Analysis of the poem "Bereza" Yesenin S.A. Analysis of the poem of Yesenin Berez (White Birch)

Landscape design and layout 01.10.2019
Landscape design and layout
Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin is the poetic pride of the Russian people. His creativity is a living spring, who is able to inspire, makes proud and desire to glorify his homeland.

Back in childhood, in the Ryazan province, running around the fields, riding a horse, swimming in Oka, the future poet realized how beautiful the Russian land is. He loved his land, his country and chased her in his works brightly, colorfully, applying various expressive means.

Special relationships were formed by the author with birch. This character, Shergei Alexandrovich, is repeatedly shown in various works, at different times of the year, with a different mood and lyrical hero, and the tree itself. Yesenin literally breathed the soul, and as if he had observed birch, making it a symbol of Russian nature. Yesenin Berezka is a symbol of femininity, grace, playfulness.

History of creating a poem "Birch"

The beautiful and lyrical poems of "Bereza" refers to the poetry of the early period of creativity, when a very young Ryazan guy who barely fulfilled nineteen years old, just started to enter the world of literature. He worked at that time under the pseudonym, so no one had guess for a long time that this delightful work belongs to Sergey Alexandrovich.

Easy to images, but a very impressive poem "Bereza" was written by the poet in 1913, then he was eighteen years old and it belongs to the very first works. It was created at the moment when the young man had already left his native and close to the heart of the corner, but his thoughts and memories were constantly returned to their native places.

The first time "Bereza" was published in the popular Literary magazine "Miroka". It happened on the eve of revolutionary coups in the country, in 1914. At that time, while anyone else is not a well-known poet, ariston was created under the pseudonym. While it was the first enesennic poems, which will subsequently become a reference to the description of Russian nature in poetry.


White birch
Under my window
Snapped with snow
Precisely silver.
On fluffy branches
Snezhoy Kaima
Brushes bloom
White fringe.
And worth Bereza
In sleepy silence,
And burn snowflakes
In gold fire.
And dawn, lazily
Coming around
Sprinkle branches
New silver.

Power of poem

Yesenin poem "Birch" is a sample of skillful and skillful verbal drawing. Birch tree itself has always been a symbol of Russia. This is Russian value, it is a folk highlight, this is a connection with the past and the future. It can be said that the work of "Birch" is a lyrical anthem of the beauty and wealth of the whole land of Russian.

The main topics that are described by Yesenin can be attributed as follows:

The theme of admission.
Clean and femininity of this Russian tree.

Birch in the poem is similar to Russian beauty: she is the same proud and elegant. All its magnificence can be seen in a frosty day. After all, around this adorable tree, the scenic picture of the Russian nature, which in frosty days is especially good.

For Sergey Birch is a symbol of revival. Researchers of the Yeseninsky creativity claimed that he took their talent and force to write their new poetic masterpieces in the memories of his childhood. Birch in Russian poetry has always been a symbol of joyful life, she helped a person not only to comfort in difficult and sad days for him, but also allowed to live in harmony with nature. Of course, a brilliant Russian poet knew oral folk creativity and remembered the folklore parables that when it became difficult, difficult or gadko in the soul, then we should simply approach birch. And this is a beautiful and gentle tree, having listened to all the experiences of a person, alleviate his suffering. Only after the conversation with the birch, in strange legends, the man in the soul is becoming warm and easy.

Artistic and expressive

Having admoved by the native nature to express all his love and admiration for Yesenin uses various artistic and expressive agents:

★ Epitts: Golden Fire, White Birch, Blind, Silence, Silence.
★ Metaphors: Birch in the snow was baptized, Kime was blossomed with tassels, snowflakes in the fire are burning, goes out of lazily, the branches sprinkle.
★ comparisons: the snow covered Birch "precisely silver".
★ Emphadeing: "Dental" is a verb that has a return suffix - smiling.

Such use of artistic and expressive means allows to emphasize the beautiful image of birch, its significance for the entire Russian people. The culmination of the entire work is already achieved in the third stubborn, where each phrase contains some expressive agent. But the critics of the creativity of Yesenin pay attention to the second line of this poem, where the space of the poet itself is indicated and limited. That is why the image of birch is so close, understandable and native.

This poem entered the very first cycle of Yeseninsky lyrics, which is written specifically for children and is euchetious. This poem calls and teaches children to love and admire their native nature, notice its slightest changes and be the most part of this big and beautiful world. Love for the native land is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthis Esenin work, which is deep in content, and in the volume small. The division into stanzas in this work violates the usual traditional construction of poetic texts, but for its deep content, the reader does not even notice this. Parallel rhythm makes it easily readable.

The stylistics and syntax of the poetic enesenin creation is simple, which makes it easy to understand its content to any reader. It has no heap of consonant or vowels, there are no phonetic features that would make it difficult to understand this poem. This makes it possible to achieve that even young children are clear the plot of this poem. The poet uses two-dimensional size for his text. So, all the text is written by Kharat, which makes it simple to memorize.

Analysis of the poem

It is known that it is with an excellent tree of birch of Yesenin, pleasant, warm children's memories are connected. Even in early childhood, the little Ryazan Male Sergei loved to watch the tree is transformed under all weather conditions. He saw this tree beautiful with green leaves who have fun played in the wind. Watched as it was taken out, dropping the autumn outfit, exposing his snow-white trunk. Watched as Birch trembled on the autumn wind, and the last leaflets sat down on the ground. And with the arrival of winter, cute heart birch, dressed wonderful silver outfit. It is precisely because Bereza is for the Ryazan poet with his own and beloved, a particle of his region and the soul, he devotes her his poetic creation.

Let us dwell more and more detailed on the image of birch, which is created by Evanean with such tenderness and love. In the description of this tree, the sadness and sadness of Sergey Alexandrovich himself are traced. After all, now he is cut off his native corner, and his beautiful children's time will not return again. But in the easiest and simple plot of Birch, the skill of the future great poet, whose name will remain forever in the memory of the people. With a pleasant and special grace, the poetic master describes the outfit of Russian beauty. Winter dress birch, according to the poet, Walks out of snow. But even the snow from Sergey Alexandrovich is unusual! It is fluffy, and silver, and overflowing, and multicolored. The poet repeatedly emphasizes that he burns and overflows in a special way, as if all the colors of the rainbow are collected in it, which are now reflected in the morning dawn.

It describes in detail the poetic and picturesque master of the word and branches of the tree, which he supposedly resemble the brushes of fringe, but only it is snowy, sparkling and adorable. All the words that the poet picks up for the description is exquisied, and at the same time simple and understandable to everyone.

In a simple poem, Sergey Yesenin joined several poetic images at once: Motherland, Mother, Girls. He as if he dressed his birch in female exclusive clothes and now rejoices her coquets. It seems that the poet himself stands at the opening in itself something new and mysterious, they are still unknown and therefore his love for a woman is associated with an excellent birch. Researchers of the Yeseninsky creativity suggest that it is at this time that the poet falls in love with the first time.

Therefore, such a simple and apparent such naive, at first glance, the poem "White Birch" causes a huge range of various feelings: from admiration to melancholic sadness. It is clear that each reader of this poem draws its image of birch, to which then and addresses the beautiful strings of the Yesenin work. Bereza is a farewell message towards native places, to the parental house, by childhood, which was so joyful and carefree.

This poem Yesenin opened a way to the world of poetry and literature. The path, short, but so bright and talented.

So light, simple and at the same time the infinite beauty of Russian nature lives in the excitement images of the landscape lyrics of Yesenin. About my family, about something close to the heart, about the house, the house seems to us a small but deep poem "Bereza".

Sergey Yesenin early left Konstantinovo village - a place where he was born and grew. He went to Moscow. Just in the capital in 1913, this work appeared, inspired by a thick, volatile longing along the dear soul of the edge.

At that time, there was a very young chillery Yesenin, immersed in a stormy stream of Moscow life, he had a soul to a nice house, an old and protested. The image of Berza is a collective, in it a cute heart of the comfort, the expanse of peasant villages and the recovery of children's years.

Genre, direction and size

Bereza is an excellent example of landscape lyrics. Here are harmoniously intertwined the themes of the Motherland and Nature, the unity of man with her.

It is written a poem by three-star choree and consists of four stanz. Due to the incomplete cross-rhythm, the work sounds smoothly and melodiously.


The poem is interesting in its compositional structure: on the one hand, images are built linearly, our attention is switched first on some parts, then to others. However, it can also be noted that in the primary quatraisy it is said that Birch is shrouded in snow, "precisely silver", and in the final line there is such a link: "And the dawn, lazy, by chapping, sprinkles the branches with new silver."

Thus, we have an annular composition. Thus, a multifaceted landscape is born in consciousness, but the thought remains in one situational point.

Images and symbols

  1. Birch, Like a single tree personifies Russia. In it and captive simplicity, and the Russian infinite soul, and the expanse of peace. It is with this tree that the poet connects his native village, the place where the immense simple great country begins.
  2. Picture in poem - deep Winter. The lyrical hero seems to look into the window and describes what he seeks his attention is "Birch". What is lighted in it? This is an invaluable mother's love, this is the joy and mountain of the peasant people, this is a native land with free spaces. It also takes the fact that the stereotypical image of a merciless and angry winter here comes in a completely different look: she did not thwart the tree, and the opposite looked it in a silver outfit.
  3. The author also emphasizes that Birosis is "white", and this color symbolizes clean and innocence, revival and Youth. In this lyrical product, nature comes to life, acquires its features and character. Birch is like a beautiful, young girl stands in a fluffy fur coat and glances. Not only the lyrical hero is visible to it, but even nature itself admires its creation and adds all new and new strokes into the image of Birch, we can understand the latest stanza.

Topics and mood

For Yesenin, the main topic of the Motherland is always one with an equally important topic of nature, and this poem is not an exception. The rural situation in which the poet was deemed, first of all, in his unique, exclusively Russian beauty of the world around.

The poem is very cozy, it transfers the reader in the expensive arms of the parent home. Colors that in the poem create a unique contrast: white birch, but snowflakes burn on it in her gold fire. In addition, we hear a light melody of cardiac longing: a tree is surrounded by Sleepy Silence, and only the dawn "lazy" bypasses it. Yesenin, undoubtedly, missed his village, but he recalled him about him, as a bright place, it was such emotions and feelings to transmit this work.


Life begins with love for mother and father, to the native side, to the whole country and her people, without this person cannot be happy - this is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work. Everyone should have even tiny corner in this raging and a huge world where it can be born, where it can hide from pain, suffering absorbing the mouth of rough reality. Everyone should have their own white birch, in which the heart can always find a reflection and consolation even in distant strangers, among other people, among the inspired loneliness.

And let life boils and bewildered, throwing out of the side to side, but never forget about your home - the region, where they love, are waiting. This important point was striving to transfer the author to the reader.

Tools of artistic expressiveness

The poem "Birza" is small in volume, however, it is replete with the artistic and expressive means of the language. Of course, an immacitation is present here: Birch "got down" and dawn, "Coming around, sprinkles." Live and bright images are created at the expense of epithets: "Fluffy" branches, "sleepy" silence, "golden" fire. In addition, the poet uses metaphors, for example: "On fluffy branches / Snezhoy Kima / blossomed brushes / white fringe." To describe snow, the author chose a comparison "precisely silver". Row melodiousness is achieved largely due to the Assonance, it focuses on the vowels "E", "O", "and".

The magnificent and burning poem beerates the hearts of people to this day, giving birth to the most tender, to pain familiar experiences. Yesenin at such a young age was able to invest deep and serious feelings in his lines, moved them into beautiful images of Russian nature.

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  • acquaintance with the work of S.A. Jeshenina and its poetry, visual means in the poet lyrics;
  • improving the ability to analyze the poem;
  • educating the vision of the beautiful, love of nature, poetry, to promote the moral and aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

Equipment:portrait of S.A. Jeshenina, exhibition of books, paintings of the nature of artists; Spellings with the words of the poet.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Hello guys. Sit down. We start a lesson.

II. Message themes and objectives of the lesson.

Reading epigraphs to the lesson.

What pure and what Russian poet. M.Gorky

The feeling of the Motherland is the main in my work. There is no poet without a homeland. Russia! What a good word. And "dew", and "power", and "something" something ": S.A. Jenin

But then
When in the entire planet
Communion of tribes
Lie and sadness will disappear,
I will sing
All the creature in the poet
Sixth part of the Earth
With a brief "Rus".
S.A. Jenin

III. Studying a new material.

1. The word of the teacher.

Two dates: October 3, 1895 - December 28, 1925. The first is the date of birth, the second is the date of death of the poet.

30 lived in the poet on this earth: a lot is it or not enough? In the Transcaucasia, where the poet had been told in the old days: "Thirty years old should learn, thirty years should travel and thirty years old - to write, tell people everything he saw, learned, understood."

Yesenin was released three times less. His fate - confirmation of another old saying: "Life is not valued for the length."

"After all, I could not give something that I gave," the poet admitted shortly before the death. But what he gave is the whole world. He lives, moves, overflows with all the colors of the rainbow. This is a sophisticated song about great and eternal - about love for homeland.

2. Acquaintance with the biography of the poet: Posts of students.

Sergey Aleksandrovich Yesenin was born on October 3, 1895 in the village of Konstantinovo Ryazan province, in the peasant family.

"There was nothing remarkable in our Konstantinov. It was a quiet, pure, drowning in the gardens of the village: Razdolny, beautiful our fuel meadows. Around such a wide. Away, in the haze. The forests are blurred, the air is clean and transparent.

Poet's childhood has passed the mother's parents. Among the boys were always a coward and a big dracan and always went in scratches. These memories found a poetic reflection in his work.

Thin and low
The term of the boys is always a hero,
Often, often with a broken nose
I came to my house.

Golden verbal pile,
And over each row without end
Reflects the former delets
Zavtza and Torch.

Since childhood, the poet surrounded his native nature, with her first words he absorbed a people's poetic look at the world - Mother's songs, grandmother's fairy tales, wise gods

Like all peasant children, he knew the hard peasant life. All this has become the source of his work: the life of the people, nature, folk creativity.

From the Poet's autobiography: "Poems I began to write early, ten years old, but I relate to the 16-17 years."

Motherland, Russia was for Sergey Yesenin began all all. Even her name he uttered with admiration: "Russia: what a good word: and" dew ", and" power ", and" something else: "

About Pashnya, Pashnya, Pashnya
Kolomna sadness
On the heart of the day yesterday,
And in the heart shines Rus.

3. Acquaintance with the poetic world of the poet.

The nature of Russia, the poet always perceived the sensitive heart of the Russian man, cleared it:

"Sleeping a cushion in a white cape:"

"Like a white golf tied pine:"

"The grove was dissolved golden birch cheerful tongue:"

(It sounds a romance to the poems of S.Senin "who dissuade the grove of Golden").

Russian nature, as it were, shares joy and grief with a poet, walked, hesitates hope, cries over his unfulfilled dreams.

The expression of feelings through the phenomena of nature is one of the most characteristic features of the Yesenin lyrics.

Many images of his poems were born from mysteries or created by type of mysteries, that is, the basis of the image is the hidden comparison, as in the riddle:

a) Gold frog moon mounted on blue water:

Gray Cabbbles Wave
Horn Moon dropped oil pour:

Twenty stars month:
"Oh you, Yellow lamb,
You are not a heavenly grass
Stop beating with clouds: "

4. Features of Poetry S.Senin.

In Poetry, S.Senin can be noted 3 main colors: scarlet, blue, golden. Blue and blue - aspiration symbol to the sky, i.e. to something unattainable; scarlet - the color of love, burning; Golden - original color.

IV. Analysis of the poem "White Birch".

Expressive reading by the teacher's poem.

Analysis of the poem.

A) What feelings did you have after listening to the poem?

(Beauty birch, enthusiasm it, love for nature :)

B) And why did you decide that about beauty?

C) With the help of which the poet shows the beauty of birch?

(with the help of artistic means)

D) Find keywords with which the author describes the tree.

- "White Birch" - epithet;

Yes, one of the keywords of the poem is the definition of "white".

What does "white" mean?

(Clean, this is a feeling of joy, light :)

White color in the old days was identified with the Divine, he meant involvement in God: white angel, white rises, white saints clothes. The image of a white birch causes a feeling of joy, shining light, purity, the beginning of a new life.

Docted - personification;

What does the feeling arise?

(animation :)

The word "barely" creates a feeling of an image of an image of a birch, which appears alive, spiritualized, in many ways like a woman. In one of her movement, the desire to be beautiful is guessed. And the desire to be stained, to save what is lurking inside. And an attempt to preserve the charm that emits it - an easy, elegant, blinding white.

Fluffy branches - epithet

Snezhnoe border - epithet

White fringe - epithet

What do they point and what are they expressing?

Only angry view of the poet painter was able to convey this hidden movement of life.

Precisely silver - comparison

What is the point of it carries?

This comparison receives several values: unusual beauty, precious apparel.

Under my window

What does this phrase indicate?

Personal involvement of what is happening the poet is felt in the line "Under My Window". He is not just admired by an unusually beautiful picture of nature, but also, looking at the wonder who has opened a look, makes unexpected discoveries.

Increases - personification

What is it shown? What is its value in stubborn and in the whole poem?

In the last stanza, the main role is assigned to the dawn. A special role of dawn is emphasized by the Union butwhich highlights it and includes in the overall movement of life. It combines power, magty. She cares about birch as a mother who blesses her daughter.

V. Conclusions, the results of the lesson.

What kind of birch poet showed us?

(Birch appears the most beautiful and expensive tree. She seems to be in the center of the world.)

Bereza is the most favorite tree of the Russian people and "one of the twisted trees from the Slavs." She dedicated to many folk songs, hopes for healing from diseases were contacted.

What value are artistic means in this text?

What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem?

Vi. Creative work.

Describe the birch on the pictures you presented.

VII. Homework.Analysis of the poem "Topi and swamp:"

Analysis of the poem of Yesenin "Bereza"

Analysis of the poems of Esenin will begin with the characteristics of the poet as a person, a hotly loving native land, the nature of his region, every grass, every village, growing near the native home. "White Birch Under My Window" causes admiration at the poet, and he devotes her a whole poem, as a beloved woman. He admires winter birch. It would seem what charm can be in winter: naked trees, cold, emptiness. And Yesenin says that the tree fell "snow, precisely silver." He sees her with no frozen tree, but a beauty with fluffy branches, on which the snowy "brushes hang" is hanging. What fascinating picture arises before the eyes of the reader! This poem is extremely lyrically. It is filled with epithets: the fire at the Golden poet, and silence is sleepy; and metaphors: "Snowflakes burn", "Zarya, Lazily Coming", etc. This work chants not only a Russian birch, but also a long cold winter, when the snow "creates a branch ... silver." Thank you to Yesenin, what and we helps to see the magic and beauty in it.

Analysis of the poem of Yesenin about winter "Sings Winter - Aukets"

Such a simple, so familiar from childhood The poem of Yesenin about winter "sings winter - Aukaet" ... as if it was a grandmother, playing in winter with a grandson, says to him Russian fun: "Winter Aukets - ... Baubets", or a Russian fairy tale about lobby , gentle floating in winter. It seems that the people himself wrote this poem, so Yesenin is able to convey the charm of the Russian language and Russian folklore. Again, like a song, metaphors and epithets from the mouth of the Great Poet. It is a "shaggy forest", "gray clouds", "Metelitsa ... Steel", "Baby Lonely", Radiant roar of blizzards, smiles of the Sun, etc. Picture of nature in this poem, though winter, but very colorful. And the reader Yesenin is striking again. Analysis of the poem allows us to notice and admire the most simple things: swimming clouds, blizzard, blizzard, birds, etc. How beautiful land is our ...

Analysis of the poem of Yesenin about Winter "Porosh"

In the poem "Porosh", the great Russian poet Yesenin again chants nature in the winter: a dormant forest, when a dream tells him a fairy tale, and a pine tree, covered with snow. He represents it as an old woman tied with a white golk. Yesenin seems to be that Pine "said as an old woman, leaning on the key." And again, by the author, unusual metaphors affecting their accuracy, lyrity, harmony: "Sounds under the snow", the snow "Stellet Shal", the road running away the "ribbon of the distance". A few words, and the reader sees Breakless Russia, Cold, Snownight, but so beloved great poet.

Analysis of the poem of Yesenin about winter "I am on the first snow delirium ..."

In the poem "I am in the first snow, nonsense ..." Yesenin returns again to the theme of winter and Russian birch. He says that "Swans sat on the meadow", and not snow lies in the fields. "Berez's naked breasts", like a beloved woman, he wishes to press the body. " Yesenin is a very distinctive poet singer of his fatherland. Without his work, Russian literature is unthinkable. Such a thin, trepidative, filled with immense love for Russia, poetry cannot be not recognized great.

analysis of the poem of Yesenin White Birosis

  1. The poem belongs to the lyrics of 1910-1913. , the period of the difficult life of the poet, when they were written more than 60 poems. It is the first published poet verse (1914, under the pseudonym Ariston, a magazine for children's reading of the world).
    The main topic is to show the beauty of winter birch. Yesenískaya Stravat - Description of Winter Birch with Russian signs and many subject items. A patriotic sense of love for his homeland is felt in the poem, her modest, outwardly nonsense. The feeling of the Motherland is the main thing in all the work of Yesenin. The nature of the scene is alike: it breathes, moves, sadness as a person. Traditionally chasing in the oral folk work of Bereza is a cross-cutting in the work of the poet. The author uses a silhlor-tonic session. You can assume the presence of jamming stop, meter - Yamba. Next, by conducting an analysis of this poem, the exact (silver window) of the rhyme is noticeable, as well as - are not equal to silver (silence), open (fire - silence) and closed (bubble - fringe), men's (silence - fire), but all of them crosswise (Abab). By the number of stanza, the poem is a quatrain (katro).
    The main image of the work is winter birch (character-character). The poet animates her with a woman image. Also in the poem is noticeable image of winter - synonym for death and death in the work of the poet. Yesenin wanted to show the sadness of female fading.
    Yesenin sees birch outwardly, with certain lighting. As a result, one image associatively creates another. The forming lines of the word taken separately are not figurative. But, organized in a certain way, they create a poetic, shaped text and become figurative. The poem refers to landscape lyrics. It contains mainly common words, but under the pen of the poet they are emotionally effective. He has a strikingly angry and outdoor look at nature. Based on the perfection of the language form, the harmony of the content and forms, clarity, clarity, laconism, the grace, the simplicity and harness of the verbal expression, it can be argued that the aesthetic function of the language manifests itself.
    Poem multiplying. It has both favorite colors of the poet (white, silver), which transmit joyful, fresh, empty-thoughtful perception of the world and the golden - a symbol of bright, but already fading the gamma of the autumn. Also striking flowers, their fine nuanxation, the transition of one color to another, their mixing and education on their basis of a new color. Yesenin, drawing pictures of nature, always calls the colors in which it is painted. It is he doing so that readers can better imagine that he writes about the World Cup. Yesenin compares breeze branches sowed with snow with white fringe. The poet compares the snow twice with silver, but at the same time uses different primations: in the first stanza, when Berza snapped with snow, precisely silver - a comparison, and in the last rows of poem, when the dawn sprinkles the branches with new silver, also there is a comparison, but it is also a comparison . The poet does not say that the dawn sprinkles the branches with snow, precisely silver. He immediately calls snow silver, hoping for our guess. This is a hidden comparison - metaphor. The poet writes that snowflakes burn in gold fire. Here it is used in a figurative sense. This word is often used in a figurative value. We say, for example, eyes are burning. Snowflakes can not, of course, burn like firewood. And under the expression, the Golden Fire Poet implies the light of the dawn. In winter, the sky is not so bright as in the summer. Long costs Berza in sleepy silence - from the morning dawn to evening. That is how it seems to us, it is necessary to understand the words - bypassing around. At first, the dawn was in the East, and then - in the West. Yesenin also calls Lyavny, this is because in winter it starts up in the winter, it begins later than in the summer, as if there was a lazy to get up early. And she is not so bright as in the summer, as if she was lazy to illuminate the sky. Despite the small volume of the work, his tongue is rich, possesses humans.
  2. Birch personifies Russian beauty
  3. Well, it is so, the details, some of the parties to you))))
    The author transfers the amazing beauty of Berza, the symbol of Russia.

    1. White - keyword (white angel, white church, white rus, white clothes).

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