Start in science. Semen Ivanovich Dezhnev

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(OK 1605, Great Ustyug - Nach. 1673, Moscow) - An outstanding Russian navigator, landlord, traveler, researcher of Northern and Eastern Siberia, Cossack Ataman, as well as a furser's merchant, the first of the famous European navigators, in 1648, for 80 years Previously, what Vitus Bering, Bering Strait was held, separating Alaska from Chukotka.

It is noteworthy that Bering was failed to pass the whole strait entirely, but I had to limit ourselves to swimming only in its southern part, while the dejnuvet passed the strait from the north to south, along its entire length.


Until our time, he had information about Dezhnev only for the period from 1638 to 1671. Born in Veliky Ustyug (according to other information - in one of the Pinezhsky villages). When Dezhnev went from there to "look for happiness" in Siberia - unknown.

In Siberia, he first served in Tobolsk, and then in Yeniseisk. Among the big dangers of 1636-1646 "Smiril" Yakuts. From Yeniseisk, in 1638 he moved to the Yakutsky Ostrog, which was just based on the neighborhood with another unoccupied tribes of foreigners. The entire Dejnev service in Yakutsk represents a number of tireless work, often connected with a danger to life: for 20 years of service here it was 9 times wounded. Already in 1639-40. Dezhnev leads to the submissions of the Naughty Prince Sahue.

In 1641, Dezhnev, with a part of 15 people, collects Yasak on the Yane River and deliberately delivers him to Yakutsk, withstanding the fight on the road with a whip of 40 people. In 1642, he was sent together with Stoychin to collect Yasaka on the Oymyakon River, where he came down into the Indigirku River, and she went to the North Arctic Ocean. Here, Stadukhin and Dezhnev joined Dmitry Mikhailov Zyrian.

After a three-year service of Stadukhin and Zyryan, with Yasaku and a half people, went to Yakutsk, leaving at the Kolyma's pool of Dezhnev and another 13 people. Dmitry Mikhailov (Zyryan) returned from the road back, and meanwhile the deck had to reflect the attack of more than 500 yukagirov, who wanted to destroy the poor garrison of the pool.

On Kolyma, Dezhnev served until the summer of 1647, and then was included as the Yasaka Collector to the FDOT Fedot Popov fishing expedition.

Were wreck, rejuvet ten weeks went with 25 people. To the mouth of the Anadyr River, where another 13 people died, and with the rest he turned here and in the summer of 1649, on newly built boats, rose along the river to the first settlements of the foreigners, and whose hersa. Here, on the average course of the Anadyr River, winterier was arranged, then called Anadyr Ostrog. In 1650, he arrived here, dry by the party of Russians from Nizhne-Kolysk; This way, more convenient, rather than marine, took advantage of the diges (1653), for referring to Yakutsk to the walrus and flies collected them. In 1659, Dezhnev passed the team over Anadyr Ostroga and servilators, but remained in the region before 1662, when he returned to Yakutsk. From there, Dezhnev, with the state treasury, was sent to Moscow, where and arrived, probably by mid-1664. The petitions of Dejnev preserved about the issuance of a complaint deserved him, but not received, for 19 years, which was fulfilled. In 1665, Dezhnev went back to Yakutsk and served there until 1670, when he was sent again with the state treasury to Moscow, where he appeared in 1672.


Supplements of Semen Dejnev about campaign for Anadyr. // Notes of Russian travelers of the XVI-XVII centuries. - M., 1988. P.393-411.


  • His name is worn: Cape, which is the extreme northeastern tip of Asia (called dejnee - a large stone nose), as well as island, bay, peninsula, village.
  • In the center of Veliky Ustyug in 1971, the monument was established to Dezhnev.
  • In Moscow there is a passage of Dezhneva (Northeast District)
  • In 1983, the film "Semen Dejnev" was released on the screens, filmed at the Sverdlovsk film studio with Alexey Buldakov in the lead role.
  • In 2001 by the Bank of Russia, in a series of commemorative coins "Mastering and Studying Siberia", the coin "Expedition F. Popova and S. Dezhneva" was released with a nominal value of 100 rubles.
  • In September 2005, a monument to Semyon Dejnev was opened in Yakutsk, his wife-Yakutka Abakayda Sileu and their son love.
  • In Kazan, since 1953 there is a digesa street.
  • In Novosibirsk, there is a team river school named after S.I. Dezhneva, open on April 2, 1943 for training specialists with secondary special education for the West Siberian River Shipping Company.
  • In 2009, the postage stamp of Russia with the image of Dezhnev was released.

"Mangazeyshesky move" - \u200b\u200bthe path from the mouth of the Northern Dvina Mezheny to the Obska's lip is a bright page in the history of Russian maritime travel.
By this way, Ustyuzhanin Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev "went" to Siberia. In 1643, he headed the detachment that went on Kolyma to Kolyma and then to the East. According to Dezhnev, the "big stone nose" (the very northeast point of the Asian mainland) was suitable for three hours: Fedot Alekseeva (Popova), Seeds Dezhneva And Gerasima Ankidinova. "And that nose came out in the sea much further and the people of Chukhchi good live on it ...", - notes Dezhnev in his "outpiration." Losing Koch Ankidinov, Dezhnev and Popov turned the south ships and entered the strait separating Asia from America. Fog, frequent in these places, did not give them the opportunity to see Alaska. Thanks to this expedition, the image of Northeast Asia appeared on the "drawing of the Siberian Earth" in 1667. The name of Dezhnev is crowned with the glove of the opening of the Strait between Asia and America, the Chukotka Peninsula, Anadyr region.
Semen Ivanovich Dezhnev - an outstanding Russian seawater, a landowner, traveler, researcher of Northern and Eastern Siberia, Cossack Ataman, as well as the Fermenistant, the first of the famous European navigators, in 1648, 80 years earlier than Vitus Bering, passed Bering Strait, separating Alaska from Chukotka .
It is noteworthy that Bering was failed to pass the whole strait entirely, but I had to limit ourselves to swimming only in its southern part, while the dejnuvet passed the strait from the north to south, along its entire length.
Until our time, he had information about Dezhnev only for the period from 1638 to 1671. Born in Veliky Ustyug (according to other information - in one of the Pinezhsky villages). When Dezhnev went from there to "look for happiness" in Siberia - unknown.
In Siberia, he first served in Tobolsk, and then in Yeniseisk. Among the big dangers of 1636-1646 "Smiril" Yakuts. From Yeniseisk, he with a detachment of P. I. Beketov in 1638 moved to Yakutsky Ostrog, just based on the neighborhood with the still unoccupied tribes of foreigners. The entire Dejnev service in Yakutsk represents a number of tireless work, often connected with a danger to life: for 20 years of service here it was 9 times wounded. Already in 1639-40. Dezhnev leads to the submissions of the Naughty Prince Sahue.

In 1639, he was sent by the Yakut clarifier P. Hyodyrev on Vilyui to collect Yasaka, in August 1640 - on the Tatt and AMGA rivers (Aldan's tributacles). In 1641, Dezhnev, with a part of 15 people, collects Yasak on the Yane River and deliberately delivers him to Yakutsk, withstanding the fight on the road with a whip of 40 people. In the summer of 1641, he was sent together with Stoychinsky Voevoda V. Pushkin to collect Yasaka on the Oymyakon River, from where he went down to the Indigirka River, and she went to the North Arctic Ocean. Here, Stadukhin and Dezhnev joined Dmitry Mikhailov Zyrian.
After a three-year service of Stadukhin and Zyryan, with Yasaku and a half people, went to Yakutsk, leaving at the Kolyma's pool of Dezhnev and another 13 people. Dmitry Mikhailov (Zyryan) returned from the road back, and meanwhile the deck had to reflect the attack of more than 500 yukagirov, who wanted to destroy the poor garrison of the pool.
On Kolyma, Dezhnév served until the summer of 1647, and then was included as a yasak collector to the fishing expedition of the Ustyuga "Trade Man" Fedot Popova.
Were wreck, rejuvet ten weeks went with 25 people. To the mouth of the Anadyr River, where another 13 people died, and with the rest he was overlooked here and in the summer of 1648, on the newly built six crochetes, rose along the river to the first settlements of the foreigners, and those who were heraged. By the autumn of 1648, the ship of Dezhneva, the only surviving after swimming along the coast Chukotka Peninsula, broke in the Olyutorm Gulf. The detachment of Dezhneva on skis and narts 10 weeks traveled to the Anadyr River (from 25 alive 12 people left). In the summer of 1649, on the constructed boats, Dezhnev rose up on Anada, where he endured the fight with Anaulas (which was wounded). Here, on the average course of the Anadyr River, winterier was arranged, then called Anadyr Ostrog. In 1650, he arrived here, dry by the party of Russians from Nizhne-Kolysk; This will, more convenient, rather than marine, took advantage of the digesion (1652), to refer to Yakutsk the walrus and fur collected by them. In 1659, Dezhnev passed the team over Anadyr Ostroga and servilators to C. Ivanov, but remained in the region before 1662, when he returned to Yakutsk together with I. Yerastov. From there, Dezhnev, with the state treasury, was sent to Moscow, where and arrived, probably by mid-1664. The petitions of Dejnev preserved about the issuance of a complaint deserved him, but not received, for 19 years, which was fulfilled. In 1665, Dezhnev went back to Yakutsk and served there until 1670, when he was sent again with the state treasury to Moscow, where he appeared in 1672, where he died.
Dezhnev made up the drawing of the Anadyr River and part of the Anyu River, in the petitions described the sailing on Anadyr, the nature of Anadyr region.

Cape Dezhneva

Cape Dezhneva is the extreme eastern point of the Chukotka Peninsula and, accordingly, the extreme eastern mainstream point of Russia and the whole Eurasia. Located in the Bering Strait and shares the Northern Arctic Ocean (Chukotka Sea) with the Pacific Ocean (Bering Sea). From Cape Dezhnev to Cape Prince Wales (Alaska) - an extreme western mainland point of North America - 86 km, and to Spit, which is located near, less than 82 km.
Until 1898, Cape Dezhneva was called the East Cape.
10 km from Waelen is Cape Dezhneva - the easternmost point of the mainland of Eurasia. Cape received his name in honor of the pioneer, Cossack Semen DezhnevaWhich first of Europeans in 1648 passed from the Arctic Ocean in the Pacific Ocean. At dejhe's sobes, you can see a firing fool, bird bazaars, sometimes white bears, and from the shore in the Bering Strait - gray whales, tales, walrles, seals (Nerpe-Akiba, Larga, Lahtak).
At Cape Dezhneva, a historical and cultural complex of Naikan is located, which is the remains of a large whaling village of 18-20 centuries. Not far from here is the archaeological monument of the federal value of Ekvent. This historical and cultural complex consists of an extensive burial ground (more than 2000 burial) and settlements of the time of 1 millennium BC. - 1 millennium N.E.

Everything, my friends, on this ending your note about the Russian Cossack Semyon Dezhnev.

Sincerely, S. Kireev

Semen Ivanovich Dezhnev

Semen Ivanov Dezhnev, (~ 1605-1673) Native of the Great Ustyug. The leaving of peasants-dyers. Outstanding Russian nautical, landlord, discoverer and researcher of Northern and Eastern Siberia. As part of the Cossack formations of the work of the garrison service in Tobolsk and Yenisvisk, from 1638 in the Yakutsk Ostrog. Hence the composition of the groups of Cossacks-Colonizers in 1640-1642. I walked to the north of Siberia, participated in the opening and accession of new lands, searching for the fantastic of marine animals. Having visited the Oymyakoian plateau, in the nomad in 1642 passed through the p. Yane, and then by indigracy to the mouth, along the sea coast to r. Alasey.

In the summer of 1643, Dezhnev, together with Zyryin from Alasey, came to the mouth of Kolyma. Here Dezhnev founded Nizhnekolomsky Ostrog. In Kolyma, he served until the summer of 1647, and then was included as the Yasaka Collector to the FDOT Fedot Popov (Alekseeva). In the summer of 1648 Popov and Dezhnev on seven cops came out into the sea. In June, the detachment of commercial and industrial people led by digesm on four kochs was trying to pass by the sea to r. Anadyr, but because of the big ice in the mouth of Kolyma returned to Nizhnekolomsky Ostrog.

On June 20, 1648, seven koma again went in swimming and could soon go to the sea. The expeditions had to withstand heavy trials, died two koche and two more disappeared, hitting the storm at Cape Shelegsky. Dezhnev with the rest of the courts continued to swim and by early September came out, reducing the Chukotka peninsula from the north, in the shed between Asia and America. On the shore of the "Big Chukotka Nose" (later called Dezhneva's cape) travelers made a stop, during which Eskimos were visited on the Islands of the Strait. For the first time in history, passing on this strait and actually opening it, S.I. Dejnev decided an important geographical task. There was proof that America - an independent continent, and from Europe to China you can swim with the northern seas around Siberia. However, due to the lack of information about this discovery in European countries (the materials of the campaigns of Dezhnev remained in the Yakutsky Ocake), the priority of the discoverer got V.I. Bering, whose name and became known as the Strait. Passing the strait, Kochi passed to the Anadyr bay; During the storm and storm, one noche crashed about the cliff, and others reinforced the Olyutornian peninsula.

In October 1648, Koch, on which the Dejnev himself was located with 24 comrades, thoroughly threw the south of the mouth of Anadyr. From here, the industrialists went in the northern direction and at the beginning of 1649 reached the mouth of Anadyr. Rising along the river, Dezhnev with comrades built a wintering and founded Anadyr Ostrog. Here he served as a clerk until 1659. For several years, Dezhnev conducted a survey of the basin. Anadyr, compiled a detailed plan, explored and part of the river basin. Anyu. About the work carried out detailed reports-petrocal authorities in Yakutsk. The Yakutsk governor I. Akinfova said that he had passed on the "sea-rally" past the islands inhadowed by the Eskimos, that the shores of the "Materia of the Earth" are not connected with the "New Earth" (America). In detail in the petitions described the Chukotka Peninsula, Nature and the population of Anadyr region.

Opening a rich frying fryer in Anadyr Gulf, Dezhnev founded in 1652. The fishery of the beast, which brought a big profit to the Russian state. In accordance with adopted administrative division, Dezhnev was headed by one of two Anadyr Cossack regiments.

In 1660, Dezhnev moved from Anadyr to Kolyma, from where in a year with a large cargo of the mined walrus ("bone treasury") headed across the sea and r. Lena to Yakutsk. It was able to get here only in the spring of 1662. In the summer, together with the group of "sovereign people", he drove into Moscow to deliver the "Sobolina, Yasacnaya and Bone Execution". Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Dezhnev presented petitions with a detailed description of his travels, discoveries and activities on Anadyr. In 1665, he was assigned rank of Cossack Ataman; After several years of activity in Eastern Siberia, Dezhnev again goes to Moscow with "Sobolina Kazna". In the capital of Russia, he arrived at the end of December 1671. It also died here in 1673. To commemorate the merit S. I. Dezhneva, before the fatherland, the peninsula and the mountain range on the West Coast of Bering Strait, the bay in Kamchatka, Cape is the eastern tip of Asian Mainland, Islands in the Nordenchelda archipelago in the Kara Sea, sea ships.

Feat the seeds of Dezhnev 350 years. In the summer of 1648, from the mouth of Kolyma came to the sea and they turned into east seven kochy, where 90 people were located. They headed this campaign Fedot Popov and Semyon Dezhnev. In the Long Strait during the storms broke two hours. People landed ashore, some of them were subsequently killed by chukchi, the rest probably died from cold and hunger. On the five remaining vessels S. Dezhnev and F. Popov continued to swim in the east. In August, navigas were already in the Strait separating Asia from North America, later called Bering. Kocha Gerasim Ankudinova died here. A few days later, "Fedota with me, a family, the sea ruled to the sea." Consequently, four koche, having converted to the northeast protrusion of Asia, the cape who now wears the name of Dezhnev, for the first time in history, passed from the Arctic Ocean in the quiet. Next, the following happened: "And I wore me, the family, by the sea after the cover of the Virgin and thrown out for Anadyr-river. And there was us on the nomad twenty five people. From there, the victims were wreking in the northeast:" And we went to the northeast: "And we went to the mountain , Ways themselves do not know, cold, hungry, nagi and bosy. And I was, a poor family, with comrades to Anadyr River River Rivne Ten weeks. And with hunger, we, poor, apart spread. And we went to Anadyry twelve people and went twenty den, people ingenious and roads did not see and turned back. "From 90 participants of the expedition left alive only 12. Such was the price of the feat that Russian people paid in the name of this geographic discovery. The year of the Cossacks on Anadyr was built winterier, which later became Anadyr Ostroga. Here Djnev spent over ten years and only in the spring of 1662 returned to Yakutsk.

We didn't know about the exploits of Seeds Dezhnev for a long time in Europe, although in Siberia, the memory of them passed from generation to generation. In the middle of the XIII century, the historian Miller found in the Yakut archive "Supplement" Dezhnev. Since then, many books and historical studies have been written about him, his name is known to many and is very popular. In 1898, in connection with the 250th anniversary of his campaign, by the decision of the Russian Geographical Society, a large stone nose at the Chukotka Peninsula was renamed to Cape Dezhnev. Now there is a monument to brave sailor. For this and subsequent geographical discoveries in the North-East of Asia and Alaska occurred through Yakutia. Yakutsk was an administrative and economic center, expeditions, bushun, Cossack, Russian Usti, Middle Main and Nizhnekolimsk are equipped here, where travelers translated the spirit before heavy wanderings. Locals, Yakuts, Evenks, Even, Yukagira, Chukchi and others served by translators, Cayurs, conductors, sailors. They willingly shared their knowledge of the terrain and largely contributed to the knowledge of the new, opening of an unknown. For us, this date is also significant for us because S. Dezhnev lived in Yakutia over 30 years, served on Indigir, on Olenka, participated in the construction of the crooked and Nizhneekolovsky styr. He was the son-in-law of the Yakut people: in 1640 he married the Ust-Alandanian beauty named Abaiwa Sichu. From this marriage, Dezhnev had a son's son, who also diligently served in the Yakut edges. In 1667, after the death of Abayday, he again married the Yakut girl, with the baptism of the name of Pelagei Semenova. They had the son of Athanasius, who served in Yakutsk and Anadyr. The marriage and children were forever tied Dezhnev to once someone else, and now native and close side. Semen Ivanovich walked not only the brave, volitional Cossack, but also a good diplomat. He probably owned Yakut language. Information has been preserved that in 1640 he managed "without damage, without a fight" to reconcile the yakuts from different uluses.

Thus, during the XVII - XVIII centuries. Russia joined the most huge territories from the Ural Range to North America. Now she belongs to the irreparable wealth of these edges. Many Cossacks gave their lives for the development of the northern land of Russia. For 40 years of stay in Siberia, Dezhnev participated in numerous battles and skirmishes, received at least 13 injuries. It was distinguished by reliability and honesty, exposure and peacefulness. His name is worn: Cape, which is the extreme northeastern tip of Asia (called dejnee - a large stone nose), as well as island, bay, peninsula, village. In the center of Veliky Ustyug in 1972, he has a monument.

The feat of his is that he opened the strait, replenished the treasury, founded a lot of new settlements, being not only an earth-operator, but also a Russian diplomat. And the main thing he showed that the Far East is an integral part of Russia.


Perevalov V. A. Semen Ivanov Dezhnev // Russian navigators. M., 1953. Semen. Story \u003e\u003e Literature and Russian

Scared many. - Sit down, "said Dmitry Ivanovich. - Did you read? - and pushed Kondrashin today's regional ... on a motorcycle-le Chairman of the village council Semenov Gregory, young pa-rad. - ... stranger. He was completely without delica by the look. In the ward smelled of iodine ...

Semen Dezhnev - the famous Russian pioneer, traveler, researcher Siberia. He became the first navigator who managed to pass Bering Strait, separating two mainland: Asia and North America.

Cossack service

Motherland Morleod was a great Ustyug, where he was born in the ordinary peasant family. From an early age, Semyon joined heavy work: he helped the elders in the fishery, mastered the subtleties of a carpense business, knew how to fish and hunt the beast.

In 1630, an order was published about the set of free people to serve in Siberia: five hundredth of strong men were required, among whom was young Dezhnev. Like everyone, he hoped to change his life for the better.

Fig. 1. Semen Dejnev.

At first, the service was very difficult: the ordinary Cossacks, who was at first Djnev, did not pay a salary for a long time, and they barely reduced their ends meet. However, Semyon quickly realized that the necessary prospect would be brought by fur, and began to trade valuable fur.

I carry in the 1630s service in Yeniseisk and Tobolsk, Dezhnev met his pioneers whose stories were very excited. He dreamed of a similar way of life, and soon fate provided him such a chance.

Starting from 1640, Semyon began to participate in campaigns on Eastern Siberia, engaged in collecting a natural tax - Yasaka. Often he was forced to distribute the warring tribes, and sometimes, balancing between life and death.

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Opening of Bering Strait

Carrying a service on Kolyma, Dezhnev became a member of the Fedot Popov commercial hike. An expedition was formed as part of 90 people, which in the summer of 1648 came out in the open sea at seven kochas - traditional Pomeranian commercial vessels.

Fig. 2. Pomeranian Kochi.

When leaving to the Northern Arctic Ocean, three koche was lost during a strong storm, the rest continued their way to the east.

In September 1648, Dezhnev and his companions noticed a cape in the Bering Strait, which they gave the name "Big Stone Nose". It was the extreme point of Asia in the northeast, which time was called Dezhnev's cape.

Fig. 3. Cape Dezhnev.

Three hours passed by a large nose, but soon Dezhneva crashed on the rock. The navigators were forced to stick to the shore, where in the fight with Chukchi was seriously injured Popov, and Dezhnev remained the only leader of the expedition.

The foundation of Anadyr Ostroga

A detachment of 25 people for several months advanced to the mouth of the Anadyr River. In a heavy campaign, half of the landlords died, with the surviving djnev overwhelmed by the river, and in the summer of 1649, on rebuilt boats, rose upstream of several hundred kilometers.

Finding the settlement of unknown tribes, Dezhnev arranged near the winter, on the site of which Anadyr Ostrog was founded. Only in 1650, Russian travelers appeared in these parts, but it was not a long-awaited reinforcement, as Dezynev hoped, and the squad of the Cossacks, who were looking for a comfortable mountain pass between Anadyr and Kolya. Using this expensive, Semyon sent a walruy bone to Yakutsk.

In Anadyr Ostrog, Dezhnev remained until 1662, and after the rich bone loyal went to Moscow. For merits to the land, the Russian king granted Dejnev's salary for all his years of life in Siberia, as well as the title of Ataman. Semen Ivanovich died in 1673.

Research and discoveries of Dezhnev were of great importance for Russia:

  • it was opened and described in detail the passage from the North Icetic in the Pacific;
  • created new cards that had a great strategic value;
  • open dezhnev's Strait became evidence of direct communication of North America and Asia;
  • open at the mouth of the River Anadyr Rate wiring.

Semyon Ivanovich Dejnev can rightly be called one of the greatest travelers-discoverers in the history of our country. During his campaigns in search of new lands, he explored the North-Eastern Coast of Eurasia, Anadyr Pool, opened Koryak Highlands. And most importantly, the first to the first, to eighty years ahead of Vitus Bering, was able to pass the strait that shared America and Eurasia. The extreme Eastern Point of Eurasia is named after him - Cape Dezhneva.

Hiking for Yasakov

Almost nothing about the life of Dejnev before arriving in Siberia. Presumably he was born in 1605 in Great Ustyug. In 1630, he entered the Cossack service and, together with the rest of the recruits, went to Tobolsk, and then to Yeniseisk. After eight years, Dezhnev was translated into the newly founded Yakutsky Ostrog, where he had to bear the security service among the revocated tribes of foreigners. The salary of the Country Cossack at that time was only five rubles with money and a little salt and rye. According to Dezhnev himself, it was impossible to buy "dresida and shoes" for this money.

Therefore, in two years, he begins to participate in the campaigns behind the fur tribute, also known as Yasak. Very often, he fell out to be a conciliatrician of the warring tribes - inter-barded parties hindered the successful collection of Yasaka, so the government applied all the forces to prevent conflicts between the aborigines. In general, who spoken in Yakutski well and the devoted to get along with the locals, Dezhnev was very different from the remaining Cossacks, which often did not have to apply force in negotiations with the indigenous population. In 1640, Dejnev was able to subordinate to Russia of the Yakut Prince Sahue. Even his wife, he found himself among the local girls.

But despite all this service in Yakutia was full of dangers. Returning from the hike behind Yasaku on the Yana River in 1641, a detachment of three people under the leadership of Dejneva was attacked by forty Lamelovsky tungs, during the battle of Dezhnev received two injuries: the arrows hit the head and in the leg, but still the Cossacks managed to defend the state "Sobolina treasury.

A year later, under the campaign, under the post, Mikhail Stadukhina, Dezhnev was appointed to serve on the Oymyakon River. Having learned that Oymyakon is the influx of moms, and he in turn flows into an indigracy, Stadukhin decided to descend along the river. With Oymyakon, the servants were sent by the assembled yasak and "disciplocation" (report) about the campaign, which became the first geographical description of one of the coldest plates of the planet.

At the beginning of 1643, the vessel with the Stadukhina expedition reached the mouth of the Indigirka and went to the Arctic Ocean. Having traveled around the sea to the east, travelers reached the mouth of the Alasey River. There they were connected with the party of Dmitry Mikhailov who came along the landing on the nicknamed Zyryan, under which Dezhnev served on Yane.

Service people went further to the East and reached the mouth of Kolyma, where Nizhnekolum Ostrog was founded. The service in this remote settlement was not easy. Three years later, Stadukhin and Zyryan, together with the collected Yasak and a half people, poisoned back to Yakutsk, leaving only 18 people under the beginning of Dezhneva (according to some data at all 13). Returning from the road, Mikhailov found out that during his absence, the small garrison of the pool was able to repel the attack of about five hundred yukagir.

Azert travelers

The rumors about the "sailion of the Pair (Anadyr)", whose shores and the surroundings are rich in Sobolem, whose banks and the surroundings are rich in the Big Anya to Nizhnekolimsk began to penetrate, and that the land east of the Kolyma is abused by the "fish tooth" - a walrus. These rumors attracted more and more people who wanted to get rich in the remote progress on Kolyma. Including came to Nizhnekolumsk Fedor Alekseev and Isai Ignatiev, who in 1646, together with his comrades, got along the sea from the mouth of Kolyma to the Chaunsk Lip, where the locals for different goods endured a lot of "fishing tooth". Naturally, the excitement of travelers was even stronger than such success. According to the memoirs of Dejnev himself, after the return of Ignatiev and Alekseev to Nizhnekolimsk the inhabitants of the Ostrog began to "fever."

Next year, a new batch of hunters was equipped, to which the government clerk of Ostrot Vasilyev joined Dejnev at the personal request of the latter, obliging him to charged the duties with mining and toach the oncoming natives. He promised to imagine the state 280 of the sobular skins from Anadyr, to whose mouth from the Kolyma "sailing weather to flee a day - three and more." It is not known how far the expedition was going to advance, but due to the unfavorable ice conditions of 4 koj (single-paste sailing and rowing boats) with 63 industrialists on board under the control of Alekseev at the same summer returned back with empty hands.

But Alekseev did not put his arms and in a year decided to repeat his attempt. Dezhnev and this time asked to appoint him to the responsible collector Yasaka. But suddenly, his opponent appeared. The Yakut Cossack Gerasim Ankundinov promised to get the same 280 skins for the sovereign and all the costs of collecting themselves.

The angry diges promised to bring the 290 skins, and Ankundinova accused the fact that he "chopped the thieves people with thirty people with thirty people, and they want to be trading and industrial people to beat, which they go to that new river, and their stomachs rob, ingenians want Breaking the same. " In the end, Dezhnev was approved as a position, but at the same time the authorities did not prevent the participation of Ankundinov and his people in the campaign, believing that a larger number of published campaign would contribute to increasing profits.

"... And that nose came out in the sea much far away."

On June 20, 1648, the party of 90 people on seven kochas came out of Nizhnekolimsk and went on the sea east. Somewhere in the Long Strait, the expedition suffered the first losses: during the storm, crashed, crashing about ice, two koche. Some of those who were able to land ashore were killed by the koreas, the rest were killed from hunger.

It is not known that there was still two ships, but, according to the memories of Dezhnev, in the strait, separating Asia from America, entered only three Koach under the leadership of Dezhnev, Alekseeva and Ankundinov. For the first time in history - long before the expedition of Bering - Europeans managed to swim from the Northern Icean Ocean in quiet, thereby proving that Asia with America is not connected and that from China can be reached in Europe along the North Seas, that is, to prove the existence of the Northern Seas.

In her petition, Yakutsk governor, Akinfova, Dzhnev described so seen: "... And that nose came out in the sea much far away, but the people of Chukhci goodwill live on it. People live against the same nose on the islands, they call them chosen, because they understand the two teeth of considerable bone ... "But they remember the landlocks of these islands not because of the importance of the geographical discovery, but due to the fact that "Big Stone Nose" broke Kocha Ankudinova, whose crew, however, managed to save.

"Come to our Kolyma ..."

Some time after passing the nose for incomprehensible reasons, travelers were forced to stick to the shore, where they had a skirmish with aborigines, during which Fedor Alekseev was wounded. After going to the sea again, around October 1, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cross of the Cross, the Kochi fell into the strongest storm, in which the vessel of Alekseeva was missing. Semyon Dezhneva and 23 of his companion on the remaining Koma storm brought ashore in nine hundred kilometers to the southwest of Chukotka - on the Olyutorm Peninsula. From there, the surviving members of the once numerous party moved on foot northeast towards the mouth of Anadyr.

Surprisingly, by having committed the first in history the hardest decidental transition through the Koryak Highlands, all twenty-four "cold, hungry, naked and barefoot" land-in-house on December 9 still managed to get to the shore of Anadyr. Half of people was sent up the river in search of native settlements and cubs. Without finding people nor the stubborn, nor "roads of Inozemsky" in twelve days to the camp returned only three of those who went to search.

With great difficulty survived 15 landlockers in winter 1648-1649. In the cold and chamber of the edge, people were forced to dig the refuges right in the snowdrifts, the bread reserves also approached the end. When ice was revealed on the river, they built boats and rose on five hundred kilometers up the river, to the villages of militant alaunov. When meeting with the natives of the Dzhena party, they had to join them into battle, in which Semyon Ivanovich was injured, but the Cossacks were still able to annoy Alaunov. Due to the lack of forests, the natives could not pay Yasak with sables, but their lands were rich in walrus.

Soon, on the average river, the Dezhnev River is based on Anadyr Ostrog, where the new batch of Cossacks is coming from the Kolyma, and then the third under the beginning of the old familiar Dejnev Mikhail Stadukhina comes. In unsuccessful searches of the Sobility, the people of Dezhnev went around the entire pool of Anadyr and partly by Anyu, thanks to which the first plan of the river and its surroundings was drawn up, which was subsequently represented by the sovereign.

Because of the hostility of Stadukhina to the already stunned natives, which he once robbed and beat, diges and the engine quarrel with him, as a result of which Stadukhin leaves Anadyr and goes to the south, thus becoming one of the first researchers of Kamchatka and Northern Sea Okhotsk. And in the summer of 1652, Dezhnev's people discovered a huge frying fry in Anadyr Gulf, simply destroyed by the "fish tooth", which provided a proliferation of new people and means.

Ataman Dezhnev

Having lived in Anadyr Ostrogen for more than ten years, Dezhnev passed the team and went back to Yakutsk through Nizhnekolimsk with the same land route that in 1649 came to him and stadium and which all these years he sent a walruy bone and a "soft rhylad".

He got to Yakutsk only in 1662, from where, together with a group of sovereign people, under the leadership of the Boyarsky Son, Ivan Yerastova went to Moscow for the delivery of "Sobolina, Yasacnaya and Bonyazna". The path to the capital took a short two years. Upon arrival, Dezhnev filed the king of the petition, in which he described in detail his opening and travel, and also asked him to give him a salary for nineteen years of service. Replenishment of the treasury 289 puddles of walrus fangs in the amount of 17,340 rubles. Silver was assessed by dignity: Dezhnev was given 126 rubles with silver, and the other two-thirds of the complain of the diges were granted.

In addition, for the "service and for the field of fishing tooth, for the bone and for the wounds", the Cossack Semen Dezhnev was produced in Atamans. Upon returning to Siberia, Ataman as a clerk served on the River Rivers, Yane and Vilyui, where he again was engaged in the collection of Yasaka and reconciled the warring Tungusian tribes. In 1670, he again went with the Sobolina of Kaznaya to Moscow, where in 1671 he fell ill and died in a year and a half.

Semyon Ivanovich Dezhnev left a significant trace in the history of the development of the Far East of our country. It remains unclear why the discovery of a dejacious strait separating Eurasia from America for a long time was not known in the West. There is a version that it happened because the petitions of Dejneva with a description resembling anadyr and remained in the distant Yakutsk at the governor Akinfova. But, having arrived in Moscow, Dezhnev compiled a detailed report on his travels.

Perhaps the royal officials did not attach the discovery of significance due to the presence of a more convenient and safe land path from Anadyr to Kolyma. The fact remains: with James Cook's light hand, who did not know about the deed of Dezhnev, the Strait received the name of Vitus Bering, who visited these places almost a century later Dezhneva and did not pass through the shed from the Pacific Ocean in the North Arctic, but only approached him.

The geographical merit of Dezhnev was evaluated only in the XIX century, when 1898 in honor of the 250th anniversary of the campaign from Kolyma to Anadyr on the proposal of the Russian Geographical Society The extreme eastern point of Eurasia was named after his name - the name of a person who has proven that the Far East is an integral part our country. The discoveries of Dezhnev allowed Russia to move on to the east and eventually led to the conquest of Alaska.

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