Sourdough bread (no yeast). Sourdough for rye bread

Landscaping and planning 19.10.2019
Landscaping and planning

Bread sourdough

Bread sourdough is homemade homemade yeast that is made from rye flour(there are other options, but from it - the easiest).

In appearance, sourdough for bread is a creamy paste, similar to sourdough for kvass (both in appearance and in meaning). It takes 4-7 days to prepare (depending on the temperature conditions in the house, the hotter it is, the faster it ferments), during the preparation, the sourdough must be fed daily, replacing half of the sourdough with a similar amount of fresh rye flour and warm water.

At first, as soon as the flour has fermented, the smell is monstrous, it seems that something has gone bad at home. And then it even seems that EVERYTHING has gone bad.

But, after some time, the smell improves and the sourdough is fragrant with fresh kvass. And by the time of readiness, a sharp sour smell appears. After that, the sourdough can be used for different yeast dough- for baking gray, gray-white or black bread, pancakes, sour pancakes, donuts. But keep in mind that the dough will be sour, not suitable for every pastry.

They store ready-made bread sourdough in a closed jar in the refrigerator, so that pungent odors will no longer bother you.

What you need for sourdough - composition and proportions

  • Rye flour - let it be 0.6-1 kg in stock;
  • Warm water;
  • A glass jar with a capacity of 0.8 to 2 liters (that is, bigger size so that the sourdough has room to grow).

Initially need 50 g rye flour to 100 g warm water. Proportion 1:2 based on weight.

If you count in glasses (proportions by volume), then you need to 1/3 cup rye flour and 2/5 cup warm water. However, you can simplify the calculations and just take 1/2 cup flour and 1/2 cup water. The flour will turn sour, no doubt.

Rye flour, water - the composition of the sourdough. You will need another jar with a leaky lid

How to make sourdough

1. First day

  • In a jar, combine rye flour and warm water (temperature 36-40 degrees, medium warm, not hot). Mix well.
  • Cover with a lid with holes or tighten with a cotton cloth or film (in which to make holes). That is, there must be air access, from which the bacteria necessary for fermentation will enter the starter.
  • Leave in a warm, windless place for a day (or 1.5 days). During this period, it is necessary to mix the future sourdough a couple of times (it is better to ferment in the light, and not in a dark place).

2. Subsequent days (until ready)

Every day you need to feed (renew) the starter with a fresh portion of flour and warm water. For this:

  • Remove half of the starter (discard). Instead, add fresh flour and add warm water (take half of the original norm of flour and water. For example: 25 + 50 g or 1/4 cup + 1/4 cup).
  • During the next day of fermentation, mix 2 times.

The sourdough will grow (2 times). As soon as its smell becomes more pleasant and sour, it is ready. After that, the leaven can be used to make dough.

What you need for bread sourdough
Pour flour into warm water
Mixing water and flour

The lid must be perforated to allow air to enter.
The leaven is fermenting
The sourdough lives and grows

Ready-made sourdough for bread

Storing starter in a jar

The finished sourdough can be transferred to a jar (so that it takes up no more than half of the jar, because it will ferment and grow in the refrigerator, only more slowly). Cover with a lid (already normal, without holes) and place in the refrigerator.

The sourdough should be fed 1-2 times a week. If you cook from cold sourdough, it must be removed from the refrigerator in advance (5-7 hours or overnight if you cook during the day). And either separate the desired portion and revive it, or revive the entire sourdough, and then take the desired part, removing the remainder for storage in the refrigerator. How to revive:

  • When separating the amount needed for the recipe: combine with 1/3 cup warm water and 3 tablespoons of rye flour (you can add more sugar or honey), leave warm to revitalize (5-7 hours or longer). And feed the rest of the sourdough in the jar: add 1-2 tablespoons of flour and the same number of tablespoons of water and put it in the cold again.
  • When reviving the whole sourdough: combine the whole sourdough with 3-4 tablespoons of rye flour and 1/3 or a half cup of warm water. And let the leaven warm up and grow (5-7 hours, night or even the whole day). And then you need to separate the amount of sourdough you need, and send the rest back to the refrigerator.

Bread sourdough

Dry sourdough storage

The sourdough can be dried. To do this, take tracing paper or baking paper. Spread the starter on it with a thin layer (with a knife or a flat spatula). And let dry. As it dries, break off pieces and put in a jar. Dried sourdough jars are stored either in the refrigerator or at room temperature (under a tightly closed lid).

You will get homemade dry yeast, which must be diluted with flour or sugar in warm water to revive (as usual, with purchased yeast).

Consumption of bread sourdough for dough

For 500-650 g flour (3-4 cups) for pancakes 3-4 tablespoons of sourdough is required. Pancakes are great! Lumpy without the first pancake, they immediately bake well, pleasantly sour, suitable for stuffing. Yes, and beautiful. Recipe .

For homemade bread, from 4 cups of flour (wheat, wheat + rye, wheat + rye + oatmeal, etc.) take, on average, 1 cup of sourdough (or a little more, you can add another 1/4 cup to this glass to get looser bread).

Variant of the composition of sourdough bread

  • Warm water - 300 g (1 glass + 2 tablespoons);
  • Sourdough - 1 cup;
  • Rye flour - 100 g (approximately 2/3 cup);
  • Wheat flour (regular) - 375 g (2 cups + 1/3 cup) + more for sprinkling the table and baking dish (keep with a margin);
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • Odorless vegetable oil - 30 g (1.5 tablespoons);
  • Additives are possible: seeds (sunflower), walnuts or other nuts, flax seeds - 2 tablespoons each (flax can be replaced with 1 tablespoon caraway seeds).

Butter, fat or margarine for greasing the baking dish.

Making sourdough bread

  • Combine all ingredients. Knead the dough. It will be quite sticky. Start kneading first in a saucepan or bowl in which the dough was kneaded. And then, when it becomes more convenient to work with (less liquid), transfer it to a table sprinkled with flour. Kneading such a bread dough is long, about 30 minutes. Baking homemade bread and making sourdough is generally not a quick process.
  • Grease a baking dish with butter (fat or margarine). Sprinkle flour on top. Put the dough into the mold. top smooth with a wet hand. Cover with a towel and leave to grow (raise) for 3 hours (or longer if the dough has not risen well, wait for at least 2 times the increase. You can even put it overnight and bake in the morning).
  • Heat the oven to 220 degrees C. Place a cast-iron frying pan, mold or baking sheet with water at the bottom. Place the baking sheet with the bread in the hot oven. Bake, gradually lowering the temperature.

The temperature and time of baking bread with it

  1. At 220 degrees C - 10 minutes.
  2. At 200 degrees C - 20 minutes;
  3. At 180 degrees - until cooked.

The readiness of homemade bread is determined in the same way as for a biscuit - wooden stick. If their dough comes out dry, then it's ready. Total time - 40-50 minutes (approximately, focus on the sign of readiness - a dry stick).

Yeast-free baking, according to doctors, is more beneficial for the body in many respects than those mixed with yeast. However, not every recipe can exclude the fermentation component - a magnificent loaf of bread will definitely not work without it. As an alternative, experts suggest figuring out how to make sourdough. Is it really very difficult?

How to make sourdough bread

This method of imparting a porous airy structure to baked goods was used long before the advent of yeast as a culinary product. Making sourdough for bread is something that every housewife knew how to do at home several decades ago. Such a natural baking base can be made either by combining flour and water (equal ratio by volume - not by weight!), Or using lactic acid bacteria.

The process has several important features:

  • It takes several days to prepare sourdough for delicious bread, the approximate time ranges from 3-7 days.
  • Every day the mixture needs to be “fed” and be sure to monitor its growth.
  • An unpleasant sour smell on the first day is normal, after it will pass, so do not rush to throw away the wound mass.
  • For baking bread, only part of the sourdough is used - the rest needs to be covered, fed and grown.

Sourdough Bread Recipe

Classic variant it is customary to make such a base for homemade lush pastries on rye flour, but this is not the only method. Homebaked bread sourdough can be prepared using beer, barley malt, potatoes. The recipe is chosen mainly according to the type of baking planned, however, it is possible to knead oatmeal-based wheat dough, from a sweet loaf, etc. However, experts advise figuring out how to prepare a sourdough with a classic rye mixture.

Yeast free

  • Preparation time: 6 days.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 709 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

This yeast-free sourdough for bread and buns is ideal, although some housewives even use it for pancakes. The rice base makes its smell softer, and the crumb finished product very light. The only drawback of this method is the waiting time for the result. The working mass is stored in the cold, and infused - in the heat. If a crust appears on the surface during storage, it must be removed before feeding.


  • rice - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 8 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 250 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak rice (warm 150 ml of water). Add a spoonful of sugar, forget for 3 days. Storage is refrigerated.
  2. On the 3rd day, add flour (3 tablespoons).
  3. On the 4th day, pour in the rest of the water.
  4. On the 5th day, decant this mass, feed the rest of the flour with sugar.
  5. After a day, the bread base is ready, you can start the dough.


  • Cooking time: 1 day.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 721 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.

Due to the simplicity of the algorithm of actions and short list components, this recipe is popular with housewives. Such a leaven for rye bread prepared on kefir, which must first be left in the heat of the kitchen before stratification into fractions. If you use a fresh product, proper fermentation will not occur and the bread will not rise. The resulting kefir mass can be used for any baking, including pancakes and pancakes.


  • sour kefir - a glass;
  • rye flour - 200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Gently mix the components of the starter - it is better to combine them in small portions, so there is less likelihood of heterogeneity.
  2. Throw gauze folded three times onto the container, leave for a day. It is not necessary to mix the mass.
  3. After the specified period, add a couple more tablespoons of flour, wait 2-3 hours. Use as directed.


  • Cooking time: 6 hours.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 692 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The waiting time for the bread base to be ready can be reduced to a day, although some professionals consider such a starter to be weak, incapable of a good rise. For most housewives, this quick sourdough for yeast-free bread is a lifesaver that saves them time. If you don't plan on making baked goods that involve large "pores" (like ciabatta), this is perfect. If you have a bread maker, the mass will rise after 4 hours.


  • wholemeal flour - a glass;
  • water - a glass;
  • granulated sugar - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine all components and actively knead - this can be done for 2-3 minutes to separate the gluten.
  2. Cover with a cloth, leave overnight or 6 hours (if you work during the day). When the mass bubbles, you can do the main bread dough.

Eternal without yeast

  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 765 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Experts call this recipe one of the simplest for beginner housewives, especially because there is no need to feed the live weight daily. This timeless sourdough can last a very long time if refreshed once a week and kept in right conditions. The resulting amount of working mass is enough for 5-6 times, since it takes about 5 tbsp to make a loaf of bread. l.


  • flour - 210 g;
  • water - 210 ml.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine 70 g of both components. The mass should have the density of fatty sour cream or pancake dough.
  2. Cover with a towel moistened with water, put in heat.
  3. The next day, check - if a lot of bubbles appear, feed by introducing again 70 g of the main components.
  4. Stir a couple of times throughout the day. The container is also kept warm under a towel.
  5. A day later, the sourdough should add in volume and bubble well. She needs to be fed again, again let stand for a day.

from hops

  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 437 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Most modern housewives it is not known how to make hop starter for bread, but earlier this method of creating a starter for home baking was used more actively than others. In urban conditions, it is difficult to find the main component, however, if you succeed, you will forget about yeast forever - bread on this basis turns out to be incredibly lush, tender and soft.


  • hop cones - 225 g;
  • flour - half a cup;
  • distilled water - 450 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the hop cones with water, let it boil. After cooking at medium power until the volume of liquid is halved.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave for 8-10 hours.
  3. Strain the hop broth, mix about 200 ml with flour and sugar. Mix.
  4. Cover with a dense natural cloth, leave warm for 3 days.

For black bread

  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 626 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

For those who are looking for a scheme on how to make sourdough for brown bread, professionals advise trying to work with whole grains. The method is not the easiest, but very effective: on this basis, the bread rises especially well. You can do the same with wheat. The general algorithm does not change, only the stage of grain germination has been added. If this is too difficult, you can simply grind them and boil them with the rest of the components, and then work according to standard technology.


  • rye - a glass;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Soak the washed grains, wrap the container with wool, leave warm for a day.
  2. If after a day they did not germinate, repeat the procedure, extending this process for another day.
  3. Grind in the morning food processor rye grains, add liquid honey. You can add a little water if the mass looks dry. Cover again and leave in a warm place overnight.
  4. If the sourdough has grown, you can cook the dough.


  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 793 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Sourdough on malt is prepared in much the same way as for unleavened bread based on rye, only here they take wheat. It must first be germinated in a couple of days. The mass itself needs to be cooked, constantly monitoring its condition. If such a bread base has to continue to grow and feed, you can use ground grains, always in tandem with sugar and water.


  • wheat grain - a glass;
  • rye-peeled flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water - how many grains will take;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Twist the sprouted grains through a meat grinder. Add the rest of the ingredients, pour in the liquid until a thick porridge.
  2. Boil this mass, cook for 50-60 minutes. Burner power is minimal.
  3. When the future sourdough darkens, it is left warm for 2 days. The finished product will have a leavened flavor and a lot of bubbles on the surface.

From wheat flour

  • Cooking time: 2 days.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 792 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

If you are wondering how to make a sweet loaf without using yeast, you should check out this raisin sourdough recipe for fluffy and delicious bread. The crumb will be devoid of the sourness characteristic of such a dough, but it will turn out to be just as airy and will remain soft for a long time. Wheat sourdough for yeast-free bread is fed every 2-3 days.


  • black raisins - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • wheat flour - 180 g;
  • warm water - 180 ml;
  • honey - 1 tsp

Cooking method:

  1. Steam raisins, chop. Well, if he keeps the bones in the meantime.
  2. Pour in honey and warm water.
  3. Pour the remaining dry component in portions, knead a thick dough in a jar.
  4. Cover, keep warm for a day.
  5. Mix, send back. In another day, the mass will be ready for the dough plant for delicious bread.


  • Cooking time: 7 hours.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 1196 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

A feature of this recipe is the basis in which brine is used. Experts advise taking cucumber or cabbage; it is important that it does not have vinegar in the composition. Monastic sourdough for bread without yeast is considered very slow, it is not fed daily, therefore it is stored for a long time. Often housewives make it to bake bread 1-2 times a week and in small loaves.


  • brine - 220 ml;
  • peeled rye flour - 330 g;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Let the brine stand to warm (to room temperature), or hold in a warm, turned off oven to speed up the process.
  2. Mix with rye flour, be sure to get rid of the lumps that appear.
  3. Add sugar - it will shorten the fermentation time.
  4. Cover, keep warm. Keep track for 6-7 hours, periodically "upsetting". The finished mass will add a lot in volume and will have a bubbling surface.


  • Cooking time: 3 days.
  • Servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 549 kcal.
  • Purpose: for breakfast.
  • Kitchen: home.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

The recipe for potato sourdough is very simple, but has salient feature, which distinguishes it from other methods, how to make dough for bread without yeast. Such a base will not have a sour smell even on the first day, which makes it very attractive in the eyes of most housewives. The amount of flour cannot be indicated up to a gram, since it depends on the amount of broth received.


  • potatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • wheat flour - how much sourdough will take.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil peeled potatoes without adding salt, pepper and other seasonings. When they become soft, strain the liquid into a jar.
  2. Pour flour into it until the mass is similar in consistency to sour cream.
  3. Cover the jar with gauze, keep it at rest for 3 days. If after this period foam appears on top, you can start the dough.

The process of creating such a basis for home baking raises many questions even among experienced housewives, so professionals give several recommendations:

  • Cook in glass - do not use metal cups. Stir only with wooden spatulas.
  • If you decide to bake sourdough bread, let the dough rise for 4-5 hours, otherwise the rise will not be enough. Some professionals advise to increase this time to 8 hours, or add heating of baking sheets from below (you can put them on a pot of boiling water).
  • For wheat baking, it is advisable to start a whole grain-based sourdough, and then feed it with classic white flour. premium.
  • The strength that this mass acquires depends on its age, therefore, for baking, housewives mainly use half of the sourdough, and continue to grow the rest.
  • If you're afraid the bread won't rise as it does with yeast, reduce the amount of yeast gradually.
  • Storage is best done in the refrigerator (door) - so the mass will be “frozen”. Before starting work, she is allowed to warm up for several hours in order to start the activity again.
  • Need to grow bread base faster? Add a spoonful of sugar / honey - it will speed up the fermentation.
  • It is advisable to combine the components by eye, and not blindly following the recipe - you need to get a thick, but moving mass, in which there is no spoon.
  • To raise the starter in the room, it should be at least 22-23 degrees, otherwise you will have to wait 1.5-2 days until the first bubbles appear, and the total ripening period will increase.


Bread can be baked not only with yeast, because it is just one of many possible starter cultures. The traditional version is formed by fermenting flour diluted with water. Yeast-free sourdough for bread is formed from the vital activity of beneficial bacteria (acetic acid and lactic acid), which raise the dough in baking. The quality of flour products and their taste directly depend on its properties.

Sourdough for bread against factory yeast

The confrontation began with an increase in the number of people who prefer natural products. According to them, sourdough for bread better than yeast, since yeast violates the bacterial composition of the flour product. And this creates conditions for the development of mold and, most importantly, affects the health of the person who eats this pastry.

Sourdough for bread - how to cook it at home?

There are a lot of ways. You will need rye flour. And even if you want to bake wheat bread. From rye sourdough you can later make wheat. For the first serving, you will need about five days. But subsequently, the time spent on cooking bread will be much less. On the first day, stir one hundred grams of water with the same amount of flour. The consistency should be like thick sour cream. The water must be warm. Place this mixture in a large bowl - as it should increase a lot in size.

A day later, you need to do what is called “fermenting the sourdough” - first mix the mixture, and then add the same amount of flour and water. The smell of this substance at this stage is not very pleasant - it strongly gives off acid. But it normal. After another day, you need to repeat the same steps that were done on the second day. On the fourth, you need to feed the third and last time. And again put in a warm place. On the fifth day, the leaven can be considered ready. You can already bake bread on it.

Some nuances

The first batch may not come out very well, because the starter is new. You can add just a little bit of yeast to be sure. It is only very important to separate the starter into two parts - one for baking and one (the so-called "starter") - for storage. Yeast can only be added to the part that is intended for bread. The one to be kept must be clean. Nothing can be added to it - any amount of yeast, salt or something else will irreparably disrupt the bacterial culture. Sourdough for bread, after it is cooked, is stored in a cold place. Pieces are separated from it, which are used for sourdough. Traditionally, it was stored in the same container in which the dough was kneaded, but you can find any dishes for it at your discretion, which will be conveniently stored in the refrigerator.

Hop starter

Hop sourdough for bread is prepared in a similar way. It can also be made with rye and wheat flour. You will need a glass of dry hop cones. From it you need to make a decoction, and pour flour into this decoction. Then the cooking sequence is the same as in the manufacture of sourdough on flour.

Why did our Slavic ancestors attach great importance to bread? If you think - because it was the most easily obtained food product who saved from hunger, then you are mistaken. Bread was given special importance because it was very useful product, with a wonderful taste that everyone loved. It was REAL BREAD giving satiety, strength and health. It was so because our forefathers prepared it correctly. Only the right bread can really satisfy your hunger and give you health.

The REAL BREAD of the Slavs has always been sour. And that's what the sourdough made him do. What happens during fermentation, if our ancestors could not imagine bread without it?

Firstly, there are protective substances in cereals (a kind of preservatives), which allow the grain to be stored for a long time and greatly prevent its digestion. For example: phytic acid does not allow the body to absorb the necessary minerals and trace elements (such as calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc); other substances block the work of enzymes, which causes the body to additionally spend its internal resources; tannins, gluten and related proteins, and indigestible complex sugars can cause allergies, indigestion, and even mental disturbances. The properties of these substances do not weaken when grinding grain into flour. The action of protective substances is terminated only when the grain gets into conditions suitable for germination or during prolonged fermentation of the dough with the help of sourdough.

Secondly, during acidic fermentation, complex substances are broken down into simpler ones (which are easier to digest and assimilate by the body), and in addition, new ones are formed. nutrients necessary for the body.

For these two reasons, sourdough bread is very satisfying. In these reasons lies the benefits of sourdough bread.

There is another very important point: cooked bread should be well baked so that fermentation stops in it and the bread does not sour.

By the way, not only black (rye) can be sour, but also White bread, if only the flour for him was real - whole grain flour.

Whether our ancestors knew or not, the lactic acid bacteria found in sourdough neutralize the grain's internal defenses and make the grain's nutrients more accessible. But they always let the sourdough work on the dough (to maximize the benefits of the bread), and they got a refined bread that they appreciated.

What happened today? This knowledge exists, but civilized society ignores it, producing industrial unleavened bread.

But you yourself can bake the REAL BREAD - the bread of the ancestors - the bread that gives strength! Only such bread is worthy of you!

1. Cooking the sourdough

200 gr. water

200 gr flour

100 gr. bran

2 spoons of honey

5 gr. raisins

Mix everything thoroughly and put in a warm place until fermentation begins. As soon as fermentation begins, mix thoroughly and leave for 4 hours. Fermentation can begin on the first or second day ... It is better to keep the sourdough for 3 days ...

2. Prepare dough for dough

1000 gr. water

Salt to taste for the dough

Sugar or honey 2 tablespoons

100 gr. bran

200 gr. flour

200 gr. sourdough (leave the rest of the sourdough in the refrigerator for the next time)

You need to keep the dough for 8 hours ...

3. Cooking the dough

Sourdough bread is fairly easy to make at home. Don't be confused by the 5-day cooking time - that's exactly how long it takes to prepare the sourdough.


sourdough bread recipe

First, the sourdough is prepared for five days.

  • 1 day: Pour 50 grams of rye flour with warm water (100 milliliters). Mix everything well and hide in a warm place for a day. Your dough should look like this. If water is low, add more. The amount of water depends on the quality of the flour.
  • 2 day: Pour 50 grams of rye flour with warm water (100 milliliters). We repeat the procedure for harvesting the starter, just as on the first day.
  • 3, 4 days: We do the same actions as in the previous two days.
  • Day 5: we get a ready-made sourdough.

We put one hundred grams of sourdough in a jar and hide it in the refrigerator. You can store sourdough in the refrigerator for two weeks. If you are not going to make bread earlier than in two weeks, the sourdough must be dried. Take a baking paper and gently spread the sourdough on it. When it dries, pour it into a bag. Sourdough can be stored at room temperature for up to one year.

To make the perfect bread, make homemade sourdough! To revive the starter that is in the refrigerator, you need to take it out and leave it to warm for about an hour at room temperature. Then it is necessary to add one hundred grams of flour and one hundred milliliters of warm water to it. We leave the prepared dough in a warm place for 24 hours. The next day, for baking bread, we take only 200 g of sourdough, put everything else in the refrigerator.

Cooking process

  • Fill the sourdough with warm water. Add the sifted flour, seeds, salt and sugar. We knead the dough. At first it will be viscous, but the more you knead it, the better. First, knead in a bowl, and then sprinkle the table with flour and knead already on it. The dough needs to be kneaded for about half an hour. It takes a long time, but you will get the most delicious bread.
  • Lubricate the baking dish with fat or margarine. Sprinkle with flour. Put the dough into the mold. From above, stroke it with a wet hand and cover with a towel. Leave the dough in a warm place for three hours to rise.
  • We heat the oven to a temperature of 220 degrees. We place a container of water at the bottom of the oven so that the bread does not dry out during baking. We put the bread in the oven. We bake at a temperature of 220 degrees for ten minutes. Then, at a temperature of 200 degrees, bake for twenty minutes, and bake at 180 degrees until the bread is ready. Readiness is checked with a stick. Bread about two kilograms is baked for about an hour.
  • In order for the bread crust to be easily cut and not crumble, the finished bread must be wrapped with a damp towel and placed in a plastic bag for 5-10 minutes. After this time, we take out the bread from the bag. Wet towels are replaced with dry ones. And let the bread in it cool completely.

Easy cooking and bon appetit!

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