origin. From the Latin Name of Antimonium, which was used as a medicinal and cosmetic agent, pre-crawled it, and then dissolving. The antimony is poorly dissolved, so the process was very long and time consuming. And while she dissolved, the pharmacists led endless conversations.

On the side of the pan

And I need to go to them? Nobody called me. Called came - on the side of the boiler!

Value. All random, outsuning, reacted to anything outside; Excess, unnecessary

Origin. This expression is often distorted by pronouncing the "Sidebreaker". In fact, it could be conveyed by the words: "Sidebreaker". The bakery, or pans, in bakers - burnt pieces of dough sticking outside to bread products, that is, something unnecessary, excessive.

Sirota Kazanskaya

What are you standing to the threshold of the prison as the sirota Kazanskaya.

Value. So they talk about a person who is looking at the unfortunate, offended, helpless to split anyone.

Origin. This phraseologism arose after the conquest of Kazan Ivan Grozny. Mirza (Tatar princes), being submitted by the Russian king, tried to reclaim all sorts of cross-partings, complaining of her orphanhood and bitter fate.

Terched Kalach

As a grated Kalach, I can give you a good advice.

Value. So called an experienced person who is difficult to spend.

Origin. There was before such a grade bread - "grated Kalach". Dough for him for a very long moment, Mesali, "Terley", why Kalach was obtained unusually lush. And there was also a proverb - "not a grate, not mint, there will be no Kalach." That is, a person teach tests and troubles. The expression and went from the proverb, and not from the name of the bread.

Typun to you in the language

What are you saying like this, typun you in your tongue!

Value. The expression of discontent about the said, unkind wishes for someone who says is not what follows.

Origin. It is clear that this wish, moreover, not too friendly. But what is his meaning? Tipun - a small horny tubercle at the tip of the tongue in birds, which helps them to smooth food. The growing of such a tubercle may be a sign of the disease. Solid pimples in the human language are named with packagners by analogy with these bird hillocks. According to superstitial ideas, Tipun usually appears in false people. Hence the unkought wish, designed to punish lias and deceivers. From these observations and superstitions, the spell formula was born: "Typun you in the tongue!" Its main difference was: "You are a liar: let you have a typun in the language!" Now the value of this spell has changed somewhat. "Typun you in the language!" - An ironic wish to someone who expressed the unkind thought predicted unpleasant.


What are you sitting without a reason and lady sharpen?

Value. Punish, engage in useless chatter, gossip.

Origin. Lyasy (bales) are accurate figured panels at the porch; Only a real master could make such beauty. Probably, first to "accurate bales" meant to conduct elegant, bizarre, Vitivatuyu (like bales) conversation. And the craftsmen lead such a conversation to our time became less and less. So it was this expression to denote empty chatter. Another version builds an expression to the value of the Russian word Balas - Rosskazni, Ukrainian Balyas - the noise that goes directly to the general Slavonic "tell."

Pull one

Now they disappeared, he will pull the rope until we ourselves give up this venture.

Value. Honey, delay any business, say monotonous and tedious.

Origin. Recipe - the finest golden, silver or copper thread, which was embroidered Galuna, Axelibants and other decorations of officer uniforms, as well as rhesis of priests and just rich costumes. It was made by a handicraft, pulling the metal and gently pulling the tick thin wire. This process was extremely long, slow and painstaking, so over time the expression "pull aquitel" began to treat every protracted and monotonous or conversation.


You really do not hit the dirt face before the guests.

Value. Stringe, torn.

Origin. Face in the dirt originally meant "fall on dirty land." Such a fall was considered as a particularly shameful in fist fights - fighters contests when the weak enemy overturned to the ground.

At the trait on the couplings

What, go to him? Yes, it's a trait on the couplings.

Value. Very far, somewhere in the wilderness.

Origin. Kulichiki is a distorted Finnish word "Kuligi", "soupiers", which has long been in Russian. So in the north they called forest cleans, meadows, a swamp. Here, in the wooded part of the country, the settlers of the distant past all the time burned out in the forest "Sullets" - platforms for disarm and pouch. In old grams, such a formula is constantly found: "And the whole land, as long as the ax went and Kosa went." The farmer often had to go to the wilderness to the farthest "honeycomb", worse than the neighbor developed, where, ones and devils, and devils were also included in the swamps and burmologists, and every forest evil. So they got the usual words their second, figurative meaning: very far, on the edge of light.

Fig leaf

She is a terrible pretender and lazy, covered with his imaginary illness,

as a fig leaf.

Value. Farm covering of non-aggative affairs.

Origin. The expression goes back in the Old Testament Miph of Adam and Eve, who after the sin, knew shame and gone themselves with the leaves of the fig tree (fig tree): "And their eyes opened with them, and they learned, NTO Nagi, and stitched the molded leaves, and did their own "(Genesis, 3: 7). From the XVI to the end of the XVIII century, European artists and sculptors accounted for in their works to cover the most frank parts of the human body with a fig leaf. This conventionality was the concession of the Christian church, who considered the image of the naked flesh of sinful and obscene.

Filkina gramot

What is this filter grades, you can't really state your considerations?

Value. Ignorant, illiterately compiled document.

Origin. The author of the expression was Ivan the Terrible. To strengthen its power, that it was impossible without weakening the princes, boyars and clergy, Ivan the Terrible introduced an Okrichnin, who had visited all the horror.

I could not reconcile with the rampant of the scrambles and Metropolitan Philip. In his numerous messages to the king - grades - he sought to convince Grozny to abandon them the politicians of Terror, dissolve the Okrichnin. The naughty Metropolitan Tsuzny contemptively called the Filk, and his diplomas - filter grades.

For the brave chips of the Grozny and his Ochrichnikov, Metropolitan Philip was sharpened to the Tver Monastery, where he strangled the Malyuta Skuratov.

Grab stars from heaven

He is not without abilities, but not enough stars from heaven.

Value. Do not differ talents and outstanding abilities.

Origin. The phraseological expression associated with the association with premium stars of military and officials as signs of differences.

Stop Kondrashka

He was Health of Bogatlish, and suddenly Kondrashka had enough.

Value. Anyone died suddenly, was suddenly broken by paralysis.

Origin. According to the assumption of the historian S. M. Solovyov, the expression is associated with the name of the leader of the Bulavinsky uprising on Don in 1707. Ataman Kondratiy Afanasyevich Bulavina (Kondrashka), which suddenly destroyed the entire royal detachment led by the Voivoda Dolgoruki.

Apple of discord

This travel is a real apple of discord, really you can't give up, let him go.

Value. What creates conflict, serious contradictions.

Origin. Peel and Fetida, the parents of the Hero of the Trojan war of Achilles, forgot to invite the goddess Erid to her wedding. Erid was very offended and secretly threw on the table, followed by gods and mortals, a gold apple; It was written on it: "the most beautiful." The dispute was rising between the three goddesses: the wife of Zeus is a hero, Athena - the Virgin, the goddess of wisdom, and the beautiful goddess of love and beauty Aphrodite.

The judge between them was elected young man Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priama. Paris gave an apple bodied by his Aphrodite; Aphrodite for it forced the wife of Tsar Menel, beautiful Elena, to love the young man. Leaving her husband, Elena left in Troy, and to avenge this insult, the Greeks began a long-term war with the Trojans. As you can see, Erides's apple and actually led to the breakdown.

Pandora's Box

Well, now hold on, Pandora drawer opened.

Value. All that can serve in case of negligence source of disasters.

Origin. When the great Titan Prometheus kidnapped from Olympus and handed the fire of the gods from Olympus, Zeus scared crumpled, but it was too late. Possessing a divine flame, people stopped obeying the celers, learned to different sciences, left their miserable state. A little more - and they would have won full happiness.

Then Zeus decided to send to them to Kara. God-blacksmith Hephasta cut out of the ground and waters a beautiful woman Pandora. The rest of the gods gave her: who is a trick, who is courage, who is extraordinary beauty. Then, handing her the mysterious box, Zeus sent it to the ground, forbid to open the box. Curious Pandora, barely coming into the world, opened the lid. Immediately, all disasters of people flew from there and scattered through the universe. Pandora in fear tried to slam the lid again, but in the box of all unfortunately there was only a deceptive hope.published. If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project .

Russian language is so mobile and flexible, which allows the use of many special speech techniques: proverbs, sayings, metaphors and more. Separately, I want to talk about what phraseological units.

Phraseologists call phrases, the meaning of which is capable of decorating speech, give it a special emotional shade. The phraseological turnover of in the meaning, that is, it has the general meaning of all the words included in it. Each word separately does not bear such an information load. It is better to consider examples with an explanation of phraseologism.

In contact with

The horse was not lying

The usual speech would be dry and less emotional, do not be special lexical units in it - phraseologism. For example, you can say: "I am very angry." And you can pronounce in this way: "I was evil as a dog." Listening in the mind is born absolutely different associative images. The image of an angry dog \u200b\u200bbrain perceives instantly at the reflex level. Affects the life experience accumulated in the subconscious.

Or such an example of the phrase: "I have not started to perform the intended work." Much better sounds: "I still did not roll the horse." For a foreigner, this is understanding - a tricky headache! What horse and why he was not lying? And the Russian man instantly seizes the essence of the problem of the speaker.

Phraseologism "One leg here is another - there" Very often used in speech. In the literal sense it is impossible for the legs of a person at the same time in different places! But he means that speaking is already on the way and rushes very quickly and is about to be in the right place.

Interesting observation. Frameological turns sometimes reduce the sharpness of the perception of negative action and increase positive.

Whose authorship?

Many are thinking about O. the origin of sustainable expressions. There are no authors in phraseologism. Or so, the authors are the people. In the course of life, the accumulation of experience people apply their knowledge, transforming them into new forms.

The origin of the bright revolutions of speech is also associated with literary and historical facts. Everyone has an idea of \u200b\u200bthe exploits of Hercules, and in particular, about one of them - how quickly stronghold managed to clean the stables of the king authius. The hero showed resourcefulness, coped quickly with an exorbitant case. Performed, it would seem impossible! So they were in the people to say: "I will go rare the Augean stables ..." Or: "What a well done, cleaned the auguevy stables!"

In addition to the "Flashing Horse" is interesting about "Bared Dog". Example: "So, where the dog is buried!" This means that I finally found a solution to the problem or question that did not give rest for a long time. The theme of the origin of the winged expressions with these animals is very popular. Known stories of dogs, whose graves served as a memory for their owners (were lost, and then were).

Everyone who deserved the punishment, in the Russian speech, "spare on the first number." It came from school when pupils are rugs. The punishment was an effective and student behaved well before the start of the next month of study (up to 1).

Let's go through phraseological units

Introducing small speech turnover list for familiarization. They are most often used regarding a specific person:

Phraseological units in suggestions

Also exists many other winged phrases. It is interesting to consider examples.

  1. It's time to "wash your hands." This proposal means that the moment has come to remove from the problem, to designate its innocence to it.
  2. In life, he loved "Swatch for the flow." The hero is passive and lived by the will of circumstances, they do not resist them.
  3. Care I have - "Pond Pond". There is a lot of things.
  4. Rodnoy came to visit - "Seventh Water on Kisel". The degree of kinship is very blurred, there is no possibility to understand who - who and who else has.
  5. He married the principle of "from the face water not to drink." This is a sad story, here attempt to love the inner world of man, implying that with appearance is not all right.
  6. See you "after the rain on Thursday". This proposal matters: I will never see you, and also shows a dismissive attitude towards a person.
  7. In his stories, he loved to "pump an atmosphere." It says a person who clearly exaggerates the difficulties and horrors of events in his narratives, glowing the situation.
  8. I left home "Nonolono Bread." The value of phraseologism: I had to go back without earnings, profits or a different result previously conceived.

The above examples show how brightly, short and exhaust phraseological units are capable of characterizing some situations. Also, they add speech shades of sound, semantic accents. Origin may not play roles. Moreover, the lexical meaning of phraseological units is perceived as a short signal of an associative series stored in the memory of a person.

About labor

Let's talk about phraseologiza, in which it is mentioned work or profession. About labor people wrote a lot of sayings, fables and other lexical forms. We give examples of phraseologism and their values.

Phraseologism children

Work and acquaintance with phraseologists starts already at school. Children teach to understand sustainable expressions and be able to explain them. Younger schoolchildren are practiced at the lessons of the native speech to build statements using phraseological revolutions. Thus enrich the vocabulary and lexical stock of knowledge. The guys learn to explain phraseological units with one short word or associated phrase.

The phraseologisms are quite simple for understanding and memorization, according to the age of children younger school. Consider examples:

  • mouth on the castle (silence);
  • keep a tongue for teeth (store a mystery);
  • do not believe your ears (surprised to hear);
  • peel your nose (fall asleep);
  • led by nose (deceive)
  • fly bearing head (quickly run) and others.

The use of phraseologism in elementary school contributes to the development of them "Language feelings"inherent in the Russian man. Forms thinking, the rate of creating thinking. Aphorisms are drawn up by pictures or work with texts.

In the lessons of the Russian language, students perform written tasks in which the phraseologism is replaced with in one word (insert the missed word).

In the lessons of literary reading, it is learned to compare the images of fabulous heroes with phraseological circulation. eg, Emelya - "Lies and does not blow on the musty".

Studying mathematics, resistant phrases: "Square head", "From the pot two tops" and others.

In various areas of activity, the areas of knowledge, vital situations are applicable phraseological revs. The main thing is to understand their importance! The real connoisseur of the Russian language necessarily uses the winged expressions in its speech for both own pleasure (create a picture) and for the "red sense".

Phraseologists Call sustainable combinations of words, speech speed: "beat eggs", "hang nose", "set the head" ... The turnover of speech, which is called phraseologism, are indivisible in meaning, that is, its importance does not develop from the values \u200b\u200bof the components of his words. It works only as a single whole, a lexical unit.

Phraseologist - These are the winged expressions that have no author.

The value of phraseologism It is to give an emotional color expression, strengthen its meaning.

When forming phraseologisomes, some components acquire the status of optional (optional): "The components of phraseologism, which can be descended in some cases of its use, is called the optional components of phraseologism, and the phenomenon itself, as a feature of the form of phraseological units, is the optional phraseological components.

The first component of turnover may be optional, optional, i.e. The expression will sound without it.

Signs of phraseologism

    Phraseologisms usually do not tolerate the replacement of words and their permutation, for which it is also called sustainable phrases.

    No matter what Cannot pronounce what would I do or what would neither, but take the eye instead take care of.

    There are of course exceptions: puzzle over or head breaking, surrender to catch and take someone by surprise, but such cases are rare.

    Many phraseologisms are easily replaced by one word:

    broken head - fast,

    hand to subtle - Close.

    The most important feature of phraseologism is their figurative-figurative meaning.

    Often the direct expression turns into portable, expanding the shades of its meaning.

    Fastened by seams - From speech tailor, gained more importance - to decline.

    Confound - From the speech of railway workers, it was transferred to the overall use in the meaning to be confused.

Examples of phraseologism and their meanings

Babyushi beat - Lucky
Whites jeese - scream (applied to people who make stupidity
After the rain on Thursday - never
Anika-Warrior - Bounce, brave only in words, away from danger
Set the head (bath) - Wash the neck, head - scold much
White crow - man sharply distinguished from the environment by those or other qualities
Biryukom live - to be sullen, not to communicate with anyone
Throw a glove - Call someone on the dispute, competition (although no one is thrown in gloves)
Wolf in sheep's clothing - Evil people who are pretending to good, which are hiding under the mask of meekness
Turn in the clouds - blissfully dream, fantasize there is no matter what
Soul in the heels gone - man overheated, afraid
Belly do not regret - Donate life
Nick down - Remember firmly fix
From flies to make an elephant - turn a small fact to an entire event
On a saucer with a golden burrow - get the desired with honor, without much effort
On the edge of the land - somewhere very far
On the seventh sky - to be in full delight, in the state of the highest bliss
Nor zgi is not visible - so dark that there are no paths, tracks
Run a sow on the head - act reckless, with desperate determination
Eat Poud Salt - Good to know each other
Then piss off - Leave, we will manage without you
Build air locks - Dream about unnecessary, indulge in fantasies. Think thinking that it cannot be carried out in real reality, fond of illusory assumptions, hopes
Drinking sleeves to work - Work is hot, with an effort.

Watch "Frameologists in pictures. Values \u200b\u200bof phraseologism "

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Phraseology about school

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
Live and learn.
Scientist without business-like a cloud without rain.
Learn to the Smoloda - you will not die for old age with hunger.
What I studied, this was useful.
Heavy in teaching is easy in battle.
Teach the mind.
Get a school life.
Bang your head about ice.
Fool learn that the dead is treated.

Phraseologisms from ancient Greek mythology

There are original Russian phraseological units, but there are also borrowed, including phraseological units who have come to Russian from ancient Greek mythology.

Tantalov Flour. - Unbearable torments from the consciousness of the closeness of the desired goal and the inability to achieve it. (Analogue of the Russian proverb: "Blotches are close, do not bite"). Taltal - hero, son of Zeus and Pluto, who reigned in the field of Mountains, was in South Frigia (Small Asia) and famous for his wealth. According to Homer, for his crimes, Tantalt was punished in the underground kingdom of eternal torment: standing on the throat in the water, he can't get drunk, as the water immediately retreats from the lips; From the trees surrounding his trees, branches burdened by the fruits, which raise up, as soon as Taltal stretches his hand to them.

Augean stables - Highly clogged, contaminated place, usually a room where everything is lying in disarray. Phraseologism occurred from the name of the huge stables of the Eldidian king of authi, not cleaned for many years. Their purification was only the mighty Hercules - the son of Zeus. The hero cleared Augean stables in one day, sending two stormy rivers through them.

Sisyphers work - Useless, not ending hard work, fruitless work. The expression appeared from an ancient Greek legend about Sisyiff, the famous hestrece, which is able to deceive even the gods and constantly jointing them into conflicts. It was he who managed to accumulate the chains of Tanatos - the God of the death sent to him, and keep him in imprisonment for several years, as a result of which people did not die. For his actions, Sisif was cruelly punished in Aida: he had to pump a heavy stone on the mountain, which, reaching the vertices, inevitably fell down, so that all the work had to begin again.

Sing Diffilams - uniformly, enthusiastically praise, praise anyone or anything. It originated from the name of the DiffiraBs - the laudatory songs in honor of the god of wine and the vine of Dionysis, who sang during the processions dedicated to this deity.

Golden Rain - Large cash. The expression originated from the ancient Greek myth about Zeus. Plenying the beauty of Danai, the daughter of the Argos Tsar Akrismia, Zeus penetrated her in the form of golden rain, and from this connection was born in the future Perseus. Dana, shrouded with rain with gold coins, is depicted in the pictures of many artists: Titian, Corredago, Wang-Dyake, and others. From here, the expressions "pours Golden Rain", "Plugs Golden Rain". Titian. Dana.

Thunder and lightning - fight anyone; speak angry, irritably, reproaching, swaying anyone or threatening him. It originated from the ideas about Zeus - the Supreme God of Olympus, who, according to the myths, was repent of his enemies and disagree to him with the help of Hephaeste's horrifying lightning.

Thread Ariadna, Ariadnin Thread - What helps to find a way out of a predicament. By the name Ariadna, the daughter of the Cretan Tsar Minos, which, according to the ancient Greek myth, helped the Athenian king of the Teshe, after he killed the semi-punch-receiving age of Minotaur, to safely get out of the underground labyrinth with the help of a ball of threads.

Achilles' heel - Weak side, vulnerable to something. In Greek mythology, Achilles (Achilles) is one of the strongest and brave heroes; He makes Homer in Iliad. The staffing myth, transmitted by the Roman writer Gigin, reports that the mother of Achilles, the sea goddess Fetida to make the body of the Son invulnerable, plunged him into the sacred river Stetens; The perch, she kept him for the heel, which was not touched by water, so the heel remained the only vulnerable place of Achilles, where he was mortally wounded by an arrow of Paris.

Dara Danaytsev (Trojan horse) - Cunning gifts that are carrying with themselves for those who receive them. It originated from the Greek ledids about the Trojan War. Danaires after a long and unsuccessful siege of Troy resorted to tricks: they built a huge wooden horse, left it at the walls of Troy, and they themselves pretended that they were floating from the shore of the Troaster. Priest Laocoon who knew about the tricks, seeing this horse, exclaimed: "What would it be, I'm afraid of Danaans, even gifts bring!" But the Trojans, who does not listen to the warnings of Laocoon and the propheted Kassandra, dragged the horse to the city. At night, Danaires, hidden inside the horse, came out, killed the guard, opened the city gate, let the comrades returned on the ships and thus captured Troy.

Between Scylla and Charibda - to be between two hostile forces, in the position when the danger is threatened and from the other side. According to the lesions of the ancient Greeks, two monsters were inhabited on the coastal rocks on both sides of the Messinsky Strait: Szill and Haribda, who absorbed navigators. "Scylla, ... Without silent Laya, a screech piercing, a masturbation of a young one like, the neighborhood of the monsters ... None of her seawarer could not be easily passing by the ship: all the toothshasts of the mouth with a ship He kidnaps ... You will see a different rock close ... It's terrible all the sea under the rocking closure worries Haribd, three times a day absorbing and three times a day I spew the black moisture. Do not quiet approach when absorbs: Poseidon himself from death faithfully does not save ... "

Prometheus fire sacred fire, burning in the soul of a person, a non-regulation desire to achieve high goals in science, art, social work. Prometheus in Greek mythology is one of the titans; He kidnapped the fire from the sky and taught people to use it than undermined the faith in the power of the gods. For this, angry Zeus commanded Hephaesta (God of Fire and forge art) to peel Prometheus to the rock; The eagle flew daily tormented the liver of chained titanium.

Apple of discord - The subject, the cause of the dispute, hostility, first used the Roman historian Justin (II century. n. er). It is based on the Greek myth. The Goddess of Erid's discord rolled between the guests at the wedding party Golden Apple with the inscription: "Fine". Among the guests were goddesses of Gera, Athena and Aphrodite, who have argued about who of them get an apple. The dispute was allowed by Paris, the son of the Trojan Tsar Priama, adding an Aphrodite apple. In gratitude to Aphrodite helped Paris to kidnap Elena, the wife of the Spartan Tsar Mellaya, which was what the Trojan war occurred.

Cook in fly - Be forgotten, without a trace and forever disappear. From the name of the Letya - the river of oblivion in the underground kingdom of Aida, the soul souls died water and forgot their last life.

Phraseological units with the word "water"

Storm in a teacup - big excitement on insignificant occasion
WILLS WATER WATER SUPPORT - It is not yet known how it will be, the outcome is not clear, by analogy: "Grandmother put in half said"
Water do not count - big friends, about strong friendship
Water in Serew Wearing - Wast time to spend time, to engage in useless thing in the same way: thrust water in a step
Water in Roth scored - silent and does not want to answer
Carry water (on com-l.) - burden hard work, using his priesthood
Scrape - expose dark things, to catch in lies
Come out dry from water - remain unpunished, without bad consequences
Money as water - I mean the ease with which they spend
Blow on the water, having burned on milk - unnecessarily cautious, remembering the past mistakes
As in the water looked - as if he knew in advance, foresaw, accurately predicted events
How to go to the water - disappeared, without a trace, without disappeared
Down in the mouth - sad, sad
How the water through the fingers - one who easily leaves persecution
The same - very similar, indistinguishable
How do you not know the fusion, then do not go into the water - warning not to take hasty actions
Like fish in water - feel confident, very well navigate, well to understand something,
Like water off a duck's back - All man is not
Much water has flown under the bridge since that time - a lot of time has passed
Wear water in solid - spend time spending
Seventh water on kisel - Very long kinship
Hide the ends into the water - Hide the traces of the crime
Cherry Water, below grass - modestly, imperceptibly behaving
Plowing water - to engage in useless business.

Phraseologism with the word "nose"

Interestingly, in phraseologizams the word nose does not even reveal its main meaning. The nose is an olfactory body, however, in sustainable phrases with a nose, it is primarily associated with an idea of \u200b\u200bsomething small, short. Do you remember the fairy tale about Kolobka? When the Lisete was needed, so that the bunker was in the sphere of reaching, became closer, she asks him to sit on her nose. However, the word nose does not always denote the sense of smell. He has any other meanings.

Scurry - Grumble, grumble, vigorous.
Nose - This phrase came to us from Central Asia. The visitors often surprise how little children manage to cope with huge camels. An animal obediently follows the child leading him for the rope. The fact is that the rope is traveled through the ring at a camel in the nose. You already want, you do not want - and you have to obey! The rings were playd and in the noses of bulls to make them whirlpool. If a person is deceiving someone or does not fulfill the promised, then he also say that he "leads for his nose."
Turn up one's nose - Unreasonably be proud of something, boasts.
Nick down - Calm on the nose means: Remember firmly firmly, once and for all. Many seem to be said this is not without cruelty: not very nice if you are offered to make a cat on your own face. In vain fear. The word nose here does not mean the sense of smell at all, but only a commemorative plank, a tag for records. In ancient times, illiterate people always wore with them such a plank and on them with scubons, the cuts did all sorts of notes. These birchs and called noses.
Peer nose - Fill.
Curious Varvar on the Bazaar Nose torn off - Do not interfere not in your business.
On the nose - So they talk about something that is about to come.
Not to see on your own nose - Do not notice the surrounding around.
Do not poke the nose in your business "Thus, they want to show that the person is too much, not to the place is curious, interferes with what should not.
Nose to nose - on the contrary, close.
Nose over the wind hold - In the glorious times of the sailing fleet, moving around the sea completely depended on the direction of the wind, from the weather. Cutelessness, Calley - and Nicli Sails, more reminding the rag. The opposite wind blows into the nose of the ship - it is necessary to think no about swimming, and already to throw all the anchors, that is, to "become anchor" and remove all sails so that the air flow does not throw the ship to the shore. To go out into the sea, the passing wind was needed, which poured sails and directed the vessel forward to the marine expanses. The associated vocabulary of sailors received a picture and entered into our literary language. Now "keep the nose in the wind" - in the figurative sense, it means to adapt to any circumstances. "Throw anchor", "Become anchor"- stay in motion, settle somewhere somewhere; "Sit by the sea and wait for the weather" - inactive waiting for change; "On all sails" - move to the target target in full swing, quickly as soon as possible; Wish "Coming wind" Someone means the desire to him good luck.
Nose hang or hang nose "If a person suddenly, a man, or he just waved, it happens about him, they say that he was" hanging her nose, "and can also add:" On Quint. " Quinta, translated from Latin this means: "Fifth". Musicians, and if more precisely, violinists are so called the first string in the violin (the highest). During the game, the violinist usually supports your chin instrument and its nose almost concerns that the strings close to it. The expression "hang his nose at Quintu", improved in the circle of musicians, and entered the fiction.
Stay with nose - Without what was counting on.
Under the nose - Close.
Show nose - tease someone, making a thumb to the nose and waving the rest.
With Gulkin Nos. - Very little (Gulka is a pigeon, the beak of the pigeon is small).
Poke your nose in other people's affairs- interested in other people's affairs.
Get off the nose - The roots of the expression "go with the nose" are lost in the distant past. In the old days, bribery was very common in Russia. Neither in institutions nor in court could have achieved a positive decision without offering, a gift. Of course, the word "bribe" these gifts, stranded somewhere under the hollow, were not called. They were politely called "brought" or "nose." If the managing, judge or deque took the "nose", then it was possible to be sure that the case was beneficial to be resolved. In case of refusal (and this could happen if the gift seemed to an official with a small one or was already taken offering from the opposite side) the petitioner went with his "nose" of the ravis. In this case, there was no hope for success. Since then, the words "go with the nose" began to mean "to suffer defeat, fail, lose, stupid, having achieved anything.
Sweep over "If someone managed to surpass, then they say that he was lace out.
Bounce a nose - Immerse yourself in full in some lesson.
Owl, drunk and nose in tobacco - means everyone satisfied and satisfied man.

Phraseologism with the word "mouth, lips"

The word mouth is included in a number of phraseological units whose values \u200b\u200bare associated with the speaking process. Through the mouth to the human body comes food - a number of stable expressions, one way or another indicates this function of the mouth. With the word lip of phraseologism not much.

In your mouth you will not take - They say if the food is prepared tastefully.
Lip no fool - They say about a person who knows how to choose the best.
Patch one's mouth- So do not let him say.
Porridge in the mouth - a man lovelessly says.
Makowinka in the mouth was not - So, a person has not eaten for a long time and it needs to be urgent.
Wet behind the ears - They say if they want to show that someone else is young and inexperienced.
Dial- It is silenced by yourself.
Inflate lip - offended.
Roth Raze - To froze in amazement before anything, striking the imagination.
Salmon Polon Rot - They say if things are so much that you do not have time to cope with them.
Wide open mouth - Sign of surprise.

Phraseologism with the word "hand"

Be on hand - be accessible, be in close proximity
Her hands - use the situation
Keep in hand - Do not give will, keep in strict obedience
As hand removed - quickly disappeared, passed
Worn on hands - to provide a special location, attention, appreciate, pamper
Not to dopeto - to work hard
Put one's hand - by chance to be nearby
Get down - run into a bad mood
Hand does not rise - It is not possible to make an action because of the internal ban
Hand in hand - Holding hands, together, friendly
Hand hand washes - People-related people protect each other
Hands do not reach - There is no strength and time to do something.
Hands are scratched - about great desire to do
Hand to subtle - very close, very close
Grasp by both hands - I am pleased to agree with some proposal
Strange hands the heat to rush - use the fruits of someone else's work
Skillful fingers - About who skillfully, skillfully does everything, copes with any work

Phraseologism with the word "head"

Wind in the head - Unreliable man.
Flew out of the head - Forgot.
Head is spinning - Too much affairs, duties, information.
Give a head on - promise.
Like snow on the head - suddenly.
Fool your head - deceive, take away from the essence of the matter.
Do not demolize - answer for your actions.
Inspect from head to legs - Total, carefully, carefully.
Headlong - Risk.
The head will not plunge - Wrong.
With a sick head on a healthy - Feed the guilt to another.
Upside down - On the contrary.
Break the head over a task - Thinking to think.
Broken head - very fast.

Phraseologism with the word "ear"

The word ear is included in phraseological units, one way or another associated with hearing. Rough words act primarily on the ears. In many stable expressions, the word ears is rather not a hearing body, but only an outdoor part of it. I wonder if you can see your ears? Using the mirror in this case is not allowed!

Be careful - A man hard waits for danger. The East is the old word sharp form.
Navigate the ears - carefully listen. The dog's ears have a pointed shape and the dog raises the ears stick when he listened. From here there was a phraseologist.
Do not see how your ears - They say about a person who will never receive the desired one.
Plunge into something on the ears - They say a person in the event that he is completely absorbed in any occupation. On the ears you can be in debt - if there are a lot of debts.
Blushed to ears - They say when a person is badly confused.
Swim ears - So they say about a person who listens to anyone too trusting.
Listen to all ears - It means to listen carefully.
Listen to alive or listen to the edge of the ear - Listen without much attention.
Ears are fucked - Disconnect something extremely.
Ears cut - They say when something is unpleasant to listen.

Phraseologism with the word "tooth"

With the word tooth in Russian there is a fairly large number of stable expressions. Among them are a group of phraseological units, in which the teeth act as a kind of instrument of protection or attacks, threats. The word tooth is used and in phraseologizams denoting various human planning states.

To be in the teeth - impose, bother.
Armed to teeth - They say about the person on whom it is dangerous to attack, as he can give a decent story.
Talk the teeth - divert attention.
Tooth "Bracious (tendency to break), disassemble," how it will happen, and will respond. "
Tooth tooth falls - They say if someone is frozen from severe cold or from trembling, excitement, fear.
Tooth give - Mock, to rop out.
It is tooth - chant, crowned.
Sculp teeth - Mock.
Teeth to eat - gain experience.
Teeth scratch - Belt nonsense, trifles.
To the tooth try - Find out, try directly.
Not on your teeth anyone - It is difficult to bite off, not under power, not by abilities.
There is nothing to put - They say when there is nothing.
Nor into the tooth - absolutely nothing (not to know, not understand, etc.).
Look at one's teeth - Find out all about a person.
Raise to the teeth - Mock.
Show teeth - So demonstrate your evil nature, the desire to host, pursue to whom.
Put one's teeth - Hungry, when there is no food in the house.
Through teeth talk - barely open your mouth, with reluctance.
Squeeze- Not diligent, not despairing, to start the struggle.
To sharpen or have a tooth on someone - Angry, strive to cause harm.

Phraseologism with the word "breast, back"

Words breasts and backs come in oppositely colored phraseological units. However, there is with the word spin and positively colored phraseological units.

Get up or stand with a breast for someone - rise to protection, steally protect.
Go to whose back - Achieve your goals using someone in your own interests.
Bent back - Work, or bow.
Hurry back - Work.
Ride on whose back - Use someone for some of your goals.
Behind whom who (do something) - So that he did not see, did not know, secretly from someone.
Put one's hands - Cross them from behind.
On your own back (test, learn something) - According to its own bitter experience, as a result of trouble, difficulties, adversity, which himself had to go through.
Knife in the back or kick in the back - Tremitting, modificial deed, blow.
Turn back - Leave, leave for the mercy of fate, stop communicating with someone.
Build the road - To achieve a good position in life, achieves everything stubbornly, overcomes all the difficulties that have fallen him.
Skulk - shift your duties or responsibility for someone.
Do not flex a back - Diligently, hard, much and hard. They can praise approximately working person.
Straighten - To gain self-confidence, encourage.
Back to show - Get away, run away.
Stand for someone's back - secretly, secretly lead someone.

Phraseologism with the word "language"

The language is another common word, as the language is extremely important for a person, it is with him that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ability to speak, communicate. The idea of \u200b\u200bspeaking (or, on the contrary, silence) one way or another can be traced in many phraseological units with the word language.

Running tongue language - very fast.
Keep your mouth shut - be silent, not to say superfluous; Be careful in statements.
Long tongue - They say if a man is a boltun and loves to tell other people's secrets.
How the cow nodded - About what quickly and without a trace disappeared.
Find a common language - achieve mutual understanding.
Again in language - make them fall silent.
Hang a tongue on the shoulder - Very tired.
Get into the tongue - Become a subject of passages.
Bite a language - To silence, refrain from the statement.
Unleash the Language - encourage anyone to conversation; Give the opportunity for anyone.
Disgrace language "Without holding back, losing control over himself, to prove, speak superfluous."
Typun to you in the language - Angry wish to evil talker.
Pull in language - To say something not quite suitable for the situation.
Short down language - Make someone to silence, do not give to spelliness, too much.
Scratching language (scratching language) - Talking in vain, engage in chatter, trim.
Scratching languages - Gossip, gloom.
Damn the tongue - An unnecessary word is broken from the language.
Language without bones - They say if a man is talking.
Language is brazed - You can not clear anything.
Language to laryngeal priest - Suddenly silence, stop talking.
Language to swallow - To silence, stop talking (about the reluctance of anyone to say).
Language is well suspended - They say about a person who is free, fluently says.

Phraseologism with the word "little"

Without small - about, almost
Small spool but precious - Value is not determined by the size
Mal small small- one less than the other (about children)
Mala bird, yes marigolds - insignificant position, but inspires fear or admiration for its qualities
Little dog to old age puppy - A man of little growth always seems younger than his years, does not produce a solid impression
Like something- 1. Everything, anything, anyone 2. is not essential, no matter 3. Unrest, but suddenly ...
Little petty - not in a hurry, gradually
Small running - Slow
From small to large - All ages
Little (drink) - A little, a small portion
On a little play - do a little bet (in games)
From an early age - Since childhood
The smallestness - Minor part of something.

The correct and appropriate use of phraseologisms gives speech a special expressiveness, accuracy and imagery.

Phraseologism in pictures

Look, whether phraseologisms are correctly illustrated, and tell me how you understand their meaning?

Guess a few poetic mysteries about phraseological circulation:

You can't find these two guys in a friendly of these two guys.
They usually say: water ...

We proceeded to the town literally along and ...
And so we are tired on the road that barely ...

Comrade Your asks the furtively
Replies write off a notebook.
Do not! After all, you will find a friend ...

Fake, confused words, sing who in the forest, ...
Guys to listen to them will not be:
From this song ears ...

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