Eternal electricity with its own. Free electricity: ways to get your own hands

Garden technique 04.03.2020
Garden technique

Suppose you hit the uninhabited island or stuck in the country Without electricityand the phone battery was discharged. Make a saving call that may save someone's life will help The following electricity mining tips.

Never know when electricity may need.

How to get electricity:

Method 1. Electricity from wood.

For almost any simple way to produce electricity on free without connecting to an existing electrical network, be sure to be needed Galvanic elements, namely two metal, which are in a pair form a relaxed anode and cathode respectively.

Now it remains to stick into the nearest tree one of them, such as an aluminum rod or an iron nail so that it turns through the bark to the tree trunk itself, and the other element, for example a copper tube, stick into the soil next to it to enter the ground for 15- 20 cm. Not surprised if there will be voltage in approximately 1 volts between the copper tube and aluminum rod. The more rods you insert into the tree, the better the quality of electricity produced in this way (current strength). Just do not get carried away, remember that the tree is the same alive as you. It is necessary to use this method only as a last resort! Do not forget to pull out the tree pins and smear the resin.

How to get electricity: Method 2.

Electricity from fruit?

Oranges, lemons, potatoes and other fruits - all this is the perfect electrolyte for electricity generationEspecially if the extreme situation found you not far from the equator. , bringing the voltage of your electricity, up to the whole 2 volts!

How to get electricity: Method 3.. Electricity from salt water?

If you have There is a copper wire and foilThe cost of obtaining electricity in this case will be zero. Fill out several glasses with salted water and connect them with copper wire, from a glass to a glass. One end of each wire connecting the glasses should be wound aluminium foil.

How to get electricity: Method 4.. Electricity from potatoes?

You have no dacha electricitybut there is a bag potatoes. From potatoes can get electricity for freeall we need it is salt, Toothpaste, Wire and potato.

Cut it in half a knife, through one half, spend the wires, while in the other, make the center in the center in the form of a spoon, then fill it with a toothpaste mixed with salt.

Connect half potato (for example, the toothpicks), and the wires must be contacted with ToothpasteAnd they themselves better clean it. Everything! Now you can with your electricity generator to suit torture to light fires from the electrical spark and light the improvised bulbs with the charred bamboo fibers instead of the filaments of incandescent.

Then you can cook the remaining potatoes on the same fire)

What metals are best suited?

Here is a brief table of a series of stresses. The farther the metals from each other, the greater the voltage for all other same conditions you will receive:

How to get electricity: Method 5.. Electricity from the air?

To unambiguously build a windmill, which is the right not so difficult. All you need is the screw blades, rotated by the strength of the wind, and electricity generator for transforming mechanical energy into electricity.

Also you can get Free electricity from any motor!

* How to make a battery?

Lead and sulfuric acid has already proven themselves as a universal electricity generator with excellent electricity quality used everywhere, for example in machine batteries.

To do this, we will need both components, combine that you need in ceramic dishes (found in extreme conditions of clay and burn it should not be difficult for you).

In the conditions of the modern world, when energy carriers are constantly becoming more expensive, many people turn their eyes to save their funds through the use of any alternative sources of electricity.

This problem occupies the minds of not only home-grown inventors who are trying to find a solution to the house with a soldering iron in their hands, but also of these scientists. This is a question that has been emerged for a long time, and a variety of attempts are being made to find new sources of electricity.

Is it possible to get electricity from the air

Perhaps, many may think that this is a frank nonsense. But the reality is such that it is possible to get electricity from the air. There are even schemes that can help create a device capable of obtaining this resource literally from nothing.

The principle of operation of such a device is that the air is a carrier of static electricity, just in very small quantities, and if you create a suitable device, you can completely accumulate electricity.

Experiments of famous scientists

You can refer to the works of already well-known scientists, which in the past tried to receive electricity literally out of the air. One of these people is the famous scientist Nikola Tesla. He was the first person who thought about the fact that electricity could be obtained, roughly speaking, from nothing.

Of course, during the Tesla, there was no opportunity to record all his experiences on the video, so at the moment the specialists have to recreate its devices and the results of his research according to his entries and old testimonies of his contemporaries. And, thanks to many experiments and research of modern scientists, you can build a device that will allow you to obtain electricity.

Tesla determined that there is an electric potential between the base and raised metal plate, which is static electricity, also determined that it can be accumulated.

Subsequently, Nikola Tesla was able to construct such a device that could accumulate a slight amount of electricity using only that potential that is contained in the air. By the way, the Tesla himself assumed that the presence of electricity in its composition, the air is obliged to the solar rays, which, when permeating the space, literally shares its particles.

If you contact the inventions of modern scientists, then you can cite an example of the Stephen brand device, which created a toroidal generator, which allows to hold much more electricity, in contrast to the simplest inventions of this kind. Its advantage is that this invention is capable of providing electricity not only weak lighting devices, but also quite serious household appliances. This generator is capable of carrying out its work without feeding for a fairly long time.

Simple schemes

There are pretty simple schemes that will help create a device capable of obtaining and accumulating electrical energy that is contained in the air. This contributes to the presence of many networks in the modern world, power lines that contribute to the ionization of airspace.

Create a device that receives electricity from the air, you can and with your own hands using just a fairly simple scheme. There are also various videos that will be able to become the necessary instructions for the user.

Unfortunately, creating a powerful device with your own hands is very difficult. More complex devices involve the use of more serious schemes, which sometimes significantly makes it difficult to create such a device.

You can try to create a more complex device. On the Internet there are more complex schemes, as well as video instructions.

Video: homemade generator free energy

Details Published: 07.12.2015 11:13

A new way to extract electricity found a resident of Baku Elchin Abbasov. With the help of a self-made device, Azerbaijani inventor can charge a mobile phone or flashlight.

The original electricity generator Elchina Abbasova resembles a miniature brand. The principle of his work is quite simple: cold water is poured into the reservoir, and the candle (or any other open fire source) is lit under it), from the opposite sides of the container, the wires are fixed, which act as a "plus" and "minus". As a result, electric current occurs due to the temperature difference.

"When we give here [on the electrical appliance] tension, in one side it becomes warm, and on the other - cold. And if on the contrary: one part we will do warm, and the other is cold, then we have the voltage that we will use to illuminate or charge the phone or for any other purposes, "says the engineer.

With the help of one glass of water and fire, the device is able to produce 10-12 watts of energy. This is enough to charge two phones. The device can be useful for those who love active leisure: With its help, in walking conditions, you can charge the left flashlight or establish a tent lighting.

"We get electricity here using an open fire, but there are options in which you can do this using simply the difference in the water temperature: to obtain electricity, you should pour cold in one part of the device, but to another hot water," says Azerbaijani.

In the arsenal, the elchine also has other inventions. Most of them relate to the category of alternative energy sources, and they all differ significantly from traditional wind turbines and solar panels. The scientist's plans also includes another ambitious project: if the tests are successful, it will be possible to receive electricity from the water of the Caspian Sea.

Reference. The idea of \u200b\u200bthermal electricity is known to people about 200 years. Thermoelectricity is a set of phenomena in which the temperature difference creates an electric potential, or the electric potential creates the temperature difference.

In this article, let's talk about how electricity gets.

The main and, perhaps, the most important part of any power plant, which gives electricity, of course, is an electric generator. This electrical device can turn mechanical operation into electricity. Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary electric motor, and even inside is different.

The main principle of operation and the operation of the electric generator is based on the law of electromagnetic induction of Faraday. Two conditions are needed to generate EMF. First, it is an outline in the form of copper winding and the presence of a magnetic flux, which, as a rule, is created by a conventional magnet or additional winding.

Thus, in order for the desired EMF to appear at the outlet of the electric generator, it is necessary to lead a magnet or winding relative to each other. Magnetic stream, passing through the contour, as a result, it creates electricity. Moreover, the rotational speed does not directly affect the value of the produced voltage. Now, having an idea of \u200b\u200bthe electric generator, we just need to find a source of movement for it, that is, sources of electricity.

In 1882, the Great Scientist Thomas Edison launched the world's first thermal power plant (TPP) operating on a steam engine. At that time, the steam engine was the best device for creating a locomotive movement and a production machine.

Of course, the power plant also worked for a couple. When water heated in the boiler, high pressure pairs are formed, which was fed to the turbine blades or a cylinder with a piston, thereby pushing it, resulting in a mechanical movement due to water heating. As fuel, coal, fuel oil, natural gas, peat - in one word, are usually used, what is well lit.

Hydroelectric power plants are special structures built on places of falling rivers and use its energy to rotate the electric generator. Perhaps this is the most harmless way to produce electricity, because there is no fuel combustion and the emergence of harmful waste.

Nuclear power plants - in principle, it is very similar to thermal, the difference is only in the fact that the CHP is used fuel to heating the water and the preparation of steam, and in the nuclear power plant, the heat source is served in a nuclear reaction. The reactor is a radioactive substance, as a rule, uranium, which, with its decay, highlights a large amount of heat and thereby heats the boiler with water with the subsequent release of steam to rotate the turbine and the electric generator.

On the one hand, nuclear power plants are very profitable, since with its small amounts of substance are capable of issuing a lot of energy. But not everything is so cloudless. At least nuclear power plants and provides for a high degree of security, still there are fatal errors as the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Yes, and after working out nuclear fuel, waste remains, and they cannot be disposed of.

There are also a large set and much less used sources of electricity, in contrast to the main. This, for example, wind turbines, which are conventional wind force turn directly into the electric current.

Recently, solar panels are gaining very high popularity. Their work is based on the conversion of sunlight of the Sun, or rather, its photons. The photo-element consists of two thin layers of semiconductor material, when the contact of two semiconductors of solar radiation is in contact with the boundary of the contact of two semiconductors of solar radiation, which will subsequently produce electrical current on its output electrodes.

Generating own electricity is the best that you can do in the struggle for non-volatility. This electricity you can use to open the gate or garage, include outdoor lighting, sell on the network and reduce your expenses, charge the car or even completely disconnect from the common network. This article describes several excellent ideas to achieve this.


Part 1

Solar energy

    Learn about solar panels. Solar panels are a common solution with plenty of advantages. They work in many parts of the world and the modular option can be expanded to fit your needs. There are many well-worked products.

    • Panels should be directed south to sunlight (north in the southern hemisphere, up near the equator). The angle of inclination should be established depending on the latitude on which you are. You can use panels in areas that are sunny most of the year, as well as in solid cloud conditions.
    • Fixed supports can be installed on a separate structure (in which you can accommodate batteries and charge controller) or on an existing roof. It is easy to install and maintain them if they are located near the ground and they have no moving parts. The tracking supports turn after the sun and more efficient, but they can cost more than just add a couple more panels on fixed supports to compensate for the difference. These are ingenious mechanical devices that are easy to break and they have driving parts that wear out over time.
    • Just because the stated power of the solar panel is 100 watts, it does not mean that it is able to produce it all the time. Power will be determined by how you install the panel, weather, or the fact that now winter and the sun does not rise highly need a horizon.
  1. Start with small. Buy one or two solar panels to start. They can be installed in stages, so you do not need to spend huge amounts from the very beginning. Most roof systems can be extended - you need to pay attention to this when you buy. Buy a system that can grow with your needs.

    Observe your system service. Like everything else, if you do not care about her, it will fall apart. Decide how long it should serve. A small savings can now cost you much more in the future. Invest in care of your system and it takes care of you.

    • Try to make up the budget of the costs associated with maintaining the system performance over a long period of time. You should avoid situations that will leave you without funds in the middle of the project.
  2. Select the type of system. Decide whether you want a detached solution for generating electricity or a solution that can be connected to the distribution system. There are no extraordinary systems in autonomy, you know the source of each used watt. Systems that can be connected to the total network give you stability and redundancy, as well as the ability to resell the electricity of the supply company. If your system is connected to a common network, and you follow the energy consumption as if you have an autonomous system, you will even get to earn a small additional income.

    • Contact your power supplying company and ask about systems that can be connected to a common network. Perhaps they will be able to provide benefits and tell you who should hire to accommodate your reliable source of electricity.

    Part 2

    Use alternative systems
    1. Learn about wind turbines. This is also an excellent solution for many areas. Sometimes it can be even more cost effective than solar energy.

      • You can use a homemade wind turbine made from an old automotive generator with drawings available on the network. Although it is not recommended to make novice, but the achievement of acceptable results is possible. There are inexpensive ready-made solutions.
      • Wind energy, however, have several flaws. You may have to install the turbines too high so that they work efficiently, and your neighbors consider them an unpleasant part of the landscape. Birds can not notice them at all ... .. until it is too late.
      • For wind energy, more or less permanent wind is needed. Open, empty spaces are best suited, because they are the minimum amount of obstacles for wind. Wind energy is often effective when used as a supplement to systems solar and hydro energy.
      • Examine the hydroelectric agents. There are various types of technical solutions from self-made propeller connected to the automotive generator to confusing engineering systems of increased reliability. If you have access to water, it can become an efficient and autonomous solution.

        Try the combined system. You can always combine any of these systems to get energy all year round and sufficient for your home.

        Think about the autonomous generator. If there is no distribution network or you want a spare source in case of a shutdown / catastrophe, you can use the generator. They can work on different types of fuel and available in different sizes and power.

        • Many generators react very slowly to changes in the load (the connection of powerful devices causes the power to fluctuate).
          • Small, universally available in construction stores generators are intended for infrequent use in emergency situations. If they are used as the main source of energy, they are most often broken.
        • Large household generators are expensive. They operate on gasoline, diesel fuel or liquefied gas and are usually equipped with an automatic start system that starts them at the time of stopping electricity supply from the distribution network. If you decide to establish such, make sure that you have a graduate electrician and building standards are observed. If the installation is incorrect, it can kill electricians who turn off the main power supply is not knowing that there is also an emergency generator.
        • Generators for autodes, trailers or small boats, quiet, are designed for long use and are much more accessible. They work on gasoline, diesel fuel or liquefied gas and can work several hours a day for several years.
      • Avoid heat electrogenerators. Heat-electrogenerators (TEG) or combined generators, which produce electricity from heat - usually steam - old-fashioned and ineffective. Despite the fact that they have a lot of fans, you should refrain from their use.

    Part 3.

    We make a true choice

      Go shopping. Many manufacturers offer a variety of products and services in the market of environmentally friendly electricity and some of their solutions fit you better than others.

      Explore. If you are interested in a specific product, check the price comparison before you say with the supplier.

      Ask the advice of a professional. Find someone who you trust to help accept you a solution. There are suppliers who are interested in your project, and there are not interesting. Find a homemaster community on the Internet or a similar one to get a board that comes from someone who is not going to sell anything.

      Difficult about benefits. Do not forget to learn about local, regional and federal programs of benefits when you make your purchases. There are many programs for which your installation costs can be unused, or you will provide tax benefits for moving to environmentally friendly electricity.

      You need qualified help. Not every contractor or working is qualified to install such systems. Work only with experienced suppliers and installers who have permission to work with your equipment.

    Part 4.

    Preparing for the worst

      Learn about insurance coverage for larger objects. Your current homeowing policy may not cover the destruction of your system during a catastrophe, which can disappoint you very much.

      Get acquainted with a specialist in servicing alternative energy systems. If you already come for it, do not hesitate to ask for help.

      Plan a spare energy source. Natural sources that use autonomous energy systems are not always reliable. The sun shines not always, like the wind does not always blow, the water also does not always flow.

      • Using a system connected to the distribution network - the most inexpensive solution for most people, especially for those who are already a client of power companies. They set one type of system (for example, solar panels) and connect it to the distribution network. When electricity flow is not enough, the network covers the disadvantage, and when electricity in excess - the network redeems surplus. Large systems can constantly twist the electricity meter in the opposite direction.
      • If there is no distribution network in proximity, it can be much more expensive to connect to it (or even connect an extension to the house) than to produce and store your own electricity.
    1. Learn about the storage of electricity. A common solution for autonomous storage of electricity is lead-acid accumulators of deep charging. Each type of batteries needs different charging cycles, so make sure your charge controller can work with your battery type and correctly for this configured.

    Part 5.

    Selection and use of batteries

      Use the batteries of the same type. Batteries can not be interfered with each other and usually new batteries do not work very well when mixed with older.

      Calculate how many batteries you need. Their capacity is calculated in amps clock. For the rough counting of kilowatt-hours, multiply the amper clock on the quantity of volts (12 or 24 volts) and divide by 1000. To get an amper watch from kilowatt-hours simply multiply by 1000 and divide by 12. If your day consumption is 1 kilowatt For an hour you need about 83 amperes of the 12-volt storage capacity, but you will need a 5-fold amount from the calculated (counting that you do not want to discharge the batteries by more than 20%) or about 400 amps-hours to get the required power.

    1. Select the type of battery. There are many types of batteries and it is very important to choose the most suitable. Understanding what you will go, and what is not, it is very important for the supply of your home electricity.

      • The most common acid accumulators. They must be serviced (the tops are removed so that you can add distilled water) and from time to time they need a "compensatory" recharge to remove sulfur with plates and maintain banks in more or less than the same state. In some high-quality batteries, 2.2 volt can be replaced independently of others if they deteriorated. "Unattended" batteries lose fluid as the gas is released and, in the end, dry out.
      • Helium batteries do not need to be serviced and they do not forgive problems with charging. The charger intended for acid batteries, evil gel with plates and gaps between electrolyte and plates are formed. As soon as one bank came to the state of reloading (due to uneven wear), the entire battery becomes unfit. Such batteries are good as part of a small system, but are not suitable for large systems.
      • Accumulators with absorbed electrolyte are more expensive than any other type batteries, and do not need maintenance. They retain performance for a long time, provided that they are correctly charged and not allowed to discharge too much. In addition, they cannot give a leakage - even if you break them with a sledgehammer (we really are not sure why you may need it at all). When rechailing, they also produce gas.
      • Car batteries - they are for cars. Car batteries are not suitable for cases in which deep charging batteries are required.
      • Boat batteries are a hybrid of the starting battery and a deep charging battery. As a compromise solution, they are well suited for boats, but not very good as a source of electricity for the house.
    2. Advice
      • In any place where energy systems are not connected directly to the porch, the cost of connecting a new structure to the distribution network may exceed the cost of installing its own electricity generation system.
      • A deep charge battery does not work well if they are often discharged by more than 20% of their capacity. If this happens, their service life will significantly decrease. If you pay them most of time not much or strong, but not often, their service life will be extended.
      • There are many opportunities to finance the installation of the system, as well as tax / operational benefits for some electricity sources.
      • It is possible to unite with neighbors for a remote area and share the electricity generation system. Whatever interested parties agree, in the future it can become a source of some difficulties. Perhaps you have to create a co-op of homeowners or a similar organization.
      • If this does not justify itself in rubles and a penny justify this itself in:
        • Urgent need (lack of electricity supply systems)?
        • Inner calm?
        • Cable does not pass your property?
        • How is the reason for boasting?
      • There are many articles on the network with plenty of good information, but most of it focuses on the sale of a specific supplier equipment.
      • If you have access to running water, a micro-hydroelectric station is probably suitable than a combined solution from solar panels and wind turbines.
      • Assembling system elements is not a challenging task, provided that you can handle electricity.


      • If you are not familiar with the theory of electricity and you do not have knowledge of safety, consider that this is a list of things that you need to learn or convey to another person to fulfill.
        • You can apply an irreparable property damage (burn wiring, damage the roof or burn the house of Dotla)
        • You can cause corporal damage or even death (electric shock, drop from the roof, falling loose details on people)
        • Batteries with a short closure or in an uninterrupted room can cause an explosion.
        • Scattered rechargeable acid can lead to serious burns and blindness.
        • Even a permanent current of such power can stop your heart or cause serious burns if it goes on the decorations on you.
        • If an additional power supply is connected via the fuse panel (inverter or generator), make sure that there is a very noticeable sign that warns about this service personnel of the power supply company. Otherwise, they can turn off the main input of electricity and, considering that the chain is de-energized, to be killed by electric shock from the backup source.
        • That's interesting. Won those innocent twisted wheels and red panels can kill you at all.
      • Whatever you are installed, make sure that the insurance for a home ownership will cover it. Do not hope for avos.
      • Check out local construction standards and rules (SNiP).
        • Some people actually consider solar panels "not attractive."
        • Some people consider the wind turbines "noisy" and "not attractive."
        • If you do not have the right to use water resources for you can make an exception in this case.
      • Essential system "all-in-one", but usually they are either small, or expensive, or both.

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