I will die without stop in the wind. Anna Andreevna Akhmatova squeezed his hands under the dark veil

Garden technique 01.10.2019

Squeezed hands under the dark veil ...
"Why are you pale today?"
- because I am tart sad
I drank him.

How to forget? He came out, staggering,
He twisted painfully mouth ...
I escaped the railing without touching,
I fled behind him to the gate.

Touching, I shouted: "Joke
All that has gone before. You will go, I will die. "
Smiled calmly and terribly
And he told me: "Do not stand in the wind."

Analysis of the poem "squeezed hands under the dark veil" Akhmatova

Russian poetry gave a huge amount of brilliant samples of male love lyrics. The more valuable are love poems written by women. One of them was the work of A. Akhmatova "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ...", written in 1911

The poem appeared when the poetess was already married for. However, it was not dedicated to her husband. Akhmatova recognized that he never loved him truly and married only from pity for his suffering. At the same time, she holy kept married loyalty and had no novels on the side. Thus, the work has become an expression of the inner love languor of the poetess, who did not find his expression in real life.

The plot is based on a banal quarrel between in love. The cause of the quarrel is not specified, only its bitter consequences are known. The heroine shocked what happened so much that her pallor is noticeable to others. Ahmatova emphasizes this unhealthy pallor in combination with the Black Veil.

A man is not in the best position. The heroine indirectly indicates that she was the cause of a quarrel: "I got it extra". It cannot be expelled from the memory of a loved one. She did not expect such a strong manifestation of feelings from a man ("worshiped her mouth"). In a rustling of pity, she was ready to recognize all his mistakes and achieve reconciliation. The heroine itself takes the first step towards towards. She catch up with a loved one and trying to convince him to consider her words with a joke. In the shouting "I die!" There is no pathos and well-thought-out poses. This is the expression of sincere feelings of the heroine, repenting in his act.

However, a man has already taken his hands and decided. Despite the fire-raging fire, he calmly smiles and pronounces a cold indifferent phrase: "Do not stand in the wind." This island calm is terrible than rudeness and threats. She does not leave the slightest hope for reconciliation.

In the work "squeezed hands under the black veil" Akhmatova shows the fragility of love, which can be broken due to one careless word. She also depicts the weakness of a woman and its non-permanent character. Men, in the presentation of poetess, very wounded, but their will is much stronger than women. The decision taken is already impossible to change the decision.

"Squeezed hands under the dark veil ..." Anna Akhmatova

poetry squeezed hands under the dark veil ...
"Why are you pale today?"
- because I am tart sad
I drank him.

How to forget? He came out, staggering,
He twisted painfully mouth ...
I escaped the railing without touching,
I fled behind him to the gate.

Touching, I shouted: "Joke
All that has gone before. You will go, I will die. "
Smiled calmly and terribly
And he told me: "Do not stand in the wind."

Analysis of the poem Akhmatova "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..."

Anna Akhmatova is one of the few representatives of Russian literature, which gave the world to the world as a female love lyrics, proving that the representatives of weak floor can not only experience strong feelings, but also figuratively express them on paper.

The poem "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ...", written in 1911, belongs to the early period of creativity of poetess. This is a great sample of an intimate female lyrics, which still remains a mystery for literary critics. The thing is that this work has appeared a year after the marriage of Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Gumileev, but is not a dedication to her husband. However, the name of the mysterious stranger, to whom the poetess devoted a lot of poems filled with sadness, love and even despair, and remained mystery. People from the environment of Anna Akhmatova argued that she never loved Nikolai Gumileva and married him only from compassion, fearing that sooner or later he would still fulfill his threat and commit suicide. Meanwhile, throughout their short and unhappy marriage, Akhmatov remained the faithful and devoted wife, did not start the novels on the side and very restrained belonged to the admirers of his creativity. So who is the mysterious stranger, who was addressed to the poem "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..."? Most likely, his simplicity did not exist in nature. A rich imagination, a unaffected sense of love and the undoubted poetic gift became the driving force that made Anna Akhmatov to invent for himself a mysterious stranger, to put it with certain features and make the hero of his works.

The poem "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..." is devoted to a quarrel between lovers. Moreover, acutely having all the household aspects of the relationship of people, Anna Akhmatova deliberately lowered her reason, which, knowing the bright temperament of poetess, could be the most banal. The picture, which he draws in his poem Anna Akhmatova, tells about the last moments of a quarrel when all the accusations have already been expressed, and the insult to the edges overwhelms two close people. The first line of the poem indicates that his heroine is very acute and painfully experiencing the happening, she pale and squeezed his hands under a veil. On the question of what happened, the woman is responsible that "Pad sadded his extraction." This means that she recognizes his wrongness and repents in the words that have caused so much grown and beloved pain. But, understanding this, is also aware of what to do differently - it means to betray myself by allowing someone else to manage her thoughts, desires and actions.

At an equally, the impression was made by this quarrel and on the main character of the poem, which "came out, staggering, twisted painfully mouth." It remains only to guess what feelings he is experiencing, because Anna Akhmatova clearly adheres to the rules that writes about women and for women. Therefore, the lines addressed to the opposite sex, with the help of negligent strokes recreate the portrait of the hero, showing his mental confusion. The final of the poem is tragic and is filled with bitterness. The heroine is trying to stop the lover, but in response he hears anything meaningless and pretty banal phrase: "Do not stand in the wind." In any other situation, it could be expanded as a manifestation of care. However, after a quarrel, it means only one thing - the unwillingness to see the one that is capable of causing such pain.

Anna Akhmatova deliberately avoids talking about whether the reconciliation is possible in such a situation. She breaks his story, providing readers the opportunity to independently condemn how events developed. And this technique takes the perception of poems more acute, causing again and returned to the fate of two heroes, who broke up due to a ridiculous quarrel.

The poem "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..." refers to the early creativity of A.A. Akhmatova. It was written in 1911 and entered the evening collection. The work refers to intimate lyrics. The main theme of it is love, feelings experienced by heroines when parting with a person's expensive.
The poem opens with a characteristic detail, a certain gesture of lyrical heroine: "Squeezed his hands under the dark veil." This image of the "dark veil" sets the tone to the entire poem. The plot of the Akhmatova is given only in its infancy, it is unfinished, we are not aware of the history of the relationship of heroes, the cause of their quarrel, parting. The heroine speaks about this semi-rigging, metaphoric. This love story is hidden from the reader as well as the heroine is hidden under the "dark veil". At the same time, the characteristic gesture of her ("squeezed his hands ...") transmits the depth of her experiences, the severity of feelings. Also here we can note the peculiar psychologist of Akhmatova: the feelings are revealed from her through gestures, behavior, facial expressions. A large role in the first stanza is played by a dialogue. This conversation with an invisible interlocutor, as noted by researchers, probably with their own conscience of the heroine. A response to the question "Why are you talking today" is a story about the last date of the heroine with a loved one. Here uses a romantic metaphor: "I doubered him as a tart of sadness." The dialogue here enhances psychological tensions.
In general, the motive of love as mortal poison is found in many poets. So, in the poem "Cup" V. Brysov read:

Again the same Cup with moisture black
Again the Cup with moisture fire!
Love, the enemy is non-region
I recognize your cup black
And the sword, the resulting need.
Oh give a fallen mouth to the edge
Mortal wine glasses!

N. Gumileva has a poem "poisoned". However, the motive of poisoning there is unfolding in the plot literally: the hero drank his beloved poison. Researchers celebrated the textual rolls of the poems of Gumilyov and Akhmatova. So, Gumilyev read:

You are completely, you are very snow,
How are you strange and scary pale!
Why do you tremble, feeding
Me a glass of gold wine?

The situation is outlined here in the romantic vein: the Hero of Gumileva is noble, in front of the face of death, he forgives his beloved, towering over the plot and life itself:

I will leave distant, far away,
I will not be sad and evil.
Me from paradise, cool paradise
Winged white choppers ...
And I sweetly - do not cry, dear, -
To know that you poisoned me.

The poem of Akhmatova also ends with the words of the hero, however, the situation is realistic here, feelings are more intense and dramatic, despite the fact that poisoning here is a metaphor.
In the second stanza, the senses of the hero were transferred. They are also marked through behavior, movement, faithful: "He came out, staggering, twisted painfully mouth ...". At the same time, they acquire a special heat of feelings in the soul of the heroine:

I escaped the railing without touching,
I fled behind him to the gate.

This repetition of the verb ("escaped", "Bezhala") transfers sincere and deep suffering of the heroine, her despair. Love is her only sense of life, but at the same time it is a tragedy, full of insoluble contradictions. "Railings not touching" - in this expression, swiftness, disgracefulness, impulsiveness, lack of caution are emphasized. Heroine Akhmatova does not think at this moment about himself, it covers acute pity for the one who involuntarily made suffering.
The third stanza is a kind of climax. The heroine seems to understand that she can lose. She sincerely believes what he says. Here again emphasized the rapidness of her, tension of feelings. The topic of love is conjugate here with the motive of death:

Touching, I shouted: "Joke
All that has gone before. You will go, I will die. "

The junction of the poem unexpected. The hero no longer believes his beloved, he will not return to her. He tries to preserve external calm, but at the same time he still loves her, she is still the way to him:

Smiled calmly and terribly
And he told me: "Do not stand in the wind."

Ahmatova uses Oxyumor here: "Smiled calmly and terribly." Feelings are again transferred through facial expressions.
The composition is based on the principle of gradual deployment of the theme, the plot, with culmination and the interchange in the third quatrain. At the same time, each stanza is built on a certain antitheze: two loving person cannot gain happiness, the desired harmony of relationships. The poem is written by a three-stranded anaper, katroins, rhymes - cross. Akhmatova uses modest means of artistic expressiveness: the metaphor and epithet ("Paddy's patience drove him"), alliteration ("I twisted painfully mouth ... I escaped the railing without touching, I fled to him to the gate"), Assonance ("Touching, I shouted: "Joke is everything that was. You will leave, I will die."
Thus, the poem reflects the characteristic features of the early creativity of Akhmatova. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem is a tragic, rocky disunity of loved ones, the impossibility of gaining understanding and sympathy.

The history of Russian poetry should not be imagined without the name Anna Andreevna Akhmatova. She started his creative path by joining the "shop of poets", and then becoming an "acme system".

Many critics immediately noted, perhaps, the main feature of her creativity. The first collections of this poet are almost exceptionally love lyrics. It would seem that new can be brought to this long used topic? Nevertheless, Akhmatova managed to reveal it as nobody did it before it. Only she managed to become a female voice of his time, a woman-poet of universal importance. It was Akhmatova for the first time in Russian literature showed a universal lyrical character of a woman in his work.

Also, the love lyrics of Akhmatova is distinguished by a deep psychologist. Her verses were often compared with Russian psychological prose. She was able to incredibly simply notify the state of their lyrical heroes and express it through skillfully selected external details.

One of the most famous works related to love lyrics can be called a poem "squeezed hands under the dark veil ...". It is part of the evening collection (the first collection of Akhmatova) and was written in 1911. Love drama is played here between two people:

Squeezed hands under the dark veil ...

"Why are you pale today?"

Because I am tart sad

I drank him.

The image of the "dark veil" already sets up the reader on the tragedy, especially in combination with the antithesis of "pale". Most likely, this is a symbol of death, but not a death of some person. Due to the further text, you can understand that this is the death of relationships, the death of love.

But on whose fault the feelings are broken? The heroine admits that it "poisoned" his beloved "sad sadness." It is very interesting that the heroine will eat sadness as wine (the original metaphor "drove up sad", the epithet is "sad sadness"). And the hero is drunk from her bitterness and pain. "To send extra" in the context of this poem, it denotes a lot of suffering. Of course, the reader understands that this is a lyrical heroine to blame for what has happened.

The following lines show the suffering of the hero, transmitted through the perception of the lyrical heroine itself:

How to forget? He came out, staggering,

He twisted painfully mouth ...

I fled behind him to the gate.

The lyrical heroine notes that he will never be able to forget what her lover looked at this moment. In the phrase "He came out, staggering" again echoes the motive of wine with the motive of suffering.

It is important to notice how heroes behave. He does not insult the woman who betrayed him, does not shout at her. His behavior conveys the strongest pain, from which "sparkling painfully mouth". The hero silently leaves the room. And the lyrical heroine has already had time to regret the deed and rushed after his beloved.
Her rapidness, the impulse of Akhmatov transmits only one detail. She escaped the stairs, "Railing without touching." And we understand that this woman is trying to catch up with their outgoing love, which she herself has lost themselves. Sorry about your act, the heroine wants to return his beloved:

Smiled calmly and terribly

Of course, a strong mental pain is hiding behind her cry. And the heroine itself confirms these words "we will go, I will die." I think it means death is not physical, but rather psychological and emotional. This is a cry of the soul, the last attempt to stop what is already gone. What does he answer for this hero? His replica "Do not stand in the wind" in conjunction with the "calm and terrible" smile indicates that the beloved will no longer return. Everything is lost. An indifferent thoughtful phrase of the hero says that feelings are lost forever. Heroes are no longer native people, but random acquaintances. This gives a poem genuine tragedy.

This poem is plot and lyrically simultaneously: it is filled with action, both physical and mental. The rapid actions of the heroine help to convey a squall of feelings in her soul and in the soul of the hero: came out, staggering; The mouth twisted; ran away, railing without touching; ran to the gate; Touching, shouted; Smiled calmly and terribly.
The poem introduced direct speech of heroes. This is done in order to more view the tragedy of two people losing love, bring the heroes to the reader, as well as strengthen the confessionalness of the poem, its sincerity.

Transfer all the heat of feelings, all the mental pain and the experiences of the Akhmatova helps the workshops used by it means of artistic expressiveness. The poem is filled with psychological, emotional epithets (tart sadness, curved painfully, smiled calmly and terribly); Metaphors (dowel drunk). There are antithesis in the work: dark - pale, choking, shouted - smiled calmly and terribly.

The poem has a traditional cross rhythm, as well as the traditional stubbic division - three quatrains.

Squeezed hands under the dark veil ...
"Why are you pale today? "

I drank him.
How to forget? He came out, staggering.
He twisted painfully mouth ..
I escaped the railing without touching,
I fled behind him to the gate.
Touching, I shouted: "Joke
All that has gone before. You will go, I will die. "
Smiled calmly and terribly
And told me: "Do not stand in the wind."
January 8, 1911 Kiev.

This poem, who is truly a masterpiece of Akhmatova creativity, causes me a complex gamut of feelings and want to read it again and again. Of course, all her poems are beautiful, but it is my favorite.
In the artistic system, Anna Andreevna skillfully selected item, the sign of the external situation is always filled with great psychological content. Through the external behavior of a person, his gesture of Akhmatova reveals the spiritual state of his hero.
One of the brightest examples is a small poem. It was written in 1911 in Kiev.
Here we are talking about a quarrel between loving. The poem is divided into two unequal parts. The first part (first stanza) is a dramatic zinch, commissioning (question: "Why are you soaring today?"). All the further answer, in the form of a passionate, all accelerating story, which, having achieved the highest point ("Leave, I will die"), sharply interrupted deliberately everyday, insulting by a prose replica: "Do not stand in the wind."
The tormented state of the heroes of this small drama was transferred not to a long explanation, but by expressive parties of their behavior: "came out, staggering", "his mouth twisted", "fled, not touching the railing" (she passes the speed of desperate running), "shouting, choking", "smiled calmly "and so on.
The drama of the provisions is compressed and accurately expressed in opposition to a hot gust of the soul deliberately everyday, offensively calmly answer.
For the image of all this in prose it would probably be the whole page. And the poet cost only twelve lines, giving them all the depth of the experience of the heroes.
Note along the way: the strength of poetry is brevity, the greatest savings of expressive means. To say a lot about a little - here is one of the covenants of genuine art. And Ahmatov learned this from our classics, first of all at Pushkin, Baratic, Tyutchev, and also at his contemporary, countryman in the royal village of Innokentia Annensky, a large master of natural speech information and aphoristic verse.
Returning to the read poem, you can see another feature. It is full of movement, in it, events are continuously followed by one after another. These twelve brief lines are easily turned into a filmcenery, if you split them on frames. It would be like this. Introduction: Question and a brief answer. 1 part. It. 1. It came out, staggering. 2. His bitter smile (close-up). 2 part. She is. 1. Runs the stairs, "Railing without touching." 2. Cognizes it at the gate. 3. Her despair. 4. The last thing to look. 3 part. It. 1. Smile (calm). 2. A sharp and offensive answer.
It turns out an expressive psychological cinema, in which the inner drama is transferred to purely visual images.
This is an excellent poem worthy of the highest estimate of the reader.
Analysis and interpretation of poem A. Akhmatova "squeezed hands under the dark veil ..."
- What emotions caused you to read the poem? What feelings, the mood is imbued with?
- What questions did you have when reading the poem, what remains incomprehensible?
Note: In a class, familiar with this type of activity, disciples, as a rule, denote the whole range of issues related to the analysis and interpretation of the work.
The following is an approximate scheme of questions that may designate students.
- Why is the heroine runs only to the gate, what features of the artistic space can be revealed?
- How do the past and present in the poem? What time, in general, are we talking about?
- From whose face is a question in the poem? What is the dialogue of lyrical heroine and lyrical hero or a heroine monologue?
- What is the topic of this poem?
- What is the main event verse.

"Squeezed hands under the dark veil ..." Anna Akhmatova

poetry squeezed hands under the dark veil ...
"Why are you pale today?"
- because I am tart sad
I drank him.

How to forget? He came out, staggering,
He twisted painfully mouth ...
I escaped the railing without touching,
I fled behind him to the gate.

Touching, I shouted: "Joke
All that has gone before. You will go, I will die. "
Smiled calmly and terribly
And he told me: "Do not stand in the wind."

Analysis of the poem Akhmatova "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..."

Anna Akhmatova is one of the few representatives of Russian literature, which gave the world to the world as a female love lyrics, proving that the representatives of weak floor can not only experience strong feelings, but also figuratively express them on paper.

The poem "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ...", written in 1911, belongs to the early period of creativity of poetess. This is a great sample of an intimate female lyrics, which still remains a mystery for literary critics. The thing is that this work has appeared a year after the marriage of Anna Akhmatova and Nikolai Gumileev, but is not a dedication to her husband. However, the name of the mysterious stranger, to whom the poetess devoted a lot of poems filled with sadness, love and even despair, and remained mystery. People from the environment of Anna Akhmatova argued that she never loved Nikolai Gumileva and married him only from compassion, fearing that sooner or later he would still fulfill his threat and commit suicide. Meanwhile, throughout their short and unhappy marriage, Akhmatov remained the faithful and devoted wife, did not start the novels on the side and very restrained belonged to the admirers of his creativity. So who is the mysterious stranger, who was addressed to the poem "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..."? Most likely, his simplicity did not exist in nature. A rich imagination, a unaffected sense of love and the undoubted poetic gift became the driving force that made Anna Akhmatov to invent for himself a mysterious stranger, to put it with certain features and make the hero of his works.

The poem "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..." is devoted to a quarrel between lovers. Moreover, acutely having all the household aspects of the relationship of people, Anna Akhmatova deliberately lowered her reason, which, knowing the bright temperament of poetess, could be the most banal. The picture, which he draws in his poem Anna Akhmatova, tells about the last moments of a quarrel when all the accusations have already been expressed, and the insult to the edges overwhelms two close people. The first line of the poem indicates that his heroine is very acute and painfully experiencing the happening, she pale and squeezed his hands under a veil. On the question of what happened, the woman is responsible that "Pad sadded his extraction." This means that she recognizes his wrongness and repents in the words that have caused so much grown and beloved pain. But, understanding this, is also aware of what to do differently - it means to betray myself by allowing someone else to manage her thoughts, desires and actions.

At an equally, the impression was made by this quarrel and on the main character of the poem, which "came out, staggering, twisted painfully mouth." It remains only to guess what feelings he is experiencing, because Anna Akhmatova clearly adheres to the rules that writes about women and for women. Therefore, the lines addressed to the opposite sex, with the help of negligent strokes recreate the portrait of the hero, showing his mental confusion. The final of the poem is tragic and is filled with bitterness. The heroine is trying to stop the lover, but in response he hears anything meaningless and pretty banal phrase: "Do not stand in the wind." In any other situation, it could be expanded as a manifestation of care. However, after a quarrel, it means only one thing - the unwillingness to see the one that is capable of causing such pain.

Anna Akhmatova deliberately avoids talking about whether the reconciliation is possible in such a situation. She breaks his story, providing readers the opportunity to independently condemn how events developed. And this technique takes the perception of poems more acute, causing again and returned to the fate of two heroes, who broke up due to a ridiculous quarrel.

Poem A.A. Akhmatova "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..."(perception, interpretation, evaluation)

Analysis of the poem

1. History of creating a work.

2. Characteristics of the product of the lyrical genre (type of lyrics, art method, genre).

3. Analysis of the content of the work (analysis of the plot, characteristic of the lyrical character, motifs and tonality).

4. Features of the composition of the work.

5. Analysis of the means of artistic expressiveness and renovation (the presence of paths and stylistic figures, rhythm, size, rhyme, stroke).

6. The value of the poem for the entire creativity of the poet.

The poem "squeezed his hands under the dark veil ..." refers to the early creativity of A.A. Akhmatova. It was written in 1911 and entered the evening collection. The work refers to intimate lyrics. The main theme of it is love, feelings experienced by heroines when parting with a person's expensive.

The poem opens with a characteristic detail, a certain gesture of lyrical heroine: "Squeezed his hands under the dark veil." This image of the "dark veil" sets the tone to the entire poem. The plot of the Akhmatova is given only in its infancy, it is unfinished, we are not aware of the history of the relationship of heroes, the cause of their quarrel, parting. The heroine speaks about this semi-rigging, metaphoric. This love story is hidden from the reader as well as the heroine is hidden under the "dark veil". At the same time, the characteristic gesture of her ("squeezed his hands ...") transmits the depth of her experiences, the severity of feelings. Also here we can note the peculiar psychologist of Akhmatova: the feelings are revealed from her through gestures, behavior, facial expressions. A large role in the first stanza is played by a dialogue. This conversation with an invisible interlocutor, as noted by researchers, probably with their own conscience of the heroine. A response to the question "Why are you talking today" is a story about the last date of the heroine with a loved one. Here Akhmatova uses a romantic metaphor: "I doubered him as a tart of sadness." The dialogue here enhances psychological tensions.

In general, the motive of love as mortal poison is found in many poets. So, in the poem "Cup" V. Brysov read:

Again the same Cup with moisture black
Again the Cup with moisture fire!
Love, the enemy is non-region
I recognize your cup black
And the sword, the resulting need.
Oh give a fallen mouth to the edge
Mortal wine glasses!

N. Gumileva has a poem "poisoned". However, the motive of poisoning there is unfolding in the plot literally: the hero drank his beloved poison. Researchers celebrated the textual rolls of the poems of Gumilyov and Akhmatova. So, Gumilyev read:

You are completely, you are very snow,
How are you strange and scary pale!
Why do you tremble, feeding
Me a glass of gold wine?

The situation is outlined here in the romantic vein: the Hero of Gumileva is noble, in front of the face of death, he forgives his beloved, towering over the plot and life itself:

I will leave distant, far away,
I will not be sad and evil.
Me from paradise, cool paradise
Winged white choppers ...
And I sweetly - do not cry, dear, -
To know that you poisoned me.

The poem of Akhmatova also ends with the words of the hero, however, the situation is realistic here, feelings are more intense and dramatic, despite the fact that poisoning here is a metaphor.

In the second stanza, the senses of the hero were transferred. They are also marked through behavior, movement, faithful: "He came out, staggering, twisted painfully mouth ...". At the same time, they acquire a special heat of feelings in the soul of the heroine:

I escaped the railing without touching,
I fled behind him to the gate.

This repetition of the verb ("escaped", "Bezhala") transfers sincere and deep suffering of the heroine, her despair. Love is her only sense of life, but at the same time it is a tragedy, full of insoluble contradictions. "Railings not touching" - in this expression, swiftness, disgracefulness, impulsiveness, lack of caution are emphasized. Heroine Akhmatova does not think at this moment about himself, it covers acute pity for the one who involuntarily made suffering.

The third stanza is a kind of climax. The heroine seems to understand that she can lose. She sincerely believes what he says. Here again emphasized the rapidness of her, tension of feelings. The topic of love is conjugate here with the motive of death:

Touching, I shouted: "Joke
All that has gone before. You will go, I will die. "

The junction of the poem unexpected. The hero no longer believes his beloved, he will not return to her. He tries to preserve external calm, but at the same time he still loves her, she is still the way to him:

Smiled calmly and terribly
And he told me: "Do not stand in the wind."

Ahmatova uses Oxyumor here: "Smiled calmly and terribly." Feelings are again transferred through facial expressions.

The composition is based on the principle of gradual deployment of the theme, the plot, with culmination and the interchange in the third quatrain. At the same time, each stanza is built on a certain antitheze: two loving person cannot gain happiness, the desired harmony of relationships. The poem is written by a three-stranded anaper, katroins, rhymes - cross. Akhmatova uses modest means of artistic expressiveness: the metaphor and epithet ("Paddy's patience drove him"), alliteration ("I twisted painfully mouth ... I escaped the railing without touching, I fled to him to the gate"), Assonance ("Touching, I shouted: "Joke is everything that was. You will leave, I will die."

Thus, the poem reflects the characteristic features of the early creativity of Akhmatova. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe poem is a tragic, rocky disunity of loved ones, the impossibility of gaining understanding and sympathy.

Stylistic analysis of poem A. Akhmatova

"Squeezed hands under the dark veil ..."

Anna Akhmatova is a thin lyrics that can penetrate into the heart, touch the innermost corners of the soul, cause emotions - familiar, painful, tearing apart.

Her love lyrics raises a range of complex feelings, as the strongest experiences in the fatal moments of life are transferred. A vivid example of such an experienced poem "squeezed hands under the dark veil ...". This is a work about the painful quarrel of two beloved, and judging by the slope of passions, perhaps about parting ...

A.A.ahmatov is interested in the most dramatic moments in the development of relations of her heroes. The poem describes not the quarrel itself, but its consequences. When a mind is already starting to understand all the absurdity of the deed, all the stupidity of said from the hot words. And then all the cells of their body feel emptiness and increasing despair.

The poem can conditionally divide into two unequal parts. The first part, as it were, puts us into action: "Why are you going on today?". All the further - the answer, in the form of a rapid, all accelerating story, which, having reached the highest point ("Leave, I will die"), the phrase of the outgoing beloved is sharply interrupted: "Not stand in the wind."

The mood of the poem is concluded in the expression " trap sadness. As if the "tart" of the wine of the sharp phrases of Dupan was given our heroine of her beloved.

In the first line you can see first gender Desperations ("squeezed hands"). I squeezed your hands, that is, an attempt to calm down, "collect all the strength in a fist", keep emotions, at the same time it is a gesture of an unbearable pain, which she is trying to pacify, but in vain. "Dark veil" - as a symbol of mourning. "Veil" - as something feminine, light. That is, this item immediately suggests the thought of the mountain that happened earlier. The image of the "dark veil" seems to pounce the shadow of mystery to the entire subsequent plot. The first stanza is built on a dialogue. With whom the lyrical heroine is frank, also remains a mystery.

He continues the "gestures of despair" the second stanza. The hero, intoxicated by "sadness of sadness", "came out , Shattas" The verb himself "stagger" carries the meaning of some disorientation, loss of equilibrium, loss of themselves. Obviously, he has so worried that it happened (we are fully unknown, what the lover told him), that even " jerked tormented mouth". This is a horror grimace, unbearable pain ... Pain of the tearing, cutting, destructive. (The third "despair gesture").

7 and 8 lines in poems are the most rapid, they feel movement. Ahmatova transmits the speed of the desperate running by the line "I escaped, I don't touch the railing." And anaphor, as it were, hesitates, enhances this state. Transmits meals and insane wrestling of speech, rigging.

In the last stubborn, the main motive of Akhmatov love lyrics "Love or Death" opens. In love, the whole meaning of earthly existence, without it only death ("I will die." I die "). The departure of the beloved turns the heroine to despair. And it is not clear, whether it suffocates from running, or if it is impossible to live without a loved one. The spiritual disorder brings the heroes to physical suffering, carries real pain. The poem itself organically transfers it. When reading the words of the heroine in the center of the phrase, a pause inevitably arises, as if her breathing from grief and despair breaks away, from the inability to keep it.

The oxymoron in the smile of the hero ("calmly and terribly") tells us about the confusion and controversy of his feelings, which are about to tear into parts. Calm in such a situation is really terribly. You can understand tears, hysterics, screams. Calm expresses here, most likely some stupid despair, striking the hero. No, he is not aware of what happened, he still does not understand that he lost his beloved. This proves his phrase, fighting care, tenderness, tremitality: "Do not stand in the wind!". In my opinion, this phrase sounds like a farewell: "I'm leaving, and you take care of yourself ..."

Pafos poem - tragic. It unfolds the tragedy of great love, destroyed by the everyday quarrel, but so far. The flame of feelings, as if he burns heroes from the inside, causing hellish pain. Is it not drama? Is it not a tragedy?

Rhythmic melodic analysis:

one. _ _ ? / _ _? / _ _? / _ but

2. _ _? / _ _? / _ _? / b

3. _ _? / _ _? / _ _? / _ A.

four. _ _ ? / _ _? / _ _? / B.

3-stop anapest

five. _ _ ? / _ _? / _ _? / _ A.

6. _ _? / _ _? / _ _? / b

7. _ _? / _ _? / _ _? / _ A.

eight. _ _ ? / _ _? / _ _? / B.

Rhyme Cross

nine. _ _ ? / _ _? / _ _? / _ A.

10. _ _ ? / _ _? / _ _? / b

eleven. _ _ ? / _ _? / _ _? / _ A.

Then snake, curling the ball,

He myself sore,

Then whole days dove

On a white windshield

Then in more than bright bright,

Verify in the dentition of the left ...

But right and secretly leads

From joy and at rest.

Know how to cry so sweet

In the prayer of the tricky violin,

And terribly guess

In another unfamiliar smile.

Tsarskoye Selo

"And the boy that plays a voyage ..."

And the boy that plays a voyage,

And a girl that his wreath rings,

And two in the forest of crossed paths,

And in the far field of the distance light, -

I see everything. I remember everything

Love-Crotko in the heart of the shore.

Only one I never know

And I can't even remember.

I do not ask any wisdom, no strength.

Oh, just let the fire!

I'm cold ... Winged Ile Bloomy,

Merry God will not visit me.

"Love conquers fraudulently ..."

Love conquers fraudulently

Veneer simple, insecual.

Still so recently strange

You were not gray and sad.

And when she smiled

In your gardens, in the house, in the field,

Everywhere it seemed to you

What's free you and in the will.

Was bright you taken by her

And fed her poison.

After all, the stars were larger,

After all, they smelled otherwise herbs,

Autumn herbs.

Autumn 1911.

"Squeezed hands under the dark veil ..."

Squeezed hands under the dark veil ...

"Why are you pale today?"

- because I am tart sad

I drank him.

How to forget? He came out, staggering,

He twisted painfully mouth ...

I escaped the railing without touching,

I fled behind him to the gate.

Touching, I shouted: "Joke

All that has gone before. You will go, I will die. "

Smiled calmly and terribly

And he told me: "Do not stand in the wind."


"The memory of the sun in the heart weakens ..."

Yellow grass.

Wind snowflakes running


In narrow channels no longer flows -

Fun water.

There will never happen here -

Oh, never!

Iva in the sky empty molten

Fan through.

Maybe it's better that I did not

Your wife.

The memory of the sun in the heart weakens.

What is it? Dark?

Maybe! .. per night will come


"High in the sky cloud of Seremo ..."

High in the sky cloud of Seremo,

Like a squirrel displaced skin.

He told me: "It's not a pity that your body

Melts in March, fragile Snow Maid! "

In the fluffy coupling, the hands were chopped.

I became scary, it became somehow vaguely.

Oh, how to return you, fast weeks

His love, air and minute!

I do not want a bitterness, nor a lot

Let me die with the last white blizzard.

I wondered about him on the eve of baptism.

I was his girlfriend in January.

Spring 1911.

Tsarskoye Selo

"The door is half open ..."

Half open door

Linden linden sweet ...

On the table forgotten

Chlystik and glove.

Circle from the lamp yellow ...

Shorokham to look.

Why did you go?

I do not understand…

Joy and clear

Tomorrow will be the morning.

This life is beautiful,

Heart, be wisely.

You are very tired,

Begging quieter, the shower ...

You know, I read,

That the soul is immortal.

Tsarskoye Selo

"As a straw, drink my soul ..."

As a straw, drink my soul.

I know the taste of her town and Hamlen.

But I am not broken by a prayer.

Oh, peace is multicone.

When you end, say. Not sadly

That my soul is not in the world.

I'll go dear short

See how children play.

The gooseberry blooms on the bushes

And bricks are carrying for the fence.

Who are you: my brother or lover,

I do not remember and not remember.

How light here and how sniable

Resting the tired body ...

And passersby think vaguely:

True, only yesterday widowed.

Tsarskoye Selo

"To me with you drunk fun ..."

To me with you drunk fun -

There is no point in your stories.

Autumn early milled

Flags are yellow on knitting.

Both in the country fraudulent

Looked and bitterly

But why a smile strange

And smarily smile?

We wanted tormenting flour

Instead of happiness serene ...

I do not leave comrade

And bless and gentle.


"The husband whipped me patterned ..."

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