How should the perfect first date come true? An ideal date from a male point of view.

Landscape design and layout 12.10.2019
Landscape design and layout

Most people dream of finding their halves. This is the law of nature, and it is impossible to resist him. But in order to find one, people must meet, communicate. For this purpose, dates were invented.

You were invited to date. What is usually the first person's reaction? Right - excitement. What to wear, how to look, what to talk about, how not to look stupid and how to show yourself only from the good side? Quickly grab the head, I arrange a panic for five minutes (for removing stress), we also quickly calm down and make up an action plan.

Preparation for a date.

The first and very important rule is a pure head and a clean body. If you want to feel confident, then be sure to accept the shower. Accuracy - 30% of future success. Do not overdo the perfume. The abundance of perfume usually causes the exact opposite effect - does not attract, but repels.

The second rule is on a date not only about yourself. Of course, I want to show my importance in society, but a date for a similar place. Checked by many.

The third rule, which really works - be sincerely with your visa. Template smiles, duty phrases - and your interlocutor quickly "self-dedicated." But you do not want to achieve such a reaction?

Nothing has such a person as a sincere good smile, honesty and interest in the further development of relationships. Even if the continuation of romantic relationships is not planned, you can find a good friend, a reliable comrade.

Where is the best way to make a date?

Everyone has its own idea of \u200b\u200ban ideal date. Someone dreams of a good restaurant, someone dreams about rose petals, which fell float. One ideal seems to be the park, others want to go to the movies. Someone wants to get a basket of flowers, and some in the joy of Cheeseburger in McDonalds.

And each of all these people will be right! Excellent date can be different. The main thing is that people be wondering together, and their feelings were sincere.

It doesn't matter what atmosphere you decide to spend your perfect date - on the carousel or in La Scala. Relax, sincerely smile and enjoy communication with your companion. Do not be afraid to seem stupid, do not be nervous. Attention and admiration usually cause self-confident calm people.

Have you read and noticed these rules? Excellent. With a peaceful soul, go to your perfect date and remember - the rules of date dictate exactly you.

The time of the origin of new relations, many consider magic. The charm of the first meetings is not comparable to anything, and I want only the best impressions about these days. Men and women are equally worried before a date, but the perfect date from the point of view of women and from the point of view of men looks somewhat differently.

Date as it is

A love date is a meeting of people who are interested in each other. The meeting is not random, but specially organized in order to get to know each other better. The first date is crucial for the development of relations: it is impossible to calculate how many beautiful novels did not take place due to the fact that on the first date someone behaved unsuccessfully and disappointed the partner. That is why the first date Usually carefully prepared both men and women.

Subsequent dates, of course, are also important. During repeated meetings, lovers continue to recognize each other. In addition, such dates are part of the courting ritual, the way to inform the beloved person about the sympathy and give him pleasure.

Female look

Most girls expect from a date first of all romance. Let a date be completely non-original, but sensual, beautiful and very romantic.

One can appoint a meeting in some place with old romantic traditions - suitable, for example, a monument that has no first generation of lovers. However, many modern girls do not like to independently get to the meeting place, but prefer the Cavalier in love with them. In any case, the man is expected to be with flowers.

The next item of the program is a relaxed walk, during which lovers chatting, recognizing each other better. It is advisable to walk in interesting and beautiful places (sleeping areas are hardly suitable, but the historic center of the city is quite). On the first date, the girl is unlikely to agree to stroll through the Maludual Park, but in the future, when relations will become trustful, this option is not excluded.

During a walk, the couple can go to a cozy cafe (or a luxurious restaurant), where a man, as it turned out, ordered a table in advance. Such surprises usually come to girls in the soul. For a romantic dinner, the acquaintance continues. Understanding reaches such a level that it's no longer want to part.

Next options are possible. The couple in love can go on the last session to the cinema (best - on a romantic comedy, and better if the offer will come from a man) or just walk through the streets. At this stage, it is expected that a man will demonstrate his sympathy and the desire of proximity, but will be sufficiently delicate, so as not to exercise excessive perseverance. The girl, in turn, can go towards the wishes of the lover or limit the chaste kiss for forgiveness.

The final barcode of the perfect date is a romantic message or a call with affectionate confessions about half an hour and hour after the return girl home. Ideally, on the same day, a man must thank the girl for a perfectly spent time and appoint a new date, which will not be worse than the previous one.

What to pay attention to men

Organize a romantic date is completely simple. At the same time, several points should be taken into account:

Male look

Among the men romantics, too, a lot, so a romantic dinner for candles is out of competition for representatives of both sexes. And yet men are usually more pragmatic. For example, when choosing a restaurant, they will rather give preference to the bar with large portions of the hearty food, and not a French restaurant with dizzying prices.

It is believed that most representatives of strong sex do not mind if a romantic dinner smoothly flows into a romantic breakfast. In fact, men are quite capable of enjoying the process of date, although in the depths of the soul they, of course, will not refuse to get close to your beloved as soon as possible.

For me, an ideal date - then, after which you want to meet again. And this is not so much about the scenery - candles, roses-mimosa, but by resonance, which arose between people. Ideally, if they can be truly sincere.

Perhaps the best man was not a date. We agreed to meet with the old familiar. I had a concert tickets. Requiem Mozart. There was spring, I was 23, I just broke up with a guy. And enjoyed the sun and freedom. I did not have any plans to look for new relationships. Before the concert, we never reached. Walked, chatted at a pleasant thing, pleased that you could not build anything, talking openly. ! I wonder, and we could do something? " My companion asked. "Of course not," I mentally replied. The walk led us to visit his friend, the bartender of a small cafe. At the tables, besides us, there was no one. He played Libertango. He invited me to dance. A month later, we began to live together. Two years later got married.

first of all, pay attention to appearance: yes, they meet by clothes; But here it is not about style, but about well-maintenance: accept shower, take advantage of a deodorant (MB cologne, but the main thing, deodorant), smashed (if you don't wear a beard), tested, clean your teeth, clean your nails, put on clean clothes. It seems obvious, but for some reason not all be followed :(

About Communication: Personally, I feel comfortable tie conversations about anything that smoothly transition in history from life, the exchange of views of the OTD. You can ask how she spent the day (if a meeting in the evening), or tell himself, what happened to you for the day. No need for a particularly romantic Lada (IMHO), deep feelings are built on mental intimacy.

About the meeting place and spending money: purely my opinion, the best option is a walk; Not exactly a movie (sit in the dark without looking at each other - what?). You can treat the drink or something sweet. If it is cold - of course, a cafe remains; Although, you can visit some exhibition or festival (if both it is interesting); Personally, I am uncomfortable when they pay a lot for me, but girls are different, so here I am not particularly adviser

The result: if you saw her and you liked you, try to make friends with her and determine her interest, see what she is for a person how close is your ideas, etc. If you didn't give it - you dump

So that interest was felt, communication was easy and relaxed, was attention from the guy. It's nice to know that a date with you did not go from boredom, but because I liked it really. Cool when the guy has a sense of humor, it helps to get rid of awkwardness and shy, feel more liberated. The choice of place in principle does not play a special role, but for a date I would prefer a quiet place where few people, or a walk, if the weather allows. Regarding gifts, huge bouquets and other things - well, it's not a place for this everything on the first date, for me so, it looks frankly. Well, in general - the perfect date is when mutually each other like a guy with a girl :)

The girl is always pleased to feel in the dialogue ease and freedom from accepted norms. It is necessary to behave naturally, (do not fart and grow, but show your some moral weaknesses), to be humorous - there is a contact and show the whole view that you will accept her as it is. Girls love ears - True. You should not pour with compliments if you do not know how to invent something fresh and original. She will consider you for a banal guy who stupidly punish chick. Personally, I use the "hint of a compliment" by the method, that is, when you get a dialogue in the bed, where there is an assessment about it or not and hinting for yes, but you do not say it in the open. So she understands what causes you a sympathy that there is a "mystery" between you. Girls should be opened - they love it. Cultural girls, in the sense. I take averaged type. It would be nice to put it somewhere, the terrain of what you know and orient. So she will feel more confident next to you than if without you. Wooot. Well, to travert interesting bikes, express the opinion about everything in a row, to share the impressions that she is interested in spreading the most dashing humors on the table. Somehow the first date should be held (from my point of view). So far, this is the most effective method for intrigue and continuing to communicate. In 10 cases out of 10, the relationship continued. I do not know how comfortably the one or another girl was felt on the first date with me in such a way, but no one did not express the negative on this score

It seems to me that it should be friendly. With a friendly atmosphere. All romantic starts nervous hard. Condition: Fat faint from excitement and fear. :-)) Therefore, I always considered an ideal option an unpretentious friendly meeting.

In no case do not need to carry any flowers on a date. They will only need mercantile individuals. After all, it is stupid to drag flowers, if you have a first date and you still don't know anything, go to see and talk. These all brooms of colors are the most ridiculous, which may be in this case. Degree nervousness grows. :-))

The best thing is to find some kind of common cause. It usually brings it closer. And the worst option is a joint meal. :-)) You can come up with many different other adequate options. It already depends on your interests and your imagination.

For each girl it will be his own. An ideal date is a date that makes his eyes sparkle and think about good. I had it. After a year of correspondence in the social networks, the meeting took place in a chic city, which was ideally suited for the first date. It was Peter. We walked through the streets, listened to street musicians, drank delicious coffee and enjoyed what surrounds us and conversations. It was the best time, after that the fairy tale began. And do not need colors, expensive gifts. The main thing is that at this point takes place between people - is it ignites if something or not.

Girls and guys imagine an ideal date in different ways. Men's half is inclined more to practicality, so guys are more important to show themselves from the best side. For the female half, it is more important, of course, a romance that is in second place in importance after the wedding. And calls cannot last forever, it is necessary to show some actions. And some recommendations that we will give in this article will help make a date really ideal, which can be remembered for a very long time.

Let's start with clothes. The guy is too catchy to dress. There is no need. In this case, the most suitable version will be a strict style. In the cold season, you can safely wear a suit, in warm weather on the revenue will come a monophonic dark pants and a bright shirt. The butterfly or tie will be uniquely superfluous.

The girl is recommended to look just and tastefully. The most feminine option is the lung dress and shoes on. If the cold outside the window can be captured with a jacket or coat. And of course, it is quite acceptable to wear jeans or pants, but provided that the date will pass on the street.

The behavior on a date also plays an important role. The guy must be a real cavalier, on the way to date to buy a beautiful bouquet. He must open the doors before the girl, to skip her forward, help undress and dress in the room, get up with the companion, if she gathered in the ladies room. The girl just sees the perfect date.
The girl needs to give a guy the possibility of courtship. Do not break forward and open the door or paint a heavy down jacket. At the same time, you can follow the reactions of the guy, if he suddenly forgot how it is necessary to act or confused, then it is best to do everything in itself, but in no case to root it in forgetfulness.

Speak on a date. The guy must be not intrusive and interesting in his statements. Before a date, you can learn somewhat interesting, but in no case are not vulgar. For representatives of the weak floor, the correct date is primarily communication. Therefore, it is impossible to be silent in any way.
The girl needs to listen carefully to the satellite and, if necessary, help in finding common topics. And the governing * acidic physiognomy *! On the part of the girl in communication should prevail a smile. And if the merry laughter comes off from her mouth - it is very liberated and gets closer to both.

A man is not worth thinking about expensive gifts. The first surprise for the girl should be very romantic. You can read love poems, only good, without vulgarities and black humor. The mandatory attribute of a date, of course, flowers are, especially if we are talking about the first date. Therefore, you do not need to save on it and buy beautiful. The girl can prevent the guy any little thing from personal belongings. It may be, for example, a favorite photo. For him, this will be an unforgettable gift and keep him will be long.

And finally, I would like to say that whatever a date came, be it first or fifth, you need to appreciate every minute spent together, from the soul to enjoy communication and the most important thing is to try to be yourself.

A date, perfect or not, for any girl is a kind of romantic adventure, a fairy tale among the commonness of life everyday life. The thought about the upcoming date lights in the eyes of a girl's shine happy anticipation. And the truly female bustle begins in the form of training. A bunch of different subtleties that give charm, sophistication, emphasize femininity and make an image of charming unforgettable.

And so goodbye remains a few minutes. The heart performs the rapid rhythm and the question is persistent in the head: what will this date be?

The thesis on the perfect date is incorrect. As there is no perfect person, there can be no events that have the right to wear such a characteristic.

We associate expectations from a date with a specific person, his worldview and a courtship approach. It is stupid to wait for extreme entertainment, just like from a serious business man of excessive tenderness and reverent attention.

Often girls brought up on romantic sagas about eternal love, the perfect date draw yourself in the form of a well-minded scene with the hero of the level of the Hollywood Star. Cute girls so that there is no painful disappointment, you should think modern and wider. The perfect date should not be driven into the framework of candidate-biscuit romance, dinner with candles and endless compliments. Life is much multifaceted than you can imagine. And the ideality of a date lies at all in the outer entourage and the concomitant attribute.

It is believed that responsibility for the successful ideal date lies on the male shoulders. Yes, in fact, it is a man asks that meeting, choosing a date. The most common option where the perfect date may pass, of course, is a cinema. Joint viewing of the film, with rare brief comments, it contributes to the fact that two practically unfamiliar people are accustomed to and lean in each other's society. And then it can follow a walk around the city with a discussion of the film and the statement of impressions or an invitation for dinner in a cozy place. One way or another, this classic option can give a lot of pleasant moments, the charge of the positive and the origin of warm feelings between partners.

If we talk about choosing a place of an ideal date, then in addition to the cinema there are a lot of other places that can put a successful beginning of the emerging relationship. Consider, for example, a bowling version. Here, excitement, the spirit of rivalry is rapidly fastening satellites, and communication will go to an informal level close to a friendly relationship.

Without a doubt, a man can choose a meeting place according to his hobbies and interests. If this choice does not bear any threat to life, then we boldly agree. So you will learn your partner in a close environment. And there, as you know, the best, personal qualities are manifested and the character is revealed. Perhaps it is precisely this option that differs from the classics that is peculiar only to your chosen one will become the most unforgettable date in life.

You can still list where and in what conditions the very ideal date may pass, but it is important for a woman to remember the following. Whatever the place of date is an insanely original or romantic-classic, it is important to afford to be a slave. It is important to provide a chance to man to show yourself, show from the best side. Stay a feminine, flirty and gentle young lady next to your hero. Do not forget that for cotton you need two palms. And if you support the case started by a satellite, with enthusiasm and inspiration, accept his proposal, then believe me, you will be able to conquer his location and respect for a long time. Then maybe a fairy tale in which we all believe since childhood will become a reality.

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