I enter into dark temples block theme. "I enter into dark temples ...", analysis poem block

Garden technique 29.09.2019
Garden technique

The block wrote this poem during the heyday of symbolism, being in love and enthusiastic philosophy thanks to such a combination of thoughts and feelings of the poet, it is filled with bright and mysterious symbols, an atmosphere of love and expectations.

Briefly about the poet

Alexander Blok was one of the brightest representatives of the Silver Century. From a variety of currents, he chose symbolism and followed its foundations throughout its creative period. There is a poet in many countries thanks to the poem "Stranger", which is translated into many languages, as well as the poem, which we will study in the article and make it analysis, "I enter into dark temples."

The block was born in the noble clan, the mother and his father were educated, talented people. He inherited from his parents love for literature and art. True, everything has two sides. Inheritance mental illness, the dark side of the family of the block of the block was transmitted through generations.

The first publication of poet poems was in 1903 in the Moscow journal of Merezhkovsky, and from that moment he conquered the heart readers with his light syllable hiding not always available symbols and images.

Analysis: "I enter into dark temples" (block)

The poem was created in 1902. According to literary critic, this time was a period of sublime love of the poet to his future wife - Love Mendeleev (the daughter of the very Mendeleev, who opened the table of chemical elements), and the passion for the concept of philosopher Solovyov about the highest femininity and the divine essence of love for a woman. Two of these motifs wrapped in one and created a poem "I enter into dark temples." The Divine Start of Love and the Divine Women's Beginning Create an invisible image of the "Eternal Wife" of the poet. His feelings are bright, spiritual. Love he also carries a Platonic, intangible form. Favorite compared with the deity, she is invisible and unavailable, but the author, calling her "cute - you!", Says that he has long been familiar with her, her image is both close to him, and such a mystical date fascinates, surprises, attracts Attention and does not leave the indifferent reader.

The poem describes the wonderful wait, the premonition of the ambulance with the "beautiful lady". The author's love is wondering him, the dark cold walls of the temple are filled with the joy of waiting.

What is this temple? Recall that the author belonged to the symbolists, it means that the concept here is not actual, but symbolic. Perhaps the dark temple symbolizes the soul of the poet. Darkness not darkness, but twilight expectations. Red lamp symbolizes love, the fire of which has just caught fire, but already languishes with his expectation.

And the one he is waiting for? Who is she, "Glittering Eternal Wife"? Most likely, here, as in the "stranger", we are talking about the form of a favorite poet. He still does not see her, but already feels and waits. The word "used to" says that this expectation is not news, he is used to wait for her, the image in the heart shines like a lampade in the temple. "Neither your sighs, no speech" poet, but he knows that his beloved is, and soon she will be with him.

"I enter into dark temples." Emotional atmosphere poem

The atmosphere of poetry fell into the reader from the first lines. These are mysterious "dark temples", rigor, asceticism with an admixture of waiting, premonition. "Shivering from the door screen" gives voltage, high waiting notes contrast with darkness and shadows. Red lamps give sharpness, it seems as if we are together with the author and just like he, we are waiting for his wonderful lady.

Quite difficult and ambiguous may be the analysis "I enter into dark temples." The block-symbolist does not disclose us, about what temples are we talking about, but his task is not to tell, but to feel it poetry to us. In this poem, his idea was a success. The sense of waiting merges with the mystical feeling of the presence of the image of the beloved author nearby. She is invisible, not heard, but the poet knows that it will come to this dark temple, filled with shadows of doubt, and easily dispel them.


Real diamonds of poetry were created. Decades are held, and their poems are still relevant and bright. Such poets include Alexander Blok. "I enter into dark temples" with its wondising, tomorrow and joy from the realization of the meeting, which may be only in a dream, is an amazing poem about love and waiting, about the spiritual beginning of the feelings and about the bright dream of a beloved.

This work A. Blok wrote in 1902. This time of the author's life is characterized by the mental lift, the cause of which was love in LD. Mendeleev, future wife of a writer.

Also during this period there is a wide fascination of the block of philosophy V. Solovyov. According to his philosophical ideas, love is a faithful tool for eradicating egoism within himself. Having loved the woman, a person comprehends her essence, nature given from God, which in turn leads to high love to the whole world.

Similar ideas in one degree or another were reflected in the work "I enter into dark temples ...". The main hero is in love with the earthly woman. All his thoughts are permeated with the desired knowledge of the wide female soul, comprehending the harmony of this world, mergers with him. The spiritual lyrics are mixed in lines with lyrics love, creating an amazing contrast.

The main means of expressiveness in the poem is the metaphor. "Dark Temples" is love, the attitude of the lyrical hero to those feelings that he is experiencing. Darkness means unknown, temples - mystery and divine value.

The poem is permeated with doubts of the hero. He is not sure of the response feelings of a woman who loves. However, he knows exactly what it is his muse and the goddess:

And in my face it looks, illuminated,
Only an image, only a dream about it.

Using the epithet "illuminated" shows the reader that it is the limit of dreams of the main character, his sun, to which he seeks.

At first, the hero is embarrassed by the femininity and harmony, which personifies his "Master's Eternal Wife", but the subsequently he finds a special sensitivity and pleasure in this. He likes to be involved in such a creation of nature ("I am used to these riza"). Now there is no more embarrassment anymore, the hero is open to the "smiles, fairy tales and dreams", dreams of a beautiful lady.

The end of the poem summarizes the thinking of the hero in love. He finally comprehends the high nature of his goddess: "Oh, holy, like candles tender, how are your features!".

Summing up, you can select several parts in the work: the introductory part, reflection of the hero and the final one.

The poem itself is written by a living, sensual language, filled with the means of artistic expressiveness (epithets "Poor rite", "Beautiful lady", Mataofors, such as "smiles run"). Exclamations transmit the emotions of the hero, his hopes and expectations.

In conclusion, we can say that this is one of the brightest poems of A. Bloka. In it, the author shows love as a merger of spiritual experiences of two people, as a source of rescue of the world, love for God.

Analysis of the poem block I enter into dark temples number 2

Today we will talk about the poem of the block of Alexander Alexandrovich "I enter the dark temples." Alexander Alexandrovich One of the most famous poets of the 20th century. I would also like to note that the poetry of the Golden Age is beautiful, but the poetry of the 20th century is clearer for a modern person, it is closer, in my opinion the poetry of the 20th century there is a golden middle, the poetry of the 21st century is not yet fully formed, and the poetry of the Golden Age does not always raise problems understandable us.

Alexander Alexandrovich Block is a very interesting person and a unique poet. His unique handwriting can be found immediately, a little shot down reef and unique means of expressiveness, well, of course, a deep meaning, and our poem "I enter the dark temples" fully complies with all the above criteria.

Work: "I enter the dark temples", written in 1902 on October 25, was devoted to the future wife, and at that time just a beloved Love Mendeleev, who had taking the surname of her husband, which the poet was madly loved.

How are your features are glad! "

For Alexander Alexandrovich, the figure of the future wife, love Dmitrievna, is a guide to darkness, beautiful light in the window: "In Merzian Red Lampad."

In general, all the poem is permeated by love, reading it you understand the real love exists, and the work is written so ingeniously, which reflects all the senses of the author, trying to open it to his soul, and Alexander Alexandrovich Blok's soul is so rich, Chista is unique, like his work.

Analysis of the poem I enter into dark temples according to plan

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This poem was written when the young Alexander Pokhu was almost 22 years old. This time is commemorated by the poet itself as a period of active creativity, an open spiritual search for their own higher truth and truth. A whole cycle of love poems is devoted to the love of Dmitrievna Mendeleev. In her face, the poet found a cute girlfriend and the Muse, who served all his life. He wore this girl, who later became his wife, and saw in her manifestations of the Divine essence.

The poetic analysis "I enter into dark temples" is intended to show and designate the main feature of the spiritual quest Alexander Blok at a particular stage of development of creativity. Namely, the ministry is the image of eternal femininity, attempts to find it in the material world, approach her and make a one-piece and indestructible piece of their own existence.

Subject poem

"I enter into dark temples" - one of the vertices of the poetry of Alexander Blok in the cycle dedicated to the beautiful lady. The key point should be considered an attempt to find the dream, the image of the eternal femininity in the world is ordinary with predominant material values \u200b\u200band installations. From here, it is clearly traced in the moment of incomprehension in ideas, unrequency, the futility of the search.

Analysis "I enter into dark temples" shows how much the lyrical hero A. Blok is cut off from reality, absorbed in its own intrusive idea. And with this mystical desire it is difficult for him to cope, it subordinates himself, deprives will, common sense, reason.

The state of the lyrical hero

Verse "I enter into dark temples" - the eleventh in the account of the number of works addressed to Dmitrievna Mendeleev. The lyrical hero is in a state of anxiety, he wants to gain integrity with himself, find his lost half - part of himself, without which he cannot become happy. In holy place, temple, he sees only the echoes of the mysterious, unearthly image, which is directed by his quest, what is focused on and all attention. Here the author himself connects with the feelings of the lyrical hero in these deep internal experiences.

The image of eternal femininity

One of the most beautiful and mysterious is the poem "I enter into dark temples". The block endowed his heroine fabulous, mystical features. She is elusive in its essence, beautiful and incomprehensible, as the dream itself. This is how the image of beauty as the Ipostasis of Divine Love occurs. Often, the lyrical hero compares it with the Virgin, gives her mystical names. Alexander Blok called her a dream, Mosti Virgin, eternally young, the Veldist of the Universe.

Readers have always left enthusiastic reviews and impressions after reading such verses, as "I enter into dark temples." The block is a favorite poet of many intellectuals, especially his work is to close young young men and girls. The one who serves the lyrical hero is shrouded in the greatest mystery. He belongs to her not as an earthly woman, but as a deity. It is surrounded by both shadows in which her grave to apolonistic start - the hero contemplates her and receives himself from the experience of feeling. Analysis "I enter into dark temples" demonstrates the reader an interesting approach to the interpretation of the lines known and loved by millions.

Key symbols

In the poem, several images can be distinguished that create a kind of background for the development of action, complement the plot of bright paintings.

Rhise emphasize the holiness and elevation of the image of an excellent lady. This is the material embodiment of the Divine Start (Virgin, Church). Everything is alien to her, it is an exalted element of freedom and light. She can pray at night during the lunar light, each thought and the action of angry unrivaled beauty.

Red lamps symbolize the short-livedness of the dream, its distant and unreality, compared with everyday life. There is a connection of the fictional world with reality.

Thus, the analysis "I enter into dark temples" emphasizes the idea that intimate-personal experiences of youth occurred at the poet against the background of the desire to solve the secret of beauty.

The combination "I enter into the dark temples" Alexander Bloka has absorbed all the main motifs of the "poems about the beautiful lady" cycle. The main motive of the poem is the waiting for a meeting with a beautiful lady and high service to her. All the work of washed atmosphere of mystical mystery and miracle. Here everything is unpatched, everything is just a hint. Some reflections, flickering, hopes for an incomprehensible miracle - on the phenomenon of an excellent lady, in the image of which a certain divine start was embodied.

The words of the lyrical hero acquire the nature of the solemn hymn, the prayer chants with which believers usually turn to their deity. The text of the work consists of appeals and exclamations expressing the immeasurable admiration of the hero. Events are not happening. There is only an expectation: the lyrical hero sees himself in the image of a devotee, who gave high vows of the eternal ministry of his beautiful beloved.

The lyrical hero calls his beloved magnitude eternal wife, cute, saint. So high and holy the image of an excellent lady is that all appeals to it are written by the author with a capital letter. And not only these words, but also pronouned: you, about her, yours. The rituality and holiness of what is happening is also underlined by the image of the temple, burning candles and the lampad. The poem itself sounds like prayer. The vocabulary vocabulary: a lot of high, beautiful and outdated words that emphasize the exclusivity of the event are used (I take a rite; Merzian Lampad, illuminated, rhesis, ispoles).

Love for a beautiful lady is a kind of sacrament. The heroine appears in the guise of the magnitude of the eternal wife, and in the appearance just the earthly woman, when the lyrical hero calls her cute. The lyrical hero expects a miracle - the appearance of a mysterious stranger. His lonely, alarmed soul is striving for an exalted, waiting for revelation, rebirth. This expectation is a tense, tense, anxious. The poet uses red symbolism. In all poems dedicated to the beautiful lady, the red color is the fire of earthly passions, and the sign of its appearance. In this poem, the lyrical hero is waiting for its appearance in the light of the red lamp. Epteat illuminated also reflects this color:

The beautiful lady is a dream, ideal, but happiness with her may not be on Earth, but in eternity, in dreams. In this poem there are familiar motives for love lyrics: dreams of her, hope for a meeting. But the image of an excellent lady is unusual. This is not only a real beloved lyrical hero, but also the soul of the world. The lyrical hero is not just loved, and a person in general, which seeks to merge with the soul of the world - to achieving absolute harmony. In such a reading, the poem is perceived no longer as a love, but as a philosophical lyrics.

The dream of a meeting with an excellent lady is the desire to leave the real world, from unworthy people for whom "Truth in wine", in the profit and self-catering. Using associations, images and symbols, Alexander Blok writes not only about love, but also about the complex, uncharted world, awakening harmony, beauty, good. To enhance the impression, the block uses epithets (dark temples; poor ritual; adhesive candles; they are growing features). Emotionality strengthen the personification (run ... smiles, fairy tales and dreams; The image looks) and rhetorical exclamations (oh, I used to these rizam / magnitude of the eternal wife]; oh, holy, like candles gentle, / how are your features!).

Assonances are used (I am waiting for an excellent lady / in Merzian Red Lampad). The poem is written by a teptic doller. Stop paved with stress on different syllables, rhyme - cross.

The poem "I enter into dark temples ..." was written by block on October 25, 1902. This time was marked by important events in the Poet's personal life - in love with his future wife, L.D. Mendeleev.
In addition, it is known that in the early period of creativity, the block was fond of the philosophy of the VL. Solovyov. In the teachings of this philosopher of the poet attracted the idea of \u200b\u200beternal femininity, or about the soul of the world. According to Solovyov, it is through love that the elimination of egoism is possible, unity with each other. "High love" to the world opens to a person through the love of the earthly woman, in which you need to be able to see her celestial nature.
All these thoughts and moods reflected in the poem "I enter into dark temples ..." In general, the mood of the work can be described as a waiting mood. The lyrical hero is in love. He expects from his beloved disclosure of her female entity and, through it, the knowledge of higher femininity, harmony, mergers with the world. Therefore, we can say that this poem is a combination of love lyrics with a spiritual lyrics.
All the work is built on the metaphor. The hero is included in the "Dark Temples". It seems to me that this is a love metaphor. It is interesting to combine these words, it reflects the ratio of the hero to their feeling. "Temples" - something holy, divine, "dark" - unknown, mysterious, mounted-mysterious and frightening.
The hero does not know, doubts his beloved really she is his life, his fate, his goddess and muse. Or is he mistaken? But despite this, he is waiting, trembles from excitement, because he loves:
In the shade of a high column
Sharing from the screen of the doors.

It is important here, in my opinion, the epithet "illuminated", referred to the image, sleep, the dream about it. This image is unpacked by some higher light, foreboding. The hero inside himself knows that she is she.
Further development of the poem confirms this:
Oh, I used to these rizam
The magnitude of the eternal wife!
Highly run on cornily
Smiles, fairy tales and dreams.
At first, the hero was not in itself from the thought that his beloved is a mastering eternal wife, that is, the personification of higher femininity, strength and weakness, harmony, which will save the world. But gradually he got used to the fact that each time it comes into contact with such a miracle. Therefore, he says that "used to these rizas." Now they do not interfere with him, but inspire "smiles, fairy tales and dreams." Inspire for dreams of beloved as an earthly woman.
The last stanza completes the reflection of the lyrical hero. He brings the spiritual essence of his beloved to the fore. He "believes" that she is the embodiment of higher harmony:
Oh, holy, like sweets candles,
How are your features!
But I believe: nice - you.
Thus, the poem can conditionally divide into three parts: entry, development of thought, conclusion.
Language of the work of the born, saturated with the means of artistic expressiveness. Especially many epithets here (dark temples, a poor rite, a beautiful lady, an illicit image, a magnificent of the eternal wife, gentle candles, are growing features) and a metaphor (looks out the image, rises of his wife, smiles, fairy tales and dreams).
In the syntactic plan in the poem, you can mark inversion (I enter, do, I am waiting for me, etc.) it gives him the dimension and solemnity. There are exclamation deals here, transmitting the power of hopes and expectations of the hero.
In general, the structure of proposals is simple enough. It corresponds to the "poor rite" performed by the hero.
I believe that the poem "I enter into dark temples ..." is one of the best poems by A. Blok. It shows love, above all, as spiritual, mental, emotional merge of two people. In addition, I am close to the idea that only love will save every person and the whole world as a whole, because love is God.

Analysis of the poem A. Bloka "I enter into dark temples ..."

Analysis of the poem A.A. Bloka "I enter into dark temples"

Poem "I enter into dark temples. "It was written in 1902 and is included in the first Tom lyrics (1898-1902). The first book block created under the strong influence of the philosophical ideas of Vladimir Solovyov. In this teaching of the poet attracts ideas about the ideal, about the desire for him as the incarnation of the soul of the world, eternal femininity - beauty and harmony. The block gave his ideal image - a wonderful lady and created the cycle of "poems about the beautiful lady", which includes the poem "I enter into dark temples. "

The central motive of the poem is the motive of expectations and hope for a meeting with an excellent lady. Gradually, the alarm of the lyrical hero increases ("I tremble from the screen."), Since in the imagination, its image illuminated by aura of holiness arises. Her appearance brings calmness to the hero, he acquires harmony:

Oh, holy, like sweets candles,

How are your features!

I do not hear nests, nor speech,

But I believe: nice - you.

In this poem there are familiar motives for love lyrics: dreams of her, hope for a meeting. But since the image of an excellent lady is a complex, syncretic image, this is not only a real beloved, but also the soul of the world, then these motifs in the unusual plane are comprehended. The lyrical hero is not just a lover, and a person in general, striving for a merger with the soul of the world, that is, to achieving absolute harmony. In such reading poems, the block appears already as a philosophical lyrics.

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"I enter the dark temples ..." A.Blok

"I enter the dark temples ..." Alexander Blok

I enter into dark temples,
I do a poor rite.
I am waiting for a beautiful lady
In Merzian Red Lampad.

In the shade of a high column
Sharing from the screen of the doors.
And in my face it looks, illuminated,
Only an image, only a dream about it.

Oh, I used to these rizam
The magnitude of the eternal wife!
Highly run on cornily
Smiles, fairy tales and dreams.

Oh, holy, like sweets candles,
How are your features!
I do not hear nests, nor speech,
But I believe: nice - you.

Analysis of the poem block "I enter into dark temples ..."

Love lyrics in the work of Alexander Blok is given a key value. And there is nothing surprising in this, since the 17-year-old poet, who experienced the strong feelings for Mendeleev's love, managed to keep them for life. This woman was destined to become the Museum of the Blok and his guardian angel. Even after fate separated this pair, the poet continued to love his former spouse, helped her in every way and sincerely believed that they were created for each other.

For the first time, the image of Lyubov Mendeleva appeared in poet verses dated last year of the 19th century. By this period of creativity refers to the creation of a cycle of works devoted to the mysterious beautiful lady. Its prototype was the elect of the poet, which did not meet him with reciprocity for a long time. As a result, young people broke up and did not see each other for several years, during which the block with enviable regularity recreated a cute image in his works. Eyes, smile and even the voice of Lyubov Mendeleev pursued the poet everywhere. The block even confessed that it looks like some kind of breathtaking, when in the crowd of people you are trying to find a familiar figure, celebrate the laryrship of a similar tilt of the head and even the handbag in your hands.

The poet did not tell anyone about his mental experiences, however, what he felt after parting from the chosen one can easily read between the lines of his works. One of them is the poem "I enter into dark temples ...", created in 1902. Its essence comes down to the fact that even in the image of Our Lady, the poet is fading a loved one, and this fills him with a double joy. It is difficult to judge how everything written corresponded to reality, however, the familiar young bloc claims that at some point he became truly pious and rarely missed the Sunday service. It can be assumed that with the help of prayer, the poet tried to drown out his mental pain and accept the loss of a loved one. However, the author himself explains this behavior somewhat differently, noting: "I am waiting for a beautiful lady in Merzian Red Lampad."

It would be stupid to count on the fact that it was in the temple that the block will meet his pragmatic and delighted belonging from religious prejudices. The poet understands this perfectly, but continues to be in the church. There "In the face I looks illicit, only an image, only a dream about her." Now there is no doubt that the fact that in the images of the "Great Eternal Wife" poet sees the features of the girl in love with. And this similarity fills the soul of the block inexplicable joy, he believes that his love is a gift of heaven, and not a curse. And such a interpretation such a strong feeling causes the block not to give up him, but, on the contrary, to cultivate love in his heart, gives him the strength to live. "I am not heard either sighs, nor speech, but I believe: honey - you", "the poet admits.

The romantic period in the work of the block associated with the creation of the "poems about the beautiful lady" cycle did not pass for the poet without a trace. Before death, he was very respectful to women, considering them by the highest beings, more sophisticated and wounded. As for the love of Mendeleevoy, he truly hesitated and even slightly afraid that his own feelings, rude and primitive, could blame the soul of the one that he loved so much. However, as practice shows, it is far from every woman to appreciate such a reverent attitude towards himself. Mendeleev's love in this respect was no exception, since more than once betrayed the block, falling in love with other men. However, after the death of the poet, she admitted that he was unfair to him and could not fully understand what noble and sublime nature possessed her husband.

Pooh Analysis "I enter into dark temples" (A. Block)

FEBRARY 4, 2016

This poem was written when the young Alexander Pokhu was almost 22 years old. This time is commemorated by the poet itself as a period of active creativity, an open spiritual search for their own higher truth and truth. A whole cycle of love poems is devoted to the love of Dmitrievna Mendeleev. In her face, the poet found a cute girlfriend and the Muse, who served all his life. He wore this girl, who later became his wife, and saw in her manifestations of the Divine essence.

The poetic analysis "I enter into dark temples" is intended to show and designate the main feature of the spiritual quest Alexander Blok at a particular stage of development of creativity. Namely, the ministry is the image of eternal femininity, attempts to find it in the material world, approach her and make a one-piece and indestructible piece of their own existence.

Subject poem

"I enter into dark temples" - one of the vertices of the poetry of Alexander Blok in the cycle dedicated to the beautiful lady. The key point should be considered an attempt to find the dream, the image of the eternal femininity in the world is ordinary with predominant material values \u200b\u200band installations. From here, it is clearly traced in the moment of incomprehension in ideas, unrequency, the futility of the search.

Analysis "I enter into dark temples" shows how much the lyrical hero A. Blok is cut off from reality, absorbed in its own intrusive idea. And with this mystical desire it is difficult for him to cope, it subordinates himself, deprives will, common sense, reason.

The state of the lyrical hero

Verse "I enter into dark temples" - the eleventh in the account of the number of works addressed to Dmitrievna Mendeleev. The lyrical hero is in a state of anxiety, he wants to gain integrity with himself, find his lost half - part of himself, without which he cannot become happy. In holy place, temple, he sees only the echoes of the mysterious, unearthly image, which is directed by his quest, what is focused on and all attention. Here the author himself connects with the feelings of the lyrical hero in these deep internal experiences.

The image of eternal femininity

One of the most beautiful and mysterious is the poem "I enter into dark temples". The block endowed his heroine fabulous, mystical features. She is elusive in its essence, beautiful and incomprehensible, as the dream itself. This is how the image of beauty as the Ipostasis of Divine Love occurs. Often, the lyrical hero compares it with the Virgin, gives her mystical names. Alexander Blok called her a dream, Mosti Virgin, eternally young, the Veldist of the Universe.

Readers have always left enthusiastic reviews and impressions after reading such verses, as "I enter into dark temples." The block is a favorite poet of many intellectuals, especially his work is to close young young men and girls. The one who serves the lyrical hero is shrouded in the greatest mystery. He belongs to her not as an earthly woman, but as a deity. It is surrounded by secret signs and shadows in which her grave to apolonistic start - the hero contemplates her and he himself receives aesthetic pleasure from the experience of feeling. Analysis "I enter into dark temples" demonstrates the reader an interesting approach to the interpretation of the lines known and loved by millions.

Key symbols

In the poem, several images can be distinguished that create a kind of background for the development of action, complement the plot of bright paintings.

Rhise emphasize the holiness and elevation of the image of an excellent lady. This is the material embodiment of the Divine Start (Virgin, Church). Everything is alien to her, it is an exalted element of freedom and light. She can pray at night during the lunar light, each thought and the action of angry unrivaled beauty.

Red lamps symbolize the short-livedness of the dream, its distant and unreality, compared with everyday life. There is a connection of the fictional world with reality.

Thus, the analysis "I enter into dark temples" emphasizes the idea that intimate-personal experiences of youth occurred at the poet against the background of the desire to solve the secret of beauty.

Listen to the poem block in the dark temples

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Writing a poem Analysis in the dark temples

The combination "I enter into the dark temples" Alexander Bloka has absorbed all the main motifs of the "poems about the beautiful lady" cycle. The main motive of the poem is the waiting for a meeting with a beautiful lady and high service to her. All the work of washed atmosphere of mystical mystery and miracle. Here everything is unpatched, everything is just a hint. Some reflections, flickering, hopes for an incomprehensible miracle - on the phenomenon of an excellent lady, in the image of which a certain divine start was embodied.

The words of the lyrical hero acquire the nature of the solemn hymn, the prayer chants with which believers usually turn to their deity. The text of the work consists of appeals and exclamations expressing the immeasurable admiration of the hero. Events are not happening. There is only an expectation: the lyrical hero sees himself in the image of a devotee, who gave high vows of the eternal ministry of his beautiful beloved.

The lyrical hero calls his beloved magnitude eternal wife, cute, saint. So high and holy the image of an excellent lady is that all appeals to it are written by the author with a capital letter. And not only these words, but also pronouned: you, about her, yours. The rituality and holiness of what is happening is also underlined by the image of the temple, burning candles and the lampad. The poem itself sounds like prayer. The vocabulary vocabulary: a lot of high, beautiful and outdated words that emphasize the exclusivity of the event are used (I take a rite; Merzian Lampad, illuminated, rhesis, ispoles).

Love for a beautiful lady is a kind of sacrament. The heroine appears in the guise of the magnitude of the eternal wife, and in the appearance just the earthly woman, when the lyrical hero calls her cute. The lyrical hero expects a miracle - the appearance of a mysterious stranger. His lonely, alarmed soul is striving for an exalted, waiting for revelation, rebirth. This expectation is a tense, tense, anxious. The poet uses red symbolism. In all poems dedicated to the beautiful lady, the red color is the fire of earthly passions, and the sign of its appearance. In this poem, the lyrical hero is waiting for its appearance in the light of the red lamp. Epteat illuminated also reflects this color:

The beautiful lady is a dream, ideal, but happiness with her may not be on Earth, but in eternity, in dreams. In this poem there are familiar motives for love lyrics: dreams of her, hope for a meeting. But the image of an excellent lady is unusual. This is not only a real beloved lyrical hero, but also the soul of the world. The lyrical hero is not just loved, and a person in general, which seeks to merge with the soul of the world - to achieving absolute harmony. In such a reading, the poem is perceived no longer as a love, but as a philosophical lyrics.

The dream of a meeting with an excellent lady is the desire to leave the real world, from unworthy people for whom "Truth in wine", in the profit and self-catering. Using associations, images and symbols, Alexander Blok writes not only about love, but also about the complex, uncharted world, awakening harmony, beauty, good. To enhance the impression, the block uses epithets (dark temples; poor ritual; adhesive candles; they are growing features). Emotionality strengthen the personification (run ... smiles, fairy tales and dreams; The image looks) and rhetorical exclamations (oh, I used to these rizam / magnitude of the eternal wife]; oh, holy, like candles gentle, / how are your features!).

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