What key signs of competence are allocated. Personal competences of schoolchildren and their types

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Competences and amp

Modern dictionary of foreign words reveals the concept "competence" As "possession of knowledge that allows you to judge anything." Competencedetermined "As a range of issues in which someone is well aware." The competent is called a man, "knowing, knowledgeable in a particular area."

In modern domestic and foreign pedagogy and psychology, the following approaches were formed to definition of competence. The competence is considered:

- as an integral identity quality (human characteristic);

- as a combination of components and aspects of human activity, allowing him to successfully cope with problems solving.

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences A. V. Khutuorskaya considers the concepts of "competence" and "competence" as follows:

Competence- alienated, predetermined social requirement (norm) to educational preparation of the student necessary for its effective productive activities in a certain field;

Competence - A combination of personal qualities of the student (value-semantic orientations, knowledge, skills, skills, abilities), due to the experience of its activities in a certain socially and personal-significant sphere.

A competence approach in the form in which it consists in Russian education, implies a clear orientation for the future, which manifests itself in the possibility of building its education, taking into account the success in personal and professional activities. The competence manifests itself in the ability to make a choice, based on an adequate assessment of its capabilities in a particular situation, and is associated with motivation for continuing education.

Competences in general secondary education

Key competencies

Under key competencies Meaning the most universal in their nature and degree of applicability of competence. Their formation is carried out within the framework of each study subject, but in essence they are supervised .. The following key competencies are allocated in modern pedagogical practice. :

· Value-sense;

· Community;

· Teaching and educational;

· Information;

· Communicative;

· Socially labor;

· Competence of personal self-improvement.

Value-semantic competencesassociated with the value reference points of students, their ability to see and understand the world around, to focus in it, to realize their role and purpose, be able to choose targeted and semantic installations for their actions and actions, make decisions. These competences ensure the mechanism of self-determination of the student in situations of educational and other activities. The individual educational trajectory of the student and the program of its life activity as a whole depends on them.

Communication competencies reflect the readiness and ability of a schoolboy to master the heritage of national and universal culture; the spiritual and moral foundations of human and humanity and individual peoples; the cultural foundations of family, social, social phenomena and traditions; Roles of science and religion in human life. This also includes the competencies that are emerging in the household and leisure sphere, for example, mastering the expedient methods of organizing free time.

Educational and educational competences - A set of competencies of the student in the field of independent and creative cognitive activity. They are formed based on the acquisition of the experience of goaling, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment. In turn, the positive and diverse experience of educational and cognitive activity ensures the development of the ability to critical, reflexive, creative thinking. In the sphere of educational and cognitive competencies, the mastering of various technical techniques ensuring the process of knowledge and the basics of scientific research.

Information competencies In one hand, on the one hand, the ability to search, awareness, analysis and selection of scientifically, socially and personally significant information, and on the other - a variety of technical skills implying free possession of modern information and interactive technologies and relevant technical means.

Communicative competences implies mastering modern schoolchildren with native and foreign languages, practical mastering methods for interpersonal communication and interaction with surrounding and remote events and people; Skills of work in a group, team, possession of various social roles. The schoolboy must be able to imagine himself, write a letter, questionnaire, statement, ask a question, lead a discussion, etc.

Socio-labor competences The mastery of citizen, voter, representative, consumer, buyer, client, manufacturer, family member, etc. A modern graduate school should know and be able to implement its rights and obligations in the field of economics, law, in the field of professional self-determination. For the successful socialization of the ability, he needs to be able to analyze the situation in the labor market, act in accordance with personal and public benefits, master the ethics of labor and civil relationships.

Competence of personal self-improvement Aims to master the methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation, self-determination, self-realization and self-affirmation. The student mastering the ways of activity in their own interests and opportunities, which is expressed in its continuous self-knowledge, the development of personal qualities necessary for the modern person, the formation of psychological literacy, culture of thinking and behavior. These competencies also include possession of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, environmental culture, ways of safe life activity.

Formation of key competencies of students


The methodological manual discusses the essence of the competence approach in education, its function and goals; A model of the teacher's activity is proposed to form key competencies of students in the process of learning in high school with examples of various types of educational and cognitive activity of schoolchildren. Special attention is paid to the method of assessing the level of formation of key competencies in students. Methodological manual addressed to teachers and educators of the extensional groups.

Introduction ................................................................................................

Chapter 1. Competence approach in education ... .....................

1.1. Goals, problems and prospects for the implementation of the competence approach ...... ..

1.2. Implementation of the principle of complementarity as a necessary condition for the formation of key competencies of students .. .............................. ..

Chapter 2. Methods for the formation of key competencies

Pupils in the educational process ..............................

2.1. Complex pedagogical diagnosis as a basis for goaling in the process of forming key competencies of students ... ..

2.2. Organization of educational and educational activities of students in the process of forming key competencies based on the implementation of additional resources of the basic curricula ..............................................................................

2.3. The use of analysis elements to assess the level of formation of key competencies in schoolchildren and adjusting the educational process ............

Conclusion ....................................................................................... ..

Bibliographic list ..............................................................

Applications ..................................................................... .........................


At the present stage of school development, the graduation requirement has shifted from subject knowledge and skills to its social competence, which is a complex of key competencies. Conceptual changes are enshrined by the main documents that determine the process of improving Russian education - "strategy to modernize the content of general education" and "The Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the period up to 2010". Therefore, the search for modern education is being relevant for modern education, methods and means of formation of universal knowledge, skills and experiences of independent activities, the presence of which is necessary for a person to successfully solve problems in various areas of life and professional activities. A wide range of key competencies (communicative, information, legal, health resistances, etc.) it is advisable to form funds from all academic subjects. However, each of them has different didactic potential and has its own specifics.

Creating conditions in a modern school for effective formation of students with the necessary key competencies is a challenging task. One of its possible solutions is the implementation of the principle of complementarity, which involves the use of additional educational resources (expanding the subject's business, the use of various types of educational activities of the schoolchildren, the addition of the content of the educational material corresponding to the educational needs of the student, etc.) to ensure the integrity and completion of the process Training at school.

Due to changes in the structure, content and organization of the educational process, the possibility of taking into account the individual cognitive needs and capabilities of students, creating conditions for the formation of competencies necessary in various fields of activity in students.

Competence approach in education

1.1. Goals, problems and prospects for the implementation of the competence approach

Improving the quality of education, understood, on the one hand, as compliance with the standards (requirements of the State Educational Standard), and on the other, as a degree of suitability (the possibility of applying knowledge and skills received in the process of education in life), is one of the current problems that the solution is connected With the modernization of the content of education, optimization of methods and technologies of the organization of the educational process and, of course, rethinking the purpose and result of education. In Russian education, from the moment of publication of the texts of the main educational documents of the "Strategy of Modernization of General Education" and "Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the Period until 2010", there is a sharp reorientation of the assessment of the result of education from the concepts "preparedness", "Education", "General Culture", "Lifetime" on the concept of "competence", "competence" of students and, accordingly, a competence approach is proclaimed. Unlike the traditional, competence approach involves a significant strengthening of the practical orientation of education, the relationship of school education with life.

Under the competence approach in education, in our opinion, it is understood to be the improvement of the entire educational system, aimed at acquiring students of culture accumulated by humanity, in the form of knowledge, skills, skills and ways of activity, and the formation of experience of independent solving problems in various fields of activity. The main educational goal of the modern school, from the position of a competence approach, is the formation of key competencies in schoolchildren, providing successful human activity in society.

Analysis of literature on the problems of the competence approach indicates that the structure of the concept of "competence" is currently not clearly defined. The authors include various components in this concept. By applying the content analysis technique, we constructed the working definition of the concept of "competence". Under the competence, we will understand a complex of knowledge, skills, value orientations and practical experience, the necessary person to successfully solve problems in a certain area of \u200b\u200blife or professional activity.

Accordingly, the key competence is a complex of knowledge, skills, value orientations and practical experience, necessary for a person to successfully solve problems in various areas of life or professional activities. When considering a competence approach, the task of distinguishing the concepts of "competence" and "competence", since in modern pedagogy there was a controversial situation on their content. Unlike the "competence", which is some human potential in the form of a set of knowledge, skills and minimal experience, "competence", as follows from the analysis of the content of this concept, is the quality of personality and is characterized by sufficient experience in a certain area. Under competence, we will understand the individual integrated personality quality, based on the combination of existing knowledge, skills and value orientations, as well as rich in experience in the specified area of \u200b\u200bbeing. Ideally, the task of formation of competencies in various fields of activity has the task of formation among students in various areas of activity, but due to the lack of experience gained by students in school training, they can only form a set of competencies as the basis for future social competence.

Social competence, in connection with the versatility of public life, includes a wide variety of competencies: civil and social, social and labor, cultural and leisure, information, health care, communicative, artistic, etc.

If the formation of key competencies is considered as the most important result of education, then they must "permeate" the content of all academic disciplines.

After analyzing the classification of key competencies proposed by different authors, the results of the diagnosis of educational needs, we allocated key competencies that are possible and appropriate to form, using the didactic potential for this purpose. These include:

Information and methodological (knowledge of various sources of information and their features, methods and cycle of knowledge; skills process information of various types, knowledge of knowledge of knowledge; awareness of the importance of new information, the desire for the knowledge of the new; availability of experience in the preparation of reports, writing abstracts, observation, experiments, etc.);

Work and creative (knowledge of the structure of activities, principles of organization of rational activities, stages of creative activity; the ability to carry out rational creative activities; awareness of the need to implement rational activities, the desire for creative activities; the availability of planning and implementation of rational creative activities);

Ecological and valeological (knowledge of the physical parameters of the environment and their influence on humans, physical characteristics and capabilities of the human body, the methods of assessing the state and environmental protection; the ability to evaluate the environmental situation, determine the physical characteristics of its body; careful attitude to their health and environmental health , striving for harmonization with nature; availability of experience in the field of ecology and health care)

These key competencies, along with many others, are part of social competence. They are universal, have a broad transfer property and a graduate is necessary to achieve success in any sphere of social life and professional activities. In addition, the allocated competencies are interrelated: some knowledge, skills and activities are included in the composition of not one, but several competencies (intersection area).

For successful work in any field of activity, it is necessary to search for the necessary information, using various methods of knowledge (that is, to own information and methodological competence), to know the structure of activity and the methods of its rational organization (activity-creative), to anticipate the impact of its work on the environment Wednesday and the person (ecological and valeological).

The content analysis of the concept of "competence" allowed us to allocate the main structural components of the competence:

1. Knowledge.

2. Skills.

3. Value orientation.

4. Experience in the practical application of knowledge gained and skills.

Each structural component is interrelated with all others and is an integral part of the competence.

Knowledge and skills make up its basis - the core of the competence; They must be universal, have a broad transfer property and allow the student to solve significant problems for it in various fields of activity. Mandatory condition for the formation and development of key competencies of students is practical activities. It is in the process of acquiring and accumulating experience in the application of knowledge and skills in practical activity, when performing various activities, the competence of a person is developing to the level of competence. In the learning process, it is necessary to create conditions for the acquisition of schoolchildren to use the experience gained and skills, increase their independent work. The incentive for the acquisition of experience and successful implementation of practical activity is the value orientations that are formed in the process of developing the motivational sphere of a person. It is on the basis of the satisfaction of the existing educational needs of the schoolchildren there are interests and more sustainable education - motives that, when performing relevant activities, develop into value orientations - beliefs. Since value orientations are closely related to the motivational sphere of personality - its needs, interests, motives, etc., act as one of the human behavior regulators and are an incentive to acquire the experience of activities necessary for the competence, to effectively form key competencies (identify and satisfy ) Educational needs of the student. As noted by N.F. Radionova, the nature of competence is such that it can only manifest itself in organic unity with human values, that is, subject to a deep personal interest in this form of activity. In this regard, the formation of the value-motivational sphere of a schoolboy is an integral part of the development of key competencies, as well as competencies.

Thus, an competence-based competence approach is aimed at forming key competencies in students. For the formation and development of key competencies of schoolchildren as a complex of knowledge, skills, value orientations and practical experiences needed to achieve success in life and professional activities, in the learning process should create conditions for satisfying and developing educational needs of students and the acquisition of exploration of various activities . The creation of such conditions in the modern school is a difficult task, since the time determined by the basic curricula on the study of the natural science cycle disciplines is not enough for high-quality development by schoolchildren of the mandatory minimum of the content of education determined by the state educational standard (state), and, even more so, to form key competencies. Pupils. The search for additional opportunities for the formation and development of students of universal knowledge and skills, value orientations and practical experience is the actual problem of modern theory and training techniques.

1.2. Implementation of the principle of complementarity as a necessary condition for the formation of key competencies of students.

As mentioned above, the learning process in the modern school does not allow to fully form in schoolchildren necessary for the successful life and professional activities of the key competencies identified by us (information and methodological, activity and creative and ecological and valeological). Effective formation is possible, in our opinion, with the development of the content of education based on the implementation of the principle of complementarity.

Analysis of philosophical and psychological and pedagogical literature allows us to conclude that the principle of complementary is considered from three positions:

As the basis for the development of the initial stage of some kind of process for its addition (J. Derrida);

As the need for the presence of a combination of complementary elements (A.V. Mudrik);

As a mechanism for ensuring integrity and completeness (A. Rerger, S.I. Ozhegov).

With regard to the educational process, the specified positions can be interpreted as follows:

in the first sense, the principle of complementarity is, in fact, the method of designing the start of the learning process new activities. Otherwise, this principle can be formulated as the need for initial pedagogical diagnosis, identifying the initial conditions (in order to supplement something, it is necessary to identify what already exists). In the second sense, the principle of additionalness in the educational process can be interpreted as the need to supplement the various elements of the educational system (content, forms, methods, the subject, training, types of educational institutions, etc.) by others. So, today, the principle of complements in this meaning is carried out by several ways: the expansion of the system of educational institutions with various types of additional education (circles, sections, musical and sports schools, clubs, etc.); Including in the state, except for the federal component of the basic curriculum, the variable part (national-regional content, elective courses, individual consultations); addition to the lessons of extracurricular work on the subject; An increase in the subjects of the educational process (to the main participants - the teacher and students - the parents, teachers of additional education, specialists from various fields, etc.) are voluntarily joined.

Supplementing the various elements of the educational system in accordance with the initial conditions identified, the integrity and completion of the educational process can be achieved. Thus, the implementation of the principle of complementarity in the first two values \u200b\u200bis a condition that allows to achieve a result in the form of a third value. Combining the selected positions, clarify the essence of the principle of complementarity in education. Under the principle of complementary education, we will understand the need to use additional educational resources (expanding the subject's training, the use of various types of educational and cognitive activity of the schoolchildren, addition of the content of educational material, etc.) in accordance with the initial conditions of the educational process to ensure its integrity and completeness . The introduction of the principle of complementarity significantly changes the situation, tactics and strategy for predicting the content, forms and methods for the formation of the younger generation. For example, you can build practical oriented routes and "educational trajectories", forming a variety of competencies. Wide practical implementation, this principle received in the system of additional education. Additional education can be viewed as a process of developing schoolchildren based on their individual natural deposits and abilities, motivation and value orientations. To date, in the field of additional education, a multi-stage system of organizational forms has developed, each of which has its own special functional purpose: mugs, educational electives and workshops, electrical courses, studios, clubs, scientific societies, small academies of sciences, profile schools (musical, sports, art, etc.), etc.

Methods of forming key competencies

Pupils in the process of implementing the variable part

Basic curriculum

In accordance with the proposed model of the teacher's activities, the main components of the methodology for the formation of key competencies of students are allocated: carrying out complex pedagogical diagnostics, formulating learning goals, selection of educational material, the choice of forms of educational and cognitive activity of students, a comprehensive assessment of the formation level of key competencies and adjustment of the educational process .

Consider them in more detail.

2.1. Complex pedagogical diagnosis as a basis for goaling in the process of forming key competencies of students.

An important element of the teacher's activities for the formation of key competencies in schoolchildren is the pedagogical diagnosis under which the combination of control and evaluation techniques aimed at solving the problems of optimizing the educational process, differentiation of students, as well as the improvement of educational programs and pedagogical impact methods.

At the present stage of its development, pedagogical diagnosis is represented by an extensive number of the following directions:

Didactic diagnosis focused on studying the results of training - knowledge, skills, skills, on determining the level of student training;

Psychological and pedagogical diagnosis focused on the study of the subjects of the educational process. As part of this area, students are studied: educational needs of students, individual personality features of students, behavior;

Socio-pedagogical diagnostics focused on studying the educational potential of micro - and macros: families, a student team, the nearest environment outside the school;

Management diagnostics, focused on the study of elements and links of the educational process as a holistic managed system: goaling, organization of the educational process at school and in lesson; activities of the structural divisions of the school at all levels; methodical and technical equipment; improve the qualifications of the pedagogical team, etc.

We propose to use a complex pedagogical diagnosis focused on identifying:

Educational needs of students;

Level of formation of structural components of competences (knowledge, skills, experience experience and value orientations);

The resources of the educational environment (family, the nearest environment outside the school, methodological and technical equipment of the school as a whole).

To obtain reliable and complete diagnostic results, its technique must comply with the following requirements:

The diversity of subjects (to increase the objectivity of the diagnosis and facilitating the work of the teacher to evaluate, it is necessary to attract all subjects of training - parents, subject teachers, classmates; and also to increase the level of independence of schoolchildren, pay more attention to self-esteem, reflection of their activities);

A variety of methods (diagnosis is advisable to carry out a variety of methods - surveys, conversations, observations, tests, self-diagnostics of students, etc., given the individual characteristics of schoolchildren; various types of assessment also increase the interest of students to its conduct and results);

The presence of feedback (the evaluation process must be accompanied by a constant analysis of the positive sides and shortcomings in the achievements of schoolchildren);

Individual character (so that in the process of assessment to form a positive motivation of schoolchildren to learning activities, it is necessary to track the individual promotion of the student in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills, the development of mental processes, the formation of personal entities; assessment should be carried out on the previous level of achievements of each student; In addition, in accordance with the individual characteristics of students, it is advisable to apply various techniques);

Systemativity, regularity (assessment activities should be carried out at all stages of the learning process, combine it with other parties to school students);

Openness of requirements (all participants in the educational process - students, parents, specialists, etc. - requirements for the level of training of students and control procedures are announced in advance: what a schoolboy should know and be able to be able to assess, etc.)

Consider objects of complex pedagogical diagnostics and methods for their control and evaluation.

1. Educational needs of students

The need to identify educational needs of students at the initial stage of the methodology for the formation of key competencies is due to two factors: first, they must be taken into account when developing the content of the variable part of the basic curricula, aimed at meeting the various individual educational needs of students, and secondly, it is in the process of satisfaction And the development of educational needs of schoolchildren they have value orientations - one of the components of the competences. Under educational needs, we will understand the pursuit of the personality to acquire knowledge, skills, the assimilation of the main methods of knowledge, experience of creative activity and the acquisition of value orientations.

The teacher is facing the task of identifying students' interests, their aspirations for the acquisition of knowledge, skills and value orientations that make up key competencies, as well as significant issues for each student of issues and preferred activities.

Initial diagnostics should be carried out in the first half of grade 7 and then with a certain frequency (for example, once every two months).

Consider the main methods of studying the motivation of the exercise described in the psychological and pedagogical literature:

one of the methods for identifying educational needs of students is observation. Observation and on its basis a long analysis of the activity and its dynamics is, as A.N. noted. Leontyev, the most successful method of indirect penetration into a student's motivational sphere. Observation should be carried out purposefully, fixing certain indicators of students' motivation on a strict system registration system. When conducting observations, you can guide the program developed by O.S. Grebenyuk, in which, for example, such indicators as a desire to fulfill the optional tasks, the ratio of students to the end of work, etc. Observation as a method for studying the doctrine motivation must be used not only in the lesson, but also in extracurricular work. Objects of observations in this case are the selectivity of the circle of reading, favorite hobbies and classes during leisure, participation at your own request in various circles, sections, optional classes, features of the behavior of students on excursions when visiting various exhibitions, museums, etc. If the schoolboy shows an activity when discussing an environmental and valeological question in the lesson, this indicates the presence of a need for knowledge and skills that make up ecological and valeological competence.

The following effective method for identifying educational needs of students is questioning. The indisputable advantage of this method is the rapid production of mass material available to accurate mathematic-statistical processing and analysis methods. Questioning, however, to obtain the most reliable data should be combined using more substantive indirect methods, repeated questionnaires, mask with students genuine surveys, etc. from students. We give examples of questionnaire issues to identify the educational needs of schoolchildren:

1. Do you think that in the teachings the main thing is to get the result (solve, learn), it does not matter how (for example, a long solution or short, etc.)?

2. Do you think that for successful teaching you need to master more rational skills?

3. Do you experience the lack of information on subjects when preparing messages, reports, writing abstracts?

4. What kind of activity in class do you prefer?

a) search and solving problem tasks;

b) observation of demonstrations held by the teacher;

c) working with literature: educational, popular science, reference;

d) teacher's story;

e) independent execution of experiments

5. What subject tasks cause you interest?

a) high-quality;

b) settlement;

c) graphic;

d) experimental;

e) practical content.

6. What kind of homework do you prefer to perform?

a) learn the specified material on the textbook;

b) solve problems from the textbook or the task;

c) prepare a message on a given topic;

d) observe phenomena;

e) conduct experiences.

7. What experiments do you have more interest?

a) using accurate devices and complex equipment;

b) simple experiments using household items;

c) workshop work;

d) independent work of a research nature;

e) computer simulation.

In particular, to identify the educational needs of schoolchildren in the knowledge and skills that make up environmental and valenological competence, students are invited to a complex of issues and diagnostic tasks, allowing not only to determine the degree of informality of students in matters of this competence, but also to cause their interest in the problem under study, for example :

- Is there any significant knowledge of environmental factors and their impact on human health? List the factors known to you.

- List the physical characteristics to assess your own health.

- Invite ways to improve the environmental situation in their area.

- Are you satisfied with the knowledge and skills in the field of human ecology and health or would like to replenish them?

To clarify and confirm (or refutate) information obtained during the survey, it is advisable to use the conversation method. The conversation is usually used for a deeper study of the individual characteristics of the doctrine motivation. It is desirable that the conversation is carried out taking into account the data obtained using the methods of observation and survey. In this case, its goal may include a test of preliminary conclusions. When conducting a conversation with students, they should ask the same questions that were in questionnaires for more reliable information.

To identify educational needs, students should also hold conversations with subject teachers, class teachers, parents of students, classmates. Another method of diagnosing motivation is study of product activities.As an object of study, the most diverse products of student creativity are performed (simple physical instruments, models, written messages, essays, etc.). For example, on the topic that the student chose to prepare a report, one can judge his cognitive interests. The bibliographic list in the abstract indicates his desire to study additional information. Objects for study may also be performed by schoolchildren physical instruments, computer models (their originality, design, environmental friendliness, valeurity), etc.

To explore the motivation of schoolchildren also use expert assessment method. The essence of the expert assessment is to organize a focused and comprehensive study of motivation through special expert methods and an invitation for this purpose of colleagues-teachers and (or) other experts. The simplified practical way of examination of motivation is polls of teachers working in this class. This prepared a questionnaire. Having received answers to the same questions from different teachers, it is possible to obtain an objective conclusion about the development of the motivational sphere of students, to compile an individual or group picture of the formation of motives. For accumulation of observations and the formation of the primary conclusions of the teacher, pedagogical diaries are recommended, where various manifestations of learned motivation are recorded in arbitrary form.

Below are examples of questionnaires to identify the nature of the motivation of students (internal or external) and the focus of their interests.

Questionnaire "My Interests" (offered by students of grades 8-11)

1. What is the need to study a particular subject?

a) parents' requirements;

b) the desire to get a good certificate;

c) the desire to know physical phenomena;

d) the desire to enter the university;

e) the desire to know more to get the opportunity to purchase a good specialty.

2. What marks would you like to have on subjects?

a) excellent;

b) well;

c) satisfactory;

e) I do not need evaluation.

4. Do you need to increase the number of hours to study the theory?

a) it should be slightly increased;

b) should be significantly increased;

c) should be left unchanged;

d) should be reduced;

e) I am indifferent.

a) biographies of scientists and writers;

b) the rationale for physical phenomena;

c) explanation of nature phenomena;

d) a description of technical devices and appliances (including household), recommendations for their use;

e) local lore material.

For more complete information about the needs and motifs of students, it is advisable to offer their parents such a questionnaire.


"Do you like? Would you like to? Do you like? "

5. Get acquainted with work and machine tools.

7. Get acquainted with the device of household electric and radio recipients.

9. Watch telecasts about astronauts.

12. Make excursions to industrial enterprises.

13. Get acquainted with devices of mechanisms, cars.

15. To understand the theory of physical or chemical phenomena.

16. Work in a historic circle, search for materials indicating the events of the past.

17. Attend the circle of motorists, servicing cars, motorcycles, etc.

18. Collect and repair the mechanisms of bicycles, sewing machines, clock.

19. Repair household electrical and radio recipients.

20. Watch the nature of the observation records.

21. Make models of aircraft, gliders, cars, ships.

22. Collect radio and electrical appliances.

23. Participate in the Olympics.

24. Participate in the work of the Astronomical Mug.

25. Participate in disputes, conferences, discussions.

26. Participate in the organization of the school newspaper, radio, to interview, talk with people.

27. to be in mechanical workshops, on excursions on the workshops of the factories.

28. Get acquainted with the technology of manufacturing industrial goods.

29. Use accurate measuring instruments, make calculations.

30. Conduct experiences.

31. Work with a computer.

During the diagnosis, the teacher filled the matrix of educational needs of students.

After the interests of students are revealed, their needs in the key competencies allocated, as well as preferred activities for schoolchildren, the teacher is the task of organizing further work to meet the identified needs and the further development of the motivational sphere of schoolchildren. Each student, in accordance with his needs, proposes a certain content of educational material and type of activity.

The situation in the modern school allows you to carry out a wide selection and content of education, and the forms of its presentation (there is a variable part of the basic curricula). The teacher's debt is to carefully observe students, to a timely manifest, which internal educational needs are driven by each of them, and organize the cognitive activity of the student for their satisfaction and development in order to improve the efficiency of the process and the learning.

Pedagogical practice uses various ways to activate students, the main among them is a variety of forms, methods, learning tools, the choice of such combinations, which in arising situations stimulate the activity and independence of schoolchildren.

2. Structural components of key competencies

At the initial stage of the formation of key competencies, it is necessary to identify the relevant knowledge, skills, value orientations and practical experience in schoolchildren. To do this, you should also use a variety of methods. In particular, to identify knowledge and skills, the teacher conducts a survey and conversation with students. Improve the reliability of the diagnostic results allows the use of schoolboy self-diagnosis sheets. A student, together with parents, fills in self-diagnostic sheets, noting the presence or absence of knowledge, skills, value orientations and practical experience in their respective key competencies. We give fragments of a sheet of diagnostics to identify the skills and value orientations from schoolchildren:

I can make a plan of activity;

I can distribute the execution time of each stage of activity;

I can measure the humidity of the air in the room;

I can find the necessary information in different sources;

I am aware of my responsibility for maintaining the environment;

I recognize the importance of rational activities, etc.

According to the results of the diagnosis of knowledge, skills, value orientations and experience of practical activities that make up the key competencies of the schoolchildren using a dichometric division, the teacher fills the matrices reflecting the achievements of schoolchildren. The matrices are advisable to fill in the electronic table editor (for example, in Excel), since diagnostics has monitoring character, and constant additions and changes, as well as the calculation of the level of formation of key competencies is more convenient to carry out the computer.

3. The state of the educational environment

An important element of pedagogical diagnosis is to study the state of the educational environment, which includes the educational environment of school, houses and the region. The state of the educational environment of the house is advisable to determine using the conversation method and the survey. The questionnaire for students can include the following questions:

1) Where, besides school lessons, you get information on subjects:

a) houses from parents or relatives;

b) from friends;

c) in class classes, including on the preparatory courses;

d) in the library from the educational literature;

e) from the media (radio, television, internet).

2) Is there an opportunity to work on a computer at home or at night time at school?

4) Is it possible to access Internet resources?

5) Specify the profession of your parents:

mum __________________________________________________

dad __________________________________________________.

Conducting a poll of the parents of schoolchildren, the teacher finds out the presence of a home library of natural science (encyclopedia, reference books, dictionaries, etc.).

To study the state of the educational environment of the region, the teacher examines the references of museums, industrial enterprises, educational institutions available in this region and selects objects for excursions. Explores the proposals of additional education institutions. The educational environment of the school includes the availability of workshops, computer classes, equipping the office of physics, etc. Based on the analysis of the data obtained, the teacher concludes about the possibilities of using the educational environment for the formation of key competencies of students.

Thus, the complex pedagogical diagnosis is based on the study of a complex of objects (educational needs of students (their cognitive interests and preferred activities), structural components of key competencies (knowledge, skills, value orientations and experience), the state of the educational environment (home, school and region ), participation in the process of diagnosing various subjects of training (teachers, students, parents, teachers of additional education, classmates), as well as on the use of a complex of diagnostic methods (surveillance, testing, observations, analysis and evaluation of performance results, etc.).

The pedagogical work is based on a planned nature, and therefore the ability to clearly and clearly and formulate the goals of this activity seems particularly important. The organization of educational and informational activities is planned in accordance with the given goal, the choice of adequate ways of activities of the teacher and students is largely determined by the proper formulation of specific learning goals. However, when setting a system of pedagogical objectives in connection with the competence-implemented approach to modern education, many teachers face serious difficulties. The difficulty is to formulate the goals of general education in the language of key competencies, which must have a graduate of the school, and their substantial filling.

Stressing the importance of the problem of goal-setting in the activities of the teacher, we fully share the position of V.P. Bespalko: "Pedagogical technology - it writes, - is characterized by the test formation by the principle of diagnostic focus, which means no more than the need for the existence of a real pedagogical technology of such a formulation of learning and education goals that would allow an objective and unambiguous control of their degree of achievement. .

The method of setting goals, which offers pedagogical technology, is distinguished by increased instrumentality. It is that the objectives of the training are formulated through the results of learning, expressed in the actions of students, and such that the teacher or any other expert can be reliably identified. The diagnosticity of the goal and its criteria were considered by V.P. Bespalko, P.V. Zuev, M.V. Clarin et al.

The purpose of learning (upbringing) is diagnorated if:

a) given an accurate and definite description of the elements of knowledge and levels of their assimilation;

b) there is a way, "tool" for the unequivocal identification of elements of knowledge and the level of their formation;

c) it is possible to measure the intensity of diagnosed knowledge based on control data;

d) There is a scale of assessment of knowledge based on the measurement results.

At the present stage of the development of the school, it is not satisfied with the general (basic) goal of education, nor private objectives of the study of individual items, including physics. School, and with her and teacher, receive a social order of society in a rather general form. In particular, stated in the main documents ("Concept ..." and "Strategy ...") The purpose of modern education is the formation of a school of social competence at a graduate - vague and does not satisfy any of the conditions listed above the conditions for the diagnostic setting of the goal in the pedagogical system. In this regard, it is necessary to build a kind of staircase to clarify the goals from the general educational goal - to the objectives of studying a separate subject, from them to specify the goals at the level of educational material. At the level of the educational material, it is determined which particular knowledge, skills, what experience and value orientations should be formed from students when studying a separate subject.

Specification scheme of learning goals

Specification of goals at each stage of working with students is an important element of teacher's pedagogical skill. An experienced teacher, preparing for a lesson or other training session, clearly represents what knowledge he will inform students for the first time, which new concepts will reveal that from previously learned should be repeated. It is necessary to take into account that the more specifically, the goals will be determined, the more effective there will be the results of the educational process. At the same time, the following requirements are presented to goals, in addition to the requirements of diagnosticity:

 Individual and social significance. Goals must comply with the educational needs of schoolchildren, and the planned results have personal significance for the student. The purpose of the goal should be strategic, this is precisely this strengthens the importance and relevance of the material being studied, which, in turn, develops positive motivation among students.

 Reality. When setting goals, it is necessary to take into account their reality. Development level, the presence of the necessary knowledge, individual characteristics of students, the state of the educational environment and other factors, of course, affect the achievement of the planned learning outcome. The total educational goal is to form the social competence of a graduate. Determining the objectives of study - the formation of information and methodological, activity and creative and ecological and valeological competences of students. A description of the structural components of competencies at the level of educational material (a clear definition of a list of knowledge, skills, value orientations and experience in competencies).

 Definition in time. When setting goals, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren, plan their achievement by the years of study. When determining the objectives of education in the framework of the training methodology, oriented to the formation of key competencies of schoolchildren, we will proceed from the structure of these competencies that have already formulated. As part of each key competence, the teacher formulates objectives in categories representing structural components of competencies: "knowledge", "skills", "value orientations" and "practical experience". Each component of key competence includes a complex of elements.

Note that the key competencies of knowledge, skills, value orientations and experience, as a rule, are not divided into classes or separate items. Many of them can have a pass-through presence at all levels of training, differing only from the fullness. For example, a seventh class student is completely able to fulfill the simplest observations of the physical phenomenon, the mathematical calculations and studies of this object will be available only to high school students.

Relevant educational competencies (information and methodological and operational and creative) will have a different amount of knowledge, skills and experience in different classes. Individual goals of training of each student are adjusted by the teacher and the student, as well as his parents in the process of discussing the results of pedagogical diagnosis. For example, if the student has a high level of knowledge components, but it is not enough practical skills, then in the process of further training it is necessary to offer schoolboy various activities for the development of skills and acquisition of experience, etc.

The formation of key competencies of students when using the possibilities of the variable part of the basic curricula, a great influence has a great influence of education, which is one of the fixed assets and factors of the educational and educational activities of schoolchildren. The traditional education system is focused mainly on a mandatory minimum content submitted in the State Educational Standard.

The question arises, what should be the content of the education oriented the formation of key competencies? As A. Potin notes: "Such education, apparently, reminds training, during which the relevant skills are being worked out, but the subject matter itself in most cases has a secondary meaning. It rather plays the role of the environment in which the activity itself is simulated.

Based on the need to take into account the educational needs of schoolchildren and the achievements of science, as well as taking into account the goals of training aimed at creating key competencies, a specific training material for inclusion in the content of the variable part of the basic curriculum should be selected on the basis of the following requirements:

 practical orientation;

 potential significance;

 compliance with the regional peculiarities of the development of science and industry;

 compliance with the educational needs of a schoolboy;

 focus on the formation of knowledge, skills and value orientations included in key competencies.

Educational conference.

Conducting training conferences allows you to form the ability to work with additional literature on students: receive the necessary information from various sources, process and structure it, to draw up a public speech plan and make a presentation of your message. Training conferences are developing the interest of students for reading additional popular science literature, encourage them to go beyond the framework of the curriculum. For the formation of cognitive interest among students, the development of their educational needs for the conference it is advisable to make questions related to the history of the development of their region, to acquaint students with the use of studied theoretical material in science and technology (on the examples of enterprises of their region); To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe concepts and principles of the actions of physical instruments, machines and mechanisms, as well as their use in industry, medicine and other branches of this region.

When carrying out such a form of training for the first time, students can be offered a conference preparation algorithm:

1. The choice of theme.

2. Selection of literature and its study.

3. Drawing up a message plan and systematization in accordance with it received information.

4. Preparation of demonstration experiments, visual benefits (if necessary).

5. Preparation of the presentation (in arbitrary form). The presentation can be made in the form of a newspaper, video record, oral communication, slideshow and others.

Under the guidance of the teacher or laboratory, speakers are preparing experiences. The work of each student should be creative, as it includes the elements of the study. The speaker must be interested in students with his topic, if possible, supplement his story by demonstrating experiences, photos, visual benefits. Thus, in the process of holding a reviewed conference, students are formed by information and methodological (work with information), activity and creative (setting of demonstration experiments, the implementation of the presentation) and the ecological and valeological (study of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on human health) competence. In addition, such an organization of the educational and educational work of schoolchildren creates prerequisites for the development of their independence, the formation of a value attitude towards creativity, to activities for the benefit of mankind.

Conducting students of seminars allows you to develop the skills of independent acquisition of knowledge, bring up their will, hardworking, interest in the subject. Preparing for the seminar, schoolchildren learn to work with literature, plan their speech, concisely express their thoughts. The difference between seminars from training conferences is that in terms of the latter there is a combination of interviews for the common class issues with reports and reports, which are pre-prepared by individual students. Conducting seminars is suitable in high schools, as schoolchildren must have a high level of self-organization in working with literary sources. The teacher announces the topic of the upcoming seminar and the list of references that students must be complemented by other sources. In the conclusion of the seminar, each student is offered a written task. In this seminar, students are formed information and methodological (the ability to find, prepare, transfer and accept information) and the environmental and valeological (knowledge of the environmental problems of the region, owning methods and tools for assessing the environmental situation) of competence. Students develop ecological and valeological values, patriotic consciousness. To create activity-creative competence, as a home task, students can be offered to perform any models. Such practical work is described in detail in the elective course "Energy and the Environment". When you manage to perform these models at home and then demonstrate them in a lesson, accompanying our performance by the full description of the stages of the work carried out, selected material and equipment, as well as safety requirements operation of this model.


Excursion is such a form of training organization that unites the learning process at school with real life and provides students, in the process of direct observation, acquaintance with objects and phenomena in their natural environment. Scientific laboratories, power plants, museums, industrial enterprises, design bureaus, nature, etc. visits to museums, enterprises, etc. can be objects of excursions. Requires discipline, the ability to listen, observe, ask questions, analyze, draw up a report. Excursions contribute to the development of studies of schoolchildren. Before holding the excursion, students are given a task that they must perform in the process or after visiting a particular object. Forms of summing up can be quite diverse: writings, photo and video recordings, newspapers, etc. For example, after visiting the museum, students are invited to write an essay on a specific topic.

Educational discussion.

Training discussions play an important role in the formation of value orientations among students. Its main purpose in the learning process is to promote cognitive interest, the involvement of students in an active discussion of various scientific points of view on a particular problem, encourage them to comprehend different approaches, to the argumentation of someone else's and its position. This requires a thorough preliminary training of students both in the meaningful and procedural plan and the presence of at least two opposite opinions on the problem under discussion. Class when organizing a discussion is divided into two groups. One group defends the pros, the other group indicates minuses. The discussion encourages students to find a general solution - a compromise, and at the end concludes that it is impossible to abandon the use of nuclear energy, but it is necessary to use it reasonably. During the discussion, the students have information and methodological (independent work with various sources of information, the study of accurate research methods) and ecological - valeologic (about the impact on the environment, for living organisms, etc.) competences. In the process of conducting this discussion, students are also formed by value components of key competencies: awareness of the importance of information in human life, the importance of human health and the environment, attitudes towards health and knowledge as a value, etc. The well-held discussion has a large training and educational value: Learn a deeper understanding of the problem, the ability to defend your position, reckon with the opinions of others.

Project method.

Project method - a way to organize educational and cognitive activity of students, which allows you to attract their attention and interest in the subject studied, provided that the project selected by them is sacring for them, and in the process of working on its implementation, they will receive useful applicable in the practice of knowledge, skills and skills. In the process of performing research, project, the schoolboy shows his awareness in the study of the circle of questions, in a certain area of \u200b\u200bknowledge.

Pedagogical functions of the project method are as follows:

Development of students' motivation to study the subject;

Ensuring a high level of students' knowledge;

The ability to independently acquire knowledge and apply them in practice;

Development of skill competently work with information;

The development of each student as a creative person who is capable of practical work with various materials and tools;

Formation of search and research skills;

Development of critical thinking.

In the process of working on a project, students independently set a goal, make up a plan, make decisions at all its stages, evaluate and control the quality of the final product. They independently find information and use it for practical purposes. The project implementation may be presented in the form of a presentation. Encatarating into groups, students choose research methods and the form of representing the results of their work:

1) literary essay, writing, reflections, article, excursion to the past;

2) a report from the scene, conversations with the heads of institutions, excursions to enterprises;

3) Interview with representatives of the enterprise.

In search of the material, students are encouraged to visit the library, meet with experts, labor veterans, work with archival materials, make photographs, draw diagrams, take interviews, compliment and mount video. Work on the project lasts a few weeks. At the final lesson-presentation (this may be an extracurricular event) Groups introduce students with the results of their work. For example, a group involved in the problem of patriotic education can make an introductory article in which the senses of a citizen, a person who is not indifferent to the past, present and the future of their small homeland should be repelled. In the conclusion of the project, students give an assessment of their activities, self-analysis is carried out for themselves as weak and strengths of the work done. When performing independent tasks to schoolchildren, special attention should be paid to the reflection stage. It is advisable to offer a student to analyze your activities, responding (orally or writing) to questions: Are the goals set? At what stage of activity was experiencing difficulty? etc.

Maintaining the diary of the physical health of schoolchildren and monitoring the state of the environment.

For the formation of schoolchildren of ecological and valeological competence, it is advisable to propose students to filling the diary proposed in the study of N.V. Poems. The physical health diary of the student and the environment of the environment is a notebook in which the student in the relevant tables makes data on the indicators and capabilities of the own body (for example, the lungs of the lungs), the best performance athletes, etc. In the diary, you can also submit data on the observation of the basic indicators of the body (for example, changing the pulse rate depending on the load). Another part of the diary is devoted to the environmental parameters, natural factors that negatively affecting human health, as well as methods for reducing this negative impact. Diary fragments are shown below.

Home experiments and observations.

Systematic execution by schoolchildren of home experimental tasks allows you to form a rich experience of the practical application of the knowledge and skills that make up key competencies. The physical experiment offered by students to the house can be performed in different volumes:

Qualitative analysis of experience;

Measurements and solving the experimental problem;

Conducting a long study.

One of the advantages of home experiences and observations is that the student performs experimental tasks on its own and is not limited to a time interval. Home experiments are a mandatory element in the system of forming the experimental skills of schoolchildren. Experimental tasks also serve as experimental tasks. Special role in the formation of the activity and creative competence of students play household experimental tasks using household technical devices. Such tasks allow you to form knowledge and skills in schoolchildren necessary to understand the functional purpose of the instruments and processes occurring in the technique, to use the measuring devices, as well as the ability to plan and conduct independent experimental studies.

Electric courses.

Elective courses play a particularly important role in the formation of key competencies of schoolchildren, since the most fully satisfy their educational needs and are directed, to a greater extent, on the independent practical activities of students. They combine a variety of forms and methods for organizing the educational and educational activities of schoolchildren. The purpose of the practical part of the course is to deepen the knowledge gained at lectures, and their use in solving practical problems. This part of the course is a number of practical tasks for self-execution by schoolchildren. Therefore, the practical part of the course is advisable to organize in the form of seminars, on which students will present the results of their work. For direct observation and exploring students with the use of knowledge in real life, part of the courses hours is recommended to use for excursion activities. Objects of excursions can be scientific laboratories, station, industrial enterprises, museums, etc. In the 8th and 9th grades, students can prepare reports, messages, carry out experiments, carry out projects, design physical instruments and models. Only part of the literature is indicated, if necessary, the algorithms of the generalized plan of educational and cognitive activity are issued. At this stage, the teacher's control is complemented by the interconnection. In the 10th and 11th - schoolchildren participate in conferences, seminars, carry out project activities, carry out comprehensive research, write abstracts and articles, collections, multimedia presentations, etc. Literature before performing various activities does not indicate, such forms of control as self-control, or interconnection, reflection are appropriate.


 Obvious observation goal.

 Hold the subject of observation.

 Develop an observation plan.

 Find out the conditions for observation.

 Choose the recording form of the observed phenomenon.

 set the basic signs of the observed phenomenon.

 Analyze the results of observation with the formulation of the conclusions and their recording.

Planning and conducting an experiment:

 Formulate the goal and make an assumption of the possible results of the experiment.

 Find out the conditions for achieving the goal.

 Make a mentioned experimental scheme.

 Sequentially implement all the steps of the experiment.

 Specify the necessary measurements, fix the results.

 Check the accuracy of the results obtained and compare the result obtained with the estimated.

 Formulate output.

 Tie an experiment with studied phenomena, theories, laws.


 The values \u200b\u200bthat need to be measured are launched.

 Choose the instruments needed to measure.

 Determine the instruments of the upper and lower measurement limit, as well as the division price.

 Find out the conditions for the correct reading.

 Perform measurements and write down their results.

 Determine the measurement error.

Types of information coding:

1. Sensual

 Clearly imagine the course of the experiment (observation).

 Splits it to successive steps.

 Hold the main idea of \u200b\u200beach stage.

 Write them in a strict sequence.

 Take output, analysis of experience (observation).

2. Figure

 Image necessary devices and materials.

 Draw an experimental installation.

 Pictures system submit a phenomenon in development.

 Draw the results of experience.

3. Graphic

 Indicate the desired functional values.

 Choose the desired coordinate system (indicate the axis, point the scale and unit of measure).

 Measurement results indicate points on the coordinate plane.

 Connect all points with a solid line.

 Draw an estimated functional dependence of these values.

4. Tabular

 Has the measured values.

 Around their columns.

 Write the number of experiments or intervals of observation time in lines.

 Results of measurements to enter the desired cell (pencil).

 If necessary, fill in the table with the results of average values \u200b\u200band errors.

5. Logic schemes

 Write the final formula to determine the desired value.

 Arrows, indicate instruments for measuring the values \u200b\u200bincluded in this formula.

 Write the measurement results in the formula.

 Perform calculations and write down the result.

The successful selection of forms and methods for organizing schoolchildren's activities allows you to successfully form key competencies. It is in the process of independently performing various types of activities and, subject to interest in them, schoolchildren have specified competencies.

Use of analysis elements to assess the level of formation of key competencies in schoolchildren and adjusting the educational process

Methods for the formation of key competencies requires their integrated and objective diagnostics throughout the entire learning process. In this regard, one of the important elements of the model of the teacher's activity is to assess the achievements of students. An analysis of the literature indicates that, despite significant developments in the field of control and assessing the achievements of students, the problem of diagnosing key competencies of schoolchildren is not yet sufficiently studied, and there is no generally accepted theory. The competence-based approach is implemented in modern education requires the upgradation of the existing estimation system to date.

The disadvantages of the traditional approach is the preferential orientation of the assessment and actions of the teacher to check the reproductive level of assimilation of factual knowledge and algorithmic skills of the student.

The orientation of education on the formation of key competencies should have a significant impact on the entire system of assessment and control of learning outcomes. It is necessary to reorient the control system to assess readiness of students to apply the knowledge and skills in various life situations.

Given the conditions for the modernization of the system of control and evaluation of training achievements, marked in the concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010, we have allocated the following requirements for the organization of the evaluation of key competencies of students:

 comparison of the result with educational purposes (the diagnosis should be aimed at assessing the degree of achievement of the goals);

 The diversity of diagnostic subjects (to increase the objectivity of diagnosis and facilitating the work of the teacher to evaluate, it is necessary to attract all subjects of training - parents, teachers-subjects, classmates; and it should also be increased by the level of independence of schoolchildren, pay more attention to self-esteem, the reflection of their activities);

 A variety of methods (the diagnosis is advisable to carry out a variety of surveys, interviews, observations, observations, tests, self-diagnostics of students, etc., given the individual characteristics of schoolchildren; various types of evaluation increase the accuracy of the results obtained, as well as the interest of students to its conduct and results);

 the presence of feedback (the evaluation process should be accompanied by a constant analysis of the positive sides and gaps in the achievements of schoolchildren);

 individual character (so that in the process of assessment to form a positive motivation of schoolchildren to educational activities, it is necessary to track the individual promotion of the student in the process of mastering knowledge, skills and skills, the development of mental processes, the formation of personal entities; assessment should be carried out on the previous level of achievements of each student ; In addition, in accordance with the individual characteristics of students, it is advisable to apply various types of control and evaluation of their achievements);

 systematicity, regularity (assessment activities should be carried out at all stages of the learning process, combine it with other parties to students' training activities);

 efficiency (application of computer programs for processing the data obtained);

 Openness of requirements (all participants in the educational process - students, parents, specialists, etc. - requirements for the level of training of students and control procedures are announced in advance: what the schoolboy should know and be able to be able to assess, etc.).

Compliance with the diagnosis of the above requirements will allow to obtain objective results and improve the efficiency of the methodology of key competencies. Diagnosing in the process of formation in schoolchildren of key competencies should perform the following main functions:

 Evaluation of the initial and subsequent levels of formation of key competencies in schoolchildren;

 monitoring the implementation of the developed methodology for the formation of key competencies;

 Correction of methodological interactions in order to improve the effectiveness of the educational process.

The diagnosis of the effectiveness of the educational process should be started by contacting goaling, for the result of any activity is the implementation of the goals delivered during it. And the achievements of the participants in the process can be assessed by the degree of their compliance with these goals. Considering the goal as a model of the result, its ideal image, it is necessary to once again remember that we consider the result of the training process of physics as a system of three interrelated key competencies: information and methodological, activity and creative and ecological-valeologic. Each competence includes the following structural components: knowledge, skills, value orientations and practical experience.

Evaluation of the formation level of such complex phenomenon (personality quality) as a competence using high-quality methods is very subjective and is not always possible. Since the quality analysis questions of various objects and methods of their assessment are the subject of studying qualimetry science, then to increase the adequacy of the evaluation of key competencies, as practice shows, it is advisable to combine qualitative methods of diagnosis with elements of qualimetric analysis.

Based on the analysis of literature on quantitative quality assessment methods, basic principles were formulated:

 the principle of decomposition (consideration of the quality of the quality of both the totality (complex) of various components);

 Priority principle (selection from the entire totality of the components of the quality of the most significant);

 principle of unequivocalities (determination of the specific gravity of each structural component of the quality estimated);

 principle of reference (determination of the content of the standard of each structural component for comparison when evaluating the results of educational and cognitive activity);

 The principle of rationing (bringing all the diverse structural components to one dimension or their expression in dimensionless units).

In accordance with the allocated principles, the following procedure for estimating the level of formation of key competencies in schoolchildren was determined:

Consideration of key competence as a set of various structural components (in this concept, different authors include a wide variety of components - knowledge, skills, relationships, motives, values, inclinations, etc.);

Selection of the most significant (defining) structural components of key competence (a quantitative assessment of quality, as a rule, is carried out not in all possible indicators characterizing the properties of the object, but according to several most significant, determining indicators that mostly characterize the ability of a person to solve various kinds of problems. As the main components of the competence, most authors (I.A. Winter, A.V. Khututor, N.P. Black and others) allocate the following: knowledge, skills, value orientation and practical experience);

The definition in each structural component of the key competence of a complete set of didactic elements that can be formed at a schoolboy in the learning process (qualimetric estimate cannot be obtained without the presence of a standard for comparison - without the basic values \u200b\u200bof the components that determine key competence as a whole);

Introduction for each structural component of competence (knowledge, skills, value orientations and experience) of the corresponding coefficient characterizing the level of its formation: K1, K2, K3 and K4 (using the method of comprehensive assessment of the quality of the object, all diverse properties should be converted and given to one dimension or expressed in dimensionless measurement units). In this regard, the coefficients normed by one are introduced, in particular, the coefficient characterizing the level of knowledge formation;

Determining the formation level of each structural component of competence using various diagnostic methods (it should be noted that in order to increase the objectivity of the estimation process, the same components of the competence are advisable to identify in a schoolboy with various diagnostic methods (test work, front survey, testing, questionnaire, self-diagnostic sheets, analysis practical work - messages, experiments, research, etc.) and in a variety of conditions; in addition, it is advisable to attract all subjects of training - parents, subject teachers, classmates; and also increase the level of independence of schoolchildren, to pay more attention to self-esteem, their reflection more attention activity);

Accounting for the unequivocalities of structural components by introducing additional weight coefficients, which are determined by the method of expert assessment (assigning each structural component of the weight coefficient as an average arithmetic estimates of weights, data by individual experts

The survey should be carried out systematically: after studying a specific topic, the event carried out, etc. For example, to identify the formation of schoolchildren of knowledge and skills that make up environmental-valeological competence, the following questions are proposed for students:

- What environmental factors affect human health?

- What kind of physical characteristics can you assess the health of a person?

- List the methods of protection from harmful environmental factors known to you.

Another diagnostic method is testing.

To verify the level of knowledge and skills, students are offered test tasks of an open type. For example, as a job to determine the ability to plan their activities, the student is proposed to compile an algorithm for performing any action.

Consider examples of such tasks:

1. Make a detailed scope writing plan.

2. Word questions that you would ask a guide when visiting the Museum of Radio.

3. Make an experiment plan to study the properties of electromagnetic waves at home.

For more complete and objective information in diagnosing knowledge and skills in key competencies, it is advisable to use schoolchildren self-diagnostics sheets. In accordance with this technique, each student is invited to fill a kind of diary, in order to fix the skills with which he owns or not at the moment. On the first pages of the diary, it is explained that it will show the most student and others in what he is strong, and will also help identify those areas in which the student needs to acquire additional experience.

Self-diagnostic sheet from schoolboy diary

To increase the objectivity of the diagnostic results, it is advisable to hold it not only among schoolchildren, but among their parents and teachers. With the help of self-diagnostic sheets, the student is invited to determine the presence of the following knowledge and skills:

1. The area of \u200b\u200binformation and methodological competence

1) I know various sources of information.

2) I can find and use the necessary information from different sources.

3) I can make written conclusions from the materials presented in different sources.

4) I can record information in various ways.

5) I can translate information from diagrams, tables, cards, graphs.

6) I can make a message on a given topic.

7) I can prepare materials for the presentation.

8) I can formulate a hypothesis.

9) I can make simple experiments.

10) I can choose an object for observation and measurement.

11) I can carry out an experiment to check the hypothesis.

12) I can plan and conduct a scientific research to check the hypothesis.

13) I can choose the instruments you need to measure.

14) I can record the results of the experiment in tables, charts and diagrams.

15) I can choose the most appropriate fact method.

16) I can issue conclusions, make a general approval about the experiment.

17) I can draw conclusions from experimental results.

18) I can record the main steps of the experiment in the correct order.

19) I can make carefully structured and illustrated

report on the entire volume of research.

Field of activity and creative competence

1) I can make a plan of activity.

2) I can distribute the execution time of each stage of activity.

3) I can organize my workplace.

4) I can identify problems and suggest possible solutions.

5) I can evaluate problems solving problems and choose the best.

6) I can conduct reflexion of my activity.

7) I can appreciate my own results and suggest possible ways to improve them.

8) I can choose to perform certain tasks, devices and equipment.

9) I can replace the missing activities by others.

10) I can use different equipment neatly and safely.

11) I can design and make a product using various tools and materials.

Ecological and valeological competence

1) I know the main status of environmental status.

2) I know the main environmental problems of its area.

3) I can measure the temperature of my body.

4) I can measure the arterial pressure of a person.

5) I can measure air humidity in the room.

6) I can measure the air temperature in the room.

7) I can measure the level of radiation (indoors, on the street).

8) I can measure the noise level.

9) I can measure the illumination indoors.

10) I can carry out a study in open area.

With the help of self-diagnosis sheets, schoolchildren are invited to evaluate the formation of knowledge and skills, and also identify and write down the knowledge and skills that they plan to improve. To track the dynamics of the formation of knowledge and skills that make up key competencies, students should be offered to fill out self-diagnostic sheets several times a year (for example, at the end of each quarter).

Value orientations

As one of the structural components of the key competence, we allocated value orientations, which are closely related to the motivational sphere of the person. At the beginning of the process of forming key competencies, the teacher identifies the educational needs of students, which are then satisfied with the implementation of the variative part of the basic curricula and in the development process are transferred to the value orientation of the individual. Therefore, at the stage of assessing the formation of key competencies, the value orientations formed from schoolchildren should be diagnosed.

Value orientation:

The significance of concern for their own health and health surrounding: the student understands its involvement in the preservation of his own health and health of the people around; The student has positive value orientations towards his health and health of the people around; The student carefully applies to his health and health of others;

Awareness of the need for a careful attitude towards the environment: the student understands its involvement in the preservation of nature; Own role in solving environmental problems; The student has positive value orientations towards nature; The student carefully applies to the surrounding nature.

To determine the level of formedity from schoolchildren of value orientations, various techniques have been developed: the test of American authors D. Sewper and D. Nevil "Scale of Values", M. Rokic Methodology "Study of Human Values", Tests G.A. Karpova et al. We are based on the M. Rokich technique "Value Orientations", a questionnaire was drawn up to identify value orientations included in key competencies.

Instruction: Express your attitude to the values \u200b\u200b(life senses) listed below. They distributed them according to the graphs: very significant for me, medium, as long as insignificant.


1. Interesting work.

3. Physical development, improvement of beauty and power.

4. Communication with interesting people, friends.

5. Health.

6. Good education.

7. Conservation of the environment.

8. Cognition, the expansion of the horizon, increasing the general culture.

9. Permanent personal growth: the development of will, activity, etc.

10. Creativity (technical, literary, musical, etc.)

11. Public recognition, popularity, fame.

12. Independence, as independence in assessment and judgment.

13. Promotion for culture and art.

14. Public and political activity.

16. Continuous self-education.

To determine the value orientations of students, the sheets of self-diagnosis can also be used, including in them, for example, the following statements:

 I realize my responsibility for saving the environment.

 I recognize the importance of rational activities, etc.

In addition, since value orientations are personal formations that are manifested in human activity, as a diagnostic method should be used to observe the activities of students: at a lesson, on change, in nature, on excursions, etc. For example, the object of observation can be the activities of the student on the organization of the parking lot in the campaign (whether it takes an active part, is it safely divided by a fire, removes garbage, etc.)

In the practice of assessing value orientations, the test tasks of an open type also have proven, for example:

1. You have the opportunity to ask questions to a person who has been involved in monitoring the environmental state of the environment. Word your questions.

2. Describe the location of the parking lot in the campaign.

3. Invite the mode of the day necessary to preserve human health. Compare it with your own mode and draw conclusions.

Experience of practical activity

An equally important component of key competence is the experience of practical activities of students. It is in the process of acquiring the experience of a variety of activities, competence goes into competence. However, during school training, as part of one subject, students acquire only small, fragmented experience, insufficient to talk about the formation of competency schoolchildren. Therefore, on all subjects, applying various activities, it is necessary to form competencies. From the formed competencies and the competent person will develop.

In the process of studying a separate subject, the student performs various activities. It is impossible to say that any type of activity contributes to the formation of only one specific competence. Any type of activity affects the formation of all three key competencies, but with varying degrees.

The significance of various types of students' activity to form key competencies

The degree of importance of activities:

More significant

Less significant

Information and methodological


Writing Abstract

Preparation of the message

Making model

Operator and creative

Making model

Solving an experimental task

Writing Abstract


Experiment Experiment

Preparation of the message

Performing laboratory work

Ecological - Valeological

Conducting a comprehensive study of nature

Evaluation and Protection Project



Solving an experimental task

Performing laboratory work

Preparation of the message

Making model

Writing Abstract

To form a rating assessment, the usual magazine progress is not adapted. Since the estimates obtained by the student as a result of a certain activity, it has a variety of value, then when they are registered in the journal, they should differ. As one of the options for such accounting, you can offer to form a separate magazine, where the assessments are exhibited for the type of activity. Then in such a log on the subject there will be a single class list, and each page will reflect the corresponding activity. For example, if a schoolboy in one lesson made a report and fulfilled a laboratory work, then these estimates should be exhibited on different magazine pages. When counting the rating, all estimates from one page will have the same coefficient, which facilitates the processing of the results and ensures the sorting of estimates immediately during their placement.

The technology of rating estimation of schoolchildren's learning achievements is associated with large than usual, temporary costs for the teacher. However, the results obtained justify themselves, since increasing the objectivity of the assessment and the clear tracking of the parameters of its exhibition provides transparency of the educational process and contributes to the conduct of an active dialogue between all its subjects.

To assess the level of formation of experience of students, it is advisable to apply the lattice method J. Kelly.

We give an example of using the Kelly lattice to determine the experience of the practical activity of the student in the framework of information and methodological competence. Testing with the use of Kelly lattice can be carried out both individually and collectively. Since the last option is most appropriate in accordance with the secondary school, it will be discussed below. The proposed test form allows you to identify not only knowledge included in the key competency structure, but also the use of them in practical activities.

The test procedure is as follows: each student is issued a lattice form and instructions for working with it.

Instructions for working with bars J. Kelly

Before you, the table, in the initial line and the column of which are listed by some familiar methods of knowledge, sources and methods of encoding information and other, please note the numbers of intersection of two concepts having one base. Specify this basis, as well as provide an example - as often and where you used in practice these methods, sources of information and other in educational and daily activities.

Analysis of the experimental data showed that if the coefficient corresponds to the interval of 90% - the level is high.

Using various diagnostic methods, the teacher determines the level of formation at schoolboy key competencies. A qualitative analysis of the results of the detection of a level allows the teacher to determine the focus of its actions.

The diagnostic results may differ from the planned, and then there is a need to adjust the educational process. A teacher, together with students and his parents, is planning corrective activities and further ways to develop the educational needs of the student to improve the effectiveness of the formation of key competencies. The need for correction may be caused by such reasons as a change in the state of the educational environment, changing the educational needs of schoolchildren, the inconsistency of the result to the goals. Correction provides all students to achieve the goals of learning. Corrective activities are developed for this: consultations, additional tasks, etc.

In research E.A. Vedeneeva allocated learning elements that can be adjusted

2) forms and methods of learning (depending on the content of education, training environment, the individual needs of the study and other);

3) learning tools (depending on the training environment, individual characteristics of students, etc.). For example, the student does not have the opportunity to work with video materials, as there is no VCR, but there is a computer. Therefore, the most attention was recommended to give view of computer materials, modeling the experiment;

4) the training mode of the learning (depending on the training load, the system of independent work, etc.);

5) a system for monitoring the results of educational and cognitive activity of students (for example, if the level of formation of educational and educational skills of studying high, then current control can be carried out less frequently).

We give an example of the correction of the educational process on the formation of key competencies in schoolchildren. At the diagnostic stage, it turned out that the student is well owning the theory, but there are difficulties in the formulation of a physical experiment. Correction is carried out as follows: Schoolboy recommends joint individual work with a teacher - subject to the development of generalized experimental skills, home simple experiments are offered, etc.

Stages of activities of subjects of training in the process of forming key competencies of schoolchildren

1. Diagnostic

Participates in the complex pedagogical diagnosis (fills the questionnaires, the diary of self-diagnosis, performs practical tasks, tests) conducts complex pedagogical diagnostics (testing, spectacle of students, conversations with parents, school administration, study of the educational conditions of the region)

2. Target

Based on the results of pedagogical diagnostics, analyzes their gaps and, in connection with this, aware of the goals of further training and the need for their achievement. Assesses its capabilities in the implementation of goals. Included in planning activities. Forms diagnostic learning objectives and adjusts them for each student in accordance with the results of diagnostics (the level of formation of key competencies and educational needs). Creates conditions for taking students to teach students: explains their social and individual significance. It analyzes the software material and determines the role of the variable part of the basic curricula in achieving the goals.

3. Organizational and performing

Participates in the current planning of its activities (chooses elective courses, the content of educational material to prepare reports, writing abstracts, etc., chooses forms and methods of learning activities). It turns on to the process of implementing educational and cognitive activity (performs projects, visits museums, industrial enterprises, conducts comprehensive studies of nature, etc.). It carries out the reflection of its own activity designs personally-significant for students and aimed at forming key competencies The content of the curriculum (national-regional component) is developing programs of their own elective courses or chooses the necessary programs in educational and methodical literature. Rationally organizes the educational and educational activities of schoolchildren, including independent, due to the selection of forms, methods and means of its implementation in accordance with the educational needs of students. Creates a comfortable educational atmosphere and a favorable psychological climate, imposing freedom to choose the content and forms of educational and cognitive activity in the framework of the variable part of the basic curricula

4. Sales and Assessment

Participates in control and analysis of their activities. It is included in the process of self-control and self-assessment of their academic achievements. Recalls self-esteem with a teacher's assessment. Develops a system of current, periodic and outcome control. Attracts students for self-controlling its activities. Sets and brings to the attention of student criteria for self-assessment activities

5. Correctional

Analyzes the results of previous activities. Defines its own errors and spaces. Acquires the ability to correct the results obtained and confidence in their improvement. It is an interest and turns on to find effective changes in the upcoming activities, it carries out its design. In the process and according to the results of the educational and cognitive process, the best ways to correct their activities are proposed. Stimulates students to self-regulation and correction of their activities

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Lysikova Nadezhda Viktorovna
Position: mathematic teacher
Educational institution: MKOU "Arkhangelsk" SOSH
Locality: Village of the Arkhangelsk Anninsky district of the Voronezh region
Name of material: article
Subject: "Competence as a goal and result of education. Types of competences of schoolchildren."
Publication date: 07.06.2018
Section: secondary education

Competence as a goal and result of education. Types of competencies of schoolchildren.

The purpose of modern education is to improve the quality of education. Quality

education - a set of educational results

self-decisions of educational important problems for him (communication,

information, cognitive, social). One of the conditions for improving quality

education is the formation of the competence of a schoolboy. Competence called

integral quality of personality characterizing the ability to solve problems and typical

tasks arising in real life situations, using knowledge, educational and

life experience, values \u200b\u200band inclinations. Understanding "ability", in this case, not as

"Predisposition", but as a "skill". "Created" i.e. "Can do." Result

education should be the development of students in the ability to act and be successful,

the formation of such qualities as professional universalism, the ability to change spheres

activities, ways to work at a fairly high level. In demand becoming

such qualities of personality as mobility, determination, responsibility, ability

absorb and apply knowledge in unfamiliar situations, the ability to build communication with

other people. Displacement of the ultimate goal of education with knowledge on "competence"

allows you to solve a problem typical of the Russian school, when students can well

master the set of theoretical knowledge, but there are significant difficulties in activities,

requiring the use of these knowledge to solve specific tasks or problem situations.

Thus, a disturbed equilibrium is restored between education and life.

The competence approach complies with the common countries adopted in most developed countries.

the concepts of the educational standard and directly associated with the transition - in constructing

today there is no uniform classification of competencies, as well as there is no single point of view

how much and what competencies should be formed in humans. Various approaches

there are also to highlight grounds for classifying students' competences. So, for example,

A.V. Khutorskaya offers a three-level hierarchy of schoolchildren competencies and highlights:

1) key competencies that relate to the total (meta-delicent) content


Key educational competences are specified at the level of educational areas.

and training items for each learning step. In the documents on the modernization of the Russian

education is assumed that in the number of key-developed key

competences of schoolchildren, information, socio-legal, and

communicative competence. In the structure of key competencies, according to developers

general Education Modernization Project, must be presented:

Competence in the field of independent cognitive activity based on assimilation

ways to acquire knowledge from various

sources of information, including extracurricular;

Competences in the field of civil society activities (the fulfillment of the role of a citizen,

voter, consumer);

Competencies in the field of socio-labor activity (including ability to analyze the situation

in the labor market, evaluate your own

professional opportunities, focus on the norms and ethics of labor relations,

self-organization skills);

Competence in the household sphere (including aspects of their own health, family being, etc.)

Competencies in the field of cultural and leisure activities, to choosing ways and ways

use of free time, cultural and spiritually

enriching personality.

2) general perception competencies that relate to a certain circle of training items

and educational regions;

General percent competencies must have a property of transfer to other subjects or

educational areas.

3) Subsection competencies - private with respect to the two previous competencies,

having a specific description and possibility of forming within the framework of training items.

Subsection competencies are associated with students' ability to attract problems

knowledge, skills, skills formed within a specific subject.

Orientation of educational standards, programs and textbooks for individual subjects

the formation of common key competencies will ensure not only the scattered

subject, but also a holistic competenced education. Educational competence

the student will play a multifunctional meta subject role that manifests not only in

school, but also in the family, in a circle of friends, in future production relations.

Competence, translated from Latin, means a range of issues in which a person is well aware, possesses knowledge and experience. The competent in a certain field a person has relevant knowledge and abilities, allowing it to reasonably judge this area and effectively act in it.

Currently, there is no accurate list of key competencies of the person who need to be formed in a secondary school. The most common classification of A.V. Khutorsky. It allocates the following types of competencies:

value-semantic competences;

communication competences;

educational competencies;

information competences;

communicative competences;

social and labor competencies;

competence of personal self-improvement.

Value - semantic competences. These are competencies in the sphere of the worldview related to the value guidelines of the student, its ability to see and understand the world around him, focus in it, to realize their role and purpose, to be able to choose targeted and semantic installations for their actions and actions, make decisions. These competences ensure the mechanism of self-determination of the student in situations of educational and other activities. The individual educational trajectory of the student and the program of its life activity as a whole depends on them.

Communication competences. The range of issues in relation to which the student should be well aware, possess knowledge and experience, these are the features of the national and universal culture, the spiritual and moral foundations of human and humanity, individual peoples, the cultural foundations of family, social, social phenomena and traditions, The role of the science and religion in a person's life, their influence on the world, competence in the household and cultural and leisure sphere, for example, the ownership of effective ways to organize free time. This also includes the experience of mastering the student of the scientific picture of the world expanding to the cultural and all-life understanding of the world.

Educational and educational competences. This is a combination of the competencies of the student in the field of independent cognitive activity, including the elements of the logical, methodological, general economic activity, correlated with real knowledgeable objects. This includes the knowledge and skills of organizing goaling, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activity. In relation to the objects studied objects, the student seizes creative skills of productive activities: the development of knowledge directly from reality, the possession of action techniques in non-standard situations, the heuristic methods of solving problems. In the framework of these competencies, the requirements of relevant functional literacy are determined: the ability to distinguish facts from speculation, the ownership of measuring skills, the use of probabilistic, statistical and other methods of knowledge

Information competences. Using real objects (TV, tape recorder, telephone, fax, computer, printer, modem, copier) and information technologies (audio - video, email, media, internet), are formed the skills to search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, Convert, save and transmit it. These competences ensure the skills of the student's activities in relation to the information contained in the educational subjects and educational areas, as well as in the world.

Communicative competences. Include knowledge of the necessary languages, ways to interact with surrounding and remote people and events, skills of working in a group, possession of various social roles in the team. The student must be able to imagine himself, write a letter, questionnaire, statement, ask a question, lead a discussion, etc. To master these competencies in the educational process, the necessary and sufficient number of real communications objects and how to work with them are recorded for a student of each learning step in each studied subject or educational area.

Socio-employment competencies mean knowledge and experience in the field of civil and social activities (the fulfillment of the role of a citizen, an observer, voter, representative), in the social and labor area (consumer rights, buyer, client, manufacturer), in the field of family relations and responsibilities, In matters of economics and law, in the field of professional self-determination. This includes, for example, the ability to analyze the situation in the labor market, act in accordance with personal and public benefits, to own ethics of labor and civil relationships. The student sends minimally necessary for life in modern society skills of social activity and functional literacy.

The competence of personal self-improvement is aimed at mastering the methods of physical, spiritual and intellectual self-development, emotional self-regulation and self-support. The real object in the field of these competencies is the student itself. He mastering the ways of activity in its own interests and opportunities, which is expressed in its continuous self-knowledge, the development of the personal qualities of personal qualities, the formation of psychological literacy, culture of thinking and behavior. These competencies include personal hygiene rules, care for their own health, sexual literacy, internal environmental culture. This includes a complex of qualities related to the basics of safe life activity.

Competence [LAT. Competenia - affiliation right] 1) Circle of authority of any organ or official; 2) the range of issues in which the person has knowledge, experience. In turn, competence is defined as a compliance of occupying or applying to the place, imputation, i.e. ability.

In the domestic literature, attempts are made to dilute these two terms, filling them in different contents. For example: "Competence is understood as some alienated, a predetermined requirement for the preparation of a person, and under competence - the already held his personal quality (characteristic).

Thus, competence is a manifested competence of a person. Competence may include a set of competencies that are found in various fields of activity. " Nevertheless, competence remains characteristic of a person, and the competence of what he already owns (ability, skill). It is what he owns, and determines its characteristic as a competent one. Therefore, it is important not the characteristic in itself, but what determines it, which can also be seized, which can be learned, i.e. competences or competencies.

The last two terms can be used as synonyms in two main values \u200b\u200b- knowing, in the sense of the able and in the sense of the skills with which it possesses, as well as capable, in the sense of a certain potential, the ability to carry out certain actions. It should be noted that in Russian education the term "knowledgeable" is more often used in the values \u200b\u200bof informed, erudite, which has information than can. Nevertheless, in the light of the said we offer to use the term "competence" as an already established concept in the international educational community.

From the point of view of the authors of the strategic report in the framework of the project "Definition and selection of competencies (Deseco): Theoretical foundations" (Switzerland and the USA), competence is defined as the ability to meet the requirements or successfully perform the task and has both cognitive and non-engine components.

Competence is the ability to successfully respond to individual or public requirements or perform the task (or lead activities). As can be seen from the given definition, the competence is considered in another dimension: the competence must meet individual and public requirements. In other words, it should allow to receive individually or socially significant products or results. According to the doctor of pedagogical sciences, German Selevko, competence - the readiness of the subject effectively organize internal and external resources for setting and achieving the goal. Under the internal resources are known knowledge, skills, skills, supreme skills, competence (ways of activity), psychological features, values, etc. Competence - qualities acquired through the accommodation of situations, reflexion of experience.

Dr. Pedagogical Sciences, Academician of the International Pedagogical Academy, Moscow, Khutorskaya Andrey Viktorovich gives its understanding of today's term competence - alienated, pre-specified social requirement (norm) to the educational preparation of the student necessary for its effective productive activities in a certain sphere. What qualities are a person in any professional activity? J. Equal, author of the book "Competence in Modern Society", based on the surveys of young people who worked in organizations where they had to be included in the situation of communication, forecasting, leadership, coordinating actions with colleagues, to show ingenuity and perseverance, try to understand people and Social situations, focus on group processes, is true of this question:

the ability to work independently without constant manual;

the ability to take responsibility on their own initiative;

the ability to exercise the initiative without asking others whether to do this;

readiness to notice problems and search for ways to solve them;

ability to analyze new situations and apply existing knowledge for such an analysis;

ability to get around with others;

the ability to master any knowledge on its own initiative (i.e., taking into account your experience and feedback with others);

the ability to make solutions based on sound judgments, i.e. Without having all the necessary material and without having the opportunity to process information mathematically.

Thus, the essential signs of competence are the following characteristics - constant variability associated with changes to the success of an adult in a constantly changing society. A competence approach implies a clear orientation for the future, which manifests itself in the possibility of building its education, taking into account the success in personality and professional activities.

The competence manifests itself in the ability to make a choice based on an adequate assessment of its capabilities in a particular situation, and is associated with motivation for continuing education.

"The main resource of the developing society are people, not so much prepared as developing continuously."

(P.G. Shchedrovitsky)

Probably, each teacher in his practice came across situations when a student:

Gets a task, but after reading it, can not understand what its essence is;

A certain set of knowledge (facts), which he possesses, to solving a specific task and is lost in a non-standard situation;

When performing a collective task, it cannot coordinate its position and action with the actions of others, etc.

The introduction of the concept of "competencies" in the regulatory and practical component of education marked the problem typical of the Russian school, when students may well master the set of theoretical knowledge, but are experiencing significant difficulties in activities requiring the use of these knowledge to solve specific tasks or problem situations:

Remove the main one from the read or listened,

Accurately formulate your thoughts, spoke on a given topic,

Cooperate with others when performing a general task,

Plan your actions to evaluate the result

Offer various options for solving the problem and choose the best, taking into account the various - criteria,

Self-organization, etc.

A graduate school, learning which was aimed at the transfer of knowledge, is not ready for independent and responsible work in specific labor or training situations and teaching throughout life.

The main task of the modern education system is to create conditions for quality learning. In the "Concept of Modernization of Russian Education for the period up to 2010" recorded a provision that "... the general education school should form a holistic system of universal knowledge, exercises, skills, as well as the experience of independent activities and personal responsibility of students, that is, key competencies determining modern the quality of education".

In modern education there are a number of problems. One of them lies in the fact that success in the school does not always mean success in life. Very often happens on the contrary. Why? Maybe we do not teach kids something very important? One of the proposed ways to solve this problem is a competence approach. A compensative approach in education today is the answer to questions, how to solve practical tasks in the conditions of the real world, how to become successful how to build your own line of life. For the past ten years, this topic is widely discussed at different levels.

The main change in society affecting the situation in the field of education is to accelerate the pace of development of society. Competitiveness on the labor market largely depends on the ability of a person to acquire and develop skills, skills, competence that can be used or transformed in relation to a variety of life situations. What will happen to society in the middle of the XXI century, it is difficult to imagine. And today's children live at this time. We have to prepare students for life, so you need to educate in them willingness to change, developing such qualities as mobility, constructiveness, ability to learn. Accordingly, the goals of education are also changed. The domestic school needs to shift emphasage with a valued competence approach to education. It is present in the State Educational Standard of the second generation.

Features of the competence approach in education.

Under the result of education in this document, in addition to knowledge, skills and skills are also understood by competence. The emergence of a new result of education in no way implies the denying of old traditional results. On the contrary, competence is considered as a certain integrated result, which includes all the traditional results of education.

To consider the issue of the formation of competencies must be started with definitions:

Competence - This is a certain area (sphere) of surrounding or activity.

For example: educational competence of students, teacher's pedagogical competence, medical competence of a physician, etc.

The ability, skill (or potential) to carry out actions in this area or various areas of surrounding validity on the basis of experience, knowledge available, constant self-education is called competence.

In other words, competence is the ability to establish and realize the relationship between the "knowledge - skill" and the situation.

Competence are classified:

1. Key, include (work with a number, communicative, information technology, self-study, teamwork, solving problems, to be a person).

2. By type of activity (labor, training, communicative, professional, subject, profile)

3. In terms of public life (household, civil and social, art, cultural and leisure, in physical education, sports, in education, in medicine, in politics, etc.).

4. In the branches of public knowledge (in mathematics, physics, in the humanities, in social studies, in biology).

5. In the public production sectors.

6. According to the components of the psychological sphere (cognitive, technological, motivational, ethnic, social, behavioral).

7. In the abilities (in physical culture, mental sphere, public, practical, executive, creative, artistic, technical, pedagogical, psychological, social).

8. In areas in the steps of social development and status (readiness for school, competence of a graduate, a young specialist, a specialist - an expert, leader).

As you can see a lot of competencies, but as you have noticed that there are key (basic) among them.

These are the most common (universal) cultural and developed ways of action (ability and skills), allowing a person to understand the situation, achieve results in personal and professional life in a particular society. They are acquired as a result of the experience of the successful use of the skills obtained in the educational process.

I. Key competencies (author Khutorskaya Andrey Viktorovich, Dokk. Ped. Sciences, Academician of the International Pedagogical Academy, Moscow)

The fundamental, or key, competencies in education (by A.V. Khutorsky) are the following:



Teaching and educational




Competence of personal self-improvement

Value-sense competence - These are competences in the sphere of worldview, related to the value guidelines of the student, his ability to see and understand the world around him, to focus in it, to realize their role and purpose, to be able to choose targeted and semantic installations for their actions and actions, make decisions. These competences ensure the mechanism of self-determination of the student in situations of educational and other activities.
When conducting a lesson, the teacher seeks a student to clearly for himself imagine that and how he studies today, in the next lesson and how he can use the knowledge gained in subsequent life. For the development of this type of competence, the following are applied

This type of competence is particularly effective in solving non-standard, entertaining tasks, as well as with a problematic method of presenting a new topic, holding mini-studies based on the study of material.

Creating problem situations, the essence of which is reduced to the upbringing and development of students' creative abilities, to teaching their system of active mental actions. This activity is manifested in the fact that the student, analyzing, comparing, synthesizing, summarizing, specifying the actual material, receives new information from it. When familiarizing students with new mathematical concepts, in determining new concepts, knowledge is not communicated in the finished form. The teacher encourages students to compare, comparison and opposing facts, resulting in a search situation.

Information competence - with real objects (TV, tape recorder, telephone, fax, computer, printer, modem, copier) and information technologies (audio-video recording, email, media, Internet) are formed by the skills independently search, analyze and select the necessary information, organize, Convert, save and transmit it. These competencies also ensure the skills of the student's activities in relation to the information contained in the educational subjects and educational areas, as well as in the world.

When planning an information search, the student is looking for the necessary information, attracting additional sources. We often give such tasks to perform which you need to attract the Internet, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc. For example, when studying the topic of the "Earth in Space around the world", students need to resort to various sources of information to learn about the planets of the solar system.

The lesson of the surrounding world on the topic: "man's senses". The result of this topic should be the fulfillment of a creative task - to make a memo "How to maintain healthy senses." The guys crashed to the teams, each chose the corresponding human senses organ and the result, the developed memo presented to the class. The knowledge they received in the lesson was applied to the development of a memo. Such rules suggested the guys of one of the groups, making a memo "How to preserve vision":
The book must be kept at a distance of 30cm from the eyes;
TV can be watching no more than 1 hour per day, located no closer than two meters from the screen;
Doing the computer you need not more than 30 minutes a day, making a charging for the eyes, which we do in class in the lessons;
It is impossible to read lying;
There are more blueberries and carrots berries.

There were such competencies as communicative - the ability to submit a class of the work done, to work in a group, to answer questions of their comrades; Information - To compile a memo, it was necessary to work with different sources of information, such as encyclopedia, books. It was necessary to take away, systematize, allocate the main thing in the flow of information that students found. Educational and educational - the assignment itself is already cognitive, creative; Social - We hope, knowing that the human senses need to be preserved, the disciples will behave a healthy lifestyle, will refer to their health, they will not be able to physically offend the comrade. Communicative competence is knowledge, skills and skills necessary to understand other people's and generating their own speech behavior programs, adequate to goals, areas, communication situations. The implementation of the communicative goal of learning assumes that speech activity is formed in all its types: reading, speaking, writing, listening. At the same time, a comprehensive mastering of all types of speech activity as a necessary condition for communication is carried out. These skills are formed in the lessons of the Russian language and literary reading.

Communicative competence - This is the creation of various texts (essays, messages), public speech, productive group communication, creation of dialogues, work in groups. Most often, they are all combined in the lesson.

We give examples of such work. The class is divided into groups. Each of them is given a task: to create a dialogue and come up with it (in a game form). Immerse students in a real life situation: you called on the phone to a friend to arrange with him about the meeting. I approached the phone either a friend or his parents or an unfamiliar person (if you were wrong number). Talk to them, observing the necessary rules of etiquette. Students work in groups, then represent the results of their work, speaking before classmates.

When studying, the culture of speech it is necessary to make dialogs: a conversation with the seller in the store, with a doctor in the hospital, with a conductor in the bus, etc. Students are working in the form of a public speech.

When students in the fulfillment of the task turn out to be in a real life situation, it increases their motivation to the teaching.

At the lesson of literature, my goal is not only to teach read, but also to teach competently, express your thoughts, be able to express your point of view after reading works, answer the question: "What lessons can be learned from read? What wise thoughts did you manage to "read between the lines" in the work? ".

Socio-labor competences - mean knowledge of knowledge and experience in the field of civil and social activities (the fulfillment of the role of a citizen, observer, voter, representative), in the social and labor field (consumer rights, buyer, client, manufacturer), in the field of family relations and responsibilities, in economic issues and rights, in the field of professional self-determination. This includes, for example, the ability to analyze the situation in the labor market, act in accordance with personal and public benefits, to own ethics of labor and civil relationships. The student sends minimally necessary for life in modern society skills of social activity and functional literacy.

Competence of personal self-improvement.
In order to form this competence, the teacher uses such a type of activity in the lessons as performing tasks with "extra data" (the fourth - extra).

In order to develop this type of competence, the teacher uses tasks for the development of self-control skills. One of the techniques for the production of self-control is to verify the execution of any exercises. Such an inspection requires perseverance and certain volitional efforts. As a result, students are educated the most valuable qualities - independence and determination in actions, a sense of responsibility for them. For example, sometimes when checking the answers do not converge. Looking for an error. So children solve the problem. After that, students are very closely monitoring the thought and logic of the teacher. The result is attentiveness and interest in the lesson, the development of critical attitude skills to the results, checking the compliance of the response received to all the conditions of tasks.

It is necessary to once again make an emphasis on the main feature of competence as a pedagogical phenomenon, namely: competence is not specific objective skills and skills, not even abstract mental actions or logical operations, but the specific, the vital, the necessary person of any profession, age, a relative state.

Thus, key competencies are specified at the level of educational areas and training items for each level of learning. The list of key competencies is determined on the basis of the main objectives of general education, the structural representation of social experience and personality experience, as well as the main activities of the student, allowing him to master social experience, receive skills of life and practical activities in society:

The level of education, especially in modern conditions, is not determined by the volume of knowledge, their encyclopedicity. From the standpoint of the competence approach, the level of education is determined by the ability to solve problems of various complexity based on existing knowledge. A competence approach does not deny the knowledge of knowledge, but it focuses on the ability to use the knowledge gained. With this approach, the goal of education is described in terms reflecting new features of students, the growth of their personal potential.

FROM the positions of the competence approach the main direct result of educational activities are the formation of key competencies

From this point of view objectives of school education In the following:

· Teach to learn, i.e. Teach solve problems in the field of training activities;

· Teach to explain the phenomena of reality, their essence, causes, relationships using the appropriate scientific apparatus, i.e. solve cognitive problems;

· Teach to navigate the key problems of modern life - environmental, political, intercultural interaction and other, i.e. solve analytical problems;

· Teach to navigate the world of spiritual values;

· Teach solve problems related to the implementation of certain social roles;

· Teach solve problems common for different types of professional and other activities;

· Teach to solve problems of professional choice, including preparation for further training in educational institutions of the professional system

The formation of the competencies of students is due to the implementation of not only the updated content of education, but also adequate methods and technologies of training. The list of these methods and technologies is quite wide, their possibilities are diverse, therefore it is advisable to outline the main strategic directions, while determining that the recipe for all cases of life, of course exists.

The potential, for example, productive techniques and technologies is very high, and the implementation of it affects the achievement of such a result of learning as competence.

Allocate the main tasks:

- creation of conditions for the development and self-realization of students;
- assimilation of productive knowledge, skills;
- Development needs to replenish their knowledge throughout life.

What should the teacher be guided to fulfill them? First of all, regardless of the technologies that the teacher uses, he must remember the rules below:

The main thing is not the subject you learn, but the identity you form. Not an object forms a person, but a teacher of its activities related to the study of the subject.

1. To raise activity, do not spare either time or effort. Today's active student - tomorrow's active member of society.

2. Help the disciples to master the most productive methods of educational and educational activities, learn and learn.

3. It is necessary to more often use the question "Why?" To teach thinking causing: an understanding of causal relationships is a prerequisite for developing learning.

4. Remember that it knows not the one who retells, but the one who uses in practice.

5. Teach students to think and act independently.

6. Creative thinking to develop a comprehensive analysis of problems; Cognitive tasks decide in several ways, more often practicing creative tasks.

7. It is necessary to show the disciples of prospects more often learning.

8. Use the schemes, plans to ensure the assimilation of the knowledge system.

9. In the process of learning, be sure to consider the individual features of each student, unite students with the same level of knowledge into differentiated subgroups.

10. Learn and take into account the life experience of students, their interests, development features.

11. Be informed about the latest scientific achievements in their subject.

12. Encourage student research work. Find the opportunity to familiarize them with the technique of experimental work, algorithms for solving problems, processing of primary sources and reference materials.

13. Teach me that the student understands that knowledge is for him a vital necessity.

14. Explain the disciples that each person will find its place in life if learn everything is necessary for the realization of life plans.

These useful rules-tips are only a small part, only the top of the Iceberg pedagogical wisdom, pedagogical skills, the common pedagogical experience of many generations. To remember them to inherit them, guided by them - this is the condition that can facilitate the teacher to achieve the most important goal - the formation and development of the individual.

Research activities, project activities at the lesson and after-school time, participation in extracurricular activities, intellectual competitions, competitions, projects, concerts - all this contributes to the formation of key competencies and would like to stop more on this.

Formation of key competencies of the student through extracurricular and project activities.

Most often, the teacher at the same time is subject, and class teacher. Forming educational and educational goals, we often create independent Educational and educational programs.

In front of the students and teachers there is a problem of choice: strengthen preparations for lessons, subject weeks and olympiads or to participate in creative competitions on the plan for educational work. Priority in most cases is considered exclusively educational activities.

Why, speaking of education, do we still speak separately about the teachings and separately, about the upbringing? Is it teaching, we do not bring up? And by conducting an interesting educational event, do we really teach anything?

Question about training priority And the upbringing has always remained relevant.

(slide4) Extracurricular Event in English

(Slide 5. ) Language Week

Making up a plan for educational work, thinking out forms of extracurricular activities, we must "solve the problem with two famous »:

(slide 6)

subordinate extracurricular activities to form the key competencies required for the formation personality independent and active.

According to many managers, heads of enterprises and organizations, today it does not matter how strong knowledge of young professionals, yesterday's schoolchildren, since these knowledge is subject to change every year and are sometimes obsolete than they are absorbed by people.

They need specialists who can all lives learn, self-improvement and self-realized.

Those., This is the purpose of education at the present stage (see Slide)

The goal is planned to be implemented through a number of tasks:

- Motivate students on the manifestation of initiative and independence;

- Create conditions for mastering the skills to which students already have a predisposition;

- create conditions for the development of communicative skills.

Hence the functions of the teacher
(teachers, class teacher, organizer of extracurricular activities) - creating the necessary conditions for "self":

  • Self-actualization
  • Self-determination
  • Self-sustaining
  • Self-realization.

The child teaches, develops, raises himself!

Our main goal:

Implementation of the competence approach in the lesson and in extracurricular activities.

Among the many tasks facing the school are indicated as follows:

  • the development of a system of educational work as space in which social competencies of students should be formed.
  • Development of the forms of the public component in the process of school, including through the creation of children's associations and organizations

All variety of forms of educational work with students can be divided into groups, depending on the main educational task with them:

1) forms of self-government school life (meetings, hours of class leaders, meetings of the Council of high school students, etc.);

2) cognitive forms (excursions, thematic decades, subject weeks, contests, circles);

3) Sports forms (Competitions, Olympics, Holidays );

4) Entertainment form (Matinists and evenings, "Capups", "classroom gatherings", etc.)

Educational class work is built on the tradition systemimproving the basic aspirations of the team to comprehensively help students in the moral formation of a person.

Traditions of cognitive, sports and entertainment:

Autumn holiday.

Mothers Day.

(slide 13-16)

Collective creative affairs.

(slide 17- 27)

Formation of competencies using project activities

One of the pedagogical technologies actively used by experts recently is the project method. This pedagogical technology can be effectively used, starting from elementary school.

project method:

1) meets modern time requirements

2) forms children the ability to put the problem and independently find ways to solve it,

3) develops interest in research work in students,

4) teach students to skillfully use ICT in the educational process,

Extracurricular work implies inclusion in students' activities different ages and social groups.

The main principle of activity - democratic and work in collaboration.

Joint creative activity creates favorable conditions for the formation of key competencies:

  • communicative,
  • information,
  • personal
  • social and political.

As a result, form:

  • values \u200b\u200bof activity, communication, self-education;
  • habit of being mobilized;
  • personal skills - reflexive, estimated;
  • personal qualities - independence, responsibility;
  • experience communication and interaction with people, including in the team.
  • professional orientation;
  • the formation of social activity.

As the main goal of the pedagogical organization of extracurricular livelihoods, the formation of key competencies of students should be considered. Accordingly, this goal becomes the main goal of the class teacher !!!

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