Read prayers before confession and communion online. Reading Orthodox prayers before confession and communion

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How to prepare for confession and communion? Preparing for confession and communion, especially for the first time, raises many, many questions. I remember my first communion. How hard it was for me to figure everything out. In this article you will get answers to the questions: what to say in confession to a priest - an example? how to take communion and confession? communion rules in the church? how to confess for the first time? how to prepare for communion? The answer to these questions is given by the modern Greek preacher Archimandrite Andrew (Konanos) and other priests.

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Communion was instituted by Jesus Christ Himself at his last meal with the Apostles. The modern Greek preacher and theologian Archimandrite Andrew (Konanos) says, if people would realize what a Gift of unity with God they receive during communion, because now Christ's blood flows in their veins ... if they fully realized this, their life would change a lot!

But, unfortunately, most people during communion are like children playing with precious stones and do not understand their value.

Communion rules can be found in any Temple. Usually they are set out in a small book called "HOW TO PREPARE FOR HOLY COMMUNICATION". Here are the simple rules:

  • Before Communion you need 3 days to fast- eat only plant foods (avoid meat, dairy products and eggs).
  • Need be at evening service the day before the day of communion.
  • Need confess either at the evening service or on the day of the sacrament at the very beginning of the liturgy (the morning service, during which the sacrament takes place).
  • Need a few more days pray hard- for this, read the morning and evening prayers and read the canons: Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ ,
    Canon of Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos,
    Canon to the Guardian Angel,
    Follow-up to Holy Communion *. * If you have never read the Canons (in Church Slavonic), you can listen to the audio (available on the prayer-book sites at the links indicated).
  • You need to take communion on an empty stomach (do not eat or drink anything in the morning). An exception is made for sick people, such as diabetics, for whom food and medicine are vital.

If you begin to take communion at every liturgy, every Sunday, your confessor will be able to allow you to fast less and not read all the indicated prayers. Do not be afraid to ask the priest and consult with him.

How is communion in church?

Suppose you decide to take communion on Sunday. So, the night before (Saturday) you need to come to the evening service. Usually the evening service in the Temples begins at 17:00. Find out what time the liturgy (morning service) begins on Sunday, at which the sacrament itself will take place. Usually, the morning service in the Temples begins at 9:00. If there was no confession at the evening service, then you confess at the beginning of the morning service.

Approximately in the middle of the service, the Priest will take out the Chalice from the altar. Everyone who was preparing for communion gather near the bowl and fold their hands on their right chest over the left. Approach the bowl carefully so as not to turn it over. The priest with a spoon gives the communicants the Holy Gifts - a piece of the body and blood of Christ under the guise of bread and wine.

After that, you need to go to the end of the Temple, where you will be given a drink. This is water diluted with wine. It is necessary to drink it down so that not a single drop or crumb of the Eucharist is wasted. Only then can you cross yourself. At the end of the service, you need to listen to prayers of thanksgiving.

How to prepare for confession? What to say in confession to a priest - an example? List of sins

The main rule at confession, which priests always remind about, is not to retell sins. Because if you start retelling the story of how you committed a sin, then you will involuntarily begin to justify yourself and blame others. Therefore, in confession, sins are simply called. For example: pride, envy, foul language, etc. And in order not to forget anything, use a list of sins against God, against neighbors, against oneself(usually such a list is in the book "HOW TO PREPARE FOR HOLY COMMUNICATION".

Write down your sins on a piece of paper so you don't forget anything. Come to the Temple early in the morning so as not to be late for confession and for the common prayer before confession. Before confession, go to the priest, cross yourself, venerate the Gospel and the cross, and start listing the sins that have been recorded in advance. After confession, the priest will read the permissive prayer and say whether you are allowed to receive communion.

It very rarely happens when a priest for your correction does not allow you to take communion. This is also a test of your pride.

It is important during confession, when naming a sin, to give yourself a promise not to repeat it. It is very important on the eve of communion to reconcile with enemies and forgive your offenders.

How to confess for the first time?

The first confession is often called the general confession. As a rule, almost all sins from the list of sins against God, neighbor and oneself fall into the leaflet with the list of sins. The priest will surely understand that you have come to confession for the first time and will help you with advice on how to try not to repeat your sins and mistakes.

I hope the article “How to Prepare for Confession and Communion?” will help you decide and go to confession and communion. This is important for your soul, because confession is the purification of the soul. We wash our body every day, but we don’t care about the purity of the soul!

If you have never confessed or received communion and it seems to you that it is very difficult to prepare, I recommend that you still perform this feat. The reward will be great. I assure you you have never experienced anything like it before. After communion, you will feel an extraordinary and incomparable spiritual joy.

The most difficult thing usually seems to be reading the canons and following Holy Communion. It's really hard to read at first. Use the audio recording and listen to all these prayers for 2-3 evenings.

Listen in this video to the story of priest Andrey Tkachev about how much time (usually several years) separates a person from the desire to go to the first confession until the moment of the first confession.

I wish everyone to enjoy life and thank God for everything!

Alena Kraeva

Confession or repentance is one of the seven Christian Sacraments, during which the penitent confesses his sins to the priest, the representative of the Lord on earth, after which the forgiveness of sins is carried out. It is believed that these Sacraments were established by Jesus Christ himself. To achieve a better result, prayers are read before confession and communion, according to Orthodoxy, this allows the believer to tune in the right way.

In order for the ritual to go according to all the rules, you need to prepare before communion:

  • It is necessary to realize one's sinfulness, sincerely, heartily repent of the sins committed.
  • It is necessary to realize the desire to leave sin and not repeat it anymore, believing in Jesus Christ, hoping for his mercy.
  • We must believe that confession has sufficient power to cleanse sins.

To receive absolution, you will need to undergo the Sacrament of baptism in the church before receiving communion, becoming an Orthodox Christian.

In addition, there are some simple rules:

  • Remember all the evil words, starting from the age of 7 or the moment of baptism, admit only your guilt in having uttered them.
  • Offer prayers to God, promise that with his help you will make every effort to exclude the repetition of sin, you will try to do good.
  • If sin has resulted in harm to your neighbor, you need to make amends for the harm done.
  • Forgive the sins of those who inflicted moral or material damage you before communion takes place.

You must feel sincere repentance during confession, only then the Lord will be able to illuminate your soul with light. And if you decide to confess “for show”, it’s better not to do this at all. This is a great Sacrament, not a formality.

To pass the sacrament ritual you need:

  • Understand the meaning of the ritual. Your goal is to become a partaker of the Divine, to unite with Christ, to be cleansed from sin.
  • Recognize the need for ritual. Offer prayers, heartily desire to pass it.
  • Get peace of mind, a state opposite to malice, enmity, hatred.
  • Do not violate church canons.
  • Get confession on time.
  • Stick to the post.
  • Participate in worship services, pray at home.
  • Keep body and spirit clean.

Prayers will help prepare for the Sacraments

It is necessary to prepare for the sacrament of the holy confession and communion by repentance, fasting, in addition, prayers are also read at this time. There are several types of prayers, some of which can be read at home or in the temple. Reading a prayer for communion will help you cleanse yourself spiritually, prepare for the ritual, and make it much easier.

Orthodox Christians note that this kind of preparation really makes the process more enjoyable, allows you to better understand its meaning, frees you from disturbing thoughts, and gives understanding. You can even pray for your loved ones who will have a ritual, no doubt, this will allow them to go through it much easier.

Examples Orthodox prayers

Prayer "Following Holy Communion"

“Through the prayers of our holy fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen. Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls. Holy God, Holy Strong, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Thrice) Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake. Lord have mercy. (Thrice) Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen. Our Father, Who art in heaven! Yes, shine your name, may your kingdom come, may your will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. Lord have mercy. (12 times) Come, let us bow down to the King of our God. (Bow) Come, let us bow and bow down to Christ, our King God. (Bow) Come, let us bow and fall down to Christ Himself, the King and our God. (Bow) ”

Familiarize yourself with the three canons and akathists, they include "the canon of the penitent to the Lord", "the prayer canon to the Most Holy Theotokos", "the canon to the Guardian Angel".

Prayer of the "Penitent" to the Lord God

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner. Master Christ God, Who heals my passions with His passions and heals my ulcers with His ulcers, grant me, who have sinned much with You, tears of tenderness; dissolve my body from the smell of Your life-giving Body, and delight the soul My Thy Honest Blood from sorrow, drink me the enemy; raise my mind to Thee, drooping valley, and raise me from the abyss of perdition: as if I do not imam repentance, I do not imam tenderness, I do not imam comforting tears, raising children to their inheritance. Darkened by the mind in worldly passions, I cannot look to You in illness, I cannot warm myself with tears, even if I love You. But, Lord Jesus Christ, treasure of the good, grant me wholehearted repentance and an industrious heart to seek Thy, grant me Thy grace and renew in me the signs of Thy image. Leave you, don't leave me; go forth to my exaction, lead me to Thy pasture and count me among the sheep of Thy chosen flock, raise me with them from the grain of Thy Divine Sacraments, by the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all Thy saints. Amen."

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

“Holy Mother of God, save me. My queen, my hope is the Mother of God, friend of orphans and strange representatives, grieving joy, offended patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me like a weak one, feed me like a strange one. Offend my weight, let me that, as if you will: as if there is no other imam of help to You, nor another representative, nor a good comforter, only to You, O Bogomati, as if you save me and cover me forever and ever. Amen. To whom shall I cry, Lady? To whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to Thee, Queen of Heaven? Who will receive my weeping and my sighing, if not You, Immaculate One, the hope of Christians and the refuge of us sinners? Who will protect you more in adversity? Hear my groaning, and incline Your ear to me, the Lady of the Mother of my God, and do not despise me, who requires Your help, and do not reject me, a sinner. Reason and teach me, Queen of Heaven; do not depart from me, Thy servant, Lady, for my murmuring, but wake me Mother and intercessor. I entrust myself to Your merciful protection: bring me, a sinner, to a quiet and serene life, let me cry over my sins. To whom shall I resort guilty, if not to Thee, the hope and refuge of sinners, with the hope of Thy unspeakable mercy and Thy bounty we enshrine? Oh, Lady Queen of Heaven! You are my hope and refuge, protection and intercession and help. My favored queen and ambulance intercessor! Cover my sins with Your intercession, protect me from enemies visible and invisible; soften hearts evil people who rise up against me. Oh, Mother of the Lord my Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity. Oh Mother of God! You give me help to those who are weak with carnal passions and who are sick of the heart, for Yours alone and with You Your Son and our God imam intercession; and by Your miraculous intercession, may I be delivered from all misfortune and misfortune, O immaculate and glorious Mother Mary of God. The same with hope, I say and cry: Rejoice, full of grace, rejoice, rejoiced; Rejoice, blessed one, the Lord is with you."

Prayer to the Guardian Angel

“Holy Angel of God, my guardian, pray to God for me. Holy Angel of Christ, falling down to you, I pray, my holy guardian, given to me to keep my sinful soul and body from holy baptism, but with my laziness and my evil habit, I angered your most pure lordship and drove away thee from yourself with all student deeds: lies, slander, envy, condemnation, contempt, disobedience, fraternal hatred, and rancor, love of money, adultery, rage, avarice, gluttony without satiety and drunkenness, verbosity, evil thoughts and crafty, proud custom and prodigal rage having self-desire for every carnal desire. Oh, my evil will, even the beasts of speechlessness do not create it! But how can you look at me, or come to me, like a stinking dog? Whose eyes, angel of Christ, look at me, entwined with evil in vile deeds? Yes, how can I ask forgiveness for my bitter and evil and crafty deed, I fall into it all day and night and at every hour? But I pray, falling down, my holy guardian, have mercy on me, your sinful and unworthy servant (name), be my helper and intercessor for the evil of my opponent, with your holy prayers, and make the Kingdom of God a partaker of me with all the saints, always, and now and forever and ever. Amen."

On the eve of Easter, it is recommended to read the Easter canon. There are several prayers that must be read before the Sacrament of Confession. It is recommended to read them at home or within the walls of the church, placing candles in front of the icon of Jesus Christ.

Communion and confession are among the seven sacraments of the Holy Orthodox Christian Church. The duty of every Christian is to prove his faith by deeds and deeds pleasing to God. This is, first of all, strict observance canons and norms of Christian life. Communion is a demonstration of the willingness of the soul to receive the Lord with all its heart. Therefore, it is important to understand how to prepare for confession and communion, so as not to violate the fragile line between the regulations and heresy with your ignorance. This is a question worth putting all your effort into.

“And while they were eating, Jesus took bread, blessed it, broke it, gave it to them, and said, Take, eat; this is my body. And he took the cup, gave thanks, and gave it to them: and they all drank from it. And he said to them: This is My Blood of the New Testament, which is shed for many” (Gospel of Mark 14:22-24)

In Christianity, communion is a visible act of accepting the Lord and uniting one's soul with him. The power of communion is compared to the medical understanding of blood purification. Just as the blood of a person is passed through many filters and poured back into him in order to cleanse the body of ailments, so communion is an act of freeing the soul from sin and accepting pure, bright Divine matter. By separating sins from oneself, renouncing an unrighteous life, a person learns the truth in God, reaching Eternity.

  • “Blessed is the one who has received the Body of Christ into himself, thereby giving himself the opportunity to reject everything that should be sad and ashamed. Having cleansed mankind from sin and death by his sacrifice on the cross, Jesus made it possible for our soul to come to God and receive eternal life. Communion, we receive a blessed healing of the soul, for the power of the Holy Spirit is great, giving hope for finding eternal happiness.” (Nikodim the Good, hieromonk)

Eating the flesh and blood of Christ has become a symbol of the acceptance of the Holy Spirit into the human heart. This is what makes us one with Jesus, just as He is one in Spirit with the Lord of Heaven. The history of Communion began at the very moment that was later called the Last Supper. Having broken bread and shared wine with the Apostles, Christ gave them eternal life and union with God, instructing them to do this with every person who received the Lord into his life.

Communion (Eucharist) is rightfully called the pinnacle of human communication with God, for all other sacred rites (sacraments) are steps in preparation for the most important act Orthodox Christian- the unity of the Holy Spirit and man, the creation of God.

Only the person who knows these sacraments is allowed to Communion:

  • Baptism is important step acceptance of the One God as ruler over your soul. For he who has not accepted God as the Most High Creator and Ruler cannot let his Holy Spirit into himself and accept with his whole being the one who created human flesh and soul from decay. You must first accept the sacrament of Baptism, so that the Guardian Angel is allowed to lead you along the righteous path to the Heavenly Creator.
  • Confession. Without repentance, sins will not go away, remaining a heavy burden on the soul and, closing the way for the Holy Spirit into your heart and mind, they will not allow the Guardian Angel to guide a person on the path of righteousness. By pouring out his sorrow in the church and repenting, having renounced sins, a person becomes a pure vessel for receiving God's blessing and his graces.

By accepting Christ into ourselves, we are deified, we become involved in his greatness and design. The Eucharist (Communion) is the essence christian church, its basis, which is the guarantee of the presence of the Holy Spirit. Without constant communion with the Body of Christ, a person loses contact with God. Thus, accumulating sins and evil, drowning in the abyss of the devil's traps, becoming one of the ranks of sinners who have rejected God.

How to Prepare Your Body and Soul for Communion

One should prepare for the sacrament of accepting the Gifts of Christ not so much physically as gaining the spiritual ability to be partaker of God. After all, it is impossible to give the Guardian Angel the strength to lead through earthly life without being filled with the light and goodness of the Christian Faith. For sins will fetter the loins, and the stones on the heart will pull into the depths of the Underworld. Without freeing ourselves from their burden, we will not be able to gain communion with the Holy and Pure Creator.

The Basics of Preparing for the Sacrament—Prayer, Repentance, and Fasting:

  • A strict weekly fast, without eating fast foods, in order to cleanse the body of all physical filth.
  • Compulsory worship in the evening in the church.
  • Severity in refusing to eat food on the day of Communion and until the very completion of the sacrament. The Holy Spirit must be the first to penetrate into the flesh, therefore it is necessary to stop taking all food and drink from midnight.
  • It is important to read the penitential canon and prayers on the eve of the house, in order to prepare the soul for the reception of the Holy Mysteries.
  • Presence in the temple and diligent prayer throughout Divine Liturgy before the priesthood.
  • Obligatory repentance and receiving forgiveness for your sins. Before Communion, one must free one's heart from the burdens of sin.
  • Permission and blessing by the priest to the sacrament of Eating the Flesh of Christ. Without this, a Christian is not allowed to take Communion, for there is doubt about his readiness to receive the Holy Gifts.
  • Without obligatory confession, only unreasonable children under seven years of age and those who are pursued by a deadly disease can be admitted to Communion.

This preparation in church practice is called fasting. It is often confused with the meaning of the word - post, but this is a mistake. Fasting is not so much the abstinence of the body from food, but the preparation of one's mind to receive the good in oneself, the ability to be with God in unity and indivisibility. After all, in order to accept the Higher Meaning into yourself, you need to be ready for it - to be cleansed of vice and sinful thoughts, which are an obstacle to the Holy Spirit. Fasting begins a week before communion.

Important! The preparation of the body for receiving Communion includes not only the renunciation of food and earnest prayer, but also the complete renunciation of carnal pleasures. It is necessary for this period to completely stop married life, and in case of carnal heat, read comforting prayers, so that the demon of lust will let go and not introduce fornication and adultery into sins.

Canonical prayers - preparation for the holy sacrament

An important component of fasting are prayers before confession and a canonical prayer service during the entire week of preparation for Communion. It is also necessary to appeal to the Almighty and the Guardian Angel for the liberation of the soul from the captivity of sin. The achievement of purity by the mind determines your readiness to receive the Holy Spirit and further sinless steps along the earthly path to the Heights of Heavenly Paradise.

The first is a prayer before confession - it should help prepare the mind for repentance, which will be the key to the salvation of the soul. Confession in without fail takes precedence, for in repentance you will find salvation. Next, the priest looks at your readiness to receive the Holy Gifts. It is possible that, having imposed penance, he will forbid you to take communion until certain steps are taken to cleanse or recognize sins - prayer, prostrations, helping the suffering, or other charitable deed.

Then they sequentially read the canons before communion, which are obligatory for the preparation of the acceptance of the Holy Gifts by the soul. They need to be read at home, in peace and thoughtfulness, without being distracted by worldly fuss.

  1. Canon of Penitence to the Lord All-Holy Jesus Christ.
  2. Prayer canon to the Theotokos, the Most Pure Mother of the Lord.
  3. Guardian Angel - the canon to the patron saint of Heaven.
  4. In conclusion - Following the Communion.

Reminder to the believer: how the sacrament of Communion passes

As already mentioned, the very process of receiving Communion begins with the evening service in the temple. Do not forget to put a candle in front of the faces of the Holy Trinity, the Mother of Heaven and the Guardian Angel, your earthly patron and intercessor before the Almighty. This candle is a symbol of your faith and a sacrifice before the Orthodox Christian Church.

  • After the evening service, they no longer eat or drink.
  • In the morning, before the liturgy, you need to read the prayer to the Guardian Angel and the Psalms from the Follow-up to Holy Communion.
  • It is better to get permission for Communion the day before, and go through repentance (confession) in the church - during Sunday service there can be many suffering people for confession.
  • They come to the temple early in the morning before the start of the Divine Liturgy. The whole service is up to the end.
  • At the end, the time comes for communion with the Flesh and Blood of Christ.

The rules for performing the rites and sacraments of the Holy Church strictly determine the sequence of accepting the Gifts of Christ:

  1. Let them be received first by God's servants—bishops and presbyters, then deacons with subdeacons, readers, and the rest of the orderly people.
  2. Then comes the turn of women - deaconesses, maidens, widows.
  3. Further, without crowding, let the children go ahead.
  4. In order, with humility and bashfulness, reverent before the importance of the moment, everyone accepts the Holy Gifts of the Lord, for there is nothing higher than understanding your union with God.
  5. When your turn has come, cross yourself and kiss the edge of the Chalice, having taken the consecrated wine and antidoron.
  6. When the priest gives you a taste of the Holy Gifts, fold your hands humbly on your chest.
  7. After that, they kiss the altar cross in the hands of the priest. Remember that no one leaves the church without kissing the cross.
  8. In conclusion, they put candles for the health of their souls and loved ones in front of the icons of the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, the Guardian Angel, and then for the repose of those who were dear to you, but left the sinful vale.

Important! The Holy Gifts of Christ must be approached in a state of complete peace of mind and peace. Throw away all sins and worries, for you have received forgiveness for them. Forgive the offenders, for without forgiving others, you yourself will not be worthy of forgiveness.

Special occasions

When describing traditional communion, one should point out possible exceptional cases when the usual way of the sacrament may change. The rules allow for a simplified procedure for accepting the Holy Gifts in the case when it is not possible due to health to repair fasting.

Children are sinless lambs

Orthodox Church does not approach severely children under the age of seven, for they are sinless creatures and bright in soul. Any mother can bring her child to the temple so that she gets the opportunity to taste the Gifts of Christ. Sins did not seize his innocent soul, so there is no need to undergo a long procedure of confession.

  • As far as possible and understanding of the child, try to accustom him to prayer. The main prayer with which the Orthodox spiritual education of a child begins is to the Guardian Angel. Well, if the child pronounces it for the coming dream, this will save him from evil and give him peace of mind by night.
  • The text of the prayer can be memorized until the baby can read - this is the concern of parents, as senior mentors.
  • Teaching a child to obey church rules, show gentle perseverance. It is not necessary that the road to God cause rejection and protest in the child. God is love, and the road to him must be full of goodness.
  • It is not considered obligatory for a small child to fast. The Lord is merciful in this case and does not want such a sacrifice from a growing organism.

Sick and unable to pass the health test

In this case, you should not be cunning and pass off an imaginary illness as an unresolved health problem - the Lord will see everything. The list of exceptions includes only those who really do not have the opportunity to overcome a series of trials without harm to life.

  • This number includes infirm old people or sick people. The impossibility of independently going through the sacrament of confession allows in this case the arrival of the priest home. The need for repentance is undeniable, because a person's life can end at any moment. A post and complete list prayers are considered optional. It is good if the opportunity to read the canon is preserved, so that, after leaving our world, the soul finds peace, for it takes off all the sins of the earth, and ascends cleanly to Heaven.
  • Pregnant women are especially favored. New life- the highest meaning of the continuation of the universe, fasting and fasting is not necessary for them, as it can be detrimental to the health of the mother and child. Prayers are considered important so that the child is transmitted God's grace. The canon to the Guardian Angel especially contributes to the successful bearing of the fetus, so that it protects and protects the particle of God's universe, which grows in the mother's womb.

In conclusion, an Orthodox person should be instructed not to forget to receive the Body and Blood of Christ at least once a year. Oriental Christians usually receive communion at Great Lent in order to Happy Holiday Resurrection of the Lord to appear with a pure heart and a bright soul. But this period is only a convention - communion should take place at the behest and necessity. If your thoughts seek to atone for sin and receive the Holy Spirit into yourself, be sure to follow them and receive the sacraments more often.

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10. 03. 2012

In the life of an Orthodox Christian, the most significant event is the acceptance of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. It takes more than one day to prepare for it. Three days of fasting, as well as reading prayers before confession and Communion. This is how believers should prepare themselves to meet God.

Before proceeding to receive the Holy Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ, the believer must purify his soul with repentance. This is the sacrament of confession established by the church.

Fasting is not provided for before the sacrament of repentance. But, as the holy fathers say, every sin requires proportionate repentance, and if it is not, the corresponding torment will come.

If we have committed a serious sin, it means that we must especially cry and lament over what we have done, and refrain from any actions that led to the commission of this sin. It is also necessary to repent of small sins, not to neglect this. We must remember everything that we have done since the last confession.

In order not to forget all the sins committed during this time, the holy fathers recommend summing up the day before going to bed every day. Evaluate your actions, ask God for forgiveness if you have done something contrary to His commandments. In order to set yourself in the right mood, before confession, you need to read the canon of repentance. It helps bring the soul into a contrite state.

What do they read before confession?

The penitential canon, read by all Orthodox Christians in preparation for confession and Communion, was written by the great Russian man and commander A. Suvorov.

This happened in February 1800, undoubtedly under the influence of the canon of Andrew of Crete, read during the days of Great Lent.

The general wrote the canon with a weakened hand. He will be gone by May of this year. The dream of the great Russian commander to become a monk and take refuge in the Nile Desert, where for many years he aspired with all his soul, did not come true.

A. Suvorov was in life not only a soldier, but also a pilgrim. For his piety, he was named by his compatriots the Russian Archangel Michael. Suvorov was prominent representative Orthodox Russia.

The contradictions that he combined, the prayerful state of the soul and the need to shed someone's blood, may have led him to write the canon, which for several centuries has been calling all believers to realize their sins and high repentance.

The canon that is read before confession can be found in any Orthodox prayer book. It is needed to help the believer remember:

  • transience of life;
  • the coming terrible judgment;
  • the need to seek the Kingdom of God by all means;
  • repentance and purification of the soul from sins;
  • awareness of their cruelty;
  • the madness of a man holding on to temporary wealth;
  • strengthening in virtue;
  • much more.

According to the charter of the church, believers do not have the right to approach the Holy Chalice without being prepared and without purifying the soul with the sacrament of repentance. AT this case home repentance is not enough.

It is imperative to go through the sacrament of confession, at which the clergyman will forgive sins by the power given to him by God. An exception is made for children under 7 years of age. It is believed that this is the angelic age, when there are no sins yet or they are committed unconsciously due to age.

Attention! A lot of books have been written about what you need to pay attention to when preparing for confession. Somewhere detailed explanations are given, somewhere sins are simply listed. Prayers for preparing for this sacrament can be found in liturgical books or listened to online on the Internet.


Christ Himself commanded us to take communion. This must be done in order to be saved and have eternal life.

Mysteriously, the wine and bread in the Eucharist Cup during the liturgy are transformed into the Flesh and Blood of Christ.

Taking them inside, we unite with God, thereby receiving cleansing from sins and strength for the further path to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Communion is a very important and responsible moment in the spiritual life of an Orthodox person. A lot depends on how you prepare for it. An unworthy addition to the Gifts without proper preparation will entail an even worse punishment. The process itself consists of several steps:

  1. Compliance with a 3-day fast.
  2. Reading certain prayers.
  3. Passing confession in the temple where the sacrament will be performed.
  4. Participation in the Sacrament.
  5. Listening to prayers of thanks.

On the day of Communion, before the beginning of the Liturgy, and especially the moment when the Gifts are taken inside, do not drink anything and do not eat any food. The exception is people who are taking medications that are vital for them at this time.

If a delay in taking medications can lead to a sharp deterioration in health, then they are allowed to be used until the moment of Communion. But no more. All this is desirable to do with the blessing of the confessor.

How to Read Prayers Before Communion

Fasting and prayer help believers purify their souls and bodies in order to receive the Holy Gifts. The Church has established certain prayers that are necessary for every believer who wants to be united with Christ in the sacrament of Communion. So what to read:

  1. Canon of repentance to our Lord Jesus Christ.
  2. Canon of Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos.
  3. Canon to the guardian angel.
  4. Follow-up to Holy Communion.

Priests, monastics and pious laymen read daily the three canons mentioned above in the list of prayers that must be read before accepting the Holy Gifts. But we ordinary believers, immersed in the vanity of numerous affairs, would not be able to do this prayer work.

Interesting! When is celebrated according to the church Orthodox calendar

Therefore, the reading of the three canons is prescribed to us only during the preparation for Communion, as a particularly important and responsible moment of our spiritual activity.

Seraphim Zvezdinsky, a preacher and church hierarch of the early 20th century, who later became a holy martyr, called them the three roses of Paradise, which everyone aspiring to the Kingdom of Heaven should smell.

And those who read the lines of the canons with attention and an open heart will be able to feel the special spiritual aroma emanating from each of their words. Fragrant lines purify and inspire the soul of the one who prays, produce its mysterious spiritual transformation.

Adherence to Holy Communion is a cycle of texts compiled in a certain order and aimed at setting the soul of the believer to a worthy passage of the sacrament. We list which prayers they include:

  1. General start.
  2. Troparion Psalms.
  3. Canon.
  4. A cycle of ten or more prayer texts.
  5. Brief prayers pronounced directly at the moment of receiving the Holy Gifts.
  6. Thanksgiving prayers read after the end of the Sacrament of Communion and the Liturgy.

All these prayers, except for the last two, must be performed in advance, in the process of preparing for the Sacrament. Thanksgiving prayers can be listened to in the temple or pray on your own at home.

Attention! Prayers before Communion for children, as a rule, are reduced or abolished altogether, if the age of the attendant is conducive to such a relaxation of the charter. What to read before Communion and confession to children, the spiritual mentor will tell.

How and Why to Prepare for the Sacraments

The views of the clergy on the passage of the Divine Eucharist by believers at times do not coincide. Some confessors bless their children to take communion as often as possible.

But this is more appropriate during fasting or if the parishioner is at the monastery as a laborer.

Perhaps he simply lives in a monastery hotel long time and, of course, he goes to all services, performs any obediences that are not too burdensome for him.

In this case, the believer is immersed around the clock in a state of prayerful contemplation, constantly fasting, since lenten food is mainly served in the monastic refectories. He has all the conditions to partake of communion often and do it worthily.

Other Orthodox clergy believe that too active participation in the Divine Eucharist by parishioners may detract from high value this Sacrament. First of all, the quality of preparation for communion and confession will suffer.

In the hustle and bustle of numerous affairs that surround a layman, it will be very difficult for him to fast often, find additional time and energy for frequent reading of obligatory prayer rule, which is quite large.

There will be an emasculation, a devaluation in the minds of Christians of this high and holy Sacrament, since the preparation for it will be put on stream, done in a hurry and carelessly, without due reverence.

In Russia, before the revolution, there was a clearly established model of behavior of believing Christians in the church, which at that time was the majority of the country's population. Pious people were instructed to take communion at every fast for one simple reason. Communion was impossible without a weekly fast with all strictness. During fasting, this condition could be fulfilled much easier and simpler than on ordinary days.

Attention! Experienced clergy advise taking communion once a month. More often it is undesirable to do this, but it is not worth delaying too much.

Do children need special prayers before communion? The views of the clergy on this issue are also diametrically opposed. Someone believes that a child from an early age should be gradually taught to fast and read at least a few prayers, gradually increasing their number. Other confessors insist that it is enough at first during the preparation period to introduce restrictions on chocolate, ice cream, and cartoons.

In this way, the child will feel that something significant, out of the ordinary, is about to happen. The child should not avoid the temple and prayers, because they bore him. It will be enough for him to see how adults participate in the preparation for confession and Communion, to stand with them for several minutes while reading prayers.

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Summing up

If we want to approach the Eucharistic Chalice, then we must undergo confession. The priest will read a permissive prayer, placing an epitrachelion on our head. Thus, he testifies to the purity of the soul and conscience of the one who dares to approach the Holy Gifts. It is necessary to read prayers before Communion in order to prepare the soul for this sacrament.

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