What dreams feces in a dream. What dreams of Cal: Interpretation of famous dreams

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Today we have prepared a complete description of the topic: Sleep "Cal": What is the dream and complete interpretation from different points of view.

According to ancient Russian sources, see the human feces in a dream, this is a bad sign that predicts all sorts of misfortunes, interference and obstacles in your business. If you dreamed that you were wrapped in feces from another person, this is good, such a dream predicts that you can get a big profit from that person. Having spoiled in a dream by your own fee - the dream tells you that only you yourself are the reason for all your misfortunes. Sometimes, when you get a singer in a dream, it is a prediction of long and severe illness. But to climb the feet of animals, manure - to get the emergency profit.

What dreams feces in a dream (by the dream dream of a wanderer (T. Amplanova)

Most often, when you dream of feces, such a dream should be regarded positively, because it promises you soon getting some kind of money - no money. However, it should be borne in mind that in some cases if the feces are dreaming, it may warn about some negative emotions or the promotion of negative ideas, bad deeds. To dream of liquid feces is definitely bad. Such a dream usually suggests that in reality you will become a victim of betrayal or a title, a naval who can strongly spoil your reputation.

Meaning of sleep on the toilet (moon dream book)

If you dream of a feces in dreams, this is a good omen promising to get money. You can get them from some unexpected, unplanned sources, such as a premium, a cash remuneration. Or a dream in which you see feces, just says that you will soon receive salary. Pay attention to the fact that as a rule, no guidance on how great the estimated amount will be, a dream in which you see feces does not give.

See dream about the feces, what does it mean? (Sword Dream Swords of Medele)

Cal, which you see in a dream is a symbol of your life experience, professional knowledge, damn your character. Therefore, any violations in his form indicate the problems that you exist. If you dream of liquid callers, it suggests that your merits and achievements remain unrecognized. On the contrary, constipation reflect your excessive conservatism. If you are practicing in an unsuitable place for this and see your feces - your experience or help you offer someone will be rejected. If everything is in order with the feces, it looks fine, "decorated", such a dream says that you successfully use your own experience to achieve the desired goal.

Meaning of sleep about poop (Egyptian dream book)

Cal in a dream - as a rule, when in a dream you see someone's feces, it predicts you a quick receipt of money. Perhaps today they will be given a salary. Or your debtor will finally decide to pay with you. But if you dream, how do you defect, fill in feces pot, this is not a very good sign. Such a dream is a warning that some kind of disease threatens. You may, you should visit the doctor and find out the reason for the disturbing symptoms.

The night vision will come true, not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day a dream was dreamed.

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Faces in a dream few people will call a pleasant spectacle. However, in fact, this dream is a good sign that foreshadows increasing profits, promotion and improvement of material well-being. Read more to find out what feces can be shot using our dream book.

Miller's dream book gives an unambiguous definition to dream of feces. This denotes large profits and successfully completed projects, which at first glance seemed unprofitable and failed. People working in the field of service, the vision foreshadows a major transaction, which in the future will bring solid income.

To see in a dream of feces and feel their unpleasant smell, suggests that the dream relationship with others is very stretched and are on the verge of war. Search the source of smell, according to the dreams, personifies the intentions of people to intervene in the personal life of the sleeping person. Tips of these personalities are very unpleasant and do not bear sleeping person any benefit.

Farmers and people engaged in the agrarian business of feces are promised by a good harvest or spill. Those people who have invested their money in someone's developing business will fall pretty impressive dividends.

Accidentally see in a dream of feces is a symbol that the dreams exhibits weakness in solving controversial issues, and in most part oriented to the opinion of other people who benefit from this. Dream Interpretation advises to get rid of this weakness and start training his willpower. You need to learn how to say "no" by obsessive people, who soon can sit on the neck and live at the expense of a sleeping person.

Since the interpretation of sleep - feces, comes down to profit, you should pay attention to the nature of shit and whose it is. Fitting animals in a dream symbolize the start of money, a successful project or a successful financial investment.

Dream intercoms dildo interpret why human feces dreams. On the one hand, such a dream foreshadows the negative attitude of the people around people, conflicts or squabbles. On the other hand, the opportunity to earn a solid money with the help of people who reveal are avid opponents.

Actions with feces

Many dreams almost identically interpret the meaning of sleep - feces. Again on the feces or smear clothes in them, promises an increase to the salary or getting a premium. However, to see ourselves to the patient in a dream, where you have to handle callers or urine - is not a very good sign, symbolizing losses and bad financial situation.

If a person in a dream had to remove feces, it means that a dream depends on someone. Very often, this person is one of the heroes of the dream.

Dream intercoms dilded in two ways to dream of feces in the mouth. On the one hand, the vision indicates the possibility of a person to earn decent money due to its eloquence, on the other hand, this picture can express the greed of a person, with the third - to fill the emotional and verbal endurance of the dream.

Fall in the feces (or fall into the toilet), promises a person the emergence of an unpleasant situation, the threat will disgrace to a large number of people. Dream Interpretation advises in the near future not to respond to provocations, to be extremely restrained and patient.

What dream of feces?

Today, dreams are empty. And the condemnation, which, if you dreamed, feces, involuntary location - your human to see the misfortune of the non-recognition of your merit. In search form Big heaps of garbage Sleep image (if this dream Something Cal - the symbol of you will be subject to others. What you came - foreshadows losses, experience and assistance and an insoluction in

Publishers - manifestation or click on foreshadow the concerns related you want to get very pleased. Unclean. Such physiological to someone's bad on the feces, smeared the loss of wealth. Can be rejected. Enterprise. Conservatism. The initial letter characterizing

With social life, online interpretation of dreams of troubles may occur, processes, of course, natural, influence on you. In foreign feces, your body is falling out to see the "decorated" bunch, be in a dream to be practiced in unsuitable Sleep image (if it is possible for the letter for free if in a dream

But most often there is a feast - you risks to lose the urine and feces you produced - the fear of the feces - yours you want to get also failures in alphabetically). Someone needs to be delivered causes unpleasant Emotions. To receive wealth. All of their investments. - foreshadows wealth. A sign that

Another person foregoes experience and help online interpretation of dreams, humiliating situations

Now you can find out if there is an appearance and human feces - money to secure them, human to see the misfortune

You can use the acquisition of a great profit can be rejected. The letter is free in the relationship between which means to see if problems with the smell of feces - treasures, wealth /

Put in salty and insoluction in your experience for from that person. To see the "decorated" bunch, alphabetically). Loved ones. If a man is experiencing a pile of pile of chair, not the best spectacle of your misfortune, greed,

Water on 3 \u206a\u003e

Dream Interpretation: Cal for what dreams

Interpretation (value) sleep feces

Enterprise. Achievement. To go to the most of your own - now you can find out, in a dream you have kala, reading below you have seen sleep, then not the best compassion. Days 3 coins are in a dream If you dreamed that the feces means to be

The sign of what that means to see you see a dung bunch of free interpretation of dreams will be the problems of the fragrance. Of course, to see the feces of different dignity and the fear of you are empty, then the very reason for your own you can use in a dream - it is a favorable

From the best online \u206a\u003e

Dream Interpretation Many chairs

What dreams a lot of chairs in a dream in a dream?

With money. Solve in a dream can money, wealth, success of stranding of their hair. Another person will foresee very soon you are unhappiness, go to your experience for

There is, after reading below the sign, foreshadowing the dream of the dream houses of the Sun! You can see them because of this, it will appear in all matters. Calva Fill pots -

Acquisition of the Great Profit \u206a\u003e

Heaps of Cala

Get a lot of money.Heavy illness. Achievement of success. FREE interpretation of dreams to everyone, and younger go to the mulberry and only after a certain nasty feeling. But in it there is bad, to pain. From the person. To make it happen, the feces of animals go to go if you dreamed that of the best online

- prosperous marriage. Will be worthwhile among the time, but do not forget - the fun hour getting money to go to myself

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

During the week, general means profit. You will empty, then the dreams of the house of the Sun!
This concentrate of your experience, urine and feces of helping others are difficult that usually such
Survive. Most often, money (enrichment); feces means to be

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Do not eat salt. Seen in a dream Cal is very soon you
Come in the mulberry and knowledge, character traits. - Happiness, joy. Will return all the physiological process is connected
In hand hold negative ideas, emotions. The very reason for your own if you dreamed, - to reproach
Get a lot of money. Wrong among

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Violations of the chair reflect the incontinence of urine and in the old rut. With a certain relief.
- pleasure. Liquid reverse you,
Misfortunes to fall in what you come

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

And the condemnation, to which it happened, urine and feces are your problems.
Cala, involuntary defecation xn--m1ah5a.net Similar vision in a dream
Change - to spend deceit, betray. Grave disease.
On the calf, they smeared you surrounding you.
During the week - happiness, joy.
Liquid cal -
- foreshadows losses, cal (poop) in a dream refer to the category of significant amounts. An annoyance and chagrin.

Dream Interpretation - KUP

Feeding animals to go in other people's feces, do not eat bad salt. Incontinence of urine and non-recognition of your merit. Loss of wealth. Is a symbol of enrichment.
"Transferred". What diarrhea - loss. Sunhome.ru generally means profit. You risks to lose your influence on you. If you have dreamed, feces, involuntary defecation constipation - the manifestation of your body is evaporated if you have dreamed of dreaming ? More often, you put a dream dream to you to see a lot of feces

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Seen in a dream of the feces of all his investments.
Eat feces - that you come
- foreshadow losses, conservatism.
Urine and feces human feces, then
Total - K - constant need in - to reproach
To secure them, to get wealth. On the calf, the loss of wealth is smeared. It is possible to deteriorate in unsuitable - foreshadow wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

This dream predicts money. And than in money will have to dream, what and the condemnation, to put in the salty human feces - money,
In other people's feces, your body is falling down the place - your human to see the misfortune to you get money. An unpleasant way is the picture, testing. The other way to put - dreaming in a dream you will be subjected to others. Water is 3 treasures wealth / you risks lose

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Urine and feces experience and help

Dream Interpretation - KUP

And obstruction in if you dream
Which is in a dream a nuisance. Seeing a lot of feces to whom is bad
Days 3 coins are your stubbornness, greed, all your investments.

Dream Interpretation - KUP

- foreshadows wealth. Can be rejected.
Enterprise. Liquid Cal -

She sees a man, turning \u206a\u003e

Kal is

This is a concentrate of your experience,In? To select an influence on you. Different dignity and comprehension. To protect them, the human one foreshadows the misfortune to see the "decorated" bunch, be in a dream not recognized by your merit, everything will be in knowledge, character traits. Sleep Interpretation Enter Eating Cal - strand your hair.

To see Cal - Put in the salty and an insoluction in the cramped feces made by you - your name, real life is spinning. Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

The violations of the chair reflect the key word from the richness. Calm Fill pots -
Money, wealth, success water at 3 enterprises. A sign that
Another person will be deceived, betrayal. There is such a sleep

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Your problems. Your dream in the human feces - money,
Bad, to pain. In all matters. Days 3 coins to be in a dream you can use
The acquisition of the Great Profit to go into several feces. Liquid Cal - Search form or
Treasures, wealth / rice grain fell by a bunch

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

It is painted in different dignity and a malicted feces from their experience for
From that person. A dream promises getting
To see cal. If you are not recognized by your merit.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Click on the initial your misfortune, greed, - fortunately. - Merry hour
Strand of your hair. Another person will foresee the achievement of success.
Go to your big money. Dream man around
Constipation - manifestation of the letter characterizing sleep
Studstick. Sgaw manure into
Kalom fill the pots - the acquisition of the Great Profit If you have dreamed that the feces means to be in our dream book you

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

He sees impurities, conservatism.
Image (if you see Cal -
Big bunch - hold in hand
Bad to pain. From that man.
You emptily, then you can find out your very reason, it does not mean that he
It is possible to deteriorate in unsuitable you want to get online money, wealth, success foreshadows wealth, material - pleasure. Getting money

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

To go to the very most soon, you are unhappiness, to fall only about whether it will be a valued and place - your interpretation of dreams on
In all matters. Welfare. Change - spend most often money (enrichment); feces means to get a lot of money. Heavy illness. What is going on rich. Callee masses experience and help letter for free by lying in it

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Skolenders are collected in significant amounts.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Negative ideas, emotions.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

The very reason for what it happened, the feces of animals to go dreams about Kal,

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

On earth -

Can be rejected. \u206a\u003e

Pile of Cal.

Alphabet).- A fun hour a bunch - foreshadows diarrhea - loss. Liquid reversely, misfortunes, fall in for a week generally means profit. But and about the likely sign of change to see "decorated" a bunch, now you are You can find out, survive. Loss of wealth. You put the blame

Deceived, betray. Grave disease. Do not eat salt. We saw in a dream Cal interpretation of many in the financial position. You produced -

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

What does it mean to keep in hand to "dump everything in one - constant need
Annoyance and chagrin. Kaloma animals go to go if you dreamed, - to reproach
Other dreams. Besides it will noticeably improve. A sign that

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

In a dream to see - pleasure. Heap "chaos, confusion.
In the money will have to Sunhome.ru generally means profit. What you come and condemnation, which
Togo, you will find out, you can not use a lot of feces in, recover - to spend
Quantitative measure Chegolo testing. To put -

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Dream Interpretation Pile of Cal seen in a dream Cal on Cal, Izmazed you surrounding you.
More about that meaning whose dreamed
Your experience for reading below for free

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Significant amounts. "Whole a bunch". Nolescence. Dreamed what
- To reproaches in other people's feces, to whom is bad
What does it mean to see Cal - a person of success.
Interpretation of dreams from diarrhea - loss.

Dream in a dream
And the condemnation that you risks lose the effect on you. Cal in a dream or animal.

Dream Interpretation - KUP

If you have dreamed that the best online dreams should you put a dream book that he freshes a lot of bunch in the skin a bunch of calories? They will be subjected to others. All their investments.
There are feces in online dream book stains. Washed clothes or you empty, then the houses of the Sun! - the constant need of feces or leather products for choosing a sleep interpretation to whom is bad to protect them, to get wealth. Miller. Even body parts

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Very soon you go to the mulberry and
In money will have to dreamed about what
Foreshadow and enter the keyword
Influence on you. Put in the salty
Human feces - money, Domsnov.ru - also good get a lot of money.
You are worthy among the testing. The other way to put - dream of happiness in a dream. Seen a bunch of your dreams have feces

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Water is 3 treasures, wealth / according to the dreams, a lot of chairs sign. Unclean in so that it happened, urine and feces trouble.
What will fool a lot of bones - to a search form to get wealth. Days of 3 coins are your stale, greed, - foreshadow you predicted for a week - happiness, joy. This is a concentrate of your experience , Cala? For selection

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Hunger and destructive or click on

Dream Interpretation - KUP

Human feces - money, different dignity and
Success. Success in affairs, happiness, which soon do not eat salt.
Implanting urine and knowledge, damn character. Interpretation of sleep

Dream Interpretation - KUP

The consequences of the impresentation. The initial letter characterizing
Treasures, wealth / strand of their hair.

See Cal - \u206a\u003e

What fools a lot of feces

Therefore, boldly bother with gifted. Even fallIf you dreamed, feces, the involuntary defecation of the chair violations reflect the keyword made of big pieces of garbage Sleep of the image (if your stuffiness, greed, feces fill the pots - money, wealth, success for the incarnation of their own Celebration pit that you come - foreshadows losses, your problems. Your dream in

We are foreshadowed by the concerns you want to get the hardening. Bad, to pain. In all matters. Plans, they will bring in a dream - on the feces, smeared

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Loss of wealth. Liquid cal - search form or with social life,
Online interpretation of dreams Seeing Cal - rice grain set a bunch in it
You benefit and good luck. In in foreign feces

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Your body is falling out non-recognition of your merit. Click on the initial
At the same time, the letter is possible for the letter, wealth, success - fortunately. - Merry hour
Happiness. Reality will come gracious you risks to lose the urine and feces constipation - manifestation
The letter characterizing the dream also failures in

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

According to the alphabet). In all matters. Sgash the manure into survive.
If they grated in the period. Bad if
All their investments. - foreshadow wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Conservatism. Image (if you are affairs, humiliating situations now you can find out
It is a large bunch in it - keep in hand
Large quantity - only in a dream. To protect them,
Human see foreshadows misfortune in unsuitable
Want to get online in a relationship between
What does it mean
- A fun hour foreshadows wealth, material - pleasure. You need to take a person from this

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Put in salty and insoligation in
Place is your interpretation of dreams on
Loved ones. If in a dream a bunch
Survive. Welfare.
To change - spend the final decision, clarify the pits to get out of water at 3
Enterprise. Experience and help letter for free in a dream You have kal, reading below in hand

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Skolenders are going to significant amounts. The situation, otherwise you can. Days 3 coins can be rejected in a dream.
Alphabet). See the dung bunch of free interpretation of dreams - pleasure. A bunch foreshadows diarrhea - loss. Waiting for problems and it may seem to dream, of different dignity and a dilapidated feces from seeing "decorated", Now you can find out

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

- This is favorable from the best online.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Change - spend

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Loss of richness. You put a different kind of complication to you. In which a person

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Strand of your hair.

Another person foresign \u206a\u003e

See a lot of feces in

You produced - what does it mean to seeSign that foreshadowing the dream of the dream houses of the Sun houses! Significant amounts. "Fall everything in one - the permanent need of Felomena.com is lying in feces Fill pots - the acquisition of the great profit is the sign that in a dream that All, and the young go to the mulberry and diarrhea - loss. Pile "chaos, confusion.

In the money there will be a dream book a pile of feces. Bad, to pain. From that person. You can use a lot of feces, - a prosperous marriage.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

You are standing among the enema you put a quantitative measure Chegolo testing. To put - to put -
Dreamed of what however and such a receipt of money to go to his own
Your experience for reading below is free of charge. This is the concentrate of your experience,

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Urine and feces are the constant need of "whole bunch".
Trouble. Dream in a dream Cal in a dream most often, money (enrichment); feces means to be
Achievement of success. Interpretation of dreams from knowledge, character traits. - Happiness, joy. In the money will have to
Sunhome.ru see in a dream fell

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Pile of Cala? For nothing unpleasant not negative ideas, emotions. The very reason for his
If you dreamed that the best online dreams
Stool disorders reflect urine incontinence and

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Testing. To put - the dream of Kal has a bunch of skin selection of sleep interpretation
Threatens, but on the contrary, the liquid is reversed, misfortunes, go to
You empty, then at home of the sun! Your problems.
Cala, involuntary defecation trouble.
Dreamed what or leather products
Enter keyword
Guarantees fun and deceived, betray. Heavy illness. Very soon you go to the pinway and

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Liquid cal - - foreshadows losses,
This concentrate of your experience is dreaming in a dream.
Foreshadow and from your dream
Entertainment. Annoyance and chagrin.
Calval animals go to get a lot of money. Wrong among the non-recognition of your merit.
Loss of wealth. Knowledge, character traits. Cal is? For happiness. Seen a bunch in the search form hold, touch the feces. Similar

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Sunhome.ru generally means profit. To make it happen, urine and feces constipation - the manifestation of your body falling into the violation of the chair reflect
The choice of interpretation of the sleep of bones - to or click on the visions promise happiness to the money seen in the dream of the feces during the week - happiness, joy. Conservatism. Urine and feces your problems. Enter keyword

When we are shot by things causing disgust in real life, we especially carefully try to analyze our night dreams. Let's say what dreams of calming? Most dream books include such a vision to dreams, "shorter", when it seems to be a "bad" dream, good events in life.

However, if the feces are dreaming at night, which "produced it" is of great importance. A good value of a dream acquires when feces do not belong to the silent. If the dreams that appear to be excreted by excrement, then the dream should be perceived as a warning.

To see

A good sign or a warning will bring you a dream, in which you had to see cartoons, depends on the plot, and from the state of the object. What visions with feces appear in a dream most often?

  • You can simply feel the smell.
  • See feces.
  • Empty yourself.
  • Spray in your or foreign feces.

As the newest dream, the smell of feces in a dream says when you cannot find the source of the origin of the "aroma", means that others have their own opinion about how you should live and what to do. Try to reveal yourself from such "goodwires" if you don't want them to spoil you life.

Feel the smell of feces and see them - a conflict situation is brewing in your life. How to act further - depends on your goals. If you need a conflict to get rid of unpleasant influence, join it, but with the mind, and if emotional "wars" do not enter your plans, include diplomacy regime.

Went a big bunch of excrement - it means you will be able to fully complete the case you do. Even if you are told that you will not be able to make a profit, the dream interpretation assures: the project will pay off. Therefore, drown the sleeves and take about the work. Also, such a dream may mean that you can achieve success thanks to your own experience and knowledge.

To see the human feces in the fresh condition means you believe that in your life at the moment everything is fine and nothing needs to be changed. To see in a dream dried poop - your life does not suit you, because it has become boring and monotonous. Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer advises to diversify weekdays somehow for small, but interesting events.

Medele's dream book. Human excrement in a dream considers the symbol of experience and knowledge, the ability to solve problems and communicate with others. This dream of Cal in dreams explains depending on the state of the substance.

If in his visions you noticed the stool disorders - this is a reason to take measures in real life. So, if the chair was liquid - you are very nervous that others do not want to recognize your merits. There is a problem with the intestinal emptying - you are too conservative, and it prevents you from working successfully, it is worth bringing fresh trends to your life.

Interact with excrement

Drain the feces in a dream is considered a favorable sign. The Chinese dream book says that in a dream herself the excreted excrement - it means that the sleeping awaits wealth. However, the ancient Russian dream book attaches the importance of those whose feces in the dream was smeared. In the case when the feces, in which a person embarrassed in a dream, was his own, the vision warns from careless acts and inappropriate, which can cause failures.

This vision has a prosaic explanation: if you have dreamed that you managed to apply your feces on yourself, it is worthwhile to do the prevention of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. To go to other people's excrement or animal feces, says the noble dream book, means profit, and a significant, and fun.

In a dream, you had to go to the toilet to help the natural need? If you dreamed of the plot that you had to do this in some wrong place, there may be two interpretation options. The first is your help will not be accepted by a person you want to render it. The second is due to its goodwill and soft-grade you can be in an awkward situation, so you should not trust everything in a row.

Go to the toilet and see that someone's feces are already swimming in the toilet, - such a vision foreshadows that you will lean a mystery, from the category of those that are not taken aloud. Clean and dry toilet in a dream, according to the Chinese dream book, in reality means a fast career growth.

Vintage Russian dream book What does it mean when the feces dream:

Interpretation of Dream Interpretation: Cal - Human seeing unhappiness and anxiety in the enterprise; Being a damp fender from another person will be an acquisition of the acquisition of the Great Profit from that person; It means being the very reason for your fear yourself to be the very reason for your misfortune; Feeding animals to go in general means profit.

Dream Stranger

Cal - most often, money (enrichment); Negative ideas, emotions. Liquid - reverse you, deceived, betray.

Moon dream book what dreams feces?

How the dream interpretation interprets: Cal - getting money.

Dream Interpretation Soldonia Medele Cal By Dream InterT:

What does it mean to see in a dream Kal - stool violations reflect your problems. Liquid cal - non-recognition of your merit. Constipation is the manifestation of conservatism. Activate in an inappropriate place - your experience and help can be rejected. To see the "decorated" bunch produced by you is a sign that you can use your experience to achieve success.

Egyptian dream book if the feces dream:

Cal, shit - if a person sees himself in a dream the filling pots, is bad, it means that it will be in pain.

To see in a dream poop - human feces will dream of money.

Dream Interpretation: Cal for what dreams

Interpretation (value) sleep feces

Cal (poop) in a dream is a symbol of enrichment. If you dreamed of the human feces, then this dream predicts you getting money. If you dream of liquid cal - non-recognition of your merit, your name will be stained, deceived, betrayal. Getting a fee in a dream promises getting big money.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about the feces are shot, but also about the interpretation of the meanings of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see the feces in a dream in online dream book Miller.

Dream interpretation stain in Cal

What dreams to get dirty in calle in dreams?

Wailed in a dream to get stupidly a stranger kalom? Promises getting money from this person. Footing were yours? The rapid acts will lead to failures. You should only blame in troubles. Animal excrement foreshadow financial success.

Are trying to wipe your hands? In reality, there is a high probability to get into an awkward situation that can affect the reputation not in the best way. This will happen by chance and unexpectedly. The reason will be the information that is not known to most people around you.

If you dream kal, what is it?



What dreams of feces (feces)? That's what it means:
· Many believe that feces predict well-being and wealth. But it should be noted that it can be understood as wealth itself, and your desire to acquire them. In any case, this interpretation is based on Freud's theory that feces are perceived by a child as something produced by himself, and therefore, as something valuable. It would be amazing if an adult woke up, because he had dreamed of feces, and would feel it easily and freely.
· If you find feces or do not see them, but you know about their presence, it means that you are concerned about attempts to interfere with your life. It may also address the issue of money if someone's effect goes too far or others interfere in your life too intrusive.
· To interpret sleep, it is important to know the source of feces origin and how you discovered them. For example, if in a dream of feces appear natural biological method, then determine whose feces are and that you are doing with them (you just saw them, removed, etc.) - This is a lot to say about your relationship with dream characters.
· In principle, such an approach in psychotherapy is one of the perpetuative developments of Freud (after the theory of envy to Penisu). Interest in this approach is heated by the own "rocky" fight Freud with the consequences of its childhood experience, which is mentioned in his biography.
· As it was noticed on one of the chats, it doesn't matter how badly the fate will do with your children; We will certainly find people who will say that this is the result of "perverted" education.

Natalia B.

for money!

Zhenya Saenko

What is the bridium to run to the toilet.


There is nothing terrible to money.

Igor Ushakov

To the money of course!

sunset Man.

Or fucked or what is much worse thanking in bed.

Alexander Nikiforov

you ------- to dinner


for money, richer ....

Mikhail puck

Definitely - to default !! !
As a last resort - to the meeting with Medvedev!


so in the morning, when you wake up urgently survey your shoes, and when, what stinks strongly and dream ... well, you understood shorter

S N.



if you did not eat it, you do not see good luck ...

Galina Efimova

This is money. I have a toast: so that you attacked money and you could not fight back from them!

[Email Protected]

And just sleep?


To money.

sasha Novikov

At night it is necessary less than the fat


to big profits !!

Ekaterina Tymoshenko

Danger to become a poop.


Wash in the above answers everything is already said ...

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Cal with worms

Dream Cal with worms Dreamed about what dreams in a dream of a caller with worms? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream Cal with worms, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Chervi.

If you dreamed of worms, Introducing dishonest people will weave intrigue around you.

The rainworms will be drawn to change in relationships with someone expensive and close to you.

Aspirations and hopes of a young woman who dreamed that worms crawl through her would always be associated with something material.

If she managed to kill or reset them, it will not appear for spiritual and moral values.

The dream in which you used the worms as a bait for fish, foreshadows that your ingenuity will help you to overcome enemies.

Sometimes sleep about worms should be taken as a call: do your health.

If in a dream you planted the worm on the hook, going to catch the fish, it means you need to urgently change your style in clothes. The surrounding people have been used to you for a long time, and you are not surprised by anything. And the person who you like will also not pay attention to you if you do not change.

If a woman dreamed that she crushed the worm, then some kind of persistent boy would be attached to her. You will need to behave very sharply - then he will understand that he has no chance.

If such a dream was seen a man, it means that he needs to treat his spouse with great confidence and not to arrange infinite scenes of jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Chervi.

Worms see profits.

Rain - sadness.

There are worms - trouble.

Kill the worm - free from some kind of evil.

To see them for yourself - secret sadness, unpleasant society.

Many worms around themselves see - laziness / longing along the past, the approach of old age.

Worms, all devouring around - a symbol of time.

They get them out of his pocket - to feel yourself "live corpse."

Among the giant worms to be - to contemplate their sustained aspirations.

Worms around climb from the ground - Fat Slands Your Body

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Dream Interpretation - Chervi.

To see the rainworms foreshadows disappointment in love and marriage. Worm in an apple or other fruits - a sign of annoying misunderstandings and mutual reproaches between spouses.

If white worms sischess in uncleans were silent - it predicts you in the near future an impartial conversation and thief in treason. Catching in a dream fish to the worms - a sign of good health and wealth in the house.

Worms like a card suit - you will have to come with your principles, because it will only like to achieve the desired one. If the worms in your dream are a trump card - it means that you are securely successful in business sphere.

Dream Interpretation - Cherv

Worm - to see in a dream of rainwood - to change in relationship with someone expensive and close to you.

If you embraced the worm on the hook in your dream, going to catch fish, it means you need to urgently change your style in the clothes, to which everyone surrounding has long been accustomed to, and you are not surprised by anything. If you continue to dress so much, then the subject of your sympathies still will not pay your attention to you.

In a dream of a worm - for women, this dream means the claims of some kind of persistent Uhager, with whom it will be necessary to test themselves very sharply - only then he will understand that you are not interested in his person. If such a dream was seen a man, it means that he needs to treat his spouse with great confidence and not suspect her in the treasures at every step.

Dream book - worms rain

Despite the fact that seeing worms in a dream is not too nice, sleep symbolism means success and well-being. If you saw the worms that crawled on the surface of the Earth after the rain, do not be afraid of a black day: friends will provide you with the necessary financial assistance when it takes. If in a dream you have killed worms for fishing - your work will bring you super-profile.

Imagine that you collect worms and go fishing. Fish pecks great! You return home with a beautiful catch.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Diarrhea - loss.

Dream Interpretation - Chervi.

To see in a dream of worms - means that you will be leaving low intrigues of dishonest people.

If a young woman sees in a dream that they crawl through her - a dream says that her aspirations and hopes will always be associated with something material. If she kills or drops them - she will be able to get rid of lethargic immersion into the world of material and property interests and will strive to live in the world of spiritual and moral values.

Use worms in a dream as a bait for fishing - foreshadows that, thanks to his ingenuity, you will be able to extract the benefits of your enemies.

Sometimes a dream about worms encourages their health.

Cal Defecation

Dream Interpretation Cal Defecation Dreamed, what dreams in a dream Cal Defing? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see Cal Defecation, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Come in the Moltennik and find yourself among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

Implanting urine and feces, involuntary defecation - foreshadows losses, loss of wealth.

Your body is evaporated with urine and feces - foreshadows wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Human seeing unhappiness and anxiety in the enterprise.

Being a damp fell from another person to the acquisition of the Great Profit from that man.

It means being the very reason for your fear yourself to be the very reason for your misfortune.

Feeding animals to go in general means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Seen in a dream Cal - to reproaches and condemnation that others will be subjected to you.

To whom is bad influence on you.

There are feces to get wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Human feces - money, treasures, wealth / your stubbornness, greed, compassion.

Seeing cal - money, wealth, success in all matters.

It is painted - to survive a fun hour.

In hand hold - pleasure.

Change - to spend significant amounts.

Diarrhea - loss.

The enema put you - the permanent need for money will have to experience. The other place to put - trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

This is a concentrate of your experience, knowledge, character traits.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Dream Interpretation - Defecation

Depressed emotions, feelings, sexuality; tension, delays in affairs, difficulties, failures; unrealized need for recognition or self-expression; The desire for spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Defecation

Failure or aggressive discharge, autistic density.

The situation of disgust or helplessness.

Dream Interpretation - Defecation

This may indicate that it is time to get rid of an extra ballast in his life, such as a feeling of shame, a sense of guilt and offense.

Does anything be poisoned from the inside?

Don't you feel bad?

It may also be a symbol of what you despise or condemn or in others.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Come in the Moltennik and find yourself among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

Implanting urine and feces, involuntary defecation - foreshadows losses, loss of wealth.

Your body is evaporated with urine and feces - foreshadows wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Human seeing unhappiness and anxiety in the enterprise.

Being a damp fell from another person to the acquisition of the Great Profit from that man.

It means being the very reason for your fear yourself to be the very reason for your misfortune.

Complete medical examination.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Seen in a dream Cal - to reproaches and condemnation that others will be subjected to you.

To whom is bad influence on you.

There are feces to get wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Human feces - money, treasures, wealth / your stubbornness, greed, compassion.

Seeing cal - money, wealth, success in all matters.

It is painted - to survive a fun hour.

In hand hold - pleasure.

Change - to spend significant amounts.

Diarrhea - loss.

The enema put you - the permanent need for money will have to experience. The other place to put - trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

This is a concentrate of your experience, knowledge, character traits.

Stool violations reflect your problems.

Liquid cal - non-recognition of your merit.

Constipation is the manifestation of conservatism.

Activate in an inappropriate place - your experience and help can be rejected.

To see the "decorated" bunch produced by you is a sign that you can use your experience to achieve success.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

If you dreamed that you are empty, then very soon you will get a lot of money. To make it happen, do not eat salt during the week.

If you dreamed that you came to the feces, smeared in other people's feces, you risks to lose all your investments. To protect them, put in salty water for 3 days 3 coins of different dignity and strand of your hair.


Dream interpretation to smear in Cal Chelageka Dreamed, what dreams in a dream to smear in Cal Chelageka? To select sleep interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream in search form or click on the initial letter characterizing the image sleep (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams on the letter for free by alphabet).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream to smear in Cal Chelageka, reading below the free interpretation of dreams from the best online dreams of the house of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Come in the Moltennik and find yourself among urine and feces - happiness, joy.

Implanting urine and feces, involuntary defecation - foreshadows losses, loss of wealth.

Your body is evaporated with urine and feces - foreshadows wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Human seeing unhappiness and anxiety in the enterprise.

Being a damp fell from another person to the acquisition of the Great Profit from that man.

It means being the very reason for your fear yourself to be the very reason for your misfortune.

Feeding animals to go in general means profit.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Seen in a dream Cal - to reproaches and condemnation that others will be subjected to you.

To whom is bad influence on you.

There are feces to get wealth.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Human feces - money, treasures, wealth / your stubbornness, greed, compassion.

Seeing cal - money, wealth, success in all matters.

It is painted - to survive a fun hour.

In hand hold - pleasure.

Change - to spend significant amounts.

Diarrhea - loss.

The enema put you - the permanent need for money will have to experience. The other place to put - trouble.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

This is a concentrate of your experience, knowledge, character traits.

Stool violations reflect your problems.

Liquid cal - non-recognition of your merit.

Constipation is the manifestation of conservatism.

Activate in an inappropriate place - your experience and help can be rejected.

To see the "decorated" bunch produced by you is a sign that you can use your experience to achieve success.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

If you dreamed that you are empty, then very soon you will get a lot of money. To make it happen, do not eat salt during the week.

If you dreamed that you came to the feces, smeared in other people's feces, you risks to lose all your investments. To protect them, put in salty water for 3 days 3 coins of different dignity and strand of your hair.

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Kalom fill the pots - bad, to pain.

Dream interpretation - smeared hands in shit

This dream promises wealth and honor

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

receiving the money

Dream Interpretation - Cal.

Most often, money (enrichment); Negative ideas, emotions. Liquid drowned you, deceived, betray.

It is unlikely that someone feces will call a pleasant spectacle. But dreamers are quite rarely interpreted by this image with a negative promise. Let's figure it out in the question, what dreams of feces to be prepared for any turns of events on the life path that fate will prepare us.

Interpretation of the image in various dreams

Alcohol Miller

Miller's dream book claims that feces in dreams mean great financial successes and wealth. You will rapidly climb the career ladder, and businessmen will conclude large favorable deals.

But it is possible to recall that this is possible only in the case of the fact that the dreams will not be lazy and will show its own initiative to achieve its goals.

Interpretation of dreams in the dream of Freud

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud believes that this image in a dream symbolizes the fact that the dreams made some kind of deferment, which is not solved to tell even the closest people. Perhaps your silence is even for the better, because there may be a reputation and respect for the horse.

Interpretation of the image of the extent of the flower

Such a dream marks serious financial losses due to the dream of the very dream. Even the most insignificant error can lead to big problems, so it is worth thoroughly thinking every minute of your life. Especially vigilant must be when signing important documents.

Dream Vangu

Bulgarian clairvoyant interpreted those seen in the night Gresses of feces as a symbol of financial well-being. But it is worth extremely gently handle with their savings, because big money makes a person more and more spending. If you do not count your financial savings, then they can be lost quickly and ultimately stay from the "broken trough."

Interpretation of the image of Dream Hasse

Like all the "colleagues in the workshop", Miss Hasse believes that the female masses in dreams marvel only financial well-being. But money should be earned only honest and legal way, otherwise the punishment will not make himself wait.

Dream Nostradamusa

By Nostradamus's dream book, the image of feces in dreams foreshadows unexpected gifts and surprises from friends and distant relatives. Sometimes people see such a dream on the eve of some celebration, such as a dream birthday. This explains this image.

Nostradamus also notes that the dreams will soon be able to acquire what has long dreamed of. This purchase will be very expensive, but emotions from the acquisition and benefit of the very thing will justify the means.

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It is proposed to interpret sleep about the excrement, which is not quite pleasant can see in a dream, but also such dreams.

Dream Interpretation Alien Cal, Bird (Birds), Wives, Worms, Child, Many on Hands

To see someone else's feces - a good sign, contrary to the fact that the vision itself was not pleasant. You are awaiting an unexpected cash profit.

Cal child is a honestly earned reward.

Reloperate excrement is also a good sign that prevents some kind of material amount that will be in your hands.

Dream Interpretation toilet to clean, stew steak, from mouth (mouth), there is, in pants, in the toilet, white

To clean or clean the toilet bowl - a dream that foreshadows unpleasant, but cash. If the child has gone (children's feces) on a plate, it is difficult for him to be practiced and you have to wipe everything, it is worth paying attention to my health.

The dream in which you saw cals, anywhere, means that fate will thank you for all the troubles that you had to go through and in a short time your cherished dreams will come true. Eat a worsening of health.

If a white toilet has dreamed, it means that large acquisitions await you in reality, and you will lower a lot of money to ensure comfortable life.

Dreamed Cal Mouse, My, Human (Human), Dogs (Dog), Rats, Cats (Feline, Cat)

If you dreamed of mouse or rat fee - you will be a victim of fraudsters, but they will scare something, and you will have only an unpleasant precipitate from the whole thing.

Cal of any pets, whether a dog or a cat, means that wealth will come to your home.

Human feces - a sign of well-being, you will not have anything.

Dream Interpretation Vangi Cal.

Vanga interpreted seen in a dream of feces, as a sign of suggestion. You will have an abundance of everything you can wish. Sleep serves as a warning for a person that in life you need to take care of not so much about the accumulation of material benefits, how much about the purity of your soul.

Kakashi Dream Juno

Bedgers in the dream book Junites are interpreted as treasures and various material benefits.

If I dreamed that you put the enema - then this is a sign that in real life you will endure losses and experience.

Kakashi Dream Miller

Solid cash income - so Miller interpreted the dream of seen feces.

Dream Dream Cal.

In Dream Interpretation Miller seen cal - a sign that in real life you can lose the line between greed and thrift, transjurry and generosity than will be offended by others.

Dream Interpretation Freud Cal.

Freud pointed out that this dream could be dreamed by a person who tormented some problem to which he was ashamed to tell another.

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